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  • 8/17/2019 Contvex Photography - April 2016


    Photography M agazine

    www convex media

    Issue no 4



    Issue 7

    pril 2 16








    elebrating omenhood

  • 8/17/2019 Contvex Photography - April 2016



    www convex media

    April Issue of our Magazine is dedicated to

    Women Art ists , Photographers , Bloggers

    .We are celebrat ing womenhood by

    featuring best work of Women Ar t ists . The

    Magazine is more focused on creat ive

    conceptual Photography . Hope you will

    love our work .

    Thank You to all the Contributor's

    Narayan Sahu

    Founder Chief Editor

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    The day I got my first tat too

    you asked me what it meant

    it was a li t t le dove f lying skyward

    wi th a gi lded arrow point ing both ways

    But I laughed and told you

    all tattoos needn t have a meaning

    And it was true then

    We were just f r iends back then

    though my f r iends told me you were obviously in love with me

    I could not believe someone as level- headed as you

    would see anything in a gir l t hat was half - sane and half insane

    I was a dangerous combinat ion of self -doubt and pride

    too high to fall over and yet a sucker for words

    and you had eyes the colour of my favourite t ime of night anyway

    So I shut off the thoughts that went beyond my favourite t ime of


    and decided to focus on your eyes instead

    The second t ime I got a tattoo

    an eclipse burying a wayward moon

    you didn t ask me what i t meant

    but t his t ime it did

    for stories are as true as we make them

    Do you know t hat feel when the universe as you know i t

    goes blind against the night sky

    and you are just a chi ld

    standing below the eclipsed moon

    searching for a feeling in your heart

    to tell you that this is only a phase

    that i t wi ll not last

    But my date with depression

    did transform into a complete relationship

    I am sorry i f you felt lef t behind

    whi le I danced alone to the tune of these mood swings

    that take hold of me and tell me

    I have got nothing to f ight

    as I sit here and watch my days being eaten away

    by yet another eclipse,

    I st i ll feel the the fear of losing you

    even though I alr eady lost you to my fear

    You and I,

    we made cit ies come to li fe


    you were something


    did not happen to most people,

    only the pri vi leged

    But this eclipse across my heart

    is not just a phase

    It has stayed with me longer than any person

    And I can only sit here

    and let these thoughts

    build and bury cast les in my mind.


    having these thoughts run me down

    and create hur ricanes in my head

    I did not mean to break your phone

    or say all those things that broke your heart

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    I have been this way since a very young age.

    A rebel.

    I was born wi th wings

    And f ire in my heart .


    Stubborn kid.

    I fought for f reedom.

    I fought for everything I have.

    Now I have reached this point

    This moment

    When I am telling you that don t keep anyone or anything that takes away your

    innocence from you.

    Earlier hannah montana st ickers used to make me happy

    Now looking at the stars and the moon do.

    Don t be so self ish to ask and yell at your beloved to grow up.

    You lost your innocence doesn t mean you will expect others to act like a grown up

    person too.

    Let i t be.

    Accept this moment . Accept them. Kiss forhead.

    Dance. Love.

    Play with your own hair and laugh.

    Be a rebel. .

    By Nimisha Verma

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    Dear woman,

    Somet ime you'll just be too much woman.

    Too smart. Too beaut i ful. Too st rong.

    Too much of something that makes a man feel less

    of a man.

    Which wi ll make you feel like you have to be less of

    a woman.

    The biggest mistake you can make

    Is removing jewels from your crown

    To make it easier for a man to carry.

    When this happens, I need you to understand,

    You do not need a smaller crown.

    You need a man with bigger hands.

    By Nupur Singh

     Hey you gotta study hard , he said. I shall , I replied.

    And that is how I fell in a love wi th a guy, I couldn't have.

    We f irst knew each other just by f ace. We did not even know each other's name.

    Then one f ine day, the guy came to me and asked, Do you mind if I sit here? , I replied plainly, Yes.

    And the rest just felt like a drop of rain on a hot summer day. He helped me in every possible aspect

    of my li fe. We talked about our favourite books and tried to f ind an alt ernative for the parts we

    didn't li ke, we talked about songs and li stened to each other's favourite and told the stories why the

    song was writ ten, we talked about galaxies, parallel universe, life af ter death, we talked about

    happiness, sadness, depression, success, loss. We talked all day and when we were apart , I felt like

    I 'm missing a part of me. It all happend within a month. He makes me happy, but sad because I know

    we can't be together. How weird it is? When you find a person who understands you and knows

    your silence and understand what your eyes are saying, and you can't be with the person. I am a

    paradox r ight now, I want to be wi th him and tell him what I feel, but I don't want him to know

    because I don't know how he is going to take it .

    Now, I am here wait ing for a mirage to appear in a desert . All I know i s someday it wi ll be better

    than an illusion.

    By Riddhisha Brahmbhatt

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    They sold me, you bought me and lef t me

    in the dark.

    I t was so dark t hat I could hardly see my

    own body. My fear was on i ts peak... I was

    struggli ng... Struggli ng against

    darkness...struggling against my

    thoughts..but was helpless.

    You came again and switched on the light ...

    My hopes gradually started rising and then you str ipped me of f , pushed me and did whatever a

    beast could do.

    I did not struggle, I did not revolt because I was told not to. The day I was born I was expected to do

    this,as if this is the sole purpose of my li fe.

    Yes it was expected from me by others but has anyone ever asked what I wanted in the f irst

    place?? No...

    Did you ask?? No...

    Who cares This is for what I am thought ...

    ... You left me in the same darkness again, with an expectat ion to be better in bed with you next


    You gave me all the materialist ic luxury one can dream of and expected me to be good in bed... Huh

    You idiot , you thought that I wi ll sell my soul f or these materiali st ic things.

    Soul I said i t wrong coz u don't consider me a soul, you consider me a body...a flesh... But who

    cares This is for what I am born.

    By Alisa

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    As i lay here i look at my hands

    I m reminded of the touch

    That i have forgotten

    How it feels to have your f ingers

    Folded between mine and lingers

    Now that you are away for a whi le

    All i need is that u hold my hand

    Let me see a whole new world

    Let me feel that m not alone

    I have someone who can soothen my soul

    Someone who assures sadness will be soon


    Just hold my hand unti l f orevermore

    And my heart wi th love that i adore

    @ Canonicious

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     So many songs about what you feel But not one describes them properly

    A heartbreak there A failure now. Isn? there something beyond it all?

    Oblivion maybe or j ust the stars.

    A f ew dreams achieved and lots of broken hearts.

    I heard one say ignorance is bliss. But is it really bliss?

    To ignore what you feel To ignore what you think

    To ignore the mistakes To ignore the lives at stake

    Ignore ignore ignore ignore. Ignore this ignore that.

    You call i t bliss it is just plain sad.

    I look around and see a lot I just close my eyes and let my thoughts run around

    A broken heart a shattered soul. Al l i t needs a f ixing

    Or maybe something more? Maybe a diamond or a new car. Or maybe just the strength to bear

    the scar. ? Swetha Sekar

    The Following is a conversat ion I had with one of the visit ing facult y when I was an

    undergraduate. It?s all hi s observat ion and wr i t ing.

    Today a young woman told me that she wanted a ?love marriage ? not an arranged marriage but

    she doubted that she would ever f ind a man who would be her ki nd of man so she might have to

    just resign herself to an arranged marriage. She felt that most men were insensit ive cont roll ing

    and too busy being ?the man.? She wanted them to be more ?the human.?

    She told me how male f riends of hers without being asked often feel f ree to tell her that she is too

    skinny too loud too rebellious or too free. She said ?What gives them the right? Just because

    they are men they t hink t hey can tell me how I should be.?

    I asked ?So you think you?l never f ind a man you can love?? And to my complete surprise she

    said ?Oh I already have a man I love.?




    She then told me this long tale of a boy she had known as a child the son of her father?s best

    f r iend. They had been in the same class but in separate schools but used to meet really often.

    When she was st i ll i n primary school her family moved away and they saw each other only every

    couple of years. A few years ago she saw him after so many years she really did not know how to

    respond and what to say and the year after they met again. From what she can tell f rom

    Facebook exchanges he is happy and doing well in a city far away f rom her.

    The thing is he apparent ly doesn? know she is in love with him and when he f inds out she said

    ?He wi ll have the shock of his li fe.? Although she has given him the hint that she likes ?someone?

    but she has not disclosed the name. To her surprise what she observed was the fact that he was

    really curious to know the name.

    She said she is interested in him respect ful of him but i s not really in touch wi th him so

    therefore she does not know what kind of a person he really is. She is afraid of the fact that what

    if the person she loves turns out to be the same like her two other f r iends. But she would be glad if

    i t?s just an i llusion and would be happy even i f the i llusion would come to an end. She said that if

    she ever tells him of her love she is prepared for him to tell her he doesn? love her and she

    believes that is the most likely response. She laughed as she said this but with tears in her eyes.

    By Prerna Malhotra

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    The last resort -

    Of ten you try making your self preoccupied with work in order to escape over thinking. In order

    to avoid realizat ion of you being so broke. Why do we always t ry t o hide our tears, the scar, the

    wound ? Why do we bury them deep down. Why do always try to be so strong ? Af ter all the fact

    is, we are too scared, too damaged and too agonized by own bui lt worries.

    Personally, I see you as a partner who's been with me as a Friend, as a mate, as a companion who

    has always been here, for me, irreplaceable. I don't know why do people nowadays run away f rom

    reality Why do we can't accept it ( rat ionally ). Not always fake hopes are meant to be. At t imes

    destroying them may hurt you and as t ime passes by, t hings will be the way they're suppose to

    You can't always hold onto something that is not for you at the f irst place.

    Who says wait ing sucks big t ime ? I think, our generat ion is too much into INSTANT that we've

    faded the essence of pat ience. Pat ience not each time, mean sit t ing in a corner for your chance,

    rather it means for people to notice you sooner or later.

    By Saumya Rathore

    Like a water

    fal l in slow


    Like a map

    with no ocean 

    By Dia

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    In order to avoid a robbery you keep your house locked yes?

    In order to avoid future robberies you teach people that thef t is wrong yes?


    In order to avoid creepy st rangers you teach your 5 year old daughter to say no to st rangers offering

    sweets. When she reaches 13 to avoid unwanted attent ion you warn her not walk home alone or

    take the shortcut. At 19 you are well aware of sexual harassment so you advise your daughter to

    maintain her modesty.

    In order to avoid future sexual harassment what do we do?

    Whi le these are all valid lessons I would li ke to interrupt the coaching of our cult ure and ask why

    nobody taught us not to harass? If women can mani fest a sense of responsibili ty within themselves

    about their safety then why do we miss the fundamental point of internali zing responsibili ty

    within young males? It?s surprising how many parents warn their daughters before leaving the

    house but don? take a second glance at their sons.

    It?s about t ime we come to the realizat ion that a woman?s safety and a girl?s innocence is not just her

    father or her brother?s responsibili ty it?s everyone?s responsibili ty.

    By Kainat Ali Khan

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    The end is only death

    No love, No care but Death.

    Li fe leads to death..

    No One stays Forever

    Cause Forever is just a Lie

    And in the middle of this awkward journey..

    Some wi ll come in your li fe

    And wi ll make you beli eve that this journey ain't that bad

    And eventually you'll fall for them


    You'l l feel like your world has changed, completely

    And then there you are..

    Now you don't fear death anymore

    You feel alive

    You can just f i ll this ent ire world wi th Happiness with them

    They be your Forever

    But forever is just a Lie.. And they leave someday.. They just

    slip out of your li fe leaving you in dark..

    You feel betrayed.

    And because one can never change the tradit ion

    You badly crave for death.. Helplessly,

    You'l l have to walk t he forsaken lane alone

    Your insides wi ll hurt , badly.

    Your sad journey will depress you more and more..

    The journey to death will seem li ke a Never Ending forever

    But forever is just a Lie..

    Cause you'll die daily Wait ing for death to come.. Because

    forever is just a Beautiful l ie

    By Muskan Gambhir

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    What are we af ter all?

    Just puppets in the hands of Time.

    Time wanted us to be born

    so we cried and entered the world.

    Time wanted us to grow up

    we crawled and stumbled

    and learned to get up.

    Time wanted us to learn lessons

    it broke our hearts shat tered our dreams.

    Time wanted us to be responsible

    so it made us learn how to priorit ize. 

    Time wanted us to be grateful

    it made us old and frai l

    so we cherish the days of our youth.

    Time got bored of us

    found some way t o get us ki lled.

    So what role do we play in our own li ves

    if Time controls everything?

    Perhaps learning to walk wi th time

    making the most of i t

    and li ving rather than exist ing

    could help us shape our lives

    if not wholly control i t

    By Nisha shah

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    Accept the t ruth, bit ter t ruth.

    No matter how much you try, some

    things and some people are not going to

    stay, let them go.

    Lett ing go is going to be hard,

    But you know i t is the best for you, don t


    Don t be scared to face your fears, you re

    just a li t t le human,

    You don t have to carry t he world upon


    Someone once told me, Everything is

    going to be alr ight , you just have to

    believe that there is something around

    you which is more powerf ul t han you

    think , I asked, What is i t? , he

    said, FAITH, faith in yourself .

    Have a li t t le faith everything wi ll be


    You might have just lost a job or a f r iend

    or someone who is gone for once and for

    all, is i t going to come back? Ask it to

    yourself , you know the answer.

    Believe that whatever has happened is

    for good, I know i t is not easy, but have a

    lit t le fait h.

    There is something out there wait ing for

    you, just for YOU.

    By Riddhisha

    I am fire, I am flawless,

    I sit , I run, I break, I r ise.

    I am a beaut iful disaster.


    I, am not the world.

    Let s talk about

    what the road means

    to a grandmother running marathons.

    She runs wild,

    for she had to wait

    twenty- four years and two husbands,

    to buy a pair of sneakers.

    Think about the

    preteen gir l who got kicked

    out of her brother s football team

    because puberty,

    was worse for her,

    than the boys

    and how the breasts,

    you compare with dips in valleys,

    were her worst hand-me-downs.

    Let s talk about

    what the rainbow looks li ke

    to the eyes of a 46 year old

    who never came out

    but forever remained trapped

    in a closet of pink and red sarongs,

    and stolen, gli t tering tr inkets.

    I thought I d get bet ter through the month,

    actually get t ing worse, never mind.

    By Satvika

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    You fell in love wi th this gir l

    Who was exact ly opposite to everyt hing you had

    ever looked forward to in a lover.

    She was loud, a rebel always high on energy. I t

    troubled you how often she laughed, and for so long.

    You never had had someone like her before. Your life

    was easy. Rout ine.

    It was quiet .

    She hi t you li ke turbulence so strong

    You couldn t resist .

    She made fun of the squint in your eyes so of ten and

    no matter how bad it cut through you,

    You knew

    You d go back home to her every night just so you

    could hear her sing crappy songs t i ll both of your

    giggles turned into inconsistent snoring.

    You knew

    You d rather not wake up than wake up in the

    absence of her laughter that made sunshine seem not

    as important to mark t he beginning of your day.

    She was that ini t ial gust of thunder that lef t you

    unnerved. Uncertain. Feeble.

    But you needed her to make you feel like you could breathe hard and laugh harder and hold her hand.

    She had the smile that healed a million hearts and ki lled twice the number who craved her presence

    under their bedsheets.

    Of all t hose brimming wi th passion for her, she picked you. The cracked egg.

    Wasn t i t unbelievable? It was li ke being that leaf of the t ree whi ch doesn t fall af ter the rain pours



    You felt powerful because no matter how annoying it got , she had given you the rights to have her. .

    Unti l one day, no whi te teeth blocked the sunshine

    Your f ingers wi th hers were not intertwined.

    You woke up next to a pillow abandoned, she was done wi th you.

    She needed her inconsistency back.

    And you, you returned to being the wreck

    That you were before she had li t you up with those strawberry pecks all over your skin.


    St i ll in love wi th her, aren t you?

    But that is what she was all about.

    She brought you peace, only to later crush you with doubts.

    By Bhavya

    By Jikki Nair

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    I ts you who makes the dif ference.

    A body of water, breathing absolute st i llness. No ripples, bubbles or waves; formless, shapeless. You

    can throw in a pebble, to make the sur face ripple. You may make it shake, to bui ld some waves. You

    may bott le it so, or just let it f low. Do you see it hence, its you who makes the dif ference.

    An unwrit ten page, naked, creaseless, white Vi rgin to the touch of ink, hues, wr ites.You may draw a

    dream, paint an untold scream. You may crumple it away, make a boat and play. Write bout a secret

    felony, f old some Or igami. Do you see it hence, its you who makes the dif ference.

    A child's heart unsullied, chaste and celibate. Stranger to dualit ies, theology, and hate. Let him be

    poisoned, by the bite of reli gion. Or, See him play the superiority- game, loose to Lust- for- fame. Or,

    let him simply live, teach him to foresee and forgive. Do you see it hence, only you could make a


    By Jikki Nair

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    stop blaming your body.

    you have secrets tucked in between t he st rands of your hair, that loosely hang over your shoulders.

    the smoke in your eyes can make a f ire in t he ocean. but all you see is some extra ski n, some f lesh

    juggling around your stomach. and you easily let your bones fall a prey to a rest less dance of blame.

    through your afternoon hi ccups, to midnight hypnotics, you make your body an easy target for all

    your grief . and when you enter a room, you are always scared to bring along all the woman in you.


    stop blaming your breasts. stop blaming your cheekbones. don t blame the places you bleed. but

    blame everyt hing that makes you beli eve that your body is a burial ground for everyt hing you

    could not be.

    you, have a heart . that does not need to learn t he art of camouf lage. instead it can be the rainbow

    you always hunt af ter each rain.

    you, my love, aren t the accidental address on a package that does not belong to you. every bit of

    your f lesh, it belongs. and i t hides beneath itself the gli t ter of a starry night. only if you li f t your

    bundle of blame and let i t shine.


    stop reading magazines that tell you what not to wear.

    this one isn t a long fancy wr ite up spri nkled wi th fancy metaphors that wi ll make you drop your

    mouth in awe, this is just one simple thing i have always wanted to tell all you women out there.

    please don t let cosmopoli tan decide if your thighs are too heavy for that ski rt , or if your breasts are

    too small for that deep li ne top. please don t let your body feel constrained by the weight of all excuses

    you put forward for i ts imperfect ions.

    please don t chain t he love for your body to false masks.

    By Kusha

    We fall, we get up and we fall again,

    And again, we learn to move on,

    This again is the toughest.

    This again is more painful.

    This again has more venom to spread.

    But you have to, because you need to and because

    you deserve it .

    Go for a walk alone, see the sunset, sip your

    favorite drink,

    It might sulk a li t t le to see others together,

    But the gush of wind wi ll make you forget the rest .


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    Diary of a 20 something boy

    She looked beautiful. How I wondered living a li fe wi th her every second of my breath

    It had been a fortnight since we had first spoken. A newbie in town, I wasn't sure of how welcoming

    this new city would be. She made up for all that I ever wanted fr om this city. All those evening

    walks, all those emot ional messages, all those late night conversat ions, t hey seemed so touching.

    Everyday was so special with her, I thought she was the sunshine to my r ainy day. But who knew,

    she would leave me when I needed her shade the most.

    She was nothing but AUTUMN.

    Diary of a 20- something gir l

    Shadow? Never. Sunshine? Always. That 's what I perpetually believed in. I was told, since

    chi ldhood, that we gir ls are equal to boys. No one can deny us our f reedom, our r ights. Now that I 'm

    20, I know what they told me before were plain li es.

    Why do my parents worry about my marr iage when I'm just 20 and don't care about my brother 's

    even when he's 25? Am I a burden or am I not?

    When I have to go to a movie, why am I asked about how many boys are going to accompany me?

    What dif ference wi ll it make if I go wi th a 100 boys or none

    When I asked my Dad for a car, the look on his face instant ly told me that he didn't trust me wi th i t .

    Why does this society generalize instances and make them into taboos which hinder opportuni t ies

    for several genuine others?

    Late night part ies or night outs, Indian parents will always have their judgments and apprehensions

    when i t comes to us, gir ls.

    Males aren't any less stereotypical when i t comes to givi ng Female the charge of anything.

    Sometimes, I feel li ke shouting on the top of my voice and explaining it to everyone that we women

    aren't just meant to be home makers, we're here to rule the world. So broaden your horizons and let

    us take the f li ght . If we fall , we wi ll r ise again and if we soar high, we wi ll take you along. But for

    that , let us FLY.

    Dary of a 2 something


    Weren't we ? But we aren't told to be real,

    rather we need to be perfect. And what is

    "PERFECT" .

    Hey I am lef t .handed. THAT AI NT PERFECT.

    Because it 's NOT PERFECT. But what is

    perfect ? .

    Perfect ion is nothing but a fallacy, a

    unthoughtful f olly created by t he twisted

    perceptions of the gory human mind.

    I am not close to perfect and I know I wont

    ever be. But that won't stop me from being me

    and won't stop anyone being from themselves.


    And this is totally off handed, but somehow I

    am just tell ing you all ,

    I am O-ve, do let me know your blood groups,

    just to see how odd one can be.

    By Apurva Kamat

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    Marr ied since eight months

    Each day and night he wished

    Things to eventually improve between them

    The f irst night he tr ied having her

    She uncomfortably denied saying she needed t ime

    To get to know him

    Time to fall in love wi th him

    And then take a step.

    He wait ed since then pat ient ly

    Watch her beauty overf low each day

    See her elegance r ise each night

    And resisted

    One and two and eight months passed

    How much patient a man could be ?

    When asked for a clarif icat ion

    She said she was a bit shy and a reserved person.

    Tonight was freezing cold

    A glass of rum he had to hold

    Losing his senses n patience of wait ing

    He layed all over her

    For the f irst t ime they were mating

    How long could she keep mum

    When often he said "I love you "

    Tonight she had to lie

    Saying she loved him too

    How long could she keep herself

    Away and unt ouched

    Tonight she had to offer herself

    Tears rolled down her cheeks then

    Heavy him she carr ied upon herself

    Bedsheets she pressed

    She almost lost her breath

    She lost her pulse

    And prayed inside it was soon done

    She so tr ied to consider i t pleasure

    But alas ...

    An old pain had caged her

    The reason why she never offered herself t i ll date

    Later she mourned under him

    For death of her soul

    As deep wi thin her heart resided someone else .

    The one upon her eyed her with lust

    So she chose to close her eyes tight

    To view another ...her only love

    Her each expression he captured well

    The chi ld in her he preserved

    He had never let her down

    Never had let her fall

    Beyond the touch

    They loved beyond the lust

    Beyond family constraints

    They loved as if i t was must

    Somewhere they knew

    In future they had to fall apart

    But unti l the f inish line

    They chose to walk


    One f ine evening they pre planned

    Argument of mind and heart

    They had to start

    She asked him to try a li t t le more

    Since, walking of f?

    She wasn't sure

    But now he was t ired

    To convince the world around him

    That the twinkle in her eye

    Was only her being

    She tr ied not to make it dif f icult

    Wi th tears and fooli sh pleading

    So gulping tears inside

    On the outer she smiled

    No kisses , hugs or holding hands

    No miss u's or love u's were exchanged

    Inside self they murdered each other

    Unt i l they bleeded maroon red

    She looked away to not see him going

    And lef t wi th a heavy heart

    Not to return anyway

    They f inally f ell apart

      nacceptable choices

    By Shraddha Chavanke

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    The one upon her eyed her with lust

    So she chose to close her eyes tight

    To view another her only love

    Her each expression he captured well

    The child in her he preserved

    He had never let her down

    Never had let her fall

    Beyond the touch

    They loved beyond the lust

    Beyond family constraints

    They loved as if i t was must

    Somewhere they knew

    In future they had to fall apart

    But unti l the f inish line

    They chose to walk


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    Don t think, Just go.

    Open curtains, Spotlight, Sound. Enter. Capture. Surrender. Because the stage is nothing till you

    make it come alive.

    As a dancer/performing art ist , these words are something that I swear by when I approach a


    As a commoner, however, these words just seem cliched and impractical.

    Maybe because we re afraid to do something dif ferent as it doesn t fall in t he usual scheme of things.

    Maybe because we know others would constant ly throw pins at us thus gradually piercing and

    ripping us apart . Maybe because sometimes we have to compromise on the dearest of things to

    please the dearest of people. Maybe because there are way too many road blocks and t oo less by lanes

    to help us out . Maybe because we constant ly follow a f ixed path thinking that s how i t is supposed to


    Or maybe we could let go and change the scri pt of li fe.

    Start ing with, we MUST try t o include drama in our lives. There s a gamut of emoticons to choose

    from and apply them in t he real l i fe.

    Compassion because a simple smile at a stranger, with the eyes doing all the talking may li ght up all

    the dif fused bulbs inside your body.

    Anger , in addit ion t o negat ivity and bad vibes, may just make you strong and help you face more


    Jealousy, as dramat ic as i t is, may either take you uphill or downhill li ke every other thing in the

    world, but it could also mean you care.


    because even though i t is something you think you never have, you fail to realize how else

    you re survi vi ng through all t he fai lures and defeats ?

    Faith ; because having expectat ions from people and pinning hopes on someone, instead of leaving

    you into shattered pieces, may just end up being a happy surprise, giving us someone to lean on.

    Love, because hate is just too mentally t axing. And because human heart knows nothing else.

    Hopebecause when all else fails, that is all

    we can cli ng on t o.

    There s suf fering, but remember there are also rainbows. And they are pretty. And can make you

    kinda happy.

    So, maybe for all t he good things that are probably in store for you, the roadblocks, the scuf f les, the

    brickbats and the occasional periods of insanity that you went through, not to forget the wondrous

    people you passed by during the journey - it s all worth i t .

    Remember, the audience will either applaud or t hrow tomatoes at you. What they do, depends on

    what you do. Your life is nothing till you make it come alive

    So don t be lazy, wake up f rom those stupid happy dreams and start chasing, keep looking. Cause i f

    you don t cont inue looking, you ll never know what you re looking for.

    Time really is running out. And you sure as hell don t wanna yourself .

    As they say, the world s a stage and we are merely just actors.  

    By Deblina Das


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    To people who don't enjoy solitude.

    An open let ter to the people who don't understand the importance of being wi th oneself , who do not

    enjoy soli tude, who cannot li ve alone or who act to live alone only to feel 'lonely'.

    People who can not live alone or cannot spend t ime with oneself in solitude or in silence are basically

    the people who are af raid of gett ing hit by reality. They are people who are dependent on others for

    emotions, acceptance and love. They crave for people to fulf i ll the gaps created by their insecurit ies,

    complexes and low self esteem bui lt over years. I t can be you, me, anyone.

    I wi ll hit you simple and hard wi th a fact that is so true it wi ll defy your t hinking.

    I used to believe that people who are in touch wi th me act in a certain way towards me because of my

    behavior, deeds, thoughts, ideologies and words that I have expressed to them. I used to believe that

    whatever wrong happened in any situat ion between us was because of my wrong approach towards

    it . The situat ion could be anything - good or bad. Doesn't really matter. I always felt I was lacking

    something that made people behave the way they behaved wi th me.

    Lately, I reali zed that it is not t rue. IT IS NOT TRUE AT ALL. Al l these years I wasted myself t rying

    to fathom the law of relat ion, t ryi ng to chase, run and be someone I am not because I wanted to be

    accepted by people. I always considered myself at the center of any of my relat ion's ramblings. No,

    this isn't my ego saying, I am something and the world revolves around me. This in fact was my low

    self esteem saying, maybe I don't deserve good friends and good relat ionships because of what I am.

    That 's a dif ferent zone altogether.

    The truth is, no matter how close you are, no matter how much people portray you to be elemental

    and cent ral to their livi ng, no matter how much emotionally and deeply you connect, no matter how

    much you think your words inf luence someone, at the end of the day, your importance is negligible

    in their li fe. Believe it or not they wi ll only follow your words to the extent it doesn't af fect or

    thwart their ideologies, at t i tudes or beliefs. There is nothing wrong in i t . And in f act, this should

    st imulate you to be independent .


    Every human being at their core has the right to be individualist ic, opinionated and free to choose

    what they want to do and how they want to be. The moment your ideologies and beliefs start to

    inf ringe their space they will start t rust ing you a li t t le less and take their steps back. People will

    only tell you what they want you to know and hear because everyone is tryi ng to save themselvesby

    being betheir own hero. That 's the inherent nature of human beings. You can not change it and your

    presence isn't a special occasion that they will t reat you dif ferent ly so stop coercing people to love

    you or accept you.

    To the people who are constant ly running and chasing tails, I think i ts t ime you start li ving for

    yourself . While you are constant ly t rying to understand the world by chasing randoms; somewhere

    someone has known world as a better place by delving deeper inside self . How shallow can i t be that

    you t ry to describe world in someone else's opinion because you never found t ime for yourself to

    create your own understanding about it . Nobody i s too busy, i t 's all about prior it ies and I t hink in

    li fe, nobody is bigger a priority than you. Stop livi ng in a delusional world of care taking. Pretense is

    a funny thing. It can make beli eve or it can shatter dreams. The reali ty i s what you are running af ter

    is not yours to keep. Someday, it will leave and it wi ll make your heart bleed.

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    "I feel li ke crying every t ime I think about my sister

    growing up. And I want you all to know why.When I was

    eleven years old, I realized that I was part of a contest that

    I never signed up for. No one really knew who the judge

    was either. And i t turns out that no one receives a golden

    crown at the end of i t . No one wins. Because you?e either

    too skinny or too fat, or your li ps are too small or they? e

    too big, or you?e too tall or you?e too short . The boys

    ranked gir ls according to how pretty they were. You

    became a number. You were either number one or two or

    three, and if you weren? those, well let?s be honest, you

    didn? really matter.

    I believe that we need to redef ine what beauty means. We

    need to teach gir ls and boys about their t rue worth and

    potent ial. Because being at t ract ive to others is not all that

    matters. Making a dif ference in the world is."

    By Malavika

    Diverse India " dancers ,

    colours , children , snake

    charmers , tea vendors ..

    As a photographer India

    doesn't fai l to surprise

    you .. I 'm Originally

    from Mumbai and now

    li ving in Hong Kong

    since 14 years but I

    yearn for my home , my

    heart wants to reach out

    to my roots , there's so

    much t o explore back

    home Photography is

    just a medium for the

    "journey back my roots "

    By Sonali

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    I have always been int r igued by the sense of mystery that f lowers posses. Bougainvilleas surround

    me nowadays and

    i was deeply struck by their magni f icence, enough to brush up my knowledge about them. I learnt

    that bougainvilleas grow irrespect ive of whether they are watered or not. They are found at every

    nook and corner and by just being there, they add to the beauty of the surroundings. Bougainvillea

    vines climb anywhere and everywhere. You just have to look around and you ll f ind one, blooming

    in a quaint li t t le corner. I couldn t stop thinking of all the women around me and how all of them

    are bougainvilleas in their own respect.

    They spread their beauty not caring if anyone notices it . They just are.

    The bright colors of the bougainvillea are known t o be ext remely at t ract ive and one who passes by

    a bougainvillea cannot ignore it s beauty and tends to admire it .

    Giving the lime- li ght to the bri ght colors and the external beauty, the real f lower- the soul of t he

    plant is hidden, visible only to one who cares enough to look.

    All the women I have known to love and respect have spir i ts akin to this f lower. Don t look at

    yourself through their eyes. You are beaut iful, inside and out . Your souls only deserve to be opened

    up to people who care. You need no one, you are enough. You are more than enough.

    So I wanted to create a series dedicated to all the women. I have tr ied to capture simple, rust ic and

    raw beauty of everyday women t hat goes unnot iced. Although the essence of what it is to be a

    woman, what i t is to be a bougainvillea isn t seizable but i have tr ied my best to at least give a

    glimpse to one who cares enough to really see.

    Bougainvillea series

    By Farheen Fatima

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    Street hotography

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    Editor s Choice

    1 Niddhi Jain

    2 Manish Jaisi

    3 Rizni Samshudeen

    4 Ashwini Tandon

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    I took a lantern and stepped into the dark

    forest of chaos and baff lement .

    Every prophecy seemed incoherent ,

    I was seeking for reli ance but the despair was


    Li ke a parasite i t inaugurated all my desires

    and the f ire that was glint ing through the

    cracks of my heart,locked in bizarre.

    I was f loundering about in the deep of fshore


    gasping for the air of bli theness and hearty


    But nothing came and rescued my lost soul,

    I was already sinking and wrecked too much t o

    drown into mucky water.

    Waist deep in this black water I stood tall

    Turned a blind eye to the war raging amongst the clouds and massive rainfall

    Because I had stopped believing that almighty would ever hear my call

    But then something pulled me inside and I went like a f ired cannonball.

    Seeking a f inal stop while unraveling the profoundness I swayed

    Soon after reaching the bottom I found crumbled dark souls there, deeply ingrained.

    How spooky they all looked wi th no eyes in t he head

    One of them came closer and to me he said

     Now you'll be like us too,as you're dead.

    By Prashasti Srivastava

    He t iptoed

    In the dark abyss

    Of her soul

    And whir led through

    Every bottomless pit

    She was fall ing into

    To catch

    All t he remnants of her

    He held and caressed

    Her wrecked soul

    He breathed

    Soft hymn of love

    into her ravaged heart

    Crooning and calling onto

    The f inal shreds of strength

    She has lef t in her

    So she can li f t her f ingers

    And hold His

    And together

    They can once again

    Fly away to the lands

    They once called home


    By Varnika Srivastava


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    I woke up on Sunday wi th Facebook dutifully not ifying me that it was the f irst day of Spring.

    Wi th a sigh I sat up staring at that vi rtual patchwork of whi te and blue painted on my phone t i ll

    my vision blur red. Don? most poets and wr iters romant icize the Spring? Haven? they sung odes

    praising it s beauty and soaked rolls upon rolls of parchments trying to scribble down all of i t?s

    cont r ibution to Mankind. Spring was supposed to be that ki nd person who would have graciously

    of fered to uncap the t ight ly jammed lid of f this jar of a heart and then t i lt i t to bleed the ink that

    rested inside. I t was supposed to be that grand epiphany of my mundane li fe which would have

    made me realise that I was born t o die whi le bleeding ink on t o a paper; that the redolence of

    f reshly spilled ink was my one t rue love. I looked around my eyes desperate for the sight anything

    at all t hat would st ir enough turbulence and provide me with even the slightest motivation to grab

    the pen that rested right next to me and impart li fe to words on a paper with strokes of blue. I kept

    searching for all t hose signs of Spring that I have heard about but I could f ind none. I could hear

    no birds singing melodies to ?welcome?the Spring nor was there any subt le breeze playing wi th

    my locks. There was none of that greenery outside the window but an harsh looking wall of

    cement smirking back at me from outside my window. A pop of sound turned my attent ion back to

    my phone and a sad smile crawled it way onto my l ips. A post f rom her. I exi t the wretched app and

    start searching rest lessly for my f avourite picture of us. My seventeenth birthday you point ing a

    plast ic kni fe at me I feigning fear us smili ng together. I sat there sulking lurking amid the

    shadows of the opaque nostalgia that had somehow managed to engulf me during the broad day

    li ght. I could hear the quiet t icking of the clock t hat slowly urged me to get ready for ?Soul

    Sunday? another desperate attempt of mine to infuse enough emotions into this stoic heart of

    mine and help i t recall the bliss of wr i t ing.

    The way to college was a t rance. All that I could do was to stare at the heap of dried leaves lying

    on footpaths. At intervals a gent le breeze would come and li f t the dead leaves up in to the air and

    they would follow a turbulent way back down. The breeze would make them dance midair and

    then slowly cradle their fall before leaving. My gaze seemed to be not needing any excuse to

    f ixate i tself upon t hose heaps of leaves the ent ire way. I reached college and paced around

    rest lessly. I need to write I kept tell ing myself but I could f ind no words. I reached home and

    pulled out my phone tryi ng to scribble this down but words seemed to have failed me. I should

    have writ ten this apology that you deserve but instead I chose to hide myself behind words that

    described my af fair with ink. Even now instead of looking right into your eyes and speaking my

    heart out while knowing that you wi ll understand because you always do I self ishly resort to

    writ ing you this letter and at tempt to hide my cowardice under the guise of my love for words.

    Here?s to the ?Sister f rom another Mother?

    I have no other words to of fer you right now but two bleak f ive lettered words. Now the words

    might appear so deceiving that they would make the World?s greatest magicians shy away f rom

    competit ion but believe it when I say this I mean them wi th every shrivel every f iber of my

    exi stence. I am sorry. I am sorry f or cancelling plans that we had both agreed upon. I am sorry

    for every backward step that I took with inch that you tr ied to reach out. You never f ailed to see

    the turmoil I was stuck in you kept asking me what was the mat ter what had led in to this

    errat ic behavior? And I? All that I gave you were halfhearted ?nothings?and booming silences.

    You felt I wanted you out of the way but I stayed silent because I had no words and there was

    always too much to say. I did not want to let you know that everyt ime I look around the

    classroom and can? f ind your f ace my heart launches itself into this rest less t irade of complain

    about the world being so unfair. I could not convince myself to let you know that every t ime the

    professor speaks in terms of Alphas and Betas I keep wanting to write about the Omega that the

    Universe is.

    The pring

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