Download - Consumer Survey Infollion v5

  • 8/6/2019 Consumer Survey Infollion v5


  • 8/6/2019 Consumer Survey Infollion v5


    iv. Professional working part timev. Do not work

    h. What is your partners occupation:i. Self employed owns businessii. Worker factory/laboureriii. Professional working full timeiv. Professional working part timev. Does not work

    i. What is your primary (usual) mode of conveyance:i. Public transportii. Own two-wheeleriii. Own car

    Category: Juices/Nectars and Fruit Drinks:

    The aim of this section of the survey is to understand the current consumption pattern andpreferences of the consumer with respect tojuices and nectars.

    2. Understand the products that customers currently buy Distinguish between purchaseof juices/nectars and fruit drinks

    a. [Screener]Which brands do you most commonly purchase in the fruit based beverages space?

    i. Tropicana, Real, Freshgold, Onjus, KDD, Ceres [Surveyor note: Skip to the sectionheaded Category: Juices/Nectars]

    ii. Frooti, Maaza, Slice, LMN, Nimbooz, Minute Maid Pulpy Orangeiii. Both of the above [Surveyor note: Skip to the section headed Category: Juices/Nectars]iv. None of the above

    b. [Surveyor note: Ask only if the answer to 2a. is ii or iv]If you do not purchase juices and nectars (like Tropicana, Real etc.), i.e youanswered ii or iv above, why not?(Tick whatever is applicable)

    i. I dont see any value in paying extra for juices (compared to Frooti, Slice etc.)ii. They are too expensive I cannot afford themiii. Others (please specify) ________________

    [Surveyor note: Skip to the section headed Category: Flavoured Milk]

    Category: Juices/Nectars

    3. Understand buyer behaviour for each category: To understand current consumptionpatterns consumption volume, purchase frequency, brands, channels etc.(Tick the closest answer)

    a. How would you describe your usual purchase of juices?i. Regular purchase (eg. Part of weekly/monthly shopping for groceries)ii. Impulse purchase I buy it if I am in a store and happen to see something

    attractiveiii. Impulse purchase I buy it if I am outside the house, thirsty and want

    something to drink

  • 8/6/2019 Consumer Survey Infollion v5


    b. How often do you buy juice?i. > 2 times a weekii. Once a weekiii. 1 2 times a monthiv. Less than once a month

    c. What is the volume of juice that you consume on an average:i. < 1 Litre per month (infrequent)ii. 1 2 Litres per month (occasional consumption)iii. 1 2 Litres per week (frequent consumption)iv. > 3 Litres per week (regular consumption)

    d. What is the usual pack size that you purchasei. 1 L Tetrapakii. 200 ml Tetrapakiii. Other (please specify)

    e. Where do you usually purchase juices/nectars(Pick the top 3 in order of their importance)

    Channel (Rank the top 3)

    Supermarket (Big Bazaar, Reliance Mart, Spencers, FoodWorld)

    Local grocery store

    Daily purchase stores/ paanwalla


    Canteen/gym/railway kiosks

    Others (please specify)____________________________________

    4. Establish juice awareness, who the actual consumer is, and whether decision making(brands, flavours, consumption occasion etc.) varies for kids vs adults

    [Surveyor note: Questions 4 a to g are to be answered through the table after question 4g]

    a. What are the juice brands that you have heard of? [Surveyor note: Tick against theAwareness column]

    b. Which are the brands that you have purchased at some point of time in the past?[Surveyor note: Tick in the Purchased in the past column]

    c. Which are the brands that you have purchased in the past but have stoppedpurchasing now? [Surveyor note: Tick in the Dont purchase anymore column]

    d. Do you purchase different brands of juice for yourself and your kids?i. Yesii. No

    e. Which are the brands that you now purchase for yourself? [Surveyor note: Tick in theFrequent purchase - Adults column]

    f. [Surveyor note: Ask only if answer to 4d is yes]Which are the brands that you now purchase for your kids? [Surveyor note: Tick in the

    Frequent purchase - Kids column]



    Purchasedin the past







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    Any otherbrand youhave heard of(pleasespecify)___________

    g. Who, in your family, decides what brands of juice are to be purchased:i. My spouse or I decide what brand to purchaseii. The children decide/are a key influence on what brand to purchase

    iii. Others (Please specify) ______________h. Who is the major consumer of juice in your household

    i. Adults onlyii. Kids onlyiii. Whole family

    5. Understand the occasions of consumption of juices/nectars: To understand the kind ofoccasions where juice is primarily consumed. Eg, daily, or only when guests visit

    a. When do you consume juice? Select the top 3 reasons in order of your usage,independently for yourself and for your children:(Eg. 1 for the most important occasion, 2 for the second, etc.)

    Occasion Adults(Rank the top 3)

    Kids(Rank the top 3)

    At breakfast

    With lunch

    In school

    At the workplace, gym etc.

    In the evening plain

    In the evening mixed (as

    cocktails/mocktails)When guests visit

    Others (please specify)

    6. Understand key drivers of purchase (category and brand) for each category: To a)understand the drivers behind consumers choosing of brands, b) establish need gapsbased on current product portfolio, and understand the factors that are likely to convincecustomers to switch to a new brand.

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    a. Which of the following flavours have you consumed in the past (answer yes/no).

    For flavours that you consume regularly, specify the brand you purchase

    Flavour Consumed (Yes/No) Brand bought

    Mixed Fruit









    b. Are factors that help you decide which brand of juice to buy different when youbuy for you and your kids?

    i. Yesii. No

    c. [Surveyor note: If the answer to 6b was Yes, answer both 6c and 6d. Else, only answer 6c and skip 6d]For the following decision factors that help youdecide which brand to buy, rateeach factor on a scale of 1 -10?(10 most important factor, 1 this factor does not matter at all)

    Attribute Rating (1 to 10)

    Brand I can trust the brand/use it regularly

    Product range number of flavours available

    Health benefits The product appears more healthy thanother juices

    Taste tastes good, thickness is just right

    Consistency - tastes the same every time I buy it

    Packaging sophisticated and attractive packaging

    Convenience multiple pack sizes available, comes withstraw for easy consumption on-the-go

    Availability available in the store when I go in to make apurchase

    Effective price, and promotional offers - offers (eg. Buy 1get 1 free) in the store

    Image of product Most people in my peer group consumea particular brand

    Foreign/local brand eg. I prefer to buy a foreign brand

    Others (Pleasespecify)__________________________________

    d. [Surveyor note: Ask only if the answer to 6b was Yes. Else, skip to 6e]For the following decision factors that help you decide which brand to buy for yourchild, rate each factor on a scale of 1 -10?(10 most important factor, 1 this factor does not matter at all)

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    Attribute Rating (1 to 10)

    Brand I can trust the brand/use it regularly

    Product range number of flavours available

    Health benefits The product appears more healthy thanother juices

    Taste tastes good, thickness is just rightConsistency - tastes the same every time I buy it

    Packaging sophisticated and attractive packaging

    Convenience multiple pack sizes available, comes withstraw for easy consumption on-the-go

    Availability available in the store when I go in to make apurchase

    Effective price, and promotional offers - offers (eg. Buy 1get 1 free) in the store

    Image of product Most people in my childs peer groupconsume a particular brand

    Foreign/local brand eg. I prefer to buy a foreign brand

    Others (Pleasespecify)__________________________________

    e. If you purchase a juice to mix (eg. in cocktails/mocktails), what are the 3 mostimportant attributes that you look for:

    i. _________________ii. _________________iii. _________________

    f. For juice brands that you purchase regularly, score the brand for each of thefollowing attributes on a scale of 1 - 10:

    [Surveyor note: If different brands are purchased for adults and kids, ensure that brand 1 is the top brand

    for adults, brand 2 is the top brand for kids]

    (10 = I am fully satisfied with the product on this attribute5 = I am very satisfied with the product, but there is room for some improvement

    1 = I am not at all satisfied with the product on this attribute)

    Attribute Brand 1 Brand 2

    Brand 1:_____________

    Brand 2:_____________

    Brand I can trust the brand/use it regularly

    Product range number of flavours available

    Health benefits The product appears morehealthy than other juices

    Taste tastes good, thickness is just rightConsistency - tastes the same every time I buy itPackaging sophisticated and attractivepackaging

    Convenience multiple pack sizes available,comes with straw for easy consumption on-the-go

    Availability available in the store when I go in tomake a purchase

    Effective price, and promotional offers - offers

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    (eg. Buy 1 get 1 free) in the store

    Image of product Most people in my childs peergroup consume a particular brand

    Foreign/local brand eg. I prefer to buy a foreignbrand

    Others (Please


    g. If there are any brands that you have tried in the past and have not purchasedagain, tick the top 4 factors that made you stop purchasing the brand?(Tick the top 4)

    Attribute Brand 1 Brand 2 Brand 3

    Health the product was not healthy (extraadditives, extra sugar etc.)

    Taste the product did not taste good

    Consistency the product tasted differenteverytime I bought it

    Packaging the packaging looked old/dirty/un-appealing

    Convenience pack sizes, means of drinking thejuice etc. were not convenient

    Availability the product was not always/neveravailable in store

    Effective price even post discounts, promotions,the price of the product was too high

    Cheapness discounts and promotions on theproduct were so high, I suspected its quality

    Image of the product the product had a poorimage; no one in my peer group consumed it

    Others (Please specify)______________

    Common questions - Juice

    7. Customer classification, gaps in current market and willingness to experiment with newflavours:

    a. How would you categorize yourself as juice buyer:(Pick one choice)

    i. I am very health conscious I look at the contents of the juice pack (juicecontent, sugar, flavouring etc.) before buying

    ii. I am a regular juice buyer - I buy products that appear to be refreshing,healthy and not artificial


    I am a value for money buyer I buy the cheapest juice available

    b. In your view, what are the gaps that you see in the current juice market. i.e., whatkind of juice would you like to buy if it were available? Answer based on how likelyyou would be to buy such a product.(1 = Definitely not buy the product, 2 = Unlikely to buy the product, 3 = Cant say, 4 = Very likely to buythe product, 5 = Would definitely buy the product)

    Product/offering Rating (1 to 5)

    Fortified juices enriched with additional vitamins and minerals

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    100% juice in more flavours

    100% juice at a lower price

    Smaller pack sizes, eg. 150ml packs for kids

    Low calorie (or no sugar), regular juice

    Smoothies or thicker juice-based products

    Fresh juice in a pack

    Others (please specify):__________________________________________

    c. If you were to see a new juice in a store, which of the following criteria would makeyou more likely to purchase the product?(1 = Definitely would not convince me to buy, 2 = Unlikely to convince me to buy, 3 = Cant say, 4 =Likely to convince me to buy, 5 = Very likely to convince me to buy)

    Criterion Rating (1 to 5)

    If it appeared to have good promotional offers

    If I had previously seen advertisements

    If someone recommended it to me friend, store owner etc.

    If it was marketed by a reputed brand that I recognize

    Others (please specify) ______________________

    8. Trend in buyer behaviour over the past year: To understand which specific aspects ofthe customers purchase behaviour have changed over the past year. To establish thecauses of this trend over the past year

    a. Did the following aspects of your consumption of juices/nectars change over the pastyear:

    i. Volume consumed number of packs consumed on average during a month(Specify Increase/Decrease/No change against each question)

    ii. Channel of purchase eg. change from purchasing at neighbourhood grocerystore to modern retail(Specify Yes/No against each question)

    b. If your answer to a i (above) was that volume has increased, please explain thechange:(Rank the top 2 answers 1 for most important, 2 for the second)

    i. Better products (more variety) have become available in the marketii. I used to buy fruit drinks (like Maaza and Frooti) earlier but have shifted to

    juice as a more healthy alternativeiii. I have now become more health conscious and feel juice offers good

    nutritional benefitsiv. I can now afford to buy larger volumes of juicev. Any other reason (Please specify)______________________________

    c. If your answer to a i (above) was that volume has decreased, please explain thechange:(Please specify)______________________________

    d. If your answer to a ii (above) was yes, please explain the change in channel ofpurchase. ____________ (last year) to _____________ (this year). Because:(Rank the top 2 answers 1 for most important, 2 for the second)

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    i. Variety of juice flavours and brands are now available even at my localgrocery store

    ii. Large supermarkets tend to have greater variety of flavours and brandsiii. Large supermarkets tend to have better price offersiv. I like the convenience of being able to look at the displays and select in a


    v. Any other reason (Please specify)______________________________9. Predict future purchase trends To broadly establish whether consumption of juices is

    likely to change next year, change in consumption mix among close substitutes(Tick the closest answer)

    a. What is your likely juice consumption going to be next year compared to this yeari. Sameii. More than this yeariii. Less than this year

    b. If your consumption of juice is likely to change over the next year, please specifywhy:


    c. Over this year, is your consumption of juice likely to be partly replaced by someother product?

    i. Flavoured milkii. Flavoured yoghurt/lassiiii. Fruit drinksiv. Carbonated drinks

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    Category: Flavoured milk

    Flavoured milk refers to milk that has already been mixed with flavouring and is sold readyfor consumption.Examples include Amul Cool, Mother Dairy Chillz, Nandini and Aavinflavoured milk etc. Flavoured milk does not include powdered milk flavourings like Bournvita,Boost etc.

    1. Understand whether or not people currently consume flavoured milk:a. Do you buy flavoured milk in the following situations:

    i. On the go consumption, i.e. for a quick drink when you are outside the house (Yes/No)_________. If no, whya) Too expensiveb) More refreshing alternatives like juice, soft drinks availablec) Not available except in select outletsd) Others (Please specify) _____________


    At home consumption (Yes/No)_________. If no, whya) Too expensiveb) Alternatives available like flavouring milk at homec) Not available except in select outletsd) Pack sizes inconvenient for at home consumptione) Others (Please specify) _____________

    [Surveyor note: If the answer to both of the above is no, then please skip to question 10]

    Current flavoured milk purchase and consumption behaviour for households that dopurchase it

    2. Who, among your household, consumes flavoured milk?(Tick the appropriate consumption category)

    Family member Consumption (Yes/No)

    Only kids

    Only adults

    Kids & adults

    3. Understand category level buyer behaviour for flavoured milk: To understand currentconsumption patterns consumption volume, purchase frequency, brands, channels etc.(Tick the closest answer for each of the questions below)

    a. How often do members of your household buy flavoured milk? Answer independentlyfor adults and kids

    Frequency Adults Kids

    > 2 times a week

    Once a week

    Once in 2 weeks

    1 2 times a month

    Less than once a month

    b. What is the usual pack size and number of packs that you purchase on each occasion:

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    Pack volume Number of packs purchased

    Single Pack of 6 or 12 Other

    200 ml glass bottle

    200 ml Tetrapak

    200 ml plastic pouch

    Others (please specify):

    c. Where do you/your child usually purchase flavoured milk, give approximate %volume split by various channels:(Give approx % split by volume across channels, with 0% for those channels which are not applicable. Fillindependently for adults and kids)

    Channel Approx %split foradults

    Approx %split forkids

    Local dairy booths: eg. Mother Dairy, Nandini, Aavinbooths

    Snack kiosks at parks, movie halls etc.

    Daily purchase storesLocal grocery store

    School canteen

    Canteen/gym/ railways kiosks

    Supermarket (Big Bazaar, Reliance Mart, Spencers, FoodWorld)

    Others (please specify)____________________________________

    d. [Surveyor note: Ask only if the answer to question 2 is that adults also consume flavoured milk (optionsii or iii)]

    Where do the adults in the household consume flavoured milk:


    In the officeii. Outside milk booths/ in parks etc.iii. Others (please specify)__________________

    e. [Surveyor note: Ask only if the answer to question 2 is that kids also consume flavoured milk (options ior iii)]

    Where does your child consume flavoured milk:i. At homeii. In school/coaching classes/school bus etc.iii. Outside milk booths/ in parks etc.iv. Others (please specify)__________________

    f. What are the brands of flavoured milk that you/your child have purchased/consumed.For each brands that you/your child regularly consume, please indicate the approx %split by volume for each brand:(Answer Yes/No as appropriate, approx % of total consumption for regularly purchased brands)

    Brand Yes/No Approx % of totalconsumption


    Local Co-op eg. Mother Dairy, Nandini, Aavin


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    Other (please specify)_________________________________

    g. Which are the flavours of flavoured milk that the adults/kids in your household mostoften consume:(Pick the top 3; Indicate 1 for most important, 2 for the second most important etc.)

    Flavour Adults(Pick the top 3)

    Kids(Pick the top 3)


    Kesar Pista





    Other (please specify)________________

    4. Understand the current drivers of the purchase of flavoured milk: To understand thekind of occasions where flavoured milk is currently consumed:

    a. Are factors that help you decide which brand of juice to buy different when youbuy for you and your kids?

    i. Yesii. No

    b. Who drives the purchase decision when you buy for your kids i.e., who asks forthe purchase of flavoured milk:i. I encourage my child to buy/ I buy and encourage my child to consume flavoured

    milkii. My child asks for flavoured milkc. Why do you/your child buy flavoured milk?

    (Tick all that apply)

    i. It tastes better than normal milk have it instead of milk at home everydayii. The flavours of flavoured milk (eg. Pista, badam etc.) cannot be easily recreated

    at homeiii. It is more healthy than carbonated drinks/ fruit drinks when outsideiv. Others (please specify) ____________________

    d. [Surveyor note: If the answer to 4a was Yes, answer both 4d and 4e. Else, only answer 4d and skip 4e]

    For the following decision factors that help you decide which brand to buy, rate eachfactor on a scale of 1 -10?(10 most important factor, 1 this factor does not matter at all)

    Attribute Rating (1 to 10)

    Trusted brand I would only buy from a known dairy due tohygiene concerns

    Taste attractive flavours, right level of thickness

    Freshness Since it is a milk product, I will buy it only if it is close

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    to date of manufacture

    Health benefits Contains additional nutrients eg. Addedcalcium/iron

    Cooling/temperature Since it is for immediate consumption, Iwould prefer to buy chilled flavoured milk

    Convenience Available in convenient size for consumption,

    perhaps with a strawAvailability available in the store/booth when I go in to make apurchase

    Price reasonably priced compared to juices etc.

    e. [Surveyor note: Ask only if the answer to 4a was yes. Else, skip 4e and go directly to 4f]For the following decision factors that help you decide which brand to buy for yourchild, rate each factor on a scale of 1 -10?(10 most important factor, 1 this factor does not matter at all)

    Attribute Rating (1 to 10)

    Trusted brand I would only buy from a known dairy due tohygiene concerns

    Taste attractive flavours, right level of thickness

    Freshness Since it is a milk product, I will buy it only if it is closeto date of manufacture

    Health benefits Contains additional nutrients eg. Addedcalcium/iron

    Cooling/temperature Since it is for immediate consumption, Iwould prefer to buy chilled flavoured milk

    Convenience Available in convenient size for consumption,perhaps with a straw

    Availability available in the store/booth when I go in to make apurchase

    Price reasonably priced compared to juices etc.

    5. To understand existing gaps in the flavoured milk market:a. In your view, what are the gaps that you see in the current flavoured milk market.

    i.e., what kind of flavoured milk would you like to buy if it were available? Answerbased on how likely you would be to buy such a product.

    (1 = Definitely would not convince me to buy, 2 = Unlikely to convince me to buy, 3 = Cant say, 4 =Likely to convince me to buy, 5 = Very likely to convince me to buy)

    Product/Offering Rating (1 to 5)

    Smaller pack sizes, eg. 125 ml packsLarger pack sizes, eg. 1 L packs for regular home consumption

    Low additives eg. No artificial flavouring, excess sugar in themilk

    Low calorie flavoured milk

    Existing products at lower price

    Others (please specify) __________________

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    e. Would you be interested in regularly purchasing a 125 ml pack (approximately halfthe size of the regular Frooti Tetrapak box) of flavoured milk that you could add toyour childs school tiffin box?

    i. Yesii. No

    f. [Surveyor note: Ask only if the answer to the above question was yes]If this 125 ml pack could not be maintained chilled before consumption, would yourchild still consume it?

    i. Yesii. No

    g. Do the adults and children in your household regularly consume milk in some formother than flavoured milk?

    i. Yes [Surveyor note: Move to question 6]ii. No [Surveyor note: Skip question 6, move to question 7]

    Specific set of questions to address the likelihood of conversion from white milk(with additives) to flavoured milk

    6. Assess what benefits are expected from flavoured milk and how existing white milkcustomers can be persuaded to shift to regular flavoured milk consumption:

    a. What form of milk do you/your child currently consume everyday:i. Plain milkii. Milk with additives like Bournvita/Boostiii. Combination of milk with additives, flavoured milkiv. Others (Please specify) _________________________

    b. Will you shift to flavoured milk regularly instead of white milk (with additives likeBournvita/Boost)? If yes, why:

    i. Flavoured milk is more convenientii. Cold flavoured milk tastes nicer than plain white milk with additivesiii. Others (please specify) _____________________

    [Surveyor note: skip to question 6d]

    c. [Surveyor note: ask only if the answer to question 6b is no]If no to the above, why:(Pick the top 3 in order of their importance to you)

    Reason for non-consumption Rank (1 to 3)

    Not fresh I would rather boil milk everyday and add the

    flavouring at homeTemperature issues Everyday milk has to be hot I do notagree with the concept of cold milk

    Too highly processed Flavoured milk is heat treated, containsartificial colours, flavours, excess sugar

    Price - It is too expensive for regular consumption

    Convenience pack sizes available currently are not convenientfor regular consumption

    Availability not available in most stores

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    d. What are your current costs on a monthly basis for the following:

    i. Price of milk Rs ________ii. Price of additional flavouring (eg. Bournvita, Boost) Rs _________

    [Surveyor note: Tell the interviewee, on a daily basis, this works out to approximately Rs 9 Rs 14 per

    day, depending on whether your child drinks 1 or 2 glasses of milk]

    e. Given the convenience of flavoured milk: no need to be boil, cool milk, subsequentlyadd flavour, what price would you be willing to pay for flavoured milk:

    [Surveyor note: Tell Ask each of the questions i, ii, iii and iv and get a response to each one individually]

    i. At what price do you perceive the 200ml flavoured milk bottle to be goodvalue for money? (Inexpensive): Rs ___________

    ii. At what price do you perceive that the 200ml flavoured milk bottle isbeginning to get expensive, so I will have to think twice about buying it, butstill might purchase given its convenience? (Expensive): Rs __________

    iii. At what price do you begin to perceive the 200ml flavoured milk bottle asso expensive that you would not consider buying it? (Too expensive): Rs__________

    iv. At what price do you begin to perceive the 200ml flavoured milk bottle asso cheap that you would feel that the quality cannot be very good?(Too inexpensive): Rs ___________

    7. Awareness of existing products in the market, history of consumption of premiumproducts:

    a. Have you purchased any of the following products: [Surveyor note these are value addedflavoured milk with extra vitamins, minerals etc, which were launched in the South. If the answer to all ofthem is No, skip to question 7d]

    i. Britannia Tigerzorii. Britannia Actimindiii. Danone flavoured milkiv. Nestle Milo drinkv. Nestle Milkmaid Funshake

    b. [Surveyor note: Ask only if the answer to 7a was yes for at least one product]If the answer to the above was yes, please specify why you purchased it:

    i. I felt the additional nutrients and fortification in the product would be usefulii. My kids saw advertisements for the product and demanded itiii. Others (please specify) _______________

    c. [Surveyor note: Ask only if the answer to 7a was yes for at least one product]If the answer to 9 a. was yes, and you have stopped purchasing the product now,why:(Tick the top 2 answers)

    i. The product was too expensive for regular consumptionii. The product was not significantly different from milk + additives mixed at

    homeiii. The pack size was inconvenient

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    iv. The product was not always available in the store making regular purchasedifficult

    v. Others (please specify) __________________________________d. [Surveyor note: Ask this question irrespective of whether the answer to 7 a was Yes or No]

    Would you be interesting in buying a special flavoured milk with any of the following

    benefits:(Tick Yes/No)

    Product Yes/No

    Fortified flavoured milk with extra calcium, iron etc.

    Lite flavoured milk with low calories, low fat

    Fresh flavoured milk with real fruit flavouring, no artificialadditives

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    Category: Yoghurt

    Yoghurt refers to the following categories of products:a. Set plain Dahib. Set flavoured Dahi (Salty or sweet) eg. Nestle Jeera Raita, Nestle strawberry

    sweet yoghurt

    c. Drinking yoghurt eg. Yakult Probiotic, lassi1. Understand whether or not people currently purchase yoghurt:

    a. Do you buy most of the yoghurt that you consume? If no, why do you notpurchase it:(Tick the top 2 answers)

    i. Yoghurt bought from the store is too expensive compared to the cost of milkii. The product (yoghurt from the store) is not significantly different from dahi

    set at homeiii. Traditionally, dahi is set at home. Does not require much extra effort to set at

    homeiv. Others (Please specify) ___________________________________

    b. Do you ever purchase any yoghurt?i. Yesii. No

    [Surveyor note: if the answer to 1b is no, exit the survey at this point, thanking the respondent for their


    2. Understand category level buyer behaviour for yoghurt: To understand currentconsumption patterns consumption volume, purchase frequency, brands, channels etc.(Tick the closest answer for each of the questions below)

    a. Divide your total consumption of plain yoghurt into the following categories:i. Plain yoghurt purchased from a storeii. Dahi set at home

    b. How often do you buy yoghurt? Divide the total quantity of yoghurt that youpurchase into the following categories:(1 = > 2 times a week; 2= Once a week; 3 = 1 2 times a month; 4 = Less than once a month)

    [Surveyor note: If purchase does not vary by summer and winter, fill in only column Freq. of purchase(summer) and Approx. % of purchase]

    Category Freq. ofpurchase(Summer)

    Freq. ofpurchase(Winter)

    Approximate % ofpurchase

    Set plain DahiSet flavoured Yoghurt (saltyand sweet)

    Drinking yoghurt (incl. lassi)

    c. What is the usual pack size that you purchase by category of yoghurt:(Tick the top size for each category of yoghurt)

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    400 g


    200 g


    200 g




    Set plain Dahi

    Set flavoured Yoghurt (salty

    and sweet)

    Drinking yoghurt (incl. lassi)

    d. Who is the actual consumer of the product(Tick the appropriate consumer for each type of Yoghurt)

    Category Kids only Adultsonly


    Set plain Dahi

    Set flavoured Yoghurt (salty and sweet)

    Drinking yoghurt (incl. lassi)

    e. Where do you usually purchase yoghurt(Pick the top 2 channels in order of their importance for each category of yoghurt)

    Channel Set Plain Set flavoured(salty)



    Local dairy booths: eg. Mother Dairy,Nandini, Aavin booths

    Daily purchase stores/ paanwalla

    Local grocery store

    Supermarket (Big Bazaar, Reliance Mart,

    Spencers, Food World)Canteen/gym/railway kiosks

    Others (please specify) ____________

    f. What are the brands of yoghurt that you have purchased/consumed:(Answer Yes/No as appropriate)

    Brand Set Plain Set flavoured(salty)




    Local Co-op eg. Mother Dairy, Nandini,Aavin




    Other (please specify)_________________________________

    3. Understand the current drivers of the purchase of yoghurt: To understand the kind ofoccasions where yoghurt is currently consumed:

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    a. When do you consume readymade versions ofeach of the following types ofyoghurt? Why do you purchase each category of yoghurt instead of setting it athome:

    i. Set plain Dahi:(Rank the top 2 occasions: 1 = most important, 2 = second most important)

    Occasion Rank (1 to 2)

    Frequent consumption at home (>3 times a week eg. Regularly use insteadof setting Dahi at home)Occasional consumption at home (eg. In emergency situations when extraquantity ofDahi is required at home )

    (Rate each reason on a scale of 1 to 5: 1 = least likely, 5 = most likely)

    Reason for purchase Rating (1 to 5)

    Convenience - Dahi is too time consuming to set at home

    Seasonal Dahi does not set at home in winter; purchase frommarket at that time

    Taste yoghurt purchased from the store is more creamy thanwhat is set at home

    Emergencies - When extra quantity ofDahi is suddenly required athome

    Others (please specify) ___________________________________

    ii. Set flavoured Dahi (Salty and sweet):(Rank the top 2 occasions: 1 = most important, 2 = second most important)

    Occasion Rank (1 to 2)

    Frequent consumption at home (>3 times a week)

    Occasional consumption at home

    Rate each reason on a scale of 1 to 5: 1 = most likely, 5 = least likely)Reason for purchase Rating (1 to 5)

    Taste yoghurt purchased from the store is more creamy thanwhat is set at home

    Flavours flavoured yoghurt cannot be made at home/does nottaste as authentic as what is purchased from the store

    Convenience - More convenient for daily consumption thanpreparing it at home

    Filling and healthy for on-the-go consumption (eg. In summer)

    Others (please specify) ___________________________________

    iii. Drinking Yoghurt:(Rank the top 2 occasions: 1 = most important, 2 = second most important)

    Occasion Rank (1 to 2)

    Frequent consumption at home (>3 times a week)

    Occasional consumption at home

    Frequent consumption outside (eg. At the workplace/gym)

    Occasional consumption outside

    Rate each reason on a scale of 1 to 5: 1 = most likely, 5 = least likely)

  • 8/6/2019 Consumer Survey Infollion v5


    Reason for purchase Rating (1 to 5)

    Flavours flavoured yoghurt cannot be made at home/does nottaste as authentic as what is purchased from the store

    Convenience More convenient for daily consumption thanpreparing it at home

    Filling and healthy for on-the-go consumption (eg. In summer)

    Others (please specify) ___________________________________

    b. What are the most important attributes of yoghurt? Rate each factor on a scale of 10.(10 most important factor, 1 this factor does not matter at all)

    Attribute Rating (1 to 10)

    Trusted brand I would only buy from a known dairy due tohygiene concerns

    Taste attractive flavours

    Creaminess and consistency - Fat content of the yoghurt isimportant

    Freshness Since it is a milk product, I will buy it only if it is closeto date of manufacture

    Health benefits Contains additional nutrients eg. Addedcalcium/iron

    Cooling/temperature Since it is for immediate consumption, Iwould prefer to buy chilled yoghurt

    Convenience Available in convenient size for consumption

    Availability available in the store/booth when I go in to make apurchase

    Price reasonably priced compared cost of setting yoghurt athome

    4. Assess whether any new products are likely to increase the purchase of yoghurt fromoutside:

    a. If you do not buy 100% of your yoghurt consumption from outside, what are theproducts/offerings that would convince you to buy more yoghurt:

    (1 = Unlikely to have an effect, 3 = Does make me more likely to buy product, 5 = Would definitely buy

    the pruct)

    i. Larger pack sizes, eg. 1 L packs for regular home consumptionii. Existing products at lower priceiii. Changed consistency of product not as thick as products currently available in

    the marketiv. Low fat/lite versions of yoghurtv. Wide flavour range within flavoured yoghurtvi. Greater availability of yoghurt

    vii. Others (please specify) __________________

  • 8/6/2019 Consumer Survey Infollion v5


    [Surveyor note: Ask these questions only if the respondent has ~5 minutes more to answer one more section.

    Else, skip to end]

    Category: Ice-cream

    1. Factors that help you decide which ice-cream brand to purchase for on-the-goconsumption, i.e. when you are outside the house (except in restaurants): Score eachfactor on a scale of 1 to 10

    (10 most important factor, 1 this factor does not matter at all)

    Attribute Rating (1 to 10)

    Product range and variety

    Image of brand everyone in my peer group purchases a particularbrand

    Trusted brand I would only buy from a known dairy due tohygiene concerns


    Availability available in the store/booth when I go in to make a

    purchaseConvenience size of serving/products

    Ingredients vegetable fat vs real milk ice-creams

    Influence of children in purchase decisionPrice

    2. Factors that help you decide which ice-cream brand to purchase for on-the-goconsumption, i.e. when you are outside the house (except in restaurants): Score eachfactor on a scale of 1 to 10

    (10 most important factor, 1 this factor does not matter at all)

    Attribute Rating (1 to 10)

    Product range and varietyImage of brand everyone in my peer group purchases a particularbrand

    Trusted brand I would only buy from a known dairy due tohygiene concerns


    Availability available in the store/booth when I go in to make apurchase

    Convenience size of serving/products

    Ingredients vegetable fat vs real milk ice-creams

    Influence of children in purchase decision


    Category: Cream

    1. Do you consume/use fresh cream (eg. in desserts, with fruits etc.)a. Yesb. No

    [Surveyor note: If no, skip to Category: Olive Oil]

    2. [Surveyor note: Ask only if answer to Q 1 was yes]

  • 8/6/2019 Consumer Survey Infollion v5


    Do you ever purchase cream directly from a store?a. Yesb. No

    [Surveyor note: If yes, skip to Q3, if no skip to Q4]

    3. What is the nature of your purchase of cream?a. Regular purchase part of regular grocery shoppingb. Need based purchase purchase from the store whenever neededc. Impulse purchase purchase if I am in a store and happen to see an attractive


    4. If you do not purchase cream from a store, why?(Pick the top 3 reasons)

    Reason Pick the top 3

    Can be easily collected from milk at home creamavailable at home is sufficient for our consumptionToo expensive to purchase cream

    Not readily available/ available only in select storesOthers (Please specify)_______________________

    Category: Olive Oil

    1. Do you consume/use olive oil regularly?a. Yesb. No

    [Surveyor note: If yes, skip to End]

    2. [Surveyor note: Ask only if answer to Q 1 was no]Given the right product, would you like to use olive oil regularly?

    a. Yesb. No

    [Surveyor note: If yes, skip to Q3, if no skip to End]

    3. If you do not purchase olive oil regularly but would like to consume it, why?(Tick whatever is applicable)

    Reason Tick as applicable

    Too expensive

    Not readily available/ available only in select stores

    Others (Please specify)_______________________
