Download - Consultation log Nov-Dec 2015 - Part 2

Page 1: Consultation log Nov-Dec 2015 - Part 2

List of representors who made standard representations

Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 1

A Austin & S Andrews2362/01/001

A Warwick2425/02/001

Alan&Sue Palmer2068/01/001

Allan Bushnell2101/01/001

Allan Bushnell2101/02/001

Angela Seed1719/02/002

Anil Sharma2123/01/001

Anna Price2367/01/001

Anne Daines2990/02/001

Annie Curtis4387/01/001

Anthony Jacques2155/01/001

Ashish Pawargi1850/01/001

Barry Gaskin2214/01/001

Barry Twining2241/02/001

Ben Plummer2493/01/001

Bernard Pratley1739/02/001

Bilinkski Slawohir2340/01/001

C Dykman4991/01/001

Caroline Carter4393/01/001

Charlotte East4396/01/001

Christine Brown4401/01/001

Denise Kay4399/01/001

Dorothy Robson4392/01/001

Doug Pratley1991/02/001

Dr & Mrs Davies4385/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Dr A Grindrod4486/01/001

Dr D Lahiei4488/01/001

Dr T Moraites4542/01/001

Edward McLaughlin1973/02/001

Eric, Marian & Ricky Gooch5294/01/001

Gillian Rawlins4394/01/001

Gillian Young4422/01/002

Graeme Styles4403/01/001

Hazel Tyler2492/01/001

Helen Squires2855/02/002

J C The Taylor Family5296/01/001

J Sullivan2491/01/001

jackie Earl2018/02/001

Janet Mash2786/02/002

Jenny White3164/02/002

Jill, Gary & Bethany Punter5295/01/001

Julia Dorey4420/01/001

Julie Hall4425/01/001

Julie Street2505/01/001

Karen Holloway2512/01/001

Kathleen Mary Westrip2496/01/001

L. K Cavalli2490/01/001

Linda Bone2902/01/001

Lisa Hart4687/00/001

Lisa Hart4687/01/001

Lynda Tosh5068/01/001

Maggie Peel4397/01/001

Maria Linford4415/01/001

Mark Acott & Loldo Baund-Acott2430/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Messrs Gray & Clark4580/01/001

Miss C Killick & Mr I Campbell4495/01/001

Miss d Gaines4491/01/001

Miss J Hall4462/01/001

Miss K & Miss G Gulding4492/01/001

Miss L Mayhew4496/01/001

Miss M Whillier4479/01/001

Miss P Winter4499/01/001

Miss Samantha Weller3034/01/001

Miss Westrip & Mr Nicholas4466/01/001

Mr & Miss Pires & Piggott5107/01/001

Mr & Miss Smith & McCullough5128/01/001

Mr & Mrs Aldred3442/02/001

Mr & Mrs Amon4503/01/001

Mr & Mrs Anne & Frank Meanal8823/01/001

Mr & Mrs Apps4504/01/001

Mr & Mrs B. M Brown2432/02/001

Mr & Mrs Bacon4526/01/001

Mr & Mrs Bailey4528/01/001

Mr & Mrs Bailey4527/01/001

Mr & Mrs Baker4529/01/001

Mr & Mrs Berridge4530/01/001

Mr & Mrs Berry4531/01/001

Mr & Mrs Bests4532/01/001

Mr & Mrs Bick4533/01/001

Mr & Mrs Boland4534/01/001

Mr & Mrs Boot-Handford4535/01/001

Mr & Mrs Braybook4537/01/001

Mr & Mrs Brazier4468/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs Brazier4468/02/001

Mr & Mrs Broom4546/01/001

Mr & Mrs Brown4442/01/001

Mr & Mrs Brush & Bampoe-Brush4986/01/001

Mr & Mrs Bryant4549/01/001

Mr & Mrs Canter4443/01/001

Mr & Mrs Capon4550/01/001

Mr & Mrs Chapman4950/01/001

Mr & Mrs Charlwood4553/01/001

Mr & Mrs Charman4555/01/001

Mr & Mrs Christopher & Katie Walton4389/01/001

Mr & Mrs Clow4556/01/001

Mr & Mrs Cochrane4557/01/001

Mr & Mrs Curd4561/01/001

Mr & Mrs D Daley2684/01/001

Mr & Mrs Daniels & Ms Resner4565/01/001

Mr & Mrs Davies4564/01/001

Mr & Mrs Dench4566/01/001

Mr & Mrs Dixie4568/01/001

Mr & Mrs Dixon2687/01/001

Mr & Mrs Dixon4569/01/001

Mr & Mrs Dolling4506/01/001

Mr & Mrs Egremont4441/01/001

Mr & Mrs Floyd4570/01/001

Mr & Mrs Game4571/01/001

Mr & Mrs Godden4573/01/001

Mr & Mrs Godwin4575/01/001

Mr & Mrs Green2698/01/001

Mr & Mrs Hibble4696/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs Hills4697/01/001

Mr & Mrs Holub4920/01/001

Mr & Mrs Hosking4921/01/001

Mr & Mrs Howgego4922/01/001

Mr & Mrs Hudson4923/01/001

Mr & Mrs James4924/01/001

Mr & Mrs Jasper4925/01/001

Mr & Mrs Jetha4926/01/001

Mr & Mrs Jones4928/01/001

Mr & Mrs Jones4927/01/001

Mr & Mrs Lightman4929/01/001

Mr & Mrs Linford4930/01/001

Mr & Mrs Lovell4931/01/001

Mr & Mrs Lubka4472/01/001

Mr & Mrs Mackey4932/01/001

Mr & Mrs Marson2109/02/001

Mr & Mrs Martin4453/01/001

Mr & Mrs Mather4933/01/001

Mr & Mrs Mercer4934/01/001

Mr & Mrs Miller4935/01/001

Mr & Mrs Morgan4450/01/001

Mr & Mrs Morton4936/01/001

Mr & Mrs Munns4937/01/001

Mr & Mrs Nana4939/01/001

Mr & Mrs Newman4940/01/001

Mr & Mrs Newton4941/01/001

Mr & Mrs Norris4440/01/001

Mr & Mrs Notaro4942/01/001

Mr & Mrs O'Brien4943/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs O'Connor4944/01/001

Mr & Mrs Page5006/01/001

Mr & Mrs Page4945/01/001

Mr & Mrs Papworth4946/01/001

Mr & Mrs Parrott4459/01/001

Mr & Mrs Payne4947/01/001

Mr & Mrs Pearce4948/01/001

Mr & Mrs Penny5090/01/001

Mr & Mrs Pratt2705/01/001

Mr & Mrs Purches4456/01/001

Mr & Mrs Rouse4949/01/001

Mr & Mrs Sackey4951/01/001

Mr & Mrs Shaw4952/01/001

Mr & Mrs Sheppard4953/01/001

Mr & Mrs Simnett4954/01/001

Mr & Mrs Sims4955/01/001

Mr & Mrs Smith4956/01/001

Mr & Mrs Soulsby4957/01/001

Mr & Mrs Steele4958/01/001

Mr & Mrs Stevens4959/01/001

Mr & Mrs Tansley4960/01/001

Mr & Mrs Thompson4432/01/001

Mr & Mrs Thoroughwood4961/01/001

Mr & Mrs Thorpe4962/01/001

Mr & Mrs Vaughn4476/01/001

Mr & Mrs West4963/01/001

Mr & Mrs Weston2497/01/001

Mr & Mrs White4964/01/001

Mr & Mrs Whiting4965/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs Williamson4451/01/001

Mr & Mrs Woods4966/01/001

Mr & Mrs Worboys 4967/01/001

Mr & Mrs Young4968/01/001

MR & MS Appleby & Kelledy5288/01/001

Mr & Ms Burnell & Wood4987/01/001

Mr & Ms Chaplin & Stokes4999/01/001

Mr & Ms Cooper & Smith4428/01/001

Mr & Ms Copeman & Unsworth-Murray5000/01/001

Mr & Ms Davison & Titchener5010/01/001

Mr & Ms January & Matthews5061/01/001

Mr & Ms Lock & Barnett4460/01/001

Mr & Ms McGlinchey & Vilar5085/01/001

Mr & Ms Tymon & Bartholomew4408/01/001

Mr & Ms Welch & Greenhead5104/01/001

Mr & Ms Willaims & Jones5141/01/001

Mr &Mrs A.M. &K.M. Bean2357/02/001

Mr 7 Mrs Austin4505/01/001

Mr A Bell4969/01/001

Mr A Childs-Brown4970/01/001

Mr A Donnelly4971/01/001

Mr A Forward4972/01/001

Mr A Lauder4973/01/001

Mr A McKay4974/01/001

Mr A Moore4975/01/001

Mr A Robertson4976/01/001

Mr A Seagrave4977/01/001

Mr A Wilkinson4979/01/001

Mr Adrian Cowie3390/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr and Mrs Hobbs4698/01/001

Mr B Cogan4980/01/001

Mr B Laikin4981/01/001

Mr B Moseley4982/01/001

Mr B Patel4173/02/001

Mr B Sherlock4983/01/001

Mr B Tully4391/01/001

Mr B Yates4985/01/001

Mr C Ansell4988/01/001

Mr C Brown4452/01/001

Mr C Dalton4989/01/001

Mr C Dew4990/01/001

Mr C Edwards4992/01/001

Mr C Grant4416/01/001

Mr C Pratley4994/01/001

Mr C Reed4995/01/001

Mr C Solle4996/01/001

Mr C Thom4993/01/001

Mr C Walton4405/01/001

Mr C Whitley4997/01/001

Mr C. C. & Mrs V. M Cox2479/02/001

Mr D Bothamley5001/01/001

Mr D Brown4437/01/001

Mr D Carabache5002/01/001

Mr D Dance3033/01/001

Mr D Farquhar5003/01/001

Mr D Gaskin5004/01/001

Mr D Jones5005/01/001

Mr D Shields5007/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr D Smith5008/01/001

Mr D Whittaker5009/01/001

Mr David Andrews4388/01/001

Mr David Hymers4423/01/001

Mr E Goodchild5012/01/001

Mr E Waddington5028/01/001

Mr Frank Millington1184/01/001

Mr G Balls5029/01/001

Mr G Bartlett5030/01/001

Mr G Bati5031/01/001

Mr G Matthews5033/01/001

Mr G Mitchell5034/01/001

Mr G Monks5035/01/001

Mr G O'Donnell5036/01/001

Mr G Schulak5037/01/001

Mr G Van Dort5032/01/001

Mr G Wrightson5038/01/001

Mr H Bonjour5039/01/001

Mr Hook5040/01/001

Mr I Bussey5041/01/001

Mr I Cousins5042/01/001

Mr I Grice5043/01/001

Mr I Strange5044/01/001

Mr I Yeulett5045/01/001

Mr Ian W Wray2643/01/001

Mr J Adams5046/01/001

Mr J Avery5047/01/001

Mr J Bengeyfield5048/01/001

Mr J Brown5049/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr J Chitty5050/01/001

Mr J Church5051/01/001

Mr j Cushing5052/01/001

Mr J Graystone5053/01/001

Mr J Hibbert5054/01/001

Mr J Hunt5055/01/001

Mr J Kell5056/01/001

Mr J Little5057/01/001

Mr J Poole5058/01/001

Mr J Pugh4292/02/001

Mr J Robinson5059/01/001

Mr J Spring5060/01/001

Mr John Grant4398/01/001

Mr John Moir2169/02/001

Mr John Robson4390/01/001

Mr K & Mrs J. W Farrington2462/02/001

Mr K Arnold4210/01/003

Mr K Hubbard-Smith4461/01/001

Mr K Lawson5063/01/001

Mr K Nanson4457/01/001

Mr K Ohadi5064/01/001

Mr K Priestley2346/02/002

Mr K Sims5065/01/001

Mr Kenneth Dudley5062/01/001

Mr L Barker5066/01/001

Mr L Miller5067/01/001

Mr Le Grice4489/01/001

Mr M Armstrong5069/01/001

Mr M Atkins5070/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr M Breffit5071/01/001

Mr M Butcher5072/01/001

Mr M Chakraborti4998/01/001

Mr M Crabb5073/01/001

Mr M Donnelly5011/01/001

Mr M Earley5074/01/001

Mr M Early4484/01/001

Mr M Florence5075/01/001

Mr M Folley5076/01/001

Mr M Gipsan5077/01/001

Mr M Harper5078/01/001

Mr M Higgins5079/01/001

Mr M Hooper5080/01/001

Mr M Horne5082/01/001

Mr M Hughes5081/01/001

Mr M Khanna5083/01/001

Mr M Lodge4445/01/001

Mr M McGregor5086/01/001

Mr M Rocha5084/01/001

Mr Mark Bassett4410/01/001

Mr Mark Lawrence4402/01/001

Mr Mark Lindsey2645/01/001

Mr N Algar5087/01/001

Mr N Marsh5088/01/001

Mr N McAllister5089/01/001

Mr Oliver Thompson5091/01/001

Mr P Barnes5092/01/001

Mr P Beenham 5093/01/001

Mr P Brind5094/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr P Brown5095/01/001

Mr P Charlton5096/01/001

Mr P Collins5097/01/001

Mr P Cox5098/01/001

Mr P Hebden5100/01/001

Mr P Ingiam5101/01/001

Mr p Pritchard5102/01/001

Mr P Temple5103/01/001

Mr Paget5105/01/001

Mr Paul Cox5099/01/001

Mr Paul Leone3236/01/001

Mr Peter Cahill4409/01/001

Mr R Archibald4447/01/001

Mr R Bean5108/01/001

Mr R Brundrett4449/01/001

Mr R Campbell5109/01/001

Mr R Chow5110/01/001

Mr R Chum4446/01/001

Mr R Dixon5111/01/001

Mr R Hills5112/01/001

Mr R Lack5113/01/001

Mr R Luckhurst5114/01/001

Mr R Rice5115/01/001

Mr R Sharp5116/01/001

Mr R Shrieves5117/01/001

Mr R Stuckey5129/01/001

Mr Richard Ellery4419/01/001

Mr Robert Pillman2927/01/001

Mr Roy Woollard4683/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr S Azizeddine5119/01/001

Mr S Bricewood5118/01/001

Mr S Irving5120/01/001

Mr S Jones5121/01/001

Mr S Lovell5122/01/001

Mr S Palmer5123/01/001

Mr S Potter5124/01/001

Mr S Pugh5125/01/001

Mr S Puley5126/01/001

Mr S Sullivan5127/01/001

Mr Stephen Tead8824/01/001

Mr T Cripps5130/01/001

Mr T Gifford5131/01/001

Mr T Martin5132/01/001

Mr T Nelson5133/01/001

Mr T Rice5134/01/001

Mr T Summers5135/01/001

Mr T Thavanesan4463/01/001

Mr V Tailor5136/01/001

Mr Valassidis5137/01/001

Mr W Chan5138/01/001

Mr W Connolly5139/01/001

Mr W Lawson5140/01/001

Mrs A Cheetham5142/01/001

Mrs A Bassani5211/01/001

Mrs A Daly5143/01/001

Mrs A Parise5200/01/001

Mrs A Pawargi4448/01/001

Mrs A Shields5145/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs A Watson5146/01/001

Mrs Ann Sawyers5144/01/001

Mrs B Baldock5147/01/001

Mrs B M Wray1734/03/003

Mrs B M Wray1734/01/001

Mrs B Norton5148/01/001

Mrs B Punja5149/01/001

Mrs C Bain2322/01/001

Mrs C Boyden5151/01/001

Mrs C Green5152/01/001

Mrs C Hobbs5153/01/001

Mrs C Ohadi5154/01/001

Mrs C Oldham5155/01/001

Mrs C Sack5156/01/001

Mrs C Taylor3418/01/001

Mrs C Thomas5157/01/001

Mrs Candida de Poitiers3409/02/002

Mrs D Barge5150/01/001

Mrs D Pickett5158/01/001

Mrs D Wright4426/01/001

Mrs E Blay5159/01/001

Mrs E Gaiyer5161/01/001

Mrs E Hippel5162/01/001

Mrs F Crockett5163/01/001

Mrs F Passman5164/01/001

Mrs H Black5165/01/001

Mrs H Gravett5166/01/001

Mrs H Jones5167/01/001

Mrs I Gibson5168/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs J Ager5169/01/001

Mrs J Bentley5195/01/001

Mrs J Boote5170/01/001

Mrs J Erigadoo5171/01/001

Mrs J Hamlin5172/01/001

Mrs J Langley5173/01/001

Mrs J Mathersole5174/01/001

Mrs J Maynard4480/01/001

Mrs J Reagan5175/01/001

Mrs J Robson5176/01/001

Mrs J Simonidis5177/01/001

Mrs J Webb2912/02/001

Mrs J Whaley3719/02/001

Mrs Janine Roberts4417/01/001

Mrs K Bengeyfield5178/01/001

Mrs K Court5179/01/001

Mrs K Harris5180/01/001

Mrs Kelly G. William2517/02/002

Mrs L Clarke5181/01/001

Mrs L Poole2495/01/001

Mrs M Barnett5182/01/001

Mrs M Broughton5183/01/001

Mrs M Clarke5184/01/001

Mrs M Godsell5186/01/001

Mrs M Hansford5187/01/001

Mrs M Kiff5188/01/001

Mrs M Lucas5189/01/001

Mrs M McLaughlin5190/01/001

Mrs M Rice5185/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs M Roffey4444/01/001

Mrs M Spackman5191/01/001

Mrs M.M Housden2197/02/002

Mrs O'Sullivan5192/01/001

Mrs Osward5193/01/001

Mrs P Andrews5194/01/001

Mrs P Browne5196/01/001

Mrs P Clarke5197/01/001

Mrs P Curtis5198/01/001

Mrs P Knight5199/01/001

Mrs Philippa Copeman4412/01/001

Mrs R Cathie5201/01/001

Mrs S Barrow5202/01/001

Mrs S Boddy5203/01/001

Mrs S Bradshaw5204/01/001

Mrs S Lawrence4455/01/001

Mrs S Nicholls5205/01/001

Mrs S Oddie5206/01/001

Mrs S Strange5207/01/001

Mrs S Thavanesan4464/01/001

Mrs S Young5208/01/001

Mrs V Butcher4482/01/001

Mrs V Wimhurst5209/01/001

Mrs W Skorszewski5210/01/001

MS & MR COVE & VINCE5289/01/001


MS & MR O'CONNOR & WALKER5291/01/001

MS & MR WATES & DRACOTT5292/01/001

Ms A Detaco5212/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms A Redman5213/01/001

Ms A Scharde5214/01/001

Ms A Thomas5215/01/001

Ms A Tilsbury4978/01/001

Ms B Hoye4413/01/001

Ms B Matthews5216/01/001

Ms B Walford4984/01/001

Ms C Flower5217/01/001

Ms C Garrard5106/01/001

MS C Taylor5218/01/001

Ms C Valins5219/01/001

Ms D Claire-Hughes5223/01/001

Ms D Elsey5220/01/001

Ms D Gipson4421/01/001

Ms D Lane4424/01/001

Ms D Lautier5221/01/001

Ms D Morgan5222/01/001

Ms D Waterman5224/01/001

Ms D Weller5225/01/001

Ms D Withers5226/01/001

Ms D Wood5227/01/001

Ms D Woolard5228/01/001

Ms E Chow5229/01/001

Ms E McDonagh5230/01/001

Ms E Pears5231/01/001

Ms E Smith4454/01/001

Ms G Chapman5232/01/001

Ms G Glen5233/01/001

Ms G Norris5234/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms H Hammond5235/01/001

Ms H Marsh5236/01/001

Ms H Shields5237/01/001

Ms J Allen5239/01/001

Ms J Callam5241/01/001

Ms J Groom5242/01/001

Ms J Henson5245/01/001

Ms J Jones5246/01/001

Ms J Macintyre5247/01/001

Ms J McCormack5248/01/001

Ms J Partley5249/01/001

Ms J Pope5250/01/001

Ms J Shillingford5251/01/001

Ms J Sims5252/01/001

Ms J Wright5253/01/001

Ms Jane Hays5243/01/001

Ms Jill Johnson3718/02/002

Ms K Butcher5254/01/001

Ms K Evans5255/01/001

Ms K Hart5256/01/001

Ms K Kinkead5257/01/001

Ms K Wright4465/01/001

Ms L Earl5258/01/001

Ms L Smith5260/01/001

Ms L Whittaker5261/01/001

Ms Laura Lloyd5259/01/001

Ms M Burghuber5262/01/001

Ms M Butcher5263/01/001

Ms M Colleoni5264/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms M DaCorte5265/01/001

Ms M Green5266/01/001

Ms M Lim5267/01/001

Ms M Turton5268/01/001

Ms M Wilson5269/01/001

Ms N Musallaum5270/01/001

Ms N Smith5271/01/001

Ms P Knight5272/01/001

Ms R Blawat5273/01/001

Ms R Didzpetris5274/01/001

Ms R Holland5275/01/001

Ms S Blackman5277/01/001

Ms S Coolan5278/01/001

Ms S Hansford5279/01/001

Ms S P Sullivan5280/01/001

Ms Susan Adams5276/01/001

Ms T Hammerschmidt4458/01/001

Ms T Moffatt5281/01/001

Ms V Butcher5282/01/001

Ms V Coute5283/01/001

Ms V Hobbs5284/01/001

Ms W Parnacott5285/01/001

Ms Y Robertson5286/01/001

Ms Y Russell5287/01/001

Nalind Kumar4404/01/001

Natalie Bick4407/01/001

R. A Judge2098/02/001

S Deveraux2488/01/001

Sally Tozer4414/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Sheila Kemble & Peter Bolingbroke0211/01/001

Stephanie Pearce4406/01/001

Stephen Watson2073/02/001

Susan Lodge2901/01/001

The Farley Road Medical Practice4525/01/001

The Musgrave Family4938/01/001

The Pope Family4467/01/001

Tracey Plummer4374/02/002

Younes East4400/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 10

A A and Mrs J Coutts1701/01/001

A Nayyar1696/01/001

A Ramannrthy2418/01/001

A St Clair-Hughes1698/01/001

A Warwick2425/01/001

Adele Morgan1707/01/001

Akber Jetha7627/01/001

Alan Foster2404/01/001

Alan Ward2424/01/001

Alice and Andrew Hicks1751/02/001

Alicja Szlejf7381/01/001

Amrik Singh Aidan7612/01/001

Angela & Roger Booth7739/01/001

Angela Baker7623/01/001

Angela Claus2122/01/001

Angela Seed1719/01/001

Ann Henry7641/01/001

Ann Potts7434/01/001

Anna Price2367/02/001

Anne Daines2990/03/001

Anne Davenport7614/01/001

Anthonic Bissoon-Dial1726/01/001

Antonia Jacobs5456/02/001

Ashwin & Romesh Kotal7638/01/001

B Farrington7735/01/001

B Harms7390/01/001

B Wright7425/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

B.M Corbett1742/01/001

Barbara Lockwood7661/01/001

Barry Sullivan1736/01/001

Bernard Pratley1739/01/001

Bill Thackray1741/01/001

Carol Walton7635/01/001

Carole & Jason Stawley & Paes7624/01/001

Chris Tompkins1959/01/001

Claude Cribben7352/01/001

D C Nicholls7678/01/001

David and Jane Garrari2156/01/001

David Jordan2538/01/001

Debbie Barker7676/01/001

Debbie Bridson7650/01/001

Diana Shrapnell7698/01/001

Donna Brown7384/01/001

Doug & Donna White1994/01/001

Doug Pratley1991/01/001

Dr Dhruba Lahiri7734/01/001

Dr Katajrvelu7784/01/001

Dr T Moraites4542/02/001

E A Abell7471/01/001

E Marx7402/01/001

Elaine Stokes1969/01/001

Elizabeth Bussey7385/01/001

Emma McPartlin7738/01/001

F J Harrison7336/01/001

Frances Jones7653/01/001

Francesca Lodge7629/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

G Bartlett7337/01/001

G Cox7408/01/001

G D & N M Smith2013/01/001

G Vagg1875/01/001

G.B & C. A Johns2003/01/001

Hayley O'Reilly1976/01/001

Ian & Carmel Messenger2008/01/001

Ian A. Hills1995/01/001

Ian Clarke2000/01/001

J Knight7645/01/001

J Pollard7420/01/001

J Williamson2504/01/001

jackie Earl2018/01/001

Jacqueline Pratley2017/01/001

Jane Mcara2501/01/001

Janet Dziwior7789/01/001

Jenny Valins2503/01/001

Jill, Gary & Bethany Punter5295/02/001

Jo Tompkins7700/01/001

Joanne Crane7403/01/001

Julie Thornton2167/01/001

Justin Stanton3063/01/001

K D Hayward7748/01/001

K Logendig7378/01/001

Karen Bransom2506/01/001

Karen Taylor2516/01/001

Katharina Kreissig7740/01/001

Kathleen Dineen2509/01/001

Ken Sherwood3787/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Kerry McKinley2514/01/001

Kim Charnley2507/01/001

L A TUGWELL2250/01/001

L Almond2518/01/001

L Hartney7744/01/001

L Morgan7701/01/001

Leam Davies7660/01/001

Linda Ford2519/01/001

Lisa Croucher2350/01/001

LISA NASH2427/01/001

Lodge Matthew7709/01/001

Louise 7777/01/001

Lynda Tosh5068/02/001

Lynn & Michael Whittake7785/01/001

M Charabuboux8886/01/001

M H Bunting2378/01/001

M J Nagamootoo7706/01/001

M R Wallace7715/01/001

Mark Acott & Loldo Baund-Acott2430/01/001

Mary A Bennett7685/01/001

Mary Graystone7654/01/001

Mary Richards7741/01/001

Michaela Dennis2525/01/001

Mike Ogilvie3064/01/001

Miss K M Phillips7684/01/001

Miss Patricia Winter7686/01/001

Mr & Mrs Algar7509/01/001

Mr & Mrs B. M Brown2432/01/001

Mr & Mrs Bailey4527/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs Baker4529/02/001

Mr & Mrs Boot-Handford4535/02/001

Mr & Mrs C S Ereritt7486/01/001

Mr & Mrs Canter4443/02/001

Mr & Mrs Charlwood4553/02/001

Mr & Mrs Darnell2439/01/001

Mr & Mrs Dolling4506/02/001

Mr & Mrs Eley7636/01/001

Mr & Mrs Gooding7722/01/001

Mr & Mrs Graveling7732/01/001

Mr & Mrs Gunner7717/01/001

Mr & Mrs Halfyard2447/01/001

Mr & Mrs J McKay7771/01/001

Mr & Mrs J Smith7778/01/001

Mr & Mrs J Woods2449/01/001

Mr & Mrs Lock7723/01/002

Mr & Mrs M J Horne7769/01/001

Mr & Mrs M Stoneman2458/01/001

Mr & Mrs Marson2109/01/001

Mr & Mrs Mather4933/02/001

Mr & Mrs Miller7733/01/001

Mr & Mrs Myandee7792/01/001

Mr & Mrs Newman4940/02/001

Mr & Mrs P Farrington7726/01/001

Mr & Mrs Perry7761/01/001

Mr & Mrs R Woods7721/01/001

Mr & Mrs Rowe7640/01/001

Mr & Mrs Saunders7766/01/001

Mr & Mrs Shepherd7728/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs Simnett4954/02/001

Mr & Mrs Smith4956/02/001

Mr & Mrs Stevens7749/01/001

Mr & Mrs West4963/02/001

Mr & Mrs White4964/02/001

Mr & Mrs Woodin7730/01/001

Mr & Ms McGlinchey & Vilar5085/02/001

Mr A Alderton2397/01/001

Mr A G Stuart7617/01/001

Mr A Pollard7719/01/001

Mr AG Murray7628/01/001

Mr Alan Hays7716/01/001

Mr and Mrs D Gardner1879/01/001

Mr Andrew Barrett2399/01/001

Mr B Cogan4980/02/001

Mr B Cosens7727/01/001

Mr B Yates4985/02/001

Mr Brian Mumford7392/01/001

Mr BRT Barrett7787/01/001

Mr C Ansell4988/02/001

Mr C Bashford2097/01/001

Mr C L Withey7718/01/001

Mr C. C. & Mrs V. M Cox2479/01/001

Mr C. O. Nicholls2478/01/001

Mr Charles Marriott1929/01/001

Mr Clive Painter2473/01/001

Mr Colin Luly5521/02/001

Mr D Daines7504/01/001

Mr D Farquhar5003/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr D Punja7334/01/001

Mr D Sharman2248/01/001

Mr David Ginn1672/01/001

Mr David Hardgrave7772/01/001

Mr Dominic Bradley7388/01/001

Mr Doug McKenzie7506/01/001

Mr Douglas Sander1930/01/001

Mr E Perschky7763/01/001

Mr Edward John Allen7335/01/001

Mr Elliott Silk1935/01/001

Mr Frank Millington1184/02/001

Mr G B Young7724/01/001

Mr G D Jordan7440/01/001

Mr G Knight7674/01/001

Mr G Matthews5033/02/001

Mr Gareth Nesbitt7616/01/001

Mr Gary McPurfilth7768/01/001

Mr Geoffrey Baldry7507/01/001

Mr Graham McLeod7347/01/001

Mr Graham McLeod7410/01/001

Mr Graham Moss7339/01/001

Mr Guy Berridge7432/01/001

Mr H & Mrs S Prashad2494/01/001

Mr Harold James7497/01/001

Mr Ian Jones7344/01/001

Mr J Avery5047/02/001

Mr J Graystone5053/02/001

Mr J Hibbert5054/02/001

Mr J Spring5060/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr J W Deverell7469/01/001

Mr James Robinson7688/01/001

Mr James Thorburn7703/01/001

Mr John Glen7631/01/001

Mr John Moir2169/01/001

Mr John Norris7468/01/001

Mr John Page7438/01/001

Mr John Rule7510/01/001

Mr John Searl3007/02/001

Mr John Tilbury2030/01/001

Mr K & Mrs J. W Farrington2462/01/001

Mr K Ohadi5064/02/001

Mr K Priestley2346/01/001

Mr K Sims5065/02/001

Mr Keith Hamid7441/01/001

Mr Kenneth Isaac7472/01/001

Mr Kevin Howard7492/01/001

Mr M Donnelly5011/02/001

Mr Malcolm Bush7691/01/001

Mr Martin G8887/01/001

Mr Michael Dickie7764/01/001

Mr Michael Thake7343/01/001

Mr Mohammad Aslam7767/01/001

Mr Neil Rodgers2102/01/001

Mr P Blundell2344/01/001

Mr P Hebden5100/02/001

Mr P Jarman7725/01/001

Mr Paul Cox5099/02/001

Mr Peter Wilson2063/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Petere Connell7397/01/001

Mr Philip Barber7615/01/001

Mr Philip Jones7345/01/001

Mr Philip Swallow2061/01/001

Mr R Shrieves5117/02/001

Mr R Voice7415/01/001

Mr R Walton2349/01/001

Mr R Wollard2353/01/001

Mr Ricardo Da Corte7679/01/001

Mr Rob Kingdon7710/01/001

Mr Ron Hawker7350/01/001

Mr Rowen Holland2047/01/001

Mr Ryan Parker2200/01/001

Mr Simon Gravett7693/01/001

Mr Simon Turoff7404/01/001

Mr Stephen Purches7427/01/001

Mr Stuart Douch7619/01/001

Mr T Trompeteler7774/01/001

Mr Terry Mantell7442/01/001

Mr Terry Shaw3777/01/001

Mr Thomas Hays7620/01/001

Mr Tim Jones2042/01/001

Mr Tim Sizer7642/01/001

Mr W Leeks7341/01/001

Mr William Smith7776/01/001

Mr William Tompkins2227/01/001

Mr. B & Mrs S. A Kelly2431/01/001

Mrs A Veniard7720/01/001

Mrs Ann Sawyers5144/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs Anne Simmonds7704/01/001

Mrs B A Benwell7489/01/001

Mrs B Gainey7647/01/001

Mrs B M Wray1734/04/001

Mrs Bowyer7648/01/001

Mrs C Bebrouth7745/01/001

Mrs C Dhadi7491/01/001

Mrs C Hobbs5153/02/001

Mrs Claire Purches7689/01/001

Mrs D Boyd7626/01/001

Mrs D Bryant7632/01/001

Mrs D Cauchi7633/01/001

Mrs D Dalrymple-Allen7791/01/001

Mrs Diana Halpin2198/01/001

Mrs E Barnes7501/01/001

Mrs G Howard7696/01/001

Mrs H Kentfield7705/01/001

Mrs H L Smith7746/01/001

Mrs J Barker7695/01/001

Mrs J G Murray7681/01/001

Mrs J K Murphy7621/01/001

Mrs J Langley5173/02/001

Mrs J Pook2502/01/001

Mrs Jean Butcher7494/01/001

Mrs K Cox7413/01/001

Mrs K Dance7405/01/001

Mrs Karen Smith7663/01/001

Mrs Kim Batt7675/01/001

Mrs L Leeks2238/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs L Thornton7424/01/001

Mrs Linda White7430/01/001

Mrs M Cosens7683/01/001

Mrs M Hollingworth7699/01/001

Mrs M I Lloyd7838/01/001

Mrs M Martin7840/01/001

Mrs M Stevens7618/01/001

Mrs M.M Housden2197/01/001

Mrs Marilyn Hansford7736/01/001

Mrs Milena Grimshaw4693/02/001

Mrs P Luly5956/02/001

Mrs P Millington7429/01/001

Mrs P Trompeteler7775/01/001

Mrs Patricia Ball2070/01/001

Mrs R Holland7426/01/001

Mrs S Oddie5206/02/001

Mrs Susan Lirqunarj0778/01/001

Mrs U Curtis7667/01/001

Mrs V DeSouza7668/01/001

Mrs W Skorszewski5210/02/001

Mrs Z Sachedona7790/01/001


Ms C Valins5219/02/001

Ms D Woolard5228/02/001

Ms Dawn Gibbons7394/01/001

Ms H Farley0357/02/001

Ms J Sims5252/02/001

Ms Jane Hays5243/02/001

Ms L Earl5258/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Susan Adams5276/02/001

Ms Yvonne Sims2315/01/001

Nancy Augustine2533/01/001

Olga Capel7649/01/001

Olwe Boxall7417/01/001

P Weller7412/01/001

Pam Webb7658/01/001

Pamela Bassi7702/01/001

Pat Verhoeff7773/01/001

Paulette Verrinder7697/01/001

Peter Kiernan2120/01/001

Pritesh Patel7401/01/001

R A Payne7498/01/001

R Bloxsome2115/01/001

R Rouse7500/01/001

R. A Judge2098/01/001

R. Srikanthan2133/01/001

Rhoda Trainer2208/01/001

Robin Hammond7428/01/001

S J N Shrapnell7750/01/001

S Vickers7664/01/001

Sanora Carrell7737/01/001

Sarah Hester3065/01/001

Sheila Kemble7652/01/001

Stephen Watson2073/01/001

Susan Lodge2901/02/001

Susan Stunt7692/01/001

Susan Turoff7659/01/001

Suzanne & Martin Donnelly7762/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

T Connell7421/01/001

T Linturn7742/01/001

Tara Cassar7666/01/001

Toyin Omoney7487/01/001

Tracy Tyler2201/01/001

V Molleskog7788/01/001

Vaire G8888/01/001

Victoria Hays7694/01/001

WH & AS Hunt7786/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard Rep 11

A J Papas1695/01/001

Abraham Choong1777/01/001

Alec Pereira2079/01/001

Ali Dhuka1841/01/001

Alistair Dean1791/01/001

Allison Allen1770/02/001

Angie Pither3799/01/001

Anthony Webb2188/01/001

Cathy Brown1859/01/001

David & Francesca Taylor1870/01/001

Dergesh Vyas1895/01/001

Diane Simpson3744/01/001

Dr & Mrs Banks3996/01/001

Dr Ann Bartlett1839/01/002

Dr. Satish Desai1897/01/001

Giselle Stacey3152/01/003

Heather Wright2852/01/001

Jennifer Hierons1828/02/001

Julie Blackburn3012/01/001

Meg Goodman3589/01/002

Miss D Palmer0605/02/001

Mr & Mrs Burger4896/01/001

Mr & Mrs Gorman4883/01/001

Mr & Mrs Hibble4696/02/001

Mr & Mrs Joseph4871/01/001

Mr & Mrs Lawrance4909/01/001

Mr & Mrs Martin4851/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs Rhodes4862/01/001

Mr & Mrs Robson4849/01/001

Mr & Mrs Woods4873/01/001

Mr & Mrs Xenophontos4857/01/001

Mr & Ms Mitchell & Renaud4865/01/001

Mr B Wilmott4848/01/001

Mr Chris Philp1813/01/001

Mr D Arstall4853/01/001

Mr D Kadolsky4912/01/001

Mr David Hewett0437/01/001 Dampness Diagnosis Consultancy

Mr Derek Maynard2221/01/001 Hartley and District Residents Association

Mr f Simpson4854/01/001

Mr Fam M Beckers4855/01/001

Mr G Best4859/01/001

Mr G Bower4860/01/001

Mr G Hillier4856/01/001

Mr I Forbes4861/01/001

Mr J Roberson4864/01/001

mr J Teach4870/01/001

Mr L Pursey4876/01/001

Mr M Cork4877/01/001

Mr M Fletcher4881/01/001

Mr M Jones4884/01/001

Mr M Kamal4878/01/001

Mr M Owens4887/01/001

Mr M Scrivens4882/01/001

Mr M Slack4879/01/001

Mr N Darsley4889/01/001

Mr N Kemp4891/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr N Mason4890/01/001

Mr P Cooper4893/01/001

Mr P Jenkins4894/01/001

Mr P Kyprianou4914/01/001

Mr P Luton4895/01/001

Mr P Murtagh4892/01/001

Mr R Budgen4897/01/001

Mr R Hewett4915/01/001

Mr R Makda4885/01/001

Mr R Stibbards4898/01/001

Mr S Giles4899/01/001

Mr S Luczynski4905/01/001

Mr S Paul4900/01/001

Mr S Popat4903/01/001

Mr S Rooney4901/01/001

Mr T Howe4916/01/001

Mr V Allen4908/01/001

Mr W McCabe4911/01/001

Mrs L Jones4875/01/001

Ms A Giles4847/02/001

Ms A Giles4847/01/001

Ms B Taylor4850/01/001

Ms D Bindman4852/01/001

Ms G Bolter4858/01/001

Ms I Yendall4863/01/001

Ms j Edwards4872/01/001

Ms J Gordon4869/01/001

Ms J Legg4867/01/001

Ms J Stinson4866/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms J Strudwick4868/01/001

Ms M Trinh4880/01/001

Ms N McKinnon4888/01/001

Ms O Hewett4913/01/001

Ms S Betts4906/01/001

Ms S Clark4904/01/001

Ms S Darcy4902/01/001

Ms S Toyer4907/01/001

Ms V Little4839/02/001

Ms V Vos4910/01/001

The Nuttman Family4874/01/001

The Subra Family4886/01/001

Tony and Sue Tucker1780/02/001

Tony and Sue Tucker1780/02/002

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 12

Ali Raiza7153/01/001

Anne J Spragg7179/01/001

Ashok Shah4714/01/001

Atsuko Vernon7206/01/001

B Bridgewater7180/01/001

Chris Deehadlys1961/01/001

Diana Stainbank7181/01/001

Dr J Fisher3214/01/001

E Slade7215/01/001

G Arwood7156/01/001

G H Biddiss7217/01/001

H J Andrews7159/01/001

I W Roberts7218/01/001

J O'shea7164/01/001

Janet Gardner7151/01/001

Jenny Hanly7227/01/001

JENNY NETTO2180/01/001

Jill & William Kyne7203/01/001

Lauren Sturges2183/01/001

Leslie & Mark Curtis & Lester7208/01/001

Lynne Macaulay7229/01/001

M Shaw7169/01/001

Maria Hill7230/01/001

Mitsuo Someya7171/01/001

Mr & Mrs MacLean2697/01/001

Mr & Mrs Pickering7204/01/001

Mr A W Parfitt7205/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr and Mrs Bird3216/01/001

Mr Brian Taylor7155/01/001

Mr Clive D Baker7207/01/001

Mr David Jones7209/01/001

Mr David Thompson7211/01/001

Mr David Wickon7213/01/001

Mr Douglas Shuard7210/01/001

Mr Ernest Poyiadzi7214/01/001

Mr G Ellis4919/01/001

Mr Graham Dotton7158/01/001

Mr Ian Macaulay4715/01/001

Mr JC Power0124/02/001 Oakwood Avenue Residents

Mr John Boyle7162/01/001

Mr Mark Cooper7166/01/001

Mr Mike Baliman7165/01/001

Mr Peter Spragg3812/02/001

Mr Phil Reed0637/01/002 Reed Public Relations

Mr R Shankar4917/01/001

Mr Terrence John Tanner7176/01/001

Mr Terry Dullaway4297/01/001

Mrs A Arunthavarajah7226/01/001

Mrs Deborah Wyatt7221/01/001

Mrs Irene Mainwaring7236/01/001

Mrs Judith Parfitt0851/01/001

Mrs M Atkinson7223/01/001

Ms A M Anderson7177/01/001

Ms Jane Williams2596/01/001

Ms June Pacey7248/01/001

Nicola Patrick7232/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Nicola Waller7233/01/001

P A Lintern7172/01/001

S A Fox7174/01/001

Susan Jones7183/01/001

TH and EM Skipp2864/03/001

The Lester Family4918/01/001

Vanessa Maria Dullaway7149/01/001

wendy Nelson2069/01/001

Y Papas7161/01/001

Zarina Contractor7234/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 13

A Barnett7125/02/001

A Gaveo7260/01/001

Abbie Ewen6435/02/001

Christine Carter6410/02/001

Claire Hunt3076/04/001

D A Fletchere6464/02/001

Helen Kennedy6442/02/001

K R Brooks6491/02/001

Kristina Toffi6446/02/001

Kyproulla Adair6493/02/001

Lynn Jones6415/02/001

Mary Daniels7254/01/001

Mr & Mrs Woodhouse7252/01/001

Mr B Goberdhan6456/02/001

Mr D Jenner5545/03/001

Mr Graham Murphy6934/02/001

Mr John Albert3506/04/001

Mr John Albert3506/03/001

Mr John Johnes7258/01/001

Mr Martin Gibson6896/02/001

Mr Russell Adair6763/02/001

Mrs Elaine Connor6047/03/001

Mrs Jean Ghagan7109/02/001

Mrs K S Jenner6868/02/001

Mrs M A Gibson7132/02/001

Ms Caroline Elizabeth Joyce3472/03/001

Ms Jennifer Tapping6761/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Julie Knight7082/02/001

Ms Karen Fletcher2565/03/001

Ms Lyndsey Gibson7228/02/001

Samantha Jones6478/02/001

Sheena Shah6428/02/001

T Coates7263/01/001

Tracey Gaveo7256/01/001

V Goberdhan7268/02/001

Wendy Johnes7262/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 14

Alan Armstrong1710/01/001

Barry Pearce1735/01/001

Bernard O'Connor3053/01/001

Brian Moody3052/01/002

David Clarke2075/01/001 KCS Bromley Ltd

G Beverly5018/01/001

Gary Simmons1972/01/001

Grant Francis & Kathleen Dakers1992/01/001 Galmorgan Public House

J Rastall5021/01/001

Janet Thomas5026/01/001

Jason Derham2012/01/001

Jonathan Miller3061/01/001

Kim Duthie5017/01/001

M D McGowan5022/01/001

Martin Powell3058/01/001

Michael Fink3060/01/001

Minax Shah7143/01/001

Mr & Mrs Garrett5025/01/001

Mr & Mrs Patel2358/01/001

Mr Alan Cooper3051/01/001

Mr Antony Jarrett5024/01/001

Mr B Goberdhan6456/04/001

Mr C Ribbons2731/01/002

Mr D J Warner3055/01/001

Mr E Bullion2732/01/001

Mr George Fitzsimmons2933/01/001 Shirley Park Golf Club

Mr Gregory Gill5019/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Ian Duthie3057/01/001

Mr Ian Greenstreet7146/01/001

Mr Jim Fraser3100/01/001

Mr John Duthie5016/01/001

Mr John Scott1945/01/001 Shirley Park Golf Club

Mr K Cownley3780/01/001

Mr Malcolm Graveling5027/01/001

Mr Michael Catalano3572/01/001

Mr Michael Catalano3572/01/002

Mr Neil Duthie5014/01/001

Mr Rod De Silva4713/01/001

Mr Ross Duthie5015/01/001

Mr Steve Murphy2040/01/001 Shirley Park Golf Club Limited

Mr T Peel2661/01/001

Mr Terence Norman3115/01/001

Mr Tony Linke3740/01/001

Mrs Maria Jarrett3059/01/001

Ms Eva Palmer3446/01/001

Ms Norma Clark2549/01/001 Shirley Park Golf Club

N Bradley4319/01/001

Polly Spaul5023/01/001

Sabrina Favata2550/01/001

Will McCardie3062/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 15

Amanda & Andrew Norman Connel9193/01/001

Carol Mollison1873/02/001

Claire Hunt9190/01/001

Elizabeth Savage9185/01/001

John & Audrey Albert & Barnett9230/01/001

Lorraine Cox9210/01/001

Margaret Ann Hurle7088/02/001

Marion Beatrice Johnson9196/01/001

Mr & Mrs F & G Economides2947/04/001

Mr & Mrs J D C Bolding5479/03/001

Mr & Mrs Jeffrey2450/03/001

Mr & Mrs Read3747/01/001

Mr & Mrs Vincent9226/01/001

Mr Brian Charles Small6409/03/001

Mr Ian Marsh3498/05/001

Mr Keith Harris2573/03/001

Mr Lesley G Wilson6905/02/001

Mr Peter Holloway9224/01/001

Mr R Muralidaran7265/03/001

Mr R Tarrant7006/02/001

Mr Roy Stanford9173/01/001

Mrs J Warner-Chandler6247/04/001

Mrs Laura Tang4593/03/001

Mrs Margaret Hawkins3593/03/001

Ms Julia Patten7955/02/001

Ms Julie Knight7082/04/001

Ms Michele L Stone8326/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Sally Harris9229/01/001

Salwa Hiluabdo9227/01/001

Sheena Shah6428/04/001

Vera Bolding6669/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 16

A M Small9205/01/001

Alison Newman9155/01/001

B Russell-Redman9194/01/001

Be Forrai9153/01/001

C M Bowry9158/01/001

C Stirins9164/01/001

Claire Gardner9152/01/001

Cllr Steve O'Connell AM2128/04/001

D Fernandes9154/01/001

D. W. Savage9199/01/001

Elizabeth Forrai9172/01/001

J & JP Keehan9168/01/001

J P Albin9191/01/001

J Skilliron9165/01/001

Jackie Dickinson9162/01/001

Joe Barnes9160/01/001

John Bannon2806/02/001

K Shah9159/01/001

Kanti Shah9177/01/001

Kevstin Baxter-Brand9150/01/001

M. I. Skillicorn9192/01/001

Mr Bryan Baker3743/02/010

Mr Edward Hendley9179/01/001

Mr John Hayward9189/01/001

Mr Kevin Barber9200/01/001

Mr Paul Gardner9151/01/001

Mr Rahim Mawani9156/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Roy Colbra9197/01/001

Mr Roy Dawson9174/01/001

Mr Tim Newman4100/02/001

Mrs J Hutchings9195/01/001

Ms Jean Dawson9175/01/001

Ms Joan Burgess9202/01/001

R Barnes9157/01/001

Raye Roberta Bacon9166/01/001

S Boughton9167/01/001

S Rajeswaran9163/01/001

Suraj Shah9161/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 17

B Francis9131/01/001

D D Leng9138/01/001

E Jackson9129/01/001

I Udensi9133/01/001

J Gulham9135/01/001

J Rutter9139/01/001

J Sthiviszevsri9137/01/001

Kathleen James9124/01/001

L Obery9134/01/001

Lou Hunter9142/01/001

Miss S O'Brien9130/01/001

Mr A Peton9128/01/001

Mr Miguel Hunter9141/01/001

Mr R Dru9127/01/001

Mrs B Idnani9125/01/001

Mrs B Smart9126/01/001

R J Wanglove9140/01/001

Y Flynn9132/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 18

J R Hammer9122/01/001

Partners of 9123/01/001 Sanderstead Plantation Partners

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 2


AR Pound1787/01/001

JE WHITE2394/01/001

A C Duffy1694/01/001

A Dunsmore2402/01/001

A Glennister1837/01/001

A Thomas1699/01/001

A. C. Blackburn2400/01/001

A. J. Walmsley2407/01/001

Aaron D'Cruz2064/01/001

AB Hill3116/01/001

Alan and Sue Whittlesey1757/02/001

Alan Seymour2420/01/001

Alastair MacKensie2409/01/001

Alison Connor1713/01/001

Alison Dunkley6163/01/001

Allan Booth1785/02/001

Allan Booth1785/01/004

Allison Matthews6027/01/001

Alyce Menhinnitt1909/01/001

Amanda Webb1789/01/001

Amy Gorman6124/01/001

Amy Johnson1715/01/001

Andrew & Karen Lyons1911/02/001

Andrew Elliott2299/01/001

Andrew Peacock2415/01/001

Andrew Wheatley1823/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Angela and Andrew Glasan3117/01/001

Ann Walsh6312/01/001

Ann&Paul Stannard2126/01/001

Anna Booth1925/01/001

Anne Fortin6165/01/001

Anne Hall5587/01/001

Anthony Marshall4430/01/001

Anthony Pereira2417/01/001

Antonia Jacobs5456/01/001

Audrey Sparks5449/01/001

B DUDLEY2383/01/001

B Simpson8996/01/001

B Widger1731/01/001

Barbara Dennis6314/01/001

Barbara Heavens6169/01/001

Barbara Turner1758/01/001

Beeilly Authotand8875/01/001

Ben Bray2456/01/001

BH LEE2313/01/001

Bindhu Pillai3119/01/001

Brenda Osbourne1743/01/001

Brian Glasscock1761/01/001

Bridget and Michael Foley3120/01/001

Bruna Zanelli1784/01/001

Bruna Zanelli1784/02/001

BZ Grant3118/01/001

C & J Chang2002/01/001

C A Connor1876/01/001

C Bome1745/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

C Dykman4991/02/001

C L Ryan2335/01/001

C Wicks8987/01/001

CA and D Barker3121/01/001

Carol Cowan4497/01/001

Carol Grant6108/01/001

Carol Mollison1873/01/001

Carole Layton4434/01/001

Catherine Kennedy6317/01/001

Catherine O'Brien6319/01/001

Chris Kirwan1838/01/001


Christine Baker2482/01/001

Christine Webb2231/01/001

Christopher,Sharon & Jack Kew2021/01/001

Colin & Judith Staff2023/01/001

Craig More Laird od Dunans6443/01/001

D C & M J Bartlett5299/01/001

D E Banlincho8872/01/001

D Felon8994/01/001

D Geusol8985/01/001

D,J & R CHAMBERLAIN2055/01/001

D. A Carter2485/01/001

D. C & F. J Ginder2445/01/001

D.J. Pollard1891/01/001

Daniel Olarieta1866/01/001

Danny Read1867/01/001

Daphne PEDLEY2300/01/001

DAVE A KING2065/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

David & Marlene Willsome2537/01/001

David Baker2483/01/001

David Latham2086/01/001

David Moran1786/01/001

Dawn Javis6297/01/001

Debbie Beaumont4599/01/001

Debbie Nasse6171/01/001

Devon Price1817/01/001

Diana Bullen5453/01/001

Diane Lowton4429/01/001

Douglas & Linda Mackenzie2484/01/001

Dr & Mrs Vasant4563/01/001

Dr M Hussain4735/01/001

Dr M.J. Hough1981/01/001

Dr Nicholas Cambridge1971/01/001

Dr Perera & Jayamanne2940/02/002

Dr R Lennard4741/01/001

Dr S Wood4037/01/001

Dr Susan Young4608/01/001

E & N Knight5302/01/001

E A Logan5303/01/001

E Grant6054/01/001

E Timpson1974/01/001

E V Cole5304/01/001

E Willbourn1975/01/001

Eamonn Prendergast1790/01/001 EP Cleaners

Elaine Bronger1794/01/001

Elaine Tait1977/01/001

Eleanor J8874/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Elizabeth Black6200/01/001

Elizabeth Grant4588/01/001

Elizabeth Walton1985/01/001

Ellen Lock1984/01/001

EP Walker1983/01/001

Ercan Mustafa1905/01/001

Evelyn Cupit6321/01/001

F Jex1967/01/001

Frances & Mark Monaghan1987/01/001

Frederick Law4431/01/001

G W Hitchcock5305/01/001


Geraldine Williams4600/01/001

Gillian Turner6355/01/001

Graeme Fillmore4500/01/001

Gwen Hunter6107/01/001

H A J Marshall5306/01/001

H Bunstead6331/01/001

H Helhio8992/01/001

H McMillan8993/01/001

H P Carter2411/01/001

H Taylor2172/01/001

Helen C Steer6322/01/001

Helen M Johnston6301/01/001

Hilary A Sard6126/01/001

Holly Cornish6137/01/001

I Stubbington2004/01/001

Irina O'Brien2006/01/001

J & R Keehne & Condon1833/02/002

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

J & R Keehne & Condon1833/01/001

J Barley4498/01/001

J Beunanda8983/01/001

J H Evans5308/01/001

J H FORD2176/01/001

J Hoque4554/01/001

J Jackson8989/01/001

J Letts8876/01/001

J Portingale2007/01/001

J Smith2010/01/001

J STEVENS2398/01/001

J. D Mollinson2020/01/001

J.A Beddone1998/01/001

Jackie Hall4494/01/001

Jacqueline & Anthony Collier1999/01/001

Jacqueline Burns4544/01/001

Jacqueline Joyce4551/01/001

Jacqueline Turner6125/01/001

Jamie Fisher4552/01/001

Jan Byford4586/01/001

Jane Bance4511/01/001

Jane Smith2014/01/001

Janet Adams6324/01/001

Janet Kelly6376/01/001

Janet Tonks4512/01/001

Janice Lee4601/01/001

Janice Lee6359/01/001

Jeanette Bass4513/01/001

Jenna Laney6303/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Jennifer Lucas2500/01/001

Jessica Mitchell4574/01/001

Joanna De Silva4225/01/002

JP RAN2426/01/001

Julie Curran6332/01/001

K & E Bridge2436/01/001

K & M A Hutchinson5310/01/001

K Y Bowen8984/01/001

Kaley Duffy8999/01/001

Karen Day2508/01/001

Karen Payne2515/01/001

Katie Beaumont4591/01/001

Katie Fernandes6335/01/001

Katy Littler1842/02/001

Ken Chan6042/01/001

Kerrs Kerrs5312/01/001 Kerrs Accountants

Kim Butcher4517/01/001

KT RAYMOND2416/01/001

L HARDING2534/01/001

L S Moss5313/01/001

L Stanley5564/01/001

LE BOWEY2391/01/001

Leanne Voller2522/01/001

Lesley Edwards6023/01/001

Lesley Luff4518/01/001

Lesley Wilson6175/01/001

Linda Anthony6306/01/001

Linda Hudson3129/02/001

Lindsay Crowther3817/01/002

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Lindsey Hinds4562/01/001

Lisa Murphy6337/01/001

Lisa Rajah2521/01/001

LJ, KR, IA Newsey & Pollard2374/01/001

Lori Noeth4592/01/001

Lucy Duffy9000/01/001

Lynda Clark4520/01/001

Lynne Hewitt2520/01/001

Lynne Thorpe6055/01/001

M & J Pesher5316/01/001

M A Gosden5240/01/001

M B Bassom5429/01/001

M B McSweeney1953/01/001

M B McSweeney1953/02/001

M Butcher8991/01/001

M D McGowan5022/02/001

M Fennel8986/01/001

M G & T N Flynn2588/01/001

M Hawkins5563/01/001

M J Bignall5317/01/001

M Jordan5585/01/001

M Woollard5320/01/001

M, S & J Ruiu & Lanetta5319/01/001

Ma Beverley A Jones6330/01/001

Manoj Gandhi4501/01/001

Maralyn Thomas2100/01/002

Margaret A. Day2524/01/001

Margaret Clyne1943/01/001

Margaret Watts3564/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Margaret Watts3564/02/002

Maria Walcott2377/01/001

Marian Togwell2531/01/001

Marie White8990/01/001

Marisa Rabbini4547/01/001

Mark & Julie Greenway2446/02/002

Mary Norman3539/02/001

Matthew & Suzzane Purton & Redding8963/01/001

Maureen Foster2814/01/002

Maureen Mills2527/01/001

Maya Scott6382/01/001

Michael Woodle1940/01/001

Michelle Finalls6339/01/001

Michelle Parker-Brown & Stephen Parker2528/01/001

Miriam BJ Bogazzi6307/01/001

Miss A Binge3244/01/001

Miss B K Bennett5322/01/001

Miss C Jaggon2387/01/001

Miss Charlotte Wren6294/01/001

Miss E Humphreys5323/01/001

Miss E Osborn5324/01/001

Miss F Postans5325/01/001

Miss H Wood2384/01/001

Miss Harriet Homes2321/02/002

Miss Helen Pengelly4543/01/001

Miss Jennifer Macdonald2224/02/002

Miss Julie Green3155/01/001

Miss L Clark5327/01/001

Miss Louise Baine4545/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Miss Marjorie Losasso3156/01/001

Miss S A Jay5328/01/001

Miss S Rayfield2320/01/001

Miss S Spree2319/01/001

Miss Sophia Morris4633/02/001

Miss V Milk2389/01/001

MJH & PAC Payne5318/01/001

Moira McDonnell4602/01/001

Monica Digby4485/01/001

Mr & Mrd Payne4722/01/001

Mr & Mrs S & C King5385/01/001

Mr & Mrs A & B Drew5363/01/001

Mr & Mrs A & B Rumistrzewicz5413/01/001

Mr & Mrs A & D Uprichard5426/01/001

Mr & Mrs A & J James5379/01/001

Mr & Mrs A & L Turner5425/01/001

Mr & Mrs A Ademiji5441/01/001

Mr & Mrs A Babatunde5442/01/001

Mr & Mrs A C Smith5418/01/001

Mr & Mrs A D & V Baylis5342/01/001

Mr & Mrs A Gibbens5329/01/001

Mr & Mrs A J Verrier5330/01/001

Mr & Mrs A Jamet5381/01/001

Mr & Mrs A L Stratford5482/01/001

Mr & Mrs A R & P A Thomson5423/01/001

Mr & Mrs A Smith2428/01/001

Mr & Mrs Alan Williams4540/01/001

Mr & Mrs B & M Cozens5358/01/001

Mr & Mrs B & V Osborne5400/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs B & V Riley6316/01/001

Mr & Mrs B Jewkes5490/01/001

Mr & Mrs B W Clarke5351/01/001

Mr & Mrs Bagley5337/01/001

Mr & Mrs Balendron5473/01/001

Mr & Mrs Bastajic5341/01/001

Mr & Mrs Batchelor2433/01/001

Mr & Mrs Beer2434/01/001

Mr & Mrs Bennett5344/01/001

Mr & Mrs Bloomfield5345/01/001

Mr & Mrs Buatsi5348/01/001

Mr & Mrs Butcher4719/01/001

Mr & Mrs C & A Cook5355/01/001

Mr & Mrs C & J Horscroft5375/01/001

Mr & Mrs C & M Andrews5335/01/001

Mr & Mrs Campbell5474/01/001

Mr & Mrs Carter4655/01/001

Mr & Mrs Christopher & Katie Walton4389/02/002

Mr & Mrs Cole2620/01/001

Mr & Mrs D & A Atkins5336/01/001

Mr & Mrs D & B Edwards5364/01/001

Mr & Mrs D & B Frost5370/01/001

Mr & Mrs D & F Rendle5410/01/001

Mr & Mrs D & M Sankar5414/01/001

Mr & Mrs D & R Brett5346/01/001

Mr & Mrs D & S Farnan5367/01/001

Mr & Mrs D A Wright5485/01/001

Mr & Mrs D Barawiok5340/01/001

Mr & Mrs D Burgess5535/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs D J & J E Coady5352/01/001

Mr & Mrs D Woodfield5438/01/001

Mr & Mrs David Reynolds5476/01/001

Mr & Mrs David Turner1836/01/001

Mr & Mrs DeSouza4756/01/001

Mr & Mrs Dove5443/01/001

Mr & Mrs E. T Dadley2441/01/001

Mr & Mrs Ewin4022/02/002

Mr & Mrs F H & W LeMay5390/01/001

Mr & Mrs Fird5368/01/001

Mr & Mrs Fisher4731/01/001

Mr & Mrs Fisher4469/01/001

Mr & Mrs G & A Kingdon5599/01/001

Mr & Mrs G & H Cooper5357/01/001

Mr & Mrs G & H Hallett5371/01/001

Mr & Mrs G & J Cooper5356/01/001

Mr & Mrs G J & M A Baker5339/01/001

Mr & Mrs G J & P M Canfield4723/01/001

Mr & Mrs Gabriel2457/01/001

Mr & Mrs Galeeba4521/01/001

Mr & Mrs Gandhi4720/01/001

Mr & Mrs Gaspard4757/01/001

Mr & Mrs Gigney2443/01/001

Mr & Mrs Good3909/01/002

Mr & Mrs Gower4149/01/002

Mr & Mrs Greyson2345/01/001

Mr & Mrs H M & G C Toma5424/01/001

Mr & Mrs Hand5372/01/001

Mr & Mrs Horner4774/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs Hunter4754/01/001

Mr & Mrs I & G Goldsmith5614/01/001

Mr & Mrs Ingram5477/01/001

Mr & Mrs J & A Lawrence5388/01/001

Mr & Mrs J & B Evans5366/01/001

Mr & Mrs J & E Histed5374/01/001

Mr & Mrs J & L James5380/01/001

Mr & Mrs J & O Luckhurst5392/01/001

Mr & Mrs J & S Carelse5350/01/001

Mr & Mrs J & S Wainford5432/01/001

Mr & Mrs J & V Vanna5427/01/001

Mr & Mrs J D C Bolding5479/01/001

Mr & Mrs J Dilnot5361/01/001

Mr & Mrs J H Considine5354/01/001

Mr & Mrs J Lambert2337/01/001

Mr & Mrs J Thacker5483/01/001

Mr & Mrs Jamshidi5382/01/001

Mr & Mrs Jesshop4728/01/001

Mr & Mrs Johannessen5383/01/001

Mr & Mrs John & Sylvia Priscott6434/01/001

Mr & Mrs John Coleman5478/01/001

Mr & Mrs Johns4737/01/001

Mr & Mrs Jonathan & Jean Baxter5625/01/001

Mr & Mrs Jones4603/01/001

Mr & Mrs K A & J McDonald5395/01/001

Mr & Mrs K B5347/01/001

Mr & Mrs K Pullivay5403/01/001

Mr & Mrs Kellas2682/01/001

Mr & Mrs Kemal2621/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs Kemal2621/02/002

Mr & Mrs Kenny2452/01/001

Mr & Mrs King4474/01/001

Mr & Mrs L & N Kirwan5386/01/001

Mr & Mrs l Rendle5409/01/001

Mr & Mrs Lesley & Martin Plumb5428/01/001

Mr & Mrs Lindsay5391/01/001

Mr & Mrs M & A Gaughari5321/01/001

Mr & Mrs M & G W Allen5332/01/001

mr & Mrs M & G West5436/01/001

Mr & Mrs M & J Bartram5699/01/001

Mr & Mrs M & J Flannery5369/01/001

Mr & Mrs M & O Warren4159/02/002

Mr & Mrs M & V Crowther5475/01/001

Mr & Mrs M P & V A Ware5435/01/001

Mr & Mrs M. F Belfield2454/01/001

Mr & Mrs N & S Hall6302/01/001

Mr & Mrs N & T Abbott5472/01/001

Mr & Mrs Naylor4783/01/001

Mr & Mrs O'Reilly4750/01/001

Mr & Mrs P & D McBrown6211/01/001

Mr & Mrs P & D Radford5406/01/001

Mr & Mrs P & E Lavington5387/01/001

Mr & Mrs P & J Symes5422/01/001

Mr & Mrs P & M Elmy5365/01/001

Mr & Mrs P & PA Helliwell6402/01/001

Mr & Mrs P & R Ditton5362/01/001

Mr & Mrs P & S Sidhorn5416/01/001

Mr & Mrs P J & M H Sargent5415/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs P Kaile5384/01/001

Mr & Mrs P Nevitt2390/01/001

Mr & Mrs P W & M Nokes5398/01/001

Mr & Mrs P W & S Streek5401/01/001

Mr & Mrs Palmer5402/01/001

Mr & Mrs Peter & Brenda Mullings3926/02/001

Mr & Mrs Phillips4156/01/001

Mr & Mrs Piccilino2463/01/001

Mr & Mrs Plymsol6378/01/001

Mr & Mrs Quinn5404/01/001

Mr & Mrs R & C Leathwood5389/01/001

Mr & Mrs R & D Sergiou5481/01/001

Mr & Mrs R & J Hussey5376/01/001

Mr & Mrs R & L Brown5315/01/001

Mr & Mrs R Groves4748/01/001

Mr & Mrs R R & J S Derry5360/01/001

Mr & Mrs R S & J Cameron5349/01/001

Mr & Mrs Reed5408/01/001

Mr & Mrs Reveley5480/01/001

Mr & Mrs Robert & Patricia Cole2546/02/001

Mr & Mrs Roberts4643/01/001

Mr & Mrs Roberts5412/01/001

Mr & Mrs Robinson4507/01/001

Mr & Mrs S & N Jeyarajah6400/01/001

Mr & Mrs S & V Milward5397/01/001

Mr & Mrs S Amer5333/01/001

Mr & Mrs S C Coleman5353/01/001

Mr & Mrs Sampson4732/01/001

Mr & Mrs Southgate5419/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs Stevenson4648/01/001

Mr & Mrs T & E Beard5343/01/001

Mr & Mrs T & E Varughese5430/01/001

Mr & Mrs T & M Brotherhood4763/01/001

Mr & Mrs T D & W Norsworthy5399/01/001

Mr & Mrs T Williams5437/01/001

Mr & Mrs Tomlinson6021/01/001

Mr & Mrs Tunbridge4726/01/001

Mr & Mrs V & I Hayes5373/01/001

Mr & Mrs V & V Bailey5338/01/001

Mr & Mrs Vahey4746/01/001

Mr & Mrs Valentine2460/01/001

Mr & Mrs Vernon-White4759/01/001

Mr & Mrs VJ &CA Forrester1806/01/001

Mr & Mrs W & S Smith5417/01/001

Mr & Mrs W A Congram5484/01/001

Mr & Mrs W K & N Y Sui Tit Tong5421/01/001

MR & MRS Waller5434/01/001

Mr & Mrs White2559/01/001

Mr & Mrs Woods4788/01/001

Mr & Mrs Zaidi5440/01/002

Mr & Ms A, B, C & A Stephens6449/01/001

Mr & Ms D & P Harmon & Pollard5613/01/001

Mr & Ms E & T Trudgell & Fisher6362/01/001

Mr & Ms G & H Liddington & Nisbet6393/01/001

Mr & Ms G & J Rekhi & Patel6077/01/001

Mr & Ms Howells & Volonterio4775/01/001

Mr & Ms K & E Gok & Mustafa5609/01/001

Mr & Ms M & C Blower & Hesketh6369/01/001

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Mr & Ms P & D Quinan & Child5962/01/001

Mr & Ms S & M Bayes & Langdon6385/01/001

Mr & Ms Shorthouse & Goodge4328/01/001

Mr 7 Mrs H McCoy5394/01/001

Mr 7 Mrs R & O Webster5405/01/001

Mr A Bown5444/01/001

Mr A Clements5446/01/001

Mr A Doncaster5448/01/001

Mr A Edgar5450/01/001

Mr A Hazell5452/01/001

Mr A Hewitt5454/01/001

Mr A J Skeener5455/01/001

Mr A McMichael5460/01/001

Mr A Mitchell5461/01/001

Mr A Molkenthin5462/01/001

Mr A Pardon3321/01/001

Mr A Pearson5464/01/001

Mr A Pelt2328/01/001

Mr A Porter5465/01/001

Mr A Ross5466/01/001

Mr A Savage2339/01/001

Mr A Shah5467/01/001

Mr A Spriggs2421/01/001

Mr A Strange3242/01/001

Mr A Strange3243/01/001

Mr A Turner5468/01/001

Mr A Wren5469/01/001

Mr A Wright5470/01/001

Mr A Ziolek5471/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr A. J Gane2406/01/001

Mr A. M Oliver2408/01/001

Mr Adam Tierney2903/01/002

Mr Ahmed Mawaziny6452/01/001

Mr Ajit Kumar5458/01/001

Mr Alan Jamieson5457/01/001

Mr Alban Fisher4510/01/001

Mr Alex Harari1753/01/001

Mr Alexander Lucas1712/01/001

Mr and Mrs A Bend3247/01/001

Mr and Mrs A J Reed1708/01/001

Mr and Mrs A Stratton3304/01/001

Mr and Mrs C Morgan3290/01/001

Mr and Mrs C Rutter3256/01/001

Mr and Mrs Galeeba1848/01/001

Mr and Mrs H Tagg3300/01/001

Mr and Mrs J Coomber3245/01/001

Mr and Mrs J Moulton3297/01/001

Mr and Mrs J Palmer3299/01/001

Mr and Mrs J Pringle3246/01/001

Mr and Mrs K Bowler3313/01/001

Mr and Mrs L Moore3288/01/001

Mr and Mrs L Murrell3295/01/001

Mr and Mrs Learner1877/01/001

Mr and Mrs M Papanastasiou3249/01/001

Mr and Mrs Minesh Patel3296/01/001

Mr and Mrs P Newman3302/01/001

Mr and Mrs P.J Stanton3305/01/001

Mr and Mrs Peter Tancred3301/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr and Mrs R Quickenden3251/01/001

Mr and Mrs R.F Pepper3248/01/001

Mr and Mrs Ronald Truss3308/01/001

Mr and Mrs S Monaghan3298/01/001

Mr and Mrs S Payne3293/01/001

Mr and Mrs Steve Rents3306/01/001

Mr and Mrs Sun3303/01/001

Mr and Mrs W Muxworthy3253/01/001

Mr Arthur Foreman1728/01/001

Mr B C Lane5486/01/001

Mr B Holness5487/01/001

Mr B J Jackson5488/01/001

Mr B Liddemore5491/01/001

Mr B McCoy5492/01/001

Mr B McOlvire5493/01/001

Mr B P A Clarke5494/01/001

Mr B Perissinotto5495/01/001

Mr B Reeves5496/01/001

Mr B Shields5497/01/001

Mr B Steene5498/01/001

Mr B Wayor5499/01/001

Mr B Winchester4651/01/001

Mr Baker5501/01/001

Mr Barlow5502/01/001

Mr Ben Jennings5489/01/001

Mr Bob Sleeman0115/04/001

Mr Brain E Pasby5972/01/001

Mr Brian Penfold5586/01/001

Mr C A Jordan5519/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr C B Jay5517/01/001

Mr C Bird5503/01/001

Mr C Burnett5504/01/001

Mr C D Richards5527/01/001

Mr C D Williams2247/01/001

Mr C Dancey2724/01/002

Mr C Dimmock5510/01/001

Mr C Elston5511/01/001

Mr C H Saunders5513/01/001

Mr C Harris5515/01/001

Mr C Huxley5516/01/001

Mr C Jordan5518/01/001

Mr C L Dermer5508/01/001

Mr C Lynch5522/01/001

Mr C Malcolm5523/01/001

Mr C Maslona4175/01/002

Mr C Perry5524/01/001

Mr C R Fox5512/01/001

Mr C R Johnson2330/01/001

Mr C Robbins5528/01/001

Mr C Rodrigues4653/01/001

Mr C Weaser5529/01/001

Mr C Wick5530/01/001

Mr Callum Voller2477/01/001

Mr Chad K Rostron2480/01/001

Mr Chris Pyle5526/01/001

Mr Christopher Coppinger5506/01/001

Mr Cleveland Deroche5509/01/001

Mr Clifton L Edwards5520/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Clive J8871/01/001

Mr Colin Brown2249/01/001

Mr Colin Burton5505/01/001

Mr Colin Haig5514/01/001

Mr Colin Luly5521/01/001

Mr Colin Poole5525/01/001

Mr Cox5532/01/001

Mr D & J Weir5572/01/001

Mr D A Robbins5565/01/001

Mr D Bartlett5533/01/001

Mr D Clark5536/01/001

Mr D Cosers5537/01/001

Mr D Fernee5539/01/001

Mr D G Price5558/01/001

Mr D H Fish1869/01/001

Mr D Harris5541/01/001

Mr D Hebdon5542/01/001

Mr D Hunt5544/01/001

Mr D Jenner5545/01/001

Mr D L Morris5547/01/001

Mr D Lindridge5548/01/001

mr D Little5550/01/001

Mr D M West5552/01/001

Mr D Mahoney5553/01/001

Mr D Mehmet5554/01/001

Mr D Norman5556/01/001

Mr D Patel5557/01/001

Mr D Smith5568/01/001

Mr D T Dawson5538/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr D Thorpe5569/01/001

Mr D Turnbull4718/01/001

Mr D Walker5571/01/001

Mr D West3159/01/001

Mr D.A Jolly3309/01/001

Mr Dale Cornish3324/01/003

Mr Daniel Morrison5555/01/001

Mr Danny Reed4560/01/001

Mr Darren Bryne3170/01/001

Mr David Crosslanes5300/01/001

Mr David Lynch4436/01/001

Mr David R Dibbs5559/01/001

Mr David Thomas1932/01/001

Mr David Underwood5570/01/001

Mr Dean Torbett4584/01/001

Mr E D Gurring5578/01/001

Mr E Doublet2341/01/001

Mr E Ellis6015/01/001

Mr E Emin4721/01/001

Mr E Harris5579/01/001

Mr E Liasides5580/01/001

Mr E M Smith5581/01/001

Mr E M Wragg5582/01/001

Mr E Murphy5584/01/001

Mr Edmund Kiely4541/01/001

Mr Enoka Abeyaunsekera5575/01/001

Mr Eric Taylor4134/01/001

Mr F Freemantle5589/01/001

Mr F Mushtaq5591/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr F Shepherd5593/01/001

Mr F Steer5594/01/001

Mr Fabienne Ware5595/01/001

Mr Faduma5596/01/001

mr Faraz Hasan5590/01/001

Mr Frank McGourty6166/01/001

Mr G Corn5601/01/001

Mr G F Hurt5603/01/001

Mr G Farquhar5604/01/001

Mr G Holmes5605/01/001

Mr G Huxley5606/01/001

Mr G McAdam3513/01/002

Mr G McManus4725/01/001

Mr G Merville5597/01/001

Mr G Postans5607/01/001

Mr G Sola6203/01/001

Mr G W Filer6138/01/001

Mr G.M Saunders4585/01/001

Mr George Cooke5600/01/001

Mr George Demetriou5602/01/001

Mr George Howard1938/02/001

Mr H Gallacher5611/01/001

Mr Howard Prout2554/01/001

Mr Hyde Peter5973/01/001

Mr I Bell5615/01/001

Mr I Hollidge5616/01/001

Mr I Lee5619/01/001

Mr I McCrory5620/01/001

Mr I Walker5621/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Ian Cameron2935/02/001

Mr Ian John McKay5617/01/001

Mr Ian Johnson3172/01/002

Mr Ian Johnston5618/01/001

Mr Ian Marsh3498/02/002

Mr J A Pound5659/01/001

Mr J Anderson5622/01/001

Mr J Binge5626/01/001

Mr J Bligh5627/01/001

Mr J Blount5628/01/001

Mr J Bradbury5629/01/001

Mr J Catley3696/01/002

Mr J Cork5635/01/001

Mr J de Silva4287/01/002

Mr J G Patel5656/01/001

Mr J G WARLOW2165/01/001

Mr J Goldsmith5610/01/001

Mr J Hare4727/01/001

Mr J Higgs4782/01/001

Mr J Homewood5640/01/001

Mr J Kelly4729/01/001

Mr J Lee5645/01/001

Mr J Maddocks5647/01/001

Mr J McMillan5648/01/001

Mr J Morris5651/01/001

Mr J N Plummer5658/01/001

Mr J Norman5653/01/001

Mr J Osborne5654/01/001

Mr J Parshott5655/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr J Proctor5660/01/001

Mr J Radford5661/01/001

Mr J Rees5663/01/001

Mr J Silk5664/01/001

Mr J Steaul2343/01/001

Mr J Sullivan2332/01/001

Mr J Taylor5665/01/001

Mr J Thomas5666/01/001

Mr J Thorburu5667/01/001

Mr J Wells5669/01/001

Mr J Westcott5670/01/001

Mr J Wren3168/01/001

Mr J. R & Mrs E. M Kwasniewski2498/01/001

Mr Jackie Brown5630/01/001

Mr James Milmoe5649/01/001

Mr James Mohan4508/01/001

Mr Jerome Wilcott2317/01/001

Mr John Dalton2088/01/001

Mr John Draper5637/01/001

Mr John G Baker5639/01/001

Mr John Gannon0364/10/002

Mr John Lingwood2936/01/002

Mr John Miles4433/01/001

Mr John Roberts4514/01/001

mr John Wood5671/01/001

Mr Jon Fox5638/01/001

Mr Jon Nicholls4559/01/001

Mr Jonathan Baker5623/01/001

Mr Joseph Miller2091/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr K E Herbert5672/01/001

Mr K M Jenkins5674/01/001

Mr K Marsh5675/01/001

Mr K Muir4303/02/002

Mr K Panton2223/01/001

Mr K Sutherland5676/01/001

Mr Keith Filler4515/01/001

Mr Keith Glennister4587/01/001

Mr Keith Jones5673/01/001

Mr Ken Luff4516/01/001

Mr L A Crouch5677/01/001

Mr L A Torode5692/01/001

Mr L Barker4733/01/001

Mr L Bouill5678/01/001

Mr L Curran5680/01/001

Mr L Doncaster5682/01/001

Mr L E Sharrock5683/01/001

Mr L G Purser5684/01/001

Mr L J Davies5681/01/001

Mr L Madsen4734/01/001

Mr L Malcolm5687/01/001

Mr L Reynolds5689/01/001

Mr L Rixon5690/01/001

Mr Labib Shirazi5691/01/001

Mr Lango5694/01/001

Mr Laurence Jessup2179/01/001

Mr Lawrence W Norman5693/01/001

Mr Lawson5695/01/001

Mr Lee Cupit5679/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Lewis Jacobs5686/01/001

Mr Lilian Merredew5688/01/001

Mr Luke Osborne4589/01/001

Mr M Bagge5700/01/001

Mr M Challis5701/01/001

Mr M Follows5705/01/001

Mr M G Sharrock5723/01/001

Mr M Harper5706/01/001

Mr M Homden5709/01/001

Mr M Homm5710/01/001

Mr M Humphreys5711/01/001

Mr M J Warran5730/01/001

Mr M Johnson4781/01/001

Mr M Mansfield4747/01/001

Mr m Morris4744/01/001

Mr M Oliver5717/01/001

Mr M Patel5720/01/001

Mr M S Noeth5715/01/001

Mr M Sealey4740/01/001

Mr M Smith5724/01/001

Mr M Vilmoe5727/01/001

Mr Mahmood Hasan5707/01/001

Mr Manje Abeygunasekera5698/01/001

Mr Mario Carrozzo2553/01/001

Mr Mark Chambers4567/01/001

Mr Mark Naylor4548/01/001

Mr Mark Pullen5721/01/001

Mr Martin Hewish5708/01/001

Mr Martin Jacobs5713/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Mathew Lane5714/01/001

Mr Matthew Wagstaff5728/01/001

Mr Maxx West3558/01/002

Mr Mayur Patel5719/01/001

Mr Michael Double5703/01/001

Mr MiCHAEL Draper5704/01/001

Mr Michael Hewish3580/03/001

Mr Michael O'Brien5716/01/001

Mr Michael Roberts5722/01/001

Mr Michael Smith5725/01/001

Mr Michael Wilson4738/01/001

Mr Michael Wilson4738/02/001

Mr Mick Binge5543/01/001

Mr Mike Jackson2916/01/001

Mr Mike Penlington4572/01/001

Mr Mike Reason4522/01/001

Mr Mokhul Hussain5712/01/001

Mr Mostafa Uddin5726/01/001

Mr N Bristow5732/01/001

Mr N K Lee5696/01/001

Mr N O'Gorman4745/01/001

Mr N Phillips3973/01/001

Mr N Reynolds4778/01/001

Mr N Shah5737/01/001

Mr N Unwins5738/01/001

Mr N.K Lee3240/01/001

Mr Navin Chandra Patel5734/01/001

Mr Neel Shah5736/01/001

Mr Neil Stevenson3756/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Nick Hampson4576/01/001

Mr Nigel Morrison4594/01/001

Mr Norman Plymsol2919/01/001

Mr O Behcet5739/01/001

Mr O Royall5741/01/001

Mr Olegas Parmionovas5740/01/001

Mr P Boundy5744/01/001

Mr P Brudenell4742/01/001

Mr P Connelly5746/01/001

Mr P D Wise5748/01/001

Mr P Devereux5947/01/001

Mr P E Kingsnorth5971/01/001

Mr P F Quickenden5961/01/001

Mr P G Curran5747/01/001

Mr P J Marshall5951/01/001

Mr P J Wick5952/01/001

Mr P J Wood6016/01/001

Mr P M Rackley5957/01/001

Mr P Maillardet4739/01/001

Mr P Mitchell5958/01/001

Mr P Noeth5959/01/001

Mr P Patel5960/01/001

Mr P Reynolds5964/01/001

Mr P Tarrant2347/01/001

Mr P Tracey5967/01/001

Mr P W Groom5950/01/001

Mr P W Walklate5968/01/001

Mr P Weittake5969/01/001

Mr Paolo Scialo5965/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Paul Duffy8998/01/001

Mr Paul Samme2052/01/001

Mr Peter Blackburn5742/01/001

Mr Peter Bond5743/01/001

Mr Peter Brown5745/01/001

Mr Peter Digby4490/01/001

Mr Peter Flatt2891/01/001

Mr Peter Green5949/01/001

Mr Peter Howard8867/01/001

Mr Peter Koster4596/01/001

Mr Peter Lang5954/01/001

Mr Peter R Foster5963/01/001

Mr Peter Smith5966/01/001

Mr Peter Tugwell3311/01/001

Mr Peter Wren5970/01/001

Mr Poel5975/01/001

Mr Pravinkumar M Limbani5955/01/001

Mr R A Dawes5976/01/001

Mr R Asghar5977/01/001

Mr R Barker5978/01/001

Mr R Barnett0363/02/001

Mr R Brislaw5980/01/001

Mr R Cox5983/01/001

Mr R Cunningham4753/01/001

Mr R D Costar2351/01/001

Mr R Elliot5985/01/001

Mr R Ewen4752/01/001

Mr R G Privett5987/01/001

Mr R H Balmert6061/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr R Heavens6065/01/001

Mr R J Carter5981/01/001

Mr R J Lane6031/01/001

Mr R J Smith6071/01/001

Mr R L Huxley6066/01/001

Mr R Littler6068/01/001

Mr R Stanley6072/01/001

Mr R Sutton6059/01/001

Mr R Tew4764/01/001

Mr R Thompson4769/01/001

Mr R Upton6074/01/001

Mr R V Williams6037/01/001

Mr Ralph Longhurst4606/01/001

Mr Ranjan Shah6017/01/001

Mr Ray Parry6070/01/001

Mr Raymond E Dunkley5984/01/001

Mr Remzi Mehmet6180/01/001

Mr Richard Harrington2917/01/002

Mr Richard Kempton4481/01/001

Mr Richard Milner5244/01/001

Mr Richard Nicot4577/01/001

Mr Richard Shirley4475/01/001

Mr Richard Willis4597/01/001

Mr Rob P9001/01/001

Mr Robert Knight4578/01/001

Mr Robert Layton4502/01/001

Mr Robert Preece2744/01/001

Mr Ronald Hewitt6030/01/001

Mr Rose3165/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Roy Voller6060/01/001

Mr Rudolph Wattley4291/01/001

Mr S Clarke6082/01/001

Mr S D Blair5534/01/001

Mr S Entwistle6084/01/001

Mr S Fox6085/01/001

Mr S J Smith6088/01/001

Mr S M Salter6092/01/001

Mr S McCulloch6093/01/001

Mr S P Oliveira6095/01/001

Mr S Parnaby6096/01/001

Mr S Pound4787/01/001

Mr S Ratnayake4076/01/001

Mr S Reeve6100/01/001

Mr S Reynolds4762/01/001

Mr S Shanmugam4736/02/001

Mr S Shanmugam4736/01/001

Mr S Troubridge6110/01/001

Mr S Waite6112/01/001

Mr S Williams4785/01/001

Mr S. J Baldwin2470/01/001

Mr Scott Cornish6083/01/001

Mr Shaun Kennedy6091/01/001

Mr Sherpurley Begum6081/01/001

Mr Simon Bird4524/01/001

Mr Simon Homes2352/02/001

Mr Sivachandrica Swamanthan6103/01/001

Mr Smith & Ms Bandry4654/01/001

Mr Stanley Fawilson4321/01/002

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Stefano Fabrizo6062/01/001

Mr Stephen Bland4538/01/001

Mr Stephen Foster6033/01/001

Mr Stephen Fuller4536/01/001

Mr Stephen RF Widberg6433/01/001

Mr Stephen Thomas6109/01/001

Mr Steven Jenkins6089/01/001

Mr Steven Voller6111/01/001

Mr Stewart R Aston2203/01/001

Mr Stewart Samme2202/01/001

Mr Stuart Hills4539/01/001

Mr Stuart Hughes6086/01/001

Mr Suad Ibrahim6087/01/001

Mr T & V Murphy & Todd6143/01/001

Mr T C Walls6115/01/001

Mr T Corry6116/01/001

Mr T E J Clarke6118/01/001

Mr T Fitzgibbon6119/01/001

Mr T Fuller6120/01/001

Mr T H Skinner6149/01/001

Mr T J Rowe6148/01/001

Mr T M Winter6035/01/001

Mr T McCulloch6142/01/001

Mr T Patel6146/01/001

Mr T Sherrin4755/01/001

Mr Terrence Flynn4493/01/001

Mr Terrie Thorpe6154/01/001

Mr Thomas Dare6117/01/001

Mr Thomas Duddy4295/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Thomas Haig6121/01/001

Mr Tony Ridley6128/01/001

Mr Toufak Ahangan6114/01/001

Mr V Coutt2226/01/001

Mr W Crawford4649/01/001

Mr W J Boatwright6156/01/001

Mr W P Crouch6159/01/001

Mr W R Lucas6158/01/001

Mr W Warricker4772/01/001

Mr Wayne Brennan4483/01/001

Mr Weston-White5612/01/001

Mr Wilmsby6161/01/001

Mr Winifred Reginald Harrington6157/01/001

Mr Y & V Rashore & Shekhart6076/01/001

Mr Z Aukati6164/01/001

Mrs A Bateman6104/01/001

Mrs A Brudenell4644/01/001

Mrs A C Kidman2355/01/001

Mrs A M Morgan-Rees6172/01/001

Mrs A M Porter6176/01/001

Mrs A Martin6167/01/001

Mrs A Perissinotto4646/01/001

Mrs A Phillips6141/01/001

Mrs A Slonina6178/01/001

Mrs Ann Hatherill1723/01/001

Mrs Ann Hewitt6129/01/001

Mrs Ann Mayhew6168/01/001

Mrs Anne Devereux2356/01/001

Mrs Anne E McSweeney6170/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs Audrey Smith1730/01/001

Mrs B Burkin3200/02/001

Mrs B Hsuanes8868/01/001

Mrs B Kay2309/01/001

Mrs B Page2354/01/001

Mrs Barbara Clearey4583/01/001

Mrs Beryl Logan6045/01/001

Mrs Beverley Perkins1768/01/001

Mrs Brenda Baker5562/01/001

Mrs Brenda Duthie6184/01/001

Mrs Brenda Morgan1852/01/001

Mrs C A Piper6204/01/001

Mrs C Carr6097/01/001

Mrs C Clarke6205/01/001

Mrs C E Murphy6036/01/001

Mrs C Halley6130/01/001

Mrs C Hughes6206/01/001

Mrs C L Bala6202/01/001

Mrs C McCrory6207/01/001

Mrs C Mitchell4652/01/001

Mrs C P Higgs6105/01/001

Mrs C Runnacles6147/01/001

Mrs C Smith6208/01/001

Mrs Chantelle Hancocks6144/01/001

Mrs Christine Clark1690/02/001

Mrs Christine McBain6041/01/001

Mrs Cordella King2881/01/002

Mrs D A Poore6046/01/001

Mrs D J Rackley6209/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs D Mehmet6210/01/001

Mrs Deborah Banjo6185/01/001

Mrs E A Blackwell6212/01/001

Mrs E Bird6221/01/001

Mrs E Bristow6214/01/001

Mrs E J Johny6216/01/001

Mrs E J Latham6123/01/001

Mrs E Proctor6217/01/001

Mrs E R Bligh6213/01/001

Mrs E Stapley6218/01/001

Mrs E V Baldwin6073/01/001

Mrs E Westerkamp6220/01/001

Mrs Elaine Binge5561/01/001

Mrs Elaine Connor6047/01/001

Mrs Elizabeth Walklate6219/01/001

Mrs Ellen Jarman6215/01/001

Mrs Eva Colley6019/01/001

Mrs F.J. Cornish7478/02/001

Mrs Fiona Daukes6075/01/001

Mrs Francis Ibe6222/01/001

Mrs Freda Lamb5567/01/001

Mrs G C Foster6223/01/001

Mrs G D Crouch6224/01/001

Mrs G Hewish6227/01/001

Mrs G Lombard6229/01/001

Mrs G M Jones6228/01/001

Mrs G Silk5546/01/001

Mrs G Williams6230/01/001

Mrs Gillian Smith4590/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs Gowan6038/01/001

Mrs Grace Everard6225/01/001

Mrs H Holnes6231/01/001

Mrs I J Row6150/01/001

Mrs I L Ware6151/01/001

Mrs J A Salmon6048/01/001

Mrs J C Blakeq6233/01/001

Mrs J C Fitt6375/01/001

Mrs J Geeson5549/01/001

Mrs J Groom5326/01/001

Mrs J Hill2236/01/001

Mrs J Jeffery-Reynolds3952/02/001

Mrs J Lindridge6240/01/001

Mrs J M Humphreys6237/01/001

Mrs J M Lane6241/01/001

Mrs J M Mitchell6242/01/001

Mrs J M Quickenden6244/01/001

Mrs J Payne5551/01/001

Mrs J Radford6245/01/001

Mrs J Rogers6132/01/001

Mrs J Smart6049/01/001

Mrs J Town6050/01/001

Mrs J V M Jones6186/01/001

Mrs J Warner-Chandler6247/01/001

Mrs Jackie Voller6106/01/001

Mrs Jane Norman6078/01/001

Mrs Janet Atkins2240/02/001

Mrs Janet Dekker6232/01/001

Mrs Janet Hills2969/03/002

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs Janet Muffett6305/01/001

Mrs Janice C Ellis6234/01/001

Mrs Jaqueline Daukes6358/01/001

Mrs Jayne Dimmock6236/01/001

Mrs Jean Lambert6020/01/001

Mrs Joan Motts2921/01/001

Mrs Joan Terry6246/01/001

Mrs Joyce Lewer6239/01/001

Mrs June Thorpe2028/01/001

Mrs K J Cox6051/01/001

Mrs K Shepherd4777/01/001

Mrs K T Redford6039/01/001

Mrs Karen Swain2233/01/001

Mrs Karen Wren6249/01/001

Mrs Karin Pomper6022/01/001

Mrs Kathleen Draper6248/01/001

Mrs Kim Rodgers4558/01/001

Mrs L E Jones6250/01/001

Mrs L Wheatley4779/01/001

Mrs Lewzey4325/01/002

Mrs Lisa Byrne6153/01/001

Mrs M Barker6251/01/001

Mrs M Clements6102/01/001

Mrs M Cole2245/02/001

Mrs M F Walls6131/01/001

Mrs M F Ziolek6261/01/001

Mrs M Farrow6139/01/001

Mrs M Fosbrook6254/01/001

Mrs M G Dermer6252/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs M Herbert6024/01/001

Mrs M James6025/01/001

Mrs M K Quick6160/01/001

Mrs M Nelli6256/01/001

Mrs M R Griffith6258/01/001

Mrs M Robson5451/01/001

Mrs M Stuchbery6134/01/001

Mrs M Tucker6260/01/001

Mrs M Walsh2676/01/001

Mrs Margaret Preece6257/01/001

Mrs Marion Lang6052/01/001

Mrs Mary Derouet6253/01/001

Mrs Maureen Hunt6255/01/001

Mrs Maureen Wood2307/01/001

Mrs N McCarthy6263/01/001

Mrs Niven6264/01/001

Mrs Norma 2037/01/001

Mrs P A Waight6266/01/001

Mrs P Boulter6269/01/001

Mrs P D Bodemeaid6267/01/001

Mrs P E Patterson6273/01/001

Mrs P Howell6098/01/001

Mrs P J Barnes6276/01/001

Mrs P Kingsworth6133/01/001

Mrs P Luly5956/01/001

Mrs P Marsh6080/01/001

Mrs P Shepherd6277/01/001

Mrs P Skinner6278/01/001

Mrs Patel6280/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs Paulette Deroche6271/01/001

Mrs P-E Farrow2034/01/001

Mrs Potts2308/01/001

Mrs R A Davis6281/01/001

Mrs R A Fish4598/01/001

Mrs R Lynton6284/01/001

Mrs R Merson3205/02/001

Mrs R Oliviera3310/01/001

Mrs Rebecca Palmer2306/01/001

Mrs Rita Goodfellow6282/01/001

Mrs Rosemary Edgar6279/01/001

Mrs Rosemary Rabin6283/01/001

Mrs Ruth Wright6259/01/001

Mrs S Brown6287/01/001

Mrs S F Brown6291/01/001

Mrs S Fox6293/01/001

Mrs S Holliman6162/01/001

Mrs S Kajdi6285/01/001

Mrs S M Howard5560/01/001

Mrs S M Oliver6262/01/001

Mrs S Maleros6296/01/001

Mrs S Marchbank6298/01/001

Mrs S McGibbon6300/01/001

Mrs S Miller2210/01/001

Mrs S P Button6289/01/001

Mrs S Postans6304/01/001

Mrs S Stoten6286/01/001

Mrs S Uwins6288/01/001

Mrs Sally Jones3035/01/002

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs Sonia Jacobs3030/01/001

Mrs Sukul-Lennard4766/01/001

Mrs Susan Hunt2044/01/001

Mrs Susan Morris4607/01/001

Mrs Susan Smith2215/01/001

Mrs T Devine2235/01/001

Mrs T K Carter6308/01/001

Mrs T L Jackson6265/01/001

Mrs Theresa Cooper4604/01/001

Mrs Thomas2206/01/001

Mrs Tracey L Homes2229/02/001

Mrs V Atkins6183/01/001

Mrs V Cameron6311/01/001

Mrs V Hamilton6040/01/001

Mrs V Mitchell6199/01/001

Mrs V Paterson4780/01/001

Mrs Valerie Ellis6313/01/001

Mrs Valerie Wren6290/01/001

Mrs Vera Moorman6315/01/001

Mrs Wendy Miller4581/01/001

Mrs Wendy Mulcaster6318/01/001

Mrs Williams4786/01/001

Mrs Winifred Walton6026/01/001

Mrs Y Stotter6136/01/001

Mrs Yvonne Burr3863/01/001

Ms & Ms Janice & Jean Green6320/01/001

Ms A Juror6326/01/001

Ms A Potts4647/01/001

Ms Amy Mitchell6327/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Ana Westcott6329/01/001

Ms Angela Wainsborough6328/01/001

Ms Ann Brazier2311/01/001

Ms Audrey E Hays6323/01/001

Ms B Stammers4650/01/001

Ms B Walta6333/01/001

Ms C Farquhar6336/01/001

Ms Caterina Bernardini6334/01/001

Ms Claire Ridley6340/01/001

Ms D Allen4751/01/001

Ms D Sealey4717/01/001

Ms D Taylor4789/01/001

Ms Debbie Butler2910/01/001

Ms Deborah Xiaris6343/01/001

Ms Diane Brooks6345/01/001

Ms Dianne Sheen6341/01/001

Ms E E Jones6348/01/001

Ms E Rudduck3899/01/001

Ms E Wren6353/01/001

Ms Elaine Wilson6352/01/001

Ms Elizabeth Kennedy6351/01/001

Ms Fay Aukati6354/01/001

Ms G Fiteni6365/01/001

Ms H Conquy3536/01/002

Ms H Mitchell4724/01/001

Ms Hazel Jordan1818/01/001

Ms I Southdaus6372/01/001

Ms Indira Patel6370/01/001

Ms J Avery4730/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms J Lloyd4804/02/001

Ms J Westbrook4773/01/001

Ms Jacqueline Joyce6380/01/001

Ms Jean I. Jennings2499/01/001

Ms Joanne Davis6377/01/001

Ms K Mitchell5311/01/001

Ms Lyn Devine4519/01/001

Ms M Gibson3866/02/001

Ms M Riley4749/01/001

Ms M Walkley4770/01/001

Ms Marcia Lawrence-Howard6390/01/001

Ms Margaret Lynne Jones6387/01/001

Ms Marian Jones6342/01/001

Ms Mary Totterdell6391/01/001

Ms Nera A Huntley6401/01/001

Ms Olive Anne Bowyer3979/02/001

Ms P Moeckli6394/01/001

Ms Rosina Jones2890/01/002

Ms S & T Payne & Logan6398/01/001

Ms S Al-Ani4760/01/001

Ms S Beer3307/01/001

Ms S Ikpa3978/02/001

Ms S Knight3399/01/001

Ms S Reynolds4761/01/001

Ms S Roberts4768/01/001

Ms Sally Anderson6395/01/001

Ms Sarah Green6396/01/001

Ms Sharon Sevaby6421/01/001

Ms Susan A Costar2310/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Towersey4771/01/001

Ms Urvasa Doshi6445/01/001

Ms V Kleckova4743/01/001

Ms Y Browne4758/01/001

N Mayne2134/01/001

Navenka Ross6389/01/001

Nicola Turk4523/01/001

Ning Singh6268/01/001

Norma Bond5238/01/001

Oliver &Amanda Lewin2119/01/001

P & B Beroff2143/01/001

P Dennis8988/01/001

P Digby6173/01/001

P Gathercole3335/01/001

P Greasley2112/01/001

P Heather6403/01/001

P Howal2099/01/001

P Wischtime2104/01/001

P. A Dalton2138/01/001

P. A. L Tiran2113/01/001

PA, NA, M Miller & Nasri8869/01/001

Pam Zanelli4477/01/001

Pat Seymour6179/01/001

Patricia Coe6360/01/001

Paul Vernon & Natalie Payne2145/01/001

Pauline Tate6182/01/001

Peter Kelly2125/01/001

Pipsy Duffy8997/01/001

R A & S Worthy6427/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

R M Butcher6043/01/002

R Northwood6349/01/001

R R & N W Stevens6404/01/001

R. J Harris2130/01/001

R. W. Taylor2136/01/001

Rachael Anderson6309/01/001

Rachel Thomas6384/01/001

Rebecca & Harvey O'Neal6386/01/001

Rebecca Craven8877/01/001

Rebecca Haig6373/01/001

Rebecca Kelly6347/01/001

Robina Hasan6099/01/001

Robyn White6364/01/001

Roda Caroll4438/01/001

Rosanne Hammond5566/01/001

S D Odell6366/01/001

S M Westcott6367/01/001

S Manlessfield6431/01/001

S, J & M Foley6439/01/001

S, T, T & D Ologbenla6424/01/001

S. L & P. C Beland2435/01/001

SA Harris6034/01/001

Sally Knowler2076/03/001

Sam Kite2159/01/001

Sara Wardle6270/01/001

Sarah Belaon5445/01/001

Sarah Belaon4470/01/001

Sarah Haig6381/01/001

Sarah Papas2045/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Sarah Roberts4427/01/001

Sattee Ashby6032/01/001

Shelly T Thomas6127/01/001

Shirley P Trimmer2392/01/001

Shui & Kam Lai & Chuen5297/01/001

Sima Acharya4609/01/001

Sonia Jade2234/01/001

Stephanie Moore6057/01/001

Stephen Baker2067/01/001

Stuart & Vicky Ford2442/01/001

Susan Haig6383/01/001

Susan Lidgey2105/01/001

Susan Norman6350/01/001

Susan Sellwood6028/01/001

Sylvia Dibbs3380/02/001

T & C Myint6113/01/001

T & S Breen6436/01/001

T Bradbury5588/01/001

T Culmar6064/01/001

T S Sekhon6274/01/001

Tessa McLean4611/01/001

The Cooper Family4765/01/001

The Corry Family4776/01/001

The Curran Family4595/01/001

The Curtis Family4645/01/001

The Emin Family4784/01/001

The Manuel Family4767/01/001

The Occupier Of 6392/01/001

Tracey Cox4473/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Tracey Greenwood2038/01/001

Tracey North4478/01/001

Tracey Willis4471/01/001

Tracy Elliott6363/01/001

TS Sekkon6437/01/001

V Skinner6044/01/001

Valerie Bradbury2039/01/001

Veronica Marnell6029/01/001

Vicki Stevens5447/01/001

Victoria Fisher4439/01/001

Vilma Hawkins8870/01/001

Vivienne Brown2437/01/001

VS Chapman6018/01/001

W Godfrey6379/01/001

W P Carter6275/01/001

W R Waite6069/01/001

Wendy Goppy6101/01/001

Wendy Williamson4582/01/001

Wendy, Simopn & Mark Dickins2440/01/001

Yvonne Gaspard6272/01/001

Yvonne Marchant6058/01/001

Zussana Begum6310/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 2-A

A Arbisman1682/02/001

A Barnett7125/01/001

A Bocano6450/01/001

A LAWSON2253/01/001

A M Conwell6494/01/001

A Mason6615/01/001

A Stone6500/01/001

Abbie Ewen6435/01/001

Adrian Sanmogan6451/01/001

Alex Allman2085/01/001

Alhaji Jalloh6510/01/001

Aliaksandr Kasiak6613/01/001

Alison Loveless6558/01/001

Alison Pay6406/01/001

Amanda Igibum6438/01/001

Amanda Nielson6407/01/001

Amanda Norman7126/01/001

Aminata Barrie6967/01/001

Angela Laycock6557/01/001

Anita Wood2111/01/001

Anjum Gomes6970/01/001

Ann Carpenter7010/01/001

Anna Collins6969/01/001

Anna Kirton6556/01/001

Anne Edwards6740/01/001

Anne Wall7075/01/001

Antoinette Miller6408/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

B Cahill6622/01/001

B Hamill6624/01/001

B McLean7076/01/001

Barbara Cook4311/01/001

BC GARDNER2312/01/001

Brenda Walsh6560/01/001

BRYAN HOWELL2295/01/001

C Jowos6525/01/001

C Mclip6460/01/001

Carol Richards6881/01/001

Carolyn Lumb6629/01/001

Charlotte Pay6462/01/001

Chris Farlow1958/01/001

Christian Lewis1857/02/001

Christine Brooks6563/01/001

Christine Brown7127/01/001

Christine Carter6410/01/001

Christine Caselton6742/01/001

Christine Wells1779/02/001

Claire Adams6562/01/001

Claire Corper3371/02/001

Claire Hunt3076/03/001

Clare Halfacre6565/01/001

Clare Pepper6880/01/001

Cllr Sue Bennett4616/01/001 Croydon Council

Colin Ward1684/03/001

D A Fletchere6464/01/001

D E Chambers6528/01/001

D Hodges7129/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

D Louder6648/01/001

D Moore6649/01/001

David Bartlett2385/01/001

David Hilton1783/01/001 Think Business: Consultancy, Change Management & Investment

Deborah Hill7013/01/001

Dominic Arope6465/01/001

Dreekie Dreekie6466/01/001

E Cannon6676/01/001

E V Cole5304/02/001

E Y Burley7078/01/001

Edwina Gomes6656/01/001

Elizabeth Holmes7014/01/001

Emilia Canelas6745/01/001

Emine Mustafa6679/01/001

Emma Ebert6746/01/001

Emma San Morgan6412/01/001

Evaldas Navikas6884/01/001

Evlett Woodhouse6681/01/001

F Bullie6470/01/001

F Ward6473/01/001

Faye De Souza6800/01/001

Georgina Butac6441/01/001

Girish Jethwa6688/01/001

Grace Wey6886/01/001

Hannah Abdo7080/01/001

Haris F6480/01/001

Harriet Van Heerden6747/01/001

Helen Froude6658/01/001

Helen Kennedy6442/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Helen Tucker6660/01/001

I S Manson6455/01/001

J D Moore6839/01/001

J E ASKEW2373/01/001

J Pearcy6536/01/001

J SAMUELS2372/01/001

J Stanhope6538/01/001

J W Stephenson6485/01/001

JADE BOWEY2413/01/001

Janet Fleming6748/01/001

Janet Scott6758/01/001

Jen Boney8827/01/001

Jeni Sears7020/01/001

Joanna Hinkley6803/01/001

Judy Easton7081/01/001

Judy Noble7016/01/001

Julia Holloway6444/01/001

Julie Tancred6760/01/001

Jullian Meade7084/01/001

June Paley7017/01/001

K Higgs6841/01/001

K R Brooks6491/01/001

K T Townsend6815/01/001

K Waterhouse2336/01/001

Karen Cobb7021/01/001

Kemal Gok6813/01/001

Kirsty French6887/01/001

Kristina Toffi6446/01/001

Kyproulla Adair6493/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

L Annon6893/01/001

L Gaish6871/01/001

L H Holloway6497/01/001

L K Hart6817/01/001

L Lau6819/01/001

L P Stephenson6499/01/001

Laura Dang6414/01/001

Laura Pearcy7024/01/001

Linda Osmond6917/01/001

Lola Lewis7131/01/001

Lorraine Goody6891/01/001

Lorraine Murphy7135/01/001

Lorraine Williams7138/01/001

Lydia Benady2539/02/001

Lynda Budd2114/01/002

Lynn Jones6415/01/001

M Lockyear6691/01/001

M P Persaud6899/01/001

M POPEJOY2252/01/001

M Wynter6505/01/001

Margaret Ann Hurle7088/01/001

Margaret Bartlett2386/01/001

Maria Barrow7086/01/001

Mariya S Dimitrova7087/01/001

Marwan Abdo6820/01/001

Me E Appiah6506/01/001

Merride Minogue6898/01/001

Michelle Torres Ward7025/01/001

Miss Amanda Holden6481/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Miss Aminah Chaudhry6508/01/001

Miss Amy Scott6483/01/001

Miss Bobbi-Lee Storey6484/01/001

Miss Christabel Nazareth6509/01/001

Miss E Black6486/01/001

Miss E Davies6511/01/001

Miss Emily Williams6514/01/001

Miss G Gavin6516/01/001

Miss G Hodson6685/01/001

Miss Georgia Dix6515/01/001

Miss J Okenham6520/01/001

Miss Jennifer Macdonald2224/03/001

Miss Julie Green3155/02/001

Miss Julie Morris6518/01/001

Miss Julie Murphy6519/01/001

Miss Komal Patel6521/01/001

Miss Laura Farlow1939/01/001

Miss Margaret A Williams2558/02/001

Miss O Baines6522/01/001

Miss Shanice Morris6524/01/001

Miss Susan Ridenton6527/01/001

Miss Tina Ewane6448/01/001

Mr & Miss Andrew & Alexandra Todd & Milton7074/01/001

Mr & Miss Mark & Gillian Tills & Teasdale6517/01/001

Mr & Mrs A Catherall4147/02/001

Mr & Mrs A Thomas6570/01/001

Mr & Mrs Andrew & Hazel Douglas6489/01/001

Mr & Mrs Angus & Janet MacKinnon7123/01/001

Mr & Mrs Asfahani3895/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs Asfahani3895/03/001

Mr & Mrs C & S Beddoes6531/01/001

Mr & Mrs Cyril Nazareth3404/02/001

Mr & Mrs Cyril Nazareth3404/03/001

Mr & Mrs D R Newcombe6566/01/001

Mr & Mrs David & Rosina Tubb6571/01/001

Mr & Mrs F & G Economides2947/02/001

Mr & Mrs F Perry6720/01/001

Mr & Mrs Farnell4821/02/001

Mr & Mrs Farnell4821/03/001

Mr & Mrs Francis6492/01/001

Mr & Mrs Frank & Janet Jimenez6551/01/001

Mr & Mrs G & J Buxton6534/01/001

Mr & Mrs J & C Buxton6537/01/001

Mr & Mrs J Clark6548/01/001

Mr & Mrs J D C Bolding5479/02/001

Mr & Mrs JH & JE Whitman2395/01/001

Mr & Mrs M Luckhurst6555/01/001

Mr & Mrs M Spence6559/01/001

Mr & Mrs Mark6561/01/001

Mr & Mrs N Kinney6553/01/001

Mr & Mrs P & F Robins & Pickering6568/01/001

Mr & Mrs P Matthews6564/01/001

Mr & Mrs Peter & Brenda Mullings3926/03/001

Mr & Mrs Piccolino6490/01/001

Mr & Mrs S Denham6540/01/001

Mr & Mrs S Tole6569/01/001

Mr & Mrs VS & VL Balendran2939/02/001

Mr & Ms Adam & Victoria Brocking & Fisher7190/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Ms Angus & Olivia Macdonald & Bloom6586/01/001

Mr & Ms K & S Dixon & Foreman6882/01/001

Mr & Ms S & M Bayes & Langdon6385/02/001

Mr A Ahangari6572/01/001

Mr A D McKelvey6577/01/001

Mr A E Jenkinson6498/01/001

Mr A M Buck6574/01/001

Mr A MacKinnon6587/01/001

Mr A McCarthy6616/01/001

Mr A Patel4256/01/001

Mr A Whiteing6590/01/001

Mr Adam Andrews6573/01/001

Mr Adam Lapinski6584/01/001

Mr Alan Clark6575/01/001

Mr Alan Easton6495/01/001

Mr Alan Joffroy6591/01/001

Mr Alasdair James6580/01/001

Mr Alessio Piccolino6533/01/001

Mr Alex Griffiths6579/01/001

Mr Alex Thomas6618/01/001

Mr Alfie Joffry6582/01/001

Mr Amit Jethwa6581/01/001

Mr Andrew Curtis6576/01/001

Mr Andrew Johnson6583/01/001

Mr Andy Ellis6578/01/001

Mr Anoop Sugunan6454/01/001

Mr Anthony Barrow6554/01/001

Mr Ashish Jethwa6592/01/001

Mr Ashok Pillai6588/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr B Black6593/01/001

Mr B Goberdhan6456/01/001

Mr B L Murphy6626/01/001

Mr Barry Cawley6594/01/001

Mr Barry E Bruce6621/01/001

Mr Bernard White4235/01/001

Mr Bradley Halfacre6513/01/001

Mr Brian Charles Small6409/01/001

Mr Brian Fleming6512/01/001

Mr Brian Kinney6595/01/001

Mr Brian Matthews6523/01/001

Mr Brown6597/01/001

Mr Bruce Scott6596/01/001

Mr C B Simpson6611/01/001

Mr C Bocano6599/01/001

Mr C E Jewson6600/01/001

Mr C Houslu & Brely6606/01/001

Mr C Johnson1872/02/001

Mr C Lawrence6526/01/001

Mr C M Wicks6608/01/001

Mr C Muir4264/01/001

Mr C Petty6610/01/001

Mr C S Higgs6604/01/001

Mr C Smith6612/01/001

Mr C Stanhope6614/01/001

Mr Carl Denham6627/01/001

Mr Carl Nielson6619/01/001

Mr Charles Noble6535/01/001

Mr Chetan Shah6463/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Christopher Noble6609/01/001

Mr Claus Groth-Andersen6601/01/001

Mr Clifton Williams6617/01/001

Mr Colin Harman6603/01/001

Mr Colin Pereira4701/02/001

Mr D Abdo3434/02/001

Mr D Brown6631/01/001

Mr D Carter6633/01/001

Mr D Jenner5545/02/001

Mr D Kirton6653/01/001

Mr D Lapinski6655/01/001

Mr D Oliver6665/01/001

Mr D P Hurburgh6647/01/001

Mr D Saundes6667/01/001

Mr D Shes6668/01/001

Mr D Ward6671/01/001

Mr Dagmara Nogal6662/01/001

Mr Daniel Halfacre6646/01/001

Mr Daniel James3381/02/001

Mr Daniel Wellard6651/01/011

Mr Daniel Yip3326/02/001

Mr Darren Dix6640/01/001

Mr Darren Swain6650/01/001

Mr Darren Williams6672/01/001

Mr Dave Benham2251/02/001

Mr David Alan Jones6652/01/001

Mr David Bennett6628/01/001

Mr David Crossland6634/01/001

Mr David Gunning6645/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr David H Harris6641/01/001

Mr David J Detaridge6639/01/001

Mr David Nunes6654/01/001

Mr David Stanhope3783/02/001

Mr David Woodhouse6674/01/001

Mr David Worle6675/01/001

Mr Dean Banks6678/01/001

Mr Dean Barnes6625/01/001

Mr Dimitar Galabov6642/01/001

Mr Duke McKenzie6659/01/001

Mr Duncan Horton6644/01/001

Mr E Bacchus6680/01/001

Mr E Brown6682/01/001

Mr E J Greenfield6677/01/001

Mr E Yip6689/01/001

Mr Ebert6717/01/001

Mr Eghan McHugh6686/01/001

Mr Eric Knowler1965/01/002

Mr Ethan Purcell6687/01/001

Mr Evren Halil6684/01/001

Mr F Mushtaq5591/02/001

Mr Fola Aiyeola6718/01/001

Mr Francis De Souza6719/01/001

Mr G Butac6723/01/001

Mr G C Tookey6690/01/001

Mr G Ferreira6724/01/001

Mr G Hales6728/01/001

mr G J Burt6722/01/001

Mr G Jones6730/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr G Norfie6733/01/001

Mr G Sibley6738/01/001

Mr Gary Abbott6683/01/001

Mr Gary Fisher4612/01/001

Mr Gary Steward6416/01/001

Mr Geoff Pearcy6736/01/001

Mr George Bartlett6453/01/001

Mr George Beechey6721/01/001

Mr George Gavin6726/01/001

Mr Graham Murphy6934/01/001

Mr Graham Newnham6417/01/001

Mr H Bittner6749/01/001

Mr H G Field6750/01/001

Mr H Moore6752/01/001

Mr H Orton6753/01/001

Mr Harris6754/01/001

Mr Harry Farlow1979/01/002

Mr H-C Lano6755/01/001

Mr Henry Man6751/01/001

Mr I Haines3549/01/002

Mr Ian Frongs6756/01/001

Mr Ian Johnson6757/01/001

Mr Ian Kibble6759/01/001

Mr Ian Kibble6759/02/001

Mr Ian Locke6776/01/001

Mr Ian Macdonald6779/01/001

Mr Ian MacDonald4614/01/001

Mr Ian Marsh3498/03/001

Mr Ian Paterson6785/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Ian Seal6786/01/001

Mr Ian Wathen6790/01/001

Mr Ian Wey6791/01/001

Mr Ionel B Armen6844/01/001

Mr J A Carter6799/01/001

Mr J Armstrong6792/01/001

Mr J B Newman6853/01/001

Mr J Benham6794/01/001

Mr J Bocano6796/01/001

Mr J Burke6798/01/001

Mr J Canelas6814/01/001

Mr J Cox6816/01/001

Mr J G WARLOW2165/02/001

Mr J Holderness6829/01/001

Mr J Hopkins6831/01/001

Mr J M Miller6835/01/001

Mr J M Smith6837/01/001

Mr J McKay6838/01/001

Mr J Patel6855/01/001

Mr J Pretorius6861/01/001

Mr J Tenten4205/02/001

Mr J Tye6873/01/001

Mr Jack Clive6802/01/001

mr Jack Stone6869/01/001

Mr Jack Tucker6840/01/001

Mr James Milmoe5649/02/001

Mr Jami Joseph6878/01/001

Mr Jared Blundell6795/01/001

Mr Jason Burke6413/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Jason Burke6413/01/001

Mr Jay Knibbs6833/01/001

Mr Jay Patel6854/01/001

Mr Jinal Shah6867/01/001

Mr John Albert3506/02/001

Mr John Bowman6457/01/001

Mr John Boyd6797/01/001

Mr John Caselton6801/01/001

Mr John Edwards6818/01/001

Mr John Fitzgibbon6821/01/001

Mr John Hitchcock3002/02/001

Mr John Male4155/02/001

Mr John Maslen6809/01/001

Mr John Meade6810/01/001

Mr John Mullis3355/02/001

Mr John Read6863/01/001

Mr John To6872/01/001

Mr Jon Fox6825/01/001

Mr Jonathan Pike6857/01/001

Mr Jordan White6875/01/001

Mr Jose Pavon-Lopez6879/01/001

Mr Joshua Remon6811/01/001

Mr K Anderson6459/01/001

Mr K H Yip6883/01/001

Mr K Meguani6890/01/001

Mr K Panton2223/02/001

Mr K Patel4329/01/001

Mr Keith Derringer3937/01/002

Mr Keith Turner6892/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Ken J McKelvey6885/01/001

Mr Kenneth Palmer3758/02/001

Mr Kiely & L Harden6895/01/001

Mr Kiran Bali6812/01/002

Mr L Gavin6845/01/001

Mr L Hellens6897/01/001

Mr L McKenzie6901/01/001

Mr L Nicholas6902/01/001

Mr L Whiteing6904/01/001

Mr Lawrence Hughes6539/01/001

Mr Leeroy Purcell3582/02/001

Mr Lesley G Wilson6905/01/001

Mr Lewis Adams6843/01/001

Mr Lukasz Polek6903/01/001

Mr Luke Bassett6894/01/001

Mr M A Freyone6822/01/001

Mr M B Jones6922/01/001

Mr M Bishop2031/01/001

Mr M Buchanan6918/01/001

Mr M D Hudson6542/01/001

Mr M Follows5705/03/001

Mr M Follows5705/02/001

Mr M Hodges6920/01/001

Mr M Hughes5081/02/001

Mr M Jeffries6921/01/001

Mr M Stiasny6925/01/001

Mr M Suryanantha6926/01/001

Mr M Tills6930/01/001

Mr Malcom Holmes4615/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Malcom Thomas6418/01/001

Mr Malin Smith & Corr6931/01/001

Mr Mark Hawkins3546/02/001

Mr Mark Simon6923/01/001

Mr Mark Thomas6929/01/001

Mr Martin Arenas6932/01/001

Mr Martin Gibson6896/01/001

Mr Martin Mooney6529/01/001

Mr Martin Spiers6924/01/001

Mr Martin Stone6692/01/001

Mr Martin Walsh6908/01/001

Mr Matt Thomas6928/01/001

MR Michael Brown6906/01/001

Mr Michael G Hancock6502/01/001

Mr Michael Hewish1272/02/001 Shirley Oaks Management Limited

Mr Michael Small6900/01/001

Mr Michael Tenten6530/01/001

Mr Michael Wilson4738/03/001

Mr Mohammad Aslam Chaudhry6620/01/001

Mr N Jones6937/01/001

Mr N Oliver6693/01/001

Mr N Patel6941/01/001

Mr Naveeda Anwar6935/01/001

Mr Neil Williams6945/01/001

Mr Nigel Wiiliams6943/01/001

Mr Oliver Scott6946/01/001

Mr Owen Thomas6947/01/001

Mr P Boakes6959/01/001

Mr P F Robinson6828/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr P G Twyman6981/01/001

Mr P Harris6964/01/001

Mr P Hill6966/01/001

Mr P Hughes6968/01/001

Mr P J Mander6827/01/001

Mr P J Marshall5951/02/001

Mr P J Marshall5951/03/001

Mr P J Marshall5951/04/001

Mr P Manson6972/01/001

Mr P Siventhiran6979/01/001

Mr P W Groom5950/02/001

Mr Parveen Ali6957/01/001

Mr Paul Adams6949/01/001

Mr Paul Dudley6982/01/001

Mr Paul Foley6824/01/001

Mr Paul Murphy6975/01/001

Mr Paul Scott6990/01/010

Mr Paul Stenning6762/01/001

Mr Paul Vernon6467/01/001

Mr Perry Robjant6977/01/001

Mr Peter Fillingham6962/01/001

Mr Peter Lumb6826/01/001

Mr Peter Tayler6980/01/001

Mr Philip Carpenter6823/01/001

Mr Philip cCark6983/01/001

Mr Pravin Shah6978/01/001

Mr R D Bogazzi6910/01/001

Mr R DeSouza6876/02/001

Mr R Honywood6987/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr R Hurford6988/01/001

Mr R Jones6997/01/001

Mr R K Alderson6992/01/001

Mr R Mahon4341/01/001

Mr R Muralidaran7265/01/001

Mr R Saunders6858/01/001

Mr R Saut7002/01/001

Mr R Tarrant7006/01/001

Mr R Williams7012/01/001

Mr Ray Davy6874/01/001

Mr Richard Chambers6984/01/001

Mr Richard J Wood7015/01/001

Mr Richard L Porter2049/01/002

Mr Richard Rainey6877/01/001

Mr Robert Budd6423/01/001

Mr Robert Collins6985/01/001

Mr Robert Wheatley7009/01/001

Mr Robert White6915/01/001

Mr Ron Pizzey6856/01/001

Mr Roy Endersby6986/01/001

Mr Russell Adair6763/01/001

Mr Russell C Richards7001/01/001

Mr Ryan Buxton6911/01/001

Mr Ryan O'Sullivan6999/01/001

Mr S Bracegirdle7019/01/001

Mr S Chadha2297/01/001

Mr S Cruz7034/01/001

Mr S Eleftheriou7038/01/001

Mr S Eletheriou7043/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr S Entwhistle7046/01/001

Mr S F A Wilson2905/07/001

Mr S Harris7049/01/001

Mr S Hopkins6694/01/001

Mr S L Vincent6543/01/001

Mr S Lockett6709/01/001

Mr S M Burt7044/01/001

Mr S P Cox7030/01/001

Mr S P Dowie Chambers7037/01/001

Mr S Perrott6711/01/001

Mr S Soundararajan4068/02/001

Mr S Tucker6862/01/001

Mr S V Twyman7056/01/001

Mr Saggar7058/01/001

Mr Sayeed Anwar6859/01/001

Mr Shane Sanson6860/01/001

Mr Shera Ridge7054/01/001

Mr Simon Biggerstaff6994/01/001

Mr Simon Monahan6695/01/001

Mr Simon Pearce6429/01/001

Mr Spencer Weatherill6469/01/001

Mr Stephen Christdoulou7026/01/001

Mr Stephen Jacobs6419/01/001

Mr Stephen Kidd6708/01/001

Mr Steve Honan6832/01/001

Mr Steve Houslu7041/01/001

Mr Steve Plumstead7035/01/001

Mr Steven Hartwell7040/01/001

Mr Stuart Moore6698/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Stuart Osborne6700/01/001

Mr Sughnan Pirusholthaman7051/01/001

Mr T Allan7065/01/001

Mr T Burke6701/01/001

Mr T C Kirsch7068/01/001

Mr Terry Carpenter6727/01/001

Mr Thomas Dare6117/02/001

Mr Thomas Noga7000/01/001

Mr Thomas Spindlow6432/01/001

Mr Tim Rangecroft7148/01/001

Mr Tomasz Nogal7071/01/001

Mr Tony Beechey6725/01/001

Mr Tony To7072/01/001

Mr Trever Figgers7077/01/001

Mr Trevor Wilson7073/01/001

Mr Tyana Aiyeola7079/01/001

Mr Tyrene Aiyeola7063/01/001

Mr Tzy-Tau Wey7083/01/001

Mr Victor Cheng7045/01/001

Mr W Divall4618/01/001

Mr W Smith7092/01/001

Mr W Watrins7093/01/001

Mr Waveney Williams7094/01/001

Mr Wayne Bronnan6764/01/001

Mr Wayne Dix7052/01/001

Mr Wei Chang Yip3480/02/001

Mr William Baines2232/01/001

Mr William Baines2232/02/001

Mr William Davies7091/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr William Postans6769/01/001

Mr Windsor J G Morris6768/01/001

Mr Y Patel7095/01/001

Mr Zain Anwar7101/01/001

Mr Zulfu Ocal7053/01/001

Mrs Abigail Jones7182/01/001

Mrs Ann Sebire7321/01/008

Mrs B A Field7055/01/001

Mrs B Curtis7096/01/001

Mrs Barbara Clearey4583/02/001

Mrs Bernice Williams7097/01/001

Mrs Beverley Wheatley7098/01/001

Mrs C Robinson7103/01/001

Mrs C S Tookey6546/01/001

Mrs C Wilson7099/01/001

Mrs Carol Boyd7102/01/001

Mrs Carolyn Browne6545/01/001

Mrs Carolyn Dare2948/03/001

Mrs Christine Clark1690/03/001

Mrs Clare Tenten6973/01/001

Mrs D Cook2296/01/001

Mrs D Reynolds6547/01/001

Mrs Dawn Keech1685/02/001

Mrs Deborah White7104/01/001

Mrs Donna Adams7100/01/001

Mrs E Johns7111/01/001

Mrs E Johns7106/01/001

Mrs E L Harris7107/01/001

Mrs E Murphy7114/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs E Murphy7114/01/001

Mrs E R Bourton7115/01/001

Mrs Elaine Connor6047/02/010

Mrs Elaine Day7105/01/001

Mrs Elizabeth Thomas2032/01/001

Mrs G Hewish6227/02/001

Mrs G L Wellard6737/01/001

Mrs G Patel7003/01/001

Mrs H Divall4613/01/001

Mrs H Griffiths7108/01/001

Mrs Hilary Waterhouse7117/01/001

Mrs I Hilton6960/01/001

Mrs J A Ben8825/01/001

Mrs J A Salmon6048/02/001

Mrs J Abbott7057/01/001

Mrs J Chandler7059/01/001

Mrs J Coker6961/01/001

Mrs J E Thomas7112/01/001

Mrs J F Hudson6774/01/001

Mrs J Gavin6773/01/001

Mrs J P Perry7110/01/001

Mrs J Portman6476/01/001

Mrs J Saggar6866/01/001

Mrs J Stracey7124/01/001

Mrs J Warner-Chandler6247/02/001

Mrs Janet Hills2969/04/001

Mrs Janice Buxton2237/01/001

Mrs Jean Ghagan7109/01/001

Mrs Julia Hughes7121/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs K Barty7005/01/001

Mrs K Hopkins6781/01/001

Mrs K Joffroy6782/01/001

Mrs K Patel7128/01/001

Mrs K S Jenner6868/01/001

Mrs Karen Cawley6777/01/001

Mrs Kristen Froyen6778/01/001

Mrs Kwai Sun Man7130/01/001

Mrs L A Gardiner2376/01/001

Mrs L Edwards6702/01/001

Mrs L G Greaves7113/01/001

Mrs L Nunes7116/01/001

Mrs M A Gibson7132/01/001

Mrs M B Johnson7137/01/001

Mrs M Bacchus7007/01/001

Mrs M Bogazzi6963/01/001

Mrs M Caubo7136/01/001

Mrs M Cole2245/01/001

Mrs M Haves6549/01/001

Mrs M Jenkinson6907/01/001

Mrs M Keable7139/01/001

Mrs M Meens7144/01/001

Mrs M Walden6550/01/001

Mrs M Waley7145/01/001

Mrs Margaret J Buck6965/01/001

Mrs Margaret West7147/01/001

Mrs Maria Armene7133/01/001

Mrs Marion Farlow2305/01/001

Mrs Mary R Bracegirdle7134/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs Michele Pereira-De Souza6703/01/001

Mrs Najma Aslam7118/01/001

Mrs Oznur Ocal7119/01/001

Mrs P Bishop7061/01/001

Mrs P Fisher6706/01/001

Mrs P Jeffries7062/01/001

Mrs P Murphy7150/01/001

Mrs P O Lockett7120/01/001

Mrs Pamela Elizabeth Farrow6705/01/001

Mrs Patricia Harding2681/02/001

Mrs R Patel7152/01/001

Mrs Rosemary Taylor7154/01/001

Mrs S A Crook7066/01/001

Mrs S Bavani7064/01/001

Mrs S Cook7157/01/001

Mrs Sandra Hurford7008/01/001

Mrs Sandra Hurford7008/02/001

Mrs Sarah Scott7167/01/001

Mrs Sipos7122/01/001

Mrs Sue Dix7160/01/001

Mrs Susan Hunt2044/02/001

Mrs Suzanne Duckman7163/01/001

Mrs Sylvia Moore2230/02/001

Mrs T Groth-Andersen7168/01/001

Mrs T M Wilson7170/01/001

Mrs Teressa Barnes7069/01/001

Mrs Underwood7173/01/001

Mrs Vera Stanley7175/01/001

Ms A Pavon-Lopez3396/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Aileen Deeney3391/02/001

Ms Ann Greenfield7011/01/001

Ms Ayesha Anwar7178/01/001

Ms Barbara Parker7270/01/001

Ms Beth K6458/01/001

Ms Brenda Mullings7184/01/001

Ms C Watkins6744/01/001

Ms Caroline Elizabeth Joyce3472/02/001

Ms Elizabeth Alebrese7185/01/001

Ms Emma Smith7187/01/001

Ms Eveldas Navickas7186/01/001

Ms Frances O'Farrell7189/01/001

Ms Francesca Aiyeola7188/01/001

Ms Geraldine Butac6475/01/001

Ms Hazel Jordan1818/02/001

Ms Hazel Wood7192/01/001

Ms Hina Khwaja7191/01/001

Ms Inga Nanckiene7194/01/001

Ms Isabella Groth-Andersen7193/01/001

Ms Izabela Mulaj6482/01/001

Ms Jacqueline Morris7201/01/001

Ms Jade Harman7198/01/001

Ms Jane Elliott7196/01/001

Ms Jennifer Tapping6761/01/010

Ms Joanne Groom7197/01/001

Ms Joy Mitha7200/01/001

Ms Judith Johnson7199/01/001

Ms Julia Blundell7195/01/001

Ms Julia Simpson7202/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Julie Knight7082/01/001

Ms K Holloway6488/01/001

Ms Karen Bull7220/01/001

Ms Karen Doherty7022/01/001

Ms Karen Fletcher2565/02/001

Ms Karen Gomes6889/01/001

Ms Lauren Adams7222/01/001

Ms Linda Figgess6501/01/001

Ms Linda Harding6916/01/001

Ms Louise S6504/01/001

Ms Lucy James7238/01/001

Ms Lulu Hardy7237/01/001

Ms Lydia Christodoulou7224/01/001

Ms Lyndsey Gibson7228/01/001

Ms M D Chandler3968/02/001

Ms M Store7247/01/001

Ms Margit Bowman7241/01/001

Ms Mary Macdonald7246/01/001

Ms Michele Knibbs7244/01/001

Ms Mirella Carta7243/01/001

Ms Patricia Mohabir7249/01/001

Ms Pauline Stephenson-Bennett7250/01/001

Ms Pauline Wright6507/01/001

Ms Pippa Torbett7031/01/001

Ms Rachel James2585/02/001

Ms Redhi F Khan6936/01/001

Ms S Bedale4052/01/004

Ms Sandy Peters7251/01/001

Ms Shannon Spindlow6426/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Sharon Jethwa7253/01/001

Ms Sheela Jethwa7255/01/001

Ms Tobias Aiyeola7259/01/001

Ms Wendy Jones7257/01/001

Naomi Purcell7028/01/001

Natalie Payne6474/01/001

Nekeisha Bennett6847/01/001

Nicola Dunk6420/01/001

Noa-Lee Wong6636/01/001

O M Cox6909/01/001

P A Johnson6850/01/001

P J M Baboram6849/01/001

P M Bocano6532/01/001

P Panton6851/01/001

Patricia Ann Reid6422/01/001

Patricia K Bruce7029/01/001

Pauline Tate6182/02/001

Pauline Tenten4317/03/001

Pauline Tenten4317/04/001

Pauline Whalley4284/02/001

Peter & Jayne Stenning6673/01/001

Pewel Piechowski7264/01/001

Piotr Buway6461/01/001

R A Louder6913/01/001

R Canelas6852/01/001

R Cayley2124/01/001

R Gardiner2149/01/001

R Hevat6993/01/001

R Newnham7033/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

R. J Harris2130/02/001

Rachel McKenzie6938/01/001

Ravi Singh6914/01/001

Remata Nogal6657/01/001

Rev D Paul7142/01/001

Rhodri Flower3512/02/001

Rosemary Whiting6939/01/001

Ruby West6663/01/001

Rupa Asahan8826/01/001

Ruslan Lagoida6912/01/001

S Bedale6664/01/001

S Bocano6830/01/001

S D Yeeles6544/01/001

S G Louder6710/01/001

S Minogue6954/01/001

S Newnham7090/01/001

S O'Shea6956/01/001

S Yeelles6472/01/001

Sahra H Aldo6942/01/001

Sally Denham6804/01/001

Sally Knowler2076/01/001

Sam Mitha6955/01/001

Samantha Jones6478/01/001

Samantha Spiers6948/01/001

Sandra Garland6552/01/001

Sandra Harris6807/01/001

Sara Wardle6270/02/001

Selena Jethwa6808/01/001

Senen Butac6425/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Seyed Taghua6468/01/001

Shamim Kanuga6707/01/001

Sharon Smith6479/01/001

Sheena Shah6428/01/001

Sheila Desmond3482/02/001

Sheila Foster6806/01/001

Sheila Mawazing7032/01/002

Sobhagchand Shah7267/01/001

Soleila Jabari6995/01/001

Soon Swee Tye6998/01/001

Sophie Foley6805/01/001

Sue Read6630/01/001

Susan Barrett7140/01/001

Susan Buchanan7141/01/001

Susan Jean Woodhouse7089/01/001

T Hughman6951/01/001

T Walter6953/01/001

Tania Jacobs6430/01/001

The Occupant2137/01/001

Toufak Ahangari4102/02/001

Usher Shah6638/01/001

V Goberdhan7268/01/001

Vera Bolding6669/01/001

Victoria Armstrong6666/01/001

Victoria Fisher4617/01/001

Vijoy Sugunan6865/01/001

Vynesh Pillai7047/01/001

W A Johnson6766/01/001

W Franklin6834/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

W R Stoneman6771/01/001

W.P Mahon4372/01/001

Wendy Honeywood6567/01/001

Y Butcher6731/01/001

Y Hueks1733/01/001

Y Williams6732/01/001

Yethan Helou6836/01/001

Zaina Purcell6950/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 3

7455/01/001 Spring Park Residents Association

Alex Spink4619/01/001

Alison McCarthy1714/01/001

Ben Proctor1846/01/001

Beryl Hannington4621/01/001

Betty Phillips1732/01/001

Brian Mustchin1744/01/001

Carol Brown2728/02/001

Caulton and Suzanne Rhule1861/01/001

Courtney Larmond4623/01/001

D Y Mamranji7272/01/001

Dave Greenwood1781/01/001

Diane McInerney4658/01/010

Dr Jan Cesarczyk4635/01/001

Emma McInerney4640/01/001

Hans Schrader4631/01/001

Hillary Judge4659/01/001

Katherine Gorman2511/01/001

L Ward7295/01/001

Lord Joshua Dovey7296/01/001

Lord Oliver Dovey7297/01/001

Martin Shute2616/01/001 Spring Park Residents Association

Maureen Mills2527/02/001

Megan Duke4226/01/002

Miss C A Ross-Smith7303/01/001

Miss E E Jones7305/01/001

Miss Harriet Homes2321/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Miss Lauren Duke4361/01/002

Miss M F Byard7307/01/001

Miss Madga Cesarczyk4667/01/001

Miss Mary Sedgebeer2712/01/001

Miss Rosemary J Hillman7309/01/001

Miss Sophia Morris4633/01/001

Miss Victoria Kettyle2388/01/001

Mr & Mrs Andrew & Hazel Douglas6489/02/001

Mr & Mrs Anthony P Murkias7311/01/001

Mr & Mrs D L & R L White7317/01/001

Mr & Mrs Davies4208/01/002

Mr & Mrs E G & E L Dack7312/01/001

Mr & Mrs G Cotton2489/01/001

Mr & Mrs J W & M R King7315/01/001

Mr & Mrs John & Maureen Stuchberry7322/01/001

Mr & Mrs Michael Fox4624/02/001

Mr & Mrs Michael Fox4624/01/001

Mr & Mrs Paul & Janet Wilkinson4670/01/001

Mr & Mrs Paul Chatelier7319/01/001

Mr & Mrs Price4627/01/001

Mr & Mrs Rose & Bill Wyatt3521/01/001

Mr & Ms Adam & Victoria Brocking & Fisher7190/02/001

Mr & Ms Derek & Joy Funnell7275/01/001

Mr & Ms Stephen & Laura Brewer7431/01/001

Mr A Wansborough4169/01/001

Mr A Whittaker4675/01/001

Mr Alan Weeks2722/01/001

Mr Alberto Pensa4639/01/001

Mr Andrew Parnell7325/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Andrew Smith7328/01/001

Mr Barry Allen2715/02/001

Mr Brendan Foley4620/01/001

Mr C Mclune2472/01/001

Mr Clive Still7329/01/001

Mr D H Fish1869/02/001

Mr Darren Morgan7331/01/001

Mr Derek Cooper4657/01/001

Mr Derek Reynolds7340/01/001

Mr Derek Ritson2764/01/001 Monks Orchard Residents Association

Mr Edmund Reynolds7342/01/001

Mr Hugh John Williams7346/01/001

Mr I D Evans4660/01/001

Mr Jan De Iulio7349/01/001

Mr Jeffrey Shrimpton4661/01/001

Mr John Bowler7348/01/001

Mr John Harwood7351/01/001

Mr K Osborne4307/01/001

Mr Kevin Browne7353/01/001

Mr Lesley Lynam4664/01/001

Mr M E Rolls2379/01/001

Mr Martyn Browne7354/01/001

Mr Mauro Pensa4629/01/001

Mr Mayura Patel7298/01/001

Mr Michael Chivers4637/01/001

Mr Michael Ridden4666/01/001

Mr Michael Totterdell7355/01/001

Mr Michael Wilson4738/04/001

Mr Mike Smith4665/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Mike Spink4632/01/001

Mr Oliver Dujardin7356/01/001

Mr P Duke4336/01/002

Mr Paul Gordon4625/01/001

Mr R D Cook7357/01/001

Mr R Pearce7358/01/001

Mr Rajesh Shah4626/01/001

Mr Ralph Parker7359/01/001

Mr Robin Cook4672/01/001

Mr S L Vincent6543/02/001

Mr Simon Homes2352/01/001

Mr Sobhagchand Shah4671/01/001

Mr Stephen Browne7360/01/001

Mr Steve Gorman7361/01/001

Mr Steve Murphy2040/02/001 Shirley Park Golf Club Limited

Mr Stuart Upton4669/01/001

Mr Terence Figgess6864/01/001

Mr Tim Hastie4636/01/001

Mr Tim Rangecroft7148/02/001

Mr Tony Gaunt4628/01/001

Mr Trevor Ashby7362/01/001

Mr& Mrs R Lapthorn1912/01/001

Mrs Adele Sluce7363/01/001

Mrs Alexandra Morgan7407/01/001

Mrs Barbara White7364/01/001

Mrs Carol Foley4622/01/001

Mrs Heather Sud7365/01/001

Mrs Jackie Whitaker4662/01/001

Mrs Jane Gorman7367/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs Jane Gorman7367/02/001

Mrs Janet Atkins2240/01/001

Mrs Janet P Dekkers7368/01/001

Mrs Jessica Harwood7371/01/001

Mrs K Cesarczyk-Upton3925/01/001

Mrs Karen Dovey7373/01/001

Mrs Karolina Cesarczyk-Upton4663/01/001

Mrs L J Warnock7396/01/001

Mrs M K Quick6160/02/001

Mrs M Wilson7375/01/001

Mrs Margaret Cesarczyk4668/01/001

Mrs Maria Cristina Pensa4630/01/001

Mrs Miranda Heester7374/01/001

Mrs Nicola Still7376/01/001

Mrs P J Barnes6276/02/001

Mrs Pauline Boatwright7382/01/001

Mrs R Cook7386/01/001

Mrs R Merson3205/03/001

Mrs Rose Fish7387/01/001

Mrs S Williams7391/01/001

Mrs Sarah Finch7395/01/001

Mrs Sue Birchall4634/01/001

Mrs Susan Verona4638/01/001

Mrs Tracey L Homes2229/01/001

Mrs Valine Hicks2205/01/001

Mrs Yvonne Powlett7399/01/001

Ms Asha Thakrar7269/01/001

Ms Carol Huggett7411/01/001

Ms Esther Bateman7273/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Grace Machin7274/01/001

Ms Isobel Gorman7414/01/001

Ms Jean Brenchley7416/01/001

Ms Jean Reynolds7288/01/001

Ms Joanne Machin7291/01/001

Ms June Browne7419/01/001

Ms Karen Leathwood7423/01/001

Ms Kathleen Perez7293/01/001

Ms Melissa Perez7299/01/001

Ms Natalie Perez7443/01/001

Ms P Kettyle2207/01/001

Ms Patricia Osborne7435/01/001

Ms Patricia Pearce7436/01/001

Ms Penelope Dennis7433/01/001

Ms Pippa Torbett7031/02/001

Ms Samantha Maynard7446/01/001

Ms Sylvie J Vincent7450/01/001

Ms Teresal Wilson7437/01/001

Ms Victoria Fisher7439/02/001

Revd Andy Dovey2127/01/001

Rina Shah4674/01/001

S Mamanji7445/01/001

Sidoher O H7447/01/001

Stefka Lyubenova7448/01/001

Suzanne Duke4195/01/002

Tamsin Tunstall7451/01/001

Toni Rickerby4673/01/001

Veena Pillai6670/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 4

A A and V N Fitch1702/02/001

A Meredith-Smith7848/01/001

A.S.E. Ali7225/01/001

Alay Patel7261/01/001

Amanada Whiting2170/01/001

Angela Shaw1721/05/001 Croham Valley Residents Association

B Smith7495/01/001

Barbara Wilkins1756/02/001

C W Cornes2024/01/001

C.J. Irvin7219/01/001

Carol Huggins1802/01/001

Colin Hart2652/03/001 Oaks Farm Receptions

D Durnlord7279/01/001

D.J. Ridenton7282/01/001

D.S. Gunner7490/01/001

David and Susan Garcia1882/02/001

David Keen1884/02/001

Dr & Mrs Amarasekera6632/01/001

Dr Peter Newlands2685/02/001

Dr Steve Leigh2469/01/001

Dr T Myint7931/01/001

E Hebden7278/01/001 Member of Shirley Park Golf Club

Elaine Bronger1794/02/001

F.W. Headington7294/01/001

Graham & Lorraine Cadle2438/01/001

Hayley Hart3086/01/002

Holly Cornish6137/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

J Ahmud7289/01/001

J Benattia7449/01/001

J Reeve7370/01/001

J Salvador7369/01/001

J.A. Ladanyi7290/01/001

J.B. McCay7292/01/001

J.P. Patel7950/01/001

J.P. Stracey7406/01/001

Jacqueline Burns4544/03/001

Jacqueline Burns4544/02/001

James Thong2461/01/001

Josephine Williams2471/01/001

K Heiller7018/01/001

K Sullivan7454/10/001

K.L. Shaw6589/01/001

Kim Riley3127/02/001

Krupa Patel (and family)2466/01/001

L Huggins7389/01/001

L. A. Barnes7377/01/001

Little Family The Little Family8561/01/001

M Lai6696/01/001

M. & B Foden6598/01/001

M.A Salahi7372/01/001

M.D Hamilton7400/01/001

Marie-Louise O'Neil4642/01/001

Mark & Julie Greenway2446/01/001

Mary Richardson4679/01/001

Mary Richardson4679/02/001

Masako Sullivan7920/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Michele Jarrett3024/01/002

Miss Mary McDonnell2526/01/001

Mr & Mrs Aaron & Laurel Hobbs7940/01/001

Mr & Mrs Adams3570/02/001

Mr & Mrs Alan & Ann Hewitt7937/01/001

Mr & Mrs B Jewkes5490/02/001

Mr & Mrs B Wray7271/01/001

Mr & Mrs Baldacchino4680/01/001

Mr & Mrs Boyd4641/01/001

Mr & Mrs Bruinsma6635/01/001

Mr & Mrs Burraer8829/01/001

Mr & Mrs Burt6637/01/001

Mr & Mrs C McDermott7927/01/001

Mr & Mrs Day6643/01/001

Mr & Mrs E Abdul-Nabi2429/01/001

Mr & Mrs F Richardson7945/01/001

Mr & Mrs F.D. Cantelo6607/01/001

Mr & Mrs Garrone6704/01/001

Mr & Mrs H M & G C Toma5424/02/001

Mr & Mrs Jakeman7216/01/001

Mr & Mrs K.W Norris7944/01/001

Mr & Mrs Kennedy6971/01/001

Mr & Mrs Les & Linda Jones7939/01/001

Mr & Mrs N Panagalis6699/01/001

Mr & Mrs Neil & Gill Davis6623/01/001

Mr & Mrs Nelson4247/02/001

Mr & Mrs P & R Ditton5362/02/001

Mr & Mrs Pandya6697/01/001

Mr & Mrs Patel2358/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs Peter C. Norris7915/01/001

Mr & Mrs Potter6958/01/001

Mr & Mrs R & J Hussey5376/02/001

Mr & Mrs R. & J. Newman6952/01/001

Mr & Mrs Ronald & Lynne Hewitt7934/01/001

Mr & Mrs S Lodge6605/01/001

Mr & Mrs S.R. Aston7276/01/001

Mr & Mrs Sambro6927/01/001

Mr & Mrs Trevani6940/01/001

Mr & Mrs Tuacker6661/01/001

Mr & Mrs Vallance6944/01/001

Mr & Mrs W. Hoffman6933/01/001

Mr &Mrs F. Belhassine6585/01/001

Mr A Barbutt8555/01/001

Mr A Clements5446/02/001

Mr A Faal6996/01/001

Mr A Stevens6989/01/001

Mr A. K Pal2464/01/001

Mr A.J. Cane7212/01/001

Mr Ali Karimi3392/01/001

Mr and Mrs Banks6487/01/001

Mr and Mrs J Moulton3297/02/001

Mr and Mrs R. Howes6602/01/001

Mr B Jaye6991/01/001

Mr B.A. Buxton6974/01/001

Mr Brian Green4676/01/001

Mr C Torn7004/01/001

Mr C. Steet7287/01/001 Member of Shirley Park Golf Course

Mr D Hebdon5542/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr D.G. White7280/01/002

Mr Dale Cornish3324/01/004

Mr Dale Cornish3324/02/001

Mr David Jones8556/01/001

Mr Edward Handley0014/02/001 Croydon Playing Fields Association

Mr G F Hurt5603/02/001

Mr G Willis7027/01/001 Coach House Café

Mr Gordon E Mabb2459/01/001

Mr Hemani Patel7277/01/001

Mr I Farlay7023/01/001

Mr J A Pound5659/02/001

Mr J Barnes7444/01/001

Mr J Holmes7422/01/001 Member of Shirley Park Golf Club

Mr J Patel3709/01/003

Mr J Sullivan2332/02/001

Mr John Hart3000/01/002

Mr John O'Sullivan7914/01/001

Mr Ketan Patel4677/01/011

Mr M A Chaudhry5702/02/001

Mr M Bowen7366/01/001 Member of Shirley Park Golf Club

Mr M Christophers7462/01/001

Mr M Cookson7383/01/001

Mr M Haughton7393/01/001

Mr M Hemananda7409/01/001 Previous Chairman of Spring Park Residents Association

Mr M Howard7398/00/001

Mr M.J. Potter & Mrs J.A. Nugent7953/01/001

Mr Marin Little2628/03/001

Mr Mark Wakeling7671/01/001

Mr Mison7379/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Nick Barnes3028/02/001

Mr Olegas Parmionovas5740/02/001

Mr P D Wise5748/02/001

Mr P Kingham0358/00/001

Mr P Noke & Mr L Darby7952/01/001

Mr P W Walklate5968/02/001

Mr P White7852/01/001

Mr Paras Shah3112/02/001

Mr Patrick Williams7854/01/001

Mr Peter Bennett2486/01/001 Harpers Mill

Mr R Barnett0363/03/001

Mr R Chow5110/02/001

Mr R Pudney7457/01/001

Mr R Symonds7456/01/001 Golf Member of Shirley Park Club

Mr R Thurlow4015/02/001

Mr R. Cheetham7458/01/001

Mr Rasendra Patel7954/01/001

Mr Richard Claxton4684/01/001

Mr Richard Shirley4475/02/001

Mr Russell Morgan7918/01/001

Mr S Chadha2297/02/001

Mr S Chadha7459/01/001

Mr S Dagnell4828/02/001

Mr S.Y. Karve7461/01/001

Mr Sando Tolman7670/01/001

Mr Scott Cornish6083/02/001

Mr Shah8558/01/001

Mr Shashikant V Shah8557/01/001

Mr Steven Jenkins6089/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr T & V Murphy & Todd6143/02/001

Mr T Thirlwall7482/01/001

Mr Weston-White5612/02/001

Mr White7508/01/001

Mrs A Cheetham5142/02/001

Mrs A.M. Palmer7929/01/001

Mrs Barbara Tannion7476/01/001

Mrs Christine James7477/01/001

Mrs D Faal7481/01/001

Mrs Eleanor Redshaw2222/01/001

Mrs Elizabeth Walklate6219/02/001

Mrs F.J. Cornish7478/01/001

Mrs Helena Shiatis2465/01/001

Mrs J.A. Butie7466/01/001

Mrs Jacqueline White7480/01/001

Mrs JB Crouch7864/01/001

Mrs June Thorpe2028/02/001

Mrs K.J. Brooks7465/01/001

Mrs Karin Pomper6022/02/001

Mrs M.I. 7467/01/001 Skillicorn

Mrs Margery Haseler7464/01/001

Mrs Mehrnaz Dagnell8560/01/001

Mrs S Dempsey7245/01/001

Mrs S Marchbank6298/02/001

Mrs S Walford7067/01/001

Mrs Sonja Hawkins7473/01/001

Mrs V.A Pearson7239/01/001

Ms A Bank7050/01/001

Ms A.P Hall6496/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms B Thepa7042/01/001

Ms C Corfield7060/01/001

Ms C Huggins6503/01/001

Ms Clare Christopher8929/02/001

Ms D Jarvis7048/01/001

Ms E Chow5229/02/001

Ms H McCay7463/01/001

Ms J Rose7070/01/001

Ms Jacqui James7475/01/001

Ms Janet McQuade2772/02/001

Ms L Leadlitter7231/01/001

Ms S Pooly7036/01/001

Ms V Leigh7235/01/001

Ms W Parnacott5285/02/001

N & T Newlands & J. Beadle7943/01/001

Naz Dagnell2858/03/003

P Turney8828/01/001

Pankjay Shelm7932/01/001

Pebble Heaven4681/01/001

Pramod Hirole & Swati Omale7946/01/001

R. Boxaly7460/01/002

R.J & W.A. Horder7928/01/001

Rebecca & Harvey O'Neal6386/02/001

Ronald H. Street2131/02/001

S Wilson7866/01/001

S.H. Togwell7662/01/001

Shirley P Trimmer2392/02/001

Sonia Jade2234/02/001

Tsielepis Family The Tsielepis Family8562/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

V.R. Phillips7665/01/001

Y White7502/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 5

Adam James1766/01/001

Angela Harrison1718/01/001

Angela Shaw1721/02/001 Croham Valley Residents Association

Barbara V8814/01/001

C Banks2737/01/002

Crispin Williams1928/01/001

David Coups1880/01/001

Dawn Rose4688/01/001

Dawn Rose3315/01/001

Dr Christina Uwins4685/01/001

Dr Rahat Ahmad3889/01/001

Dr Ruth Clery8048/01/001

Dr Talal Alchikhali8052/01/001

Emily Howard6848/01/001

Emma Lavin1934/01/001

Faye Starr6846/01/001

Fiona Ledger1936/01/001

Geoff & Margaret Forsdyke1801/01/001

Georgie Hay1937/01/001

Jennifer Hierons1828/01/001

John O'Neill2815/01/001

K, W The Field Family8042/01/001

Karin Aston2218/01/001

Kelly Wallis9023/01/001

L Chapman2110/01/001

Linda Morris2303/01/001

Margaret Rick3818/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Miss Amy Pocock8056/01/001

Miss Emily Pocock8054/01/001

Miss Heidi Ellis8055/01/001

Miss Sheinaz Panjuiani8058/01/001

Mr & Dr Osa & Lydia Obasuyi & Osei-Boateng8207/01/001

Mr & Mrs A.S & H.K Virdi2419/01/001

Mr & Mrs Andrew & Catherine Firth8064/01/001

Mr & Mrs Ash & Kate Woodham8084/01/001

Mr & Mrs B J Wakeling8076/01/001

Mr & Mrs Barnes3775/01/002

Mr & Mrs J Barltrop8061/01/001

Mr & Mrs JH & JE Whitman2395/02/001

Mr & Mrs John Wingrove8069/01/001

Mr & Mrs K Purl8093/01/001

Mr & Mrs M Gosling8067/01/001

Mr & Mrs P Dixon8073/01/001

Mr & Mrs Pieu Shrapnell8075/01/001

Mr & Mrs Roshan & Mahmood Khan8071/01/001

Mr & Mrs Stephen & Janet Williams8080/01/001

Mr & Ms B G & Lyn Orford & Sexton8209/01/001

Mr & Ms Colin & Jacqui James & Maxwell8329/01/001

Mr & Ms Richard & Beata Streeter & Kaminski8228/01/001

Mr A J Crispin8085/01/001

Mr A S Locke8086/01/001

Mr Alan Alfred Rowe8090/01/001

Mr Alasdair Macleod8087/01/001

Mr B K Gibbs2593/01/001

Mr C Bridges3888/01/001

Mr C J Lawrey8098/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr C Leggatt8100/01/001

Mr Chris Hutchinson2719/01/007 Royal Russell School

Mr D Staples4176/01/002

Mr Darren Eade4686/01/001

Mr David Aston8105/01/001

Mr David Stanhope3783/01/002

Mr David Stride8110/01/001

Mr Denislava Radeva8108/01/001

Mr Desmond D'Souza8107/01/001

Mr E E Adams8112/01/001

Mr E Glynn8117/01/001

Mr E Lawrey8120/01/001

Mr Edward Adams8114/01/001

Mr H Stride8121/01/001

Mr Ian Harris3495/02/001

Mr J Davies8129/01/001

Mr J Hayward8134/01/001

Mr J Herring4204/01/002

Mr J Jones8135/01/001

Mr J Lalande8137/01/001

Mr J Samtry8141/01/001

Mr J Stride8144/01/001

mr Jack Stone6869/02/001

Mr John Foley8131/01/001

Mr John Greengrass8133/01/001

Mr John Pocock8139/01/001

Mr John R Eagles8130/01/001

Mr Justin8147/01/001

Mr K Henderson8148/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr K Newt8150/01/001

Mr Kevin Wallis8151/01/001

Mr L M Jones8152/01/001

Mr Lee Rhodes8154/01/001

Mr M A Jones8157/01/001

Mr M Barnes8164/01/001

Mr M Fitzgerald8166/01/001

Mr M S Christodoulides8185/01/001

Mr Malcom Twite4691/01/001

Mr Marcos Palomares-Conde8182/01/001

Mr Marcus Alcindor8159/01/001

Mr Mark Howard8169/01/001

Mr Martin Stone6692/02/001

Mr Michael J O'Connor8179/01/001

Mr Michael Loizou8177/01/001

Mr Michael Osborn8181/01/001

Mr Michael Soya-Bongay8188/01/001

Mr Mos Loizou8175/01/001

Mr N P Stride8202/01/001

Mr Nelson Barros8198/01/001

Mr Nicholas Bonneywell4699/01/001

Mr Nick Gill8205/01/001

Mr Nigel Biggs8200/01/001

Mr Niteen Sharma8332/01/001

Mr P A Patel8212/01/001

Mr P McPherson8211/01/001

Mr Paul Doherty2059/01/001

Mr Peter Merry4130/01/002

Mr R M Whickman8230/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Ramesh Desai8213/01/001

Mr Robert Salmond8216/01/001

Mr S R Lippit8239/01/001

Mr Sailesh Shah3886/01/002

Mr Sebastian Biju8233/01/001

Mr Seravanakumar Subramaniam8241/01/001

Mr Shaheen8244/01/001

Mr Shivkumar Zarbade8242/01/001

Mr Stephen Potter8236/01/001

Mr Subrata Banesjee8231/01/001

Mr V Bennett-Dive8095/01/001

Mr W Hickey8249/01/001

Mr Warwick Reynolds0461/01/001 Surrey Badger Protection Society

Mr William Glassborow8247/01/001

Mrs Amanda Loizou8255/01/001

Mrs Barbara Tannion7476/02/001

Mrs Danielle Exall8258/01/001

Mrs E Tucker8262/01/001

Mrs Esra Frankcom8260/01/001

Mrs G H Connor8264/01/001

Mrs K L Estick8267/01/001

Mrs K.J. Brooks7465/02/001

Mrs Milena Grimshaw4693/01/001

Mrs Mona Sharma8270/01/001

Mrs Nazire Halil8272/01/001

Mrs Nicola Pocock8274/01/001

Mrs P Taylor8276/01/001

Mrs Patricia Churchman4694/01/001

Mrs Titia Lewer8280/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Anna L Stone8281/01/001

Ms Carol Cairns8282/01/001

Ms Carol Greengrass8284/01/001

Ms Charlotte Raison8285/01/001

Ms Ciara Campbell8283/01/001

Ms Cillian Biju8294/01/001

Ms E. Isabele Goodall8292/01/001

Ms Ellie London2582/01/001

Ms Geraldine Martin8298/01/001

Ms Gloria Readings8300/01/001

Ms Helen Ayton8301/01/001

Ms Jacqueline Ann Rowe8306/01/001

Ms Jessica Rick8304/01/001

Ms Josslynn Wilkins2551/01/001

Ms Joyce Dean8303/01/001

Ms Judy Wallis8308/01/001

Ms Kim Beeney8309/01/001

Ms Kim Wakely8310/01/001

Ms Laura Lloyd5259/02/001

Ms Lena Ahad8312/01/001

Ms Lisa Willis8316/01/001 Café Lloyd

Ms Lisa Woolfe8318/01/001

Ms Margaret Grogan8324/01/001

Ms Maria D'Souza8321/01/001

Ms Marilyn Dennison8320/01/001

Ms Marina Soya-Bongay8351/01/001

Ms Megan Roberts8327/01/001

Ms Michele L Stone8326/01/001

Ms Patricia Blyehton8336/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Pauline A Crowe8338/01/001

Ms Pauline Macleod8340/01/001

Ms Rashmi Patel4011/02/001

Ms Rosemary Cadeux8343/01/001

Ms Sarah Lawrey8350/01/001

Ms Vivianne Thompson8346/01/001

Nicole Beling2050/01/001

Paul Exall2146/01/001

S Cain6842/01/001

S M Lambert8348/01/001

Sevgul Nyazi8269/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 5-A

A A and V N Fitch1702/01/001

Alan Quinlan1946/01/001

Alan Wilson1711/01/001

Alexandra Spurling1760/01/001

Ali Ball1763/01/001

Alison Worwood1765/01/001

Allison Allen1770/01/001

Angela Shaw1721/04/001 Croham Valley Residents Association

Anthony Else1825/01/001

Barry Robinson1849/01/001

Beryl and Melvyn Morgan1740/01/001

Bryn Taylor1772/01/001

C Drennan1746/01/001

C Skinner1874/01/001

Camilla Scarisbrick1878/01/001

Carolyn Bond1804/01/001

Cathie Camp1774/01/001

Chantel and Timothy Payne1773/01/001

D. R. Gladwell1901/01/001

David Keen1884/03/001

David Wilkinson2157/01/001


Denise Quinlan1948/01/001

Dr Ashok Raj8352/01/001

Dr Christina Unwins1776/01/001

Dr M Opel4813/01/001

Dr Michelle Dobbie8353/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Dr Y Athapattu4841/01/001

E Ramadan1988/01/001

Elizabeth Yard1814/01/001

Eric Young1966/01/001

George Linford1803/01/001

GH DODWELL2158/10/001

GLEN PRINT2160/02/001

Ian Cullingford1822/01/001

J Thompson2001/01/002

J. J Rutter2019/01/001

JW ROBB2194/01/001

L Warwick2375/01/001

Lise Land4048/02/002

M Lai6696/02/001

M Strong2381/01/001

Maria & Neculai Otteara8354/01/001

Miss Delia Perrigo8357/01/001

Miss Mary McDonnell2526/02/001

Miss Nicole Dagnell8359/01/001

Mr & Mrs A J Strineer8425/01/001

Mr & Mrs A Knight8427/01/001

Mr & Mrs Aaron & Laurel Hobbs7940/02/001

Mr & Mrs B W & G A Burman8370/01/001

Mr & Mrs Brymer4795/01/001

Mr & Mrs Brymer3835/02/002

Mr & Mrs C McDermott7927/02/001

Mr & Mrs Christopher N & Tracey J Pooley8393/01/001

Mr & Mrs Colin & Jean Smith8405/01/001

Mr & Mrs D Bridge8376/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs D K & J L Brigden8368/01/001

Mr & Mrs Daniel4814/01/001

Mr & Mrs David & Audrey Banks8364/01/001

Mr & Mrs David & Joy Gadd8431/01/001

Mr & Mrs Divers8429/01/001

Mr & Mrs E & P Leo & Reeves8462/01/001

Mr & Mrs E & RM Rosier8379/01/001

Mr & Mrs E Abdul-Nabi2429/03/001

Mr & Mrs E Stiff8406/01/001

Mr & Mrs Edwin Hall8378/01/001

Mr & Mrs Eugene & Angela Du Toit8377/01/001

Mr & Mrs F White8410/01/001

Mr & Mrs Farnell4821/01/001

Mr & Mrs Foster4822/01/001

Mr & Mrs Francis4810/01/001

Mr & Mrs G & EP Hopson8382/01/001

Mr & Mrs Gill & Simone Hutton8385/01/001

Mr & Mrs H Coppard8374/01/001

Mr & Mrs Hanley4844/01/001

Mr & Mrs I & S Aspland8363/01/001

Mr & Mrs J D Beckett8403/01/001

Mr & Mrs J R Walkley8409/01/001

Mr & Mrs J Rayner8401/01/001

Mr & Mrs James4818/01/001

Mr & Mrs James & Marianne Mann8389/01/001

Mr & Mrs Joe & Deborah Adams8362/01/001

Mr & Mrs John & Anne Howes8383/01/001 Cervantes

Mr & Mrs John & Pat Hobern8381/01/001

Mr & Mrs K Rhodes8386/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs King4832/01/001

Mr & Mrs Lilly8387/01/001

Mr & Mrs LM & CJ Bennett8366/01/001

Mr & Mrs Luca & Teresa Marino8505/01/001

Mr & Mrs Martin J Nighy8388/01/001 Croham Hurst Golf Club

Mr & Mrs Michael & Hazel McDermott8391/01/001

Mr & Mrs Muhammed & Arjumand Shabeer8516/01/001

Mr & Mrs N J & E R Vigor8408/01/001

Mr & Mrs Neil & Helen Copeland8373/01/001

Mr & Mrs Nitin & Minal Sambre8404/01/001

Mr & Mrs P & Karen Carroll8371/01/001

Mr & Mrs Peter & Mary Hassard8380/01/001

Mr & Mrs Richard & Laura Hunter8384/01/001

Mr & Mrs RJ & PV Stockwell8407/01/001

Mr & Mrs Roger & Susan Millward8390/01/001

Mr & Mrs Roland & Brenda Cresswell8375/01/001

Mr & Mrs S Lodge6605/02/001

Mr & Mrs Sidney & Gillian Rutter8570/01/001

Mr & Mrs Stanislaw & Danuta Gonek8611/01/001

Mr & Mrs T Nash8392/01/001

Mr & Mrs Timothy & Julie Johncock8492/01/001

Mr & Mrs W M Redmond8402/01/001

Mr & Mrs Whittle4825/01/001

Mr & Mrs Wilkinson8601/01/001

Mr & Mrs William & Jeannette Clarke8372/01/001

Mr & Mrs Wragg4253/01/003

Mr & Ms Mike & Renate Fogarty8356/01/001

Mr &Mrs F. Belhassine6585/02/001

Mr A Kohli4165/01/002

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr A P Coleman8412/01/001

Mr A Parker8421/01/001

Mr A Stocks8423/01/001

Mr Adam Bye8411/01/001

Mr and Mrs Andrew and Kim Hack1920/02/001

Mr Andrew Masini8419/01/001

Mr Anil K Lakhani8417/01/001

Mr Anthony Gambrell8414/01/001

Mr B A Smith8607/01/001

Mr B Brooks2718/02/001

Mr B Chatwal8435/01/001

Mr B M Stephenson8438/01/001

Mr B S Barrett8434/01/001

Mr Bhupendra Patel8437/01/001

Mr Brian Baker8433/01/001

Mr Bruce Jupp8436/01/001

Mr C Cooper8441/01/001

Mr C Corby8442/01/001

Mr C J Burt8440/01/001

Mr C J Moore8444/01/001

Mr C N Smith8445/01/001

Mr C Wakeling8446/01/001

Mr Clifton Goode8443/01/001

Mr Colin Bristow8439/01/001

Mr D Geary8448/01/001

Mr D H Harford8449/01/001

Mr D Shah8452/01/001

Mr D.J. Lawrey8451/01/001

Mr Daniel Wiggs8456/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Darren Ward8453/01/001

Mr Dave Dadds3781/01/002

Mr David Cruickshank8447/01/001

Mr david Jupp8450/01/001

Mr David Ward8454/01/001

Mr David White8455/01/001

Mr E Atkinson8457/01/001

Mr E James8459/01/001

Mr Edward Charvet8458/01/001

Mr F Wansel3462/01/001

Mr F.R. Dagnell8460/01/001

Mr Frances Popplewell8461/01/001

Mr G B Ley8463/01/001

Mr G Collins4843/01/001

Mr G E Thompson8468/01/001

Mr G Peck8465/01/001

Mr G Wright4805/01/001

Mr Geoffrey Rowan Pennells8466/01/001

Mr George Haworth8464/01/001

Mr Gill Hutton4790/01/001

Mr Giovanni Schifano8467/01/001

Mr Graham P Love2594/01/001

Mr Grierson8470/01/001

Mr H Hansford 4793/01/001

Mr J Else4802/01/001

Mr J Favre8473/01/001

Mr J G Pettener8475/01/001

Mr J H Gaines8476/01/001

Mr J Hutton4794/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr J M Richer8479/01/001

Mr J Patel3709/02/001

Mr J R Waller8483/01/001

Mr J Renshaw4801/01/001

Mr J Sephton4803/01/001

Mr J Turvey4214/02/001

Mr Jeremy Gill8478/01/001

Mr Ji Kyung Yang4798/01/001

Mr Joseph Colin O'Shea8471/01/001

Mr K Smith8497/01/001

Mr K Wally8498/01/001

Mr Ketan Patel4677/02/002

Mr Kiran Lakhini8493/01/001

Mr L McIntosh8506/01/001 Croham Hurst

Mr L Moore8509/01/001

Mr L Olliff8513/01/001

Mr Laurie Underwood8514/01/001

Mr LM Guelless2187/01/001

Mr M Camp4817/01/001

Mr M Muscat4811/01/001

Mr M Turner4816/01/001

Mr M Ware4815/01/001

Mr Mark Waneling8355/01/001

Mr Matthew Searles3269/01/002

Mr Michael Bentley2929/01/001

Mr Michael J Barbour2557/01/001

Mr Michael O'Brien Kenney8518/01/001

Mr Michael Ulicht8520/01/001

Mr N Miller8521/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr N Narouz8522/01/001

Mr N Turnbull4320/03/003

Mr N Turnbull4320/02/001

Mr O Akadiri4820/01/001

Mr O E Higgins8523/01/001

Mr P Comber8526/01/001

Mr P F Forkard8534/01/001

Mr P Goodwin8530/01/001

Mr P J McCombie8531/01/001

Mr P Jones8533/01/001

Mr P Knight4831/01/001

Mr P Lukacs4834/01/001

Mr P Newcomb4827/01/001

Mr P Patel4823/01/001

Mr P Pearson4837/02/001

Mr P Pearson4837/01/001

Mr P Scott8541/01/001

Mr P Thakkar4791/01/001

Mr P W Hopson8543/01/001

Mr Paras Shah3112/03/001

Mr Paul Cordingley8527/01/001

Mr Pete Fegredo2184/01/001

Mr Peter Bailey2053/01/001

Mr Peter Bennett2486/02/001 Harpers Mill

Mr Peter Boulton8524/01/001

Mr Peter Sheffield8542/01/001

Mr Philip Langsdale8537/01/001

Mr Phillip Caterer-Stentiford8525/01/001

Mr Phillip Moore2888/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Preeti Robinson8540/01/001

Mr R Chaney8545/01/001

Mr R Cripps4830/01/001

Mr R D Phillips8546/01/001

Mr R D Shield8547/01/001

Mr R Lucia8548/01/001

Mr R Norris8549/01/001

Mr R T Orchard8551/01/001

Mr R Timms8552/01/001

Mr R. Cheetham7458/02/001

Mr Raymond Vella2058/01/001

Mr Richard Beagley8544/01/001

Mr Richard H Snelling8550/01/001

Mr Robert Haddad2217/01/001

Mr Robert Ward8554/01/001

Mr Roger W Haworth8553/01/001

Mr S Daby4819/01/001

Mr S Dagnell4828/01/001

Mr S E Rupan8572/01/001

Mr S Karim4836/01/001

Mr S Maskell4835/01/001

Mr S R Blanshard8586/01/001

Mr S Ragunathan8587/01/001

Mr Sailesh Shah3886/01/003

Mr Satish Tiwani8567/01/001

Mr Stephen Griesel2043/01/001

Mr Stephen Harris8573/01/001

Mr Stephen Lancaster8583/01/001

Mr Sunil Lakhani8644/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr T Allen4838/01/001

Mr T Stranack4846/01/001

Mr Th Schroder8593/01/001

Mr Thomas Simpson8599/01/001

Mr Tim Robinson8598/01/001

Mr Trang Mai Luong NG8595/01/001

Mr Trevor Watkins4161/01/003

Mr William Pennells8600/01/001

Mr Zahra Stone8602/01/001

Mrs A L Peck8578/01/001

Mrs A Mallon8605/01/001

Mrs A Rose2228/01/001

Mrs A Wakeling8606/01/001

Mrs Alison Cruickshank8603/01/001

Mrs Ann Rathwell1724/01/001

Mrs Anne Elizabeth Reeves8604/01/001

Mrs Beryl Hall8608/01/001

Mrs D Lowe8609/01/001

Mrs D Sines8610/01/001

Mrs D T Townsend8612/01/001

Mrs E A White8613/01/001 The Orchard

Mrs E King8614/01/001

Mrs G Costello8615/01/001

Mrs Gillian Cripps1810/01/001

Mrs I Berryman8618/01/001

Mrs Isabel Viswam-Bam8616/01/001

Mrs J Chapman8619/01/001

Mrs J E Burgess8627/01/001

Mrs J Gomez2033/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs J Shine8633/01/001

Mrs J Wilson2907/02/001

Mrs Jill E Gunn8699/01/001

Mrs Joyce Dodgson8622/01/001

Mrs Julia Bailey2029/01/001

Mrs K Lucia8635/01/001

Mrs K Sham8638/01/001

Mrs M Butler8660/01/001 Farmways

Mrs M Dagnell4829/01/001

Mrs M Dagnell4829/02/001

Mrs M Sedeno8665/01/001

Mrs M.L Demera8666/01/001

Mrs Maureen Elizabeth O'Shea8662/01/001

Mrs Mehrnaz Dagnell8560/02/001

Mrs Mollie Dagnell2326/01/002

Mrs Mollie Dagnell2326/01/001

Mrs P Hogan8668/01/001

Mrs P Stocks8675/01/001

Mrs P. J. Malins8671/01/001

Mrs Patricia D Jone8674/01/001

Mrs Pauline Downs8528/01/001

Mrs Rosamund M Mash8676/01/001

Mrs S Larcombe8679/01/001

Mrs Shankor Rupan8680/01/001

Mrs Sharmila Jegmogan8678/01/001

Mrs Sonja Hawkins7473/02/001

Mrs Susan I Toomey8273/02/001

Mrs V Prigg8682/01/001

Mrs Valerie Chadwick2211/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs Virginia Gilmour8681/01/001

Mrs Wendy Gilbert8683/01/001

Ms Abigail Pennells8580/01/001

Ms Ahila Rupan8692/01/001

Ms Anela Topalovic8581/01/001

Ms Angela Archer8686/01/001

Ms Anita Chagger8575/01/001

Ms Ann Walker8688/01/001

Ms Anne Ward8690/01/001

Ms Arianna Lucia8576/01/001

Ms Averil Morris8577/01/001

Ms Caroline Handley8689/01/001

Ms Diane Chagger8693/01/001

Ms Eileen Moss8694/01/001

Ms Felicity Abbott8695/01/001

Ms H Else4792/01/001

Ms Harriet Jupp8697/01/001

Ms Hilda Christine Holland8696/01/001

Ms Irene Lakhini8672/01/001

Ms J Bishop4800/01/001

Ms J Lloyd4804/01/001

Ms J Myring4797/01/001

Ms J Wagner4799/01/001

Ms J Watty4796/01/001

Ms Jean Bush8698/01/001

Ms K Kennedy8702/01/001

Ms K Norris4808/01/001

Ms Katie McCarthy8703/01/001

Ms Kim Conway8701/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Kristen Adams8700/01/001

Ms L Chapman4806/01/001

Ms L Lucivero4842/01/001

Ms L maskell4807/01/001

Ms L Prigg8708/01/001

Ms Laura Pennells8711/01/001

Ms Lesley J Webster8705/01/001

Ms Lisa O'Brien8704/01/001

Ms Lynda Kay Pennells8710/01/001

Ms M Irvine4809/01/001

Ms M Punjani4812/01/001

Ms Marget Fraser8707/01/001

Ms Marien E Brooks8709/01/001

Ms Mary Ward8691/01/001

Ms Miranda Ann Beard8706/01/001

Ms R Adams4824/01/001

Ms R Khatri4826/01/001

Ms S F Saberi8684/01/001

Ms S Harris8677/01/001

Ms S Lenzan4840/01/001

Ms S P Chatfield8648/01/001

Ms Sandra Ellis8673/01/001

Ms Sandra Kennedy8641/01/001

Ms Sara Bobowicz8712/01/001

Ms Sarah D'Arcy8631/01/001

Ms Shelley Baker8687/01/001

Ms Sherralyn Squires8646/01/001

Ms Shirley Duggan8568/01/001

Ms Shirley Pettewer8651/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Smita Shah8566/01/001

Ms Sonia A Burt8685/01/001

Ms Susan Jupp8640/01/001

Ms Susan Stremos8643/01/001

Ms Suzi Whittle8574/01/001

Ms T Addison4845/01/001

Ms V Carney4833/01/001

Ms V Little4839/01/001

Ms Vanessa Miall8579/01/001

Ms Wendy Cleaton-Fraser8563/01/001

Ms Yvonne Butler8569/01/001

P. M Patel2095/01/001

Prof Christina J Preston1775/01/001

Professor Paul Robson8565/01/001

R Dos Santos2142/01/002

R Drennan2148/01/002

Richard and Jane Mash2873/01/001

S Bartlett2216/01/001

SA & SD Re8571/01/001

Sally Prasad2080/01/001

Scordellis & Taylor The Scordellis & Taylor Family8564/01/001

Tony and Sue Tucker1780/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 6

Amanda Norman7126/02/001

Ann Carpenter7010/02/001

B McLean7076/02/001

Bindhu Pillai3119/02/001

Christian Lewis1857/03/001

Christine Wells1779/03/001

Claire Hunt3076/05/006

Claire Hunt3076/02/001

Colin Ward1684/04/001

Joanna Hinkley3019/02/001

Lindsey Hinds4562/02/001

Lynn Jones6415/03/001

M.K White2560/02/001

Miss Binny Prabhakar7474/01/001

Miss Christabel Nazareth6509/02/001

Miss E Black6486/02/001

Miss Emily Williams6514/02/001

Miss Julie Morris6518/02/001

Miss Margaret A Williams2558/03/001

Miss Shanice Morris6524/02/001

Miss Susan Ridenton6527/02/001

Mr & Miss Mark & Gillian Tills & Teasdale6517/02/001

Mr & Mrs Angus & Janet MacKinnon7123/02/001

Mr & Mrs B & S O'Shaughnessy7639/01/001

Mr & Mrs Barry & P Bruce7499/01/001

Mr & Mrs Billinghurst7485/01/001

Mr & Mrs Boyd7496/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr & Mrs Bryan & Linda Ross7655/01/001

Mr & Mrs Cahill7503/01/001

Mr & Mrs Charles & Judy Noble7637/01/001

Mr & Mrs Cyril Nazareth3404/04/001

Mr & Mrs D J & J J Woodhouse7682/01/001

Mr & Mrs David & Margaret Bartlett7484/01/001

Mr & Mrs David & Margaret Saunders7656/01/001

Mr & Mrs Derek & Jean Reynolds7651/01/001

Mr & Mrs Douglas & Karen Fletcher7613/01/001

Mr & Mrs F & G Economides2947/03/001

Mr & Mrs F Perry6720/02/001

Mr & Mrs Frederick Banjo3901/02/002

Mr & Mrs Graham & rebecca Newnham7634/01/001

Mr & Mrs Henry & Barbara Field7511/01/001

Mr & Mrs John & Linda Stephenson7677/01/001

Mr & Mrs John & Sue Read7646/01/001

Mr & Mrs John & Vera Bolding7488/01/001

Mr & Mrs John & Vera Bolding7488/02/001

Mr & Mrs Keith & Verna Sayers7657/01/001

Mr & Mrs M Spence6559/02/001

Mr & Mrs Malcolm & Beth Holmes7625/01/001

Mr & Mrs N Patel7630/01/001

Mr & Mrs P Foley7643/01/001

Mr & Mrs Peter & Brenda Mullings3926/04/001

Mr & Mrs R Cheung7505/01/001

Mr & Mrs Rajabali7644/01/001

Mr & Mrs T & C Browne7680/01/001

Mr & Ms Adam & Victoria Brocking & Fisher7190/03/001

Mr & Ms Surya & Ruma Mantha & Mahadalker7941/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr A E Jenkinson6498/02/001

Mr Adam Andrews1706/02/001 JJ Global

Mr Ahmad Asfahan7690/01/001

Mr Alan Jeffrey7708/01/001

Mr Alasdair James6580/02/001

Mr Alex Arbisman7687/01/001

Mr Alfie Jeffrey7707/01/001

Mr Amul Patel7712/01/001

Mr Annal Mohakir7711/01/001

Mr Ashok Pillai6588/02/001

Mr B Goberdhan6456/03/001

Mr Bernard White4235/02/001

Mr Bhaskaqrai Patel7714/01/001

Mr Bhasker Patel7713/01/001

Mr Brian Charles Small6409/02/001

Mr C Wicks7731/01/001

Mr Carl Christian Nielsen7729/01/001

Mr Claus Groth-Andersen6601/02/001

Mr Colin Pereira4701/01/001

Mr Daniel James3381/03/001

Mr David Bennett6628/02/001

Mr David Cox1692/02/001

Mr David Crossland6634/02/001

Mr David Gunning6645/02/001

Mr David Jenner7743/01/001

Mr David Nunes6654/02/001

Mr E J Greenfield6677/02/001

Mr Edwin Gomes7747/01/001

Mr Ethan Purcell6687/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Evren Halil6684/02/001

Mr Filippo Piccolino7770/01/001

Mr Frank Mothersole7765/01/001

Mr G Butac6723/02/001

Mr G Hewish7779/01/001

Mr Gary Abbott6683/02/001

Mr George Beechey6721/02/001

Mr Graham Murphy6934/03/001

Mr Henry Man6751/02/001

Mr Ian Buckler7782/01/001

Mr Ian Kibble6759/03/001

Mr Ian Marsh3498/04/001

Mr Ian Paterson7783/01/001

Mr J Clark7795/01/001

Mr J Cox6816/02/001

Mr J Cox6816/03/001

Mr J G WARLOW2165/03/001

Mr J Holderness6829/02/001

Mr J Hopkins6831/02/001

Mr J Saggar7797/01/001

Mr Jack Burke7794/01/001

Mr James Milmoe5649/03/001

Mr Jared Blundell6795/02/001

Mr Jason Burke6413/03/001

Mr John Albert3506/05/001

Mr John Booroff2569/03/001

Mr John Bowman6457/02/001

Mr John Boyd6797/02/001

Mr John Fitzgibbon6821/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr John Kerbel7796/01/001

Mr John Maslen6809/02/001

Mr John Mullis3355/03/001

Mr John To6872/02/001

Mr K Anderson6459/02/001

Mr K Rajasegaran7799/01/001

Mr K Simmonds4296/02/001

Mr Keith Harris2573/02/001

Mr Ken J McKelvey6885/02/001

Mr Kevin Murphy7798/01/001

Mr Leeroy Purcell3582/03/001

Mr Leon Titus7800/01/001

Mr Lesley G Wilson7801/01/001

Mr M Bishop2031/02/001

Mr Mark David Hodson7805/01/001

Mr Mark Hawkins3546/03/001

Mr Mark Thomas6929/02/001

Mr Martin Hewitt7804/01/001

Mr Michael Burke7802/01/001

Mr Michael Denny7803/01/001

Mr Michael G Hancock6502/02/001

Mr Michael Hewish1272/01/001 Shirley Oaks Management Limited

Mr Mike Harding7780/01/001

Mr Nathan Asmoucha7807/01/001

Mr Naveeda Anwar6935/02/001

Mr Neil Peirce7809/01/001

Mr Neil Williams7811/01/001

Mr P F Robinson6828/02/001

Mr P Hughes6968/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr P Kyriacou7826/01/001

Mr P McLoughlin7827/01/001

Mr P W Groom5950/03/001

Mr Paul Vernon6467/02/001

Mr Peter Fillingham6962/02/001

Mr Peter Holway7825/01/001

Mr Philip Carpenter6823/02/001

Mr Philip Ebert7816/03/001

Mr Philip Ebert7816/02/001

Mr Philip Ebert7816/04/001

Mr Philip Ebert7816/01/001

Mr Philip Ebert7816/05/001

Mr Phillip Bocarro7813/01/001

Mr Pirkko Pessi Booroff7828/01/001

Mr R Buckler7829/01/001

Mr R D Costar2351/02/001

Mr R Elvin7830/01/001

Mr R Honywood6987/02/001

Mr R Hurford6988/02/001

Mr R K Alderson6992/02/001

Mr R Muralidaran7265/02/001

Mr Ron Pizzey6856/02/001

Mr Ronan Gleeson4288/01/001

Mr Roohi F Khan2924/02/001

Mr Roy Endersby6986/02/001

Mr Russell Tree7831/01/001

Mr S Houlden7834/01/001

Mr S Lockett6709/02/001

Mr S M Roke7832/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr S Shah7835/01/001

Mr Simon Whitehead7836/01/001

Mr Stephen Hopkins7833/01/001

Mr Steven & Andrew Hartwell & Curtis7781/01/001

Mr T Burke6701/02/001

Mr Terence Figgess6864/02/001

Mr Terry Carpenter6727/02/001

Mr Tomasz Nogal7071/02/001

Mr Tony To7072/02/001

Mr Trevor Figgess7837/01/001

Mr Tzy-Tau Wey7083/02/001

Mr Varun Rao7847/01/001

Mr Wayne Brennan4483/02/001

Mr Wei Chang Yip3480/03/001

Mr William Postans6769/02/001

Mr William Wright2225/02/001

Mr Zain Anwar7101/02/001

Mrs Anita Pepper2885/02/001

Mrs Barbara White7364/02/001

Mrs Bhavna Patel7859/01/001

Mrs Brenda Simmonds7862/01/001

Mrs Carol Boyd7102/02/001

Mrs Carolyn Dare2948/04/001

Mrs Christine Clark1690/04/001

Mrs Claudia Cox7871/01/001

Mrs Dapline Carter7874/01/001

Mrs Dawn Keech1685/03/001

Mrs Deborah Banjo6185/02/001

Mrs Deborah White7104/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs Elaine Connor6047/04/001

Mrs Elaine Day7105/02/001

Mrs Elizabeth Thomas2032/02/001

Mrs Francine Murphy7888/01/001

Mrs G Penn3950/02/001

Mrs H Griffiths7108/02/001

Mrs J Abbott7057/02/001

Mrs J F Hudson6774/02/001

Mrs J Payne5551/02/001

Mrs J Warner-Chandler6247/03/001

Mrs Janet Hills2969/05/001

Mrs Jean Ghagan7109/03/001

Mrs K B Patel7898/01/001

Mrs Kapila Patel7901/01/001

Mrs Karen Cawley6777/02/001

Mrs L Edwards6702/02/001

Mrs Laura Tang4593/02/001

Mrs Lorraine Cox2035/02/001

Mrs M B Johnson7137/02/001

Mrs M Jenkinson6907/02/001

Mrs Margaret Hawkins3593/02/001

Mrs Margaret West7147/02/001

Mrs Michele Pereira DeSouza7904/01/001

Mrs N Y M Suitittong7917/01/001

Mrs Nicky Peirce7916/01/001

Mrs Pamela Elizabeth Farrow6705/02/001

Mrs Patricia Harding2681/03/001

Mrs Sam Willcox7919/01/001

Mrs Sam Willcox7919/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs Sandra Hurford7008/03/001

Mrs Sue Cook8034/01/001

Mrs Sylvia Moore2230/03/001

Mrs Vera Stanley7175/02/001

Ms Andrea Day7921/01/001

Ms Ann Greenfield7011/02/001

Ms Ann Justile-Carey7922/01/001

Ms Ayesha Anwar7178/02/001

Ms Baileau Costello7923/01/001

Ms Brij Patel7924/01/001

Ms Caroline Elizabeth Joyce3472/04/001

Ms Charmaine Bourton7925/01/001

Ms Cherie Nazareth7926/01/001

Ms Donna Gomes7933/01/001

Ms Emma Brookes7935/01/001

Ms Franca Piccolino7938/01/001

Ms Gemma Sturgeon4366/02/001

Ms Geraldine Pyatt3517/02/001

Ms Glynis Jones7942/01/001

Ms Hazel Jordan1818/03/001

Ms Hazel Wood7192/02/001

Ms Hina Khwaja7191/02/001

Ms Jacqueline Buckler7947/01/001

Ms Jean Davis7949/01/001

Ms Jennifer Addis3733/02/001

Ms Jennifer Tapping6761/03/001

Ms Joanne Groom7197/02/001

Ms Julia Patten7955/01/001

Ms Julie Knight7082/03/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Juliet Costello4364/02/001

Ms June Pacey7248/02/001

Ms Karen Doherty7022/02/001

Ms Karen Gomes6889/02/001

Ms Karen Jeffrey7983/01/001

Ms Katharina Tree7989/01/001

Ms Kellie Muir7986/01/001

Ms L Bovill7992/01/001

Ms Linda Figgess6501/02/001

Ms Linda Harding6916/02/001

Ms Linda Nicholas8017/01/001

Ms Linda Osmand8018/01/001

Ms Lisa Buckler7993/01/001

Ms Liz Davies7936/01/001

Ms Lorraine Man8006/01/001

Ms Lucy James7238/02/001

Ms Margaret Gibson8029/01/001

Ms Margit Bowman7241/02/001

Ms Marian Jones6342/02/001

Ms Maureen Milmoe8030/01/001

Ms May Asfahani8025/01/001

Ms Mollie Reeves8031/01/001

Ms Rachel James2585/03/001

Ms S Mawaziny2665/02/001

Ms Salwa Hilu Abdo8032/01/001

Ms Sandy Peters7251/02/001

Ms Shannon Spindlow6426/02/001

Ms Sue Entwistle8033/01/001

Ms Sue Hunt0850/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms Sugunan Purusholthaman8035/01/001

Ms Susan A Costar2310/02/001

Ms Wendy Smith8036/01/001

Naomi Purcell7028/02/001

Natalie Payne6474/02/001

Patricia Ann Reid6422/02/001

Pauline Whalley4284/01/001

Peter Docherty1835/02/001

R. J Harris2130/03/001

Rev D Paul7142/02/001

Rosemary Whiting6939/02/001

Ruby West6663/02/001

Russell & Kyproulla Adair7483/01/001

Sara Wardle6270/03/001

Sheena Shah6428/03/001

Soon Swee Tye6998/02/001

Veena Pillai6670/02/001

Vynesh Pillai7047/02/001

W.P Mahon4372/02/001

Wendy Honeywood6567/02/001

Zaina Purcell6950/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 7

A A and Mrs J Coutts1701/02/001

Chris Tompkins1959/02/001

Christopher Den7812/01/001

D Hasell6784/01/001

D Tickle7814/01/001

Daniel Tray7815/01/001

Darren Atkins6788/01/001

Dewi Jones2673/02/001

Janet Mash2786/01/001

Jason Baker6789/01/001

Jill M Barnes7823/01/001

Kuzi Makanza2513/01/001

Louise Linford7817/01/001

M Burton7818/01/001

Meena Rebal2530/01/001

Miss Rochelle Spice7824/01/001

Mr & Mrs Apps4504/02/001

Mr & Mrs Braybrook4702/01/001

Mr & Mrs E Russell8713/01/001

Mr & Mrs G Stevens8715/01/001

Mr & Mrs I & J Tucker8770/01/001

Mr & Mrs John & Joy Dresback8766/01/001

Mr & Mrs Roy & Jean Green8728/01/001

Mr & Mrs Terry & Sue Francis8724/01/001

Mr & Mrs Willard2396/01/001

Mr & Mrs Willard2396/02/001

Mr & Ms Peter & Jenny Adams & Allen8771/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr and Mrs Warren7806/01/001

Mr B Patel4173/01/001

Mr C Walker7808/01/001

Mr Chris Bateman6787/01/001

Mr Clifford Boavery8773/01/001

Mr Darren Wissart2342/02/001

Mr Darren Wissart2342/01/001

Mr David Halliday8774/01/001

Mr G Wrightson5038/02/001

Mr I Mennear8716/01/001

Mr J Poole5058/02/001

Mr J Robinson5059/02/001

Mr J Walker8718/01/001

Mr James Baldry8717/01/001

Mr Jay Conroy8805/01/001

Mr Keith Game8719/01/001

Mr Kenneth Dudley5062/02/001

Mr Kevin Holloway8720/01/001

Mr M Barnett8721/01/001

Mr Michael Howell8722/01/001

Mr Nathan McAllister8806/01/001

Mr Oldham8807/01/001

Mr Oliver Thompson5091/02/001

Mr P Young8808/01/001

Mr Peter Kirby1179/01/001

Mr Peter Stephens8725/01/001

Mr R Bateman8730/01/001

Mr R S Barnes8809/01/001

Mr R. J. Watson8811/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Robert Spice7820/01/001

Mr Roger Begley4286/01/002

Mr Roger Farrington8810/01/001

Mr T Summers5135/02/001

Mr William Tompkins2227/02/001

Mrs B Lawson8776/01/001

Mrs Brenda Baldrock8731/01/001

Mrs Dawn Bateman8779/01/001

Mrs G Burton2359/01/001

Mrs Georgina Godwin8734/01/001

Mrs Hayley-Grace tompkins8780/01/001

Mrs Joan Hicks7821/01/001

Mrs Kelly G. William2517/01/001

Mrs L Poole2495/02/001

Mrs L Poole2495/03/001

Mrs M Callan7822/01/001

Mrs M.M Housden2197/03/001

Mrs S Kimber8736/01/001

Ms Ann Walker8688/02/001

Ms Becky Sawyer8803/01/001

Ms Carol O'Hadi8746/01/001

Ms Caroline Kelly8801/01/001

Ms Charlotte Atkins8744/01/001

Ms Claire Trench8786/01/001

Ms Dorothy Ford8785/01/001

Ms Emma Troy8784/01/001

Ms Gillian Ford8747/01/001

Ms Karen Eddie Goodchild8742/01/001

Ms Kyra Rosie8783/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Ms M J Godsell8752/01/001

Ms Marion Holland-Skinner8741/01/001

Ms Mehreen Imran8739/01/001

Ms Mildred Bravery8749/01/001

Ms Pauline Wissat8754/01/001

Ms Rhianydd Correya8727/01/001

Ms Sheron Bathmaker8782/01/001

Ms Susan Tompkins8726/01/001

Ms Viviane Viviane8714/01/001

N Selwyn7819/01/001

Samantha Blakeman7810/01/001

Sumit Roland8830/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 8




A A McHows8477/01/001

A Albuquerque8657/01/001

A Evans8259/01/001

A Freemantle7894/01/001

A Gannin7905/01/001

A Higgins8014/01/001

A J Bedford8186/01/001

A Morris8011/01/001

A Olufeyiml2412/01/001

A R Messenger8010/01/001

A V Coleman7883/01/001

A Wapsworth8019/01/001

Alex Cromwell7885/01/001

Alex Teegwen8012/01/001

Alfia Obery8882/01/001

Alison Reynolds7873/02/001

Amanda Moody8289/01/001

Andrew Pache2414/01/001

Andrew Tie2423/01/001

Angela King7881/01/001

Ania Majewska8799/01/001

Ann Walsh7875/01/001

Anne & Michael Roberts1767/02/001

Anne Fleming7880/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Anne McDermott8296/01/001

Anne McGowan8398/01/001

Anthony Miller2410/01/001

Attila Sinko8004/01/001

Autumn Bailey7879/01/001

Avon Linn8265/01/001

B Adams8008/01/001

B Horstead8038/01/001

B L Harber8214/01/001

B P Killick8664/01/001

B Passey7912/01/001

B R Barry7913/01/001

B Winter7957/01/001

Bethany Lawrence7877/01/001

Billy Carvan2467/01/001

C A White8659/01/001

C Drylie8723/01/001

C Farrar7908/01/001

C H Marshall7910/01/001

C Johnson8663/01/001

C McLean7902/01/001

C Petty2475/01/001

C Samuel8088/01/001

C Shields7911/01/001

C Stonebridge8092/01/001

C T Van Hoorn8002/01/001

Carol Gambrell7876/01/001

Charlene Reynolds8099/01/001

Charlotte Dowuona8538/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Chris Wood1933/01/001

Christina Murray7861/01/001

Christine Freman1960/01/001

Clair Ware8535/01/001

Claire Andrews8162/01/001

Claire Bennett8277/01/001

Claire Thomas1963/01/001

Cleur Jones7851/01/001

D Allen8136/01/001

D Bailey7891/01/001

D Casey-Harwood8753/01/001

D Cutts7897/01/001

D Goodchild7998/01/001

D Lilley8271/01/001

D Newbold7999/01/001

D REDRUPP2025/01/001

D Reed8081/01/001

D Southgate8656/01/001

D Stewart7900/01/001

D TIERNAN2026/01/001

D Whitemern8885/01/001

Daniel Dangerfield8290/01/001

Debbie Aylard8515/01/001

Denise Lyons8101/01/001

Dr Barry MacEvoy8732/01/001

E Hooper7997/01/001

E J Brickey8658/01/001

E M Coleman7995/01/001

E Neale8400/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

E Nicholson8669/01/001

Elaine Bronger1794/03/001

Emma Bouttell8279/01/001

Emma Rose8630/01/001

Emma Shoulders8297/01/001

F Bowles8172/01/001

F Donovan8082/01/001

F Thawn8841/01/001

Farid Husain7907/01/001

Fiona Wood8102/01/001

G Amroussi8469/01/001

G Benfol8632/01/001

G Clarke7887/01/001

G Heaton7895/01/001

G Heston8072/01/001

G M Paton8074/01/001

G P Holgate8642/01/001

G Roberts8667/01/001

G Sadler7896/01/001

G Vagg1875/02/001

Gillian Tubb8539/01/001

Guynis Meredith8210/01/001

H Bossick8347/01/001

H Kirk8590/01/001

H Norton8256/01/001

Hannah Baldock8594/01/001

Hazel Bull8339/01/001

Heather Beck8104/01/001

Helen Louvieris8637/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

I Angell8229/01/001

J Janowski8065/01/001

J M Walker8140/01/001

J Mason8880/01/001

J Mezlanc8426/01/001

J Mills8617/01/001

J Milton8237/01/001

J Snow8399/01/001

J Thornton8068/01/001

Jackie Lombardo7966/01/001

Jacqueline Couparach8597/01/001

Jacqueline Saunders8261/01/001

Jake Beauchaud8653/01/001

Jane and Mick Evans8661/01/001

Jane Dowson8333/01/001

Janet Badon7971/01/001

Janet Gedea8291/01/001

Janice Williams8529/01/001

Jennifer Wines8165/01/001

Jill Order8109/01/001

Jo Turner8293/01/001

Joan Pelt8420/01/001

Josephine Nampile8028/01/001

Joyce Kendall7972/01/001

Julia Sims3514/02/001

Julie Field8024/01/001

Julie Miller7967/01/001

K Boardman8122/01/001

K Briggs2316/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

K Harding8126/01/001

K L Bantick8345/01/001

K Parmar8070/01/001

K.R James4215/02/001

Karen Jael7969/01/001

Katrina Constable8142/01/001

Kay Ellis8596/01/001

Kim Kelly7968/01/001

L Alexander8219/01/001

L Balden8842/01/001

L Thomson8503/01/001

Lava Gilbert7868/01/001

Leanne Ioannou8625/01/001

Leigh Wright8480/01/001

Liz Kane7850/01/001

Loretta Cooke7839/01/001

Lucy Rockall7857/01/001

Luzmila Walters2523/01/001

Lynne Lucas7869/01/001

M Ballamy8489/01/001

M Bantick8266/01/001

M Decker8342/01/001

M Deverill8062/01/001

M Easton8063/01/001

M Garet8832/01/001

M Godden8040/01/001

M J C Milton8248/01/001

M Kearnon8220/01/001

M Kendall8226/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

M Lam Man Chun8123/01/001

M Parrs8257/01/001

M R Taylor8397/10/001

M Saba8629/01/001

M Vallance8143/01/001

Madeline McIntyre8634/01/001

mary McGourty2532/01/001

Mary T Conlan8650/01/001

Maunce Plant8206/01/001

Maureen Potterr7860/01/001

Mia Joygriffin8430/01/001

Michelle Roberts8884/01/001

Miss Heidi Ellis8055/02/001

Miss M Sprent8335/01/001

Miss Tara Heaton2324/01/001

Mr & Mrs Chang8027/01/001

Mr & Mrs D Thompson8020/01/001

Mr & Mrs Deeley8021/01/001

Mr & Mrs Isaacs8496/01/001

Mr & Mrs Ives7996/01/001

Mr & Mrs Peak8738/01/001

Mr & Mrs Phillips3947/01/001

Mr & Mrs Shrapnell8507/01/001

Mr & Mrs Smith7872/01/001

Mr & Mrs Stables8199/01/001

Mr & Mrs V & G. Bert8735/01/001

Mr & Mrs Whitehead8647/01/001

Mr A D Harris7886/01/001

Mr A. G. Roadnight2405/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Adam McGrath8015/01/001

Mr Alan Trendell8013/01/001

Mr Andrew Appleyard7882/01/001

Mr Andrew Evans2403/01/001

Mr Anthony Leahy8016/01/001

Mr Anthony Saw8510/01/001

Mr B Barnes8005/01/001

Mr Barry G8582/01/001

Mr Barry Unwin8268/01/001

Mr Brian Charman8037/01/001

Mr Caleb Lapister8838/01/001

Mr Callum Murray7903/01/001

Mr Callum Nerin8508/01/001

Mr Charlie Petschi8003/01/012

Mr Chris Lawford8883/01/001

Mr Chris Varrow8128/01/001

Mr Colin Deverill8007/01/001

Mr Colin Harris8001/01/001

Mr Colin Joy7909/01/001

Mr Colin Plant2476/01/001

Mr D C Martin8636/01/001

Mr Daniel Morgan7899/01/001

Mr Daniel Murray8079/01/001

Mr Daniel Southgate8023/01/001

Mr Darren Cresswell8009/01/001

Mr David Banks7906/01/001

Mr David Evans8494/01/001

Mr David Gates8481/01/001

Mr David Ginn1672/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr David Kendall8000/01/001

Mr David Lyons1931/01/001

Mr Dean Emmins8022/01/001

Mr Dimasio8755/01/001

Mr E Perschky7763/02/001

Mr Eddie O'Connor8474/01/001

Mr Edward Laker8624/01/001

Mr Eric Mourton8138/01/001

Mr G Hartwell8163/01/001

Mr George Fagan7893/01/001

Mr Gordon Dewaal8287/01/001

Mr I Mladewovic8772/01/001

Mr I Yotes8652/01/001

Mr Ian Farmer7890/01/001

Mr Ian Gardiner7889/01/001

Mr Ian Robinson8077/01/001

Mr J Bengeyfield5048/02/001

Mr J D Anderson2333/01/001

Mr J Marchant8775/01/001

Mr J P Joy8243/01/001

Mr J T Agate8235/01/001

Mr James Thorbian8066/01/001

mr Joe Ethward8837/01/001

Mr Joe Slattery8215/01/001

Mr John Carlet8511/01/001

Mr John Deadman7884/01/001

Mr John Flanest8834/01/001

Mr John McC8835/01/001

Mr John Simpson8263/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Jon Ward8495/01/001

Mr Jonathan Young8422/01/001

Mr Keith Saunders8060/01/001

Mr Kenneth Marley8491/01/001

Mr Kieron McGourty8217/01/001

Mr Leon Hay8512/01/001

Mr Luke Spooner8127/01/001

Mr M Storey8184/01/001

Mr Malcolm Beattie8349/01/001

Mr Malcolm Graveling5027/02/001

Mr Mark Bentley8341/01/001

Mr Mark Cecil8132/01/001

Mr Mark Seon8208/01/001

Mr Mat Parmenter8232/01/001

Mr Michael Cook8124/01/001

Mr Michael Denny7803/02/001

Mr Mike Mulvey8395/01/001

Mr Nathan Harris8654/01/001

Mr Neil Houlin8584/01/001

Mr P Keik8621/01/001

Mr P Lucas2323/01/001

Mr P Tyler4282/02/001

Mr P Ves8118/01/001

Mr Patrick McGourty8053/01/001

Mr Patrick Roger8116/01/001

Mr Paul Bossick8218/01/001

Mr Paul Winter7990/01/001

Mr Peter Bailby8519/01/001

Mr Peter Mitcham8057/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Peyton8046/01/001

Mr R Hiscex8777/01/001

Mr R J Carter5981/02/001

Mr R Sharp5116/02/001

Mr R Smith8778/01/001

Mr Ray Baker8039/01/001

Mr Richard Freeman7994/01/001

Mr Robert Lovell7984/01/001

Mr Robert Pillman2927/02/001

Mr Robert Sidney8278/01/001

Mr Robert Smith8585/01/001

Mr Robert Thornton7981/01/001

Mr Rogers8415/01/001

Mr S A Alderton8413/01/001

Mr S E Nicholas8589/01/001

Mr S J Hatcher8592/01/001

Mr S Peters8097/01/001

Mr Simon Jones8781/01/001

Mr Simon Royle8050/01/001

Mr Simon Vend8879/01/001

Mr Steffan Gericke8119/01/001

Mr Stephen Folley8196/01/001

Mr Stephen Gray8670/01/001

Mr Stephen McGourty2393/01/001

Mr Stephen Tyler8499/01/001

Mr Steve Parry8227/01/001

Mr Steven Day8486/01/001

Mr Stuart Douglas8047/01/001

Mr Terence Crux8488/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr Terry Monckthon8645/01/001

Mr Thomas Ellis8639/01/001

Mr Trevor Mavoor8831/01/001

Mr Turrell8158/01/001

Mr White7508/02/001

Mr. B & Mrs S. A Kelly2431/01/002

Mr. B & Mrs S. A Kelly2431/02/001

Mrs A Daly5143/02/001

Mrs Annette Merry4192/02/001

Mrs B Agate7974/01/001

Mrs B Johnson7973/01/001

Mrs Barbara Karper8113/01/001

Mrs Bhasin8234/01/001

Mrs C Parry7865/01/001

Mrs G Daly7962/01/001

Mrs G Jay8536/01/001

Mrs Iannuzzi7970/01/001

Mrs J Farmer4353/01/002

Mrs J Fines8246/01/001

Mrs J M Turvill8484/01/001

Mrs J V Ramsey8424/01/001

Mrs L A Down8588/01/001

Mrs Linda Lovell8245/01/001

Mrs Lock8253/01/001

Mrs M Beattie8252/01/001

Mrs M De Souza8428/01/001

Mrs P Burton8504/01/001

Mrs P Clarke5197/02/001

Mrs P Messenger7878/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mrs Robert Thornton7980/01/001

Mrs S Houldsnoth8798/01/001

Mrs Susan I Toomey8273/01/001

Mrs T K Carter6308/02/001

Mrs William Simmonds7975/01/001

Mrs Y Huber8344/01/001

Ms C Garrard5106/02/001

Ms J Jones5246/02/001

Ms Veronica DeGrasse-Grant8802/01/001

Ms Zoe Calliste8768/01/001

Myra Jarvis7961/01/001

N Bailey8125/01/001

N Brown8149/01/001

N Gericke8532/01/001

N Udel8115/01/001

Nancy Ewing8337/01/001

Neisha Smith8655/01/001

Nickolai Baker8094/01/001

Norah Namutosi8222/01/001

O Kingston8626/01/001

O Windsor8173/01/001

P Bornham8223/01/001

P Ficher8472/01/001

P G Littlewood8275/01/001

P Gillam8250/01/001

P Hodge8051/01/001

P Lintern8225/01/001

P Lloyd8500/01/001

P Prics8059/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

P Reeves7988/01/001

P Rost8224/01/001

P Severin8201/01/001

Pal Harp8045/01/001

Pamela Wells7845/01/001

Patricia Stacey7841/01/001

Paula Stokes7844/01/001

Perish Raisl8485/01/001

R Bakerr8049/01/001

R Bremer8089/01/001

R F Hunt8251/01/001

R J Down7982/01/001

R J Rowe8490/01/001

R Limpenny8091/01/001

R Palin8156/01/001

R Tame8170/01/001

R Thor8204/01/001

Rachel Thompson7987/01/001

Rachel Watkins7963/01/001

Rita Clarke4227/01/002

Rita Thomson8176/01/001

Rosalyn Hall7846/01/001

S Beaney8416/01/001

S Clements8167/01/001

S Conrad8254/01/001

S Dew8623/01/001

S Flenlon8153/01/001

S Hawkes8041/01/001

S Kelly8026/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

S Lakhani8096/01/001

S White8628/01/001

Sally Duffy7849/01/001

Sam Robinson8238/01/001

Samantha Norman7863/01/001

Sandra Stokes7855/01/001

Shaheena Hanif8649/01/001

Shalini Patel8800/01/001

Shamani Wathsala8482/01/001

Sharon Elliot7870/01/001

Sharon Fottrell7965/01/001

Siobhan Sinko7853/01/001

SS Patel8793/01/001

Sundip Ravar8043/01/001

Sylvia Jones8517/01/001

T Bowden8591/01/001

T MCGOURTY2535/01/001

T Mushtaq8240/01/001

T Sweeney8418/01/001

Teresa Sullivan7843/01/001

Terri Douglas8155/01/001

Terri Noyes7964/01/001

Toni Martin7842/01/001

Tony Fitch7978/01/001

Tony Littlewood7979/01/001

Tracy Davidson7958/01/001

V Dhimar8187/01/001

V Morley8106/01/001

V Trendell8487/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Vasculla Humphries7960/01/001

Vicky Davenport8203/01/001

Vicky Hemming7959/01/001

Victor & Anne Laidlaw8620/01/001

W K Nicholas7976/01/001

W Pauling8111/01/001

Wendy Jarvis8331/01/001

William K Banks8394/01/001

Y Marius8221/01/001

Y Williams8501/01/001

Yogita Patel8168/01/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

_Standard rep 9

Barbara Dennis6314/02/001

Christine Staton3198/01/001

Dawn Barrett4704/01/001

Hiten Patel4705/01/001

L A Guthrie6780/01/001

Malcolm Staton6770/01/001

Mary Ward4706/01/001

Mr & Mrs Connell4710/01/001

Mr & Mrs Eck4703/01/001

Mr & Mrs Wheddon4707/01/001

Mr A Grafham3177/01/001

Mr A Hardy3195/01/001

Mr A V Winchester3183/01/001

Mr and Mrs A Pring3174/01/001

Mr and Mrs A.C Smith3213/01/001

Mr and Mrs Beresford3207/01/001

Mr and Mrs D Flahive3210/01/001

Mr and Mrs Ferguson3175/01/001

Mr and Mrs G Marder6735/01/001

Mr and Mrs H J Woolcock6743/01/001

Mr and Mrs K J Davis6734/01/001

Mr and Mrs Learner1877/02/001

Mr and Mrs Lunn3176/01/001

Mr and Mrs Masters6739/01/001

Mr and Mrs Wellman3178/01/001

Mr C E Dear3179/01/001

Mr Cleveland Deroche5509/02/001

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Name_of_RepresentorRef_Number Company_or_Organisation

Mr D Rixson6772/01/001

Mr Eric Knowler1965/02/001

Mr G Gordon6765/01/001

Mr George Howard1938/03/001

Mr M T Ward3194/01/001

Mr R.H Day3211/01/001

Mr S Holliman3189/01/001

Mr Steve Barrett4708/01/001

Mrs A Photiou6767/01/001

Mrs B Burkin3200/01/001

Mrs P Hardy3203/01/001

Mrs Paulette Devoche6775/01/001

Mrs R Merson3205/01/001

Mrs S Smith3212/01/001

Mrs Sue Winter3196/01/001

Ms Ernestina Prempett3187/01/001

Phillipa Howard2087/02/001

Rosanne Hammond5566/02/001

Ruan De Silva6783/01/001

Sally Knowler2076/02/001

Sony Nair4709/01/001

Vivienne Windheuser4711/01/001

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