Download - Contact Information Parish Office: 207 Vandalia Street Ss Woodward Fr. Henry Schmidt Homebound Parishioners

Page 1: Contact Information Parish Office: 207 Vandalia Street Ss Woodward Fr. Henry Schmidt Homebound Parishioners


Contact Information Parish Office: 207 Vandalia Street Phone 345-4343 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM-4:00 PM Friday 8:30AM-3:30 PM

Parish Center 301 Vandalia

School 210 N. Morrison 344-5450

Parish Prayer Line 344-4108 Staff Rev. John P. Beveridge, Pastor Ext. 100 Deacon Jim Hill Ext. 104 Deacon Jimmy Ghiglione, Director of Faith Formation Ext. 101 Patricia Kirk, Principal Ext. 200 Maggie Brennan, Director of Pastoral Care Ext. 111 Teri Lesicko, Director Finance & Development Ext. 105 Michelle Trimble, Accounting Manager Ext. 106 Camille Emig-Hill, Director HR & Communications Ext. 102 Nick Robinson, Ext. 107 Music Director

Masses Weekend Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Weekday Monday Communion Service 8:15 AM Tuesday - Friday 8:15 AM First Friday Masses 8:15 AM Holy Day Masses Eve of Holyday 6:30 PM Holyday 8:15 AM & 6:30 PM

Sacraments Confessions: Saturday 3:00-4:00 PM Thursday before First Friday 4:00 PM until all are heard Marriage: Contact the parish office. Annulments & Counseling: Ariel Martin 618-205-8656 Baptism: Contact the parish office for registration forms and scheduling information.

Visit our Website

Catholic Church Ss. Peter & Paul

Page 2: Contact Information Parish Office: 207 Vandalia Street Ss Woodward Fr. Henry Schmidt Homebound Parishioners

Remember In Your Prayers

Maj Matthew Derfler Army MSgt Glen Davis Air Force Cpl Larry Tyler Marine Corps MSgt Adam Mercer Air Force SSgt Britt M. Sherman Army Capt Michael A. Shah Army Capt Jacob Lewis Marine Corps Lcpl Juan A. Gonzales Marine Corps Pvt Monica Gonzalez Army Fc3 Matthew Wehmeyer Navy Lcpl Michael I. Guide Marine Corps SSgt Daniel Husbands Air Force MSgt Hugh Weise Marine Corps Lt Joshua A. Reeder Navy Pfc Gary Voegtle Army Maj Michael W. Meyer, Jr.

CW04 Jerry Hunter Army MSgt Ben Bohnenstiehl

Air Force

AOM Ed Clark Navy SrA Mark Kimball Air Force 2Lt Adam Fischer Marine Corps SSgt David Bednara Air Force Capt Scott Heimann Army AOM Jack Matthews Navy Col Ed Hulten Army CPO Edward Mahoney Navy SrA Kelly Mahoney Air Force Sgt Daniel Manning Air Force David Zagorski Natl Guard LCpl Dominic Blackburn

Marine Corps

2Lt Nathen Walker Navy MM3 Seth C. Popov Navy Amn Manny K. Soto Air Force Ens. Bobby Bitzer Navy 2Lt Zachary Auer Air Force Pfc. Kenneth Denson Marine Corp Sgt. Dustin Shuman USAF 1Lt David Jackstadt Army

Please pray for these men and women serving in our armed forces:

Joe Giacoletto Estelle Rangle Sandy Walter Anna Kussmann Brian & family Liberty Lawrence Camille Emig-Hill Lisa (Koke) Bohnenstiehl Jackson Kettenbach Susie Job Michael Lutman Laurie Woods Lucille Mossa Jackson Cruthis Bob Machinsky Diane Mottin Thomas Colombara Geraldine Ropak Mary Crites Jane Starr Alice Zagorski Alexandra Jordan Woodward Fr. Henry Schmidt Homebound Parishioners Cody & Lucas Wilson Wayne Moore Dolly Livingston Brendan Hicks

Matthew Slovinski Jeff Bear Rebecca Boyce Liz Sanchez-Setser Herman Wenos Eileen Fohne Valerie Bates Virginia York Nancy Smith Jason Doyle Janit Kehl George Gregurec Bernice McCarthy Ron Rauh Jim Wilson Laura Bigham John Galvin Seth Mascellino Sandy Phillips Bob Boulch Jean Fournie Jim Green Randy Moore Donna Johnston Leona Peskar Jackie Bosworth Pray for Families Expecting/Adopting: Sadie and Andrew McDonald

Rest in Peace

John Hood

The Ordination Mass at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral on June 19 at 6 pm will be streamed live on the diocesan website at, Facebook page at, and on its YouTube channel at Bishop Paprocki will ordain Mr. Christopher Trummer to the Order of Deacons and Deacons Dave Beagles, Michael Berndt, Peter Chineke, Michael Meinhart, Michael Trummer, and Dominic Vah-ling to the Order of Priests.

Ordination Mass to Be Live Streamed June 19

Page 3: Contact Information Parish Office: 207 Vandalia Street Ss Woodward Fr. Henry Schmidt Homebound Parishioners

From the Desk Of Fr. John Congratulations to all graduates of 2020! Most of the celebrations have been moved and celebrated in different ways. We are celebrating our SSPP graduation in our church parking lot this Sunday….with all the safety precautions we are required to follow. However…we all join in congratulating our graduates for their accom-plishments and this new step in their lives. Here at SSPP Parish School we are particularly proud of our graduating 8th grade class. It will be one to be remembered…for sure. Each of the students and families have been so supportive of the whole effort to keep their children and fami-lies safe…that is very crucial…and all those be-yond family members…especially the most vul-nerable. Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made…and all the growth that has taken place. We are all in this together…and we will make it through together….that is what everyone is saying now. We are required to do certain things to keep people safe…and we hope to do just that. We may think that SSPP is different…but look at all the other schools…high schools…colleges that have to do the same…and even MORE! What I see are teachers who have given more than 100% of themselves to make this a real learning experience. Parents have adjusted their schedules and lives to make sure this all happens. It is not so much different…in a way…from resetting schedules for sport activities…etc. etc. and we all seem to adjust. This is a matter of life and death…over 75,000 who have died be-cause of this virus. Now just stop and think…how many families have been devastated be-cause of this Pandemic…it is catastrophic. The numbers are staggering…all of the population of Collinsville…Maryville…Edwardsville…Caseyville…all would be wiped out and gone! We cannot play down the seriousness of all this effort to contain…and control the spread of such a deadly…deadly disease! Bishop Paprocki reminds us that ‘Social Dis-tancing’ is still in effect…with not more than 10 persons for those special religious services…a funeral…a simple wedding…possibly a baptism.

We cannot…cannot resume the public celebra-tion of Mass…as of yet. The exception is when we live-stream the Mass and other ministers are needed…a musician, deacon, lector…but not to exceed the 10 person limit. There are discus-sions under way about other options…when the time comes…gradually returning to some sched-ule of Mass celebrations, etc. Let us ask the Lord to bless all of our efforts to stay safe…and to grow in our faith and hunger for the Eucha-rist…remember…Bishop Paprocki has granted all of us the dispensation from Mass…that dis-pensation is still in effect. Ascension of the Lord…is normally celebrat-ed 40 days after Easter…which would place the Feast on a Thursday…which in the past we called ‘Ascension Thursday.’ However…most of us in the US do not get the opportunity to attend the Mass on that day…so in our Metro-politan Province of Chicago (all of Illinois)…and almost all other dioceses of the U.S., the Feast has been permanently transferred to the nearest Sunday. That means that the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated this year next Sunday May 24. At the Last Supper Jesus had so many things to remind and teach His disciples before leaving them…in His death, resurrection…and ascension. He was forming them to carry on the mission the Father had given Him. When Je-sus appeared to His disciples after His resurrec-tion, He would affirm that mission again… ‘Peace be with you…as the Father has sent me, so I send you.’ When Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, He gave them an example…as deeply and completely as He showed love for them…they were to put that into practice. By their life and ministry, they were revealing God’s unconditional love and revealing the presence of the Kingdom of God. Jesus said… ‘You will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these.’ Now we celebrate the completion of Jesus’ earthly mission…but it continues…through the disciples…through the Church enlivened by the Holy Spirit.

Page 4: Contact Information Parish Office: 207 Vandalia Street Ss Woodward Fr. Henry Schmidt Homebound Parishioners

Weekly Generosity Report Collections Week Of 05/3/20

Parish Operation Collection Additional Offerings

General Contribu ons $18,474 ACSA $121

Angel/Red Bag Fund $68 Cemetery $110

Annual Fund $7,878 Diocesan 2nd Collec-

on $0

Building Fund $343 Holy Cross - Guatemala $0

Easter Collec on $260

St. Vincent de Paul $105

Memorials/Bequests $0 Total Addi onal Offerings $336

Total Income $27,023

Budgeted Income $17,000 Construc on Fund

Overage/-Shortage $10,023 Capital Campaign $1,430 HVAC Campaign $51

Fiscal Year To Date Overage/-Shortage $43,110

Total Parish Construc on Fund $1,481

Food Pantry Needs Donations

The Collinsville Food Pantry is continuing to operate during the pandemic. Our St. Vincent DePaul Society is closed and members are working with the Food Pantry, including taking over SVDPS clients. The Food Pantry has stopped receiving any donations from the com-munity to try and limit expo-sure and the passing of the virus on donated items. The Food Pantry requests only monetary donations so it can order in bulk directly from the warehouse to limit the number of people who come into contact with the food items. To donate go to and scroll down until you see the DONATE button. Or you can always mail a check to Collins-ville Food Pantry, 201 E. Church, Collinsville, IL 62234.

Mass Intentions (Fr. John is holding daily

private masses) Saturday, May 16 4:30 pm Marcella Heim Sunday, May 17 8:00 am Ben & Ella Loyet Monday, May 18 8:15 am Mary Wenos Tuesday, May 19 8:15 am Sue Popov Wednesday, May 20 8:15 am Linda Sanford Thursday, May 21 8:15 am Doris Griness Friday, May 22 8:15 am Dean Woods Saturday, May 23 4:30pm Richard & Mary Vojas Sunday, May 24 8:00 am Walter “ Boots” Mizulski

Page 5: Contact Information Parish Office: 207 Vandalia Street Ss Woodward Fr. Henry Schmidt Homebound Parishioners

Easter is a season of celebra-tion and joy. But what about times when we struggle with adversity: illness, grief, fear, or uncertainty about the future? At these moments, it may seem less clear how the Easter story is our story. We can take com-fort in knowing that this was exactly the situation for Je-sus’ friends and followers, not only during his Passion, but even in the earliest days of the Resurrection. It took time for them to recognize the reality of the Resurrection, and it can take time for us as well. The truth of the Resurrection is that God’s love is victorious. That is the essence of our faith. Love wins out over hate. Good wins out over evil. Life wins out over death. And yet, Jesus’ friends had to discover this over time in their lived ex-perience. Sometimes, so do we. Consider the ways we see the discovery of the Resurrection unfold in Scripture. Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb and finds it emp-ty, and initially she weeps, thinking that the body of her beloved one is gone and that she will never be near to Him again. She is in deep mourning. It takes time for Mary to meet the resurrected Jesus and to recognize that it is really Him and not the gardener. The Resurrection has already happened when the disciples are still hiding out in the upper room. Jesus breaks into the room against all their expectations. For them, it is an experience of utter surprise. Soon after, Thomas doubts and will not believe until he can see Jesus for himself. His experience of the world does not match the celebratory mood of the others, who have already had their Easter experi-ence. The friends who walk on the road to Em-maus spend a long time with Jesus right there in their midst, before they later recognize Him in the burning of their hearts and the breaking of the bread. He is right there, walking alongside them at every moment, yet their recognition takes time. Peter, when he is out on the boat, spots Jesus

and leaps into the sea to get to him; it might seem that Peter, at least, has no doubts as to what he is seeing. But even in his en-thusiasm and insight, it takes breakfast on the sea-shore and a talk on the beach to grow more fully into understand-ing what the Resurrection means for him, especially in terms of the healing of his companionship with the Lord. These stories and others help us to remember that it is not my ac-tion that makes Easter happen. It is not about “willing myself” into the Easter mindset. Rather, it is about taking the time to be atten-tive to God’s creative action. God’s unstoppable love resur-rected Jesus from the dead. And

it is God’s love and not my own action that will lead to our own resurrections—both our bodily resurrections (someday) and the ways we experience new life now, in the midst of fear, suffering, grief, and even death. Our part is simply to acknowledge my feelings, pay attention, wonder, and pray. If I am feeling emptiness or grief, I can bring my sense of emptiness to God and, like Mary Magda-lene, wait for God, paying attention to where I might find new life beyond the tomb. If I am feeling fear and am shut inside my own room, I can bring those fears to God and know that God will enter right into that space with me. God can surprise me beyond the confines of my own un-derstanding. If I am feeling doubt, I can express these doubts to God and, like Thomas, wonder how God invites me to touch the reality of the Resurrection. If I am feeling a desire for increased connection with God, I can let God walk with me, talk with me, and even “feed” me with the divine presence. I can let myself love God and let God love me in turn. Think about your own Easter experience. Where is there new life? Where is there wonder? Where do you see God’s love made real? (from Ignatian Spirituality

The Resurrection: God’s Love Is Victorious

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Staying in Community Parish Rosary Daily at 7:15 pm : To call in: 425-436-6386 Access Code: 219053# Or online: Mass with Father John: On parish website every Sunday morning and streamed live on Facebook at 4 pm Satur-days. Live streamed every Wednesday at 8:15 am on Face-book Confessions: Saturday at 3-4 pm Enter through South Johnson St. Door Office Doors Open: Thursdays from 11 am – 2 pm (NEW HOURS) for pick up or drop off.

Isabella Amoussou Landon Ball Emma Berg Sean Boehne Katelynn Bone Hannah Eade Robert Freeman Christopher Grotefendt Ella Guerrero Jessi Guzman

Adrienne Jines William Kennedy Edwin Kircher Faith Kossina Kylie Lee Samuel Michals Giovanni Perez Molly Ronzo Hannah Small John Traubitz

Congratulations to the Class of 2020!

Graduation to be held Sunday, May 17 at 10:30 am in front of the Gathering Space doors. Although only the graduates’ immediate family (in one car) is invited,

we will live stream the ceremonies on the school Facebook page so family and friends can watch.

Scrip For Sale Parish Office Thursdays

11 am—2 pm Or call or email

Michelle 345-4343 Ext. 106

mtrimble@saintspeter-paul. org