Download - Contents page development

Page 1: Contents page development

Contents Page Development

Page 2: Contents page development

• By only having one image the contents page seems quite dull, is too simple and doesn’t grab the readers attention.

• Contents stands out well but there is a large white space to the right of it which looks out of place and makes the page look empty.

• The spacing in the left hand column is uneven and makes the page look unprofessional.

• The block colours at the top and bottom of the page separate the sections well but look a little to simplistic.

Page 3: Contents page development

• Good balance of images • Interesting with the different coloured

numbers and different sizes• Having the masthead at the top of the

page in a more transparent grey anchors the front cover and shows more of a house theme.

• Interesting fonts, Contents stands out whilst the Headings in a serif font gives the page a sophisticated look, suitable for a serious target audience.

• The numbers in the corner of the images shows clearly what story they are referring to.

• Having a heading “Cover stories” means the reader can easily find the stories that interested them when the first saw the magazine.

• “Regular features” shows the magazine values its existing readership by making it easy to find the monthly items.