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  • 8/3/2019 Copy of Tender Cooker Recipes


    I E sHoney BBQ Chicken wings3 Ibs chicken wings (16-18 wings) salt and pepper, to taste2 cups honey1 '2 cup soy sauce1 '2 cup bottled barbecue sauce1 1 4 cup oil or butter2 cloves garlic, mincedRinse, drain and pat chicken wings dry with paper towel. Season to taste with salt andpepper and place inTender Cooker. Stir together remaining ingredients and pour overchicken wings. Cut a T' circle of aluminum foil to place on top of chicken wings, makingsure no foil sticks out of Tender Cooker. Place gasket, cover and red weight on top ofTender Cooker. Microwave on high for 25 minutes. Let Tender Cooker stand in micro-wave for 15 minutes, allowing yellow stem to drop before removing from microwave.

    Tropical Ribs1 '2 cup pineapple juiceI Tbsp lemon juice2 tsp mustard3T soy sauce1 '2 t ginger2 cloves garlic, chopped

    1 1 4 cup green onion, chopped3 Ibs pork spareribs, cut in half2 Tbsp brown sugar',4 cup orange juice

    Tbsp corn starch

    In nonreactive bowl, combine first 7 ingredients (pineapple] uice through green onion).Place spareribs in marinade. Cover and marinate in refrigerator for 6 hours or over-night. Place spareribs with marinade inTender Cooker. Place gasket, cover and redweight on top of Tender Cooker. Microwave on high for 23 minutes. Let Tender Cookerstand in microwave for 15 minutes, allowing yellow stem to drop before removing frommicrowave. Place spareribs on a serving platter, reserving juices.Bring reserved juices from Tender Cooker to boil in sauce pan. Add brown sugar, orangejuice and corn starch. Stir until sauce thickens. Pour sauce over spareribs, and serve.

  • 8/3/2019 Copy of Tender Cooker Recipes


    E E FBeef Stew

    Tbsp oilIbs stew meat, cut into chunksI1/2 cups beef broth

    3 potatoes, cut into chunks2 carrots, sliced into 1 , 4 " pieces1/2 onion, chopped1 , 1 2 tsp salt

    1/8 tsp pepperTbsp fresh thyme, mincedgarlic cloves, mincedcup mushrooms, slicedcup green onion, choppedTbsp corn starchtsp browning sauce

    Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Sear meat on all sides, and place inTender Cooker.Pour beef broth into skillet, and bring to boil; scraping pan to incorporate browned bits.Pour broth into Tender Cooker. Add next 9 ingredients (potatoes through green onion)to Tender Cooker. Place gasket, cover and red weight on top of Tender Cooker. Micro-wave on high for 25 minutes. Let Tender Cooker stand in microwave for 15 minutes,allowing yellow stem to drop before removing from microwave. Use a slotted spoon toremove meat and vegetables from Tender Cooker, and place in serving dish.Pour juices from Tender Cooker into a sauce pan, and bring to boil. Add browning sauceand corn starch. Stir until sauce thickens. Pour over beef and vegetables, stirring gentlyto combine.

    Herbed Beef Roast

    Tbsp oil2 1 , 1 2 - 31b beef rump roastI cup beef broth (substitute 1 , 1 2 cup red wine for 1 , 1 2 cup beef broth, ifdesired)

    1 , 1 2 onion, choppedI tsp fresh rosemary, minced

    tsp fresh thyme, minced3 garlic cloves, crushed

    salt and pepper to tasteTbsp corn starch

    Heat oil in skillet. Sear roast on all sides and place roast inTender Cooker.Pour beef broth into skillet, and bring to boil; scrapping pan to incorporate browned bits.Pour broth into Tender Cooker. Add remaining ingredients. except corn starch. Cut a 7"circle of aluminum foil to place on top of roast, making sure no foil sticks out of TenderCooker. Place gasket, cover and red weight on top of Tender Cooker. Microwave onhigh for 30 minutes. Let Tender Cooker stand in microwave for 15 minutes, allowing yel-low stem to drop before removing from microwave. Remove meat from Tender Cooker.and place in serving dish. Pour juices from Tender Cooker into sauce pan and bring toboil. Add corn starch. Stir until sauce thickens. Pour sauce over roast, and serve.

  • 8/3/2019 Copy of Tender Cooker Recipes


    Spiced Pork Roast

    1 /3

    (3 pound) boneless pork roastcup apple cidercup packed brown sugartsp vinegartsp yellow mustardtspground clovesTbsp flourtsp salttsp sugartsp garlic salttsp ground black pepper


    Stir together apple cider, brown sugar, vinegar, mustard and cloves in small bowl; setaside. In another small bowl combine flour, salt, sugar, garlic powder and pepper. Rubflour mixture evenly over surface of pork. Place pork inTender Cooker. Pour cider mix-ture over pork. Place gasket, cover and red weight on top ofTender Cooker. Microwaveon high for 30 minutes. Let Tender Cooker stand in microwave for 15 minutes, allowingyellow stem to drop before removing from microwave. Serve.

    BBQ Spareribs2 Ibs pork spareribs, cut in halfI onion, chopped2 garlic cloves, chopped1 1 / 2 cups barbeque sauceI;" cup waterPlace spareribs, onion and garlic in Tender Cooker. Combine barbeque sauce and water;pour over spareribs. Place gasket, cover and red weight on top ofTender Cooker. Mi~crowave on high for 20 minutes. Let Tender Cooker stand in microwave for 15 minutes,allowing yellow stem to drop before removing from microwave. Serve.

  • 8/3/2019 Copy of Tender Cooker Recipes


    E LBaked Lamb Shanks41/ 3

    lamb shanks, fat trimmed( 1 0 3/4oz) can cream of mushroom soupcup waterTbsp dry onion soup mix

    Place lamb shanks inTender Cooker. Combine remaining ingredients, and pour intoTender Cooker. Cut a 7" circle out of aluminum foil, and place on top of mixture.Place gasket, cover and red weight on top of Tender Cooker. Microwave on high for 30minutes. Let Tender Cooker stand in microwave for 15 minutes, allowing yellow stem todrop before removing from microwave. Remove lamb shanks from Tender Cooker andplace in serving dish. Skim excess at from sauce, and serve.

    Veal PaprikaI Y 2 Ib veal, cut into 3/4" cubes2 Tbsp oil2 Tbsp flourY 2 cup waterI medium onion, chopped6 Tbsp tomato paste2 Tbsp paprika

    Tbsp worchestershsire saucegarlic clove, minced'1 4 tsp salt(5 oz) can evaporated milk

    Heat oil in skillet. Add veal, and brown on all sides. Place inTender Cooker. Springveal with flour; and stir to coat. Stir in remaining ingredients, except evaporated milk,Place gasket, cover and red weight on top of Tender Cooker. Microwave on high for 15minutes. Let Tender Cooker stand in microwave for 15 minutes, allowing yellow stem todrop before removing from microwave. Uncover, and stir in evaporated milk. Micro-wave uncovered for 2 minutes. Serve over cooked noodles; sprinkle with poppy seeds.

  • 8/3/2019 Copy of Tender Cooker Recipes


    I EChicken & Stuffing

    (80z) package of stuffing mixY 2 cup butter, softened2-3 Ib whole chicken

    cup chicken brothtsp browning saucecup orange juicesmall onion. choppedgarlic cloves, choppedmedium apple. cut into fourthspaprika, to tasteTbsp cornstarch


    In medium bowl, combine stuffing mix and butter. Stuff into chicken cavity. Securewings and legs to body with string, and place into Tender Cooker. Pour browning sauce,chicken broth and orange juice over chicken. Sprinkle chicken with paprika. Place onion,garlic and apples on the sides of the chicken. Place gasket, cover and red weight on topof Tender Cooker. Microwave on high for 25 minutes. Let Tender Cooker stand in mi-crowave for 15 minutes, allowing yellow stem to drop before removing from microwave.Transfer chicken to serving plate. Discard apples. Stir cornstarch into cooking liquid.Microwave uncovered 2-3 minutes, until gravy has thickened. Serve with chicken.

    Chicken & Herbed Wild Rice2 Ibs chicken thighs, without skinI 1 2 cup chicken broth1 2 cup white rice, uncooked'It cup wild rice, uncookedI stalk celery, diced2 Tbsp onion, chopped

    tsp dried tarragon1 2 tsp dried parsley1 2 tsp dried basil1 ,4 tsp pepper pap rika to tasteCombine all ingredients inTender Cooker, placing chicken on top. Sprinkle with paprika.Place gasket. cover and red weight on top of Tender Cooker. Microwave on high for 25minutes. Let Tender Cooker stand in microwave for 15 minutes, allowing yellow stem todrop before removing from microwave. Serve.

  • 8/3/2019 Copy of Tender Cooker Recipes


    sVegetable Beef & Barley Soup3 cups beef stock2 cups beef, cut into cubescarrot, sliced

    celery stalk, slicedlarge potato, cubed

    Y 2 medium onion, choppedY 2 cup mushrooms, chopped2 garlic cloves, mincedY 2 cup barley, uncooked parsley for garnish, if desiredCombine all ingredients, except parsley, in Tender Cooker. Place gasket, cover and redweight on top of Tender Cooker. Microwave on high for 25 minutes. Let Tender Cookerstand in microwave for 15 minutes, allowing yellow stem to drop before removing frommicrowave. Garnish with parsley, and serve.

    Chicken Soup2 Ibs chicken, cut into cubes2 carrots, sliced2 celery stalks, slicedY 2 medium onion, chopped2 garlic doves, minced1/4 cup green onion, chopped1 ;4 cup mushrooms, choppedI Tbsp butter3 cups chicken broth8 oz egg noodles, broken up parsley for garnish, if desiredCombine all ingredients, except parsley, in Tender Cooker. Place gasket, cover and redweight on top of Tender Cooker. Microwave on high for 25 minutes. Let Tender Cookerstand in microwave for 15 minutes, allowing yellow stem to drop before removing frommicrowave. Garnish with parsley, and serve.

  • 8/3/2019 Copy of Tender Cooker Recipes


    5 1 IS 5Creamy Scalloped Potatoes

    (4.9 oz) box scalloped potatoesseason packet (included in box)small onion, chopped

    1 /4 tsp salt';4 tsp pepper2 Tbsp flour2 Tbsp butter, cut into pieces2 cups heavy whipping cream2 cups half n half or whole milkY 2 cup water I cup diced ham (optional)

    Stir together all ingredients inTender Cooker. Place gasket, cover and red weight on topofTender Cooker. Microwave on high for 20 minutes. Let Tender Cooker stand in mi-crowave for 15 minutes, allowing yellow stem to drop before removing from microwave.Serve.

    Mexican Ricecup long grain rice

    3 Tbsp buttercup water

    2 medium tomatoes, peeled and choppedmedium onion, choppedsmall green pepper, chopped

    2 tsp chili powderY 2 tsp salt';4 tsp cuminPlace rice and butter inTender Cooker. Microwave on high for 4-6 minutes, until goldenbrown; stirring twice. Stir in remaining ingredients. Place gasket, cover and red weighton top ofTender Cooker. Microwave on high for 20 minutes. Let Tender Cooker standin microwave for 15 minutes, allowing yellow stem to drop before removing from micro-wave. Serve.

  • 8/3/2019 Copy of Tender Cooker Recipes


    ICE sInstructions/HintsI.Always cook on high power and let Tender Cooker stand in microwave for 15 minutesafter timer goes off to complete cooking. Allow yellow stem to drop before removingfrom microwave.

    2. Rinse and drain rice/beans before placing inTender Cooker.3. Soak dried beans and black eyed peas overnight in 4 cups water, drain and add freshwater to cook.

    4.Add I tsp oil when cooking rice5. Cooking lentils is not recommended due to foam created in cooking.6. Add acidic ingredients, like tomatoes and vinegar, only after beans and peas arethoroughly softened, as they tend to have a hardening effect on dried beans and peas.

    FOOD WATER COOK TIME SERVINGSI cup white rice I 1 /2 cups 9~I0 minutesI cup brown rice I 3/4 cups 18 ~20 minutes3/4 cup wild rice 2 cups 18 ~20 minutesI cup dried beans 2 cups 20~22 minutes(black, garbanzo,great northern)3/4 cup split pea, 2 cups 20 ~22 minutesgreen, yellow beans