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Control Number: 51812

Item Number: 24

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1233 Falcon View Dr. Kennedale, TX 76060 i f/'ITB 2~. -4


To Whom It May Concern:

The recent disaster that unfolded after the arctic cold front was entirely man-made and could have been mitigated had our state not been sold out to venal, greedy people. After witnessing a relatively dry snowfall and virtually no ice fall in the DFW area, I assumed that we would have power and get through this awful cold with relatively little harm. Oh, no, we lost power for three days, we have two damaged tankless water heaters(no clue as to the level of damage yet and no plumber coming for weeks), a frozen swimming pool in our backyard with no way to assess damage to the equipment until things thaw, no phone, no internet and no access to local news, and no water for half of our house. Others in our area are suffering extreme losses with flooded houses, damaged heating systems, damaged pipes, etc. Obviously, everyone is angry, everyone has had damage, everyone is facing loss, and everyone wants an answer for this debacle. The thing is, Republicans have been in charge in this state since 1984. This should have been dealt with long ago. We had a mess due to damaging cold in 2011, and oh, they were going to get to the bottom of it and things would change. Well, it is obvious now that, not only did things not change, they were made worse. Below are some links to articles which address the moral narcissism, bad science, and lying that is the climate hoax industry in the West. Apparently, these "green" policies are what drove the policy making for electricity production in Texas.

The head of ERCOT lives in Michigan. Why? There should be no one heading up any Texas agencies who is NOT from this state. One-third of the ERCOT board is made up of members who live out of this state. Why? There should be no Texas agencies with any non-state board members. EVER... ERCOT board members are allowed to nominate each other. Why? No state agency should be beyond the reach of the Texas legislature. EVER...

Abbott called for ERCOT transparency. ERCOT's answer was to erase all board member names and contact information from their website.

The pearl-clutching legislators who think we are in a period of man-made warming (which has been debunked repeatedly by ACTUAL science with REAL data) have demanded that 30% of our power come from wind turbines. Wind turbines have to be shut down below freezing because they don't work below freezing. Wind turbines don't last more than 20 years at their best performance. Wind turbines cause thousands of bird deaths every year. They are very costly. And, research with REAL data has repeatedly shown that wind turbines cannot generate the needed power to run people's lives and Iivelihoods. Part of the problem on Monday morning, Feb. 15, was that there was not enough power to go around. Plants that had been shut down because they were coal-fired were offline. They could have been there and been running the needed power to residents and businesses, but no, they were off. Wouldn't want to destroy the environment by burning fossil fuels.



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We have had businesses closed and being ruined into bankruptcy for a year now due to a Chinese cold virus. We have had schools closed a year now due to a cold virus. We have been masked up for a year now due to a cold virus. We have had a political class and media complex running propaganda to keep people frightened for a year now. And, now, on top of that, we have corporations and politicians who have destroyed the very homes people have been confined to live in with their destructive energy policies. How will students go to virtual school if their homes have no internet, no power, and are flooded due to burst pipes? How will people do their virtual jobs? How are businesses which have already suffered huge losses supposed to recover from finding burst pipes, no internet, no phone, and no power when the roads finally clear?

At this point, we have faced a massively fraudulent election in this nation. We have a president sitting in the White House who is there through criminal fraud. We have a Congress which engaged in lies, cover-up, and treason for four years while Trump was president. We have a media complex which is basically socialist agitprop instead of actual news and information. We now are facing the state of Texas being run by the same political class which is criminally running Washington, DC. Why on earth should any citizen in the state of Texas trust any of you? So far, the political class, corporations, and technocrats have begun running this nation into the ground in the name of fattening their own pocketbooks.

At some point, the citizenry are going to remove you. If you continue to steal elections, then at some point, the citizenry will rise up against you. The citizens of the state of Texas are disgusted by criminal politicians and criminal corporations who take our tax money and line their own pockets. The citizens of the state of Texas are beyond tired of the elitist socialists telling us what to do, how to live, how to run our businesses, and how to raise our children. Your ideologies are failed, disastrous, and destructive.

The state of Texas generates its own power. The federal government should have no ball in our game. The state of Texas has ample resources to produce our own power, maintain an ample power grid, and avoid the devastation that happened this February. The state of Texas has ample numbers of highly skilled and educated citizens to head up commissions, boards, and companies without pulling in people from other states to run our utility systems, our government, or our economy. The globalists, the Ieftists, and the CCP should not have any access to our state's daily lives. Those three groups (entities) are three of the most destructive forces on this planet right now.

We will work for justice and punishment to be meted out against the people who caused this nightmare in which we are all living right now. I don't even have the decency right now to say God have mercy on your little evil souls.

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