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CopeMed II – ArtFiMed Technical Documents Nº21 (GCP/INT/028/SPA – GCP/INT/006/EC)



November 2011

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The conclusions and recommendations given in this document and in other documents in the Co-ordination to Support Fisheries Management in the Western and Central Mediterranean CopeMed II Project series are those considered appropriate at the time of preparation. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained in subsequent stages of the Project. The designation employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO, the Government of Spain or the Commission of the European Union concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or concerning the determination of its frontiers or boundaries. This document has been financed by the European Union and the Government of Spain. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union or the Government of Spain.

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The CopeMed II Project on Co-ordination to Support Fisheries Management in the Western and Central Mediterranean is executed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and funded by the Government of Spain, represented by the Secretaría General del Mar, and the European Union, represented by the European Commission (EC). The objective of the project is to maintain the sustainability of the marine fisheries in the central and western Mediterranean Sea and its ecosystem, taking into consideration environmental, biological, economic, social and institutional issues. In addition, the project will continue to reinforce the collaboration among the participating countries of the sub-region by supporting their participation in the activities of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM).

Regions covered by CopeMed II are the western and central sub-regions of the Mediterranean. Countries involved are Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Tunisia and Spain. The main beneficiaries are the fishery policy-makers, managers and fishery administrations in the western and central Mediterranean countries. The project is also contributing to the strengthening of regional collaboration by supporting the participation of the countries in relevant regional scientific organizations, such as the FAO’s General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean and the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Secondary beneficiaries include the national research institutes, fishers and fishers’ associations, and industrial organizations.

Project CopeMed II (FAO-FIRF) Subdelegación del Gobierno en Málaga Paseo de Sancha 64, Offices 305-307

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CopeMed II (GCP/INT/028/SPA – GCP/INT/006/EC) and ArtFiMed (GCP/RAB/005/SPA) Publications

CopeMed II – ArtFiMed project publications are issued in the CopeMed II Technical Documents series and are related to meetings, missions and research organized or conducted within the framework of the CopeMed II and ArtFiMed Projects.

Comments on this document would be welcomed and should be sent to the Project headquarters:

Project CopeMed II Subdelegación del Gobierno en Málaga Paseo de Sancha 64, Offices 305-307 29071 Málaga (España) [email protected]

Project ArtFiMed Subdelegación del Gobierno en Málaga Paseo de Sancha 64, Offices 305-307 29071 Málaga (España) [email protected]

For bibliographic purposes this document should be cited as follow:

CopeMed II. 2011. Report of the ad hoc scientific Working Group between Morocco and Spain on Pagellus bogaraveo in the Strait of Gibraltar area. CopeMed II–ArtFiMed Technical Documents Nº21 (GCP/INT/028/SPA – GCP/INT/006/EC). Málaga, 2011. 44pp.

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Preparation of this document

This document is the final version of the report of the meeting of the Working Group between Morocco and Spain on Pagellus bogaraveo in the Strait of Gibraltar area,prepared by the Project CopeMed II.


CopeMed II acknowledges the participation of all experts in the ad hoc scientific Working Group between Morocco and Spain on Pagellus bogaraveo in the Strait of Gibraltar area.


CopeMed II. 2011. Report of the ad hoc scientific Working Group between Morocco and Spain on Pagellus bogaraveo in the Strait of Gibraltar area. CopeMed II–ArtFiMed Technical Documents Nº21 (GCP/INT/028/SPA – GCP/INT/006/EC). Málaga, 2011. 44pp.


The creation of the ad hoc scientific Working Group between Morocco and Spain on Pagellus bogaraveo in the Gibraltar Strait Area was proposed by the GFCM Scientific Advisory Committee to FAO-CopeMed II to analyse the available information on the stock and fishery of Pagellus bogaraveo in this area.

The currently available information on P. bogaraveo, both in terms of fishery statistics and of biological parameters, and the stock assessment methodologies presented by Morocco and Spain to regional fishery organizations and other relevant scientific committees were reviewed.

Possible new methods for the evaluation of commercial fishery data and the feasibility of joint management measures were discussed with the aim of defining a proposal on the data required to perform future assessments and to apply a methodology for the management of the P. bogaraveo fishery. A joint work plan between the Moroccan and Spanish research institutions (INRH and IEO) for the Pagellus bogaraveo stock in the Strait of Gibraltar and the organization of a workshop in September 2010 to conduct a joint assessment on the P. bogaraveostock in the Strait of Gibraltar was agreed by the working group.

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1. Opening of the meeting and designation of chairperson and rapporteur .................. 1

2. Adoption of the Agenda ............................................................................................ 1

3. Objectives of the meeting ......................................................................................... 2

4. Report of Morocco on the P. bogaraveo fishery ...................................................... 2

5. ArtFiMed report on the P. bogaraveo fishery in Dikky (Morocco) ......................... 3

6. Report of Spain on the P. bogaraveo fishery ............................................................ 3

7. Stocks assessment methodologies. Stocks assessment presented to ICES, GFCM,

and other scientific bodies ....................................................................................... 5

8. Data needs for future joint stock assessments for management purposes ................ 8

9. A joint research work plan for P. bogaraveo in the Strait of Gibraltar? What do we

need? What do we have? ......................................................................................... 8

10. Recovery and/or management plans implemented for P. bogaraveo .................... 10

11. Conclusions and recommendations ........................................................................ 11

12. Other matters .......................................................................................................... 11


Annex I. List of participants ........................................................................................... 13

Annex II. Agenda ............................................................................................................ 14

Annex III. Introduction and Objectives of the meeting .................................................. 15

Annex IV. Rapport sur l’état de la pêcherie de la dorade rose (Pagellus bogaraveo) du

Détroit de Gibraltar ......................................................................................................... 21

Annex V. ArtFiMed report on the P. Bogaraveo fishery in Dikky (Morocco) ............... 28

Annex VI. Report of Spain on the P. bogaraveo fishery ................................................ 31

Annex VII. Report of Spain on the P. bogaraveo fishery ............................................... 36

Annex VIII. Términos de Referencia y Agenda de Trabajo en vistas a una posible

reunión entre científicos españoles y marroquíes sobre la pesquería del voraz del

Estrecho de Gibraltar ...................................................................................................... 42

Annex IX. References..................................................................................................... 44

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1. Opening of the meeting and designation of chairperson and rapporteur

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Juan A. Camiñas, Coordinator of the FAO-CopeMed II project, who welcomed the participants from Morocco and Spain (Annex I) to the meeting.

He thanked the experts from Morocco’s Institut National des Ressources Halieutiques (INRH) and Spain’s Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) for their participation, and the Direcci n General de Pesca y Acuicultura of the Junta de Andalucía for its support and for the preparation of the documents for the meeting. He reminded the participants that the meeting was a recommendation of the GFCM’s Scientific Advisory Committee (Budva, Montenegro, 25-29 January 2010) for the joint evaluation by Morocco and Spain of the Strait of Gibraltar red seabream stock.

Mr. Camiñas also thanked the Subdelegación del Gobierno in Málaga for the facilities made available to CopeMed II for this bilateral Morocco-Spain meeting.

Mr. A. García (IEO) was designated Chairperson of the meeting and a representative of CopeMed, rapporteur.

2. Adoption of the Agenda

Mr. Camiñas proposed to add a new item to the Provisional Agenda under section 5, entitled "ArtFiMed report on the P. bogaraveo fishery in Dikky (Morocco)". He explained that, within the activities of the FAO-ArtFiMed1, coordinated by CopeMed II, a system of fishery monitoring had been set up, with the collaboration of the fishermen. ArtFiMed prepared a document that will be shown at the meeting following the INRH experts’ presentations, to complete the picture of the red seabream fishery of Morocco. The Agenda was adopted and is in Annex II.

At the request of the Chairperson, experts from IEO and INRH commented on the research and monitoring related to the red seabream fishery. Representatives of the Junta de Andalucía pointed out their responsibility in monitoring via the Location and Tracking System of Andalusian Fishing Vessels (SLSEPA) and the analysis of the data compiled.

Mrs. Belcaid noted that the INRH in Tangier focuses on the red seabream longline fishery landings at this port. Mr. Kada commented that the trawling fleets from Nador and other Moroccan ports also catch the red seabream, so the INRH is working on a common strategy for the area.

Mr. Gil of the IEO’s Centro Oceanográfico de Cádiz reported on red seabream research being carried out in collaboration with the Junta de Andalucía, highlighting the biological and fishery information that was generated and incorporated into the analysis carried out by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)’s Working Group on Deepwater Fisheries. Stock assessments of the ICES Region IX have been presented since 2006.

1 FAO project for the Sustainable Development of Artisanal Mediterranean Fisheries in Morocco and


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Mr. Baro (IEO) pointed out that the Spanish trawl fisheries take this species as by-catch, making it necessary to estimate the amount so as to be able to assess the total catch. He also indicated that, as the Strait of Gibraltar is a border region between different Regional Fishery Organizations (ICES, CECAF, GFCM) it has to be decided in which RFO the evaluations are presented.

The Chairperson emphasized that the stock entails significant challenges from the scientific point of view, since there is not enough information on all life-cycle stages, spawning and nursery areas, nor on the distribution limits. The species is associated with special hydrographical and ecological conditions in this area and is a stock shared by Morocco and Spain, without excluding others (e.g. Portugal) that could exploit it too, as ICES so considers.

3. Objectives of the meeting

Mr. Camiñas outlined the objectives (Annex III) and informed the participants that the SAC had proposed the establishment of a joint Working Group between Morocco and Spain on Pagellus bogaraveo in the Strait of Gibraltar area, to organize a meeting of Spanish and Moroccan scientists to analyse the existing information on the stock and fishery of Pagellus bogaraveo. CopeMed II was requested to support the organization and running of this meeting. He recalled that during the CopeMed II meeting on shared stocks (Málaga, 29-30 April 2010) some aspects of their definition were agreed. This meeting also agreed that the Pagellus bogaraveo issue would be dealt with by the Sub-regional Working Group on Demersal Shared Stocks in the CopeMed II and MedSudMed areas.

A revision of the assessments of the P. bogaraveo stocks carried out by the GFCM-SAC Sub-Committee on Stock Assessment (SCSA) in GSA01 and GSA03 showed that only a single assessment had been carried out by the INRH in GSA03 during 2009.

4. Report of Morocco on the P. bogaraveo fishery

Mrs. Belcaid (INRH) presented a summary of the document on Morocco’s red seabream fishery (Annex IV) carried out by longliners based in Tangier, in the Strait of Gibraltar. The abundance of P. bogaraveo in this region is not significant, but its economic value and European market demand have allowed the development of an artisanal longline fishery. This activity is carried out throughout the year, mainly between Cape Spartel and Dalia beach (at Cape Punta Cires) at great depths, by a hundred longline vessels and about 470 artisanal boats, employing about 2200 fishermen. In 2009, 60% of the Tangier fleet catch comprised adults (size > 34 cm); however, INRH did not carry out growth studies.

Mr. Kada pointed out that, for GSA03, there is a wide disparity in the species distribution, which results in significant changes in the landings. The most important landing points are Tangier and the fishing sites of Ksar Shgir and Dikky, with over 64% of the total catch of this species coming from the Moroccan Mediterranean; in the ports of Al Hoceima and Nador, the trawlers’ contribution, for this species, is 29% and 7% of the total landings, respectively.

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For the collection of data on catches and fishing effort, the Moroccan National Fisheries Office (ONP) has established a system for monitoring daily landings at major ports (the MAIA system), which has been operational since 2003.

During the discussion, the lack of data in the INRH report on red seabream artisanal fisheries was pointed out, as was the fact that Moroccan experts do not have that information.

The INRH samples the total catch sizes of a vessel in Tangier. Concurrent sampling could give biased information on catch sizes because, according to studies performed in Spain, onboard length-distribution samples are significantly different from the length distribution in landings from the entire fleet, making it reasonable to assume some association between sizes and specific stocks. Therefore, it would be advisable to perform random sampling (stratified by market category) of the landings rather than a concurrent sampling of a single vessel2.

5. ArtFiMed report on the P. bogaraveo fishery in Dikky (Morocco)

Mr. Bernardon presented the report on artisanal fisheries of P.bogaraveo in Dikky (Annex V) developed within the ArtFiMed project, based on information gathered through studies, surveys and data from the ArtFiMed artisanal fisheries tracking system in Dikky. This report provides detailed information on all components of the Dikky fishery sector and can provide important information for understanding the exploitation of red seabream in Morocco and to estimate the importance of this fishery for the artisanal sector in Morocco.

This longline fishery is carried out from Dikky throughout the year by fifty artisanal boats; it catches about 25 tons/year of P. bogaraveo for exportation, and provides about 30% of the income of fishermen, representing a turnover of about 3600 €/year/boat.

Mr. Bernardon reported that Mr. Lamtai (INRH, Tangier) was collaborating with CopeMed II, as part of his Master degree course (CIHEAM-UB-SGMar), and was writing a report on the red seabream value chain. Subsequent discussions highlighted the fact that the ArtFiMed artisanal fishery monitoring system in Dikky is the only one currently providing statistical data on the activities of artisanal fisheries targeting P. bogaraveo in the Moroccan Mediterranean. The system, operational since March 2010, will allow updating and refinement of the information on this fishery (fishing effort, production, yield, commercial classes, market price, etc.). A replication of this system in other places would allow the evaluation of the production, fishing effort and socio-economic importance of this fishery. The red seabream catches data in the Strait of Gibraltar can be considered for future assessments of this shared stock.

6. Report of Spain on the P. bogaraveo fishery

Mr. Gil presented a document (Annex VI) outlining the various aspects of fisheries, research and evaluations on Pagellus bogaraveo that have been taking place in Spain since 2003. Since the earlies 1980s, an artisanal handline fishery has targeted P. bogaraveo, known locally as voraz, in the Strait of Gibraltar (ICES sub-area IXa south). 2 Available: The vertical distribution of this species varies according to individual size (Desbrosses, 1938; Gueguen, 1974; Silva et al., 1994; Gil, 2006).

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The fishing gear, known locally as the voracera, is a mechanized handline baited with sardine. In the early years, there were only twenty-five small vessels, whereas currently there are more than one hundred. The main base ports are Tarifa and Algeciras.

Landings are usually distributed in several commercial categories, owing to the wide range of sizes and for market reasons. Nowadays this fishery represents almost 70% of the total landings for the species in the ICES sub-area IX. Information available has been presented to the ICES’s Working Group on the Biology and Assessment of Deep Sea Fisheries Resources (WGDEEP) from 2000 onwards.

The Spanish voraz fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar is almost a monospecific fishery with one clear target species, Pagellus bogaraveo, which represents 74% of the total landings sold under four market categories: >1300 g (known as burros); from 850 to 1300 g (known as tamaño); from 550 to 850 g (known as mediano); and from 350 to 550 g (known as pequeño). The fishery and its target species have already been broadly described in several papers and was also the main focus of a PhD Thesis (Gil, 2006).

The spawning season seems to take place during the first quarter of the year. The species’ reproductive type is protandric hermaphroditic. The smallest specimens are mainly males, maturing at an L50=30.15 cm. At a total length of around 32.5 cm a significant proportion of individuals become females. Females mature at an L50=35.73 cm.

Mr. Del Olmo (Consejería de Pesca y Agricultura, Junta de Andalucía) introduced the Location and Tracking System for Andalusian Fishing Vessels (SLSEPA) with respect to the red seabream fleet (Annex VII). This system was implemented in Andalucía since the adoption of the red seabream recovery plan (Pagellus bogaraveo) on the Andalusian coast (Resolution of the General Directorate for Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Junta de Andalucía, 30 December 2002) and of the management of the voracera fleet operating in the Strait of Gibraltar, for the period 2003–2005 (Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía No. 14, 22 January 2003). Resolution of the General Directorate for Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Junta de Andalucía (25 February 2010) established an input and output port schedule for the fleet operating in the area and compelled the installation of SLSEPA in all vessels.

SLSEPA has several aims: (i) to know the state of the fish stocks and the movements of the fishing fleet; (ii) to monitor compliance with the laws; and (iii) to support safety at sea. SLSEPA is based on location data (latitude, longitude and time) provided by the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites to a control centre, and their subsequent interpretation by the appropriate computer applications. SLSEPA allows the sending of high-frequency location data (every three minutes) at a very low cost, via the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS).

The device installed on each vessel is called the On-board Remote Station (Estaci n remota embarcada, ERE), also known as the "green box". All the 91 Andalusian vessels dedicated to the red seabream fishery have installed the ERE. Vessels based in Ceuta included in the authorized vessels census for red seabream fisheries in the Strait of Gibraltar do not have any such control device.

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The Spanish red seabream fishing fleet operates in a regulated area between longitude 5º47'95''W (Punta Camarinal, on the Spanish coast) and longitude 5º20'70''W (Punta Europa, on the Spanish coast). In this area (Fig. 1), the only fishery allowed is the "voracera" and the overall length of the vessels cannot exceed 120 m.

Figure 1: Regulatory Area of the Red Seabream Fishery and Closed-Season Zone (image: DG Fisheries and Aquaculture, Junta de Andalucía).

The presentation on SLSEPA resulted in a broad discussion of the importance of fishery control for appropriate resource management and the possibility that a similar control system could be implemented in Morocco. Experts considered that, based on the experience and the lessons learned from the Spanish monitoring and control system, a pilot experiment could be set up in Morocco using the SLSEPA and installing some ERE in Moroccan vessels. The pilot experiment should be seen as an opportunity for collaboration in applying a methodology for the control and monitoring of the Moroccan fishery management.

The Chairperson noted that there is very important information which needs to be completed and updated in other documents in Morocco. Mr. Camiñas agreed to assist in the preparation of a bibliographic data base on the red seabream of the Strait of Gibraltar and to create a specific area for documentation in the web project.

7. Stocks assessment methodologies. Stocks assessment presented to ICES, GFCM, and other scientific bodies

ICES Historical series of landing data have been assessed by the ICES WGDEEP since 2006. The landing data used in the assessment exercise in ICES sub-area IX included Spanish and Portuguese landings from 1990 onwards. Landing length–frequency data for the Spanish red seabream fishery are only available in the Strait of Gibraltar. Annual age-frequency (catch at age) data were derived by the application of the combined Age-Length Key from the Strait of Gibraltar samples to the length-frequency distributions for sub-area IX landings. Age-4 individuals are the most represented in landings, even in the early years.

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In the last ICES Working Group on the Biology and Assessment of Deep-Sea Fisheries Resources (WGDEEP) meeting (2010), the assessment was updated from the 2006 and 2008 attempts. As in previous years, the assessment was considered as an exercise, owing to its relative uncertainty and consequently, that of the corresponding results, and was examined only in qualitative terms.

Figure 2. Red seabream (ICES Sub-Area IX): spawning stock biomass (SSB) estimates from traditional virtual population analysis (VPA; separable analysis with a reference age: 4; S=0.4, F=0.3, default weighting values and considering, or not considering, age 10 as a real additional age group) (from ICES, 2010).

Nevertheless, based on the assessments, the recent increasing trend in the landings of this fishery may be considered unsustainable. Therefore, despite the uncertainty of the assessment exercise, fishing mortality rates should be reduced until reliable assessments prove the fishery’s sustainability. In this context, as in previous years, ICES advises“that catches in 2011 should be less than 500 T. which is a reduction from 2008-2009 landings” (ICES/Advice Drafting Group DEEP, 2010).

GFCM During the meeting of the GFCM-SAC Working Group on Stock Assessment on Demersal Species (Ancona, Italy, 19-23 October 2010), the evaluation of the red seabream stock targeted by Moroccan longliners in the Strait of Gibraltar was conducted through the biased pseudo-cohort analysis of the frequency and other parametric data. P. bogaraveo evaluation in Morocco was based on a length–cohort analysis (LCA), and average size frequencies for the years 2005-2007 were used, since the series is available. These data were obtained by sampling P. bogaraveo landed at the port of Tangier, and the data used were the official statistics. The growth and the length-weight parameters used were from the FAO FishBase (according to a Portuguese study), given the absence of a specific growth study on red seabream in Morocco. The model results showed that this species is reasonably exploited.

After reviewing the results of assessments within ICES and GFCM, there was a discussion on the methodologies used. It was pointed out that the analytical assessments have the disadvantage of using a single (combined) age-length key (ALK) for all the series analysed; thus a constant growth is assumed, thus producing not realistic or appropriate results. According to ICES, the catches from the sub-area IXa (Spain and Portugal) stock would not be sustainable, as current catches are among the lower values

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of the series. ICES recommended catches less than 500 tons per year, although the European Commission’s total allowable catch (TAC) for 2010 was 780 tons, which is higher than the current catches.

After discussing the different options for assessing the shared resource between Morocco and Spain in the Strait of Gibraltar, the possibility of applying an LCA with a series of four years (2005–2008) for both countries was considered. Likewise, holding a meeting at the IEO in Fuengirola (Málaga), to perform a joint evaluation on P. bogaraveo between Morocco and Spain, with the participation of Mrs. Belcaid and Mr. Gil, supported by Mr. Baro, was agreed. Tentative dates of 26–30 September 2010 were proposed. The Terms of Reference for the evaluation meeting are in section 8 of the present report.

Sensitive habitats Considering the GFCM-SAC definition (Report of the 12th session. Budva, Montenegro, 25-29 January 2010) on "sensitive habitats", experts provided the following information related to the P. bogaraveo stock in the Strait of Gibraltar: the spawning season seems to take place during the first quarter of the year along the Strait of Gibraltar, where the mature individuals live (Gil, 2006). The species spends its early years in coastal areas (bays, breakwaters and even inside ports) on both sides of the Strait. Later, it moves away from these shelter areas and is recruited by the fishery (at three years of age). The species seems to remain in the Strait of Gibraltar continuing its growth and developing throughout such ontogenetic events as: maturation, spawning, gender change. Information on these facts originated from the tagging experiments carried out in the southern Mediterranean (tagging of juveniles) and in the Strait of Gibraltar (tagging of adults).

Fishing zones in MoroccoRed seabream is a sedentary species that lives at fairly great depths. In the Strait of Gibraltar the fishing zone extends to depths between 150 and 300 m, between Tangier and Cape Dalia. However, the search for this species is concentrated in specific areas such as Passo, Cotton and Salkiya, although the presence of P. bogaraveo throughout the Moroccan Mediterranean is evident, with variable abundance indexes, ranging from 0.02 to 26 kg per trawl tow (INRH, trawl survey between 1988 and 2007).

Egg and larval stagesLike all Sparidae, P. bogaraveo eggs have no special features by which to distinguish them. The eggs are planktonic, about one millimetre in diameter and with a pigmented oil droplet located on the back of the ovoid yolk. The yolk is not segmented. It is very difficult to distinguish this kind of eggs from those of other species, especially in the Sparidae. In some ecosystems, such as that of the Gulf of Cádiz, this group is rather large and diverse. Sparidae larvae are distinguished by a triangular tract leading to the anus, located at one third of the standard length of the larva. The pigmentation of P. bogaraveo in the early larval stage is distinguished by a dorsal row of melanophores in the caudal, dorso-ventral band on the tail and a group of melanophores on the head. As it grows, the two pigment spots in the dorsal and ventral area are noticeable.

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Figure 3. Early stages of marine fishes ocurring in the Iberian Peninsula. Internet source. (Courtesy of: Re, P. & I. Meneses, 2009).

8. Data needs for future joint stock assessments for management purposes

The Working Group agreed that, during the evaluation meeting agreed (Málaga, September 2010) between INRH and IEO, and taking into account the results and the main uncertainties, and the analysis of the quality of results obtained in that evaluation, a detailed proposal on the required data (statistical and biological parameters) for future assessments will be prepared. The proposal will include the approximate dates for a new meeting of the WG on evaluation, if considered necessary, and the needs and conditions thereof. The Terms of Reference (further developed in Annex VIII) were proposed: - Identification of the exploited stock and its possible migration and/or relationships with other stocks. Location of red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) catches in the Strait of Gibraltar. Analysis of the differences between the Spanish and Moroccan fisheries: vessels, fishing gear, historical series, etc. - Analysis of available information, both in terms of fishery statistics (catch, effort, size distributions) and of the biological parameters of the target species (reproduction, growth, feeding, etc.). - Review of the stock assessment methods used to date. Presentation of national assessments made so far in the international forums: ICES and GFCM. Discussion of the desirability of joint assessments (data and appropriate methodology). - Discussion of sampling plans and data acquisition. Data standardization possibilities. - Consideration of possible new evaluation methods based on the commercial fishery data or independently of it (campaigns). - Feasibility of joint management measures. Discussion of the adequacy of recovery plans in which the resource had been included (mainly by Spain).

9. A joint research work plan for P. bogaraveo in the Strait of Gibraltar? What do we need? What do we have?

The Working Group noted that, despite the efforts made by the INRH to obtain statistical and biological data, both the type of data and the frequency of sampling of the landings differed from those of the IEO. To facilitate discussion of data-sharing between the two institutions and the data needed to develop a joint work plan, two tables were prepared: one with the data/parameters currently available (Table 1); and another with the data/minimum-priority parameters that would be collected by the two institutions (Table 2).

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Table 1. Comparison of the data/parameters currently collected by IEO and INRH.

Data INRH Periodicity IEO Periodicity Observations Landings X January-

December (monthly)

X Quarterly INRH data in Tangier. IEO data in Tarifa and Algeciras (although data are collected quarterly by boat and fishing day)

Fishing effort X January-December (monthly)

X Quarterly INRH data in Tangier. IEO data in Tarifa and Algeciras (although data are collected quarterly by boat and fishing day)

Length-frequency distributions

X Quarterly X Monthly Length-frequency distribution sampling in the port of Tangier. Length-frequency distribution sampling by commercial category (4) in the port of Tarifa

Fishing grounds – – X Monthly Information from the "green boxes" (from 2008 onwards) and on-board observers programme (2005-2009)

Biological parameters: 1. Size 2. Weight 3. Sex 4. EMS 5. Age 6. Food

– – X Monthly Monthly biological sampling (± 60 samples) from 2003 to 2009

Table 2. Data/minimum-priority parameters collected by IEO and INRH.

Data INRH Periodicity IEO Periodicity Observations Landings X January-

December (monthly)

X Quarterly INRH data in Tangier and artisanal fleet. IEO data in Tarifa and Algeciras

Fishing effort X January-December (monthly)

X Quarterly INRH data in Tangier and artisanal fleet. IEO data in Tarifa and Algeciras

Length-frequency distributions

X Monthly X Monthly INRH data in Tangier and artisanal fleet. Size sampling of all commercial categories at the port of Tangier. To estimate the catches of small specimens (non-commercial), the commercial sampling should be supplemented with size samples from the artisanal fisheries. Size sampling by commercial category (4) in the port of Tarifa. To estimate the catches of small specimens (non-commercial), the commercial sampling should be complemented by concurrent sampling (and/or by-catch sampling) on board the commercial fishing vessels

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Biological Parameters: 1. Size 2. Weight 3. Sex 4. EMS 5. Age 6. Food

X Monthly X Monthly At least three years. At least one full year of sampling every three years (triennial). IEO has not carried out biological sampling since 2010

Estimated by-catch by trawlers

X Quarterly X Quarterly Estimated by-catch by trawlers based in the ports of Al Hoceima and M'diq

Although the situation in both countries is not similar, the sampling systems used by both institutions for this stock should be strengthened. IEO carried out some of the biological studies in the framework of the IEO-Junta de Andalucía agreement, which ended in October 2010, so it is necessary to renew this agreement.

INRH experts expressed the difficulties facing them in taking biological samples and considered it advisable to study the possibility of CopeMed II funding support for this purpose. Mr. Camiñas informed the participants that CopeMed II could contribute if there was a work plan agreed by the two national institutions, with established implementation deadlines, cost estimates and possible national contributions. Additional funding from other institutions (GFCM, EU, etc.) for priority activities in any joint work plan should also be considered.

Another problem to be solved is the non-demarcation of the fishing areas for the Tangier fleet. INRH experts will carry out a survey of that port that will allow the fisheries of the Moroccan fleet to be defined and data to be provided. A similar effort should be made with the artisanal fleet, using available data (FAO-ArtFiMed in Dikky); it would also be desirable that the INRH conduct some surveys to identify the fishing areas of Ksar-Sghir and Ferdioua artisanal fishing fleets. If necessary, CopeMed II could provide support to conduct the Moroccan surveys.

10.Recovery and/or management plans implemented for P. bogaraveo

The purpose of this agenda item was to discuss existing plans, both in Morocco and Spain, for the management of the P. bogaraveo fishery. Since the relevant information was not available to the meeting, the possibility was considered that, in order to compare existing regulations and to work on them, experts from each country will prepare a brief summary of national fishery legislation relevant to the management of the red seabream fisheries and provide a copy of it to the WG.

The regulation governing red seabream fisheries in Morocco is limited to the Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries No. 3083-09DU 12 Muharram 1431 (29 December 2009) amending and supplementing Decree No. 1154-88 of 20 Safar 1409 (3 October 1988) which sets the minimum market size for red seabream at 25 cm. (fork length). In general, management measures implemented for the demersal fishery are limited to a regulation 50-mm mesh size for trawlers and a ban on fishing in the coastal strip within 3 miles east of the port of Al Hoceima and at a depth of less than 80 m to the west of this port.

For the Spanish fishery, see section 6.

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11.Conclusions and recommendations

The WG pointed out the lack of data of Morocco on P. bogareaveo artisanal fisheries and recommended to update and to complete the available information and also to define the fishing areas of the Moroccan fleet for this species.

ArtFiMed artisanal fishery monitoring system in Dikky is the only one currently providing statistical data on the activities of artisanal fisheries targeting P. bogaraveo in the Moroccan Mediterranean and the implementation of this system in other areas to improve evaluation of production, fishing effort and socioeconomic importance of this fishery in Morocco was recommended.

Based on the experience and learned lessons with the Spanish monitoring and control system (SLSEPA), a pilot experience installing some ERE in Moroccan vessels, should be seen as an opportunity for collaboration between Morocco and Spain to improve the control and monitoring of Moroccan fishery.

In order to strengthen sampling methodology and to analyse data sharing for this stock, a joint work plan between the Moroccan and Spanish institutions (INRH and IEO) for the P. bogaraveo stock in the Strait of Gibraltar was recommended. CopeMed II could support this initiative and additional funding from other institutions (GFCM, EU, etc.) to carry out priority activities should be also considered.

CopeMed II compromised to assist in the preparation of a bibliographic database on the red seabream of the Strait of Gibraltar and to create a specific area for documentation in the web of the project.

The WG agreed on organizing a joint assessment workshop on P. bogaraveo stock in the Strait of Gibraltar between Morocco and Spain next September 2010.

12.Other matters

Mr. Gil reported on his participation in the DEEPFISHMAN project ( which is aimed at developing a range of strategy options for the management of deepwater fisheries in the north-east Atlantic. One of the case studies was related to artisanal fisheries and the one selected is a fishery for a vulnerable stock: red (blackspot) seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) in the Strait of Gibraltar and the Bay of Biscay, coordinated by IEO (Spain).

Mr. Camiñas reported on the AECID (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo) Programme ( PCI (Spain)) which can provide funding for the preparation of the joint Spain-Morocco Work Plan for the Management of the Red Seabream Fishery. The PCI includes funding for activities seeking support, as well as for ongoing projects (

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After discussing of the forthcoming activities of the ad hoc scientific Working Group between Morocco and Spain on Pagellus bogaraveo in the Strait of Gibraltar area, the meeting agreed on the following tentative activities and dates:

Drafting of the Terms of Reference for the assessment WG (First joint assessment exercise on red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) of the Strait of Gibraltar area between Spain and Morocco): 21-22 September 2010(responsible: J. Gil, CopeMed II). Finalization of the report of the present session of the ad hoc scientific Working Group between Morocco and Spain on Pagellus bogaraveo in the Strait of Gibraltar area: 15 September 2010 (responsible: CopeMed II). Organization of the first meeting of the assessment WG (First joint assessment exercise on red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo): Málaga, 2-3 days, starting on 21 September 2010 (Coordination: IEO). Finalization of the report of the assessment WG (First joint assessment exercise on red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo): 10 days after the first meeting of the assessment WG (Chair of the WG).

Participants thanked the Subdelegación del Gobierno for hosting the meeting and expressed their appreciation of the excellent working conditions provided; they also requested FAO-CopeMed to prepare the report of the present meeting. It was agreed that the report will be adopted by correspondence.

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Annex I. List of participants


Sadia BELCAID Fishery biologist Centre INRH in Tangier B.P. 5268, Dradeb 90000 Tangier, Morocco Tel: +212 5639325134 Fax: +212 5639325139 Email: [email protected]

Omar KADA Chief of Halieutic Resources Laboratory Centre INRH in Nador B.P 493 Nador, Morocco Tel: +212 636331251 Fax: +212 636603828 Email: [email protected]


Luis Alberto DEL OLMO GARRUDO Chief Department Resources Management Consejería de Pesca y Agricultura Junta de Andalucía C/ Tabladilla s/n 41071 Sevilla Tel: +34 955032481 Fax: +34 955032507 Email: [email protected]

Juan José GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Department Resources Protection Consejería de Pesca y Agricultura Junta de Andalucía C/ Tabladilla s/n 41071 Sevilla Tel: +34 955032481 Fax: +34 955032507 Email: [email protected]


Jorge BARO Director Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) Puerto Pesquero s/n 29640 Fuengirola, Málaga Tel: +34 952478148 Fax: +34 952463808 Email: [email protected]

Alberto GARCÍA Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) Puerto Pesquero s/n 29640 Fuengirola, Málaga Tel: +34 952478148 Fax: +34 952463808 Email: [email protected]

Juan GIL HERRERA Centro Oceanográfico de Cádiz Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) Puerto Pesquero s/n 11006 Cádiz Tel: +34 956294189 Fax: +34 956294232 Email: [email protected]


Juan Antonio CAMIÑAS Project Coordinator CopeMed II and ArtFiMed FAO-Fisheries Management and Conservation Service Subdelegación del Gobierno Paseo de Sancha 64, despacho 306 29071 Málaga, España Tel: +34 952989299 Fax: +34 952989252 Email: [email protected]

Matthieu BERNARDON Fishery Officer CopeMed II and ArtFiMed FAO-Fisheries Management and Conservation Service Subdelegación del Gobierno Paseo de Sancha 64, despacho 306 29071 Málaga, España Tel: +34 952989245 Fax: +34 952989252 Email: [email protected]

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Annex II. Agenda

1. Opening of the meeting and designation of chairperson and rapporteurs.

2. Adoption of the Agenda.

3. Objectives of the meeting.

4. Report of Morocco on the P. bogaraveo fishery.

5. ArtFiMed report on the P bogaraveo fishery in Dikky (Morocco).

6. Report of Spain on the P. bogaraveo fishery.

7. Stock assessment methodologies. Stock assessments presented to ICES, GFCM, and other relevant scientific bodies.

8. Data needs for a future.

9. A joint research work plan for P. bogaraveo in the Strait of Gibraltar? What do we need? What do we have?

10. Recovery and/or management plans implemented for the P. Bogaraveo fishery. 11. Other matters.

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Annex III. Introduction and Objectives of the meeting (by the CopeMed II Project coordinator)

The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM)’s objectives are to promote the development, conservation, rational management and best utilization of living marine resources, as well as the sustainable development of aquaculture in the Mediterranean, Black Sea and connecting waters3. The Commission implements its policy and activities through the Secretariat and operates during the intersessional period by means of the following committees:

• Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ): established in 1995• Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC): established in 1997 • Compliance Committee (CoC): established in 2006 • Committee on Administration and Finance (CAF): established in 2009

The SAC provides independent advice on the technical and scientific bases for decisions concerning fishery conservation and management, including biological, social and economic aspects; in particular, it:

• assesses information provided by Members and relevant fishery organizations or programmes on catches, fishing effort and other data relevant to the conservation and management of fisheries;

• formulates advice to the Commission on the conservation and management of fisheries;

• identifies cooperative research programmes and coordinates their implementation; • undertakes such other functions or responsibilities as may be conferred on it by the


During the 12th Session of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), held in Budva, Montenegro, 25-29 January 2010, the Committee, in the Summary Report of its 12th Session, adopted (in paragraph 70 thereof), the following proposal:

In relation to the assessment of the blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) carried out in GSA03, the Spanish delegation noted that this fishery extended into the Atlantic in GSA01 and proposed the establishment of a joint ad hoc working group involving Moroccan and Spanish scientists to analyse the existing information and the importance of presenting the outcome to SAC.

The SAC itself proposed the establishment of a joint ad hoc scientific Working Group between Morocco and Spain on Pagellus bogaraveo in the Strait of Gibraltar area to analyse the existing information. CopeMed II was requested to support the organization and running of a meeting of this Working Group. Moreover, during the 3rd Session of the Coordination Committee of CopeMed II, it was also agreed that the project would support the organization of a meeting of the Working Group between Morocco and Spain on Pagellus bogaraveo in the Strait of Gibraltar area, as requested by the SAC.

The GFCM definition of shared stocks The SAC, since the beginning of its activities, has discussed a common definition of “shared stocks.” The SAC agreed a list of priority species and a list of shared stocks. At its tenth

3 In “About the GFCM”:

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session, the Scientific Advisory Committee (Nicosia, Cyprus, 22-26 October 2007) adopted the following definition4:

A group of exploitable organisms, distributed over, or migrating across, the maritime boundary between two or more national jurisdictions, or the maritime boundary of a national jurisdiction and the adjacent high seas, whose exploitation is carried out by more than one country and which can only be managed effectively through cooperation between all concerned States.

The Committee agreed the criteria to be used in the identification of shared stocks, as presented in the above-mentioned document (GFCM: SAC10/2007/Dma.5), the following four (4) criteria to be taken into account:

Population. Identified by genetic and/or morphometric methods; Exploitation. The population should be currently exploited; Fleet. The fleets of different GFCM countries are currently exploiting the population. Other fleets of non-GFCM countries could also exploit the population; GSA. The fishing activities are carried out and catches produced in one or more GFCM sub-areas (GSA).

The Committee recognized, however, that the process to define and to set the criteria to identify shared stocks is still under discussion, and that there is a need for testing those criteria. It agreed that only priority species should be included in the shared-stocks list.

GFCM Glossary The GFCM Glossary was reviewed in 2009 and a final version is being prepared by the GFCM. The definition of shared stocks proposed in this new Glossary is:

Shared stock: Stock fished by two or more countries.

The FAO Fisheries Glossary The definition in the FAO Fisheries Glossary is as follows: Shared stock: Shared stocks are generally understood (including by FAO) as stocks that can be exploited by more than one country. They include: transboundary, highly migratory, straddling, and purely high seas stocks.

Other Definitions Stocks of fish that migrate across the EEZs boundary of adjacent or opposite coastal states. More generally called transboundary stocks.

Background information for the identification of P. bogaraveo as a shared stock in the Strait of Gibraltar During the Málaga meeting on shared stocks5 Farrugio stated that During the last decade stock assessments have been done in several GSAs of the CopeMed II sub-region regarding several of the demersal and small pelagic species listed in the GFCM list of priority species, some of them being considered as shared ones. These studies have been realized in the frame

4 FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean/Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée. 2008. Report of the tenth session of the Scientific Advisory Committee. Nicosia, Cyprus, 22–26 October 2007/Rapport de la dixième session du Comité scientifique consultatif. Nicosie, Chypre, 22-26 octobre 2007. FAO Fisheries Report/FAO Rapport sur les pêches. No. 856. Rome, FAO. 144pp.5 CopeMed II, 2010. Report of the CopeMed II meeting on the definition of priority topics related to shared resources (demersal and pelagic) in the subregion. Málaga, Spain, 29-30 April 2010.

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of the activities of the GFCM Sub-Committee on Stock Assessment (SCSA) working groups and of the Sub-Regional FAO projects CopeMed I and MedSudMed.

He also said6: 10 species of the general list of the SAC on priority species (Rome, 2006) are currently considered as shared between at least 2 countries belonging to the CopeMed II sub-region. They are presented in the Table 1 here below:

Table 1 (based on Farrugio, 2010).

English common name Scientific name Area Exploiting Countries

Dolphin fish Coryphaena hippurus Western Mediterranean Italy, Malta, Spain, Tunisia Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus Gulf of Lions France and Spain Hake Merluccius merluccius Gulf of Lions France and Spain Hake Merluccius merluccius Northern Tyrrhenian Sea and Corsica Italy and France Hake Merluccius merluccius Strait of Sicily Italy, Tunisia, Libya, Malta Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou Northern Tyrrhenian Sea and Corsica Italy and France

Red mullet Mullus barbatus Western Mediterranean Corsica and Sardinia

Striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus Western Mediterranean Corsica and Sardinia

Blackspot seabream Pagellus bogaraveo Alboran Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar

Spain and Morocco

Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus Northern Tyrrhenian Sea and Corsica Italy and France

Common spiny lobster Palinurus elephas Western Mediterranean Corsica and Sardinia

Common spiny lobster Palinurus elephas Strait of Sicily Tunisia and Italy

Pink spiny lobster Palinurus mauritanicus Strait of Sicily Tunisia and Italy

Porbeagle Lamna nassus All Mediterranean All countries

Shortfin mako Isurus oxyrhinchus All Mediterranean All countries

Blue shark Prionace glauca All Mediterranean All countries

Albacore Thunnus alalunga All Mediterranean All countries

Bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus All Mediterranean All countries

Swordfish Xiphias gladius All Mediterranean All countries

When reviewing the assessments carried out by the SCSA, Farrugio included a single stock assessment (Table 2) that was carried out by the INRH (Morocco) in the southern Alboran Sea:

Table 2 (from Farrugio, 2010).




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Northern Alboran Sea 1 5 4 9 Southern Alboran Sea 3 1 1 1 1 1 5 Algeria 4 1 1 Balearic Islands 5 4 2 3 4 2 15Northern Spain 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 23Gulf of Lions 7 4 4 4 1 13

6 Farrugio, H., 2010. The assessment on the current list of shared stocks in the CopeMed subregion and a proposal for an updated list. CopeMed II–ArtFiMed Technical Documents No.14 (GCP/INT/028/SPA – GCP/INT/006/EC). Malaga, 2010: 21pp.

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Ligurian & northern Tyrrhenian Seas 9 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 Southern & central Tyrrhenian Sea 10 1 1 Northern Tunisia 12 1 1 2 Gulf of Hammamet 13 1 1 2 Gulf of Gabes 14 1 1 Malta 15 1 1 1 1 4 South of Sicily 16 1 3 2 1 1 8 Number of assessments/species 20 18 13 9 7 7 5 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 93Number of GSAs/species 8 6 4 6 5 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

Moreover the Málaga meeting on shared stocks considered the Strait of Gibraltar and the Alboran Sea as a potentially important area for the study of shared stocks.

Strait of Gibraltar and Alboran Sea In general, many species in the Alboran Sea may be considered as shared resources on the basis of the fact that they occupy all or a large part of the Alboran basin. They are subject to common complex hydrographical features (as the exchange of water masses between the Atlantic and Mediterranean, that affect the northern and southern parts of the Alboran Sea) that influence the life cycle and distribution of many species that could constitute shared stocks.

The WG (Málaga, 29-30 April 2010) decided that the issue of Pagellus bogaraveo should be dealt with by the Sub-regional Working Group on Demersal Fisheries Resources.

Other considerations The above-mentioned meeting of experts in Málaga agreed to consider as potential shared stocks those included in Farrugio (2010), who considered three criteria for their inclusion:

New proposals of shared stocks

Apart from some rare exception, due to the highly multispecific characteristics of the Mediterranean fish populations, it cannot be said that a fishery in the region can be considered as targeting only one single species. So it is evident that the current list of specific shared stocks should be completed with some other species. To select the most important ones, three main sources of information can be used: (i) the species accompanying the target species; (ii) the landing statistics; and (iii) the opinions of the national scientific experts.

Species accompanying the target species

The GFCM-SCSA assessment forms include lists of accompanying species that can be considered as important in the landings of the main shared species that have been assessed so far in the CopeMed II sub-region. For the 2005-2009 period, the available information on this topic for the Alboran Sea and Strait of Gibraltar is the following:

GSA01 Species accompanying hake: Helicolenus dactylopterus, Lepidorhombus spp., Lophiusspp., Micromesistius poutassou, Mullus barbatus, Mullus surmuletus, Octopus vulgaris, Pagellus bogaraveo, Phycis blennoides, Parapenaeus longirostris, Scyliorhinus canicula, Trisopterus minutus capelanus.

This means that P. bogaraveo is not only a target species in the Strait of Gibraltar, but also one of the species landed by the trawl fishery in the Alboran Sea.

Finally, a preliminary revision of the above three sources of information allows the construction of Table 3 with respect to fishes.

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Table 3: A proposal for an updated list of shared stocks (fishes only) in the CopeMed II sub-region (summarized from the original by Farrugio, 2010).

English name Scientific name Area (and GSAs) Countries Dolphin fish Coryphaena hippurus Western Mediterranean Italy, Malta, Spain and Tunisia

Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus Gulf of Lions (GSA7, GSA9) France and Spain

* Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus Alboran Sea (GSA3, 4) Morocco and Algeria

* Sardine Sardina pilchardus Alboran Sea (GSA3, GSA4) Morocco and Algeria

Hake Merluccius merluccius Gulf of Lions (GSA7, GSA9) France and Spain

Hake Merluccius merluccius Northern Tyrrhenian Sea and Corsica (GSA8+9) Italy and France

Hake Merluccius merluccius Strait of Sicily (GSA12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21) Italy, Tunisia, Libya and Malta

* Hake Merluccius merluccius Alboran Sea (GSA3, GSA4) Morocco and Algeria

Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou Northern Tyrrhenian Sea and Corsica (GSA8+9) Italy and France

* Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou Alboran Sea (GSA3, GSA4) Morocco and Algeria

Red mullet Mullus barbatus Corsica and Sardinia (GSA8, GSA11) Italy and France

* Red mullet Mullus barbatus Alboran Sea (GSA3, GSA4+GSA1?) Morocco, Algeria and (Spain?)

Striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus Corsica and Sardinia (GSA8, GSA11) Italy and France

* Striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus Alboran Sea (GSA3, GSA4) Morocco and Algeria

Blackspot seabream Pagellus bogaraveo Alboran Sea and Strait of Gibraltar (GSA1+3) Spain and Morocco

* Blackspot seabream Pagellus bogaraveo Alboran Sea (GSA3, GSA4+GSA1?) Morocco and Algeria and (Spain?)

* Red mullet Mullus barbatus Strait of Sicily (GSA12, 13, 15, 16) Italy, Malta and Tunisia

* Great amberjack Seriola dumerili Western Mediterranean Italy, Malta, Spain and Tunisia

* Axillary seabream Pagellus acarne Alboran Sea (GSA3, GSA4) Morocco and Algeria

* Horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus Alboran Sea (GSA3, GSA4) Morocco and Algeria

* Bogue Boops boops Alboran Sea (GSA3, GSA4) Morocco and Algeria

Porbeagle Lamna nassus All Mediterranean All countries

Shortfin mako Isurus oxyrhinchus All Mediterranean All countries

Blue shark Prionace glauca All Mediterranean All countries

Albacore Thunnus alalunga All Mediterranean All countries

Bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus All Mediterranean All countries

Swordfish Xiphias gladius All Mediterranean All countries

* .= new shared stock proposed

Terms of Reference for the Sub-regional Working Group on Demersal Fisheries Resources On the basis of the listing of shared stocks and the corresponding fisheries prepared by the first CopeMed II sub-regional meeting on shared stocks (Tables 1 and 2), the Working Group on Demersal Fisheries Resources should, at their first meeting: • Compile and review all information available on the biological and ecological characteristics of these stocks; • Compile and review the information available on the dynamics of the fisheries, including defining the relevant Operational Units; • Define how the stocks are shared (e.g. movement across the regions, fleets exploring common grounds, movements of eggs and larvae etc.), and decide which of them should be assessed as shared stocks; • Identify the level of priority to be given to work on each of these shared stocks, based on their relative socio-economic importance and total landings in the countries involved, so as to develop a feasible and phased work programme; • Define the data and information required for the assessment, and decide the units and format under which it should be submitted, according to the GFCM-SAC standards;

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• Identify the gaps in the scientific knowledge necessary for carrying out joint assessments of these stocks; • Prepare a scientific programme to address these gaps, in such a way that joint assessments of the priority stocks and fisheries can be carried out within a reasonable time-frame; • Identify the methods that can be used for the assessment of these stocks, given the types of information currently available or to become available in the sequence of the planned scientific programme; • Prepare an adequate report of the meeting and of the conclusions reached.

SAC priority species list (Rome, 2006)

Danube sturgeon(=Osetr) Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Starry sturgeon Acipenser stellatus Sturgeon Acipenser sturio European eel Anguilla anguilla Giant red shrimp Aristaeomorpha foliacea Blue and red shrimp Aristeus antennatus Bogue Boops boops Common dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus Horned octopus Eledone cirrosa Musky octopus Eledone moschata Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus Beluga Huso huso Shortfin mako Isurus oxyrhinchus Porbeagle Lamna nasus European squid Loligo vulgaris Blackbellied angler Lophius budegassa Monkfish or angler Lophius piscatorius Whiting Merlangius merlangus Hake Merluccius merluccius Blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou Red mullet Mullus barbatus Striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus Blackspot seabream Pagellus bogaraveo Common pandora Pagellus erythrinus Common spiny lobster Palinurus elephas Pink spiny lobster Palinurus mauritanicus Deepwater rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix Blue shark Prionace glauca Turbot Psetta maxima Sardine Sardina pilchardus Round sardinella Sardinella aurita Atlantic mackerel Scomber scomber Common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis Common sole Solea vulgaris Sprat Sprattus sprattus Albacore Thunnus alalunga Bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus Mediterranean horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus Swordfish Xiphias gladius

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Annex IV. Rapport sur l’état de la pêcherie de la dorade rose (Pagellus bogaraveo) du Détroit de Gibraltar (Sadia BELCAID et Omar KADA)

1- Introduction Le Détroit de Gibraltar se situe entre le Maroc et l’Espagne et sépare les deux façades de la Méditerranée et de l’Atlantique. Il se caractérise par une largeur moyenne de 20 km et une profondeur qui peut atteindre 1200 m. Cette zone, assurant l’échange entre les masses d’eau méditerranéennes et atlantiques, est une voie de passage de grandes espèces migratrices. Cette situation géographique privilégiée donne, à l’échelle nationale, une grande importance au secteur de la pêche artisanale. La nature rocheuse des fonds marins au niveau du Détroit de Gibraltar favorise la présence d’une biodiversité halieutique importante ; la dorade rose est marquée parmi les ressources assez abondantes dans ces fonds dures. Le comportement grégaire de cette espèce, son abondance non négligeable dans cette région ainsi que sa valeur économique importante et la demande du marché européen permettent de développer une pêche artisanale et palangrière rochelaises, moyennant la palangre comme engin de pêche. Par ailleurs, en plus de la palangre à vorace, une diversité d’engins sont utilisés par les palangriers ce qui justifie le recours à la saisonnalité des métiers pratiqués et aussi des espèces ciblées. Toutefois, cette activité est pratiquée toute l’année à des profondeurs élevées, avec une intensité variable selon les saisons avec des pics de l’activité enregistrés entre janvier et avril et entre septembre et décembre. La pêcherie de dorade rose est pratiquée essentiellement par la flottille palangrière attaché au port de Tanger et par un grand nombre de barques localisées dans différentes sites artisanales de la région ; elle est également ciblée comme espèce accessoire par les chalutiers attachés aux différents ports de la Méditerranée, notamment le port d’Al Hoceima et le port de M’diq. Il s’agit d’une activité d’exploitation qui se pratique essentiellement entre le Cap Spartel et la la plage de Dalia (au niveau Cap Punta Cires), par une centaine de palangriers et environ 470 barques, employant environ 2200 pêcheurs résidant à proximité des sites de pêche et dans la ville de Tanger.

2- Répartition de la dorade rose Pour l’ensemble de la Méditerranée marocaine, on constate une grande disparité dans la répartition de l’espèce de la dorade rose, ce qui se traduit par une variation importante dans les débarquements de cette espèce. En effet, selon les données officielles de l’Office National de pêche (ONP), les plus importants points de débarquement de la dorade rose sont le port de Tanger et les sites de pêche de Ksar Shgir et Dikky, par plus de 64% de la capture totale de cette espèce de la Méditerranée marocaine ; viennent après respectivement les ports d’Al Hoceima et Nador avec une contribution de 29% et de 7% dans le total débarqué pour cette espèce de sparidés en Méditerranée marocaine (Fig.1 et 2).

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Nador 7%

Al hoceima29%


Figure 1: Répartition des captures de la dorade rose au niveau des principaux points de débarquement existants en Méditerranée marocaine.










Figure 2 : Carte de localisation des principaux ports de la Méditerranée marocaine.

3- La flottille de pêche La flottille de pêche qui cible particulièrement la dorade rose, est constituée d’une moyenne de 108 palangriers attachés au port de Tanger ayant un TJB moyen de l’ordre de 20 tx, une puissance motrice moyenne de 160 CV et un âge moyen de 7 ans, et environ 435 canots ayant une puissance motrice moyenne de 15 CV et un TJB moyen de 1.6 tx ; ces canots sont opérationnels aux différents sites de la pêche artisanale du Détroit de Gibraltar, notamment les sites de Ksar Sghir, Dikky et Ferdioua. Cependant, les chalutiers exploitant occasionnellement cette espèce sont composés de 114 unités possédant une puissance motrice moyenne de 325 CV et un TJB moyen de 50 tx, localisés dans touts les ports tels que les ports Al Hoceima, M’diq et Nador.

4- Engins de pêche Le principal engin de pêche utilisé par la flottille palangrière et artisanale est la palangre de fond, désigné localement par la palangre à voracé. Cet engin est caractérisé par une longueur variable entre 150 et 200 m ; l’hameçon utilisé est variable selon la taille de la dorade recherchée, mais souvent les hameçons numéro 11 et 12 sont les plus utilisés. Toutefois, le nombre d’engins utilisé par unité de pêche est variable ; il peut atteindre jusqu’à 25 engins par barque.

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Alors que l’engin utilisé par les chalutiers est le chalut qui est caractérisé par un maillage réglementaire de 40 mm, d’une longueur moyenne de câble de 1040 m et d’un diamètre de câble qui varie de 11 à 15 mm selon la taille et la puissance motrice des bateaux.

5- Identité du stock La population de dorade rose (Pagellus bogaraveo) est considérée comme un seul stock. Elle est fréquente dans les eaux côtières, dans les différents types de fond (rochers, sable, boue) jusqu’à 400 m de profondeur en Méditerranée ; les jeunes se localisent près de la côte, alors que les adultes se trouvent sur la pente continentale spécialement sur les fonds boueux.

6- Caractéristiques biologiques La dorade rose est une espèce protandrique hermaphrodite ; les individus deviennent femelles à 20-30 cm de longueur. Les adultes se déplacent vers la côte jusqu'au bord du plateau continental pour frayer de janvier à juin. Elle a un régime alimentaire omnivore, mais se nourrissent principalement de crustacés, mollusques, vers et petits poissons (source : Fishbase).

7- Systèmes de collecte de données et d’échantillonnage 7.1 Capture et effortA partir de 2001, l’Office national des pêches (ONP) au Maroc a instauré un système de saisie des débarquements journaliers dans les principaux ports (système MAIA). Les débarquements sont saisis par jour, par bateau, par métier et par espèce dans chaque port et sont transmis chaque jour au siège central de l’ONP à Casablanca. En 2003, le système MAIA était opérationnel au niveau de tous les ports du Maroc. Ainsi les données concernant les débarquements et l’effort de pêche depuis 2001 sont disponibles à l’INRH sous forme d’une base de données brutes. La capture concernant la période 1983-2002 est fournie à partir de la base de données COMA de l’office de l’ONP, alors que ceux de l’effort de pêche sont disponibles sur les bulletins de vente auprès de l’ONP. 7.2 Paramètres biologiquesPour l’étude des caractéristiques biologiques de la dorade rose au niveau de la Méditerranée Ouest du Maroc, un échantillonnage des débarquements de la pêche commerciale a été adopté depuis 2005 par le Centre Régional de l’INRH de Tanger au niveau du port de Tanger permettant ainsi de donner des informations sur sa structure démographique. L’échantillonnage se concentre uniquement sur les fréquences de tailles car il est impossible d’accéder à d’autres paramètres, vu la valeur élevée de cette espèce.

8- Tendances des données 8.1. Captures Selon les données officielles de l’ONP, les débarquements annuels de la dorade rose enregistrés par la flottille de la pêche côtière et artisanale en Méditerranée marocaine, montrent une tendance d’augmentation continue durant la période 2001-2009. En effet, en 2001 les captures sont de l’ordre de 17 tonnes pour atteindre environ 107 tonnes en 2009. Toutefois, la courbe des débarquements annuels au port de Tanger seul présente la même allure de celui des débarquements globaux, d’une part, et la contribution de ce port représente la grande partie des débarquements de cette espèce durant les neuf dernières années, d’autre part, en engendrant 92% de la capture totale de la dorade rose en Méditerranée en 2009 (Fig. 3).

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Figure 3 : L’évolution annuelle des débarquements globaux en tonnes de la dorade rose et dans les trois principaux ports de la Méditerranée marocaine.

Il est important de noter que la pêche artisanale au Maroc est un secteur informel ; il n’est pas bien contrôlé, et par conséquent, la production des sites artisanales en voracé n’est pas enregistrée dans sa totalité dans les données officielles de l’ONP, ce qui influence sur la fiabilité des résultats de la production de cette espèce, notamment, que dans notre zone d’étude la dorade rose est excessivement exploité par la pêche artisanale. Toutefois, d’après l’étude entamée dans le cadre du projet « ArtFiMed », il est estimé que dans le site de Dikky seul, la production mensuelle moyenne de la dorade rose est de l’ordre de 100 kg par barque, donc on peut suggérer ainsi, si les 435 barques opérationnelles au niveau du Détroit de Gibraltar exploitent de la même façon la dorade rose, les captures annuelles enregistrées ci-dessus seront haussé au moins de 500 tonnes. 8.2. EffortL’effort de pêche exercé sur la dorade rose par la flotille basée au port de Tanger seul a connu durant la période 2001-2005 une tendance à une stabilité, mais au-delà, il a connu un accroissement continu pour atteindre le niveau maximal en 2009, soit 4689 jours de pêche. (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 : Evolution de l’effort de pêche ciblant la dorade rose à Tanger.

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8.3 Indices d’abondanceL’évolution des prises par unité d’effort (CPUE) de la flotte côtière palangrière et artisanale montre que la CPUE (exprimée en kilogrammes par jour de pêche, kg/jp) a enregistré son niveau le plus haut en 2006, soit 42,3 kg/jp, suivi d’une chute significative en 2008 (17,8 kg/jp). Les rendements se sont légèrement améliorés en 2009 pour atteindre 21 kg/jp (Fig. 5).

Figure 5 : Evolution de la CPUE en kilogrammes par jours de pêche de la flotte ciblant la dorade rose à Tanger.

8.4 Composition en tailles et autres informationsL’échantillonnage des fréquences de tailles a concerné essentiellement les débarquements des palangriers au port de Tanger depuis 2005 à raison d’une fois par semaine. La taille à la fourche individuelle est mesurée à l’aide d’un ichtyomètre à buttoir après avoir pesé l’échantillon à l’aide d’une balance à précision de 1 g.

L’analyse de l’évolution des structures en tailles des débarquements de la dorade rose par les palangriers attachés au port de Tanger montrent que la gamme de taille ciblée est comprise entre 21 et 53 cm et elle est constituée essentiellement des adultes. La taille moyenne annuelle oscille entre 32,3 et 38,9 cm et a été enregistrée respectivement en 2007 et 2006 (Fig. 6). Le pourcentage des juvéniles dans les captures des palangriers est faible ; cela peut être dû à l’utilisation des hameçons (n° 11 e 12) sélectifs de taille.

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Figure 6 : La distribution de taille annuelle de la dorade rose débarquée au port de Tanger entre 2005 et 2009.

8.5 Mesures d’aménagement en coursPour la pêcherie démersale, les mesures de gestion appliquées se limitent au maillage réglementé à 50 mm pour les chalutiers et à l’interdiction de la pêche dans la bande côtière, inférieure à 3 milles à l’Est du port d’Al Hoceima et à moins de 80 m de profondeur à l’Ouest de ce port.

8.6 EvaluationMéthodesLors du Groupe de Travail de l’évaluation des stock des espèces démersales du CGPM tenu du 19 au 23 octobre à Ancona, Italie ; l’évaluation de la dorade rose ciblée par les palangriers du Détroit de Gibraltar est menée par le biais de l'analyse de la pseudo-cohorte sur les données de fréquence et des paramètres adhérents. Le modèle analytique LCA (length-cohort analysis) et le modèle de rendement par recrue ont été tournés par le logiciel VIT (Lleonard et Salat, 1992) pour l’évaluation de l’état du stock de cette espèce. DonnéesPour l’évaluation du Pagellus bagaraveo, basé sur le modèle analytique LCA, la moyenne des fréquences de tailles des années 2005–2006–2007 a été utilisée, vu que c’est la série disponible. Ces données ont été obtenues par échantillonnage biologique de Pagellus bogaraveo débarquée au port de Tanger, et les données statistiques utilisées sont les statistiques officielles de l'ONP et le DPM, alors que les données des paramètres de croissance et de relation taille-poids utilisées sont issus de Fishbase (selon une étude portugaise) vu la l’absence d’une étude biologique complète de la dorade rose au Maroc. RésultatsLes résultats du modèle montrent que cette espèce est modérément exploité, mais à maintenir l’effort de pêche à l’état actuel en vue d’une exploitation durable.

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9- Recommandations d’aménagement Tenant compte des résultats des évaluations, le Groupe de travail a décidé de recommander de maintenir l’effort de pêche à son niveau actuel comme mesure de précaution.

10- Recherche future • La réalisation d’une étude biologique complète de la dorade rose afin d’estimer les

paramètres de croissance et de reproduction nécessaires à l’évaluation de ce stock ;

• L’élargissement de l’échantillonnage biologique pour les débarquements de la pêche artisanale ;

• Evaluation des prises accessoires en dorade rose des autres pêcheries ;

• Collecter des données (capture et effort de pêche) sur l'activité des chalutiers qui exploite la dorade rose comme prise accessoire ;

• Egalement, il est impératif d’entamer d’autres études sur l’écologie de l’espèce telle que : l’étude d’interaction trophique par l’étude du régime alimentaire; l’étude génétique pour l’identification du stock; et l’étude sur la migration de l’espèce.

11- Conclusions et recommandations Au terme de ce travail, on conclu que la pêche de la dorade rose s’est développée d’une manière remarquable et cela est dû d’une manière générale à l’abondance de cette espèce dans la mer méditerranéenne marocaine, précisément dans le Détroit de Gibraltar, et aussi à la présence d’un marché européen très demandeur de cette espèce surtout en période automnale et hivernale, ce qui a engendré l’augmentation des prix et de sa valeur commerciale au fil des années précédentes. D’autre part, l’analyse des débarquements de la dorade rose et les données de campagnes scientifiques, montre une présence de cette espèce le long du littoral méditerranéen, avec une certaine variation en termes d’abondance, qui sont liées fortement aux types de fonds marins que lui réserve cette côte. En effet, les fortes concentrations de la dorade rose sont observées dans des fonds rocheux, où l’accès aux engins de pêche comme les chaluts reste très difficile ; par contre les palangriers peuvent réaliser des pêches importantes, et ce en raison des engins de pêche déployés pour la pêche de cette espèce. Les paramètres d’exploitation suivis lors de cette étude (capture, effort de pêche et rendement en valeur), font apparaître l’importance de cette pêcherie de dorade rose, surtout qu’elle fait participer au moins deux types de flottille. Ainsi, l’étude de la pêcherie de la dorade rose sera difficile à cerner si on ne couvre pas l’ensemble de flottilles qui pêche la dorade rose et également assurer le suivi au niveau de toute la répartition géographique de son stock. Pour un meilleur suivi de la pêcherie dorade rose et en raison des contraintes majeures quant à l’exécution des travaux d’échantillonnage, notamment l’accès aux échantillons de cette espèce pour la réalisation des travaux de biologie relatifs à la détermination des paramètres de croissance et de reproduction de ladite espèce, un budget spéciale dédié à l’achat d’échantillons de ce poisson, notamment au niveau des principaux points de débarquement de la dorade rose, en occurrence les ports de Tanger, de Ksar Saghir et Al Hoceima, est vivement sollicité.

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Annex V. ArtFiMed report on the P. Bogaraveo fishery in Dikky(Morocco)

La pêche artisanale à la Dorade rose Pagellus bogaraveo à Dikky (Maroc), dans la région du détroit de Gibraltar

Pêcheurs artisans Ghannouch (Tunisie)

Collectrices de palourdesEl Akarit (Tunisie)

Pêcheurs artisans Dikky (Maroc)

Institutions Nationales du Maroc et de Tunisie CGPM et les membres

Bénéficiaires et partenaires

Résultats attendus

o au niveau des communautés de pêche artisanales ciblées, par l’amélioration de lasituation socio-économique et des moyens d’existence durable des communautés cibléesau Maroc et en Tunisie

o au niveau des pays participants, par l’acquisition et la promotion de leçons et deméthodologies pour faciliter à la suite du projet une extension des actions à d’autrescommunautés de pêche artisanale et pour assurer la durabilité des acquis.

o Résultats attendus au niveau de la région CGPM, par le renforcement de la based’information sur les pêches artisanales méditerranéennes en vue de promouvoir et decapitaliser les expériences propres au développement durable des pêches artisanales et defaciliter à l’avenir les échanges d’expérience entre les pays de la Méditerranée.


Le projet ArtFiMed apporte une attention particulière à l’acquisition de connaissances sur :

• les pêches artisanales (sur la dynamique d’exploitation, les captures des stocks partagés et des espèces d’intérêt commun) et sur

• le renforcement des méthodes de suivi des pêches artisanales.

La pêche artisanale à Dikky au Maroc

Les données présentées dans ce rapport proviennent des informations recueillies

• dans le cadre du rapport diagnostique de la pêche artisanale de Dikky

• dans le cadre du système de suivi de la pêche artisanale à Dikky, mis en oeuvre dans le cadre du projet ArtFiMed.

Assuré par un pêcheur depuis mars 2010

Objectif :• Suivre et analyser l’évolution de l’activité de pêche et la

commercialisation des produits dans les sites du projet

• Actualiser les informations collectées lors des études diagnostiques concernant la rentabilité économique des pêcheries

• Apporter le niveau d’information nécessaire au calcul des indicateurs de suivi du projet

Le système de suivi de l’activité de pêche

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• une cinquantaine de barques est active au niveau du site,

• environ 250 marins

• les principaux engins utilisés sont les engins à hameçons, surtout la palangre et la ligne à main.

Le site de pêche artisanale de Dikky

Le système de suivi de l’activité de pêche

Mars Avril Mai Nbre de jours echantillonnés dans le mois 16 18 22Nombre de jours sans sorties 14 12 7 Nombre de sorties echantillonnées 50 111 180 Nombre de barques actives 6 20 23

Toutes espèces


Production totale P.Bogaraveo (Kg) 614 887 1307 % production de catégorie 1 (>1Kg) 1% - - % production de catégorie 2 (>800 et <999 g) 35% 44% 32% % production de catégorie 3 (>500 et <799g) 31% 45% 56% % production de catégorie 4 (>300 et <499g) 30% 11% 10% % production de catégorie 5 (<300g) 3% - 2% Prix moyen categorie 1 90 - Prix moyen categorie 2 114 106 111 Prix moyen categorie 3 63 70 70 Prix moyen categorie 4 49 50 45 Prix moyen categorie 5 40 - 38

Pêcherie de P.Bogaraveo

Quatre principaux métiers pratiqués par les pêcheurs de Dikky.

· la palangre à la dorade rose· la palangre à pagre commun

· la palangre à pagre à points bleus et

· La palangre au thon rouge

En moyenne, chaque barque est équipée par 30 engins, dont la moitié est des palangres à dorade rose.

Pour les autres engins, chaque barque possède en moyenne 5 Ligne à main(LAM) /palangre à pagre commun, 5 LAM/palangre à pagre à points bleus et cinq palangres au thon rouge.

Principales caractéristiques de la pêche à Dikky

Nombre d’engins/barque

N° hameçons Longueur/engin

Min. 4 12 150 Max. 25 9 200 Moy. 15 175

La pêche à la palangre à la dorade rose

Graphique 16: Nombre moyen de sorties par barque et par mois pour la dorade rose

Caractéristique des enginsEffort de pêche

Graphique 20: Distribution de la production totale réalisée à Dikky par es pèce




11%Dorade r ose

Pagre commun

Pagre à poin ts bleus

Thon rouge

Aut res

ProductionGraphique 21: Evolution mensuelle de la capture par barque

des quatre principales espèces ciblées par les pêcheurs de Dikky











1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12






DoraderosePagrecommunPagre àpoints bleusThon rouge

La pêche à la palangre à la dorade rose

Graphique 20: Distribution de la production totale réalisée à Dikky par espèce




11%Dorade rose

Pagre co mmun

Pagre à points bleus

Thon rou ge



Graphique 21: Evolution mensuelle de la capture par barque des quatre principales espèces ciblées par les pêcheurs de












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12




n (


DoraderosePagrecommunPagre àpoints bleusThon rouge

La production totale estimée pour la flotte de Dikky est de l’ordre de 95 tonnes/an, dont :

• dorade rose 25 Tonnes• thon rouge 35.8 tonnes

La pêche à la palangre à la dorade rose

Les prises par unité d’effort (PUE)

La CPUE annuelle moyenne de la dorade rose, est de l’ordre de 5 kg par sortie

Dorade rose



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La pêche à la palangre à la dorade rose


La production est destiné principalement aux marchés extérieurs, en particulier le marché espagnol, à travers les sociétés d’exportation

Graphique 8: Evolution mensuelle du prix moyen de la dorade rose





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



x m


n (





Mareyeur10 à 15 %

Restaurants5 à 10 %

Fêtes2 à 5 %


70 à 80 %


La pêche à la palangre à la dorade rose

La valeur de la production

Le chiffre d’affaire total moyen réalisé par les pêcheurs de Dikky, est d’environ 157 000 Dhs (14 000 €) par barque, soit un chiffre d’affaire total d’environ 7 millions de Dhs pour l’ensemble des barques du village (environ 630 000 €)

La valeur de la production (Chiffre d’affaire) de la pêcherie à la dorade rose est à peu près similaire aux 3 autres pêcheries principales à Dikky, soit un montant d’environ 40 000 DTS/an (3600 €/an)

La pêche à la palangre à la dorade rose

Une thèse de master en cours

Analyse de la chaîne de valeur de la dorade rose (Pagellus bogaraveo) provenant du site de Dikky

Merci de votre attention

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Annex VI. Report of Spain on the P. bogaraveo fishery (Juan Gil Herrera)

SRWG on shared demersal resources Ad hoc Scientific Working Group between Morocco and Spain on

Pagellus bogaraveo in the Gibraltar Strait areaMálaga (Spain), 22 July 2010

Juan Gil Herrera

Spanish information about the red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar Region

Part I: Biology and Fishery






Family SPARIDAEGenus Pagellus (Valenciennes, 1830)

VORAZ: Pagellus bogaraveo (Brünnich, 1768) Inshore waters above various types ofbottom (rocks, sand, mud) to 400 m(Mediterranean) and 700 m (Atlantic);young near the coast, adults on thecontinental slope specially overmuddy bottoms. Omnivorous, but feedmainly on crustaceans, mollusks,worms and small fish. Protandrichermaphrodites. Adults move towardsthe coast up to the edge of thecontinental shelf to spawn fromJanuary to June. Important foodfish:marketed mainly fresh.

Distribution: Eastern Atlantic (Norway,Strait of Gibraltar to Cape Blanc inMauritania, Madeira, Canary Islands)and western Mediterranean (rarebeyond the Sicilian Strait).


Stock identity:

-Tagging programmes


-Viral studies

ICES considered three different components forthis species: a) areas VI, VII, and VIII; b) area IX(where the case study fishery take place) and c)area X. This separation does not pre-supposethat there are three different stocks of red(blackspot) seabream, but it offers a better way ofrecording the available information (ICESWGDEEP Report 2008).







-Otoliths reading

-Tagging programmes (recaptures)

Red seabream is considered a slow growingspecies. Gueguen (1969) reported a maximumage of 20 years. In the Azores Islands a maximumage of 15 years was observed in a 56 cm lengthfish (Krug, 1994).

In the Strait of Gibraltar VBGF parameters werealso estimated from the increasing size of 271recaptures.


∞ φφφφ

Similar growth patterns can be assumed for the red seabreamin all the areas. This assumption does not denote a singlestock: Growth patterns are similar but not the same!




- Spawning season

-Length at first maturity

The smallest specimina are mainly males, then animportant part of individuals change it sex andbecame females.

Spawning seems to take place in the Strait ofGibraltar area, where the fishery is carried out.The spawning season in the Strait of Gibraltarseems to take place during the first quarter of theyear (Gil, 2006). The period coincides with thoseobtained by Krug (1994) for the Azores Islandsand from previous studies in the Cantabrian Seaby Sánchez (1983), Alcaraz et al. (1987) andCastro (1990).










Hermafroditas Hembras Machos






25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53

Machos Hembras Hermafroditas

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Length at first maturity estimates (Gil and Sobrino, 2001)










20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52

Total length (cm)

a = -11.16b = 0.37r2 = 0.73L25 = 27.18L50 = 30.15L75 = 33.11L90 = 36.08








20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52

Total length (cm)

a = -14.47b = 0.40r2 = 0.82L25 = 33.02L50 = 35.73L75 = 38.44L90 = 41.05




-Study difficulties (bait!)

-Main preys

-Predators (without taking humans into account!)

Not too much studies. The overall diet is not verydiverse, mainly composed by Sergia robusta asmain prey while the order teleosts Stomiiformescan be considered as a secondary prey. Otherappearing species are Lampanyctus crocodiles,Lophogaster typicus, Argyropelecus hemigymnusand Chauliodus sloani (Polonio et al., 2008).

Main predators are unknown in the Strait ofGibraltar waters but maybe dolphins’ predationshould be taken into account (personalcommunication from Ceuta veterinary). Studies inAzores (Gomes et al., 1998) cite that Congerconger, Raja clavata and Galeorhinus galeusshould be considered as potential predators (allthree species are present in Strait of Gibraltararea).


Strait of Gibraltar: Artisanal longlinefishery targeted red seabream has beendeveloped along the Strait of Gibraltararea. Actually the Spanish fishery coversalmost the 70 % of the landings for thespecies in the Subarea IX.




1 011

121 3

1415161 7 18


2 627 2829


3 2

3334 3 53637

3 83940 41


-6.60 -6.40 -6.20 -6.00 -5.80 -5.60 -5.40 -5.20 -5.00 -4.80 -4.60







500 m




Gulf of Cádiz

Alboran Sea






100 m

300 m

30 m

100 m

300 m

500 m

30 m

100 m

300 m

500 m

300 m

100 m

300 m


Estrecho de Gibraltar


La Línea






Main ports Commercial cat. BurroTamaño



850 a 1.300 grs.

> 1.300 grs.

550 a 850 grs.350 a 550 grs.


±100 boats




Spanish red seabream fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar is almost a monospecificfishery with one clear target species. Pagellus bogaraveo represents the 74%from the total landed in average percentage which constitutes a fleet componentby himself (Silva et al., 2002)

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Available information:

Landings since the start of the fishery

Fishing boats

Fishing effort :The effort unit chosen (number of sales) cannot be too appropriate asdo not consider the missing effort. Thus, in the recent years this missing effortincreases substantially (fishing vessels with no catches and precisely why with no salesheet to be recorded).

Landings length distribution

Observers on board programme (2005 – 2009)

VMS information (“Cajas verdes Junta de Andalucía”)


















































g e


rt (



Nº sales LPUE


The median value in the last years remains under themean in every case and….


… more close to the minimum landing size in Algeciras. It is necessary to pointout that species probably does not have a homogeneous geographic andbathymetric distribution related to their length. This fact could explain thedifferent landed mean length between both ports (Tarifa and Algeciras).

SRWG on shared demersal resources Ad hoc Scientific Working Group between Morocco and Spain on

Pagellus bogaraveo in the Gibraltar Strait areaMálaga (Spain), 22 July 2010

Juan Gil Herrera

Spanish information about the red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar Region

Part II: Status revision according stock assessments



EU RegulationFishing effort [Reg. EC since 2002]

Biannual TACs [Reg. EC since 2002]

Spanish and Andalusian Regulations for the Strait of Gibraltar RSB fishery (Fishing plans since 1999)

Fishing boat list

Close season

Minimum landing size (33 cm)

Hook size and hooks number limitation

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No surveys


Production models

Analytical models

Separable VPA

Not standardized LPUE and missing effort problem


Without tuning fleet information, Separable VPA could be usedin order to define terminal F of the analysis (Gil et al., 2009)

M2 M5M4M3


As in previous years, the assessment attempt was considered as anexercise due to its related uncertainty and its results was examinedonly in qualitative terms. Anyway, based on the assessments attempts,the recent increasing trend of landings in the fishery may beconsidered unsustainable. Despite the uncertainty of the assessmentexercise, fishing mortality rates should be reduced until reliableassessments prove the fishery sustainability.


ICES advises that “catches in 2011 should be less than 500 t which is areduction from 2008 - 2009 landings” (ICES ADGDEEP 2010).

Year ICES Advice

Predicted catch corresp. to advice

TAC EU Subarea IX

ICES landingsSubarea IX

2003 1 - 1.271 0.47 2004 1 - 1.271 0.482005 1 - 1.271 0.49 2006 1 - 1.271 0.542007 1 - 1.080 0.59 2008 1 - 1.080 0.602009 Constrain catches to average catches 2003-07 0.5 0.918 0.722010 Biennial 0.5 0.7802011 Same advice as previously 0.5

Weights in ‘000 t. 1Advice prior to 2008 included for all areas

SRWG on shared demersal resources Ad hoc Scientific Working Group between Morocco and Spain on

Pagellus bogaraveo in the Gibraltar Strait areaMálaga (Spain), 22 July 2010

Juan Gil Herrera

Spanish information about the red seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) fishery in the Strait of Gibraltar Region

Part III: Critical areas


On the biology:

Ageing: Consistency of the age readings between the readers and different areas(Strait of Gibraltar and Azores) should be checked. Therefore, otolith exchangebetween Spain and Portugal that are currently ageing this species is recommended toestimate precision and relative/absolute bias in the age estimations from age readersfrom different laboratories.

Reproductive pattern: Role of hermaphroditism in the catch composition? Where arethe potential spawning grounds? What about the earlier life stages?

Feeding biology: Relationship with the special features (productivity) of the Strait ofGibraltar. Differences between life stages and within ages? Which are the potentialpredators?

Besides, from an ecosystem point of view, stock dynamics of Pagellus bogaraveoshould be affected by environmental variability. This is a bentho pelagic species,feeding mainly in the water column and changes on the water mass structure or on thedistribution of the preferential prey species may introduce severe catchabilityproblems.

Also, fisheries should be considered one of the sources of man impact in the ocean.Despite hooks and lines have been considered less impact gears in the marineenvironment studies about its effects on the seabed will be welcome.

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On the fishery:

No information on discards (despite it could be consider minor for the target species).The enforcement of the management measures (mainly the minimum landing size)should increase the discard of the target species. Landings length distribution in 2010shows a knife edge shape in the smaller market category.

Missing effort problem. Need of LPUE standardization.

Length distribution sampling (by commercial categories vs. concurent).


On the assessment:

The absence of reliability of the effort unit should be considered in case of productionmodels assessments attempts.

Combined ALK must not be applied to samples taken in a different year, because theycould give biased results (Westrheim and Ricker, 1978) and does not take into accountpossible growth differences between years.

Unresolved modelling issues could be tackled with a modern statistical catch at agemodel, rather than VPA. That approach would be better suited to make explicitmodeling assumptions and portray the uncertainty in probabilistic terms (becauseshould be easier to see how each model fits the catch at age data and compare thegoodness of fit in likelihood terms).


Useful documents:

Along the last years large papers has been written about the Spanish red seabreamfishery of the Strait of Gibraltar. Some of them are more accessible to the researchcommunity while much of the acquired knowledge has been presented in morerestricted forums (“grey literature”). Thus, several documents have been submitted tothe Junta de Andalucía (Reports) according the agreement with the Instituto Españolde Oceanografía (IEO) for the fishery monitoring. Besides, the available informationabout the Spanish fishery is presented every year to the ICES WGDEEP and is alsoincluded in the respective ICES WGDEEP Reports.

Under the support of the 7th Frame Work Programme by the European Union,DEEPFISHMAN Project (Management and Monitoring of Deep-sea Fisheries andStocks) will develop a range of strategy options for the management of deepwaterfisheries in the NE Atlantic. One of the cases of study included in the project is theSpanish red seabream fishey of the Strait of Gibraltar. Available information about thisongoing project (2009 – 2012) can be look at the wiki web address(

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Annex VII. Report of Spain on the P. bogaraveo fishery (Luis Alberto del Olmo)

Para conocer de la manera más exacta posible, el estado de los caladeros así como los movimientos de la flota pesquera, el Sistema de Localización y Seguimiento de Embarcaciones Pesqueras Andaluzas (en adelante SLSEPA) es una herramienta muy eficaz. El funcionamiento del SLSEPA se basa en la transmisión de datos de localización (latitud, longitud y hora) suministrados por los satélites GPS, a un Centro de Control situado en la Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca de la Junta de Andalucía y su posterior interpretación mediante las aplicaciones informáticas adecuadas. El SLSEPA permite una alta frecuencia en el envío de datos de localización (cada tres minutos) y lo que es fundamental, a muy bajo coste en comparación con otros sistemas similares, ya que dicha transmisión se realiza vía GPRS. El dispositivo que permite tanto la captación como el envío de señales de localización se denomina Estación Remota Embarcada (ERE).

La interpretación de los datos recibidos permite representar en un visor cartográfico la trayectoria de un barco, tanto en tiempo real como en un rango temporal anterior. Al mismo tiempo podemos saber en qué momento se producen las faenas de pesca, en qué caladero, si faena en zonas prohibidas o en épocas de veda y a qué hora se producen las salidas y llegadas de barcos a puerto, entre otros parámetros. Mediante el cruce de estos datos con los recogidos por el Sistema Andaluz de Estadísticas Pesqueras, relativos a las descargas efectuadas en lonja por estos mismos pesqueros, podemos determinar la riqueza de los caladeros donde ejercen su actividad, así como su evolución y la influencia de determinados factores a lo largo del tiempo.

El tercer objetivo se orienta hacia la seguridad de la vida humana en el mar, y se materializa por la instalación en los pesqueros afectados por el SLSEPA, de un botón de emergencia que mediante su pulsación, conecta con el Servicio de Emergencias 112 Andalucía, activándose un protocolo de emergencia y salvamento en la mar, que cuenta con información precisa acerca de las coordenadas del lugar donde se ha producido el siniestro o la trayectoria que ha seguido una embarcación en caso de producirse un hundimiento.

El planteamiento de una experiencia piloto en barcos marroquíes dedicados a la pesca del voraz, sería una posibilidad factible económicamente y que aportaría valiosa información para la gestión interna de su pesquería.

Análisis de la Pesquería de Voraz y Especies asociadas en el Estrecho de

GibraltarAgosto 2007 - Diciembre 2009

Servicio de Ordenación de Recursos Pesqueros y Acuícolas

Dirección General de Pesca y Acuicultura

Tabladilla, s/n. 41071 Sevilla

Teléfono: 95 503 22 62. Fax: 95 503 25 07

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- Presentación del Sistema de Localización deEmbarcaciones pesqueras (SLSEPA)

- Antecedentes

- Objetivos del Estudio

- Ámbito Geográfico de la Pesquería

- Metodología aplicada

- Resultados

- Delimitación de Área de Pesca

- Estimación del Esfuerzo de Pesca

- Producción Pesquera (Desembarcos)

- Estimación del Rendimiento

- Conclusiones

Sistema de Localización y Seguimiento de las Embarcaciones Pesqueras Andaluzas (SLSEPA)

Sistema que permite realizar seguimiento de la flota andaluza:

- En tiempo Real.

- En Post-procesado de datos

El SLSEPA posee dos características principales:

- Bajo coste de transmisión de datos de localización

- Gran frecuencia de envío (cada tres minutos)


El Sistema de Localización y Seguimiento de Embarcaciones Pesqueras Andaluzas (SLSEPA) se crea persiguiendo tres objetivos básicos:

- Seguimiento y Valoración de los Recursos Pesqueros:

o Explotación Sostenible

- Seguimiento del cumplimiento de disposiciones legales.

- Salvamento marítimo.



Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca:

Dirección General de Pesca y Acuicultura


Consejería de Gobernación y Justicia:

Servicio de Emergencias 112 Andalucía

Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia:

Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de la Sociedad de laInformación (SADESI).

Esquema básico de funcionamiento

Estación Remota Embarcada


Centro de Recepción

(CR)Centro de Control


Embarcación S.A.D.E.S.I. C.A.P.

EREs instaladas en embarcaciones de Tarifa

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Detalle de una ERE

• Módem GPRS/GSM

• Antena GPS

• Microcontrolador que procesa el almacenamiento y envío de los datos

¿Qué datos se obtienen de cada mensaje?


Fecha / hora

Coordenadas geográficas



Kilómetros recorridos

Flags indicadores

Representación cartográfica

Tratamiento de datos para la Gestión y explotación sostenible de los recursos pesqueros

Servicio de emergencias 112

Visor de localizaciones (modo ruta)

Visor de localizaciones (modo ruta)

Visor de localizaciones (modo ruta)

Gestión de la Seguridad de la Información

Mediante la implantación deun Sistema de Gestión deSeguridad de la Informaciónde acuerdo con la normativaISO/IEC 27001:2005.

El SLSEPA, garantiza:

• Integridad (garantía defiabilidad)

• Confidencialidad(protección de lainformación)

• Disponibilidad (poderutilizarlos en el momento enque se necesiten)

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Valoración de los Recursos Pesqueros explotados por la flota voracera

• A principios de julio del 2006 las 103 embarcaciones dela flota incluida en el censo del Voraz eran controladaspor Sistema de Localización y Seguimiento deEmbarcaciones Pesqueras Andaluzas (SLSEPA) de laConsejería de Agricultura y Pesca.

• En la actualidad las 91 embarcaciones pesquerasandaluzas con exclusividad para la pesca del Voraztienen instalado el dispositivo ERE, de las que 58 tienenpuerto base Tarifa, 27 Algeciras y el resto Conil yBarbate.

•Además, existen otras embarcaciones con puerto baseen Ceuta, incluidas en el censo de buques autorizados aejercer la pesca del Voraz en el Estrecho de Gibraltar, queno dispone de ningún procedimiento de control.



• Conocer la situación actual de la pesquería asociada a la flota delvoraz, en la zona del Estrecho de Gibraltar, a partir del análisis delesfuerzo pesquero y su relación con la producción pesqueradesembarcada


• Localización y demarcación de las principales áreas de pesca

• Valoración de la producción pesquera y económica para el voraz ylas especies accesorias principales.

• Estimación del esfuerzo ejercido por la flota en cada zona de pescay su evolución temporal.

• Estimación del rendimiento pesquero y económico en cada zona depesca, para el voraz y las especies accesorias principales y suevolución temporal.

• Estimación del grado de cumplimiento de la normativa vigente porla flota asociada a esta pesquería.


“Ámbito de actuación de la flota pesquera dedicada al voraz”


“Área de Regulación de la Pesquería del Voraz y Zona deveda”

Delimitar caladeros voraz y especies accesorias

Calcular parámetros de esfuerzo para cada área:Mareas de Faena (Día de Faena)Nº de barcos

Análisis Cumplimiento Normativa (Mareas/Anuales)




Metodología del post-proceso de datos del SLSEPA





Estimación Rendimiento Pesquero (Kg/marea)

Estimación Rendimiento Económico (€/marea de pesca)

Análisis Cumplimiento Normativa (Tn/Anuales)

Metodología del cruce de datos del SLSEPA con IDAPES

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RESULTADOS: Delimitación de Áreas de Pesca

A partir del análisis de posicionamiento de los buques cuyavelocidad se encuentra en el rango de faena, (velocidad entre 0,5 y3 nudos, mantenida durante 9 min), desde Agosto de 2007 aDiciembre de 2009, se han obtenido 6 zonas o caladeros para elvoraz y/o especies accesorias a la pesquería.

50,75 % del área de loscaladeros delimitados

RESULTADOS: Estimación Esfuerzo Pesquero

- Esfuerzo Pesquero por área delimitada

- Más del 72% del Esfuerzo se realiza en el área V-04, en 2008 y2009

- Proporción de mareas en cada área muy similar entre 2008 y 2009

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%



Esfuerzo (mareas totales)

V-01 V-02 V-03 V-04 V-05 V-06

RESULTADOS: Estimación Esfuerzo Pesquero

- En todas las áreas se registró un menor número de mareas en elaño 2008 que en el año 2009.

- La mayor diferencia se encontró en el área V-03

37538 79

4731 705 635

431101 339

6907 951 870







V-01 V-02 V-03 V-04 V-05 V-06

2008 2009

RESULTADOS: Estimación Esfuerzo Pesquero

- Esfuerzo Pesquero Medido por superficie de cada área delimitada

- El área V-04 presenta el mayor número de mareas por hectáreas

RESULTADOS: Estimación Esfuerzo Pesquero

- Esfuerzo Pesquero Medido por Puerto Base

- Existe una clara segregación de la flota

RESULTADOS: Producción Pesquera(Desembarcos)

- Producción pesquera por zona y especie

- V-04 es el área que presenta mayor producción de voraz, pezsable y jurel.

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RESULTADOS: Estimación Rendimiento Pesquero(CPUE)

- Las zonas de mayor rendimiento (Kg/marea) para voraz son V-06,V-04 y V-05

- En 2009 el rendimiento ha sido mayor que en 2008, sobre todo enV-04, V-01 y V-05.



3 5


















V-01 V-02 V-03 V-04 V-05 V-06

2008 2009

RESULTADOS: Estimación Rendimiento Pesquero(CPUE)

- Variaciones mensuales a partir de la media en Kg/marea de vorazobtenida entre los años 2008 y 2009.

- Existe un claro aumento de desembarcos de voraz en la épocaestival y un pequeño despunte en el mes de diciembre.









ene feb mar abr may jun jul ago sep oct nov dic

RESULTADOS: Estimación Rendimiento Económico(€/marea)

- El mayor Rendimiento económico se obtiene en las áreas V-06,V-04 y V-05, debido a que se produce también las mayores capturas

- Mientras que en 2009 las capturas y el esfuerzo fueronconsiderablemente mayores, el rendimiento económico no se vioafectado, incluso en V-06 disminuye con respecto 2008.


45 73
















V-01 V-02 V-03 V-04 V-05 V-06

2008 2009

RESULTADOS: Estimación Rendimiento Económico(€/marea)


- A partir del SLSEPA se han delimitado objetivamente seis áreasde pesca en el Estrecho de Gibraltar.

- El área con mayor superficie, esfuerzo pesquero y producciónpesquera ha sido V-04.

- Se ha detectado una clara segregación por área de pescadelimitada por parte de la flota de cada puerto.

- Tanto el rendimiento pesquero (Kg/marea) como el económico(€/marea) es mayor en el área V-06.

- El rendimiento pesquero presenta una clara estacionalidadanual, siendo en los meses estivales y llegando a final de año máselevado.

- Con respecto a 2008, en 2009 el esfuerzo pesquero ha sido mayoren todas las áreas de pesca.

- Las capturas han aumentado en 2009, sin embargo el rendimientoeconómico se ha visto afectado negativamente en 2009, sobre todoen las principales áreas donde se captura voraz (V-06).

Muchas gracias

[email protected]

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Annex VIII. Términos de Referencia y Agenda de Trabajo en vistas a una posible reunión entre científicos españoles y marroquíes sobre la pesquería del voraz del Estrecho de Gibraltar

A comienzos de la década de 1980, se inicia la explotación del voraz o besugo de la pinta (Pagellus bogaraveo) en aguas del Estrecho de Gibraltar por parte de las flotas pesqueras artesanales de los puertos de Tarifa y Algeciras (España). Dicha especie también es objeto de captura por parte de embarcaciones marroquíes. Las poblaciones marinas explotadas son parte de un complejo sistema de producción biológica, en el cual la acción del hombre constituye un elemento más de interacción. Una actividad de tan relevante importancia económica y social como la pesca, implica una preocupación inherente por una óptima gestión de las comunidades marinas explotadas. Ésta tratará de garantizar el uso racional de los recursos pesqueros para intentar asegurar su conservación. En este contexto, la evaluación de stocks comprende todo estudio científico orientado a la determinación del estado y productividad de un recurso pesquero, así como las repercusiones de la pesca sobre dicho recurso. En el caso del voraz, hasta ahora las capturas de la flota española se integran anualmente en el Grupo de Trabajo del ICES sobre biología y evaluación de pesquerías de profundidad (ICES WGDEEP), donde desde el año 2006 cada dos años se ensayan ejercicios de evaluación por medio de APV (Análisis de la Población Virtual). Sin embargo las capturas de la flota marroquí se integran en el CGPM donde recientemente se ha presentado un ensayo de evaluación por medio de LCA (Análisis de Cohortes por Tallas). Es más que probable que ambas flotas exploten la misma unidad de población (de hecho pescadores marroquíes nos han notificado recapturas de voraces procedentes de las campañas de marcado sobre esta especie realizadas por el IEO en la región surmediterránea española y en el Estrecho de Gibraltar). Por ello, un primer e importante paso a dar sería la estima del total de capturas a las que se somete el stock, ya que la correcta asignación de éstas por clases de talla y/o edad es un requisito imprescindible en la metodología del LCA y/o el APV. O al menos debemos favorecer un foro científico de discusión internacional en el que se discutan diferentes aspectos a considerar sobre esta pesquería desarrollada en el área del Estrecho de Gibraltar. Desde aquí se proponen los siguientes Términos de Referencia que podrían ser tenidos en cuenta en dicho ámbito:

-Identificación del stock explotado y sus posibles migraciones y/o relaciones con otros stocks. Ubicación geográfica de las capturas del voraz (Pagellus bogaraveo) en el Estrecho de Gibraltar. Análisis de las posibles diferencias entre la pesquería española y marroquí: embarcaciones, aparejo de pesca, evolución histórica….

-Análisis de la información disponible, tanto en términos de estadística pesquera (captura, esfuerzo, distribuciones de talla) como en todo lo referente a parámetros biológicos de la especie objetivo (reproducción, crecimiento, alimentación….).

-Revisión de los métodos de evaluación de stocks empleados hasta la fecha. Presentación de las evaluaciones nacionales presentadas hasta ahora en distintos foros internacionales: ICES y CGPM. Discusión de la conveniencia de evaluaciones conjuntas (datos y metodología más apropiada).

-Discusión de planes de muestro y de adquisición de datos. Posibilidades de estandarización de éstos.

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-Consideración de nuevas posibilidades de métodos de evaluación, a partir de los datos de la pesquería comercial o independientemente de ésta (campañas).

-Viabilidad de medidas de gestión conjuntas. Discusión de la adecuación de los planes de recuperación a los que se ha sometido el recurso (por parte española, principalmente).

Al ser una primera toma de contacto, creo que con una jornada de mañana y tarde debería bastar. En caso de hacerse un ejercicio de evaluación conjunta deberíamos resolver previamente la normalización del formato de los datos, por correo electrónico. Debería también determinarse el lugar y fecha de la reunión, contemplándose en la Agenda la discusión de los Términos de Referencia propuestos.

Jornada de mañanaSesión de apertura. Presentación de los participantes. Discusión de los TdRs propuestos (se podrían hacer exposiciones por parte de cada representante nacional, correspondientes a cada uno de los puntos a tratar para posteriormente abrirse un periodo de discusión sobre las posibilidades de integración). Jornada práctica de tardeEnsayo de ejercicio conjunto de evaluación: Análisis de Cohortes por Tallas (LCA) y/o Análisis de la Población Virtual (APV). Discusión de foros de integración tanto atlántico-mediterráneos como hispano-marroquíes para la evaluación del recurso explotado, como un primer paso para la determinación de medidas de gestión que traten de asegurar la sostenibilidad de la pesquería.

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Annex IX. References

Orden APA/3323/2002, de 20 de diciembre, por la que se establece un plan de pesca para la pesca del voraz en determinadas zonas del Estrecho de Gibraltar.

Resolución de 30 de diciembre de 2002, de la Dirección General de Pesca y Acuicultura, por la que se aprueba el plan de recuperación para el voraz (Pagellus bogaraveo) en el litoral andaluz y ordenación de la flota andaluza que opera con el arte de voracera en la zona del Estrecho de Gibraltar para el período 2003-2005. RES2002-1468-1471.pdf

Resolución de 12 de diciembre de 2005, de la Dirección General de Pesca y Acuicultura, por la que se prorroga el Plan de Recuperación para el voraz (Pagellus bogaraveo), en el litoral andaluz y de ordenación de la flota andaluza que opera con arte de voracera en la zona del Estrecho de Gibraltar para el período 2003-2005. RES2005-56.pdf

Resolución de 29 de mayo de 2006, de la Secretaría General de Pesca Marítima, por la que se actualiza el censo de embarcaciones autorizadas a ejercer la pesca, con el arte denominado «voracera», en la zona regulada por la Orden APA/8/2006, de 12 de enero. RES2006-23123-23124.pdf

Resolución de 14 de mayo de 2007, de la Secretaría General de Pesca Marítima, por la que se actualiza el censo de embarcaciones autorizadas a ejercer la pesca, con el arte denominado «voracera», en la zona regulada por la Orden APA/274/2007, de 7 de febrero. RES2007-23429-23430.pdf

Orden APA/445/2008, de 18 de febrero, por la que se establece un plan de pesca del voraz en determinadas zonas del Estrecho de Gibraltar. ORD2008-44-11010-11011.pdf

Orden ARM/521/2009, de 24 de febrero, por la que se establece un plan de pesca del voraz en determinadas zonas del Estrecho de Gibraltar.


Orden ARM/3536/2009, de 23 de diciembre, por la que se establece un plan de pesca del voraz en determinadas zonas del Estrecho de Gibraltar.

Resolución de 25 de febrero de 2010, de la Dirección General de Pesca y Acuicultura, por la que se establece un horario de entrada y salida de puerto para la flota andaluza que opera con arte de voracera en la zona del Estrecho de Gibraltar.

Desbrosses, 1938, Gueguen, 1974, Silva et al., 1994 and Gil, 2006. The vertical distribution of this species varies according to individual size.

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