Download - Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)



    Site Supervision

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Construction SiteSupervision The Importance of Supervision

    ◦ The Construction Environment

    ◦ Parties In a Construction Contract

    ◦ Types of Contracts◦ Contract Documents

    ◦ The Contractor’s Rights

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Construction SiteSupervision

    ◦ Construction Standards and Codes

    ◦ Standard Specications

    ◦ Quality Control In The EthiopianCodes

    Site Procedures anual

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Construction SiteSupervision

    ◦ Role of the Construction Supervisor Responsi!ility" #ia!ility and #imitation

    Site Relations

    Site Inspection Procedure

    Record $eeping %nd Site Diary &SiteDocuments'

    Reporting (or)

    easurement " Payment and*ariation +rder Procedures

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Construction SiteSupervision

    ◦ Inspection (or) ,or aterial %nd(or)manship

    Planning Stage

    ◦ Site Investigation

    ◦ -uilding Permits

    ◦ Dra.ings %rchitectural


    Sanitary Electrical

    ◦ Specications

    ◦ -ills +f Quantities

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Construction SiteSupervision Temporary (or)s" Site #ayout" Site

    Esta!lishment "Storage of aterials

    aterial Quality

    ◦ Cement◦ Sand

    ◦ Stone

    ◦ %ggregate

    ◦ (ater

    ◦ Reinforcement

    ◦ +thers

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Construction SiteSupervisionEarth (or)s" E/cavation %nd ,ill

    ◦ #ayout

    ◦ Safety easures

    ◦ E/cavation Techni0ues,oundation (or)

    ◦ Spread ,ooting

    ◦ Piles◦ ,loating ,oundation

    ◦ Special ,oundation Types

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    Construction SiteSupervision,orm (or)sConcrete and Reinforcement (or)s

    ◦ aterial Types

    i/ing Proportion◦ i/ing Quality

    ◦ (ater1Cement Ratio

    ◦ Placing

    ◦ *i!ration◦ Curing

    Reinforcement" Types" Quality Control

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    Construction SiteSupervision

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Construction SiteSupervision2Supervise34to direct and inspect


     The 2construction supervisor3 isthe person .ho plans" directs"

    and coordinates onsite activitiesthat result in turning dra.ingsand specications into reality

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    Construction SiteSupervision The supervisor’s 5o! is highly

    comple/ and re0uires e/tensive)no.ledge and s)ills

    ◦ Technical◦ #egal

    ◦ Interpersonal


  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Construction SiteSupervision The supervisor must !e a!le to

    ◦ Read" interpret" and e/ecuteconstruction contracts

    ◦ 6nderstand the la."◦ Plan" schedule" and coordinate the

    .or) of the pro5ect7

    ◦ 6nderstand construction costs andthe interaction of cost" schedule"production" and 0uality"

    ◦  aintain a safe .or) environment

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     The importance of ConstructionSite Supervision

    Inspection !ecomes a criticalaspect of a .or) in order toensure that the .or)s to !e

    accomplished are done asintended" conforming to thetechnical document

    re0uirements7 The inspector istherefore endo.ed .ith theresponsi!ility of ensuring that thecontractor complies .ith thetechnical re0uirements of the

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     The importance of ConstructionSite Supervision

    Supervision is necessary in orderto ensure that structures areconstructed according to designs"

    plans and code re0uirements as.ell as accepted practices7

    It is a process of ensuring

    compliance .ith technicalre0uirements" governmentregulations and accepted levelsof .or)manship

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     The importance of ConstructionSite Supervision

    Structures may !e designedcorrectly" !ut if the actualconstruction is carried out .ith

    faulty supervision" the intentionof the design .or)s may not !eaccomplished" resulting in

    unsafe" and1or unaccepta!lestructures

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     The Construction Environment

    %ll this is maintained .ithin the project environment  involvingthe

    ◦ Client◦ The contractor

    ◦ The Engineer1%rchitect

    %nd possi!ly .ith di8ering pro5ectdelivery methods

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     The ConstructionEnvironmentIs comple/9as many ris)s

    Re0uires varying s)ills

    %nd is demanding

    -ecause of the varying nature ofthe .or) fexibility  is a verycrucial

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     The ConstructionEnvironment The environment in .hich the

    inspector .ill e/ercise his tas)scould !e demanding and ta/ his

    technical as .ell as interpersonals)ills7

     Therefore the inspector must !e

    alert to the in:uence of variouselements in the e/ecution of hisduties7 Some of these factorsinclude;7

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     The ConstructionEnvironment The Construction Environment is

    in:uenced !y ;

    ◦ Contractor attitude

    ◦ Contractor abilities◦ Trade atmosphere

    ◦ Filed team ability 

    Completeness of plans◦ Field conditions

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     The ConstructionEnvironmentContractor attitude< a

    particularly antagonisticcontractor may cause pro!lems

    in the e/ercise of the inspectionprocess

     Contractor abilities< the lac)

    of competence of the contractormay !e a cause for a moreintensive inspection .or)

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


     The ConstructionEnvironmentTrade atmosphere< the general

    trade atmosphere .ill have animpact either positively or

    negatively in the e/ercise of theinspection process

     Filed team ability < the s)ills of

    the sta8 assigned !y thecontractor to carry out the .or)on site .ill go a long .ay intoa8ecting the inspection process

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     The ConstructionEnvironment Completeness of plans<

    incomplete plans .ill !e a causefor delays and misunderstandings

    !et.een the inspection team andthe contractor7

    Filed conditions< the

    conditions on led in .hich the.or) is !eing carried out .illa8ect the general .or)atmosphere

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    Parties in the ConstructionContract

     The main parties in theconstruction contract include

    ◦ The o.ner

    ◦ The Contractor◦ The Engineer1 %rchitect

     Their relationship is dened !y thecontract !et.een them;7

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     The Contract

    a Contract !et.een parties is !asicallyan ;7

    ◦%greementenforcea!le at la.;

    ◦ (hich contains certain elements ;7

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    E#EE=TS +, C+=TR%CTS

    Mutual Agreement and GenuineIntention

    Oer and AcceptanceCapacity to Contract 

    Consideration in a Contract 

    Lawful Obect of a Contract Contract Time

    ◦ The absence of any one of these elements issu!cient to "oid a contract ##$Abbet%

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Construction Contracts

    Construction Contracts thereforehave certain elements ;7◦ E/< they include %n agreement 77’meeting of minds’ Terms and Conditions %llocation of Ris)s !et.een Employer Contractor

    Duties" Responsi!ilities and +!ligations Role of the >Engineer1%rchitect’ Default and remedies


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    Construction Contracts &cont7'

     The construction contract documentsdene the agreement !et.een theo.ner and the contractor7

    ◦ It is a t.o4party agreement that does

    not include the designer &,or D--pro5ect delivery'7

    It is important that the constructioncontract" .hatever form it may ta)e"

    ◦  states clearly the roles andresponsi!ilities of the parties

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    (hen a contract is !reached" theparty not guilty of the !reach isrelieved !y la. from his duties arisingout of contract" and he may see) a

    remedy for the !reach at la.7 The la. provides t.o common

    remedies<◦ Damages to !e paid in money to the hurt

    party !y the party in !reach of contract◦ Specic performance of the contract !y a

    court order7

    In construction contracts money

    damages are much more common

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    Q6%#IT? RE#%TED ,6=CTI+=S +,C+=STR6CTI+= C+=TR%CTS

     The contract documents can !e considered aprocedures manual to help ensure 0uality7&They set forth procedures and 0uality

    re0uirements for management andadministration of the contract" such asschedules" shop dra.ings" and inspections7'

    Construction contract can also !e used as aplanning tool for 0uality7 Parties can loo) to thevarious components &specicationre0uirements" su!mittals" inspections' to helpensure that proper attention is given to 0uality7

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    R+#E +, T9E DESI@=ER I= T9EC+=TR%CT D+C6E=TS

    %lthough contract is an agreement!et.een o.ner and contractor underD--" it may include a description of thevarious services and functions the

    designer may provide during construction7◦ The designer may also have a ma5or role in

    preparing many of the contract documentsand compiling documents for use !y!idders and the parties7

     The contract documents for design4!uildinclude design criteria" performancespecications" or outline specications7

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    Content of constructionContracts

    Description of .or)sPrice of .or)s

    Construction start and completion times

    (hen and ho. advance and progresspayments are to !e made

    9o. to compensate for changes inconstruction schedule or contract amount"for design changes" contract suspension ortermination

    Sharing and evaluation of loss in respect offorce ma5eure events including acts of @od

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    Content of constructionContracts

    Changes in contract amount or scope dueto changes in materials or services

    Sharing of third party damage lia!ility

    ethod of delivery of o.ner supplied

    materials or o.ner4rented tools ore0uipment

     Times and methods of inspection of .hollyor partially completed construction andtime of delivery of completed construction

     Time and method of payment uponcompletion of construction

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    Content of constructionContracts

    Interest" penalty and otherdamages in case of delay inperformance of contractual

    o!ligations and other lia!ilitiesethod of dispute resolution

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    Content of constructionContracts

     Therefore in constructioncontracts the a!ove elements aresystematically organiAed into

    the;◦ @eneral %greement

    ◦ @eneral conditions

    ◦ Supplementary conditions

     Technical Section Specications Dra.ings -+Q

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    Content of constructionContracts

    Standard forms of construction contracts have threemain parts<

    ◦  The agreement

    ◦  The general conditions

    ◦  The conditions of particular applications

     The agreement◦ is 0uite !rief and appears to consist mostly of

    statements of fact" .hereas

     The general conditions◦ deals primarily .ith matters that pertain

    generally to !e construction .or) and thepersons involved7

     The Particular Conditions◦ Deals .ith particular applica!le conditions

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     The ConstructionDocuments There are no. many standard

    construction documents thatsupport pro5ect management that

    include◦ standard forms"

    ◦ agreements"

    general conditions" and◦ other documents;7

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    Standard ConstructionDocumentsE/ample ;7

    ◦,idic ,orm of Contract

    ◦ BCT






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    Standard ConstructionDocuments

     Technical◦ Specications %ST

    %CI CSI



    -S 'T(IO&IA) *T)A+A,+*

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    Standard ConstructionDocuments

    -+Q◦ Standard Principles of measurement Etc

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    Construction Contract Types

    ◦ Re-measurement orm

    ◦ Schedule o rates

    ◦ Lump Sum

    ◦ BOT ◦ BOOT 

    ◦ Turn Key 

    ◦ ost !lus

    ◦ Labor ontracts◦ Se"re"ated ontracts

    ◦ Subcontractin"

    ◦ O#n $orce ontracts

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


     The ,IDIC form of Contract

    ,IDIC◦ @eneral conditions

    ◦ Particular conditions

    Red -oo) @reen -oo)

    (hite -oo)

     ?ello. -oo)

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    FIDIC Conditions of Contract

    • Red Book : Is intended for Civil Engineering construction works.

    • Yellow Book : more suitable for Electromechanical works em!hasis ontesting commissioning !rocedures guarantees etc

    • "ilver Book : fro Design #Build $ro%ects &'urnke( $ro%ects) noEngineer)

    • *reen book : For works of smaller nature.

    • +hite Book : for Consultanc( "ervices &Design and "u!ervision)

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


     The ,IDIC Red -oo)

    Red -oo)< Conditions of Contract for Construction ,or-uilding and Engineering .or)s designed !y the Employer"

    ◦ ,irst Edition FFF

    Contents of Contract -oo)

    ◦  @eneral Conditions

    ◦  @uidance for the Preparation of theParticular Conditions

     ,orms of Tender and Contract %greement◦  Dispute %d5udication %greement

     Turner and To.nsend

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     The ,IDIC ?ello. -oo)

     ?ello. -oo)< Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design4-uild ,or electrical and mechanical plant" and for !uilding.or)s" designed !y the Contractor

    ◦ $irst %dition &'''

    Contents of Contract -oo)

    ◦  (eneral onditions

    ◦  (uidance or the !reparation o the

    !articular onditions◦  $orms o Tender and ontract )"reement 

    ◦  *ispute )djudication )"reement 

     The ?ello. -oo) provides conditions of contract forconstruction .or)s .here the design is carried out !y the


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     The ,IDIC Silver -oo)

    Silver -oo)

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     The ,IDIC @reen -oo)

    @reen -oo)

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


     The ,IDIC D- -oo)

    Red -oo) &D- edition'

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


     The ,IDIC D-+ Contract-oo)D-+ Contract JConditions of

    Contract for Design" -uild and+perate Pro5ects

    ◦ ,irst Edition KContents of Contract -oo)

    ◦  @eneral Conditions

     Particular Conditions◦  Sample ,orms

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


     The Construction Contract andSupervisory role

     The Contract documentsstipulate the role of

    ◦ The Engineer &Supervisor'

    ◦ The client◦ The contractor

     Therefore the tas) of the

    supervisor is dened and limitedin these documents

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     The Role of the Supervisor ,idic%rt LM7

     The Engineer" and any personauthoriAed !y him" shall at allreasona!le times have access to

    the Site and to all .or)shops andplaces .here materials or Plantare !eing manufactured"fa!ricated or prepared for the(or)s and the Contractor shalla8ord every facility for and everyassistance in o!taining the right

    to such access7

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     The Role of the Supervisor %rtLM7L

    Dates for Inspection And Testing The Contractor shall agree .ith the Engineer on the time

    and place for the inspection or testing of any materials orPlant as provided in the Contract7 The Engineer shall givethe Contractor not less than hours notice of hisintention to carry out the inspection or to attend the tests7

    If the Engineer" or his duly authoriAed representative"does not attend on the date agreed" the Contractor may"unless other.ise instructed !y the Engineer" proceed .iththe tests" .hich shall !e deemed to have !een made in

    the presence of the Engineer7 The Contractor shallforth.ith for.ard to the Engineer duly certied copies ofthe test readings7 If the Engineer has not attended thetests" he shall accept the said readings as accurate7

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     The Role of the Supervisor

    ,eectionIf" at the time and place agreed in

    accordance .ith Su!4Clause LM7L" thematerials or Plant are not ready for

    inspection or testing or if" as a result of theinspection testing referred to in thisClause" the Engineer determines that thematerials or Plant are defective or

    other.ise not in accordance .ith theContract" he may re5ect the materials orPlant and shall notify the Contractorthereof immediately7

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     The Role of the Supervisor

    ,eection The notice shall state the EngineerNs o!5ections .ith

    reasons7 The Contractor shall then promptly ma)egood the defect or ensure that re5ected materials orPlant comply .ith the Contract7 If the Engineer so

    re0uests" the tests of re5ected materials or Plant shall!e made or repeated under the same terms andconditions7 %ll costs incurred !y the Employer !y therepetition of the tests shall" after due consultation.ith the Employer and the Contractor" !e determined

    !y the Engineer and shall !e recovera!le from theContractor !y the Employer and may !e deductedfrom any monies due or to !ecome due to theContractor and the Engineer shall notify theContractor accordingly" .ith a copy to the Employer7

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     The Role of the Supervisor

    Examination of Work before Covering up (FIDIC 3!"#=o part of the (or)s shall !e covered up or put out of vie.

    .ithout the approval of the Engineer and the Contractorshall a8ord full opportunity for the Engineer to e/amineand measure any such part of the (or)s .hich is a!out to!e covered up or put out of vie. and to e/amine

    foundations !efore any part of the (or)s is placed thereon7

     The Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer .heneverany such part of the (or)s or foundations is or are ready ora!out to !e ready for e/amination and the Engineer shall"

    .ithout unreasona!le delay" unless he considers itunnecessary and advises the Contractor accordingly"attend for the purpose of e/amining and measuring suchpart of the (or)s or of e/amining such foundations7

    I t ti f

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    Instructions for$ariations

    %"!& The Contractor shall not ma)eany such variation .ithout aninstruction of the Engineer7 Providedthat no instruction shall !e re0uired for

    increase or decrease in the 0uantity ofany .or) .here such increase ordecrease is not the result of aninstruction given under this Clause" !utis the result of the 0uantities e/ceedingor !eing less than those stated in the-ill of Quantities7

    ' t titi

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    'easurement uantities

    %%!" The 0uantities set out in the-ill of Quantities are theestimated 0uantities for the

    (or)s" and they are not to !eta)en as the actual and correct0uantities of the (or)s to !ee/ecuted !y the Contractor infulllment of his o!ligationsunder the Contract7

    Work to be

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    Work to be'easured

    %)!" T*e Engineer+ s*a,, except as ot*er-isestated+ ascertain and determine b.measurement the value of the (or)s inaccordance .ith the Contract and the Contractorshall !e paid that value in accordance .ith Clause

    O7 The Engineer shall" .hen he re0uires any partof the (or)s to !e measured" give reasona!lenotice to the Contractor’s authorised agent" .hoshall<

    &a'forth.ith attend or send a 0ualiedrepresentative to assist the Engineer in ma)ingsuch measurement" and

    &!'supply all particulars re0uired !y the Engineer7

    W k t b

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    Work to be'easured

    Should the Contractor not attend" or neglect or omit tosend such representative" then the measurement made !ythe Engineer or approved !y him shall !e ta)en to !e thecorrect measurement of such part of the (or)s7 ,or thepurpose of measuring such Permanent (or)s as are to !emeasured !y records and dra.ings" the Engineer shall

    prepare records and dra.ings as the .or) proceeds andthe Contractor" as and .hen called upon to do so in .riting"shall" .ithin days" attend to e/amine and agree suchrecords and dra.ings .ith the Engineer and shall sign thesame .hen so agreed7 If the Contractor does not attend toe/amine and agree such records and dra.ings" they shall!e ta)en to !e correct7 If" after e/amination of such recordsand dra.ings" the Contractor does not agree the same ordoes not sign the same as agreed" they shall nevertheless!e ta)en to !e correct" unless the Contractor"

    The S)ills of the

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     The S)ills of theSupervisor

    In addition to his contractual role

    the supervisor must also displaya 2personal3 S)ills

    The S)ills of the

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     The S)ills of theSupervisorIn order to earn the respect of

    the contractor it is very importantthat the inspector display

    e-cellent competence insupervision practice7 In thecourse of supervision" fairness isof paramount importance7

    The S)ills of the

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     The S)ills of theSupervisor%s a representative of the client" the

    inspector needs to e/ercise professional  integrity  and a highethical standard 7 This .ill go a long.ay into maintaining the mutualrespect that is vitally necessary for asmooth e/ecution of a .or)7 It is a

    fact that pro5ects .hich e/periencedelays due to diculties !et.eeninspector and contractor cost more7

    % i t

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)



     The Contractor’s and theEngineer’s Rights and +!ligations

    ; %ccording to ,IDIC

    %ccording to PP%

    Compare and Contrast at least threearticles

    The S)ills of the

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     The S)ills of theSupervisor TechnicalInterpersonal


    The s.ills of inspection

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    The s.ills of inspection

    In e/ercising the duties ofinspection the inspector is

    re0uired to developed and !ecompetent in various s)ills that.ill assist him in e8ectively

    carrying out his duties7 some ofthese include


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     Developing good s)ills of o!servationis an asset in e/ercising the duties ofan inspector7 The a!ility to have aglo!al as .ell as a!stract form of

    o!servation that is having a .idervie. of the tas) to !e inspected as.ell as at the same time focusing ondetails is critically important7 -esidesit is vitally important to remem!erissues 1points o!served as .ell as )eepan accurate record7

    Technical competence

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    Technical competence

     It is also vitally important that theinspector !e competent in his areasof e/pertise as .ell as !e familiar.ith current technology and methods

    of e/ecuting construction .or)s7 Inall cases the inspector must havetechnical competence .ell a!ove the

    people !eing supervised" so that he isin a position to guide .or)ers andcorrect any faulty .or)

    Interpersonal s.ills

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    Interpersonal s.ills

     It is a .ell o!served fact that the .ayinformation is transmitted can a8ect the .ay itis understood7 In such an atmosphere" the .aythe inspector transmits guidance to thecontract .ill contri!ute either to a good

    understanding and reception of the informationor create !arriers hampering timelycompletion7

    It !ecomes very important therefore that the

    inspector develop good interpersonalcommunication s)ills" in spea)ing" listening

    etc7 in the process of carrying out inspectionduties7

    Communication s.ills $/%

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    Communication s.ills $/%

     Communicating involves the e/change of information7 The sender is responsi!le for ma)ing the informationclear" unam!iguous" and complete so that the receivercan receive it correctly7 The receiver is responsi!le forma)ing sure that the information is received in itsentirety and understood correctly7 Communicating has

    many dimensions< 

    (ritten and oral" listening and spea)ing7

    Internal &.ithin the pro5ect' and e/ternal &to thecustomer" the media" the pu!lic" etc7'7

    ,ormal &reports" !riengs" etc7' and informal &memos" adhoc conversations" etc7'7

    *ertical &up and do.n the organiAation' and horiAontal&.ith peers and partner organiAation'7


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     =egotiating involves conferring .ith others to cometo terms .ith them or reach an agreement7%greements may !e negotiated directly or .ithassistanceJ mediation and ar!itration are t.o types ofassisted negotiation7

    =egotiations occur around many issues" at manytimes" and at many levels of the pro5ect7 During thecourse of a typical pro5ect" pro5ect sta8 is li)ely tonegotiate for any or all of the<

    ◦ Scope" cost" and schedule o!5ectives7

    ◦ Changes to scope" cost" or schedule7

    ◦ Contract terms and conditions7

    ◦ %ssignments7

    ◦ Resources7


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    &roblem *ol"ing

     Pro!lem solving involves a com!ination ofpro!lem denition and decision4ma)ing7Pro!lem denition re0uires distinguishing!et.een causes and symptoms7

    !roblems may be internal +a ,ey employeeis reassi"ned to another project or external+a permit re.uired to be"in #or, is delayed/

    ◦ Pro!lems may !e technical &di8erences of opiniona!out the !est .ay to design a product'"

    managerial &a functional group is not producingaccording to plan'" or interpersonal &personalityor style clashes'7

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    &roblem *ol"ing

    Decision4ma)ing includes analyAing thepro!lem to identify via!le solutions"and then ma)ing a choice from amongthem7 Decisions can !e made or

    o!tained &from the customer" from theteam" or from a functional manager'7

    +nce made" decisions must !eimplemented7 Decisions also have atime element to themthe 2right3decision may not !e the 2!est3 decisionif it is made too early or too late7

    Analytical s.ills

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     Analytical s.ills

    In the course of carrying out his tas)s theinspector is re0uired to ma)e decisions thatmay a8ect the progress of the .or)7 %tsuch times analyAing the situation and

    .eighing alternatives to arrive at a gooddecision .ill !e vitally important7

     Therefore the s)ills of analysis that ofloo)ing at the !igger picture .hile at the

    same time separately understandingcritical elements " therefore !ecome a vitalelement of good inspection7

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     The ,IDIC Conditions of Contract


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     The PP% Conditions of Contract


  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


     The role of the supervisor

     The main role of the supervisor isto follo. up the e/ecution of apro5ect .ith the appropriate

    0uality productsinspect

    to guide

    to assistto facilitate to control 0uality !ut not to hinder .or)

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     The Inspector ;7

     The inspector must have a .een eye0 beobser"ant  and a!le to see critically 7 To dothis a thorough )no.ledge of the proceduresfor e/ecuting the particular .or) he isinspecting is necessary7

    +etailed .nowledge of the plans andspecications for the particular .or) is also avitally important part of the .or)7 9e must

    also !e familiar .ith any revisions oramendments done to the original documents"and the reason for such changes and their

    incorporation into the .or)s7

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    S)ills of the Supervisor

    In summary the inspector mustdisplay

    ◦  $no.ledge

    Integrity◦ %!ility

    ◦ @ood 5udgment

    ◦ @ood attitude

    ◦ patience

    Specic duties of the

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    Specic duties of theInspector

     Ensuring compliance !y the contractor .ith the plans"specications" and contractual provisions of the pro5ect

    onitoring pro5ect progress according to the schedule

     Coordination and monitoring of revie.s" approvals andtests7

    Interpreting contract dra.ings and specications Re5ecting .or) .hich is not .ithin the contractual

    0uality " or that .hich fails to meet contractre0uirements

    Stopping .or) progress .hen safety concern override

    !asic contractual commitments %pproval of shop dra.ings " materials and samples

     %voiding la!or situations

    Cl i

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Class E/ercise

     ?ou are assigned as a chiefsupervisor to a housingconstruction pro5ect in %.assa7

     The contractor is a grade !uilding contractor7 The contract!et.een the employer and the

    contractor is !ased on the PP%=C- model7

    9o. .ould you esta!lish yoursupervision tas)

    The Construction Site

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     The Construction SiteRelations The construction site is also an area

    .here people interact

    Relationships in construction sites can!ecome strained7 This may !e caused

    !y pressure on meeting deadlines" oreven di8ering personalities7 Thesupervisor should therefore !e tactful inhandling diculties in such a stressfulenvironment7 +ne must never allo.emotions to govern !ut !e evenhanded in addressing site issues7

    The Construction Site

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     The Construction SiteRelations%s in all human activities the

    construction sector involves theinteraction of people .ith

    di8erent predispositions7 Theinspector should therefore !ea.are of human personalitydi8erences and act appropriately7It is al.ays an advantage to

    perceive peoples moods and dailystresses .hich .ill eventually

    assist in achieving a positive

    The Construction Site

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     The Construction SiteRelations The re0uirements of the contract

    must at all times !e separatedfrom personal preferences or

    !ias7 Communication lines!et.een the contractor and thesupervisor must also !emaintained at all times" .ith duecare7

    The Construction Site

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     The Construction SiteRelations

     The inspector should therefore◦  -e tactful" avoid confrontation

    ◦  maintain common sense

    ◦  %void shouting

    ◦ ensure that .or)s attain high standard right from the

    !eginning◦ E/plain any am!iguous tas)s and Correct it if need !e

    ◦ Do not delay rectication of .or) correct !efore itprogresses signicantly

    ◦ (hen re0uired give prompt replies and !e decisive

    ◦ Instruct the ,orman1supervisor in responsi!le positiononly

    ◦ Communicate to appropriate personnel only

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    Standards Codesand Specications

    Standards Codes and

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    Standards Codes andSpecications

     The Construction industry has anum!er of standards and codesthat govern the process

     This include◦ -uilding Codes &E/7 E-CS;'

    ◦ Standards &E/7 EthiopianStandards;'

    ◦ Specications &E/7 -atCoda " %stm;etc'

    Standards Codes and

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Standards Codes andSpecications

    In order to ade0uately carry outsupervision tas)s the supervisor must!e .ell versed and )no.ledgea!le inthe are of construction specications

    and standards )no.ledge !ase

     This is particularly important in

    understanding the specicre0uirements of a pro5ect as descri!edin the construction specications;

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     T9E IP+RT%=CE +, T9E SPECI,IC%TI+=

    There are many desi"n decisions #hich cannot

    be expressed in dra#n orm/ These must relyon bein" expressed in #ords/

    There are0 also0 many desi"n decisions #hich#ould be too tedious0 or too impractical orsome other reason0 to be recorded in dra#in"s/

    The speci1cation is thus created tocomplement the dra#in"s so that to"ether

    they convey all the desi"n decisions/This is #hy a construction speci1cation is primarily a desi"n document/

    + =%TSPEC'

    S i ti

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)



    Specications are

    ◦ .ritten descriptions of the re0uired

    0uality of the !uilt product and itscomponent products7

    ◦ % specication may also include theprocedures for determining that there0uirements of the specicationhave !een met7

    Purpose of Specications

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    Purpose of Specications

     The specication lin)s the dra.ings .ith thegeneral conditions of contract7 Itcomplements" .ithout duplication" theinformation in the dra.ings or the generalconditions of contract7

    Dra.ings are graphic descriptions .hichprimarily dene 0uantity" position andsometimes 0uality7

    Specications are .ritten descriptions .hichdene 0uality7 Together they e/press thedesignerNs intentions7

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    Role +f Specications

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    Role +f Specications

    %n on4site .or)ing document7% dispute settlement document7

    % pro5ect management tool7

    % facilities management tool7% document to !e analyAed for

    feed!ac) into the oce master

    specication and oceprocedures7

    &urpose of

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     The purpose of a Civil EngineeringSpecication is to tell the contractorprecisely the"

    ◦ 2uality and type of materials re0uired

    to !e incorporated in the .or)s◦ the wor.manship and 1nish" anticipated

    .ith consideration given to practicallimitations such as tolerance" clearances"

    ◦ '-tent of the wor.  to !e e/ecuted◦ Methods he may or may not use in order

    to carry out the .or)s

    &urpose of

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)



    ,e3uirements and procedures to !ecomplied .ith in inspection0 tests andanalysis" during manufacture andusage by the owner  !oth on site and o8site7

    ◦ ethods for testing and acceptance ofnal products

    ◦ Parameters for reection of non

    conforming .or)s etc7◦ Factory tests &If necessary'" protection

    during manufacture" transport and placingor the li)e

    /urpose of Speci0cations

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    p p

    Specications should descri!e the type and0uality of every product re0uired for thepro5ect7

     The specications should descri!e there0uirements for fa!rication" erection"application" installation and nishing7

     Specications should descri!e the 0uality of.or)manship necessary for the pro5ect7

     This includes all phases of creation andinstallation starting .ith manufacturing"

    /urpose of

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    Specications should descri!e◦ fa!rication" and application" through

    installation" nishing and ad5ustment7

    ◦ Specications should include any necessarycodes and standards applica!le to thepro5ect7

    ◦ The specications should also includedescriptions and procedures for alternatematerials" products or services if necessary7

    ,eference *tandards

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    Reference standards specifystandards such as %ST" ES" -SI"etc7

     The various manufacturers mustmeet these standards7

    ◦ E/ample< Portland Cement< Conformto %ST CH" Type I or Type II" a/imum total al)ali shall note/ceed 7O percent7

    1eference Standard Speci0cations

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    6nder this method reference ismade to an esta!lished standarddened !y associations very)no.ledgea!le a!out a certainpart or phase of construction7

    Reference standard specicationsare used for commodity products

    in the mar)etplace" .here !randnames are not important7

    Materials and wor.manship speci1cations4 

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    p p

    Material speci1cations4 descri!ing thephysical and1or chemical properties"performance characteristics or in somecases" a composition of the t.o of thematerials to !e incorporated into the .or)s7

     These properties can !e cross chec)ed !ytests7 These descriptions generally includeJ

    physical properties" such as strength" dura!ility"

    hardness" and elasticity Chemical composition

    Electrical and thermal and acoustical properties

    %ppearance including color te/ture pattern and nishes


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    5or.manship speci1cationsJdescri!ing the desired results that needto !e achieved in the .or)s .hichincludeJ

     The desired results in relation to the0uality of .or)manship and nish"giving due consideration to practical

    limitations in tolerance" clearances andthe li)e7

    Construction methods or proceduresnecessary for the accomplishment ofparticular targets7


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    %ny limitations or restrictions to !eplaced on the contractor’s methods inthe interest of coordination of the .or)7

    %ny precautions necessary for theprotection of the .or) or ad5acentproperty7

     The methods of inspection and tests to

    .hich the .or) is to !e su!5ected .ithparticulars as to mill and shopinspections as .ell as eld inspections7


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    &erformance speci1cations< such typesof specication" dene the performancere0uirements for machinery and plantoperating e0uipment7 This allo.s theadvance manufacture and procurement ofsuch e0uipment" or the purchase ofstandard !rands7

    Some of the standards specications arepu!lished reference standards issued !ygovernment and professional societies" andindustry associations for utiliAation inconstruction .or) or material production7

    6nenforcea!le specication

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     To the satisfaction of the engineerAs determined b. t*e engineer

    In accordance -it* t*e instructions oft*e engineer

    As directed b. t*e engineerIn t*e 2udgment of t*e engineer

    In t*e opinion of t*e engineer

    n,ess ot*er-ise directed b. t*eengineer (unbiddab,e#

    To be furnis*ed if re4uested b. t*eengineer (unbiddab,e#

    6nenforcea!le specication

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    In strict accordance .ithIn accordance -it* t*e best commercia,practice

    In accordance -it* t*e best modern

    standard practiceIn accordance -it* t*e best engineeringpractice

    Workmans*ip s*a,, be of t*e *ig*est4ua,it.

    Workmans*ip s*a,, be of t*e *ig*estgrade

    Accurate -orkmans*ip

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    Quality Control InConstruction

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    Quality Denition

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    It further states that it is

    ◦ -ased on customers’ perceptions of aproduct’s design and ho. .ell the design

    matches the original specications;

    The ability of a product and ser"ice tosatisfy stated or implied needs#

     Achie"ed by conforming to establishedre3uirements within an Organi7ation7

    Quality Denition

    Quality Inspection

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


     )n inspection is a speci1cexamination0 testin"0 and ormalevaluation exercise and overall

    appraisal o a process0 product0or service to ascertain i itconorms to establishedre.uirements/ 2t involves

    measurements0 tests0 and "au"esapplied to certain characteristicsin re"ard to an object or an



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    Inspections are usually nondestructive7Some of the nondestructive methods ofinspection are

    ◦ 8isual 

    ◦ Li3uid dyed penetrant ◦ Magnetic particle

    ◦ ,adiography 

    ◦ 9ltrasonic

    ◦ 'ddy current 

    ◦ Acoustic emission

    ◦ Thermography 


    Quality Control

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    :3uality Control is a collecti"e term foracti"ities and techni3ues0 within the process0 that are intended to createspeci1c 3uality characteristics# *uchacti"ities include continually monitoring

     process0 identifying and eliminating problem causes0 use of statistical processcontrol to reduce the "ariability and toincrease the e!ciency of the process#2uality control certi1es that theorgani7ation;s 3uality obecti"es arebeing met<

    $erAner &' &p7 FF'

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Quality Control Tools

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    /# Cause=and=eect diagram># Chec. sheet 

    ?# Control chart 

     @# +ata collection

    # Flow chart 

    B# (istogram

    # &areto analysis

    D# &ie chart E# ,un chart 

    /#*catter diagram

    Quality %ssurance

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Quality assurance is the third erain the 0uality managementsystem7

    3uality assurance as :all the planned and systematicacti"ities implemented within

    the 3uality system that can bedemonstrated to pro"idecon1dence a product or ser"icewill ful1ll re3uirements for


    Quality Engineering

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    3uality engineering technology

    :the body of technical .nowledge

    for formulating policy and foranaly7ing and planning product3uality in order to implementand support that 3uality system

    which will yield full customersatisfaction at minimum cost<

     &p7 L'7 ,eigen!aum &FF'

    Quality anagement

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


     The %SQ glossary denes 0ualitymanagement as

     :the application of 3ualitymanagement system inmanaging a process to

    achie"e ma-imum customersatisfaction at the lowesto"erall cost to theorgani7ation while continuing


     Total Quality anagement&TQ '

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    2During the past t.enty years"there has !een a revolutionto.ard improved 0uality7 The

    improvements have occurred notonly in product 0uality" !ut alsoin 0uality leadership and 0ualitypro5ect management73


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    *tatistical 2uality Control$*2C%

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)



    *tatistical 2uality Control $*2C%

    a set of statistical techni0ues that can!e used to monitor 0ualityJ includesacceptance sampling and in4processsampling7

    Quality Standards

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    % standard is simply a denition of ho.something should !e7 &PyAde) FFF'Standards are documents used to de1neacceptable conditions or behaviors and to

     provide a base line or assurin" that conditionsor behaviors meet the acceptable criteria/ 2nmost cases standards de1ne minimum criteria3#orld class .uality is0 by de1nition0 beyond thestandard level o perormance/ Standards can

    be #ritten or un#ritten0 voluntary or mandatory/4n#ritten .uality standards are "enerally notacceptable/ +p/ 5

    Quality Standards

    Quality Standards

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Chung &FFF' denes standards as 2areference !ase that is re0uired to 5udge

    the ade0uacy of a 0uality system7 9efurther states that a 20uality system has

    to cover all the activities leading to thenished product7 Depending on thescope of operation of the organiAation"

    these activities include planning" design"

    development" purchasing" production"inspection" storage" delivery" and after4sales service3 &p7 '7

    Quality Standards

    Quality Standards

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Standards produced by theseor"ani6ations7institutes arereco"ni6ed #orld#ide/ Thesestandards are reerred in thecontract documents by thedesi"ners to speciy products orsystems or services to be used in

    a project/ They are also used tospeciy the installation method tobe ollo#ed or the abrication

    #or,s to be perormed durin" the

    Quality Standards

    Quality Standards

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    %part from these there have !een many othernational and international 0uality system standards7

     These various standards have commonalities and

    historical lin)age7

    9o.ever" in order to facilitate international trade"

    delegates from H countries met in #ondon in FOto create a ne. international organiAation7 The

    o!5ective of this organiAation .as to facilitateinternational coordination and unication of

    industrial standards7

     The ne. organiAation" 2nternational Or"ani6ation orStandardi6ation0 2SO" ocially !egan operation on

    ,e!ruary L" FM7

    Quality Standards


  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    IS+ is a net.or) of nationalstandards institutes of HMcountries &as of Septem!erM'"

    formed on the !asis of onemem!er per country" .ith aCentral Secretariat in @eneva"S.itAerland" that coordinates thesystem7



  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    IS+ F

    IS+ U InternationalstandardiAation+rganiAation

     The IS+ F series of standardshas !een adopted as a national0uality system standard !y mostdeveloped countries7

    ◦ IS+4F rst edition in FKM

    ◦ Revie.ed in FF

    ◦ #atest version


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    IS+ is the .orld’s largest developer andpu!lisher of international standards7

    It is a nongovernmental organiAation thatforms a !ridge !et.een the pu!lic andprivate sectors7

    ◦ IS+ has more than O"H international standards7

    ◦   +f all the standards produced !y IS+" the onesthat are most .idely )no.n are the IS+ F andIS+ series7

    IS+ F has !ecome an internationalreference for 0uality re0uirements in!usiness4to4!usiness dealings



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     The IS+ F family is primarilyconcerned .ith 20uality management73

     This means .hat the organiAation doesto fulll The

    ◦ customer;s 3uality re3uirements0◦ Applicable regulatory re3uirements0while aiming to enhance customersatisfaction

    ◦  Achie"e continual impro"ement of its performance in pursuit of theobecti"es



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    IS+ F 0uality systemstandards are a tested frame.or)for ta)ing a systematic approachto managing the !usinessprocess so that organiAations turnout products or servicesconforming to customer’s

    satisfaction7 The typical IS+0uality management system isstructured on four levels" usually

    portrayed as a pyramid

    S+ F

    IS+4F Quality managementsystem structure

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Quality PolicyQuality anual(or) Instructions1Procedures(or) Instructions1ProceduresQuality ,orms and RecordsQuality ,orms and Records

    system structure


  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    3uality policy 4 .hich sets out .hatmanagement re0uires its sta8 to do in orderto ensure 0uality management system7

    3uality manual " .hich details the .or) to!e


    &rocedures4mainly discuss the<V (hat is to !e done

    V 9o. is it done

    V 9o. does one )no. that it has !een done properly &fore/ample" !y inspecting" testing" or measuring'

    V (hat is to !e done if there are pro!lems &for e/ample"failure'


  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Forms and records that areused to capture the history ofroutine events and activities



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    Documented statements of a0uality policy

    ◦ Quality o!5ectives

    ◦ Quality manual

    ◦ Documented procedures re0uired !yIS+

    Documents needed !y theorganiAation to ensure the e8ectiveplanning" operation and control of itsprocesses

    Records re0uired !y IS+

    IS+4F necessary steps toimplement the QS

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    IS+ F

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    IS+4F includes;

    ◦ IS+ F

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    Quality inConstruction

    Construction Pro5ect

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


     a temporary  Endeavour;6nderta)en to create a uni3ue 


    Temporary4 ha"ing a de1nitebeginning and end 

    9ni3ue4 dierent from other products in some way6


    Construction Pro5ect

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)



    ◦ Owners

    ◦ +esign professionals



    Construction Pro5ects

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    types of construction pro5ects<

    Process Type Pro5ects

    ◦ Li3uid chemical plants

    ◦ Li3uidsolid plants

    ◦ *olid process plants

    ◦ &etrochemical plants

    ◦ &etroleum re1neries

    =on4process Type Pro5ects

    ◦ &ower plants

    ◦ Manufacturing plants

    ◦ *upport facilities◦ Miscellaneous $,H+% proects

    ◦ Ci"il construction proects

    ◦ CommercialAH' proects


    Construction Pro5ects

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Civil Construction Pro5ects;7

    ◦ ,esidential construction

    ◦ uilding construction $institutionaland commercial%

    ◦Industrial construction

    ◦ (ea"y engineering construction


    Quality in Construction;

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Construction .or)77

    ◦ 9ni3ue wor.6not repetiti"e

    ◦ )on conforming product di!cultto rectify 

    ◦ *ometimes remedial action maynot be possible


    Quality in Construction;7

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Quality ;77

    773the fulllment of pro5ect responsi!ilities in the delivery ofproducts and services in a manner that meets or e/ceedsthe stated re0uirements and e/pectations of the o.ner"design professional" and constructor7

    Responsi!ilities refer to the tas)s that a participant ise/pected to perform to accomplish the pro5ect activitiesas specied !y contractual agreement and applica!le la.sand licensing re0uirements" codes" prevailing industrystandards" and regulatory guidelines7 Re0uirements are

    .hat a team mem!er e/pects or needs to receive duringand after his or her participation in a pro5ect7 &p7 /v' 2

    8uality in the onstructed !roject +5999 by the )merican

    Society of Civil Engineers &%SCE'

    Quality in Construction;7

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Construction pro5ect 0uality is the fulllmentof the o.ner’s needs per

    ◦ dened scope of .or)s

    ◦ .ithin a budget  and

    ◦ specied schedule

    ◦ to satisfy the o.ner’s1user’s re0uirements7

    ◦ The phenomenon of these three componentscan

    !e called the 2construction proecttrilogy 3

    Quality Control In EthiopianCodes

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    E-CS lays out some general

    guidelines on Quality control ;7 The emphasis is particularly on

    concrete .or)s

    Quality Control In EthiopianCodes

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)



    %ccording to E-CS Concrete0uality control comprises of

    ◦  Quality Control< Comprises acom!ination of actions and decisions

    ta)en in compliance .ith specicationsand chec)s to ensure that these aresatised7

    ◦ Quality control consists of t.o distinct"

    !ut interconnected parts" namelyproduction control and compliancecontrol7

    Quality Control In EthiopianCodes

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    CodesProduction Control< Comprises a

    com!ination of actions and decisionsta)en during production to chec) theoperation and to o!tain a reasona!leassurance that the specications .ill !esatised7

     Compliance Control< Comprises acom!ination of actions and decisions" inaccordance .ith compliance rules adoptedin advance" to chec) the compliance ofthe product .ith the specications7

    Chec)list Preparation

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    Read the slides andprepare a compact chec)list

    Quality Control In EthiopianCodes

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    CodesEW7 Inspection of aterials

    Inspection of materials on site shall !e made atdelivery to chec) compliance .ith thespecications and the re0uirements of this Code7

    Inspection Prior to Concreting

    ◦ This inspection shall !e made to chec)< the rigidity of the sca8olding and shuttering

    the lea)4tightness of 5oints !et.een form.or) elements

    conformity of the dimensions of the form.or) .ith thedra.ings

    the cleanliness of the form.or)

    the surface condition of the reinforcement

    the position and siAe of reinforcement

    the rigidity of the reinforcement securing systems" and the0uality of the 5oints !et.een !ars7

    Quality Control In EthiopianCodes

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    CodesControl of i/ing" Transportation and

    Placement of Concrete

    ◦  The accuracy of the mi/ proportions shall !echec)ed regularly7 The consistency of the freshconcrete shall !e chec)ed periodically .ith the

    slump test7◦ During concreting" chec)s shall !e made on the

    deformations of the form.or) and its supportingstructure and on any lea)age of .ater7

    ◦ Control for Curing the Concrete

    ◦ It must !e chec)ed that curing complies .ithapproved method curing depending on theenvironment and on any special re0uirements7

    Quality Control In EthiopianCodes

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    CodesConstruction Procedures

    % site !oo) shall !e )ept and for large structures" itshall contain the information<

     dates on .hich concreting and stripping of

    form.or) has ta)en place

     acceptance of materials and componentsresults of tests and measurements

    concrete mi/ used &type and origin of cement andaggregates'

    inspection and measurement reports of the

    positioning of reinforcementimportant instructions received

    &g' description of any incidents7

    Quality Control In EthiopianCodes

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)



    Compliance Controls for Concrete◦ Compliance .ith specied properties of

    concrete shall !e 5udged !y tests madeon proper specimens at an age of K days

    unless there is evidence" satisfactory tothe authority having 5urisdiction" that aparticular testing regime is capa!le ofpredicting the strength at K days ofconcrete tested at an earlier age" in .hichcase compliance may !e !ased on theresults of such tests alone7

    Quality Control In EthiopianCodes

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Codesconcrete for the specimen shall normally !e

    ta)en .hen the concrete is actually !eingpoured7

    Compliance of prescri!ed and standard mi/es&Section K7' shall !e !ased on chec)s made

    on the mi/ properties &such as aggregategradation" cement content" mi/ proportions"and .or)a!ility'J !ut" !ecause strength testsprovide an implicit chec) on the 0uality of the

    mi/" they may" alternatively" !e used for theacceptance of concretes made .ithprescri!ed and standard mi/es7

    Quality Control In EthiopianCodes

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    CodesSamplin" and Testin" :ethods

    In general" it is sucient to ma)e only one testspecimen from a single representative sample foreach mi/ of concrete7 If more than one specimenis ta)en" the mi/ shall !e considered as !eing

    represented !y the mean value of the test resultso!tained from the various specimens7

    Each mi/ from .hich a sample is ta)en shall !echosen at random from among the possi!le mi/es7

     The samples shall" .here practica!le" !e ta)en at

    the point of discharge from the mi/er or" in thecase of ready4mi/ concrete" at the point ofdischarge from the delivery vehicle7

    Quality Control In EthiopianCodes

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    CodesSiAe o Lot and $re.uency o Samplin"

     The lot is dened as the 0uantity of concrete producedin the same essential conditions and su!5ected toindividual assessment7

     The lots shall !e dened !efore the commencement ofconstruction" !y ta)ing into account the num!er of

    tests re0uired for a decision &see Section F7L77L' as.ell as the fre0uency of sampling and testing to !eadopted7

     The minimum rate of sampling shall !e decided !y theengineer ta)ing into account the nature of the .or)7

    9igher rates .ould !e appropriate at the start of the.or)" to esta!lish 0uic)ly the level of 0uality" or duringperiods of production .hen 0uality is in dou!t" or forhighly4stressed structural elements7

    Quality Control In InternationalCodes

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    In general" the may !e adopted as the

    minimum re0uirement on siAe of lot and fre0uencyof sampling" e/cept for the special cases givenhereunder<

    =o individual sampling can7 represent" on the

    average" more than mi/es or mN" .hicheveris the smaller volume of concrete7

    ,or each grade of concrete" at least one sample shall!e ta)en every .ee) &c' ,or each grade of concrete"at least t.o lots shall !e made7

    E/ception< ,or small !uildings &e7g7" having a totalvolume of less than mN of concrete' usingconcrete grade CL or" Condition &L' need not!e complied .ith7

    Quality Control In InternationalCodes

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Read E-CS Statistical ComplianceCriteria

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    Semester Pro5ects;

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    Quality control of reinforced concreteConcerting in hot .eather;70uality


    Quality control of Sand in construction

    Supervision of earth.or)s inconstruction

    Supervision of Plastering .or)

    Quality control of :oor tiles installation&ceramic" plastic and cement tiles'

    Semester Pro5ects;

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    Quality control procedures in theinstallation of Doors and(indo.s;

    Quality control of glaAinginstallation

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    Construction Site%dministration

    Construction Site%dministration

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)



    %ctual start of supervision .or)involves a num!er of steps;7

     These include

     The preparation phase◦ The startup phase

    ◦ The implementation phase

    ◦ The close out phase;

    Supervision4 the preparationphase

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    $no. ?our Pro5ect

    $no. your Contract

    Compile pro5ect dra.ings"specications and contracts;;

    Set up site oce

    +!tain necessary e0uipment;7

    Supervision4 the start up phase

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     The startup phase

    ◦ +!tain !onds;7

    ◦ Pro5ect )ic) o8 meeting

    ◦ Set up an Inspection Procedure Develop a 2Site procedures manual3

    Develop inspection and follo.4up forms

    %gree on e/changing informationon test1 inspection times

    %gree on formats to !e used

    Supervision4 the implementationphase

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    Compile pro5ect records

    ◦ $eep pro5ect reports

    ◦ $eep site dairy

    ◦ aintain record of meetings

    ,ollo.4up .or) progress

    ,ollo.4up .or) 0uality

    $eep records of inspections

    $eep trac) of variations

    Supervision4 the close out phase

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    Prepare and naliAe pro5ect nal account

    Carry out testing and commissioning

    Re0uest and o!tain as !uilt recorddra.ings

    Re0uest and o!tain operation andmaintenance manuals77&+X anuals'

    +!tain spare parts;

    Release !onds;7

    +!tain statuary clearance;

    Issue letter of discharge

    Construction Site %dministration

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    Certify and )eep record of payments

    ,ollo. up the .or)

    Resolve disputes

    Develop testing and commissioning

    procedures and records+!tain and $eep pro5ect as !uilt

    Records and +peration and

    maintenance manualsIssue pro5ect Close out and contractor

    discharge letters;7

    Duties of the ResidentEngineer1Supervisor

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    Coordinate and provide genera,direction of -ork and progress7

     1evie- contractor5s C/'sc*edu,es regu,ar,.!

    Assist in reso,ution ofconstruction prob,ems!

    Eva,uate contractor c,aims for

    t*e design 0rm!'aintain ,og of c*ange orders!

    Duties of the ResidentEngineer1Supervisor

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    'aintain ,og of contractor submitta,s!

    Deve,op and administer a 4ua,it. contro,(C# program!

    (a#/roofs of comp,iance

    (b#ua,i0cations of testing services

    (c# De0ne re4uired tests(d# 'aintain C reporting s.stem

    (e# 'aintain C records of a,, tests and testresu,ts

    (f# Estab,is* fre4uenc. of testing

    /*.sica,,. inspect a,, construction e"eryday#

    6bserve a,, contractor tests!

    Duties of the ResidentEngineer1Supervisor

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    'aintain dai,. diar. andconstruction records!

    'aintain record dra-ingdata!

    1espond to 1e4uests forInformation (1FI#!

    1evie- contractor progresspa.ment re4uests!

    1evie- contractor5s c*angeorder re4uests for design

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    Duties of the ResidentEngineer1Supervisor

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    Supervise inspection forces and0e,d o7ce sta8!

    1eport 0e,d conditions t*atprevent origina, construction!

    6n unit9price pro2ects+ obtainaccurate 0e,d measurements!

    6n a,, 2obs+ verif. contractor5s

    mont*,. -ork 4uantities!Assist sc*edu,ing and ordering

    re4uired 0e,d services!

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    Esta!lishment of detailed inspection procedures7

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    Estab,is*ment of detailed inspectionprocedures7

    ◦ Site Procedures manual;7,orms

    6ut,ine of acceptance:re2ection

    procedures! /reparation of a c*art s*o-ing a,,tests re4uired+

    ◦ (hen they are needed"

    ◦ the fre0uency of sampling and testing"◦ the material !eing tested" and

    ◦ .ho is o!ligated to perform the tests

    Esta!lishment of detailedinspection procedures

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    ! Estab,is*ment of -*o -i,, beresponsib,e

    ◦ for calling the la!oratory

    ◦ for pic)up of samples

    ◦ for testing"

    ◦  .ho .ill call for special inspectors.hen needed" and

    ◦  to .hom such outside people .ill !edirectly responsi!le on the pro5ect7

    Esta!lishment of detailedinspection procedures

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    Identication of .ho must

    physically prepare samples fortesting" the contractor or theinspectorJ and .hether thecontractor .ill provide a la!orerto assist the inspector in

    o!taining samples andtransporting samples for testing7

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    Construction Records

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    Esta!lishment of Pro5ectRecords;

    ◦ /rogress of t*e -ork 

    ◦ Tests of materia,s

    ◦ Diar.!

    ◦ ;og of submitta,s

    Construction ,ield +ce ,iles

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)



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    pPro5ect name and 5o! num!er7

    C,ient5s name (name of pro2ecto-ner#!

    Contractor5s name (genera,

    contractor on,.#!=ame of t*e /ro2ect 'anager fort*e design organi>ation!

    1eport number and date ofreport (use consecutivenum!ering'7

    Dai,. Construction1eports

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Da. of t*e -eek!

    Weat*er conditions (-ind+ *umidit.+temperature+ sun+ clouds" etc7'7

    Average 0e,d force+ bot*

    supervisor. and nonsupervisor.!◦ =ame of eac* contractor orsubcontractor on t*e 5o! that day7

    ◦ =umber of manua, -orkers (

    and apprentices' at the site7◦ =umber of non9manua, -orkers(superintendents and foremen' at the site7

    Dai,. Construction1eports

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    ;ist identit.+ si>e+ and ofa,, ma2or pieces ofconstruction e0uipment at thesite each day7 Indicate if idle" andreason" if applica!le7

    Dai,. Construction1eports

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    ;og a,, -ork commenced+status of a,, -ork in progress+and all ne. .or) started7

     Identify location of the .or) as.ell as its description" and .hichcontractor or su!contractor isperforming it7

    ?eep /rogress /*otograp*sSign t*e dai,. report -it*.our fu,, name+ tit,e+ and

    Quality Control in Construction

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    inimum Quality #evel isdescri!ed in the Specs7

     To insure that

    ◦ Quality assurance is re0uired

    ◦ This is !est carried out !y chec)ingcompliance .ith specications77

    Quality %ssurance

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    Is ensured !y77

    ◦ visual inspection"

    ◦ tests"

    ◦ certications"

    anufacturer’s installation instructions;◦ e/perience 0ualications

    ◦ ,actory inspections

    ◦ Samples and moc)up

    ◦ Certied la!oratory reports"◦ Certicate of compliance or conformance %nd guarantees;7


    i i li i d h l ! ld

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


     Testing is limited to those la!oratory or eld tests

    actually called for in the specications" or allo.ed !ythem7 Such tests may !e performed !y

    ◦  the contractor"

    ◦ the architect1engineer"

    ◦ the o.ner" or

    ◦ commercial testing la!oratories7 The specications determine .hich items are to !e

    tested" .hich tests and procedures apply" and there0uired levels of performance7 The specication alsodetermines .ho should perform the test7 Testing is

    necessary for any .or) that has a history of poorperformance and involves an assem!ly of productsfurnished !y more than one contractor" .here the endresult is critical7

    'anufacturer5s Insta,,ation Instructions

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    'anufacturer s Insta,,ation Instructions

    In many cases" the specication re0uires that theproduct manufacturer provide instructions for themethod of installation of products that are installed !ysu!contractors .ho are not directly aliated .ith the

    product manufacturer7 This provision is supposed to !eused only .here rigid adherence to the manufacturer’sinstructions is critical" .here product composition andconstruction create limitations not li)ely to !e

    understood !y the installer" and .here installationprocedures are comple/ or su!5ect to signicantvariations !et.een di8erent manufacturers

    Experience ua,i0cation

    % i li ti i i t th t

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    %n e/perience 0ualication is a re0uirement that a rm

    performing a certain type of .or) have an esta!lished reputationfor the successful completion of similar .or) for aspecied amount of time7 The use of an e/perience

    re0uirement is limited to those elds of .or) in .hich the a!ilityto do a certain amount of .or) in the time normally allo.ed" as.ell as competence in performing installations and services"

    re0uires a considera!le amount of previous e/perience7E/amples of such elds of .or) include<

    ◦ 'eta, curtain -a,,s

    ◦ Foundation pi,es

    ◦ De-atering

    ◦ /recast arc*itectura, concrete

    Ca,king and sea,ing◦ Spra.9on 0re protection

    ◦ ;aborator. e4uipment

    ◦ 'ec*anica, and e,ectrica, e4uipment

    Factor. Inspection

    + i ll t ti t t ll f i ti f

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    +ccasionally" a construction contract calls for inspection of

    production and fa!rication facilities at a manufacturer’s plant as partof the 0uality control re0uirements of the pro5ect7 The specicationmust tell the specic type of inspection to perform7 This provision isused for assuring the 0uality control of custom products of suchnature that onsite inspection or testing is either impossi!le orimpractical7 This provision is used mostly for large prefa!ricatedproducts that are fa!ricated especially for each pro5ect" .here it is

    impractical to perform tests and inspection at the 5o! site or at atesting la!oratory7 E/amples of such products are<

    ◦ /recast concrete pi,es

    ◦ Arc*itectura, precast concrete

    ◦ /recast+ pre9tensioned concrete members

    ◦ Fabricated stee, p,ate specia,s

    ◦ /ump station manifo,ds

    ◦ Concrete or asp*a,t concrete batc* p,ant faci,ities

    ◦ We,ded stee, tanks

    ◦ @.droe,ectric pro2ect e4uipment

    Samples and oc)up

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    =atural stone/recast concrete pane,s -it*exposed aggregate

    Concrete 0nis*esSpecia, -ood 0nis*es andcabinetr. standards

    Certi0ed ;aborator. Test 1eports

    This is a re0uirement !y .hich the contractor is as)ed to provide a

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


     This is a re0uirement !y .hich the contractor is as)ed to provide a

    certicate that indicates that a product meets specied 0ualityre0uirements for performance or physical or chemical standards.hen the su!mitted sample is tested in accordance .ith certainspecied la!oratory standard tests77 Re0uirements for thisprovision normally include a statement calling for e/act testmethods" minimum level of performance" and identication of theproduct to !e tested to !e sure that it is the same as the one to !eused in construction7 In addition" the tests are re0uired to !eperformed !y a recogniAed independent testing la!oratoryaccepta!le to the design rm or the o.ner7 E/amples of materialsthat may re0uire such certied reports are<

    ◦ Concrete reinforcing stee,

    ◦ Structura, stee,

    ◦ Sound contro, ratings of materia,s◦ Fire9spread ratings of materia,s

    ◦ /o,.vin., c*,oride materia,s for -ater9stops

    ◦  'asonr. units

    Certi0cate of Comp,iance or Conformance

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    6nder these provisions" the contractor is re0uired toprovide a certicate that says that the product complies.ith a specied reference standard7 It is necessarilylimited to products of standard manufacture for .hich

    0uality can !e clearly assured !y the manufacturer"installation is not critical" and 5o! testing is neither

    necessary nor 5ustied7 E/amples of such products .ouldinclude<

    ◦ ,ass

    ◦ /aint◦ A,uminum -indo-s

    ◦ Wood

    WarrantiesB uarantees

    The terms #arranty and "uarantee are oten erroneously used

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


     The terms #arranty and "uarantee are oten erroneously usedinterchangea!ly in construction contracts and are often used to referto the maintenance and repair o!ligations of the contractor for aspecic period of time after the completion of construction7 The@eneral Conditions of the contract on most pro5ects include specicre0uirements governing contractor .arranties or guarantees7 ,or thepurposes of this denition" the term #arranty #ill be used to describethis provision7 T.o types of .arranties are recogniAed under the la.<

    ◦Imp,ied -arranties

    ◦ Express -arranties

     The term implied #arranties means that the "oods must be capa!le ofpassing in trade under the contract description and are t for thepurpose intended7

    %xpress #arranties are those that are specically set forth in thecontract itselfJ they are in common use for many constructioncontracts7 (arranties are generally for pac)aged items such as .aterheaters and compressors7

    WarrantiesB uarantees

    (here the industry practice is to furnish a

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    (here the industry practice is to furnish a

    .arranty for an item" the re0uirement for such a

    .arranty may !e included in the specications7%n e/press .arranty is a means of achievinggood procurement results !y ma)ing thecontractor responsi!le for its .or) and for

    failures of its .or) during some part of its usefullife7

     The primary disadvantage of .arranties is thatthey are often unenforcea!le7 oreover" a

    .arranty clause costs money in the form ofhigher !id prices" and it cannot !e demonstratedthat the o.ner recovers the cost of .arranty7

    Change +rders&*ariations'% h d i itt

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    % change order is a .rittenagreement to modify" add to" orother.ise alter the .or) fromthat set forth in the contract

    documents at the time of opening!ids" provided such alteration can!e considered to !e .ithin the

    scope of the original pro5ectJ

    Change +rders&*ariations'C* 6 d

  • 8/18/2019 Construction Site Supervision Handout (2)


    C*ange 6rders

    % change order is a formal

    document that alters somecondition of the contractdocuments7 The change ordermay alter the contract price"schedule of payments"

    completion date" or the plans andspecications7

    Change +rders&*ariations'The follo ing are common categories

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     The are common categoriesor conditions that generally give rise tothe need for a contract change order<

    ◦ Di8ering site conditions

    Errors and omissions in plans and specs◦ Changes instituted !y regulatory agencies

    ◦ Design changes

    ◦ +verruns1underruns in 0uantities !eyond

    limits◦ ,actors a8ecting time of completion

    Change +rders&*ariations'Each change order must !e evaluated

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    Each change order must !e evaluated

    individuallyJ ho.ever" there are certain!asic principles that apply to the handlingof all types of change orders7

    ◦ =o -ork s*ou,d be inc,uded be.ond t*e

    scope of t*e !ase contract" particularly onpu!lic .or)s contracts7

    ◦ T*e identit. of t*e individua,s aut*ori>edto re4uest and approve change orders should!e esta!lished early7 Such information should !e

    provided to the contractor’s superintendent orforeman and the o.ner’s Resident Pro5ectRepresentative7

    Change +rders&*ariations'During the preconstruction conference a meeting

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    During the preconstruction conference" a meeting

    should !e held to esta!lish the change orderhandling procedures7

    A,, c*anges in t*e -ork must be aut*ori>edin -riting prior to the e/ecution of any change7

    T*e scope of a c*ange order must be c,ear+and a re4uest for a change order proposalshould contain enough information to ena!le thecontractor to ma)e a realistic estimate7

    T*e contractor s*ou,d submit its proposa, to

    execute a change order as soon as possi!le afterreceiving the re0uest" and the o.ner’s approval orre5ection should follo. as soon as possi!le7

    Change +rders&*ariations'T*e proposa, s*ou,d be fair It s*ou,d

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    T*e proposa, s*ou,d be fair! It s*ou,d

    recogni>e t*e contractor5s right toinclude overhead and prot percentagesin change order estimates and in time andmaterial change order !illings7 It should

    also !e recogniAed that the contractor isentitled to compensation for legitimatetime4delay claims" processing of deductchange orders" costs of disposing of

    removed material" and all other legitimatecosts incurred in the e/ecution of thechange

     Types of Changes &*ariations'

    Directed c*anges A directed c*ange is

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    Directed c*anges! A directed c*ange is

    eas. to identif.! The o.ner directs thecontractor to perform .or) that di8ers fromthat specied in the contract or is an additionto the .or) specied7 % directed change may

    also !e deductive in natureJ that is" it mayreduce the scope of .or) called for in thecontract7 In the case of a directed change"there is no 0uestion that a change occurred7Disagreements tend to center on 0uestionsof nancial compensation and the e8ect ofthe change on the construction schedule7

     Types of Changes &*ariations'

    Constructive c*anges A constructive c*ange

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    Constructive c*anges! A constructive c*ange

    is an informal act authoriAing or directing amodication to the contract caused !y an act orfailure to act7 In contrast to the mutually recogniAed

    need for a change" certain acts or failure to act !y

    the o.ner that increase the contractor’s cost and1or

    time of performance may also !e consideredgrounds for a change order7 This is termed aconstructive chan"e and must be claimed in #ritin"

    by the contractor .ithin the time specied in thecontract documents in order to !e considered7 The

    o.ner should evaluate a change order proposal!ased on such a claim and can use the samereasoning process as .ith any other proposal7

     Types of Constructive Changes

    ◦ Defective plans and specications

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    ◦ Defective plans and specications

    ◦ Engineer’s interpretation

    ◦ 9igher standard of performance thanspecied

    ◦ Improper inspection and re5ection◦ Change in the method of


    Change in the construction se0uence◦ +.ner nondisclosure

    ◦ Impossi!ility1impractica!ility ofperformance

    E;E'E=TS 6F A C@A=E 61DE1

    % change order species the agreed upon

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    % change order sp