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  • 1.

2. Contribute or die This presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (BY-SA) 3.0 license. 3. $ whoami Bert Desmet ,22 years young

  • Belgian

4. Fedora Project 5. Koji project 6. Devnox 7. What is Free Software? 0. Free from restriction 1. Free to share and copy 2. Free to learn and adapt 3. free to work with others 8. What is the Fedora Project? Freedom, First, Features, Friends Free, open and transparent culture Leading Free Software innovation Development, innovation, upstream ~13 million users 9. Why do people do it? Because it's fun Because it improves their skills Because it's good for society Because people like challenges 10. 11. And projects? The Fedora Projectspends lots of time and resources to advance and integrate technology on the development end Free Software vendorslike Red Hat spend a lot of resources all over Free Software support and innovation, their supply chain Governmentsshift their resources to being spent at increased efficiency through collaboration 12. You? You spendlots of timeand resources to make Free Software work for youjust the way you want it on the consuming end 13. Diagram Source: Red Hat Free Software Community: - 200.000+ separate projects - divergent roadmaps - millions of people - thousands of mailing lists, fora, bugzilla's - no support - no release cycles Fedora Project: - steady release cycle - steady support cycle - no true support - platform for Free Software development - governance (meritocracy) - guidelines Asnapshotof Free Software 14. The facts

  • Fedora

15. Community Project 16. Will always be free (as in beer) and open source

  • Rapid innovation
  • Community maintained and supported

Over 15,000 packages 17. New release every six months and each release maintained for about 13 months 18. Updates include new features frequently 19. Create value

  • RHEL
  • Commercial open source product sold under subscription

20. Red Hat maintained and supported 21. Small subset of Fedora about 2,500 packages 22. New releases every 2 to 3 years and supported for 10 years 23. Updates focused on security and bug fixes only with selected backporting of new features 24. Derive value 25.

  • Free Software develops new products

26. Fedora packages the Free Software product and puts it in a Linux distribution 27. Millions of people get to use it for the first time 28. Results from millions improve the Free Software product even further 29. You (government, business) get a taste when the product solidifies into a supported Linux distribution How does this work? 30. From point project to rhel might take 6 years: - Security Enhanced Linux released in 2001 - Major feature in Fedora Core in 2004 - Major feature in RHEL5 in 2007 31. The Fedora Project adoptsnew productsandnew technologies and releases thoseoftenandearly The Fedora Project thrives innovation by being a platform for developers , while ensuringusersandconsumerscan cope with the changes fashionably The Fedora Projectstrongly commits to upstreamensuring continued long-term sustainability, continued development, less diverging product releases, efficiency and awesomeness for everyone, not just Fedora What does Fedora do? 32. Participate! - ensure the future meets your needs and expectations - have your voice be heard and directly influence development - ensure your needs and expectations are met with future products - assign (some of) your resources to participate in: - testing (Fedora) releases - developing (Fedora) components - maintaining (RPM) packages - troubleshooting software - fixing software Innovate! - think of Free Software as yours already - think of innovation as a service What can you do? 33. Why should you care? You are a consumer of Free and Open Source Software and rely on the larger Free Software community as a core competency Your participation: - gets us a different perspective The enterprise perspective vs. the user perspective - gets you a sneak preview of what to expect for the (near) future - gets you to participate efficiently, effectively - ensures the next generation of supported Linux distributions meets your needs and expectations - makes you pro-active in pursuing your goals instead of reactive to your software vendor - enables you to take control of what you care about - gets you / your employees ahead of the game 34. So what? Studies show: - 49% over 31% of students prefercreativity & innovationin their future jobs rather then stability & security[1] - Being on MySpace is more important then the way you sound[2] - The proprietary software model limits innovation to 1/6 thof it's potential[3] - I could go on and on and on..., but Free Software has obsoleted traditional industrialization processes within the software industry. What the top industrialists could not achieve with proprietary software and financial capital, free software has demonstrated with community development and intellectual capital. 35. References: - - - muzikanten-succesvol Contact Information: Bert Desmet < [email_address] > ,, @biertie Presentation is based upon: Fedora in the enterprise Jeroen van Meeuwen