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In the Maller of:

.J J ,

St. Simeon's Episcopal Church



James R. Connell


Admissions Statement

Comes now, James R. Connell to Admit onto Evidence, as per Wisconsin Rules of Evidence, Denials to

any and all false allegations lodged upon my self, by Bonita Aude, Ronald Machaud, Robert Hoakstra,

Wayne Muclcr, and or any other representati ve of the Church of St. Simeon's, Constituting Fraud Upon

"Ibis Court, Abuse of Process, Perjury, and False Swearing; as made Evident to this Court byAdmissions, contradictory in and of them selves.

On the date of February 6, 2011 during a discussion as to Church Politics, I was verbally assaulted,

intimidated, put in a state of fear for my safety and well being by this mob like behavior of these

"witnesses" each Conspiring with each other to paint me as the aggressor, with knowledge, that I had

brought my concerns to them selves, and the Congregation as to fraudulent Acts, Behavior

Unbecoming of a Church, Church Elders, Church Leaders, Vestry Members, and others whereby by lies

and omissions these individuals have been maintaining outside of Community and Congregation

expectations based upon not only Church Canon, but as to the basic Moral and Ethical Fiber

Communities arc founded upon.

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In the Matter of:

St. Simeon's Episcopal Church



lames R. Connell


Admissions Statement

Comes now, James R. Connell to Admit onto Evidence, a') per Wisconsin Rules of Evidence One

Outline of Events of James Connell.

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James Connell

Outline of Events preceding Order of Protection sought by Bob Hoakstra and subsequent fraudulent

facilitation of Criminal Proceedings.

On or about November 21, 2010 James Connell contacts Father Usher to inquire as to what Jim should

expect from the church as to recognition and relief in regards to family issues and strife. At this pointin lime, James Connell never makes reference to l loakstra or St. Sirncons Church during this telephone

conversation Jim, at this time is asking for help from his Church.

On or about November 28'",2010, James Connell asks Fr. Hoakstra at the Church following services if

Hoakstra can meet with him regarding his Family Issues, Hoakstra suggests they meet at Noon on this

day at his office at the Chippewa Manor. During this encounter at the church, establishing the

appointment later this day, Fr. Hoakstra asks James why he had contacted Father Usher, during the

previous week. James' response was to again inquire as to why his family was not being recognized in

their hour of need by the Church and or it's Leadership. This again, falls on deaf cars.

At Noon, on or about November 28t1 1 , 2010 James meets with Father Hoakstra at his office at the

Chippewa Manor, whereby Father Hoakstra stales that he has observed this couple together at church

services and functions and therefore surmises that there is no marital discord. although it is common

knowledge, within, and throughout the community and St. Simeons that Karen Connell had petitioned

for Divorce as far back ac ; May 26 t1 1, 2 0 1 0. This meeting had been at the behest of James Connell as a

plea for help. solace, compassion, understanding and in recognition of his Family's plight and here this

pseudo-Father is telling him that he is not observing discord, therefore the divorce petition and related

issues must not exist????? This flabbergasts James and leaves him in a further state of helplessness as

his own Church is seeming to tum its back on he and his family. during their hour of most need,

contrary to any pre-conceived notions he had held about the Church and its functional ability.

At this time, Father Hoekstra advices James not to expect any intervention or counsel offered to Karen

from him self. This meeting his concluded without resolve or referral to alternative resources for this

family in need.

On Wednesday, December I, 20 1a Father Usher returns the prior call of James Connell regarding the

prior conversation, and subsequent messages left by James in regards to recent devdopments(only one

of which involved Pastor-Client Privilege) and request to establish a meeting between him self, Father

Usher, and Father Hoakstra. At this point, James asks Father Usher where his knowledge is derived as

to Father Ifoakstra being his Priest, and St. Sirncons being his Church, whereby Father Usher responds

that he had seen James' name in passing. Jim then inquires as to the Pastor-Client Privilege and is told

that this privilege only goes one way and that according to Usher's interpretation of Church rulcs,hc

was perfectly within his Bounds to have divulged James' confidences, however James is Bound from

questioning his actions, and the actions of Iloakstra, regardless of intent.

At this time, James asks Father Usher whom the other members of the Standing Committee are and is

refused this knowledge, without reason or justification of any kind.

To conclude this phone conversation, Father Usher offers to establish a meeting between him self,

James Connell and Father Hoakstra the next day, Thursday, December 2, at 5:10p.m. Jim asks who

should contact Hoakstra whereby Father Usher advises James to do this. James then calls Hoakstra and

speaks directly to him, on this date, relaying the message "Father Usher has requested a meeting at

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your otficc a t 5 :3 0p.m . Tomorrow . Fa the r I loakstra docs not disagree .

On Dcccmbcr P , ~OlO. James m ee ts w ith a divorce attorney in Menomonie a t app rox ima t e ly 4:00p.m.

As necessa ry to sign docum ents relating 10 h is F am il y Court case. About an hour after t his m e e tin g,

Jim arrives in C hippewa Fa lls a t H oakstra 's office to lind the orlice is da rk and no one is the re . a t which

tim e he ca lls Fa the r l l oakstra to de te rm ine his \ vhe reabouts, whereby Fa the r l l oakstra becomes enraged

and sta te s tha t he has no in ten tions to mee t and unbeknownst to Jam es, hangs up, leaving Jim to assumehis ce ll phone had dropped the ca ll a s is common with this provide r, which prompts Jam es to ca ll

H oakstra hack in orde r to apologize only to encounte r aggression and hostility w ith threa ts to ca ll the

police which le ft Jam es bew ilde red a t such odd behavior com ing from one proposed to he a pilla r of the


O n Friday, D ecem ber J, 2010 Jim ca lls Fa the r l l oakstra whereby 1loakstra asks him to ca ll him at his

office the next day. Jim ca lls his office and a mee ting is scheduled for December 7 ' 1 1 , 2010 a t 4:3 0 p.m .

O n Sunday, D ecember 5 , 2010 Jim arrives ea rly to tum on the hea t in the Church as his his (lonna I

routine . 1foekstra spots Jim first, and asks him wha t he is doing the re to which Jim replie s "this is my

C hurch" meekly having not expected such a question. A t this tim e , once aga in Jim fee ls intim ida tedand a t a loss for words, and when asked if he w ill he a ttending the E arly M ass, Jim declined , thinking

tha t pe rhaps, H oekstra him se lf could usc the extra time to lighten his own burden from this seem ingly

da rk and tw isted soul.

R e t w een this time , and the R egula rly scheduled Service Jim runs in to the W arden of the Church ,

W ayne M ue le r , and asks him to conside r removing Fa the r H oekstra due to viola tion of trusts and

confidences, re fusa l to hclp his fam ily whilst in the ir hour of need. and due to fee ling Priest R idden by

th is strange r, whom up to this poin t appea rs a s not only a Fa lse Shephe rd, but some kind of tyrant. Jim

asks M ucle r to compe l the V estry to file a compla int on his beha lf a lte r the re is done a ga the ring of

facts. M uclcr re fuses to notify the V estry.

Jim la te r a ttended the R egula r Se rvice and notices tha t during the regu la r P eace tim e , Fa the r H oakstra

did not sha re this tim e w ith anyone , and appea red 10 sulk instead, slum ped over, and acting ve ry stand-


O n Tuesday, December 7. 2010 Jim arrived first a t the church, and notices tha t H oakstra and Usher

a rrive in Ushe r's ca r having trave led toge the r, a lthough prio r to th is, Jim was under the impression tha t

the re was no persona l a ffilia tion, whereby he fdt sa fe in contacting Usher in rega rds to the Politica l

A genda of Hoekstra outside of the norm a l C hurch business, form erly assumed to be R ighteous in

na ture , ra the r than Se lf-R ighteous. During this m ee ting , Fa the r H oekstra is constantly on edge ,

aggressive in na ture , whereby he appea rs to not be able to sit still , and extrem e ly agita ted . During this

hour long mee ting , Jim aga in inquires about Pastor-C lient P rivilege , and is aga in told tha t this only

applie s to him be ing bound not to speak about the on-goings, of church officia ls, a s pe r C anons. This

be ing the first tim e Jim hea rs this word used in such a contex t. A lso during this tim e l loaksra asks why

Jim would question M achaud be ing on the V estry outside of pe rce ived te rm lim its, whereby Jim asks

then, wha t the rules a re , expla ining tha t yea rs ea rlie r B illiia ll w as disqua lified for exceeding te rm

lim its. Jim having been a t this C hurch, and a ttending regula rly lor the past decade .

A t th is time Jim makes C ompla int to U she r tha t H oakstra had been recognizing marriages of C le rgy.

however, seem ed to he in ignorance of the C onne ll Fam ily marita l issues, and ongoing strife , a lthough

recently the re had been Ce lebra tion of othe r m arriages, annive rsa ry and such within this SM ALL

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Church Community, \...hereby there had always been maintained the "smalltown" auitude and every

one was gi VCIl k nowlcdge/kncw th e Celebrations and N eeds of members, and in fact -duriug recent

communications, Hoakstra was personally mack aware of the Connell Family hea rtache and had

refused to o ffe r any c ou ns el. s ola ce , or respite and had instead appea red to take an a gg re ss iv e p os itio n

him self as evidenced he re in to vilify Jim, and deny the Connell Family evert the sm alle st io ta of

support .

Sunday, D ecember 12 ,2010 Jim approaches l Ioakstra a fte r C hurch se rv ices, and asks when the next

V estry mee ting was, and asked to he put on the agenda .

A t th is m ee ting, .lim asks the Church V estry if he can make peanut brittle as he had been driven out of

h is home hy this time , during the Fam ily Court C ase . This is mutua lly agreed to w ith Bonita A udc

displaying the most pleasure a t this suggestion, and H oekstra jokingly com menting during this public

forum tha t Jim would have to sha re w ith the C hurch.

Jim inquires a t this tim e as to the business structure of St. S im eon 's as to whom the Cha irm an and

Secre ta ry a rc, and is told Hoekstra is the C ha irm an, and tha t K a thy Krushinsky is the secre ta ry . Jim

asks how many members the re a rc on the V estry, the length 'of the ir te rm s, and how many arc requiredto make up a quorum . The answers given a t this tim e , a rc tha t the re a re ten members of the V estry, fifty

pe rcen t m ain ta in a quorum , and no one voluntee red any inform ation as to tenn lim its. A t this tim e Jim

asks for a copy of the Church C anons, and how many te rm s the currenl (and present) V estry m embers

had se rved. I loakstra sta te s a t th is tim e he w ill p rovide this inform ation a t a la te r da te , a lthough no less

than seven of the tcn members were present, and able to answer this question on the ir own accord .

Jim begins to question he re the lack of transpa rency as to spending issues, and compla ins in rega rds to

the weekly bulle tin , and tha t this tool. no longe r gave mention of those in need, those in need of praye r,

and tha t those in need seemed to now he ignored, by such om ission. Jim inquires he re about the new

lack of recognition for those having birthdays, annive rsa rie s, e tc. directed tow ard H oakstra , w hereby

aga in, the re is no response , except a gla re of ange r from Hoakstra . I Ie a lso inquired as to \ ....a thappened to the H aiti project, once aga in , as to pa tte rns and practice . this a lso t : 1 1 l S on deaf ea rs, and

the re is m ade no reply. A t this tim e , Jim asks why the Church had invested ill C ompute r equipment to

mainta in the bulle tin, for th is new technology to go un-used, and H oakstra to print wha t he wanted the

church members to sec, a t his office a t the C hippewa M anor.

Jim next brings up a t this m ee ting, the question as to disqua lifica tion of B ill H a ll once aga in. whereby

M ichaud a ttempts to justify his actions, and behavior as a hypocrite , m a inta ining tha t B ill H a ll w as

some how villa inous, and was not d isqua lified due to exceeding the te rm lim its, a lthough Jim was the re

when it happened , knew tha t B ill had been disqua lified , then vilified, just as they were a ttempting upon

his own pe rson a t this tim e , based on lie s, and om issions of these ve ry people , speaking out of both

sides of the ir mouths. Jim then sta ted tha t the "C hurch owed the H a lls a public apo logy", for such

abhorrent behavior, unbecom ing of any community, especia lly one Bound by God, such as this C hurch

was supposed to be . This fe ll on deaf ea rs, amongst angry g la res.

Jim requests copies of the C hurch C anons tw ice more a lte r th is da te , w ithout rece iving the Canons,

whereby he is forced to gamer them from an outside source .

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On or about January <)'h JUII is when Jim garners these Canons, and on the Janurary II, 20 II contacts

Bishop Leidcl lor the first time in writing.

January 2C)'h, 2011, Jim receives the letter ofresponse from Bishop Lcidel (admitted as evidence)

On January 10, 20 II just prior to the Annual Meeting, and before Church Services Bonita Audc

appeared to need help carrying her packages in preparation for the Pol Luck Dinner later on in this day,

whereby Jim offers to help, as is normal, however, Bonita Aude at this time acts as if she is repulsed by

sueh human compassion. Jim finds out why she was so adverse to humanity at the Annual Meeting

when Hoakstra outlines his "new rules" in regards to the Vestry, to which Jim stands in objection to as a

man wearing the Armor of God.

Ephesians 6

llPut on the whole armour of God, that yc may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. !1For

we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of

the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13Whcrefore take unto you the

whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14Stand therefore. having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of

righteousness; lSAnd your feel shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16Abovc all. taking

the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17And take

the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

At this time, Jim reads the Open Letter to the Congregation ofSt. Simeon's (admitted onto evidence).

To whieh Bonita Aude, llannalora Muder spoke in defense of Hoakstra. Jim reads the Church Canons,

, verifying the true election rules, then inquires as to an additional nomination, at which time Wayne

Mucler, Warden states elections were closed. elections were then held, which were Immediately

contested by James Connell and a member of the Vestry, Jeff Erbs. Hoakstra attempts to remove James

Connell from this meeting, and states a') to Criminal Coercion "if these objections do not stop, you will

be asked to leave" and at this point, Jim leaves, feeling intimidated, and once again Priest Ridden by

this bully.

Father Hoekstra attempts to play Delphi with the Congregation after having done what he had done,

and sends out an email on January 3 1 , 20 II to the Congregation.

Which prompts Jim to write the letter to Iloakstra, that triggered this hypocrite, and conspiring actors,

into garnering a Restraining order, in an attempt to cover his fraudulent, a nd deceitful behavior, and

actions against not only James Connell and his family in their hour of need, but against St. Simeon's

and this Community this false shepherd is leading as a whole.

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In the Matter of:

1 , .


St. Simeon's Episcopal Church


CASE NO. 2011cvooo 113

James R. Connell


Motion To Impeach Witness, Testimony, Declarations

Comes now, James R. Connell upon Motion to Impeach Witness, Testimony, Declaration of the named

Witnesses Robert Hoakstra, Ronald Michaud, and Bonita Audc due in part to Witness Tampering, at the

February 21, 20 II hearing as admitted as Evidence in these matters page 29 Lines 9 through 1S. and

also due to Contradictory Statements of these three witnesses, and hearsay of other Admitted Evidencein these matters, one original restraint petition, and one Chippewa County Sherin's Department

Investigative Report.

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In the Matter of:1 i; , "

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SL Simeon's Episcopal Church



C A S E NO. 20 II C VO OO 1 1J

James R. Connell


Admissions Statement

Comes now, James R. Connell to Admit onto Evidence, as per Wisconsin Rules of Evidence, The

Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Eau Claire.

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THE CONSTITUTION AND CANONS \t1 \ \ ,.... \_ ,\ T :

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Revised bi-~~e1'~th Convention of the Diocese of Eau Claire

. 'Iff . November 10-11, 2006

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Table of Contents


ARTICU: II Of tile Convention -1

ARTI( :U': III Of a Special Convention 4

ARTICLE IV Of the Members of the Convention ·1

ARTICI.F V Of the Officers of the Convention and of the Diocese S

ARTI( :1.[ VI or the Transaction of Convention Business ()

ARTICI.F VII Of the Admission and Exclusion ofCongregations 7

ARTICLE VIII Of the Election of a Bishop 7

ARTICLE IX Of the Trustees ofThe Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Lau Claire 7

ARTICLE X Of Temporal Properties. X

ARTICLE Xl or Alterations and Amendments, and Repeal ')


Canon 1: Of the Conuniuees of the Convention 10

Canon 2: Of the Clerical Members of the Convention 10

Canon :L Of the Lay Members of the Convention I ()

Calion 4: Of Questions Relating to Membership II

Canon ): Of Non-Attendance II

Canon 6: Of the Services, Order of Business, and Rules uf Order of the Convention II

Canon 7:Of Elections 12

Canon X: Of the Election of a Bishop U

Canon 9: Of the Diocese of Eau Claire, Inc. 16

Canon 10: Of the Vice President. the Secretary and the Treasurer 17

Canon II: Of the Diocesan Executive Council 17

Canon 12: Of the Finance Commission 19

Calion IJ: or the Convocations 19

Canon 14: Of the Standing Committee 19

Canon 15: Of the Deputies 10 the General Convcnuon and the Provincial Synod 20

Canon 16: Of the Other Officers 20

Canon 17: Of the New Congregational Development Board 20

Canon IH : Of the Committee 011 Constitution and Canons 21

Canon 19: Of the Commission 011 Ministry and the Examining Chaplains 21

Canon 20: Of Guardianships 22

Calion 21: Of Bundy Hall 22

Canon 22: Of the Conununicatious Department 22Canon 23 Of Meetings by Committees, Commissions, and Councils 22

Canon 24: Of the Appointment and Election of Chairpersons 2J

Canon 25: Of the Cathedral 2J

Canon 26: Of Burial Grounds 24


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Canon 27: Of Congregations 25

Canon 28: Of the Organizing of Congregations 26

Canon 29: Of the Lay Offi('crs of Congregations 27

Canon 30: Of the Annual Congregational Meeting 28

Canon 31: Of Special Congregational Meetings 29

Canon 32: Of the Canonical Parish Register and [he Annual Parochial Report 10

Canon 33 Of the Reduction and Dissolution of Congregations 31

Canon 34: Of Memorials 31

Canon 35: Of the Priest in Charge of a Congregation 32

Canon 36: Of the Election and Call of a Priest in charge of a Congregation and/or Curate

:nCanon 37: Of the Priest's Discretionary Fund 34


Canon 38: Of General Financial Regulations

Canon 39: Of the funds of the Diocese

Canon 40: Of the Apportionment

Canon 41 : Of the Church Pension Fund

Canon 42: Of the finances of Aided Congregations

Canon 41: Ofthe Bishop's Discretionary Fund

Canon 44: Of General Regulations Regarding Records and Reports









Canon 45: Of Repelled Communicants 38

Canon 46: Of the Dissolution of the Pastoral Relation 38

Canon 47: Of Complaints Against Members of the Clergy or Laity 40Canon 48: Of Ecclesiastical Discipline 40

Canon 49: Of Renunciation of the Ministry by Members of the Clergy Amenable for an

Offense 41

Canon 50: Of Policies and Procedures Concerning Allegations and Incidents of Sexual

Misconduct 41

Canon 51: Of Alterations and Amendments 42

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'I'll E ('O;\STITl JT(()N


Of the Diocese

That part of the Holy Catholic Church known in law as The Episcopal Church, situated in the

portion of the Stale of Wisconsin lying West and North of, and including, the counties of

Iron, Price, Taylor; Clark. Jackson, Juneau and Vernon, constitutes the Diocese ofEau

Claire; and as such accedes to the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church ..


Of the Convention

The legislative power of the Diocese shall be vested in the Convention which shall he held

annually at such place and time as the Ecclesiastical Authority shall designate.

ARTICLE IIIor a Special Convention

Section I.The Bishop may call a Special Convention and shall do so when required by the

Standing Committee.

Section 2. Ir the Sec he vacant, or the Bishop he incapacitated, the Standing Corn IIIirtce shall

have power to call a Special Convention.

Section 3. At least thirty (30) days' notice of a Special Convention shall be given to the

Clergy of the Diocese and to the Wardens of each Congregation. Such notice shall designate

the time, place, and purpose of the Special Convention, and no other business shall be

considered thereat except with unanimous consent ofthe members.


Of the Members of the Convention

Section I. The Convention shall he composed of certified members of both Orders, Clerical

and Lay.

Section 2. The Clerical members shall he: the Bishop and all other active and retired Clergy

canonically and physically resident of, or assigned to Congregations in, the Diocese and il l

good sta ndin g.

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Section J. The Lay members shall be Deputies chosen III accordance with the Canons of this

Diocese, hy the Congregations ill union with the:Convention. They shall be adult

communicants in good standing, of the Congregation from which they an: chosen; and not

Postulants or Candidates for Holy Orders.

Section 4. The number of Deputies, together with the elections of Deputies, and the tilling of

vacancies, sha II he done in accordance with the Canons of the Diocese.

Section 5. No Deputy shall be allowed to vote in any session of any Convention or Special

Convention, if the Congregation sending such a deputy is not current in its apportionment

payments or for the two years next preceding has failed to make its annual report to the


Section 6. Only those persons, Clerical or Lay, not under ecclesiastical censure or process;

shall he scaled in any Convention.

Section 7. The Convention shalt be the sole judge of thc election and qualification of its


Section H. I.ay members elected in accordance with this Article shall serve until the next

Convention and shall act as deputies to any Special Convention called.


Of the Officers of the Convention and of the Diocese

Section I.The Bishop shall he the President of the Convention and shall have a vote therein.

Section 2. The President of the Standing Committee shall be the Vice-President of the

Convention. If the See be vacant, or the Bishop be absent or unable to act, the Vice-

President of the Convention shall be the President pro tempore.

Section 3. The elective officers shall be as follows:

a) the Secretary

b) the Treasurer

c) the Standing Committee

d) the Trustees of the Diocese

c) the elective members of the Executive Council of the Diocese of Eau Claire, Inc.

f) the Deputies to the Provincial Synod

g) the Deputies to [he General Convention

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Sectiou 4. Thc a pp oin tiv e officers w ho sha ll be appointed hy the President with the consent

of the Convention sha ll be

a) the H istoriographer

b) the Chance llor of the D Iocese , w ho sha ll be it member of rh c Stale Bar of Wisconsin

Section 5 . The duties of the office rs sha ll be those pre scribed hy the C onstitution and C anons

of The Episcopa l C hurch and of this D iocese , by resolution of Convention, or by the B ishop.

Section 6. Unless o the rw ise specified, the te rm of office sha ll ill eve ry case he one year, o r

until the office is fille d by a d ul y q ua lif ie d successor.

Section 7. Any adult comm unicant in good standing of this D iocese sha ll be e ligible to hold


Section 8. Any lay officer not a m em ber of the C onvention shall he entitled to a s ca t th er ein ,

and the right to speak on m atte rs pe rta ining to his/he r office , bUI not the right to vote.

Section 9. A ll e lections sha ll be by ba llot, unless the same be dispensed w ith by unanimous


Section 10. A ny Convention or Specia l Convention may remove any office r by a tw o-thirds

vote of those present and voting.

Section II. U nless othe rw ise provided for ill the Constitution and Canons of the D iocese , the

unexpired te rm of any e lected office r who does not comple te the same sha ll he filled by

appointm ent by the D iocesan Executive Council upon the nom ina tion of the B Ishop.


O f the Transaction of Convention Business

Section I. A t any C onvention a ma jority of the C le rgy of the I )IOCCSC entitled to vote , and a

majority of the tota l number of authorized Deputies of the Congrega tions entitled to send

such D eputie s sha ll be nece ssa ry for a quorum ; prov ided, however, tha t a sm a lle r number

may adjourn from day to day for th re e days, for the purpose of obta ining a quorum .

Section 2. The C le rica l and Lay members sha ll de libe ra te as one body except as provided in

the fo llow ing section. TIle votes of a ma jority of the membe rs present and voting sha ll be

decisive , unless othe rw ise provided in the Constitution and C anons of this D iocese .

Section 3 . W hen a vote by orde rs is required, the C le rica l and Lay mem bers sha ll vote

separa te ly. E ach member of e ach orde r sha ll he entitled to one vote , and the concurrence of a

m ajority in e ach orde r sha ll be necessa ry for a decision .

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Section 4. The vote shall he taken by orders when called tor by thre e (.\) members of the

( .onvcntion.

Section 5. Whenever an appeal is taken from a decision of the President, il must he seconded

hy at least three members; and a two-thirds vole of all members present and voting shall he

necessary to sustain the appeal.

ARTICI ,..: \,11

Of the Admission and Exclusion of Congregations

Section l.The Convention may. by a vote by orders, admit new Congregations into union

with it, when they have presented satisfactory evidence of their compliance with the

canonical requirements.

Section 2. Any Congregation may b e suspended from representation in the Convention, or itsconnection with the Diocese wholly dissolved, by a vote by orders for causes specified by

Canon. The Convention may, by a like vote, restore to such Congregation its status and


Section 3. If at any time it shall appear to the Bishop that any of the conditions essential by

Canon to the admission of Congregations into Union with the Convention shal l have failed

for a period of three consecutive years in any Congregation, the Bishop shall follow such

procedure as the Canons direct for the dissolution of the Congregation as such if in the

Bishop's judgment such action shall be necessary.


Of the Election of a Bishop

Section 1. The election of a Bishop, Bishop Coadj utor, or Suffragan Bishop lor this I)ioccse

shall he made in the annual Diocesan Convention, or i n a special Convention called for this


Section 2. The nomination and election of a Bishop shall b e made only in compliance with

the Canons of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Eau Claire.


or the Trustees of The Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Eau Claire

Section 1. The Corporation known as "The Trustees of The Episcopal Church in the Diocese

of Eau Claire" is hereby empowered and may take and hold title to all land and other

property belonging to the Diocese and its ~i~ongrcgations except for current operating

funds needed by the Diocese of Eau Claire, Inc., for the purposes and the manner hereinafter

specified by the Canons of the Diocese. In addition. said Corporation is entrusted with, and

shall have charge of all endowment funds of the Diocese now provided, with any addition

which may accrue from any investment thereof. Said Corporation may for investment

purposes only lake charge of and manage endowment, trust, bequest and other monies

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belonging to any Conglegarion III the Droccsc.spun the approval.of.theVestry of the

Congregation placlllg the func1s Such tunds shall be subject Inmanagement charges 11 1 the

same manner as Diocesan endowment funds and all net income earned 011 the same shall he

remitted 10 the Congregation owning the sallie.

Section 2. At each Convention there shall he elected two persons, communicants in good

standing, to serve as Trustees of the Diocese; and the persons so elected shall serve for a

period of two years

Section ]. The lour Trustees thus elected together with the Bishop and Chancellor shall serve

as a SIx-man Board of Directors of said Corporation but in case of a tic vole the chancellor's

vote shall not he counted. The Bishop shall serve as President ex officio of the Corporation

and a Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected from among the four elected Trustees hy said

Trustees, Three members present, Iwo of whom shall be elected members, shall constitute a

quorum for transacting all business.

Section 4. All Trust funds in the custody of said Corporation shall be invested in the manner

prescribed by law for the investment of trust funds,

Section 5. The Trustees shall present to each Convention a report showing the funds and

properties owned by said Corporation which report shall be printed IIIthe Journal. They shall

keep a complete and accurate record of the titles of all real estate held hy the Corporation and

a record of all insurance coverage 011 property owned thereby.

Section 6. The Trustees as Directors and Officers of said Corporation shall have no power to

permit any property or funds thereof 10 be conveyed, encumbered or to be q~ for ! l . O Y ~thcr '

,.purposes·than that for which such property or f~nds were giv(2), secured or bequeathed,

except when authorized hy the Bishop acting with the approval of the Standing Committee.

When so authorized, 011 behalf of said Corporation they may transfer or conveyor payor

dispose of such property or funds subject to any trust which may have been charged upon

such property or funds. Any such action shall in every case be reported to the nex t f ol low ing

Convention. The Trustees shall have 110 power to IlSC, or allow to be used, any funds or

property belonging to said Corporation to be used for any commercial business.


Of Temporal Properties.

The Convention shall have authority to do all things necessary to protect and conserve the

material resources of the Congregations and other cntuies under its jurisdiction; and to this

end it shall have power to make such rules as it shall deem expedient, by the enactment of

Canons or by other legislation, to ensure the proper care, investment and use of trust funds

and endowments; 10 maintain Church property of all forms in due and reverent repair, and

properly insured; to provide for the proper accounting and auditing of Church funds; to

ensure that legacies or gifts art! used in accordance with the intention of their legators or

donors; and to have general supervision over litles, conveyances or encumbrances.

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Of Alterations and Amendments, and Repeal

Section I. This Constitution may he altered or amended hy a vote by orders at twoconsecutive Conventions.

Section 2. All Articles of any previous Constitution arc hereby repealed.


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Canon I: Of (he Commiuccs of (he Convention

Section I.The P resident, or in the absence of the P I c sidcnt, the V Icc-president. sha II , a t the

open ing of the Convention or p rio r th er eto . appolI\t a Cornnuuee 011 C reden tia ls, w ho sha ll

ascertain that the persons represen ting C ongrega tions have been dilly ce rtified and tha t these

Congrega tions a re in com pliance w ith A rticle IV , Section 5 of the C onstitu tion of the


Section 2. The P resident, a t the opening of the C onven tion or prior the re to, sha ll appoint

s ta nd in g c omm itte es as fol lows.

a) On Resolutions

h) On the D ispa tch of Business

Canon 2: Of the Clerical Members of the Convention

The E cclesiastica l A uthority sha ll. OIiC week before the conven ing of the Convention , cause

to be de live red to the Secre ta ry a ce rtified copy of the officia l list of the cle rgy canonica lly

and physica lly resident in, or assigned to Congregations in, thc D iocese , and in good

standing: and a lis: of those who have been ordai ned or received into the D iocese w ith in the

ye ar im m edia te ly preceding. with the da les of the ir ordina tion or reception From these lists,

th e S ec re ta ry shall prepare a roll of c le rg y e ntitle d 10 sca ts and vole s in th e Convention. This

roll sha ll he officia l evidence of membersh ip and sha ll he printed 1 1 1 th e J ou rn al .

Canon :l:Of the Lay Memhers of th e C on ve ntio n

Section I.The lay m embe rs of the C onvention sha ll be deputies chosen and certified

according to the Constitu tion, w hose ce rtifica te s have been presen ted to the prope r

comm ittee , and a rc reported a s regula r . In every ca se the ce rtifica tes sha ll be on the form

provided by the Secre ta ry.

Section 2. R epre se nta tion sha ll be de te rm ined based on the B aptized M embe rs reported on

the Pa rochia l report file d in the curren t C onvention ycar . E vcIY organized congrega tion

sha ll be entitle d to have a m inimum of two Lay Deputies. Those congrega tions having from5 1 to 100 Baptized M embers sha ll be entitle d to th re e Lay D eputies. Those congrega tions

having from 1 01 to 200 B aptized M embers sha ll he entitle d to four Lay D eputie s. Those

congrega tions W ith over 200 Baptized M embers sha ll he entitled to live Lay D eputie s. Any

congrega tion tha t ha s not fulfilled the definition of a "se lf-supporting congrega tion" in the

tw o yea rs prior 10 the Convention year. who would othe rw ise have more than two Lay

D eputies. sha ll have the number of Lay Deputies reduced hy one . A ny congrega tion tha t is

not current in payment of its apportionment a t the opening of any regula r or specia l

conven tion of the diocese sha ll have its repre senta tion reduced to he equiva lent 10 a ll

u no rg an iz ed c on gr eg atio n.

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Section 3. All congregations shall ciCCI their dcputiqs and a like number of alternates at the

Annual Congregational Meeting. In the case of a failure to elect the deputies and their

alternates at the Annual Meeting. they shall be chosen hy the Vestry. Should they not heelected by the Annual Meet ing or chosen by the Vestry, they shall he appointed by the Priest

in charge of the Congregation and the Wardens.

Section 4. In case a deputy be unable to attend, the alternate having received the highest

number of VOle s shall attend in the deputy's place. Should neither deputies no r alternates be

able to attend, substitute alternates may he appointed by the Priest in charge of the

Congregation and Wardens.

Section 5 . I -v er y unorganized congregation in the Diocese may send two lay representatives

to the Convention who shall be granted scat and voice. but no vote. These representatives

shall he selected in a manner consistent with the election of deputies in organized


Canon 4: Of Questions Relating to Memhership

Section 1. Should a question relative to clerical membership arise, it shall be decided

immediately by the Ecclesiastical authority.

Section 2. Certificates of deputies reported as irregular, defective, or contested shall

immediately be referred to the Convention for disposition. In every case the decision of the

Convention shall he tina1.

Canon 5: Of Non-Attendance

Section J. It is the duly of every person entitled to a scat in the Convention to attend every

session thereof

Section 2. Unless previously excused by the Ecclesiastical Authority, a member of the clergy

not present shall be required to communicate the reason for his absence to the Ecclesiastical

Authority within one week of the adjournment of the Convention.

Canon 6: Of the Services, Order of Business, and Rules of Order of the Convention

Section I. The President of the Convention shall take order for all services of worship and

for devotions held in connection with the Convention. The Convention may by a two-thirds

vote prescribe an order of business to be followed and rules of order to be observed at its

several sessions.


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S(·C'tion 2. I Jnk-;s otherwise dctcunincd hy Ihe C'ousututron and Callons of the FpisC\)pal

Church, the Consutution and (:aIlOIlS of 1'lIS diocese 01 the Convcnuon of this diocese,

R oberts R ules 01OHler shall prevail III a ll meetings of" the C onvention. To th is end, the

l'rcsidcnt of the COIlVCIIIIOIl shall appoint a person to serve as Parhamcntanan tor the


Canon 7:Of Elections

Secnun I. Prior It) the convening of the Convention. the Secretary shall prepare a ballot on

which there shall he designated the officers In be elected. their terms of office, and the Order

clerical or lay from which the offices arc to he filled.

Section 2. The Convention shall by a plurality elect members of the Standing Committee,

deputies and alternates to the General Convention arid Provincial Synod, the Secretary,Treasurer and Trustees of the Diocese, and the members of the Executive Council.

Section J. The elect ion to any 0ffice not speci ficall y provided for in this calion shall he by a

majority of all votes cast unless otherwise provided tor in the Constitution or Canons.

Section 4. Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese, no

person, except the Bishop. shall hold any office lor more than six. consecutive ycaqt. This

rule may be waived by the Bishop, with the approval the Convention of the Diocese or of the

l-xccuuvc Council of the Diocese.

Section S . There shall be a Nominating Conunittce of a least three members including both

Clerical and Lay members appointed by the Bishop at each yearly Diocesan Convention,

who, during the following year, shall actively solicit candidates for the various positions to

he filled at the next Convention. The Nominating Committee shall work to secure at least two

nominations for each position to he filled by the Convention. Nominations will be solicited

from and may be made by any member of the Diocese, and these nominations shall be in

writing, submitted to the Nominating Committee through the Diocesan Office. Nominations

shall he closed thirty days prior to Convention, and announced at least fifteen working days

prior to Convention. There sha ll he no nominations from the floor during Convention.

Section 6. To be eligible for any office elected by the Convention a lay person must be an

adult communicant in good standing in <I congregation of this diocese and must not he a

postulant or candidate for Holy Orders. To he eligible for any office elected by the

Convention a priest or deacon must he canonical ly and physically resident in the Diocese and

in good standing.

Section 7. The Secretary of Convention shall take office immediately upon election. Unless

otherwise specified ill the Constitution or Canons, the h;11l1 of office for all other positions

elected by Convention shall begin on January I of the year following the Convcutiou.

Section K This canon shall not govem the election of a BIshop.

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r: · l J r ]/ } /' /I



Ca non 8: Of the Election of a Bishop

Section l.Whenever the Bishop or the l-cclcsiastical Authority shall call for the election of

a Bishop, Bishop Coadjutor. or Suffragan Bishop, and the Diocesan Convention, where

required. shall have given Its consent thereto, there shall be a committee of four priests, two

deacons, and seven lay persons, for a total of thirteen members, selected in accordance with

this calion and to be known as the Committee for the Nomination of Candidates for Bishop.

All members of the Committee for the Nomination of Candidates for Bishop must meet the

requirements for being elected to an office by the Convention throughout their terms of

appointment. The Standing Committee shall appoint to the Committee one priest and one lay

person who are members of the Standing Committee. one of whom shall bc the President of

the Standing Committee unless the President is a deacon. Thc Executive Council shall

appoint to the Committee one priest and two lay pcrsons who arc all members of thc

Executive Council, one of whom shall he the Vice President of the Executive Council unless

the Vice President is a deacon. The Iay Deputies of each Convocation shall mcet and hy a

majority vote appoint to thc Committee two lay pcrsons from within their respective

Convocation. The priests who arc eligible to be members of Convention shall meet and by

majority vole appoint to the Committee two priests. The deacons who are eligible to be

members of Convention shall meet and by majority vote appoint to the Committee two

deacons. The Standing Committee and the Executive Council shall make their appointments

within 15 days of the call for an Episcopal election. The Convocations, priests, and deacons

shall make their appointments at least 16 days but not more then 30 days after the call for an

Episcopal election. Any member of the Committee whose name shall he proposed for

consideration as a candidate for Episcopal office in this or another diocese must either

withdraw a s a candidate or withdraw from the Committee within seven days. During theseseven days the member shall not take part in any work or deliberations with or on behalf of

the Committee unless he or she has withdrawn as a candidate.

Section 2. All members of the Committee initially appointed and those appointed to fill

vacancies on the Committee shall continue as members until they shall withdraw by written

notice to the Ecclesiastical Authority or until the close of the Convention at which the

Episcopal election shall have been accomplished. .

Section 3. Should any member of the Committee for any reason decline to serve 011 the

Committee or withdraw after initial service, the Committee shall fill the vacancy at its

discretion. Vacancies must he filled from the constituency from which they were elected andin the order that they represented.

Section 4. Thc Diocesan Bishop, or Ecclesiastical Authority, in the absence of thc Bishop,

shall appoint a person who is not a member of the Committee to act as the initial convener of

the Committee, The initial convener shall chair the first meeting of the commi nee. At its first

meeting. in addition to any other business conducted, the Committee shall take the following


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;t) C I)()o"(~ a cha irpe rson trom a m o n g iI O w n memhersh ip w ho ~h;1 1I,1'....1 1 1 1 1 < :ha l

posiuon at {he end of the inuial mceuug of' (he Comuuucc.

h) Choose C 1 secretary who need IIOtbe a member of {he Committee.c) E Sla hlish (he tim e-hu e lor the e le ction process. a long Will! the m ea ns for any

IICCC'l$3ry adjustment (0 (his lime-line.

d) Establish a web site plan for imm e dia te im ple m en ta tio n which will be liSCO

throughout (he process beginning with the dissemination of the proposed time line and

means f o r any n e c e s s a r y adjustment thereto.

e) Instruct (he Diocesan Deployment Officer. if there is one, 01other appropriate staff

person to list the call for an election 011 the Positions OPCII Bulletin with the Church

Deployment Office.

Section 5. The Commiuce shall appoint a Chaplain for the Committee and may appoint aChaplain for the electing Convention who may he the sallie person. The person or persons

serving as Chaplain shall be a priest or bishop and may be from within or outside the diocese.

The Commi lice may engage the services of an appropriately quali fied consultant in episcopal


Section 6. The Comminee is responsible for a survey of the diocese that shall include

demographics, perceived strengths, needs, and goals. The survey shall also solicit views on

the particular qualities expected in a new bishop that would assist in the work of the Gospel

and employ the diocese's strengths to address its needs and accomplish its goals. The survey

shall be completed and the results published in both electronic and priuted format before the

Committee issues the official call for names.

Section 7. The Commutcc shall call for, receive and may propose names of members of the

Clergy who may lawfully be elected to the Episcopal office to be filled, and shall fix the time

within which suggested names may be tiled with the Committee. The last day for filing

suggested names with the Committee shall not b e fewer than 60 days prior 10 the date set for

the electing Convention. The solicitation may b e by electronic or printed communication,

shall include the results of the Diocesan survey, and shall be made trom all members of the

diocese, clerical and lay, as well as every bishop with jurisdiction, Standing Committee, and

diocesan deployment officer of the Episcopal Church.

Section 8. The Committee shall inform itself concerning the persons proposed and, after due

consideration, shall select not fewer than three (3) nor more than five (5) whom it deemsqualified for the office. Nominees' names shall not be released until the required criminal'

and background checks have been completed and verified. The Committee shall then make

a preliminary release of the names of the nominees.

Section 9. Following the preliminary release of names there shall he a period during which

additional persons may be nominated by petition. The Committee shall set a nomination fcc

sufficient 10 cover the costs of the required criminal and background check of anyone

nominated by petition. The Committee shall receive these petitions and shall complete the

required criminal and background checks of any person so nominated. If the Conuuittce

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de te rm ines tha t any pe tition is inva lid for any re ason. they sha ll subm it the pe tition to the

E ccle sia stica l Court o f the D iocese . The Committee and the perso l1 s who have signed the

petition may pre sen t w ritten testim ony to the E cclesiastica l C ourt w hich sha ll the n rule 011

the pe tition For a pe tition to he va lid il must m ee t a ll of the follow ing crite ria '

a ) The pe tition m us: he subm itted in pe rson a t the diocesan office hy a da te and tim e se t

by the C onuuiuee hut nOI le ss then 30 days a fte r the pre lim inary re lease of names,

b) The pe tition m ust be signed by not less then 20~ of each of the follow ing four

groups: the lay deputies of the e aste rn convocation, th e la y deputies of the w este rn

convoca tion, the priests e ligible 1 0 vole a t the conven tion, and the deacons e ligible to

vo te a t the convention. No individua l m ay sign more then QIlC petition.

c) The pe tition m ust he accompanied by a signed sta tem ent from the person being

nom ina ted tha t he or she is w illing to be nom ina ted for bishop .

d) The pe tition must he accompanied hy payment of the nom ina tion fe e .

Section 10. The Committee shal l publish a report in brochure form at tha t includes the results

of the diocesan survey, b iographica l information on each candida te , and the w ritten answ ers

of the candida te s to a specified numbe r of que stions se lected by the Comm ittee to re flect the

concerns of the survey. The brochure sha ll identify the nom inees a s be ing nom ina ted by th e

C om mittee or nom ina ted by pe tition. The Secre ta ry of the C onven tion sha ll m a il copies of

the report of the Comm ittee to the C le rica l and Lay membe rs of the Convention and a ll

Congregations of the D iocese not fewer than 30 days prior to the da te se t for the Conven tion

at which the Episcopa l e lection is to he he ld.

Section 11. The C om mittee sha ll e stablish and have authority over a prope rly secured w eb

site for the use of a ll involved in the nom ina tion and e lection process. A ll publica tions of the

Committee shal l be available on this web site including the survey and report. A link to the

web site shall he dearly positioned on the diocesan web site . The web site shall be

main ta ined in a tim ely and accura te m anner. A t the e le cting Convention the results of e ach

ba llot sha ll he posted to the web site immedia te ly afte r the announcement of those re sults to

the C onven tion. The C omm ittee may engage the se rvice s of an appropria te ly qua lified

consultan t to facilita te the web site .

Section 12. The C omm itte e sha ll a rrange for a ll candida tes se le cted for nom ina tion and the ir

spouse s or pa rtne rs to be ava ilable in each Convoca tion fo r a joint opportunity to persona lly

mee t them . These even ts sha ll be prepared by the C omm ittee . The diocese sha ll he

responsible for the cost of the events and those costs d ire ctly re la ted to those persons

nom ina ted by the Comm ittee . The costs directly re la ted to any person nom ina ted by pe tition

sha ll he the re sponsibility of the person so nom ina ted.

Section D. The C omm itte e sha ll present a proposed specia l rule for the e lection of a B ishop

to the e le cting Convention. The fina l form of the specia l rule sha ll be consistent w ith the

Constitution and C anons of the Episcopa l C hurch and this D iocese and must p rohibit

nom ina tions from the floor and speeche s from the floor.

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Section 14. Ttli' prcscutatron (It (he report of the Committee at the COlI\clltioll shall

consntutc a nonunanon of each of the candidates named t hc t c in . If anv cand idatc so

uouunatcd shall withdraw his 01 her name prior to the fIrst ballot ofthe election, theCommittee may substuutc the IMIlIC of another candidate prcvtously considered by the

Conuuiucc and deemed quali ficd. Such a substitution shall constitute a uonunation of the

person so named

Section I S. The ejection of a Bishop, Bishop Coadjutor, or a Suffragan Bishop shall he hy a

concurrent \·O(C ofthc Clergy and Laity, the two Orders voting hy written ballot separately,

When alit he votes of both Orders shall have been deposited, the te l lcrs of the Clerical and

Lay vote. respectively, shall proceed to count the votes, and if among those voted for, one

shall he found to have rccci vcd, in each Order, a majority of the votes of ItlOSC present and

cntulcd to vote, he or she shall he duly elected. If no candidate receives a concurrent

majority the written balloting shall continue until a candidate receives a concurrent majority.

A motion to reduce the number of candidates shall he in' order only after at least five ballots

have been taken and must pass by a concurrent 2/] majority in a vote by orders.

Canon 9: Of the Diocese of Eau Claire, Inc.

Section I. The Convention shall perform tor the corporation known as the Diocese of I~u

Claire, Inc, the functions usually performed by the membership of such a corporation, no

body of members having been provided for in the Articles of Incorporation of said

corporanon so as to allow the Convention to so act.

Section 2. Said corporation shall be the operating entity of the Diocese of Fau Claire. All

apportionments shall be paid to it hy the Congregations of the Diocese, and the corporation

known as the Trustees of the fpiscopa\ Church in the Diocese of [au Claire shall pay to It

xuch endowment and trust fund income as is designated to defray the expenses of the


Section J. Said corporation may accept gins, devises and bequests of both real and personal

property. Unless the giver specified otherwise. gifts other than cash needed for the day to day

operations of the Diocese shall he transferred to the corporation known as the Trustees of the

Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Eau Claire lor investment,

Section 4. The ~()veming body of said corporation shall he the Board of Directors of theDiocese of f:all Claire, Inc. and shall he known as the Diocesan Executive Council. In

addition to the authority conferred upon it hy these Canons, it shall have the authorities

granted to the directors of a non·proftt corporatioll hy the State of Wisconsin unless

sp.::cilically restr icled by these Canons. The Diocesan Executive Council, as constituted hy

Calloll. shall be thc BoaHI of Dilcctocs of the Diocese of Eau Claire, Inc, and shall adopt By-

laws l(lI its govenllllcnt not inconsistcnt with the COllstitutioll and Canons. The Ofliccrs of

the cOlporalion shall be thc President, Vice President, Secretary, Treaslllcr, and sllch other

officers as may he appointed in accordance with the By-laws. The Bishop shall he the

President of the Corporation. The VIce President of the Executive Council shall he Vice


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President of the Corporal ion. The Secretary n r the Convention shall be Secretary of the

Corporation. The Treasurer of the Diocese shall he Treasurer of the Corporation.

Canon 10: Of the Viet' President, the Secretary and the Treasurer

Section 1. The President of the Standing Committee shall serve as Vice- President of the


Section 2. In addition to the usual duties of the office, and such duties as may be prescribed

by the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church and of this Diocese, or by direction

of the l.cclcsiastical Authority, the Secretary shall prepare and distribute the annual Journal

and within thirty days after the adjournment of the Convention, put into the hands of the

Treasurer a certified statement of all bills and accounts ordered by the Convention to be paid.

The Secretary shall deliver to the II istoriographer at Diocesan IIcadquarters before the end ofthe third month of the year commencing three years after the close of the year in which said

meetings took place all documents, reports and papers pertaining to all Executive Council

and annual and special Convention meetings.

Section 3. The Secretary may nominate some fi t person to serve as an ASSistant Secretary,

who, with the consent of the Convention, shall serve during its sessions.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall keep such accounts as the Convention or the Diocesan

Executive Council may determine, in a matter satisfactory to the Diocesan Executive

Council, and shall pay such bills and appropriations as the Convention or the Executive

Council shall allow.

Canon 11: Of the Diocesan Executive Council

Section 1. The Diocesan Executive Council shall have charge of the development and

prosecution of the missionary, educational and Christian social service work of the Diocese,

and such other works as may be committed to it by the Convention ami shall be charged with

the general financial administration of the Diocese between the sessions of the Convention.

Section 2. The voting members of the Executive Council shall be the Bishop of the Diocese

and six lay persons and three clergy persons elected at large by the Convention. The term of

office for the nine elected members shall be three years with two lay persons and one clergyperson elected each year. The elected members shall not be eligible for reelection until one

year after their previous term has expired.

Section 3. The following persons shall have scat and voice, but no vote, at all meetings of

the Executive Council: HIe Secretary of Convention, the Treasurer of the Diocese, and the

Chancellor of the Diocese.

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Section 4. The Bishop shall be the President of the Diocesan FXCCllt lVC Council. Th e

Council shall annually, at thc first mecnng of the calendar year, elect a Vicc President from

among its own membership. The President of the Standing (:0011111 lice shall not serve as the

Vice President of the Executive COUIICII. The Ecclesiastical Authority shall be empowered to

call special meetings of the Executive Council.

Section 5. A majority of the number of voting members of the Diocesan Executive Counci I

shall constitute a quorum for the Executive Council. An action by a majority of those present

at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Diocesan Executive Council.

Section 6. The Diocesan Executive Council shall submit [0 each Convention the following:

a) A report of the work done under I(S supervision durillg the preceding conciliar year.

b) Reports of the Treasurer of the Diocese of Eau Claire, Inc., for the preceding year.

c) A Diocesan budget for the following fiscal year.

d) A schedule of apportionments for the Congregations of the Diocese, computed in

accordance with the provisions of these Canons.

Section 7. The reports, budgets and schedules described in (b), (c) and (d) of the preceding

Section shall be printed and sent to the clergy of the Diocese, 10 the Wardens of the

Congregations, and to the Deputies to Convention, before the convening of the Convention;

hut no such report, budget or schedule shall he regarded as having been adopted until

appropriate action thereon shall have been taken by the Diocesan Executive Council, except

by a two-thirds vote of the Convention.

Section 1 1 . The Diocesan Executive Council shall have power to spend all money provided III

the budget adopted by the Convention for the purpose therein spcci lied, any money actually

received in any year over the amount required by the budget for that year, and any

unexpended balances. But in case any expenditures shall in any year exceed the amount

provided in the budget for that year, a detailed statement of such excesses shall b e made to

the next Convention. The Diocesan Executive Council shall have the authority to make

changes to the Budget adopted by the Convention if such changes arc warranted by unusual

and unanticipated circumstances. A detailed report of such changes to the budget and the

reasons for making those changes shall be made to the next Convention.

Section 9. All salaries payable from diocesan funds, other than salaries determined by the

Convention, shall be fixed by the Diocesan Executive Council. The Diocesan Executive

Council shall determine the compensation package to be paid (0 clergy by all congregations

receiving financial aid frpm the Diocese.

Section 10. The Diocesan Executive Council shall meet at least four times cach year at such

dates as the Bishop designates.

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Canon 12: Of the Finance Commission

Section I.The re sha ll be a Finance C om mission of the D iocese , The E xecutive C ouncil

sha ll annua lly appoint one or m ore pe rsons to serve one year te rm s as members of thisCommission.

Section 2. The F in an ce Commis sio n shall exercise the a uthority give n to such bodies under

the N ationa l C anons and sha ll perform such othe r tasks re la ting to finances or business

m ethods in the D iocese as the E xecutive C ouncil sha ll assign.

Section 3. The Finance C ommission sha ll m ake re gula r reports of the ir activities to the

Executive Counci l .

C anO .D 1 3:Of the Convocations

Section I.The D iocese sha ll be di vided into tw o C onvocations, the boundarie s of w hich

shall b e de te rm ined by the B ishop and the E xecutive C ouncil.

Section 2. The D eputie s and A lte rna tes to D ioce san C onvention sha ll a lso serve as D eputies

a nd A lte rn ate s to the C on voc ation s.

Section 3 . I f any cle rgy pe rson is se rving congrega tions in m ore than one C onvoca tion, tha t

cle rgy pe rson sha ll be entitled to sca t and voice a t any m eeting of e ither C onvocation, but

sha ll only ha ve voting privile ge s in the C onvocation w here he or she is physica lly re sident.

Canon 14: Of the Standing Committee

Section J. The m em bers of the Sta nding C ommittee shall be three lay pe rsons and thre e

cle rgy pe rsons e lected a t la rge by the C onvention. The te rm of office for the six m em bers

shall be three years w ith one lay person and one cle rgy pe rson e lected each yea r. The

m em be rs sha ll not be e ligible for ree lection until one year a fte r the ir previous te rm has


Section 2. The Standing C om mitte e sha ll a t its first m eeting each year e le ct from its own

body a P resident and a Secre ta ry. The B ishop sha ll convene the first m ee ting of the Standing

C om mittee for the purpose of the e lection of a P re sident, who will assum e officeim media te ly . The V ice P re sident of the E xecutive C ouncil sha ll not se rve a s P resident of the

S ta n din g Committe e .

Section 3. The Secre ta ry sha ll pre pa re and present to the C onvention a report of a ll the

officia l acts of the C ommittee during the previous councilor yea r.