Download - Contemporary Worship APNC Nominating Committee · 2018. 4. 15. · MOMENT FOR MISSIONYouth are selling boxed greeting cards and Tervis tumblers today in the Gathering Place, with

Page 1: Contemporary Worship APNC Nominating Committee · 2018. 4. 15. · MOMENT FOR MISSIONYouth are selling boxed greeting cards and Tervis tumblers today in the Gathering Place, with

125 S. 3rd Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 762-6688


The music of the Opening Voluntary draws us from the outside world into the presence of God. In preparation for worship, you are invited

to use this time for prayerful reflection.

OPENING VOLUNTARY John Tabler “Prelude on Slane” - Gerre Hancock WELCOME Richard Aylor

[Please pass the friendship register down the row for each person to sign.] MOMENT FOR MISSION Presbyterian Women CALL TO WORSHIP (from Psalm 4)

Answer me when I call to you, O God of my right! You gave me room when I was in distress; be gracious to me and hear my prayer. There are many who say, “O that we might see some good!”

Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Lord! For you, O Lord, have put gladness in my heart. More gladness, O Lord, than when grain and wine abound.

+HYMN 1 “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!” NICAEA

CALL TO CONFESSION Brothers and sisters, why do we confess our sin even on the day of resurrection? Because new life in the Risen Christ Compels new life from us. But why do we do it together? Because we are a community, A covenant people of hope.

“This I Believe (The Creed)” WELCOME Richard Aylor MOMENT FOR MISSION Presbyterian Women OPENING PRAYER AND PASSING OF THE PEACE The Peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. “Hosanna (Praise Is Rising)” “Great Are You Lord” TIME WITH THE YOUNG CHURCH [Three year olds through second graders are invited to come forward, place their offering in the plate and have prayer with the minister before leaving with their teachers for Children’s Worship in Room 205.] COMMUNITY CONCERNS AND PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE REFLECTION AND OFFERING FIRST LESSON Psalm 4

SECOND LESSON Luke 24: 36-48 SERMON Dan Lewis

“Still Talking”

“Jesus Messiah”


First Presbyterian Church Growing in Faith and Love

Contemporary Worship Gilmour Hall 9:00 AM

Leading in Worship this morning:

Dan Lewis, Senior Pastor Richard Aylor, Associate Pastor

Hannah Vaughan, Liturgist John Tabler, Director of Music

Benjamin Horrell, Asst. Music Director Jen Mueske, Contemporary Worship Leader

WEEKLY UPDATES APNC Nominating Committee A congregational meeting will be held immediately following the 11am worship service today to elect an Associate Pastor Nominating Committee. The nominating committee has prepared the following slate of nominees: Billy King, Chair; Betsy Weinberg, Vice Chair; Lisa Murray; Joel Van Pelt; Ben Rigby; Julie Flynt; Sara Stephens, Youth Representative. Youth Fundraiser Youth are selling boxed greeting cards and Tervis tumblers today in the Gathering Place, with Roost-er and Rose Window patches. Boxed cards are $10 for 20 or $15 for 40. Tumblers are $20 or 2 for $30. Proceeds support Youth community service projects. Youth We are collecting for the Be the Light Birthday Bash birthday bags for Wilmington children living in poverty. Please bring sprinkles jars and small boxes of candles to the Gathering Place. Youth Birth-day Bash packing party is tonight at Pine Valley Baptist 6-8pm. Pilgrimage summer mission trip to DC June 24-29 is now open to friends of members at FPC website. Presbyterian Women Migrant Worker Kits In partnership with Church Women United and in celebration of World Friendship Day, the circles of Presbyterian Women have committed to fill toiletry kits for migrant workers. A full listing of requested items is located in the Gathering Space along with a box for donated hygiene items, which will be accepted through April 25th. Stephen Ministry

Those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles. Isaiah 40:31. “Faith shines even brighter when the road ahead looks dark.” “When you feel all of life crushing you, remember you can call upon God to renew your strength.” And you can call for a Stephen Minister to support, encourage, and pray with you. Please consider calling the church, 762-6688, or calling Janice Clark, 228-8584.

Service of Remembrance Members of the congregation are cordially invited to a short service of remembrance and thanksgiv-ing led by Dr. Dan Lewis in the Columbarium and Memorial Garden immediately following the 11am worship service on April 22nd. It will be a time to give thanks for Jesus’ promise that He goes to pre-pare a place for us and that where He is, we may be also. Everyone is invited to join in the proces-sion as a piper leads us to a serene and peaceful place for the interred and remembered. Refresh-ments will be served. First at the Farm Everyone is invited to Five Eagles Farm in Rocky Point on Sunday, April 29th from 3-6pm. Join us in celebrating this annual event for an afternoon of barbecue, hay rides, games and live music provided by Stray Local, led by choir member, Hannah Lomas. Please let us know if you will be there by re-serving your tickets in advance through the church website. Adult tickets: $10. Children’s tickets: $5. Music At First A concert will be performed by Master Organist, Joby Bell in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the James Sprunt Memorial organ in the Sanctuary. Everyone is invited to attend this joyous and historical occasion on Sunday, May 13th at 5pm with a reception, hosted by Open Arms, immediately following in the Gathering Place. Worship and Wonder Do you love working with children, in a lovely setting, telling the most precious stories of God’s word? Worship and wonder is looking for you. Commitments are planned well in advance, and average about one Sunday a month. Email Margaret Chandler ([email protected]) or Glo Lynch ([email protected]). Scheduling Information Please call the church office or email [email protected] to reserve a room or change a reservation. If you have any joys or concerns to share, please call the church office (762-6688). Want the ‘Weekly Update’ email? Send a message to [email protected].


Third Sunday of Easter April 15, 2018

Pastor on Call - (910) 338-9109 *Please leave a message and the Pastor will return your call.

REMINDER: Please be sure to silence all electronic devices upon entering the sanctuary.

Page 2: Contemporary Worship APNC Nominating Committee · 2018. 4. 15. · MOMENT FOR MISSIONYouth are selling boxed greeting cards and Tervis tumblers today in the Gathering Place, with


+HYMN 254 “That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright” PUER NOBIS NASCITUR

+AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (from Romans 8) What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else? Who will bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? It is Christ Jesus, who died, yes, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Hannah Vaughan OFFERING OFFERTORY ANTHEM (11:00) “Sing A New Song" - Roland E. Martin Sing a new song to the Lord, wonders he has done. His right hand and holy arm victory have won, the Lord makes known his triumph, his righteousness is shown. In the sight of all the nations his glory shall be known. He recalls his faithful love to his Israel; he remembers his love. All the ends of the earth have seen, and his glory tell. Acclaim the Lord, all you peoples, lift your voice, rejoice and sing, with trumpet, harp, and voices, shout with joy before the King! Let the sea resound with praise and all that dwell therein, the lands around the earth his praise begin. Then clap your hands you rivers, and mountains lift your voice. The Lord our God shall come, and his people shall rejoice. Psalm 98

+DOXOLOGY (606) OLD HUNDREDTH Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

PRAYER OF CONFESSION Almighty God, in raising Jesus from the grave, you shattered the

power of sin and death. We confess that we remain captive to

doubt and fear, bound by the ways that lead to death. We

overlook your suffering ones and abuse your good creation. We

hide your good news and forget your claim on our lives. Forgive

us, God of Mercy, and help us to trust your power to change our

lives and make us new, through Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord…


ASSURANCE OF PARDON (from 1 Corinthians 15)

Brothers and sisters, if for this life only we have hoped in Christ, We are of all people most to be pitied. But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, The first fruits of those who have died. For as all die in Adam, So all will be made alive in Christ. Let us all believe this good news: In Jesus Christ, there is life eternal!

+GLORIA PATRI (581) GREATOREX Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, World without end. Amen, Amen.

PASSING OF THE PEACE The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all! And also with you!


[Three year olds through second graders are invited to come forward, place their offering in the plate and have prayer with the minister before leaving with their teachers for Children’s Worship. Ages 3-K meet in Room 208; Grades 1 & 2 meet in Room 311.]



The Word of the Lord Pew Bible P. 490 Thanks be to God.

SECOND LESSON Luke 24: 36-48

The Word of the Lord Pew Bible P. 91 Thanks be to God

SERMON Dan Lewis

“Still Talking”

+PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING AND THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


+HYMN 295 “Go to the World” SINE NOMINE


If you leave before worship’s conclusion, please do so silently in consideration of others.

TODAY’S SERVICE Welcome to First Presbyterian Church! We are glad you are worship-ping with us this morning and hope that you find your experience of wor-ship to be uplifting and meaningful. We invite all of our guests to visit our Welcome Center which is located near the central staircase in the build-ing near the door facing Orange Street. Any Usher (designated with a name tag) will be glad to answer your questions and help you find your way around. For help finding ways to connect with the ministries and peo-ple in this community of faith, or for information about joining our church, contact Allison Cockrill, Membership Coordinator, at [email protected]. We offer a nursery for infants and toddlers during the worship services (8:30am-12:30pm). Children 3 years old through 2nd grade begin in the main service, and then go to “Worship and Wonder,” a Worship experi-ence designed especially for children which is offered during the 9am and 11am worship services. Children who remain in worship (3rd grade and older) are encouraged to pick up a Kids’ Worship Sheet as they enter the sanctuary. Each child can use this sheet to help follow along in the wor-ship service. Please feel free to ask an usher or greeter if you need wire-less audio receivers, large-print bulletins and hymnals, directions to the nursery, children’s worship classrooms, restrooms, or access ramps. The flowers in the Chapel are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Reverend James Lindsay Johnson from Dr. and Mrs. Ferrell Shuford.

The flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Robert Vernon Jeter by his mother Martha B. Jeter.

[+You are invited to stand. For each hymn, please stand as the last line of the introduction is played.]