Download - Cool like a Frontend Developer: Grunt, RequireJS, Bower and other Tools

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Deck the halls with: Grunt, RequireJS & Bower

by your friend: !

Ryan Weaver @weaverryan

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The “Docs” guy !!KnpLabs US - Symfony consulting, training, Kumbaya !

Writer for screencasts

Husband of the much more talented @leannapelham

Who is this jolly guy?

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Shout-out to the Docs team!

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“Hack” with us on Sat!


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Your friendly neighborhood JavaScript developer is all grown up… and kicking butt


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No Node.js !

Minifying and combining done with a backend solution !

No RequireJS, AngularJS !

SASS/LESS were virtually non-existent


5 years ago

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Node.js for running server-side JavaScript !

RequireJS/AMD !

JavaScript task runners (e.g. Grunt) for uglifying and much more !

SASS/LESS are very mature and can compile themselves



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Your friend Pablo from ServerGrove is redeveloping the SG control panel with a pure-JS fronted


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Can we continue to use JavaScript like we have in the past?


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But we’re Symfony2 Developers…


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… with the highest standards in PHP


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When we write JavaScript…


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Let’s write great JavaScript


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Our Goal

Take a traditional Symfony app and make it much more jolly by using Node.js, Bower, RequireJS, Compass and Grunt

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Node.js !

it’s on your Christmas list

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* Symfony 2.3 - simple events website !

* The code:

The Project

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<head>{% block stylesheets %} {% stylesheets 'bundles/event/css/event.css' 'bundles/event/css/events.css' 'bundles/event/css/main.css' 'assets/vendor/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css' 'assets/vendor/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap-theme.css' output='css/generated/layout.css' %} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}" /> {% endstylesheets %}{% endblock %}</head>


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<body>{% block body %}{% endblock %}!

{% block javascripts %} {% javascripts 'bundles/event/js/jquery.min.js' 'bundles/event/js/bootstrap.js' output='js/generated/main.js' %} <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset_url }}"></script> {% endjavascripts %}{% endblock %}</body>


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* Homepage:

A) Has its own page-specific JS code


* New Event

A) Has its own page-specific JS code

B) Has page-specific CSS (event_form.css)


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Server-side JavaScript

Node.js and npm

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1) Executes JavaScript code !

2) Adds extra functionality for using

JavaScript to deal with filesystems and other

things that make sense on a server !

3) Similar to the “php” executable that lets

us interpret PHP code



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sys = require('sys');!

for (i=0; i<5; i++) { sys.puts(i);}

extra stuff added by Node.js


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Node.js gives us the ability to use JavaScript as yet-another-server-side-scripting-language

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1) Composer for Node.js



2) Can be used to install things globally or

into your project (usually in a node_modules)


3) Reads dependencies from a package.json file

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With Node.js and npm, we can quickly create small JavaScript files that use external modules

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With PHP and Composer, we can quickly create small PHP files that use external libraries

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Why should we care?

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Fronted JavaScript library build and development tools are written in JavaScript, executed with Node.js

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Composer-lite for client-side JavaScript

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(and one of those Node.js libraries installed with npm)

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Problem:How do I get frontend libraries (e.g. jQuery, Bootstrap) downloaded into my project?

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1) Downloads frontend libraries (usually JS)

into a directory in your project



2) Reads from a bower.json file

3) Handles dependencies!

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Installation !

sudo npm install -g bower

this means “install it globally” on your machine - i.e. a bit like how Pear works

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Yo Bower, put the libraries over there:

{ "directory": "web/assets/vendor"}

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bower init

bower install bootstrap --save

creates a bower.json file, with nothing important in it

Download the “bootstrap” library and adds it as a dependency to bower.json

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{ "dependencies": { "bootstrap": "~3.0.2" }}


** yes, this *is* composer.json for Bower

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Now, how do we use these files?

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“Requiring” something in PHP

require 'Event.php';!

$event = new Event();echo $event->getName();

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“Requiring” something in JS

<script type="text/javascript" src="Event.js"></script>!

<script type="text/javascript"> console.log(Event.someMethod());</script>

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Composer does 2 things:

1) Downloads libraries and their dependencies !

2) Sets up autoloading so you don’t need “require” statements

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Bower does 1 thing:

1) Downloads libraries and their dependencies !

2) Sets up autoloading so you don’t need “require” statements

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<body>{% block body %}{% endblock %}!

{% block javascripts %} {% javascripts 'bundles/event/js/jquery.min.js' 'bundles/event/js/bootstrap.js' output='js/generated/main.js' %} <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset_url }}"></script> {% endjavascripts %}{% endblock %}</body>


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<body>{% block body %}{% endblock %}!

{% block javascripts %} {% javascripts 'assets/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js' 'assets/vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js' output='js/generated/main.js' %} <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset_url }}"></script> {% endjavascripts %}{% endblock %}</body>


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Autoloading for client-side JavaScript

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Before we reference something in JavaScript, we need to make sure it’s been included via a <script> tag


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* A library that allows us to load JavaScript

resources without worrying about script tags


* Instead, we use a require function, which is

quite similar to the PHP require statement


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RequireJS works by requiring “modules”, not files.

(though one file will contain one module)

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bower install requirejs --save

Get it!

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Remove all the JavaScript!<body>{% block body %}{% endblock %}!

{% block javascripts %} {% javascripts 'bundles/event/js/jquery.min.js' 'bundles/event/js/bootstrap.js' output='js/generated/main.js' %} <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset_url }}"></script> {% endjavascripts %}{% endblock %}</body>

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<script src="{{ asset('assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}"></script>!<script>requirejs.config({ baseUrl: 'assets/js', paths: { jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min', bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min' }});!require(['app/homepage']);</script>


1) Bring in the require.js file downloaded via Bower using a normal script tag

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<script src="{{ asset('assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}"></script>!<script>requirejs.config({ baseUrl: '/assets/js', paths: { jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min', bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min' }});!require(['app/homepage']);</script>

2) Configure RequireJSAll modules live relative to this directory


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<script src="{{ asset('assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}"></script>!<script>requirejs.config({ baseUrl: '/assets/js', paths: { jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min', bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min' }});!require(['app/homepage']);</script>

2) Configure RequireJSExceptions: when I ask for “jquery” look for it here (relative to baseUrl), instead of assets/js/jquery


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<script src="{{ asset('assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}"></script>!<script>requirejs.config({ baseUrl: '/assets/js', paths: { jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min', bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min' }});!require(['app/homepage']);</script>

2) Configure RequireJS

Loads assets/js/app/homepage.js


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define([], function() { console.log("It's alive!");});

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But how does it work?

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* All files are loaded by adding script tags

right into the HTML. But these use the async

tag, so do not block the page load.


* You’ll commonly see a data-main attribute

in setup. It loads that module. Our setup

does the same thing.

But how!

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now, what if we need jQuery?

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Remember, jQuery isn’t even downloaded yet - the global $ is not available

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define([], function() { $ = require('jquery'); $('...');});

… it might look something like this?


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define([], function() { $ = require('jquery'); $('...');});The require function *can’t* work like this. !

Unlike PHP files, scripts need to be downloaded, which takes time. !

Our function can’t run until that happens


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define(['jquery'], function ($) { $(document).ready(function() { $('a').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); alert('Ah ah ah, you didn\'t say the magic word!'); }) });});

Get the jquery module and *then* execute this function


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define(['jquery', 'bootstrap'], function ($, Bootstrap) { $(document).ready(function() { $('a').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $nope = $('<div>...</div>'); $nope.text('Ah ah ah, you didn\'t say the magic word!' ); $nope.modal(); }) });}); Get the jquery and bootstrap modules

and *then* execute this function


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requirejs.config({ baseUrl: '/assets/js', paths: { jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min', bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min' }, shim: { bootstrap: ['jquery'] }});

fixes an issue where Bootstrap *needs* jQuery before it’s downloaded

shim is a way for you to configure libraries that aren’t proper RequireJS modules


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Let’s create a new module (Love) that takes down the grinch before he steals Christmas.

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app/modules/love.jsdefine(['jquery', 'bootstrap'], function ($, Boots) { return { spiritOfXmas: function() { $('a').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $love = $('<div>...</div>'); $love.text('The Grinch\’s heart grew three sizes that day' ); $nope.modal(); }); } }});

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define(['jquery', 'bootstrap'], function ($, Boots) { return { spiritOfXmas: function() { $('a').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $love = $('<div>...</div>'); $love.text('The Grinch\’s heart grew three sizes that day' ); $nope.modal(); }); } }}); Return some value (usually an object) that

will be the app/modules/newman “module”


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define( ['jquery', 'app/modules/love'], function ($, Love) {!

$(document).ready(function() { Love.spiritOfXmas(); });});


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This takes care of bringing in JavaScript for the homepage. But what about the new event page?

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1) Move the RequireJS code to a new template


<script src="{{ asset('assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}"></script><script>requirejs.config({ baseUrl: '/assets/js', paths: { domReady: '../vendor/requirejs-domready/domReady', jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min', bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min' } // …});!require(['{{ module }}']);</script>

... and make the module a variable

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2) Add a requirejs block to your <head>


{% block requirejs %}{% endblock %}

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3) Include the module you need


{% block requirejs %} {{ include('::_requirejs.html.twig', { 'module': 'app/homepage'}) }}{% endblock %}

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4) Repeat!


{% block requirejs %} {{ include('::_requirejs.html.twig', { 'module': 'app/event_new'}) }}{% endblock %}

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define(['jquery'], function ($) {!

$(document).ready(function() { // ... });});

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Combining JavaScript files

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Each module is loaded from an individual file meaning there are lots of HTTP requests

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When we include the file containing moduleA, let’s also packaged moduleB and moduleC in there so when we need them, we already have them.

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Let’s start by creating a common “module” that’s always loaded

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requirejs.config({ paths: { domReady: '../vendor/requirejs-domready/domReady', jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min', bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min' }, shim: { bootstrap: ['jquery'] }});


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<script src="{{ asset('/assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}"></script>!

<script> requirejs.config({ baseUrl: '/assets/js' });!

require(['common'], function (common) { require(['{{ module }}']); });</script>


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<script src="{{ asset('/assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}"></script>!

<script> requirejs.config({ baseUrl: '/assets/js' });!

require(['common'], function (common) { require(['{{ module }}']); });</script>

Setup baseUrl so we can reference the common module below


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<script src="{{ asset('/assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}"></script>!

<script> requirejs.config({ baseUrl: '/assets/js' });!

require(['common'], function (common) { require(['{{ module }}']); });</script>

Load common and *then* load our real module


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Because now we have a module (common) that’s *always* loaded

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and we can use the optimizer to “push” more modules (e.g. bootstrap, jquery) into it

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* Optimization is a server-side JavaScript tool


* In other words it’s a node library installed

via npm


* We’ll install it into our project, by defining

our project’s dependencies in package.json

Installing the Optimizer

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npm init

Create an empty package.json

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npm install requirejs --save-dev

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{ "devDependencies": { "requirejs": "~2.1.9" }}


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and we also now have a node_modules directory in our project with requirejs in it

** We could have also installed it globally, like we did with Bower. All we really need is the r.js executable

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Configuration tells RequireJS how to minify and combine files

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({ mainConfigFile: 'web/assets/js/common.js', baseUrl: './js', appDir: 'web/assets', dir: 'web/assets-built', modules: [ { name: 'common', include: ['jquery', 'bootstrap'] }, { name: 'app/homepage', exclude: ['common'] } ]})

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({ mainConfigFile: 'web/assets/js/common.js', baseUrl: './js', appDir: 'web/assets', dir: 'web/assets-built', modules: [ { name: 'common', include: ['jquery', 'bootstrap'] }, { name: 'app/homepage', exclude: ['common'] } ]})

The entire web/assets directory is first copied to web/assets-built

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({ mainConfigFile: 'web/assets/js/common.js', baseUrl: './js', appDir: 'web/assets', dir: 'web/assets-built', modules: [ { name: 'common', include: ['jquery', 'bootstrap'] }, { name: 'app/homepage', exclude: ['common'] } ]})

These files are then re-written. RequireJS reads their dependencies and includes them in the file automatically

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({ mainConfigFile: 'web/assets/js/common.js', baseUrl: './js', appDir: 'web/assets', dir: 'web/assets-built', modules: [ { name: 'common', include: ['jquery', 'bootstrap'] }, { name: 'app/homepage', exclude: ['common'] } ]})

... plus we can manually include more modules

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({ mainConfigFile: 'web/assets/js/common.js', baseUrl: './js', appDir: 'web/assets', dir: 'web/assets-built', modules: [ { name: 'common', include: ['jquery', 'bootstrap'] }, { name: 'app/homepage', exclude: ['common'] } ]})

Avoids packaging jquery , bootstrap into homepage since we now already have it in common

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node node_modules/.bin/r.js -o build.js

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Now, just point everything to assets-built

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{% set assetsPath = 'assets-built' %}!

<script src="{{ asset(assetsPath~'/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}"></script><script>!

requirejs.config({ baseUrl: '/{{ assetsPath }}/js' });!

require(['common'], function (common) { require(['{{ module }}']);!


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Not super dynamic yet... but it works!

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assets-built is the same as assets

except when we include the common module, it has jquery and bootstrap packaged inside it

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Sass with style

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Static CSS files are *so* 2010

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* Processes sass files into CSS


* A sass “framework”: adds a lot of extra

functionality, including CSS3 mixins, sprites,



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{ "dependencies": { "sass-bootstrap": "~3.0.0" "requirejs": "~2.1.9", }}


Use Bower to bring in a sass Bootstrap

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bower install

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Rename and reorganize CSS into SASS files

web/assets/sass/ * _base.scss * _event.scss * _events.scss * event_form.scss * layout.scss

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Rename and reorganize CSS into SASS files

web/assets/sass/ * _base.scss * _event.scss * _events.scss * event_form.scss * layout.scss

(was event.css)

(was events.css)

(was main.css)

** these files were included on every page

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Rename and reorganize CSS into SASS files

web/assets/sass/ * _base.scss * _event.scss * _events.scss * event_form.scss * layout.scss

(was event_form.css)

** included only on the “new event” page

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Rename and reorganize CSS into SASS files

web/assets/sass/ * _base.scss * _event.scss * _events.scss * event_form.scss * layout.scss

These are the only CSS files that will be included directly



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{% block stylesheets %} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('assets/css/layout.css') }}"/>{% endblock %}

{% block stylesheets %} {{ parent() }}!

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('assets/css/event_form.css') }}"/>{% endblock %}



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{% block stylesheets %} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('assets/css/layout.css') }}"/>{% endblock %}

{% block stylesheets %} {{ parent() }}!

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('assets/css/event_form.css') }}"/>{% endblock %}

We link directly to non-existent CSS files, which we’ll generate



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@import "base";@import "../vendor/sass-bootstrap/lib/bootstrap";@import "event";@import "events";!

body { // ...}


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@import "base";@import "../vendor/sass-bootstrap/lib/bootstrap";@import "event";@import "events";!

body { // ...}

Sets variables and imports mixins used in all SASS files


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@import "base";@import "../vendor/sass-bootstrap/lib/bootstrap";@import "event";@import "events";!

body { // ...}Import other files that contain actual CSS rules. These will eventually be concatenated into 1 file.


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@import "base";!

/* for play, make the inputs super-rounded */.form-group input { @include border-radius(20px, 20px);}


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Now, just use more tools

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sudo npm install -g compass

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compass compile \ --css-dir=web/assets/css \ --sass-dir=web/assets/sass

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“partials” (files beginning with “_”) are ignored

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compass watch \ --css-dir=web/assets/css \ --sass-dir=web/assets/sass

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watches for file changes and regenerates the necessary CSS files

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app/console for JavaScript

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We have an increasing number of “build” operations we need to run for JavaScript & CSS

1) Before deploy, run the RequireJS optimizer 2) Before deploy, run Compass 3) During development, watch Compass

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sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

Install the Grunt executable

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{ "devDependencies": { "requirejs": "~2.1.9", "grunt": "~0.4.2", "grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.6.3", "grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.2.2", "grunt-contrib-requirejs": "~0.4.1", "grunt-contrib-compass": "~0.6.0", "grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.5.3" }}


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{ "devDependencies": { "requirejs": "~2.1.9", "grunt": "~0.4.2", "grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.6.3", "grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.2.2", "grunt-contrib-requirejs": "~0.4.1", "grunt-contrib-compass": "~0.6.0", "grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.5.3" }}

Install Grunt into your project + some modules

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npm install

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Grunt works by creating a Gruntfile.js file, where we define tasks (like app/console)

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module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ });!

grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-requirejs'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-compass'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch');};


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grunt -h

Eventually we can run grunt RequireJS but we need to configure each command

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Remove the RequireJS build.js and moves its contents here


Use Grunt to run the RequireJS optimizer

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grunt.initConfig({ appDir: 'web/assets', builtDir: 'web/assets-built', requirejs: { main: { options: { mainConfigFile: '<%= appDir %>/js/common.js', appDir: '<%= appDir %>', baseUrl: './js', dir: '<%= builtDir %>', optimizeCss: "none", optimize: "none", modules: [... same as build.js ...] } } }

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grunt.initConfig({ appDir: 'web/assets', builtDir: 'web/assets-built', requirejs: { main: { options: { mainConfigFile: '<%= appDir %>/js/common.js', appDir: '<%= appDir %>', baseUrl: './js', dir: '<%= builtDir %>', optimizeCss: "none", optimize: "none", modules: [... same as build.js ...] } } }

We can setup variables and use them

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grunt.initConfig({ appDir: 'web/assets', builtDir: 'web/assets-built', requirejs: { main: { options: { mainConfigFile: '<%= appDir %>/js/common.js', appDir: '<%= appDir %>', baseUrl: './js', dir: '<%= builtDir %>', optimizeCss: "none", optimize: "none", modules: [... same as build.js ...] } } }

RequireJS *can* uglify CSS and JS, but we’ll leave this to Uglify and Compass

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grunt.initConfig({ appDir: 'web/assets', builtDir: 'web/assets-built', requirejs: { main: { options: { mainConfigFile: '<%= appDir %>/js/common.js', appDir: '<%= appDir %>', baseUrl: './js', dir: '<%= builtDir %>', optimizeCss: "none", optimize: "none", modules: [... same as build.js ...] } } }

This is a sub-task. We can now run grunt requirejs:main or grunt requirejs to run all sub-tasks

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Repeat for Compass!

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compass: { dist: { options: { sassDir: '<%= builtDir %>/sass', cssDir: '<%= builtDir %>/css', environment: 'production', outputStyle: 'compressed' } }, dev: { options: { sassDir: '<%= appDir %>/sass', cssDir: '<%= appDir %>/css', outputStyle: 'expanded' } }}

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We have 2 sub-tasks: 1) compass:dist for deployment 2) compass:dev for development

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Repeat for Uglify (to minimize our JS files)!

** The RequireJS optimizer can uglify, but using uglify directly gives us a bit more control

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uglify: { build: { files: [ { expand: true, cwd: '<%= builtDir %>', src: 'js/*.js', dest: '<%= builtDir %>' } ] }},

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And even JsHint

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jshint: { all: [ 'Gruntfile.js', '<%= appDir %>/js/{,*/}*.js' ]},

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Roll these up into some grouped commands

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// task for developmentgrunt.registerTask('dev', [ 'jshint', 'compass:dev']);!

// task for before deploymentgrunt.registerTask('production', [ 'jshint', 'requirejs', 'uglify', 'compass:dist']);

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// task for before deploymentgrunt.registerTask('production', [ 'jshint', 'requirejs', 'uglify', 'compass:dist']);

1) 2) 3) 4)

1) syntax and style check our JS 2) copies assets to assets-dist and compiles some files 3) uglifies all JS files in assets-dist 4) compiles all assets-dist/sass files

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What about “watching”

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watch: { scripts: { files: [ '<%= appDir %>/js/*.js', // ... ], tasks: ['jshint'] }, compass: { files: '<%= appDir %>/sass/*.scss', tasks: ['compass:dev'] }}

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assets versus assets-dist

How to handle in Symfony

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Grunt perfectly copies assets to assets-dist and processes it. But how do we load our JS and CSS files from the correct directory?

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Simple Solution

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parameters: assets_directory: 'assets'!

twig: # ... globals: assetsPath: %assets_directory%


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parameters: assets_directory: 'assets-prod'


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<script src="{{ asset(assetsPath~'/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}"></script><script> requirejs.config({ baseUrl: '/{{ assetsPath }}/js' });!

// ...</script>


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{% block stylesheets %}<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset(assetsPath~'/css/layout.css') }}"/>{% endblock %}


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Manual, but straightforward

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If you wish, a fancier solution exists, do it!

1) Extend the asset() function to change the directory !

2) Create a new Twig function to replace asset()

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Bower downloads JS dependencies !

Modules included via RequireJS !

Compass compiles our SASS files !

Grunt optimizes for RequireJS, Uglifies, runs Compass, and watches for changes@weaverryan


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When developing: !

grunt watch

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When deploying: !

grunt production

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and make your own Grunt tasks for other processing

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grunt.registerTask('symfonycon', function() { sys = require('sys'); sys.puts('Thanks everyone!');});

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JavaScript is a first-class tool in your stack


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Treat it with the same care and quality as everything else


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And (code) be cool like a frontend developer


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Ho ho ho, thanks!


Brutal Feedback appreciated

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