Download - Copyleft Hardware and the Ben Nanonote FOSDEM2010


Copyleft Hardware and the Ben Nanonote

There is no such thing as a little freedom. Either you are all free or you are not free.

Walter Cronkite

Vertically Free Stackwe get to hardware, and identify the problem of HARDWARE and your FREEDOMopen source hardware says its open from top to bottom, but lets look at the ones that exist

REALLY its closed hardware that runs free software: freerunner, openpandora, chumby, G1, HTC Nexus-1, Motorola Droid

Copyleft Hardware is NOT open hardware! We have to be a bit more extreme to make our point

How can you fix a bug in your chips?

AND, we are NOT, free hardware (RMS)

Arduino is, but not all parts open...are they trying to get more open, we hope so :)


Free Hardware is NOT Enough.

What about BUGS in your CHIPS?

We have 2 BIG Problems.

No movement.No hardware platform.

Copyleft Hardware.

Copyleft Plans

CC Attribution-ShareAlikePlans + mechanisms to make deviceDocumentation to make device

Copyleft Software

GPLd Basic SoftwareGPLd Tools to Make DeviceGPLd Software on Chips

Free/Copyleft Patents

CCs Science Commons working on it.SFLC working on it.We are working on it.

Qi Hardware Reality is...

Wiki, Mailing lists, IRCProject space using git


100% Copyleft Hardware100% Linux100% GPL100% BY-SA plans100% Open Development: No code dumpingOpenWRTLinux DistributionExtenbable via SDIO (microSD)Up to 32 gb SD card2gb nand32 mb ram

NanoNote is NOT a Product.

It is a Hacker Platform.


The larger long term goal is to be a Free Dictionary!

We need YOU :)

Qi Priorities

Buy and Use
Copyleft Hardware

File Bugs and
Feature Requests

Update the Wiki

Help Make OpenZim Reader
(Targeting Free Dictionary 1st)

Hack on OpenWRT
(and help port packages)

Make Hacks with
Copyleft Hardware
(as a platform)

Do Advanced Hacking
(CPU, MIPS emulator, Processor SIMD Video Support)

411-755770-838 HSBCHKHHHKH