Download - CONTENTS:- · (Ms. Gagandeep Kaur, Ms. Neha Sharma, Ms. Chitra Kapoor, Mr. Ravi Kaushal, Ms. Anita Pathania, Ms. Sneh Prabha & Mr. Rashit Srivastav) 01:30 pm Lunch 02:30 pm-04:30

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1. Program 2

2. Trade Overview 4

Soft Skills & Communication Skills

IT & Networking

Media & Entertainment

Retail, Sales & Marketing

Tourism - Hospitality & Aviation

3. Important Weblinks for Trainers 9

4. Education for Tomorrow 13

5. RUSA Overview 15

6. Why Train the training workshops are important? 17

7. Contribution of Empowered Educators. 19

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TRAIN THE TRAINER 3rd WORKSHOP RUSA Faculty Empowerment Program for 13 Government Colleges of Punjab

November 21-25, 2016 ITFT Finishing School, New Chandigarh


Day 1, November 21, 2016 08:30 am onwards Participants Arrival at ITFT Finishing School, New Chandigarh

Welcome Tea and Breakfast Registration & Distribution of Delegates Kit (Ms. Divya Kaushal & Ms. Neelima Dabla)

10:00 am Introduction to Training Workshop and Icebreaking Session (Ms. Neha Sharma & Ms. Gagandeep Kaur)

11:00 am -Arrival Chief Guest, Dr. Roshan Sunkaria, IAS, Principal Secretary, Higher Education, Government of Punjab -Welcome Address & Training Workshop Overview Dr. Gulshan Sharma, Chairman, ITFT -Release of Orientation Manual by Chief Guest - Inaugural Address by Dr. Roshan Sunkaria, IAS, Principal Secretary, Higher Education, Government of Punjab, Chief Guest

11:45 am Tea Break

12:15 pm Orientation Session on RUSA(Punjab) Finishing School Trades by Experts (Ms. Gagandeep Kaur, Ms. Neha Sharma, Ms. Chitra Kapoor, Mr. Ravi Kaushal, Ms. Anita Pathania, Ms. Sneh Prabha & Mr. Rashit Srivastav)

01:30 pm Lunch

02:30 pm-04:30 pm Providing Training & Technical Assistance on Mobile Apps + Quiz (Ms. Sneh Prabha & Mr. Rishit Srivastva) Tea will be served during the Session

Day 2, November 22, 2016

08:30 am Arrival participants & Breakfast at ITFT Finishing School

09:30 am Innovative techniques for developing Effective Communication Skills (Ms. Neha Sharma & Ms. Gagandeep Kaur)

10:30 am Basics of Sales & Marketing (Mr. Ravi Kaushal & Ms. Sanchita Lal)

11:30 am Tea Break

11:45 am Practical Orientation to Media & Entertainment Industry (A video song will be shot with participants, which will be shown the next day) (Ms. Anita Pathania & Team)

01:30 pm Lunch

02:30 pm-04:30 pm Providing Training & Technical Assistance on Mobile Apps + Quiz (Ms. Sneh Prabha & Mr. Rishit Srivastva) Tea will be served during the Session

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Day 3, November 23, 2016 08:30 am Arrival participants & Breakfast at ITFT Finishing School

09:30 am Media & Entertainment Industry –Special Focus on Television Industry (Ms. Anita Pathania & Industry Experts)

10:30 am Innovative Selling Techniques – Rocket Singh, Salesmen of the Year 2016 (Mr. Ravi Kaushal & Ms. Sanchita Lal)

11:30 am Tea Break

11:45 am Career Prospects in Airlines Industry- Ground Staff & Cabin Crew (Ms. Chitra Kapoor & Ms. Neha Sharma)

01:00 pm Interactive Map Session- Online & Offline Mode (Ms. Aruna Poddar & IT Experts )

01:30 pm Lunch

02:30 pm-04:30 pm Providing Training & Technical Assistance on Mobile Apps + Quiz (Ms. Sneh Prabha & Mr. Rishit Srivastva) Tea will be served during the Session

Day 4, November 24, 2016

08:30 am Arrival participants & Breakfast at ITFT Finishing School

09:30 am Innovative Strategies to Impart Soft Skills (Ms. Neha Sharma & Ms. Gagandeep Kaur)

10:30 am Technology & Mobile Apps in Sales & Marketing (Mr. Ravi Kaushal & Ms. Sanchita Lal)

11:30 am Tea Break

11:45 am Practical Approaches to Tourism & Hospitality Skills (Mr. Aditya Chambyal & Ms. Sangeeta Rani)

01:30 pm Lunch

02:30 pm-04:30 pm Providing Training & Technical Assistance on Mobile Apps + Quiz (Ms. Sneh Prabha & Mr. Rishit Srivastva) Tea will be served during the Session

Day 5, November 25, 2016

08:30 am Arrival participants & Breakfast at ITFT Finishing School

09:30 am Life Management Skills (Ms. Neha Sharma & Ms. Gagandeep Kaur)

10:30 am Retail Marketing- e-tailing (Mr. Ravi Kaushal & Ms. Sanchita Lal) Tea will be served during the Session

12:00 pm Media & Entertainment Industry -Special Focus on Radio Segment & RJ (Ms. Anita Pathania & Industry Experts)

01:30 pm Lunch

2:30 pm Special Session on M-Learning (Ms. Sneh Prabha & Mr. Rishit Srivastva)

3:30 pm Valedictory Function Distribution of Certificates to the Participants & Closing Remarks Tea will be served during the Session


1. The buses with participants will depart from respective accommodation at sharp 08.00 am every day.

2. Post Lunch every day we will have Digital Practical Sessions. Kindly keep your mobile phones fully charged.

3. Two outstanding participants will be gifted everyday based on their innovative Participation.

4. Certificate of Participation will be awarded on the last day.

5. 3 best candidates / participants will be Honoured & Gifted on the final day of program based on their active

participation in the entire program.


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There has been a huge say out worldwide about the importance of soft skills and

communication skills. These have also being considered as the most important skills

needed to attain and sustain a living from an employment. These skills significantly

impact the way an individual utilizes his hard skills to achieve organizational and

personal goals. Teachers/ Trainers are no way secondary in this way, instead trainers

are trained through regular train the trainer to upgrade their soft skills and hard skills

periodically. Also, this entices to a global shift of from teacher to

trainer/mentor/facilitator. Whatever a teacher practices they imply onto their students

since with technology students are much smarter than ever, teacher need to frame

and mould their personality, rest everything else is available online.

Training Session Schedule (21st-25th November 2016)

Module Aids Used


Team Work, Leadership, Time Management,

Decision Making, Problem Solving

Activity- Cut & arrange the story, Make the

bridge, Mobile apps

Newspapers, cello tapes, cut pieces

of stories, TED Talks

Day 3

Dining Etiquette + Social Etiquette + Email


PPT, Practical Demonstration

Day 4

English Listening Skills AV + Question Sheets

Cover Letter + Resume Writing PPT + Sample Resume + Sample

Cover Letter

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Information technology has reformed each sector it has grasped and it is currently in the

promising phases of altering academia. Digitization in education industry has totally changed

the learning and also the teaching process to a very great extent. Technology has made

imparting education stress-free for both students and educators. Information and

communication technology in education has facilitated student understanding, students are

perhaps the most ready and exposed to external education but they are in the best situation

to absorb what comes up in the classroom. The true revolution in education can only be

achieved via digitization of education so that students can learn at their own speed both within

and outside the classroom.

Mobile devices show a dramatic departure from old-fashion of computing platforms as they no

more represent a static or fixed notion of context, where changes are small, absent, or

predictable. Mobile learning has become an emerging tool for our education system. The

mobile learning can be used to enhance the overall learning experience of our students and


“Global mobile learning market to grow from $7.98 billion in 2015 to $37.60 billion by 2020, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 36.3%”

Training Session Schedule (21st-25th November 2016)




Content Methodology Technology



IT & Networking

Part1: Digital Concepts for Educators

Searching Techniques

Gmail Tricks

Practical Session on various Digital Concepts, Discussion, Presentation, Demonstration

Google Search Engine


Google Docs

Google Sheets

Google Slides

Google Drive



Google Classroom

Google Groups

Google Forms

Google Sites

Other Related Apps

IT & Networking

Part 2: Digital Document Management/Cloud Collaboration


IT & Networking

Online Video Hosting and Sharing

YouTube Lecture Recording

YouTube Channel Management



IT & Networking

Digital Classroom Management


IT & Networking

Online Test Management & Online Profile Creation

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The Indian Media and Entertainment (M&E) industry is a sunrise sector for the economy and

is making high growth strides. Proving its resilience to the world, the Indian M & E industry is

on the cusp of a strong phase of growth, backed by rising consumer demand and improving

advertising revenues. The Indian media & entertainment sector is expected to grow at a

Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 14.3 per cent to touch Rs 2.26 trillion (US$ 33.7

billion) by 2020, while revenues from advertising is expected to grow at 15.9 per cent to Rs

99,400 crore (US$ 14.82 billion).

Over FY 2015-20, radio will likely grow at a CAGR of 16.9 per cent, while digital advertising

will grow at 33.5 per cent. The largest segment, India’s television industry, is expected to grow

at a CAGR of 15 per cent, while print media is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.6 per cent.

India is one of the highest spending and fastest growing advertising market globally. The

country’s expenditure on advertising is expected to grow more than 12 per cent in 2016, and

accelerate to 13.9 per cent in 2017, based on various media events like T20 Cricket World

Cup, the Indian Premier League (IPL) and State elections. Television segment, which

continues to hold highest share of spending, is expected to grow by 12.3 per cent in 2016 and

12.5 per cent in 2017, led by increased spending by packaged consumer goods brands and

e-commerce companies.

Training Session Schedule (21st-25th November 2016)

“Media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone

willing to engage.” - Amy Jo Martin

Date M & E


Topics to be Covered



Radio in 21st century, RJ Qualities, Job opportunities,

Signature Tune, SFX, Underlay, Promo, Sparkler, Time

Band, Tempo, Packaging of RJ Links/ Ads/ Promo/

Bumper/ Sparkler, Radio apps



Photography as a profession and passion, Opportunities

in photography, Parts of camera and accessories,

Composition, Rule of Third , Different types of shots,

camera angles and movements in photography, Tips

and trick for good photography

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The Indian retail industry has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fast-paced industries

due to the entry of several new players and is the world’s fifth-largest global destination in the

retail space. It accounts for over 10 per cent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

and around 8 per cent of the employment. The India’s retail market is expected to nearly double

to US$ 1 trillion by 2020 from US$ 600 billion in 2015*, driven by income growth, urbanisation

and attitudinal shifts. While the overall retail market is expected to grow at 12 per cent per

annum, modern trade would expand twice as fast at 20 per cent per annum and traditional trade

at 10 per cent*.

The world is shifting. Digital revolution and 21st century have made companies fine tune the

way they conduct their business. One major trend observed is the need of stream lining

processes and systems with the focus on cost reduction through outsourcing. Another trend

observed in companies is, encouragement to entrepreneur style of work environment with

glocal (global-local) approach. At the same time, marketers of companies are looking forward

to building long term relationship with consumers. This relationship establishes platform

understanding consumer needs and preference. Marketers are looking at distribution channels

as partners in business and not as the customer. Companies and marketers are making

decisions using various computers simulated models.

* As per report titled ‘Retail 2020: Retrospect, Reinvent, Rewrite’ by The Boston Consulting Group and Retailers Association of India

Training Session Schedule (21st-25th November 2016)



Content Methodology Technology

22nd November



60 Mins

Why Sales & Marketing ??, Sales & Marketing as a

important component of Service Industry Presentation

with Examples, Case Studies, Discussion,

Demonstration, Activity Based

learning, Participants involvement.

PowerPoint Slides, Videos , Short Films, Software’s, M-


23rd November



60 Mins Promotional Activities &

Selling Skills/Fundas

24th November



60 Mins Technology in shopping-

changing customer experiences

25th November

2016 RETAIL 90 Mins

Retailing in the 21st Century, Current and Future Trends,

Success Stories, Retail sales Fundas, IT and Mobile Apps in

Retail Trade

“21st Century Education won't be defined by any new technology. It won't be just defined by 1:1 technology programs or tech-intensive projects. 21st Century Education will, however, be defined by a fundamental shift in what we are teaching - a shift towards learner-centered education and creating creative thinkers.” - Karl Fisch

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The Indian tourism and hospitality industry has emerged as one of the key drivers of growth

among the services sector in India. Tourism in India has significant potential considering the

rich cultural and historical heritage, variety in ecology, terrains and places of natural beauty

spread across the country. India is projected to be the fastest growing nation in the wellness

tourism sector in the next five years, clocking over 20 per cent gains annually through 2017.

Tourism is also a potentially large employment generator besides being a significant source

of foreign exchange for the country.

The industry is expected to generate 13.45 million jobs across sub-segments such as

Restaurants (10.49 million jobs), Hotels (2.3 million jobs) and Travel Agents/Tour Operators

(0.66 million). The Ministry of Tourism plans to help the industry meet the increasing demand

of skilled and trained manpower by providing hospitality education to students as well as

certifying and upgrading skills of existing service providers.

India has moved up 13 positions to 52nd rank from 65th in Tourism & Travel competitive index.

The tourism and hospitality sector is among the top 10 sectors in India to attract the highest

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). During the period April 2000-March 2016, the hotel and

tourism sector attracted around US$ 9.23 billion of FDI, according to the data released by

Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).

Training Session Schedule (21st-25th November 2016)


1 Introduction- Integration of Tourism Aviation & Hospitality Session will be

conducted in support of



2 Technological trends in Tourism and Hospitality, Paradigm

shift in tourism industry with Digitization

3 Rise of Mobile Booking/Softwares/ How Technosavy is 21st

century Tourism Industry- Mobile Apps for booking

A Session on Healthy Eating -Healthy Living

Hospitality (1.5 Hours)


conducted in support of



5 HOTELS AND DEPARTMENTS (Functional & Operational)

6 Types of services

7 Menu and Menu Plan

8 Cover layout

9 Sequence of service

10 Cutlery, crockery, linen & glasses

11 Equipments

12 How to serve and clear


13 Career Opportunities in Tourism Hospitality & Aviation

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Soft Skills & Communication

David Helfand: Designing a university for the new millennium

Freeman Hrabowski: 4 pillars of college success

Ron McCallum: How technology allowed me to read

Shimon Schocken: The self-organizing computer course What is a college education? David Ray at TEDxOU How Teachers Can Use TED Talks in Class to practice English Erin McKean: Go ahead, make up new words! (6.52) Jean-Baptiste Michel + Erez Lieberman Aiden: What we learned from 5 million books (14:01) – Digitization of the books Stephen Burt: Why people need poetry Stefan Sagmeister: The power of time off David Pogue: 10 top time-saving tech tips while working on a computer/cell phone

Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work

How To Multiply Your Time | Rory Vaden | TEDxDouglasville (18:27)

Websites For English Learning

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Retail, Sales & Marketing – india's new young consumer – how GST works – video marketing statistics


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Media & Entertainment




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Geography- Map Making Online Tools


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The world is undergoing a technological revolution that is fundamentally changing the

way we live, work and relate to each other. In its scale, scope and complexity, the

transformation is unlike anything human mankind has experienced before. Termed as

the “fourth revolution”, it has today created a “technology community” that believes

in technology redefining systems and society. The recent example of start-ups tell us

a story of new approach to the economic value creation and social progress.

The challenge for India, with its billion-plus population living in distinctly different

segments of India (developed, emerging and underserved) is multifold. Preparing the

workforce and citizenry for the new-order society require rethinking the traditional

educational mode. Also, with the evident change, the role of teacher is also changing

from a knowledge transmitter to a mentor, a facilitator, counsellor and many more.

Digital and Technology Revolution in Education

When talking about 21st century learning, there’s one critical component that ties the

concept together: Technology. It is technology in its many forms that is driving

innovation, changing the way that students think and, as a result, changing the way

that teachers teach. Digital literacy, in particular, has become one of the main priorities

of 21st century education. As a result, teachers are beginning to take a different

approach to education in order to accommodate the needs of present and future

century students. They’re integrating technology into instruction by encouraging

students to use computers for research or work with adaptive learning technology to

grasp new concepts. The blended learning model of instruction with the use of

digitalization, in particular, gives teachers the opportunity to work on student holistic

learning, giving them more one-on-one attention and encouraging them to actively

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engage in the learning process. Like the adaptive learning programs that many

educational institutions now use, teachers, too, must learn to adapt.

In 21st Century's new perspectives on teaching and learning, it now necessary to open

a new window for thinking about how 21st century skills and standards impact these

traditional teaching roles. The goal is to make these roles relevant for today's students'

evolving learning needs. To prepare students for a multiple career life-path, we will

need teachers able to develop learning plans for students who are ready to fulfill their

capacity as a whole person adaptable for whatever career paradigm that will emerge.

Given the multidisciplinary demands, effective teachers will plan lessons and learning

units that give priority to the skills, students will have to carry across the disciplines

and into new and different jobs. Thinking, problem solving, collaborating and

communicating must emerge onto center stage and provide the means for all students,

not just a select handful, to traverse this multi-disciplinary landscape.

Technology as an enabler

Technological innovations are changing the way we teach and learn. It is evident that

technology, especially the e-learning, is making a real difference to the education

system, allowing the higher quality education material to reach remote locations. It

creates individual learning paths, makes learning interactive and fun through

gamification and provides numerous practice opportunity.

Also, technology as an enabler makes

the curriculum interesting for the

students and unleash their creativity,

critical thinking and acumen to solve

complex problems. Flip class rooms

enable teachers to reach out larger

number of students and allows time for

debate and discussions. The “cloud”

has emerged as new delivery model

and platform of choice for institutions.

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Introduction of Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA)

Over the years, higher education in India has gone through a phase of unprecedented

expansion, marked by a huge increase in the volume of students, an exponential

increase in the number of institutions and a quantum jump in the level of public funding.

Innovative educational policies in India have been a huge success. Sarva Shiksha

Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) has laid a strong

foundation for primary and secondary education in India. Talking about the Higher

Education, the needs to be viewed as a long-term social investment for the promotion

of economic growth, cultural development, social cohesion, equity and justice. In order

to meet the XII Plan aim of inclusive growth and to ensure genuine endogenous and

sustainable development along with social justice and equity, the higher education

sector has to play a pivotal role, especially in generating research-based knowledge

and developing a critical mass of skilled and educated personnel. Within this

philosophical paradigm, some of the issues pertaining to the higher education system

have been identified that need to be squarely addressed for the balanced development

of higher education in India.

The above also calls for immediate action, as in the coming decades, India is set to

reap the benefits of demographic dividend with its huge working age population. The

International Labour Organization (ILO) has predicted that by 2020, India will have 116

million workers in the age bracket of 20 to 24 years, as compared to China’s 94 million.

India has a very favorable dependency ratio and it is estimated that the average age

in India by the year 2020 will be 29 years as against 40 years in USA, 46 years in

Japan and 47 years in Europe. In fact, we have more than 60% of our population in

the age group of 15 to 59 years. This trend is very significant on the grounds that what

matters is not the size of the population, but its age structure. It would be a lost

opportunity if we don’t take advantage of this dividend. Herein lies the significance of

higher education.

Rashtriya Uchchattar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) (Hindi for "National Higher

Education Mission") is a holistic scheme of development for higher education in

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India initiated in 2013 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government

of India. The scheme spread over the two plan periods (XII and XIII), and is an

overarching scheme for funding the State Universities and colleges in order to achieve

the aims of equity, access and excellence (the key areas of Education under XII plan).

The objectives of RUSA is to achieve the target of GER of 32% by the end of XIII Plan,

which the central Government has set for itself. Government of India aims to improve

the quality of State Universities and colleges and

enhance their existing capacities so that they

become dynamic, demand-driven, quality

conscious, efficient and forward looking and

responsive to rapid economic and technological

developments occurring at the local, state,

national and international levels.

Also, it aims to improve access, equity and quality

in higher education through planned development

of higher education at the state level. Such

planning will include creating new academic institutions, expanding and upgrading the

existing ones, developing institutions that are self-reliant in terms of quality education,

professionally managed, and characterized by greater inclination towards research

and provide students with education that is relevant to them as well the nation as a

whole. There are 306 state universities and about 8500 colleges that can be covered

under RUSA. Greater emphasis will be laid on the improvement of the quality of

teaching learning processes in order to produce employable and competitive

graduates, postgraduates and PhDs.

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Empowering Teachers to Transform Education

The present world is going through some epoch-making changes of unprecedented

proportions, fueled by widespread social-political and economic upheavals. While on

one hand, the world is shrinking into one big global village—thanks to the cyber

technologies—on the other hand, it is being torn apart by equally forceful counter-

forces of social and political unrest. This paradoxical situation is of grave concern to

all who are interested in the well-being of the whole planet and its people.

Many believe that this situation cannot be “fixed” from the outside by mere socio-

political reforms. Something fundamental, deep from within, has to change. We have

to begin at the beginning. We have to raise our children differently. We have to educate

our youth effectively. We have to devise a different type of education system, an

education system which not only prepares students for making a living but also guides

them how to live a meaningful life. Our educational institutes have to become

incubators of character and spirit.

We need to give our students clarity about their life goals, confidence about

transforming their own destiny, and conviction (निष्ठा) to become change agents for the

good of others. Each and every youth has to become a “difference-maker.”

India is now officially the world’s fastest growing economy. Economic growth is

incomplete and unsustainable if it is not rooted in a strong, world-class educational

infrastructure. Teachers stands at the nourishing roots of an education system. To

become a world leader (Vishv-guru), India needs to empower its teachers.

We have to develop our youth in all their vital dimensions—physical, mental,

emotional, moral, and spiritual. The education has to start very early: right at the

cradle, with stories that ignite passion for the highest achievement, values, meaning,

purpose, and contribution. To achieve that, our educational institutions have to

become incubators of character and spirit.

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“Train the Trainer”, 5 days train the training workshop for RUSA faculty is exclusively

designed to empower Teachers with tools to handle 21st century students employing

the advances, innovations and improvements made by the fraternity worldwide. The

basic premise is to equip teachers with the single minded focus of –“Improving

Learning Outcomes”. The program will encompass both soft skill and hard skills part

with a key differentiators like Activity Based learning, Participants involvement,

Unequivocal engagement, Breaks stereotypes of Training, Paradigm shift in training

delivery using technology to the optimum, videos and movies as part of program, etc.

Teachers are the strength of every country. A good teacher leads towards empowered

country. We believe, Teacher Empowerment is linked to Students Achievement. We

believe every teacher to empower every youth in Finishing School with

10C’s.Therefore, transforming youth through teachers play a very role in transforming

the Nation.

Page 20: CONTENTS:- · (Ms. Gagandeep Kaur, Ms. Neha Sharma, Ms. Chitra Kapoor, Mr. Ravi Kaushal, Ms. Anita Pathania, Ms. Sneh Prabha & Mr. Rashit Srivastav) 01:30 pm Lunch 02:30 pm-04:30



We have to understand that, Students when empowered are more confident and

exhibit more self-esteem. Confidence can increase a person's ability to think and cope

with basic challenges. Self-esteem can increase feeling worthy and the ability to assert

one's needs and wants. We believe that, Empowered students can become

empowered citizens thereby transforming India.

Empowered teachers can foster student empowerment in several ways. Allowing

students to follow through on their original ideas and solve complex problems

individually can make students more committed to their own learning. Recognition of

student initiative as well as success takes the emphasis off the risk of trying new ideas.

Team-work can develop strong working relationships that foster peer support. Simply

listening to students verbal and non-verbal messages with an open mind can reinforce

for the student the worth of his or her ideas. When students are allowed to make

meaningful contributions to their colleges and community, the learn confidence and

responsibility. As teachers model the importance of self-reliance and pride, students

become more empowered. Encouraging and equipping students with essential skills

leads to empowerment.