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Page 1: Control and audit of Public expenditures Internal Control · Control and audit of Public expenditures Internal Control Federal Internal Control Secretariat Office of the Comptroller

Control and audit of Public expenditures

Internal Control Federal Internal Control Secretariat Office of the Comptroller General

June 27, 2013

Ronald da Silva Balbe – Director of Planning - SFC/CGU Rogério Vieira dos Reis – Coordinator of Planning and Evaluation - SFC/CGU

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Agenda 1. The Structure and functions of CGU 2. Internal Control: Activity Areas 3. Outcomes

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1. The Structure and functions of CGU

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Institutional Framework:

CGU is the Internal Audit Unit

and the Anti-Corruption Agency

of the Brazilian Federal Government

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As such, the CGU develops the following actions:

• Internal Control

• Forwarding of the results of its audits to the bodies responsible for enforcement of

applicable sanctions

• Disciplinary Actions

• Corruption Prevention

• Ombudsman system

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Comptroller General

Executive Secretariat



Control Secretariat


Prevention and






Office of the


Simplified Organization Chart – CGU

Regional Units

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Brazil: A Country of Continental Proportions

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CGU Disciplinary Board




Court of


Office of the

Public Prosecutor

Office of the











Judiciary Branch Administrative






Chamber of Deputies



Federal Police

Follow up of the results of the Audits

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Main Challenges in the Fight against Corruption

1.Lack of an anticorruption tradition

2.Almost no relevant initiative in terms of transparency

3.High resistance to openness in the Public Administration

4.Absence of a specific agency dedicated to anticorruption

5.Continental dimensions of the country

6.Federative system of government

7.Highly problematic political system

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Main Challenges in the Fight against Corruption

8.Need to forge political coalitions to ensure governance

9.Burocratic and slow judicial system, resulting in a sense of


10.Isolationism of domestic institutions

11.Low degree of citizen participation in monitoring public


12.Widespread idea in the private sector that fair play was a

competitive disadvantage

13.Private financing of political parties and campaigns

14.Difficulty to reach subnational governments

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Some general data about Brazil

• Fifth largest and fifth more populous country in the world.

• Sixth major producer of motor vehicles (behind China, Japan, USA, Germany and S.Korea).

• Third aircraft manufacturer: Embraer.

• One of the world leaders in agribusiness: beef, poultry, soybeans, sugar, coffee, orange juice, corn, cotton, cocoa.

• Amazon forest: 1.3 sq. miles in Brazil; over half of the planet´s remaining rainforest; largest collection of living plants and animals species in the world (biodiversity).

• Among the largest producers of minerals: Vale (one of the main companies the world).

• World´s second largest producer of ethanol and largest exporter.

• Pioneer in the development of “flex fuel” technology (largest fleet of flex fuel car).

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Multianual plan – 2012 - 2015

PPA 2012 2015

Economic Development

Defesa e


Defesa Nacional

Sustentabi- lidade



Agrope-cuária e


End of poverty

Human Righs and citzenship

Desenvol- vimento


Proteção Social

Saúde Direito a saúde

Desenvol- vimento urbano

Indústria, Inovação e Comércio Exterior

Educação e


Trabalho e


Esportes e Grandes Eventos



Direitos da



Logística em


Geologia e Recursos Minerais

Infraestrutura Hídrica e

Gestão de Riscos

Educação Básica

Educação Superior

Educação Profissional

e tecnológica

Promoção e acesso à cultura

Mercado De


Regime Geral de

Previdência Social

Igualdade Racial

Reparação e proteção

dos Direitos Humanos

Promoção dos Direitos

Humanos Igualdade De




Esportes e grandes Eventos


Oferta de água

Energia Elétrica


Inclusão Digital

Infra Estrutura

em comunica


Minerais Estratégi-


Petróleo E


Transporte Rodoviário

Transporte Aéreo

Transporte Ferroviário

Transporte Hidroviário

Transporte Marítimo

Política Externa

Política Espacial

Política Nuclear

Integração Regional


Política Agrícola

Agricultura Irrigada

Pesca e Aquicultura

Defesa agropecuária

Comércio Exterior

Política Industrial



Tecnológico e inovação

Biodiversi- dade

Gestão de Recursos Hídricos

Mudanças Climáticas

Reforma Agrária

Agricultura Familiar

Bolsa Família

Assistência Social

Segurança alimentar e nutricional


Planejamento Urbano


Mobilidade Urbana

Segurança Pública

Resíduos Sólidos


Promoção dos Direitos das Crianças e


Controle do Desmata-


Gestão de riscos e

resposta a desastres

Enfrentamento ao crack e

outras drogas

Proteção e Promoção dos

Direitos dos Povos



e qualidade Ambiental

Desenvolvimen- To Regional e

Territorial Sustentável

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2. Internal Control: Activity Areas

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Fostering continuous

improvement of

delivering public services


To prevent and to fight corruption and

to improve public management through

strengthening of the internal controls and

increase of transparency, ethics and social



investigatory auditing

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4 areas:

Evaluation of public programs implementation

(performance audit)

Management evaluation


Training and guidance

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Evaluation of public programs implementation

(performance audit)

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Evaluation of public programs


Based on performance audits

which are concerned with the audit of

- economy

- efficiency

- effectiveness

and aim at leading to

- improvements in the public policy

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Evaluation of public programs


Phases: Risk assessment


Execution of the performance audit


Evaluation report published

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Evaluation of public programs


1st Phase:

Risk assessment

• Mapping out the public policies of each Ministry

• Hierarchization of the public policies

• Prioritization of one or more government

actions to evaluation

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Evaluation of public programs


2nd Phase:

Planning • Study of the policy

• Describing what questions will be answered at

the end of the evaluation

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Evaluation of public programs


3rd Phase:

Execution of the performance audit, including:

• Field work and

• Analysis of collected data

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Evaluation of public programs


4th Phase:

Monitoring • Discussion with the manager of the public

program about conclusions and looking to find a

joint solution;

• Delivery of monitoring reports with CGU’s


• Balance meetings to monitor the

implementation of the recommendations.

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Evaluation of public programs


5th Phase:

Evaluation report (RAv) published on the CGU’s


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Program Evaluation Reports (performance audits)

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Management evaluation

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600 agencies subject to annual

rendering of accounts

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Training and guidance

Integrated actions with Federal Prosecutors and with the

Federal Police Department

130 Integrated actions (2003 – 2013) (25 in 2012 )

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Training and guidance

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Over 33000 public officials trained (2009 – 2012)

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Guidance - booklets

• Per-diems and issuing

of tickets

• Public biddings and administrative contracts.

• Price Recording System

• Contracting Consultants in Technical Cooperation Projects

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3. Outcomes Management Improvement and financial benefits

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Benefits (management improvements)

(financial benefits)

Positive realized impacts on

the public management as

result of implementation, by

the managers, of

recommendations derived

from internal control activities,

and therefore, benefit of a

joint work between internal

control and public


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2012 outcomes:

117 management improvements

R$ 2,33 billion (financial benefits)

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Issuing of a corporative card for the Civil Defense, resulting in the

improvement of the control on the public expenses

Management Improvement

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Management Improvement

Issuing of a Decree to regulate the money transfers from the Ministries of Health and Education to the States and


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17 bidding processes and contracts were subject to auditing in the National

Department for Transport Infrastructure. Due to irregularities found by the auditors,

fines were charged (R$ 3,5 million) and payments were reversed (R$ 46,3 million).

Financial Benefit

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(Office of the Comptroller General)

SAS Quadra 1 Bloco A

Edifício Darcy Ribeiro

70070-905 Brasilia/DF – Brazil

Phone: +55 61 2020-7241 [email protected]

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