Download - Convention flyer - iahperd


Illinois Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance November 20 - 23, 2013

Pheasant Run Resort, St. Charles, Illinois

Registration and Membership Wednesday, November 20 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Thursday, November 21 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Friday, November 22 7:00 a.m. – NOON Exhibits and Other Displays Thursday, November 21 7:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 22 7:45 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.







NOTICE: IAHPERD’S e-mail address, phone number and FAX.

[email protected]

E-mail is the most effective method of communication as the

IAHPERD office has only 1 full-time person.

Phone number: 217-245-6413

FAX: 217-245-5261

Wednesday, November 20 IAHPERD Executive Board 7:00 p.m. Thursday, November 21 Council of Future Professionals Business / Social 10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. IL Coalition for Adapted PE Business Meeting 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Western District Business Meeting 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 22 District Officers' Breakfast Meeting 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Retirees Business Meeting / Social 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. IAHPERD Past President’s Meeting 10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Teacher Certification Committee Meeting 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Shape Up Planning Session 2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Northeastern District Business Meeting 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Northern District Business Meeting 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Chicago District Business Meeting 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Southwestern District Business Meeting 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, November 23 IAHPERD Representative Assembly 8:30 a.m. IAHPERD Executive Board 11:00 a.m.

Thursday, November 21 Illinois PETE Professionals Breakfast (By Invite Only) 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Council of Future Professionals Business / Social 10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Jump & Hoops Meeting / Luncheon (By Invite Only) 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Exhibitors Social for All Attendees 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Southwestern District Social 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. IAHPERD Awards Ceremony 6:30 p.m. All Convention Social Follows Awards Friday, November 22 Retirees Social / Business Meeting 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m PETE Brown Bag Lunch 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Northeastern District Social 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Northern District Social 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Chicago District Social 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Southwestern District Social 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. All Convention Dance 8:30 p.m. – 12:00 midnight



Thursday, November 21, 2013

7:15 p.m.


Please assist IAHPERD in honoring your friends and colleagues who are receiving professional recognition by your presence at this awards ceremony.

AWARD RECOGNITIONS: Quarter Century, Service Award, Honorary Life, Teachers of the Year, Young Professionals of the Year, Student Scholarship, Honor Award, Blue Ribbon Schools, Administrator’s Award, Arthur Steinhaus Award, and “Pop” Horton Award

All Convention Dance

Thursday Evening

Immediately Following the Awards Ceremony

St. Charles Ballroom – Salons 2, 5 and 6

Brought to you by Northern District

Exhibitors Social for Attendees


4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Co-Sponsored by Palos Sports, the exhibitor’s social will take place in the Exhibit Hall. Make plans to visit with exhibitors and thank them for attending the convention.

Dance Gala


4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

In conjunction with the Exhibitors Social

Because so many session topics cross several age and topic lines, the 2013 programs will be listed here by category and grade level.



Everyone must be a current member of IAHPERD to attend the convention. Members of AAHPERD must still become members of IAHPERD.

This year’s IAHPERD Convention will have sessions exhibiting current information and innovation for PHYSICAL EDUCATION and HEALTH. Find out what has been tried and true and where you can improve your program.

Get the Information

Get the Activities


Don’t wonder what’s happening – Be what’s happening!


Refunds will be granted for convention registration only, based on requests received in writing prior to November 1, 2013, with a $25 processing fee. Refund checks will not be processed until after the 2013 convention is over and monies are reconciled (After December 1, 2013). No refunds will be granted for any requests received after the November 1, 2013 deadline. No refunds will be granted for the membership fee.


FEATURED SESSIONS Engage Your Body, Engage Your Brain...Common Core Style (offered BOTH days) In this highly interactive workshop presented by an elementary P.E. teacher, and 2 elementary Reading Specialists, participants will be engaged in discovering the connection between NASPE and Common Core standards. Presenters will share videos, lesson plans, and other classroom tools that support integration and foster a collaborative environment. Participants will be given an opportunity to plan with colleagues and reflect on how their work falls within the Danielson Framework. Common Core and Standards Demystified (offered on Thursday) This session will view the Common Core State Standards Initiative and S.T.E.M. through the eyes of a physical educator. Experience fun activities that optimize learning and make administrators drool. You’ll leave with access to free evidence-based lesson plans and authentic assessment tools you can use with your students tomorrow! Common Core: Implementing into PE (offered on Thursday) An overview of how to implement the Common Core into your classes. During this session you will create a unit to return to school with and be ahead of the curve. At least many ideas and methods of engaging in the Common Core will be shared that are not intimidating at all. Project Live Long (offered on Thursday) A breakdown of a semester long project, using Common Core standards, to engage students in learning about the 4 main causes of death. From basic information on the COD, family health history research, to developing a solution to these devastating health challenges facing our society.


FEATURED SESSIONS Common Core Concepts in PE (offered on Friday) Come join us as we teach a couple of games that integrate math activities while addressing the common core standards. The presentation will include video of how these activities work with the students, as well as a quick run through of the activities with audience participation! Connecting Core Concepts in Elementary PE (offered on Friday) The core curriculum is here and there are many ways we can support our classroom teachers. Come join us and play a variety of games and activities that connect the core concepts with movement. It was never more fun to learn!

Integrating Common Core into Middle School PE (offered on Friday) Come and participate in a variety of activities that integrate the common core standards into middle school physical education! Evaluation and Common Core Excellence for all Grades (offered on Thursday) You will witness some very fast talking and enough information to cause head spinning. You will walk out with a better scope on evaluation (Danielson based) and tying in Common Core State Standards no matter what grade or subject you teach. Yes, these two coexist and can work with one another. Teacher Evaluation, Common Core, Student Growth Models: Exploring, Learning and Sharing (offered on Thursday) How does PERA affect PE? What does PERA look like in PE? PE and the Common Core. Sharing student growth models.


FEATURED SESSIONS Danielson Made Elementary (offered BOTH days) The Danielson model of teacher evaluation made simple. Understanding the Danielson Framework for Teacher Evaluation in Adapted Physical Education (offered on Thursday) We have dissected the Danielson Framework for Teacher Evaluation and created a model specifically for the Adapted Physical Education Teacher. Come see how this model can help with your Framework modifications!! The 411 on Danielson Domains 1 and 4 (offered on Thursday) This presentation will focus on Domains 1 and 4 of the Danielson Rubric. Further explanation of the two domains will accompany how it relates specifically to Physical Education and Health Education. The 411 on Danielson Domains 2 and 3 (offered on Friday) This presentation will focus on Domains 2 and 3 of the Danielson Rubric. Further explanation of the two domains will accompany how it relates specifically to Physical Education and Health Education. How to Apply the Danielson Domains in Adapted PE (offered on Friday) Allowing for differentiation and student ownership in learning skills in Peer Partner PE through Expo(sure) worksheets

FEATURED SESSIONS Enhanced PE (offered BOTH days) What are the new state standards, what do I need to know, what do I need to do? Physical Activity, Brain’s Growth and Development and Academic Achievement (offered on Friday) This presentation will address the importance of physical activity for brain`s growth and development and its impact on academic achievement and learning. Current research information related to these topics will be discussed, and practical application for teaching and learning will be shared. Developing 21st Century Skills Via Technology-Infused, Inquiry-Based Learning Projects (2 hour session on Friday) Technology and access to information has changed life in previously unthinkable ways. To be successful in their personal lives, community, and future workplace, young people must develop critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration skills. Promoted by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), these skills, known as the 4C’s, work with the 3 R’s and align with the Common Core Standards. Using bullying prevention as the context, this presentation will challenge you to design Web 2.0 technology-infused, inquiry-based learning (IBL) projects that engage learners and effectively develop 21st century learning skills in the Health and Physical Education classroom. Participants are encouraged to bring Ipads, tablets, and laptops.


Affordable, Portable Teambuilding: Make It, Use It, Learn It! Creative Games Processing from Start to Finish The Moon and the Buffalo: Using Tradition in Adventure Ed You Don’t Know Me, but Can You Trust Me? Waking Up in Adventure Ed

ADAPTED Unified Sports - The Key to the Future An Autism Fitness Curriculum Adaptations for Inclusion YOUR ADAPTED PE CLASS CAN DIVE into Scuba with DIVEHEART Using Technology, visuals, and video modeling in Adapted Physical education Project Unify - How to Make Your School More Inclusive Variety Illinois - A Source for Adapted Equipment Technology in Adpated Physical Education Evidenced Based Adapted Ballet for Movement Rehabilitation The Use of Peer Helpers in APE

The sessions listed in this Pre-Convention flyer are TENTATIVE and could be subject to change at any time.



A complete and correct program will be available after September 1, 2013 on the IAHPERD website. (

ADAPTED (CONT.) How to Apply the Danielson Domains in APE Understanding the Danielson Framework for Teacher Evaluation in Adapted PE Physical Disabilities in Your Physical Education Class. What Do I Do Next? A High School Adapted Physical Education Curriculum How a Regular PE (or any) Teacher Can Become Certified in Adapted Physical Education: Expand Your Competency and Your Curriculum Vitae for Marketability

ADULT Shape Up Illinois: Nuts and Bolts Enhanced PE: What are the new standards? Danielson Made Elementary National Board Certification Q & A Updated ACSM Guidelines for Testing, Prescription and Physical Fitness A Collaboration for Change: Chicago Public Schools, Chicago State & Illinois State University What Would Make Your School Better? An Exploratory Analysis of PE: What is Happening in the Classroom? edTPa - One Year into Implementation Powerful TOOLS that will Increase Your Leadership Prevention and Care of Shoulder Injuries Among Overhead Athletes Human Dignity Issues in the Sports Business Industry Know Your IAHPERD Lobbyists Questions About Retirement?

BLUE RIBBON How to Win the Health Blue Ribbon Award Key Components in a Blue Ribbon Mandatory Swim Unit


Superstar Competition Jeopardy I & II I’ve Completed My Student Teaching...Now What? Study Abroad: A Once in a Lifetime Way to Set Yourself Apart The REALITY of Teaching



SEPTEMBER 20, 2013

CHILDREN (PK - 5th Grade) Community Collaboration Engage Your Body, Engage Your Brain… Common Core Style! Startfit, Stayfit – Incorporating More Activity into the General Education Classroom Common Core and Standards Demystified Huff and Puff Your Way to Better Behavior Moving to Success: Integrating Tactlie Actions with Skill Progression Engage Your Body, Engage Your Brain...Common Core Style Cirque Amongus Grab Your Squair and Go Inside the PE Closet It Doesn’t Have to Be Us Against Them More Tips! The Core Matters Project Some Things Borrowed, Some Things New Bones and Muscles...Learn Them With Rhythm! A Little Bit of This... ...A Little Bit of That 40 Plus (Creative Games/Activities for Classes with 40 or More Kids) Fitness Scrabble Change-a-Game Common Core Concepts in PE What We’ve Stolen and How We Use It Juggling Skill Progressions Free 2 Play Connecting Common Core Concepts in Elementary PE Moving to the Movies II Walk Across Illinois PE Curriculum Physical Education Report Card. What? How? Why? Teaching Fundamental Motor Skills Part I From Fundamental Motor Skills to Advance Sport Acquisition Part II Assessing Children’s Progress in Elementary PE Physical Activity, Brain’s Growth and Development and Academic Achievement Childhood Obesity - Reaching Children Where They Are

DANCE Teaching Country and Western Dance in the PE Program, Grades 6-12 Choreography and Costuming: Making the Connection, Grades 9-12 We’re Dancing and We Know It, Grades Pre-5 Hip Hop Til Ya Drop, Grades 9-12 Line Dances They Will Want to Do!, Grades 9-12 5678 Dance!, Grades 9-12 Let’s Swing in School, Grades 9-12 Choreographic Techniques: Relationships, Grades 9-12 Creative Student Choreography Starters, Grades 9-12 Teaching Dance Using the Cooperative Learning Approach, Grades 9-12 A Wheelchair Square Dance, Grades 6-8

DANCE (cont.) Dancing, Grades 9-12 High School Dance Round Table, Grades 9-12 Creating a Music Video, Grades 9-12 Improvising with Dance at all age levels!!!!, Grades 9-12

Midwest AHPERD Health Council Sessions

Bully Free Schools: Creating a Circle of Support (offered BOTH days) In order to prevent bullying, we need to think bigger than "bullying"––we need to respond to all forms of peer aggression, make a shift in our language, and focus on building connectedness. In order for students to change their aggressive behavior, we need to stop relying on consequences––we need to help students learn alternative ways to solve problems and achieve goals. This session will provide you with an overview of a research-based approach to creating safe and supportive schools. It will also provide you with some strategies you can take back to your classrooms. Pitfalls in a World Wide Web of Possibilities (offered BOTH days) The `pitfall` focus derives from the viewpoint of teachers trying to keep kids and colleagues from getting into `trouble` and using social media inappropriately. This focus would also look at the `outside world/environment` as well as use with their peers that may not be appropriate and how to combat this towards positive possibilities.


You may pay membership at the same time you pre-register for convention, or, if your school district is paying the pre-registration, make sure you send IAHPERD your membership FIRST. Convention registration is not processed until membership is current through December 31st.

HEALTH Dairy Empowers: The Athlete, The Scholar, The Potential in You Meeting the Requirements of Erin’s Law Inspiring Hope: A Positive Approach to Abstinence Education Characteristics of Effective Health Education PE and Health Education Teachers Helping Build Capacity for Effective Health Instruction Bath Salts, Synthetic Pot, Rx Pills...what are kids using today? New projects and ideas for health education Freshmen Fitness Concepts @ NNHS Health Curriculum and Education How To Get That Health Blue Ribbon Reading and Writing and Health, OH MY!?!?! The Hook: You can't catch a fish when you’re missing a hook Going Beyond Mental Illness and Stress Reduction The Real Scoop on Building Self-Esteem Keeping Students Engaged in Health Education Weight Loss; What Works and What`s Healthy Health Strategies and Activities Elementary Health Education Standard-Based Curriculum Health - Thinking Outside the Box A Smorgasbord of Tools to Increase Student Engagement in the Health Classroom Spicing up your Health Curriculum Concussion management The Wellness Impact: Enhancing Academic Success through Healthy School Environments Scary Stories vs Story Telling: Effectively Using Real-Life Stories to Connect Health and

Wellness to Decision-Making and Goal Setting Developing 21st Century Skills Via Technology-Infused, Inquiry-Based Learning Projects


Bone Health Video Contest Winner Overview JRFH the Pleasant Ridge Way JRFH Grant Review Program Enhancement Grant Review Heartfelt Thanks to Jump & Hoops Coordinators Looking to host a heart healthy, educationally based Jump Rope for Heart Event? Learn how 400 students raised $18,000 for the American Heart Association and $2200 for their PE department without feeling like solicitors.

TECHNOLOGY Your P.E.T. Project - Physical Education Technology Useful iPad Forum Apple versus Android Throw Down! Google Doc Me Crazy Integrating Technology into PE Developing 21st Century Skills Via Technology-Infused, Inquiry-Based Learning Projects Revolutionize your teaching with Polar Go Fit app and your iPad Fitnessgram Version 10 Overview Physical fitness testing for students with special needs Innovate high school instruction with interactive digital textbooks Bring up the next generation of coaches - offer coaching and officiating courses for your students


Sabakiball Everyone of Any Age Needs Resistance - Weight Training LEADERSHIP: The Cultural Enhancement We Are All Looking For! In School Bowling Let’s Move in School Skillastics - How the Five Facets Fit Irish Sports for Boys and Girls Kin Ball Tchoukball Train Heroic...Empowering Teachers and Students to get fit, be more engaged, and to live a healthy lifestyle. 4 Tables, 1 Ball. Hantis is PE’s Next Big Sport! Hip Hop Aerobics in the PE Classroom The Butts and Guts of Building or Starting an Aerobics Curriculum 24 Hour Runs, Multi-event Marathons Developing Physical Education Curriculum. Why We Do What We Do! Evaluation and Common Core Excellence for All Grades Hip Hop Aerobics and Zumba Dance Texting Versus Team Building Integrating Common Core into Middle School Physical Education Bumball...A New Game from Denmark Waivers and the Illinois School Code The 411 on Danielson Domains 1 and 4 The 411 on Danielson Domains 2 and 3

TEENAGE YOUTH (9TH - 12TH grade)

Pilates: It’s Not Just About the Abs Crossfit Libertyville High School Spice Up Your PE Curriculum with These Special Events and Games BOSUs on a Budget Crossfit Movements for Youth Policy Case Studies in High School Sports Be a Personal Trainer in Your High School Strength and Conditioning Class Coaching Activity Design: A Framework for Quality Coaching PE Leaders Common Core: Implementing Into PE Group Exercise Curriculum: Start to Finish Differentiation in a Tennis Class of 48? Absolutely! Project Live Long Teacher Evaluation, Common Core, Student Growth Models: Exploring, Learning and Sharing Developing a Premier Strength and Conditioning Program Women’s Body Fitness and Conditioning Key Components in a Blue Ribbon Mandatory Swim Unit Core Strength R.A.D.ical Self Defense. Beyond the Physical. Defending the Emotional. Incorporating Reading and Assessment into Freshman PE Sport Stacking with Speed Stacks: Teaching Techniques for the 3-3-3, 3-6-3 and Cycle Stacks! Revolutionize your teaching with Polar Go Fit app and your ipad

Due to the increasing costs involved with using the United State Postal

Service, IAHPERD has increased its use of an electronic means of

communication to deliver information to members.

The "On The Move" newsletter went to a monthly electronic format starting

in September, 2012. If you have not received this publication, you may need

to update your email address. It has been discovered that many of the

IAHPERD publications will not go through school district email filters.

Please be sure you have notified IAHPERD of a good email address, so you will continue to receive notification of this newsletter.




To enable IAHPERD Convention Attendees to have the opportunity to

become familiar with the technological advances in the profession, the

Convention will host the 7th Technology Center. The Center is now

located by the indoor pool with the waterfall. These sessions are

located in the Marsalis Rooms as they are equipped to handle internet


Below are sessions currently scheduled:

Your P.E.T. Project - Physical Education Technology

Useful iPad Forum

Apple versus Android Throw Down!

Google Doc Me Crazy

Integrating Technology into PE

Developing 21st Century Skills Via Technology-Infused, Inquiry-Based

Learning Projects

Revolutionize your teaching with Polar Go Fit app and your iPad

Fitnessgram Version 10 Overview

Physical fitness testing for students with special needs

Innovate high school instruction with interactive digital textbooks

Bring up the next generation of coaches - offer coaching and officiating

courses for your students


This year all card carrying members of IAHPERD, who pay to attend the 2013 State

Convention, will have the ability to compile their own resource guide based on the

session handouts. Members will use their membership number and last name to access

a “members only” section on the IAHPERD website to obtain the handouts. Your

membership number and expiration date are on the mailing label of materials you

receive from IAHPERD.

Check your membership card or JOURNAL for the information regarding your

membership number and expiration date.

These materials are not available for viewing until December 1st.

If you are planning on using this service, please read the materials in the convention packet, as the detailed instructions on accessing the session handouts will be included in the Convention Program Book.

If you have never before attended an IAHPERD

convention, please keep these things in mind:

There are over 200 sessions to choose from

You do not have to pre-

register, you may register on-site. There is always room for you.

118 exhibit booth spaces on


Time to socialize and meet with old friends as well as make new ones

Membership in IAHPERD

works for a stronger profession

Know the current information –

Be current

American Diabetes Assn. Image Sports A & M Partnership Moving To Success Coastal Enterprises Polar Electro Inc. EKHO Heart Rate Monitors Great Lakes Sports American Heart Association Siddell & Ray Foundation, Children's Health Market Project Adventure Direct Fitness Solutions Coaches Choice Omnikin, Inc. Minerva Sportswear Eat To Win Toledo P. E. Supply Everlast Climbing Industries Camp Manitoqua Human Kinetics Publishers S & S Discount Sports Fitness Wear Inc. Sabakiball Exercise Connection Palos Sports Wolverine Sports Shield, Inc. IL Bowling Proprietors Scentsy Speed Stacks, Inc. Train Heroic Finish Strong Corp. Bigger Faster Stronger Creative Health Products Skatetime Fitness Experience Pick A Paddle U. S. Games B. R. Sports, Inc. NASCO Fitness Fundamentals CORE Matters Project Hantis USA Tchoukball Mixed Bag Designs Crown Gym Mats, Inc. Midwest Dairy Council IL Youth Rugby Association American Sportswear, Inc. Dianna Shaffer, Artist Skillastics Cirque Amongus Health World Education Vertical Endeavors

Take a look at the list of exhibitors that will be at the 2013 IAHPERD Convention. You will have the opportunity to search for “that special item”, purchase products, or comparison shop between companies, as well as talk to various company representatives. Nowhere else in the State of Illinois will you find this opportunity.

What is your motivation to go

to school/work everyday?

What are you doing to

increase your competence?

School Districts are looking

hard at their teacher's

contribution to the school

and community

Show your District you are

staying current

Attend the IAHPERD

State Convention


Your District is pushing you to Common Core --

IAHPERD State Convention has it!

You are being evaluated by a new system based on Charlotte

Danielson -- You can learn how to maximize your evaluation

New State Goals are coming -- find out the changes. Brain Based

information has been added.

Grade Level Performance Descriptors have been revised and new

Brain Based information has been added.

Come see how investing in Physical Education yields:

Higher Achievers --- Better Learners

Better Health --- Better Behaviors

Documentation Available

1. Everyone (professional/student/retired/associate) must be a current

member of IAHPERD in order to attend the convention. 2. In order to pre-register, membership must be current through

12/31/2013. If you are completing the membership application or renewing your membership, you may also complete pre-registration at the same time. Check YOUR membership card to see when your membership expires or e-mail us at [email protected].

3. Student members are those who are full-time undergraduate or full-time

graduate students who do not have full or part-time employment in the field. If you are currently teaching or coaching in the field while attending graduate school, you are a professional.

4. If your School District doesn't pay your membership, make sure you send in

your membership monies BEFORE the School District sends in the pre-registration check.

5. ATTENTION!!! You know that some School Districts don't adhere to

deadlines --- check with them to make sure your material gets sent in on time! It is your responsibility to get your request in to your School District office to give them ample time to meet deadline dates.

6. Please pay attention to the Deadline Dates included in this Pre-Convention





Professional Members $147.00 Full time student members 45.00 Non member professionals 197.00 Non member Students 65.00 Retired Members 25.00


Make sure you or your district follows the timelines. No one wants to receive their registration materials back requesting additional fees because the deadlines weren't met. Early Bird Registration deadline is September 20th Registration with membership included is $148.00 If your membership is current through December 31, 2013, registration is $98.00 Memberships that are current through October 1, 2013 must be updated before the Early Bird Registration can be processed.

REMEMBER - EVERYONE MUST BE A MEMBER! Pre-Registration Deadline is October 25th Registration with membership included is $172.00 If your membership is current through December 31, 2013, registration is $122.00 Memberships that expired through October 1, 2013 must be updated before the Pre-Registration can be processed. Do not send any registration applications after October 25, 2013. You may register at the convention. STUDENTS - You must be a member before you are eligible to register for the Convention.





All sections must be filled out so we may properly complete your information in the IAHPERD database. 1 Badge Information (Print Clearly)

NAME ____________________________________________

SCHOOL/ORG. ___________________________________ CITY ____________________________ STATE ________ COUNTY ________________________________________

2 Home Address (Print Clearly)

STREET ___________________________________________________ CITY ___________________________ STATE ________ ZIP _________________ COUNTY___________________________ PHONE __________________________

3 PAYMENT Member Registration See Below ________

Student Registration See Below ________ Retired Registration $20 ________ Non Members Registration See Below ________

Total Payment Enclosed ________ Method of Payment: Check Payable to IAHPERD Circle one: VISA MasterCard Discover ________________________________________________ Print Name of Card Holder as it appears on card ____________________________________ ___________________ _______________ Credit Card # Expiration Date Security Code

_______________________________________________________ _______________ Credit Card Billing Address Zip Code

____________________________________________________ Signature


Please provide IAHPERD your e-mail address so you may be quickly contacted if any questions arise.

_________________________________________________________ Print Carefully



P. O. Box 1326

Jacksonville, IL 62651

Membership must be

current through



Current Professional Members Non Members Must Be Current Through 12/31/2013 Early Bird Registration Until September 20th $98.00 $148.00 Pre-Registration September 21st – October 25th $122.00 $172.00 On-Site Registration $147.00 $197.00 Current Student Members Student Non Current/Non Member Must Be Current Through 12/31/2013 Pre-Registration $25.00 $45.00 On Site Registration $45.00 $65.00

HOTEL RESERVATION FORM Pheasant Run Resort and Convention Center 4051 East Main Street St. Charles, Illinois 60174 Phone 800-999-3320 CALL NOW Reservations must be made by October 19th. Special Rate of $120 per night plus taxes. Any cancellations after October 19th may be assessed a $50 cancellation fee by the Hotel. Reservations may be accepted after the 19th of October if there are rooms available in the room block.

Pheasant Run Resort is

located on Route 64 (North

Avenue). It is west of Route 59 and east of the city of St.


ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION & DANCE P. O. Box 1326 - Jacksonville, IL 62651 (217) 245-6413 [email protected] FAX (217) 245-5261

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

PAID Permit No. 404 Jacksonville, IL


Over 2,000 Parking Places ON SITE!!

Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage

PAID Permit No. 404 Jacksonville, IL