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2Page© 2016 IBM Corporation

DE, Cloud DevOps & Continuous [email protected]

STSM, Bluemix Continuous [email protected]

Page 3: Continuous Delivery on IBM Bluemix: Manage Cloud Native Services with Cloud Native Delivery

3Page© 2016 IBM Corporation

IBM Internal Transformation


In less than 9 months, 200+ teams and 10,000+ users have on-boarded to GitHub Enterprise

Tools as a catalyst

Modern practices

Whole team collaboration

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Your people co-located in a startup environment with IBM experts in:• Business• Design • Development• Deployment

The right space and people to transform

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IBM Bluemix Garage Method


Read the transformation stories that guide you through the use of specific practices and tools to accomplish a goal.

Reference Architectures

View logical architectures to understand how to structure applications. Jump-start application development by using sample implementations with code.


A set of tool integrations that support development, deployment and operations tasks. The collective power of a toolchain is greater than the sum of its individual tool integrations.


Review the concepts of the Bluemix Garage Method and test your knowledge.

Combining Industry Best Practices for Design

Thinking, Lean Startup, Agile Development, DevOps and Cloud to build and deliver

innovative solutions



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Meeting the DevOps Challenge

MethodBluemix Garage Method

Integrated ToolchainBluemix DevOps Services

Innovation PlatformIBM Cloud

“DevOps is a philosophy, a cultural shift that … demands a linked toolchain of technologies to facilitate collaborative change.” (Gartner)

• Runtimes• Hybrid• Containers• Services• Mobile• Microservices• Watson

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IBM Bluemix DevOps Offerings

Continuous Delivery• Create an integrated DevOps toolchain• Deliver continuously using an automated pipeline• Manage composite pipelines• Manage code & issues in Git repos • Edit your code from anywhere

CognitiveDevOps Insights• Determine readiness for production deployment• Identify error prone code based on history• Measure delivery throughput• Visualize effectiveness of current on-prem/hybrid

DevOps toolchain

Continuous Release• Application release planning & orchestration

GitHub Enterprise Dedicated• Managed single tenant GitHub experience

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IBM Bluemix Continuous DeliverySpeed with control

To learn more visit:

Create an integrated DevOps toolchain

Deliver continuously & manage composite pipelines

Improve quality through insights

Edit your code from anywhere

Git repos & issue tracking

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An integrated and open DevOps toolchain that works across the full DevOps lifecycle

A sample open toolchain for building, and deploying and managing three microservices Toolchains provide an integrated set of tools that

support the best practices to build, deploy and manage your apps.

You can create toolchains that include Bluemix services, open source tools, and third-party tools that make development and operations repeatable and easier to manage.

Rapidly instantiate new toolchains from templates to on-board new teams quickly.

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To learn more visit:

Integrated toolchains for Continuous Delivery

Tool chain templates to deploy microservices as cloud foundry applications or dockercontainers on IBM Bluemix

Tool chain automatically created based on the template, with pre-configured integrations.

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Deliver continuously using an integrated pipeline

Import Code• Import, build, and deploy an application from a

GitHub or Jazz repository in a few clicks.

Continuous Integration• Automate builds and deployments for many

types of code, running builds automatically when code changes.

Continuous Testing• Integrate automated unit tests as part of

your builds.

Deliver to Multiple Cloud Platforms• Deploy applications to one or many Cloud

Foundry or IBM Containers on Bluemix environments.

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Pipeline Stages

• Stages organize segments of work

• Jobs perform specific behavior with different jobs types and extensions

• Builds are created by the “Build” job type which are then passed through to Deployerand Test job types

• References to deploy app and the deployed build are readily available

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Compose Pipeline

All services in one view• Use search to filter for large

toolchains• Dynamically provides

progress feedback

Organized around Environments (not build stages)• Inventory views for Bluemix

Delivery Pipelines and UrbanCode Deploy

• Manage Multispeed IT from one view

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Pipelines are focused on Bluemix, but not restricted

Deploy Kubernetes pods to the Bluemix Container Service using DevOps Pipelines

Deploying to AWS from Bluemix?!

Bluemix DevOps Toolchain & Travis CI

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