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z/Ware Product Overview

illustro Systems InternationalA Division of UNICOM Global

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z/Ware Product Overview

Easy and Powerful Web-enablement and Web Services for Mainframe Applications

3270 Applications CICS COMMAREA Applications Batch Applications

Transform this:

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z/Ware Product Overview

Into this:

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Benefits of z/Ware Architecture NO application changes required NO client software to install A native mainframe application

running as an OS/390 started task or in a VSE partition

Supports CICS applications yet does not use any CICS facilities or resources

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Benefits of z/Ware Architecture Developed for the mainframe by very

experienced mainframe software developers All code is written in native S/390

Assembler for maximum efficiency Extensive use of system facilities including

Dataspaces to eliminate I/O Expert storage management to minimize

system requirements Best possible response time since

everything occurs “intra-mainframe”

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Web-Enable 3270 Applications Customization Levels

Browser-based 3270 emulation out of the box.

Global HTML Templates may be applied to basic emulation to improve look and feel and add some functionality.

Full customization of individual 3270 screens or groups of screens to have complete freedom of design and functionality.

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Different Levels of Customization

Native 3270 Screen

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Different Levels of Customization…

Global Template Approach

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Different Levels of Customization…

Full Customization

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Web-Enable 3270 Applications Combine related 3270 screens into a

single web-based transaction screen. Enjoy complete freedom of design and

layout, including custom branding and graphics.

Convert 3270 input fields into text areas, dropdown lists, checkboxes, and radio buttons.

Add validation to fields to eliminate coding mistakes.

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Web-Enable 3270 Applications Create simple or complex menu

systems to navigate between 3270 screens and even separate applications.

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Web-Enable 3270 Applications Combine multiple screens of tabular

data to easily utilize sort, click, pagination, and search functionality.

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Web-Enable 3270 Applications Add functionality with widgets such as

calculators and calendars.

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Web-Enable 3270 Applications Use any JavaScript-based framework or

toolkit to create rich Web applications. jQuery Backbone Dojo MooTools Kendo And many more!

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z/Ware 2.0 Features

z/Ware Common Components (ZWC) Combined Products Script Facility Named Scripts Document Facility Executing CICS Programs COMMAREA Events HTTP Client Facility Web Service Client Facility Batch Program API

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z/Ware Common Components Infrastructure (ZWC) Common support services split from

previous product code to create a new infrastructure that can support multiple products

Allows multiple products to run in a single address space

Simplifies the code of each product Multiple products receive benefit of

support and enhancement

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ZWC… Services

Multi-tasking workflow management Communications management

Message routing, logging, storing, retrieval Operator commands

Operating system interfaces Storage management Dump/trace management 3270 session management Variable/value management

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Services Document management File and Library management

Read/write/caching HTTP Server

HTML & XML support Static document serving CGI program execution Web services (SOAP) support

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z/Ware Product Functions Combined z/Ware 2.0 performs the functions

previously handled by z/Web-Host and z/XML-Host Supports XML templates in addition to

HTML Support Web Services (SOAP) requests and


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Script Facility

Multiple Uses for Scripts Navigate through 3270 screens. Pull data from and input data into 3270

screens. Automate 3270 application execution. Create and execute COMMAREA programs. Access Web Services on other servers. Generate multiple types of documents,

including HTML, XML, and TXT.

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Script Facility

Types of Scripts WebScreens

Map 3270 screens to Web-based screens. Named Scripts

Script statements stored in a library member and defined to the system with a script name

Not associated with a 3270 session Requested from web page or off-platform program with

any desired user variables Use any available scripting functions Requests can be one-time or persistent

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Execution of Named Scripts...

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Document Facility

The Document script statement is used to create and delete in-storage user documents

Documents are created from templates stored in library members

Substitution of user variable values within the template

Templates can contain HTML, XML or any desired text format

Documents can be returned to the requestor, placed in a COMMAREA or used for other purposes

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The Document Facility…

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Executing CICS COMMAREA Programs Script statements can be used to:

Create named CICS COMMAREA buffers Map data fields within the COMMAREA Insert required data into the COMMAREA Request execution of a CICS program

passing the COMMAREA Extract data from returned COMMAREA Create a user Document with returned data

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Executing CICS COMMAREA Programs... Multiple CICS regions can be defined

and requests directed to desired region Can use

Generic or specific CICS connection Any desired mirror transaction id Any desired userid

Persistent Script requests can be used to perform multiple requests using the same data items

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Executing CICS COMMAREA Programs...

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A COMMAREA Event is triggered by a user CICS program passing a COMMAREA to a z/Ware CICS program The COMMAREA data is matched against

the defined COMMAREA Event definitions Script statements from the matching

COMMAREA Event are executed Updated COMMAREA is returned to original


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HTTP Client Support

Scripts can send GET or POST HTTP requests to external servers Servers in the data center Servers anywhere on the Internet

Can be used to send data to remote servers or retrieve data from remote servers

Documents are created by user and used for: The URL Data (on post requests) Custom HTTP request headers (optional)

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HTTP Client Support…

External servers are defined in the ZWC configuration via Define_Server statement

The request is sent using the HTTP_Request script statement

HTTP response headers are returned in the Document named HTTP_RESP_HDRS

HTTP response data is returned in the Document named HTTP_RESP

User variables set by request: HTTP_RETURN 0 or numeric error code HTTP_STATUS numeric HTTP result code HTTP_RESPONSE character HTTP result string

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HTTP Client Support…

Script If statement can test “fields” in returned Document against character strings

Script Assign statement can extract data “fields” from returned Document into user variables

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HTTP Client Support…

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Web Service Client Support

Can invoke a Web Service residing anywhere on the Internet

Called Type1 service because it is not fully automated yet

Documents created by user script & used for: URL data SOAP Body data (XML elements sent as request)

Automatically built: Server part of the URL string SOAP Envelope

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Web Service Client Support… External servers are defined in the ZWC

configuration via Define_Server statement The request is sent using the

WebService_Type1 script statement HTTP response headers are returned in the

Document named HTTP_RESP_HDRS SOAP response data is returned in the

Document named HTTP_RESP (XML response document)

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Web Service Client Support… User variables set by request:

SOAP_RETURN 0 or numeric error code HTTP_STATUS numeric HTTP result code HTTP_RESPONSE character HTTP result

Script If statement can test data “fields” from returned documents

Script Assign statement can extract data “fields” from returned documents into user variables

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Web Service Client Support…

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Batch Program API

Extends the CICS COMMAREA concept to batch programs

Allows simple program call to trigger script execution

No TCP/IP Sockets programming Batch programmer does not have to know

anything about TCP/IP, HTTP, SOAP, Web Services or other protocols

User program builds COMMAREA (buffer) containing needed data

Program call to ZWEBBAT1 passing COMMAREA

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Batch Program API…

COMMAREA Event script triggered in z/Ware Server

Script performs desired processing Updated COMMAREA returned to user

program REXX external function provided

Place COMMAREA data on program stack Call ZWEBREXX() function Updated COMMAREA data returned on

program stack

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Batch Program API…