Download - Consumption and Production of Livestock … and Production of Livestock Products in Japan ... Japanese dietary patterns


Consumption and Production of Livestock Products in Japan -The past, Present and Future-

Shinichi KobayashiDepartment of Animal Science and Resources

Nihon University

1. The consumption of livestock products since the World War Ⅱ

Trend in per capita annual meat consumption









1955 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 2000


Total meat Beef Pork Chicken Others

The consumption had increased steeply

because of the Westernization of eating

and reflecting rising income levels



Japanese dietary patterns1960 1997

Meat 5.2kg 30.7kg

Milk & mp 22.2kg 93.2kg

Eggs 6.3kg 17.6kg

Livestock p. 90kcal 435kcal

ratio to daily 3.9% 16.5%energy supply

Net supply of meat by variety











1960 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 2000

Growth rate of annual meat consumption(%)

meat beef pork chicken others

1960s 10.3 7.5 18.2 17.2 15.6

1970s 6.3 6.2 8.5 8.8 3.6

1980s 2.3 5.0 1.8 3.2 -6.4

1990s 1.0 4.0 0.2 0.6 -8.0

total 4.5 5.3 6.5 6.8 0.6

Note; average by decades from 1960s to the 90s

The rate of growth was not constant but has

been declining decade after decade.

The rate of growth of consumption varied by

varieties of meat.

Share of each meat consumption type (estimate) �i ���j

1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

Beef Household use 70 62 56 48 43 37

Manufacturing 13 14 14 9 8 9

Food service industry 17 24 30 43 49 54

Pork Household use 59 52 46 40 40 41

Manufacturing 19 25 27 30 31 28

Food service industry 22 23 27 30 29 31

Chicken Household use 52 46 40 32 30 31

Manufacturing 3 4 7 8 11 9

Food service industry 45 50 53 60 59 60

The increase in demand took place more in

the food service industry than in the home.


Japanese dietary patterns To summarize,

the growth of per capita meat consumption

during the 1960s and the 1970s had centered

on pork and chicken, but in the 1980s beef led

the growth of meat consumption.

Until early 1990s, beef consumption,

especially imported beef, is the meat

accounting for most of the growth.

International comparison of willingness to consume meat Japan USA Australia Thailand Taiwan China Korea

Beef 99 80 93 63 82 138 116

Pork 92 90 91 87 71 100 77

Chicken 102 118 111 93 88 135 99

Turkey 54 124 95 62 63 89 58

Ham & sausage 84 81 98 78 58 80 69

Eggs 120 87 102 131 131 151 145

Milk 139 104 110 135 154 125 171

Yoghurt 121 117 116 125 105 99 96

Cheese 98 80 95 67 91 71 76

Fish 150 131 132 139 141 165 63

Vegetable 164 156 147 153 162 170 125

Fruits 153 153 147 156 162 172 166

Source:Kobayashi,Koizumi,Nagano & others(1994)

Note:Consumer attitude index=More - Less(in terms of percentage share of answer)+100

no item in the group of meats of which the above

index exceeds 120

The value of the index dropped to 62 in 2002 and

recovered to only 64 in 2004 due to the impact of BSE in Japan (2001) and in the USA (2004).

Changes in willingness to consume meat

1984 1988 1990 1994 1996 1998 2002 2004

Beef 120 127 116 99 63 97 62 64

Pork 112 99 85 92 91 107 94 97

Chicken 118 120 100 102 92 109 96 95

Eggs 125 124 109 120 107 111 116 109

Milk 134 140 127 139 113 118 115 113

Yoghurt 119 122 113 121 114 125 118 112

Fish 134 141 134 150 132 130 146 137

Vegetables 163 154 142 164 138 136 151 146

Source:Kobayashi,Koizumi,Nagano & others

Note:Consumer attitude index=More - Less(in terms of percentage share of answer)+100

Stagnating demand for livestock

products the per capita consumption is still low

compared to foreign countries’

difficult to foresee an increase in it up to the

level of the Western people

Japanese take less calories than people in

the West

misgivings about excessive intake of calories

and fat amid spreading adult illness

consuming a lot of fish: 36.0kg in 1994

Recent Livestock Diseases &

Related Incidents in Japan

1996 E-coli O-157

2000 FMD

Snow Brand milk poisoning incident

2001 BSE

2003 BSE(USA)

2004 Avian Influenza

Consciousness for the safety of meat

2002 2004 2002 2004

Beef 2.1 2.7 2.0 1.9

Pork 2.6 3.1 2.1 2.2

Chicken 2.7 3.0 2.1 2.1

Fish 3.0 3.2 2.3 2.3

Note:5-grade answers from "No"(1) to "Yes"(5)

Domestic Imported

The average levels for either domestic or

imported meats were relatively low, though

domestic meats were always higher than

imported ones.

Consumer consciousness of agricultural products

2002 2004

USA Australia

Domestic food are safer than imported ones. 3.5 3.7 4.0 3.6 3.9

Farmers produce safe foods. - 3.2 2.7 2.8 2.9

Food manufacturers and distributors pay enough attention to safety. 2.8 3.0 2.7 2.0 2.6

The government pays enough attention to food safety. 2.8 3.2 2.6 2.1 2.6

Source:Kobayashi,Koizumi,Nagano & others

Note:5-grade answers from "No"(1) to "Yes"(5) are indexed.



As far as food safety is concerned, domestic products are

always valued far above imported ones.

Consumers simultaneously have a greater distrust of

producers, distributors and the government.

This reveals a complicated consciousness on the part of

consumers in Japan.

Food safety

The Japanese Government introduced two

major policies in terms of food safety after the

BSE incidence.

First, restructured its organization and

created the Food Safety Committee

independently from the Ministry of Agriculture,

Forestry and Fisheries and also the Ministry

of Welfare and Labor in July 2003.

Second, The beef traceability law has been

enforced from December 2003.

2. The Characteristics of

Livestock Production

the Number of domestic animals (index 1950=100)

dairy cow

beef cattle









1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

The number of livestock farms (unit:’000)

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

dairy cow 133 410 308 115 63 34


cattle 1,986 2,032 902 364 232 117

pig 459 799 445 141 43 12

layer 3,754 3,839 1,696 187 87 5

broiler - - 18 8 6 3

The Number of animals per farm

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

dairy cow 1 2 6 18 33 52

beef cattle 1 1 2 6 12 24

pig 1 2 14 71 272 817

layer 4 14 95 831 2,046 28,646

broiler - - 3,054 15,796 27,210 36,137

The reasons why Japanese livestock

industries have developed so rapidly

Coarse grain as feed can be imported with no tariff under the feed import policy.

Livestock farmers can enlarge their size free from constraint of limited farmland.

Import restriction of livestock products and price stabilization system have supported farmers’


Sharp increase in the consumer demand for livestock products stimulated production of livestock products.

Sustainable development of

the livestock Industry

Livestock sectors have been facing

several difficulties such as

a large volume of rural imports,

stagnant demand and

helplessness of the price support


Sustainable development of

the livestock Industry

Sustainable development of

the livestock Industry

Need to make clear the raison d’etre of

livestock farming ,


Food supply

Partner in recycling of resources

Utilization and conservation of farm land

Landscape conservation etc.,

Grazing on a wasted land

Farm land esp. in the mountainous areas have been

abandoned due to economical and social reasons.

Grazing cattle is the handy way to conserve farm


