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Page 1: Conversacion (4)

Vocabulario util


Page 2: Conversacion (4)

Welcome Bienvenidos

Hi! Hola

good morning ! Buenos dias

good afternoon! Buenas tardes

good evening ! or good night

Buenas noches

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Good bye! Adios

see you later Hasta luego

see you later Hasta la vista

please Por favor

thank you Gracias

you’re welcome De nada

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it’s nothing No es nada

how are you Como estas

very well Muy bien

not very well No muy bien

what is your name Como te llamas

how old are you? Cuantos anos tienes ?

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where are you from ? De donde eres ?

do you speak Spanish ?

Hablas espanol?

I don’t understand No entiendo

I don’t speak Spanish No hablo espanol

yes Si

no No

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Mr. SenorMrs. SenoraMiss SenoritaExcuse me PerdoneI am sorry Lo sientoI would like Me gustariawhere is ? Donde esta ?

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on the right A la derecha

on the left A la izquierda

straight ahead Todo derecho

what does … mean ? Que queire decir?

it means … Quiere decir

the pleasure is mine or please to meet you

El gusto es mio

likewise! Igualmente

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have a nice weekend que tenga un buen fin de semana

glad to meet you mucho gusto en conocerte

I like you simpatizo con usted

how do you feel como se siente

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I am happy estoy contento

I am married estoy casado

I am single estoy soltero

thank you for your present

gracias por su regalo

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Nice to meet you!Mucho gusto en conocerte

Hello good morningHola Buenos dias

Hello good afternoonhola buenas tardes

Hello good nightHola buenas noches

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How are youcomo estas

very well and yourmuy bien y tu

What's your namecomo te llamas

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my name ismi nombre es

what is your last name cual es tu apellido how old are you

cuantos anos tienes

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what are your parents name’scuales son los nombres de tus

padresmy mother’s name is

el nombre de mi madre es my father name is

en nombre de mi padre es

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where wear you born ?en donde naciste tu?

Where do you go to school ?A que escuela vas?

Do you have any brothers or sisters

tu tienes hermanos o hermanas

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What are there names Cuales son sus nombres

How old are your brothers or sisters?

Cuantos anos tienen tus hermanos o hermanas?

what are your grandparents name’s

como se llaman tus abuelos

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Hablar conseguir ir ( to speak , to get , to go )

Desea usted hablar espanol en corto tiempo ?Do you wish to speak Spanish in a short time ?

Si senor yo deseo hablar espanol pronto Yes sir, I wish to speak Spanish soon

Desea usted hablar espanol bien ?Yes sir, I wish to speak Spanish well?

Si, por supuesto yo deseo hablar espanol bien Yes of course , I wish to speak Spanish well

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Yo no deseo hablar un espanol defectuoso I don’t wish to speak Spanish badly Por que desea hablar espanol bien ?

Why do you wish to speak Spanish well?Yo deseo hablar espanol bien. Por que yo

deseo conseguir un buen empleo I wish to speak Spanish well, because I wish

to get a good job Yo no deseo conseguir un mal empleo

I don’t wish to get a bad job

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Por que desea usted. Conseguir un buen empleo ?Why do you wish to get a good job?

Yo deseo conseguir un buen empleo porque yo deseo obtener mas dinero

I wish to get a good job, because I wish to get a more money

Yo no deseo conseguir poco dinero I don’t wish to get a little money

Desea obtener usted . obtener suficiente dinero para ir a Costa Rica ?

Do you wish to get enough money to go to Costa Rica?

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Yo no deseo ir a Costa Rica. Yo deseo ir a Cancun

I don’t wish to go to Costa Rica. I wish to go to Cancun

Desea usted , ir a espana tambien ?Do you wish to go to Spain . too?

Si, yo deseo ir a muchos lugares cuando yo hable espanol

Yes , I wish to go to many places when I speak Spanish

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Desea usted hablarme ?Do you wish to speak to me ?Si senor , yo deseo hablarle?Yes, sir I wish to sepak to you

Acerca de que desea usted hablarme ? what do you wish to speak to me about?

Yo deseo hablarle acerca de negocios I wiah to speak to you about business

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El desea hablar de negocios tambien He wish to speak about business , to .Cuando desea usted , ver al gerente ?

When do you wish to see the manager ?Yo deseo verlo ahora .I wish to see him now

Ella desea vernos en la oficina hoy She wishes to see us in the office today

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El gerente desea ver a Maria manana The manager wishes to see Maria tomorrow

Nosotros deseamos verla manana tambien We wish to see her tomorrow, too.

Que desea usted dar a Jorge y Alicia ?What do you wish to give Jorge and alicia?

Yo deseo darle algunos regalosI wish to give them some presents

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Y ellos desean darme algunos regalos, tambienAnd they wish to give me some presents . Too

Ellos desean traernos muchas cosas de cancunThey wish to bring us many things from cancun

Que desea usted traerle a ella del mercado?What do you wish to bring her from the market?yo deseo traerle a ella algo de fruta del Mercado

I wish to bring her some fruit from the marketYo no deseo traerle a el muchas cosas de espana

I don’t wish to bring him many things from the Spain

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Comer , tomar , ir ,comprar (to eat, to drink , to go , to buy)

Que desea usted comer?What do you wish to eat ?

Yo deseo comer un bistec con papas fritas I wish to eat a steak with fried potatoes

Que desea el comer?What does he wish to eat ?

El desea comer chuletas de Puerco y ensalada de jitomate

He wishes to eat pork-chops and tomato salad

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Y que desea Alicia de comer?And what does Alicia wish to eat ?Ella desea comer un emparedado

She wish to eat a sandwich Que clase de emparedado desea ella comer?

What kind of sandwich does she wish to eat?Ella desea comer un emparedado de queso y

jamonShe wishes to eat a chess and ham sandwich

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Desea Alicia comer ensalada de pollo tambien ?Does Alicia wish to eat cheken salad , too?

No , ella no desea comer nada masNo , she doesn’t wish to eat any moreDesean ellos tomar ?(algo de) café ?

Do they wish to drink some coffee. They No, ellos no desean tomar café. Ellos desean

tomar (algo de) te , tambien Wish to drink some tea

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Desea Ricardo tomar (algo de ) te, tambien ?Does Ricardo wish to drink some tea. Too?

El no desea tomar te . el desea tomar (algo de) café

He doesn’t wish to drink tea . he wishes to drink some coffe

Donde desea Enrique ir ?Where does Enrique wish to go

El desea ir ala zapateriaHe wishes to go to the shoe-store

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Desea el comprar zapatos ?Does he wish to buy shoes?

Si, el desea comprar un par de zapatos, pero no desea comprar calcetines

Yes. He wishes to buy a pair of shoes , but he doesn’t wish to buy socks

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Que quiere usted comer?What do you want to eat

Yo no quiero comer nada , pero quiero que ella coma algo de fruta

I don’t want to eat anything , but I want her to eat some fruit

a donde quiere ir Ricardo ?Where does Richard want to go ?

el no quiere ir a ninguna parte , pero el quiere que nosotros vayamos a la biblioteca

he doesn’t want to go anywhere , but he wants us to go to the library .

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quiere Ir maria al cine ?does mary want to go to the movies ?

No , ella no quiere ir ahi , pero ella quiere que yo vaya a una fiesta con ella .

no, she doesn’t want to go there , but she wants me to go to a party with her.Cuando quieren ellos jugar besibol?

When do they want to play baseball?

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Ellos no quieren jugar beisbol ahora, pero ellos quieren que tu jueges futbol con ellos el

proximo sabado .They don’t want to play baseball now, but they want you play soccer with them next Saturday.

A que hora quieren ustedes nadar?At what time do you want to swim?

No queremos nadar hoy, pero queremos que el nade todos los dias

We don’t want to swim today. But we want him to swim every day .

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Por que quiere tu hermano viajar por todo el mundo?

Why does your brother want to travel all over the world ?

El no quiere viajar este ano, pero el quiere que yo viaje el proximo verano.

He doesn’t want to travel this year, but he wants me to travel next summer .

Como quiere usted hablar espanol ?How do you want to speak spanish ?

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Quiero hablar espanol con soltura y quiero que ellos la hablen tambien

I want to speak Spanish fluently and I want them to speak it fluently too.

Cuanto quieren ellos comprar?How much do they want to buy ?

Ellos no queiren comprar nada , pero quieren que usted compre una docena de cada uno

They don’t want to buy anything , but they want you to buy one dozen of each.

Cuantas cosas quiere ella hacer ?How many things does she want to do?

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Ella no quiere hacer muchas cosas , pero ella quiere que el haga su trabajo .

She doesn’t want to do many things, but she wants him to do his work.

Cuanto tiempo quiere el permancer aqui ?How long does he want to stay here ?

El no quiere quedarse aqui mucho tiempo, pero el quiere que nos quedemos un mes .

He doesn’t want to stay here long, but he want us to stay one month .

A quien quiere ver juan?Whom does juan want to see?

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Juan no quiere ver a nadie , pero el quiere que ella vea al gerente .

Juan doesn’t want to see anybody ,but he wants her to see the manager .

Quiere jaime y Alicia que maria venga a mexico pronto ?

Do Jaime and Alicia want maria to come to mexico soon?

Si, ellos quieren que ella venga a mexico pronto .Yes ,they want her to come to mexico soon

Quiere usted que su secretaria escriba una carta ?Do you want your secretary to write a letter?

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Si, quiere que ella escriba una carta a nueva York.

Yes , I want her to write a letter to new York .Que quiere usted que haga el senor davies ?

What do you want mr. davies to do ?Quiero que el escriba un informe de ventas .

I want him to write a sales report.Quiere usted que le lea a usted el informe de

ventas ?Do you want me to read the sales report for


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Si quiero que me lo lea ?Yes , I want you to read it for me.

Que quiere usted que leamos?What do you want us to read ?

Quiero que ustedes lean el periodico.I want you to read the newspaper.Quiere mi padre leer el periodico ?Does my father want to read , the


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El no quiere leerlo, pero el quiere que leamos un buen libro .

He doesn’t want to read it, but he wants us to read a good book.

Que esta usted haciendo ahora?What are you doing now?Estoy haciendo mi tarea.

I am doing my home –work.Que esta haciendo el muchacho ahora?

What is the boy doing now?

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El esta jugando.He is playing

Donde esta el jugando ahora?Where is he playing now?

El esta jugando en el patio.He is playing in the yard.

Con quien esta el jugando?Whom is he playing with?

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El esta jugando con un amigo.He is playing with a friend .

Cuando viene Elena y Ricardo ?When are Elena and Ricardo coming ?

Ellos viene manana.They are coming tomorrow.

Esta usted comiendo una naranja ahora?

Are you eating an orange now?

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NoNo, I am not

Estamos hablando espanol ahora?Are we speaking Spanish now?

SiYes , we are

A que hora viene maria ?At what time is maria coming ?

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Ella viene a las cinco (5)She is coming at five o’clock

Esta lloviendo ahora?Is it raining now?

Si yes,it is

que esta escribiendo beatriz ahora?What is beatriz writing now?

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Ella esta escribiendo una carta .She is writing a letter

Que esta leyendo enrique ahora?

What is Enrique reading now?El esta leyendo un libro .

He is reading a book.

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Adjectives possessives /Adjetivos posesivos My : mi Your : tu o suHis : su (de el) Her : su (de ella)Its : su (del , nuestro)Your :su (de ustedes) Their : su de ellos (as) Pronouns possessive / Pronombres posesivos

Mine : mio Yours : tuyo ,suyo (de usted )His : suyo (de el) Hers : suyo (de ella) Its: suyo (del nuestro )Ours : de nosotros Yours : de ustedes Theirs : de ellos(as)

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Singulares This : este ,esta . esto That : ese o aquel Esa o aquella

Plurales These: estos(as)

Those : esos (as) aquellos (as)

Adjetive demonstratives /Adjetivo demostrativos

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This my book Este es mi libro They are my books Estos son mis libros These books are mine Estos libros son mios That is my pencil Ese es mi lapizThose are my pencils Esos son mis lapices Those pencils are mine Esos lapices son mios This is your note-book Este es tu cuaderno These are your note-books Estos son tus cuadernos These note-books are yours Estos cuadernos son tuyos

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That is his pen Aquella es su pluma (de el)Those are his pens Aquellas son sus plumas (de el )Those pens are his Aquellas plumas son de el

This her eraser Este es su borrador ( de ella)These are her erasers Estos son sus borradores (de ella)These are her erasers Estos borradores son de ella

That is its inhabitant Aquel es us habitante Those are its inhabitants Aquellos son sus habitantesThose inahbitants are of Mexico City Aquellos habitantes son de la ciudad de Mexico

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This is our city Esta es nuestra ciudad These are our city Estas son nuestras ciudades These cities are ours Estas ciudades son nuestras

That is their hotel Ese es su hotel (de ellos)Those are their hotels Esos son sus hoteles (de ellos)Those hotels are theirs Estos hoteles son de ellos

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De quien es este lapiz Whose pencils is this ?

Es mio It’s mine

De quien es ese libro ?Whose book is that ?

Es tuyo That’s yours

De quien son estos libros?Whose books are these ?

Son de el y de ellaThey’re his and hers

De quien son estos lapices ?Whose pencils are those?

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Son de ellaThey’re hers

De quien es esta casa ?Whose house is this ?

Es nuestra It’s ours

De quien es esa cuenta ?Whose bill is that?

Es de ustedes That’s yours

De quien son estas plumas ?

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Whose pens are these?Estas plumas son de ellos

These pens are theirs Son de ellos

They’re theirs De quien es ese auto ?

Whose car is that ?Ese es de Enrique

That’s EnriqueEs de Enrique

It’s Enrique

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De quien son aquellas cosas Whose things are those ?

Son de Susana y Maria They ‘re Susana and Maria

De quien es este auto ?Whose car is this ?

Es de mi padre It’s my father’s

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Que estaba usted haciendo ayer?What were you doing yesterday?

Yo estaba descansando I was resting

Donde estaba usted descansando ayer?

Where were you resting yesterday ?Yo estaba descansando en casa

I was resting at home

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Cuanto tiempo usted estuvo descansando ayer?

How long were you resting yesterday ?Yo estuve descansando todo el dia

I was resting all day Estuvo su hermano trabajando ayer?Was your brother working yesterday?

SiYes , he was

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Estaban Roberto y Ricardo jugando ayer ?

Were Roberto and Ricardo playing yesterday?

NoNo ,they were not

Que estbamos haciendo ayer ?What were we doing yesterday ?Estabamos practicando espanol

We were practicing Spanish

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Estaba yo practicando espanol tambien ?Was I practicing Spanish too?

SiYes, you were

Estuvo lloviendo ayer ?Was it raining yesterday ?

Si Yes ,it was

Donde estuvo lloviendo ayer?Where was is raining yesterday ?

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Estuvo lloviendo en la ciudad It was raining over the city

Que estaba comiendo Susana ayer?What was Susana eating yesterday?

Ella estaba comiendo naranjas y manzanasShe was eating oranges and apples

Que estaban hacienda los muchachos ayer ?What were the boys doing yesterday ?

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Ellos estaban jugando a la pelotaThey were playing ball

Donde estaban ellos jugando a la pelota ayer?Where were playing ball yesterday ?

Ellos estaban jugando a la pelota en el patio They were playing ball in the yard Que estaba ella escribiendo ayer ?What was she writing yesterday ?Ella estaba escribiendo una carta

She was writing a letterQue estaba el leyendo ayer ?

What was he reading yesterday?El estba leyendo un libro

He was reading a book

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Habia un hombre en ese cuartothere was a man in that room hubo un accidente en la calle?

Was there an accident in this street?No , no hubo ningun accidente en esta calle

No , there was not any accident in this street Hubo muchas tribus indigenas en America ?Where there many Indian tribes in America ?

Si , si hubo muchas tribus indigenas en America Yes , there were many Indians tribes in America

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Hubo mucha gente aqui ayer?Were there many people here yesterday?

No , no hubo mucha gente aqui ayer No there were no people here yesterday

Habia muchas alhajas en esta caja de seguridad?

Were there many jewels in this safe-box?No , no habia alhajas en esta caja de seguridad

No , there were no jewels in this safe-boxQue Habra aqui manana ?

What will there be here tomorrow ?

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Habra una fiesta de cumpleanos There will be a birthday party

Habra clases de espanol manana?Will there be Spanish classes tomorrow?No ,no Habra clases de espanol manana

No ,there will be no classes tomorrowQue hay en ese bufete?

What is there in that law-office?Hay un abogado en esa oficina There is a lawyer in that office

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Hay un maestro en esa escuela ?Is there a teacher in that school?

Si, hay muchos maestros en esa escuela Yes, there are many teachers in that school

Hay mucha gente en ese teatro?Yes, there are many people in that theater?

Si, si hay mucha gente en ese teatro Yes, there are many people in that theaterHay algunas personas en esa casa vieja ?

Is there any person in this old house

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No, no hay ninguna persona aquiNo , there is not any person hereHay mucha gente en este edificio?

Are there many people in this building ?No , no hay mucha gente en este edificio

No, there are not many people in this building Hay mucho dinero en tu bolsillo?

Is there much money in your pocket?No , no hay mucho dinero en mi bolsillo

No, there is not any money in my pocket

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Que habia en ese cuarto?What was there in that room ?

Que vas a hacer manana ?What are you going to do tomorrow?

Voy a nadar con unos amigos I am going to swim with some friends

Donde vas a a ir?Where are you going to go ?

Voy a ir al club I am going to go to the club

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Que va a hacer juan el sabado proximo?What is juan going to do next Saturday?

El va a comprar zapatos He is going to buy shoes

Cuando van a regresar aqui Roberto y tu ?When are Roberto and you going to come back here?

Vamos a regresar el verano proximo We are going to come back next summer

A que hora va Elena a salir para Londres ?At what time is Elena going to leave for London ?

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Ella va a salir esta noche She , is going to leave tonight

Que van a comer Jorge y Pedro en la comida?What are Jorge y pedro going to eat for dinner?

Ellos van a comer ensalada de polloThey are going to eat chicken salad

Cuanto tiempo va usted a permanecer en Chicago?

How long are you to stay in Chicago?Voy a permanecer tres meses

I am going to stay three months

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De que va a hablar el Sr. Murray en la junta ?What is Mr. Murray going to speak about in the

meeting?El va a hablar acerca de el Nuevo curso de EspanolHe is going to speak about the new Spanish course Cuando va a comenzar las clases de Espanol?When are the Spanish classes going to start?

Van a comenzar la semana proxima They are going to star next week

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Va a llover pronto ?Is it going to rain soon ?

No , no creo que no va a llover No , I think it is not going to rain

Va usted a trabajar manana?Are you going to work tomorrow?

No, voy a descansarNo , I am going to rest

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Practica / practicing Carlos estubo leyendo un libro ayer en la

bibliotecaCarlos was reading a book at the library

yesterday What – que ___________________________Who –quien ___________________________Where – donde ________________________When – cuando _______________________

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Los estudiantes escribieron unas tareas a las cinco de la tarde The students were writing an assignment at five o’clock yesterday At what time – a que hora _____________________What – que ________________________________Who – quien _______________________________When – cuando ________________________

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Enrique va a ir a comprar zapatos a la zapateria manana Enrique hi going to buy a shoes in the shoe-store tomorrowWhen-cuando___________________________Where – donde ___________________________Who –quien ___________________________What- que ___________________________

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Los muchachos van a ir a jugar pelota en el patio ahora

The boys are going to play base-ball in the yard now

Who-quien___________________________What-que ___________________________

Where- donde___________________________When –cuando _____________________

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Infinitivo / infinitiveTo speak (habalar)

To eat ( comer)To come (venir)

To wait ( esperar)To read (leer)

To write (escribir)To walk (caminar)

To look (mirar)

Imperativo / imperative Speak (hable, habla)

Eat (coma, come)Come( venga , ven)

Wait (espere , espera)Read (lea, lee)

Write (escriba , escribe)Walk (camine, camina)

Look (mire,mira)

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El negative mediante la forma don’t (do not) no lo ahgasSpeak no hable Eat no comaCome no venga Wait no espere

Don’t / no lo ahgas

Read no lea Write no escriba Walk no camine

Look no mire

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El uso del vamos en modo imperativo se emplea en la primera persona del plural , con el auxiliary vamos cuando uno mismo se incluye junto a otras personas para desarrollar una

accion determinadaThe use of the let’s in imperative mode is used in the first person plural, with the auxiliary go

when one is included along with others to develop a specific action

Speak hablemos Eat comamos Come vengamos Wait esperemos

Let’s / vamos aRead leamos

Write escribamos Walk caminemos

Look miremos

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Observemos la palabra no despues de vamos para formar el negative Let's look at the word not after let’s to form the negative

Speak No hablemosEat No comamos

Come No vengamos Wait No esperemos


Read No leamosWrite No escribamos Walk No caminemos

Look No miremos

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Practique el modo imperativo construyendo en espanol las siguientes oraciones Practice the imperative mode built in Spanish the following sentences

Venga aca Come here

Practiquemos mas espanol practice more Spanish Ve a la escuela ahora

go to school now Cierre la puerta Close the doorAbra la puerta open the door

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Sentemonos aqui sitdown here

Esperame un momento wait here a moment

Esperemos nuestro autobus aqui

Sientese , por favor sit here,please

No fume , por favor please do not smoke

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No comas demaciado

No comamos en este restaurant

No manejes demaciado rapido not to drive too fast

No jugemos en la calle

No hables en la clase don’t speak in the classroom

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No hablemos en la clase we don’t speak in the classroomNo vayamos al cine esta noche

We are not going to the movies tonightNo me esperes , por favor

I don't wait, pleaseNo corramos en la casa do not run in the House

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Disculpe I apologize

Encantado en conocerleGlad to meet youDele mis saludos

Give them my regardsTe vere despues

I will see you

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Como se siente ?How do you feel?

Como esta ?How do you do?

Estoy muy agradecidoI am very grateful

Me permiteDo you mine

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Un amigo mioA friend of mine

Hasta luego So long

AdiosGood byeCuanto?

How much?

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Por que ?Why?Cual?

Which one ?Donde esta?Where is ?

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Tiene usted?Have you?

Como ?How?Que ?

What ?

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Quien ?Who?

No entiendoI do not understand

Por favor, hable mas despacioPlease , speak more slowly

Que quiere decir ?What does that mean ?

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Habla usted espanol?Do you speak Spanish?

Hablo poco espanolI speak little Spanish

No hablo espanol I do not speak Spanish

Trate de comprenderme Try to understand me

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Repitalo otra vez, por favorPlease , repeat it again

Yo hablo espanol I speak Spanish


Auxilio,ayudenme !Help me , help me

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Fuego! Fire!

Peligro!Danger!Cuidado!Look out!

Llama a una ambulanciaCall an ambulance!

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Esta es una emergencia!This is an emergency!

Estoy perdidoI am lost

Me persiguenI am being chased

He perdido mi dineroI have to lost my money

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Tuve un accidenteI had an accidentMi automovil esta

descompuestoMy car is brokenLlame a la policia

Call the plice

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Donde esta la estacion de policiaWhere is the police station

Me han robado!I have been robbed!

Tenga cuidado!Be careful!

Te agarrare!I will get you !

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Se solicita empleadoHelp wanted

Estoy buscando trabajoI am looking for a job

Desearia tener una entrevistaI would like to have an appointment

Estoy dispuesto a trabajar en lo que seaI am willing to work in any job

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Nesecito trabajarI need to work

Todo lo que quiero es trabajarAll I want is to work

Puedo ayudarlo a ahorrar tiempo y dineroI can help you to save time and money

Tengo experiencia en este trabajoI have experience in this work

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Quien es mi supervisor?Who is my supervisor?

Puedo conseguir ayuda?Can i get help?

Quiero estar seguroI want to be sure?

Cuanto ganare?How much will I make?

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Si YesNo No

Por favor PleaseGracias Thank you

Hola HelloBuenos dias Good morning

Buenas tardes Good afternoonBuenas noches Good night

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Hasta luego see you later Esta bien That’s all right

Lo siento I’m sorry Perdoneme excuse me

Senor Mr.Senora Mrs.Senorita Miss

Como esta usted? How are you ?

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Muy bien gracias very well thanksYo soy I am

Yo tengo I have Es o esta it is

Aqui esta it is hereEsta alla it is there

Este this oneAquel o ese that one

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Me gustaria I would like Es bueno it is goodEs malo it is bad

Es importante it is importantEso es that’s it

Te quiero I love youTe quiero mucho I love you very much

Lo logre I got it

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Estoy contento I am happyEstoy cansado I am tire

Estoy ocupado I am busyEsta listo it is ready

Una vez once Muchas veces many times

Unas veces sometimesOtra vez again

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Tal vez maybeEsta vez this time Todo everything Es todo that’s all

Nada nothing Nunca never

Que necesita? what do you need?Seguro sure

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Creo que si I think so Espero que si I hope so

Encantado de conocerle Glad to meet youDele mis saludos Give them my regards

Te vere despues I will see youComo se siente? How do you feel?

Como esta? How do you do?Estoy muy agradecido I am very grateful

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Disculpe I apologizeUn amigo mio A frien of mine

Hasta luego So longAdios Good bye

Cuanto? how much?Por que? why?

Cual? Witch one?Donde esta? where is ?

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Cuando? When?Tiene usted? Have you ?

Como? How?Que ? what ? Quien? Who?

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Nombre NameApellido Last name

Fecha de nacimiento date of birthEdad age

genero masculino male genero femenino female

Estatura height Peso weight

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Ciudadano Americano American citizen Fecha en que puede comenzar a trabajar

Date you can star Educacion Education Ensenanza primaria

Grammar schoolEnsenanza secundaria

High schoolEnsenanza universitaria


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Anos que asistio Years attended

Idioma extranjero Foreign lenguages

En que puedo servirle ?May I help you ?

Tiene usted reservaciones ?Do you have a reservations

Cuantos dias piensa quedarse ?How long are you staying ?

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Su nombre por favorYour name , please

De donde viene usted ?Where are you from?Firme aqui , por favor

Sing here , pleaseTiene maletas?

Do you have luggage?Venga conmigo Come whit me

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Aqui tiene la llave Here is your key

Para cuantas personas?For how many persons?

En que piso ?On what floor?

Vista al mar Ocean view

Tenemos cuartos comodosWe have comfortable rooms

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Quiere una suite ?Do you want a suite ?

Cuarto que da a la calleRoom facing the streetLe ensenare su cuarto

I will show you to your roomDeje las cosas de valor en la oficinaLeave your valuables in the officeTenemos desayuno continentalWe have continental breakfast

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La cena se sirve a las 8:00 pm (ocho de la noche )

Dinner is served at 8:00 pm Tenemos mensaje para usted We have a message for you

Desea algo mas?Will there be anything else?

Nadie lo llamo No body calledNo hay cartas

There is no mail

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Lo siento muchoI am very sorry

Una senora quiere verloA lady wants to see you

Quiere un taxi?Do you want a taxi?

Por favor , espere un momento Wait a moment , please

A quien busca?Whom are you looking for?

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Puedo entrar?May I come in ?

Me alegro de verleGlad to see you

Como esta usted?How are you?Como le va?

How are you doing ?Vuelva otra vez

Come againEspero volverlo a ver

I hope to see you again

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Que tenga un buen viajeHave a nice trip

Hasta luego See you later

Gracias Thank you

No hay de queDon’t mention it

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Encargada (asesora)- foreladyQuien es la encargada?

Who is the forelady?Nesecito ayuda

I need helpNesecito una muestra

I need a sampleTiempo complete

Full time

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Parte del tiempoPart time

Tarjeta para marcar tiempo Time card

Mi maquina de coser se ha descompuesto My sewing machine is broken

Llama al mecanicoCall the repair manControl de calidad

Quality control

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Una talla sirve a todos One size fits all

Trabajo por piezaWork by piece

Trabajo por hora Work by the hour

Una sola agujaSingle needle

Treinta (30 ) minutes para almorzar30 minute lunch

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Mientras mas trababajo, mas ganoThe more I work, the more I make

Nesecito un descansoI need a break

Nesecito unos dias libres I need a cuple of days off

Tengo seguro?I have a insurance?

Mi hijo esta enfermo My child is sick

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Radio - radioRabano - RadishRama – branch

Rapido – fast quicklyRastillar - to rake

Rata – ratRaton - mouse

Razon – reason , truth

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Recamara – bedroomRecibir – to recive

Recuerdo – souvenirRefrigerador – refrigerator

Regalo – present , giftRegal – rulerReloj – clock

Repartir – to deliver

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Repaso – review

Rojo – rojo

Respuesta – awnser (to a question)

Restaurant - restaurant

Revista – magazine

Rival – rival, opponent

Rizado – curly

Roca- rock