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INTRODUCTIONNX is an interactive Computer-Aided Design, Computer-Aided Manufacturing, and

Computer-Aided Engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE) system. The CAD functions automate the normal engineering, design, and drafting capabilities found in today's manufacturing companies. The CAM functions provide NC programming for modern machine tools using the NX design model to describe the finished part. The CAE functions provide a number of product, assembly, and part performance simulation abilities, across a broad range of engineering disciplines.

NX functions are divided into "applications" of common capabilities. These applications are supported by a prerequisite application called NX Gateway. Every NX user must have NX Gateway; however, the other applications are optional and may be configured to meet the needs of each individual user.

NX is a fully three-dimensional, double precision system that allows you to accurately describe almost any geometric shape. By combining these shapes, you can design, analyze, and create drawings of your products.

Once the design is complete, the Manufacturing application allows you to select the geometry describing the part, enter manufacturing information such as cutter diameter, and automatically generate a cutter location source file (CLSF), which can be used to drive most NC machines.

Application Overview

Following are some of the main NX software applications.

Analysis Assemblies Drafting Gateway Geometric Tolerancing Module High Quality Image Knowledge Fusion Manufacturing Modeling Open User Interface Styler Programming Languages Quality Control Routing Sheet Metal Spreadsheet Web Express Wire Harness 

GatewayGateway allows you to open existing part files, create new part files, save part files,

plot drawings and screen layouts, import and export various types of files, and other general functions. It also provides consolidated view display operations, screen layout and layer functions, WCS manipulation, object information and analysis, and access to online help.

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Gateway is the prerequisite for all other interactive applications, and is the first application you enter when you open NX. You can return to Gateway at any time from the other applications in NX by selecting it from the Application pull-down menu.


Solids ModelingThis general modeling application supports the creation of 2D and 3D wireframe

models, swept and revolved bodies, Boolean operations, and basic associative editing. A solid modeling is the prerequisite for both Features Modeling and Free Form Modeling.

Features Modeling

This feature-based modeling application supports the creation and associative edit of standard design features such as holes, slots, and pockets. It allows you to hollow out solid models and create thin walled objects. A feature can be located relative to any other feature or object and can be instanced to establish associative sets of features. Solids Modeling is a prerequisite for this application.

Free-Form Modeling

This complex-shape modeling application supports the creation of complex surface and solid models. Some of the available techniques are general sweeps along curves; proportionally developed shapes using 1, 2 and 3 rail methods; lofted shapes using standard conic methods; and meshes of points and curves. Solids Modeling is a prerequisite for this application.

Sheet Metal Feature Modeling

This feature-based modeling application supports the creation of sheet metal specific features such as flanges, ribs and cutouts that conform to the shape of their underlying surfaces. These features can then be manipulated in the Sheet Metal Design application to simulate forming and unforming the part. This practice allows you to incorporate design for manufacturing concepts into your parts at design time. Solids Modeling and Sheet Metal Design are prerequisites for this application.

User-Defined Features

This application provides an interactive means to capture and store families of parts for easy retrieval and editing using the concept of a user-defined feature (UDF). It allows you to take an existing associative solid model, created using the standard NX modeling tools, and establish relationships between parameters, define feature variables, set default values, and decide the general form the feature will take when started. Existing UDFs reside in a library that can be accessed by anyone using the Features Modeling application.

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AssembliesThis application supports "top-down" and "bottom-up" assembly modeling. It provides

for rapid traversals of the assembly hierarchy and allows direct access to the design model of any component or sub-assembly. It supports the "design in context" approach in which changes can be made to the design model of any component while working in the context of the assembly.

DraftingThe Drafting application allows you to create engineering drawings from 3D models

created in a modeling application, or 2D design layouts created using the built-in curve/sketch tools. Drafting supports automatic creation of drawing layouts, including orthographic view projection, sectioning, auxiliary and detail views, and isometric drafting. View-dependent and automatic hidden line editing are also supported.


Basic Machining and Editing

This application supports the creation and editing of CLSFs for NC machining. It also contains software to perform point-to-point and APT-like drive curve machining operations.


This application provides the capability to specify milling profile and milling pocket operations interactively (2-axis and 2 1/2-axis machining).

Multi-Axis Mill

This application provides the capability to specify complex milling operations interactively (3-axis to 5-axis machining).


This application provides the capability to specify turning operations interactively (roughing, finishing, drilling, grooving, and threading).


The Graphics Post-processor application (GPM) supports the formatting of a tool path to meet the input requirements of specific machine/controller combinations. The Machine Data File Generator (MDFG) is a menu-driven program that generates the required MDFs

Starting NX on Windows

Using the Start ButtonClick the Start button.Select the NX application from the Programs item.

Using the NX IconOpen the NX program group.Double-click the NX icon.

Main WindowThe figure below shows the basic components of the NX main window.

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# Component Description

Title Bar The Graphics Window Title Bar displays the following information for the current part file:The name of the current displayed partThe name of the current work partIf the work part is read onlyIf the work part has been modified since it was last savedNote: If a part is out-of-date due to out-of-date mating conditions or WAVE-linked geometry, the system displays an exclamation point next to the part name.

Menubar The Menubar is the horizontal menu of options displayed at the top of the main window directly below the title bar. Menubar options are called menu titles and each corresponds to an NX functional category. Each menu title provides access to a pulldown menu of choices.

Graphics Window

The Graphics Window is where you create, display, and modify parts.

Toolbar Area Toolbars are a row of icons you can use to activate standard NX menu items. NX comes with a large selection of toolbars, several of which are displayed when you start NX.

Resource Bar The Resource Bar combines a number of pages in one common place using very little user interface space. NX places all navigator windows in the Resource Bar, as well as the History Palette, a training page, and the Web Browser. By default, the system locates the Resource Bar on the right side of the NX window. You can also locate it on the left side using Preferences->User Interface.

Cue Line The Cue Line displays at the bottom or top of the main NX window. The Cue area displays prompt messages about expected input by the current option. These messages indicate the next action you need to take. You can change the Cue/Status position using the Tools-

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>Customize dialog.

Status Line The Status Line, located to the right of the Cue area, displays information messages about the current option or the most recently completed function. These messages do not require a response.

Progress Meter

The Progress Meter displays in the Cue Line when the system performs a time-consuming operation, such as loading a large assembly. The meter shows the percentage of the operation that has been completed. When the operation completes, the system displays the next appropriate cue.

File MenuThe File pull-down menu includes commands that let you create, open, save, and close part files, import and export part files, perform basic file and system management functions, and exit NX. There are also options to set search directories, send jobs to a plotter, and set customer defaults.

Option Description

New Creates a new part file.

Open Opens an existing part file.

Close Closes, saves, exits, or re-opens one or more opened parts.

Save Saves the current work part file under the same name whether modified or not. If the work part is an assembly, saves any components that have been modified. Also saves .jt files.

Save Work Part Only

Saves only your current work part. This is useful when, for example, you have made changes to only one component in a very large assembly.

Save As Creates a new file from an existing one and allows you to give it a new filename.

Save All Saves all top-level open parts. This means those parts that do not have parents in the session or have been modified. This includes parts that are open but not displayed, but does not include partially open parts, such as components.

Save Bookmark Saves a .bkm file that is an XML description of the current assembly and defined Assemblies Navigator filters. Opening the bookmark causes the assembly to load with the same load options and visible components that were present when the bookmark was saved.

Options Specifies how and from where the system loads your part files and specifies what specific actions take place each time you save a part.

Print Performs standard Windows printing. Available on Windows only.

Plot Creates generic plot data files that are submitted to one of any number of plot queues on any number of plot servers in a TCP/IP.

Import Copies the contents of a file into your work part, or in the case of IGES, STEP203, STEP214 and DXF, into a new part.

Export Exports NX data into the designated file type.

Interoperate Allows you to use NX, Product Vision, and Teamcenter together.

Utilities Options that are pertinent to all Open C and C++ operations, but not classified by a specific feature.

Execute Open Runs Open GRIP, Debug GRIP and Open C and C++ API programs.

Properties Displays information about the currently displayed part.

Recently Opened Parts

Displays the path and filename of the most recently opened parts.

Exit Ends an NX session.

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Edit MenuThe Edit menu offers a variety of tools that allow you to modify existing objects. You can undo most immediately preceding operations, delete objects from a part file, and modify the layer, color, font, width, grid count, and translucency of existing objects. You can also translate, rotate, scale, and transform objects, make objects visible or invisible, as well as move objects or their copies among the layers in a part file.

The following options are available from the Edit menu.

Option Description

Undo List Reverse, or "undo", one or more preceding operations.

Cut Cuts selected components or features and places them on the clipboard. If the selected object cannot be cut, you will receive a message, "Incorrect object for operation".

Copy Places a description of the selected component or feature onto the clipboard. Note that the Copy operation may not provide enough information to perform a paste without first completely loading the part that was copied.

Copy Display

(Windows only) Allows you to copy a vector image of the contents of the NX graphics window to the Windows clipboard on platforms running the Windows Operating System.

Paste Pastes components or features that have been cut or copied to the clipboard. The object will be pasted into a location, usually the work part, where it can then be positioned correctly.

Delete Removes objects permanently from a part file.

Selection Displays a cascading menu which is a subset of the Selection Toolbar. Provides flexible filtering tools to help you select the object you want.

Blank Cascades to a submenu to permit control of the display of objects, making them visible or invisible.

Transform Translates, rotates, and scales objects or their copies.

Object Display

Modifies the layer, color, font, width, grid count, translucency and shading status of existing objects.

Properties Assigns, copies, edits, displays, and deletes object names and attributes.

Sketch... Affects the size of an object and the distance between the object and its reference point.

Snap Point

Allows you to specify a set of point inference types.

View MenuView options manipulate the system's current working views. Features of the View options can change parameters, perspective and scale, specify how the part are viewed, and create shaded images of the view, and save or recall the image to a file and finally send the image to a plotter.

Features that manipulate the view are: zoom, center, rotate, delete, save and select work views, clipping planes and perspective or adjusting the center and scale of the view to fit the entire part. Control the view display with dashes or hidden lines, setting silhouettes, smooth edges, fog and direction of a light source in shaded images.

If you do not like what you have done while manipulating a view you can restore it to what it was originally.

Option Description

Refresh Refreshes the view, redrawing lines and curves that may have disappeared or become incomplete in the display as you performed operations during your NX session.

Operation Options that permit editing of the view: zoom, center, rotate, delete,

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save and select work views.

Orient Aligns the view based on system coordinates.

Visualization Specifies how objects in a view are enhanced with special features, shading etc.

Toolbars Select toolbars to show, hide, create, insert or customize toolbars.

Information Window Displays the Information window, displaying information for the current work part.

Current Dialog Hides or shows the current dialog.

Curvature Graphs Redisplays the Curvature Graph display. You can also use: <Shift>+<Ctrl>+C.

Format MenuUse the Format menu to control layers, layouts, groups, attributes, and patterns.

Option Description

Layer Settings Sets the global layer status. Applies to all views except drawing views that do not have an individual layer mask.

Visible In View Controls the display status of layers for a specific view. The mask for each view may be different and has priority over the global mask.

Layer Category Creates named groups of layers. This simplifies changing the visibility and selection status of associated layers.

Move To Layer Removes objects from one layer and places them on another layer.

Copy To Layer Places a copy of an object on another layer, leaving the original.

Layout Defines how a set of views is displayed in the graphics display area.

Group Collects individual objects together as a group and handles them as a single unit.

Database Attributes

Assigns certain types of information to parts and geometry, including solids, faces, and edges. You can assign attributes to the components of assemblies, and use the information to generate a parts list.

Pattern Duplicates standard parts to add standard information such as borders, lines, text and title blocks to your file, and to reduce the size of your current part file.

Tools MenuThis topic discusses the options that are on the Tools pulldown menu. Other types of tools are covered in the User Tools and Common Tools topics.

Option Description

Expression Provides options for creating and modifying expressions.

Visual Editor Provides a static graphical representation of a model with its corresponding dimensions and expressions.

Spreadsheet Overview

This will start the spreadsheet application.

Smart Models The Smart Models cascade consists of Product Definition and Geometric Tolerancing.

Material Properties Provides options for analyzing and modifying the material properties of your part.

Part Navigator Provides options for the display of the Part Navigator, which displays when you select View->Part Navigator.

Assembly Navigator

Provides options for the display of the Assemblies Navigator.

Collaborate Displays the list of available collaboration functions.

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User-Defined Feature

To define standard feature as per users range.

Macro Create and record a macro.

Customize Control the visibility of the entire toolbar as well as the visibility of each element in the toolbar.

WCS MenuThe WCS menu allows you to manipulate the current workview coordinate system (WCS). You can select any existing or newly specified coordinate system from the WCS menu options. You can create coordinate system objects that may be put to various uses. The WCS is temporary unless you save it.

The WCS menu contains the following options:

Option Description

Origin... Defines a new WCS by redefining the origin of the current WCS.

Dynamics... Manipulates the location and orientation of the WCS. Supports the Undo function.

Rotate... Describes a new WCS as a rotation of the current WCS about one of its axes (XC, YC, ZC).

Orient... Specifies a new WCS using functions on the CSYS Constructor.

Change XC Direction

Changes the direction of the WCS's XC axes about the ZC axis.  

Change YC Direction

Changes the direction of the WCS's YC axes about the ZC axis.  

Display Toggles the display of the WCS on and off.

Save Creates and saves a coordinate system at the current WCS origin and orientation. If you need a coordinate system for future reference, you can save it, giving it a permanent status. You can delete any permanent coordinate system, except the current WCS.

Information MenuInformation is available from every NX application that produces geometric and part relationship data.

Option Description

Object Displays information about geometric objects.

Point Obtains the absolute and work coordinates of an explicit or implicit point.

Spline Displays the Spline Analysis dialog.

B-Surface Displays the degrees, number of patches, and the control polygons and patch boundaries of B-surfaces.

Feature Opens the Feature Browser dialog, which displays relevant information about features created while generating a 3-D model.

Expression Defines relationships between the characteristics of the model.

Product Definition... Displays a set of customizable non-geometric attribute information that can be directly associated with an NX model.

Geometric Tolerancing

Identifies tolerance features or associated objects based on search criteria.

Part Displays basic information for your part.

Assemblies Displays information about your assemblies.

Other Shows various types of information for your part that are not included in the other Information options.

Custom MenuBar Assists in the review of menu customization derived from the Open

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MenuScript product.

Analysis MenuProvides the capability to calculate physical properties such as area, volume, and moments of inertia for two- or three-dimensional figures. You can also analyze solid body objects or faces. For example, you can obtain two-dimensional analysis of solid body faces, three-dimensional analysis of solid bodies, and length and location information about an edge of a solid body.

Option Description

Distance Obtains the minimum distance between any two NX objects such as points, curves, planes, bodies, edges, and/or faces.

Angle Obtains angle measurements between two curves, or between a line and a plane or planar face.

Arc Length Finds the arc length of any collection of curves, planar or non-planar.

Minimum Radius Finds where the radius of curvature is smallest on a face on a solid or sheet body.

Geometric Properties

Calculates and displays geometric properties of selected points on curve and/or faces.

Deviation Check continuity, tangency, and boundary alignment for faces and curves based on Point/Slope Continuity.

Edge Deviation Allows you to perform deviation checking between the common edges of multiple faces.

Dynamic Deviation Compare the deviation of the curve or surface you are editing with respect to other geometrical elements, and provides you with graphical and numerical feedback in real time.

Curve Performs curvature analysis on selected individual or multiple curves and edges and verifies the curvature.

Face May select multiple faces for the display of temporary color analyses.

Section Analyze the shape and quality of free-form faces.

Grid Section Analyse the grid.

Draft Analyse the draft angle.

Examine Geometry Analyze a solid body, face, or edge for conditions of interest.

Simple Interference Determines whether two bodies intersect. You have the option to simply highlight the interfering faces or to create a new solid body from the interference.

Assembly Clearance

Allows you to perform a clearance analysis for an assembly.

Quick Stack Quick Stack preferences let you modify the number of simulations that are run in an analysis, change default colors, or make other changes.

Area Using Curves Calculates and displays geometric properties of planar figures.

Measure Faces Allows you to calculate the Area and Perimeter values of one or more faces

Measure Bodies Allows you to calculate mass properties data for one or more solid body objects.

Mass Using Curves & Sheets

Analyzes a 3D object that is formed by translating or rotating a closed sequence of curves, or one that is enclosed by or composed of a set of faces.

Assembly Weight Management

Allows you to analyze and control weight and mass properties of an assembly.

Units lb-in Specifies the units in which geometric information is displayed.

Show Hidden Analysis Objects

It shows the hidden analysis object.

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Preferences MenuUse Preferences to define the display parameters of new objects, names, layouts, and views. You can set the layer, color, font, and width of created objects. You can also design layouts and views, control the display of object and view names and borders, change the size of the selection ball, specify the selection rectangle method, set chaining tolerance and method, and design and activate a grid. Changes that you make using the Preferences menu override any counterpart customer defaults for the same functions.

The Preferences dialog contains the following options:

Option Description

Object Sets preferences that define the layer, color, font, and width of new objects. Does not affect existing objects.

User Interface Sets preferences that affect how NX works and interacts with your input.

Palettes Sets preferences that affect how NX palettes operate and display.

Selection Sets preferences that affect object selection.

Visualization Sets preferences that affect visualization, including display, color, line, shading, performance, screen, perspective, and special effects.

Visualization Performance

Sets preferences that influence graphics performance.

3D Input Devices

Sets preferences for the behavior of a 3D Input device attached to the workstation.

Work Plane Sets preferences for the graphics window grid and the Work Plane Emphasis mode.

Spreadsheet Sets preferences for the Default Spreadsheet Application. Enabled only on Windows workstations.

Assemblies Setting the assembly preferences.

Knowledge Fusion

Setting preference for Knowledge fusion.

Sketch Setting sketch preferences.

Drafting Setting the Drafting preferences.

Annotation Setting the Drafting annotations.

Geometric Tolerancing

Setting the Geometric Tolerancing preferences.

Collaborate Collaborate lets you work with your co-workers, suppliers, or subject matter experts in real time to address complex product development issues and opportunities.

NX Gateway Configures how to import data from other applications. Especially useful when creating or updating parts that originally came from I-DEAS or Solid Edge.

Measurement These measurement preferences are used by certain mass property and Measure options including Measure Faces, Measure Bodies, Area using Curves

Application MenuThe Application menu contains the following options:



Modeling Primarily a solid modeling system that provides the capabilities to help a design engineer quickly perform conceptual design. In addition, you can

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incorporate your requirements and design restrictions by defining mathematical relationships between different parts of the design.

Shape Studio

Provides tools specifically tailored for Industrial Design applications. This includes basic tools for the initial concept stages, such as the creation and visualization of virtual designs, and progresses ultimately through the production of primary and secondary surfaces.

Drafting Allows you to create and maintain a variety of 3-D and 2-D drawings made from Unigraphics NX models generated from within the Modeling application.


Allows you to interactively program and post process milling, drilling, turning, and wire EDM tool paths.

Structures Allows you to predict the behavior of a physical model in a digital domain. There are two major products under the Structures application: Scenario for FEA (Finite Element Analysis) and Scenario for ANSYS.

Moldflow Part Adviser

Used to analyze the flow of molten plastic in an injection mold. You construct a finite element mesh on the part and describe the mold and plastic conditions. The analysis package, which you can run repeatedly to determine optimum conditions, produces both tabular and graphic results. This application saves design, mold-making, and material costs.

Motion An integrated, associative CAE tool that allows you to simulate and evaluate the large displacement complex motion of mechanical systems, and includes support for static, kinematics and kinetic (dynamic) simulations, depending upon the Motion product license you purchased.

Sheet Metal Focuses on design for ability to manufacture sheet metal parts. Enables the creation of a Unigraphics NX CLSF, provides a fast and easy method to interactively fit parts in a rectangular grid and create punch, laser, flame or mill tool paths in sheet metal or a similar material. Sheet Metal Selections: Design, Fabrication, Nesting, Punch Press, and Multi-Part Gridding

Routing Define assemblies that are placed around and through other Unigraphics NX assemblies. For example, within an aircraft engine pipes and tubes are routed from the fuel tanks to various injection points around the engine, or within an automobile, wiring is required to supply power to the electric windows. Routing Selections: Piping, Tubing, Steelwork, Conduit, Raceway, Wiring, and Base

Wire Harness

Enables electrical system designers to create a representation of electrical harnesses within the same 3D space used to describe the mechanical assembly of the product. Harness locates all of the related electrical components within the mechanical assembly to create a proposed harness path centerline. The application then routes all required conductors from one end to the other, allowing packaging design and harness installation drawings to be created and maintained in the same environment.

Assemblies Assemblies is an integrated Unigraphics NX application that facilitates the construction of assemblies of parts, the modeling of individual parts within the context of the assembly, and the production of parts lists for assembly drawings.

Knowledge Fusion

The Unigraphics NX Knowledge Fusion application provides a graphical user interface that allows you to apply engineering knowledge driven rules and design intent to geometric models and assemblies in Unigraphics NX.

Gateway Gateway provides an interactive environment that allows you to open existing part files, create new part files, save part files, plot drawings and screen layouts, select applications, import and export various types of files, and other general functions.

Open User Interface Styler

Open User Interface Styler is a visual dialog box builder for Unigraphics NX users and third-party developers. Open User Interface Styler reduces development time and allows for rapid prototyping because of the visual builder and automatic file generation, allows you to easily build Unigraphics NX dialogs according to preset standards, and provides compatibility with

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MasterFEM An alternative to Scenario for Structures for performing finite element analysis (FEA). MasterFEM+ is a separately licensed and installed product based on I-DEAS Simulation. It is intended for experienced FE analysts requiring more sophisticated meshing tools and advanced analyses such as response dynamics or multi-event durability. MasterFEM+ launches I-DEAS Simulation and loads the current work part. You must have MasterFEM+ installed and licensed on your machine.

Window MenuThe Window menu contains the following options:

Option Description

New Window Opens a new graphics window. See Using Multiple Graphics Windows.

Cascade Displays multiple graphics windows in a cascading fashion.

Tile Horizontally Displays multiple graphics windows side by side horizontally.

Tile Vertically Displays multiple graphics windows vertically.

Window List Displays the parts that are currently open and were previously displayed in the current NX session.

More Displays the Change Displayed Part dialog which helps you to locate part files that are not accessible on the Window List if you have more than 10 parts open.

Help OverviewYou can view NX Help using a web browser. The web browser must support Java for the search to work. We recommend the following browsers and viewers:

Internet Explorer 6.0 Netscape 6.2 and higherMozilla version 1.3.1 and 1.4.1 (UNIX) and Mozilla 1.4.1 (Windows)Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0Macromedia Flash 5 Plugin

NX Help provides quick access to information via:Table of ContentsIndexText search

Help and Context Sensitive Help are also available on the Resource Bar.

View Popup MenuThe View Popup menu makes certain View options available.

To open the View Popup menu:

Place the cursor in the Graphics Window and press MB3. The location of the cursor determines the view in which the system performs some options. For other options, the system automatically applies them to all views, or you can make them activie in any view by moving the cursor.

Option Description

Apply Applies changes made in the current dialog. Synchronized with the Apply option on the current dialog. The dialog remains displayed after you click Apply.

Back Displays the previous dialog. Also synchronized with the current dialog.

Cancel Cancels the current operation and closes the dialog. Synchronized with its counterpart on the current dialog.

Refresh Updates the Graphics Window by eliminating holes left by blanked or deleted objects. It also removes temporarily displayed items such as asterisks and conehead vectors.

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Fit Fits the model in the view where you position the cursor. Applies the fit percentage set in Preferences->Visualization->Screen.

Zoom Activates Zoom mode.

Zoom In/Out Activates Zoom In/Out mode.

Rotate Activates Rotate mode.

Pan Activates Pan mode.

Update Display Updates the display by cleaning up the Graphics Window. Updates the WCS, curves and edges, sketcher and relative positioning dimensions, degree of freedom indicators, datum planes, and planes. Update Display also performs the tasks of the Refresh option, such as erasing temporary displays and redrawing the screen. It also affects the display of names, and is dependent on settings in Preferences->Visualization->Names/Borders. Rotations cause Update Display to redisplay silhouette curves of faces and hidden edges of solids.

Restore Restores the original view immediately following most operations.

Display Mode Specifies the shading mode for the selected view. You can set the mode to one of five options: Wireframe, Shaded, Partially Shaded, Face Analysis, and Studio.

Hidden Edges Specifies how hidden edges display in the selected view. You can use one of four options: Visible, Invisible, Dashed, and Gray Thin.

Expand Expands a specified view to a full display area and makes it the work view. Available when multiple views are present.

Orient View Modifies the orientation of a specified view to a pre-defined view. Changes only the alignment of the view, not the view name.

Replace View Switches from a specified view to a pre-defined view.

Undo Cancels the previous operation.

View Popup Optional FunctionsYou can add the following additional functions to the View Popup Menu:

Option Description

Select Work View

Selects the view in which the cursor is positioned as the work view.

Fit All Calculates the extents of the model and the corresponding scale for all views.

Origin Changes the center of the view to the cursor position. This operation takes place in the view in which the cursor is positioned.

Navigate Toggles ON the Free Navigation mode.

Half Scale Cuts the view scale in half on the view in which the cursor is positioned.

Custom Views DialogsThe Custom Views dialogs accessed from the View Orient and View Replace dialogs provide an easy way to manage your user-defined and NX-provided views.

To display the Custom Views dialog from the View Orient dialog:

Click MB3 and select Orient View->Custom Views.

To display the Custom Views dialog from the View Replace dialog:

Click MB3 and select Replace View->Custom Views.

To display a predefined view provided by NX, use one of the eight icons at the top. To display a customer-defined view, use the options in the list box.

View Options

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The 'Orient View' dialog has three options: Fit, Current, and Saved. These options determine how to orient and scale the current view. By default, View Orient and View Replace are set to Fit. The following table describes each option.

Option Description

Fit NX orients the view and fits it to the current view bounds. This is the default setting for both 'View Orient' or 'View Replace' operations.

Current NX orients the view but does not change the scale like the 'Fit' option. Instead, the system maintains the current view scale. Therefore, the new orientation has the same scale as the previous orientation.

Saved NX orients the view and sets the view scale based on the view scale and view origin saved with that orientation.

Object-Specific Popup MenuThe object-specific popup menu is available with many operations, is faster than using a toolbar or menu bar, and displays only relevant options.To open an object-specific popup menu:

Move the cursor over an object.  It does not matter if the object has been selected or not.Click MB3. This displays a popup menu specific to that object.  

 The following table defines the contents of the Object-Specific Popup menu for different object types.

Object Type Menu Contents

Features Edit Parameters, Suppress, Copy, Delete, Properties.

Components Blank, Isolate, Edit Object Display, Replace Reference Set, Make Work Part, Make Display Part, Open by Proximity, Delete, Substitute, Mate, Reposition, Properties

General Objects Edit Parameters, Suppress, Copy, Delete, Properties.

Radial Pop-ups OverviewWhen you open a pop-up menu with MB3, you have access to radial pop-up menus as well. When you press MB3, depending on your selection, a radial pop-up displays up to eight icons that surround the cursor location.  These icons are available for frequently used functions and options, and you can choose them just as you would from a menu.  Use Radial Pop-ups for quicker access to desired bit maps.  

Radial Pop-Ups

The radial pop-up is designed to provide rapid access to the most frequently used MB3 options. All of the options on the radial are a short mouse movement away and common items are located in the same place on all radials.  This allows intuitive use of the radial pop-up over time as you learn the direction of movement that corresponds to the required option. The bit maps are consistent with the toolbars so if you are familiar with the NX toolbar bit maps, you will find the radial useful as an alternative to going to a toolbar option to make a setting change.

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ToolbarsToolbars are a row of icons you can use to launch standard NX menu items. NX comes with a large selection of toolbars, several of which are displayed when you start NX. Most toolbars are initially docked.

Showing and Hiding Toolbars

Using the Toolbar Popup Menu

To view the list of available toolbars:Place the cursor in the toolbar docking area. Press MB3. The popup menu lists all the currently loaded toolbars. The list contains system and user toolbars. A checkmark indicates that the toolbar is currently displayed.

To show a toolbar:Click the checkbox beside the toolbar that you want to show.

To hide a toolbar:Clear the checkbox beside the toolbar that you want to hide.

Using the Customize Dialog

To customize a toolbar's visibility and content, see Tools->Customize.

Docking and Undocking ToolbarsA toolbar is either docked or undocked. A docked toolbar resides in the container area along the border of the Main Window. An undocked toolbar can be positioned anywhere on your desktop.

Undocking a Toolbar

To undock a toolbar:Position the cursor over the grip handle of the docked toolbar. Use MB1 to drag the toolbar where you want and release. The toolbar becomes a free-floating icon palette that you can move anywhere on the desktop.

Docking a Toolbar

To dock a toolbar:

Place the cursor in a toolbar's title area. Use MB1 to drag the toolbar into the top margin of the Main Window and release.The toolbar snaps into the top margin area.

Moving an Undocked Toolbar

To move an undocked toolbar without docking it:Press and hold <Ctrl> while you move the toolbar.

Closing an Undocked Toolbar

On Windows, to close an undocked toolbar:Click the "x" in the upper right corner.

Saving the Toolbar Layout

Each time you exit NX, it saves any adjustments that you make to the menu bars and toolbars' layout and content. You can change this behavior if you want.

If you do not want NX to save any changes:Select Preferences->User Interface. This displays the User Interface Preferences dialog.Clear the Save Layout At Exit checkbox.

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Customizing Dialog OverviewCustomize the main menu bar and the toolbars to make the interface easier for you to use. Showing and hiding items is as easy as dragging and dropping.

Drag and drop a menu item to a toolbarDrag and drop a toolbar item to a menu barShow and hide toolbar and menu bar itemsShow and hide entire toolbarsCreate cascade menus on the menu bar or toolbarRemove menu itemsCreate your own custom buttons.

Resource Bar OverviewA Resource Bar combines a number of pages in one common place using very little user interface space. NX places all navigator windows, a History palette, an integrated web browser, and a parts template in the Resource Bar. By default, the system locates the Resource Bar on the right side of the NX window. You can also locate it on the left side using Preferences->User Interface. The Resource Bar divides into three main types of items. Navigators, Palettes, Integrated Browser Windows

Creating a New PartTo create a new part:

Select File->New. This displays the New Part File dialog.In the "Look in:" field, select the folder where you want to create your new part.In the Filename field, type in the name of the new part.Click Inches or Millimeters, indicating the unit of measure for the new part.Optionally select Non-Master Part. This creates a simple master model assembly without using an Assemblies license. If you select this checkbox, when you click OK, the system displays the Select Part dialog, allowing you to select the master part that you want.Click OK.

Opening an Existing PartTo open an existing part:

Using Drag and Drop

You can drag and drop part files from Windows Explorer or any other valid file list to the NX Graphics Window. NX intelligently handles each part file and takes the most appropriate action. Use it to open a file, create a non-master drawing from a template, or add a component from the native file system on Windows or Unix.

To drag and drop a part file:

Select a part file in Windows Explorer or another valid list of files.Drag and drop the file into the NX Graphics Window.

Using the Open Part File Dialog

Select File->Open.

This opens the Open Part File dialog. This dialog displays a preview image of the selected part file. Use it to view part files without first opening them in an NX session, avoiding opening the wrong part file. This feature is available only in Windows for parts saved in NX. To disable file previewing, clear the Preview checkbox.

Double-click the file you want to open, or Select a file from the Files list box and click OK, or if you know the filename, place the cursor in the File name field and enter the part name, and click OK.

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Selecting an ApplicationTo select an application:

Open or create a part.Select Application from the main menu bar.

Basic Mouse OperationsThe following table describes several ways to use the mouse to interact with NX dialogs and windows.

MB1 = Left mouse buttonMB2 = Middle mouse buttonMB3 = Right mouse button

To Press

Select menus and select options in dialogs


Perform equivalent of OK button MB2

Cancel <Alt> MB2

Display Cut/Copy/Paste popup menu MB3 in a text entry field

Select contiguous items. <Shift> MB1 in a list box

Select or de-select non-contiguous items. <Ctrl> MB1 in a list box

Zoom while the point under the cursor remains static.

Simply spin the mouse wheel.

Launch the View Popup Click MB3 on the graphics area but not on the model, or click ctrl-MB3 anywhere in the graphics area.

Launch an object-specific popup. Click MB3 over the object.

Invoke the Default Action for an object. Double-click MB1 over the object.

Rotate a view. Press and drag MB2 in the view.

Pan a view. Press and drag MB2+MB3, or Shift+MB2, in the view.

Zoom into a view. Press and drag MB2+MB1, or Ctrl+MB2, in the view.

Basic Keyboard OperationsYou can perform most actions with both the mouse and keyboard. This allows you to select the appropriate input device for each task or the device with which you are most comfortable. Although the mouse is the primary means of interaction, you can also perform most interface actions from the keyboard.

Using Menu Accelerators

Some pulldown menus display a <Ctrl> symbol or other symbol followed by a character to the right of a menu option. These are called Menu Accelerators. A Menu Accelerator is a key combination that starts a function without you having to display the pulldown menu.

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File-New Ctrl+N

File-Open Ctrl+O

File-Save Ctrl+S

File-Save As Ctrl+Shift+A

File-Plot Ctrl+P

File-Execute UG/Open-Grip Ctrl+G

File-Execute UG/Open-Debug Grip Ctrl+Shift+G

File-Execute UG/Open-User Function Ctrl+U

Edit-Undo List-1 Enter Modeling Ctrl+Z

Edit-Redo Ctrl+Y

Edit-Cut Ctrl+X

Edit-Copy Ctrl+C

Edit-Paste Ctrl+V

Edit-Delete Ctrl+D

Edit-Selection-Select All Ctrl+A

Edit-Show and Hide-Hide Ctrl+B

Edit- Show and Hide –Invert Show and Hidden Ctrl+Shift+B

Edit- Show and Hide -Show Ctrl+Shift+K

Edit- Show and Hide -Show All of Part Ctrl+Shift+U

Edit-Transform Ctrl+T

Edit-Object Display Ctrl+J

View-Refresh F5

View-Operation-Fit Ctrl+F

View-Operation-Zoom Ctrl+Shift+Z

View-Operation-Rotate Ctrl+R

View-Visualization-Create Quick Image Ctrl+Shift+Q

View-Visualization-High Quality Image Ctrl+Shift+H

View-Information Window F4

View-Current Dialog F3

View-Curvature Graphs Ctrl+Shift+C

Format-Layer Settings... Ctrl+L

Format-Visible in View... Ctrl+Shift+V

Format-Layout-New... Ctrl+Shift+N

Format-Layout-Open... Ctrl+Shift+O

Format-Layout-Fit All Views Ctrl+Shift+F

Tools-Expression... Ctrl+E

Tools-Macro-Start Record... Ctrl+Shift+R

Tools-Macro-Playback... Ctrl+Shift+P

Tools-Macro-Step... Ctrl+Shift+S

Information-Object... Ctrl+I

Preferences-Object... Ctrl+Shift+J

Preferences-Selection... Ctrl+Shift+T

Application-Modeling... Ctrl+M

Application-Drafting... Ctrl+Shift+D

Application-Manufacturing... Ctrl+Alt+M

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Application-Assemblies Ctrl+Alt+W

Application-Gateway Ctrl+W

Help-On Context F1

Refresh F5

Fit Ctrl+F

Zoom F6

Rotate F7

Orient View-Trimetric Home

Orient View-Isometric End

Snap View F8

Common dialog box options

Dialog boxes are organized into groups. Common options in typical dialog box groups are summarized below.

Rail Clip buttons

Consistent options appear on the Rail Clip or on the dialog box title bar when the dialog box is not clipped to the Dialog Rail.

Rail Clip buttons

Move Left

Move Right

Moves the dialog box along the Dialog Rail to predefined positions.



Clips or unclips the dialog box to the Rail Clip.

When a dialog box is clipped, you can position it by sliding the Rail Clip along the Dialog Rail or by clicking the arrows to move the Rail Clip to predefined locations.

When it is unclipped, the dialog box floats, and you can position it anywhere on the screen by dragging its title bar.


Resets dialog box input values to the default values. When editing a feature, the default values are the values used when the feature was created.

Hide Collapsed Groups

Show Collapsed Groups

Shows or hides all dialog box groups that are currently collapsed.

This simplifies the display of the dialog box.

Close Closes the dialog box.

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Type group

In many dialog boxes, the first group is Type.

Select a type first, as what you select here may change the groups and options in the dialog box.

This group has a list of options. Often, there are also buttons for some or all of the available options.

Section group

Several modeling commands, including Extrude and Revolve, use a section group to prompt you to define a section. You can either select existing curves or create a new sketch as part of the command.

Typically, the Select Curve option is highlighted in orange, prompting you to select existing curves or edges.

Select a Curve Rule Selection Intent option on the Selection Bar to help you select curves.

In the same dialog box group, another option, Sketch Section is highlighted in green indicating that this will be the default action if you press Enter or the middle mouse button. This button opens the Sketcher to enable you to create a new sketch.

The Cue line states that you can also select a planar face to create a sketch.

To select all the edges of a face to define the section, set the Curve Rule option on the Selection Bar to Face Edges before selecting the face.

Geometry selection group

The following are typical options for dialog box groups that prompt for geometry selection.

Geometry selection group options

Specify Point

Point Constructor

When you are prompted to select a point, you can do so in one of three ways:

Select a point using the default Inferred Point method.

Click the arrow to select another point selection method from the list.

Click Point Constructor to open the Point dialog box.

Note that the active Snap Point options on the Selection Bar affect how the cursor snaps to different types of points.

See also: Point Constructor dialog box

Specify Vector

Vector Constructor

Reverse Direction

When you are prompted to select a vector, you can do so in one of three ways:

Select a vector using the default Inferred Vector method.

Click the arrow to select another vector selection method from the list.

Click Vector Constructor to display the Vector dialog

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To reverse the direction of a vector, click Reverse Direction or double-click the vector conehead.

See also: Vector dialog box

Specify Plane

Plane Constructor

When you are prompted to select a plane, you can do so in one of three ways:

Select a vector using the default Inferred Plane method.

Click the arrow to select another plane selection method from the list.

Click Plane Constructor to display the general Plane dialog box.

In each case, watch the Cue line for specific prompts.

See also: Plane Constructor dialog box

This button is used to select geometry in cases where multiple types of geometry can be selected.

Parameter entry options

Parameter entry options

Use the down arrow to select a previous value from the list, make an associative measurement, create an expression, enter a math function, or select from other options.

Click the right mouse button in input boxes to find Copy and Paste options.

Geometry sets

Some commands allow you to select multiple sets of faces or edges and apply different values to each set.

Set options

Add New Set Creates a new set of geometry to apply a different value.


This is an expanding list showing the value selected for each set.

Selecting a row of the list highlights the selected set geometry in orange and the other sets in the other selection color, cyan. This example shows two sets of edges selected with different radius values for the Edge Blend command.

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Preview group

Preview group options

PreviewProvides a default dynamic preview before completing the command.

Show ResultShows the actual result that will be produced when the command is completed.

Undo ResultReverts to the default display.

Confirmation buttons

Confirmation buttons are placed at the bottom of dialog boxes.

Confirmation buttons


Completes the command and closes the dialog box. (This button will be green if it is the default action after all required selections are completed.)

Apply Completes the command and keeps the dialog box open.

Cancel Cancels the command and closes the dialog box.

Dialog box preferences

You can control the number of decimals displayed in dialog boxes. Choose Preferences→User Interface and click the General tab.

Displayed Decimal Places

Dialog BoxSets the default number of decimal places displayed in input boxes.

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Overview of Solid Modeling

NX Modeling provides a solid modeling system to enable rapid conceptual design. You can create and edit complex, realistic, solid models interactively. You can change and update solid bodies by directly editing their dimensions or by using other construction techniques.

Start with a Sketch

Use the Sketcher to freehand a sketch, and dimension an "outline" of curves. You can then sweep the sketch using Extrude or Revolved Body to create a solid or sheet body. You can later refine the sketch to precisely represent the object of interest by editing the dimensions and by creating relationships between geometric objects. Editing a dimension of the sketch not only modifies the geometry of the sketch, but also the body created from the sketch.

Creating and Editing Features

Use features in your models such as holes, slots and grooves. You can then directly edit the dimensions of the feature and locate the feature with dimensions.

For example, a Hole is defined by its diameter and length. You can directly edit all of these parameters by entering new values.


Associativity is a term that is used to indicate geometric relationships between individual portions of a model. These relationships are established as the designer uses various functions for model creation. In an associative model, constraints and relationships are captured automatically as the model is developed.

For example, in an associative model, a through hole is associated with the faces that the hole penetrates. If the model is later changed so that one or both of those faces moves, the hole updates automatically due to its association with the faces.

Positioning a Feature

You can position a feature relative to the geometry on your model by using positioning dimensions. The feature is then associated with that geometry and will maintain those associations whenever you edit the model. You can also edit the position of the feature by changing the values of the positioning dimensions.

Reference Features

You can create reference features, such as Datum Planes, Datum Axes and Datum CSYS, which you can use as reference geometry when needed, or as construction devices for other features.

Any feature created using a reference feature is associated to that reference feature and retains that association during edits to the model.

You can use a datum plane as a reference plane in constructing sketches, creating features, and positioning features.

You can use a datum axis to create datum planes, to place items concentrically, or to create radial patterns.


Expressions let you incorporate your requirements and design restrictions by defining mathematical relationships between different parts of the design. For example, you can define the height of a boss as three times its diameter, so that when the diameter changes, the height changes also.

Boolean Operations

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Modeling provides the following Boolean operators: Unite, Subtract, and Intersect. Unite combines bodies, for example, uniting two rectangular blocks to form a T-shaped solid body. Subtract removes one body from another, for example, removing a cylinder from a block to form a hole. Intersect creates a solid body from material shared by two solid bodies. These operations can also be used with free form features called sheets.


You can return a design to a previous state any number of times using the Undo function. You do not have to take a great deal of time making sure each operation is absolutely correct, because a mistake can be easily undone. This freedom to easily change the model lets you cease worrying about getting it wrong, and frees you to explore more possibilities to get it right.

Additional Capabilities

Other NX applications can operate directly on solid objects created within Modeling without any translation of the solid body. For example, you can perform drafting, engineering analysis, and NC machining functions by accessing the appropriate application.

Using Modeling, you can design a complete, unambiguous, three dimensional model to describe an object. You can extract a wide range of physical properties from the solid bodies, including mass properties.

Shading and hidden line capabilities help you visualize complex assemblies. You can identify interferences automatically, eliminating the need to attempt to do so manually.

Hidden edge views can later be generated and placed on drawings. Fully associative dimensioned drawings can be created from solid models using the appropriate options of the Drafting application. If the solid model is edited later, the drawing and dimensions are updated automatically.

Parent/Child Relationships

If a feature depends on another object for its existence, it is a child or dependent of that object. The object, in turn, is a parent of its child feature. For example, if a HOLLOW (1) is created in a BLOCK (0), the block is the parent and the hollow is its child.

A parent can have more than one child, and a child can have more than one parent. A feature that is a child can also be a parent of other features. To see all of the parent-child relationships between the features in your work part, open the Part Navigator.

Updating Models

A model can be updated either automatically or manually. Automatic updates are performed only on those features affected by an appropriate change (an edit operation or the creation of certain types of features). If you wish, you can delay the automatic update for edit operations by using the delayed Update on edit option.

Sketcher OverviewThe Sketcher is an NX application that you use to create 2-dimensional geometry within a part. Each sketch is a named collection of 2D curves and points residing on a plane that you specify. You can use sketches to address a wide variety of design needs. For example, you might create:

Detailed part features by sweeping, extruding, or revolving a sketch into a solid or a sheet body.

Large-scale 2D concept layouts with hundreds, or even thousands, of sketch curves.

Construction geometry, such as a path of motion, or a clearance arc, that is not meant to define a part feature.

Sketch Constraints

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Sketcher tools let you fully capture your design intent through geometric and dimensional relationships that we refer to collectively as constraints. Use constraints to create parameter-driven designs that you can update easily and predictably. Sketcher evaluates constraints as you work to ensure that they are complete and do not conflict. A fully constrained sketch has as many constraints as there are degrees of freedom in the sketch, so that there can be no ambiguity in the final shape. While it is not required, UGS recommends that you fully constrain sketches that define feature profiles.

Sketcher also offers you the flexibility to create as many, or as few, constraints as your design requires. That means you can use Sketcher to create wireframe drawings that can serve a wide variety of up-front design purposes, and are not meant for down-stream processing. For example you might create 2D layout sketches for products such as digital cameras, printers, or other devices in which you focus on:

Product structure

Component layout

Basic component shape

Or you might create construction geometry including:

Area/volume restrictions in a part

Range/arc of free motion

Part labels or logos

Layout of grille holes

Sketches like these typically require few, if any, constraints. Sketcher's Create Inferred Constraints and Inferred Constraint Settings commands make it easy to mix constrained and unconstrained geometry in a single sketch.

Sketch in Place/Sketch on Path

When you create a sketch, you can define its plane and orientation using one of two methods:

Sketch in Place

Sketch on an existing planar face, or on a new or existing sketch plane. Key considerations that will guide your selection are:

Does the sketch you are creating define the base feature for the part? If so, create an appropriate datum plane or datum coordinate system on which to sketch.

Is the sketch adding to an existing base feature? If so, select an existing datum plane or part face, or create a new datum plane with an appropriate relationship to existing datum planes or part geometry.

Sketch on Path

This is a specialized type of constrained sketch that you use to create a profile for a Variational Sweep feature. You can also use Sketch on Path to position a sketch for features like Extrude and Revolve. For all commands, you select the target path and define a sketch plane location on that path.

Note that you can use the Reattach command to easily switch a sketch from the Sketch in Place method to Sketch on Path, and vice versa.

The Sketch Process

Here are the steps typically involved in a Sketcher session:

1. Select a sketch plane and horizontal axis, and optionally rename the sketch.

2. Choose your constraint recognition and creation options.

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3. Create the sketch. Depending on your settings, Sketcher creates many constraints automatically.

4. Add, modify, or delete constraints.

5. Drag the shape or modify dimension parameters.

6. Exit Sketcher.

Sketcher toolbar Overview

After you define the sketch plane, Sketcher toolbar options become available.

Sketcher Toolbar Options

Finish SketchDeactivates the sketch and exits. You can also press Ctrl+Q to exit Sketcher.

Sketch Name

When you are editing an external sketch, this list displays all of the external sketches in the work part. You can

Rename an external sketch. Note that you cannot rename a sketch that is internal to an Extrude, Revolve, or Variational Sweep feature.

Open an external sketch for Edit.

Orient View to Sketch

Orients the view so that you are looking directly down on the sketch plane.

Orient View to Model

Orients the view to the current modeling view. This is the view of the part when you started Sketcher.

ReattachLets you attach a sketch to a different planar face, datum plane, or path. You can also use this option to change the orientation reference of the sketch, or to change the location of a Sketch on Path along the path.

  Sketch Positioning Dimension Options

This list lets you create, edit, delete, and redefine sketch positioning dimensions.

Delay Evaluation

In most cases, this option delays evaluation of sketch constraints until you choose Evaluate Sketch. That is, 1) when you create curves, NX does not show constraints, and 2) when you assign constraints, NX does not update the geometry until you select the Evaluate Sketch option. Note that this option does not delay evaluation when you drag curves, or when you use the Quick Trim or Quick Extend commands.

Evaluate Sketch

Causes NX to evaluate the current sketch. This option is active only when Delay Evaluation is on.

Update ModelUpdates the model to reflect changes you have made to your sketch. The model updates automatically if an update is pending and you leave the Sketch Task Environment.

Display Object Color

Switches the display of Sketcher objects between the color(s) specified in Object Display Properties and 2) the Sketcher Colors. See Colors in Sketcher for more information.

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Use his command to create lines with constraint inferencing.

This option lets you create a series of connected lines and/or arcs in string mode; that is, the end of the last curve becomes the beginning of the next curve. For example, here's a pipe vise profile which you can easily create in one series of mouse clicks with Profile:

Lets you create an arc using either of two methods:

Lets you create circles using one of two methods

This option lets you create new lines from existing lines using any of the following methods:

To offset a line from a base line, click MB1 on the base, and click MB1 again to place the new line.

Use this command to trim a curve to the closest physical or virtual intersection in either direction. You can:

Trim multiple curves by pressing the left mouse button and dragging.

Preview which portion of a curve NX will trim by passing the cursor over the curve.

Creates a corner by extending and/or trimming two input curves to a common intersection. If the Create Inferred Constraints option is on, NX creates a coincident constraint at the intersection.

Use this command to create a fillet between two or three curves. You can

Sketch Curve Options

ProfileCreates a string of lines and arcs, or single curves.

LineCreates a single, unchained line.

ArcCreates an arc using one of the following methods: Arc by 3 Points, Arc by Center and Endpoints

CircleCreates a circle using either one of two methods:Circle by Three Points, Circle by Center and Radius

Derived Lines

Constructs a line Parallel to another line at a distance, Midway between two parallel lines, Angle bisector between two lines.

Quick TrimTrims one or more curves.

Quick Extend

Extends geometry to curve intersections.

Creates a corner

RectangleCreates a rectangle.

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FilletCreates a fillet between two curves.

Studio Spline Uses the Modeling Studio Spline function to let you dynamically create non-associative splines using either points or poles.

SplineCreates a spline using the Modeling spline dialog.

TextGenerates NX curves from the True Type fonts in your native Windows font library.

Point Options Lets you create Point, Associative Point.Conic Options Lets you create Ellipse, General Conic.

1. Sketcher toolbar 7. Snap Point options

2. Sketch Curve toolbar 8. Command dialog box

3. Selection Bar 9. Datum CSYS

4. Status line 10. Curves in this sketch (green)

5. Sketch Constraints toolbar 11. Dynamic input box

6. Sketch Operations toolbar

Sketch Constraints Toolbar OverviewThe Sketch Constraints toolbar provides options that let you:

Create dimensional and geometric constraints. These constraints are rules that control sketch objects.

Control the visibility of constraint symbols. Select constraint management options.

You can customize the Sketch Constraints toolbar to display all constraint options.

The Dimensions and Constraints options are also found on the Insert pull-down menu. All other Constraints options are found on the Tools-> Constraints pull-down menu.

Sketch Constraint Options



Sketch Dimensions let you define dimensional constraints for sketch curves.

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ConstraintsLets you define on-screen geometric rules for sketch curves.

Automatic Constraints

The system analyzes the geometry in the active sketch and applies selected constraint types where possible.

Show All ConstraintsDisplays all of the constraints on the screen with constraint symbols.

Show No Constraints

Removes the display of on-screen constraint symbols.

Show/Remove Constraints

Opens the Show/Remove Constraints dialog. This dialog displays the geometric constraints associated with selected sketch geometry. You can also remove specified constraints, or list information about all geometric constraints.

Animate DimensionDynamically displays the effect of varying a given dimension over a specified range.

Convert To/From Reference

Lets you convert curves or sketch dimensions to or from active to reference.

Alternate SolutionLets you change from one solution to another where more than one solution is possible when a constraint is applied.

Infer Constraint Settings

Lets you control which constraint types to infer during curve creation.

Sketch Operations Toolbar OverviewThe Sketch Operations toolbar provides a set of tools that let you perform various operations on sketch objects.

Sketch Operations Options

MirrorLets you mirror sketch geometry through any existing line in your sketch.

Offset Extracted Curves

Lets you associatively offset curves you have extracted with the Project option.

Edit CurveUses the Modeling Edit Curve function to let you modify existing curves.

Edit Defining StringLets you add or remove curves from a sweep or guide string.

Add Existing CurvesLets you add most existing curves to your sketch.

ProjectLets you add external curves by projecting them to the sketch.

Sketch Plane Options OverviewTo create a sketch, you must associate the sketch feature to a planar object. You can select a face or datum plane from the graphics window. If you specify a plane of the WCS, the sketcher automatically creates a fixed datum plane and fixed datum axes in the plane you specify. When you create a sketch, these and additional Sketch Plane options display in the upper left corner of the graphics window.

Reference Direction

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You specify a reference direction for all sketch plane options (except WCS plane options) by selecting a face, edge, datum axis, or datum plane to set the reference direction. The reference axis points in the direction of the end point closest to the selection point when you pick a line or edge. Parallel symbols temporarily display to illustrate the reference direction.

Sketch Plane Options

Sketch Plane

This option lets you select a planar face or datum plane as the sketch plane.

XC-YC Plane

YC-ZC Plane

XC-ZC Plane

The WCS plane options let you define either the XC-YC, YC-ZC, or XC-ZC plane as the sketch plane. The XC-YC plane is the default.

Datum PlaneProvides modeling datum plane options. A set of option boxes displays on the graphics window in the upper left hand corner. If you have preselected a face or plane, you can drag the handle to create a sketch plane that is offset to the selected face or plane.

Datum CSYS

Lets you create an associative datum coordinate system using the CSYS Constructor dialog, which you can then use to define your sketch plane.

OKAccepts the sketch plane definition, dismisses the sketch plane options, and Sketcher Task Environment options become available. MB2 always accelerates OK.

CancelCancels plane creation and exits the Sketcher Task Environment when there is no active sketch. If there is an active sketch and you choose Task->New and then Cancel, only plane creation is cancelled - you do not exit the Sketcher Task Environment.ESC always accelerates Cancel.

Colors in SketcherColors in the Sketcher have special definitions, to help identify elements of your sketch. The following table shows what the system default colors mean.

General Color Usage in Sketcher

Cyan Sketch curves have this color when the sketch is deactivated.

Pure Cyan

Curves that are part of an active sketch are by default colored pure cyan.

Pure White

Sketch dimensions that do not cause a conflict with other dimension constraints are colored pure white.

Green Curves that are not part of a sketch are by default colored green.

Pure Yellow

Sketch geometry and any dimensional constraints associated with it that are over constrained are colored pure yellow. This occurs when you apply more constraints to a curve or vertex than are needed to control it.Degree of Freedom Arrows, which indicate vertex points that are under constrained, are colored pure yellow.

Pink If constraints you add conflict with other constraints, the conflicting dimensions and curves are changed to pink. This visual feedback indicates that the sketch cannot be solved given the current constraints.

Gray Sketch geometry or dimensions that you convert from active to reference using Convert To/From Reference change to gray and only curves change to gray phantom lines.

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Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) arrows mark points on a sketch that are free to move. These arrows assist you in constraining a sketch by showing you the directions you need to constrain for each point. When you constrain a point, NX removes the DOF arrow. When all of the arrows are gone, the sketch is fully constrained. There are three types of degree-of-freedoms: positional, rotational, and radius. This example shows positional constraints:

Three Positional DOF Arrows

This point is free to move in the X direction.

This point is free to move in the Y direction.

This point is free to move in both the X and Y directions. In some cases, the point is free to move in either X or Y directions but is limited by a constraint. For example, a point with a Point on Curve constraint on a line is only allowed to move along the line.

Note that constraining a sketch is optional. You can still use an underconstrained sketch to define a feature. You constrain a sketch when you need greater control of the design. Also, applying one constraint can remove several DOF arrows.

Geometry Degree-Of-Freedom Arrows

In the Sketcher, a curve's location and shape are mathematically determined by analyzing the constraints (rules) placed on the sketch curves. The degree-of-freedom arrow provides visual feedback about the constraint status of a sketch curve. Each sketch curve type has different degree-of-freedom arrows when initially created.

Curve Degree of Freedoms Description

Points have two degree of freedoms.

Lines have four degree of freedoms: two at each endpoint.

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Circles have three degree of freedoms: two at the center and one for the radius.

Arcs have five degree of freedoms: two at the center, one for the radius, and two for the start and end angle.

Ellipses have five degree of freedoms: two at the center, one for its orientation, and two for the major and minor radii.

Partial Ellipses have seven degree of freedoms: two at the center, one for its orientation, two for the major and minor radii, and two for the starting and ending angle.

Conics have six degree of freedoms: two at each of its endpoints and two at its anchor point.

Spline by poles has four degree of freedoms: two at each of its endpoints.

Splines through points have two degree of freedoms at each of its defining points.

Geometric Constraint TypesThe following geometric constraints are available

Constraint Type Description

Fixed Defines fixed characteristics for geometry, depending on the type of geometry selected, as follows:

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Point - fixes the location.

Line - fixes the angle.

Line, Arc or elliptical arc endpoint - fixes the location of the endpoint.

Arc center, elliptical arc center, circle center, or ellipse center - fixes the location of the center.

Arc or circle - fixes the radius and the location of the center.

When constraining sketches, there is a difference between fixing an arc by fixing the curve itself, and fixing an arc's center point. Which of these you choose may make the difference between whether or not the sketch can be correctly (and easily) constrained.

Elliptical arc or Ellipse - fixes the radii and the location of the center.

Spline control point - fixes the location of the control point.

Fully Fixed Creates sufficient fixed constraints to completely define the position and orientation of sketch geometry in one step.

Coincident Defines two or more points as having the same location.

Concentric Defines two or more circular and elliptical arcs as having the same center


Defines two or more lines as lying on or passing through the same straight line.

Point on Curve

Defines the location of a point as lying on a curve.

Point on String Defines the location of a point as lying on an extracted string. (This is the only constraint that can be applied to an extracted string.) You must select the point first.

When you select a curve segment of the extracted string, a Quick Pick dialog appears for you to choose either the curve, extracted curve, or string.


Defines the location of a point as equidistant to the two end points of a line or a circular arc.

For the Midpoint constraint, select the curve anywhere other than at its endpoints.

Horizontal Defines a line as horizontal.


Defines a line as vertical.

Parallel Defines two or more lines or ellipses as being parallel to each other.


Defines two lines or ellipses as being perpendicular to each other.

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Tangent Defines two objects as being tangent to each other.

Equal Length Defines two or more lines as being the same length.

Equal Radius Defines two or more arcs as having the same radius.

Constant Length Defines a line as having a constant length.

Constant Angle Defines a line as having a constant angle.


Defines two objects as being mirror images of each other.

Slope of Curve

Defines a spline, selected at a defining point, and another object as being tangent to each other at the selected point.

Scale, Uniform

A spline will scale proportionally to keep its original shape when both of its endpoints are moved (that is, when you change the value of a horizontal constraint created between the endpoints).

Scale, Non-Uniform When both of its endpoints are moved (that is, when you change the value of a horizontal constraint created between the endpoints), a spline will scale in the horizontal direction, but keeps its original dimensions in the vertical direction. The spline appears to stretch.

Associative Trim

This is a constraint on a spline that has been trimmed using the associative output option from the Edit Curve→Trim Curve dialog.


The Offset Curve command offsets a chain of curves, projected curves, or curves/edges in the current assembly, and constrains the geometry using an Offset constraint.

Associative Offset (legacy)

This is a constraint on an extracted curve that has been offset using the legacy Offset Curves option.

Sketch in Place Overniew

Create a Sketch in Place when you want to associate the sketch feature to a planar object such as a face or a datum plane. For example, here are sketches in place on the ZX plane of a Datum CSYS (1) and on a face of the extruded sketch (2).

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Sketch in place (1) on a Datum CSYS plane and (2) on a face

Sketch on Path

Create a Sketch on Path when you are building an input profile for features like Variational Sweep. For example, in the figure below, we have selected a path, located the sketch plane 15 mm from the start of the curve, and kept the default Normal to Path direction.

Target path (left) and sketch plane on the path (right)

Next, you sketch and fully constrain the feature profile, and use it to create a Variational Sweep.

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Constrained sketch profile (top) and resulting Variational Sweep (bottom)

Sketch on a CSYS plane

Sketch on a planar face Creating a base support Sketch on a path

This tutorial shows you how to:

Create and extrude a sketch profile.

Select a sketch plane.

Rename a sketch.

Change the input box from coordinate values to polar coordinate values.

String lines together.

Make constraint symbols visible.

Fully constrain the sketch.

1. Create a new metric part based on the Model template and enter sk_chamfer as the part name. When you click OK, NX automatically starts the Modeling application.

2. On the Feature toolbar, click Extrude .

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3. In the Extrude dialog box, click Sketch Section .

4. On the Sketcher toolbar, select the sketch name text, type chamfer, and press Enter.

5. I(n the Create Sketch dialog box, ensure that the sketch type is On Plane.

6. Select the ZC-XC plane of the datum CSYS and click OK.

ZC-XC plane of the datum CSYS (1) and sketch horizontal reference (2)

Note that Sketcher automatically orients your view to the sketch plane and starts the Profile command.

7. On the Sketch Constraints toolbar, click Show All Constraints and Create

Inferred Constraints .

8. Inn the Profile dialog box, under Input Mode, select Parameter Mode .

9. Move the cursor near the CSYS origin. When you see the snap to Existing Point icon, click to define the start of the line.

Icons for Existing Point snap option (3)

10. Move the cursor up vertically.

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The dashed line indicates a possible constraint. The vertical arrow indicates a vertical constraint. Click the middle mouse button to lock the vertical constraint. Notice that NX ignores horizontal cursor movement. To unlock the vertical constraint, click the middle mouse button again or blank the angle input box. Click at an appropriate location to complete the first line.

11. Continue sketching lines to create a shape similar to the figure below. After you connect the last line, click the middle mouse button to break the string action.

12. Press Esc to dismiss the Profile command.

13. Right–click the bottom line and choose Add Dimensions.

14. IN the Dimensions dialog bar, click Sketch Dimensions Dialog .

15. From the Placement list, choose Auto Placement.

16. Click in the graphics window to place the dimension below the line.

17. Enter 40.0 for the value and 2.0 in the Text Height box and press Enter.

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18. Select the left vertical line and place the dimension.

19. Enter 42.0 for the value and press Enter.

20. At the top right corner of the profile, select the angled line near its right end.

21. Select the top horizontal line near its right end.

22. Move the cursor to the right to create an angle dimension and click to place it.

23. Enter 45.0 for the value and press Enter.

24. Select the upper, horizontal line and place the dimension. Note when you place the dimension that Sketcher now displays the profile in the fully constrained color.

25. Enter 25.0 for the value and press Enter.

26. Press Esc twice to close the dialog box and exit the Dimension option.

27. To exit the Sketcher, press Ctrl+Q or click Finish Sketch .

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28. NX automatically extrudes the sketch. Click the Start and End input fields in the graphics window and specify 0 and 40 mm respectively.

4. Start input field (currently inactive)

5. End input field (currently active)

6.Cone – Drag to resize extrude; double–click to flip extrude direction.

Click the middle mouse button to complete the extrude. Since you

will use the part in the next tutorial, save your work

Snap Point ToolThe Snap Point Tool lets you designate one or more specific types of point inferencing methods to use when specifying points and point locations during the creation and editing of geometric objects. It works in Modeling, Sketcher, Shape Studio and the Dynamic WCS.

The following point methods are supported with the Snap Point tool:

End Point Mid Point Control Point

Intersection Point Arc Center Quadrant Point

Existing Point Point on Curve Point on Surface

Point Constructor

Click the middle mouse button to complete the extrude. Since you will use the part in the next tutorial, save your work.

1. What are the two possible ways to give constraints in Unigraphics?2. What dialog lets you create lines, arcs, circles and fillets as well as offer

quick access to trim curve dialog?

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3. What option in the sketch dialog re-orients the view to look directly at the sketch when activated?

4. What type of constraint establishes the size of the sketch object or the scalar object or the scalar relationship between the two objects?

5. To more the sketch to a different plane which option do you choose?6. Is it possible to give negative value in dimensioning?7. What will happen to the constraints if you give the dimension by

positioning dimension?

What is the difference between inferred dimension and inferred dimension settings?


 Datum Plane Lets you create reference planes, either fixed or relative, as construction aids when existing planes are not available.

 Datum Axis

Lets you create a reference axis, either fixed or relative, which can be used to create datum planes, revolved features, extruded bodies, etc.

Datum CSYS

Lets you create an associative datum coordinate system


Lets you create a point

Point Set

Lets you create a set of points that corresponds to existing geometry. For example, you can generate points along a curve, face, at the poles of a spline or face

 Creating a plane object Lets you to create an unbounded plane objectDatum Plane-Overview

Use this command to create datum planes. You can use datum planes as aids in creating other features, such as cylinders, cones, spheres, revolved solid bodies, etc. Datum planes are also of value in creating features at angles other than normal to the faces of target solids.

You can create two types of datum planes: relative and fixed.

Relative Datum Planes

A relative datum plane is created in reference to other objects in your model. You can use curves, faces, edges, points, and other datums as reference objects for datum planes. There is a wide range of methods you can use to create relative datum planes.

You can create relative datum planes across multiple bodies.

Fixed Datum Planes

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Fixed datum planes do not reference and are not constrained by other geometric objects, except when used in a user defined feature. You can use any of the relative datum plane methods to create fixed datum planes by deselecting the Associative option in the Datum Plane dialog. There are also special methods you can use to create fixed datum planes based on the WCS and Absolute coordinate systems and by using coefficients in an equation.

Constructing Datum Planes

There are two basic methods you can use to construct datum planes:

Select the edges, planar faces or wireframe geometry needed to specify the datum, and then choose the Datum Plane option.

Invoke the Datum Plane option and then select the required objects for the datum from the graphics window. When you have selected enough valid objects to define a datum, a preview of the datum is displayed in the graphics window. Use the Datum Plane icon options to help specify objects and constraints

Datum Plane options


Plane types are the construction methods you use to create planes. You can either select a plane type from the Type option list or click one of the frequently used plane type method buttons located below the option list. If you use the default Inferred plane type, you can immediately select objects on which to base the plane.

When you edit a datum plane, you can change its type, defining objects, and associative status.

Panel of frequently used plane types

Click the following links for details about each plane Type:

Inferred — Determines the best plane type to use based on objects you select.

Point and Direction — Creates a plane from a point in a specified direction.

On Curve — Creates a plane tangent to, normal or binormal to a point on a curve or edge.

At Distance — Creates a plane parallel to a planar face or another datum plane at a distance you specify.

YC-ZC plane — Creates a fixed datum plane along the XC-YC axis of the Work Coordinate System (WCS) or Absolute Coordinate System (ABS).

XC-ZC plane — Creates a fixed datum plane along the XC-ZC axis of the WCS or ABS.

XC-YC plane — Creates a fixed datum plane along the YC-ZC axis of the WCS or ABS.

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At Angle — Creates a plane using a specified angle.

Bisector — Creates a plane mid-way between two selected planar faces or planes using the bisected angle.

Curves and Points — Creates a plane using a point and a second point, a line, linear edge, datum axis, or face.

Two Lines — Creates a plane using two existing lines, or a combination of lines, linear edges, face axis, or datum axis.

Tangent to Face at Point, Line or Face — Creates a datum plane tangent to a non-planar surface, and optionally a second selected object.

Through Object — Creates a datum plane based on the plane of a selected object.

Coefficients — Creates a fixed datum plane by specifying an equation using coefficients of A, B, C, and D.

Fixed — Available only when editing a datum plane.

Any datum plane created using the YC-ZC plane, XC-ZC plane, XC-YC plane, or Coefficients types, or any of the other relative types that were used with the Associative check box not selected, will all appear as the Fixed type during edit.

During edit, you can change a fixed datum plane to relative by changing the Type, redefining its parent geometry, and selecting the Associative check box.

You can also do the reverse and change a relative datum plane to fixed, by either selecting the Fixed type or clearing the Associative check box.

Plane Orientation

Alternate Solution

Appears when an alternate solution to the previewed plane becomes available.

Lets you cycle through the possible different solutions for the plane. You can also cycle through alternate solutions using the Page Down and Page Up keys. See Alternate Solution for details.

Reverse Plane Normal

Reverses the direction of the plane normal. You can also:

Right-click the normal direction conehead and choose Reverse Direction.

Double-click the normal direction conehead.

The plane preview always displays an arrow conehead in its center that points in the direction of the plane normal.

Common to all Types.


Associative For datum planes, makes the datum plane associative instead of fixed, so it is parametrically related to its parent features.

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If you clear this check box, the datum plane will be fixed and will not be associative. If you later edit a non-associative datum plane, regardless of which type was used to create it, it will appear in the Type list as Fixed.

An associative datum plane displays the name Datum Plane in the Part Navigator.

A non-associative datum plane displays the name Fixed Datum Plane in the Part Navigator.

Available to all datum planes of non-fixed Types.

Datum Plane Inferred type options



Determines the best plane type to use based on objects you select.

Depending on the plane type used and the objects you select, additional groups of options that support it may appear in the dialog box.

When you edit a datum plane created using this method, the type will be the one that was inferred at the time of creation.

You can usually create a datum plane solely by using the Inferred type. See the other Type options for details on how to use each datum plane type.

See Inferring a datum plane for a simple example.

Objects to Define Plane

Select Object

Lets you select one or more objects that define the plane. The objects you select determine the plane type and which additional object types (if any) you can continue to select.

Point Constructor — Displays the Point Constructor dialog box. Click this button if you need to define points.

See the Point Constructor in the Getting Started help for details on point types.

Datum Plane Point and Direction type options


Point and Direction

Creates a datum plane from a point in a specified direction.

See Create a datum plane using a point and a direction for a simple example.

Through Point

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Specify Point

Lets you define an origination point for the datum plane using Snap Point options.

You can drag the point handle to a new point position, as long as it satisfies the current snap point settings.

Inferred Point — A point type. Click to see the point type list. Select a point type from the list and then select objects supported by that type.

Point Constructor — Displays the Point Constructor dialog box. Click this if you need to define points.

See the Point Constructor in the Getting Started help for details on point types.

Normal Direction

Specify Vector

Lets you define the direction of the datum plane.

Inferred Vector — A vector type. Click to see the vector type list. Select a vector type from the list and then select objects supported by that type.

Vector Constructor — Displays the Vector dialog box.

See the Vector Constructor in the Getting Started help for details on vector types.

Reverse Direction

Lets you switch the normal direction vector to the opposite direction. You can also right-click Reverse Direction on the vector direction conehead, or double-click the conehead.

Datum Plane On Curve type options


On Curve

Creates a datum plane tangent to, normal or binormal to a point on a curve or edge.

See Create a datum plane on a curve or edge for a simple procedure.


Select Curve

Lets you select a curve or an edge.

You can optionally select a face, datum plane, datum axis, or a second curve or edge to make the datum plane perpendicular to it at the point on curve.

Lets you switch the location of the plane from one end of a curve or edge to the other end without changing the location value.

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Reverse Direction

Use this option if the system-defined location of the plane is not measured from the expected end of the curve or edge.

Location on Curve


Lets you precisely place the plane on the curve or edge.

You can specify the plane location on the curve or edge as a function of arc length or a percentage of arc length.

Select one of the following:

Arc Length

% Arc Length

Arc Length / %Arc Length

The label of this option box changes to match the setting of the Location option.

Once you have a preview of the datum plane, you can drag its handle along the curve or edge, or you can enter a value or expression for its location in the dynamic input box or here in this option box.

The arc length is a function of the part's unit of measure and the length of the object.

The percent of arc length is measured between 0 and 100 percent.

You can right-click the datum plane handle to switch this parameter back and forth between Arc Length and %Arc Length.

Orientation on Curve

Direction Option

Lets you specify the direction of the plane on the curve.

Select one of the following options:

Normal to the curve or edge

Tangent to a non-linear curve or edge

Bi-Normal to a non-linear curve or edge

Parallel to Object

Select Object

Appears when Parallel to Object is the direction option, to let you select an object on which you want to make the datum plane parallel.

Datum Plane At Distance type options


At Distance

Creates a datum plane parallel to a planar face or another datum plane at a distance you specify.

See Create a datum plane parallel and at a distance for a simple procedure.

Planar Reference

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Select Planar Object

Lets you select a planar face or an existing datum plane to use as a reference object for the new datum plane.



Specifies the value for a distance to offset the datum plane. Type a value in the Distance box.

You can also:

Drag the offset handle.

Type a value in the Distance dynamic input box.

Reverse Direction

Switches the direction of the offset.

You can also:

Right-click the offset direction conehead and choose Reverse Direction.

Double-click the offset direction conehead.

When you reverse the offset direction, the plane moves to the opposite side of the reference object. The plane normal also reverses in a mirror-like transformation.

Number of Planes

Lets you specify the number of copies of the new plane you want to create.

The datum plane copies are created successively and spaced evenly from one another using the same offset value.

Datum Plane YC-ZC, XC-ZC, and XC-YC Plane type options


X=YC-ZC Plane

Y=XC-ZC Plane

Z=XC-YC Plane

Creates a fixed datum plane along the XC-YC, XC-ZC, or YC-ZC axis of the Work Coordinate System (WCS) or Absolute Coordinate System (ABS).

See Create a datum plane on the absolute or work coordinate system for a simple procedure.

Offset and Reference

WCS / Absolute

Lets you specify the coordinate system on which to create a datum plane.

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Choose one of the following:



Distance Lets you add a distance to offset the new plane from the coordinate system.

Datum Plane YC-ZC, XC-ZC, and XC-YC Plane type options


X=YC-ZC Plane

Y=XC-ZC Plane

Z=XC-YC Plane

Creates a fixed datum plane along the XC-YC, XC-ZC, or YC-ZC axis of the Work Coordinate System (WCS) or Absolute Coordinate System (ABS).

See Create a datum plane on the absolute or work coordinate system for a simple procedure.

Offset and Reference

WCS / Absolute

Lets you specify the coordinate system on which to create a datum plane.

Choose one of the following:



Distance Lets you add a distance to offset the new plane from the coordinate system.

Datum Plane YC-ZC, XC-ZC, and XC-YC Plane type options


X=YC-ZC Plane


Creates a fixed datum plane along the XC-YC, XC-ZC, or YC-ZC axis of the Work Coordinate System (WCS) or Absolute Coordinate System (ABS).

See Create a datum plane on the absolute or work coordinate system for a simple procedure.

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Z=XC-YC Plane

Offset and Reference

WCS / Absolute

Lets you specify the coordinate system on which to create a datum plane.

Choose one of the following:



Distance Lets you add a distance to offset the new plane from the coordinate system.

Datum Plane At Angle type options


At Angle

Creates a datum plane using a specified angle.

Once you select the planar reference and the through axis objects, a preview datum plane displays, initially set to 90°.

See Create a datum plane at an angle for a simple procedure.

Planar Reference

Select Planar Object

Lets you select a planar face, plane, or datum plane to use as a reference for the angle.

Through Axis

Select Linear Object

Lets you select a linear curve, edge, or datum axis to define the angle's axis of rotation.

You cannot select a linear curve, edge or datum axis that is perpendicular to the reference plane


Angle Option

Lets you select from a list how the angle is defined.


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Specifies a value for the angle. Type a value in the Angle box.

You can also:

Drag the angle handle.

Type a value in the Angle dynamic input box.


Specifies that the datum plane is perpendicular to the planar reference object and passes through the through axis object.


Specifies that the datum plane is parallel to the planar reference and passes through the through axis object.

Angle Appears when the Angle Option is set to Value. Type a degree value.

Datum Plane Bisector type options



Creates a datum mid-way between two selected planar faces or datum planes using the bisected angle.

Alternate Solution may be available with this method.

See Create a datum plane midway between planar faces, planes, or datum planes for a simple procedure.

First Plane

Select Planar Object

Lets you select the first planar face, datum plane, or plane object needed to define the datum plane.

Second Plane

Select Planar Object

Lets you select the second planar face, datum plane, or plane object needed to define the datum plane.

Datum Plane Curves and Points type options


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Curves and Points

Creates a datum plane using a point and a second point, a line, linear edge, datum axis, or face.

See Create a datum plane using curves and points for a simple procedure.

Curves and Points Subtype

Subtype Option

Lets you select a subtype method.

All methods involve first specifying a point. Snap Point is available to define the point.

Curves and Points (Sub-infer)

Creates a datum plane as you specify a point and one or more reference objects. As you select the additional objects, the software determines which subtype option to use to create the datum plane.

If you select a line, datum axis, linear curve, or edge for the reference geometry, the datum plane passes through both objects. Check Alternate Solution for other possible solutions when the plane is perpendicular to the second object.

If you select a planar face or datum plane for the reference object, the datum plane passes through the point, but is parallel to the reference object.

You can drag a selected point to a new position if it satisfies the Snap Point settings.

Alternate Solution may be available if it is supported by the subtype.

One Point

Creates a datum plane that passes through a single point. Depending on the point, Alternate Solution may be available.

Two Points

Creates a datum plane using two points.

The datum plane passes through the first point and is perpendicular to the direction defined by both points. Click Alternate Solution to get a plane that passes through the second point instead of the first.

Three Points

Creates a datum plane that passes through three points.

Point and Curve/Axis

Creates a datum plane using a point and a linear object, such as a line, datum axis, linear curve, or edge. Alternate Solution is available.

Point and Plane/Face

Creates a datum plane using a point and a planar object, such as a planar face, datum plane, or plane.

Reference Geometry

Select Object

Appears when the subtype option is Curves and Points (Sub-Infer).

Lets you select the initial point for the datum plane, followed by any additional reference objects that are required for the inferred type.

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Also includes the Point Constructor (see Specify Point).

Specify Point

Appears for all subtype options except Curves and Points (Sub-Infer), to let you specify each point required by the subtype.

Inferred Point — A point type. Click to see the point type list. Select a point type from the list and then select objects supported by that type.

Point Constructor — Displays the Point Constructor dialog box. Click this if you need to define points.

See Point Constructor in the Getting Started help for details on point types.

Select Curve Object

Appears when the subtype option is Point and Curve/Axis.

Lets you select a linear object, such as a line, datum axis, linear curve, or edge to be used with a point to define the plane.

Select Planar Object

Appears when the subtype option is Point and Plane/Face.

Lets you select a planar object, such as a planar face, datum plane, or plane object to be used with a point to define the plane.

Datum Plane Two Lines type options


Two Lines

Creates a datum plane using two existing lines, or a combination of lines, linear edges, face axis, or datum axis. The resulting plane contains the first line and is parallel to the second.

Two-line datum planes share these traits:

If the two lines are coplanar, the plane includes both lines.

If the two lines are not coplanar and not perpendicular, an alternate solution passes through the second line and is parallel to the first.

If the two lines are not coplanar but are perpendicular, the plane contains the first line and is perpendicular to the second. There is also an alternate solution that passes through the second line and is perpendicular to the first.

First Line

Select Linear Object

Lets you select the first linear curve, linear edge, or datum axis needed to define the datum plane.

Second Line

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Select Linear Object

Lets you select the second linear curve, linear edge, or datum axis needed to define the datum plane.

Datum Plane Tangent To Face at Point, Line or Face type options


Tangent to Face at Point, Line or Face

Creates a datum plane tangent to a non-planar surface, and optionally a second selected object.

See Create a tangent datum plane for a simple procedure.

Tangent to Face Subtype

Subtype Option

Lets you select a subtype method.

All subtypes require a minimum selection of a non-planar face.

Tangent to Face at Point, Line or Face (Sub-infer)

Creates a datum plane as you specify reference objects. The software determines which of the subtype options listed below to use based on the objects.

When you select a cylindrical or conical surface, the software displays a preview of a datum plane that is tangent to it. You can accept the previewed datum plane, or select a second object that is tangent to both.

The second object can be any of the following:


Linear edge


Datum axis

A second face

Datum plane

For free-form surfaces and spherical surfaces for the second object, you can drag a point on surface or snap it to another object based on the Snap Point settings.

Alternate Solution may be available if it is supported by the subtype.

One Face

Creates a datum plane tangent to a single cylindrical or conical face.

Through Point

Creates a datum plane tangent to a non-planar face and a point. Alternate Solution is available.

Through Line

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Creates a datum plane tangent to a cylindrical or conical face and a linear object. Alternate Solution is available.

Two Faces

Creates a datum plane tangent to two non-planar faces (cylindrical, conical, spherical, and so on). Alternate Solution is available.

Angle to Plane

Creates a datum plane tangent to a cylindrical face and a planar object or face. You can assign an angle value between the faces, or set them as Perpendicular or Parallel to one another. Alternate Solution is available.

Reference Geometry

Select Object

Appears when the subtype option is Tangent to Face at Point, Line or Face (Sub-infer).

Lets you select one or more objects that define the plane. Angle options may also appear depending on the selected objects (see below for angle options).

Also includes the Point Constructor (see Specify Point).

Select Tangent Face

Appears for all subtype options except Tangent to Face at Point, Line or Face (Sub-infer), to let you select a non-planar, cylindrical or conical face to define the plane.

Specify Point

Appears for all subtype options except Tangent to Face at Point, Line or Face (Sub-infer), to let you specify each point required by the subtype.

Inferred Point — A point type. Click to see the point type list. Select a point type from the list and then select objects supported by that type.

Point Constructor — Displays the Point Constructor dialog box. Click this button if you need to define points.

See Point Constructor in the Getting Started help for details on point types.

Select Linear Object

Appears only for the Through Line subtype with Select Tangent Face, to let you create a datum plane that is tangent to a cylindrical or conical face and a linear object.

Select Planar Object

Appears only for the Angle to Plane subtype with Select Tangent Face and the Angle option, to let you create a datum plane that is tangent to a cylindrical face and a planar face.


This option group appears when the subtype option is Angle to Plane or if an angle is

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inferred with the Tangent to Face at Point, Line or Face (Sub-infer) subtype.

Angle Option

Lets you specify how the angle is defined.

Select one of the following options:


Specifies a value for the angle. Type a value in the dialog Angle box. You can also:

o Drag the angle handle.

o Type a value in the Angle dynamic input box.


The datum plane is perpendicular to the planar reference object.


The datum plane is parallel to the planar reference.

Angle Appears when the Angle Option is set to Value. Type an angle value.

Datum Plane Through Object type options


Through Object

Creates a datum plane based on the plane of a selected object.

See Create a datum plane on the plane of an object for a simple procedure.

Through Object

Select Object

Lets you select any of the following types of object:






Axis of a cylindrical, conical, or revolved face

Datum CSYS


Spherical surfaces and surfaces of revolution

Curve, edge, or face objects can be planar or non-planar. If you select a conical or cylindrical face, the datum plane is created on the axis of the face.

Datum Plane Coefficients type options


Coefficients (aX=bY+cZ=d)

Creates a fixed datum plane by specifying an equation using

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coefficients of A, B, C, and D.

For WCS coordinates, the plane is determined by the equation A*XC + B*YC + C*ZC = D.

For Absolute coordinates, the plane is determined by the equation A*X + B*Y + C*Z = D.

Editing datum planes

To edit datum planes, use any of the following methods:

Right-click Edit Parameters or Edit with Rollback on a datum plane.

Double-click a datum plane in the graphics window or Part Navigator.

Choose Edit→Feature→Parameters and select a datum plane from the dialog list.

All methods open the Datum Plane dialog box.

Editing Relative Datum Planes

For relative (non-fixed) datum planes, you can do the following during edit:

Change the Type method used to create a datum plane.

Convert a relative datum plane to fixed by clearing the Associative option, by selecting the Type method, or by changing the type to one of the fixed methods.

Editing Fixed Datum Planes

For fixed datum planes, you can do the following during edit:

Change a fixed datum plane to relative by changing the Type, redefining its parent geometry, and selecting the Associative check box.

Move a fixed datum plane by changing the Type and then redefining the datum plane, or by using Edit→ Feature→ Move Feature.

Flip the direction vector of a fixed datum plane using Reverse Plane Normal.

Deleting Datum Planes

Edit→ Feature→ Delete

Click (Delete) on the Standard toolbar.

Right-click Delete on the datum plane in the Part Navigator.

Editing Datum Planes from Prior Releases

Relative datum planes created prior to NX use the old style dialogs.

DATUM AXIS - OVERVIEWThis option lets you create a datum axis, which is a reference object you can use to create other objects, such as datum planes, revolved features, and extruded bodies.

Datum axes can be either relative or fixed.

Relative Datum Axis

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A relative datum axis is referenced and defined during creation by one or more other objects. All relative datum axes are associative. If you make a relative datum axis non-associative, it becomes fixed.

Fixed Datum Axis

A fixed datum axis is not referenced by other geometric objects, but is fixed in the position in which it was created. Fixed datum axes are non-associative.

You can create a fixed datum axis using the XC, YC, and ZC axes of the WCS, or by clearing the Associative option when using one of the relative axis types.

Constructing Datum Axes

There are two basic methods you can use to construct datum axes:

Select the edges, planar faces or wireframe geometry needed to specify the datum, and then choose the Datum Axis option.

Invoke the Datum Axis option and then select the required objects for the datum from the graphics window. When you have selected enough valid objects to define a datum, a preview of the datum is displayed in the graphics window. Use the Datum Axis icon options to help specify objects and constraints.


Axis types are the construction methods you use to create datum axes. You can select an axis type from the Type option list or click one of the frequently used axis type method buttons located below the option list. If you use the default Inferred axis type, you can immediately select objects on which to base the datum axis.

When you edit a datum axis, you can change its type, defining objects, and associative status.

Panel of frequently used datum axis types

Click the following links for details about each datum axis Type:

Inferred — Determines the best datum axis type to use based on objects you select.

XC-Axis — Creates a fixed datum axis on the XC-axis of the Work Coordinate System (WCS).

YC-Axis — Creates a fixed datum axis on the YC-axis of the WCS.

ZC-Axis — Creates a fixed datum axis on the ZC-axis of the WCS.

Point and Direction — Creates a datum axis from a point in a specified direction.

Two Points — Creates a datum axis by defining two points through which the axis passes.

On Curve Vector — Creates a datum axis tangent, normal, or binormal to a point on a curve or edge, or perpendicular or parallel to another object.

Intersection — Creates a datum axis at the intersection of two planar faces, datum

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planes, or planes.

Curve/Face Axis — Creates a datum axis on a linear curve or edge, or the axis of a cylindrical or conical face or torus.

Fixed — Available only when editing a datum axis.

Any datum axis created using the YC-Axis, XC-Axis, or ZC-Axis, or any of the other relative types used with the Associative check box cleared, will all appear as the Fixed type during edit.

During edit, you can change a fixed datum axis to relative by changing the Type, redefining its parent geometry, and selecting the Associative check box.

You can also do the reverse and change a relative datum axis to fixed, by either selecting the Fixed type or clearing the Associative check box.

Axis Direction

Reverse Direction

Available with most types.

Lets you cycle through the possible directions for the axis normal.

Common to all Types.



Available with non-fixed types.

Makes the new datum axis associative instead of fixed, so it is parametrically related to its parent features.

If you clear this check box, the datum axis will be fixed and not associative.

An associative datum axis displays the name Datum Axis in the Part Navigator.

A non-associative datum axis displays the name Fixed Datum Axis in the Part Navigator.

When you edit a non-associative datum axis, you can redefine it and make it associative.

Datum CSYS Overview

Use this command to create an associative datum coordinate system. A Datum CSYS feature displays in the Part Navigator and in the Edit→ Feature→ Edit Parameters selection dialog box.

Datum CSYS

Basic Procedure

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1. Click the Datum CSYS option to open the CSYS Constructor.

2. You can use any of the CSYS Constructor's options to define the associative coordinate system, except for the following, which are unavailable: Z Axis, X Point; CSYS of Object; Point, Perpendicular Curve; Plane and Vector.

3. If you wish to create the Datum CSYS as a component, turn on the Create Components option.

4. Once you have defined the necessary parameters, click OK or Apply to create the datum CSYS.

A datum CSYS is composed of separate, selectable components:

The overall datum CSYS

Three datum planes

Three datum axes

An origin point

You can select the individual datum planes, datum axes, and origin point in a datum CSYS.

You can hide and show a datum CSYS, as well as edit its object display characteristics. You can move a datum CSYS between layers.

Uses for a Datum CSYS

You can use a datum CSYS to ensure associativity of downstream features that are updated automatically when the geometries used to define the CSYS are modified.

You can use a datum CSYS to more easily define a feature's coordinate system-related parameters. For example, the origin for a cylindrical feature is usually coincident with the intersection between the cylinder's axis and one of the planar faces, and the Z-axis is coincident with the cylinder's axis. If you use a non-associative coordinate system, you may later have to manually translate the cylinder whenever you move its defining geometry. However, if you use an associative datum CSYS, the cylinder updates automatically.

When you position a downstream feature, you can select individual components of a datum CSYS feature (i.e., datum planes or axes) as positioning references.

You can also select individual components of a datum CSYS, the datum planes and axes, for mating conditions (see the Assemblies Help for more information).

POINTYou can create associative and non-associative points. When you select the Point option, Associative and Non-Associative Point icon options display in the graphics window. Choose the option for the type of point you want to create, and the Snap Point Tool to specify their locations.

For associative points, point constraints are stored with respect to absolute coordinates.

POINT SETCreates a set of points that corresponds to existing geometry. Creating a point set allows you to generate points along a curve, along a face, or at the poles of a spline or face. You may also recreate the defining poles of a spline.

In some options, you are provided with various methods of spacing the points and defining where the point set starts and ends. Points may also be located by selecting positions in the view or by using the Point Constructor.

To create a set of points:

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1. Choose one of the options for creating a set of points.

2. Select the reference curve or face.

You can create a point set using the following options:

Point Set Dialog Options

Points on Curve Creates a set of points along an existing curve.

Add Points to Curves Creates random points along one or more curves.

Point at Curve Percentage

Adds a point along one or more curves at a location equal to a percentage value.

Spline Defining Points Lets you select a spline that was created through points and recreate the construction points.

Spline Knot Points Creates a set of points using the knot points of an existing spline.

Spline Poles Lets you create points at the poles of any spline.

Points on Face Lets you create a set of points on an existing face.

Point at Face Percentage

Adds a point on one or more faces at a location equal to U and V percentage values.

Face (B-Surface) Poles Lets you to create points at the poles of any face.

Group Points Lets you group the points in each point set. Enable this option by setting it in the ON position. The default is OFF.

PLANELets you create an unbounded plane object using the Plane Constructor. The plane you create is represented by a 3-4-5 triangle symbol situated with the right angle vertex on the origin point of the plane. The short leg is oriented along the implied X axis and the long leg along the implied Y axis. Each of the legs has a gap at the midpoint.

Plane Object Symbol

The plane symbol represents a flat surface extending infinitely through space. You can use planes to cross-section curves and surfaces, and to define limits of surfaces. The scale of the plane symbol is fixed. Like any other object, you can delete, blank and unblank a plane object.

Plane Dialog Options

Three PointsLets you specify a plane by defining three points on the plane. Note that the third point cannot be on the same line as the first two.

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Two LinesLets you specify a plane by selecting two existing lines. The specified plane contains the first line and is parallel to the second. If the two lines are coplanar, then the plane specified will be the plane containing the two lines.

Point, Perpendicular Curve

Lets you specify a plane by selecting a curve and a point on the plane. The specified plane is perpendicular to the curve at the point that is the minimum distance point between the curve and the input point.

Plane of ObjectLets you specify a plane containing an existing arc, conic or planar spline.

Plane of CSYSLets you specify a plane by choosing an existing coordinate system. The system creates a plane that is the XY plane of the selected coordinate system.

Existing PlaneLets you specify a plane by choosing an existing plane.

Two Tangent FacesLets you define a plane that is tangent to two solid cylindrical or spherical faces.

Point, Tangent FaceLets you define a plane through a point and tangent to a solid face (conical or cylindrical).

CoefficientsLets you define a plane by specifying coefficients A, B, C and D. For WCS coordinates, the plane is determined by the equation A*XC + B*YC + C*ZC = D. For absolute coordinates, the plane is determined by the equation A*X + B*Y + C*Z = D.

Parallel through Point

Lets you define a plane parallel to a reference plane that contains a specified point.

Parallel at DistanceLets you define a plane parallel to a reference plane at a specified distance and in a specified direction.

Perpendicular through Line

Lets you define a plane that is perpendicular to a reference plane and that contains a selected line.

Principal Plane Lets you create planes using the principal axes and planes of the WCS.

Work / Absolute Lets you specify whether the new plane is created in the work coordinate system or the absolute coordinate system.

Questions 1. Can you create a datum plane at the defined angle?2. What is the difference between point and associative point?3. What is the difference between absolute CS and WCS?

What are different types of creating a datum axis?

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Modeling Curve Options

Line - Lets you create associative or non-associative curves.

Arc/Circle - Lets you create associative or non-associative arcs and circles.

Lines and Arcs - Lets you quickly create associative or non-associative lines and curves using pre-defined constraint combinations.

Basic Curves - Lets you create lines, arcs, circles, and fillets, as well as trimming these curves or editing their parameters.

Chamfer - Lets you create a beveled corner between two coplanar lines or curves.

Rectangle - Lets you create a rectangle.

Polygon - Lets you create different types of polygons.

Ellipse - Lets you create an ellipse.

Parabola - Lets you create a parabola.

Hyperbola - Lets you create a hyperbola.

General Conic - Lets you create conic sections by using either one of the various loft conic methods or the general conic equation. The resulting conic is either circle, ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola depending on the mathematical results of the input data.

Helix - Lets you create a helix.

Law Curve - Lets you use the Law Subfunction to create a spline with each of its X, Y, and Z components defined by a law.

Spline - Lets you create freehand-style curves whose shape is controlled by either defining data or poles.

Studio Spline - Lets you interactively create an associative or non associative spline using points or poles.

Text - Lets you generate NX curves from the True Type fonts in your native Windows font library.

Line Overview

Use Line to create associative curve features. The kind of line you get depends on the types of constraints you combine; you can create many types of lines by combining different types of constraints.

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You can also create non-associative lines with this option, but they are simple curves and not features. Individual support planes are used to define the lines. You can let the system infer a support plane during creation, or you can specify the support plane yourself.

You can use limits to define the length of lines and their extents: Specify a distance value Stop the line on a constraint location (such as a tangent point) Stop the line on a selected object

You can use associative line features to project or intersect reference geometry to the support plane. Associative curves are best used for a small number of curves that are related to geometry and each other in a 3D space. If all of your curves are on a 2D plane it may be easier to use a sketch.


Use this option to quickly create associative arcs and circle features. The kind of arc you get depends on the types of constraints you combine; you can create many types of arcs by combining different types of constraints.

You can also create non-associative arcs with this option, but they are simple curves and not features. Individual support planes are used to define the arc. You can let the system infer a support plane during creation, or you can specify the support plane yourself.

You can use limits to define the start and end point of arcs: Specify a distance value Stop the arc on a constraint location (such as a tangent point) Stop the arc on a selected object

You can use associative arc features to project or intersect reference geometry to the support plane. Associative arcs are best used for a small number of curves that are related to geometry and each other in a 3D space. If all of your arcs are on a 2D plane it may be easier to use a sketch.

Lines and Arcs Overview

Lines and Arcs is a special pull-down menu and toolbar that lets you quickly create associative or non-associative lines and curves using pre-defined constraint combinations. You do not have to open a dialog or operate any icon option controls.

Use MB1 to create a line or arc. Use MB2 to cancel out of Lines and Arcs. Snap Point rules apply to most of the line and arc creation options. Lines and arcs are created automatically when all constraint conditions are satisfied. Plane constraints are not used. If you use the Associative option:

o All point constraints are stored with respect to absolute coordinates.o Editing associative lines and arcs created with the Lines and Arcs menu

opens the Associative Line and Associative Arc/Circle dialogs.

Basic Curves

When you choose this option, the Basic Curves dialog is displayed. The icons at the top are the curve types that you can create, plus two editing methods.

Basic Curves Dialog Icons

Line Brings up the Line mode of the Basic Curves dialog, which gives you options for creating lines.

Arc Brings up the Arc mode of the Basic Curves dialog, which gives you options for creating arcs.

Circle Brings up the Circle mode of the Basic Curves dialog, which gives you options for creating circles.

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Fillet Brings up the Fillet mode of the Basic Curves dialog, which gives you options for creating fillets.

Trim Brings up the Trim mode of the Basic Curves dialog, which gives you options for trimming basic curves.

Edit Curve Parameters

Brings up the Edit Curve Parameters mode of the Basic Curves dialog, which gives you options for editing parameters of basic curves.

Curve Chamfer

This option creates a beveled corner between two coplanar lines or curves.To create a curve chamfer:

1. Choose the type of curve chamfer to create, either Simple Chamfers or User Defined Chamfers.

2. Indicate how you wish to trim the two curves.3. Enter either an offset and an angle with respect to the first curve or an offset for both

curves.4. Select the curves that form the corner to be beveled.5. Indicate the approximate intersection point between the curves.

You may create the following types of chamfers:

Simple Creates a beveled corner between two coplanar lines.User Defined

Creates a beveled corner between two coplanar curves including lines, arcs, splines, and conics. This option also gives you more control over the trimming than when creating simple chamfers.


Offset is the distance between the intersection of the two curves and the beginning of the chamfer line. For simple chamfers, the offset is the same along both curves.


A chamfer can also be created using one offset and an angle. The angle is measured from the second curve.

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Lets you create a rectangle by selecting two diagonal corners. When using the cursor to define the corners, a rubberbanding effect takes place. This allows you to see the rectangle before it is actually created. Rectangles are created in the XC-YC, YC-ZC, or XC-ZC plane. The Rectangle option is available from both the Create Curve dialog and the Sketch Tools dialog.


To create a rectangle:1. Indicate the first corner; use Point Constructor or enter the coordinates.2. Indicate the second corner; either drag the cursor to the desired location and click the

mouse button or enter the coordinates.


Creates a polygon in a plane parallel to the XC-YC plane of the WCS.

To create a polygon:1. Specify the number of sides.2. Choose the size method.3. Enter either a radius and orientation angle or length of side and orientation angle.4. Specify the origin for the polygon.

There are three methods available for defining the size of a polygon.

Polygon Dialog Options

Inscribed Radius Enter the radius of an inscribed circle.

Side of Polygon Enter a value for the length of one side of the polygon. This length is applied to all sides.

Circumscribed Radius Enter the radius of an circumscribed circle.

The number of sides specified defines the shape of the polygon. The orientation angle is the angle the polygon is rotated away from the XC axis in the counterclockwise direction. This angle indicates where the first corner of the polygon is located. The origin is the point defining the center point of the polygon and is specified using the Point Constructor.

Inscribed Radius

You can define the size of a polygon by entering the radius of an inscribed circle. An inscribed radius is also the distance from the origin to the middle of a side of the polygon.

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Circumscribed Radius

This option defines the size of a polygon given the radius of a circumscribed circle. A circumscribed radius is the distance from the origin to a corner of the polygon.


Creating an ellipse is most useful when you want to draw a foreshortened circle, because it lets you specify the major and minor diameters. Major diameter is usually equal to the true diameter of the circle. Minor diameter usually represents the amount of foreshortening. The default ellipse is created in a plane parallel to the work plane, as shown below.

To create an ellipse:

1. Indicate the center point of the ellipse using the Point Constructor.2. Define the creation parameters of the ellipse.

Semi major and Semi minor

An ellipse has two axes: a major axis and a minor axis (the midpoint of each is at the center of the ellipse). The longest diameter of the ellipse is the major axis; the shortest diameter the minor axis. The semi major and semi minor values refer to half the length of these axes.

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Start and End Angle

An ellipse is created in the counterclockwise direction about the positive ZC axis. The start and end angles determine the starting and ending positions of the ellipse and are measured from the major axis.

Rotation Angle

The rotation angle of an ellipse is the angle at which the major axis is tilted in the counterclockwise direction from the XC axis. Unless the rotation angle is changed, the major axis is always parallel with the XC axis.


A parabola is a set of points equidistant from a point (the focus) and a line (the directrix), lying in a plane parallel to the work plane. The default parabola is constructed with its axis of symmetry parallel to the XC axis.

To create a parabola:1. Indicate the vertex for the parabola using the Point Constructor.2. Define the creation parameters of the parabola.

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The focal length is the distance from the vertex to the focus. The focal length must be greater than zero. Width parameters for a parabola are the Minimum DY and Maximum DY. Minimum DY and Maximum DY limit the sweep of the parabola on either side of the axis of symmetry.

DY values determine the length of the curve by limiting the displayed width of the parabola. If a Minimum DY value is entered that is algebraically greater than the Maximum DY value, the lower value is automatically made the minimum and the higher value the maximum.

The rotation angle of a parabola is the angle formed between the axis of symmetry and the XC axis. It is measured in a counterclockwise direction with a pivot point at the vertex.


This option allows you to create a hyperbola. By definition, a hyperbola contains two curves - one on either side of its center. In NX, only one of these curves is constructed. The center lies at the intersection of the asymptotes and the axis of symmetry passes through this intersection. The hyperbola is rotated from the positive XC axis about the center and lies in a plane parallel to the XC-YC plane.

To create a hyperbola:

1. Indicate the center of the hyperbola using Point Constructor.2. Define the parameters of the hyperbola.

A hyperbola has two axes: a transverse axis and a conjugate axis. The semi-transverse and semi-conjugate parameters refer to half the length of these axes. The relationship between these two axes determines the slope of the curve.

Width parameters for a hyperbola are the Minimum DY and Maximum DY. Minimum DY and Maximum DY limit the sweep of the hyperbola on either side of the axis of symmetry.

DY values determine the length of the curve. If a Minimum DY value is entered that is algebraically greater than the Maximum DY value, the lower value is automatically made the minimum and the higher value the maximum.

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The angle the semi-transverse axis makes with the XC axis is defined as the rotation angle of a hyperbola. The pivot point is at the center of the hyperbola and the angle of rotation is referenced from the positive XC direction. The angle is measured in a counterclockwise direction.

General Conic

This option creates conic sections by using either one of the various loft conic methods or the general conic equation. The resulting conic is either a circle, an ellipse, a parabola, or a hyperbola; depending on the mathematical results of the input data. The General Conic option is more flexible than the ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola options, since it allows several different methods for defining the curve.

To create a general conic:1. Choose a construction method.2. Indicate the location of the first point of the conic using the Point Constructor or define

the first coefficient.3. Specify the remaining points of the conic and/or define the slope, anchor, Rho, or

remaining coefficients.

Construction Methods

General Conic Construction Methods5 Points Creates a conic section defined by five coplanar points.4 Points, 1 Slope

Creates a conic section defined by four coplanar points, with a slope at the first point.

3 Points, 2 Slope

Creates a conic section defined by three points, the slope at the first point, and the slope at the third point.

3 Points, Anchor

Creates a conic section defined by three points on the conic and the intersection point of the two end tangent vectors.

2 Points, Anchor, Rho

Creates a conic given two points on the conic section, an anchor point to determine the starting and ending slopes, and the projective discriminant, Rho.

Coefficients Creates a conic using an equation where the controlling conic parameters are user defined.

2 Points, 2 Slope, Rho

Creates a conic given two points on the conic section, the starting and ending slopes, and the projective discriminant, Rho.

The conic always passes through each point you specify, unless points lie on the two branches of a hyperbola. With the two methods utilizing slopes, the slope(s) lies at the end(s) of the conic.

The slope is projected to the plane of the conic. If the slopes are not in the plane generated by the points defining the conic, the conic is not created and an error message is displayed.


You can create a helix by defining the number of turns, a pitch, a radius method (law or constant), turn direction, and the proper orientation. The result is a spline.

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Create Helix Dialog OptionsNumber of Turns Must be greater than zero. Pitch The distance between successive turns along the helical axis. The Pitch

must be greater than or equal to zero.Radius Method Lets you specify how the radius is defined. You can either define a

radius by Use Law or Enter Radius.Radius Enter the value of the radius here if you chose the Enter Radius method.Turn Direction A Right Hand helix starts at the base point and curls to the right

(counterclockwise). A Left Hand helix starts at the base point and curls to the left (clockwise).

Define Orientation Lets you use the Z-Axis, X-Point option of the Coordinate System Tool to define the helix orientation. 

Point Constructor Lets you use the Point Constructor to define the base point for the orientation definition

Number of Turns, Pitch, and Radius Method values are all expressions and can be changed through Tools-> Expression.

Law Curve

The Law Curve option lets you create a spline using the Law Subfunction. A law spline is defined by a set of X, Y, and Z components. You must specify a law for each of these three components.

To create a law curve:1. Using the Law Subfunction, choose and define a law option for each of the X, Y and Z

components.2. (Optional) Control the orientation of the spline by either defining an orientation and/or

base point, or specifying a reference coordinate system.3. Choose OK or Apply to create the curve.

Law Curve uses a combination of X, Y and Z components to define a law spline. You must select a law type for each component using the Law Subfunction. The available options are:

Constant Lets you define a constant value along the entire law function. Linear Lets you define a linear rate of change from a start point to an endpoint.Cubic Lets you define a cubic rate of change from a start point to an endpoint.Values Along Spline - Linear

Lets you use two or more points along a spine to define a linear law function. After selecting a spine curve, you can indicate multiple points along it.

Values Along Spline - Cubic

Lets you use two or more points along a spine to define a cubic law function. After selecting a spine curve, you can indicate multiple points along the spine.

By Equation Lets you define a law using an existing expression and a "parameter expression variable."

By Law Curve Lets you select a string of smoothly joined curves to define a law function.


You can create splines using one of several methods. All splines created in NX are Non Uniform Rational B-splines (NURBS). In this section, the terms "B-spline" and "spline" are used interchangeably. There are four creation methods for splines:

By Poles Causes the spline to gravitate towards each data point (that is, pole), but not pass through it, except at the endpoints.

Through Points The spline passes through a set of data points. Fit A specified tolerance is used in "fitting" the spline to its data points;

the spline does not necessarily pass through the points.Perpendicular to Planes The spline passes through and is perpendicular to each plane. 

The figure below shows three of the spline creation methods.

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Text to Geometry Overview

Use Text to generate NX curves from the True Type fonts in your native Windows font library. Use this function whenever text is required as a design element in your part models. Text lets you to select any font in your Windows font library, specify character attributes (bold, italic, type, alphabet), type a text string in the Text dialog field, and immediately convert the string to a geometry component within your NX part model. Text traces the shape of selected True Type fonts and uses lines and splines to produce character outlines of a text string, placing the resulting geometry on a virtual plane.

Questions 1. what is the difference between inscribed and circumscribed radius in a polygon?2. what is the range of Rho value in general conic options?3. how many inputs are required to create a parabola and hyperbola?4. is it possible to give variable radius in Helix?5. sometimes the curve wont pas through the five points in five points general conic,



J. Curve from Curves Options

Offset - Lets you create curves that are offset from the original curves (lines, arcs, conics, splines, and edges).

Offset - Lets you create associative curves on one or more faces at a specified distance from existing curve or edge strings. The resulting curves are created in the face at a constant distance from the original curve, measured along face sections normal to the original curve.

Bridge - Lets you blend or bridge two curves at specified points on the curves.

Simplify - Lets you create a string of best fit lines and arcs from a string that has up to 512 curves.

Join - Lets you join together a chain of curves and/or edges into a single spline.

Project - Lets you project curves and points onto faces, planes, and datum planes.

Combined Projection - Lets you combine the projections of two existing curves to create a new curve. (The two curve projections must intersect.)

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Mirror Curve - Lets you copy associative or non-associative curves and edges across a datum plane or planar surface.

Wrap/Unwrap – Lets you wrap curves from a plane onto a conical or cylindrical face, or unwrap curves from a face onto a plane.


Lets you offset strings of lines, arcs, conics, splines, and edges.

Offset curves are constructed through points calculated normal to the selected base curves. You can choose whether to associate the offset curves to their input data.

Curves can be offset within the plane defined by the selected geometry, or to a parallel plane using the draft angle and height options, or along a vector you specify when using the 3D Axial method. Multiple curves can only be offset if they are in a contiguous string (that is, they must be end to end). The object types of the resulting curves are the same as their input curves, except for conics and curves created using the Rough Offset option or the 3D Axial method, which are offset as splines.

Offset Curves Dialog Options

Offset by Distance - Offsets curves in the plane of the input curves.

Draft - Offsets curves in a plane parallel to the plane of the input curves at a specified distance. A plane symbol marks the plane in which the offset curves lie.

Law Control - Offsets curves at a distance defined by a law, which you specify with the Law Subfunction.

3D Axial - Offsets strings of coplanar or non-coplanar (3D) curves. You must specify a 3D Offset Value and a 3D Axis Vector (see below). ZC is the initial default vector. The resulting offset curve is always a spline.

Distance The offset distance from the selected curves in the direction indicated by the conehead vector. Negative distance values offset in the opposite direction.

Draft Height The distance from the plane of the input curves to the plane of the resulting offset curves.

Draft Angle The angle from the offset vector to a line normal to the reference plane, where the input curves lie.

3D Offset Value

Lets you specify an offset for 3D or non-coplanar curves. Used only with the 3D Axial method.

Axis Vector Lets you specify a vector direction for the axis of an offset. Used only with the 3D Axial method.

Trim Methods for trimming or extending the offset curves to their intersection points.

Extend Factor A multiple of the offset distance. It controls the length of the offset tangent extension lines. This option is used only for Extended Tangents trim when Associative Output is toggled OFF.

Group Objects Lets you choose whether to group the offset curves together.

Approx Tolerance

Determines the accuracy of the offset curve if the input curve is a spline or conic.

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Number of Copies

Lets you construct multiple sets of offset curves.

Reverse Direction

Reverses the positive offset direction of the conehead vector.

Redisplay Reference Objects

Lets you redisplay the direction vector and, if you are using Offset by Draft, the plane symbol marking the offset plane.

Associative Output

When this option is selected, the offset curves are associated to the input curves and defining data. When the original curves are modified, the offset curves also update as necessary. An OFFSET_CURVE feature is created when this option is enabled.

When this option is not selected, the resulting offset curves are not associated to the input curves and defining data.

Rough Offset Provides more robust handling of offset curve applications. Use this option to better deal with self intersecting offset curve situations, when extra curves may be produced, or when curves may not be trimmed properly. Rough Offset is only for coplanar curves (2D). The offset curves are splines.

Input Curves Lets you specify the disposition of the original, input curves.

Retain - Keeps the input curves when the offset curves are created.

Blank - Blanks the input curves when the offset curves are created.

Delete - Deletes the input curves when the offset curves are created. This option is grayed out when Associative Output is selected.

Replace - Acts like a move operation, where the input curve is moved to the offset curve position. This option is grayed out when Associative Output is selected.

The curve type may change when you use Replace. For example, when a conic is input, the offset curve is a spline. Also, the output is always a spline when Law Control is used.

The disposition instructions that you specify in the Input Curves options only apply to curves, not edges or sketch curves, which are always kept. You can use the Blank option with sketch curves when Associative Output is not selected.


Use this function to create offset curves on one or more faces from connected edges or curves on the surfaces. The offset curves can be associative or non-associative, and lie at specified distances from an existing curve or edge section. The curves are created in the face, and are measured along face sections normal to the original curves.

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Curve on Surface (smaller) used to create offset curves (larger)

Different spanning methods let you fill the gaps between the curves.

There are also options to let you trim against the selected face boundaries.

The resulting offset curves are either cubic splines or analytic curves, depending on the input curves and the faces on which they are offset from.

The offset curves can be created outside their faces if there is enough surface. You can always, for example, offset outside a planar face.

Offset In Face Options

Selection Steps

Add/Remove Faces

(Optional) You can select which faces on which to create the offset curves. Even if the software infers the faces for you, you can use this selection step to change those faces. If the software does not infer the faces automatically, you must use this option to specify the faces.

Selection Intent is available to specify the faces.

Curves to Offset

Use this option and MB1 to select a curve or edge to offset on the specified face. Use Shift+MB1 to deselect a curve or edge.

Selection Intent is available.

Once you select a curve the software attempts to infer faces according to Selection Intent settings, and then updates the current section:offset item in the dialog listbox with an offset value in the following format:

Parameter Value ExpressionSection1:Offset1 1 p3=1

You can change the value of the section's offset by dragging the offset handle in the graphics window or by entering a value or expression in the dialog's data field.

You can add additional offset curves to a section by clicking MB3→ Add Offset to Section on any of the following:

The section:offset item in the list box.

The section:offset handle in the graphics window.

The section handle in the graphics window.

You can give a unique offset value to each curve in the section:offset set

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(that is, each Section:Offset item in the dialog list box).

You can also use the following MB3 options on highlighted section:offset items in the dialog list box and on the offset handles and section anchors in the graphics window:

Delete the highlighted or selected section:offset or section

Reverse Direction of the selected section:offset. When you select an offset curve or edge with this option, only the offset direction for that particular offset curve or edge is reversed.

Reverse All Directions of the section:offsets of a selected section. When you select this option, all of the offset curves and edges for the section reverse their directions, putting them on the opposite side of the section. The offset values do not change when you reverse the direction.

When you have added all of the offset curves to a section, click the Complete set and start next set icon (see below).

Following is a typical list of section:offsets:

Parameter Value ExpressionSection1:Offset1 1 p3=1Section1:Offset2 1.2 p3=1.2Section1:Offset3 -0.5 p3=-0.5Section2:Offset1 1–0.4 p3=-0.4

To add a new section, select the previously selected curve or edge, or a new curve or edge.

Complete set and start next set

Use this icon to complete the curves for the current section:offset.

As you select curves and edges and add them to section:offset sets, entries for each are updated in the list box of the dialog. A dynamic input box for each offset value displays as you make your selections, along with a leader line that points to the offset handle (if not disabled by the F3 key).

You can double-click a section:offset set handle to open it for additional edges and to change its offset value.

Section:Offset Use this field to assign an offset value to the highlighted section:offset entry in the dialog list box or handle in the graphics window. The label of the field changes to match the specific section:offset you are changing (for example, Section1:Offset3).

The field displays the offset value for the selected item in the dialog list box. You can enter a different value in this field, which updates the offset curve (both in the list box and in the graphics window).

Reverse Direction

Use this option to reverse the direction of the offset curve of the selected section:offset.

Only the offset direction for that particular offset curve or edge is reversed. To reverse all offsets for all curves in a section, use MB3→ Reverse All Directions.

Offset Method Use these methods to define the way the offset distances are measured. The mode you select applies to all of the strings for the feature.


The offset curves are based on the chordal distance, using line segments

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between points on the string curve.

Arc Length

The offset curves are created following the arc of the string curve.


The offset curves are created along the minimum distance on the face(s).


The offset curves are created at a distance along the tangent to the face where the curves initially lie, and are projected back onto the face.

Trim and Extend Offset Curves

Trim and Extend to Each Other

Use this option to specify how corners between two curves within the same section are trimmed.

If you do not select this option, the corner of two curves in a section are not extended or trimmed.

If you do select this option, the tangents of two curves are extended to form a corner, and are trimmed.

The setting you select applies to all of the curves and sections for the feature.

Trim to Face Edges

Use this options to specify if the curves are trimmed to the face edges.

Offset curves trimmed to face edges

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Offset curves not trimmed to face edges

The setting you select applies to all of the offset curves for the feature.

Extend to Face Edges

Use this option to extend the offset curves to the face boundaries.

Offset curves not extended to face edges

Offset curves extended to face edges

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The setting you select applies to all of the strings for the feature.

Enable Preview When you have specified enough parameters to create an initial offset curve in face, this option generates a preview of it in the graphics window. Use the preview to determine the correctness of your parameters before completing the set or creating the feature. This option is selected by default.

Associative Use this option to make the new offset curves in face associative, so they are parametrically related to their parent features.

Tolerance Let you specify a distance tolerance for the feature, other than the initial value taken from the Modeling Distance Tolerance.


Use this command to create a bridge curve between user-defined points on two curves. You can select edges as input curves. You can also constrain the bridge curve to be coincident with a set of faces, and choose whether or not the bridge curve is associative.

Bridge Curve (1) Between Edges (2) and Coincident With Yellow Faces

After you choose the second input curve, NX creates an initial bridge curve between the endpoints you selected. You can modify this initial bridge using applicable options on the Bridge Curve dialog. Clicking OK or Apply creates the bridge curve

Bridge Curve Dialog Options

Selection Steps First Curve - Lets you specify the first curve to be bridged with the second


Second Curve - Lets you specify the second curve to be bridged with the first curve. You can create a Symmetric Constrained Bridge Curve by selecting a datum or a vector for the second curve.

Reference Shape Curve - Lets you select an existing spline to control the general shape of an initial Tangent Continuity Method bridging curve. If you choose OK after selecting the first and second curves, the following message

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appears on the Cue line:

Select spline from which to inherit shape

If you choose an applicable spline from the graphics window, the initial bridge curve assumes the new shape. Clicking OK again creates the bridge curve.

This option is available only with the Tangent Continuity Method, except when Shape Control is set to Conic.

After you have specified the curves, you can select the First Curve, Second Curve and Reference Curve steps to make a specific curve the current selection. This highlights the curve in the graphics window, and lets you modify some of the options described below.

Constraint Faces lets you select faces when you want to constrain the bridge curve to a set of faces. Selection Intent rules apply. Use this option when your design requires a curve that is coincident to a set of faces, or when you are creating a curve network that defines a tangent edge for blending. When you specify constraint faces, you cannot use the Curvature Continuity method, or define a Conic curve.

Note that:

The constraint faces must be capable of being sewed.

G0 continuity must be within the Modeling Distance tolerance.

G1 continuity must be within the Angle tolerance.

Filter Lets you specify the types of curves to allow for selection.

Any allows all curve types to be selected.

Curve allows only non-edge curve objects to be selected.

Edge allows only edge curves to be selected.

Datum lets you select a datum plane for a Symmetric Bridge Curve. This option is available only during the Second Curve selection step, and only if Continuity Method is set to Curvature, and Shape Control is set to Peak Point.

Vector lets you select a vector for a Symmetric Bridge Curve. This option is available only during the Second Curve selection step, and only if Continuity Method is set to Curvature, and Shape Control is set to Peak Point.

Continuity Method

Lets you specify the continuity method used to construct the bridge curve.

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Tangent - Creates a bridging curve that is a cubic, single segment spline, which is tangent continuous with both curves. The spline created has a degree of 3.

Curvature - Creates a bridging curve tangent and curvature continuous with the two curves. The spline created has a degree of 5 or 7, depending on the stiffness.

The figure below compares a tangent bridging curve with a curvature bridging curve (5 degrees) created for the same set of curves (an arc and a line).

Start/End Location

Lets you change the start or end location of the bridge on the currently selected curve (first curve or second curve). You can move the location point with the slider, or you can enter a value in the data entry field specifying where on the curve you want the bridge to start or end. The slider range and acceptable values in the data entry field are from .00 to 100, which represents the percentage of the parameter range along the curve. As you change the location, the bridge curve is updated in the graphics window in real time. If necessary, click the First Curve or Second Curve steps to select the desired curve.

Moving the slider updates the value in the data entry field. Entering a value in the data entry field updates the position of the slider.

You can also set the Start/End Location using the Specify Location option, which calls up the Point Constructor.

Specify Location

Lets you define the Start/End Location using the Point Constructor instead of the slider or data entry field. The point on the curve will be associative with the bridge curve if the Associative Output option is on.

Reverse Direction

Lets you reverse the direction of the tangent vector at the currently selected curve (first curve or second curve). If necessary, first click the First Curve or Second Curve steps to select the desired curve. This option is not available for the Reference Shape Curve selection step or the Conic Shape Control method.

Shape Control

Lets you reshape the bridge curve interactively, getting feedback in real time.

End Points - Lets you change the bridge curve shape by altering its tangency with the first and second curve end points. Clicking the End Points option enables the Tangent Magnitude sliders for the first and second curves.

Tangent Magnitude - Lets you adjust the bridge curve by pushing or pulling at either or both ends of the First Curve and Second Curve using the sliders or by typing values in the text boxes. The slider ranges represent the percentage of tangency. Initial values vary between 0.0 and 3.0. If you enter a number larger than 3.0 in one of the text boxes, the geometry adjusts accordingly, and the corresponding slider range increases to include the larger number. To get a reverse tangency bridge curve, click the Reverse Direction button.

Peak Point - Lets you change the bridge curve shape by altering its depth and skew, as measured from its peak point. Click the Peak Point option to enable the

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Bridge Depth and Bridge Skew sliders and data entry fields, and if using the Curvature Continuity Method, the Stiffness Control. The initial range limits for both slider bars are between 0.0 and 100.0. Entering numbers in the data entry fields outside of the slider range updates the bridge curve, but not the sliders. Moving the slider after entering a number out of the slider range limit reshapes the bridge curve to within the slider range limit.

Bridge Depth - This slider lets you control how much the curvature of the curves affects the bridge. After you have selected both curves, you can change the depth by moving the slider. The value of the slider is the percentage of the curvature effect. This option is only available when the Continuity Method is Curvature.

The figure below shows bridges with three different depths on the same two curves. (All other parameters are identical.)

Bridge Skew - This slider controls the location of the maximum curvature (or reversal of curvature, if you chose the Reverse Direction option). The value of the slider is the percentage of the distance along the bridge from Curve 1 to Curve 2. This option is only available when the Continuity Method is Curvature .

The figure below shows bridges with three different skews on the same two curves.

Conic - Lets you change the bridge curve shape by altering the fullness of a conic curve. Clicking Conic enables the Rho Value slider and data entry field.

The Rho Value represents a fraction of the distance from the endpoints to the apex of the curve. The range for the Rho Value is 0.01 to 0.99. The Conic shape control is available only with the Tangent Continuity Method.

Rho is the projective discriminant, a scalar value that controls the "fullness" of

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each conic section (see the figure below). In the figure below, the distance D1 is determined from the value entered for rho. A small rho value produces a very flat conic, while a large rho value (near 1) produces a very pointed conic.

Stiffness Control - Lets you change the freedom of shape of the bridge curve, but only when using the Curvature Continuity Method. The stiffness of the bridge curve will control, to some extent, the degree, continuity and complexity of the curve. Three settings are available: Auto, Low and High.

Setting Effect on Continuity

Effect on Degree

Miscellaneous Effects

Auto G3 if possible and reasonable

5 Attempts to get smoothness in curvature.

Low G2 5 Little constraint on G3 condition, so allows freedom of shape.

High G3 7 Freedom of shape, but more complex curve (or section in the v direction for section features).

G2 condition

The curvature plot is contiguous. For section features, isoclines or reflection lines have no corners where they cross the join between faces.

G3 condition

The curvature plot is smooth. Splines, section features, isoclines and reflection lines have no abrupt changes in curvature.

The figure below compares bridges created with the three Stiffness Control options (all other parameters are equal).

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Associative Output

Lets you specify whether or not the output bridge curve is associative. A bridge curve that is associative will update automatically when changes are made to its source objects. The option is on by default.


Creates a string of best fit lines and arcs from a string of curves (you may select a maximum of 512 curves).

Prior to simplifying the selected curves, you may specify a status for the original curve(s) after the conversion. You may choose one of the following options for the original curve(s):

Maintain The original curves are maintained after the lines and arcs are created. The curves are created over the selected curves.

Delete Removes the selected curves after simplification. Once deleted, you can no longer recover the selected curves. (If you choose Undo, the original curve is recovered but is no longer simplified.)

Blank The selected original curves are removed from the screen, but not deleted, after the simplified curve is created.


This function joins together a chain of curves and/or edges to create a single B-spline curve. The result is either a polynomial spline that approximates the original chain, or a general spline that exactly represents the original chain of curves.

The Join option is a convenient way of creating a spline, rather than building one from scratch. Once an object is converted to a spline, you have more freedom to edit its shape.

You can control whether the spline is associated with its input curves, and the disposition of those input curves


To join curves and/or edges together:

1. Select the curves you want to join. Use Selection Intent to aid object selection and to set selection rules.

2. Click OK. The Join Curves dialog appears.

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3. Choose a Resulting Curve Type, either General Spline, Polynomial Cubic, Polynomial Quintic or Advanced Refit.

4. If you want the output spline to be associative with the input curves, select Associative Output.

5. Choose the Input Curves option that you prefer:

Retain, Blank, Delete, or Replace for nonassociative curves


Retain or Blank for associative curves

6. Click OK.


You can project curves, edges, and points onto sheet bodies, faces, planes and datum planes by using the Project Curve option. You can direct your projection toward, or at an angle to, a specified vector, a point, or along the face normals. The projected curves are trimmed at holes or edges of the faces. You can automatically join the output curves after projection. This reduces a step in your workflow, if you need to manually create another join curve feature using the former output.

You can associate, copy or move the projected curves, edges, and points onto the original objects, specified sheet bodies, faces or planes. After you modify the original objects, specified sheet bodies, faces or planes, the projected objects are updated to reflect these changes.

When you select the Along Vector, Angle to Vector, and Equal Arc-length as a Direction Method option, the selected vector remains associative. If the vector direction is changed, the direction of projection gets updated automatically. s

Project Curve Options

Project Curve Dialog Options

Selection Steps

Curves/Points - Lets you select the curves, points or sketches that will be projected.

Faces/Planes - Lets you select the sheet bodies, faces, planes and datum planes, onto which the selected curves and points will be projected.

Filter Helps you select the objects that you want by limiting the types of objects that are selectable. When the Curves/Points selection step is active, the following Filter options are available: Any (the default), Curve, Point, and Sketch.

Plane Constructor

Lets you define temporary planes using the Plane Constructor. If the Associative copy method is chosen, these temporary planes are ignored.

Direction Method

Specifies how the direction that is used to project the objects onto the sheet bodies, faces and planes is determined. You can choose from the following direction methods: Along Face Normals, Toward a Point, Toward a Line, Along Vector, Angle to Vector and Equal Arclength.

Directions Lets you choose whether the projection should be in one or both directions when the direction method is Along Vector.

Equal Arclength

Option menu to let you specify how the u and v coordinates will be determined if you chose the Equal Arclength direction method.

Angle Lets you specify the angle if you chose the Angle to Vector direction method. Tolerance During the creation of the associated projection curve feature, the modeling

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preferences distance tolerance is used. Available only when you are editing a projection curve feature.

Curve Fit Method

During edit, you can change the Curve Fit Method that was originally used to create the projected curve, as specified in Modeling Preferences. You can select Cubic, Quintic or Advanced fitting methods.

Confirm Upon Apply

Lets you preview the results and accept, reject, or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Basic Procedure

To create projection curves, follow these steps:1. With the Curves/Points selection step active, select the curves and points you wish to

project. Use Selection Intent to aid object selection and to set selection rules.2. Choose the Faces/Planes selection step, and then select the sheet bodies, faces and

planes on which you wish to project the curves and points.  Use Selection Intent to aid object selection and to set selection rules. You can also specify temporary planes using the Plane Constructor

3. For the Copy Method, choose either Associate, Copy, or Move (the default is Associate).

4. Choose the Direction Method, and then specify the point, line, datum axis, vector, and/or angle if necessary.

5. Choose OK or Apply

Combined Projection

This option combines the projections of two existing curves to create a new curve. The two curve projections must intersect. You can specify whether the new curve is associated with the input curves, and what will be done with the input curves.

In most cases this option produces an approximated B-curve. However, an exact curve can be produced without approximation if the following conditions are satisfied:

There is only one curve in each of the two original strings, which can be "matched" together internally by the system with the same number of poles, degrees and knots.

The deviation between each correspondent control pole of the two resulting matched curves is less than the current modeling tolerance along the "non-projection" direction, which is normal to the two projection vectors.

Basic Combined Curve Projection Procedure

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1. To create a new curve by combining two existing curves:

2. Select the first string of curves when the First Curve String icon is active.

3. Choose the Second Curve String icon, and select the second string of curves.

4. Specify the First Direction Vector, if required. You can use the Projection Vector Options in the dialog to help you define the vector.

5. Specify the Second Direction Vector, if required. You can use the Projection Vector Options in the dialog to help you define the vector.

6. If you do not want the combined projection curve to be associative with the input curves, toggle Associative Output OFF.

7. Specify what you want to happen to the Input Curves.

8. Retain or Blank, when the output curve is associative

9. OR

10. Retain, Blank, Delete, or Replace, when the output curve is non-associative.

11. If you want to preview the results, toggle Confirm Upon Apply ON.

12. Choose OK or Apply.

Combined Projection Dialog Options

Selection Steps

Let you select the geometry for the combined curve projection. You can select curves, edges, faces, sketches, and strings. There are four selection steps icons:

First Curve String - When active, you can select the first set of curves. You can use the Filter options to help you select the curves.

Second Curve String - When  active, you can select the second set of curves. You can use the Filter options to help you select the curves. For planar strings, only the First Curve String and Second Curve String steps are required. The default projection vectors are normal to the string.

First Projection Vector - Lets you define the projection vector for the First Curve String, using the projection vector options.

Second Projection Vector - Lets you define the projection vector for the second set of curves, using the projection vector options.

When either the First or Second Projection Vector selection step is active, the Projection Vector Options appear in the changeable window located below the Filter option. These methods let you specify the projection direction for each curve.

Filter Options that help you select the objects that you want by limiting the types of objects that are selectable.

changeable window

Contains the projection vector options when one of the projection vector selection steps is active.

Associative Output

If this option is toggled ON, the projected curves are associated with the input curves and defining data.

Input Curves Lets you specify the disposition of the original curves.

Curve Fit During edit, you can change the Curve Fit Method that was originally used to

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Method create the combined projection, as specified in Modeling Preferences. You can select Cubic, Quintic or Advanced fitting methods.


Cubic uses degree 3 splines.


Quintic uses degree 5 splines.


Selecting Advanced displays fields where you can enter your own values for the maximum number of degrees and the maximum number of segments. The system will try to rebuild the curves without segments until the number of degrees specified by the Maximum Degree parameter is reached. If tolerances cannot be met with the Maximum Degree, segments are added until the number defined for Maximum Segments is reached. If the maximum degree and maximum segments combined still does not allow the tolerance to be met, the curves are created and a message displays that they do not meet the specified tolerance.

See Curve Fit Method in Modeling Preferences for more information.

These Curve Fit Method options are available on this dialog only when you are editing a combined curve projection feature.

Mirror Curve Overview

Use this function to copy associative or non-associative curves and edges across a datum plane or planar surface. You can make the copied curves and edges a MIRROR_CURVE feature or a collection of non-associative curves and splines. In addition, instead of copying, you can choose to move non-associative curves across the plane. Basic procedure

1. Open the Mirror Curve tool.2. Use the Curves selection step to select the curves and edges you want to mirror.3. Use the Faces/Datum Planes selection step to select either a datum plane or a planar

surface to use as a mirror plane.4. Choose a Copy Method, either Associate, Copy or Move.5. Click OK or Apply to mirror the curves and edges.

Mirror Curve Dialog Options

Selection Steps

Curves - Use this option to select the curves, curve features and edges you want to mirror across a datum plane or planar face. Selection Intent rules are available during selection.

Faces/Datum Planes - Use this option to select the planar surface or datum plane across which you want to mirror the selected curves or edges.

Filter Use the filter to differentiate between objects during selection. The filters available for the selection step are Any, Face, Datum Plane.

Datum Plane

Opens the Datum Plane tool, which you can use to create a plane for use in mirroring the curves or edges.

Copy Method

Associate - Creates a MIRROR_CURVE feature, copied from the selected curves and edges across the datum or planar surface.

Copy - Creates a non-associative copy of the selected curves and edges across the datum plane or planar surface. Edges are copied as curves or

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Move - Moves the selected curves and edges across the datum plane or planar surface. You cannot move an associative curve feature or feature edge.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after choosing Apply, letting you preview the results as they update the model. You can accept, reject or analyze the results.

Wrap/Unwrap Curve

This option lets you wrap curves from a plane onto a conical or cylindrical face, or unwrap curves from a conical or cylindrical face onto a plane. The output curves are B-splines with a degree of 3, and are associative to their input curves, the defining face, and the defining plane.

Wrap/Unwrap Basic Procedure:

To Wrap curves from a plane to a face:1. Select the conical or cylindrical Wrap Face(s).2. Select the Wrap Plane.3. Select the Curves you wish to wrap. (If the selected curves do not lie on the wrap

plane, they are first projected onto the wrap plane, normal to the plane, and then wrapped onto the wrap face).

4. Choose Wrap.5. Enter a Cut Line Angle.6. Decide if you want to use the Confirm Upon Apply option.7. Choose OK or Apply.

To Unwrap curves from a face to a plane:1. Select the conical or cylindrical Wrap Face.2. Select the Wrap Plane.3. Select the Curves you wish to unwrap.

If the selected curves do not lie on the wrap face, they are first projected onto the wrap face, along face normals, and then unwrapped onto the wrap plane.You can also select the wrap face. Its unwrapped edges may be useful as a reference.

4. Choose Unwrap.5. Enter a Cut Line Angle.6. Decide if you want to use the Confirm Upon Apply option.7. Choose OK or Apply.

Wrap/Unwrap Curve Dialog Options

Selection Steps

Lets you select the geometry used in this function.

Wrap Face - when this selection step is active, select the conical or cylindrical face on which curves will be wrapped, or from which curves will be unwrapped.

Wrap Plane - when this selection step is active, select a datum plane or planar face that is tangent to the wrap face. You can change the Filter to allow selection of only datum planes or only faces.

If the conical or cylindrical face you wish to use does not already have an appropriate tangent plane, you can create one with the following steps. A major advantage to creating a tangent plane with this method is that the datum plane updates to remain tangent to the face whenever the model is updated.

Create a datum plane that goes through both the axis of the cone/cylinder and the tangent line.

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Create another datum plane that is tangent to the face and normal to the datum plane created in the previous step.

Curves - when this selection step is active, select the curves you wish to wrap or unwrap. You can change the Filter to allow selection of only curves, edges, or faces.

Filter Options that help you select the objects that you want by limiting the types of objects that are selectable.

Wrap / Unwrap

Specify whether you want to wrap or unwrap curves.

Cut Line Angle

The rotation (between 0 and 360 degrees) of the Tangent Line about the axis of the cone or cylinder. You can enter either a number or an expression.

Confirm Upon Apply

Lets you preview the results and accept, reject, or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Questions 1. is it possible to offset a curve in two directions simultaneously?2. can you wrap a curve in a conical surface?3. what are all the trim options in offset?4. what are all the methods to project a section on a plane or surface?5. while simplifying what are the options highlighted for the original curve?6. is it possible to combine project for the sections in parallel plane?


Modeling Curve from Bodies Options

Intersect - Lets you create intersection curves between two sets of objects. Intersection curves are associative and will update according to changes in their defining objects.

Section - Lets you create intersection geometry between faces, planes, and/or curves and specified planes.

Extract - Lets you create geometry (lines, arcs, conics, and splines) using the edges and faces of one or more existing bodies.


This option allows you to create intersection curves between two sets of objects. Intersection curves are associative and update according to the changes in their defining objects. You can select multiple objects in the input sets to perform an intersection operation.

The figure below is an example of intersection curves created where a sheet body intersects a block that contains a pocket.

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1. Open the Intersect Curve dialog. is active.

2. Select the first set of objects to intersect. Use Selection Intent to aid object selection and to set selection rules. The following Selection Intent options are available:

3. Any (the default)

4. Faces

5. Datum Planes

6. Click and select the second set of objects to intersect. The same Selection Intent options are available.

7. Select a method from the available Plane Method list if you have selected a plane in either input set.

8. Specify the fitting method from the available Curve Fit Method options.

9. (Optional)] Clear the Associative Output check box if you do not want the intersection curve to be associative. By default, this check box is selected.

10. (Optional) Clear the Enable Preview check box. By default, this check box is selected.

11. (Optional) Specify the Tolerance value. The existing value in this field is taken from the default Distance Tolerance Modeling preference.

12. Click Apply to continue creating intersection curves or OK to create the feature and close the Intersect Curve dialog.

13. The following figure is an example of an intersection curve feature.

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Intersection Curve Feature

Face selected as the first set of objects

Face selected as the second set of objects

Resulting intersection curve feature


The Section Curve option creates intersection geometry between specified planes and bodies, faces, planes and/or curves. The intersection of a plane and curve creates one or more points. The geometry output can be associative.

Analytic section curves (lines, arcs or conics) are created if the face is planar, analytic, or a bounded plane. Section curves are trimmed at edges and holes. If no section curves (or

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points) can be created for the objects and planes that you specified, an error message is displayed: No section curves created.

You can create output points instead of curves if you want geometry that can’t be accidentally selected by other functions that operate on curves.

Section Curve - Basic Procedure

1. Choose the Section Method for specifying the intersecting planes that is best suited for your section curve operation. You can change the section method at any point during the selection steps.

2. Use the Objects to Section selection step to select the objects you want to section. If necessary, use the Filter options to aid in your selection of objects. You can set the filter option to Any, Body, Face, Curve, Plane or Datum Plane. You can select additional objects or deselect objects whenever the Objects to Section selection step is active.

3. Use the Selection Steps to define the sectioning planes. For the Select Planes and Parallel Planes section methods this involves selecting existing planes from the graphics window, or specifying a temporary plane using the Plane Subfunction (if Associative Output is off). For the Radial Planes section method you must specify a vector and a point to define radial planes. For the Planes Perpendicular to Curve section method you must specify a curve or edge along which perpendicular planes are generated, and a spacing method.

4. Set the Associative Output, Group Section Objects, Join, Tolerance and Confirm Upon Apply fields appropriately for your operation.

5. Click OK or Apply to create the section curves.

Section Curve Dialog

Section Method To create section curves you can use one of the following section methods.

Select Planes - With this method you create section curves by specifying the individual planes and datum planes to be used to perform the sectioning. These planes will intersect the bodies, faces, planes and curves you select for sectioning. You can specify existing planes, or you can define temporary planes using the Plane Subfunction.

Parallel Planes - This method lets you create section curves by specifying a base plane, a step value, and the start and end distances for a set of parallel planes. If the Associative Output toggle is on, you are asked to select an existing plane or datum plane. If the Associative Output toggle is off, the Plane Subfunction is available to let you specify the base plane.

Radial Planes - With this method you create section curves by specifying a vector and a point to define the base plane, a step value, and the start and end angles for the set of radial planes.

Planes Perpendicular to Curve - This method lets you create section curves by specifying multiple section planes perpendicular to a curve or edge. There are several options for controlling the spacing of the section planes along the curve.

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Selection Steps The Selection Steps prompt you to select those objects, planes, vectors, points or curves that are necessary for the creation of section curves, as required by the currently specified Section Method.

For the Select Planes section method you must specify one or more objects to be sectioned and one or more sectioning planesFor the Parallel Planes section method you must specify one or more objects to be sectioned and a base plane for the set of parallel planes. For the Radial Planes section method you must specify one or more objects, a vector and a point

For the Planes Perpendicular to Curve section method you must specify one or more objects to be sectioned and a curve

Filter The Filter option lets you specify the types of objects to allow for selection. Options vary depending on the Selection Steps and the Section Method:

With the Objects selection step for all section methods, the filter can be Any, Body, Faceted Body (Associative Output must not be selected), Face, Curve, Plane or Datum Plane.

With the Section Plane and Base Plane selection steps that are used (respectively) with the Select Planes and Parallel Planes section methods, the filter can be Any Plane, Plane or Datum Plane.

With the Planes Perpendicular to Curve section method the filter can be Curve or Edge, Curve, or Edge.

First Changeable Window

The first changeable window is used when Radial Planes is the section method. If the selection step is Radial Axis you will see Vector Method and Vector Constructor options in this window, to help you specify a vector direction for the radial planes. If the selection step is Point on Reference Plane you will see Point Method and Point Constructor options, to help you specify a point for the radial planes.

Second Changeable Window

The second changeable window is used with a number of Section Curve operations.

For the Section Plane and Base Plane selection steps that are used (respectively) with the Select Planes and Parallel Planes section methods, this window displays the Plane Subfunction to help you define planes for the section curves. With the Base Plane selection step this window also displays the Step Distance, Start Distance and End Distance data entry fields.

For the Point on Reference Plane selection step used with the Radial Planes section method the data entry fields Step Angle, Start Angle and End Angle display in this window.

With the Curve or Edge selection step for the Planes Perpendicular to Curve section method, a number of Spacing Along Curve options display in this window.

Associative Output

Turning on the Associative Output toggle causes a SECTION_CURVES feature to be created when you press OK or Apply, associating the section curves you just created with their defining objects and planes (or set of planes). Sectioning of planes and datum planes by other planes, which would create lines of somewhat arbitrary length, is not allowed.

If the Associative Output toggle is off, sectioning using temporary planes through use of the Plane Subfunction is available. Also, sectioning of planes and datum planes to create lines is available, and sectioning in context, assembly parts and faceted bodies is allowed.

This toggle switch is on by default.

Group Section Objects

Turning the Group Section Objects toggle on automatically groups the output section curves and points that are created for each plane. If Associative

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Output is on, the Group Section Objects toggle is unavailable.

Join No - Causes section curves created across multiple faces or planes to be separate curves on each face or plane.

Polynomial - Where possible, the section curves are joined to form polynomial spline curves, either cubic or quintic, depending on the setting of the Preferences→ Modeling Preferences→ Curve Fit Method option. If Associative Output is on, curves are only joined if they correspond to a single body or face.

General Spline - Where possible, the section curves are joined to form general spline curves. If Associative Output is on, curves are joined only if they correspond to a single body or face.

These options are analogous to those for the Join function.

Output Points Select Output Points to define the section without curves. Use this if you want to avoid accidentally selecting the section geometry when using other functions that operate on curves.

Note: The points aren't associative. You can only select this option when the Associative Output option is cleared.

Sample Distance

Sample Distance is the distance between output points, and is measured along the section arc.

Tolerance Lets you specify a tolerance for the section curve operation. The tolerance value in this field determines how closely the section curves lie to the objects and planes that define them.

The default is taken from the value set by the Preferences→ Modeling Preferences→ Distance Tolerance option. Entering a new tolerance value here overrides the modeling distance tolerance for the section curve operation. To change the tolerance enter a new value in this field.

For a general description of the use of tolerances during construction see Tolerance Values.

Curve Fit Method

During edit, you can change the Curve Fit Method that was originally used to create the section curve, as specified in Modeling Preferences. You can select Cubic, Quintic or Advanced fitting methods.


Cubic uses degree 3 splines.


Quintic uses degree 5 splines.


Selecting Advanced displays fields where you can enter your own values for the maximum number of degrees and the maximum number of segments. The system will try to rebuild the curves without segments until the number of degrees specified by the Maximum Degree parameter is reached. If tolerances cannot be met with the Maximum Degree, segments are added until the number defined for Maximum Segments is reached. If the maximum degree and maximum segments combined still does not allow the tolerance to be met, the curves are created and a message displays that they do not meet the specified tolerance.

See Curve Fit Method in Modeling Preferences for more information.

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The Curve Fit Method options are available on this dialog only when you are editing a section curve feature.


This option creates geometry (lines, arcs, conics, and splines) using the edges and faces of one or more existing bodies. The bodies are not changed. Most extracted curves are not associative, but you can choose to create associative isocline or shadow outline curves.

The following extract options are available:

Extract Curve Dialog OptionsEdge Curves Extracts curves from specified edges.Isoparametric Curves Creates isoparametric curves on a selected face.Silhouette Curves Creates curves from silhouette edges.All in Work View Creates curves from all visible edges of bodies in the work view.Isocline Curves Creates curves where the draft angle on a set of faces is constant.Shadow Outline Creates curves that show only the outline of the bodies in the work


Questions 1. how to extract a curve on a sphere?2. what are the different methods of creating a section curve?3. is it possible to select multiple objects as input in intersection?4. what are the different methods used in Extract?5. what are all the work dependent views in Extract?

DESIGN FEATUREModeling Design Feature Options

Extrude - Lets you create a body by sweeping selected section curves a linear distance in a specified direction.

Revolve - Lets you create a feature by revolving selected section curves about a given axis through a nonzero angle. Part of Swept Features.

Block - Lets you create a block primitive by specifying its orientation, size, and location.

Cylinder - Lets you create a cylinder primitive by specifying its orientation, size, and location.

Cone - Lets you create a cone primitive by specifying its orientation, size, and location.

Sphere - Lets you create a sphere primitive by specifying its orientation, size, and location.

Hole - Removes material in the shape of several types of standard holes: simple, counterbored, or countersunk. Holes can be created to a specific depth or completely through the body.

Boss - Adds material in a cylindrical or conical shape to an existing body.

Pocket - Removes material in a rectangular or cylindrical shape, or you can create a pocket in a general shape using curves and faces.

Pad - Adds material to a solid body. You can create a rectangular pad, or a pad in a general shape using curves and faces.

Creates an emboss feature on connected faces. Emboss features are useful for stiffener and locator objects

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Designed specifically for creating stiffening features in “body in white.

Slot - Removes material in the shape of a straight slot with rounded ends or completely through two faces.

Groove - Removes material in the shape of a groove, as if a tool moved inward (or outward) on a rotating part. The target body must be cylindrical.

Dart - Lets you add a dart feature along the intersection curve of two sets of faces.

Thread – Lets you create symbolic or detailed threads on features with cylindrical faces.

User Defined Feature - Lets you add a feature that has been custom designed.

Extrude overview

Use this command to create a body by sweeping a 2D or 3D section of curves, edges, faces, sketches or curve features a linear distance in a specified direction.

Example construction of two extruded solid bodies

Edges of this planar sheet body are used as profiles for two extruded bodies.

First extruded body is dragged below a section of selected edges.

Apply is used to create the first extruded body.

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A second extruded body is created with a 10° draft and a single-sided offset above a section of a single inner edge.

The result is two extruded bodies.

Boolean options let you unite, subtract or intersect an extrude with other objects.

A single Extrude feature can include multiple sheet and solid bodies.

You can trim an extrude feature using faces, datum planes or solid bodies. You can size an extrude by dragging distance handles or specifying distance values.

You can create offsets by adding constant values measured from the base section.

You can create drafts by adding degree values.

If you use a face or a sheet body for an extrude section and it is later changed, the extrude feature updates correctly.

You can use Selection Intent to change the section as you define different ways to create the extrude.

Extrude options


Select Curve

Lets you specify curves or edges to extrude.

If the section you specify is a single open or closed collection of curves or edges, the extrude will be a single sheet body or solid body. If you select multiple open or closed sections, it will be multiple sheet bodies or solid bodies. In both cases, you get a single extrude feature.


Lets you select curves, edges, a sketch, or a face for the section to extrude.

Selection Intent is available.

Sketch Section

Opens the Sketcher, where you can create a sketch of a section that is internal to the feature.

On exiting the Sketcher, your sketch is automatically selected as the section to extrude.

After the feature is created, the sketch remains internal to it and does not appear in the graphics window or in the Part Navigator. To control the display in the Part Navigator, right-click the feature and choose:

Make Sketch External to make the sketch visible and available for other uses.

Make Sketch Internal to make the sketch invisible and internal only to the feature again.


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Specify Vector

Lets you specify a direction towards which to extrude the section. The default direction is the normal of the selected section.

You can specify your own direction using curves, edges, or any of the standard vector types, including those on the Vector Constructor.

An associativity will exist between the extrude feature and the direction. If you change the geometry you selected for the direction after creating the extrude feature, the extrude feature updates accordingly.

Inferred Vector — A vector type. Click to see the vector type list. Select a vector type from the list and then select objects supported by that type.

Vector Constructor — Displays the Vector dialog box.

Reverse Direction

Switches the direction of the extrude to the opposite side of the section.

You can also change the direction by right-clicking Reverse Direction on the direction vector conehead.


Use the limit options to define the overall construction method and the extents of the extrude feature.

Start / End limit

Represents opposite ends of the extrusion, as measured from the section.

Both the Start and End option lists offer the following options with which you can control the limits of the extrude.


Lets you specify values for the start or end of the extrusion. Values are numeric. Values above the section are positive, and those below are negative.

You can drag the start and end limit handles a linear distance on either side of the section.

In addition to dragging the handles, you can also type values directly into the start and end Distance boxes or in the dynamic input boxes.

Symmetric Value

Converts the Start limit distance to the same value as the End limit.

Until Next

Extends the extrude feature to the next body along the direction path.

Until Selected

Extends the extrude feature to a face, datum plane, or body that you select.

Until Extended

Trims the extrude feature (if it is a body) to a face you select when the section extends beyond its edges.

Through All

Extends the extrude feature completely through all selectable bodies

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along the path of the specified direction.


Appears for both the Start and End options when either is set to Value or Symmetric Value.

Sets the start and end limits for the extrude feature to the values you enter in the boxes.

See the Value option above for additional ways to specify the distance.

Select Object

Appears for both the Start and End options when either is set to Until Selected or Until Extended.

Lets you select a face, sheet body, solid body, or datum plane to define the bounding start or end extent of the extrude.


Boolean options

Lets you specify how the extrude feature interacts with other bodies it comes in contact with on creation.

Displays the Select Body option for all Boolean options except None, to let you specify the target body. Note that all options except None can leave empty space where the target body existed.


Creates an independent extrude solid body.

When you edit an Extrude feature (and if applicable), you can change the Boolean option from None to Unite, Subtract, or Intersect, or vice-versa.


Combines the extrude volume with two or more bodies into a single body.


Removes the extrude volume from a target body.


Creates a body containing the volume shared by the extrude feature and the existing bodies it intersects.

Select Body

Appears when the Boolean Option is set to Unite, Subtract, or Intersect.

Lets you select a target body.


Use Draft to add a slope to one or more sides of the extrude feature.

You can apply a draft only to an extrude feature that is based on a planar section.

Draft Lets you specify one of the following draft options.

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No draft is created.

From Start Limit

Creates a draft where the extrude shape is held stationary at the start limit, and the draft angle is applied to the side faces from that stationary shape.

From Section

Creates a draft where the extrude shape is held stationary at the section, and the draft angle is applied to the side faces from the section.

From Section-Asymmetric Angle

Available only when the extrude extends from both sides of the section.

Creates a draft where the extrude shape is held stationary at the section, but where the side faces are also split at the section into two sides. You can separately control the draft angle on each side of the section.

If you set Angle Option to Single, Front Angle and Back Angle options appear, to let you assign separate dimensions to the front and back sides of the asymmetric extrude.

If you set Angle Option to Multiple, an Angle option and a list box appear, to let you assign separate dimensions to each of the tangent faces of the front and back sides of the asymmetric extrude.

From Section-Symmetric Angle

Available only when the extrude extends from both sides of the section.

Creates a draft where the extrude shape is held stationary at the section. Side faces are split at the section and both sides of the section share the same draft angle.

From Section-Matched Ends

Available only when the extrude extends from both sides of the section.

Creates a draft where the section is held stationary and the side faces of the extrude feature are split at the section. The shape at the end limit is matched to that of the start limit, and the draft angle for the end limit changes to maintain the matched shape.

You can select draft options here in the dialog box or by right-clicking the extrude preview.

Angle Option

Lets you specify how draft angles are applied.


Lets you specify a single draft angle for all faces of the extrude feature. Edit the angle by typing a value in the Angle box, or by dragging the angle handle or typing a value in the dynamic input box.


Lets you specify unique draft angles to each tangent chain of faces of the extrude feature. Edit the dimensions by selecting them from the dialog list box and typing new values in the Angle box. You can also

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drag the angle handles or type values in the dynamic input boxes.

Not available when the Draft option is From Start Limit.


Lets you specify a value for a draft angle. If the draft List box is available, the value is applied to the selected angle in the list box. Otherwise, the value applies to all angles in the draft.

A positive angle slopes the sides of the extrude feature inward toward the center of the selected curves.

A negative angle slopes the sides of the extrude feature outward away from the center of the selected curves.

A zero angle value results in no slope.

You can also specify the draft angle by typing a value in the dynamic input box or by dragging the angle handle.

Front Angle


Back Angle

Available only when the Draft option is set to From Section — Asymmetric, with the Angle Option set to Single.

Lets you assign separate angle values to the front and back sides of an asymmetric extrude feature. You can also type values in the dynamic input boxes or drag the angle handles.


Appears when the Angle Opton is set to Mulitple, when you can assign separate draft angles to each tangent chain of faces in the extrude feature.

The list displays the name and value for each draft angle.

You can edit an angle by selecting it in the list box and typing a new value in the Angle box, by typing a value in its dynamic input box, or by dragging its angle handle.


Offset Option

Lets you specify up to two offsets to add to the extrude feature. You can assign unique values for both offsets.

Type values for the offsets in the Start and End boxes, or in their dynamic input boxes. You can also drag the offset handles.

Whenever the start and end offsets are of equal value, the offset is symmetric across the section.


No offset is created.


Adds a single end offset to the extrude. This kind of offset lets you easily fill holes and create bosses, simplifying part development.


Adds an offset with start and end values to the extrude.


Adds an offset with duplicate start and end values, measured from opposite sides of the section, to the extrude. The value for both start and end is determined by the last one you specify.

Start Sets the value for the start of the offset, as measured from the section, to the value you type in the box. You can also enter a value in the dynamic input box

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or drag the start handle.

EndSets the value for the end of the offset, as measured from the section, to the value you type in the box. You can also enter a value in the dynamic input box or drag the end handle.


Body Type

Lets you specify that the extrude feature is one or more sheet bodies or solid bodies.

To get a solid body, the section must be either a closed profile section or an open profile section with an offset. If you use an offset, you will not be able to get a sheet body.

This option is available during creation or edit, which means that in some cases, you can change an extruded sheet body to a solid body, or a solid body back to a sheet body.


Lets you change the distance tolerance during creation or edit. The default value is taken from the Modeling Preference Distance Tolerance setting.

Entering a new tolerance value here overrides the modeling distance tolerance for the extrude operation. To change the tolerance, type a new value in this option box and press the Return or Enter key. The new distance tolerance is effective for subsequent extrude operations throughout the current session.

For a general description of the use of tolerances during construction,



Generates a preview when you specify the minimum parameters needed to create the feature.

This option is selected by default.

Show Result

Undo Result

Show Result computes the feature and displays the result. When you click OK or Apply to create the feature, the software reuses the computation, making the creation process faster.

Undo Result exits the result display and returns you to the dialog box.


Use this command to create a feature by revolving section curves about a given axis through a nonzero angle. You can start with a basic cross section and generate round or partially round features.

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Revolving a Section Around an Axis Creates a Solid Body

Revolve options


Select Curve

Lets you specify a section to revolve using one of the following options.

If the section you specify is a single open or closed collection of curves or edges, the revolve is a single sheet body or solid body. If you select multiple open or closed sections, it will be multiple sheet bodies or solid bodies. In both cases, you get a single revolve feature.


Lets you select curves, edges, a sketch, or a face for the section to revolve.

Selection Intent is available.

If you select a planar face when the Selection Intent rule is for something other than a face, the Sketcher automatically opens to let you sketch new curve sections on the selected planar face.

To change this behavior, chose File→ Utilities→ Customer Defaults→ Modeling→ General. On the Miscellaneous page, clear the Automatically Sketch on Planar Faces check box.

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Sketch Section

You can optionally open the Sketcher and create a sketch of a section that is internal to the feature.

On exiting the Sketcher, your sketch is automatically selected as the section to revolve.

After the feature is created, the sketch remains internal to it and does not appear in the graphics window or in the Part Navigator. You can control the display in the Part Navigator by right-clicking the feature and choosing:

Make Sketch External to make the sketch visible and available for other uses.

Make Sketch Internal to make the sketch invisible and internal only to the feature again.

See Internal and External Sketches for further details.


Specify Vector

Use this option to specify a rotation axis.

You can specify the axis using any of the following:



The rotation axis you define should not intersect the section curves at a single point. However, it can be coincident with an edge.

An associativity exists between the revolved body and the rotation axis. If after creating the revolved body you change the geometry selected for the rotation axis, the revolved body updates accordingly.

Inferred Vector — A vector type. Click to see the vector type list. Select a vector type from the list and then select objects supported by that type.

Vector Constructor — Displays the Vector dialog box.

For more information on vector types, see Vector Constructor in the Common Tools help.

Reverse Direction

Changes the direction of the rotation. You can also right-click the direction vector conehead and choose Reverse Direction.

Specify Point

If you use a vector method to specify the rotation axis that requires a separately selected second point (such as Plane Normal), use one of these options to define it.

Inferred Point — A point type. Click to see the point type list. Select a point type from the list and then select objects supported by that type.

Point Constructor

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Lets you take advantage of additional point method options.

Angular Limits

Start Limit /

End Limit

The start and end limits represent the opposite ends of the revolve, from 0 to 360 degrees around the rotation axis.

You can best control the revolve limits in the graphics window by dragging the start and end limit handles on either side of the section. As you drag the handles, the start and end values change based on their angle from the section.

You can also control the start and end limits by right-clicking their handles or choosing one of the following settings:


Lets you specify a value for the angle of rotation in the Angle box.

Until Selected

Lets you specify a face, solid body, sheet body, or relative datum plane where you want the revolve to start or end.


Appears for Start Limit or End Limit when either is set to Value.

You can enter an angular value for the start or end of the revolve in degrees, or you can drag the limit handles.

Values for the start and end are positive or negative depending on the revolution direction and on which side of the section geometry you drag.

Select Object

Appears for Start Limit or End Limit when either is set to Until Selected, to let you specify a limit object.

You can select a face, solid body, sheet body, or relative datum plane for the defining limit.

You can bypass this option by selecting a limit handle in the graphics window and then selecting the desired limiting object.


Boolean Option

Displays the Select Body option for all Boolean options except None, to let you specify the target body. Note that all options except None can leave empty space where the target body existed.

Use the Boolean options to specify how the revolve feature interacts with other bodies it comes in contact with on creation.


Creates an independent revolve solid body.

When you edit a Revolve feature (and if applicable), you can change the Boolean option from None to Unite, Subtract, or Intersect, or vice-versa.


Combines the revolve volume with two or more bodies into a single body.


Removes the revolve volume from a target body.


Creates a body containing the volume shared by the revolve and existing

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bodies it intersects.

You can also choose a Boolean option by right-clicking on the preview.

For additional information about Booleans see Boolean Operations.

Select Body

Appears when Boolean Option is set to Unite, Subtract, or Intersect.

Lets you select a target body.


Use this option to create an offset for the revolve feature. You can specify separate values for the offsets for either side of the section.

Offset Option


No offset is added to the revolve section.

Two Sided

Offsets are added to both sides of the revolve section. Choosing this option displays the offset Start and End boxes, where you can type the offset values.

You can also enter offset values in the dynamic input boxes or by dragging the offset handles.

Start The linear dimension start point for the offset.

End The linear dimension end point for the offset.


Body Type

Lets you specify if the revolve feature is one or more Sheet bodies or a Solid body.

To get a solid body, the section must be either a closed profile string or an open profile string with an offset. If you use an offset, you will not be able to get a sheet body.

You can change the body type during creation, and in some cases during edit.


Lets you change the distance tolerance during creation or edit. The default value is taken from the Modeling preference Distance Tolerance setting.

Entering a new tolerance value here overrides the Modeling distance tolerance for the revolve operation. The new distance tolerance is effective for subsequent revolve operations throughout the current session.

For a general description of the use of tolerances during construction, see Tolerance Values.



Generates a preview when you specify the minimum parameters needed to create the feature.

This option is selected by default.

Show Result computes the feature and displays the result. When you click OK or Apply to create the feature, the software reuses the computation,

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Show Result

Undo Result

making the creation process faster.

Undo Result exits the result display and returns you to the dialog box.


The insert Design feature pull- down list includes the primitive features like the block and cylinder. It also includes other commonly used features (holes, bosses, etc.)

As a best practice, you should limit the number of primitive features to one per part: however, in this course you will be creating multiple solids so that you can learn how to use the Unite, Subtract, and Intersect functions.

Choose the Block icon or choose InsertDesign FeatureBlock

The Block dialog displays. Blocks can be created by three different methods: however, the origin, Edge Lengths method is used most frequently.

The Snap Point toolbar displays, if it does not, you can choose MB3Snap Point in the main many bar to display the toolbar.

The Snap Point toolbar is used to assist you in your selections.

The Snap Point toolbar is used to assist you in your selections.

Origin, Edge Lengths - Lets you create a block by defining the length of each edge and a corner point.

Two Points, Height - Lets you create a block by defining the height and two diagonal points for the base.

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Two Diagonal Points - Lets you create a block by defining two 3D diagonal points representing opposite corners.


You can create a cylinder by specifying the orientation, size and location. To do this, you can select from either of the following options:

Specify the direction vector, and the diameter and height values.

Select an arc and enter a height value.

Choose the Block icon or choose InsertDesign FeatureCylinder

Cylinder options


Axis, Diameter and Height

Lets you create a solid body cylinder by specifying the direction vector, and defining the diameter and height values.

Height and Arc

Lets you create a cylinder by selecting an arc and entering a height value.


Appears only when the Axis, Diameter and Height type is selected.

Specify Vector

Lets you specify the axis for creating the cylinder.

Vector Constructor

Opens the Vector dialog box.

Inferred Vector

This is the default vector type. Click to see the vector type list. Select the required vector type, then select objects supported by that vector. You can change the vector anytime and select new objects.

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Reverse Direction

Reverses the displayed cylinder direction so that the imprint points toward the selected cylinder.

Specify Point

Lets you specify the point for creating the cylinder.

Point Constructor

Opens the Point dialog box.

Inferred Point

This is the default point type. Click to see the point type list. Select the required point type, then select objects supported by that point. You can change the point anytime and select new objects.

Arc Selection

Appears only when Arc and Height type is selected.

Select Arc

Arc or Circle

Lets you select an arc.

The software derives the orientation of the cylinder from the selected arc. The axis of the cylinder is normal to the plane of the arc and passes through the arc center. A vector indicates this orientation.


Diameter Specifies the diameter of the cylinder.

Height Specifies the height of the cylinder.


Boolean Option

Specifies the Boolean operation.


Creates an independent cylinder solid body.

When you edit a Cylinder feature (and if applicable), you can change the Boolean option from None to Unite, Subtract, or Intersect, or vice-versa.


Combines the cylinder volume with two or more bodies into a single body.


Removes the cylinder volume from a target body.


Creates a body containing the volume shared by the cylinder

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feature and the existing bodies it intersects.

Select Body

Lets you select a body for the Boolean operation.


You can create cone primitives by specifying an orientation, size and location, using the following options:

Diameters, Height Define the base diameter, top diameter, and height values.

Diameters, Half Angle Define the base diameter, top diameter, and half angle values.

Base Diameter, Height, Half Angle

Define the base diameter, height, and half vertex angle values.

Top Diameter, Height, Half Angle

Define the top diameter, height, and half vertex angle values.

Two Coaxial Arcs Select two arcs, which do not need to be parallel.

Diameters, Height

This option creates a solid body cone by defining the base diameter, top diameter, and height values.


To create a cone using this method:

1. Define the cone direction.

2. Enter the base and top diameters and the cone height.

3. Define the origin.

Diameters, Half Angle

This option creates a cone by defining the base diameter, top diameter and half angle values.

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To create a cone using this method you must:

1. Define the cone direction.

2. Enter the base and top diameters and the cone half angle.

3. Enter the base origin.

Base Diameter, Height, Half Angle

This option creates a cone by defining the base diameter, height and half vertex angle values.


To create a cone using this method you must:

1. Define the cone direction.

2. Enter the base diameter, height, and the half vertex angle.

3. Enter the base origin.

Top Diameter, Height, Half Angle

This option creates a cone by defining the top diameter, height and half vertex angle values.


To create a cone using this method you must:

1. Define the cone direction.

2. Enter the top diameter, height, and the half vertex angle.

3. Enter the base origin.

Two Coaxial Arcs

This option creates a cone feature by selecting two arcs. The arcs do not have to be parallel.


You can create sphere primitives by specifying an orientation, size and location, using the following options:

Diameter, Center Define a diameter value and a center.

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Select Arc Select an arc to create the sphere.

Diameter, Center

This option creates a sphere by defining a diameter value and a center.

To create a sphere using this method you must:

1. Enter the diameter value.

2. Define the sphere center.

The center of the sphere is defined using the Point Constructor.

Select Arc

This option creates a sphere by selecting an arc.

The arc you select does not have to be a complete circle. The system creates a complete sphere based on any arc objects. The selected arc defines the sphere's center and diameter.

Hole InsertDesign FeatureHole

The Hole option lets you create a simple hole, a counterbore hole or a countersunk hole in a solid body. For all hole creation options, the depth values must be positive

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Simple Hole

This option lets you create a simple Hole, with a specified Diameter, Depth and Tip Angle for a pointed tip.

Basic Procedure for Simple Hole

To create a hole using the Simple method, follow these steps:

1. Use the Placement Face selection step to select the planar placement face or datum plane on which to locate the hole. The system displays a preview in the graphics window of the hole and its dimensions using the current parameters. If you selected a datum plane, you can use the Reverse Side button to switch the direction of the vector.

You can enter values for the parameters discussed in the following steps before you select the planar placement face.

When you change a value in one of the parameter fields discussed below, pressing the Return or Enter key updates the graphics window preview of the hole with the new value.

3. (Optional) Use the Thru Face selection step to select a face through which the hole is to extend and pass through. If you specify a Thru Face, the Depth and Tip Angle options become unavailable.

4. Enter a value for the Depth, or accept the default.

5. Enter a value for the Tip Angle, or accept the default. You can press the Return or Enter key to update the graphics window preview of the hole with the new value.

6. Click OK or Apply to create the hole.

7. Use the Positioning dialog to precisely locate the hole

Positioning Options

Horizontal Creates a positioning dimension between two points aligned with the

horizontal reference.

Vertical Creates a positioning dimension between two points aligned with the

vertical reference.

Parallel Creates a positioning dimension that constrains the distance between

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two points, measured parallel to the work plane.

Perpendicular Creates a positioning dimension that constrains the perpendicular

distance between an edge of the target solid and a point on the feature or sketch.

Parallel at a Distance  Creates a positioning dimension that constrains a linear edge of the

feature or sketch and a linear edge of the target solid (or any existing curve, on or off the target solid) to be parallel and at a fixed distance apart.

Angular Creates a positioning constraint dimension between a linear edge of

the feature and a linear reference edge/curve at a given angle.

Point onto Point Creates a positioning dimension the same as the Parallel option, but

with the fixed distance between the two points set to zero.

Point onto Line Creates a positioning constraint dimension the same as the

Perpendicular option, but with the distance between the edge or curve and point set to zero.

Line onto Line Creates a positioning constraint dimension the same as the Parallel at

a Distance option, but with the distance between the linear edge of the feature/ sketch and the linear edge/curve on the target solid set to zero.

Reverse Normal When positioning a user defined feature, this option lets you flip it 180 degrees about its placement tool face.

Counterbore - Lets you create a counterbore hole, with a specified Hole Diameter, Hole Depth, Tip Angle, C-Bore Diameter and C-Bore Depth.

Basic Procedure for Counterbore Hole

To create a hole using the Counterbore method, follow these steps:

1. Use the Placement Face selection step to select the planar placement face or datum plane on which to locate the hole. The system displays a preview in the graphics window of the hole and its dimensions using the current parameters. If you selected a datum plane, you can use the Reverse Side button to switch the direction of the vector.

You can enter values for the parameters discussed in the following steps before you select the planar placement face

When you change a value in one of the parameter fields discussed below, pressing the Return or Enter key updates the graphics window preview of the

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hole with the new value.

3. (Optional) Use the Thru Face selection step to select a face through which the hole is to extend and pass through. If you specify a Thru Face, the Hole Depth and Tip Angle options become unavailable.

4. Enter a value for the C-Bore Diameter, or accept the default. This value should be greater than the value for the Hole Diameter.

5. Enter a value for the C-Bore Depth, or accept the default.

6. Enter a value for the Hole Diameter, or accept the default.

7. Enter a value for the Hole Depth, or accept the default. This field is not available if you specified a Thru Face.

8. Enter a value for the Tip Angle, or accept the default. This field is not available if you specified a Thru Face.

9. Click OK or Apply to create the hole.

Countersink - Lets you create a countersink hole, with a specified Hole Diameter, Hole Depth, Tip Angle, C-Sink Diameter and C-Sink Angle


Basic Procedure for Countersink Hole

To create a hole using the Countersink method, follow these steps:

Use the Placement Face selection step to select the planar placement face or datum plane on which to locate the hole. The system displays a preview in the graphics window of the hole and its dimensions using the current parameters. If you selected a datum plane, you can use the Reverse Side button to switch the direction of the vector.

You can enter values for the parameters discussed in the following steps before you select the planar placement face.

When you change a value in one of the parameter fields discussed below, pressing the Return or Enter key updates the graphics window preview of the hole with the new value.

(Optional) Use the Thru Face selection step to select a face through which the hole is to extend and pass through. If you specify a Thru Face, the Hole Depth and Tip Angle options become unavailable.

Enter a value for the C-Sink Diameter, or accept the default. This value should be greater than the value for the Hole Diameter.

Enter a value for the C-Sink Angle, or accept the default.

Enter a value for the Hole Diameter, or accept the default.

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Enter a value for the Hole Depth, or accept the default. This field is not available if you specified a Thru Face.

Enter a value for the Tip Angle, or accept the default. This field is not available if you specified a Thru Face.

Click OK or Apply to create the hole.

Boss InsertDesign FeatureBoss

Use this option to create a boss on a planar surface or datum plane. For a simple procedure to use this option.

Basic Parameters of a Boss

Boss Dialog Options

Selection Steps Placement Face - Lets you specify a planar face or datum plane on which to

locate the boss.

Target Solid - If you select an absolute datum plane for the placement face and more than one solid is present in the part, a Target Solid selection step becomes available, which you must use to select a target solid for the boss.

Filter Helps you to select desired objects by limiting the available types of objects. Options are Any, Face and Datum Plane.

Diameter Lets you enter a value for the diameter of the boss.

Height Lets you enter a value for the height of the boss.

Taper Angle

Lets you enter an angle from which the cylinder wall of the boss inclines inward. This value can be negative or positive. A zero value results in a vertical cylinder wall with no taper.

Reverse Side

This button becomes available if you select a datum plane for the planar placement face. Clicking the button both reverses the temporary direction vector and the recreates the preview of the boss.

Basic Boss Procedure

To create a boss, follow these steps:

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1. From the Boss dialog select a planar placement face or datum plane on which to locate the boss. The system displays a preview in the graphics window of the boss and its dimensions using the current parameters. If you selected a datum plane, you can use the Reverse Side button to switch the direction of the vector.

2. Enter a value for the Diameter.3. Enter a value for the Height.4. Enter a value for the Taper Angle.5. When you are ready to create the boss, click OK or Apply.

Use the Positioning dialog to precisely locate the boss.

Pocket InsertDesign FeaturePocket

You can use the Pocket option to create a cavity in an existing body, using one of the following methods:

Cylindrical Lets you define a circular pocket, to a specific depth, with or without a blended floor, having straight or tapered sides.

Rectangular Lets you define a rectangular pocket, to a specific length, width, and depth, with specific radii in the corners and on the floor, having straight or tapered sides.

General Lets you define a pocket with much greater flexibility than the cylindrical and rectangular pocket options.


This option lets you define a circular pocket, to a specific depth, with or without a blended floor, having straight or tapered sides.

To create a cylindrical pocket, select a planar surface or datum plane and specify the parameters shown below.

Use the Positioning dialog to precisely locate the cylindrical pocket.

Diameter The diameter of the pocket.

Depth The depth of the pocket, measured from the origin point along the specified direction vector.

Floor Radius

The rounded radius for the bottom edges of the pocket. This value must be equal to or greater than zero.

Taper Angle

The draft angle applied to the pocket walls. This value must be equal to or greater than zero. (A value of zero results in straight walls.)


This option lets you define a rectangular pocket, to a specific length, width, and depth, with specific radii in the corners and on the floor, having straight or tapered sides.

X Length The length of the pocket.

Y Length The width of the pocket.

Z Length The depth of the pocket.

Corner Radius

The rounded radius (zero or greater) for the vertical edges of the pocket.

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Floor Radius

The rounded radius (zero or greater) for the bottom edges of the pocket.

Taper Angle

The angle at which the four walls of the pocket incline inward. This value cannot be negative. A value of zero results in vertical walls.

General Pocket

This option lets you define a pocket with much greater flexibility than with the Cylindrical and Rectangular pocket options

Pad InsertDesign FeaturePad

Use the Pad option to create a pad on an existing solid body, using either of the following methods:

Rectangular Lets you define a pad to a specific length, width, and depth, with specific radii in the corners, having straight or tapered sides.

General Lets you define a pad with greater flexibility than the rectangular pad option.

Rectangular Pad

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For a rectangular pad, you must specify the following parameters:

Length The length of the pad.

Width The width of the pad.

Height The height of the pad.

Corner Radius

The rounded radius for the vertical edges of the pad. The radius specified must be a positive or zero. (A zero radius results in a sharp edged pad.)

Taper Angle

The angle at which the four walls of the pad incline inward. This value cannot be negative. (A zero value results in vertical walls.)

To create a rectangular pad:

1. Select a planar placement face.

2. Select a horizontal reference.

3. Enter values for the feature parameters.

4. Position the pad.

5. Use the Positioning dialog to precisely locate the pad.

General Pad

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This option lets you define a pad with greater flexibility than with the Rectangular Pad option.

The basic steps to create a General Pad are:1. Specify the Placement Face (or faces).2. Specify the Placement Outline.3. Specify the Placement Outline Projection Vector.4. Specify the Top Face (or faces).5. Specify the Top Outline.6. Specify the Top Outline Projection Vector.7. Specify the Outline Alignment Method.8. Specify a radius at the placement, top, and/or corners of the pad.9. Specify an optional Target Body.10. Choose Apply to create the pad.

Use the Positioning dialog to precisely locate the pad.


Use this option to create an emboss feature. Emboss features are useful for stiffener and locator objects.

This option provides a wide range of ways to control and manage the shape and orientation of the emboss, its endcaps and sidewalls.

Emboss (in Yellow) Created on a Target Surface Using a Rectangular Section

To create an emboss you must:

Specify a closed section.

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Specify a vector.

Specify an input target.

You can define the endcap (the floor or ceiling of the emboss) and the sidewalls by choosing from a number of procedural methods. You could, for example, define the endcap as the offset of selected faces on the target, and the sidewalls as a draft from the endcap (see figure above).

You can also create joggles. A joggle is an emboss feature whose edges are trimmed by adjacent faces or by a user-selected vector (if the emboss falls on a free-edge boundary).

Offset Emboss

Designed specifically for creating stiffening features in “body in white,” Offset Emboss produces relatively simple linear embosses on sheet surfaces. You can create these emboss features rapidly and predictably, but you don't have as many options as with the regular Emboss command

SlotThis option lets you create a passage through or into a solid body in the shape of a straight slot. An automatic subtract is performed on the current target solid. The depth value for all slot types is measured normal to the planar placement face.

Slot OptionThru Slot Lets you create a slot that goes completely through two selected faces. Types of Slots

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Rectangular Lets you create a slot with sharp edges along the bottom.Ball-End Lets you create a slot with a full radius bottom and corners.U-Slot Lets you create a slot with a "U" shape (rounded corners and floor radii).T-Slot Lets you create a slot whose cross section is an inverted T.Dove-Tail Lets you create a slot with a "dove-tail" shape (sharp corners and angled walls).


This option lets you create a slot with sharp edges along the bottom.

You must specify the following parameters:

Width The width of the tool which forms the slot.Depth The depth of the slot, which is measured in the opposite direction of the slot axis and

is the distance from the origin point to the bottom of the slot. This value must be positive.

Length The length of the slot, measured in a direction parallel to the horizontal reference. This value must be positive.

  To create a slot:

1. Choose the type of slot you want.2. Select a planar placement face.3. Select a horizontal reference.4. Enter values for the feature parameters.5. Use the Positioning dialog to precisely locate the slot


A ball slot leaves a full radius bottom and corner. The Depth value must be greater than the ball radius (half the Ball Diameter value).

You must specify the following parameters:

Ball Diameter

The width of the slot (i.e., the diameter of the tool).

Depth The depth of the slot, which is measured in the opposite direction of the slot axis and is the distance from the origin point to the bottom of the slot. This value must be positive

Length The length of the slot, measured in a direction parallel to the horizontal reference. This value must be positive.


You can use this option to create a slot with a "U" shape. This type of slot leaves rounded corner and floor radii. The Depth value must be greater than the Corner Radius value.

You must specify the following parameters:

Width The width of the slot (i.e., the cutting tool diameter).Depth The depth of the slot, which is measured in the opposite direction of the slot

axis and is the distance from the origin point to the bottom of the slot. This value must be positive.

Corner Radius The floor radius of the slot (i.e., the cutting tool edge radius).Length The length of the slot, measured in a direction parallel to the horizontal

reference. This value must be positive.


This option lets you create a slot whose cross section is an inverted T. You must specify the following parameters:

Top Width The width of the narrower, upper portion of the slot.

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Bottom Width The width of the wider, lower part of the slot.Top Depth The depth of the top part of the slot, which is measured in the opposite

direction of the slot axis and is the distance from the slot origin to the top of the bottom depth value.

Bottom Depth The depth of the bottom part of the slot, which is measured in the opposite direction of the tool axis and is the distance from the bottom of the top depth value to the bottom of the slot.


You can use this option to create a slot with a "dove-tail" shape. This type of slot leaves sharp corners and angled walls. You must specify the following parameters:

Width The width of the slot opening on the face of the solid body, measured perpendicular to the slot path direction and centered on the slot origin.

Depth The depth of the slot, which is measured in the opposite direction of the tool axis and is the distance from the origin point to the bottom of the slot.

Angle The angle between the slot floor and the side wall.

GrooveThis option lets you create a groove in a solid body, as if a form tool moved inward (from an external placement face) or outward (from an internal placement face) on a rotating part, as with a turning operation. Available groove types are:

Rectangular Lets you create a groove, whichleaves sharp corners all around.Ball-End Lets you create a groove, which leaves a full radius at the bottom.U-Groove Lets you create a groove, which leaves radii in the corners.


The basic procedure to create a groove is:

1. Choose the type of groove you wish to create (Rectangular, Ball-End, or U-Groove).2. Select the cylindrical or conical placement face.3. Enter the parameter values in the dialog and choose OK. A groove "tool" is

temporarily displayed as a disc. This shape will be subtracted from the target solid.4. Select the target edge (on the target solid).5. Select the tool edge or centerline (on the groove tool).6. Enter the desired horizontal distance between the selected edges and choose OK.7. Use the Positioning dialog to precisely locate the groove.

Dart Feature - OverviewThis function lets you add a dart feature along the intersection curve of two sets of faces.

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Dart Feature Example

  First Face Set

 Intersection Curve

 Second Face Set

 Dart FeatureTo create a dart feature you must specify:

Two sets of faces that intersect. A face set can be a single face or several faces. A base location point for the dart, either

o a point along the intersection curve, oro a point at the intersection of the intersection curve and a plane.

A depth. An angle. A radius.

By default the orientation of the dart is on a plane that is perpendicular to the intersection curve of the two sets of faces, but you can define the orientation yourself.

First SetLets you select the faces for the first set. You can select one or more faces for the face set.

Second SetLets you select the faces for the second set. You can select one or more faces for the face set.

Location CurveLets you select a location curve when there is more than one possible curve that you could select. Specifically, this would be with disconnected intersection curves between two face sets. All candidate location curves are highlighted. When you select a candidate location curve, a preview of the Dart feature displays and you are immediately advanced to the next selection step.

Location PlaneLets you optionally specify the position of the dart feature relative to a plane or datum plane.

Orientation PlaneLets you optionally select a plane for the orientation of the dart feature.

Dart Feature - Procedure

1. Use the First Set selection step to select the first group of faces on which the dart is to be located.

2. Use the Second Set selection step to select the second group of faces on which the dart is to be located.

3. Use the Method selection step to specify how to locate the dart, either Along Edge or Position.

4. Specify the Dimensions of the required dart, the angle, depth and radius.5. Click OK or Apply to create the Dart feature

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ThreadThis option lets you create symbolic or detailed threads on features with cylindrical faces. These features include holes, cylinders, bosses, and subtractive or additive sweeps of circular curves. You can create both symbolic and detailed threads.

Symbolic - Symbolic threads are displayed as a dashed circle on the face or faces that will be threaded. Symbolic threads use external thread table files, which you can customize for your specific thread requirements, to determine default parameters. Symbolic threads cannot be copied or instanced once created, but you can create multiple and instanced copies at creation time. See the figure below for examples of symbolic threads.

Symbolic Threads - External on the Left, Internal on the Right

Detailed - Detailed threads look more realistic, but take considerably longer to create and update because of their complex geometry and display. Detailed threads use embedded tables for the default parameters, and can be copied or instanced after creation. Detailed threads are fully associative; if the feature is modified, its thread updates accordingly. You can choose to make a symbolic thread partly associative, or specify a fixed length. Partly associative means that if the thread is modified, the feature will update (but not vice versa).

Detailed Thread

Thread Dialog OptionsThread Type

Symbolic - Symbolic threads are displayed as a dashed circle on the face or faces that will be threaded. Symbolic threads use external thread table files, which you can customize for your specific thread requirements, to determine default parameters. Symbolic threads cannot be copied or instanced once created, but you can create multiple and instanced copies at creation time. Detailed - Detailed threads look more realistic, but take considerably longer to create and update because of their complex geometry and display. Detailed threads use embedded tables for the default parameters, and can be copied or instanced after creation.

Major Diameter

The largest diameter of the thread.

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Minor Diameter

The smallest diameter of the thread.

Pitch The distance from a point on a thread to a corresponding point on the next thread, measured parallel to the axis.

Angle The angle included between the sides of the thread measured in a plane through the axis of the threads.

Callout References the thread table entry that provides default values for symbolic threads.

Shaft Size / Tapped Drill Size

Shaft Size appears for external symbolic threads. Tapped Drill Size appears for internal symbolic threads. This option does not appear when the Thread Type is Detailed.

Method Defines the thread manufacturing method, such as Rolled, Cut, Ground and Milled. This option only appears for the symbolic Thread Type.

Form Determines which lookup table is used to obtain the parameter defaults. Examples of Form options are unified, metric, trapezoidal, acme and buttress. This option only appears for the symbolic Thread Type.

Number of Starts

Lets you specify whether a single thread or multiple threads should be created. This option does not appear when the Thread Type is Detailed.

Tapered If this option is toggled ON, the symbolic thread will be tapered. This option does not appear when the Thread Type is Detailed.

Full Thread If this option is toggled ON, the symbolic thread will update when the cylinder's length changes. This option does not appear when the Thread Type is Detailed.

Length The distance from the selected starting face to the end of the thread, measured parallel to the axis. For symbolic threads, defaults are supplied by lookup tables.

Manual Input

Turning this option on during creation of a symbolic thread lets you enter values for options that would otherwise be supplied from the lookup table. The Manual Input option does not appear when the Thread Type is Detailed.

Choose from Table

For symbolic threads, this option lets you choose a standard thread table entry from the lookup table.

Include Instances

If a selected face belongs to an instance array, this option lets you apply the thread to the other instances. This option does not appear when the Thread Type is Detailed.

Rotation Lets you specify whether the thread should be Right Hand or Left Hand. Select Start Lets you specify a new starting location for a symbolic or detailed thread by

selecting a planar face on a solid body, or a datum plane.


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Thread Creation Parameters

Major Diameter is the largest diameter of the thread. For internal threads, the diameter must be larger than the cylindrical face diameter.Minor Diameter is the smallest diameter of the thread. For external threads, the diameter must be smaller than the cylindrical face diameter.Pitch is the distance from a point on a thread to a corresponding point on the next thread, measured parallel to the axis.Angle is the angle included between the sides of the thread measured in a plane through the axis of the threads. The default is 60 degrees.Length is the distance from the selected starting face to the end of the thread, measured parallel to the axis.

Creating a Symbolic Thread

To create symbolic threads:1. Choose Symbolic for the Thread Type.2. Choose the thread manufacturing Method.3. Choose the Form for the thread.4. Select one or more cylindrical placement faces.5. Modify the parameters as desired.6. Callout references the thread table entry that provides the default values.7. Choose Tapered if you want the thread to be tapered.8. If you want the thread to update when the cylinder changes, choose Full Thread. 9. If a selected face belongs to an instance array, you can apply the thread to the other

instances by choosing Include Instances.10. Decide the rotation of the thread to be, either a Right Hand or a Left Hand thread.11. Choose Select start if you want to specify a new starting location for the thread.12. Choose OK or Apply.

Questions 1. As a best practice how many primitives can be used?2. is it possible to give negative taper in Boss?3. For creating a Pad or Pocket on a non-planar face what method would you

choose?4. What are the different types of taper in Extrude?5. What is the difference between Until selected and Until Extended in Extrude?6. What are the Boolean Operations?7. what is the range of half angle in Cone?8. is it possible to produce a Dove Tail slot for certain length?9. What is the default angle in Thread?10. What are the different types of Slot?

Associative Copy

1. Extract2. Composite Curve3. Instance Feature4. Mirror Feature5. Mirror Body6. Instance Geometry7. Promote


Use this command to create a body by extracting an object from another body. You can extract a face, a region of faces or an entire body.

Extract options

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Specifies the type of extract feature to create. Select from the following options

Face — Creates a sheet body of the selected faces to extract.

Region of Faces — Creates a sheet body which is a collection of faces that are related to the seed face and limited by boundary faces.

Body — Creates an extracted associative copy of an entire body.

Faces to Extract

Appears only when Type is set to Face.

Face Option

Lets you specify the type of faces you want to extract. Select from the following options:

Single Face — Extracts the selected face.

Adjacent Faces — Extracts the faces immediately adjacent to the selected face (the selected face is not included).

Body Faces — Extracts all the faces in the same body as the selected face.

Select Face

Lets you select the faces to create the extract face feature.

Seed Face

Appears only when Type is set to Region of Faces.

Select Face

Lets you select the seed face. All other faces in the feature are related to the seed face.

Boundary Faces

Appears only when Type is set to Region of Faces.

Select Face

Lets you select the boundaries for the Region of Faces type extract feature.

Body to Extract

Appears only when Type is set to Body.

Select Body

Lets you select the body to create the extract body feature.

Region Options

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Appears only when Type is set to Region of Faces.

Traverse Interior Edges

Lets you specify if you want to collect those boundary faces whose edges form a part of the interior loops, for each face encountered within the boundaries.

Use Tangent Edge Angle

Lets you use the tangent edge angle for manufacturing applications. See the Manufacturing Help for more information.

Angle Tolerance

Available only when the Use Tangent Edge Angle check box is selected.

Sets the angle tolerance to the value you specify.


Fix at Current Timestamp

Lets you fix the timestamp at which the feature is placed.

Hide OriginalLets you hide the original geometry when the extracted feature is created, if the original geometry is a single face sheet body.

Delete Holes

Lets you create an extracted face without any holes that are present in the original face.

Surface Type

Available only for Face type extract feature.

Lets you convert one or more faces from any type of body into sheet bodies. You can select the underlying surface type from the following types:

Same as Original — converts the selected faces into sheets, maintaining the original underlying surface type.

Polynomial Cubic — converts the selected faces to polynomial cubic B-surface type sheets. Note that this option almost always approximates the original faces, so they may not be replicated exactly. However, a polynomial cubic B-surface type sheet is actually just an array of parametric cubic (PC) patches which can be exported to almost all other CAD, CAM, and CAE applications

General B-surface — converts the selected faces to more general B-surface types. The resulting sheets may be rational (rather than polynomial), and their degrees may not be cubic (a degree of three). This option is more likely to exactly replicate your original faces, but these resulting B-surface type sheets are more difficult to transfer to other systems.

Sometimes the system replicates the original surfaces exactly, but other times may have to approximate them, depending on the type of output you chose and the type of original surfaces you selected.


Appears only when Type is set to Region of Faces.

Preview Preview Region shows a preview of the resulting extracted region feature

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Finished Preview

once you have selected the faces.

Finished Preview closes the preview of the extracted region of faces.

Composite Curve

Use the Composite Curve command to extract curves and edges from the work part. To extract from other parts in the same assembly, use the Composite Linked Curve command.

Composite Curve options


Select Curve

Selects the curves or edges to be extracted as composite curves. Use the Selection Intent options on the Selection Bar to aid selection of multiple curves.

Reverse Direction

Reverses the inferred direction of all curve loops.

Specify Origin Curve

Available only if you select a loop of curves to create the composite curve feature.

Lets you specify the origin curve from the loop of curves.


AssociativeCreates an associative composite curve feature. This option is not available while editing a composite curve feature.

Hide OriginalHides the original curve when the composite feature is created.

Allow Self-intersection

Allows selection of self-intersecting curves as input curves.

Instance Feature

Creates an instance feature array from existing features. You can define a rectangular or circular array, mirror a body about a datum plane and mirror a feature through a datum plane or planar face.

An instance is a shape-linked feature, similar to a copy. You can create instances of both features and feature sets. Since all instances of a feature are associated, you can edit the parameters of the feature and those changes are reflected in every instance of the feature.

Using instance arrays allows you to:

Quickly create patterns of features such as bolt hole circles.

Create a number of similar features and add them to the model in one step.

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Edit all instanced features in one step.

As the instances are created, the Boolean operation is defined by that of each of the features that was selected for instancing. For example, if you select a boss and a hole, the instance of the boss is added and the instance of the hole subtracted, from the solid body to which they are attached.

The following instance array options are available:

Rectangular Array

Lets you create a linear array of instances from one or more selected features.

Circular Array Lets you create a circular array of instances from one or more selected features.

Pattern Face Opens the Pattern Face dialog under Direct Modeling, to let you make copies of a face set. Pattern Face is similar to the Instance function, but is easier to use, and you do not have to have a feature-based model to use it.

You cannot instance the following objects:




Offset sheets


Trimmed sheet bodies

Instance sets

Draft features

Free form features

Trimmed features

Instance Array Types

You can create three types of rectangular and circular instance arrays:

General Creates an instance array from existing features and validates all geometry. An instance of a General array is allowed to cross an edge of the face. Also, instances in a General array can cross over from one face to another.

Simple Similar to a General instance array, but it speeds up the instance array creation by eliminating excessive data validation and optimizing operations.

Identical The fastest way to create an instance array; it does the least amount of validation, then copies and translates all the faces and edges of the master feature. Each instance is an exact copy of the original. You can use this method when you have a great many instances, and you are sure they are all exactly the same.

Rectangular Array

This option lets you create a linear array of instances from one or more selected features. Rectangular instance arrays can be either two-dimensional in XC and YC (several rows of features) or one-dimensional in XC or YC (one row of features). These instance arrays are generated parallel to the XC and/or YC axes based on the number and offset distance you enter.

Enter Parameters Dialog OptionsGeneral The type of instance array you wish to create.

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SimpleIdenticalNumber Along XC

Defines the total number of instances to be generated parallel to the XC axis of the WCS. This number includes the existing feature you are instancing.

XC Offset Defines the spacing for the instances along the XC axis. This spacing is measured from a point on one instance to the same point on the next instance along XC axis.

Number Along YC

Defines the number of instances to be generated parallel to the YC axis of the WCS. This number includes the existing feature you are instancing.

YC Offset Defines the spacing for the instances along the YC axis. This spacing is measured from one instance to the next along the YC axis.

Rectangular Array Procedure

Here is the basic procedure for creating a rectangular instance array:1. From the Instance dialog, click Rectangular Array.2. Select the features you want to instance.3. In the Enter Parameters dialog, specify the array method (General, Simple, or

Identical), the Number Along XC, the XC Offset, the Number Along YC and the YC Offset.

4. Choose OK. The system displays a preview in the graphics window of how the array will be distributed.

5. Choose Yes to create the instance array, or No to return to the Enter Parameters dialog.

Circular Array

This option lets you create a circular array of instances from one or more selected features. You specify:

The array method The rotation axis about which the instances are generated The total number of instances in the array (including the original feature) The angle between the instances

After you specify the rotation axis, the following options appear:

Enter Parameters Dialog OptionsGeneral, Simple, Identical The type of instance array.Number The total number of instances created in the circular

array, including the existing feature you are instancing.Angle The angle between the instances.

Circular Array Procedure

Here is the basic procedure for creating a circular instance array:1. From the Instance dialog, click Circular Array.2. Select the features you want to instance.3. In the Enter Parameters dialog, specify the array method (General, Simple, or

Identical), the total Number of instances and the Angle between instances. Then, choose OK.

4. Choose Point & Direction or Datum Axis to establish the rotation axis.5. Choose Yes to create the instance array, or No to return to the Enter Parameters


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Pattern Face Overview

Pattern Face lets you make copies of a face set. It is similar to the Instance function, but is easier to use, and you do not have to have a feature-based model to use it. It is also faster and more straightforward. Use this function when you have a set of faces and you want to make a rectangular or circular pattern of them.

Mirror Body

The Instance Mirror Body option lets you mirror an entire body about a datum plane. You can use this, for example, to form the other hand of a lefthand or right hand part. When you use this option, the system creates a feature whose name is Mirror. This feature is time stamped and listed in the when you use Information-> Feature, just like other features. When you mirror a body, the Mirror feature is associative to the original body - it has no editable parameters of its own.

Mirror Body Procedure

To create a mirrored body, follow these steps:1. From the Instance dialog, click Mirror Body.2. Select one or more bodies to mirror.3. Select a datum plane. On selecting the datum plane, the body is then mirrored.

Mirror Feature

The Instance Mirror Feature option lets you create symmetrical models by mirroring selected features through a datum plane or planar face. Mirror Feature, however, lets you mirror features within a body.

Mirror Feature Procedure

1. From the Instance dialog, click Mirror Feature.2. From the Mirror Feature dialog, click the Feature to Mirror selection step option.3. If necessary, use the Filter field to limit the features shown in the Features in Part

listing.4. Highlight the features in the Features in Part listing that you wish to mirror, and use

the Add button to add them to the Features in Mirror listing.5. If desired, turn on the Add Dependencies option, to include feature dependencies of

the selected features that are to be mirrored.6. If desired, turn on the All in Body option, to mirror all features present in the body.7. Click the Mirror Plane selection step option. Move the cursor to the graphics window

and select the datum plane or planar face to be used to reflect the feature during the mirror operation.

8. Click OK or Apply. The features in the Features in Mirror listing are mirrored across the mirror plane.

Instance Geometry

Use Instance Geometry to create copies of objects. You can copy bodies, faces, edges, curves, points, datum planes, and datum axes. You can create the copies in mirror, linear, circular, and irregular patterns, as well as along a tangent continuous section.

Instance Geometry options


Specifies the method you use to create instance geometry. Each type lets you create an instance of geometry using a method that is best suited to the geometry and your design intent. When you edit an instance geometry feature, you can change its type, defining objects, and associative status.

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Select a type by either clicking the buttons or by selecting an option from the Type list.

Instance Geometry types

Click the following links for details about each instance geometry Type:

From/To — Creates instance geometry by copying objects from one point or CSYS location to another point or CSYS location.

Mirror — Creates instance geometry by copying objects across a mirror plane.

Translate — Creates instance geometry by copying objects in a specified direction.

Along Path — Creates instance geometry by copying objects along the path of a curve or edge. You can add an offset rotation angle to each instance.

Rotate — Creates instance geometry by rotating copies of objects around a specified point. You can add an offset distance between the rotated copies.

Geometry to Instance (available with all types)

Select Object

Lets you select objects to copy as instances of geometry.

You can select solid bodies, sheet bodies, faces, edges, curves, points, datum planes, and datum axes.

Settings (available with all types)


Creates a fully associative instance geometry feature.

If you clear this check box, you get separate unparameterized copies instead of an instance geometry feature.

An instance geometry feature displays the name Instance Geometry in the Part Navigator.

Preview (available with all types)


Generates a preview when you specify the minimum parameters needed to create the feature.

This option is selected by default.

Show Result

Computes the operation and displays the result. When you click OK or Apply, the software reuses the computation, making the creation process faster.

Undo Result

Appears when Show Result is active.

Exits the result display and returns you to the dialog box.

Questions 1. By using Extract can you extract an entire body?

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2. Can you instance free form features?3. What are the three types of instance arrays?4. What is the difference between Mirror Body and Mirror Feature?5. In which type of array edge crossover is possible?

Combine Bodies

1. Unite

2. Subtract

3. Intersect

4. Emboss Sheet

5. Sew

6. Patch

7. Quilt

8. Unsew

UniteThe Unite boolean function let you combine the volume of two or more bodies into a single body. You have the option to save and retain unmodified copies of the target and tool bodies. This option creates a UNITE feature.

You can unite solids with solids. You cannot unite a solid body and a sheet body, or a sheet body and a sheet body. The table below contains an overview of which Unite Boolean operations are allowed.

Target Tool Allowed?Solid body Solid body YesSolid body Sheet body NoSheet body Solid body NoSheet body Sheet body No

Dialog Options

Unite Dialog OptionsSelection Steps

Target Body - Use this step to select a target solid body that you want to modify with one or more tool solid bodies. The target body is united with the tool bodies.Tool Body - Lets you select one or more tool solid bodies to use to modify the

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selected target body. The tool bodies are untied with the target body.Retain Tool

Saves the specified tool bodies for the unite operation. Use this option if you want to save a copy of the tool bodies in an unmodified state.

Retain Target

Saves the target body for the unite operation. Use this option if you want to save a copy of the target body in an unmodified state.  

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Unite Basic ProcedureTo use Unite, perform these steps:

1. Select the target body.2. Select one or more tool bodies.3. If you wish to save an unmodified copy of the original target body, turn on Retain

Target.4. If you wish to save an unmodified copy of the original tool bodies, turn on Retain Tool.5. Choose OK. The target body is modified by the creation of four UNITE features, and

a new solid body is created that contains the combined volumes of all the selected bodies.

K.SubtractThe Subtract option creates SUBTRACT features that let you use tool bodies to remove volume from a target body. This operation can leave empty space where the subtracted target body existed. You have the option to save and retain unmodified copies of the target and tool bodies.

Dialog Options

Subtract Dialog OptionsSelection Steps

Target Body - Use this step to select a target sheet or solid body from which you want to subtract one or more tool bodies.Tool Body - Lets you select one or more tool sheet or solid bodies to subtract from the selected target body.

Filter Use the Filter to restrict selectable objects. Options are All, Sheet and Solid Body.

Retain Tool

Saves the specified tool bodies for the subtract operation. Use this option if you want to save a copy of the selected tool bodies, which will remain unmodified.The Retain Tool option is not available when editing a SUBTRACT feature.

Retain Target

Saves the target body for the subtract operation. Use this option if you want to save a copy of the target body, which remains unmodified.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

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Basic Subtract ProcedureTo use Subtract, perform these steps:

1. Select the target body.2. Select one or more tool bodies. In the following example figure, four cylinders are

selected for the tool bodies.3. If you wish to save an unmodified copy of the original target body, turn on Retain

Target.4. If you wish to save an unmodified copy of the original tool bodies, turn on Retain Tool.5. Choose OK. The target body is modified, and volume is removed by the creation of

four SUBTRACT features.

IntersectThis option lets you create a body containing the volume shared by two different bodies. You can intersect solids with solids, sheets with sheets, and a sheet with a solid, but not a solid with a sheet. An INTERSECT feature is created by this option. Intersect can leave empty space where the intersected target and tool bodies existed. You have the option to save and retain unmodified copies of the target and tool bodies.

To intersect a sheet body with a solid body, select the sheet as the target and the solid as the tool.

The table below contains an overview of the Intersect Boolean operations allowed.

Target Tool Allowed?Solid body Solid body YesSolid body Sheet body NoSheet body Solid body YesSheet body Sheet body Yes

Dialog Options

Intersect Dialog OptionsSelection Steps

Target Body - Use this step to select a target sheet or solid body that you want to intersect with one or more tool bodies.Tool Body - Lets you select one or more tool sheet or solid bodies to intersect with the selected target body.

Filter Use the Filter to restrict selectable objects. Options are All, Sheet and Solid Body.

Retain Tool

Saves the specified tool bodies for the intersect operation. Use this option if you want to save a copy of the selected tool bodies, which remain unmodified.

Retain Target

Saves the target body for the intersect operation. Use this option if you want to save a copy of the target body, which remain unmodified.

Confirm Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you

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Upon Apply

preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Intersect Basic ProcedureTo use Intersect, follow these steps:

1. Select the target body. 2. Select the tool body.3. If you wish to save an unmodified copy of the original target body, turn on Retain

Target.4. If you wish to save an unmodified copy of the original tool bodies, turn on Retain Tool.

Choose OK. The target body is modified, and volume is changed by creation of an INTERSECT feature.

Emboss Sheet - OverviewThe Emboss Sheet function allows you to incorporate part of the shape associated with one or more solid bodies into a sheet. All that is needed is a target sheet and one or more tool bodies, positioned so that they intersect the sheet in the areas where the shapes of the bodies are to be transferred onto the sheet. The Keep Tool Shapes on: option indicates on which "side" of the sheet that the solid body shapes are to be added.

Emboss Sheet - Dialog Fields

Emboss Sheet Options

Selection Steps

Use these selection steps to specify the target sheet and tool bodies: Target Sheet - Lets you select the sheet whose shape is to be changed. After the sheet is selected, a vector is drawn showing the "positive" side of the sheet. Tool Solids Lets you select one or more bodies that intersect the target sheet.

Keep Tool Shapes on:

Specifies which part of the tool bodies are added to the sheet.Same Side as Sheet Normal - The portions of the tool bodies that lie on the same side of the sheet as the displayed sheet normal vector are added to the sheet’s shape. The portions of the tool bodies on the other side of the sheet are discarded.Opposite Side as Sheet Normal - The portions of the tool bodies that lie on the opposite side of the sheet as the displayed sheet normal vector are added to the sheet’s shape. The portions of the tool bodies on the same side of the sheet as the normal are discarded.

Confirm Upon Apply

Lets you preview the results and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Emboss Sheet - Procedure

1. Use the Target Sheet option to select a sheet to be modified.2. Use the Tool Solid(s) option to select one or more bodies to be used to modify the

sheet.3. Change the Keep Tool Shapes On: option, if desired.4. Click OK or Apply to emboss the sheet.

SewThe Sew option lets you join together two or more sheet bodies, thus creating a single sheet. If the collection of sheets to be sewn encloses a volume, a solid body is created. The selected sheets must not have any gaps larger than the specified tolerance. Otherwise, the resultant body will be a sheet, not a solid.

Dialog Options

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Sew Dialog OptionsSelection Steps

The Selection Steps icons let you specify the target and tools for the Sew operation. There are four Selection Steps icons available. When the Sew Input Type is set to Sheet, only the first two Sheet icons are available. When the Sew Input Type is set to Solid, only the last two Solid icons are available.Target Sheet - when this selection step is active, you can choose the target sheet. Only available when the Sew Input Type is set to Sheet.Tool Sheets - when this selection step is active, you can choose one or more tool sheets. Only available when the Sew Input Type is set to Sheet.Target Faces - when this selection step is active, you can choose one or more target faces from the first solid. The faces must be coincident with one or more tool faces. Only available when the Sew Input Type is set to Solid.Tool Faces - when this selection step is active, you can choose one or more tool faces from the second solid. Only available when the Input Type is set to Solid.

Sew Input Type

Defines whether you are sewing together sheets or solid bodies. Choose Sheet or Solid accordingly.

Output Multiple Sheets

Lets you create more than one sewn sheet. This option is only available when the Sew Input Type is set to Sheet.

Sew All Instances

If a selected body is part of an instance array and you have turned this option ON, the entire instance array is sewn. Otherwise, only the selected instance is sewn.

Sew Tolerance

The maximum distance that edges to be sewn together can be separated for the sew operation to succeed. Edges to be sewn together will sew if the distance between them is less than the specified tolerance. If the distance between them is greater than this tolerance, they will not sew together.

Search common faces

Lets you find the common faces between two solid bodies. The edges of the common faces will be highlighted.

Target AreaTool Area

Displays the total area of the selected target faces and the tool faces.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Basic Sew ProceduresTo sew sheets together:

1. Choose Sheet. The Target sheet icon is selected.2. Select the target sheet.3. Choose the Tool sheets icon, and select the tool sheet(s) to be sewn to the target.4. If you want to create more than one sewn sheet, choose Output Multiple Sheets.5. Define the Sew Tolerance.6. Choose Apply or OK.

To sew solids together:1. Choose Solid. The Target faces icon is selected.2. Select the target face(s).3. Choose the Tool faces icon, and select the face(s) on the tool solid that are

coincident with the target solid's selected face(s).4. If a selected body is part of an instance array, and you want all the instances to be

sewn, choose Sew All Instances.5. Define the Sew Tolerance.6. Choose Search common faces if you want to see where the sewing will occur.7. Choose Apply or OK.

Unsew overview

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Use the Unsew command to separate an existing sheet body or solid body into multiple bodies. The selected faces are unsewn along the edges of the selected face, resulting in multiple bodies.

Unsew is useful in a workflow where you want to perform additional modeling tasks on a specific region of an existing model. You can now unsew a model without referencing its history.

The following graphic shows an unsewn face of a sheet body.

Choose Insert→Combine Bodies→Unsew.

PatchThis option lets you use a sheet body to replace some of the faces of a solid body. You can also patch a sheet to another sheet.

Patch is useful when:

Small gaps or small mismatches in surface normals between tool and target bodies might cause other operations, such as Trim Body or Split Body, to fail.

You want to apply a handshaped blend.

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You want to create a hole patch that has a more complex shape than those provided by the Hole options.

Dialog Options

Patch Dialog OptionsSelection Steps

Lets you select the geometry needed for the Patch feature.Target Body - Lets you select a body to be the target for the patch feature.Tool Sheet - Lets you select a sheet to act as the tool for the patch feature.Tool Face - If you want to use a single face of a tool sheet that has multiple faces, click the Tool Face icon and choose the face that you want.

Create Hole Patch

Lets you patch a closed sheet to the target body to create a hole.

Reverse Removal Direction

A conehead vector displays the default direction in which the target body faces will be removed. To reverse the direction, click the Reverse Removal Direction button.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them.

Basic Patch Procedure1. Select the target body, which can be a sheet or a solid.2. Select the tool sheet to patch.3. Define the side of the sheet from which the target body faces are removed.4. If you wish, you can select one of the tool sheet's faces.5. If a closed sheet is to be patched to the target body turn on the Create Hole Patch

option.6. Choose OK or Apply.


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This option lets you combine several surfaces into one surface. The system creates a single B-surface that approximates a four-sided region lying on several existing faces.

The system projects points from a driver surface along a vector or along the driver surface normal vectors onto the target surfaces (the ones being approximated). These projected points are then used to construct the approximating B-surface. You can think of the projection as a process of emitting a ray from each original point to the target surfaces.

Dialog Options

Quilt Surface Dialog Options

Driver Type Lets you specify the type of driver surface.

Projection Type

Lets you indicate whether you want the direction of the projection of the driver surface onto the target surfaces to be a single vector, or vectors which are normal to the driver surface.

Projection Limit

Used to limit the distance that points are projected onto the target surface when the projection vector may pass through the target surface more than once. This option is active only when the Along Driver Normals projection type is used.

Tolerances Lets you define inside and edge distance and angle tolerances for the Quilt feature.

Show Check Points

When this option is toggled ON, the points that are calculated during the approximation of the quilted surface are displayed.

Check for Overlaps

When this option is ON, the system checks for and tries to handle overlapping surfaces.

Questions 1. What is meant by retain tool in Boolean operation?2. How to unite two solid bodies which is not in touch?3. What is the default tolerance value in sew?

4.What does assembly cut mean?


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Divide FaceJoin FaceTrim BodySplit BodyTrimmed SheetTrim and ExtendUntrim

Divide Face overview

Use this command to divide one or more faces of an existing body (or bodies) in a single operation using multiple dividing objects like curves, edges, faces, datum planes, and/or solid bodies. The faces to be divided and the dividing objects are associative, that is, if either input object is changed, the results update to reflect the changes.

Divide Face is commonly used to create parting edges on models of parts, patterns, molds, or dies.

Divide face feature example

Face selected for the divide face operation

Curve selected as the dividing object

Faces resulting from the divide face operation

You can add a single Divide Face feature to multiple bodies.

Choose Insert→Trim→Divide Face.

On the Feature Operation toolbar, click Divide Face.

Join Faces

You can choose from the following two methods to join faces on a solid body:

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On Same Surface Lets you remove redundant faces, edges, and vertices from selected sheet and solid bodies.

Convert to B-Surface

Lets you join multiple faces into a single B-surface type face.

On Same Surface

This option lets you remove redundant faces, edges, and vertices from selected sheet and solid bodies. You may need to use this option after a Subdivide Face operation.

For example, if you subdivide a face and subsequently discover that you no longer need or want that subdivision, you can perform a Join Face on the body to remove the now unwanted edges and/or faces.

Convert to B-Surface

You can use this option to join multiple faces into a single B-surface type face. The selected faces must be adjacent to each other, belong to the same solid body, have matching u-v box ranges, and the edges at which they join must be isoparametric.

When you select more than two faces for the join operation, the system attempts to match the faces in pairs. You must select the faces in order so that the matching pairs share edges (see the figure below).

General Tips and Techniques

Immediately after a Join Face operation, you can use Undo to reverse the effect of the operation and restore the body to its previous state.

You can change the tolerance values used to join faces of a body by editing the distance tolerance and the angle tolerance

Trim Body

This option lets you trim one or more target bodies using a face or datum plane. You can select a portion of the body that you want to retain, and the trimmed bodies take the shape of the trimming geometry.

Trim Body and Vector Direction

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The direction of the normal vector determines which portion of the target body is kept. The vector points away from the portion of the body that is kept. The following figures show how the direction of the vector affects which portion of the body is kept.

Trimming body

Cylinder axis

Vector direction pointing towards the axis of the cylinder

Target body

Resulting trim body feature

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Trimming body

Cylinder axis

Vector direction pointing away from the axis of the cylinder

Target body

Resulting trim body feature

In the following figure, the displayed direction is accepted. Notice that the resulting body is the portion of the target body that the vector pointed away from.

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Selected datum plane

Accepted direction

Where do I find it?

Modeling → Insert → Trim → Trim Body

Feature Operation toolbar → (Trim Body).

Trimmed SheetThis option lets you create an associative trimmed sheet.

 Trimmed Sheet Dialog OptionsSelection Steps Target Sheet Body - Lets you select the target surface body. The cursor

position that you use to select the target sheet body also specifies a region point, which is used with the Region selection step.Projection Vector - Lets you select a datum axis when your Projection Along method is Datum Axis.Trim Boundary - Lets you choose the trimming objects, which can be faces, edges, curves and datum planes.Region - Lets you choose regions that will be retained or discarded when the surface is trimmed.

Filter Helps you select the objects that you want by limiting the types of objects that are selectable.

Retain Trim Boundary

Maintains the selection of the trimming boundary, so that you can use it again with different target sheet bodies.

Allow Target Edge Selection

Helps you to filter out the edges of the target sheet body as trimming objects. This option is available when the Projection Along option is set to Face Normals.

Projection Along Lets you define the projection direction for the curves/edges to be imprinted. You can choose between Face Normals, Datum Axis, ZC-Axis, YC-Axis, XC-Axis, and Vector Constructor.

Regions will be Lets you define whether regions you select will be kept or discarded when the surface is trimmed.

Tolerance Used when the trimming edges are imprinted on the target body.

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Output Exact Geometry

This option produces intersection edges as imprinted edges, except when the projection is along face normals and edges or curves are used for the trimming object.

Show Unimprinted Objects / Show All Trimming Objects

Helps you to see and deselect unimprinted trimming objects.Show Unimprinted Objects - When chosen, highlights in the graphics window all trimming objects that are not imprinted. The label of the option changes to Show All Trimming Objects.Show All Trimming Objects - When chosen, highlights in the graphics window all selected trimming objects. The label of the option changes to Show Unimprinted Objects.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Basic ProcedureTo create a trimmed sheet:

1. First define a tolerance using the Tolerance option2. Turn on Output Exact Geometry.3. Use the Target Sheet Body selection step to select a target body to be trimmed.4. Use the Projection Along option menu to specify a projection direction.5. Use the Trim Boundary selection step to select the trimming objects that define the

boundaries.6. Use the Region selection step to select the regions you want kept or discarded.

Click OK or Apply.

Trim and Extend - OverviewThis option lets you extend and trim one or more surfaces using a set of tool objects, such as curves, datum planes, or surface sets.

Trimming a Sheet

In this we trim a sheet with another sheet:1. Set the Limit to Until Selected.2. Select the target faces you want to trim.3. Set the Extend Method to C2 Linear.4. Select the Enable Preview option.5. Click the Tool Selection button.6. Select the tool edges of the sheet to trim against the target.7. Look at the preview and determine if the trim operation is how you want it.8. Set the Region option to Remove. The area on the target sheet on the same side as

the vector will be discarded in the trim and the opposite side will be retained.9. Click the Okay button. The target sheet is trimmed against the tool sheet.

Trimming a Solid Body

In this we trim a solid body with a sheet body:1. Set the Limit to Until Selected.2. Select a face on the target solid body you want to trim.3. Set the Extend Method to C2 Linear.4. Select the Enable Preview option.5. Click the Tool Selection button.6. Select the tool edges of the sheet body to trim against the target body.7. Look at the preview and determine if the trim operation is how you want it.8. Set the Region option to Keep. The area on the target body on the same side as the

vector will be retained in the trim and the opposite side will be discarded.9. Click the Okay button. The target body is trimmed against the tool body.

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Selected target edges with preview

Extending a Sheet Body

In this we extend the edges of an extracted face.1. Set the Limit to Distance.2. Enter a value in the data entry field. 3. Set the Extend Method to C2 Linear.4. Select the Enable Preview option.5. Select the target edges you want to extend.6. Look at the preview and determine if the extend operation is how you want it.7. Click the Okay button. The target edges are extended in a new TRIM_AND_EXTEND


Creating a Corner

In this we use Trim and Extend to create a corner:1. Set the Limit to Until Selected.2. Select a face on the target body on which to trim and create a corner.3. Set the Extend Method to C2 Linear.4. Select the Enable Preview option.5. Select the Make Corner option.6. Click the Tool Selection button.7. Set Region to Remove and Selection Intent to Single.8. Select the tool edge on the sheet body to use to create a corner on the target body. 9. Look at the preview and determine if the corner is how you want it. The direction of

the vector on the target, which shows the area, will be removed, as set by the Region option.

Click the Okay button. The target body is trimmed and formed into a corner.

Untrim overview

The Untrim command enables you to remove imposed boundaries and extends planar, cylindrical, and conical faces in the linear direction of the selected face.

Instead of extracting multiple faces and then extending them, use the Untrim command to perform additional modeling tasks on a specific region of an existing model.

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You can use faces of a solid body, or a sheet body as input. The selected faces are copied and extended along their axis to create an associative untrim feature.

An untrimmed face is inherently unsewn.

For more information about the Unsew feature, see Unsew overview.

The following graphic shows an untrim feature.

Choose Insert→Tim→Untrim.

OFFSET/SCALEL. Modeling Offset/Scale Options

Offset - Lets you create an offset sheet body from an existing face at a specified distance (constant or variable) and direction.

Rough Offset - Lets you create an offset sheet body without self-intersections, sharp edges or corners from a set of faces or sheet bodies using a large offset distance.

Offset Face - Lets you offset one or more faces of a body along the face normals.

Scale - Lets you scale solid and sheet bodies about the Work Coordinate System (WCS). You can use uniform scaling, or you can scale independently in the XC, YC, and ZC directions.

Thicken Sheet - Lets you offset or thicken a sheet body to create a solid body. The offset is applied normal to the faces of the sheet body.

Hollow - Lets you hollow out or create a shell around a single solid body based on a user specified thickness value.

Sheets to Solid Assistant - Produces solids from sets of unsewn sheet bodies, by automating the process of sewing a set of sheets (Sew) and then thickening the result (Thicken Sheet).

Wrap Geometry - Lets you simplify a detailed model by computing a solid envelope that surrounds it, effectively "shrink wrapping" the model with a convex polyhedron of planar faces.

Offset SurfaceThis option lets you create offset surfaces from one or more existing faces.

The system creates a true offset surface by offsetting points along normals of the selected face. The specified distance is called the offset distance and the existing face is called the

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base face. You may select any type of face as the base face. If you select multiple faces to offset, multiple offset bodies are produced.

Constant Offset

The system automatically creates a constant offset surface at the Distance you entered.

If you delete a base surface, the system deletes the offset surface. If you transform the base surface, the offset surface updates to a new position to maintain associativity.

Variable Offset

If you choose a single face to offset and then specify Variable, the Cue line asks that you indicate four points on the base surface using the Point Constructor. For each point you define you must also enter a Distance. Unless changed by you, the system retains the offset distance value of the previous point. When you select and define the fourth point and distance, the system creates the variable offset surface.

If you delete the base surface, the system deletes the variable offset surface as well. If you transform the base surface, the variable offset surface updates to the corresponding new position.

Procedure to Offset a Single Face

To create an offset surface, you must:

1. Select the face you wish to offset. A normal direction vector is displayed.2. For a Constant Offset, enter a Distance and Edge Tolerance. For a variable offset

select Variable.A positive distance value offsets the base face in the direction of the vector. A negative value offsets the base face in the opposite direction. The offset distance must be nonzero.

Rough Offset OverviewRough Offset lets you create an offset sheet body without self-intersections, sharp edges or corners from a set of faces or sheet bodies using a large offset distance. This option lets you generate a large rough offset from a set of faces or sheet bodies when the Offset Face and Offset Surface functions cannot.

Rough Offset Dialog Options

Rough Offset Dialog Options

Selection Steps

Offset Face/Sheet - Lets you select faces or sheet bodies that you wish to offset. Offset CSYS - Lets you select or construct a coordinate system (CSYS) for the offset, in which the Z direction indicates the offset direction, the X direction the

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stepping or sectioning direction, and the Y direction the stepover direction. The default CSYS is the current working CSYS.

Filter Lets you restrict, or "filter," objects during object selection. Can be set to Any, Face or Sheet Body.

CSYS Constructor

Lets you select or construct a CSYS for the offset using the standard CSYS Constructor. Available when the Offset CSYS selection step is active.

Offset Distance

Lets you specify the distance for the offset.

Offset Deviation

Lets you specify the deviation for the offset. The value you enter indicates the allowable offset distance range.

Stepover Distance

Lets you specify the stepover distance.

Surface Generation Method

Lets you specify the method by which the system builds the rough offset surface.Cloud Points - The system uses the same method to build the surface as that of the From Point Cloud option. Selecting this method enables the Surface Control options, which lets you specify the number of patches for the surface.Through Curves - The system uses the same method to build the surface as that of the Through Curves option. Note that if this option is specified, the Boundary Trimming options are unavailable.Rough Fit - The system uses a method to create the surface that is less accurate than the other methods, but which can produce a surface when the others fail to do so.

Show Section Preview

Use the preview option with the Through Curves and Rough Fit methods to see the section curves that will be used to create the rough offset surface. The preview is available only for the Through Curves and Rough Fit surface generation methods.

Surface Control

Lets you determine how many patches are used to build the sheet. This option is available only with the Cloud Points Surface Generation Method.System Defined - The system automatically adds a calculated number of U direction patches to give optimum results in building the new sheet.User Defined - Enables the U Patches field, to let you specify how many U direction patches you want to allow in building the sheet. The value must be at least one.

Boundary Trimming

Lets you specify the trim status of the new sheet.No Trim - The sheet is created in a rough rectangular pattern, and is not trimmed.Trim - The sheet is trimmed against the edges of the surface used in the offset.Boundary Curve - The sheet is untrimmed, but a curve is created on the sheet corresponding to the boundary where the trim would have occurred if the Trim option had been used.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Creating a Rough Offset

1. Use the Offset Face/Sheet selection step to select faces or sheet bodies to offset. 2. Use the Offset CSYS selection step and the CSYS Constructor to specify a CSYS. If

you skip this selection step the default current working CSYS is used, and the Z direction will be the offset direction.

3. Specify an Offset Distance, an Offset Deviation and a Stepover Distance.4. Specify the Surface Generation Method, either Cloud Points, Through Curves, or

Rough Fit.5. Click OK or Apply.

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Offset FaceYou can use Offset Face to offset one or more faces or features of a body, or an entire body, along the face normals.

The offset distance can be positive or negative, providing the topology of the body does not change. A positive offset distance is measured along a vector normal to the face pointing away from the solid.

After you select the desired faces or body and choose OK, the faces are moved and the body is updated.

Basic Offset Face ProcedureTo offset one or more faces, you must:

1. Enter an Offset Value.2. Choose the Selection Intent rule that best lets you specify the faces you want to

offset.3. Select the faces and choose OK or Apply.

ScaleThis option lets you scale solid and sheet bodies. You can use uniform, axisymmetric or general scaling methods. The operation is fully associative.

The scale is applied to the geometry of the body rather than to the independent features that comprise the body. You can edit the Scale Type, Scale Factor, Reference Point, Reference Axis and Reference CSYS using Edit -> Feature -> Parameters.

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Scale Dialog OptionsType Lets you choose the type or method of scaling:

Uniform - scale uniformly in all directions.Axisymmetric - scale with a specified scale factor (or multiplier), symmetrically about a specified axis. This involves assigning one scaling factor along an axis you specify, and another, single scaling factor to be applied to the other two axis directions.General - scale with different factors in all three X, Y, Z directions.

Selection Steps

There are four basic selection steps, although not all are available with every scaling Type method.Body - Lets you select one or more solid or sheet bodies for the scale operation. This step is required for all three Type methods.Reference Point - Lets you specify a reference point from which the scale operation is centered. The default reference point is the origin of the current WCS, though you can specify another using the Snap Point tools. This step is available only with the Uniform and Axisymmetric Types.Reference Axis - Lets you specify a reference axis for the scale operation. Available only with the Axisymmetric Type method. The default is the WCS Z axis. You can change this using the Vector Method subfunction.

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Reference CSYS - Lets you specify a reference coordinate system when using the General Scale method. Selecting the Reference CSYS selection step enables the CSYS Method button.

Scale Factors

Lets you specify the scaling factors (multipliers) by which the current size is to change. One, two or three scale factors are required, depending on the scale Type.For the Uniform type there is a single Scale Factor parameter to enter. For the Axisymmetric type there are two scale factor parameters: Along Axis and Other Directions. For the General type, there are three scale factors: X Direction, Y Direction and Z Direction.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Scale Basic Procedure

To scale a body, follow these steps:1. Select a solid or sheet body to scale.2. Choose Uniform, Axisymmetric or General scaling type.3. For Uniform and Axisymmetric, specify a Reference Point.4. For Axisymmetric specify a Reference Axis (or accept the default Z axis).5. For General specify a Reference CSYS (or accept the default ).6. Enter the appropriate Scale Factors.7. Choose OK or Apply.

Thicken SheetThis option lets you offset or thicken a sheet body to create a solid body. The offset is applied normal to the faces of the sheet body. In the following figure, compare the upper and lower views of a sheet body that has been thickened. You can use Edit-> Feature-> Parameters or Tools-> Expression to edit or change the offset parameters for a Thicken Sheet body. You can use Information --> Feature to list the expression names and offset values for Thicken Sheet body.

Sheet Body Before (Upper) and After (Lower) Thicken Sheet

Thicken Sheet Dialog OptionsSelection StepsInput Sheet Body Lets you select a sheet body to thicken. Target Solid Body Lets you select a target solid for a Boolean operation with the new

feature. This icon will not be active if the Action you select is Create. Other OptionsFirst Offset / Second Offset

Let you specify one or two offsets for the Thicken Sheet feature. Positive First Offset and Second Offset values are applied in the normal direction indicated by the displayed vector. Negative values are applied in the opposite direction. The combination of the two offsets must generate a nonzero thickness.

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Tolerance Lets you change the Distance Tolerance for the thicken sheet operation. Action Lets you create a new solid feature, or perform other Boolean operations

with a target solid body.Show Failure Data

If a thicken sheet error occurs, this button is enabled. Clicking the button identifies the possible faces that may have caused the thicken sheet operation to fail.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

HollowThis option lets you hollow out a solid body, or create a shell around it, using specified thickness values. You can assign individual thicknesses for faces, and select regions of faces for piercing during hollowing.

Hollow Dialog Options

Type There are three types of Hollow operation.Face - Lets you create a hollow by collecting pierced and offset faces.Region - Lets you create a hollow based on a collection of faces that are related to a "seed face," and which are limited by boundary faces.Body - Lets you create a shell around a single solid body based on a specified thickness value.

Selection Steps The Selection Steps change depending upon which Hollow Type is currently active.Pierced Face - Lets you select the faces to be pierced during the Hollow operation. Used with the Face Type.Offset Face - Lets you select which faces are to be offset from their original positions during the hollow operation.Solid body - Lets you select a solid body for a Hollow operation. Used only with the Body Type.Seed Faces - Lets you select one or more seed faces. Used only with the Region Type.Boundary Faces - Lets you select one or more boundary faces.

Filter Aids in selecting faces. Used with all Hollow Types.

Preview Region Highlights the region you have defined, to let you see if it is the way you want it. Enabled after you have selected the seed and boundary faces. Used only with the Region Type.

Default Thickness

The default value for the thickness of all face offsets used by Hollow.

Alternate Thickness

Lets you specify a unique thickness value for offset faces. Available only when the Offset Face selection step is active.

Offset Face changeable

Lists the offset faces you have selected for the hollow operation, and their thickness values. You can select entries in this list and assign them unique

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window thickness values. Selecting an offset face entry highlights it in the graphics window in cyan, verifying that it is the desired face. You can then enter a unique offset value for the entry in the Alternate Thickness field.

Hollow Tolerance

Under some circumstances Hollow may need to replace exact geometry with tolerant geometry. In all situations where approximation is required, the new geometry will have a tolerance less than or equal to the tolerance specified in this field.

Show Failure Data

Whenever a hollow error occurs, this button is enabled. Clicking the button identifies the possible faces that may have caused the hollow operation to fail.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Hollow Basic Procedure

1. Choose the Type of hollow feature you wish to create, either Face, Region or Body.2. Depending on the Type, choose the proper selection steps.3. If desired, modify the Default Thickness and Alternate Thickness (optional).4. Modify the Hollow Tolerance if desired (optional).5. Choose OK or Apply.

Sheet to Solid AssistantSheet to Solid Assistant produces solids from sets of unsewn sheet bodies, by automating the process of sewing a set of sheets (Sew) and then thickening the result (Thicken Sheet). If the given sheets should cause this process to fail, an analysis is automatically done on them to try to find the source of the problem. Sometimes this can result in a simple deduced remedy, and sometimes the surfaces must be rebuilt.

Sheet to Solid Assistant can detect and correct many geometric conditions that would result in thickening failures, and can be a useful tool when attempting to use data from external CAD/CAM systems.

The option works by first performing a check of the input data to ensure it is valid. If the input data appears valid, the system attempts to first sew it, then thickens the result, and finally checks the validity of the result.

If for some reason the input data turns out to be invalid, then the problem geometry is highlighted so you can edit or replace it.

Sheet to Solid Assistant Dialog Options

Selection Steps Target Sheet - Let you select the target sheet from which a solid will be created. When you select a target sheet, an arrow displays on it that indicates the direction of the First Offset.Tool Sheets - Lets you select one or more tool sheets that you want to sew to the target.

First Offset / Second Offset

Lets you specify one or two offsets for the thicken portion of the operation. These data entry fields work the same as with the Thicken Sheet option.

Sew Tolerance The maximum distance that edges to be sewn together can be separated for the sew operation to succeed. This option works the same as that used in the Sew function

Basic Sheet to Solid Assistant Procedure

1. Use the Target Sheet selection step to select a sheet on which you want to generate a solid with thickness. An arrow displays on the sheet to indicate the direction of the first offset.

2. [optional] Use the Tool Sheets selection step to select sheets you wish to sew to the target. If you skip this step, there will be no sew operation, and only the thicken operation will be attempted.

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3. Enter First and Second Offset data to add thickness to the solid. 4. If you selected one or more tool sheets, enter a desired Sew Tolerance. 5. Click Apply. The system then performs a validity check of the input surfaces.6. If the input sheets pass the first validity check, the system attempts to create the solid

body. If this succeeds, the solid body is created and is itself checked for validity. If the new solid body passes the last validity check, creation of the solid becomes final.

7. Once you have made all adjustments click Apply. If all is well at this point, the solid is created.

Wrap GeometryWrap Geometry lets you simplify a detailed model by computing a solid envelope to surround it, effectively "shrink wrapping" it with a convex polyhedron of planar faces. The original model can consist of any number of solids, sheets, curves and points.

Wrap Geometry works by converting the input geometry to points, which are then wrapped in a single solid body composed of planar faces. The faces are offset slightly outward to ensure that the wrapping envelope encompasses all of the selected geometry. The underlying geometry is unaltered. If you wish, you can specify an additional offset by entering a value in the Additional Offset field.

Since the result of the wrapping operation is a solid body, the input you specify must not be coplanar.

The following figure shows how a solid body appears before and after it is wrapped.

Wrap Geometry can be useful if you are: Performing packaging studies (for example, to simplify a complex model) Performing space capturing studies (for example, to get an approximation of space

required for multiple disjointed objects) Converting wireframe data (for example, as a starting point for converting it to a solid

body) Hiding proprietary data (for example, to get a reasonable representation without


Wrap Geometry Dialog Options

Selection Steps

Geometry to Wrap - Lets you select any number of solids, sheets, curves or points in the current work part that are to be wrapped.Splitting Planes - Lets you use planes to split the input geometry. Separate envelopes are calculated for each side of the plane, and the results are united into a single body.

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Filter The Filter options let you specify the types of geometry to include in the wrap. Options are:

Any - Any objects in the selection mask are included in the wrap.Body - Only solid bodies in the selection mask are included in the wrap.Curve - Only curves in the selection mask are included in the wrap.Point – Only points in the selection mask are included in the wrap.

Close Gaps Lets you specify the method to use to close gaps that may exist between offset faces. Options include:

Sharp - Each planar face is extended until it meets adjacent faces.Beveled - Planar faces are added in gaps to create a beveled effect. The bevels do not get narrower than the value specified in the Distance Tolerance data entry field, thus avoiding the creation of tiny faces in the wrapping polyhedron. Gaps smaller than the Distance Tolerance value are closed using sharp edges.No Offset - Faces are not offset. This results in faster wrap times, but the result usually does not enclose the original data.

Distance Tolerance

Determines the level of detailing of the wrapping polyhedron. The value you specify is used to generate the wrap points on the input data. The points are then used to calculate the envelope. For curves, this value represents the maximum chordal deviation. For bodies, this value represents the maximum facet to surface deviation. The value defaults to one hundred times the part's distance tolerance.

Additional Offset

Lets you set an additional offset beyond that generated by the system for the faces of the resulting body.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them.

OK or Apply Clicking OK or Apply creates a WRAP_GEOMETRY feature consisting of a single solid body making up the enclosing envelope.

Basic Wrap Geometry Procedure

To perform a wrap geometry operation:

1. Use the Geometry to Wrap selection step to select one or more bodies, curves or points to be wrapped.

2. Choose a Close Gaps option to specify the method to use to close gaps that may exist between offset faces.

3. Set the Distance Tolerance if necessary.4. Set any Additional Offset that the wrapping operation may require.5. Optionally use the Splitting Planes selection step if you wish to retain some of the

detail of the original geometry in the wrapping envelope.6. Click OK or Apply to create the Wrap Geometry feature.

Questions 1. What is the difference between offset and rough offset?2. What is the difference between scale and offset face?3. In which scale sub option, scaling is possible in three directions individually?4. What is the difference between thicken sheet and sheet to solid assistant?5. Is it possible to give variable thickness is shell? What is the function of wrap geometry?

DETAIL FEATUREModeling Detail Feature Options

Edge Blend - Lets you modify a solid body by rounding selected edges.

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Face Blend - Lets you create a blend tangent to specified sets of faces.

Soft Blend - Lets you create blends that are more "aesthetic" and less "mechanical" than standard NX blends.

Use this command to blend surfaces and apply tangent and curvature constraints to the tangent curves of the blend.

Fillet – Lets you create fillet sheets of constant or variable radius between two faces (from solid and/or sheet bodies).

Use this command to blend surfaces and apply tangent and curvature constraints to the tangent curves of the blend.

Bridge - Lets you create a sheet body, either tangent or curvature continuous, that joins two faces.

Spherical Corner - Lets you create a spherical face at a corner where three walls meet.

Chamfer - Lets you bevel edges of a solid body by defining the desired chamfer dimensions.

Taper - Lets you apply a taper to faces or edges, relative to a specified vector.

Body Taper - Lets you create tapers designed for the casting process: tapers on both sides of a parting surface, matching of tapers on both sides of a parting surface, and automatically adding material to undercut regions.

Edge Blend OverviewUse Edge Blend to round selected edges that are shared by at least two faces. Blending works as if it is rolling a ball along the edge being blended (the blend radius), keeping the ball in contact with the faces that meet at the edge.

The blending ball rolls on the inside or outside of the faces, depending on whether you are creating a rounded edge blend (removing material) or a fillet edge blend (adding material).

Procedure for Creating an Edge Blend

In this basic example, you create a constant radius edge blend feature using two sets of edges.

1. Open the Edge Blend tool. 2. Select one or more edges for your first edge set.3. Specify a radius for the edge set that will be applied to all of its edges using one of

the following methods: drag the radius drag handles, or enter a value for the radius in the dynamic input box. You can also specify a

radius in the dialog changeable window4. Continue selecting edges for the first edge set. 5. After you have selected all of the edges for the first edge set, finalize it by doing one

of the following: click the Complete Set And Start Next Set Button, or click MB2.

6. Repeat the previous steps for each additional edge set you want to add to the blend feature.

7. Click MB2 to complete the second edge set.8. You can optionally do the following:

Use the Stop Short selection step to insert points that halt the blend before its normal end point.

Change the Distance Tolerance.

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Specify Overflow options to handle those cases where the blend passes over sharp edges, notches, or cavities.

Select the Special Blend At Convex/Concave Y option to get an alternative shape at Y-intersections.

9. If you want to change the radii of any of the blend's edges from constant to variable, do either of the following:

Use the Variable Radius selection step to vary the radius of the blend along selected edges.

Use the Setback selection step to change the shape and radius of corners in the blend.

10. Click OK or Apply to create the blend feature.

M. Blend With a Constant Radius

Selection Steps

Use the selection steps to define edge sets for constant radius blends. Once you have defined an edge set you can optionally add variable radii, setbacks, and stop short points to them.

Constant Radius - Use this step to create one or more edge sets for the blend feature. This is the first thing you do in creating an edge blend. Variable Radius - You can vary the radius of a blend along its length by specifying points on its edges and entering different values for radii at each point. You must already have specified at least one constant radius edge before you can use this option to add variable radius points to it.Setback - You can add setback points to a blend corner, and by adjusting the distance of each setback from the vertex, apply additional shaping to the corner. You can use setbacks to create, for example, what is loosely known as a "ball nose blend." Stop Short - You can stop a blend short of its edge end points by adding stop short points.Complete Set and Start Next Set - Use this button with the Constant Radius selection step to add edges sets to the blend. As you select curves and edges and add them to edge sets, entries for each are added to or updated in the changeable window.

Editing Edge Blends

Use one of the following methods to edit an edge blend in normal mode: Use MB3-> Edit Parameters over a selected or highlighted edge blend in the graphics

window or the part navigator. Double-click an edge blend in the graphics window or part navigator. Use Edit-> Feature-> Parameters, and select the edge blend.

Edge Blend Handle Availability

Edge Blend Handle Availability

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Handle AvailabilityEdge Set Handles Always displayed and available.Variable Radius Handles

Variable radius handles are displayed when the Constant Radius and Variable Radius selection steps are active.

Setback Handles Available only when the Setback selection step is active.Stop Short Handles Available only when the Stop Short selection step is active.

Face Blend OverviewUse this command to create complex blend faces tangent to two sets of input faces, with options to trim and attach the blended faces. Face Blend lets you control the orientation of the cross-sections using one of two types:

Rolling Ball creates a face blend as if it were subtended by a ball rolling in constant contact with two sets of input faces. The plane of the blend cross section is defined by the two contact points and the center of the ball.

Swept Section sweeps a cross section along a spine curve. The plane of the blend cross section is always normal to the spine curve.

Creating a Rolling Ball Face Blend

Input Sheet Bodies and Rolling Ball Blend with Constant Radius

1. Click (Face Blend) on the Feature Operations toolbar.

2. Click (Rolling Ball) and keep the default Circular Cross Section type.

3. Choose Enable Preview to see a preview before applying the blend to your model. Note that NX creates a preview only after you specify sufficient parameters.

4. Click (First Face Chain) and select the first set of faces or bodies. Selection Intent rules apply during object selection. If you need to reverse the set's normal,

double-click the normal arrow in the graphics window or click (Flip Direction) on the dialog.

5. Choose Second Face Chain and select the second set of faces or bodies. Selection Intent rules apply during object selection. If you need to reverse the set's normal, double-click the normal arrow in the graphics window.

6. Specify appropriate Radius, Trim and Sew, and other options for your blend. Our example uses a radius of 0.75 and the default Trim and Sew Options.

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7. Click OK or Apply to create the blend. If the blend fails, an error message will identify the cause, and in some cases, a large asterisk may show the location of the error.

Note that NX:

Trimmed the input faces to the blend

Trimmed the blend to the input faces

Sewed the two faces and blend together

8. Next, suppose we decided to switch our blend radius from constant to Law Controlled. To modify an existing blend, click MB3 on the blend and choose Edit with Rollback.

9. On the Face Blend dialog, change Radius to Law Controlled and choose Define Law.

10. Click (Linear), select a spine curve, and click OK.

11. Specify Start and End Values (we used 0.5 and 1.25) and click OK to create the blend with the new radius.

Face Blend with Law Controlled Radius

Creating A Swept Section Face Blend

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Input Solid and Swept Section Blend with Law Controlled Radius

1. Click (Face Blend) on the Feature Operations toolbar.

2. Click (Swept Section) and keep the default Circular Cross Section type.

3. Choose Enable Preview to see a preview before applying the blend to your model. Note that NX creates a preview only after you specify sufficient parameters.

4. Click to expand the dialog and turn off the Terminate at Internal/First Sharp Edges(s) option. This will allow the blend to cross the crease in the first face chain.

5. Click (First Face Chain) and select the first set of faces or bodies. Selection Intent rules apply during object selection. If you need to reverse the set's normal,

double-click the normal arrow in the graphics window or click (Flip Direction) on the dialog.

1. Double-click the normal arrow to reverse its direction away from the face.

6. Click (Second Face Chain) and select the second set of faces or bodies. Selection Intent rules apply during object selection.If you need to reverse the set's

normal, double-click the normal arrow in the graphics window or click (Flip Direction) on the dialog.

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7. For Swept Section blends, you must select a spine curve using the Spine step. Click

(Spine) and select the spine curve:

8. On the Radius drop-down menu, choose Law Controlled and click Define Law. In

the Law Function dialog, click Linear and click OK. Specify Start and End values for the Law Control. For this example, we used 3.25 and 5.00, and kept the default Trim and Sew Options. NX previews the swept blend.

9. Click OK or Apply to create the blend. If the blend fails, an error message will identify the cause, and in some cases, a large asterisk may show the location of the error.

Final Swept blend

Soft Blend

Soft blends let you create blends whose cross sectional shape is not circular, which can help you avoid the hard "mechanical" appearance sometimes associated with circular blends. This function gives you more control over the cross sectional shape, and allows you to create designs that are more aesthetically pleasing than other types of blends. Adjusting the shapes of blends may let you produce designs with lower weights, or better stress resistance properties.

The figure below shows the geometry that is defined to create a soft blend, and the resulting soft blend feature.

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To create a soft blend, follow these steps:

1. Choose First Set and select the first set of faces to be blended. Use the Reverse Normal option if necessary. Choose OK when correctly defined - the next icon will become active.

2. Choose Second Set and select the second set of faces. Again, use the Reverse Normal option if necessary. Choose OK when correctly defined.

3. Choose First Tangency Curve and select the tangency curves on the first wall, then choose OK.

4. Choose Second Tangency Curve and select the tangency curve on the second wall.

5. Choose Define Spine String and select a spine string.

6. If you are using the Match Curvature Smoothness method, specify the shape of the blend by entering values for the Rho and Skew parameters; r you can choose Law Controlled and select law curves instead.

7. Choose Apply to create the blend. If the blend fails, an error message will display a reason, and in some cases a large asterisk may show the location of the error.

Styled Blend

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Styled Blend Between Two Surfaces

Styled Blend gives you three ways to create a curved blend between two surface walls:

This Method

Lets you create a styled blend using

Law Tangent holding lines generated by intersection with the wall and a tube, where a law-controlled tangency determines the radius of the tube.

Curve Explicitly selected tangent holding lines.

Profile Tangent curves defined by intersection with the wall and a tube with a defined profile.

Studio Surface toolbar→ Blend group→ (Styled Blend)

Insert→ Detail Feature→ Styled Blend

FilletThis option lets you create fillet sheets of constant or variable radius between two faces. You can create a fillet between the faces of a solid and/or sheet bodies. A fillet is created tangent to two faces. However, for the fillet to be created, the faces must intersect or be close enough so that the fillet touches both faces at all points of tangency.

Fillet Type

You are given these options for the fillet:

Constant Creates a fillet with a fixed radius.Linear Creates a linear fillet of variable radius. The change in radius of curvature is

linear from the start to the end of the fillet.S-shaped Creates a variable radius fillet of an S-shaped curvature.General Creates a variable radius fillet by specifying multiple points on the spine curve

and functional values at each point. This option only appears if you selected a

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spine curve.

The figure below shows examples of each fillet type.

BridgeBridge lets you create a sheet body that joins two faces. You can specify either tangent or curvature continuity between the bridge and defining faces. Optional side faces or strings (up to two, in any combination), or the drag option, can be used to control the shape of the bridge sheet body. To edit a Bridge free form feature, use Edit-> Feature-> Parameters.

Primary Faces - Lets you select the two primary faces that will be joined by the bridge feature. This is a required step.

Side Faces - Lets you select one or two side faces (optional).

First Side String & Second Side String - Both the First and Second Side String selection steps are optional, and let you select one or two strings (curves or edges) to guide the shape of the bridge

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Basic Bridge ProcedureThe general procedure to create a bridge free form feature is:

1. Choose the Continuity Type (tangent or curvature).2. Select the Primary Faces (see Selecting Faces).3. (Optional): Select one or two Side Faces and/or Side Strings to control the sides of

the bridge surface.4. Once you have specified the primary faces, any desired side strings or faces, and the

continuity type, choose Apply to create the bridge sheet body.If you are not satisfied with the sheet body, there are two things you can do:

o Perform an Undo and repeat the creation process, oro If you have not specified side faces or strings, use the Drag option to alter the

shape of the bridge surface.5. When the sheet body is completed and is correct, choose Cancel to exit from the

dialog, or choose OK to create another bridge sheet body.

Spherical Corner OverviewYou can create a spherical corner from three walls of one or more faces each. The spherical corner consists of a single face.

Spherical Corner

To create a spherical corner you only need to select faces for three walls that form a corner and specify a radius. The walls do not actually have to come in contact with one another. The system previews the spherical corner for you, at which time you can experiment by reversing the wall directions, changing the radius, and specifying new wall faces.

Spherical Corner Dialog

Spherical Corner Dialog OptionsSelection Steps

Wall 1 Faces, Wall 2 Faces, Wall 3 Faces Select three sets of wall faces using these three selection steps. You can select any valid collection of faces for each wall that are at least continuous. You can select continuous faces that are not in the same

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body. You can select all three walls from faces contained within the same solid or sheet.

Radius Enter a value for the radius of the sphere that is to define the spherical corner.

Reverse Face Normal

When you select one or more faces for a wall selection step a vector displays its face normal direction. This is the side of the face on which the spherical corner will be created. If you want the spherical corner on the other side of the wall use this option to reverse the direction, putting the spherical corner on the other side.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them.

Creating a Spherical Corner basic procedure

1. Enter a value for the radius of the sphere that defines the spherical corner in the Radius field and press the Enter/Return key.

2. Use the Wall 1 Faces selection step to select the first set of faces. 3. Use the Wall 2 Faces selection step to select the second set of faces. 4. Use the Wall 3 Faces selection step to select the third set of faces.

5. Click Apply to create the spherical corner, or OK to create it and exit the dialog

CHAMFER OVERVIEWUse this option to create simple beveled edges on a solid body

You can create chamfers through one of three methods: Symmetric Offsets, Asymmetric Offsets, and Offset and Angle.

Option Name Description

Symmetric Offsets

Use Symmetric Offsets to create a simple chamfer whose offset from the selected edge is the same along both faces. You specify a single positive value for both offsets.

Asymmetric Offsets

Use Asymmetric Offsets to create a simple chamfer with two values for the offsets from the selected edge. You specify two positive values, one for each offset.

Offset and Angle

Use Offset and Angle to create a simple chamfer whose offsets are determined by an offset and an angle. You specify one positive value for the offset and an angle.

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Reverse Offsets

Use this option to exchange the offsets or the offset and angle from one side of the edge string to the other. The chamfer is reversed, but its length remains unchanged. Not available with Symmetric Offsets.

Offset Method Select a method to use in determining how the offset is used to create the chamfer.

Offset Edges Along Faces

Use this method to produce chamfers for simple shapes. With this method, the offset values are measured along the faces from the edge being chamfered. This defines the start and end values of the new face(s).

Offset Faces and Trim

Use this method to produce chamfers for more complex shapes that may not work with the Offset Edges Along Faces method. The offset is not measured from the edge; instead, it is the distance that the model's faces are offset. Normals between the original faces and the intersections of the (theoretical) offset faces define the start and end values of the new chamfer face(s). The offset surfaces are extended, if necessary, and used to trim the original surfaces that make up the defining edge. The chamfer surface is the surface that spans these two new edges.

The method options are not available with chamfers created with Offset and Angle.

Chamfer All Instances

If the feature you are chamfering is a member of an instance set, you can use this option to add the chamfer to all instances in the instance set. Generally, you should always add a chamfer to the master feature of an instance set, and not one of the instanced features. This way, if the array parameters are later changed, the chamfer will always remain visible in the instance set.

Draft OverviewDraft is an operator that changes faces to have an angle relative to a specified draw direction. The Draft operator is generally used to apply a slope to vertical faces on a pattern, a part, a mold, or a die, so that when the part is pulled from the mold or die, the faces move away from each other rather than sliding along each other.

You need to specify at least the following inputs for the draft operation:

Draw direction

Stationary objects

Faces to draft

Draft angle

Option Icon

Option Name Description

DraftOpens the Draft dialog. Click Apply to create the draft feature and keep the Draft dialog open for further drafting operations, or click OK to create the draft feature and close the Draft dialog.

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Draft From Stationary Plane

Use this type if the draft operation requires that a planar cross section through the part be maintained throughout the face rotation.

Draft From Stationary Edges

Use this type if the draft operation requires that an edge of the face selected to be drafted be maintained throughout the face rotation. This is the only draft type that can have varying draft angles within a face.

Draft Tangent to Faces

Use this type if the draft operation requires that the faces to be drafted remain tangent to adjacent faces after the draft operation.

Draft To Parting Edges

Use this type if the draft operation requires that a planar cross section through the part be maintained throughout the face rotation, and that a ledge be created as necessary at parting edges.

Inferred Vector

Lets you select from all the NX vector creation options. For general information about vector options, see Vector Construction Options.

Stationary Plane

Lets you select a planar face, a datum plane, or a plane normal to the draw direction by selecting a point that it passes through.

Faces to Draft

Lets you select faces to draft. Use Selection Intent to speed object selection and to capture intent for application during updates after editing.

Stationary Edges

Lets you select edges that are to remain unchanged (stationary) throughout the draft operation.

Variable Angle Point

Lets you select points on stationary edges within a tangent face group, to specify varying draft angles. You can enter different angles for each of the reference points you specify.

Tangent Faces to Draft

Lets you select faces to draft and the faces that the drafted faces are to remain tangent to after the draft operation.

Parting Edges

Lets you select parting edges.

Reverse Direction

Lets you reverse the displayed direction vector.

IsoclineThis is the default draft method for all draft features. Draft surfaces created with Isocline must generally satisfy whatever condition is specified by the value of the draft angle.

True Draft

Draft features created with the True Draft method use a different geometry definition for draft surfaces than those created using the Isocline method, and are in some cases more accurate. In addition, drafts created with this method are not rigidly required to meet the conditions specified by the draft angle.

Draft all instances

Lets you choose whether to draft only a selected instance of a pattern, or all instances in the array.

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Body Taper - OverviewUse the Body Taper function to build tapers that support molding and casting parts. The function lets you create tapers on both sides of a parting surface, match tapers on both sides of a parting surface, and automatically add material to undercut regions.

Body Taper - Dialog Options

Body Taper Dialog OptionsMethod You can create body tapers by specifying either edges or faces; both can

achieve the same results. You may want to use one method over the other depending on the body and the intended result.Edge - Use this method to create tapers by specifying a pair of reference edge loops, one on each side of the parting sheet.Face - Use this method to create tapers by specifying faces.

Selection Steps Parting - Use this step to select a parting sheet or a datum plane. The parting sheet can be planar or non-planar.Draw Direction - Use this step to specify the direction in which the taper should be drawn. Selection Steps for the Edge MethodThe following options are used only with the Edge method.Loop Above Parting - Use this step to specify a set of reference edges forming a loop above the parting sheetLoop Below Parting - Use this step to specify a set of reference edges forming a loop below the parting sheetUnmatched Edges - Use this step to specify the set of reference edges you selected with Loop Above Parting and Loop Below Parting whose tapers you do not want matched to each other. This step is optional.Movable Edges - Use this step to specify which edges are allowed to move during the taper operation.Selection Steps for the Face MethodThe following options are used only with the Face method.Faces to be Tapered - Use this step to select the faces that you want taper.  Unmatched Faces - Use this step to specify the faces you selected with the Faces to be Tapered step that you do not want matched against neighboring faces. Movable Faces - Use this step to specify which faces are allowed to move during the taper operation. The intersection edges between movable faces and tapered faces are used as movable edges.

Changeable Window

Presents Vector Methods and the Vector Constructor for use with the Draw Direction selection step.

Draw Angle Use this option to specify the angle of the taper that you want to draw. The default value is 2 degrees.

Isocline / True Draft

Lets you switch between the Isocline and True Draft taper creation modes.Isocline - This is the default mode for the creation of all tapers. Taper surfaces created in Isocline mode generally must satisfy whatever condition is specified by the value of the Draw Angle.True Draft - Tapers created in the True Draft mode are in some cases more accurate. Tapers created in this mode are not required to meet the conditions specified by the Draw Angle. You can sometimes create a taper using True Draft mode that you could not create using the Isocline mode.

Match Taper Use this option to add material, if necessary, to opposing tapers at the parting sheet, to ensure that they meet evenly. Matching is disabled if you select the Highest Reference Point option.

Highest Reference Point

Use this option to specify that the highest reference point for each face is used for the taper. When the parting surface (or plane) intersects the faces to be tapered, double-sided face tapers are created on both sides of the surface. When this option is selected, the Match Taper option is

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disabled.Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply. This lets you preview the results and accept, reject or analyze them as the update occurs.

Body Taper - Creating a Double-Sided Taper

To create a simple double-sided taper, follow these steps:

1. Choose a method, either Edge or Face. For the example, we used Face.2. Use the Parting selection step to select a sheet or datum plane across which to

create the double-sided taper. In the example, we selected a planar sheet body for the parting.

Selected Parting Sheet (red)

3. Use the Draw Direction selection step to specify the direction in which the taper is to be drawn. In the example, we accepted the default direction, which is the positive Z axis.

Draw Direction Vector

4. Use the Faces to be Tapered selection step to specify the faces you want to taper. In the example, we selected the face of the cylinder.

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 Selected Face to Taper (red)

5. If necessary, you can use any of the following optional selection steps to help define the taper:

For the Face method Unmatched Faces Movable Faces

For the Edge method Loop Above Parting or Loop Below Parting Unmatched Edges Movable Edges

6. Specify a Draw Angle. For the example we entered 15 degrees.7. Specify whether the taper is to be Isocline or True Draft. For the example, we used

Isocline.8. If necessary, you can use one of the following options:

Match Taper Highest Reference Point

9. Click Apply to create the taper.

Double-Sided Taper

Questions 1. How many variable radiuses are possible in edge blend?2. What is meant by cliff edge?3. What is the other name for body taper?4. What is mean by isocline taper?

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5. What is mean by true draft?6. What is the difference between face blend and soft blend?7. Is it possible to give blend value in soft blend?

In which option isocline and true draft is possible?


Modeling Surface OptionsExtension - Lets you create extension sheets (tangential, normal to surface, angled, circular, or law controlled) from an existing base sheet.

Sheet from Curves - Lets you create bodies through selected curves.

Bounded Plane - Lets you generate a planar sheet by utilizing strings of end-to-end curves for the sheet boundaries.

Transition - Lets you create a feature at the intersection of three or more sectional shapes.

Through Points - Lets you define a rectangular array of points through which the body will pass.

From Poles - Lets you specify points as poles (vertices) of a control net which defines the shape of the body.

The Rapid Surfacing command reverse engineers a facet body quickly, where speed is more important than surface quality

From Point Cloud - Lets you create a sheet body that approximates a large "cloud" of data points, typically produced by scanning or digitizing.

Ribbon Builder - Lets you build a sheet body between the input profile and a offset profile.

Midsurface - allows you to create a midsurface feature that resides in a single target solid.


This option lets you create tangential, normal to surface, angled or circular controlled extension sheets from an existing base sheet.

In certain cases when the underlying surface of the base face is a B-surface, the extension body is represented exactly by a B-surface. But often, the extension body is still an approximation, even if the base face is a B-surface. For example, angled and normal to surface extensions are always approximations.

To create extension bodies, choose from one of the following options:

Tangential Lets you create bodies that are tangent to a face, edge, or corner.Normal to Surface

Lets you create an extension normal to a face along an existing curve lying on the face.

Angled Lets you create an extension body at a specified angle to an existing face along a curve lying on the face.

Circular Lets you create a circular extension from the edge of a smooth surface. The extension follows the radius of curvature along the selected edge.

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Each extension creation option shares a few basic steps:

1. You first select an existing face as the base face. This is the face that the extension body "extends."

2. You also select an existing object such as a base curve, an edge, or in the case of a corner extension, a corner. This specifies the intersection of the base sheet face with the extension body. When selecting an edge or corner, you must specify a point on the surface near the desired object. This point is used to determine which edge or corner is to be extended.

3. Various direction vectors also are displayed to help you in determining such things as the direction the system creates the body, or the angle you wish to specify for the body.

Sheets From CurvesThis option lets you create bodies through selected curves.

Local Settings

When you choose Sheets From Curves, the following options appear:

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Cycle By Layer

Processes all selectable curves one layer at a time. To speed up the processing, you may wish to turn this option ON. This causes the system to create bodies by processing all selectable curves one layer at a time. All the curves defining a body must be on a single layer.

Warnings Causes the system to stop processing and to display warning messages after generating bodies, if there are any warnings. You are warned about nonclosed planar loops of curves, and non planar boundaries. If you select OFF, you are not warned, and processing does not stop.

Basic Procedure

To convert curves to sheets, you must:

1. Set the Cycle By Layer toggle switch as desired.2. Set the Warnings toggle switch as desired.3. Choose OK.4. Choose the curves you wish to sheet using the Class Selection Tool.5. Choose OK.

Bounded PlaneThis option lets you generate a planar sheet by utilizing strings of end-to-end curves for the sheet boundaries. The strings selected must be coplanar and form a closed shape, and you must be able to chain them.

To create a bounded plane you must establish the boundary, and if necessary, define any internal boundaries (holes).

A bounding string can consist of single or multiple objects. Each object can be either a curve, solid edge or a solid face.

To specify the planar boundary, select a closed string of end-to-end curves and/or solid edges. Objects in each section string can be selected in an arbitrary order - the system sorts the selected objects.

The bounded plane can be created with or without holes. A hole in a bounded plane is defined as an internal boundary where the sheet is not created. After the outer boundary is selected, you can define holes by continuing the selection of objects and selecting complete internal boundaries (holes) one at a time. The system calculates where the boundaries start and end.

Transition Feature - OverviewThe Transition function lets you create a feature at the intersection of two or more sectional shapes.

You can impose either a tangent or curvature condition on the sections. You can have a different number of elements for the sections. If you do not use a surface to impose match

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conditions on a section, a tangent condition is imposed that is normal to the plane of the input section.

The Transition feature is parametric and associative to any geometry used in its creation.

Three Sections (Numbered) Form a Transition Feature

Transition Feature - Procedure

1. Select the section elements for the first section. To aid selection, set the filter to curve, edge or sketch.

2. Set the continuity to no constraint (G0), tangent (G1) or curvature (G2). Choose OK. The section is added to the list in the sections window.

3. Use the Reverse Direction button if necessary to reverse the section direction.4. Repeat this sequence for each section you wish to add to define the Transition


Two Sections Defined - Mapped Solution Displayed

As you add sections, the system automatically displays a solution for the point mapping between each of them and displays a wireframe preview in the graphics window.

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Three Sections Defined - Mapped Solution Displayed

5. Once you have added all of the sections you can: Use the Coupling Points option to dynamically edit, insert and delete any of the

bridge curve coupling points. Use the Bridge Curves option to dynamically edit the shape of the bridge

curves. Use the Surface Preview option to see the Transition feature before you create

it.6. Choose the Create Surface option to create a Transition feature. If this option is not

selected, only bridge curves are created.7. Click OK or Apply to create the feature or the bridge curves.

Final Transition Feature

Transition Feature - Dialog

Transition Dialog OptionsSelection Lets you select the elements for each section. The section elements

can consist of splines, lines, arcs, conics, surface edges, sketches,

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etc.Filter Lets you specify the types of objects to allow for selection.

For section selection: Any, Curves, Edges and Sketch.For surface selection: Any and Face.

Sections Window

Shows the sections that you have specified, their continuity, and their flow direction.

More/Less Options

Expands or contracts the dialog to reveal or hide additional options.

Continuity Lets you assign the type of mating condition of the sections, either tangent (G1) or curvature (G2 ). A surface must be selected to use G2 curvature.

Reverse Direction

Lets you reverse the section direction so that bridge curves can be remapped.

Coupling Points Window

Displays the coupling points in the Coupling Points window of the section selected in the Sections window.On selecting a section, select the Show All Points On Section option to display all of that section's points. You can then select one of the section's points. Edit Coupling Point: This option becomes active if it is possible to move the selected coupling point to another section. Insert Coupling PointThis option lets you add new coupling points and bridge curves to a section. Delete Coupling PointThis option lets you delete a coupling point from a section and its associated bridge curve. When you delete a coupling point it is removed from the coupling points list, and its related bridging curve is also removed.

Bridge Curves This option lets you edit the shape of the bridge curves. Bridge CurvesOn selecting a section that has the bridge curves you want to edit, the Bridge Curves list updates the list in this field. The list includes all of the individual curves and Bridge groups you can edit. Shape ControlYou can edit bridge curves using either of these methods:

End Point Peak Point

Surface Preview

Lets you see a shaded preview of the surface.

Create Surface

When this option is active a TRANSITION feature surface is created. Otherwise, only bridge curves are created.

Through Points and From PolesThe Through Points and From Poles free form features options use the same interactive creation techniques, so they are described together in this section.

Through Points - Lets you define a rectangular array of points through which the body will pass. The body interpolates each specified point. Using this option, you have very good control over the body in the sense that it always passes through the points that you specify.

From Poles - Lets you specify points as poles (vertices) of a control net which defines the shape of the sheet. Using poles gives you much better control of the overall shape and character of the body. Using this option also gives you a much better chance of avoiding unwanted undulations (reversals of curvature) in the sheet.

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The options on the Through Points and From Poles dialogs are the same.

Through Points and From Poles Dialog OptionsPatch Type Lets you create a body containing a single patch or multiple patches.Closed Along

Lets you select a method for closing a multiple patch sheet body.

Row Degree

Lets you specify the row degree (1 to 24) for a multiple patch. For a single patch, the system determines the row degree from the row with the highest number of points.

Column Degree

Lets you specify the column degree for a multiple patch. For a single patch, the system sets this to one less than the number of specified rows.

Points From File

Lets you define the points by choosing a file that contains them.

Through Points & From Poles Procedure

To create a body using Through Points or From Poles, you must:

1. Choose a Patch Type.2. For multiple patch, choose a Closed Along method for closing the sheet body.3. For multiple patch, enter the degrees for rows and columns. You do not have to

specify degrees for single patch.4. Specify rows of points or poles to be used to create the body, using either the Point

Specification Method dialog or by using specifying a file containing the point definitions.

From Point CloudFrom Point Cloud lets you create a sheet body that approximates a large "cloud" of data points, typically produced by scanning or digitizing. While there are some restrictions, this function lets you create a body from a large number of points with a minimum amount of interaction.

The resulting sheet body is much "smoother" than one created from the same points using the Through Points method, but is not as close to the original points.

From Point Cloud Feature Dialog OptionsSelect Points Lets you select points when this icon is active. Points From File

Lets you define the points by choosing a file that contains them.

U DegreeV Degree

Let you control the degree of the sheet body in both U and V directions. The default degree of 3 can be changed to any value from 1 to 24. (The default of 3 is recommended.)

#U Patches#V Patches

Let you specify the number of patches in each direction. The combination of degree and patches in each direction controls the distance error between the

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input points and the generated sheet body.Coordinate System

Consists of a vector approximately normal to the sheet body (corresponding to the Z axis of the coordinate system), and two vectors that indicate the U and V directions of the sheet body (corresponding to the X and Y axes of the coordinate system).

Boundary Lets you define the boundary of the sheet body that you are creating. See Boundary for details.

Reset Lets you create another sheet body without leaving the dialog.Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Basic From Point Cloud Procedure

Following is the general procedure to create a From Point Cloud body. Also, see the abbreviated "quick" method procedure.

1. Select the points, or specify a file that defines the points.2. Specify the U and V degree of the surface.3. Specify the number of patches in the U and V directions.4. Specify the local U-V coordinate system.5. Specify the boundary around the desired points.6. Choose OK or Apply to create the sheet body.

Rapid Surfacing overview

The Rapid Surfacing command reverse engineers a facet body quickly, where speed is more important than surface quality. You specify the desired degrees and segments, and create a curve network on the facet body. NX uses this curve network to generate a G1 continuous surface model of the facet body. This example shows a curve network projected to the facet body, and the resulting surface.

Projected curve network and resulting rapid surface

Where do I find it?

Choose Insert→Surface→Rapid Surfacing.

Ribbon Builder - OverviewThis function lets you build a sheet body between the input profile and a offset profile. The offset profile is developed by offsetting the original profile the given distance in the viewing direction. You can also angle the sheet body in the viewing direction by specifying an angle other than 0.0. The offset profile will be smoothed so that its minimum radius in the viewing direction will be approximately equal to that specified.

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You can use Ribbon Builder to create a sheet such that at any point along the original curve, the sheet lies in the direction formed by crossing the tangent of the curve and the vector input to the function (or at a specified angle to that direction).

Ribbon Builder - Dialog Fields

Ribbon Builder Dialog Options

Selection Steps

Profile to Offset - Lets you select a profile that defines the shape of the ribbon sheet you wish to create.Offset View - Lets you select an object that defines the direction in which to view the offset. You can use the Vector Method option menu, or select a datum axis.

Filter The filter aids in object selection. The following filter masks may be specified:Profile to Offset: Any, Curve, Edge, Face, Sketch, StringOffset View: Datum Axis, Vector.

Changeable Window

Displays the Vector Method option menu for use with the Offset View selection step, when selecting the direction in which to view the offset.

Offset Distance

Lets you specify the distance for the offset. You can enter a negative value for an offset distance, if the offset is expected to be opposed to the offset direction.

Angle Lets you specify the angle for the offset.

Minimum Radius

Lets you specify minimum radius.The Ribbon Builder works by building a sheet that is the original selected curve (profile) and an offset of that curve. If the specified offset distance is greater than a local radius of the selected curve (offset would be degenerate), the offset curve is smoothed out in this area. Generally, the larger the minimum radius number, the smoother the offset curve.

Switch Offset Side

Switches the direction of the offset specified in the Offset View selection step.

Confirm Upon Apply

Lets you preview the results and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Ribbon Builder - Procedure

1. Use the Profile to Offset selection step to select curve/edge(s) representing the shape of the ribbon sheet you wish to create.

2. Use the Offset View selection step to specify a vector defining a normal to the view in which the profile will be offset.

3. Supply the Offset Distance for the profile.4. Supply the Angle you wish the ribbon sheet to be rotated in the normal direction.5. Supply the Minimum Radius you wish the offset profile to have.6. Click OK or Apply to create the RIBBON_SHEET feature.

Midsurface FeatureThe Midsurface feature option is available from the Structures application. Structures' model idealization function refers to the use of a simplified model whose behavior can be utilized to model the behavior of a more complicated system. This is performed using the Midsurface creation feature.

The model idealization process allows you to create a midsurface feature that resides in a single target solid. There can only be one midsurface feature in a target solid. You can edit a Midsurface feature from Modeling, but you must be in Structures to create one.

Questions 1. Is it possible to create a surface in an open profile using bounded plane?2. Is it possible to create a surface in an open profile using sheet from curve?3. What is the difference between bounded plane and sheet from curve?4. Whether transition is possible for closed profile?

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5. what is the difference between bounded through points and through poles?


Modeling Mesh Surface Options

Ruled - Lets you create a ruled body (sheet or solid) through two curve outlines. (This option is a special case of the Thru Curves option.)

Through Curves - Lets you create a body through a collection of curve outlines in one direction.

Through Curve Mesh - Lets you create a body from a collection of existing curve outlines running in two different directions.

Section - Lets you create bodies through sections which you define using conic construction techniques.

N-Sided Surface - Lets you build a surface with an unrestricted number of curves or edges that form a simple, closed loop, with assigned continuity to outside faces.

RuledThis option is a special case of the Thru Curves option. The Ruled option creates a ruled body (sheet or solid) through two curve outlines. The curve outlines are referred to as section strings. A section string can consist of a single or multiple objects. Each object can be either a curve, solid edge, or a solid face. You can also select a point or a endpoint of a curve as the first of the two section strings.

After you have selected the section strings, the Ruled Feature dialog appears.

Ruled Feature Dialog OptionsAlignment Lets you choose a method for controlling the alignment of the

isoparametric curves.Tolerance Lets you specify a distance tolerance. The default is the distance

tolerance modeling preference.Temporary Grid Display Lets you specify the parameters of the temporary grid display.

Ruled Procedure

To create a ruled body:

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1. Select the Section Strings. Use Selection Intent to aid object selection and to set selection rules.

2. Choose the Alignment method.3. Enter a distance Tolerance.4. Enter the Temporary Grid Display u and v count values.5. Click OK to create the rule surface..

Alignment Method

The Alignment option menu lets you choose a method for controlling the alignment of the isoparametric curves:

Parameter Spaces the points through which the isoparametric curves will pass at equal parameter intervals along the defining curves.

Arclength Spaces the points through which the isoparametric curves will pass at equal arclength intervals along the defining curves.

By Points Aligns points between section strings, which have different shapes.Distance Spaces the points along each curve at equal distances in a specified direction.Angles Spaces the points along each curve at equal angles around a specified axis line.Spine Curve Places the points at the intersections of the selected curves and planes

perpendicular to the input curve.

Through CurvesThis option lets you create a body through a collection of curve outlines in one direction. The curve outlines are referred to as section strings. The section strings you select define the rows of the body. A section string can consist of a single object or multiple objects. Each object can be either a curve, solid edge, or a solid face.

After you have selected the section strings, the Through Curves Feature dialog is displayed.

Through Curves Feature Dialog OptionsPatch Type Lets you create a body containing a single patch or multiple patches.Alignment Lets you control the alignment between selected section strings. Closed in V When this option is ON, the sheet is closed along columns (that is, the V

direction). V Degree Lets you enter the v degree for a multiple patch.

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Tolerance The maximum distance between the input geometry and the resulting sheet. The default is the Distance Tolerance modeling preference.

Constraints Lets you constrain the body so that it is tangent to or curvature continuous with one or more selected faces at the first or last section strings. Options are No Constraint for no constraints, Tangency and Curvature. First Section String - Constrain the body so that it is tangent to (Tangency), or curvature continuous with (Curvature) one or more selected faces or sheet body at the first section string.Last Section String - Constrain the body so that it is tangent to (Tangency), or curvature continuous with (Curvature) one or more selected faces or sheet body at the last section string.Direction - Lets you specify the tangent direction for the constraint boundaries. Options are Not Specified for no direction specified, Isoparametric and Normal.

Simple Builds the simplest surface possible, sometimes referred to as "Light Math." A simple surface with constraints avoids the insertion of extra math components when possible, thus reducing abrupt changes of curvature. A simple surface also minimizes the number of patches.

Basic Through Curves Procedure

To create a Through Curves body:

1. Select the desired Section Strings through which the body will pass. 2. Choose a Patch Type for the body, either single or multiple.3. Choose an Alignment method.4. For multiple patch, specify whether the body will be closed in the V direction.5. For multiple patch, enter a degree for the V Degree.6. Enter a distance tolerance.7. Specify any desired tangency or curvature constraints on the first and/or last primary

string.8. For a simple surface turn on the Simple toggle.9. Choose OK.10. Click OK a final time, if necessary, to create the body.

Through Curve MeshThis option lets you create a body from a collection of existing curve outlines (known as strings) running in two different directions.

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The curve mesh body created is a polynomial bicubic. This means that its degree is cubic (a degree of 3) in both the U and V directions.

Through Curve Mesh Feature Dialog OptionsEmphasis Lets you determine which set of control strings has the most effect over the

shape of the curve mesh body, or specify that both sets have equal effect.Intersection Tolerance

Checks the mesh of strings for intersection with one another. If the strings do not intersect, the minimum distance between them must be smaller than the specified intersection tolerance.

ConstraintsFirst Primary String

Lets you constrain the body so that it is tangent to, or curvature continuous with one or more selected faces or sheet body at the first primary string.

Last Primary String

Lets you constrain the body so that it is tangent to or curvature continuous with one or more selected faces or sheet body at the last primary string.

First Cross String

Lets you constrain the body so that it is tangent to or curvature continuous with one or more selected faces or sheet body at the first cross string.

Last Cross String

Lets you constrain the body so that it is tangent to or curvature continuous with one or more selected faces or sheet body at the last cross string.

Construction OptionsNormal Builds a curve mesh surface using the standard procedures. Will create a body

or surface with a greater number of patches when compared with the other options.

Use Spline Points

Lets you create a body using the points and tangent values at the points for the input curves. For this option, the selected curves must be single B-curves with the same number of defining points.

Simple Builds the simplest curve mesh surface possible. A simple surface with constraints avoids the insertion of extra math components when possible, thus reducing abrupt changes of curvature. A simple surface also minimizes the number of patches and the boundary noise in a surface.

Basic Through Curve Mesh Procedure1. Select the primary strings and the cross strings.2. Set the Emphasis option.3. Set the Intersection Tolerance.4. Specify the constraints. for the primary and cross strings.5. Set the Construction Options. If you specify the Simple option you will have to either

specify primary and cross curve templates, or allow the system to select them.6. You can optionally select Rebuild options for both the primary and cross strings.7. Choose OK to construct the through curve mesh.

SectionYou can use the Section option to construct bodies through sections that you define using conic construction techniques.

You can think of a section free form feature as an infinite family of section curves lying in prescribed planes, starting and ending on, and passing through, certain selected control curves. Additionally, the system obtains conic end slopes directly from the control curves, and uses a continuous 2D conic shape parameter to vary the fullness of the sections along the body.

To comply with industry standards, and to make data transfer easy, the Section options produce a body with B-surfaces as output.

Section Body Dialog Optionsends-apex-shoulder

The feature starts on the first curve selected, passes through an interior curve known as the shoulder curve, and ends on the third curve. The slope at each end is defined by a selected apex curve.


The feature starts on the first curve selected, passes through the shoulder curve, and ends on the third curve. Slopes are defined at the start and end by

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two independent slope control curves. fillet-shoulder

The feature starts on the first curve selected, is tangent to the first body selected, ends on the second curve, is tangent to the second body, and passes through the shoulder curve.


Lets you create a section free form feature by selecting a starting edge curve, an interior curve, an end edge curve, and a spine curve.


The feature starts on the first curve selected and ends on the second curve. The slope at each end is defined by a selected apex curve. The fullness of each conic section is controlled by the corresponding rho value.


The feature starts on the first edge curve selected and ends on the second edge curve. Slope is defined at the start and end by two independent slope control curves. The fullness of each conic section is controlled by the corresponding rho value.

fillet-rho The feature forms a smooth blend between two curves which lie respectively on two bodies. The fullness of each conic section is controlled by the corresponding rho value.


The feature has circular sections of a specified radius. The body is created in a counterclockwise direction from the first selected curve to the second selected curve, with respect to the spine direction.


The feature has conic sections that start on the first curve selected and end on the second curve and are tangent to a specified line. The slope at each end is defined by a selected apex curve.


The feature has conic sections that start on the first edge curve selected and end on the second edge curve and are tangent to a specified line. Slope is defined at the start and end by two independent slope control curves.

fillet-hilite The feature has conic sections that form a smooth blend between two curves which lie respectively on two bodies, and are tangent to a specified line.


The feature starts on the first edge curve selected and ends on the second edge curve. Slope is determined at the start by a selected control curve.


The feature starts on the first curve selected, passes through two interior curves, and ends on the fourth curve. You also select a slope control curve which defines the starting slope.


The feature is an S-shaped body with sections that form a smooth cubic blend between two selected edge curves. Slope is defined at the start and end by two independent slope control curves.

fillet-bridge The feature has sections that form a bridge between two curves that lie on two sets of faces.


Lets you create a body with circular sections by defining the starting point on a selected edge, a tangent face, the body's curvature radius, and the angle that the body spans.

Five-points Lets you create a section free form feature using five existing curves as control curves. The body starts on the first curve selected, passes through three selected interior control curves, and ends on the fifth curve selected.


Lets you create a linear section surface that is tangent to a face.


Lets you create a circular section surface that is tangent to a face.

Circle Lets you create full circular section surfaces.

N-Sided Surface - OverviewThis option lets you build a surface with an unrestricted number of curves or edges that form a simple, closed loop, and assign continuity to outside faces. You can remove holes in surfaces that are not four-sided. Shape control options are available to refine sharpness at center point, while maintaining continuity constraints. This option creates an NSIDED_SURFACE feature.

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Example Creation Sequence of an N-Sided Surface

The first upper left figure in the example shown above shows a solid with a six-sided void in its center. In the upper right figure the void has been filled with a shaped n-sided surface. The lower middle figure shows further shaping done to the n-sided surface.

N-Sided Surface - Dialog Fields

N-Sided Surface Dialog Options

Type Trimmed Single Sheet - Lets you create a single surface covering the entire region within a closed loop of selected surfaces. Multiple Triangular Patches - Lets you create a surface of individual, triangular patches, each consisting of the triangular region between each side and a common center point.

Selection Steps

Boundary Curves - Lets you select a closed loop of curves or edges to serve as a boundary for construction of the N-Sided Surface. The closed loop represents the profile of the boundary for the new surface, and can consist of any number of curves or edges. Boundary Faces - Lets you select faces for tangency and curvature constraints. The Shape Control dialog then displays to let you move and tilt the center point, and change its continuity and flow direction.UV Orientation - Spine - (Optional) Lets you select a spine curve to define the V orientation of the new surface. Available only with the Trimmed Single Sheet type, and only when the Spine toggle under UV Orientation is turned on.UV Orientation - Vector - (Optional) Lets you use Vector Methods to define the V orientation of the new surface. The UV orientation of the new n-sided surface follows the given vector direction. Available only with the Trimmed Single Sheet type, and only when the Vector toggle UV Orientation is turned on.UV Orientation - Area - (Optional) Lets you use two diagonal points to define a rectangular UV orientation for the new surface on the WCS plane.

Filter Helps you to select desired objects by limiting the available types. The filter can be set to Any, Curve, Edge, Sketch or String.

UV Orientation (Optional) The UV Orientation options let you specify the direction the new surface is to follow as it is built. If you do not use one of these options to specify UV orientation, the system generates the surface automatically. These options are available only with the Trimmed Single Sheet Type.Spine - Enables the UV Orientation - Spine selection step.Vector - Enables the UV Orientation - Vector selection step.Area - Enables the UV Orientation - Area selection step.

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Trim to Boundary

Lets you specify that the new surface is either trimmed or untrimmed to the boundary curves or edges. Available only with the Trimmed Single Sheet type.

Merge Faces if Possible

If this option is on, the system treats tangent-continuous portions of the loop as single curves, and builds one face for each tangent-continuous section. If this option is off, the system builds one face for each curve or edge in the loop. Available only with the Multiple Triangular Patches type.

N-Sided Surface - Procedures

For Trimmed Single Sheet:

1. Select Trimmed Single Sheet Type.2. Use the Boundary Curves selection step to select a profile forming a closed loop. The

profile can consist of edges or curves. 3. (Optional) Use the Boundary Faces selection step to select faces to represent a

constraining boundary.4. (Optional) Use the UV Orientation toggle switches and the matching selection step,

UV Orientation - Spine, or UV Orientation - Vector, to specify a spine or vector to define U/V orientation for the surface.

5. (Optional) Turn on the Trim to Boundary option if you want the surface trimmed to the boundary curves or edges.

6. Click Apply.7. If you used the Boundary Faces selection step to specify faces on which to base

tangency, clicking Apply immediately creates the trimmed surface. If you did not use the Boundary Faces selection step, clicking Apply opens the Shape Control dialog to let you adjust the center flatness. Use the Center Flat slider to adjust flatness, and click Apply to create the surface.

For Multiple Triangular Patches:

1. Use the Boundary Curves selection step to select a profile forming a closed loop. The profile can consist of edges or curves. Use the Filter option if necessary to aid object selection.

2. (Optional) Use the Boundary Faces selection step to select faces to represent a constraining boundary.

3. (Optional) Turn on the Merge Faces if Possible option if you want the system to treat tangent-continuous portions of the loop as single curves, and build one face for each tangent-continuous section.

4. Click Apply for the system to create a temporary surface and to open the Shape Control dialog.

5. From the Shape Control dialog you can make dynamic changes to the surface. You can change the Match Continuity. You can change the position of the center point and tilt its plane using the Center Control X, Y, Z sliders. You can change the flatness of the surface around the center point using the Center Flat slider. You can also specify the flow direction using the Flow Direction on Outside Walls options.

6. Once the temporary surface is adjusted the way you want, click the OK or Apply button to permanently create the n-sided surface.

Questions 1. How many guide curves can be given in through curve?2. What is the difference between ruled and through curve?3. What are the sub options in N-sided surface?4. What is the difference between swept and through curve mesh?5. Is it possible to create a solid body using through curve mesh?


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N. Modeling Sweep Options

Swept - Lets you create a body defined by moving a curve outline in a prescribed manner along a path in space.

Sweep along Guide - Lets you create a single body by extruding an open or closed boundary sketch, curve, edge or face along a guide formed by one or a series of curves, edges, or faces. Part of Swept Features.

Tube - Lets you create a single solid body by sweeping a user-specified circular cross section, consisting of user-defined outer and inner diameters ,along one or more curve objects. Part of Swept Features.


Variational sweep – Lets you create a solid or sheet body feature that sweeps a master cross section variably along a path.

SweptYou can use this option to construct swept bodies.

A swept body is a shape swept out by a curve outline moving in a prescribed manner along a path in space. The moving curve outline is referred to as the section string. The path is referred to as the guide string, because it guides the motion.

Section Strings

As mentioned above, the moving curve outline is referred to as the section string. A section string can consist of single or multiple objects. Each object can be either a curve, solid edge, or a solid face. Section strings do not have to be smooth, and the number of objects within each section string can differ. You can input any number of section strings from one up to the maximum number of 150.

Guide String Options

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The guide string controls the orientation and scaling of the swept body in the sweeping direction. A guide string can consist of single or multiple segments. Each segment can be either a curve, solid edge or a solid face. All of the objects in each guide string must be smooth and contiguous. You must supply either one, two or three guide strings.

Sweep Along GuideThis option allows you to create a single body by extruding an open or closed boundary sketch, curve, edge or face along a guide (a path) formed by one or a series of curves, edges or faces.

When using the Curve string selection method, you can create a solid or a sheet body by sweeping a section string along a curve or a string of curves (a guide string). This functionality may seem similar to the free form swept feature. However, in the Sweep Along Guide feature, you are allowed to select only one section string and only one guide string with or without smooth guide objects.

The Body Type modeling preference determines whether a solid or a sheet body is created. If it is set to Sheet Body, the system generates a single sheet body consisting of multiple faces, and the ends of the Sweep Along Guide feature are not capped. You can edit any creation parameters of a swept feature using Edit->Feature->Parameters.

ProcedureAfter choosing this method you must:

1. Select a section string. 2. Select a guide string. 3. Enter offset values.4. If necessary, choose a Boolean operation.

String Selection Methods

You can select a string using any of the following methods:

Solid Face Lets you select solid faces without having to first extract the curves.Solid Edge Lets you select edges from solid faces without having to first extract the curves.Curve Lets you select a nonsketch curve, or individual sketch curves, to be used for a

swept feature operation.Chain Curves

Lets you select a chain of sketch or nonsketch curves to ensures proper object selection and order.

Sheet Body Lets you create a single body by sweeping one or more sheet bodies.

TubeThis option creates a single solid body by sweeping a user-specified circular cross section along one or more curve objects. The circular cross section consists of user-defined outer and inner diameter values. You can use this option to create wire bundles, harnesses, tubing, cabling, or piping applications.

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The terms "Tube" and "cable" are used interchangeably. For example, the name that appears when you move the cursor over the icon is Tube, but the feature it creates is called CABLE in the Feature Selection dialog (for example, Edit-> Feature-> Parameters).

Tube Dialog OptionsOuter Diameter

Lets you enter a value for the outer diameter of the tube. This value cannot be zero.

Inner Diameter

Lets you enter a value for the inner diameter of the tube. This value maybe be zero.

Output Type Lets you create either a Multiple Segment or a Single Segment tube. A Multiple Segment tube has a series of lateral faces, either cylindrical or toroidal, along the guide string.A Single Segment tube has only one or two lateral faces, which are B-surfaces. (The tube has one lateral face if the inner diameter is zero.)

Variational Sweep

Use this command to create a solid or sheet body feature that sweeps a master cross section variably along a path. You can create multiple bodies in one feature from a single master cross section.

The master cross section is a sketch you create with the Sketch on Path option in the Sketcher. The path you select for the sketch defines the origin of the sketch on path. You can add optional rails to serve as guides for the master cross section as it sweeps along the path using the SketcherIntersect command. Guide rails can be curves or edges

Variational Sweep Using 6 Guide Rails

= Master cross cection (orange)

= 6 Optional guide rails (dark blue)

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= 6 Intersection Points where the master cross section intersects guide rails (created with the Sketcher Intersect command)

= Sweep extends past the guide rails

Option Name


Select Section

Lets you specify a master Section from a sketch created with the Sketch on Path option.

Selection Intent is available when you construct the section.

You can select only curves or edges from the sketch on path (you cannot select curves or edges from a “sketch in place”). They do not have to be connected, but they must be a part of the same sketch on path.

Sketch Section

Opens the Sketcher for you to create an internal sketch. The Sketcher opens with the Sketch on Path type already specified, and you are prompted to specify the sketch plane for the path. Selection Intent is available.

On exiting the Sketcher, your sketch is automatically selected as the sketch on path to use for the sweep. However, you have the option of deselecting any of the curves to form the desired section.

Merge Faces if Possible

Minimizes the number of faces, where possible, by merging faces along the path direction. If off, the feature has multiple faces, each corresponding to a segment of the base curve.

Merge Faces On for a Single Variational Sweep (top), and Off (bottom)

Body TypeLets you specify the variational sweep is a Solid body or a Sheet body when the section is closed. The default is taken from the Body Type setting in Modeling Preferences.

Questions Pg.No.1691. How many guide curves can be given in swept?2. What is the difference between swept and seep along guide?3. What is the difference between single and multi segment tube?4. What is the constraint required to give guide curve in swept?

FLANGE SURFACEModeling Flange Surface Options

Law Extension - This option lets you create a law controlled extension for an existing base sheet, based on laws for length and angle. You can create flanges or extensions

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where a particular direction is important or referencing of the existing face is necessary.

Law ExtensionThis option lets you create a law-controlled extension for an existing base sheet, dynamically or based on laws for distance and angle. You can create flanges or extensions when a particular direction is important or when referencing of the existing face is necessary (for example, in die design or mold design, draft direction plays an important role in creating parting surfaces). This option creates a feature named LAW_EXTENSION.

Law Extension Basic Procedure

You can create a law-controlled extension surface by first selecting a base curve or edge from which the extension is to be created. Then choose one of the two methods for defining the direction reference, by either creating a temporary vector or by selecting one or more faces. If you select a face or collection of faces to specify the direction reference, the base curve should lie on the faces. Next, you can optionally choose a spine curve.

There are two methods for specifying the laws for creating an extension surface: Dynamic and General.

Basic Procedure to Create a Dynamic Law ExtensionTo create a dynamic law extension, follow these steps:

1. Open the Law Extension function (Insert-> Free Form Feature-> Law Extension). 2. Select a curve or edge for the Base Curve String from which the extension is to be

created. Use Selection Intent to aid object selection and to set selection rules.3. Choose the Reference Method option and the appropriate selection step to define a

reference direction.o If you set the reference method to Faces, use the Base Face selection step

to select one or more faces. o If you set the reference method to Vector, use the Vector selection step to

create a temporary vector.

Start Handle-Set (1), Reference Direction Coneheads (2), End Handle-Set (3)

4. (Optional) Use the Spine Curve selection step to select a spine curve string for alternate orientations for the law-controlled extension.

5. (Optional) If you want to preview the law-controlled extension, turn on the Show Preview option.

6. (Optional) Click on the base curve to add additional base points on the curve near the picked locations. A new handle-set is displayed at the selected point location. Selecting any existing base point handles and then clicking on a point on the base curve will move the selected point to the new location.

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The cursor changes to the Point Indicator cursor when placed on the base curve string

A new handle-set is displayed at the new base point

7. (Optional) MB3 click on an angle or distance handle to present options to change the transition type.  Transition types vary depending on which handle-sets you have selected.

8. Rotate the handles to specify the angle or drag the length handle to specify the length for the point. Alternatively you can select the handle and type into the screen input field to specify a numeric value.  Clicking the MB2 will apply your changes and exit from the input field.

9. If you want to create the law-controlled extension on both sides of the base curve string, turn on the Extend on Both Sides option.

10. If you do not want the law-controlled extension faces merged as a single sheet body, turn off the Merge Faces if Possible option.

11. Click Ok or Apply to create the law-controlled extension.

Basic Procedure to Create a General Law ExtensionTo create a simple law extension, follow these steps:

1. Follow steps 1-4 above. 2. Choose the desired Distance, and enter the appropriate values.3. Choose the desired Angle, and enter the appropriate values.4. If you want to create the law-controlled extension on both sides of the base curve

string, turn on the Extend on Both Sides option.5. If you do not want the law-controlled extension faces merged as a single sheet body,

turn off the Merge Faces if Possible option.6. Click Apply to create the law-controlled extension.

Law Extension Dialog Options

Law Extension Dialog OptionsReference Method

The Law Extension surface requires a reference direction, which you specify using one of two methods: Faces or Vector.Faces - Specifies to use one or more faces to form a reference coordinate system for the extension surface.

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Vector - Specifies that a single coordinate system is calculated and used at every point along the base curve string to define the extension surface.

Selection Steps

Base Curve String - Lets you select a base curve or edge string that the system will use to define the surface profile at its base edge. Reference Face - Lets you select one or more faces to define the reference direction to use in constructing the extension surface.Reference Vector - Lets you specify a vector using the standard vector methods or vector constructor, to define the reference direction to use in constructing the extension surface. Spine String - (Optional) Specifying an optional spine string changes the way in which the system determines the orientation of the local CSYS, such that the plane that is perpendicular to the spine string determines the plane in which the angle is measured. Define Law - Lets you define laws by creating handle systems at key points and specifying law values for the distance and angle.

Law Specification Method

There are two methods for specifying the laws for creating an extension surface: Dynamic and General. Dynamic - Lets you dynamically specify angles/lengths at key locations by dragging handles. General - Enables the Distance and Angle selection steps. These steps open the Law Subfunction menus, where additional methods are available to specify the distance.

Distance Lets you specify a law method to use for the length of the extension, and the appropriate values to use with that method. Distance methods include Constant, Linear, Cubic, By Equation, and By Law Curve.

Angle Lets you specify a law method to use for the angle of the extension, and the appropriate values to use with that method. Angle methods include Constant, Linear, Cubic, By Equation, and By Law Curve.

Extend on Both Sides

Turning this option on causes the law extension to be created on both sides of the base curve string, using the same distance and angle parameters on both sides. This option effectively mirrors the law extension sheet across the base curve string.

Merge Faces if Possible

When enabled, creates the law extension feature as a single sheet body. If off, the law extension feature is a single sheet body with multiple faces, each corresponding to a segment of the base curve. This option is on by default.

Distance Tolerance

Lets you change the distance tolerance when editing a law extension feature. The default value is taken from the modeling preferences Distance Tolerance. Available only in the Edit mode.

Angle Tolerance

Lets you change the angle tolerance when editing a law extension feature. Available only in the Edit mode.

Show Preview Provides a preview of the law extension surface that will be created. This preview includes all of the visual characteristics of the original part.

DIRECT MODELINGModeling Direct Modeling Options

Constrain Face - Lets you impose 3D constraints on face collections of geometric models. You can then move the faces to meet the constraints, while retaining the original topology, if possible.

Resize Face - Lets you change the diameter of cylindrical or spherical faces, as well as the half-angle of conic faces, with adjacent blends recreated.

Offset Region - Lets you offset a set of faces or a whole body in a single step. Adjacent blends can be optionally recreated. Faces are specified either as target

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faces or by region extraction methods

Replace Face - Lets you replace a set of faces with another face, with the ability to regenerate adjacent blends. You can use this option when you want to change the geometry of a face, such as to make it simpler, or to replace it with a complex surface.

Local Scale - Unlike the Scale option, which lets you scale solid and sheet bodies, Local Scale lets you scale faces within a local face set.

Move Region - Provides simple methods to let you locally move the faces on a body. It can be useful if you want to adjust a prototype model, and is fast and easy to use.

Pattern Face - Lets you make copies of a face set. It is similar to the Instance function, but is easier to use and you do not have to have a feature-based model to use it.

Reblend Face - Lets you edit blend faces, regardless of their feature history. The function works with translated files and unparameterized solids, and you can use it to create a parametric feature while maintaining tangency properties.

Simplify - Lets you remove connected sets of faces from a solid body.

Constrain FaceConstrain Face allows you to impose 3D constraints on face collections of geometric models. You can then move the faces to meet the constraints, while retaining the original topology, if possible. This option lets you edit a model with or without feature history (such as one created by a translator).

To use Constrain Face, you must identify the faces you need to move in order to change the solid model as you intend, and then specify a dimension or geometric constraint for them. You can use this option when you want to define and change dimensions, add geometric constraints to a model, edit faces, or relocate features. A CONSTRAIN_FACE feature is created.

Constrain Face uses the same seed and boundary techniques as that of Extract Region under the Extract Geometry option. However, with Constrain Face you can select more than one seed face, and selection of boundaries is optional. If you select no boundary faces, what you effectively have is multiple single selection. The faces you select must form a connected region, and the types of faces that are available for selection depend on the chosen constraint type. A boundary face can be of any type. A seed face cannot be a boundary member, and vice versa.

Constrain Face Dialog OptionsConstraint Type

You can select one constraint type per operation (a feature can maintain only a single constraint).Distance - Constrains the distance between a face and a reference object. This constraint type requires the following:

a target face a reference object (typically any directed object, such as a plane,

cylinder, datum plane, datum axis, edge, line or even in some cases a vector)

a distanceAngle - Constrains the angle between a target face and a reference object. This constraint type requires the following:

a planar or cylindrical target face a reference object a point

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an angleAlign - Constrains a face so that it is coincident to a reference object. This constraint type requires the following:

a planar or cylindrical target face a reference object

Parallel - Constrains a face by moving it so that it is parallel to a reference object, and passes through an associative point. This constraint type requires the following:

a planar or cylindrical target face a reference object a point the target face will pass through

Perpendicular - Constrains a face by moving it so that it is perpendicular to a reference object, and passes through an associative point. This constraint type requires the following:

a planar or cylindrical target face a reference object a point the target face will pass through

Tangent - Constrains a face by making a planar or conic face tangent to another. This constraint type requires the following:

a planar or cylindrical target face a reference object a point the target face will pass through

Selection Steps

Availability of the selection steps depends on which constraint type is active. Selection steps may be optional depending on the constraint type, as well as on the design intent.Seed - Lets you identify one or more seed faces. Boundary - Lets you select a set of faces to serve as the boundary of a selected region. Optional.Non-Blend - If you specified a boundary using the Boundary selection step, the Non-Blend selection step identifies any smoothly adjacent faces for you by highlighting themTarget Face - Lets you specify a face that is to be constrained. The Target Face is used to determine which face to measure 'from' when relating to the Constraint Reference. A Target Face is only specified when there is more than one face to be moved. The Target Face must be planar or cylindrical.Constraint Reference - Lets you specify a fixed object to serve as a constraint reference. Planar or cylindrical faces, datum planes, planes, edges, curves and lines are allowed.Assistant Point - Lets you specify a reference point that the Target Face is to pass through.

changeable window

Presents vector methods used with the Constraint Reference selection step to define a constraint reference.

Distance Required for the Distance Constraint Type. You can enter a positive value for distance here or an equivalent expression. Negative distances are allowed.

Angle Required for the Angle Constraint Type. Negative values are ignored.Reset Lets you discard all selections and begin a new selection sequence.Preview Move Region

Lets you highlight the region to be extracted before committing to the movement.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Constrain Face Example Procedure

When using the Constrain Face option, remember that it uses the same seed and boundary technique as that of Extract Region under the Extract Geometry option. It may be useful to view the Extract Region figure, which illustrates the principle of how geometry located between the seed and boundary faces is affected.

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1. Choose a Constraint Type. In the example we are going to use for this basic exercise we have chosen the Distance constraint type.

2. Choose the Seed selection step and then select one or more seed faces. In the example figure shown below we have selected a blend face highlighted in red, which rests on top of the tapered boss.

3. Choose the Boundary selection step and select one or more boundary faces. This step may be optional depending on the constraint type, the selected seed faces and on your intent. In the example figure, we have selected for the boundary the planar face highlighted in red on which the boss rests.

4. Choose the optional Non-Blend selection step to view any system-recognized blends. If any smoothly adjacent faces are highlighted, they will be treated as blends and recomputed as such. If you do not intend these faces to be blends, deselect them here.

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5. Choose the Target Face selection step to select a face to be constrained. In the example figure we have selected the planar, circular face highlighted in red that is centered on top of the boss.

6. Choose the Constraint Reference selection step to select a reference object on which to infer a vector. In the example figure we have selected an edge highlighted in red.

7. If you are using the Distance or Angle constraint types, enter a value in the respective Distance or Angle data entry fields. You can enter numeric values or expressions, which must be positive. In the example we entered a numeric value of 2.25.

8. Click Apply. The specified constraints are put into effect, and any faces subject to change are moved. In our example figure, the boss height is increased from its former height of 1.25 to 2.25.

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Resize Face - OverviewThis option lets you change the diameter of cylindrical or spherical faces, as well as the half-angle of conic faces, with adjacent blends recreated. Resize Face provides a fast and straightforward way to modify a model, regardless of feature history.

You will find a number of uses for Resize Face, such as when you need to change a hole diameter, adjust the taper angle of a bolt or change the size of a boss. You may also find it useful when doing mold/casting design.

You can use this option to: Change a set of cylindrical faces to have the same diameters. Change a set of spherical faces to have the same diameters. Change a set of conic faces to have the same semi angles. Recreate connected blends with any of the parameter changes.

The two figures show highlighted cylindrical faces that are resized to a common value.

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Resize Face, Before and After

Basic Procedure for Resize Face

To resize a face, follow these steps:

1. Use the Target Face selection step to select the face of a cylinder, sphere or conic. On selecting the face, if it is a cylinder or sphere its diameter value displays in the Diameter field, or if it is a conic its half-angle value displays in the Half Angle field.

2. Begin selecting additional faces.(Optional) Use the Face Type option to limit the type of faces that you can select.(Optional) Use the Size Range option to limit the selection of faces to a percentage of the value shown in the Diameter or Half Angle fields.

3. Use the Non-Blend selection step to display and, if desired, deselect any highlighted smooth edges that you do not want the system to preserve as blends.

4. When face selection is complete, enter a new value for the diameter in the Diameter field. Click OK or Apply.

Resize Face - Dialog Fields

Resize Face Dialog OptionsSelection Steps

Target Face - Lets you select cylindrical, spherical or conical faces that are to be resized. On selecting the first face, its value for diameter or half angle appears below in the Diameter or Half Angle fields.Non-Blend - Clicking this selection step highlights any faces that are smoothly adjacent to the target faces, and which the system recognizes and intends to treat as blends.

Face Type This option acts as a filter and helps you to select the desired faces by restricting the types you can select. Options are Any, Cylindrical, Conic and Spherical.

Size Range This option lets you select only the faces that match a specific percentage range of sizes as measured against the value displayed in the Diameter or Half Angle fields.

Diameter Lets you specify the new value for the diameter of all selected cylinders or spheres.

Half Angle Lets you specify the new value for the angle of all selected conics. Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

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Offset RegionThis option lets you offset a set of faces or a whole body in a single step. Adjacent blends can be optionally recreated. Faces are specified either as target faces or by region extraction methods using the same seed and boundary techniques as that of Extract Region under the Extract Geometry option. Offset Region is a fast and straightforward way to modify a model regardless of feature history. Another benefit is the regeneration of blends.

Possible uses for this option include mold and casting design, such as with the casting of unparameterized parts using faces. This option creates a feature named OFFSET_REGION.

Following is an example of the use of Offset Region. In the following figure, two faces have been selected as targets for an offset (highlighted in red).

Selected Surfaces Before Offset

In the next figure shown below is the result of the offset. No topology was changed during the offset.

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After Offset

Basic Procedure to use Offset RegionTo offset or extract a region using this option, follow these steps:

1. Use the Seed selection step to select one or more faces to offset. If you wish to extract a region, select only one face to act as the seed face.

2. (Optional) Use the Boundary selection step to specify the bounds of an extracted region. If you selected more than one face in the Seed selection step, and then select a boundary, only the first specified seed face will be offset. The rest will be disregarded by the system.

3. (Optional) Use the Non-Blend selection step to display and deselect any smooth edges that you do not want the system to regenerate as blends.

4. Enter a value for the Offset.5. (Optional) Use the Preview Offset Region button to review what you have selected

and what is going to be moved during the operation.6. Click OK or Apply.

Replace FaceReplace Face lets you replace a set of faces with another face, with the ability to regenerate adjacent blends. You can use this option when you want to change the geometry of a face, such as to make it simpler, or to replace it with a complex surface. You can use Replace Face even on nonparameterized models. This option creates a feature named REPLACE_FACE. You can select the face from any existing solid or sheet body.

Below is an example of a Replace Face operation.

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Replace Face Operation - Both Solids are Still Separate

In the top portion of the figure there are two solids. The lower solid has a highlighted face that is the Target Tace. The top solid's opposite, nonplanar face is the Tool Face. The bottom portion of the figure shows the result of the Replace Face operation. Note that both solids are still separate.

Replace Face Dialog OptionsSelection Steps

Target Face - Lets you select one or more faces to be replaced. Any face type is allowed to be selected.Non-Blend - Clicking this selection step highlights any faces that are smoothly adjacent to the target faces, and which the system recognizes and intends to treat as blends.Tool Face - Lets you select a face to serve as the site for the replacement face for the selected target faces. Only one face can be selected. On selecting the tool face, a vector displays to show its direction. In some situations where multiple solutions to a replace face operation exist, you can toggle between them using the Reverse Direction toggle button.

Reverse Direction

Lets you toggle between possible solutions for a Tool Face selection, when that situation exists. Clicking this option reverses the vector direction of the selected Tool Face.

Simplify Surface

This option toggle lets you simplify the geometry representation of a surface.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Basic Procedure for Replace FaceTo replace a set of faces using this option, follow these steps:

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1. Use the Target Face selection step to select one or more faces to replace.2. (Optional) Use the Non-Blend selection step to display and deselect any smooth

edges that you do not want the system to regenerate as blends.3. Use the Tool Face selection step to select a replacement face for the selected target

faces. If necessary, use the Reverse Direction option to change the direction of the vector.

4. Click OK or Apply.

Local ScaleUnlike the Scale option, which lets you scale solid and sheet bodies, Local Scale lets you scale a local face set of a solid body. You can use Local Scale even on nonparameterized models.

Possible uses for this option include mold and casting design, such as with the casting of unparameterized parts using faces. This option creates a feature named LOCAL_SCALE. You can select faces from any existing solid or sheet body.

Below is an example of a Local Scale operation performed on an unparameterized solid. In the top portion of the figure a single face has been selected for the seed (highlighted in red). The Local Scale Type has been set to Axisymmetric, and no boundary face has been specified. The result is shown in the lower portion of the figure.

Local Scale on an Unparameterized Body

Local Scale - Dialog Options

Local Scale Dialog OptionsType Lets you choose the type or method of scaling:

Uniform - Lets you scale uniformly in all directions.Axisymmetric - Lets you scale with a specified scale factor (or multiplier), symmetrically about a specified axis. This involves assigning one scaling factor along an axis you specify, and another, single scaling factor to be applied to the other two axis directions.General - Lets you scale with different factors in all three X, Y, Z directions.

Selection Steps

There are six basic selection steps, although not all are available with every scaling Type method.Seed Face - Lets you specify one or more faces, as seed or target faces.Boundary Face - Lets you select a set of faces to serve as a region boundary.

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Non Blend Face - Clicking this selection step highlights any faces that are smoothly adjacent to the seed or target faces, and which the system recognizes and intends to treat as blends.Reference Point - Lets you specify a reference point from which the scale operation is centered. Reference Axis - Lets you specify a reference axis for the scale operation. Available only with the Axisymmetric Type method. Reference CSYS - Lets you specify a reference coordinate system when using the General Scale method.

Changeable Window

This area displays the Vector Method option menu for use with the Reference Axis selection steps.

CSYS Method This option becomes available when the Reference CSYS selection step is active.

Scale Factors Lets you specify the scaling factors by which the current size is to change. One, two or three scale factors are required, depending on the scale Type.

Preview Scale Region

Lets you view the region to be moved by highlighting it before committing to the movement.

Reset Cancels all face selections and restores the dialog settings to their initial state.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Basic Procedure to use Local Scale

To scale one or more faces in a local face set, follow these steps:

1. Choose the Uniform, Axisymmetric or General scaling type.2. Use the Seed selection step to select one or more faces to scale. If you wish to

extract a region to scale, select only one face for the seed.3. (Optional) Use the Boundary selection step to specify the bounds of a local scale

region. If you selected more than one face in the Seed selection step, and then select a boundary, only the first specified seed face will be scaled. The rest will be disregarded by the system.

4. (Optional) Use the Non Blend Face selection step to display and deselect any smooth edges that you do not want the system to regenerate as blends.

5. Specify a reference:o For Uniform and Axisymmetric, specify a Reference Point.o For Axisymmetric specify a Reference Axis (or accept the default Z axis).o For General specify a Reference CSYS (or accept the default ).

6. Enter the appropriate Scale Factors.7. (Optional) Use the Preview Scale Region option button to review what you have

selected and what is going to be moved during the operation.8. Choose OK or Apply.

Move RegionThis option provides simple methods to let you locally move the faces on a body. It can be useful if you want to adjust a prototype model, and is fast and easy to use. The tool provides blend recognition and recreation, and is independent of modeling history. You can even use it to move all of the faces on a body.

This option creates a feature named MOVE_REGION. You can select faces from any existing solid or sheet body.

Below is an example of a Move Region Operation. The top figure shows a series of faces selected as seeds on a solid body (highlighted in red). No boundary is specified, and the Non-Blend option was applied to the two edge blends. The Translate Point to Point option was used to move the region to an edge control point on the left. The results are shown in the lower figure.

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Selected Faces (Highlighted in Red) Before the Move Region

Same View, Showing How the Faces have Moved to the Left

Move Region Dialog Options

Move Region Dialog OptionsSelection Steps Seed - Lets you specify one or more seed faces to move.

Boundary - Lets you select a set of faces to serve as a region boundary. Non-Blend - Clicking this selection step highlights any faces that the system recognizes and intends to treat as blends.

Move Method Once you have specified the seed and boundary objects, you can choose a method to use for the movement. Translate Point to Point - Lets you move the selected region of faces from one point to another point. Translate Direction & Distance - Lets you move the selected region of faces using a direction vector and a displacement distance. Rotate About an Axis - Lets you move the selected region of faces using a direction vector and a displacement distance. Rotate Between Two Axes - Lets you move the selected region of faces by rotating them between two axes.

Define Transformation

Clicking this option button takes you directly to the sub-dialog for the currently specified Move Method. Clicking a Move Method toggle button does the same thing.

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Preview Move Region

Lets you view the region to be moved by highlighting it before committing to the movement.

Reset Cancels all face selections and restores the dialog settings to their initial state.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Basic Procedure to use Move Region

To move a region using this option, follow these steps:

1. Use the Seed selection step to select one or more faces to move.2. (Optional) Use the Boundary selection step to select faces that define a boundary for

the region to be moved.3. (Optional) Use the Non-Blend selection step to display and deselect any smooth

edges that you do not want the system to regenerate as blends.4. Choose a Move Method. Depending on the Move Method you chose, the appropriate

Translate or Rotate sub-dialog displays to let you define the translation or rotation parameters.

5. Use the Translate or Rotate sub-dialog to specify how you want the selected seed faces to be moved. This involves defining points, vectors or both, depending on the method. The Move Region dialog then redisplays.

6. Click OK or Apply.

Pattern Face OverviewPattern Face lets you make copies of a face set. It is similar to the Instance function, but is easier to use, and you do not have to have a feature-based model to use it. It is also faster and more straightforward. Use this function when you have a set of faces and you want to make a rectangular or circular pattern of them. The figures below show two sample patterns, each based on a single seed face (highlighted).

Rectangular Pattern Face

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Partial Circular Pattern Face

You can select a set of faces to serve as a template for rectangular and circular patterns. You can also create a mirror pattern given a mirror face or datum plane.

Pattern Face uses the same seed and boundary techniques as Extract Region under the Extract Geometry option. However, with Pattern Face you can select more than one seed face, and selection of boundaries is optional. If you select no boundary faces, what you effectively have is multiple single selection. The faces you select must form a connected region. A boundary face can be of any type. A seed face cannot be a boundary member, and vice versa. This option creates a feature named PATTERN_FACE.

Pattern Face - Dialog Options

Pattern Face Dialog OptionsType Rectangular - Lets you copy a face or set of faces to create a linear pattern of

those faces.Circular - Lets you copy a face or face set to create a circular pattern of those faces.Reflection - Lets you copy a face or face set to create a mirrored pattern of those faces.

Selection Steps

Seed - Lets you specify one or more faces, as seed or target faces.Boundary - Lets you select a set of faces to serve as a region boundary. If you wish to copy an extracted region, you would use this selection step. (Optional.)X-Axis - Lets you define the X-Axis for the Rectangular and Circular Types. You can use the Vector Method option menu to define the X-Axis, or select a reference for it from the graphics window.Y-Axis - Lets you define the Y-Axis for the Rectangular Type. You can use the Vector Method option menu to define the Y-Axis, or select a reference for it from the graphics window. Planar Reference - Lets you define a plane through which to mirror a pattern of faces. You can select a datum plane or planar face.

Number Along XC

Defines the total number of instances of the face set to be generated parallel to the X-Axis. This number includes the existing face set that you are copying. Used only with the Rectangular Type.

Number Along YC

Defines the total number of instances of the face set to be generated parallel to the Y-Axis. This number includes the existing face set that you are copying. Used only with the Rectangular Type.

XC Offset Defines the spacing for the copies along the XC axis. This spacing is measured from a point on one copy to the same point on the next copy along the XC axis. Negative values position the copies in a negative direction along the axis. Used only with the Rectangular Type.

YC Offset Defines the spacing for the copies along the YC axis. This spacing is

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measured from a point on one copy to the same point on the next copy along the YC axis. Negative values position the copies in a negative direction along the axis. Used only with the Rectangular Type.

Number The total number of copies created in the circular pattern, including the existing face or face set that you are copying. Used only with the Circular Type.

Angle The angle between the copies in a circular pattern. Used only with the Circular Type.

Preview Pattern Region

Lets you view the region to be copied by highlighting it before committing to the operation. For an extracted region this would show what is to be extracted, from the seed to the boundary. For target faces, this would show the faces to be copied.

Reset Cancels all face selections and restores the dialog settings to their initial state.Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Basic Procedure to use Pattern Face

To copy a set of faces in a pattern onto a face using this option, follow these steps:

1. Choose the Type of Pattern Face you wish to create, Rectangular, Circular or Reflection.

2. Use the Seed selection step to select one or more connected faces to copy to the pattern.

3. (Optional) Use the Boundary selection to select faces that define a boundary for the region of faces to be copied to the pattern.

4. For the Rectangular type:o Use the X-Axis selection step to specify a direction for the x-axis. Select an

object from the graphics window or, if necessary, use the Vector Method option menu to define the direction.

o Use the Y-Axis selection step to specify the y-axis. Select an object from the graphics window or, if necessary, use the Vector Method option menu to define the direction.

o Enter a value for Number Along XC. The face set you are copying should be part of the total value.

o Enter a value for Number Along YC. The face set you are copying should be part of the total value.

o Enter a value for XC Offset.o Enter a value for YC Offset.

For the Circular type:o Use the X-Axis selection step to specify the central axis of the circular

pattern. If necessary, use the Vector Method option menu to define the axis.o Enter a value for Number. The face set you are copying should be part of the

total value.o Enter a value for Angle.

For the Reflection type:o Use the Planar Reference selection step to specify a planar object or a datum

plane to act as the plane through which the face set is copied.5. Click OK or Apply. The selected face set is copied to a pattern on the face.

Reblend Face - OverviewThis function lets you edit the radii of blend faces, regardless of their feature history. It works with translated files and unparameterized solids. You can use it to create a parametric feature while maintaining tangency properties. It provides a straightforward and effective way to apply parametric design.

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Face Blends Before Reblend Face

Chain Selection of Face Blends

Face Blends With New Radius After Reblend Face

Reblend Face - Dialog Options

Reblend Face OptionsSize Range Lets you perform mass selection of face blends based on the size of

their blend radii.Reblend Radius

Lets you specify a new blend radius for all of the selected faces.

Chain Faces Automatically selects all blend faces with the same radius as the single face you selected, and which connect together with that face in a continuous chain.

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If this option is not enabled, you can select only one blend face at a time.

More / Less Options

Expands and contracts the Reblend Face dialog to make available the Blend Radius listing window.

Blend Radius

This option window shows a listing of all selected faces, each with its blend radius and an ascending face or chain number. You cannot change the blend radii shown in this listing.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them.

Reblend Face - Basic Procedure

1. Open the Reblend Face dialog.2. Select the faces you wish to reblend. 3. To verify the selections, optionally use the Blend Radius list window to examine the

selected faces and their radii.4. Type a value in the Reblend Radius box for the new radius of all selected faces.5. Click OK or Apply to reblend all of the selected faces with the parameter in the

Reblend Radius box.

Simplify BodyThis option lets you remove connected sets of faces from a solid body. Simplify Body is useful when you want to alter a complex model to emphasize key features, but retain the ability to recover the details. Also, simplifying components reduces the amount of data required when those components are loaded into an assembly.

Basic Simplify Body ProcedureTo simplify a solid body:

1. Select at least one face for Retained Faces.2. Select one or more Boundary Faces.3. Use Boundary Edges to add or remove edges from the current set.4. (Optional) Turn the Verify Removed Faces option ON, then select one or more faces

that you expect to be removed in the simplification.5. (Optional) Turn the Automatic Hole Removal option, and define Hole Dia Less Than.6. You can use the Imprint Faces option to create new edges, if necessary, by using

existing datum planes.7. (Optional) Choose Preview if you want to see the effects of applying Simplify Body

before the original body is modified.8. Choose a creation confirmation option.9. Choose OK or Apply to create the simplification. A message appears that tells you

how many faces were removed by the simplification operation, and how many faces remain. Review Failing Wounds becomes active, if applicable.

Questions 1. What let you offset a whole body in a single step?2. What let you to remove connected sets of faces from a solid body?3. Can you change the scale of a body individually in all directions?4. Can you use Resize Face for planar faces, Why?

SHEET METAL FEATURESSheet Metal features supply sheet metal specific detail to your model. These features are parametrically defined just as normal modeling features, however, sheet metal features are capable of exhibiting bending and distorting due to sheet metal forming.

The following sheet metal features represent various types of flanges:

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Flange Inset Flange Profile Flange Multibend Bracket General Flange Bridge

You can apply these sheet metal features to other features:

Bead Punch Hole Slot Cutout Corner Relief Solid Punch Edge Rip

The following features support bending and forming operations:

Bend Unbend Rebend Metaform

The following utilities perform specific Sheet Metal functions, but are not features themselves:


Sheet metal features are associative - if you change the geometry used to create a sheet metal feature that feature updates.

Sheet Metal Feature ToolbarYou can access all Sheet Metal features, utilities, and operations within the Modeling application via Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature or from the Sheet Metal Feature Toolbar. Note that the Sheet Metal Feature Toolbar may be hidden when you enter Modeling the first time. Use View->Toolbars->Customize to enable the toolbar and to enable or disable specific functions within the toolbar.

Sheet Metal functions below with icons:

Flange Inset Flange Profile Flange

Multibend Bracket General Flange Bridge

Bead Punch Hole

Slot  Cutout   Corner

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Relief Solid Punch Edge Rip

Bend Unbend/Rebend Metaform

Form/Unform Bracket

FlangeThis feature lets you create a Sheet Metal Flange on a planar face. The Flange can then be shown in the fully formed (as designed) state, in a fully unformed (flat) state, or in an intermediate state.

You can access the Flange dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Flange or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a Flange, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.


The steps for creating a Sheet Metal Flange are:

Select a straight edge. Edit the desired parameter values. Choose a method for positioning the Flange. Choose OK or Apply to create the Flange.

The following parameters can be used to customize your Flange. These parameters are initially set to default values.

Specify the Flange parameters (optional). Specify Left Side Taper/Miter/Butt parameters and Right Side Taper/Miter/Butt

parameters using Options (optional). Re-specify the direction of the Flange using Flip Bend Direction (optional). Re-specify the options for the thickness and/or left/right tapers/miters/butt using

Options (optional).

Inset FlangeThis option lets you create an inset flange on a planar face.

You can access the Inset Flange dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Inset Flange or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit an Inset Flange, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.


To create an inset flange, you must:

Select a straight edge Edit the desired parameter values. Choose a method for positioning the inset flange Choose OK or Apply and the inset flange is created.

The following parameters can be used to customize your inset flange. These parameters are initially set to default values.

Specify the inset flange profile dimensions (optional). Specify a bend allowance formula. Specify an inset distance (optional). Specify a left and/or right bend relief using options (optional). Re-specify the direction of the flange using Flip Bend Direction (optional).

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Profile FlangeProfile Flange allows you to create a set of bends that attach to existing geometry and wrap around existing geometry. You will need to define a section profile (side view) using the sketcher. Once the section Profile is defined, you can also redefine/edit the default Web Profile (Top/Flat Pattern View). Width can be defined using a combination of Width, Start Offset and End Offset values. You have an option to add/edit/delete bends to the flange that are not in the plane of the Section Profile. Accomplish this by using the Multibend Bracket dialog that is accessible from the Profile Flange dialog.

This feature is controlled by two sketches, i.e., one section view sketch and the other a web view or the Top/Flat Pattern view sketch. The Section Profile can be used to define the number of bends and the location of each and the Web Profile can be used to define the final shape (outline) of the solid.

The Section Profile can have sharp corners. In such cases, automatic bends will be added at these corners. This automatic bend radius can be defined through the options dialog.

You can access the Profile Flange dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Profile Flange or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a Profile Flange, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar or select the feature in the graphics window and do a right mouse button click on it. This should bring up a pop-up dialog with Edit Parameters option on it

Multibend BracketUse the Multibend Bracket to create a fully associative sheet metal feature defined from user selected reference geometry. Select 3D reference geometry to define a set of planes. Using bend parameters that you define, the Multibend Bracket unfolds this reference geometry onto a base plane. Use the Sketcher to develop a sketch of the unformed bracket outline based on this unfolded reference geometry. The system extrudes the sketch into a solid and applies the appropriate bends.

You can access the Multibend Bracket dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Multibend Bracket or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a Multibend Bracket, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.

General FlangeUse the General Flange to create a sheet body or solid body flange along any curved bend edge and planar or non-planar face. There are several methods with which you can build a General Flange.

Parameters method: You can define multiple consecutive bend/web areas for a single flange.

Build to Sections method: You can build a General Flange from a set of curves that define the cross sections of the flange.

Build to Faces method allows you to define a General Flange that matches an input set of faces.

Punch Vector method is similar to Parameters method, however, the first bend angle is defined such that the cross-section curves are parallel to a given vector regardless of the construction method, all General Flanges are tangent to the tangent faces along the bend edges.

You can access the General Flange dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->General Flange or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a General Flange, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.


All General Flanges follow the same basic procedure: Select a bend edge (or continuous edges) Verify the target attachment faces and the tangent faces Select a spine string (optional)

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Enter construction data (parameters, section curves, shaping faces, punch vector, etc.)

Enter options such as Bend Allowance Formula, r-Value, and Distortion method

BridgeThis feature lets you create a bridge between a base and target. The Bridge feature is different from the General Flange. You can create a bridge as a transition between two bodies as opposed to only an extension from a single body.

You can access the Bridge dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Bridge or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a Bridge, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.

You can use the Bridge feature to create single and double bend surfaces between a base and a target. During creation, the Bridge is constrained at the base and target profiles. The Bridge behaves like the General Flange unforming as an extension from the base profile. You can use the Bridge in conjunction with the General Flange to design addenda and binders. The Bridge supports the following construction types:

Tangent at Target - You can use this construction type to create the Bridge when base faces/edges have been selected along with either target faces or target faces/edges.

Intersect Angle at Target - You can use this construction type to create the Bridge when base faces/edges have been selected along with either target edges/curves or target faces/edges.

Z-Bend - You can use this construction type to create the Bridge when base faces/edges have been selected along with any combination of target faces/edges.


The steps for creating the Bridge are:

Specify base faces Specify the base profile Specify the target faces Specify the target profile Specify the construction type if applicable. Specify the construction parameter values where applicable. Specify the distortion method parameters to be used for subsequent

forming/unforming processes. Specify a unite option and choose Apply to create the Bridge feature.

BeadBeads are similar to the general pad and general pocket features, in that they form protrusions or depressions in a variety of shapes. But unlike pads and pockets (which are created by defining their outline shapes), beads are created by following a prescribed centerline path. The Bead dialog is a Selection Steps dialog. You can access the Bead dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Bead or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar.

Beads are useful in the design of sheet metal products to add strength to the product or to control the formability of the material during metal stamping operations (e.g., lock beads can stop a sheet metal blank from sliding into the die cavity).

Beads can be created as a part of the body they are on, or as a separate feature. Because beads are fully associative to the sheet or solid bodies on which they lie, they update accordingly when the bodies update.

The cross section of a bead falls into one of three general categories: U-shaped, V-shaped, or circular. This cross section can also vary between the three shapes as you move along the centerline.

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PunchThe Punch is used to model emboss, coin and lance operations across multiple, adjacent placement faces. Open and closed profiles intersecting the periphery of the part are also supported. Several additional capabilities are available, including:

An option to automatically create the Tool Center Point (centroid). Automatic projection of the Tool Center Point down to the Placement Face. An option to define the Placement Outline as the inside or outside perimeter of the

punch. Automatic identification of Placement Faces given a user-supplied seed face An option to create a flanged cutout (a.k.a. drawn cutout). An option of creating Lance type punches in which one or more sides of the Punch

are Pierced.  This capability is commonly used to create louvers.

You can access the Punch dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Punch or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a Punch, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.


The steps for creating a Punch are:

Specify Punch Type (emboss, coin or lance). Specify the Placement Face (seed face). Specify the Placement Outline. Select a Tool Center Point, or specify automatic centroid creation in Options. Select the Lancing Curves from the selected Placement Outline curves if punch type

is Lance. Flip the punch side vector, if needed. Select a Top Type (offset, flat, round, cone). Enter a punch depth. Enter die radius, taper angle, and punch radius (for emboss operations only). Enter cone depth (for emboss and cone top only). Specify a Punch Direction (tool axis). Choose OK or Apply to create the Punch

HoleThis feature allows you to create a Hole on any type of face. The Hole feature is unique from the Modeling Hole feature in that it can be placed on any type of face, and it will form and unform itself to the underlying surface.

You can access the Hole dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Hole or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a Hole, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.


The steps for creating a Hole are:

Specify Punch, Through, or Depth type. Specify the placement face. Specify the through face (for a Through Hole). Specify the diameter (all), depth and tip angle (for Depth Holes only). Specify the direction vector for the Hole. If you do not need to use RPO, set the Positioning Method to edge offsets. Specify the Offset Edges. Specify the offset distances from the Offset Edges. Choose OK or Apply to create the feature. If you want to create RPO dimensions, set the Positioning Method to RPO. Do not

select any Offset Edges. Choose OK or Apply to create the feature's tool body.

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If the Placement Face is non-planar, you must select a planar face (or datum plane) for RPO positioning. Specify RPO Dimensions just as you would for other modeling features.

Choose OK or Apply to create the Hole.

SlotThis feature lets you create a Slot on any type of face. The Slot feature is unique from the Modeling Slot feature in that it can be placed on any type of face, and it will form and unform itself to the underlying surface.

You can access the Slot dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Slot or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a Slot, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.


The steps for creating a sheet metal slot are: Specify Punch, Through, or Depth type. Specify the placement face. Specify the through face (for a Through Slot). Specify the length, width, and depth (for Depth Slots only). Specify the direction vector for the Slot. If you do not need to use RPO, set the Positioning Method to edge offsets. Specify the Offset Edges. Choose OK or Apply to create the feature. If you want to create RPO dimensions, set the Positioning Method to RPO. Do not

select any Offset Edges. Press OK or Apply to create the feature's tool body. If the Placement Face is non-planar you must select a face (or datum plane) for RPO

positioning. Specify RPO Dimensions just as you would for other modeling features. Choose OK or Apply to create the Slot

CutoutThis feature allows you to create a Cutout on any type of face. The Cutout feature is unique from the General Pocket in that it forms and unforms itself with its underlying placement face(s).

Here are some of the unique characteristics of the Cutout feature:

Cutouts can distort with underlying Sheet Metal Features, such as the Flange, Inset Flange, General Flange, Bridge, and Bend.

The outline of the Cutout can be open as long as the ends of the outline intersect with the periphery of the target body.

You can access the Cutout dialog from Modeling->Sheet Metal Feature->Cutout or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a Cutout, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar


The steps for creating a Sheet Metal Cutout are:

Specify the placement face. Specify a through face (Through type Cutouts only). Specify the placement outline. Specify a projection vector. Flip the conehead pointing to the region to discard, if needed. Choose OK or Apply to create the Cutout

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CornerUse the Corner feature to create corners between two flanges. The Butt Joint corner will automate and enhance the creation of flange butt joints. You can control the Overlap and Gap for the butt joints. You can create Butt Joint corners for a wide range of different flange parameters and states.

You can access the Corner dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Corner or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a Corner, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.


To create a Corner feature perform the following steps:

Select the type of corner you want to create. Select an edge or face of a bend or web side face closest to the common edge where

you want to create a corner feature. Enter the Overlap and Gap values for Butt corner or the Gap or Relief Radius for

Simple Miter corner. Turn the Multiple Steps toggle ON if you want to create a Miter Corner on multiple

side faces at the same time.

You can create Butt Joint/Machinery/Simple Miter/Full Miter corners between any two side faces having different parameters and states in the following conditions.

Bend angles cannot be less than or equal to 0.5 and more than or equal to 180 degrees.

The side faces cannot intersect each other. The side faces on which you want to create a corner cannot have any features (such

as holes) attached to them. If any side face on which you want to create a corner is a flange side face then it

cannot have any flange butt joints or miters. Bend tapers are not allowed for Machinery Corners.

The sides on which you want to create a corner should have a common edge between their bend side faces.  It is not required to have common edge while editing the corner.

Corner cannot be created if any parent self-forming feature is in an intermediate state.

ReliefUse the Relief to create a fully associative Circular, U, V, or Routed Relief feature between bend areas. This feature is designed to work with Flanges, Bends, Profile Flanges, General Flanges, Corners, and it can also be applied to any planar geometry.

Internally, the Relief feature is composed of several hidden Cutout features.

You can access the Relief dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Sheet Metal Relief or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a Relief, use Modeling->Edit->Feature->Parameters, or the Edit Feature Parameters toolbar, or Part Navigator->Edit Parameters. To Edit with Rollback a Sheet Metal Relief, use Part Navigator->Edit with Rollback.

Solid PunchUse the Solid Punch feature when you want to create a sheet metal feature that inherits the shape from the punch type tool body.

You can access the Solid Punch dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Solid Punch or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a Sheet Metal Solid Punch, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.

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Edge RipThe Edge Rip feature lets you create an opening (or gap) in a hollowed solid along an edge. Subsequent operations like Bend and Unbend/Rebend can then be performed on the ripped solid.

You can access the Edge Rip dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Edge Rip or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a Sheet Metal Edge Rip, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.

BendUse Bend to create a bend area in a solid body of uniform thickness along any straight application curve. This bend area can then be formed and unformed using the Form/Unform button.

It is also possible to convert a cylindrical face of a solid body into a Bend.  This bend area can also be formed and unformed. You can convert an edge between two planar faces into a Bend that can be formed and unformed.

You can access the Bend dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Bend or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a General Flange, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.


Application Curve Bends follow the same basic procedure:

Select a placement face. Select an application curve. Specify Bend vector and Stationary Side vector. Enter parameters (angle, radius, etc.). Enter options such a Bend Allowance Formula, Angle type, Radius type, and

Application Curve type.

Cylindrical Face Bends follow a similar procedure: Select a cylindrical placement face. Specify the Stationary Side vector. Enter options such as Bend Allowance Formula.

To create a Bend from an existing edge: Select an existing edge. Specify the Stationary Side vector. Enter radius parameter. Enter options such as Bend Allowance Formula and Radius type.

Unbend/RebendUse the Unbend/Rebend feature to unform, unform to an angle, or reform cylindrical bend regions.  The bend regions can be constructed from straight brake Sheet Metal features such as Flanges and Bends as well as non-Sheet Metal features such as Sketches and Extrusions.

Parent self-forming features will convert into non-self-forming features when the Unbend/Rebend operators are used.

You can access the Unbend/Rebend dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Unbend/Rebend or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a Unbend/Rebend operator, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.


To create an Unbend/Rebend operation, perform the following steps:

Select the bend operation: The bend operation can be set to Unbend (to unform a region), Rebend (to reform a region to its original shape), or Unbend-to-Angle (to unform a region to a new angle).

Specify a new bend angle (for Unbend-to-Angle operation).

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Select the bend region to operate on.  This can be done by selecting a bend edge adjacent to a cylindrical face or by selecting an existing Unbend/Rebend operation in the model.

MetaForm MetaForm is an associative feature that allows you to unform complex geometry (not restricted to Sheet Metal features) to an alternate shape, while accounting for material characteristics. You could unform a finished part surface to a die face surface. Also, you could unform a complex surface to a planar face in order to generate a flat pattern.

You can access the MetaForm dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->MetaForm or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar. To edit a MetaForm feature, use Modeling->Edit->Feature or the Edit Feature toolbar.


To create a MetaForm feature, perform the following steps:

Select faces that define a region boundary. Select faces that define a target boundary. Define boundary conditions that control how the region faces will be formed to the

target faces. Select the geometry that will be mapped. Specify any material properties or analysis options that are to be associated with the

feature. Select Apply or OK to build the MetaForm feature.

Form/UnformUse the Form/Unform dialog to form or unform self-forming features without the need to switch to the Sheet Metal Forming/Flattening application. You can use this operation when you want to quickly form or unform sheet metal features, but you don't need to create the intermediate states or sequences.

You can access this operation from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Form/Unform or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar.


The steps for forming or unforming a Sheet Metal feature are:

Select a self-forming feature either in the graphics window or from the list window in the Form/Unform dialog.

Choose the operation you would like to perform such as Form Selected Features or Unform Selected Features.

Alternatively, you can choose Form All or Unform All to perform an operation on all self-forming features in the part.

BracketThis option is a utility that creates a bracket from reference geometry. It is not a feature but a collection of features. Each bracket consists of a Base Pad, created by an Extrude feature. A Flange or General Flange feature is built off the Base Pad. One or more Cutout features then trim the flange to size. The Cutout is built to match input reference points. The resulting bracket will align with the reference geometry. It is possible to build subsequent flanges off of existing bracket geometry. The flanges on a bracket can be formed and unformed as any other flange feature.

To edit a bracket, you must edit the individual features that make up the bracket. A bracket is not associative to its reference geometry. If you need to create a fully associative straight-brake bracket, we recommend using the Multibend Bracket feature.

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You can access the Bracket dialog from Modeling->Insert->Sheet Metal Feature->Sheet Metal Bracket or from the Sheet Metal Feature toolbar.


The steps for creating a Bracket are:

Select a planar Base Face. Optionally select Clearance Points on the Base Face. Select a Reference Face that intersects the plane of the Base Face. Optionally, select Clearance Points on the Reference Face. Reverse the Material Direction if necessary. Specify bracket parameters. Press OK or Apply when you are ready to create the Base Pad and Flange. Choose to create a new body or unite the bracket Base Pad to some existing

geometry. The system builds the Base Pad and Flange. It then unforms the Flange. Optionally edit the unformed outline of the bracket. When complete, the system

applies a Sheet Metal Cutout feature to the Base Pad and Flange.


Modeling Edit Curve Options

All - Lets you modify non-associative curves.

Parameters - Lets you edit the parameters (that is, the defining data) of most types of curves.

Trim - Adjusts the endpoints of curves (lines, arcs, conics, or splines) based on the bounding entities selected (curves, edges, planes, faces, points, or cursor locations) and the segment(s) of curve selected for trimming.

Trim Corner - Trims two curves to their intersection point, thereby forming a corner.

Divide - Divides a curve into a series of like segments.

Edit - Lets you edit existing fillets.

Stretch - Lets you move geometric objects, while simultaneously stretching or shrinking selected lines.

Arc Length - Trims a curve by a given arc length increment, or to a total arc length.

Smooth Spline - to automatically remove imperfections in the curvature properties of a B-spline.

Edit Curve All

The options under Edit-> Curve-> let you modify existing non-associative curves.

You can edit a number of curve types using a Selection Steps dialog similar to the one that was used to create them. The creation and editing of these types of curves is covered in the same section of the documentation (for example, see Offset Curve and Wrap/Unwrap Curve).

The Edit-> Curve-> All option opens a dialog with all non-associative edit curve functions.

Edit Curve Parameters

This option lets you edit most types of curves. When this icon is active and you select a curve, you are automatically put into edit mode for that type of curve.

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Editing a Line

You can edit a line by changing its endpoints or its parameters (length and angle).To change a line's endpoint:

1. Select the line end to be modified. The line can now be rubberbanded from the fixed end.

2. Specify a new position using any of the Point Method options on the dialog.To change a line's parameters:

1. Select the line, avoiding its control points.2. Key in new values for the length and/or angle in the dialog bar, then press <Enter>.

Editing an Arc or Circle

You can change an arc or circle's parameters by entering new values in the dialog bar, or you can change it by dragging. You can also change an arc to its complement.

You can move an arc or circle to a new location, regardless of the editing mode that is active, as follows:

1. Select the center of the arc or circle (release MB1).2. Move the cursor to a new location and press MB1, or enter a new XC, YC, ZC

location in the dialog bar.

You can use this method to move an arc or circle to another control point, such as the end of a line, or the center of another circle.

To create the complement of an arc, you must be in Parameters mode. Simply select one or more arcs and choose Complement Arc from the Edit Curve Parameters dialog.

Editing an Ellipse

Use the Edit Curve Parameters option to edit one or more existing ellipses. This option behaves much the same as that for creating an ellipse. You are allowed to select a maximum of 128 ellipses.

When you select multiple ellipses, the values of the last selected ellipse become the default values. This allows editing by inheritance:

1. Select ellipse(s) to edit.2. Select the ellipse with the desired values.3. Choose Apply.

All selected ellipses become identical.

The absolute value is used for the semimajor and semiminor values. For example, if you enter a negative five for the semimajor axis, this is interpreted as positive five.

Any start angle, end angle, or rotation angle value is accepted. A new rotation angle is applied to the original position of the ellipse. The new angle is not added to the current rotation angle value.

Editing a Spline

This option provides several methods that let you modify a spline. In general, to edit a spline, you must:

1. Select a spline to edit.2. Select the edit method you wish to use.3. Define the parameters to use in editing the selected spline.

The following options are available for modifying a spline:

Edit Spline Menu DialogEdit Point Lets you move, add, or remove the defining points of a spline.Edit Pole Provides options for editing the poles of a spline.

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Change Slope Lets you change the slope at the spline's defining points.Change Curvature

Lets you change the curvature at the spline's defining points.

Change Degree

Lets you change the degree of the spline.

Move Multiple Points

Lets you move a segment of a curve without affecting the rest of the curve.

Change Stiffness

Lets you modify the shape of a curve by changing its degree while preserving the number of control poles.

Fit Reduces the data required to define a spline by "fitting" it to existing points that define the spline.

Smooth Lets you reduce variations in the curvature distribution of an open spline. Restore Defining Data

When edits to the spline have caused it to be out of synchronization with its defining data, this option resets the spline to its defining data. This option is only effective for Edit Pole operations.

Undo Restores the spline to its state prior to the last modification. If more than one modification is made, you may choose Undo as many times as needed.

You can display the original spline during editing by turning the Display Original Spline option ON.

When you edit a spline that was created through defining points, using the Change Degree or Change Stiffness options, the following warning message is displayed. Defining Data and its Associated Dimensions Will Be Deleted. If you continue with the edit, the defining points are removed.

Trim CurveTrim Curve adjusts the endpoints of curves based on bounding entities and segment(s) of curves selected for trimming. You can trim or extend lines, arcs, conics or splines. You can trim to (or extend to) curves, edges, planes, faces, points, or cursor locations. You can specify that the trimmed curve is associated with its input parameters.

You can use bodies, faces, points, curves, edges, datum planes and datum axes as bounding objects when trimming a curve. You cannot trim bodies, sheet bodies or solid bodies.

Basic Trim Curve ProcedureThe basic procedure to trim (or extend) a curve is shown in the following steps.

1. Use the First Bounding Object selection step to specify the first bounding object. If you want to trim or extend the bounding object, turn on Trim Bounding Objects and set the Trim/Extend option to either Start or End.

2. Select the second bounding object (optional). If you have already turned on Trim Bounding Objects for the first bounding object, the second bounding object is also going to be trimmed. You can independently set the Trim/Extend option for the second bounding object to Start or End.

3. Set the desired Method to Find Intersections option.4. Use the String to Trim selection step to specify one or more curves you wish to trim or

extend. The ends of the curves you select indicate the ends that will be trimmed.5. Set the Extend and Trim options for the selected curve.6. If you chose Along a Vector for the Method to Find Intersections option, use the

Vector Direction selection step to specify the desired direction of the trim.7. Turn on the Associative Output option if you want the output trimmed curve to be

associative with its input parameters.8. Use the Input Curves pull-down menu to specify the disposition of the curves to be

trimmed.9. Click OK or Apply.

Trim CornerThis option trims two curves to their intersection point, thereby forming a corner. The corner that is created depends on the objects selected. As with all Edit options, the portion of the

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curves selected, with respect to their intersection point, is trimmed (see the figure below). When you select curves for a corner trim, position the selection ball so that it includes both curves.

Divide CurveThis option divides a curve into a series of like segments (i.e., line-to-line; arc-to-arc). Each segment created is a separate entity and is assigned the same font as the original curve. The new objects are placed on the same layer as the original curve.

There are five different methods for segmenting a curve:

Equal Segments Uses the length of a curve or a specific curve parameter to divide a curve into equal segments. The curve parameter depends on the type of curve being segmented (e.g. line, arc, and spline).

Segments by Bounding Entities

Divides a curve into segments using bounding objects, which may be points, curves, planes, and/or faces.

Input Arc Length Segments

Divides a curve based on the arc length defined for each segment.

At Knotpoint Uses selected knotpoints to segment a curve.At Corners Divides a spline at the corners

Edit FilletEdit Fillet lets you edit existing fillets. This option behaves similar to the two-object fillet creation technique.

To edit an existing fillet:

1. Select the trim method you wish to use.2. Select the objects to edit.3. Define the parameters to use for creating the modified fillet.

There are three possible trim methods when you are editing a fillet: automatic trim, manual trim, and no trim. These methods are the same as those used when creating fillets.

You must select the objects to be edited in a counterclockwise direction. This ensures that the new fillet is drawn in the proper direction.

Stretch CurveUse this option to move geometric objects, while simultaneously stretching or shrinking selected lines. You can move most object types, but you can only stretch and shrink lines.

Stretch Dialog Options

Delta XC, Delta YC, Delta ZC

To use the Delta method, enter delta XC, YC and ZC values. The geometry is moved or stretched by these delta values.

Reset Values Resets the three delta buffers to zero.

Point to Point Displays the Point Constructor dialog to let you define the reference and destination points.

Undo Lets you change the geometry back to a previous state.

Basic Stretch Curve ProcedureTo perform a stretch:

1. Choose Stretch from the Edit Curve dialog. The Stretch dialog is displayed.2. Select the geometry you wish to stretch, either individually or using a rectangle.3. Specify the method, Delta or Point to Point, you wish to use to stretch the selected


Choosing Apply or OK extends or moves the selected geometry from the reference point to the destination point. Geometry that is moved is translated by the delta values, and zero length lines are deleted.

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Edit Arc LengthYou can use the Edit Arc Length option to trim a curve by a given arc length increment, or to a total arc length.

Arc Length is not applicable for Sketcher curves. The option is available when a sketch is active so that you can still edit non-sketch curves without having to disable the active sketch.

You can enter either a positive or negative value for the arc length. A positive value generates an extension of the curve. A negative value truncates the curve.


To trim a curve using arc length increments:

1. Select the curve to be trimmed.2. Set the Trim/Extend option to Start, End or Both.3. Choose the Incremental option.4. Enter the value for the the Arc Length increment you wish to use in the Length field.5. Set the Associative Output and Input Curves options.6. Click OK or Apply.

Smooth Spline - OverviewUse this option to automatically remove imperfections in the curvature properties of a B-spline. This feature is useful with manually created splines, which often have minor imperfections depending on the number and location of picked points.

You can smooth B-spline curves to remove minor imperfections by minimizing curvature magnitude or curvature variation within the curve.

You can also smooth a B-spline in a specified region or across the entire spline. Knots are inserted at the boundary of the region and within the region until there are enough free control points to reduce the variation to the desired levels. Repeated use of this option on a spline will make it increasingly linear.

Smooth Spline - Basic Procedure

To smooth a B-spline, follow these steps:

1. Select a B-spline to smooth. If the B-spline is associative, a warning message displays that feature parameters will be removed.

2. Choose the Smoothing Type, Curvature or Curvature Variation.

3. Choose the level of constraint you want for the start and end of the B-spline, G0, G1, G2, or G3.

4. Use the Smoothing Factor slider to specify how many times you want the smoothing operation performed each time you click Apply.

5. Use the Modification Percentage slider to specify the level of overall smoothing you want for the B-spline.

6. Click Apply to smooth the B-spline. You may want to click Apply a number of times until you get the desired shape, or you may want to change the boundary constraints.

7. When the shape is as desired, click OK. The B-spline is smoothed accordingly.

EDIT FEATUREModeling Edit Feature Options

Parameters - Lets you edit a feature by changing its creation parameters.

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Positioning - Lets you change the location of a feature by specifying new values for the positioning dimensions. You can also add or delete positioning dimensions.

Move – Lets you move features that are not constrained by positioning dimensions.

Reorder - Lets you change the order in which a feature is applied to a body. You can reorder a feature before or after a selected reference feature.

Replace – Lets you change all references of an object to another object.

Suppress - Lets you remove features from the display.

Unsuppress - Lets you retrieve previously suppressed features.

Suppress by Expression - Lets you suppress a feature using the expression editor, which provides a list of "suppress" expressions to edit.

Remove Parameters – Lets you remove all parameters from one or more bodies.

Solid Density - Lets you change the density value and/or density units of a solid body.

Playback - Lets you rebuild the model, starting with the first feature. Options let you move to any feature in the model, analyze and edit features in the partially-rebuilt model, or trigger an update that finishes rebuilding the model (unless an update failure occurs).

Edit Feature ParametersThis option lets you edit a feature based on the method and parameter values used when it was created. The user interaction depends on the type of feature you select. The parameters of most features can be edited with the Edit Parameters options.

You can edit the expressions and references of more than one feature at a time by using multiple-selection in the Edit Parameters list box followed by OK, or by using the Part Navigator-> MB3-> Edit Parameters option on multiply-selected features. An expression/reference dialog displays to let you change the values of feature expressions and resolve feature references. This dialog is similar to the create and edit dialogs used in User Defined Feature.

To edit parameters for single features, follow these steps: Select the feature to be edited, either from the graphics area or from the Feature

Selection dialog. The values of the feature's parameters are displayed in the graphics area. A dialog with the appropriate Edit Parameters options also appears.

Select a dimension in the graphics area, then enter a new value in the Enter New Expression dialog. Or Choose an option from the dialog with the Edit Parameters options, enter new values, and choose OK.

When you choose Edit Parameters and select a feature to be edited, the options on the dialog that appears may vary, depending on which feature you select:

Feature Dialog Lists the names and values of the parameters of the selected feature, and lets you enter new values. This option appears for all features.

Reattach Lets you change the location or orientation of a feature by redefining its feature references. This option appears only for features that can be reattached.

Change Type Lets you change holes or slots to other types of holes or slots, respectively.Swept Features Lets you edit a swept feature (Extrude, Revolve, or Sweep Along a Guide)Datum Planes and Datum Axes

Lets you edit both datum planes and datum axes.

Booleans Lets you select a new target body and/or a new tool body when editing a boolean feature

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Patch Bodies Edits that you can make to a Patch Body feature include changing the target or tool bodies, reversing the direction of the patch, or change the setting of the Create Hole Patch toggle.

Blends Lets you edit pre-V15.0 blend feature.Instances Lets you edit instances.

Edit PositioningThis option lets you move a feature by editing its positioning dimensions. You can edit a dimension value, add a dimension, or delete a dimension.


To edit a feature's positioning dimensions:

1. Choose the Edit Positioning icon.2. Select the feature to be edited.3. Choose the type of dimension edit (add, edit, or delete).4. Select the dimension.5. Complete the edit, then choose OK.

Dimension Editing OptionsAdd Dimension Lets you add a positioning dimension to a feature.Edit Dimension Value Lets you move a feature by changing the values of the feature's

selected positioning dimension.Delete Dimension Lets you delete a selected positioning dimension from a feature.

Move FeatureThis option lets you move a nonassociative feature to a desired location. You may not use this option to move features whose location has been constrained using positioning dimensions. If you wish to move such a feature, use the Edit Positioning Dimension option.

Move Feature Dialog OptionsDelta DXC, DYC, DZC

Lets you move a feature by specifying a distance and direction using coordinates. The feature is moved relative to the work coordinate system.

To a Point Lets you move a feature from a reference point to a destination point.Rotate Between Two Axes

Lets you move a feature by rotating the feature between a reference axis and a destination axis.

CSYS to CSYS Lets you reposition a feature from its position in a reference coordinate system, to a destination coordinate system.

Reorder FeatureThis option lets you change the order in which a feature is applied to a body. The desired feature can be reordered before or after a selected reference feature.

As you create features, the system assigns a time stamp to each one. When you modify a body, the update is controlled by the ordering of the time stamps.

Following is an illustration example of how to use the reorder option:

1. Create a block.2. Create a hollow feature on the block.3. Create a boss on the block.

In this example, the boss does not contain the hollow. If you wish to hollow the block and the boss, you can simply reorder the boss before the hollow.

When reordering features that have associated features, the associated features are also reordered.

Reorder Feature Dialog Options

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Reference Feature list box

Lists the features present in the part. You can select a feature from this listing to be the Reference feature on which to base the reorder of items you select from the Reposition Features list box. You can also select a Reference feature directly from the graphics window. All features appear in the list box with their time stamps in parenthesis.

Filter Lets you control the types of features displayed in the Reference Feature list box. Choose Method

Lets you choose where to place the Reposition feature in relation to the Reference feature.Before - The selected Reposition Features will be moved before the Reference feature.After - The selected Reposition Features will be moved after the Reference Feature.

Reposition Features list box

Lets you select the Reposition features you wish to move in relation to the Reference feature. The features that appear in the Reposition Features list box all have time stamps that follow that of the Reference feature. The features you select for repositioning will be moved before or after the Reference feature, depending on the setting of the Choose Method option. You can also select Reposition features directly from the graphics window. Features selected for repositioning appear highlighted in the graphics window.


To reorder one or more features from the Reorder Features dialog, follow these steps:

1. Select a feature from the Reference Feature list box or the graphics window that you wish to make the Reference feature. The Reference feature is the pivot feature about which the reposition features are placed. If a Reference feature is selected and you wish to change it to another, you can deselect it by clicking on it in the graphics window with <Shift><MB1>. Then you can select the desired reference feature. You can do this even after Reposition features have been selected.

2. Use the Choose Method option to specify how to reorder the Reposition features, either Before the Reference feature or After. Once the Reference feature and the method have been specified, the features that can be reordered display in the Reposition Features list box.

3. Choose the desired Reposition features from the Reposition Features list box or the graphics window. Selected Reposition features are highlighted in the graphics window. Depending on what you select for repositioning, other features may also be selected for reorder by implication.

4. Choose Apply and the system performs the reorder on the selected feature only within the list box, letting you perform multiple reorders. Choose OK to finalize the reorder operation. Choosing Cancel terminates the reorder operation without making any changes.

Replace FeaturesThis option allows you to make changes to the basic geometry of a design without having to remodel all of the dependent features from scratch. It lets you replace bodies and datums, and lets you reapply dependent features from the first bodies onto the second. The original features on the first bodies and datums are thus replaced by new features, while maintaining associativity with downstream features.

This is a very powerful and flexible tool that you can use in many ways. For example, you can use it to:

Replace older versions of bodies imported from external systems to updated versions of the same bodies, without having to redo later modeling.

Replace one freeform surface with another modeled in a different way.

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Remodel a set of features in a body in a different way.

Replace Features is not meant as a replacement for the Copy Feature, Paste Feature or any of the other Edit Feature options. It is intended as a way to make edits to a body based on its parent geometry. As such, it maintains associativity between features and bodies.

Replace Features Basic Examples

The following basic procedures represent just some of the ways you can use the Replace Features functionality.

To replace one version of a body imported from an external system to an updated version of the same body:

1. Import the new version of the body into your part, and reorder it to the start of the part.

2. Open the Replace Feature option and use the Body/Datum selection step to select the body to be replaced.

3. Use the Original Features selection step to select just the base unparameterized feature.

4. Use the Replacement Features selection step to select the new unparameterized feature.

5. You will then be prompted to indicate on the new body the faces or edges that have been used for later feature operations.

6. At this point an update occurs. You will possibly be asked for additional selections for edges/faces that were created during later modeling, which the system could not infer. In this case, the Edit During Update (EDU) dialog will display. You can make additional changes and selections by using the EDU to edit features.

To replace a free form surface with an enlarged copy of the same surface:

1. Use the Copy Feature and Paste Feature options to make a copy of the surface you want to enlarge

2. Use the Enlarge option to enlarge the surface.3. Use the Reorder option to reorder the new features, including the new enlarge

feature, to just after the timestamp of the original surface.4. Use the Original Features selection step to select the original surface feature.5. Use the Replacement Features selection step to select the new surface features and

the enlarge feature.6. You will then be prompted to indicate on the new body the faces or edges from the

old body that have been used for later feature operations.7. At this point an update occurs. You will possibly be asked for additional selections for

edges/faces that were created during later modeling, which the system could not infer. In this case, the Edit During Update (EDU) dialog will display. You can make additional changes and selections by using the EDU to edit features.

To remodel a set of features in a body in a different way to correct geometry:

1. Use the Suppress option to suppress the features that are later than the ones to be remodeled.

2. Use the Copy Feature option to make a copy of the features that are earlier than those to be remodeled.

3. Working on the new body, build the corrected geometry.4. Use the Body/Datum selection step to select the old body.5. Use the Original Feature selection step to select the features that you have

remodeled.6. Use the Replacement Features selection step to select the newly created features

with the correct geometry.7. You will then be prompted to indicate on the new body the faces or edges from the

old body that have been used for later feature operations.8. Unsuppress the features you suppressed earlier. At this point an update occurs. You

will possibly be asked for additional selections for edges/faces that were created during later modeling, which the system could not infer. In this case, the Edit During

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Update (EDU) dialog will display. You can make additional changes and selections by using the EDU to edit features.

Suppress FeatureThis option lets you temporarily remove one or more features from the target body and the display. Not available if Delayed Update on Edit is active.

A suppressed feature still actually exists within the data base but it is removed from the model. Since the features still exist, they can be retrieved using Unsuppress Feature.

Suppressing features lets you:

Reduce the size of your model, especially if it is rather large, making it easier to work with. This speeds up the creation, object selection, edit, and display time.

Remove noncritical features, such as small holes and blends, from your model for analysis work. Suppressed features are not meshed in GFEM Plus.

Create features in locations where there is conflicting geometry. For example: If you need to position a feature using an edge that has already been blended, you do not need to delete the blend. You can suppress the blend, create and position the new feature, and then unsuppress the blend.

Base Procedure

To suppress features:

1. Choose the Suppress Feature icon.2. Select the features to be suppressed, either from the list in the Feature Selection

dialog or by selecting them in the graphics window.3. If you do not want the Feature Selection dialog to include any dependents in the

Selected Feature(s) list, turn List Dependents off. 4. Choose OK.

Unsuppress FeatureThis option lets you retrieve previously suppressed features. Not available if Delayed Update on Edit is active. After you choose the Unsuppress Feature icon, a list of all suppressed features is displayed in the Feature Selection dialog, and you are prompted to select the feature(s) you want to unsuppress.

Suppress by ExpressionUsing this option, you can use an expression to suppress a feature using the expression editor, which provides a list of suppress expressions to edit. Not available if Delayed After Edit is active.

If a child feature has its own suppress expression, its suppression status will be controlled by that instead of by its parent's suppress status (i.e., the child is not automatically suppressed when its parent becomes suppressed). Child features that do not have their own suppress expressions are automatically suppressed when their parents suppress

Remove ParametersThis option lets you remove all parameters from one or more solid and sheet bodies. You can also remove parameters from curves and points that are associated with features, making them non-associative.

Disassociating bodies and curve and point features can help shorten the time for an update, and can be useful if you are redesigning your part.

Procedure1. Select the objects whose parameters you wish to remove. Use the Filter mask, if

necessary, to restrict what is selectable. If you know the name of an object whose

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parameters you wish to remove you can select it by entering its name in the Name field and pressing the <Return> key. Otherwise, use the mouse and cursor to make your selections from the graphics window.

2. Once you have specified all objects whose parameters you wish to remove, click the OK button.

3. A warning dialog displays stating that parameters are about to be removed. Click the OK button to complete the operation and remove the parameters. Clicking the Cancel button dismisses the warning dialog and retains the parameters for the selected objects.

Solid DensityThis option lets you change the density and/or the density units for one or more existing solid bodies.

To change the density or density units of solid bodies:

1. Enter the desired solid density value.2. If you wish to change the units, choose Change Units, then select the desired units

from the menu and choose OK.3. Select the solid body or bodies you wish to change.

You can change the default solid density used when solid bodies are created with the Preferences-> Modeling-> Density option. When you choose the Change Units option, you are given the following density units to choose from: Lbs-Inches, Lbs-Feet, Grams-Cm, and Kg-Meters.

Changing the density units causes the system to recalculate the current density value based on the new units; you can change the density value, if desired.

PlaybackThis option lets you review how the model is created, feature by feature. You can also edit the model as it updates. You can move forward or backward to any feature, then edit it. Then you can move to a different feature. Or, at any time, you can trigger an updating of the model that starts at the current feature and continues until the model is complete, or until a feature fails to update. Playback gives you more control over the update process than the other update methods.

Edit During Update Dialog

The Edit During Update (EDU) facility appears if a failure or a warning occurs during an Update of your model. Your model can be updated during a number of operations, including feature update, suppression and deletion. If a problem occurs during the update, the EDU displays. Playback also starts the EDU, beginning an update with the first feature.

Edit During Update Dialog Options

message window

Shows any applicable error or warning messages, as well as whether the current feature updated successfully or failed.

Show Failure Area

Temporarily displays failed geometry. This option is available only if an object involved in the failure, such as a tool body, is available for display.

Show Current Model

Displays the part of the model that has been successfully rebuilt. Some features, such as instances in an array, may not appear in the current model until the last related feature is rebuilt.

Post Recovery Update Status

Let you specify what should happen when the icon options you choose is completed.Continue restarts the automatic update process from where it left off.Pause lets you choose other Edit during Update options, rather than automatically resuming update.

Icon Options The review and edit options that are available for your model.

Icon Options

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The possible options are:

Undo – Undoes the last modification you made to the model before updating began.Go Back To - Lets you move backward through the model to a selected feature that you choose from the Update Selection dialog. Step Back - Lets you move backward through the model one feature at a time.Step - Advances one feature at a time through the model.Go To - Lets you move forward through the model to a selected feature. In this case, the Update Selection dialog lists the features that have not yet been rebuilt.Continue - Triggers the update process, which continues until the model is completely rebuilt or until a feature fails. If you choose Continue when a failure occurs, that feature is skipped.Accept – Marks the current feature that failed and halted the update process as "out of date," letting you ignore the problem and allowing the system to continue with and complete the update process. Accept Remaining - Marks all features that fail to update and their dependents as "out of date," letting you ignore the problem and allowing the system to continue with and complete the update process. Delete - Lets you delete the feature that failed to updateDelete Dependents - Lets you delete the dependents of a feature that failed to update.Suppress - Suppresses the feature currently being updated.Suppress Remaining - Suppresses the feature currently being updated and all subsequent features.Review the Model - Lets you analyze, but not edit, the rebuilt model with options from the menu bar or the MB3 popup menu. Review the Model cannot be used to review features that failed during update or that have not yet been rebuilt.Edit Parameters - Lets you change the parameters of the feature currently being updated. Delayed Delete - A special feature known as "Delayed Delete" can let you edit child features whose parents have been deleted. Edit Positioning Dimension - Lets you reposition the selected or failed feature.


Modeling Edit Surface Options

Enlarge - lets you change the size of an untrimmed sheet or face, by creating a new ENLARGE feature that is associative with the original, overlayed untrimmed face.

Global Shaping - Lets you deform a surface in a predictable fashion, with full associativity of the result.

IsoparametricTrim/Divide - Lets you trim a body in either the U or V isoparametric direction at a specified parameter.

Boundary - Lets you modify or replace an existing boundary of a sheet body.

Degree - Lets you change the degree of a body.

Stiffness - Lets you modify the shape of the body by changing its degree.

Change Edge - Lets you perform edge matching on a B-Surface by modifying an edge to coincide with a curve, or an edge of another body, or to lie in a plane.

Reverse Normal - Lets you add Reverse Normal Features to one or more sheet bodies.

Move Defining Point - Lets you move points lying on the body.

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Move Pole - Lets you move a pole of the body.

EnlargeThe Enlarge option lets you change the size of an untrimmed sheet or face, by creating a new ENLARGE feature that is associative with the original, overlayed untrimmed face. You can change each of the untrimmed edges of the ENLARGE feature by a given percentage.

When creating models using sheets it is good practice to overbuild them, to eliminate downstream solid modeling issues. If you have not overbuilt these primary sheets far enough you may be unable to increase their size without resorting to using the Isoparametric Trim function. Isoparametric Trim, however, is not associative, and when used breaks the parameterization of the sheet. The Enlarge option lets you create a new sheet that is both associative with the original untrimmed face and lets you change the dimensions of each of the untrimmed edges.

Enlarge Dialog Options

Type There are two methods by which you can extend the edges of the ENLARGE feature.Linear - Extends the edges of the enlarge sheet linearly, in a single direction. Using the Linear Type lets you increase an enlarged feature's size, but you cannot decrease it.Natural - Extends the edges of the enlarge sheet by following the natural curve of the edges. If you use the Natural Type to size an enlarged feature, you can both increase its size and decrease it. Natural is the default for the Type option.

All Lets you control all of the U/V-Min/Max sliders as a single group. When this switch is on and you move any of the individual sliders, all of the sliders move simultaneously, retaining their existing percentage ratios between each other.OFF - Turning off the All switch provides individual control of the sliders and each of the untrimmed edges.ON - If each of the U/V-Min/Max sliders is at a different position, and you turn on the All switch, any subsequent change to an individual slider is proportionately made to the other 3 as well.


Use the U-Min, U-Max, V-Min and V-Max sliders or their respective data entry fields to change the size of the untrimmed edges of the enlarge sheet. Values you enter in the data entry fields or drag with the sliders are percentages of the original size. You may enter values or expressions in the data entry fields.

Reset Resets all of the sliders back to their original position. In creation mode, this means setting all of the sliders back to their default position (0,0,0,0).

Reselect Face

Lets you select another face. Clicking this option deselects the currently selected face and sets all slider and field values back to zero.

Edit a Copy

Lets you create a copy of the sheet body, rather than editing the one selected.

Enlarge Basic Procedure

1. Select an exiting face that you wish to enlarge. The face can be either trimmed or untrimmed. Either way, the resulting enlarged sheet is an associative copy of the original untrimmed face that has extended boundaries

2. Once you select the sheet to enlarge, it is highlighted with a U/V grid in the graphics window, with the U and V directions indicated. The initial enlarged sheet is identical to the untrimmed selected face.

3. Choose either Natural or Linear for the type of extensions to use for the enlarged sheet.

4. You are now ready to resize the enlarge feature. Use the U-Min, U-Max, V-Min and V-Max sliders to drag and resize the percentage values. As you drag the sliders the enlarge feature dynamically resizes in the graphics window.

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5. If you wish to start over, use the optional Reset button to set all of the sliders back to their original position. This will negate any values you may have already specified.

6. Use the Reselect Face button if you wish to enlarge a different face.7. Click OK or Apply to create the enlarge feature.

Global ShapingGlobal Shaping lets you deform a surface in a predictable fashion, with full associativity of the result. You can use this function when styling to alter an existing surface while preserving its aesthetic properties. When performing manufacturing operations you can use Global Shaping to modify a surface to account for the effects of springback during metal forming.Global Shaping Dialog Options

Type Overcrown - Creates a new sheet by "overcrowning" a selected sheet, based on deformation using a function or based on a reference surface.Stretch - Shapes a new sheet against base and/or control sheets by stretching it in a specified Stretch Direction.

Control By Both of the following methods produce features that are fully associative to the provided input dataFunction - Lets you deform a sheet body within a specified region. With this method the amount of offset at any point within the region is specified by a given transition function or by a transition function that you define.Surface - Lets you introduce deformations into a sheet body through manipulation of a reference surface. You select a Base surface and optionally a Control surface. The deviation between the base surface and the control surface determines the amount of normal offset that is applied to the new sheet body at any given point.

Confirm Upon Apply

Opens the Confirm Upon Apply dialog after you choose Apply, letting you preview the results, and accept, reject or analyze them. This option is common to Selection Steps dialogs.

Overcrowning using Control By Function1. On the Global Shaping dialog, select one or more faces to overcrown.2. Set the Type to Overcrown and the Control By option to Function. Click OK or Apply.

The Overcrown by Function dialog then displays.3. On the Overcrown by Function dialog use the Region Bounds selection step to select

a closed curve or string for the region boundary. 4. You are now ready to deform the new sheet body. Optionally modify the defaulted

Point in Region using the Snap Point tools. 5. Optionally modify the defaulted Direction for the deformation using the Vector Method

option menu. Updating the direction from the default immediately updates the projected representation of the new sheet body.

6. Optionally modify the height of the new sheet body at the Point in Region by entering a new value in the Height data entry field, or by dragging the Height slider.

7. Optionally change the desired Transition function from the Function 1 default. You can choose one of the two provided transition functions, Function 1 or Function 2, or you can define your own transition function using the Law Subfunction.

8. Optionally drag the Shape Control slider to dynamically change the slope of the new sheet body.

9. Choose OK or Apply to create the newly associated sheet body.

Overcrowning using Control By Surface1. On the Global Shaping dialog, select one or more faces to overcrown.2. Set the Type to Overcrown and the Control By option to Surface. Click OK or Apply.

The Overcrown by Surface dialog then displays.3. On the Overcrown by Surface dialog use the Base selection step to select a sheet

body for the base surface.

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4. Advance to the Control selection step. The Move Pole option becomes available to let you create deviations on the base or optional control surface.

5. Choose OK or Apply to complete the creation of the control surface deformations and newly associated sheet body.

Using Stretch and Control By Function1. On the Global Shaping dialog, select one or more faces to overcrown and stretch.2. Set the Type to Stretch and the Control By option to Function. Click OK or Apply. The

Stretch by Function dialog then displays.3. On the Stretch by Function dialog use the Region Bounds selection step to select a

closed curve or string for the region boundary. 4. You are now ready to deform the new sheet body. Optionally modify the defaulted

Point in Region using the Snap Point tools.5. Optionally modify the defaulted Direction for the deformation using the Vector Method

option menu. Updating the direction from the default immediately updates the projected representation of the new sheet body.

6. Optionally modify the height of the new sheet body at the Point in Region by entering a new value in the Height data entry field, or by dragging the Height slider. When using either the data entry field or by dragging the slider, the height of the new sheet body is dynamically updated.

7. Optionally change the desired Transition function from the Function 1 default. You can choose one of the two provided transition functions, Function 1 or Function 2, or you can define your own transition function using the Law Subfunction.

8. Optionally drag the Shape Control slider to dynamically change the slope of the new sheet body.

9. Choose OK or Apply to create the newly associated sheet body.

Using Stretch and Control By Surface1. On the Global Shaping dialog, select one or more faces to stretch.2. Set the Type to Stretch and the Control By option to Surface. Click OK or Apply. The

Stretch by Surface dialog then displays.3. On the Stretch by Surface dialog use the Base selection step to select a sheet body

for the base surface.4. Advance to the Control selection step. The Move Pole option becomes available to let

you create deviations on the base or optional control surface.5. Choose OK or Apply to complete the creation of the control surface deformations and

newly associated sheet body.

Isoparametric Trim/DivideThis option lets you trim or divide a B-surface by a percentage parameter in either the U or V isoparametric direction. You can trim or divide a sheet body (when the parameter you specify is between 0.0% and 100.0%) or extend it (when the parameter you specify is less than 0.0% or greater than 100.0%).

Choosing Isoparametric Trim/Divide opens a dialog with the following options:

Isoparametric Trim Lets you trim a sheet body.

Isoparametric Divide Lets you divide a sheet body.

Sheet BoundaryThis option lets you modify or replace an existing boundary of a sheet. You can remove trim or individual holes from a sheet body, or you can extend the boundaries if the sheet is a single face sheet body.

First select the sheet you want to modify. This sheet is called the base sheet.You have the choice of editing the original sheet body or a copy of the original sheet body.

You must next choose one of the following options:

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Remove Hole

Lets you remove a hole from a sheet body.

Remove Trim

Lets you remove trims performed on a sheet body (i.e. boundary trim and holes) and restore the body to a parametrically rectangular form.

Replace Edge

Lets you replace single or connected edges of a sheet body with new edges that lie inside or outside the current ones

Change DegreeThis option lets you change the degrees of a body. Bodies with underlying multiple patch surfaces can only have their degree increased. Also, bodies which were created "closed" can only have their degree increased.

A warning message is displayed indicating that this operation will remove the parameters from the sheet body. You are asked to OK or Cancel the operation.

You have the choice of editing the original sheet body or a copy of the original sheet body.

Change StiffnessThis option lets you modify the shape of a body by changing its degree.

A warning message is displayed indicating that this operation will remove the parameters from the sheet body. You are asked to OK or Cancel the operation.

You have the choice of editing the original sheet body or a copy of the original sheet body.

Decreasing degree reduces the "stiffness" of the body and allows it to mimic the undulations (reversal of curvatures) of its control polygon more closely. Increasing degree makes the body "stiffer" and less sensitive to undulations in its control polygon.

If you increase the degree using this function, the new body will have the same poles as the original, but a different (stiffer) shape and fewer patches. This contrasts with the Change Degree option which produces a new body with the same shape, different poles and the same number of patches as the original underlying surface.

Change EdgeThis option lets you modify an edge of a B-Surface using various methods. You can modify an edge of a B-Surface to make it match a curve or an edge of another body, or to lie in a plane. You can also deform the edge so that all the cross tangents along that edge pass through the same point, align to a specified vector, match the cross tangents of a selected edge on a second body, or lie in a specified plane.

You have the choice of editing the original sheet body or a copy of the original sheet body.

After you have selected the body and edge to modify, the following options are available:

Edge Only Lets you modify the selected edge.Edge & Normals

Lets you match the selected edge and/or the normals to various objects.

Edge & Cross Tangents

Lets you match a selected edge and/or its cross tangents to various objects.

Edge Curvature

Provides a higher degree of match between two surfaces than the Edge & Cross Tangents option. If continuation of curvature is required from surface to surface then you should use this option instead. The procedures are identical with that of Edge & Cross Tangents.

Check Deviation

Lets you toggle the Information window ON or OFF, which provides feedback on how much a surface deformed when matching two free form bodies for

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position and tangency.

Reverse NormalLets you add Reverse Normal features to one or more sheet bodies. Reverse Normal features are useful in preventing update problems due to trimming operations using sheets. They can also be handy in controlling shading displays, especially if you are using third party shading tools.

When you first choose the Reverse Normal option a sheet selection dialog displays prompting you to select the sheet bodies you wish to reverse. You can select one or more sheet bodies.

After selecting at least one sheet body, the OK, Apply and Display Normal buttons are enabled, and a conehead displays indicating the current normal direction of the first face in every selected sheet body. Use the Display Normal button to redisplay the sheet body normals, in case they become erased or are corrupted on the graphics screen by other operations.

Choosing OK or Apply creates a Reverse Normal feature for every selected sheet body.

Move Defining PointYou can use Move Defining Point to move the points lying on a sheet body (defining points). When you use this option, a warning message is displayed indicating that the operation will remove the parameters from the sheet body. You are asked to OK or Cancel the operation.

You have the choice of editing the original sheet body or a copy of the original sheet body. Edit A Copy lets you keep a copy of the sheet body. Copies of the original sheet body are not associated with the original.

Once you have chosen an option and selected a face to edit, the Move Point dialog appears.

Move Point Dialog OptionsPoints to Move Lets you choose the point(s) to move.Redisplay Surface Points Lets you redisplay the points that are eligible for selection.Points From File Lets you read in points from a file to replace the original points.

Selecting Points

The system prompts you to select the face and the type of points you want to move. Using the Move Point dialog, you can move a single point, an entire row, an entire column, or a rectangular array using the following options:

Single Point Lets you specify a single point to move. This is the default option.Entire Row Lets you move all points in the same row (constant V). To move the row,

select a point in the row you want to move.Entire Column Lets you move all points in the same column (constant U). To move the

column, select a point in the column you want to move.Rectangular Array

Lets you move the points contained in a rectangular area. To move the area, select two opposite corner points of the rectangle you want to move

Move Pole

Move Pole lets you move the poles of a sheet body. This can be useful in the interactive design of free-form aesthetic shapes, such as those found in consumer products and automobile bodies. You may wish to move poles when you want to modify the shape of a surface to improve its appearance, or to make it comply with some criteria like minimum distance or deviation to other geometrical elements.

You can drag poles along the normal vector to the surface or on the plane tangent to it. You can drag rows or columns, while preserving the curvature or tangency at the edges. You can use the Deviation Check and Section Analysis options to provide visual feedback of the surface edit with respect to other reference geometry.

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Single Pole - Lets you specify a single pole to move.

Entire Row (constant v) - Lets you move all poles in the same row (constant V). To move the row, select a pole in the row you want to move.

Entire Column (constant u) - Lets you move all poles in the same column (constant U). To move the column, select a pole in the column you want to move.

Rectangular Array - Lets you move the poles contained in a rectangular area. Rectangular Array supports only the Along Defined Vector and Along Normal drag options.

EDIT FACEModeling Edit Face Options

Move FaceLets you move faces of a feature by linear translation or by rotation about

an axis. This option converts the selected feature into an unparameterized feature.

Replace Face Lets you exchange a single face of a feature with new sheet geometry.

This option converts the selected feature into an unparameterized feature.Subdivide Face Lets you use existing curves to create new edges and faces on existing

bodies.Delete Face

Lets you delete one or more faces of a body.Resize Face

Lets you change the radial parameters of a single face of an analytic solid body (cone, sphere, cylinder, and torus).

Join FacesLets you join multiple faces on a body, removing all unnecessary edges

and vertices.

Move FaceThis option lets you move one or more faces of a solid body by linear translation or by rotation about an axis. This option can only operate on unparameterized bodies. If you select a face from a parameterized body for this operation, a message is displayed, warning you that the parameters will be removed from the body if you continue. If you choose to continue, all parametric data (feature and sketch information) is deleted from the selected body.To use this option, follow these steps:

1. Select the face(s) you wish to move.2. Choose the method of face movement.3. Select the projection faces and or planes using the Class Selection Tool.

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Replace FaceThis option lets you replace the geometry of a single solid face with new sheet geometry. The selected face must be bounded by other faces.

You can replace the selected face with one of the following sheet types:

Planar Lets you replace the selected face with a planar-shaped sheet.Cylindrical Lets you replace the selected face with a cylindrical-shaped sheet.Spherical Lets you replace the selected face with a spherical-shaped sheet.Conical Lets you replace the selected face with a conical-shaped sheet.Toroidal Lets you replace the selected face with a toroidal-shaped sheet.Select Face

Lets you replace the sheet of a selected face with an existing sheet or the sheet of a selected solid face.

This operation does not allow the topology of the solid body to change. The system replaces the geometry of the selected face with the user-specified geometry.

This option can only operate on unparameterized bodies. If you select a face from a parameterized body for this operation, a message is displayed, warning you that the parameters will be removed from the body if you continue. If you choose to continue, all parametric data (feature and sketch information) is deleted from the selected body.

The original edges of the selected face are deleted and new edges are recalculated by intersecting the new sheet (of the selected face) with the sheets of all the adjacent faces. If these intersections would fail (e.g., attempting to replace the planar sheet of one of the faces on a one inch cube with a spherical face with a quarter inch radius), the system does not replace the face. Also note that nonanalytic sheets, such as B-surface type sheets, cannot be extended beyond the geometry that defines their bounds.

To use this option, follow these steps:1. Select a feature.2. Select the face to be replaced.3. Define the replacing sheet.

After a Replace operation, you can restore the solid body to its previous state with Undo. Choosing Undo causes the system to immediately reverse the last Replace operation only.

Subdivide FaceThis option lets you use existing curves to create new edges and new faces on a single face of an existing body while maintaining associativity.

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To use this option, follow these steps:1. Select the face to be subdivided.2. Determine the curve status (maintain or blank originals)3. Select the curves to subdivide the face.

you can edit these edges/faces using Edit->Feature->Parameters. Curves which are associated with the subdivided face feature cannot be deleted. If you transform the curves associated with a subdivided face, the face itself is also updated. If you transform the solid body on which any subdivided faces reside, their associated curves do not move. However, the subdivided faces are updated accordingly.

Delete FaceThis option lets you remove one or more faces of an existing body. If multiple faces are selected, they must all belong to the same solid body.

This option can only operate on unparameterized bodies. If you select a face from a parameterized body for this operation, a message is displayed, warning you that the parameters will be removed from the body if you continue. If you choose to continue, all parametric data (feature and sketch information) is deleted from the selected body.

To use this option, follow these steps:

1. Select the face to be deleted using the Class Selection Tool.2. Determine the method to repair the opening.

Immediately after a Delete operation, you can reverse the effect of that operation, and restore the body to its previous state, with Undo.

Deleting a face from a solid body leaves an opening which must be closed. You can specify that the system either Create New Faces or Trim Existing Faces to close the opening.

Create New Faces causes a new face to be generated from the edges of the opening. The system creates a new face by finding a surface which best fits all the edges of the opening. The edges are not modified in any way.

Trim Existing Faces causes the surrounding faces to extend until they intersect, to cover the opening left by the deletion. The system deletes the edges surrounding the opening and recalculates any required new edges.

Trim Existing Faces has the following restrictions: The faces that will be trimmed as a result of deleting a face cannot be parallel to each

other. (They would never intersect.) Nonanalytic surfaces, such as B-surfaces, cannot be extended beyond the geometry

that defines their bounds.

Choose Undo to reverse the previous Delete operation and restore the solid body to its previous state.

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Resize FaceThis option lets you change the radial parameters of analytic faces only. Analytic faces include conical, cylindrical, spherical, and toroidal.

This option can only operate on unparameterized bodies. If you select a face from a parameterized body for this operation, a message is displayed, warning you that the parameters will be removed from the body if you continue. If you choose to continue, all parametric data (feature and sketch information) is deleted from the selected body.

The Resize Face option requires that you select a single face to be modified. Nonanalytic faces are not selectable. If you select a nonanalytic face, the following error message is displayed:

Invalid Face Type For This Operation

When you select single face bodies, such as spheres, the system immediately proceeds to the new size prompt. The prompt for the new size parameter depends on the face you have selected. When you select a sphere or cylinder, you can change the diameter value. When you choose a cone, you can change its half angle, and when you choose a torus you can change its major and minor radii.

Immediately after changing an analytic solid body, you can reverse the effect of that operation and restore the face to its previous state with Undo.

Join FacesYou can choose from the following two methods to join faces on a solid body:

On Same Surface Lets you remove redundant faces, edges, and vertices from selected sheet and solid bodies.

Convert to B-Surface Lets you join multiple faces into a single B-surface type face.

On Same Surface

This option lets you remove redundant faces, edges, and vertices from selected sheet and solid bodies. You may need to use this option after a Subdivide Face operation.

For example, if you subdivide a face and subsequently discover that you no longer need or want that subdivision, you can perform a Join Face on the body to remove the now unwanted edges and/or faces.

Convert to B-Surface

You can use this option to join multiple faces into a single B-surface type face. The selected faces must be adjacent to each other, belong to the same solid body, have matching u-v box ranges, and the edges at which they join must be isoparametric.

When you select more than two faces for the join operation, the system attempts to match the faces in pairs. You must select the faces in order so that the matching pairs share edges (see the figure below).

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TOOLSModeling Tools Options

Expression Lets you define and edit arithmetic or conditional formulas for the feature parameters in your part.

Visual Editor

Provides a static graphical representation of a model with its corresponding dimensions and expressions, and simplifies the editing of object parameters.

Update Lets you specify when your model updates during the current session.Part Navigator - Provides a visual representation of your part. Use it to organize, select and control the visibility of your data as well as simply browse to understand it.

Customize Customize the main menu bar and the toolbars to make the interface easier for you to use.User Defined Feature – Lets you create your own features to automate commonly used design elements.

Part Families

Lets you create a family of parts by designing a template part, and then using the NX spreadsheet to describe the various part family members.

Expressions Editor OverviewExpressions are arithmetic or conditional formulas that define the characteristics of features. You can use the Expressions Editor to define the formula strings for the expressions in your part. By editing the formulas, you can edit your model parameters. You do not have to type complex text strings to define the formulas.

You can use expressions to parametrically control the relationships between the features of a part, or between parts in an assembly. You can use expressions to define and control many dimensions of a model, such as the dimensions of a feature or a sketch.

You can easily create many types of intelligent expressions based on measurements and interpart references. All expressions have a single, unique name and a string or formula that can contain a combination of variables, functions, numbers, operators, and symbols. Expression names are variables that you can insert in the formula strings of other expressions.

You can find the Expressions Editor in the following places: Tools-> Expressions Part Navigator-> Details Panel-> MB3-> Edit in Expression Editor on a selected

expression Part Navigator-> Main Panel-> User Expressions-> MB3-> Edit in Expression Editor

on a selected expression

Creating an Expression

To create an expression:1. Open the Expressions Editor.2. Enter a name for the expression in the Name field.3. You can optionally:

Choose a Dimensionality for the expression. Choose a Unit type for the expression.

4. Enter a value and/or formula string in the Formula field.5. To create the expression, press the Enter key or click the Accept Edit button. The

expression is added to the Expressions List window.

Editing an Expression

To edit an expression:1. Open the Expressions Editor.

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2. Click MB1 on the expression you want to edit in the Expression window. It's information fills the Name, Function, Dimensionality, etc. fields.

If you know the name of the expression you want to edit, you can enter it in the Name field and tab to the Formula field. The expression's current value automatically displays in the field, ready for you to edit.

3. Make your edit changes. Enter a new name in the Name field. Enter a new value and/or formula string in the Formula field.You can optionally select an expression from the Expressions List window and:

o Click MB3-> Insert Formula to insert that expression's formula at the cursor position of the Formula field.

o Click MB3-> Insert Name to insert that expression's name at the cursor position of the Formula field.

You can optionally change the dimensionality and units of user-defined expressions.

As you begin editing, the highlighting of the expression in the list window changes to light blue, indicating you have entered edit mode.

If you wish to cancel your edit of the expression, use the Reject Edit button.

4. To finalize the edit, click the Accept Edit button. The expression is updated in the Expressions List window.

Visual EditorThe Visual Editor provides a static graphical representation of a model with its corresponding dimensions and expressions, to simplify the editing of object parameters. You can edit expressions from the Visual Editor and update your model to reflect the changes.

The Visual Editor Dialog

The Tools-> Visual Editor dialog consists of the following components: A graphical cartoon which represents a view of the current model, along with its

associated dimensions. The cartoon is a static graphical image which is used for reference while editing.

A list of expressions associated with the model and an area for editing the expressions. When you select a dimension on the cartoon, the associated expression is highlighted in the list and you can edit it immediately. The model is updated when you choose Update.

Update Options

Delayed After Edit

Lets you specify when to update the display with your edits.When this option is turned ON, you can perform as many edit operations as you wish, but not update your model until you choose the Update option. When turned OFF, you can only perform one edit operation at a time before the system updates the display.

Update Model

Lets you update the display with your previously made edits. When you choose this option, the display is updated to show the effects of the edits made while Delayed After Edit is ON. This option is only available when the Delayed After Edit option is toggled ON.

Edit During Update (EDU)

Lets you review how the model is created, feature by feature. You can also edit the model as it updates. You can move forward or backward to any feature, then edit it.

Part Navigator OverviewThe Part Navigator provides a visual representation of your part. Use it to organize, select and control the visibility of your data as well as simply browse to understand it. In addition, Drafting as well as Modeling data is included in the Part Navigator.

The Part Navigator is divided into a stack of panels: the Main Panel, the Dependencies Panel, the Details Panel, and the Preview Panel. As you construct your model or drawing, data is

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populated into these panel windows. Use the panels to navigate through the part and perform various operations on it.

Main Panel

The Main Panel provides the most overall view of your part. You can double-click items for edit, select them for use in functions, and select and clear their check boxes to control their visibility or suppression status. You can also use filters to customize what appears in the Main Panel and show only the information you want to see.

Dependencies Panel

Use the Dependencies Panel to view the parent-child relationships of the feature geometry selected in the Main Panel.

Details Panel

Use the Details Panel to view, and in some cases edit, the parameters belonging to the feature selected in the Main Panel.

Preview Panel

The Preview Panel displays preview images of selected items in the Main Panel that have preview objects.

Opening the Part Navigator

To open the Part Navigator:1. Click the Part Navigator tab on the Resource Bar.2. Pin the Part Navigator open, by clicking the pin icon in the upper left corner. This will

prevent it from sliding closed when you move the cursor off the Part Navigator tab.- Navigator Unpinned- Navigator Pinned Open

You can open or redisplay the Part Navigator from any NX application. You can also open the Part Navigator using Tools-> Part Navigator.

Customizing the Resource Bar

To change how the Part Navigator works with the Resource Bar:1. Click Preferences-> User Interface. The User Interface Preferences dialog displays.2. Click the Resource Bar tab.

Choose the Left or Right option to specify the side of the NX window on which you want the Resource Bar to appear.

Choose the Pages Automatically Fly Out option to have the Part Navigator open and close automatically when you move the cursor over and off its selected tab on the Resource Bar.

User Defined Feature OverviewUser defined features (UDFs) let you extend the range and power of NX built-in features. You can create your own features that automate commonly used design elements. You can add the user defined features you create to target model . You can define the shape and function of features, and create hierarchical libraries of features that are tailored to your needs.

When you insert a UDF into a part, it is treated as a single feature. If you attempt to suppress or delete a UDF component, the entire UDF is suppressed or deleted. Components on a UDF must be controlled by a suppress expression in order to be individually suppressed and unsuppressed.

You can explode a UDF and break out its individual component features, so they display separately in the Part Navigator. When you do this the component features are also automatically included in a new feature set of the UDF.

Part FamiliesThe Part Families option lets you create a family of parts. You begin by creating a template part, and then use the NX spreadsheet to create a table describing the various part family members.

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Part Families Dialog OptionsAvailable Columns

Lets you choose the type of available columns that can be selected for the Part Families spreadsheet.

Available Columns list box

Lists the columns that are available for adding to the spreadsheet.

Add Column Lets you add a column to the Chosen Columns list by selecting its name in the Available Columns list, then choosing this option.

Chosen Columns list box

Shows the items that have been selected for the part family; each item represents one column in the spreadsheet. When you select an item in the Chosen Columns list, any associated geometry is highlighted in the graphics area.

Remove Column Lets you remove a column from the Chosen Columns list by selecting its name in that list, then choosing this option.

Family Save Directory

Lets you specify the default directory for the creation of family member part files.

Part Family Spreadsheet

Options for the spreadsheet.

General Procedure1. Create a template part.2. In the template part, define the attributes that will be used in the family.3. Create and save a family table, defining the various configurations of the family

members:a. Open the spreadsheet from the Part Families dialog by clicking Part Family

Spreadsheet-> Create.b. From the spreadsheet use Part Family-> Create Parts on the family table to

create a NX part file.

Customizing Dialog OverviewCustomize the main menu bar and the toolbars to make the interface easier for you to use. Showing and hiding items is as easy as dragging and dropping.

Drag and drop a menu item to a toolbar Drag and drop a toolbar item to a menu bar Show and hide toolbar and menu bar items Show and hide entire toolbars Create cascade menus on the menu bar or toolbar Remove menu items Create your own custom buttons.

FORMATModeling Format Options

Layer Setting To work with layers of selectable, visible, invisible, and work layers. Visible in view The Visible Layers in View allows you to view all views in the current

layout.Layer Category

To create, edit and delete layer categories.

Move/Copy to Layer

These functions enable you to transfer objects or their copies among the layers in a part file.

WCS To work with Work Coordinate System. To originate, Rotate, Dynamically Rotate, Orient, Save, the WCS.

Group Features

Lets you group features into a special collection called a Feature Set. Members of a Feature Set can be controlled together during suppress, delete and move feature operations.

Reference Sets

Reference sets let you control the amount of data that is loaded from each component and viewed in the context of an assembly.

Group Identify individual objects as a group, and handle them as a single

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unit. Objects can be removed from a group and restored to their individual status.

Pattern Use this option to duplicate standard parts, to add standard information (such as borders, lines, text and title blocks) to your file, and to reduce the size of your current part file.

Layer Settings Dialog

Option Description

Work Shows the current work layer.

Range or Category Select layers or categories. Select by entering a layer range or category name.

Category Filter Controls which items appear in the Category list box. You can enter a string.

Category List Box Contains all of the categories that match the contents or wildcards of the Category Filter field, in alphabetical order, along with their descriptions.

Edit Category Takes you directly to the Layer Category dialog. This option allows you to modify the description, contents or name of an existing category, create a new category, or delete an existing category.

Information Produces a listing of the pending layer status in the Information window. The result is the same as that of the Information->Other-> Layer option.

Layer/Status List Box

Contains the list of layers that you can select to change status.

Selectable Make layers selectable.

Make Work Make a layer the work layer.

Invisible Turn layers invisible.

Visible Only This option becomes available after you select at least one layer or category from the appropriate list box.

Layers Option Menu Controls the display of the Layers list box on the Layer Settings dialog.Selections: All Layers, Layers with Objects, All Selectable Layers

Show Object Count Displays the number of objects in each layer.

Show Category Names

Displays the category names.

Fit All Before Displaying

Controls whether or not the system should recalculate new view scales before updating the display.

Visible in ViewThe Visible Layers in View dialog allows you to view all views in the current layout.

To... Do This...

Display a list of all views in the current layout

Select Visible in View from the Format pull-down menu

Choose a view Select a view from the list orselect a view in the graphics display area

Replace the individual layer settings of the selected view with the global layer settings

Select a view from the list and select 'Reset to Global'. 'Reset to Global' takes effect immediately. If you are finished with the Format->Visible in View option, to exit the function, click Cancel immediately after 'Reset to Global'. To edit the Visible in View settings again, click OK.

Add to the list of visible layers Select Visible

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Remove from the list of visible layers Select Invisible

Store the selected layers as visible in the view and update the graphics display area

Click Apply or OK

Layer Category ProceduresCreating New Categories - Create new categories by entering a name in the Category text field and selecting Create/Edit.

Editing Existing Categories - Selecting an existing category from the list, the system places its name in the Category text field, and its description in the Description text field.

Deleting Categories To remove a category, select it from the Layer Category list and select the Delete button. Layer & Status Shows all layers contained in the category being edited marked with the status Included.

Creating a New Layer Category

To create a new layer category:1. Select Format->Layer Category. This displays the Layer Category dialog.2. Enter a name in the Category text field.3. Select Create/Edit. This opens the second Layer Category dialog.4. Select the layer to which you want to assign the category.5. To assign a layer to the category, click Add. To unassign a layer from the category,

click Remove.6. Click OK. This re-displays the Layer Category dialog and makes the assignment

effective.To add a description to the new category:

1. Enter text in the Description field.2. Click Apply Description.

Layer Category Dialog

Option Description

Filter Controls which items appear in the Category list box.

Category list box Lists available categories.

Category field Displays the selected category.

Create/Edit Creates new and edits existing categories.

Delete Deletes a category.

Rename Renames categories.

Description field Displays the selected category's category description.

Apply Description Applies the description in the Description field to the selected category.

Move/Copy to LayerThese functions enable you to transfer objects or their copies among the layers in a part file.

Select Move to Layer or Copy to Layer. Select the objects intended for the transformation. Select or enter the number of the destination layer. You can select a destination layer

from the layer list box, the graphics window or you can enter a layer number in the data entry field.

Select OK to perform the transformation.

Move to Layer Remove objects from one layer and place them on another layer.

Copy to Layer Keep objects on their original layer, and place copies on another layer.

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Reference SetsReference sets let you control the amount of data that is loaded from each component and viewed in the context of an assembly. A well-managed reference set strategy can lead to:

Faster load times Reduced memory usage Less cluttered graphics displays

A reference set is a named collection of objects that you can reference from an another part. You can use reference sets to, for example, reference geometry representing different stages of manufacture. Using reference sets can drastically reduce, or even totally eliminate, the graphical representation of portions of the assembly without modifying the actual assembly structure or underlying geometric models.

Objects in a Reference Set

Objects that can be members of a reference set include: geometry coordinate systems planes pattern objects immediate components of the part

Creating a Reference Set1. Choose Format-> Reference Sets to bring up the Reference Sets dialog.2. Click the Create icon to bring up the Create Reference Set dialog.3. Provide a name for the reference set in the Name field.4. Decide whether you want to create a reference set CSYS (coordinate system) by

toggling the Create Reference Set CSYS on or off.5. Choose OK in the Create Reference Set dialog.6. The CSYS Constructor dialog appears if you had toggled on the Create Reference

Set CSYS option. Use this dialog to define your coordinate system. 7. Select the objects that you want to place into your reference set.8. When you have finished selecting objects, choose OK or MB2.

Modifying a Reference Set

To modify an existing reference set:

1. Make sure that the work part contains the reference set that you want to modify.2. Open the Reference Sets dialog if it is not already open (Format-> Reference Sets).3. Select the reference set that you want to modify in the Work Part list.4. Choose the operation that you want to perform from the active icons on the dialog.

GroupIdentify individual objects as a group, and handle them as a single unit. Objects can be removed from a group and restored to their individual status.

A complex part can be managed with ease if the objects are rationally grouped. The selection process can be greatly enhanced if a part consists of grouped objects. 

Term Definitions

Member Object belonging to a group.

Group Collection of its members. You can handle a group as an object separate from its members.

Name Assigned to a group at the time of its creation.

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Option Description

Create Group Creates an unnamed group.

Create Named Group Creates a group and give it a name.

Add to Group Adds objects to a group.

Remove From Group Removes members from groups without ungrouping any groups.

Ungroup Top Ungroup a top-group without ungrouping any of its sub-groups.

Ungroup Full Ungroup a top-level group and all of its subgroups.

Group FeaturesThis option lets you group features into a special collection called a Feature Set. Members of a feature set can be controlled together during suppress, delete and move feature operations.

Basic Procedure1. Click on Format-> Group Features. The Sets of Features dialog opens.2. Enter a name for the feature set in the Feature Set Name field.3. If necessary, use the Filter field to limit the number of features shown in the Features

in Part listing.4. If desired, turn on the Add Dependencies option, to include feature dependencies of

the selected features that are to be added to the feature set.5. If desired, turn on the All in Body option, to include all features in the body in the

feature set.6. Highlight the features in the Features in Part listing that you wish to add to the feature

set, and click the Add button. You can make multiple selections by highlighting multiple items in the Features in Part listing and clicking the Add button once. You can remove features in the Features in Set listing by highlighting them and clicking the Remove button.

7. Turn on Hide Feature Set Members if you do not want the feature set members to display in other feature dialogs.

8. Click OK or Apply. The features in the Features in Set listing are grouped together under the feature name you specified in the Feature Set Name field.

Editing a Feature Set

To edit a feature set do one of the following:

Select Edit->Feature->Parameters and select the feature set. Select the feature set in the Part Navigator and use MB3-> Edit Parameters.

A dialog opens to let you edit the expressions and references of the features in the feature set. If you select multiple feature sets, all expressions and references of all the features in the sets are available to edit.

Add/Remove Members

To change the members in a feature set, go to the Part Navigator and use MB3-> Add/Remove Members. The Sets of Features dialog displays, where you can add and remove features in the set.

You can add feature sets to other feature sets. You can add features to more than one feature set. You cannot add features that were created after the feature set. If you delete a feature set, all of its member features are also deleted. To delete a

feature set without deleting its members, first remove its members. You can create empty feature sets that contain no members. If you suppress a feature set, all of its members are suppressed. If you unsuppress a

feature set, all of its members are unsuppressed, except those members that were already suppressed before they were added to the feature set.

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PatternsUse this option to duplicate standard parts, to add standard information (such as borders, lines, text and title blocks) to your file, and to reduce the size of your current part file.

What is a Pattern?

A Pattern Object

Is one object representing individual objects saved in another file called the pattern master part file. You create a pattern by retrieving the pattern data from the pattern master part file. Pattern data for a particular part must exist before that part can be retrieved as a pattern.

Pattern Data

Is saved in the pattern master part file. Only points, lines, arcs, conics, splines, b-curves, dimensions, drafting objects, surfaces, and solids can be filed as pattern data. All other objects, including nested patterns, are ignored during pattern data filing. 

Pattern Points

Are the control points for pattern objects.

Retrieved from Pattern Master Part File and Used in Six Places

Creating a Pattern

To save pattern data, first set the Save Pattern Data option under File->Options->Save Options to save patterns in the way you want. If it is set to 'No', no pattern data will be saved.

1. Save a part that contains the objects that you want to use as a pattern. This creates a 'Pattern Master Part File'.

2. Open the part file into which you want to retrieve a pattern.3. Retrieve the 'Pattern Master Part File' saved in Step 1.

The following operations apply to pattern objects.

File->Import->Part Edit->Delete, Blank, Layer, Transform, Object Display (Color) Format->Group, Attribute the Dimensioning operations in the Drafting application the Assemblies operations

Option Description

Retrieve Pattern Retrieves the pattern data representing the points, lines, arcs, conics, splines, b-curves, dimensions, drafting objects, sheets, and solids in a pattern master part file, and displays them as a single pattern object in your current part file.

Expand Pattern Imports the individual objects, which make up the pattern object directly into your current part file, and deletes the pattern object.

Update Pattern Re-retrieves pattern data to reflect any changes that may have been incorporated in the pattern master part file while your current part is open.

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Replace Pattern Replaces the current pattern master part file with another while maintaining the same scale, origin, and orientation.

Edit Display Parameters

Changes the display status of the origin marker, the max/min box, and the control points of the pattern objects.

List Associated Parts Displays the Information window with all pattern master part files referenced by pattern objects for the current part file. Pattern master part files referenced within other loaded parts in the session are also shown.

List Pattern Errors Displays the Information window with all errors that occurred during the last pattern operation.

Create Pattern Point Creates pattern points anywhere in the pattern master part file.


Assembly Introduction

Assemblies is an integrated Unigraphics NX application that facilitates the construction of assemblies of parts, the modeling of individual parts within the context of the assembly, and the production of parts lists for assembly drawings.

You can create links from the assembly to its components to simplify the incorporation of changes across the various levels of product definition. One advantage to using assemblies is that a design change to one part file can be reflected in all assemblies that use the part.

When initially creating an assembly, you do not need to create or alter any geometry. The system creates a link from the assembly to the component, which allows the system to keep track of your assembly structure. You can create an assembly by several different techniques that combine parts and/or subassemblies together. You can also generate a parts list of the contents of an assembly based on previously assigned attributes.

Assemblies appears on the Applications pulldown as an application that can be toggled ON or OFF. Toggling the Assemblies application ON causes an assemblies license to be taken, the Assemblies toolbar to appear, and the functions available from the Assemblies pulldown menu to expand. Some assemblies functions, such as designing in context or access to the Assembly Navigator, are also available without an assemblies license or when the Assemblies application is toggled OFF.

Assemblies ConceptsComponents

Assembly part files point to geometry and features in the subordinate parts rather than creating duplicate copies of those objects at each level in the assembly. This technique not only minimizes the size of assembly parts files, but also provides high levels of associativity. For example, modifying the geometry of one component causes all assemblies that use that

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component in the session to automatically reflect that change. Within an assembly, a particular part may be used in many places. Each usage is referred to as a component and the file containing the actual geometry for the component is called the component part

Top-down or Bottom-up Modeling

You are not limited to any one particular approach to building the assembly. You can create individual models in isolation, then later add them to assemblies (bottom-up), or you can create them directly at the assembly level (top-down). For example, you can initially work in a top-down fashion, then switch back and forth between bottom-up and top-down modeling.

Design in Context

When the displayed part is an assembly, it is possible to change the work part to any of the components within that assembly (except for unloaded parts and parts of different units). Geometry, features, and components can then be added to or edited within the work part. Geometry outside of the work part can be referenced in many modeling operations. For example, control points on geometry outside of the work part can be used to position a feature within the work part.

Associativity Maintained

Geometric changes made at any level within an assembly result in the update of associated data at all other levels of affected assemblies. An edit to an individual piece part causes all assembly drawings that use that part to be updated appropriately. Conversely, an edit made to a component in the context of an assembly results in the update of drawings and other associated objects (such as tool paths) within the component part.

Mating Conditions

Mating conditions let you position components in an assembly. This mating is accomplished by specifying constraint relationships between two components in the assembly. For example, you can specify that a cylindrical face on one component is to be coaxial with a conical face on another component.

The relationship between the two components is associative. If you move the fixed component's location, the component that is mated to it also moves when you update. For example, if you mate a bolt to a hole, if the hole is moved, the bolt moves with it.

Using Reference Sets to Reduce the Graphic Display

Large, complex assemblies can be simplified graphically by filtering the amount of data that is used to represent a given component or subassembly by using reference sets. Reference sets can be used to drastically reduce (or even totally eliminate) the graphical representation of portions of the assembly without modifying the actual assembly structure or underlying geometric models. Each component can use a different reference set, thus allowing different representations of the same part within a single assembly. The figure below shows an example of a bushing component used twice in an assembly, each displayed with a different reference set.When you open an assembly, it is automatically updated to reflect the latest versions of all components it uses. Load Options lets you control the extent to which changes made by other users affect your assemblies.

Machining of Assemblies

Assembly parts may be machined using the Manufacturing applications. An assembly can be created containing all of the setup, such as fixtures, necessary to machine a particular part. This approach has several advantages over traditional methods:

It avoids having to merge the fixture geometry into the part to be machined.

It lets the NC programmer generate fully associative tool paths for models for which the programmer may not have write access privilege.

It enables multiple NC programmers to develop NC data in separate files simultaneously.

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Assemblies Functionality

Some of the major features of Assemblies include: Component geometry is pointed to from the assembly, rather than duplicated

throughout the assembly.

You can create assemblies using either a top-down or bottom-up approach.

Multiple parts can be opened and edited simultaneously.

Component geometry can be created and edited in the context of the assembly.

Associativity is maintained throughout the assembly regardless of how and where the edits are made.

The graphical representation of an assembly can be simplified without editing the underlying geometry.

Assemblies are automatically updated to reflect the latest version of referenced parts.

Mating conditions let you position components in the assembly by specifying constraint relationships between them.

The Assembly Navigator provides a graphical display of the assembly structure and lets you select and manipulate components for use in other functions.

You can use assemblies in other applications, particularly Drafting and Manufacturing.

Definition of Terms

Assemblies introduces several new terms, a few of which are defined below. It is recommended that you become familiar with these terms before you attempt to use the interactive procedures described in this help documentation. For further definitions, refer to the Glossary.

Assembly A collection of piece parts and subassemblies representing a product. In Unigraphics NX, an assembly is a part file which contains components.

Component A usage of a part within an assembly, at a particular location and orientation. A component may be a subassembly consisting of other, lower level components. Each component in an assembly contains only a pointer to its master geometry. When you modify the geometry of one component, all other components in the session using the same master automatically update to reflect the change.

Component Part

The part file or master pointed to by a component within an assembly. The actual geometry is stored in the component part and referenced, not copied, by the assembly.

Component Members

The geometric objects from the component part, displayed within the assembly. The component members may be a subset of all the geometry in the component part if a reference set is used. Also referred to as component geometry.

Design in Context

The ability to directly edit component geometry as it is displayed in the assembly. Geometry from other components can be selected to aid in the modeling. Also referred to as edit in place.

Top-down Modeling

Modeling technique where component parts can be created and edited while working at the assembly level. Geometric changes made at the assembly level are automatically reflected in the individual component part immediately.

Bottom-up Modeling

Modeling technique where component parts are designed and edited in isolation of their usage within some higher level assembly. All assemblies using the component are automatically updated when opened to reflect the geometric edits made at the piece part level.

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Displayed Part

The part currently displayed in the graphics window.

Work Part The part in which you create and edit geometry. The work part can be your displayed part or any component part which is contained in your displayed assembly part. When displaying a piece part, the work part is always the same as the displayed part.

Loaded Part Any part currently opened and in memory. Parts are loaded explicitly using the File-> Open option and implicitly when they are used in an assembly being opened.

Reference Set A named collection of geometry from a part that may be used to simplify the graphic display of the component part in higher level assemblies.

Mating Condition

The set of constraints that exists for a single component. Each component in an assembly can have only one mating condition, although that mating condition may consist of relationships to several other components.

Assembly Navigator

The Assembly Navigator gives you a graphical display of the assembly structure of the displayed part in a separate window, and provides a quick and easy method of manipulating components in an assembly. For example, you can use the Assembly Navigator to select components for various operations, as well as to perform assembly management functions such as changing the work part, changing the displayed part, blanking and unblanking components, and more.


Advanced Pulldown Menu

The options on the Advanced pulldown menu are:

Advanced Pulldown Menu OptionsWrapped Assembly

Simplifies a complex assembly by computing a solid envelope that encloses the assembly. This effectively "shrink wraps" the assembly with a convex polyhedron of planar faces.

Linked Exterior Extracts the exterior faces of an assembly into a LINKED_EXTERIOR feature. You can extract all of the faces, or a selection of them. You can edit your selection of faces before extracting them.

Simplify Assembly

You can create a single, airtight solid from an assembly that preserves the exterior details while removing proprietary interior details.

Zones Zones can be thought of as a way of partitioning an assembly model into meaningful regions. Zones can either be boxes or planes.

Representations Creates a faceted body which is associated with the solid body or face from which it was derived. Faceted bodies are often used as a lightweight alternative to heavy solid bodies.

Scripts Scripts, which map one or more filters to actions, can be used to build up a simple program to manipulate the assembly.

Wrap AssemblyThe Wrap Assembly function (also known as assembly envelope) simplifies a complex assembly by computing a solid envelope that encloses the assembly. This effectively "shrink wraps" the assembly with a convex polyhedron of planar faces.

This feature is similar to the Wrap Geometry feature that is described in the Modeling Help, except that the WRAP_ASSEMBLY feature allows interpart links in the input geometry. It is created in the context of the displayed part, but resides in the work part. Input data can reside anywhere in the current assembly, because interpart links relate the data to the WRAP_ASSEMBLY feature.

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Linked ExteriorExtracts the exterior faces of an assembly into a LINKED_EXTERIOR feature. You can extract all of the faces, or a selection of them. You can edit your selection of faces before extracting them.

Simplify Assembly OverviewYou can create a single, airtight solid from an assembly by using the Simplify Assembly wizard. A simplified assembly lets you:

Preserve complex exterior details while removing interior details (if, for example, you need to send a subassembly that can be used for measurements in a larger assembly, but preserve your subassembly's proprietary interior details)

Reduce the data required when an externally-accurate representation of your assembly is adequate, rather than needing to fully load the assembly.

ZonesZones can be thought of as a way of partitioning an assembly model into meaningful regions. Zones can either be boxes or planes. Zone filters work from the bounding box of a part, which is computed from the solid geometry in the part. Wireframe geometry is not included in the calculation, and therefore not in a zone filter.

Zones are: Defined and stored at the assembly level. Named uniquely within their own name space. Available for comparison against the volume of the components being loaded, the

comparison functions being provided by the filter language. Located in the absolute coordinate system of the assembly they are defined in.

RepresentationsYou can use the options on this dialog to create a faceted body which is associated with the solid body or face from which it was derived. Faceted bodies are often used as a lightweight alternative to heavy solid bodies. Using faceted bodies instead of solid bodies can significantly improve performance, especially in large assemblies.

COMPONENTS MENUThe Components cascade menu provides options for creating and editing assembly components.

Components Menu Options

Add Existing Lets you add an existing component to your assembly.

Create New Lets you create a new component to add to your assembly.

Create New Parent

Lets you create a new parent for your current displayed part.

Create Array Lets you create a component array.

Substitute Component

Lets you substitute a component in your assembly.

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Reposition Component

Lets you reposition a component in your assembly.

Mate Component

Lets you mate a component in your assembly.

Replace Reference Set

Replaces reference sets for one or more components. From the displayed assembly part, select the component for which you want to replace the reference set, then specify the new reference set name. You can also specify that the reference set is either Empty or comprised of the Entire Part.

Suppress Component

Lets you suppress a component. Other options for suppressing components appear on the Parameters page of the Component Properties dialog.

Unsuppress Component

Lets you select one or more suppressed components to unsuppress. You can also select suppressed components from the Assembly Navigator and then choosing this option.

Define Mating Alternates

Lets you examine the mating conditions for a selected component, and ensure the correct faces have been named. You can name the faces of the original component.

Verify Mating Alternates

Applies names to faces of alternate parts, and lets you load the substituted alternate part and verify the substitution works correctly.

Part Family Update

Updates part family members and provides a Family Report.

Check Clearances

Checks the selected components against each other and other visible components for possible interferences. If no components are selected, you will be prompted to select one. Unloaded parts are ignored.

ADD EXISTINGThe Assemblies-> Components->Add Existing option lets you create an assembly using a bottom-up design method, by adding a part to the work part as a component. This part can be an existing part, or you can create a part family member on the fly.

Selecting the Part to be added

When you choose Assemblies-> Components-> Add Existing or the Add Existing Component icon on the Assemblies toolbar, the Select Part dialog appears. This dialog gives you options for selecting the part to be added, or you can select the part directly from the graphics window:

The Add Existing Part Dialog

After you have selected the part to be added, the Add Existing Part dialog appears, which gives you options for modifying how the component is added. If you have chosen to preview the component, it appears in a Staging View when the Add Existing Part dialog appears:

Add Existing Part Dialog Options

Multiple Add Lets you add more than one instance of the component you selected. After you have added each instance, the Point Constructor remains active to let you add another instance if you wish. When you are finished, choose Back or Cancel.

Component Name The name of the currently selected component.

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Reference SetLets you specify a reference set for the component you are adding.

PositioningSpecifies how you will position the component when it is added.

Layer OptionsSpecifies the layer on which the component will be placed.

Layer Lets you enter the layer that you want to use if you chose As Specified for Layer Options.

When a component is added, the absolute position of the component is placed at the specified destination position/orientation in the new parent part. When a component is added with a reference set, the coordinate system associated with the reference set is always added to any existing transformation before the component is added to the new assembly. There is no effect on the component if the reference set was created without a coordinate system.

Degrees of Freedom

To position a component, you can use a combination of constraint types. When you begin to mate the component, there are six ways in which it can move (i.e., six degrees of freedom): three for rotation, and three for translation. Each constraint that you specify removes some of these degrees of freedom. In the example below, the mating component has been partially constrained, so that it now has only three degrees of freedom left.

Positioning Added Components

You can use three different options to initially position the component in the assembly:

Absolute Places the component using the Point Constructor.

Mate Specifies mating conditions to fix the component's location. You establish a constraint relationship between the component you are adding and a fixed component.

Reposition Move components after they have been added to the part. The component highlights at its initially specified origin.

Mating Types

The mating constraint types are:

Mate Positions two objects of the same type so that they are coincident. For

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planar objects, their normals will point in opposite directions.

Align For planar objects, it positions the two objects so that they are coplanar and adjacent. For axisymmetric objects, it aligns the axes.

Angle Defines an angle dimension between two objects.

Parallel Defines the direction vectors of two objects as parallel to each other.

Perpendicular Defines the direction vectors of two objects as perpendicular to each other.

Center Lets you center one object everywhere along the center of the other, or center one or two objects between a pair of objects.

Distance Specifies the minimum 3D distance between two objects. You can control which side of the surface the solution should be by using positive or negative values.

Tangent Defines a physical contact between two objects.

Selection Steps (Mating Conditions)

The selection steps help you select the geometry for a mating constraint. Two of them, Second From and Second To, are active only when certain other options are chosen in the Mating Conditions dialog.

When From is active, select the geometry for the mating constraint from the component being mated. When To is active, select the geometry for the mating constraint from the assembly or the To component.

When Second From is active, select the geometry for the mating constraint from the mated components. This step is grayed out unless you have chosen the Center mating type, plus 2 to 1 or 2 to 2 from the Center Objects option menu.

When Second To is active, select additional geometry for the mating constraint from the assembly or from the To component. This step is grayed out unless you have made either of the following choices:

The Center mating type, plus the 1 to 2 or 2 to 2 Center Objects option.The Angle mating type, plus Planar from the Angle Objects option menu.

Once you have selected geometry for a selection step, the next selection step becomes active. You can also activate a selection step directly by pressing its icon.

You can select: lines (including straight edges)

planar surfaces (including datum planes)

cylindrical surfaces

spherical surfaces

conic surfaces

toroidal surfaces



datum axes

the CSYS


The Filter options are available to help you select the geometry.

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Preview (Mating Conditions)

Lets you see what the solution of your currently defined mating constraints will look like, before the components are moved. This option can save time since, if the current solution is not what you want, it should take less time to cancel the preview (which only affects the display) than to undo the solution and move the components back to their original positions. After you have finished reviewing the solution, choose Unpreview to refresh the graphics display.

Vary Constraints

Lets you modify mating constraints' offset and angle expressions, or reposition selected components as allowed by the current mating constraints.

Vary Constraints Dialog Options

Select Components Lets you select one or more components. The other options are grayed out while you are selecting them.

Finished Selection Choose this when you have finished selecting components to make the other options active.

Mating Constraints list Lists all the mating constraints of the selected components that have an offset or angle expression.

Offset Expression or Angle Expression

Shows the current name and value of the offset or angle expression belonging to the selected constraint. You can change the expression value.

Offset or Angle Shows the current value of the expression.

Slider Lets you change the offset (or angle) by moving the slider. You can see the effects in the graphics window and in the Offset (or Angle) value.


Translate Lets you move the selected components either to a selected point, or to a position that you define by specifying the distance that the components should travel in the XC, YC, and ZC directions.

Rotate About a Point Lets you rotate the selected components about a point that you specify.

Rotate About a Line Lets you rotate the selected components about a line that you define.

Reposition Brings up the CSYS Constructor to let you define how the selected components should be repositioned.

Rotate Between Axes

Lets you rotate the selected components between specified axes.

CREATE NEWYou can create a new component part file and a reference to that component in the assembly work part. When you create a new component, feature parameters are maintained.The Assemblies-> Components-> Create New option lets you create an assembly using a top-down design method. Using this method, you can design a component part within the context of the assembly, or use a black box representation, where you design a general outline of the component part, thereby establishing the assembly-component relationship.

Common Procedures

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To create a new component:

Select the geometry to be included in the new component part. Or, you can select one or more components from the work part to create a new subassembly.

Specify a filename for the new part.

Enter a name for the part.

Enter a name for the reference set.

Designate on which layer of the work part the component geometry will be placed. To designate the work layer, choose the Work option; to designate the original layer, choose the Original option. To designate another layer, choose the As Specified option and enter the desired layer number in the text entry field.

Indicate whether you want the component origin aligned with the parent assembly's WCS or Absolute coordinate system.

Indicate whether you want the defining objects (if any) of the selected geometry to be copied into the new component part.

Indicate whether you wish to delete the original geometry from the assembly since it is now referenced from the component part. Deleting the original geometry is similar to a move operation, while retaining the original geometry is like a copy operation.

Component Origin specifies where the absolute coordinate system lies within the component. WCS sets the absolute coordinate system to be the same location and orientation as the WCS of the displayed part. Absolute sets the absolute coordinate system to be the same location and orientation as the absolute CSYS of the work part (i.e., the objects retain their absolute position). The Absolute option enables any geometry that is far removed from the absolute origin in the parent assembly to be close to the origin in the component part.

If Copy Defining Objects is toggled OFF, selected geometry that depends on defining objects that were not selected will be left out of the new component. If this option is toggled ON, all selected geometry and defining objects are copied to the new component.

If you toggle Delete Originals ON, the originals of any objects which were copied into the component are deleted. The originals of any dependent objects which were copied are also deleted. If there are any objects which depend on some object which is going to be deleted, those dependent objects are deleted as well (even though they have not necessarily been copied).

You may find it useful to turn Retain Annotations ON (under Preferences-> Drafting) when using Delete Originals, so that any annotations which reference the deleted objects can be reattached by hand to the occurrences of those deleted objects. The system creates a new component part file containing the selected geometry and also creates a component in the assembly work part.

CREATE NEW PARENTYou can create a new parent for your current displayed part. During the operation, an empty assembly is created, and the current displayed part is added to it as a child. When the operation is complete, the new parent assembly becomes the displayed and work part.

You cannot create a new parent if your current displayed part is a non-master part. Also, new parents are always master parts. (The version of the New Part File dialog that appears for this operation does not have the Non-Master Part option.)

If your current work part is not the displayed part, you will receive a message that the parent will be created for the current displayed part.

The new parent inherits the last active arrangement of the part from which it was created. Exploded views, however, are not inherited.

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CREATE ARRAYYou can use the Create Array options to create and edit an associative array of components in an assembly. You can create array components according to feature instance sets (feature isets), or by creating a linear or circular array. Component arrays can also be created with the Create Component Array option on the Assemblies toolbar.

Using component arrays lets you: Quickly create patterns of components and component mating conditions. Add similar components in one step. Create a number of similar components whose mating conditions are the same.

Feature ISET Arrays

You may create component arrays, called Feature ISET Arrays, based on feature instance sets. There is one component for each feature in the instance set, and the components automatically mate to the appropriate faces.

When creating a feature ISET array you must first position a component via mating conditions, so that the component is mated to one of the features in the instance set. By default, the first mated component is the template component. Any new components you add share the template's attributes. (You may specify a new template at any time.)

Whenever you add a new component to the array, the component is positioned via mating conditions. The system copies the mating conditions from the template, and applies them to the appropriate feature. In the figure below, if Bolt (1) were the template, Bolt (2) would be added so that the same faces on the bolt were mated, but to different faces in the component. If you change the template's mating conditions so that new components cannot be mated correctly, the system positions these components absolutely.

When geometry is duplicated for each feature in an instance set, each component mates independently. When there is no duplicate, each component mates to the same geometry.


Lets you create orthogonal or non-orthogonal master component arrays. Using this option, you can define a 1- or 2-dimensional master component array.

To create a linear master component array, you must: Choose a direction definition. Select a X direction reference. Select a Y direction reference (for a 2-dimensional array). Enter appropriate total number and offset values.

A linear component array is created by using a mating condition that translates the components along an defined axis. You can define X and Y directions using the following Direction definitions:

Face Normals Defines X and Y direction references with faces that are normal to the desired placement plane.

Datum Plane Normals

Defines X and Y direction references with datum planes that are normal to the desired placement plane.

Edge Defines X and Y direction references with edges which are coplanar to the desired placement face.

Datum Axis Defines X and Y direction references with datum axes which are coplanar to the desired placement face.

A linear component array is defined by the following parameter values:

Total Defines the total number of instances to be generated parallel to the X

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Number - XC

direction you select. This number includes the existing feature you are instancing.

Offset - XC Defines the spacing for the instances along the X direction you select. This spacing is measured from a point on one instance to the same point on the next instance along the X direction you select.

Total Number - YC

Defines the number of instances to be generated parallel to the Y direction you select. This number includes the existing feature you are instancing.

Offset - YC Defines the spacing for the instances along the Y direction you select. This spacing is measured from one instance to the next along the Y direction you select.


Lets you create a circular array of master components from a selected template component. You specify a rotation axis about which the components are generated. You also specify the number of components to create in the array, and the angle at which each component is created about the rotation axis.

To create a circular master component array you must first select the features to instance. Then you must:

Choose an axis definition. Select an axis of rotation. Enter appropriate total number and angle values.

A circular component array is created by using a mating condition that translates the components about an axis. You can define an axis of rotation using the following Axis definitions:

Cylindrical Face

Defines an axis of rotation which coincides with the axis of a selected cylindrical face.

Edge Defines an edge as the axis of rotation.

Datum Axis Defines an existing datum axis as the axis of rotation.

After specifying the rotation axis, you can specify the following options:

Total Number

Defines the number of components to be created in the circular array, including the existing feature you are instancing.

Angle Defines the angle at which each component is created about the reference point.

Editing a Component ArrayAssemblies-> Edit Component Arrays lets you change a component array in the work part.

To edit the parameters of an array, you must:

Choose an array from the list. Edit the parameters you want to change.

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SUBSTITUTE COMPONENTYou can remove an existing component and add another component in the exact orientation and position as the original. You can also rename the new component if desired.

To substitute a component, select the one you wish to replace and choose Substitute Component from the Assemblies toolbar or Assemblies-> Components-> Substitute Component. A message named Substitute Component appears, which gives you the following options:

Substitute Component Options

Remove and Add

Not an associative operation. Any parents at any level that refer to the substituted component will lose their associative links.

Maintain Mating

Maintains mating conditions over the substitution if you have used the alternates option to define mating condition mappings.

Cancel Cancels the substitution operation.

Common Procedures

To substitute a component: Select the component to be substituted. Select the part you wish to substitute as the new component. If you wish to rename the component, enter a new component name.

Set the Ref. Set Used option to either Maintain Ref. Set or Entire Part. If you choose Maintain Ref. Set, the system keeps the reference set the same, if the part being substituted in has the current reference set defined. Otherwise, it brings in the entire part.

Designate on which layer of the work part the substitute component geometry will be placed. To designate the work layer, choose the Work option; to designate the original layer, choose the Original option. To designate another layer, choose the As Specified option and enter the desired layer number in the text entry field.

REPOSITION COMPONENTWhen you select one or more components and choose Assemblies-> Components-> Reposition Component, Edit-> Reposition from the Assembly Navigator popup menu, or Reposition from the graphics window popup menu, the Reposition Component dialog and drag handles appear. You can reposition the components either with the options on the Reposition Component dialog, or by using the drag handles.

If you selected a single component that has at least two parental levels (i.e., the component is part of a subassembly that is itself part of a larger assembly), the Reposition Component dialog has two pages: Transform and Variable Positioning. The single component can be a subassembly, as long as you do not select any of its children.

Transform Page

These options may also appear on other dialogs that use motion.

Transform Page Options

Transform Icons

Point to Point Lets you move the selected components by specifying two points.

Translate Lets you define the amount of distance that the selected components should be moved.

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Rotate About a Point Lets you rotate the components about a selected point.

Rotate About a Line Lets you rotate the components about a line by moving the drag handle to the point that you define and aligning the drag handle to the axis that you define.

Reposition Lets you define how the selected components should be repositioned by moving the CSYS.

Rotate Between Axes Lets you rotate the selected components between selected axes.

Rotate Between Points

Lets you rotate the selected components between selected points.

Mating Conditions DialogYou can create a normal mating condition in two ways:

When adding an existing part as a component to your assembly (choose Assemblies-> Components-> Add Existing, then choose Mate from the Positioning menu on the Add Existing Part dialog). The part being added becomes the mated component.

By choosing Mating Conditions (found under Assemblies-> Components-> Mate Component), and choosing an existing component from the assembly.

SUPPRESS COMPONENTSuppressing a component removes it and its children from the display. Suppressed components are not deleted; they still exist in the database, but are ignored for many assembly functions in which blanked or unloaded components would participate. Suppressed components (and their children, which become suppressed when their parents are suppressed) are effectively removed from the current assembly structure, with the following results:

Suppressed components are not shown in any view (including exploded views) or drawing.

You can specify whether suppressed components should be shown in the Assemblies Navigator with the Include Suppressed Components option (available on the Assembly Navigator toolbar or Tools-> Assembly Navigator-> Include Suppressed Components).

Suppressed components are not shown in dialogs (except for Suppress, Unsuppress, and Suppress by Expression), parts lists, and reports.

Suppressed components do not participate in weight management calculations, clearance analyses, or clone operations.

Suppressed components will not be loaded with their parent assemblies, but suppressing a loaded component does not unload it.

Mating conditions and linked geometry that depend on a suppressed component will not be updated until the component is unsuppressed.

Suppress by Expression

To suppress a component by expression, select the component and open the Component Properties dialog. On the Parameters page, choose the Controlled by Expression option.

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UNSUPPRESS COMPONENTSuppressing a component removes it and its children from the display. Suppressed components are not deleted; they still exist in the database, but are ignored for many assembly functions in which blanked or unloaded components would participate. We can again get back these things for the suppressed components from unsuppress component option.

DEFORM PART You can define a part as capable of assuming more than one shape when it is added to an assembly. This is especially useful for parts such as springs or hoses, which are often given different positions in the same assembly.

In order to use deformable (flexible) components, two phases must be completed for each part:

Define Deformable Part: defines the shapes into which the component can be deformed. You must have write access to the part file.

Deform Part: selects one of those shapes for a particular use. You must have write access to the assembly where the deformation occurs, but you do not need write permission to the part itself.

Deform Part Procedures

In order to use flexible components, you must complete two phases for each part: Define Deformable Part: defines the shapes into which the component can be

deformed. Deform Part: selects one of those shapes for a particular use.

Define Deformable Part

1. Decide which components will need more than one shape.2. If you do not own the part, decide how to save it. You must save the feature that this

operation creates with the part, or the part will not be deformable.3. Open the Modeling application, and choose Tools-> Define Deformable Part. 4. Use the Define Deformable Part dialog to designate the components that you want to

be deformable, and to define the shapes the components can assume.5. After you have selected the definition, features, expressions, and references that you

want to use in the deformable part, choose Finish to create the deformable feature. 6. Save the part.

Deform Part

1. Create your assembly. When you want to add a deformation, choose Assemblies-> Components-> Add Existing, and select a component that can be deformed. The input parameter dialog for the deformable component appears after the positioning dialog. Go to step 3.

2. You can also add a deformation to a deformable component that is already in your assembly by selecting it and choosing the Deform Part option, which is available at:

Assemblies-> Components-> Deform Part

The selected component's popup menu in the graphics window

The Edit-> Deform option on the component's popup menu in the Assembly Navigator

In the Deform Component dialog, select the assembly level in which you want to place the deformation. If the shape that you want to use is not defined for that level, choose New. When you are finished, choose OK in the Deform Component dialog to create the deformation.

3. If the deformation does not need any outside references, you can position and mate it in the assembly as you would any other component.

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4. You can also edit components after adding them to the assembly, including making them deformable and deforming their shape.

You can use the Assembly Navigator's Shape column to check a component's deformation status: whether it is currently deformed, whether it is capable of deformation but has kept its default shape, or whether it is not currently deformable.

Display Mating Conditions

There are several ways to display the current mating conditions: Choose Assemblies-> Components-> Mate Component

The root node, mating conditions, and mating constraints appear in the tree at the top of the Mating Conditions dialog. You may have to expand some of the nodes to see all the mating conditions and constraints.

Choose Information-> Assemblies-> Mating ConditionsAn abbreviated version of the Mating Conditions dialog, which includes the mating conditions tree that appears on the full Mating Conditions dialog appears.

The Reposition Component dialog includes a list of the mating constraints for the selected components.

REFERENCE SETSReference sets let you control the amount of data that is loaded from each component and viewed in the context of an assembly. A well-managed reference set strategy can lead to:

Faster load times

Reduced memory usage

Less cluttered graphics displays

A reference set is a named collection of objects that you can reference from an another part. Using reference sets can drastically reduce, or even totally eliminate, the graphical representation of portions of the assembly without modifying the actual assembly structure or underlying geometric models. Any part can have many reference sets.

REPLACE REFERENCE SETReplaces the display of a component in the graphics screen with one of its reference sets. When you choose this option, all existing reference sets for the selected node are listed. When you choose Replace Reference Set. Choosing a reference set replaces the component's display with that reference set.

You can replace a reference set by choosing one of the following: Replace Reference Set option menu or icon from the Assemblies toolbar Assemblies-> Components-> Replace Reference Set Replace Reference Set from the graphics window popup menu Replace Reference Set from the Assembly Navigator popup menu Set as Current on the Reference Sets dialog

MATING ALTERNATESYou can substitute an old component for a new component, and the mating conditions of the old component can be transferred to the new component. This is made possible by a form of associative substitution called mating alternates, which maintains the component mating conditions.

The following options are covered in this section:

Define Examines the mating conditions for a selected component, and ensure the correct faces have been named.

Verify Loads a substituted alternate part and verify the substitution works correctly.

Associative substitution uses names to identify the parts used in the mating conditions. Each mated face in the old component and the corresponding face in the new component must have a name. The face names of the old component are matched to the face names of the

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new alternate component. Alternates are only valid at one level of an assembly. When you exchange one alternate component for another, you are only able to maintain the mating conditions in the assembly face where the exchange is performed.

Define AlternatesThe Assemblies-> Components-> Define Mating Alternates option lets you examine the mating conditions for a selected component, and ensure the correct faces have been named. You can name the faces of the original component. If you have not selected a component when you choose this option, the Class Selection dialog appears.

When you select a component and choose Assemblies-> Components-> Define Mating Alternates, the Define Names dialog appears. The Define Names dialog lets you attach names to the faces of the original component. It lists the mating conditions, and prompts you to enter the part names:

Verify AlternatesThe Assemblies-> Components-> Verify Mating Alternates option applies names to faces of alternate parts, and lets you load the substituted alternate part and verify the substitution works correctly.

To verify a component:1. Select the component you want to substitute.2. Choose a new part file.3. Select the part you are adding to the assembly. The new component is a temporary

addition that allows the component to be displayed.4. Use the Add Component option to add the part to the assembly. The mating

conditions of the old component are analyzed and applied to the new component. A dialog displays the status of each mating condition.

5. When the old component is highlighted, select the equivalent face on the part you are substituting.

6. Choose OK.

When you substitute an old component for a new component, the Verify option displays the mating condition status for the component. The mating conditions are displayed in the Match Objects dialog, which has two list boxes. The mating conditions for the new component are displayed in the upper list box. If the selected face does not match the old component, the mating constraints are listed in the lower box, and you are prompted to select and rename the appropriate face on the new component.

If the selected face does match the old component, the system will analyze the mating conditions and display the result of attempting to solve the constraints. If the mating condition could not be solved, you can choose Show Mating Error for a description of the mating failure. If the mating condition fails to solve correctly, you can still perform the substitution. The mating condition is attached to the new component, but the component is not successfully updated with the existing constraints.

CHECK CLEARANCESProvides a simple way to check the clearances for all selected components, if you do not wish to run a full Clearance Analysis.

To perform a Check Clearances analysis, select the components whose clearances you want to check, and then choose Assemblies-> Check Clearances or press the Check Clearances icon on the Assemblies toolbar. If you choose Check Clearances when you do not have any components selected, you will be prompted to select a component. When the operation is complete (or interrupted), an Interference Check report appears if there was any interference, as shown in the example below. This report lists all the hard, soft, and touching interferences between the selected components and the rest of the assembly. Note that each type of interference (hard, soft, and touching) is marked with an icon.

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Example of a Check Clearances Report

CONTEXT CONTROL MENUContext Control Menu Options

Find Component Lets you search for a component.

Open Components Lets you open selected components within the currently displayed assembly, which are currently not loaded or not visible.

Isolate Components Lets you show just the selected components. All other components are blanked.

Open by Proximity Provides options for loading components in a small region of a larger assembly for uses such as clearance analysis.

Show Product Outline Shows or hides an outline of the overall assembly.

Save Context Saves the context of the current assembly.

Restore Context Restores the original context.

Define Product Outline Lets you define which objects should appear in a product outline.

Set Work Part Lets you define the selected component as the work part, or you can choose this option and then select the part.

Set Displayed Part Lets you define the selected component as the displayed part, or you can choose this option and then select the part.

Find ComponentThe Find Component dialog provides a central point for locating components by any global property. Each page of the dialog, which can be reached by selecting the tabs, represents a search method:

By Name

By State

By Attribute

From List

By Size, based on the component's bounding box

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To open the Find Component dialog, choose Assemblies-> Context Control-> Find Component or press the Find Component button on the Assemblies toolbar.

Each time you choose Apply in the Find Component dialog, the components that match the search criteria are added to the list that will be selected when you choose OK.

Open by ProximityThe Open by Proximity dialog simplifies the process of loading a set of components that are located in a small region of a larger assembly. Uses for the Open by Proximity functions include:

When you wish to do a "lightweight" load of nearby components to understand your design context

When you wish to do a "solid" load of nearby components for precise solid-based clearance analysis or to enable the creation of mating conditions or WAVE interpart links

When you wish to load large components in the vicinity of the work part for overview purposes

Product OutlineLets you define a set of geometry that gives a hint of the overall size and shape of an assembly without having to load components. When you are working on components that form a part of a much larger assembly, such as an engine block or aircraft, defining an outline gives you a rapid feel for the location of objects with minimal effort. This can be particularly useful when there is a problem with a component that is not familiar to you. You can set several display properties for the product outline's geometry, such as color, line font, and translucency. This helps you distinguish the outline from the real geometry.

Define Product OutlineWhen you choose the Define Product Outline option, the Product Outlines dialog appears, with the options that are described in the table below:

Show Product OutlineShows the currently defined product outline. If you choose the Show Product Outline option when there are no existing product outlines, you will receive a message that gives you the option of opening this dialog.

The Show Product Outline option exists in two forms: as a menu option (Assemblies-> Context Control-> Show Product Outline) and as an Assemblies toolbar icon, as shown below.

Set Work PartSet Work Part lets you select the part in which to create geometry. This option is helpful when you want to design in context.You can specify a new work part in any of the following ways:

Choose Assemblies-> Context Control-> Set Work Part to make the currently displayed part the work part.

Select the component and choose Make Work Part from the graphics window popup menu or the Assemblies toolbar.

Use the Make Work Part option on the popup menu in the Assembly Navigator. Double click on the component in the Assembly Navigator.

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Make Work PartSelects the part in which to create geometry, giving you the ability to design in context. If the assembly contains multiple occurrences of a component, you can use this option to select which specific occurrence of the component to make the work part. The Assembly Navigator grays out non-work components.

Cloning of AssembliesCloning provides a flexible, top-down interface for modifying the components referenced in an assembly. The cloning options are:

Create Clone Assembly Creates a new cloned assembly from an existing assembly.

Edit Existing Assembly Modifies an existing cloned assembly.

Cloning is useful when you want to create, in a single operation, a new assembly or set of related assemblies (such as WAVE control and product assemblies) that shares similar assembly structure and associativities with an existing assembly or set of assemblies, but that has some different component references. You could, for example, create several versions of an assembly with a core set of common components, but with other components modified or replaced.

EXPLODED VIEWSIn an exploded view, specified parts or subassemblies have been displaced from their real (model) positions, as shown in the figure below.

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Exploded assembly

Create Explosion Procedure

To create a new explosion:

1. Choose the Create Explosion option from the Exploded Views cascade menu or toolbar.

2. Enter a new explosion name or accept the default name. Duplicate names not allowed.

3. Choose the Edit Explosion option to bring up the Edit Explosion dialog.4. Make sure that the Selection radio button is active, and select the components that

you want to explode.5. (Optional) If you want to move the drag handles into a different position before

moving the components, either: Choose the Snap Handles to WCS option, or

Activate the Move Handles Only radio button and drag the handles into position. You can also use the Edit Explosion options to move handles.

6. Activate the Move Objects radio button.7. There are three methods for moving the components into their exploded positions:

Immediately drag the selected components by holding down MB1 while moving the cursor. You do not need to change any of the options on the Edit Explosion dialog.

Use the options on the Edit Explosion dialog to define the exploded positions of the selected components (without dragging). You may need to choose OK or Apply to move the components into position.

If you select a translation or rotation drag handle, you can further limit how the selected components should be dragged by using the options on the Edit Explosion dialog, and then drag the components into their exploded positions.

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8. When you are finished exploding the selected components, you can press MB2 to switch back to the Selection mode. You can now add or remove components from the group, and explode the new selection.

9. (Optional) You can select one or more exploded components and choose the Unexplode option to move them back to their unexploded positions.

Explosion Menu Options

The Assemblies-> Exploded Views cascade menu gives you options for creating and editing exploded views. These options are also available on the Exploded Views toolbar.

Exploded Views Cascade Menu Options

Create Explosion Lets you name and create a new exploded view that has no parameters. You can then edit this new view until its appearance and parameters are what you want.

Edit Explosion Lets you explode selected components in a newly-created view, or edit an existing explosion.

Auto-explode Components

Automatically explodes selected components based on their mating conditions.

Unexplode Component

Unexplodes an exploded component.

Delete Explosion Deletes an existing exploded view.

Hide Explosion Removes an exploded work or selected view, and grays any dimensions which are attached to the wrong assembly representation.

Show Explosion Shows an exploded view of the selected work view or, if more than one exploded view exists, you are prompted to specify a work view.

Hide Component Hides a component in any view, exploded or not.

Show Component Shows a hidden component. If there are no hidden components, you will receive a message.

Create Tracelines Launches the tracelines tool, which lets you create tracelines in an exploded view, which defines the paths that components follow when they are exploded in that view

Show Toolbar Controls the visibility of the Exploded Views toolbar.

Create ExplosionCreates a new exploded view, whose parameters you can then edit to produce the explosion that you want. If the view already has an exploded view, you can create a new explosion using the existing explosion as a starting place. This is useful for defining a series of exploded views showing a different component being moved.

Edit ExplosionLets you move selected components into the positions that you want them to have in a new or existing exploded view. The Edit Explosion option brings up the Edit Explosion dialog. After selecting components, you can either drag them or use the options on the Edit Explosion dialog to define their positions in the exploded view.

Edit Explosion Procedure

To edit an existing explosion:1. Choose the explosion that you want to edit from the Work View Explosion option on

the Exploded Views toolbar.

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2. Choose the Edit Explosion option to bring up the Edit Explosion dialog.3. Make sure that the Selection radio button is active, and select the components that

you want to explode.4. (Optional) If you want to move the drag handles into a different position before

moving the components, either: Choose the Snap Handles to WCS option, or Activate the Move Handles Only radio button and drag the handles into

position. You can also use the Edit Explosion options to move the handles.5. Activate the Move Objects radio button.6. There are three methods for moving the components into their exploded positions:7. When you are finished exploding the selected components, you can press MB2 to

switch back to the Selection mode. You can now add or remove components from the group, and explode the new selection.

8. (Optional) You can select one or more exploded components and choose the Unexplode option to move them back to their unexploded positions.

Auto-explode ComponentsCreates an exploded view automatically by allowing you to specify an explosion offset.Each selected component is exploded along a normal vector based on the components mating conditions and a magnitude taken from a chosen combination of a user expression and a clearance value derived from the bounding box of the component in the view. Using Add Clearance, you can control whether or not a clearance offset is automatically generated

This option may not produce a perfect exploded view the first time; it is intended to give you a good start towards a perfect explosion. After using Auto-Explode Components, you can follow up and refine your explosion by choosing Edit Explosion and editing the parameters with the Explode Component dialog.

Unexplode ComponentUnexplodes one or more selected components (i.e., moves them back to their original places in the assembly).


To unexplode a component of an existing exploded view: Select components to unexplode. Choose Unexplode Component.

Delete ExplosionDeletes an existing exploded view. If more than one explosion exists, the Exploded Views dialog, which contains a list of all exploded views, appears. If one or more selected explosions are associated with any other view, a warning is displayed, listing these explosions and indicating that the associated view must be deleted first.

ProcedureTo delete an explosion:

Choose Delete Explosion. If the Exploded Views dialog appears, select the name of the exploded view and

choose OK.

Hide ExplosionRemoves an exploded work or selected view, and grays any dimensions which are attached to the wrong assembly representation. If you do not have Use Work View selected, you are prompted to choose which view you want to hide.


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To hide an exploded work or selected view: Choose Hide Explosion. If a drawing is displayed, you are prompted to select a drawing view. If you are using a modeling layout and you have Use Work View unselected, select a

view containing an explosion.

Show ExplosionShows an exploded view of the selected work view or, if more than one exploded view exists, you are prompted to specify a work view. This option does not appear on the Exploded Views toolbar. Show Explosion regenerates all instances of the selected view in the current layout or drawing. An exploded view must already exist.

ProcedureTo show a hidden exploded view, choose Show Explosion and select the appropriate exploded view.

Hide ComponentHides a component in any view, exploded or not. Hide Component is like moving the component to a special layer and making that layer invisible in the view.

ProcedureTo hide a component in a particular view:

Select components to hide. Choose the Hide Component option from the Exploded Views cascade menu or


Show ComponentShows selected hidden components. If there are no hidden components, a message appears.

ProcedureTo show a hidden component:

Select a hidden component in the Assembly Navigator. Choose the Show Component option from the Exploded Views cascade menu or


If you choose Show Component before you select a hidden component, a list with hidden components appears. Select a component from this list.

Create Tracelines

The Create Tracelines dialog appears when you click the Create Tracelines icon on the Exploded Views toolbar or choose Assemblies→ Components→ Exploded Views→ Create Tracelines.

Create Tracelines Dialog Options

Selection Steps

Start Point When this selection step is active, select geometry in the component where you want the traceline to start.

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End Point


When the End Point selection step is active, select geometry in the component where you want the traceline to end.

If it is difficult to select the ending geometry, you can instead set this selection step to Component and then select the component where the traceline should end.

Tracelines Procedure

To create a traceline:

1. Open or create an exploded view.

2. Choose (Create Tracelines) to open the Create Tracelines dialog .

3. Select the Start Point ( ) of the traceline.

4. Select the End Point ( ) of the traceline.

If the geometry of the end component is not suitable for defining a point, you can select the component itself. Set this selection step to Component and select the component where the traceline should end. This option determines the position of the end point by using the unexploded positions of the components.

5. Choose Alternate Solution to cycle through possibilities for the traceline. You can also select any of the segment drag handles (the small green arrows in the traceline segments) and drag them until the traceline is the shape that you want.

6. (Optional) If you do not like any of the alternate solutions, you can select and drag segments of the traceline until the traceline is the shape that you want.

7. You could also change the shape of the traceline by selecting the vector at either end of the traceline and clicking MB3 to see options for editing that vector.

8. Choose OK or Apply to create the vector.

Show ToolbarControls the visibility of the exploded views toolbar .

ASSEMBLY SEQUENCINGThe Assembly Sequencing functions let you control the order in which an assembly is assembled and disassembled. You can model and play back sequence information.

Sequences Cascade OptionsOperations Cascade OptionsCreate Sequence Creates a new assembly sequence

Sequence Properties

Lets you view or edit properties of sequences. This option brings up the Sequence Properties dialog.

Add Assemble Step

Creates an assemble step in the active sequence for the selected component.

Add Disassemble Step

Creates a disassemble step for the selected component.

Step Properties Lets you view or edit properties of the steps within sequences. This

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option brings up the Step Properties dialog.

Make Current Step The sequence of the selected step becomes the active sequence.

Delete Deletes the selected item. This option does not place it on the clipboard.

Navigator Cascade OptionsFind in Sequence

Lets you find a specified component in the Sequence Navigator.

Show All Sequences

When this toggle is ON, the Sequence Navigator shows all sequences. When the toggle is OFF, only the active sequence appears in the Sequence Navigator.

Playback Cascade OptionsRewind to First Goes immediately to the first step in the sequence.

Step Reverse Moves back one step.

Reverse Play Runs through the active sequence in reverse order.

Play Runs through the active sequence in the forward direction.

Step Forward Plays the next forward step.

Forward to Last Goes immediately to the last step in the sequence.

Stop Stops the playback.

Create Assembly Sequence ProcedureTo create an assembly sequence:

1. Make sure that Sequencing is ON. You can toggle it ON (or OFF) with Assemblies-> Sequences-> Sequencing, or with the Assembly Sequences icon on Assemblies toolbar.

2. Make sure that the Sequence Navigator is ON. 3. Choose Create Sequence from the Assembly Sequencing toolbar, the Assemblies->

Sequences menu, or from the Sequences node popup menu in the Sequence Navigator.

4. Move any components that you will not use in this sequence from the unprocessed folder to the Ignored folder with the Ignore popup option or by dragging them.

5. Move any components that will be assembled before this sequence to the Pre assembled folder by dragging them or by using the Preassemble popup option.

6. Each sequence step can consist of a single component, a subgroup, or a camera step.

7. Assemble the remaining components or subgroups that you want to assemble into step nodes by using the popup menu options, the toolbar commands, the cascade menu options, or by dragging.

8. If you want to disassemble any of the components at any point in the sequence, select the component and choose Add Disassemble Step from the toolbar.

If you want to disassemble a subgroup, select it and choose Disassemble as Group from the toolbar or the cascade menu.

1. Select the components or subgroups in the graphics window if they are not in one of the Sequence Navigator folders.

2. You can add information such as Description, Time, or Cost to a step node with the Step Properties dialog.

3. Modify the sequence as you wish by choosing commands from the toolbar or the Sequence Navigator popup menus, or by dragging the steps.

4. You can modify the columns in the Sequence Navigator.

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5. If you want to create another sequence, choose Create Sequence again. You can make all existing sequences appear in Sequence Navigator by choosing Show All Sequences.

Playback Assembly Sequence ProcedureYou can check the validity of the sequence by playing it back (using the options on the Assembly Sequencing toolbar or the Assemblies-> Sequences-> Playback cascade menu):

Choose Rewind to First if you want to play the sequence from the first step, or choose Forward to Last if you want to play the assembly sequence backwards from its last step.

If you want a continuous playback, set Playback Speed, and then Choose Play, Choose Stop to stop the continuous playback at any point while it is running.

If you want to manually step through the sequence, choose Step Forward or Step Reverse to move through the sequence one step at a time.

During playback, components are added or removed from the sequencing view in the graphics window. Also, the Sequence Navigator marks the current and completed steps with icons.

Assembly Sequencing NotesSequences only create references to existing components in an assembly. You cannot create new components or add components from outside the assembly with the sequencing functions. Changes that you make to the assembly, however, are reflected in the sequence, including:

When a component is added to an assembly, it appears in the sequence in the Unprocessed folder.

When the component used for a sequence step is removed from the assembly, the corresponding step is deleted from the sequence.

An associative substitution does not cause any change in a sequence. However, a non-associative substitution causes the sequence step to be deleted. In this case, the component is added to the Unprocessed folder.

You can use component attributes to provide a default time and cost for a selected component. To create time and cost with attributes:

1. Select the component.2. Open the Component Properties dialog.3. Choose the Attributes tab.4. For a default time, enter SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_TIME in the Title field, and enter

the value for the default time in the Value field.5. For a default cost, enter SEQUENCE_DEFAULT_COST in the Title field, and enter

the value for the default cost in the Value field.6. Choose OK in the Component Properties dialog.

Questions Pg.No.2591. What are the types of assemblies?2. Is it possible to edit a part in assembly mode?3. What is the different positioning used in bottom up assembly?4. Is it possible to reposition a component if it is fully constrained?5. What is the difference between center and align?6. What is the function of product outline?7. How many degrees of freedom exist?8. As a best practice in how many mating conditions all the degrees of freedom is

constrained?9. How many layers are there in UG?10. Is it possible to array a part that is fully constrained?11. What is the function of Wave Geometry Linker?12. How to check the interference in the assembly?

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13. What are the different types of Explosion?14. Before deleting the Explosion what you have to do?15. What are Trace lines?16. Is it possible to hide a single component in Exploded View?17. Why we are going for Sequencing?18. What is the difference between assembly and assembly together in Sequencing?19. What is Replace Reference Set? How to verify the mating conditions in the assembly navigator?


Introduction to DraftingThe Drafting application is designed to allow you to create and maintain a variety of drawings made from models generated from within the Modeling application. Drawings created in the Drafting application are fully associative to the model. Any changes made to the model are automatically reflected in the drawing. This associativity allows you to make as many model changes as you wish. Besides the powerful associativity functionality, Drafting contains many other useful features including the following:

An intuitive, easy to use, graphical user interface. This allows you to create drawings quickly and easily.

A drawing board paradigm in which you work "on a drawing." This approach is similar to the way a drafter would work on a drawing board. This method greatly increases productivity.

Support of new assembly architecture and concurrent engineering. This allows the drafter to make drawings at the same time as the designer works on the model.

The capability to create fully associative cross-sectional views with automatic hidden line rendering and crosshatching.

Automatic orthographic view alignment. This allows you to quickly place views on a drawing, without having to consider their alignment.

Automatic hidden line rendering of drawing views. The ability to edit most drafting objects (e.g., dimensions, symbols, etc.) from the

graphics window. This allows you to create drafting objects and make changes to them immediately.

On-screen feedback during the drafting process to reduce rework and editing. User controls for drawing updates, which enhance user productivity.

Drawing Navigator OverviewThe Drawing Navigator provides a visual display of a part's drawing sheets, member views, section lines, and tables in a hierarchical tree structure. You can manipulate drawings, views

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on drawings, and open dialogs for changing drawings with MB3 options (see the options link above).

Double-click a sheet to open a drawing.Double-click a view to start the View Style dialog for editing.You can select and drag a view from one sheet to another.

Drawing Options

Drawing MB3 OptionsGrid Toggles the grid on or off.Monochrome Toggles monochrome on or off.Update Updates all views on all drawing sheets.Insert Sheet Starts the New Drawing Sheet dialog.Collapse Collapses the nodes tree.Expand Expands the nodes tree.Filter Provides the following options for filtering a nodes display:

Remove Item Remove All But Item

Sheet Options

Sheet MB3 OptionsOpen Displays and activates an existing drawing sheet so that the sheet can

accept the placement of new views and annotationsUpdate Updates only out-of-date views.View Dependent Edit

Starts the View Dependent Edit dialog.

Add Base View Creates a base view.

Add drawing view Creates a drawing view. This view type contains no modeling geometry.

Add view from part

Adds views from other parts or components.

Edit Sheet Starts the Edit Drawing Sheet dialog.Copy Lets you copy a sheet.Paste Lets you paste a sheet.Delete Removes a drawing sheet.Rename Lets you change the drawing sheet name.Properties Starts the Drawing Properties dialog.

View Options

View MB3 OptionsStyle Starts the View Style dialog.Add Projected View Lets you create a projected view.Add Detail View Lets you create a detail view.Add Section View Lets you create a section view.Add Half Section View Lets you create a half section view.Add Revolved Section View

Lets you create a revolved section view.

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Update Updates a view.View Dependent Edit Starts the View Dependent Edit dialog.Cut Stores a view in a buffer so you can paste it onto a drawing

sheet.Copy Lets you copy a view.Paste Lets you paste a view.Delete Removes a view.Rename Lets you rename a view.Expand Member View Toggles between expanded view and regular view.Properties Starts the Properties dialog.

Section Line Options

Section Line MB3 OptionsStyle Starts the Section Line Style dialog.Edit Starts the section line on-screen options.Blank/Unblank Blanks or unblanks the section line.Navigate to Section View Finds and zooms in on the section view.Properties Starts the properties dialog.

Parts List Options

Parts List MB3 OptionsEdit Levels Lets you select or deselect a component's solids, curves, or views to

add or remove from the parts list using toggle options.Style Starts the Annotation Style dialog and provides the following property

pages: Parts List Sections

Export Exports a table to an external file or browser.Update Parts List Forces the parts list to update.Autoballoon Automatically creates ID symbol callouts for views associated to parts

list.Blank/Unblank Blanks or unblanks the parts list.Cut Removes the parts list and adds it to the clipboard

Delete Removes the parts list.Paste Pastes data from the clipboard.

Rename Modifies the parts list name.

Parts List Section Options

Parts List Section MB3 OptionsOrigin Lets you establish an associative relationship between views, geometry,

tables and other annotations to define the location of an annotation on the

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drawing.Edit Levels Lets you select or deselect a component's solids, curves, or views to add or

remove from the parts list using toggle options.Style Starts the Annotation Style dialog and provides the following property pages:

Parts List Sections

Cell Style Starts the Annotation Style dialog and provides the following property pages: Lettering Cells Fit Methods

Sort Lets you sort a table by column value.Export Exports a table to an external file or browser.

Update Parts List

Forces the parts list to update.

Autoballoon Automatically creates ID symbol callouts for view(s) associated to a parts list.Blank Blanks the parts list.Cut Removes the section and places it on the clipboardCopy Places table section on the clipboardPaste Pastes table section data from the clipboardDelete Removes the parts list.Edit Display Lets you edit the display properties of a parts list with the Edit Object Display

dialog. See Gateway Help for a description of this dialog.Properties Lets you set attributes for the parts list with the properties dialog.

Drafting Environment OverviewThe Drafting environment is an NX application that provides easy to use user interface elements that allow you to produce industry standard engineering drawings directly from 3-D Modeling or Assembly parts. You can also produce drawings from 2-D parts. The drawings are associative to the model. Therefore, the drawing reflects changes in the model as the design stages progress -- allowing you to keep drawings up-to-date with the assembly model or individual modeling piece parts. The Drafting environment includes but is not limited to the following:

MB3 options for many drafting functions let you access options that are specific to a particular drafting object (for example, dimension options). MB3 options also let you edit a drafting object's parameters with MB3-> Style or Edit-> Style.

You can easily drag and place annotations, edit annotation values, and delete drafting objects.

Helper lines (dotted lines) visually assist you in aligning annotations and drawing views.

You can select member views directly on a drawing and move and align a view. Drafting options are accessible from Edit and Insert Menus, toolbars, and Resource

tabs. You can drag and drop template files from Resource bar options to automatically

create parts lists, tabular notes, and drawings. The Drawing node, included in the Part Navigator, provides quick access to drawings

in the current part.

Drafting User Interface ElementsOption Bars Option bars display on the graphics window after you make a

selection from a Drafting toolbar or menu. These on-screen options allow you to maintain focus on the graphics window and execute common operations. For example, during dimension creation you can change nominal precision, tolerance type, tolerance precision, and tolerance values by interaction with options on the Dimension bar.

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Dynamic Input Boxes Dynamic input boxes are text entry areas that let you specify values for a parameter.

Snap Point Toolbar Lets you specify point methods to use when creating or editing drafting objects.

Drafting Toggles Toolbar

Lets you show or hide NX toolbars.

Drawing Layout Toolbar

Provides options for drawings and views.

Drafting Annotation Toolbar

Provides annotation options.

Dimension Toolbar Provides dimension options.Annotation Placement Toolbar

This toolbar assists you with the creation and placement of leaders and an object's origin.

Drafting Preferences Provides preferences for drafting.Drafting Tables Provides options for tabular notes and parts lists tables.Drafting Toggles Let's you choose which toolbars to display.Drafting Edit Toolbar Provides options for editing drafting objects.

DIMENSIONDimension Toolbar Overview

Dimension Toolbar

The Dimension Toolbar provides options for creating dimension types. The toolbar can be customized so options for all dimensions are available as icons. However, you can also customize the toolbar, as shown above, with pull-down menus for drafting dimension types and Chain/Baseline dimension types which significantly reduces the size of the toolbar.

Dimension Types OverviewThe dimension types, available on the Dimension Toolbar or from the Insert->Dimension pull-down menu, allow you to create or edit various dimension types as well as set local preferences. To create a particular dimension type, choose the appropriate option button. Each option is discussed below in the Dimension Types table.

Dimension Types

InferredLets you create dimensions using the systems capability to intelligently

infer a dimension type based on the object(s) you select and the cursor location.

HorizontalCreates a horizontal dimension between two selected points.

VerticalCreates a vertical dimension between two selected points.

ParallelCreates parallel dimensions between two selected points.

PerpendicularCreates a perpendicular dimension between a line or centerline, and a

defined point.

AngularCreates an angular dimension, which defines in degrees the angle

between two non-parallel lines.

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CylindricalCreates a cylindrical dimension, which is the linear distance between

two objects or point positions.

HoleLets you create diameter dimension of any circular feature with a

single leader.

DiameterDimensions the diameter of a circle or arc.


Creates a chamfer dimension.

RadiusCreates a radius dimension that uses a short arrow from the dimension

value to the arc.

Radius to Center Creates a radius dimension that draws an extension line from the

center of the arc.

Folded RadiusCreates a radius dimension for an extremely large radius arc-one

whose center lies off the drawing area.

ThicknessCreates a thickness dimension which measures the distance between

two arcs or two splines.

Arc LengthCreates an arc length dimension, which measures the distance around

the perimeter of an arc.

Ordinate Dimension Contains options that allow you to create ordinate dimensions.

Horizontal Chain Lets you create a set of horizontal dimensions where each dimension

shares its end point with an adjacent dimension.

Vertical ChainLets you create a set of vertical dimensions where each dimension

shares its end point with an adjacent dimension.

Horizontal Baseline Lets you create a set of horizontal dimensions where each dimension

shares a common baseline.

Vertical Baseline Lets you create a set of vertical dimensions where each dimension

chares a common baseline.

HorizontalThis option allows you to create a horizontal dimension between two selected points. You use the Point Position options (e.g., control point, intersection point, arc center, etc.) to help select the points you want to dimension to. If a single object such as a line is dimensioned, it must be selected at opposite ends.

To create a Horizontal dimension:1. With no objects selected, choose the Horizontal icon from the Dimension toolbar or

choose Insert-> Dimension-> Horizontal.2. Select a horizontal edge.3. Drag dimension to desired location.4. Click MB1 to place the dimension.


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This option allows you to create a vertical dimension between two selected points. You use the Point Position options (e.g., control point, intersection point, arc center, etc.) to help select the points you want to dimension to (e.g. control point, intersection point, arc center, etc.). If a single object such as a line is dimensioned, it must be selected at opposite ends.

To create a Vertical dimension:1. With no objects selected, choose the Vertical dimension icon from the Dimension

toolbar or choose Insert-> Dimension-> Vertical.2. Select the first arc center point.3. Select the second arc center point.4. Drag the dimension to the desired location.5. Click MB1 to place the dimension.

ParallelThis option allows you to create parallel dimensions between two selected points. You use the Point Position options (e.g., control point, intersection point, arc center, etc.) to help select the points you want to dimension to.

To create a Parallel dimension:1. With no objects selected, choose the Parallel icon from the Dimension toolbar or

choose Insert-> Dimension-> Parallel.2. Select the first tangent point. You can set the Snap Point toolbar to tangent point only

for easier selection.3. Select the second tangent point.4. While in rubber band mode, click MB3->Appended Text-> Below. Results: a dynamic

input box displays.5. Enter 2PLS, then press the ENTER key.6. Drag the dimension to the desired location.7. Click MB1 to place the dimension.

PerpendicularThis option allows you to create a perpendicular dimension between a base line and a defined point. The base line can be an existing line, linear centerline, symmetrical line, or cylindrical centerline. The dimension is created perpendicular to the selected line. The following figure shows a perpendicular dimension measured between the angled edge at the back right of the part and the intersection point defined by the witness lines.

To create a Perpendicular dimension:

1. With no objects selected, choose the Perpendicular icon from the Dimension toolbar or choose Insert-> Dimension-> Perpendicular.

2. Select a line.3. Select a point.4. Drag the dimension to the desired location.5. Click MB1 to place the dimension.

AngularThis option allows you to create an angular dimension, which defines in degrees the angle between two non-parallel lines (a base line and a second line). Both major and minor angular dimensions can be created.

Creating an Angular Dimension

With no objects selected, choose the Angular icon from the Dimension toolbar or choose Insert-> Dimension-> Angular.

1. Choose the Line option.2. Select the first line or edge.3. Select the second line or edge.4. If desired click the Alternate Angle option.5. Drag the dimension to the desired location.6. Click MB1 to place the dimension.

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CylindricalThis option allows you to create a cylindrical dimension, which is the linear distance between two objects or point positions. It enables you to dimension the profile view of a cylinder. A diameter symbol is automatically appended to the dimension. The position of the diameter symbol relative to the dimension text and the symbol used to represent the diameter are controlled through Preferences-> Annotation-> Radial.

To create a cylindrical dimension:

1. With no objects selected, choose the Cylindrical icon from the Dimension toolbar or choose Insert-> Dimension-> Cylindrical.

2. Select a cylindrical face (you may have to zoom in to select the face).3. Drag the dimension to the desired location.4. Click MB1 to place the dimension

HoleThis option allows you to dimension with a single leader the diameter of any circular feature. When the dimension is created a diameter symbol is included in the dimension text. The diameter symbol can be changed to another symbol using Preferences->Annotation->Radial.

To create a Hole dimension:

1. With no objects selected, choose the Hole icon from the Dimension toolbar or choose Insert-> Dimension-> Hole.

2. Select the hole.3. Drag the dimension to the desired location.4. Click MB1 to place the dimension.

DiameterThis option allows you to dimension the diameter of a circle or arc. The created dimension has two arrows that point to the opposite sides of the circle or arc. Depending on the current placement setting in the dimensions dialog, arrows are placed either on the inside or the outside of the circle or arc.

To create a Diameter dimension:

1. With no objects selected, choose the Diameter icon from the Dimension toolbar or choose Insert-> Dimension-> Diameter.

2. Select the diameter.3. Drag the dimension to the desired location.4. Click MB1 to place the dimension.

ChamferThe chamfer dimension type displays the chamfer dimension size. This option only supports 45 degree angle chamfers.

To create a Chamfer dimension:

1. With no objects selected, choose the Chamfer icon from the Dimension toolbar or choose Insert-> Dimension-> Chamfer.

2. Select the chamfer edge to dimension with MB1.3. Drag the chamfer dimension to the desired location.4. (Optional) If desired, click MB3 to edit the dimension before placing it.5. Click MB1 to place the dimension.

RadiusThis option allows you to create a radius dimension that uses a short arrow from the dimension value to the arc. A radius symbol is automatically appended to the dimension text. The symbol used and its placement with respect to the dimension is controlled in Preferences-> Annotation-> Radial.

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To create a Radius dimension:

1. With no objects selected, choose the Radius dimension icon from the Dimension toolbar or choose Insert-> Dimension-> Radius.

2. Select an arc.3. Drag the dimension to the desired location.4. Click MB1 to place the dimension.

Radius to CenterThis option allows you to create a radius dimension that draws an extension line from the center of the arc. A radius symbol is automatically appended to the dimension text. The symbol used and its placement with respect to the dimension is controlled in Preferences->Annotation->Radial.

To create a Radius to Center dimension:

1. With no objects selected, choose the Radius to Center dimension icon from the Dimension toolbar or choose Insert-> Dimension-> Radius to Center.

2. Select an arc.3. Drag dimension to desired location.4. Click MB1 to place the dimension.

Folded RadiusThis option allows you to create a radius dimension for an extremely large radius arc-one whose center lies off the drawing area. It is assumed that the center of this radius lies off the drawing (thus requiring a foreshortened or folded radius display).

To create a Folded Radius dimension:

1. With no objects selected, choose the Folded Radius icon from the Dimension toolbar or choose Insert-> Dimension-> Folded Radius.

2. Select the radius.3. Select the target center radius point.4. Select the desired location of the folded radius.5. Drag the dimension to the desired location.6. Click MB1 to place the dimension.

ThicknessYou can create a thickness dimension between two curves (including splines). The thickness dimension measures the distance between a point on the first curve and the intersection point on the second curve in the normal direction from the point specified on the first curve.

1. With no objects selected, click thickness on the dimension toolbar or choose Insert→ dimension→ thickness.

2. Select the first curve.

3. Select the second curve.

4. Drag the dimension to the desired location.

5. Click MB1 to place the dimension.

Arc LengthThis option allows you to create an arc length dimension which measures the distance around the perimeter

To create an Arc Length dimension:

1. With no objects selected, choose the Arc Length icon from the Dimension toolbar or choose Insert-> Dimension-> Arc Length.

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2. Select the arc to dimension.3. To set precision, tolerances, or appended text, click MB3 while rubber banding and

select the appropriate option. See the Options hyperlink at the top of the page.4. Drag the dimension to the desired location.5. Click MB1 to place the dimension.

Ordinate Dimensions Ordinate Dimensions are dimensions that describe horizontal and vertical distances from a single base position or datum origin. This type of dimensioning is an alternate method used in place of conventional dimensioning.

The format for ordinate dimensions differs from that of conventional dimensions. Conventional dimensions show horizontal or vertical separation between two objects and consist of a dimension placed between two arrows pointing to the dimensioned objects. Ordinate dimensions, however, consist of dimension text and a single extension line.

Creating an Ordinate Dimension

To create a datum origin using No Origin Text:

1. With no objects selected, choose the Ordinate Dimension icon from the Dimension toolbar or choose Insert-> Ordinate Dimension.

2. Specify an ordinate set name in the Ordinate Set Name field.3. Choose Select No Origin Text for the origin display method.4. Indicate a datum origin location. Use the Point position options.5. Choose OK.6. Select both vertical and horizontal margins. 7. Choose the Horizontal and Vertical icon for the dimension type.8. Choose the Arc Center option.9. Select all arcs to dimension. Results: as you select arcs, the dimensions display.10. Cancel the Ordinate Dimensions dialog.

Horizontal ChainThis option lets you create multiple horizontal dimensions that are placed end to end. Dimensions are successively continued from the extension line of the previous dimension and form a set of chained dimensions. Use the Remove Last option to remove the last dimension added if necessary.

To create a Horizontal Chain dimension:

1. With no objects selected, choose the Horizontal Chain icon from the Dimension toolbar or choose Insert-> Dimension-> Horizontal Chain.

2. Enter a value in the Offset text box if you desire a vertical offset for each succeeding dimension.

3. Select the first end point.4. Select succeeding end points until all end points are selected.5. Drag the chain dimensions to the desired location.6. Click MB1 to place the horizontal chain dimension.

Vertical ChainThis option lets you create multiple vertical dimensions that are placed end to end. Dimensions are successively continued from the extension line of the previous dimension and form a set of chained dimensions. Use the Remove Last option to remove the last dimension added if necessary.

To create a vertical chain dimension:

1. From the Drafting Application, choose the Vertical Chain icon or choose Insert->Dimension->Vertical Chain.

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2. Enter a value in the Offset text box if you desire a horizontal offset for each succeeding dimension.

3. Select the first end point.4. Select succeeding end points until all end points are selected.5. Drag the chain dimensions to the desired location of placement.6. Click MB1 to place the vertical chain dimension.

Horizontal BaselineThis option lets you create a series of associative horizontal dimensions measured from a common baseline. Each successive dimension is vertically offset to prevent overlaying the previous dimension. The first object selected defines the common baseline. Use the Remove Last option to remove the last dimension added if necessary.

To create a horizontal baseline dimension:

1. From the Drafting Application, choose the Horizontal Baseline icon or choose Insert->Dimension->Horizontal Baseline.

2. Enter a value in the Offset text box if you desire a vertical offset different from the default value.

3. Select the first end point. The first object you select is the common baseline.4. Select succeeding end points until all end points are selected.5. Toggle the Reverse Offset button if necessary.6. Drag the baseline dimensions to the desired location of placement.7. Click MB1 to place the horizontal baseline dimension.

Vertical BaselineThis option lets you create a series of associative vertical dimensions measured from a common baseline. Each successive dimension is horizontally offset to prevent overlaying the previous dimension. The first object selected sets the common baseline. Use the Remove Last option to remove the last dimension added if necessary.

To create a vertical baseline dimension:

1. From the Drafting Application, choose the Vertical Baseline icon or choose Insert->Dimension->Vertical Baseline.

2. Enter a value in the Offset text box if you desire an offset different from the default.3. Select the first end point. The object you select sets the common baseline.4. Select succeeding end points until all end points are selected.5. Drag the baseline dimension to the desired location of placement.6. Click MB1 to place the baseline dimension.

ANNOTATIONAnnotation Toolbar Overview

Annotation Toolbar

The Annotation Toolbar provides options that let you add/edit symbols, text, crosshatching, and automatically inherit feature and sketch dimensions, and gdt display instances onto your drawings. There are also options for adding raster images and customer defined symbols.

Drafting Annotation Toolbar Options

Annotation Toolbar Options

GDT Parameters

Opens the GDT Parameters dialog to let you automatically inherit geometric display instances onto a drawing.

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Feature Parameters

Opens the Feature Parameters dialog to let you automatically inherit hole and thread parameters or sketch dimensions onto a drawing.

Annotation Editor

Opens the Annotation Editor onscreen options and mini-text editor to let you create and edit notes and labels.

Tabular LabelOpens the Tabular Label dialog to let you create tabular labels.

GDT SymbolOpens the Annotation Editor dialog with the GD&T symbols tab open to let you create (with or without label) and edit GD&T symbols.

Utlility SymbolOpens the Utility Symbols dialog to let you create and edit utility symbols.

ID SymbolOpens the ID Symbols dialog to let you create and edit ID symbols.

Custom Symbol

Opens the Symbol Library dialog to let you create or edit a symbol instance from the symbol library.

User-Defined Symbol

Opens the User Defined Symbols dialog to let you place symbols on your drawing.

ImageOpens the Open Image file selection dialog box to let you select a JPG or PNG raster image to place on your drawing.

Weld SymbolOpens the Weld Symbol dialog to let you create and edit weld symbols on your drawing.

CrosshatchingOpens the Crosshatching dialog to let you specify a crosshatch or area fill within a user-defined boundary.

GDT Parameters OverviewGDT Parameters allows you to automatically inherit geometric tolerance display instances into drawing member views. Geometric tolerancing features cannot be inherited onto a Broken view. Choose Insert-> GDT Parameters or choose the GDT Parameters icon from the Annotation toolbar to choose this option.

Inheriting GDT Parameters

To inherit GDT Parameters onto a Drawing view, use either one of the following methods:

Select individual tolerance feature instances

1. Choose Insert-> GDT Parameters or choose the GDT Parameters icon from the Annotation toolbar. A GDT Parameters dialog displays, allowing you to choose the tolerance feature(s) to inherit.

2. Choose the desired tolerance feature(s) to inherit.3. Choose the Select Member View option and select the member view(s) you wish the

tolerance feature(s) to be inherited to. Views can be selected from the view list, or from the graphics screen. If you make a mistake selecting views, you can choose the Reset button and start again.

4. Choose Apply.

Select All Tolerance Features

1. Choose Insert->GDT Parameters or choose the GDT Parameters icon from the Annotation toolbar.

2. Choose the Inherit All in Orientation option.3. The Inherit All Model Tolerance dialog displays. Select view(s). Select the member

view(s) to inherit tolerance feature(s). You can select views from the view list box or

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from the graphics screen. If you make a mistake selecting views, you can choose the Reset button and start again.

4. Choose Apply.

Feature Parameters OverviewFeature Parameters lets you automatically inherit hole and thread parameters, in the form of callouts, onto a drawing. You can also inherit sketch dimensions from the same Feature Parameters dialog. You can customize the annotation template that specifies the format for callouts and dimensions

To create a feature dimension.

1. From Drafting, choose Insert->Feature Parameters or choose the Feature Parameters icon from the Drafting Annotation toolbar.

2. Click the plus sign to expand the features tree. If necessary, you can fully load assembly component parts with the MB3 Open Fully pop-up option.

3. Choose a standard (ANSI, ISO-DIN, or JIS) for callouts from the Template options.

4. Select the Feature(s) you wish to annotate from the Feature Parameters Tree list. Note that features you select from the tree list highlight in the Graphics window.

5. Click MB2 to toggle to the view list box. Choose a view to annotate, then click the Apply button.

6. The selected features are automatically annotated. The annotations are in drag mode and can be relocated if desired. Click MB2 if you wish to toggle back to the Feature Parameter Tree List.

Annotation OverviewThe Annotation bar and dynamic mini text box provide the most commonly used options for creating annotation. These tools take up a minimum of graphic window space.

Annotation Icon Options

The Annotation icons provide options for creating notes, labels, and symbols. An option also provides access to the full Annotation dialog. The Annotation icon options reside in the upper left or upper right corner of the graphics window opposite the side where the resource bar appears.

Annotation Icon Options

Dynamic Mini Text Box

The dynamic mini text box lets you enter text and symbols for your notes and labels. You can resize the text box by dragging its corners or sides. Horizontal and vertical scrollbars appear automatically when required.

Mini Text Box

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While rubber banding annotation the following MB3 options are available and provide the same options as the on-screen Annotation icons:

Annotation Editor Annotation Style Add Drafting Symbol Add GDT Symbol Add Datum Symbol

Annotation Icon Options

The mini text box displays along with the following on-screen Annotation icon options:

Annotation Icon Options

Annotation Editor

Opens the Annotation Editor dialog and hides the mini-text box. Text in the mini text box transfers to the Annotation Editor's text entry area. This dialog only has a Close button. When you click Close, the mini-text box re-displays with any modified text from the Annotation Editor.

Annotation Style

Opens the Annotation Style dialog to allow you to set lettering preferences for the current note or label. The options on this dialog are the same as Preferences-> Annotation-> Lettering but they do not set global preferences.

Drafting Symbols

Lets you insert a drafting symbol into a note or label. You can insert any of the following symbols:

Fractions and two line text is available from the full Annotation Editor.

GD&T Symbols

Lets you insert a GD&T symbol into a note or label. The recommended usage for this option is to embed a single GD&T symbol. You can insert any of the following symbols:

Use the Annotation Editor to create a full GD&T callout.

Datum Callouts

Let's you insert a datum callout into a note or label. You can insert any of the following datum callouts:

ANSI Y14.5M-1982 symbols

ISO and ASME symbols

Annotation Placement Toolbar Overview

The Annotation Placement toolbar only displays for dimensions, notes, labels, and ID symbol origin placement. Only those options that apply to a particular object are available.

This toolbar provides:

Leader options Help lines for associating a leader to a drafting object

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Access to alignment positioning options, the Create Leader dialog, and the Origin tool dialog

To create a note

1. Click the Annotation Editor icon on the Drafting Annotation toolbar or choose Insert-> Annotation.

2. Enter text in the mini-text box and/or symbols from the Annotation bar. If desired, you can choose the full Annotation Editor dialog for entering text and symbols.

3. Drag the cursor to the desired location.4. Click MB1.

To create a label1. Click the Annotation Editor icon on the Drafting Annotation toolbar or choose Insert->

Annotation.2. Enter text in the mini-text box and/or symbols from the Annotation bar. If desired, you

can choose the full Annotation Editor dialog for entering text and symbols.3. Press, drag, and release MB1 on geometry to draw a leader.4. Click MB1 at the desired location.

Annotation Editor

When you choose Insert->Annotation Editor an Annotation Editor dialog displays allowing you to create and edit notes and labels. The notes and labels you create can include symbols represented by control character sequences as well as references to expressions, part attributes and object attributes. In addition to being able to access the Annotation Editor directly, you can also access it from several other dialogs for the purpose of creating and editing appended text. These dialogs include the Dimensions, Ordinate Dimension Sets, Ordinate Dimensions, and Tolerance Editor dialogs.

Tabular Label OverviewTabular labels provide a means to automatically create table style labels for one or more objects at once using an XML tabular label template. For example, you can use this feature to place tabular labels on shipbuilding objects such as piping runs, flow details, flanges, etc.

The system queries the selected object's NX attributes and uses the names and associated values as the content of the tabular label. You can choose from one or more formats where each format contains a set of attribute name-value pairs.

GD&T Symbols Pane

The GD&T Pane allows you to enter the control characters for GD&T symbols into the edit window. There is also a button to check the syntax of GD&T symbols.

On the left side of the GD&T pane is a column of four buttons. These buttons enter the control characters for the following GD&T symbols: Begin Single Frame, Begin Composite Frame, Vertical Frame Separator, and Begin Next Frame. To the right of these buttons are the buttons for the various tolerance characteristics, material conditions, and other GD&T symbols.

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The default GD&T Frame Height Factor for new parts is controlled by the Frame Size setting on the Customer Defaults dialog at Drafting-> Annotation-> Geometric Tolerance Symbols. For existing parts it is read from the part file. The default tolerance standard is controlled by the Tolerancing Standard setting on the Customer Defaults dialog at Drafting-> Annotation Editor-> Geometric Tolerance Symbols.

To create a GD&T symbol you can first click either the Begin Single Frame or Begin Composite Frame button. This inserts the control characters into the edit window to indicate the start and end of a symbol. This also adds the starting and ending vertical separators for the symbol and places the cursor between them, so symbol creation can continue without having to move the cursor. Clicking a characteristic symbol button inserts the symbol followed by a vertical separator. Clicking the Begin Next Frame button inserts a vertical separator followed by the control characters for a GD&T new-line. When creating two or more single feature control frames, you need to insert a vertical separator each time you choose Begin Next Frame.

Utility Symbols OverviewThis option allows you to create various utility symbols such as centerlines, offset center points, target points, and intersection symbols. When you choose Insert-> Utility Symbol, the Utility Symbols dialog displays. This dialog allows you to control the display of each symbol.

Utility Symbol Options

Symbol Types Creates any of the available utility symbols such as bolt circles, centerlines, target and center points, etc.

Point Position Options

Determines the placement of a utility symbol based on the available point positions.

Symbol Parameters

Controls the display of a utility symbol by changing it's parameters. Symbol parameter diagrams vary depending on the choice of utility symbol you choose to create.

Multiple Centerlines

Is available for Linear and Cylindrical Centerlines (face point option).

Action Buttons Inherits drafting preferences from an existing drafting object, reset drafting preferences to customer default settings, or apply edits or creation of utility symbols.

Basic Procedure for Creating Utility Symbols

The following is a general procedure for creating Utility Symbols. Details are discussed at length on the pages that follow.

To create a utility symbol:

1. Select the type of utility symbol you want to create.2. Set the parameters that control the display and placement of the utility symbol.3. Select the object(s) from which the utility symbol is to be created

Symbol Types

The following Utility Symbol types are available:

Linear Centerline

You can create linear centerlines through points or arcs. A linear centerline that passes through a single point or arc is called a simple centerline.

Full Bolt Circle

You can create full bolt circles through points or arcs. The radius of the full bolt circle is always equal to the distance from the center of the bolt circle to the first point selected.

Partial Bolt Circle

This option allows you to create partial bolt circles through points or arcs. The radius of the partial bolt circle is always equal to the distance from the center of the bolt circle to the first point selected.

Offset Center Point

This option allows you to create an offset center point for an arc. The offset center point is used to indicate the center of an arc at any location rather than

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the arc's true center. This becomes especially useful when dimensioning very large arcs whose true centers lie outside the bounds of the drawing sheet.

Cylindrical Centerline

This option allows you to create cylindrical centerlines, which conform with ANSI Y14.2 standards. Cylindrical centerlines are associative to the two points used to define them. The Point Position options are used to define the desired points

Block Centerline

Block Centerline option lets you create or edit an associative Block Centerline. You can use this option, When a centerline is required for a body rather than a face, To create centerlines for block components used in molds or casts, For block components with angled holes.

Partial Circular Centerline

This option allows you to create partial circular centerlines through points or arcs. The radius of the partial circular centerline is always equal to the distance from the center of the circular centerline to the first point selected.

Full Circular Centerline

This option allows you to create full circular centerlines through points or arcs. The radius of the full circular centerline is always equal to the distance from the center of the circular centerline to the first point selected.

Symmetrical Centerline

This option allows you to create a symmetrical centerline on your drawing to indicate where there is symmetry in the geometry. This saves you from having to draw the other half of the symmetrical geometry.

Target Point This option allows you to create an ANSI standard target point symbol. If you locate the symbol on an existing object, the system places the symbol center on the object nearest to the position you select

Intersection This option allows you to create an apparent intersection symbol, which is represented by the witness lines on a corner

Automatic Centerline

This option automatically creates centerlines in any existing view(s) where the hole or pin axis is perpendicular or parallel to the plane of the drawing view.

ID Symbols

The Insert-> ID Symbol option allows you to create and edit ID symbols on your drawing. ID symbols can be created as stand-alone symbols, or they can be created with leaders. The ID symbols dialog allows you to specify the symbol type, text, size, and placement.

ID Symbols Options FunctionsID Symbol Types Creates various types of ID symbols.Symbol Text Adds text to an ID symbol.Symbol Size Allows you to change the size of a symbol.

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Leader Types Specifies the type of leader to use when creating a symbol with a leader.

Leader From Options Controls the leader placement for a symbol.Specify Leader Creates an ID symbol with one or more leaders.Create ID Symbol Places an ID symbol on the drawing at an indicated position using

the Origin Tool dialog.Remove last leader point

Removes the last leader point while you are in the process of defining the leader. You do this by simply clicking Remove Last Leader Point.

Action Buttons Inherits the symbol size of an existing symbol, reset preferences to customer default settings, or apply edits to an existing symbol.

ID Symbol Types

ID Symbol Types

The ID Symbol dialog contains a variety of ID Symbol Types for you to use. Each symbol type creates a different type of ID Symbol. The following figure shows examples of ID Symbols you can create.

ID Symbols

Custom Symbol OverviewInsert-> Symbol-> Custom Symbol lets you create or edit an instance of a symbol from the Symbol Library. The libraries are either provided by the system or created by a designated Symbol Librarian using File-> Utilities-> Create Custom Symbol. When you choose Insert-> Symbol-> Custom Symbol, the Symbol Library dialog displays with two list boxes. The upper box, the Library List box, contains the names of all the libraries. The lower box, the Symbol List box, is initially blank. When you choose a library from the Library List box, the lower list box updates and displays the icons for all the symbols in the chosen Library as shown below.

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Symbol Library Options

 Library List Box Lets you choose a library.

 Symbol List Box

Displays all of the available symbols from a library as image icons after you choose a library. When you choose a symbol, the Symbol Instance dialog displays for that symbol.

Symbol Instance

The Symbol Instance dialog displays after you choose a symbol from the Symbol List box. This dialog lets you create or edit an instance of a symbol.

 Action Buttons Cancel - lets you cancel the dialog. All other action buttons are unavailable.

User-Defined SymbolsThe User-Defined Symbol option allows you to place symbols on your drawing which are either provided by us or previously created by you using File-> Utilities-> Edit Symbol Font File. The user-defined symbols you place on your drawing can either be stand alone symbols, or they can be added to existing drafting objects.


To place a user-defined symbol perform the following steps:

1. Choose Insert->User-Defined Symbol.2. Select the directory in which the symbol resides (either current Part, the Current

Directory, or Utility Directory).3. Select the desired symbol from the displayed list of symbol files contained in the

directory you selected.4. Indicate the desired placement mode for the symbol.

To edit a user-defined symbol perform the following steps:

1. Choose Insert->User-Defined Symbol.2. Select the symbol.3. Change the symbol parameters in the dialog (e.g. length, height, scale, aspect ratio).4. Choose Apply.5. Choose Flip Horizontal or Flip Vertical to change the symbol orientation.

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User Defined Symbols Options

Use Symbols In: Retrieves user-defined symbols from the current part or a specific directory

SBF List Box Lists the currently available SBFs in either the current directory or the utility directory.

Symbols List Box Lists the currently available symbols.

Define Symbol Size By: Defines your desired symbol size using either the Length and Height and/or the Scale and Aspect Ratio option(s).

Symbol Orientation Aligns or orient standalone symbols placed on the drawing.

Add To Drafting Object Adds a symbol to a drafting object.

Standalone Symbol Indicates a position for the symbol anywhere on the drawing.

Flip Horizontal Instructs the system to horizontally flip a standalone symbol by inverting its connection points.

Flip Vertical Instructs the system to vertically flip a standalone symbol by mirroring it about an imaginary line between the Anchor Point and the Orientation Point.

Action Buttons Inherits preferences from an existing symbol, reset symbol preferences to the default length and height, or apply edits to an existing standalone or user-defined symbol.

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Image OverviewYou can place a raster image (either .jpg or .png) onto a drawing sheet while in the Drafting application. Saving the part stores the image in the part file.

Procedure for Placing an Image

To place a raster image (jpg or png) on a Drawing Sheet:

1. Choose Application-> Drafting.2. Choose Insert-> Sheet and open a drawing sheet.3. Choose Insert-> Image or click the image icon on the Annotation toolbar.4. From the Open Image dialog, select the image to place and click OK. Alternately, on

Windows operating systems, you can drag an image file from the Explorer or from the desktop and drop it on a drawing sheet

To rotate an image:

1. If you have not just placed the image, edit the image by double-clicking it.2. Select the rotation handle (if the rotation handle is very close to one of the size

handles, you can use the confirmation dialog to select the rotation handle).3. Press MB1 and drag the rotation handle clockwise or counterclockwise.

To scale an image:

1. If the scale handles are not displayed, double-click the image to enter edit mode.2. If you want to scale the image disproportionately, turn off Lock Aspect.3. Drag one of the scale handles to size the image. Or, enter a value in either the Width

box or the Height box. Press ENTER or TAB.

To flip an image:

1. If you do not see image handles or axes, double-click the image.2. Double-click an axis.

Weld SymbolThe Weld Symbol option allows you to create various Weld symbols in both Metric and English parts and drawings. Weld symbols are associative and relocate when the model changes or are flagged as Out-of-Date the same as a regular annotation label. The symbols can be edited for their properties such as text size, font, arrow dimensions etc.

Basic Procedure for Weld Symbol Creation

1. If required, define the customer default for the desired standard. 2. Fill out the Weld Symbol dialog with the desired options.3. Note that the Center Symbol option is available when we choose the Spot weld

symbol. If you toggle this option on, the system disregards the dotted reference line.4. Choose Create Weld Symbol. The Create Leader dialog displays.5. Indicate the leader end point with the cursor. At this point, you can indicate additional

intermediate points, place the symbol, or cancel.6. Choose OK to place the symbol. The Origin Tool dialog displays.

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The Crosshatching option allows you to create patterns within a user-defined boundary. Crosshatching is done by hatching or by filling a specified area with a pattern. A crosshatched object includes the hatch or area fill pattern and the defining boundary entities.

Crosshatching Options

Pattern Type Specifies either crosshatch or area fill.

New Boundary Defines holes or islands that you do not wish to crosshatch.

Chain Selects a sequence of connected curves.

Chain to End Allows the system to chain select the curves until no more joined curves are found.

Remove Last Deselects any number of previously selected curves by choosing the Remove Last button. This option deselects one curve at a time back to the beginning of the current boundary (hole or island).

Reset Deselects all selected curves in the current boundary (hole or island) at once. Pressing the Reset button again deselects all curves in the previous boundary (hole or island).

Apply Creates a new crosshatch using the selected boundaries.


To create a Crosshatch:

Check Preferences->Annotation->Fill/Hatch to be sure that the crosshatch pattern you wish to create is the one selected.

Choose Insert->Crosshatching. Choose either Crosshatch or Area Fill. Define the boundary by selecting geometric objects. Click Apply to create the crosshatch.

EDITINGDrafting Edit Toolbar OverviewThe Drafting Edit Toolbar provides options for editing drafting objects in object-action or action-object mode. In object-action mode, you can select the object on the graphics window,

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then select the appropriate icon from the toolbar. In action-object mode you can select an icon on the toolbar, then select the appropriate object.

Drafting Edit Toolbar

Drafting Edit Toolbar Options

Create/Edit Options

Edit annotationChoose this option and the edit wrench cursor displays. You can then select an object and an appropriate action occurs.

Select an object first, then click this option and an appropriate response occurs.

Edit associativityReassociates (reattaches) an annotation object to the same types of objects (text, geometry, centerlines, etc.) that were available during the leader types creation.

Edit StyleChoose the Style option and the Class Selection dialog starts to let you select an object. Appropriate actions for the object occur.

Suppress Drafting Object

Starts the Suppress Drafting Object dialog to let you control the display of some drafting objects.

Edit TextStarts the dynamic icon text options.

Edit OriginStarts the Origin Tool dialog to let you establish an associative relationship between views, geometry, and other annotations and also to define the location of an annotation on the drawing.

Edit LeaderStarts the Leader dialog to let you add, remove, or edit leaders.

Edit Ordinate Starts the Ordinate Dimension dialog for editing.

Edit Crosshatch Boundary

Starts the Crosshatch Boundary dialog to let you replace, add, or remove a boundary.

Parts List LevelsStarts the Edit Parts List Levels icon options.

Edit SheetStarts the Edit Drawing Sheet dialog to let you select a sheet for editing.

Edit Section LineStarts the Section Line dialog to let you modify a section line.

Section Components in View

Starts the Section Components in View dialog to let you edit assembly components of a Section View to be either sectioned or non-sectioned.

View Dependent EditStarts the View Dependent Edit dialog to let you edit the display of objects in a selected member view

Style OverviewStyle dialogs let you edit preference options for current or existing drafting objects. To set global preferences for new drafting objects, use options on the Preferences pull-down menu. There are two Style dialogs:

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Annotation Style - provides options for notes, labels, dimensions, symbols, tabular notes, and parts list.

View Style - provides options for member views.

Suppress Drafting Object OverviewEdit->Suppress Drafting Object allows you to control the display of one or more of the following drafting objects: dimensions, drafting aids, Geometric Tolerancing, and tabulated notes. The value of an expression that you assign controls the visibility of each drafting object. If the control expression has the value zero, the drafting object becomes invisible. If the control expression has a nonzero value, the drafting object displays.

You can control the display of multiple objects by assigning them the same control expression. Or, you can assign one control expression per object.


Edit-> Origin lets you establish an associative relationship between views, geometry, and other annotations to define the location of an annotation on the drawing. The associative annotations relocate themselves to the proper location when the model or related annotations update. The default alignment type (Drag, Relative toView, etc.) and default parameter settings in the Alignment Specific Options area of the dialog depends on the current alignment setting in Preferences->Origin. The Origin Tool dialog becomes active whenever you choose an option that places or modifies annotations on a drawing.

Basic Procedure for Relative to View Alignment

1. Choose Edit->Origin.2. Select a standalone drafting object.3. Select the Relative to View alignment option.4. Select a view from the View List box or from the Graphics Screen.5. Choose Apply.6. Drag the object to the desired location.7. Click Mouse Button 1 (MB1).8. Click Cancel to dismiss the dialog.

Origin Tool Alignment Options

Drag Lets you rubberband annotations or dimensions into place.

Relative to View Lets you associate standalone drafting objects (notes, symbols, etc.) to a drafting view (this option excludes modeling views).

Horizontal Text Alignment

Lets you horizontally align the text of an annotation with the text of another annotation in the part.

Vertical Text Alignment

Lets you vertically align the text of an annotation with the text of another annotation in the part.

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Align with Arrows Lets you align dimensions with their dimensions lines.

Point Constructor Lets you to use any of the point construction options to locate the origin of an annotation.

Offset Character Lets you locate annotations and dimensions using scale factors that are relative to the character size of the annotation/dimension.


Edit->Leader allows you to add, remove, or edit leaders on existing drafting objects such as notes, labels, ID symbols, and GD&T symbols.

Edit Leader Options

Add Adds a leader to an existing drafting object.

Remove Removes a leader (or leaders) from an existing drafting object.

Edit Edits the side of a label that a leader is drawn from (leader side).

New Leader When the Add option is set in the Edit Leaders dialog, the New Leader button becomes available. This button allows you to quickly add additional leaders to the selected drafting object.

Leader Side Controls the side of a label that a leader is drawn from. The two available options are From Left and From Right.

Text Alignment

Specifies how the text in a label displays.

Ordinate DimensionEdit-->Ordinate Dimension allows you to modify some aspects of ordinate dimensions and dimension sets that cannot be edited using the dialogs available under the Insert pull-down.

Edit Ordinate Dimension Options

Edit Dogleg Edits doglegs.

Edit Margin Edits an ordinate dimension margin.

Merge Ordinate Sets Merges one or more ordinate sets into a selected "base" set.

Move Dimensions to Another Set

Moves a dimension from one set to another.

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Crosshatch Boundary

Edit->Crosshatch Boundary allows you to replace, add, or remove crosshatch boundaries. This option may also be used to re-associate retained crosshatching.

Crosshatch Boundary Options

Replace Replaces any boundary of an existing crosshatch with a new boundary

Add Adds boundaries to an existing crosshatch.

Remove Removes any number of existing boundaries from a crosshatch.

Chain Easily and quickly select a sequence of curves, which are joined end-to-end.

Chain to End Causes the system to chain until no more joined curves are found.

Remove Last Deselects any number of previously selected curves in the current boundary definition, or previously selected boundaries by choosing the Remove Last button. This option deselects one curve or boundary at a time.

Reset Deselects all selected curves, boundaries, and the crosshatch at once.

Update Crosshatch

Updates the selected crosshatch with the previously performed edits. It then allows you to continue editing the same crosshatch, if desired.

Edit SheetAllow you to modify the currently active drawing sheet by changing any of its drawing sheet parameters including Name, Size, Scale, and Unit of Measure.

Section Line OverviewEdit-> View-> Section Line allows you to edit an existing section line. You can use this option to add, delete, or move segments of a section line. You can also use it to redefine an existing hinge line, or to move the rotation point of a revolved section view.

Edit Section Line Options

Select Section View Selects a section view in preparation for editing a section line.

View Selection List Located directly below the Select Section View option, the View Selection List lets you select a section view from the current drawing.

Add Segment Adds a new cut segment to a section line.

Delete Segment Deletes a segment from a section line.

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Move Segment Moves individual segments of a section line.

Move Rotation Point Edits the rotation point for a revolved section view.

Redefine Hinge Line

Edits a section view's hinge line.

Redefine Cut Vector Edits the cut vector from the section cut view of a pictorial member view. This option is only available when you edit a pictorial section line

Redefine Arrow Vector

Edits the arrow vector from the section cut view of a pictorial member view. This option is only available when you edit a pictorial section line

Cut Angle Edits the cut angle of an unfolded section line when using either the Add Segment or Move Segment options.

Point Construction Options

Defines point locations by choosing from a variety of methods.

Vector Construction Options

Defines vectors by choosing from a variety of methods.

Reverse Vector Reverses the section line arrow direction when you are using the Redefine Hinge Line option.

Associative Hinge Line

Select Associative Hinge Line to make the hinge line associative to geometry. When the geometry for the hinge line changes the section view orients itself to the hinge line angle.

Reset Undoes your section line edits and allows you to start over.

Section Components in ViewEdit-> View-> Section Components in View allows you to edit assembly components of a Section View to be either sectioned or non-sectioned. For multiple occurrences of a component in a section view, you can specify individual occurrences to have either sectioned or non-sectioned properties. This option allows you to:

Control the sectioning of individual components within different views in the drawing. Edit the sectioning properties (sectioned or non-sectioned) of an occurrence of a

component in Section View and takes precedence over the component's user-defined part attribute.

Section Views in Assembly Drawings

When creating an assembly drawing, it may sometimes be necessary to show certain components uncut (non-sectioned) in section views that appear on the drawing. Standard part components such as nuts, bolts, pins, etc. are commonly shown on a drawing in this manner. To accomplish this task, you can use the user-defined attributes functionality. By setting the user-defined part attribute called section-component to the proper setting, you can add components to an assembly that appear non-sectioned in section views on the drawing. You can also specify sectioning properties for individual occurrences of a component in a view with the Edit-> View-> Section Components in View option.

View Dependent Edit OverviewEdit->View-> View Dependent Edit allows you to edit the display of objects in a selected member view without affecting the display of those objects in other views. In addition, you can also use View Dependent Edit to edit objects (such as curves) that exist directly on the drawing sheet. The View Dependent Edit functionality allows you to erase or edit entire objects or selected portions of objects.

View Dependent Edit Options

View Selection List

You can select a view name from the list or select a view from the Graphics window.

Erase Objects Erases entire geometric objects (such as curves, edges, splines, etc.) from a selected member view or drawing

Edit Entire Edits the color, font, and width of entire objects (such as curves, edges,

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Objects splines, etc.) in a selected view or drawing.

Edit Object Segments

Edits the color, font and width of object segments in a selected view or drawing.

Edit Section View Background

You use this option on Section Views where the Erase All but Selected option was used from the Section Line Creation dialog. Edit Section View Background lets you keep or remove section view background curves for previously erased faces and bodies.

Delete Selected Erasures

Deletes erasures that you may have previously applied to objects using the Erase Objects option.

Delete Selected Edits

Deletes selected view dependent edits made to objects on drawings or in drawing member views.

Delete All Edits Deletes all previously made view dependent edits on drawings or in drawing member views.

Model To View Converts certain objects, which exist in the model (model dependent), to objects, which exist in a single member view (view dependent).

View To Model Converts certain objects, which exist in a single member view (view dependent objects), to model objects.

Line Color Changes the color of a selected object.

Line Font Changes the line font (dashed, solid, etc.) of a selected object.

Line Width Edits the line width (normal, thick, and thin) of geometric objects.


Drawing Layout Toolbar Overview

Drawing Layout Toolbar

The Drawing Layout toolbar provides options for drawing sheets and views. Drawing sheet options let you create, open, and delete drawing sheets. Drawing view options let you add orthographic, pictorial, broken, and break-out section views. Options are also provided for updating, aligning, and moving/copying views, defining a view's boundaries, and toggling between the drawing view and modeling view.

Drawing Layout Toolbar Options

Drawing Layout Options

Insert SheetCreates a new drawing sheet using the New Drawing Sheet dialog.

Open SheetOpens a drawing sheet using the Open Drawing Sheet dialog.

Delete SheetDeletes a drawing sheet using the Delete Drawing Sheet dialog.

Add Base ViewStarts the dynamic icon options to let you create a base view.

Add View from PartStarts the Select Parts dialog to let you select a part from which to add a view.

Add Projected ViewStarts the dynamic icon options to let you create a projected/auxiliary view.

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Add Detail ViewStarts the dynamic icon options to let you create a detail view.

Add Section ViewStarts the dynamic icon options to let you create a simple/stepped section view.

Add Half Section ViewStarts the dynamic icon options to let you create a half section view.

Add Revolved Section ViewStarts the dynamic icon options to let you create a revolved section view.

Add Other Section ViewsLets you populate your drawing with views using the Other Section Views dialog.

Update ViewsLets you manually update selected drawing views using the Update Views dialog.

Break-Out SectionStarts the Break-Out Section dialog to let you create, edit, or delete a break-out section view.

Broken ViewStarts the Broken View dialog to let you create, modify, and update broken views.

Move/Copy ViewStarts the Move/Copy View dialog to let you move or copy existing views on the drawing.

Align ViewStarts the Align View dialog to let you align views on a drawing.

View BoundaryStarts the Define View Boundary dialog to let you specify the view boundary type for specific member views on a drawing.

Display DrawingLets you toggle between the modeling display and the drawing display.

Insert Sheet OverviewInsert-> Sheet starts the Insert Sheet dialog which allows you to create a new drawing sheet by defining a drawing name, and specifying drawing parameters such as Size, Scale, Unit of Measure, and Projection Angle. After all drawing parameters have been set, choosing Apply replaces the current display with a display of the new drawing.


Filter Locates a drawing or a series of drawings in a part file.

Drawing Name Specifies the name of a new drawing.

Selection Field This field is where you enter the drawing sheet name. Names may contain up to 30 characters. Spaces in the name are not allowed. All names are converted to upper case. The default drawing sheet name is SH1.

Drawing Size May choose a drawing size.

Drawing Scale Establishes the default scale for all view types added to the drawing.

Unit of Measure Specifies either inch or SI units.

Projection Angle Specifies either 3rd angle or 1st angle projection.

Open SheetFormat-> Open Sheet allows you to open an existing drawing by choosing from a list of previously created drawings. You can either select a drawing name from the list, or type a name in the selection field (see the following figure). If you enter the drawing name incorrectly, an error message appears.

You can use the Open Drawing Dialog's Filter option to rapidly locate a drawing or a series of drawings in a part file. Enter a portion of a drawing name followed by an asterisk (*), and choose the OK button. The system then performs a search, and displays the desired drawing

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name(s) in the listing window. You can then highlight the drawing name and copy it to the selection box.

Delete SheetEdit-> Delete Sheet allows you to delete an existing drawing. If no drawings currently exist, this option is unavailable.

You can either select a drawing name from the list or type in a name. The current drawing is not displayed in the Delete Drawing dialog and therefore cannot be deleted. You can use the Delete Drawing Sheet dialog's Filter option to rapidly locate a drawing or a series of drawings in a part file. Enter a portion of a drawing name followed by an asterisk (*), and choose the OK button. The system then performs a search, and displays the desired drawing or drawings in the listing window. The drawing name can be highlighted, placed into the selection box, and deleted by choosing Apply or OK.

Base View OverviewYou can create one or more base views on a drawing. A base view is a modeling view that you import on to a drawing. The base view can be a standalone view or a parent view for other drawing types such as a section view. Once you place a base view, the system automatically puts you in projected view mode.

Use any of the following methods to create a Base View: Choose Insert-> View-> Base View when a drawing sheet is displayed. From the Drawing Layout toolbar, choose Add Base View to Drawing. Choose MB3-> Add Base View when a drawing sheet is selected. Choose MB3-> Add Base View in the drawing navigator when a drawing is selected.

Base View from Part OverviewYou can include views from other parts or components. The file you select must be an NX part file and cannot be the current part file (the file containing the drawing sheet on which the view of the part is to be placed). You cannot select a part file that references the current part file in any way.

Use any one of the following methods: Choose Insert-> View-> Base View from Part when a drawing sheet is displayed. Choose Base View from Part icon from the Drawing Layout toolbar when a drawing

sheet is displayed. Select a drawing sheet and choose MB3-> Base View from Part. Select a drawing sheet node from the drawing navigator and choose MB3-> Base

View from Part

Projected View OverviewYou can create a projected view from any parent view. The system intelligently infers projected orthographic and auxiliary views as you move the cursor in a circular motion around the parent view's center. The system also snaps the view into view corridors. A dashed helper line displays to assist you in keeping the view in a corridor until you place it. The system automatically infers:

A hinge line to use as a reference to rotate the view into orthographic space. A vector direction that is perpendicular to the hinge line. The view is seen against the

vector arrow.

You can manually define the hinge line and also reverse the vector direction before you place the view.

Orthographic Views

The inferred orthographic view option allows you to create orthographic projections from existing views. To place an orthographic view onto the drawing, you indicate a position in the desired orthographic quadrant determined by the parent view. The orthographic view automatically aligns with the parent view, and has the same view scale as the parent view

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Auxiliary Views

The Auxiliary View option allows you to project a view from an existing view perpendicular to a defined hinge line. The hinge line you define is associated to the auxiliary view. Any changes in the location, orientation, or angle of the hinge line are reflected in the view.

Choose any of the following methods: Create a base view and the system automatically steps you into projected view mode. Insert->View pull-down when a drawing sheet is displayed and one or more views

exists on the displayed sheet. Choose the Projected View icon on the Drawing Layout toolbar when a drawing sheet

is displayed and one or more views exists on the displayed sheet. Choose MB3-> Projected View after you select a member view. Choose MB3->Projected View on a selected member view in the drawing navigator.

Shaded view overview

You can display drawing member views in shaded mode in addition to the existing wireframe mode. Shaded view display is not supported for revolved and unfolded section views. Shaded views support all functionality in existing wireframe views such as display and control of visible lines, hidden lines, silhouettes and so on.

Shaded views allow people unfamiliar with drawing conventions to interpret the drawing more easily.

1. Right-click a view's border and choose Style→Shading→Render Style→Fully Shaded.

2. Click OK.

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Fully Shaded Section View

Plotting Shaded Views While plotting shaded views, non-rectangular detail views may overlap with the adjacent views because the view border is treated as rectangular for view clipping during plotting. A workaround is to reposition the views to remove the overlap before plotting.

Edit shaded views You can edit individual member views to change the shaded rendering style (Wireframe, Partially Shaded, or Fully Shaded) with the View Style dialog box. The software immediately changes the view display.

Annotations on shaded views Drafting annotations always display in front of the shaded geometry of member views. You can attach annotations to all edges and curves displayed in a shaded view. However, it is not possible to create text islands where the annotation has a background that obscures the view.

Templates and shaded views Drawing and sheet templates support member views for all rendering styles. If you drop a template with a particular view rendering style onto a model, the software creates a drawing with a view rendered in the template's rendering style.

Shaded View Display Shaded views do not support “Face Analysis” and “Studio” rendering styles.

By default, all shaded settings available in the Modeling application are inherited by shaded geometry in member

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views with “Shaded” and “Partially Shaded” rendering styles. A shaded imported view looks the same as the corresponding modeling view if it has the same rendering style. Any changes to these shaded settings in Modeling are reflected on the display of existing and subsequently created shaded member views.

UV Grid on Shaded Views UV grid curves are displayed on top of any shaded geometry in viewswhen both the UV Grid check box is selected in View Style→General and UV grid data is selected using Edit→Object Display→Wireframe Display.

View dependent control for Translucency and Partial Shading

You can set Translucency and Partial Shading on objects in a member view in the View Dependent Edit dialog box. See Related Topics at the top of this page. These attributes affect the display only in the member view in which you apply them and take precedence over corresponding settings applied to the same objects in the Edit Object Display dialog box. These settings have no effect on shaded object display in Modeling.

Please note the following:

You can control a shaded object’s translucency setting in the Edit Object Display dialog box. However, this setting influences the translucency appearance of the object in all member views where it appears. If you apply translucency amount with the View Dependent Edit dialog box for an object in a view, it overrides the amount applied using the Edit Object Display dialog box in that particular view.

A Translucency option is available in Preferences→Drafting→View→Visual. When turned on, all shaded objects in every member view of the drawing are drawn with the translucency setting specified using the View Dependent Edit dialog box or the Edit Object Display dialog box. When turned off, all shaded objects in every member view of the drawing appear opaque, regardless of their individual translucency settings.

Shaded view background The background of shaded views is transparent to allow you to place shaded views on top of other shaded views and non-shaded views.

Inherited Rendering Style A derived view inherits the Rendering Style setting from its base view at the time of creation regardless of the Rendering Style setting in the View Preferences dialog box. However, after you create a derived view, you can change its Rendering Style setting.

Shaded views in Monochrome Mode

Faces in shaded views are displayed in color in monochrome mode.

PMI display Drafting member views honor the Display PMI through Shaded Model setting that is available in the Modeling application under Preferences→PMI. This setting is stored with the part. If the check box is selected for a part, all member views of the part on a drawing display PMI through

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any shaded geometry.

Where do I find it?

Choose Preferences→View→View Preferences→Shading→Rendering Style.

In the View Style dialog box, choose Shading→Rendering Style.

Right-click a drawing view and choose Style→Shading→Rendering Style.

Detail View OverviewYou can create detail views with either a circular or rectangular boundary. A detail view is a view, which contains an enlarged portion of an already existing drawing view. The enlarged detail view shows detail, which is not apparent in the view from which the detail was made.

Circular Detail View

You can choose any of the following methods to create a Detail View:

Choose Insert-> View-> Detail View when a drawing sheet is displayed.

From the Drawing Layout toolbar, choose Add Detail View to Drawing.

Choose MB3-> Add Detail View when a drawing sheet is selected.

Choose MB3-> Add Detail View in the drawing navigator when a drawing is selected.

Procedure for Creating Detail Views

To create a view with a circular view boundary:

1. From Drafting, Choose Insert-> View-> Detail View.2. Select the on-screen Circular Boundary icon option if it is OFF.3. Select a point for the detail center in the parent view. Use the Snap Point options to

help select the desired point.4. Indicate a second point to define the detail radius. This point can be a screen

position.5. Drag the cursor to the desired location.6. Click MB1 to place the view.

To create a view with a rectangular view boundary:

1. From Drafting, Choose Insert-> View-> Detail View.2. Select the on-screen Rectangular Boundary icon option if it is OFF.3. Select a point for the detail rectangular corner in the parent view. Use the Snap Point

options to help select the desired point.4. Indicate a second point for the opposite rectangular corner in the parent view. This

point can be a screen position.5. Drag the cursor to the desired location.6. Click MB1 to place the view.

Section View OverviewSection View functionality lets you create a:

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Simple Section View - A view that allows you to see the inside of a part. It is created by dividing the part with a single cutting plane.

A Simple Section View

Stepped Section View - Lets you create a section which contains linear steps. You can make these steps by indicating multiple cuts, bends, and arrow segments. All bend and arrow segments are created perpendicular to cut segments.

Use any of the following methods: Choose MB3-> Add Section View on a selected parent view. Choose MB3-> Add Section View on a parent view in the Drawing Navigator. Choose the Add Section View to Drawing icon on the Drawing Layout Toolbar. Choose Insert-> View -> Section View.

Procedure to Create a Simple Section View

To create a simple section view:1. From Drafting, Choose Insert-> View-> Section View.2. Click MB1 on the base view you wish to section.3. Turn snap point methods on or off to assist you in picking a point on the view

geometry.4. Move the dynamic section line to the desired cut position point.5. Click MB1 to place the section line.6. Move the cursor outside the view to the desired view corridor.7. Click MB1 to place the section view.

Creating Stepped Section Views

Creating a stepped section view is similar to creating a simple section view. The difference is that you define additional points for the section line to bend or cut through by choosing MB3-> Add Segment.

To create a stepped section view:1. From Drafting, Choose Insert-> View-> Section View.2. Click MB1 on the base view you wish to section.3. Turn snap point methods on or off to assist you in picking a point on the view

geometry.4. Move the dynamic section line to the desired cut position point.5. Click MB1 to place the section line.6. Click MB3-> Add Segment.7. Select the next point and click MB1.8. Continue to add bends and cuts using MB3-> Add Segment as desired.9. Move the cursor to the desired location.10. Click MB1 to place the view.

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Stepped Section Cut

Half Section View OverviewYou can create a view with half of the part sectioned and the other half un-sectioned. Half sections are similar to simple and stepped sections in that the cut segment is parallel to the defined hinge line. Note that the section line for a half section contains only one arrow, one bend, and one cut segment. The following figure illustrates the various segments of the section line, as well as the system-generated half section view.

1.Arrow segment 2. Cut segment 3. Bend segment 4. System generated half section view

Use any of the following methods: Choose MB3-> Add Section View on a selected parent view. Choose MB3-> Add Section View on a parent view in the Drawing Navigator. Choose the Add Section View to Drawing icon on the Drawing Layout Toolbar. Choose Insert-> View -> Section View.

Procedure for Creating Half Section Views

To create a half section view:1. Choose Insert-> Half Section View.2. Select a parent view to section.3. Select a snap point location (arc center) to place the section line.4. Select a second point to place the bend.5Drag the cursor to the desired location and click MB1 to place the view.

Revolved Section View OverviewYou can create section views which are revolved about an axis. The following figure shows a revolved section view with its associated parent view and section line. A revolved section view can contain a single revolved cut plane, or it can contain steps to form multiple cut planes. In either case, all cut planes are revolved into a common plane.

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Use any of the following methods: Choose MB3-> Add Revolved Section View on a selected parent view. Choose MB3-> Add Revolved Section View on a parent view in the Drawing

Navigator. Choose the Add Revolved Section View to Drawing icon on the Drawing Layout

Toolbar. Choose Insert-> View -> Section View.

Procedure for Creating a Revolved Section View

To create a revolved section view:

1. Choose Insert-> View-> Revolved Section View.2. Select a parent view to section.3. Select a rotation point to place the section line.4. Select a point for the first segment.5. Select a second segment point.6. While inside the view, click MB3-> Add Segment.7. Select a segment leg.8. Select a point to define the new segment.9. Drag the view to the desired location and click MB1 to place the view.

Unfolded Section Cut OverviewYou can create unfolded section views that has a corresponding section line that contains multiple cut segments without any bend segments. The segments are unfolded in a plane parallel to the hinge line. The following figure shows an example of an unfolded section view with its associated parent view and section line.

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An Unfolded Section View with an Associated Section Line

Procedure for creating an Unfolded Section View

To create an unfolded section cut using the Point to Point option:

1. Choose Insert-> View-> Other Section Views.2. Choose the Unfolded Section Cut option.3. Select a parent view. The parent view is where the system creates the section line.

When you select the parent view, its view bounds highlight.4. Define a section view hinge line using the Vector Construction option. A vector arrow

displays showing the direction of the hinge line and the direction that the section line arrows point. If the section line arrow is pointing in the opposite direction, you can change its direction by choosing the Reverse Vector button.

5. Choose the Point to Point option.6. Select the first rotation point. The cursor rubber bands as you move the cursor.7. Select the remaining rotation points.8. In our example, we select the end edge so that the section line cuts through the

model.9. Choose OK.10. Drag the view to the desired location on the drawing. During the drag the view's

boundaries are visible. Note that you can only move the view along its orthographic corridor.

11. Indicate a view location. The section view is aligned with the feature that received the first rotation point. If you need to make any modifications to the section line, use Edit-> Section Line.

Folded Section Cut OverviewFolded Section Cut lets you create a view with multiple segment cuts with no bends. The folded view is in orthographic alignment with the parent view. The view shows a line where the segments join each other.

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Parent View (Top) and Folded Section Cut (Bottom)

Procedure for Creating a Folded Section Cut

To create a folded section cut:1. Choose Insert-> View-> Other Section Views -> Folded Section Cut.2. Select a view.3. From the Vector Constructor options, choose the XC Axis to define a hinge line.4. (Optional) Choose Reverse Vector.5. Choose Apply to accept the hinge line.6. From the Point Selection pull-down menu on the Section Line Creation dialog, choose

Arc center.7. Select the three arc centers as shown below.8. Choose OK.

Simple/Stepped Section Cut from Pictorial ViewThis option lets you create either a simple or stepped section cut from a pictorial parent member view. The section line displays as a pictorial section line.

When you select this option, the system displays five creation step icons.

The system determines whether the section cut is simple or stepped by the number of cut segments. If the number of cut segments is more than one the section cut is determined to be stepped. The steps involved for creating a simple or stepped section cut from a pictorial view are as follows:

1. Choose the Simple/Stepped Section Cut from Pictorial View option from the Add View dialog.

2. Select a parent view. 3. Define the arrow direction. 4. Define a cut direction. 5. Define cut positions(s). 6. Indicate the location of the section cut view on the drawing.

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Tips and Techniques for Sectioning Pictorial Views

The Use Parent Orientation option on the Add View dialog is available only for simple section cuts from pictorial views and half section cut from pictorial views. It has no effect on stepped section cuts.

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The cut direction vector and arrow direction vector must be perpendicular to each other.

Half Section Cut from Pictorial ViewThis option lets you create a half section cut from a pictorial parent member view. The section line displays as a pictorial half section line (see the following figure).

The creation procedure is similar to the simple section cut from pictorial view and is outlined below.

1. Choose the Half Section Cut from Pictorial View option from the Add View dialog.2. Select a parent view.

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3. Define the arrow direction.4. Define a cut direction. 5. Define cut positions(s).

Indicate the location of the section cut view on the drawing.

Update Views OverviewEdit-> View-> Update Views allows you to manually update selected drawing views to reflect changes that have occurred to the model since the last time the views were updated. Items that may be updated include hidden lines, silhouettes, view bounds, section views, and section view details. If the currently displayed drawing or any of its views are not up to date, an "OUT-OF-DATE" message appears next to the drawing name in the lower left corner of the drawing display. This message may also appear when the drawing contains any invalid section lines.

Break-Out Section OverviewBreak-Out sections allow you to see the inside of a part by removing a region of the part. The region is defined by a closed loop of break-out curves. You can apply break-out sections to both orthographic and pictorial views.

Only the planar cut faces of a break-out section are crosshatched. Splines created by the fit method are not selectable for break-out section boundary

regions (splines created by Through Points or By Poles are selectable). Curves used to define the base point cannot be used as boundary curves.

To find the Break-Out Section option

Choose Insert-> View-> Break-Out Section. Choose Insert-> View-> Break-Out Section View when a drawing sheet is displayed. From the Drawing Layout toolbar, choose Break-Out Section. Choose MB3-> Break-Out Section in the drawing navigator when a view is selected.

Pictorial Break-Out Section View

Break-Out Creation Steps

The Break-Out Section dialog contains creation step icons that guide you through the interactive steps required to create a break-out section. As you complete each step, the creation step icon for the next interactive step automatically highlights. Only the icon for the

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current step highlights, all other icons appear grayed out. If you make a mistake during the break-out creation process, you can go back to a previous step by clicking on the appropriate icon. For example, when you create a break-out section view there are five creation step icons available:

Select View Indicate Base Point Indicate Extrusion Vector Select Curves Modify Boundary Points

Procedure for creating Break-Out Section View

The steps required to create a break-out section are as follows:

1. Select a view. 2. Exit the member view.3. Choose Insert-> View-> Break-Out Section.4. Select the view where you have added break-out curves.5. Select a base point.6. Indicate the extrusion vector.7. Select curves.8. Modify boundary points.9. Click the Apply button on the Break-Out Section dialog.

Editing a Break-Out Section

The five steps available when editing a break-out section are:

1. Select Break-out Section2. Indicate Base Point3. Indicate Extrusion Vector4. Select Curves5. Modify Boundary Points

Broken View OverviewThe Broken View option allows you to create, modify, and update compressed views with multiple boundaries which are known as broken views. Options on the Broken View dialog are unavailable until you select a view. You can select a view from the graphics screen. Once you select a view, the view displays in expanded view mode.

Basic Procedure for Creating a Simple Broken View

1. Choose Drawing-> Broken View.2. Choose a view from the View Select Box or from the Graphics Screen. Observe that

the view expands. Options on the Broken View dialog become available.3. Choose Simple Break from the Curve Type option menu.4. Choose Inferred Point from the Point Construction option menu.5. Select the boundary start point with the cursor.

6. Select the line end point with the cursor. This defines the Simple Break curve.

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7. Continue defining the primary region until you have a closed region as shown in the following figure.

8. Choose Apply. If you are not attached to geometry you must define an anchor point.9. Choose the desired curve from the Curve Type option menu. 10. Define a break region as shown in the following figure.

11. Choose Apply.12. Choose Display Drawing or Cancel.

Move/Copy OverviewThe Move/Copy View dialog allows you to move or copy existing views on the drawing. Views can be moved or copied To a Point, Horizontally, Vertically, Perpendicular to a Line, or To Another Drawing.

Choose Edit-> View-> Move/Copy.

Choose the Move/Copy icon from the Drawing Layout toolbar.

To move views with Cut/Paste:

1. Select the view to move. 2. Choose MB3->Cut.3. Select a sheet.4. Choose MB3->Paste.

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To copy views with Copy/Paste:

1. Select the view to copy.2. Choose MB3->Copy.3. Select a sheet. 4. Choose MB3->Paste.

Move/Copy View Options

Move/Copy View Options

View Selection List Selects one or more views to be moved or copied.

To a Point Moves or copies views to a new point location on the drawing.

Horizontally Moves or copies views in a horizontal direction.

Vertically Moves or copies views in a horizontal direction.

Perpendicular to a Line

Moves or copies views perpendicular to a defined hinge line.

To Another Drawing Move or copies views to another drawing.

Copy Views Copies existing views and moves them to a new location on the drawing.

View Name Enters a name for a view that is to be copied onto the drawing. The view name must be entered into the field prior to placing it on the drawing.

Distance Controls the distance that a view is moved/copied relative to the originally selected view.

Vector Construction Options

Defines vectors by choosing from a variety of methods. Depending on which option you choose, the system interprets the selected object(s) accordingly.

Deselect Views Deselects views. This is useful if you make a mistake selecting views.

Align View OverviewYou can align existing drawing views on a drawing. Views can be aligned using the alignment methods: Overlay, Horizontally, Vertically, Perpendicular to a line, and Infer. Several alignment options are available to help you define the point location on the view(s) where the alignment takes place.

To align views using the Align View dialog:1. Choose Edit-> View-> Align View or choose the Align View icon from the Drawing

Layout toolbar.2. Choose an alignment option.3. Select a statonary view or point inside a view.4. Select view(s) to align.5. Select one of the five alignment methods.

Align View Options

View Selection List Selects the views you want to align. Both active and reference view can be selected. In addition to selecting views from the list, views can also be selected directly from the graphics screen.

Overlay Align views both horizontally and vertically so that they may be superimposed one upon the other.

Horizontally Horizontally aligns selected views with each other.

Vertically Vertically aligns selected views with each other.

Perpendicular to a Line

Aligns a selected view perpendicular to a specified reference line.

Infer Aligns views based on the matrix orientation of a selected stationary view.

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Alignment Options Controls the way in which views are aligned.

Snap Point Options

Defines point locations by choosing from a variety of methods. Depending on which option you choose, the system interprets the selected object(s) accordingly.

Vector Construction Options

Defines vectors by choosing from a variety of methods. Depending on which option you choose, the system interprets the selected object(s) accordingly.

Deselect Views Is useful if you make a view selection error when aligning views. You can use the Deselect button to clear the selection and start again.

View Boundary TypesThe View Boundary option menu allows you to choose from several different boundary types. To make this menu available for use, you must first select a view. The following paragraphs briefly describe each option. Procedures for using each method are described in the pages that follow.

Break Line/Detail - allows you to use user-defined curves to define a Break Line or a Detail View Boundary. The defined curves must reside in a drawing member view.

Manual Rectangle - Allows you define a view boundary using a manually created rectangle. This method is commonly used to hide unwanted geometry in a particular view.

Automatic Rectangle - Allows you to define a view boundary which automatically resizes (if required) after model updates. This option is used when you want to show all of the geometry in a particular view. It is also used when you want to have a section line of a section view determine the view boundary.

Bound By Objects - Allows you to define a view boundary, which automatically resizes to include selected solid edge(s) and points on the model geometry. This option is commonly used for rectangular detail views whose size or shape might need to change because of model changes.

TABLESDrafting Tables Toolbar OverviewThe Drafting Tables toolbar provides you with options for creating parts list, tabular notes, import options, export options, and creating automatic callouts.

Drafting Tables Toolbar

Tables Toolbar OptionsThe Tables toolbar provides options for both Tabular Notes and Parts Lists. Options that do not apply to a particular element are unavailable.

Tables Toolbar Options

Tabular NoteLets you insert a generic empty tabular note that contains 5 rows and 5 columns. You locate the note at the cursor location. This option is available only in the Drafting application.

Parts ListInserts a generic parts list that contains 3 columns. This option is available in the Gateway and Drafting applications.

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Edit TableOpens the Parts List Levels options.

Edit TextLets you edit a table's cell using the Annotation Editor.

Insert OptionsA pull-down menu provides the following options:

Insert Row Above Insert Row Below Insert Header Row Insert Column to Left Insert Column to Right

ResizeResizes a selected column's width or a selected row's height.

Select OptionsA pull-down menu provides the following options:

Select Cells Select Rows Select Columns Select Section/Table

Import OptionsA pull-down menu provides the following options:

Import Attributes - Starts the Import Attributes dialog. Import Expressions - Starts the Import Expressions. Import Spreadsheet - Starts the Import Spreadsheet.

Merge/Unmerge CellsMerges selected cells. Unmerge Cells restores the selected cells to the original state that existed before the merge.

BoldChanges the cell text to bold.

ItalicChanges the cell text to italic.

SortLets you sort selected rows by column value.

Lock/Unlock RowsChanges the lock state of a row.

Attach/Detach RowsAttaches or detaches rows to/from parent rows or the entire table.

Restore Automatic TextRestores the contents of the cells to their automatic values as defined by the default text box in the columns tab of the Annotation Style dialog for the column.

Goto Cell URLOpens the browser and goes to the URL defined in the cell.

Update Parts ListForces the parts list to update.

AutoballoonLet's you automatically create balloon callouts for parts lists and tabular notes.

ExportStarts the Exports Parts List dialog. Lets you export the parts list to an external file or browser.

Save As TemplateSaves a customized parts list template file and updates the tables palette on the Resource bar.

Tabular Note OverviewThe Tabular Note options allow you to create and edit tables of information on drawings. Tabular notes are often used to define the dimensional values of similar parts within a family of parts. You also use them for hole charts and material lists. You can use the Import option to import expressions, attributes, and spreadsheet data.

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Tabular notes can reference expressions, part attributes, and object attributes. Elements of tabular notes, which reference expressions or attributes, remain associative and update as these values change in the part.

When you choose the Tabular Note option the system creates a default 5 row by 5 column tabular note that you can drag to the desired location on the graphics window and place by clicking MB1. You can change the defaults on the Customer Defaults dialog-> Drafting-> Annotation -> Sections with Number of Rows and Number of Columns.

To create a tabular note, use any of the following methods:

From Drafting, choose Insert-> Tabular Note. From Drafting, choose the Tabular Note icon from the Tables toolbar. From the Tables palette of the Resource bar, drag and drop a template onto the

graphics window.

To create a tabular note:

1. Choose Insert-> Tabular Note.2. Drag the table to the desired location.3. Click MB1 to place the tabular note.

Table Options

Tables OptionsEdit Lets you edit a table's cell using a dynamic input box.Edit Text Lets you edit a table's cell using the Annotation Editor.Insert This pull-down menu provides the following options:

Rowso Insert Row Above - Inserts one or more rows above the

selected row.o Insert Row Below - Inserts one or more rows below the

selected row.o Insert Header Row - Inserts a header row.

Columnso Insert Column to the Left - Inserts one or more columns

to the left of the selected columnso Insert Column to the Right - Inserts one or more

columns to the right of the selected columns.Resize Lets you resize a table by dragging a horizontal or vertical table grid

line.Select This pull-down menu provides the following options for selection:

Cells Rows Columns Section/Table

Import This pull-down menu provides the following options: Import Attributes - Starts the Import Attributes dialog. Import Expressions - Starts the Import Expressions dialog. Import Spreadsheet - Starts the Import Spreadsheet dialog.

Merge Cells Merges adjacent cells.Unmerge Cells Unmerges merged cells.Sort Sorts a table by column values.Lock/Unlock Rows

Applies only to Parts Lists. Turns on or off  the lock state of the selected rows. Rows that are locked have a symbol displayed to the left of the row.

Attach/Detach Rows

Applies only to Parts Lists. Attaches or detaches rows to/from parent rows or the entire table.

Automatic Text Applies only to Parts Lists. Restores the default text of the respective columns to each of the selected cells. This operation first erases the

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contents of the cells.Goto Cell URL Launches the default Internet browser and loads the URL as specified in

the cell styles for the cell. This item is only available if a URL was specified for the cell.

Update Parts List Manually updates the parts list. Parts lists can also be updated from the drawing navigator.

Autoballoon Let's you automatically create balloon callouts for parts lists and tabular notes.

Export Starts the Exports Parts List dialog. Lets you export the parts list to an external file or browser.

Save As Template

Let's you save a customized parts list template file in the tables palette. You can drag and drop the template onto a drawing.

To merge cells:

1. Select the cells to merge.2. With the cursor over one of the selected cells, choose MB3-> Merge.

To unmerge cells:

1. Select a cell that was previously merged.2. With the cursor over the selected cell, choose MB3-> Unmerge.

To insert a blank row:

1. Select a row. You can also select more than one row.2. Click MB3-> Insert-> Rows Below. You can also select Above.

To Insert a blank column:

1. Select a column. You can also select more than one column.2. Click MB3-> Insert-> Columns To the Left. You can also select Columns To the Right.

To import attributes into a table:

1. Choose Insert-> Tabular Note or choose the Insert Tabular Note icon from the Drafting Tables toolbar.

2. Select a cell.3. With the cursor over the selected cell, choose MB3-> Import-> Attributes. Result: the

Import Attributes dialog opens.4. From the Named Object list box, select a target object from which to import attributes.5. From the Attributes list box, select one or more attributes or choose the Select All

option to import all the objects listed.6. Choose OK or Apply.

To import expressions into a table:

1. Choose Insert-> Tabular Note or choose the Insert Tabular Note icon from the Drafting Tables toolbar. You can also drag and drop a table template from the Table palette on the Resource bar.

2. Select a cell.3. With the cursor over the selected cell, choose MB3-> Import-> Expressions. Result:

the Import Expressions dialog opens.4. From the Part File list box, select a part from which to import expressions.5. From the Choose Expressions list box, select one or more expressions or choose the

Select All option to import all the expressions listed.6. Choose OK or Apply.

To sort a table:

1. Select the table.2. With the cursor over the table, choose MB3-> Sort.3. On the Sort dialog, select the column names on which to sort.

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4. To change the precedence of the sort, select a column name and click the up or down arrow to move the item higher or lower in precedence.

5. If desired, click the Ascending/Descending option on a selected item to reverse order the sort.

6. Click the OK or Apply option.

To create a Tabular Note template:

1. Choose Insert-> Tabular Note and place the tabular note.2. Customize the parts list using MB3 options on table elements as desired.3. Select the tabular note and choose MB3-> Save As Template.

Parts List OverviewParts lists provide an easy way for you to create a bill of materials for your assembly. There are a large variety of options that allow easy customization. You can create one or more parts lists at any time during the creation of your assembly. The parts list can be made to automatically update as your assembly grows or update on demand. Individual piece numbers can either be locked or renumbered as needed. Automatic callouts can also be generated and updated as the parts list updates.

You can define columns in parts lists so that the values of attributes display in the cells for the row representing a component occurrence. Key fields help to determine when component occurrences are considered as the same items, giving the capability to count items that are alike.

If a parts list format was defined in a version of NX prior to NX2, this earlier format is used to create the parts list with the Insert-> Parts List option. Otherwise, a generic parts list is created with three columns: a callout column, a general column referencing the member name, and a quantity column.

To create a parts list:

1. Choose Insert-> Parts List.2. Drag the table to the desired location.3. Click MB1 to place the parts list.

Editing Parts List Levels

To edit a parts list level assembly with subassemblies:

1. Select the parts list.2. With the cursor over the table, choose MB3-> Edit Levels.3. Turn on the Leaves Only option.4. Choose OK. Result: subassemblies are removed from the parts list.

To create autoballoon callouts (method 1):

1. Create a parts list.2. Choose Tools-> Table-> Autoballoon.3. Select the parts list.4. Choose MB3 Autoballoon.5. Select the drawing view from the graphics screen or from the Parts List Autoballoon

dialog.6. Click OK or Apply on the Parts List Autoballoon dialog.7. If desired, arrange callouts by dragging.

To create autoballoon callouts (method 2):

1. Create a parts list.2. Choose Tools-> Table-> Autoballoon.3. Select a drawing view.4. Choose MB3-> Autoballoon.5. Select a parts list from the graphics window or from the Drawing Navigator6. If desired, arrange callouts by dragging.

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To Attach a row:

1. Select a target row in a Parts List.2. With the cursor over the selected row, choose MB3-> Attach/Detach Rows. Result:

the row moves according to the restrictions stated in the overview.

To Detach a row:

1. Select an attached row in a Parts List.2. With the cursor over the selected row, choose MB3-> Attach/Detach Rows..

To create a parts list template:

1. Choose Insert-> Parts List and place the parts list.2. Customize the parts list using MB3 options on table elements as desired.3. Select the parts list and choose MB3-> Save As Template.

To export a table:

1. Select the table.2. With the cursor over the table, choose MB3-> Export. Result: the Export Table dialog

opens.3. Choose an Output Location option (Information Window, File, or Browser). For this

example, choose File.4. Enter a name in the File Name text box.5. Choose Browse. Result: The Output Table file box opens.6. Choose a location and OK the Output Table dialog.7. Choose a Format option (Spaces, Commas, or Tabs Between Columns). 8. Choose OK or Apply.

To Lock a row:

1. Select a row.2. With the cursor over a row, choose MB3-> Lock/Unlock. Result: a small lock symbol


To Unlock a row.

1. Select a locked row.2. With the cursor over the row, choose MB3-> Lock/Unock. Result: the lock symbol

goes away.

To go to a URL Address:

1. Select a cell.2. Choose MB3-> Go To Cell URL.

To edit cell text using the Annotation Editor:

1. Select the cell to edit.2. With the cursor over the cell, choose MB3-> Edit Text.3. Use Annotation Editor options to enter and format the cell text.4. OK the Annotation Editor dialog.

To merge cells:

1. Select the cells to merge.2. With the cursor over one of the selected cells, choose MB3-> Merge.

To unmerge cells:

1. Select a cell that was previously merged.2. With the cursor over the selected cell, choose MB3-> Unmerge.

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1. How to bring the user defined view in the drafting?2. Is it possible to change the drafting sheet parameters after placing the view?3. What is the difference between Folded and Unfolded section view?4. What is the difference between section and half section view?5. Is it possible to give auto dimension in drafting?6. What is the difference between full bolt circle and full circular centerline?7. What is the purpose of symmetrical centerline?8. How to insert GDT symbols in drawing?9. How will you edit the size of the character, line type in drafting?10. Is it possible to bring multiple part lists?11. What is the difference between broken view and breakout section?12. Is it possible to sketch a drawing in drafting?13. How to insert balloon?14. What is the function of GDT parameters?

Is it possible to show a half or a part of a view?

MANUFACTURING Introduction to Manufacturing

The Manufacturing module allows you to interactively program and postprocess milling, drilling, turning, and wire edm tool paths. Customizable configuration files define the available machining processors, tool libraries, postprocessors, and other high level parameters which can be targeted to specific market segments such as Mold and Die and Machinery. Templates allow you to customize the user interface and specify machining Setups which can include machine tools, cutting tools, machining methods, shared geometry, and sequences of operations.

The Operation Navigator allows you to view and manage relationships between operations, geometry, machining methods, and tools. It allows groups of parameters to be shared among many operations, eliminating the repetitious, tedious task of respecifying parameters for each operation, and provides separate views to manage these relationships.

Because of the highly customizable nature of the Manufacturing module, the available options and general appearance of dialog boxes on your system may differ from those described in this document. The organization and contents of this documentation is based on the Mach Kit (default set of configuration files, templates, and libraries) delivered with each release by NX.

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Upon entering the Manufacturing module for the first time with a part, you are required to choose an Application Package (configuration.dat file) and a Machining Discipline. This determines the Machining Applications (templates) available in the Create Operation dialog box. The chosen Machining Discipline may be changed at any time in the Create Operation dialog box by choosing another Type option.

TerminologyAn understanding of the following terms is essential to effective usage of the Manufacturing application.


Assembly parts can be machined using NX Manufacturing applications. You can select geometry in an assembly part file or any component part file to use in an operation. If the selected geometry is located in the component part file, the CAM operation will contain an occurrence of the selected geometry. All selected geometry is associative.

CAM objects (Operations, Tools) can only be retrievable in the assembly part file. You can retrieve libraries of tools or from a component library part file. Part merge can be used to retrieve CAM objects from the component part into the assembly part.

An assembly can be created containing components, such as clamps and fixtures. This approach:

Avoids having to merge clamp, fixture, etc. geometry into the part to be machined. Allows you to generate fully associative tool paths for models that you may not have

write access privilege. Enables multiple NC programmers to develop NC data in separate files


The Manufacturing application retains the information used in generating a tool path. This capability is termed associativity.

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Operation Navigator

The Operation Navigation Tool  is a graphic user interface that enables you to manage operations and operation parameters for the current Part. The Operation Navigator enables you to specify groups of parameters that are shared among operations. The Operation Navigator uses a tree structure to illustrate the relationships between groups and operations. Parameters may be passed down or inherited from group to group and from group to operation based on the positional relationships in the Operation Navigator. Except for a few cases, you can determine whether or not to apply inheritance.


An Operation contains all information used to generate a single tool path. For each operation that you generate and accept, the system saves the information used to generate the tool path in the current part. This information includes the tool path name, geometric data (e.g., permanent boundaries, surfaces, points, etc.), permanent tools, the postprocessor command set, display data, and the coordinate system of definition.

You can use this information either when editing an operation or as the default when defining a new operation. For example, you can retrieve an operation, change only one desired parameter, and regenerate the tool path without having to respecify the geometry, tools, or any other data.


Furthermore, if the geometry or tool has been edited since the operation was originally generated, regenerating it in this manner automatically uses the new information. For example, when you edit a curve that is part of a boundary, a regeneration process modifies the boundary to include the changes that were made. You can then update any operation using this boundary without having to reselect the geometry.

In the case of CAM operations, it is unreasonable to automatically update the tool path every time the geometry is altered, since some operations can take many minutes to complete. Therefore, it is up to you to update the tool paths when necessary.

The Point and/or Plane subfunctions are used to specify Avoidance Geometry and Engage and Retract data in all operations. In addition they are used as alternative methods of specifying Points and Surfaces in Point-to-Point.

For operation types, which require boundaries, geometry edits cause the recalculation of this boundary data, as needed.

Curve edit options, such as Transformations, Curve Trim, Modify Line Endpoint and Edit Spline, cause the boundary data to be updated. However, no new members are inserted, and no members are removed.

Filleting options, such as Simple Fillet, Two Curve Fillet, and Three Curve Fillet, cause the new fillet to be inserted in a boundary if the following conditions are met:

1. The two filleted entities must be consecutive members of the boundary or first and last members of a closed boundary. In the case of a Three Curve Fillet, this requirement must be satisfied after the second curve has been deleted.

2. The filleted entities must both be trimmed automatically by the system.


The Machine Coordinate System (MCS) is the coordinate system for the output of tool paths and GOTOs in the CLSF. This allows you to move the Work Coordinate System (WCS) independently.

SetupIn NX the NC machining environment is referred to as the setup. The first time you open a part in the Manufacturing application you select the setup from the Machining Environment dialog and then select initialize. With the setup you can input and save the full machining environment; this includes the tool paths and their parameters.

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The tool paths and their parameters are saved inside what is called an operation. Each operation contains its own tool path and parameters. NX allows you to separate the operations into sections called groups. These groups become parents when operations are placed underneath them in the Operation Navigator. Therefore, the documentation often refers to them as parent groups, when talking about an issue that relates to the group both before and after it contains operations. The relation between the operations and these parent groups is displayed through the different views of the Operation Navigator.

The Operation Navigator contains four views: Geometry View, Tool View, Method View, and Program Order View. Each operation has four parent groups: geometry, tools, methods, and the program order. As you would assume, to view the geometry parent groups look in the Geometry View. To view the tool parent groups, look in the Tool View.

Benefits of Using the Setup

The setup helps you to organize and logically group all the information related to the NC machining. This includes the operations, parameters for tooling, geometry, cutting methods, and programs.

The setup shares information within and among the views. You can make a change in one view and see how the change is reflected in the other views.

The setup allows you to focus on the specific information you choose so that you are viewing only the information you need to see. This allows you to quickly and easily access the information you need to organize a job.

NX provides several pre-defined setup templates to initialize the CAM session. The setup promotes standardization as it can be saved as a template to be reused. The Operation Navigator presents information clearly and graphically, so that other

users can easily see how the Manufacturing setup is organized.

Environment When planning the machining of a part there are many decisions to be made. NX helps you organize, store, and use the information related to the planning of a part. This information defines the machining environment. The following four bullets describe the four main aspects of the planning process. They may be addressed in various orders.

Decide what steps you are going to use to create the part you desire. For example, consider the various geometry to be machined so that you can decide what operation types are required, such as roughing, semi-finishing, and finishing. We call these considerations the method. When you answer these questions about stock, tolerances, and feed rates, you are defining the Method.

Choose which machine you want perform the machining of this part. Also, select the tools and tool assemblies for each cut. The machine uses the assemblies to hold the tool to the machine. Choosing all of these tooling aspects is called defining the tooling.

Decide the orientation of the part relative to the machine. Consider the following: what side to machine, where the part is placed on the machine, which operations are needed for what features, and how to clamp it down. Decide on the finished part, the initial part geometry, clearance planes, clamps and fixtures. This is called the geometry aspect, since the answers to these questions define the geometry.

The NC program holds the ordered list of cuts for machining the part. This information is sent to the machine tool.

Operations The main unit of NX CAM is the setup. The setup consists of all the operations and the environment in which the operations were created. An operation contains a uniquely generated tool path and the information within the tool path: geometry, tool, and machining parameters. An operation is different from an NC program in that one operation generates one tool path and the NC program may generate numerous tool paths. You post process the NC program to create the actual commands that are sent to the CNC controller.

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Four Parents of an Operation

Each operation has four parents. The operations inherit information from each parent and the system uses it to calculate the tool path. The four types of parent groups are given below:

The geometry for the specific operation. The tooling to be used. The machining parameters for the operation. The program that contains the operation.

These are the four parents that supply information to an operation. For each new operation you need to select these four parent groups. The previous selections remain modal as you create operations so you only need to select what changes. Below is a short description of each of these four Parents.

The geometry for the specific operation

For each operation you must choose the orientation and the geometry. The orientation is defined by a coordinate system and the geometry is defined in various ways, depending on what type of operation you are creating.

The coordinate system, fixture offset, clearance plane and tool axis can all be stored in an orientation group.

The geometry to be machined in each operation needs to be defined either in the geometry parent or within each individual operation.  It is usually more convenient to define the geometry in a geometry parent group. If the geometry is specified here it can be used by all the subsequent operations of the parent. For example, if you are going to repeat similar operations on two cavities, you can put the cavity geometry in two groups, and then create or copy the same operations under each group. This saves you from duplicating your efforts. The geometry also defines the part material, which is used to calculate machining data.

The tooling to be used

Each operation needs a tool to cut the tool path. Tools can be retrieved from a library with hundreds of standard tools, or created as needed. Tools are placed in holders, carriers, and turrets, on a machine tool. Tools have a tool material that is used to calculate machining data.

The machining parameters for the operation

Each operation contains numerous parameters. The most specific parameters such as engage, retract, and stepover, are stored in the operation. Some parameters are shared by many operations and are stored in the Method parent group. These shared parameters can include the stock, tolerance, feedrates, and display colors. The method also defines the cut method used to calculate machining data.

The Program that contains the operation

You create programs to help you organize your operations and the order in which the system runs them. If you need two programs (or tape files) for this job, you create a program group for each one, such as tape_1 and tape_2. When you create an operation, you select whether it machines in the program tape_1 or tape_2. Before you postprocess, you can reorder the operations in each program, or move them from one program to the other.

Setup Views As described in the previous sections, the setup can be seen from four different views in the Operation Navigator: Program Order, Method, Geometry, and Tool.  Most NC programmers tend to think of machining data in some combination of these views (possibly at different times). When you switch from one view to another, for example, from the Program Order View to the Tool View, you are viewing the same set of operations grouped together based on different information.

In each view, columns can be displayed in the Operation Navigator to show the three other parent groups of each operation.

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Having different views not only allows you to view and plan all the operations while you are creating the NC Program, but after the operations are created, you can go back and edit them in any of the views. These two steps, planning and editing, are described below for each of the views. Note that for the Program Order View, the explanation is combined.

Program Order View

The Program Order View contains all the operations in the machining order. This view helps you to group all of the operations in the setup in chronological order as you create them. In this view, it is easy to drag and drop if you need to change the order of the operations. When using the Program Order View you can make your changes, check your sequence of operations, and output to the postprocessor without changing views. The Program Order View allows you to work as you always have in the past in NX.

Geometry View

The Geometry View groups all the operations in the part according to the geometry groups. For example, all the operations in the MILL_GEOM group are grouped together and all the operations for the MILL_AREA group are grouped together and so on. Because of this organization, when editing you can easily locate the geometric information you need and edit it as you desire.

All changes made to the Feature transfer to each of the Operations below it.

Geometry groups are used to share geometry and orientation entities among operations. The contents of the groups are inherited by the groups and operations below them in the Navigator tree.

Tool View

The Tool View contains the entire list of tools that have been pulled from the tool library or created in the part to be used in the part. The tools display in the Tool View whether they are actually used in the NC program or not. If a tool is used the operation in which it is used is listed below the tool. If the tool is not used there is not an operation below the tool.

Method View

The Method View helps you to group all the operations in the setup based on their machining method. For example, Mill, Drill, Lathe, roughing, semi-finishing, finishing. When you are editing, you are able to quickly see the methods that are used in each operation. This allows you to find and edit the method information.


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In the Method View a list of operations is organized underneath a Method name.These are all the operations for which this Method is used.

The Four ViewsThe Operation Navigator is continually displayed in one of four different views: the Machining Method view, Program Order view, Machine Tool view, or Geometry view. Each view organizes the same set of operations according to the theme of the view. In addition, each view shows the relationship between the operations and the organizational groups that are particular to that view.

You can easily switch from one view of the Operation Navigator to another by choosing one of the icons in the main menu bar. The Operation Navigator icon is a toggle that displays and hides the Operation Navigator.

Program Order View

Shows which Program group each operation belongs to and the order in which operations will be executed on the machine tool. This order is used for output to the postprocessor or CLSF. In this view, the order of the operations is relevant and important. Therefore, sorting of columns is disabled.

Machine Method View

Allows you to organize the operations under common machining applications which share the same parameter values (rough, finish, semi finish)

Geometry View

Shows the machining geometry and MCS each operation will use. In this view, the order of the operations within any geometry group is relevant and important. Therefore, sorting of columns is disabled.

Machine Tool View

Organizes operations by cutting tools. It can also organize cutting tools by turrets on a lathe or by tool type on a mill.

Operation NavigatorThe Operation Navigator is a graphical user interface (GUI)  that enables you to manage operations and operation parameters for the current part. Operation Navigator enables you to specify groups of parameters that are shared among operations.

The Operation Navigator uses a tree structure to illustrate the relationships between groups and operations. Parameters may be passed down or inherited from group to group and from group to operation based on the positional relationships in the Operation Navigator. Except for a few cases, you can determine whether or not to apply inheritance.

The Operation Navigator is found in the Resource bar to the right of the screen in the Manufacturing Application. The Resource bar contains five tab options.

Click on the Operation Navigator tab to bring up the Operation Navigator.

Double click the tab and the Operation Navigator breaks away from the Resource bar. The Operation Navigator is now ready to be docked wherever you drag and drop it. When you want the Operation Navigator to rejoin the Resource bar, close the Operation Navigator window and the Operation Navigator automatically rejoins the Resource bar.

When the Operation Navigator is in the Resource bar a pushpin icon is found in the top left hand corner. Click on the pushpin to post the Operation Navigator. Now you can move your cursor outside the navigator window and the navigator window remains open.

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Status Icons in ColumnsThe Operation Navigator displays icons along with or instead of text in some of the columns. The Name column uses icons as well as text to communicate the name and status of the operation. The columns for Toolchange, Path and In Process Workpiece support icons instead of text. This allows you to make these columns much smaller and therefore display more columns in the Operation Navigator.  If you use your mouse to hover over an icon, the system displays a tool tip which gives you a textual description of what the icon means. In the case of the Toolchange column this description includes the name of the upcoming tool. To get an idea of how this will be displayed please see the following image.


In the Name column operations and programs in the Operation Navigator are preceded by one of three status symbols: Complete, Regenerate, or Repost as illustrated below.

Icon Meaning of Icon


Complete Indicates the tool path has been generated and output (postprocessed or CLS). The path has not changed since then.

Regenerate Indicates the tool path for the operation has never been generated, or the generated tool path is out of date.

Repost Indicates the tool path has never been output, or the tool path has changed since it was last output and the last output is out of date.

Common Operation OptionsThis section discusses options that are common to many Operation Types.

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Avoidance Geometry

Specifies, activates (or cancels) geometry used for non-cutting moves

Corner and Feed Rate Control

Prevents the cutter from gouging as it cuts concave or convex corners

Customize Dialog Specifies the parameters (text fields, buttons, and option menus) that appear in high level operation parameter dialog boxes

Display Options Determines how the tool and tool path are displayed on the screen

Engage And Retract

Establishes the direction and distance the tool moves into or out of cutting movements within the tool path.

Feed Rates Specifies feedrate values for different types of tool movements

Machine Control Redefine the cutting tool, control whether circular or B-Spline (NURBS) tool motions are allowed in the tool path, enter post processor commands in the tool path, determine spindle axis (for lathe operations), provide cutter compensation information in the tool path

Postprocessor Commands

Provides special instructions to the machine tool within the tool path

Visualize Graphically simulates and verifies the material removal process of a tool path

Tool Path Generate and review the tool path

All other Parameters

This button gives you quick access to all customizable items available to this dialog, that are not currently customized into the main dialog.

NX Library Allows you to access tools, machines and feeds and speeds data from a database.

FACE MILLINGFace Milling OverviewFace Milling is best at cutting planar faces on solid bodies such as pads on a casting.  By picking the faces, the system automatically knows not to gouge the rest of the part.  

There are three templates provided for creating face milling operations.  Create Operation --> Mill_Planar --> and then selecting one of the following:

Face Milling Area - Face Milling Area has part geometry, cut area, wall geometry, check geometry, and automatic wall selection.

Face Milling - Face Milling has part geometry, faces (blank boundaries), check boundaries, and check geometry.

Face Milling Manual - Face Milling Manual contains all the geometry types, and the cut pattern is set to mixed.

Specify Face Geometry With Face Milling, you can specify the face geometry simply by selecting the faces to

be machined.   You also can define face geometry by selecting existing curves and edges or by

specifying a sequence of points in much the same way as in Planar Milling. You can easily create boundaries from a face and its chamfers using an option called

Ignore Chamfers. Face Milling automatically combines regions that are within close proximity and need

to be cut to the same height. Additionally, with Face Milling you can program the cutting and traversing of voids.

Specify the amount of material to be removed

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With Face Milling, you can specify the amount of material to be removed and the surrounding part and check geometry to avoid gouging. The selected faces define the floors to be faced off. By selecting the solid body as part geometry, the system can avoid gouging the part.

The thickness of the material to be removed is measured upward from the level of a face boundary plane and along the tool axis. All boundaries of the Face Geometry can be defined at different levels. The tool axis is automatically defined as the normal of the first selected face boundary plane. Since Face Milling removes material in planar levels with respect to the tool axis, the normal of a face boundary plane must be parallel with the tool axis. If it is not, the face will be ignored during tool path generation.

Although Planar Mill can be used to perform Face Milling, the Face Milling Module greatly simplifies the process. In Planar Mill, you can create the boundary geometry by picking the desired face, lifting the boundary to the desired height, and selecting the floor at the plane of the planar face. Several operations may be needed when planar faces to be machined are at different levels.

A Face Milling operation is created from a template, and requires geometry, a tool, and parameters to generate a tool path. The face geometry is required as an input for tool path generation. For each selected face, the processor traces the geometry, identifies regions to be machined, and cuts these regions without gouging the part.

The Face Milling dialog box enables you to specify whether you wish to define Part, Face, or Check geometry. It contains many parameters common to Planar Milling. Each is described in the following sections.


Benefits of Using Face MillingFace Milling provides the following benefits:

Interaction is very simple, because you just select all the faces to be machined and specify the amount of stock to be removed from the top of each face.

When regions are close together and are the same height, they can be machined together, saving time because you eliminate some of the engage and retract moves. Combining regions also yields the most efficient tool path because the cutter is not traveling as far in between cutting regions.

Face Milling provides a quick and easy means of describing the stock that needs to be removed from the tops of selected faces. The stock is modeled from the face up instead of in a top-down fashion.

Face Milling allows you to easily machine planar faces on a solid, such as the standing pads commonly found on castings.

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The solid on which the faces reside is recognized as part geometry when the regions are created. If the solid body is selected as part, you can use gouge checking to avoid gouges to the part.

Different cut patterns can be used for each face to be machined, including a manual cut pattern, in which you use a Teach Mode to drive the cutter.

The cutter will run off of standing pads, completely clearing the part before lifting. When cutting across voids, you can have the cutter maintain the cut, without any lifts.

Class Selection for Faces in Face MillingSometimes it is more efficient to select multiple faces than to select faces individually.  In a Face Milling operation, you can use Class Selection to select multiple faces based on criteria you supply such as object name, layer, and color.

In a Face milling operation or MILL_BND geometry group dialog, select the Face Geometry icon.

 In the Face Geometry dialog, set the Filter Type to Face Boundary. The Append Face dialog is activated. The Class Selection button will be made available for selecting faces.

Cut Method

Cut Methods determine the tool path pattern used to machine cut regions:

Zig-Zag, Zig, and Zig With Contour all produce variations of parallel linear cutting passes.

Follow Periphery produces a sequence of concentric cutting passes that can progress inward or outward.

Profile produces a single cutting pass that follows the part portion of the cut region contour. Unlike the other cut types, Profile is not designed to remove a volume of material, but rather to follow the part portion of the periphery of the region only.  If a cut region consists entirely of blank geometry, a profile cut method will not produce any cutting motions in that region.

Mixed allows you to select different cut methods at each region, one of which is Manual Cut.


Stepover allows you to specify the distance between cut passes. You can specify the distance directly by entering a constant value or percentage of the tool diameter, or indirectly by entering a scallop height and allowing the system to calculate the distance between cut passes.

You can also define variable stepovers by specifying an allowable range for the system to use in determining the stepover size, or by specifying stepover sizes and corresponding numbers of passes. Stepover provides the following options.

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Specify Blank Overhang

The Blank Overhang determines the maximum amount the tool will be allowed to extend beyond the face.  You enter the Blank Overhang as a percentage of the tool diameter. Setting the Blank Overhang so that it is smaller than the tool diameter (less than 100.0) will yield cut regions which machine less air and take less time to cut.

utting Across Voids

 Across Voids is a cut parameter specific to Face milling.  For the system to recognize a void, it must be a fully-enclosed pocket or hole.  When cutting across voids, you have three options:

Follow will attempt to go around the void at the cut level: Cut will continue cutting along the same direction at the cut feed rate, in effect

ignoring the void. Traverse will continue along the same direction, but change from Cut feed rate to

Traverse feed rate while the tool is completely in air, if the distance across the void exceeds the traverse distance. The traverse feed rate is only activated when the tool is completely off the workpiece and not while it is still touching it.

Final Floor Stock

Final Floor Stock is a cut parameter specific to Face Milling and Planar Milling. In Face Milling, Final Floor Stock defines the thickness of material to be left uncut above the face geometry. The total thickness of material to be removed is the distance between the Blank Distance and Final Floor Stock.

Cut Depth

In Face Milling, the cut levels are calculated for each selected face as follows:

Cut levels = (blank_distance – floor_stock) / depth_per_cut.  Blank distance and floor stock are measured from the face plane and along the tool

axis normal to the face plane.Blank Distance = distance between the plane of a face and the blank distance.Floor Stock = distance between the plane of a face and the floor stock.

Blank Distance

Blank Distance defines the total thickness of material to be removed, measured above the plane of the selected face geometry and along the tool axis. This option is used in combination with Final Floor Stock to determine the actual thickness of material to be removed.  This is used in combination with Depth of Cut to determine how many cut depths will be generated at each face.

Blank Stock

Blank Stock is the distance the tool is positioned from the defined blank. Note that in Face Milling, if you select faces, these are actually blank boundaries.  Therefore, the system offsets the distance around the selected faces. If you select cut area, the system offsets the distance around the cut area.  This enlarges the cut areas to account for extra material around the sides of the faces you are machining.

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Mixed Cut

Mixed Cut in Face Milling provides you with various cutting methods to machine each defined region of your part. Depending on the geometry of the region you are machining, you may decide to cut using Manual Cut Pattern, one of the Automatic Cut Patterns, or Omit (if you do not want to cut the region). Because you have these options with Mixed Cut, you can determine with each cut region whether it would be best to use a predetermined automatic cut pattern, whether you should create your own cut pattern using Manual Cut, or whether no cutting is needed for that region (Omit). Use Mixed Cut Patterns when you need different cut patterns on each face of the part, or when you want to use Manual Cut pattern.

Benefits of Using Mixed Cut Patterns

Mixed Cut Patterns provide the following benefits:

You have unlimited cut pattern choices to ensure the most efficient machining for various regions of the part. If you decide that the predetermined automatic cut patterns are not efficient, you can choose to use Manual Cut Pattern and create your own or select Omit for no cutting.

With every cut region, you can choose a new cut method, helping you to match the best cut pattern to the geometry for that particular defined region of the part.

You can do a gouge check with every motion you define by turning the toggle on or off, allowing you to check for accuracy and avoid costly material damage.

PLANER MILLINGPlanar Milling Overview

Planar Milling operations create tool paths that remove volumes of material in planar layers. This type of operation is most commonly used to rough out material in preparation for a finishing operation.

Cavity Milling and Planar Milling are similar in that they both remove material in cut levels that are perpendicular to the Tool Axis. However, the two operation types differ in the method used to define the material.

Planar Milling uses boundaries to define the Part material.

Cavity Milling uses boundaries, faces, curves, and bodies to define the Part material.

Planar Milling is intended to cut parts with vertical walls, and planar islands and floors normal to the tool axis. Cavity Milling is intended for parts with tapered walls and contoured floors as illustrated below.

Planar and Cavity Mill Parts

The Cut Volume is the material to be removed. You can specify the material to be removed as the Blank material (stock piece, forging, casting, etc.), minus the Part material as illustrated below. You can define the Blank and Part geometry with boundaries in Planar Milling, or by selecting faces, curves, or bodies in Cavity Milling.

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Part and Blank Geometry

In Planar Milling, boundaries are used to define the Part, Blank, Check, and Trim geometry. The boundaries are swept along the tool axis to the Floor Plane to define the Part and Blank volumes.

Blank and Part Boundaries

In the above figure, a Blank boundary defines the Blank volume and multiple Part boundaries define the Part volume. The cut volume (material to be removed) is defined by the Blank volume minus the Part volume.

It is not always necessary to specify a Blank boundary. A Part boundary may serve as a peripheral loop (main containment boundary) by enclosing the other Part boundaries as illustrated below.

Part Boundaries

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In the above figure, a Part boundary serves as a main containment boundary, essentially defining the Blank volume. Multiple Part boundaries within the main containment boundary define the Part volume. The cut volume (material to be removed) is defined by the difference between the Blank volume and the Part Volume.

Boundaries can be defined by selecting curves or edges, permanent boundaries, or faces. To correctly identify the Part and Blank volumes, boundaries should be placed at the top of the material.

Although a Blank boundary may be specified as Tanto, the tool does not actually cut tangent to a Blank boundary. If it did, the tool would cut through empty space for the first pass and no material would be removed until the first stepover. Instead, the first cutting pass is offset into the Blank material the distance of one stepover as illustrated below.

Tanto on a Blank Boundary

The above figure illustrates the first Tanto pass of a Follow Periphery cut pattern on a Blank boundary.

Boundary Geometry In Planar Milling, the following boundary creation options are available to define and modify cut regions. Refer to Temporary Boundaries in the Boundaries section of this document for details on how to create boundaries. Also, refer to the Introductions of Planar and Cavity Milling for a discussion of how these options work together to define the cut regions.

Boundaries also may be used by Cavity Milling operations. Boundary Geometry options may need to be customized into the operation parameters dialog box.

PartPart allows you to specify geometry that will represent the finished Part.


Part Boundaries

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BlankBlank allows you to specify geometry that will represent the raw material you wish to cut away. A Blank boundary does not represent the final part and can be cut through or engaged into directly.

Cut Depths Defined at Floor and Island Tops

CheckCheck enables you to define geometry you do not wish to violate such as clamps that hold the part. The areas where the Check Geometry overlaps the volume of material to be removed will not be cut You may specify a Check Stock value (Cutting—>Check Stock) which defines the distance the tool will be positioned from the Check Geometry. A Tanto tool position is applied to Check Boundaries.

Check Boundary

When the tool encounters Check Geometry, it will either cut around the Check geometry or it will retract depending on the status of Follow Check in the Cut Parameters dialog box.

TrimTrim allows you to specify boundaries that will further constrain the cut regions at each cut level. You may define the area of the cut region to exclude from the operation by specifying the Side Trimmed as Inside or Outside for Closed boundaries, or Left or Right for Open boundaries.

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Side Trimmed Outside

You may specify a Trim Stock value (Cutting—>Trim Stock) as illustrated below to define the distance the tool will be positioned from the Trim Geometry.

Trim Boundary

An On tool position is always applied to Trim Boundaries. You do not have the option of specifying a Tanto condition.

Floor Floor defines the lowest (last) cut level. All cut levels are generated parallel to the Floor plane. Only one Floor can be defined per operation. Redefining the Floor automatically replaces the existing Floor.

The following figure illustrates an example of how the Floor correctly defines the lowest cut level when a Blank boundary is used.

Floor Defining Lowest Level of Blank Geometry

The following figure illustrates an example of how the Floor correctly defines the lowest cut level when only Part boundaries are used.

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Floor Defining Lowest Level of Part Geometry

The cutter must be able to reach the Floor without gouging the part. If the Floor defines a cut level that is inaccessible as illustrated below, an error message is displayed.

Inaccessible Floor Plane

If you do not specify a Floor, the system uses the X-Y plane of the Machine Coordinate System.

Machinable RegionsMachinable Regions are the areas at each cut level where the tool can cut without gouging the part. The tool will only be positioned into those areas where it can remove material and not gouge the part. When a cut level has islands or walls that are close enough together to prevent the tool to cut through without gouging, the area is divided into separate regions. The following figure shows how an area is broken up in to multiple cut regions because the tool is too large to fit in some areas without gouging.

Machinable Regions

The system creates machinable regions by tracing around the Part and Blank geometry. These traces are made at each cut level to create one or more machinable regions per level.

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Each region consists of an enclosed peripheral shape and may contain islands inside. Islands that are outside the enclosed peripheral shape will not be part of the machinable region and will form separate Open Regions.

If Blank geometry is defined, the processor will cut only the regions which lie within the blank and ignore any cavity regions which lie outside the blank as illustrated below.

Only Regions Within the Blank are Cut

A Closed region is created when the tracings create a closed peripheral shape around material to be removed. Islands may exist within the peripheral shape. The following are different types of Closed regions.

A Facing region is a type of Closed region where Blank geometry creates the periphery of the bounded area and and no Part geometry falls within that bounded area. The tool will remove all Blank material from that level.

Facing Region

A Core region is a type of Closed region where the Blank geometry creates the periphery of the bounded area and Part geometry falls within that bounded area. The tool will remove the Blank material from around the Part geometry.

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Core Region

A Cavity region is a type of Closed region where the Part geometry creates a peripheral boundary. This type of region may contain islands. The tool will remove the material from within the cavity to the Part geometry.

Cavity Region

An Open Sided region is a type of Closed region where the Part Geometry and the Blank Geometry form a peripheral loop containing segments that are defined by both the Part and Blank. The segments defined by Part geometry cannot be violated. The segments defined by Blank geometry form the open side of the cut region and allow the tool to pass through as illustrated below.

Open Sided Region

An Open region is created when the tracings do not create a closed peripheral shape around material to be removed. This can occur when the Part geometry consists of islands only with with no Blank geometry enclosing them, or when the Part geometry does not form an enclosed area (as with an open Part boundary) as illustrated below.

Open regions can only use Profile or Standard cut types. Attempting to use any other cut type will cause the system to display an error message and will fail to generate a tool path.

Open Regions

Do not confuse a Core Region (which is a type of Closed Region) with an Open Region containing islands. Notice in the following illustration that the Core Region is defined by both

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Part geometry and Blank geometry. The Open Region, however, is defined only by the Part geometry which forms an island. No Blank geometry is defined in the Open region.

Core Region vs. Open Region

Also, do not confuse an Open Sided Region (which is a type of Closed Region) with an Open

Open Sided Region vs. Open Region

In each of the above two examples, the Open Region is a shape or collection of shapes that do not represent a continuous area.

During tool path generation for a Planar Milling operation when the tool axis is normal to the Part Surface, the tool axis is defined relative to the normal of the Floor and the Machine Coordinate System (MCS) as follows:

If the Z-axis of the MCS is perpendicular to the normal of the floor, then the tool axis is the normal of the floor.

If the Z-axis of the MCS is not perpendicular to the normal of the floor, the tool axis is the normal of the floor that is most nearly aligned with the Z-axis of the MCS.

When there is more than one area at a cut level to be machined, you have two methods of ordering how these areas will be cut as they are propagated to successive cut levels.

Remove all of the machinable regions at one cut level before moving to the next cut level (cut by level first).

Remove each cut region to its lowest cut level before moving to the next cut

If an undefined region includes all island shapes, these shapes will always be cut by level first regardless of user-defined cut order.

Custom Boundary DataWith Custom Boundary Data, you can set the stock, offset, cut feed rate, tool position, machine control events (post commands, tolerance, and blank distance associated with the selected boundary or the individual boundary member.

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Benefits of Custom Boundary Data

You have control with Custom Boundary Data because you decide where in the part you specify the custom boundary data.  For example, if you are concerned about machining certain complex areas of a part, you can specify a larger stock value for just this particular area.

You have more flexibility with the machining of your part because you can make adjustments wherever needed.  This results in a high-quality finished part.

Using Custom Boundary Data

Define Boundary Parameters

Define the following values associated with the selected boundary:

Stock Offset Cut Feed Rate Tool Position Machine Control Events (Post Commands) Tolerance Blank Distance

You can apply these settings to the entire boundary or each individual boundary member. You also can edit these settings for the entire boundary or individual members.

You can define stock, cut feed rate, and tolerance at the following levels:

Operation Level (i.e., within the main dialog box). Boundary Level (i.e., when selecting a Permanent boundary or a Face or when

editing boundaries of an operation). Boundary Member Level (i.e., when selecting Temporary boundary members or

editing members of a boundary).

You can define tool position and machine control events (post commands) at the following levels:

Boundary Member Level (i.e., when selecting boundary members or editing members of a boundary).

You can define offset values at the following levels:

Geometry Group Level (Operations inherit data at the Geometry Group Level.).  

If custom parameters are defined at the boundary member level then they take precedence over any parameters defined at any other level. Likewise, custom parameters defined at the boundary level take precedence over the parameters at the operation level.  During tool path generation, the total distance measured from the tool to the boundary is the sum of the stock and the offset values.


With Stock you can specify a distance from the tool to the boundary. Generally, the system ignores stock values when the tool position is On. This is not true, however, when you define custom stock values for the individual members of a boundary.

For the Tanto member, the offset value is equal to the combined stock value of the member and the tool radius. For the On member, the offset value is equal to the custom stock value of the member as illustrated below:

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Tool Offset when Custom Stock is Applied

Since the tool position and stock values may vary between the tool path segments that correspond to two joining boundary segments, the system may need to resolve how the tool path will be generated at the intersection. These conditions may override the Corner Control settings you may have specified for Convex corners.


Offset is similar to the Stock. With Offset you can specify a distance measured from the tool to the boundary in the Geometry Group Level.

Cut Feed Rate

Choose Cut Feed Rate and enter the cut feed rate for that boundary in the text field.  Specify English or Metric units as indicated below.

English Units Metric UnitsNone NoneIPM (inches per minute) MMPM (millimeters per minute)IPR (inches per revolution) MMPR (millimeters per revolution)

 If you add an arc in the corner of a tool path, the feed rate along that arc will be whatever the feed rate was along the previous boundary member.


Feed Rate Around an Inserted Arc

Tool Position Tool Position determines how the tool will position when it approaches the boundary member. This option allows you to specify the tool position as Tanto or On for each individually selected boundary member.

Machine Control Events

Use Machine Control Events (post commands) to give special instructions to the machine tool within the tool path. You can specify the machine control events either at the start or end of a tool path, or at both the start and end of the tool path.


Tolerances enable you to specify the Intol and Outtol values for the tool along the boundary.

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Intol is the maximum allowable violation of the inside (left) of a boundary.


Outtol is the maximum allowable violation of the outside (right) of a boundary. The advantage of assigning two separate values is that you can specify unequal bands.

 Intol/Outtol (unequal bands)

Blank Distance

Choose Blank Distance and enter a value to be applied as the blank offset distance from the selected boundary.

Face Selection

The Face Selection options enable you to specify which type of interior edges to use in creating boundaries. These options (Ignore Holes, Ignore Islands, Ignore Chamfers, Convex Edges, Concave Edges) are available only when creating boundaries from selected faces.

Ignore Holes

Ignore Holes causes the system to ignore the holes in the face that you select to define your boundaries. If this option is toggled Off, the system creates boundaries on the selected face around each hole.

Ignore Holes On/Off

Ignore Islands

Ignore Islands causes the system to ignore the islands in the face that you select to define your boundaries. If this option is toggled Off, the system creates boundaries on the selected face around each island.

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Ignore Islands On/Off

Ignoring holes and islands reduces processing time, especially when you are using complex solid models. Many solids contain holes that are of no consequence in developing a tool path. By allowing the processor to ignore those holes you gain processing speed. You can similarly exclude islands in roughing operations if the depth of cut permits (i.e., the tool path is not so deep so as to enter the island area).

Ignore Chamfers

Ignore Chamfers enables you to specify whether or not adjacent chamfers, fillets, and rounds will be recognized when creating boundaries from selected faces. When Ignore Chamfers is toggled OFF, boundaries are created on the edges of the selected faces. When toggled ON, boundaries are created to include chamfers, fillets, and rounds adjacent to selected faces as illustrated below.

Remove Last

Remove Last becomes available once you define a boundary. Selecting this option removes the previously defined boundary.

Create Next Boundary

Create Next Boundary becomes available when you are defining a boundary by Curve/Edges method. Selecting this option completes the creation of the current boundary based on the selected curves/edges and allows you to immediately start creating the next boundary.

Convex Edges

Use Convex Edges to control the tool position for boundary members that occur along convex edges of the selected face. This option may be set to one of the following:

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On allows you to specify an On tool position for all boundary members created along convex edges. On is the default setting.

Tanto allows you to specify a Tangent tool position for all boundary members created along convex edges.

Convex and Concave Edges

Concave Edges

Concave Edges allows you to control the tool position for boundary members that occur along concave edges of the selected face (see the above figure). This option may be set to one of the following:

Tanto allows you to specify a tangent tool position for all boundary members created along concave edges. Tanto is the default setting.

On allows you to specify an on tool position for all boundary members created along concave edges.

Options While Generating the Tool PathAfter you have started generating the tool path, the following options are available while the tool path is generating.

Display Cut Regions

When it is toggled NO, Display Cut Regions will display the outline of the cut regions at each cut level before the tool path is displayed. It will start displaying on the next cut level after it is toggled ON.

Display Uncut Regions

When it is toggled on, Display Uncut Regions will display the outline of the uncut regions at each cut level before the display of the tool path. This options is only available in Planar Milling. It will start displaying on the next cut level after it is toggled on. If Display Cut Regions is toggled on, the cut regions and uncut regions will be displayed and the same time.

Pause After Display

When Pause After Display is toggled ON, the system will pause after the tool path has been displayed at each cut level before proceeding to the next. If the cut regions are being displayed, the system will pause after the cut region has been displayed before displaying the Tool Path. This will allow you to set or adjust the other options at each cut level. To proceed with the tool path generation, hit OK.

When this option is toggled OFF, the Tool Path will be generated to completion without pausing. This will make the options unavailable.

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Refresh Before Display

When it is toggled ON, Refresh Before Display will refresh the graphical display after the Tool Path has been display at each cut level.

Uncut Regions

Uncut Regions will allow you to use the following options while the Tool Path is in being generating:

Overlap Distance

Overlap Distance allows you enter a value for an offset to be applied to both open and closed boundaries.


Display will display the uncut regions for the current cut levels. This option creates temporary display entities for visual reference only.


Output will create boundaries for the uncut regions from the current cut level.

MachineMachine displays the Machine Control dialog box, which allows you to specify the tool axis, determine whether or not arc outputs are used in the tool path, enter postprocessor commands, determine the spindle axis, and add cutter compensation.

Machine Control options also can be defined at the boundary level, at the boundary member level, and the group level, using Custom Boundary Data.

AvoidanceAvoidance allows you to specify, activate, cancel and manipulate points, lines or symbols. These points, lines or symbols help you define tool clearance motion before and after an operation. This option also enables you to save the avoidance control parameters you have defined, which can then be retrieved for future operations.

Common Avoidance Sub-Options

After you choose one of the Avoidance Geometry options, the system prompts you to choose one of the following Avoidance sub-options:

Specify allows you to choose a method of defining the point. The Avoidance Geometry symbol appears on the display screen at the specified location and remains displayed until the screen is refreshed. After you use Specify, the system shows the status as ACTIVE.

Omit allows you to disable tool motion to and from the Avoidance Geometry until you enable it again using the Reinstate option. The system shows the status as INACTIVE. If you choose Omit before you specify an Avoidance Geometry option, the system displays an error message.

Reinstate allows you to reactivate an omitted Avoidance Geometry option. After you use Specify, the system shows the status as ACTIVE. If you choose Reinstate before you specify an Avoidance Geometry option, the system displays an error message.

Verify allows you to verify the work coordinate location of an ACTIVE or INACTIVE Avoidance Geometry option. You cannot change the location of an option using Verify.

Redisplay Point allows you to redisplay the specified Avoidance Geometry option. The Avoidance Geometry symbol appears on the display screen at the specified location and remains displayed until the screen is refreshed.

Tool Axis allows you to specify a vector to set the Tool Axis at the Avoidance option location. See the discussion of the Vector Constructor in the Gateway manual.

Avoidance Options

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The following are the available Avoidance options:

FROM Point defines the initial cutter location at the start of a new segment of cutter path. It does not cause tool movement and it outputs a FROM command as the first entry in the tool path. Therefore, any other post commands will follow the FROM command.

Start Point is a tool positioning location in the cutter path start up sequence that can be used to avoid geometry or fixture components. The Start Point will not output if defined below the Floor Plane.

Return Point is a tool positioning location used to control the position of the cutter as it moves away from the part at the end of a cutting sequence.

GOHOME Point is the final tool position. The FROM Point is often used as this position. GOHOME Point outputs a GOHOME command as the final entry in the tool path. The postprocessor will always interpret the GOHOME command as a Rapid move. When you select this option you have two additional options:

Clearance Plane defines a safe clearance distance for tool motion before and after an operation and during any programmed obstacle avoidance moves between points.

Lower Limit Plane defines the lower limit of tool motion. When the Lower Limit Plane is to be violated, you have several "Actions" available; a warning can be issued to the tool path and the CLSF, the system can adjust the points upward, or omit them altogether. The action depends on the submodule.

Redisplay Avoidance Geometry is the method used to redisplay the points and plane symbols in the Floor plane, if they are active. This option also displays the current Reference Coordinate System (RCS).

CornerCorner provides options to help prevent gouging as the cutter moves around pocket corners.

For concave corners, it is possible for the cutter to make a smooth transition between interior part walls by automatically generating corner geometry (fillets) that are slightly larger than the cutter radius. For convex corners, the tool can transition part walls by extending the adjacent segments or by rolling around the corner.

Cut DepthsCut Depths allows you to determine the cut levels of a multi-depth operation. Cut Depths may be defined by island tops, the floor plane, and by keying in values. The Cut Depths parameters only apply if the tool axis is normal to the floor, or the part boundary is parallel to the floor. If the tool axis is not normal to the floor, or the part boundary is not parallel to the floor, then the tool path will be generated on the floor only (as if the Type had been set to Floor Only). Cut Depths displays a dialog box containing the following options:

Type Specifies the method used to define the cut depths

Maximum Defines the largest allowable cut depth for each cut level occurring after the Initial level and before the Final level

Minimum Defines the smallest allowable cut depth for each cut level occurring after the Initial level and before the Final level

Initial Defines the cut depth for the first cut level of a multi-level Planar Milling operation

Final Defines the cut depth for the last cut level of a multi-level Planar Milling operation

Increment Side Stock

Adds a side stock value to each succeeding cut level in a multi-level roughing tool path

Top Off Islands

Generates a separate path on the top of each island that the processor could not initially clean with one of the cut levels

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TypeType allows you to specify the method used to define the cut depths. The method you select determines which numeric values may be input in the above dialog box. A cut level is always generated at the floor regardless of which method you select.

The option you select here is displayed in the Planar Milling dialog box under Cut Depths for easy visual reference. Each of the above Type options are described on the following pages.

User Defined

User Defined allows you to specify cut depths exclusively by entering numeric values. This option activates the Maximum, Minimum, Initial, Final, and Increment Side Stock fields.

User Defined

Floor Only

Floor Only generates a single cut level at the Floor plane as illustrated below.

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Floor Only

Floor & Island Tops

Floor & Island Tops generates a single cut level at the Floor Plane followed by a cleanup path at the top of each island. Cleanup paths are restricted to the top face of each island and do not cut outside the island boundaries. Notice in the following figure how the tool paths do not superimpose on top of one another in the top view.

Floor & Island Tops

It is important when using this option to understand what NX regards as an island. In the above figure, for example, cleanup paths are created in what appear to be pockets.

Levels At Island Tops

Levels At Island Tops generates a planar cut level at the top of each island followed by a single cut level at the Floor Plane. Unlike cleanup paths which do not cut outside the island boundaries, cut levels generate tool paths that completely remove all blank material within each planar level. Notice in the following figure how the tool paths superimpose on top of one another in the top view. This option activates the Initial, Final, and Increment Side Stock fields.

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Levels At Island Tops

It is important when using this option to understand what NX regards as an island. In the above figure, for example, cut levels are created in what appear to be pockets.

Fixed Depth

Fixed Depth generates multiple cut levels at a constant depth. Maximum is used to specify the cut depth. You can also specify an Increment Side Stock value. Top Off Islands may be used to define additional cleanup paths for island tops that do not coincide with the cut levels.

Fixed Depth

Maximum and Minimum

Maximum defines the largest allowable cut depth for each cut level occurring after the Initial level and before the Final level. Minimum defines the smallest allowable cut depth for each cut level occurring after the Initial level and before the Final level. These two options work together to define an allowable range in which cut depths can be defined. The system creates equal depths as close to the specified Maximum depth as possible. Island tops falling within this range will define cut levels. Island tops not falling within this range will not define cut levels, but may be machined with a cleanup path using the Top Off Islands option.

Maximum and Minimum

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O.Control PointsThe Control Geometry options enable you to specify Control Points that determine where the tool engages and the floor plane position that defines the lowest cut level. Points and Floor are each described below.

Points enables you to specify Pre-Drill Engage Points which allow the tool to descend along the tool axis into a vacancy where it can then begin a pocketing cut, or specify Cut Region Start Points which determine the proximity of engages and stepovers. Both methods allow you to specify depth values that determine which cut levels utilize these points. Points displays a dialog box containing the options described below.

Pre-Drill Engage Points

Specifies engage locations within previously drilled holes or other vacancies in the Blank material

Cut Region Start Points

Defines the tool engage position and the stepover direction by specifying Custom or Default Start Points

Pre-Drill Engage Points (Pocketing only)

Pre-Drill Engage Points enables you to specify engage locations within previously drilled holes or other vacancies in the Blank material. The defined point projects along the tool axis to the Clearance Plane where it positions the tool. The tool then descends along the tool axis into the vacancy where it then moves directly to the processor determined start point for each cut level. Pre-Drill Engage Points are not applied to Profile and Standard Drive Cut Types.

Pre-Drill Engage Point

In the above figure, the tool descends into the pre-drilled hole to cut level 1 and then moves to the processor determined start point for that level where it then begins a Follow Periphery pattern with an Outward direction. The tool then retracts, traverses to the pre-drilled hole, descends to cut level 2, and moves to the processor determined start point for that level and so on.

If you specify multiple Pre-Drill Engage Points, the point closest to the processor determined start point for that region is used. The tool uses the Pre-Drill Engage Points only when descending to cut levels within the specified Depth. Once the cut levels exceed the specified depth, the processor disregards the Pre-Drill Engage Points and uses the processor determined start point. Pre-Drill Engage Points are active only when the Engage Method is set to Automatic.

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To specify Pre-Drill Engage Points, select Points in the Planar or Cavity Mill dialog box and Edit in the Pre-Drill Engage Points section of the Control Geometry dialog box. You may then specify the depth of the hole and specify the points.


Active indicates that the tool will use the specified control points to engage the material.


Display allows you to highlight all of the control points along with their associated point numbers as temporary screen displays for visual reference.


Edit allows you to specify and delete Pre-Drill Engage Points. Edit does not enable you to move points or change attributes of existing points. You must Remove existing points and Append new ones. Edit displays the Pre-Drill Engage Points dialog box containing the following options.

Append allows you to initially specify points as well as add points later.

Remove allows you to delete points. Use the cursor to select the points to be removed.

Point/Arc allows you to specify the Pre-Drill Engage Point at an existing point or at the center of an existing arc.

Cursor allows you to use the cursor indicate a point position on the XC-YC plane of the WCS.

Generic Point allows you to use the Point Constructor Subfunction to define associative or nonassociative points.

Depth allows you to enter a value that determines the range of cut levels that will utilize the Pre-Drill Engage Point. The system utilizes the Pre-Drill Engage Point for cut levels at or within the specified Depth. The system disregards the Pre-Drill Engage Point for cut levels below the specified Depth. You may apply the Pre-Drill Engage Point to all cut levels by entering a large enough Depth value or by leaving the Depth value at the default of zero.

The system measures the depth along the tool axis from the top level plane whether that plane is defined by the highest Part boundary or by the Blank boundary as illustrated below.


In the above figure, the Depth is measured from the plane defined by the Blank boundary. The Pre-Drill Engage Point is utilized for Cut Level 1 because this cut level is within the specified depth. Cut Level 2, however, does not utilize the Pre-Drill Engage Point because this cut level is below the specified depth. Instead, Cut Level 2 uses the processor determined start point.

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Be sure to set the depth value before you specify a point, otherwise the depth value will not be attributed to the Pre-Drill Engage Point.

To specify a new depth, you must Remove the existing point and then Append a new point in its place, being sure to set the new Depth value before specifying the new point.

Reselect allows you to discard all of the previously defined points and select new control points.

Information allows you to review a list of all of the control points and their associated point numbers, absolute and work coordinate values, and depth attributes.

Display allows you to highlight all of the control points along with their associated point numbers as temporary screen displays for visual reference.

Cut Region Start Points

Cut Region Start Points enables you to define the tool engage position and the stepover direction by specifying Custom or Default Start Points. Custom enables you to determine the proximity in which the tool approaches the wall of each cut region, while the Default options (Standard or Automatic) allows the system to determine the start points automatically. Cut Region Start Points apply to all patterns (Zig-Zag, Follow Part, Profile, etc.).

Custom Start points also determine the location of the stepover move between passes of Follow Periphery and Follow Part when Region Connection is set to OFF. When Region Connection is ON, the processor finds an optional way to connect passes while cutting one machinable region.

Cut Region Start Points, Profile Cut Pattern

In the above figure, the system uses Custom Start Point A to define the engage position for cut level 1, and Custom Start Point B to define the engage position for cut levels 2 and 3. Because the tool cannot position exactly to point A or B, the system defines an engage position for each region as closely as possible to the nearest Custom Point.


Default allows you to specify one of two methods for the system to automatically determine Cut Region Start Points. The system uses the Standard or Automatic Default Cut Region Start Point only when there are no Custom Cut Region Start Point defined (the Active button is turned off) and for cut levels that do not fall within the Upper and Lower Depth range. You can set the Default to one of the following two options.

Standard establishes the Cut Region Start Point as closely as possible to the start point of the region boundary. The shape of the boundary, Cut Pattern, and position of islands and pockets may influence how closely the system positions the Cut Region Start Point to the

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Boundary Start Point. Moving the Boundary Start Point affects the location of the Cut Region Start Point. In the following figure for example, moving the Boundary Start Point can prevent the tool from becoming embedded in the corner of the part.

Standard Cut Region Start Point

Automatic assures that the tool will stepover or engage the part at a location least likely to cause the tool to become buried in the material. It establishes the Cut Region.

Automatic Cut Region Start Point

Planar ProfileWith Planar Profile, only a single pass is allowed.  Each shape is treated as a separate region. This is important when the cut order is changed to level first or depth first. For example, if several islands are in a pocket, in regular planar milling, they are treated as a single region. If you cut depth first, they are cut together, from top to bottom, for that region. Then the next region is cut.

Text EngravingWith Text Engraving, you can machine drafting text, such as part numbers and mold cavity ID numbers, directly on the part. Use Text Engraving with Planar Milling and Surface Contouring.

Text Engraving is much easier than previous methods of converting text to geometry because, unlike many Grip programs that do engraving, this also is fully associative to the drafting note.  Therefore, you can apply changes by regenerating the operation.

CAVITY MILLINGCavity Milling Overview

Cavity Milling operations create tool paths that remove volumes of material in planar layers. This type of operation is most commonly used to rough out material in preparation for a finishing operation.

Cavity Milling and Planar Milling are similar in that they both remove material in cut levels that are perpendicular to the Tool Axis. However, the two operation types differ in the method used to define the material.

Planar Milling uses boundaries to define the Part material.

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Cavity Milling uses boundaries, faces, curves, and bodies to define the Part material.

Planar Milling is intended to cut parts with vertical walls, and planar islands and floors normal to the tool axis. Cavity Milling is intended for parts with tapered walls and contoured floors as illustrated below.

Planar and Cavity Mill Parts

Cavity Milling Cut AreaUse Cut Area to create localized cavity milling operations. Like in Zlevel and surface contouring, you can select specific faces on a part to contain the cutting regions instead of selecting the entire solid body. This helps eliminate the need for trim boundaries.

A common use of cut area is in mold and die machining. Many mold cavities require a "divide-and-conquer" strategy where the cavity is divided into separate, manageable areas. You can then apply different strategies for specific areas, such as wide-open regions or deep, intricate areas. This is especially important for high speed hard-milling

Cut Area also improves processing time when the cut area is limited to a small region within a large part.

Cut Area is in the geometry selection for cavity milling operations, and can also be inherited from a geometry group.  Select an individual face or multiple faces as the cut area.

You can use Cut Area Extension (Cut Parameters dialog, Strategy page) make the cutter run off the faces and go beyond the exterior edges of the cut area in open areas.

Cut LevelsFor Cavity and ZLevel Milling, you can specify cutting planes that determine how deeply the tool cuts to remove material. Cavity and ZLevel Milling are horizontal cutting operations (2 ½ D operations) where the cutting is completed at a constant Z level before moving on to the next Z level. Use the Cut Levels dialog to perform these operations.

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Plunge Milling Overview

Plunge MillingPlunge Milling is a unique milling operation that is best used in deep areas that require a long tool. Successive plunge motions take advantage of the increased rigidity when a tool moves along the z-axis to efficiently rough out large volumes of blank. The reduced radial force makes it possible to use long slender tools and maintain a high rate of material removal. Plunge Milling is attractive for finishing hard-to-reach deep walls using long slender tool assemblies.

Using Plunge Milling to rough contoured shapes usually leaves large scallops and steps. Use an in-process workpiece in the following operations to get a more consistent remaining stock.

Plunge Regions

Most ZLevel operations cut from the top down. Plunge Milling starts at the deepest plunge depth. Each successive region then ignores the previous region.

When a cavity has multiple regions, they are grouped and cut in order (bottom-up). The figure below shows a sample cutting order for multiple regions.

Multiple Plunge Regions

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Cutting From the Top Down

Because Plunge Milling is a bottom-up operation, to cut from the top down you must create multiple operations, each with a range below the previous one. The first operation range would be from the top of the part to some midway level, the next below that, etc. Within each operation, the cutting remains bottom up

Determining Highest and Lowest Ranges

Cavity Milling

For Cavity Milling, the default top of the highest range is the highest of the part, blank, or cut area geometry tops. If Cut Area is defined without a blank, the default top is the top of the cut area. If the cut area has no depth, as in the case of a horizontal face, and there is no blank, the default cut range top is the part top.

With Cut Area defined, the default bottom of the lowest range is the bottom of the cut area. When Cut Area isn't defined, the bottom of the lowest range is the lowest bottom of either the part or blank geometry.

Zevel Milling

For ZLevel milling, if Cut Area isn't defined, the default top of the highest range and bottom of the lowest range are based on the top and bottom of the part geometry. If Cut Area is defined, they are based on the top and bottom of the cut area.

Floor Stock

The cut level planes (triangles) are displayed without calculating floor stock. When the path is generated, the levels are adjusted upward by the specified floor stock amount.

Using Cut Levels

The following explains how to perform some common tasks for Cavity and ZLevel Milling using the Cut Levels dialog.

Identifying Cut Levels

Cut levels are identified as follows: Large triangles are range tops, range bottoms, and critical depths. Small triangles are cut depths. The selected range displays in the Visualization “Selection” color. The other ranges display in the manufacturing “Part” color. Top off depths display in the Manufacturing “Top Off Level” Color. White triangles are at or above the top level. Magenta triangles are below the top

level. Solid triangles are associative. (They are defined by geometry.) Dashed triangles aren't associative.

Selecting a Range

It's very important to select the correct range when you want to add, edit, or delete. Use the up/down arrows to first select a range or the top level. Then, you can add, edit, or delete.

Adding a Range

To add a range:

1. Select Insert range.2. Select a point, a face, or key in a Range Depth value that defines the bottom plane of

the new range. 3. If necessary, enter a new Local Depth per Cut value.

The range is then created from that plane up to the bottom of the range just above it or to the top level if there are no ranges above. If a face is selected, the system uses the highest point of the face to position the bottom plane of the new range. The range

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remains associative to the face.  If the face is modified or deleted, the range is adjusted or deleted to match.

4. Select OK to accept the new range and exit the dialog.

Modifying a Range

You can modify the current range for both Cavity Milling and ZLevel Milling using Edit.  Edit lets you move the bottom plane of existing ranges along the tool axis by keying in a new Range Depth, moving the Slide Bar, or selecting a face or a point. The range to be modified must be currently active (highlighted).

Undercut Handling In Cavity Mill, Undercut Handling prevents the shank from rubbing against the part geometry by allowing the system to consider undercut geometry when generating the tool path. Undercut Handling applies only to non-tolerant machining (i.e. Tolerant Machining button is toggled OFF).

When Undercut Handling is toggled ON, the system applies the full Horizontal Clearance (specified under Engage/Retract Method) to the shank of the tool (unless the Horizontal Clearance is greater than the tool radius in which case the tool radius is applied). When the shank is above the undercut a distance equal to the tool radius, the tool begins to progressively move away from the undercut as it cuts deeper through the cut levels. The Horizontal Clearance is fully applied once the shank reaches the undercut.

Horizontal Clearance Applied with Undercut Handling

When Undercut Handling is toggled OFF, the system will not account for undercut geometry. This results in looser tolerances in processing vertical walls. If you are importing geometry to be processed in Manufacturing, keeping this option toggled off will help compensate for problems in translation or models that aren't very clean.

Trim ByTrim by is a cut parameter specific to Cavity and Z-Level Milling.

Trim By enables the processor to recognize Blank Geometry on core parts where Blank Geometry has not been explicitly defined. Exterior Edges (Tolerant Machining OFF) uses exterior edges of faces, sheets, or surface regions defining Part Geometry that are not adjacent to other edges defining Part Geometry to generate a trace at each cut level by positioning the tool along the edge and then offsetting it outside by the tool radius. Silhouette (Tolerant Machining ON) uses the silhouette of the part geometry (which unlike Exterior Edged may include Body geometry) to generate a trace by positioning the tool along the silhouette of the part geometry and then offsetting it outside by the tool radius. The silhouette can be thought of as the "shadow" of the part projected along the tool axis.

When using Trim By Silhouette with Tolerant Machining ON, the processor uses the traces at the bottom of the defined part geometry as Trim shapes. These shapes will be projected along the tool axis to each cut level and will be used in the process of generating the machinable regions as Trim Shapes.

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Part Floor Stock and Part Side Stock Part Floor Stock is the amount of part material remaining on the floor and is measured along the tool axis (vertically). It applies only to part surfaces that define cut levels, are planar, and are normal to the tool axis (surface normal vectors are parallel to the tool axis).

Part Side Stock is the amount of part material remaining on the walls and is measured normal to the tool axis (horizontally) at each cut level. It applies to all part surfaces (planar, non-planar, vertical, angled) from which a horizontal measurement can be taken. These two parameters replace the Part Stock parameter which only allowed you to specify a single stock value for all part surfaces.

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Floor and Side Stock

Wall Cleanup Wall Cleanup is a cutting parameter common to Face Milling, Planar, and Cavity Milling.

With Wall Cleanup  (Zig, Zig-Zag, Follow Periphery), you can remove the ridges that occur along the walls of a part when using Zig and Zig-Zag, and Follow Periphery Cut Patterns. This is accomplished by inserting a Profile Pass after cutting each cut level. (Profile cuts only at the Floor level.)

This option varies from a Profile Pass in several other ways; Wall Cleanup is used for roughing while the profile pass is a finishing move, and Wall Cleanup uses the Part Stock while Profile Pass uses the Finish Stock to offset the tool path.

Blank DistanceBlank Distance is a cut parameter specific to Cavity Milling.  Prior to geometry groups, you could use this instead of selecting a blank to define the remaining material as a constant thickness on the part.    However, geometry groups allows you to use Offset from Part in the blank geometry, which is the preferred method for this.    

For Cavity Milling, the preferred way to specify the blank distance is to use a mill geometry group. In the group, when specifying the blank, choose offset from part, and enter the distance there. This is a much better way to do this, because several cavity milling operations can be placed in the group, and share the geometry. It also is required if you want the cavity milling operations to use the In Process Workpiece (IPW).

In Process WorkpieceIn Process Workpiece (IPW) is a Cavity Milling cut parameter that specifies the material (rest material) remaining from an operation. This controls both what the current operation inputs from a previous (reference) operation, and what it outputs as its own resulting IPW. Operations that use an IPW are rest mill operations. The options for In Process Workpiece are:  

None, to either use existing Blank geometry, if available, or cut the entire cavity. Use 3D, to use faceted geometry created from the previous Cavity Milling or ZLevel

operations. Use Level-Based, to use the tool trace from the previous Cavity Milling or ZLevel


To find In Process Workpiece, navigate as follows:  Manufacturing -> Operation Navigator-Program Order -> Cavity Mill operation -> Cutting -> Containment.

Benefits of Using a 3D In Process Workpiece

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Using the 3D In Process Workpiece as the blank geometry in Cavity Milling operations machines the regions based on the current state of the real work piece. This avoids cutting regions which have already been cut.

This option can be turned on in successive cavity miling/Zlevel operations to create and use IPWs.

You can display the previous In Process Workpiece and the resultant In Process Workpiece in the operation dialog.

Using a 3D In Process Workpiece

To use a 3D In Process Workpiece in a Cavity operation, perform the following three steps:

1. Create or select a Blank geometry to define the initial work piece in the Geometry Group sequence of this operation.  

2. In the Containment section of the Cut Parameters dialog , select Use 3D from the option list.

3. Set the Min Material Thickness to an appropriate value.

Level-Based IPW

Level-Based IPW uses the tool trace from the previous Cavity Milling and/or ZLevel operations to identify and machine rest material. These previous operations are referred to as reference operations. Level-Based IPW is limited to Cavity Milling or ZLevel milling operations with the same tool axis as the previous operation. The restmilling and reference operations must belong to the same geometry group.

Benefits of Using Level-Based In Process Workpiece Level Based IPW efficiently cuts the corners and stair-steps left from previous

operations. Tool path processing time is noticeably shorter than 3D IPW for simple parts, and

dramatically shorter for larger complex parts. You can use a big cutter with big depths of cut in one operation, and then use the

same tool and a much smaller depth of cut in the following operation to clean-out stair steps.

The tool path is much cleaner than using the 3D-IPW option. You can further automate by combining multiple roughing operations to rough and

rest-mill a given cavity.

Minimum Material ThicknessMinimum material Thickness is a cut parameter specific to Cavity Milling.  This determines the minimum material to be removed when In Process Workpiece is turned on, or when the Reference Tool is used.  When Minimum material Thickness is turned on, any segment of the tool path that would remove less than this amount is suppressed.

The system calculates a minimum thickness based on the tool diameter and the tolerance.

If you enter a value less than this, the system value is used. If you need a smaller value than the system value, you can reduce the tolerance.

Reference ToolUse Reference Tool when you want to machine remaining material in corners missed by a previous tool.

The remaining material may be between the walls and floors due to tool-corner radius, or between the walls due to tool diameter.  The cut is similar to other Cavity Milling operations, however, it is limited only to these corner areas.

The reference tool is typically the tool you used to previously rough out the area. The system calculates the rest of the material left by the specified reference tool and then defines the cut regions for the current operation.

Using Cavity Milling with Reference Tool

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1. To create a new Cavity Milling operation that uses Reference Tool, navigate as follows:

Manufacturing --> Create New Operation --> Mill_Contour --> Corner_Rough 2. In the Corner Rough dialog, press the Cutting button.3. In the Cut Parameters dialog, the Reference Tool section displays the status:  e.g.,

Reference Tool:  None.Here, you have three choices:  Edit, Select, and Display.

Edit allows you to make changes to your current Reference Tool. Select takes you to the Select Reference Tool dialog.  Here, you can get

Information about the current reference tool, select an existing tool, or create a new tool as a Reference Tool.

Display allows you to see your Reference Tool.

Using Tool Holder in Cavity MillingThe Use Tool Holder option helps you avoid collisions with the holder and use the shortest possible tool for operations. Turn this option on when you want the tool holder used to contain the path.

The system first checks for holder collisions against the in process workpiece (IPW) or the blank geometry, part geometry, and check geometry.

The tool holder shape plus the minimum clearance value is used to ensure a safe distance from the geometry. Any areas that would cause a collision are removed from the cut regions, so the resulting tool path cuts only material that can be removed without the holder colliding. The removed material is updated after each level is cut to maximize the cutting range and allow for greater holder accessibility at the lower levels. You must cut the removed (collision) regions with a longer tool in a follow-up operation.

An effective practice is to use a sequence of Cavity Milling operations with progressively longer tools, tool holder checking, and the IPW. This lets you machine the most material with the shortest tool. The longer tools only machine the remaining material. To avoid tool paths that remove very little material, you can also set the minimum amount of material to remove.

Z-LEVEL MILLINGZ-Level Milling OverviewZ-Level Milling is a fixed axis milling module designed to profile the part modeled from solid bodies/faces at multiple levels. It allows you to cut only steep areas of the part or the entire part. In addition to the Part geometry, you may also specify the cut area geometry as a subset of the Part geometry to limit the areas to be cut. If no cut area geometry is defined, then the entire Part geometry is considered the cut area. During the tool path generation, the processor will trace the geometry, detect the steep areas of the part geometry if requested, order the traced shapes, identify the cut areas to be machined, and cut those areas without gouging the part for all cut levels. One key feature of Z-Level Milling is the ability to specify a Steep Angle to distinguish steep from non-steep areas. When Steep Angle is toggled ON, only areas with a steepness greater than the specified Steep Angle are profiled. When Steep Angle is toggled OFF, the entire part is profiled as illustrated below.

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Steep Angles

Many of the parameters defined in Z-Level Milling are the same as those require for a Cavity Mill operation. Note that Z-Level cutting can be especially effective for High Speed Machining:

You can maintain scallop height on steep walls. You can cut multiple levels in one operation. You can cut multiple features (regions) in one operation. You can cut by level (waterline) for thin-walled parts. There is wide availability of linear, circular, helical engages at each level. You can maintain the tool in constant contact with the material. You can finish by using Z-Level for steep walls.

Advantages in Z-level MillingIn some cases, Cavity Milling with a Profile cut method can produce a similar tool path. Because Zlevel is designed for semi-finishing and finishing, there are several advantages to using Zlevel instead of Cavity Milling:

Zlevel does not require blank geometry. Zlevel will use cut area--either selected in the operation or inherited from a mill_area. Zlevel can inherit trim boundaries from a mill_area group. Zlevel has steep containment. When cutting depth first, Zlevel orders by shape, where Cavity Milling orders by

region. This means that all levels on an island part shape are cut before moving to the next island.

On closed shapes, Zlevel can move from level to level by ramping directly on the part, to create a helical-like path.

On open shapes, Zlevel can cut in alternating directions, creating a zig-zag motion down a wall.

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Introduction to High Speed MachiningThe goal of High Speed Machining is not just the speed itself.  HSM's objective is the flexibility that speed makes possible.  Batch jobs can be run with little advance notice, streamlining inventories.  Also, at high volumes, the speed can let CNC machining centers compete effectively for parts that would once have required a more dedicated manufacturing process.   

High Speed Machining follows these basic premises:

High Speed Machining uses very fast spindles and feed rates resulting in very light cuts.

The depth of the cut and/or width  is shallow, allowing for a faster cut speed. There are no sharp corners in High Speed Machining cut patterns. The smoother the path, the faster the machine can go, while maintaining an accurate

and smooth surface finish.

Part GeometryThe Part Geometry options enable you to edit, display, and specify the contoured surfaces you wish to machine. The specified Part Geometry works in combination with the Drive Geometry (usually a boundary) to define the Cut Region.

Part Geometry

You may specify Bodies (sheet or solid), Faceted Bodies, Surface Regions, or Faces as Part Geometry. Selecting a solid body provides several advantages. Change processing is easier, because the associativity is maintained to the entire solid body, and not the individual faces, which may change when the solid updates. It is also easier to select a solid body than individual faces. If you want to cut only some of the faces on a solid, you can use cut area, drive geometry, or other containment, depending on the drive method, to limit your cutting to less the entire part.  

Faceted Bodies can be imported STL files which have no associated surface geometry. They will be supported by CAM Fixed Axis Surface Milling (FASM) processors. FASM includes the following types of operations: Cavity Milling Tolerant Method, Z-level Milling, Flowcut Drive Method, Area Milling Drive Method, and Surface Contouring Drive Methods that have tool axis equal to project vector.

Geometry Part Geometry consists of bodies and faces which represent the Part after cutting. Check Geometry consists of bodies and faces which represent clamps. Cut Area Geometry represents the areas on the Part Geometry to be machined. It

can be a subset of the Part Geometry or the entire Part Geometry. Trim Geometry consists of closed boundaries which indicate the side to be trimmed.

All Trim boundaries have ON tool Positions.

Check Geometry

Check Geometry allows you to specify geometry (such as part walls, islands, clamps, and so forth) that should not be violated by the tool path. When the tool path encounters that check

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surface, the tool disengages until it reaches the next safe cutting position. Edit and Select/Reselect display dialog boxes very similar to those used when defining Part Geometry.

Check Stock

Check Stock allows you to describe an envelope of material surrounding the Check Geometry, which the tool will not gouge. The stock specified here only applies to those check entities which have the Default Stock option. Note that you may not reliably specify a negative Check Stock value greater than the tool corner radius.

When Gouging

When Gouging allows you to specify how the system will respond when the tool gouges Check geometry during cutting moves.

WarningWarning causes the system to issue only a warning message to the tool path and the CLSF. It does not alter the tool path to avoid gouging the Check Geometry.SkipSkip causes the tool to omit the tool positions, which gouge the Check Geometry. It produces a straight tool movement from the last tool position before gouging the Check Geometry to the first tool position, which is no longer gouging as illustrated below.RetractRetract causes the tool to avoid gouging the Check Geometry by using the Check Engage and Retract parameters defined in Non-Cutting moves as illustrated below.


The Area Milling and Flow Cut drive methods can use Trim Boundaries. Trim Boundaries further constrain the cut regions. You may define the area of the cut region to be excluded from the operation by specifying Material as Inside or Outside. More than one Trim Boundary may be defined.

Steep Angle

The steepness of the part at any given point is defined by the angle between the tool axis and the normal of the face. The steep area is the area where the steepness of the part is greater than the specified Steep Angle. When Steep Angle is toggled ON, only areas of the part with a steepness greater than or equal to the specified Steep Angle are cut. When Steep Angle is toggled OFF, the part is cut.

Merge Distance

Merge Distance enables you to eliminate small discontinuities or unwanted gaps in the tool path by connecting disjointed cutting motions. These discontinuities occur where the tool retracts from the Part surface and are sometimes caused by gaps between surfaces or by small variations in steepness of the part surface when the part surface steepness is very close to the specified Steep Angle. The value you enter determines the distance the tool will span to connect the end points of cutting moves.

Minimun Cut Length

Minimum Cut Length enables you to eliminate short tool path segments that may occur in isolated areas of the part. Cutting moves shorter than this value are not generated.

Cut Order

Unlike Cavity Milling which orders cut traces by cut region, Z-Level Milling orders cut traces by shape. You may profile shapes by Depth First in which case each shape (island, for example) is completely profiled before beginning to profile the next shape, or you may profile shapes by Level First in which case all shapes are profiled at a particular level before cutting each shape at the next level.

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Cut Between Levels

This option (Cutting Parameters dialog, Connections page) creates extra cuts when there is a gap between the cut levels in ZLevel machining. Cut Between Levels eliminates the large scallops in shallow regions left from standard level-to-level machining. You don't have to create a separate area milling operation for non-steep areas, or use a very small depth of cut to control scallops in non-steep areas.

Cutting between the levels minimizes excessive tool wear or even breakage from rapidly loading and unloading the tool in areas that have large scallops left behind from previous operations. When used for semi-finishing, it produces a more uniform stock. When used for finishing, there are fewer retracts and engages, and the surface finish is more consistent.

Extend at Edges

Use Extend at Edges to machine excess casting material around the part.  You also can use it to add cutting moves to the start and end of tool path passes to ensure that the tool smoothly enters and exits the part. You can find Extend at Edges on the Cutting Parameters dialog for Flowcut, Area Mill, and ZLevel Profile operations.  The behavior of Extend at Edges for ZLevel is similar to that of Surface Contouring.

Remove Edge Traces

Remove Edge Traces a cut parameter specific to Z-Level Milling and Contour Milling. Edge tracing (edge roll) is generally an undesirable condition that can occur when the tool path extends beyond the edge of the cut area. The tool rolls over the edge of the cut area. Remove Edge Traces allows you to control whether or not edge tracing occurs.

ZLevel Cutting for High Speed MachiningZLevel is used to maintain a near constant scallop height and chip load on steep walls and can be especially effective for High Speed Machining:

You can cut multiple levels in one operation. You can cut multiple features (regions) in one operation. You can cut by level (waterline) for thin-walled parts. There is wide availability of linear, circular, helical engages at each level. You can maintain the tool in constant contact with the material. You can finish by using ZLevel for steep walls.

FIXED CONTOUR MILLINGFixed Contour Milling OverviewFixed and Variable Contour are machining methods used to finish areas formed by contoured surfaces. They enable the tool path to follow intricate contours of very complex surfaces by allowing you to carefully control the Tool Axis and Projection Vector.

Variable Contour Using Drive Surfaces

Tool paths are created by projecting Drive Points to Part Geometry. Drive points are generated from Drive Geometry, such as curves, boundaries, faces, or surfaces, and projected along a specified projection vector to the Part Geometry. The tool then positions to the Part Geometry to generate the tool path.

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The following figure illustrates how an operation is created by projecting Drive Points from a bounded plane to a Part Surface. An array of Drive Points is first created within the boundary and then projected along a specified Projection Vector to the Part Surface.

Projection of Drive Points

The tool positions to contact points on the Part Surface. As the tool moves across the part from one contact point to the next, the tool path is created using the Output Cutter Location Point at the tip of the tool.

Boundary Drive Method

The Surface Area Drive Method provides additional control over both the Tool Axis and the Projection Vector. The following figure illustrates how an operation is created by projecting Drive Points from a Drive Surface to Part Surfaces. An array of Drive Points is first created on the selected Drive Surface and then projected along the specified Projection Vector to the Part Surfaces. The tool positions to the Part Surfaces at Contact Points. As the tool moves from one Contact Point to the next, the Tool Path is created using the Output Cutter Location Point at the tip of the tool. In this example, both the Projection Vector and the Tool Axis are variable and are defined as normal to the Drive Surface.

Surface Area Drive Method

The following figure illustrates how a Tool Path is created directly from the Drive Points when there is no defined Part Geometry. An array of Drive Points is created on the selected Drive

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Surface. The tool positions directly on the Drive Points which become the Contact Points. In this example, the Tool Axis is variable and is defined as normal to the Drive Surfaces.

Tool Path on Drive Surfaces

A Fixed Tool Axis remains parallel to a specified vector. A Variable Tool Axis constantly changes orientation as it moves along the Tool Path. If you specify Fixed Contour, only the Fixed Tool Axis options are available. If you specify Variable Contour, all Tool Axis options (except Fixed) are available.

The Drive Method enables you to define the Drive Points required to create a Tool Path. Some Drive Methods allow you to create a string of Drive Points along a curve while others allow you to create an array of Drive Points within an area. Once defined, the Drive Points are used to create a Tool Path. If no Part geometry is selected, the Tool Path is created directly from the Drive Points. Otherwise, the Tool Path is created by projecting Drive Points to the Part Surfaces along the Projection Vector.

The Projection Vector enables you to define how the Drive Points project to the Part Surface and the side of the Part Surface the tool contacts. The selected Drive Method determines which Projection Vectors are available. Projection Vectors can be defined for all Drive Methods except Flow Cut, which does not utilize Projection Vector. When machining directly on the Drive Geometry (Part Geometry is not defined), the Projection Vector is not used.

In Surface Contouring, all Part Geometry is processed as bounded entities. Accordingly, since Surface Contouring entities are finite, the tool can position only to existing locations on the Part Geometry (and that includes the edge of an entity.) The tool cannot position to an extension of the Part Geometry. Drive Geometry, however, can be extended.

Drive MethodDrive Method enables you to define the Drive Points required to create a Tool Path. Some Drive Methods allow you to create a string of Drive Points along a curve while others allow you to create an array of Drive Points within a boundary or on selected surfaces. Once defined, the Drive Points are used to create a Tool Path. If no Part geometry is selected, the Tool Path is created directly from the Drive Points. Otherwise, the Tool Path is created from Drive Points projected on to the Part Surfaces.

Selecting the appropriate Drive Method should be determined by the shape and complexity of the surface you wish to machine, and the Tool Axis and Projection Vector requirements. The Selected Drive Method determines the type of Drive Geometry you can select, as well as the available Projection Vectors, Tool Axis, and Cut Types.

The following figure illustrates an example of the Surface Area Drive Method. This Drive Method was selected because of the complexity of the Part Surfaces and the required control of the Tool Axis. An array of drive points is created on the selected Drive Surface and then projected along a specified Projection Vector to the Part Surfaces. The tool positions to the Part Surfaces at Contact Points. The Tool Path is created using the Output Cutter Location Point at the tip of the tool. Both the Projection Vector and the Tool Axis are Variable and are defined as normal to the Drive Surface.

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Surface Area Drive Method

Projection Vector is an option common to most Drive Methods. It enables you to determine how the Drive Points project on to the Part Surfaces. It is described in the last part of this section. The available Projection Vector options will vary depending on the Drive Method used.

Curve/Point Defines Drive geometry by specifying points and selecting curves

Spiral Defines Drive Points that spiral outward from a specified center point

Boundary Defines cut regions by specifying Boundaries and Loops

Surface Area Defines an array of Drive Points that lie on a grid of Drive Surfaces

Tool Path Defines Drive Points along the Tool Path of an existing CLSF to create a similar Surface Contouring Tool Path in the current operation

Radial Cut Generate Drive Paths perpendicular to and along a given boundary, using a specified Stepover distance, Bandwidth and Cut Type

Flow Cut Generates Drive Points along concave corners and valleys formed by Part Sur faces

User Function Generates Drive Paths by temporarily exiting NX and executing an Internal User Function Program

Projection Vector

Defines how the Drive Points project to the Part Surface, and the side of the Part Surface the tool contacts

Projection VectorProjection Vector enables you to define how the Drive Points project to the Part Surface, and the side of the Part Surface the tool contacts.

The Drive Points project along the Projection Vector to the Part Surface. Sometimes, as illustrated below, Drive Point project in the opposite direction of the Projection Vector (but still along the vector axis) as they move from the Drive Surface to the Part Surface.

The direction of the Projection Vector determines the side of the Part Surface the tool contacts. The tool always positions to the Part Surface from the side the Projection Vector approaches. In tne following figure, drive point p1 projects to the Part Surface in the opposite direction of the Projection Vector to create p2.

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Drive Point Projects to Part Surface

Area and Surface Contour Area Milling Drive Method

The Area Milling Drive Method enables you to define a Fixed Axis Surface Contouring operation by specifying a cut area and, if desired, adding Steep Containment and Trim Boundary constraints. This drive method is similar to the Boundary Drive Method, but requires no drive geometry and uses a robust and automated computation of collision-free containment. It is available only for Fixed Axis Surface Contouring operations. requires no drive geometry For these reasons, you should use the Area Milling Drive Method in place of the Boundary Drive Method whenever possible.

Cut Area may be defined by selecting Surface Regions, Sheet Bodies, or Faces. Unlike the Surface Area Drive Method, the cut area geometry need not be selected in an orderly grid of rows and columns.

If you do not specify a Cut Area, the system will use the entire defined Part Geometry (excluding areas not accessible by the tool) as the cut area. In other words, the system will use the silhouette of the part as the cut area. Edge Tracing cannot be removed if the entire Part geometry is used and no Cut Area is defined.

Area Milling Drive Method may use a Zig-Zag with Lifts Cut Type. This Cut Type lifts the tool between passes according to the specification for local Engage, Retract, and Traverse moves. It does not output Departure and Approach moves.

In the Fixed Contour dialog, In the Drive Method area, specify the desired parameters by pressing the wrench icon, select your parameters, and press OK to accept. In the Fixed Contour Dialog, choose Cut Area and Select to define the cut area geometry. If you do not define the cut area geometry, the system will use the silhouette of the part.

Area Milling Drive Method

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Steep ContainmentSteep Containment allows you to restrict the cut area based on the steepness of the tool path. It is used to control scallop height and avoid plunging the tool into the material on steep surfaces. Remove Edge Traces should be activated to prevent the tool from rolling over the edge of the cut area.

Steep Angle enables you to determine when the system recognizes Part surfaces as being steep. This field is activated by the Steep Areas button. The Part surface angle is calculated at each contact point and then compared to the user-specified Steep Angle. The system recognizes the surface as being steep wherever the actual surface angle exceeds the user-specified Steep Angle. When the tool path is generated, Contact condition closed boundary cleanup entities are created from the surfaces that exceed the user-specified Steep Angle as illustrated above.  For example, a flat surface has a steep angle of zero and a vertical wall has a steep angle of 90 degrees.

There are two popular methods used to machine a cut area using a combination of two operations and steep containment:

Method One  

Non-Steep Containment followed by Directional Steep (the following two figures ).  This method is common for areas that do  not contain a lot of near-vertical areas. 



Notice in the Figure above the large areas that were not cut (indicated by the number one) because the stepovers in the path were spread apart on some of the steep walls.  In order to cut these areas, you must cut again using Directional Steep (see the figure  below).

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  Directional Steep

As illustrated in the figure above, Directional Steep machines the areas greater than the steepest angle as viewed from the cut direction.  It is used when you create a zig-zag path with no steep containment and you follow that with a zig-zag path with directional steep containment and a cut angle rotated 90 degrees from the first path (as in the first figure above). None imposes no steepness restrictions on the tool path and allows the operation to machine the entire cut area.

 Method Two

Use Non-Steep followed by Z-Level Profile Steep (the following two figures ):

Non-steep restricts the steepness of the tool path to the specified Steep Angle. The operation machines only the areas where the steepness of the tool path is less than or equal to the specified Steep Angle (see the figure below). Notice that the steep sides were not machined. In order to machine the steep areas, use the Z-Level Milling module (see the last figure).  By using the same steep angle in both operations, the entire cut area is machined.  This method is common when there are very steep areas in the cut area.


In the figure below,  Z-Level cut was used to machine the steep areas left uncut by the previous Non-steep cut in the figure above.

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  Z-Level Profile Steep

StepoverStepover specifies the distances between successive cut passes, as shown below.  The 1 indicates the scallop height, and the 2 indicates the stepover.


Flow Cut Drive MethodFlow Cut Drive Method enables you to generate tool paths along concave corners and valleys formed by Part Surfaces. The processor automatically determines the direction and order of the flow cuts using certain rules based on machining best practices. The resulting tool path is optimized in such a way that the tool remains in contact with the part as much as possible and minimizes Non-Cutting moves. Although the processor-determined sequence of flow cuts is satisfactory in a large majority of situations, this drive method does allow you to make modifications using the Manual Assembly tool. Flow Cut is available only for Fixed Contour operations.

Flow Cut operations can be created by selecting the Flow Cut Drive Method in Fixed Contouring. Flow Cut operations can also be created by selecting flowcut_single, flowcut_multiple, flowcut_ref_tool, or flowcut_smooth from Mill Contour.

Benefits of Using Flow Cut

Flow Cut can be used to relieve corners prior to machining with Zig-Zag cut patterns. Flow Cut removes the uncut material left behind by a previous, larger ball cutter. Flow Cut paths follow the valleys and corners instead of a fixed cut angle or UV

directions. With Flow Cut, the tool is not embedded when you move from one side to the other. The system can minimize the total distance of the non-cutting moves, and obtain a

smooth or standard turn at each end by using the options available in the Non-Cutting Moves module.

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Flow Cut can maximize cutting moves by allowing the tool to remain continually engaged during stepovers.

Flow Cut machines certain geometry types one level at a time and provides you with the options to cut the two sides of Multiple or RTO (Reference Tool Offsets) flow cuts alternatively with a rounded or standard turn at each end, and side by side with the option from the steep side to non-steep side. This results in cutting parts with a more constant cutting load and a shorter distance of non-cutting moves.

Flow Cut Drive Method for High Speed Machining

Flow Cut Drive Method can be especially effective for High Speed Machining:

Flow Cut provides you with the options to cut the two sides of Multiple or RTO (Reference Tool Offsets) flow cuts alternatively with a rounded or standard turn at each end, and side by side with the option from the steep side to non-steep side. This results in cutting parts with a more constant cutting load and a shorter distance of non-cutting moves.

Flow Cut can maximize cutting moves by allowing the tool to remain continually engaged during stepovers.

The Flow Cut Smooth operation shows how to make smooth turnarounds at the ends of valleys.

Single Pass

Single Pass produces one cutting pass of the tool along concave corners and valleys. This option does not activate any additional tool output parameter options in the Flow Cut dialog.

Flow Cut Single Pass

Multiple Offsets

Multiple Offsets produces multiple cutting passes on either side of the center flow cut by enabling you to specify the number of offsets and the Stepover distance between offsets. This option activates the Cut Type, Stepover Distance, Sequencing, and Number of Offsets options described below.

Flow Cut Multiple Offsets

Reference Tool Offsets

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Reference Tool Offsets produces multiple cutting passes on either side of the center flow cut by allowing you to specify a reference tool diameter to define the total width of the area to be machined and a Stepover Distance to define the interior passes. This option is useful for cleanup machining after roughing out an area with a large (reference) tool. This option activates the Cut Type, Stepover Distance, Sequencing, Reference Tool Diameter, and Overlap Distance fields in the Dialog.

Maximum Concavity

Use Maximum Concavity to help you determine which sharp corners and deep valleys will be cut.  For example, if you are machining the part represented in the figure below, there might be no material remaining in the160 degree valley after the first few operations.  This is because it is shallow and flat.  However, you are unable to machine all the material in the next two valleys, 110 and 70 degrees, respectively.  More material is left in sharp corners and deep valleys like these.  

When you return to machine the deep valleys missed by earlier passes, it is more efficient to machine just these deep valleys, and skip over the shallow valleys already machined in earlier passes.  You can do this with Maximum Concavity by indicating which angles to ignore.

Minimum Cut Length

Minimum Cut Length enables you to eliminate short tool path segments that may occur in isolated areas of the part. Cutting moves shorter than this value are not generated.

Hookup Distance

Hookup Distance enables you to eliminate small discontinuities or unwanted gaps in the tool path by connecting disjointed cutting motions. These discontinuities occur where the tool retracts from the Part surface and are sometimes caused by gaps between surfaces or variations in the Angle of Concavity that exceed the specified Maximum Concavity angle. The value you enter determines the distance the tool will span to connect the end points of cutting moves. The system will connect the two ends by linearly extending the two paths, and will not gouge the part.

Boundary Drive MethodThe Boundary Drive Method enables you to define cut regions by specifying Boundaries and Loops. Boundaries are not dependent on the shape and size of the Part Surfaces while Loops must correspond to exterior Part Surface edges. Cut regions are defined by Boundaries, Loops, or a combination of both. The Tool Path is created by projecting Drive Points from the defined cut region to the Part Surfaces in the direction of a specified Projection Vector. The Boundary Drive Method is useful in machining Part Surfaces requiring minimal Tool Axis and Projection Vector control.

Boundary Drive Method

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The Boundary Drive Method works in much the same way as Planar Milling. Unlike Planar Milling, however, the Boundary Drive Method is intended to create finishing operations that allow the tool to follow complex surface contours.

Drive Geometry

Edit displays the Edit Boundary Geometry dialog allowing you to add or subtract boundary members and the parameters associated with each.

Select displays the Boundary Geometry dialog allowing you to initially define boundaries. Once defined, they can be modified using Edit described above. Each boundary member may be assigned an On, Tanto, or Contact tool position. The Contact tool position is available only in Fixed and Variable Axis Surface Contouring and can be used only in the Boundary Drive Method with a fixed tool axis and only when specifying boundaries with Curves/Edges or Points.

The boundary members graphically represent the associated tool positions as illustrated below.

Tanto, On and Contact

Unlike On or Tanto, the Contact point position changes in relation to the tip of the tool as it moves along a contoured surface. The tool drives along the surface until it comes in contact with the boundary. On contoured surfaces, the contact point position varies at the tip of the tool. Notice in the following figure that the contact point is on opposite sides of the tool tip when the tool is on opposite sides of the part.

Contact Point Positions


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Point to PointPoint to Point creates tool paths for operations such as drilling, tapping, boring, counter-boring, and reaming. Other uses include spot welding, riveting, and any other operations in which a tool is to positioned to geometry, plunged into the part, and retracted.

The system generates tool path information which can be exported to create a Cutter Location Source File (CLSF). The CLSF is compatible with most controller and machine combinations via the Graphics Postprocessor Module (GPM). You must ensure that the cycle command statements produced by NX are valid for your postprocessor and machine tool combination.

One term used repeatedly is operational clearance point. This is the point which marks the beginning and end of every cutting motion. It is also the point at which several auxiliary motions (such as engage and retract, rapid traverse, and avoid) begin and end.

Point To Point Tool Path

The operational clearance point is a point directly above (i.e., normal to the part surface, or along the tool axis if it is not normal to the part surface) each cutter location point (CL-point) and is the Minimum Clearance distance above the part surface. If you do not specify a Minimum Clearance, the operational clearance point is on the Part Surface.

Typically, tool motion to the operational clearance point is at the Rapid or Engage traverse rate. Tool motion from the operational clearance point to the CL-point on the surface of the part and to the depth of cut is at the Cut Feed Rate. However, if a cycle is active, the system uses the feed rates you define in the Cycle Parameters menu instead of the Cut Feed Rate.

Avoidance Geometry, Display Options, Machine Control, and Feeds are discussed in Common Options.

After you have specified the desired Point to Point parameters, choose OK. The system then displays the Point-To-Point Geometry menu. See Geometry for details.

The following are the general interactive steps involved in a Point to Point operation:

Specify a tool. Specify options such as cycle type, feed rates, engage and retract moves, part

surface, etc. Specify geometry parameters such as selecting points or holes, optimizing their order

of machining, and avoiding obstacles. Generate the tool path.

Drill Type

Subtype Processor Description

SPOT_FACINGPoint to Point Drill cycle with dwell.


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SPOT_DRILLING Point to Point Drill cycle with dwell.

DRILLING   Point to Point Basic point-to-point with a drill


PECK_DRILLING Point to Point Drill cycle that retracts out of the

hole after each peck to clear the chips.

BREAKCHIP_DRILLINGPoint to Point Drill cycle that retracts slightly after

each peck to break the chip.

BORING   Point to Point Boring cycle that feeds in and feeds


REAMING  Point to Point Boring cycle that feeds in and feeds


COUNTERBORINGPoint to Point Drill cycle with dwell.

COUNTERSINKINGPoint to Point Drill cycle that coutersinks to a


TAPPING Point to Point Tap cycle that feeds in, reverses

the spindle, and feeds out.

THREAD_MILLING Thread Milling Mills threaded holes with helical


MILL_CONTROLMachine Control This contains only machine control


MILL_USERUser Defined This tool path is generated by your

custom NX Open program.

GeometryThis section contains a description of each of the Point to Point machining submodule main geometry menu options listed below. These options allow you to select and manipulate points and to generate a tool path.

Select Selects cylindrical and conic holes, arcs, and points

Append Appends new points to a set of previously selected points

Omit Ignores previously selected points

Optimize Arranges the order of the points in the tool path

Display Points Verifies the selection of tool path points after using the Include, Omit, Avoid or Optimize options.

Avoid Specifies Tool Clearance over fixtures or obstacles within the part

Reverse Reverses the order of previously selected Goto points

Arc Axis Control Displays axes of previously selected arcs and sheet holes

Rapto Offset Specifies a RAPTO value to each selected point, arc or hole

Cycle ParametersCycle Parameters are machining characteristics, which define exact tool motions, and conditions such as feed rate, dwell times, and cutting increments. Each of the Cycle Parameters available in Point to Point machining is listed alphabetically and described briefly below. More detailed descriptions follow.

CAM A number which specifies a preset CAM stop position for tool depth for machine tools with no programmable Z axis

CSK Diameter Diameter of a countersunk hole

Depth Depth of cut

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Dwell Delay of tool at depth of cut

Entrance Diameter

Outside diameter of an existing hole which is to be enlarged by a csk operation

Feed Rate Transit speed of tool while cutting

Increment Dimensional value of one of a series of regular consecutive cuts to progressive depths used in Peck and Break Chip drilling operations

Option Activates machining characteristics that are unique to your machines

RTRCTO The cycle Retract distance

Minimum Clearance

Minimum Clearance defines each operational clearance point - typically, the point at which tool motion changes from either the Rapid or Engage Feed Rate to the Cut Feed Rate.

You can enter a Distance value to be used between each CL-point and its operational clearance point (RAPTO). It also represents the tool's closest approach to the part surface between cutting operations (unless a Clearance Plane is active or Avoid motions are defined).

Allow Oversize Tool

Allow Oversize Tool enables you to use a tool with a larger diameter than the hole to be drilled. This is useful when tapping. Allow Oversize Tool is only available if the DEPTH cycle parameter is set to MODEL DEPTH and will only work if the holes are solid modeled.

Depth Offset

The Depth Offset allows you to specify an amount of material to remain above the bottom of blind holes (e.g., for finish operations) or past the break out of through holes (e.g., to assure break through). Depth Offset consists of two values: Blind Hole stock, which applies to blind holes and Thru Hole clearance, which applies to through holes.

LATHEIntroduction to Turning

The need to manufacture turned parts is common to key industries such as machinery, aerospace, automotive, and other industrial product suppliers. As with most areas of the manufacturing market, the machinery used for turning has undergone rapid changes due to technological progress and the necessity to improve productivity. New turning equipment has increased tremendously with respect to automation, effectiveness, and its universal application in conjunction with milling and drilling disciplines.

The Turning module utilizes the Operation Navigator to manage operations and parameters. They enable you to create roughing, finishing, teachmode, centerline drilling, and threading operations. Parameters such as spindle definition, workpiece geometry, machining methods, and tools are specified as groups with parameters shared among operations. Other parameters are defined within the individual operations. As the workpiece progresses through the program, in-process workpiece tracking computes and graphically displays the total remaining material to be removed. The Turning module allows you to graphically display the in-process workpiece after each operation generated. The in-process workpiece is defined by the total material removed for all operations in sequence up to the currently selected operation.

Because the sequence of operations is important, it is best to select the operation in the Program Order view of the Operation Navigator. If operations are reordered, the system recalculates the in-process workpiece for you, where necessary.

BenefitsThis module focuses on the following areas of improvement:

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Enhances and consolidates the basic turning operations using stationary turning tools. This delivers more powerful functionality for roughing, finishing, grooving, threading, and drilling on a turning machine tool which is easy to use and represents core functionality.

Automatic Detection of Cut Regions for roughing and finishing lets you obtain results more quickly, especially for successive operations.

Teachmode operations allow for maximum flexibility when you want to manually control the tool to position.

Animation capabilities like material removal display in toolpath replay and 3D display of the in-process workpiece.

Better support in creating turning, milling and drilling operations in one programming session and for one machine tool.

Allows the creation of NC programs for multiple spindle setups. The system enables you to successively plan your machining process for each individual sub spindle group and then to rearrange the order of operations.

Turn - ToolingAs in other NX/CAM applications, the turning processors use the tool's cutter information to calculate the toolpath. If the tool contains multiple cutters, only the information about the active cutter being used by the operation is considered by the processor. The cutter's parameters are based on the orientation of the tool assembly mounted on a turret position of a machine tool.

Selecting a Tool

In Turning, you can either work with a tool from the database or you can create a new tool.

Use the Create Tool icon to create a new tool at any point during a session. Use the Group Editing section of the Operation Dialog to edit, reselect another tool

from the tool library or display the current tool.

The turning tool types supported are the following:

Supported Turning Tool Types

Based on the tool's origin, the system will either show the shape of the cutter using interactively specified parameterization or, if the tool is loaded from a database, display the entire tool assembly loaded from an external part file.

Creating a New ToolThe Create Tool icon allows you to create a new tool at any point during your session.

1. In the Create Tool Dialog select the tool type and subtype, which you need. 2. The system provides you with a template of your tool. You can accept the parameters

offered or change them to reflect your needs.3. When you select OK, your tool will appear in the tool view of the Operation Navigator.

Selecting a Tool from the Tool LibraryTools are stored in a database. Use the steps below to find the tool you need:

1. Use the Retrieve Tool icon in the Create Tool Dialog to bring up the database you want to search.

2. From the Library Class Selection Dialog, select the tool class.

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This brings up the Search Criteria Dialog. The parameters in the dialog are specific to the class of tool you selected in the previous step.

The Search Criteria Options

Tool Sketch Representative sketch of tool type

Units You may select which unit to be used for the tool you choose. This selection indicates which database to be used for the tool selection

Libref This is a unique identification number for each tool in the database. In the sample database provided to you, this number begins with ugt. In any database that you create yourself, you can use your choice of number, but it is mandatory to choose one unique identifying number.

Nose Radius

In this field you may search for the desired nose radius (R) of a tool. The sketch at the top of the dialog explains what this parameter is. Following a specific syntax, you may input the parameters of the desired tool

Nose Angle In this field you may search for the desired nose angle (A) of a tool. The sketch at the top of the dialog explains what this parameter is.

Cut Edge Length

In this field you may search for the desired cutting edge length (CL) of a tool. The sketch at the top of the dialog explains what this parameter is.

Material Select material for desired tool.

Holder If a specific holder is desired it can be selected here.

Additional Search Criteria

You may initiate a search based on criteria other than those found in the dialog. General Help.

Result Info This provides you with a window which displays the desired results. You cannot select from this window, but you will see each of the entries which has been found by the search mechanism.

Clear If you have made a mistake in the entries in the dialog, or you would like to enter new values, you can clear the information you have input with this button.

Count Matches

This button allows for previewing the number of tools matching the specified search criteria.

OK Closing the dialog with OK causes the tool search to be executed and the Search Result Dialog to appear showing all the matches found.

3. Enter the search criteria for the tool. Use the following logical operators:

When the search is complete, the Search Result Dialog displays. The dialog provides an overview of all the tools that matched your search criteria.

4. To select a tool, click on it. To select multiple tools, hold down the Control key and pick all the tools you want.

Creating a Tool HolderTo create a tool holder for your insert, follow these steps:

1. Create a tool or open an existing tool 2. On the tool dialog, select the Holder tab.3.  Select the Use Turn Holder option to activate the tool holder parameter fields.4. Select one of the tool holder styles from the Style drop-down list. There are no styles

available for grooving, threading, or form tools.5. Select whether your holder is left-hand, right-hand or neutral. For grooving tools, you

must designate whether the holder is at a 0° or 90° angle.  The hand directions available depend on the holder style you choose.

6. Select whether your holder has a round or square shank shape using the Shank Type option.

7. Enter the parameters that are specific to the holder style you selected in step 4. Use the abbreviations in the tool sketch to help you see which parameter you are inserting. 

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8. To see your tool holder in the graphics window, select Display Tool.9. Click OK to save your holder.

Boundary GeometryThe lines that delineate each of a part's individual geometries are called boundaries. You can select and view boundaries in the Geometry View. Once boundaries have been selected, their parameters are inherited to the cutting operation, eliminating extra boundary selection within the operation menu.

In your initial Turning session, you should define all the boundaries you need. At the least, you should define the part boundary and the blank boundary. When you are selecting the boundaries on one side of the centerline, the Turning system automatically mirrors this shape across centerline to represent the full part. When using tube stock, it is important to close the boundary, as this selection does not touch the centerline. The Turning module supports feature selection below the centerline and keeps track of the location of features relative to the centerline.  Operations applied to features selected below centerline will be displayed in their proper orientation.

Selecting Geometry

New geometry is created in the Create Geometry dialog. This is accessed as follows:

use the Create Geometry icon or in the main menu bar select Insert -> Geometry or in the geometry view of the Operation Navigator, MB3 at the position where you

would like to insert geometry and select Insert -> Geometry

You may create the following types of geometry:

a Machine Coordinate System a workpiece (blank + part) a part a containment

Selecting a Part

1. A part is selected in the Part Dialog. Access this as follows: in the Operation Navigator, geometry view, MB3 on the part geometry and

choose Edit or in the Turning Operation Dialog click on the Geometry radio button and choose

Edit 2. Choose Select if you have not yet selected boundaries and Reselect if you would like

to choose new boundaries.3. Choose Display to show the part boundary you have chosen.

Selecting a Part Boundary

Selecting a part boundary is discussed extensively in Manufacturing General -> Boundaries. When selecting open boundaries in Turning, it is important to ensure that the material side is properly specified. If you look in the same direction as the cutting direction, the material side will be the side where your part is found. If you select a closed boundary, there are no such considerations as the system will automatically figure out the proper location of the material side. In addition, the start point of this boundary selection is irrelevant.

Selecting the Blank

There are several possible types of blank stock for turning, depending on the geometry to be machined.

Choose Bar Stock if the geometry of the part to be machined is solid. Choose Tube Stock   if the workpiece has a centerline drill. Curve Stock   has been pre-worked to provide an initial geometry. Choose this type if

your blank exists as a modeled part in NX.

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Choose a blank From Workspace to select a prior In-Process Workpiece as your blank.

Selecting a Blank from Bar or Tube Stock

Bar Stock is raw material in the shape of a bar, i.e., with no hole through the middle. Tube Stock is in the shape of a bar but with a hole running the length of the middle. This type of stock is used to save roughing time for parts with no material in the middle. Turning allows you to define various parameters of these stock types to create a blank most representative of the blank on the machine.

To select a blank from bar or tube stock:1. define the mounting position:

The mounting position is the point where the blank is attached to the spindle axis. This may be

At Headstock - the blank is positioned in a positive x direction from the headstock

Away from Headstock - the blank is positioned in a negative x direction from the headstock

2. input the length of the blank stock in Length3. input the outside diameter of the blank stock in Diameter4. input the inside diameter of the blank for tube stock

Selecting a Blank from Curve Stock

Curve Stock is stock that has some pre-formed shape other than Bar or Tube. This reduces the amount of material needed to be removed to achieve the finished part. When using Curve Stock as your blank, you will generally have to load this as a separate part file.

 To select a blank from curve stock:

1. select the curves using Select/Reselect2. input values for desired offsets:

Equidistant will add an offset to each blank boundary Face will add an offset to all boundaries which are perpendicular to the part

centerline Radial will be added to all the boundaries which are parallel to the part

centerline.3. if you need to input custom boundary information, select Edit after selecting the blank.

You may then use the arrow buttons to cycle through the boundary members.

Selecting a Blank from Workspace

When machining with multiple spindles or turn-around parts on the same spindle, you can select the final outcome of a previous operation as blank for the next group of operations. Each spindle should be represented as an MCS spindle group in the geometry view. In each of these spindle groups, you should define a workpiece geometry group where part and blank are defined. With this option, the actual blank boundary will only need to be defined for the first spindle, as this function propagates the blank to all subsequent spindles. This results in cascading associativity throughout the machining process.

To select a blank from workspace:1. choose the Reference Point on the previous IPW using Select/Reselect2. choose the Target Point on the new spindle using Select/Reselect. 3. The direction of the blank may be switched using the Flip Direction option. By default,

the system positions the blank in the positive spindle axis direction.


Geometry Containment allows you to delimit machining to a specific area of a part. The containment setting influences the automatic cut region detection to prevent machining beyond the specified limits. You can define containment using radial or axial trim planes, trim points and trim angles.

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To define containments:

set trim planes set trim points set trim angles manually select the cut region

Turn - RoughingRoughing capabilities comprise a large variety of cutting techniques for high volume removal of material. These manufacturing practices include strategies for high speed roughing and the achievement of semi-finishing or finishing qualities through proper built-in engage/retract motions. Turn Roughing relies on the system's automatic remaining material detection capability.

Access the Roughing Dialog by:

pushing the Create Operation Icon or selecting Insert -> Operation from the main menu bar or using MB3 on the geometry (geometry view in the Operation Navigator) for which you

would like to create an operation and choose Insert -> Operation

 The first step in generating a roughing operation is to select a roughing strategy:

to perform Selector use the Icon

straight level cutting Linear Zig

straight level cutting with alternating directions Linear Zig Zag

inclined/declined cuts in one direction Ramping Zig

inclined/declined cuts in alternating directions Ramping Zig Zag

contour parallel roughing Contour Zig

contour parallel roughing with alternating directions

Contour Zig Zag

plunge cutting in one direction Plunge Zig

repeated plunge cuts to a specified level and in alternating directions

Plunge Zig Zag

plunge cutting with alternating stepover direction

Plunge Alternate

plunge cutting with alternating stepover direction and a plunge motion that leaves "towers" in the remaining material

Plunge Castling 

Turn Linear Roughing Choose Linear Zig when you want straight level cuts applied to a cut region for roughing. Each level cut has the same orientation to the parallel preceding level cut.

Choose Linear Zig Zag to alter cutting direction for each rough cut. This is an effective cut strategy to remove large amounts of material quickly, producing an uninterrupted cut into the material.

Linear Roughing Options

Cut Depth

Allows you to specify the depth of cut for each pass during the roughing operation. This value can be either a fixed user-specified value or a system-calculated variable value based on specified minimum and maximum values.

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Level AngleAllows you to define the orientation for the individual level cuts which are computed by the system in straight linear roughing operations.

DirectionAllows you to invert the (initial) cutting direction for finishing/profiling passes with respect to the direction given by boundary orientation or through profiling-related roughing parameters.

Reversal ModeDetermines in which sequence the reversals of a cut region (i.e. the valleys of the part boundary found in this cut region) are visited for material removal.

CleanupInitiates a series of cuts meant to remove stairs left behind by rough cuts.

Additional Profiling

The additional profiling option performs a cleanup of the part surface after multiple rough cuts have been made. In contrast to the Cleanup option, profiling is meant to follow either the entire part boundary or certain portions of it, which describe individual reversals.

ContainmentAllows you to specify a containment in order to delimit the machining to a specific area of the part.


Produces a graphical representation of all the computed cut regions that would be machined under the operation's current settings. This gives you visual assistance in assessing the accuracy of your machining strategy.

Autodetection Control

Allows you to manipulate the cut region by altering the parameters which affect it.

Engage/Retract Settings

Determine how the tool will approach and leave the workpiece.


Delivers control for a multitude of settings that are common to the cutting operation subtypes. This includes tolerances, cutter clearance angles, minimum clearance, contour types, cut constraints and cut control.

ProfilingThe profiling option performs a cleanup of the part surface after multiple rough cuts have been made.

CornerDetermines the system's behavior for cutting at convex corners while performing profiling cuts.

StockDescribes the material that will be left on the in-process workpiece after an operation is complete. The options for Stock vary according to cut method.

Feed Rates Sets the rate at which the tool advances.

MachineAllows you to enter output commands such as Startup and End-of-Path commands, as well as Adjust and CUTCOM register information.

AvoidanceAllows you to specify, activate (or cancel) geometry that is used for non-cutting moves before or after a tool path.

Local Return

Defines a location to which the tool moves, at a user-specified frequency, where you may specify the output of OPSTOP, OPSKIP, or DELAY statements to the tool path. Therefore, if you set a local return, the tool only moves to the point after the complete cut is finished.

Cut DepthCut Depth allows you to specify the depth of cut for each pass during the roughing operation. This value can be either a fixed value you specify or a system-calculated variable value based on specified minimum and maximum values. The system makes all non-contouring passes at the calculated or specified depth. Contouring passes are made at this depth or less.

Level AngleThe level angle allows you to define the orientation for the individual level cuts, which are computed by the system in straight linear roughing operations. It is measured counter-

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clockwise from the centerline and defines the orientation and direction for the roughing linear cuts. For your convenience, an arrow indicator, , visually presents the cutting orientation you have chosen. A level angle of 0° coincides with the direction of the "positive" centerline axis.

The system computes all tool motions required for roughing a cut region by taking into account the tool orientation and the level angle as defined above. In this way you have the freedom to vary cut orientation for each machining side by proper specification of a single value only - the level angle.

You may input a value in several ways:

input an angle value in the input box select Level Angle and use the resulting Vector Constructor dialog to select the

desired angle.

Cut RegionsCut Regions are used to detect the amount of material still to be cut. They represent the maximum area the tool can actually reach for cutting after considering all parameters for the operation. The in-process workpiece mechanism internally tracks the cut region and updates it after each cut.

Engage and Retract for Roughing OperationsThe Engage/Retract Settings determine how the tool will approach and leave the workpiece. The software allows you to specify this for each situation to ensure the safety of the tool and part. Below are the types of cuts for Engage and Retract for which a specific method will be applied. The system will recognize the cutting situation involved. The following options are available in the Engage/Retract Dialog:

Cutting Parameters for RoughingCutting delivers control for a multitude of settings that are common to the cutting operation subtypes.

Cutting Dialog

TolerancesAllow you to set values for Intol and Outtol. The tolerance is applied to the part boundary and determines the acceptable amount of deviation from the boundary.

Cutter Clearance Angles

Serve as protection angles. You may specify a First Cutting Edge and a Last Cutting Edge as clearance angles. These are considered during computation of the gouge-free tool path for all classes of turning tools, which are available for Roughing, Finishing and Teachmode.

Minimum Clearance

Let you specify the minimum distance that has to be kept from the blank boundaries. You can define individual values for both blank diameters and blank faces.

Cut Constraints

Here you can set minimum depth and minimum length parameters.

Cut ControlOffers various choices to influence the processor's behavior with respect to both roughing and finishing operations.

Contour Types

Here you can define several classes of contour elements, which are specially treated by the system.


Varies the depth of cut from start of pass to end of pass either with every cut or every alternating cut, in one cutting direction or both.  This moves the threshold stress point (hot point) position on the cutting edge of the insert continually along the insert edge thus distributing stress and heat, extending the life of the insert.

Dwell after Rough Cut

Outputs a dwell command at each incremental depth of a plunge motion. Dwell may be input as seconds or revolutions.

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ProfilingProfiling cleans up the part surface after the system has made multiple rough cuts. In contrast to Cleanup, profiling follows either the entire part boundary or certain portions of it such as individual reversals. All rough cuts for the entire cut region or for the respective reversal currently machined are carried out first, and only then does profiling takes place. As the strategies provided in Profiling are the same as those provided for Finishing, the profiling functionality is only provided in Roughing. You can choose eight different strategies for both Profiling and Finishing to determine which movements the tool makes.

CornerYou can specify the system's behavior for cutting at convex corners while performing profiling cuts using the corner options. Convex corners may be normal corners or shallow corners. Shallow corners are convex corners which have an included angle larger than a given minimum corner angle (and less than 180°). There are four types of corner options for each type of corner:

Roll around corners Clear corners Round corners with radius Break corners with distance

StockStock is the material that will be left on the in-process work piece after you complete an operation.

To set stock values, open the stock dialog as follows:

choose Stock from the machining parameters in the operation dialog or double click on the method in the Method View of the Operation Navigator. If you

choose this method, all values you enter are inherited to subsequent operations of that method at the operation level.

Feed RatesFeed Rate is the rate at which the tool advances. The Feed Rate submenu contains a variety of feed rate control parameters which allow for fine-tuning of the Turning processor's results. Speeds refer to spindle and surface speeds.

All feed rate parameters related to non-cutting tool motions default to the rapid feed rate, whereas the cut feed parameter determines the default value for all cutting moves. When a custom feed rate has been defined for the boundary or any of its segments, the custom value will override the feed rate settings defined here.

AvoidanceAvoidance Geometry allows you to specify, activate or cancel geometry that is used for non-cutting moves before or after a tool path to avoid collisions with part or clamping devices. You may set a From Point, Start Point, Return Point and Gohome Point, as well as an Axial and Radial Clearance Plane.

Avoidance Parameters

Clearance Defines a safe clearance distance for tool motion before and after an operation and during any programmed obstacle avoidance.

From Point From Point defines the initial cutter location at the start of a new segment of cutter path.

Start Point Start Point is a tool positioning location in the cutter path start up sequence that can be used to avoid geometry or fixture components. A Start Point is especially important for inner diameter work to pull the tool out without

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damaging the part.

Motion to Start Point

This option determines the directions of the motions taken to reach the Start Point. These motions are explained in-depth below.

Return Point

Return Point is a tool positioning location used to control the position of the cutter as it moves away from the part at the end of a cutting sequence

Motion to Return Point

This option determines the directions of the motions taken to reach the Return Point.

Gohome Point

Gohome Point is the final tool position. The From Point is often used as this position. Gohome Point outputs a Gohome command as the final entry in the tool path.

Display This allows you to display all points specified above.

Specify With this option you may select all of the points you have activated at once. This is especially effective if the points have already been drawn using the Point Constructor Dialog.

Info This provides you with the coordinates of the avoidance points you have selected.

Turn Contour Roughing Contour Roughing Zig incrementally approaches the part's profile during roughing. This is achieved by letting the tool follow equidistant curves, one per pass, such that the last pass coincides with the part profile. Steep elements at the beginning or at the end of the part profile are not contoured or treated as with the contouring options of straight level cutting.

Contour Roughing Zig Zag behaves as described above with the exception that it additionally reverses the cutting direction after each roughing pass.

Contour Roughing Cut Pattern

Turn Plunge Cutting Plunge Cutting Zig represents a roughing strategy, which is typically used with grooving tools.

Instead of plunging directly to the bottom of the groove, Plunge Cutting Zig Zag causes the tool to plunge to a specified depth of cut (Level Depth), then perform a series of plunge cuts to remove all the material at that depth. It then plunges again to the cut depth, and removes all material at that level. These series of cuts are performed back and forth in a zig zag pattern until the bottom of the groove is reached.

Plunge Cutting Castling achieves symmetric tool wear on both sides of the insert by offsetting consecutive plunge cuts in a way that "towers" remain in between after a first pass from one shoulder of the groove to the other. These towers are then cut away by a second pass in the opposite direction.

You can only machine one groove at a time when plunge cutting. If you wish to cut more than one groove in a similar fashion, do the following:

1. Create the first grooving operation entering all required parameters.2. Copy and paste this operation as many times as you have grooves to be cut.

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3. In each of the operations, select the pertinent groove using Containment->Select Manually.

Centerline DrillingUse drilling to perform hole making or drilling operations with a non-rotating tool on the lathe spindle centerline with the workpiece rotating.

The centerline drill operation supports two different work types:

Drilling Reaming

The system retrieves the information on which work type to use from the selected tool. In this way, you don't have to select the work type a second time in the operation menu.

Accessing Centerline Drilling

To access the Centerline Drilling Dialog:

push the Create Operation Icon or select Insert -> Operation from the main menu bar or use MB3 on the geometry (geometry view in the Operation Navigator) for which you

would like to create an operation and choose Insert -> Operation then1. Select Turning from the available templates in the Create Operation Dialog.2. Select Centerline Drilling using:

to perform a centerline spot drill operation

to perform a centerline drilling operation

to perform a centerline peck drill operation

to perform a centerline breakchip operation

to perform a centerline reaming operation

3. Enter the desired program, geometry, tool, method and name of operation.

Turn - TeachmodeTurning's Teachmode gives you the control to perform fine finishing on Turning work. To do this you can build the tool path by defining rapid and feed rate positioning moves, engage and retract settings, and continuous path cutting moves. You can also add UDE's as suboperations at any position. While defining continuous path cutting moves, you can control the cutter over sections of the boundary, specify start and end positions, and define the direction for each continuous cut.

Accessing Teachmode

The Main Dialog for the Teachmode operation allows the creation and modification of multiple suboperations of the available types. General operation settings can be specified here.

To access the Teachmode Dialog: push the Create Operation Icon or select Insert -> Operation from the main menu bar or use MB3 on the geometry (geometry view in the Operation Navigator) for which you

would like to create an operation and choose Insert -> Operation then,1. select Turning from the available templates in the Create Operation Dialog

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2. select Teachmode using 3. enter the desired Program, Geometry, Tool, Method and Name of operation

Turn - ThreadingThe Threading operation allows you to cut both straight and tapered threads. They may be single or multiple threads which are either internal, external, or face threads (such as the thread advance used in a 3-jaw chuck).

Thread Features whereA – Pitch, B – Depth, C - Crest Line, D - Root Line.

 Accessing the Threading Dialog

To access the Threading Dialog: Push the Create Operation Icon or Select Insert -> Operation from the main menu bar or Use MB3 on the geometry (geometry view in the Operation Navigator) for which you

would like to create an operation and choose Insert -> Operation then, 1. Select Turning from the available templates in the Create Operation Dialog2. Select Threading using the Threading outer diameter or threading inner diameter

icons.3. Enter the desired Program, Geometry, Tool, Method and Name of operation.

WIRE EDMIntroduction to Wire EDMThe Wire EDM (Electrical Discharge Machine) manufacturing process consists of passing a straight metal wire through or about a metal work piece. The work piece sits in a bath of oil (or some other liquid), and an electric charge is applied to the metal work piece. In addition, another electric charge is applied to the wire. Material removal results from disintegration of the work piece at the wire contact due to electricity. The liquid bath helps to wash away the disintegrated material and acts as a coolant.

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Wire EDM

Wire guide holders on top and bottom support the wire. The wire guide is constrained to move in a plane, and the two planes for top and bottom are parallel. The wire is fed from pulleys attached to the wire guide holders. The purpose of this feeding is to constantly supply a fresh wire in order to insure a constant rate of material removal.

The machine tool may be either two or four axis. For the 2 axis type, both the upper and lower wire guides move in tandem creating only vertical walls. For the 4 axis type, the top and bottom guides may be positioned independently to create a taper or conic section. For instance to generate a cone, the top guide can be held fixed while the bottom guide follows a circular path.

Creating OperationsThere are two ways to create Wire EDM operations. The Create Operation dialog allows you to create individual operations. These operations have the roughing, finishing, cutoffs and backburn functions all contained within a single operation. The Create Geometry dialog allows you to create a sequence of operations. The roughing, finishing, cutoffs and backburn functions are each a separate operation.

Create Operation

In the Create Operation dialog, when you set the type to wire_edm you have the following choices for the subtypes.

External Trim operation Internal Trim operation No Core operation Open Profile operation

Create Geometry

In the Create Geometry dialog you can set the type to wire_edm and choose the subtype. This method automatically creates a geometry group with a sequence of operations.  You can choose either the External Trim Sequence or the Internal Trim Sequence as subtypes.  If you choose the External Trim Sequence, the system creates three operations: External Trim Rough, External Trim Cutoff and External Trim Finish.  If you choose the Internal Trim Sequence, the system also creates three operations: Internal Trim Rough, Internal Trim Backburn and Internal Trim Finish.  

These three operations use the same geometry. You can arrange them in any order in the Program View.  For instance, you may have three pockets you wish to cut.  You can have the system do all the roughing first unattended and then do the cutoffs and finish operations while the operator is present.

While specifying the boundary, it is important to keep in mind which type of Wire EDM operation (2 axis or 4 axis) you will be using. While External Trim, Internal Trim and Open Profile can be use with both 2 axis and 4 axis machines, No Core can only be used with a 2 axis machine.

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SubtypeWire EDM supports 2 and 4 axis profile and 2 axis no core operations. The subtype is defined in the Create Geometry and  Create Operation dialogs.

External TrimExternal Trim allows you to make an external profile cut or series of cuts around the outside of the boundary. The External Trim consists of the trim operation and the cutoff operation.

Trim is the main tool path that cuts the material to be removed. This leaves a tab that keeps the material from falling.

Cutoff cuts through the tab to let the material to be removed fall.

The figure below illustrates the function of these operations.

External Trim Operations

The Cutoff operation is optional and is generated only if it is specified as If you created an External Trim Sequence, you will get an additional Cutoff operation.  If you created an External Trim operation, the cutoff pass will be included in the External Trim operation.

The External Trim operation is available for both 2 and 4 axis machines.

Internal TrimInternal Trim allows you to make an internal profile cut or series of cuts on the inside of the boundary. If you select an Internal Trim Sequence you get three separate operations. If you select an Internal Trim operation you will have all three operations in a single operation.

Rough Passes are the tool paths that cut the bulk of the material to be removed. This leaves a tab that keeps that material from falling.

Backburn cuts through the tab to let the material to be removed fall.

Trim is the main profiling pass or passes.

The figure below illustrates the function of these operations.

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Internal Trim Operations

Finish Passes may be specified following the backburn as illustrated below.

Finish Pass for Internal Trim Operation

The Internal Trim operation is available for both 2 and 4 axis machines.

No CoreThe No Core option allows you to burn out the internal material of a part without generating slugs. Slugs are loose pieces of metal that may be created during the wire EDM process. When slugs are created they often get stuck inside the machine tool causing damage to the machine tool. Slugs may also cause the wire to move out of alignment and cause the part to be machined out of tolerance. In No Core, instead of cutting around the outside of the shape and leaving a slug, the tool path removes all of the material within the target region. It starts from the user defined start point (thread point) and removes the material in a spiral cut pattern within the region. If the target cut region contains existing holes or voids, time will not be wasted by feeding through those open areas.

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Internal No Core Operation

No Core begins cutting at the user defined thread point where a hole has been drilled. To avoid cutting through areas that have already been machined, the tool path cuts in spirals until it reaches a boundary or a void. Then it begins cutting in zigzag, concentric arcs without cutting the boundaries or the voids, or crossing over itself. This saves time by eliminating cut paths through areas that have already been cut.

If inner boundaries or a thread point have not been specified, the tool path cuts the selected Wire EDM geometry in follow part pattern.

Accessing and Using No Core

Click on the Create Operation icon to bring up the Create Operation dialog. In the Dialog under Type, select Wire EDM. In the Subtype Icon section, select the NOCORE icon, and then click OK. This brings

up the NOCORE dialog. In this dialog, go to the Wire EDM Geometry section and choose the Select button.

This brings up the Wire EDM Geometry dialog. Using this dialog select the outside part boundary and click OK. This brings you back

to the NOCORE dialog. In the NOCORE dialog go to the Inner Boundary section and choose the Select

button. This brings up the Create Inner Boundary dialog. Using this dialog define the inner boundaries around existing holes or voids that are

within the region to be burned out. Generate the operation.

Open ProfileOpen Profile allows you to make a cut or series of cuts along a boundary. This operation does not depend on the system to determine the material location, giving you control to specify where the material is, relative to the boundary. This operation is available for both 2 and 4 axis machines.


Introduction to Post ProcessingThis contains the following sections:

Postprocessing in general

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Postprocessing with Post Developing a Post Installing a Post

Postprocessing in GeneralYour primary use of the Manufacturing application is to generate NX tool paths in order to manufacture parts. Generally, you cannot just send an unmodified tool path file to a machine and start cutting because there are many different types of machines. Each type of machine has unique hardware capabilities and requirements; for instance, it can have a vertical or a horizontal spindle, it can cut while moving several axes simultaneously, etc.

Furthermore, each machine is controlled by a computer (i.e., controller). The controller accepts a tool path file and directs tool motion and other machine activity (e.g., turning the coolant or air on and off). Naturally, just as each type of machine has unique hardware characteristics, controllers also differ in software characteristics. For instance, most controllers require that the instruction for turning the coolant on be given in a particular code. Some controllers also restrict the number of M codes that are allowed in one line of output. This information is not in the initial NX tool path.

The tool path file hits the controller's brick wall of incompatibility. The tool path data is not formatted for the machine.

Therefore, the tool path must be modified to suit the unique parameters of each different machine/controller combination. The modification is called postprocessing. The result is a postprocessed tool path.

Two elements are essential for postprocessing. They are:

Tool Path Data This is an NX tool path.

A Postprocessor This is a program that reads the tool path data and reformats it for use with a particular machine and its accompanying controller.

The tool path data is reformatted by the postprocessor for the machine.

The postprocessor program is usually dedicated to a single type of machine/controller combination. You can modify postprocessor file parameters for functions of that particular type of machine/controller combination. However, you cannot modify the program for use with another type of machine/controller combination.

NX provides a generalized postprocessor program, Post, which uses NX tool path data as input, and outputs machine readable NC code. Post is highly customizable and can be used for both very simple and very complex machine tool/controller combinations.

Post Builder is the NX product that is used to customize the postprocessor for each machine tool/controller combination.

The Post PostprocessorPostprocessing with Post

NX provides the Post postprocessor that can properly format tool paths for specific types of machine/controller combinations. The Post postprocessor requires several elements:

Event Generator Is the NX core module that cycles through the events in a part file

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and communicates the data associated with each event to the Post postprocessor. An event is a collection of data, that when processed by Post, causes the NC machine to perform some specific action. This is activated by following the path Tools-->Operation Navigator-->Output-->Post Postprocessor, or the icon.

Event Handler (.tcl) Is a file containing a set of instructions dictating how each event type is to be processed. This is created with Postbuilder.

Definition File (.def) Is a file containing static information related to a particular machine tool/controller combination. This is created with Postbuilder.

Output File Is the file where the postprocessor puts the postprocessed NC instructions that will be read and executed by the machine tool.

Post User Interface file (.pui)

This is used by Postbuilder to edit the event handler and definition files.

The Event Generator, the Event Handler, and the Definition File are dependent upon each other. Together they transform the tool path data contained in the part file into a set of formatted instructions that they can be read and executed by a specific machine tool/controller combination.

The Post Postprocessor does the following:

Uses the Event Generator to read the events (tool path data) in the part file. Each event is processed according to the instructions contained in the Event Handler. The resulting instructions are formatted according to the information contained in the

Definition File. The postprocessed machine control instructions are written to the Output File.

The tool path data is postprocessed according to the instructions in the Event Handler and the formats in the Definition File.

Developing a PostTo develop a post, you must create an event handler and a definition file. The recommened method to create these is with Postbuilder. After creating a post, you will have three files: <post_name>.tcl, ~.def, and ~.pui.

Installing a PostIn order for a post to be available in NX, you must enter the name of the post and the locations of the Event Handler and definition file into the post configuration file, usually template_post.dat. This is pointed to by the entry TEMPLATE_POST in your CAM Configuration file.

Post ConceptsThis section describes the following basic concepts related to Post:

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The Manufacturing Output Manager (MOM) The Event Generator The Event Handler The Definition File The Output File

The Manufacturing Output Manager (MOM)The Manufacturing Output Manager (MOM) is an event driven tool for creating output based upon stored data. Post is one application of this tool.

The Manufacturing Output Manager is the central core of the Post postprocessor. Post uses the MOM architecture to start the translator; add functions and data to the translator; and load event handlers and definition files.

A supplied program, called an Event Generator, cycles through the tool path data extracting each event and its associated variable information and passes it on to the Manufacturing Output Manager for processing. The MOM passes the event with its associated data to a program, that you have previously developed, called an Event Handler to determine what needs to be done for each event.

The Event Handler processes the event then returns the data to be output to the MOM. The MOM reads the Definition File to determine how to format the output. The MOM then writes the formatted output to the specified Output File.

The Event GeneratorThe Event Generator is a supplied program that extracts tool path data from the part file and passes it to the Manufacturing Output Manager (MOM) as events and parameters. Each event causes some specific action at the NC machine tool when it is executed. The information stored in the parameters associated with the event are used to further define the specific action.

The Event HandlerThe Event Handler is a set of instructions that you must develop for each machine/controller combination for which you intend to process tool path data. Each Event Handler must contain a set of instructions for each type of event that you want Post to process. These instructions will define how the tool path data is to be processed and how each event is to be executed at the machine tool. The language that you must use to define these instructions is TCL.

The Definition FileThe definition file mainly contains static information about a specific machine tool (one definition file for each machine).

Most NC machines use addresses for each of the variables that control the machine. For example, the address X is used to store the value of the X coordinate of the end position of a Linear move. Each command line in an NC program changes the state of the machine by changing the state of its addresses. Post will provide tools that use the information in the definition file to format NC commands. These tools will be provided as an extension to core TCL. The definition file contains the following:

General machine attributes The addresses that are supported by the machine The attributes of each address (format, max, min) A set of block templates that describes how the addresses fit together to perform an

action on the machine. For example, the command G01 X[Xval] Y[Yval] Z[Zval] performs a linear move.

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The Output FileThe Output File is file that you will specify, at the time that Post is executed, to be the holder of the NC commands that will be executed at the machine tool. The contents of the Output File is controlled by the Event Handler that was active when Post is executed. The format of the NC commands contained in the Output File is controlled by the Definition File that was active at the time that Post is executed.

Questions 1. What is MCS?2. What is the default tool axis?3. What is the difference between Face and Planar milling?4. Is it possible to give curves or edges as cut area in Face milling?5. What is meant by Step over distance?6. Where should we use step over, scallop and constant?7. What is meant by RAMP?8. What is the difference between part stock and wall stock?9. What is the purpose of Avoidance?10. What are the different types of cut method?11. What is meant by check?12. What is meant by trim?13. Where can we give cutter compensation?14. What is meant by cut level?15. What is the difference between depth of cut and feed?16. What is the difference between from point and Start point in avoidance?17. Why we are giving number of sets in drilling?18. What is the difference between peck and break chip drilling?19. How will you define cut area in turning?

How do you generate NC code?