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Connotations Photo Exercise

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StrengthThis photo represents the word strength because there are the words “I am not weak. I am a woman” which shows you standing up for woman's rights. The other canvas in this image says “I am not a special snow flake. I am nonbinary” this also show the standing up for woman's rights and showing that together we have the strength to achieve a change in society.This shot is a straight on close up as you cannot see all of the two canvas’ but it is not on an angle.

Page 3: Connotations photo exercise

Poverty This photo shows the word poverty because you can see the decomposing shoe which symbolises that not everyone can afford to replace shows when theirs break, whereas other people can afford to buy a pair of shoes then throw them away when they become dirty. This shot is a medium shot that is straight on, because you can see the whole of the broken-down shoe. There is no angle to the photo so its at eye-level.

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LoveThis photo represents love to me because you can see a girl and a boy close together and the boy is helping the girl with her work. There is clearly a connection between them because of how close they are.This shot is a medium shot as you can see from their waist upwards and this is also an eye-level shot but from the side and not straight on.

Page 5: Connotations photo exercise

Fear This photo shows fear because it appears to have one girl about to hit another girl with a piece of cardboard. The first girl seems to be angry and the second girl seems to be fearing for her safety. This shot is a medium shot as you can see both their torsos and their heads, this is also at eye-level going straight on. You can see them both from the side which means you can see more of them.

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DesireThis photo shows desire because you have the desire to win the trophies and want them to be yours. You can also say that you have the desire to have the gold because everyone wants to be rich and come first.This shot is a close up because can only see some of the trophies whereas there was lots more in the cabinet. We didn’t use flash because you would have seen the reflection in the glass, there is a slight reflection on the glass in the left hand side which doesn’t look as nice.

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This photo represents danger because of the truck going past at a fast pace, the photo was creating by using the shutter speed. We played around and got the result we wanted. We thought that this made the photo look more dangerous because roads are busy and in a split second they can change. This is a low angle shot which makes the truck look even more terrifying. This shot is also at a medium distance as you can see most of the truck but not all of the end and top.

Page 8: Connotations photo exercise


This photo shows wealth because you can see that he has a posh camera and although that doesn’t mean that your wealthy it shows that you must have some wealth to be able to own a new up-to-date camera. This shot is a close up although it isn’t an extreme close up, it is still pretty close. The angle is in between high and straight on because it is just at a small angle.

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WeaknessThis photo is showing weakness by falling for peer pressure. A boy is in a restricted area and he also seems to be running, this could be because he doesn’t want to get caught or is just generally scared. The boy is slightly blurry which draws our attention to the sign. This shot is a close up at a low angle and this makes the viewer see more of a danger in the photo.

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This photo shows loneliness because there is a girl sitting by herself on a bench and she seems to be looking of into the distance. This photo seems to be quite dark which more of a gloomy and sad look to it.This shot is straight on and a medium shot as you can see her back and the back of her head.

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Friendship This photo shows friendship because there is two girls walking together and they seem to be getting on pretty well as they are walking quite close together. This shot is at eye-level and is a long shot as you can see the whole of their bodies.

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Purity This photo shows purity because it is bright and there is a close up of a tree. The tree symbolises purity because it is pure and simple and has no worries in life. This shot is a close up with a high angle because it was taken whilst we were stood up. You can see some of the grass but you cant see anything else.

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Greed This photo is showing greed because there is a boy who seems to be hording all of the sweets in front of him. The boy seems to be wanting the food and not wanting to share anything, therefore being greedy. This shot is a close up of the food and the boy although the boy isn’t actually, fully in the photo. There is straight on look about the photo because you can see there isn’t any angle to it.