Download - CONGRESS PROGRAMME THRIVING IN A GLOBAL… · 014 THRIVING IN A GLOBAL MARKET 3.00pm 6.00pm 8.00am 8.30am 10.20am

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Sunday 20th March

Monday 21st March — ‘Introduction to New Zealand’


Innovation, Co-operation and Leadership


Registrations open at Methven Resort

Maori welcome – Great Hall Tim Wood – welcome from NZ Institute of primary Industry Management president Professor John Alliston – Reply on behalf of International farm Management Association, president IfMA Hon David Carter – NZ Minister of Agriculture to open congress

finger food served

Registration desk open (All plenary sessions to be held in Great Hall)

welcome & HousekeepingPhil Everest – chairman of IfMA 18 Organising committee

plenary Session 1 – yesterday, Today & Tomorrow chairman of sessionStuart Morris – Assistant Vice-chancellor and Registrar of Massey university

RESTRucTuRING Of THE NZ EcONOMy & AGRIcuLTuREProfessor Bruce Ross – former Vice-chancellor, Lincoln university

wHAT dOES NZ AGRIcuLTuRE LOOK LIKE TOdAy?Charlie Graham – former Managing director, ANZ Rural

wHAT ARE THE cHALLENGES AHEAd fOR NZ AGRIcuLTuRE? Dr Warren Parker – former cEO of NZ Landcare Research

congress panel with questions and discussion

Morning tea

plenary Session 2 – Innovation in NZ Agriculture – How have farmers responded to a changing agricultural environment?

chairman of session Tom Lambie – chancellor of Lincoln university

Presentations from 4 Innovative New Zealand Farmers

Doug Avery – dryland Sheep and Beef farmer, Marlborough

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Craige Mackenzie – Arable and dairy farmer, Mid canterbury

Nelson Hancox – Sheep and Beef farmer, west Otago

Dean Nikora – dairy farmer, Hawkes Bay

Lunch plus formal poster viewing

Contributed Papers 1 (6 rooms with 5 papers in each)

Afternoon Tea

Contributed Papers 2 (6 rooms with 4 papers in each)

close of day

Monday evening is a “free evening” for all delegates. *List of recommended restaurants will be displayed at Registration desk.






8.20am 7.50am 7.25am 8.10am 8.00am

5.30pm approx





Tuesday 22st March — Field Trips

The field trips will return to Methven Resort. Please bring warm jackets, sun hats, and wear comfortable clothes and shoes for the day. (NZ weather is variable and can change from 25°C to 10°C in less than 1hr)

drinks & dinner at Methven Resort

Registration desk open

IfMA General Meeting – Great Hall

plenary Session 3 – ‘food production’ a Global Business chairman of session Hon David Carter – New Zealand Minister of Agriculture


Mt peel Arable Alternative Land use dairy Research/Education

Please meet the bus for your chosen Field Day outside Methven Resort. Note. the buses have staggered departure times to avoid congestion. Please do not be late.

Wednesday 23rd March — Responding to changes in the International Market Place

(correct at time of print)

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THE dyNAMIcS Of THE EuROpEAN RETAIL SEcTOR ANd fuTuRE IMpLIcATIONS ON fARM SuppLIERS Natalie Mitchell – Head of Buying, Meat, poultry, fish & Eggs, waitrose, uK

A cHINESE ENTREpRENEuR pERSpEcTIVE ON cHINAS AGRIcuLTuRAL dEVELOpMENT ANd OppORTuNITIES fOR THE fuTuRE Su Hao (James) – co-founder and managing partner of East Rock Limited in china

BuILdING A NATIONS wEALTH THROuGH fOOd pROducTION ANd EXpORTING John Allen – cEO, NZ Ministry of foreign Affairs and Trade

Morning Tea

congress panel with questions and discussion – Andrew Macfarlane, chairman

Lunch IfMA Journal Announcement – John Alliston, Tony King

plenary Session 4 – Transforming Value chains to supply an International Market

chairman of session Professor Steve Sonka – Vice-chancellor of public Engagement, university of Illinois

TAKING NZ MILK TO THE wORLd Ian Palliser – director portfolio Optimisation, fonterra

MARKETING MERINO fIBRE AS A NIcHE pROducT John Perriam – farmer and founding chairman, NZ Merino company

cREATING A VALuE cHAIN fROM A fARMERS pERSpEcTIVE Mark Scholl – farmer, entrepreneur and founder, ExSeed

congress panel with questions and discussion

Afternoon tea

Contributed Papers 3 (6 rooms with 4 papers in each) Including special sessions on ‘Innovative Beef sponsored by Australian Beef CRC and ‘Sheep Production’ sponsored by International Sheep Research Centre.

close of day

Semi formal congress dinner and dance at Mt Hutt Heritage centre. Buses depart Methven Resort for Mt Hutt Heritage centre. Buses return to Methven Resort and Hotels.



12.00pm 1.00pm





6.30pm onwards 10.30pm - midnight

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Livestock 2 Resource Management Arable Research/Education Entrepreneurship dairy

field Trips end at Lincoln university where we will be joined by local New Zealand young farmer members who will provide entertainment. BBq meal will be provided.

Buses return to Methven Resort. Please bring warm jackets, sun hats and wear comfortable clothes and shoes for the day.

Registration desk open

Contributed Papers 4 (6 rooms with 4 papers in each)

Morning Tea

Contributed Papers 5 (5 rooms with 4 papers in each) Including special session on ‘Innovative Dairying’ sponsored by Fonterra.

Lunch presentation by the 19th IfMA congress committee. (warsaw, poland in July 2013)

plenary Session 5 – Issues for the future chairman of session Con Williams – Rural Economist, ANZ National Bank

LIfE cycLE ANALySIS Of AGRIcuLTuRAL pROducTION Professor Jacqueline Rowarth – foundation chair of pastoral Agriculture Massey university

MANAGING wATER AcROSS A RANGE Of STAKEHOLdERS Professor Mike Young – Executive director, Environmental Institute, university of Adelaide

fOOd SEcuRITy THROuGH EffEcTIVE fOOd SAfETy STANdARdS Kevin Swoffer – Independent consultant and chairman Technical committee, Global food Safety Initiative.

7.50am 7.40am 8.10am 8.00am 8.20am 8.10am

4.30pm approx

8.30 pm – 9.00pm



9.50am 10.20am

11.40am 12.30pm


Thursday 24th March — Field Trips

Friday 25th March — ‘Future emerging issues’

Please meet the bus for your chosen Field Day outside Methven Resort. Note. the buses have staggered departure times to avoid congestion. Please do not be late.

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Afternoon Tea

plenary Session 6 – Models to Link Agricultural Research/Education and Business chairman of session Dr Bill Kain – former cEO of AgResearch and past chairman of AGMARdT

EducATION AS THE BASIS fOR INNOVATION ANd cREATIVITy Hon Steve Maharey – Vice-chancellor for Massey university, ex Minister of Education for New Zealand

uSING RESEARcH pARTNERSHIpS TO GENERATE wEALTH Professor Steve Sonka – Vice-chancellor for public Engagement, university of Illinois

AccELERATEd SuSTAINABLE AGRIcuLTuRAL pROducTION wITH puBLIc ANd pRIVATE pARTNERSHIpS Hans Jöhr – corporate Head of Agriculture, Nestle

congress panel with questions and discussion

Launch of ‘centre of Excellence in farm Business Management’ – A joint Lincoln and Massey Initiative supported by dairy NZ and The New Zealand Institute of primary Industry Management.

congress closing – IfMA president, Professor John Alliston close of congress

2.40pm 3.00pm


5.10pm 5.20pm

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Bruce Ross was born and raised in dunedin, New Zealand. He trained as an agricultural economist, and

took up his first professional position, as Assistant Lecturer in Agricultural Economics at the university

of Malaya, in 1963. He returned to Lincoln college, canterbury, NZ in 1966 as a Research Economist,

where he developed a computable, input-output model of the New Zealand economy, which became the

analytical core of the National development conference, 1968-72.

He Joined lecturing staff of Lincoln at beginning of 1970 as Senior Lecturer, and became professor of

Agricultural Economics at the end of 1970. 1983 appointed Head of Trade Analysis division, Agricultural

directorate, Organization for Economic co-operation and development, paris. Returned to Lincoln college

as principal in 1985, and when Lincoln became an independent university in 1990, became the first Vice-

chancellor. In 1996 was appointed director- General of Agriculture, and when the Ministries of Agriculture

and forestry were merged in 1998, became the director-General of Agriculture and forestry. chair of the

OEcd committee for Agriculture, 1998 to 2001. He was awarded a Sesquicentennial Medal by the New

Zealand Government in 1990 and was appointed companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2002.


charlie Graham is Managing director Rural for ANZ National Bank. charlie has led ANZ National’s Rural

business following ANZ’s acquisition of The National Bank of New Zealand (NBNZ) in 2003. He was

previously General Manager Rural Banking for The National Bank of New Zealand, a role he held since

1996.under charlie’s leadership the rural banking business has quadrupled in size and maintained its

dominance in the highly competitive rural market with a market share currently in excess of 40 per cent.

charlie was also involved in the introduction of direct banking to the rural market, the emergence of

equity partnerships in the rural sector and the introduction of innovative solutions for farmers such as the

rural growth funding. prior to his current role, charlie was the Northern Regional Manager for the Rural

Banking division and before that was Area chief Manager for the waikato region, with responsibility for

the retail network and rural and commercial business in that region. charlie commenced his career with

The Rural Bank which was acquired by NBNZ in 1992. charlie has a Bachelor of Agricultural Science from

Massey university.

He has been a Registered property Valuer and has past memberships of the New Zealand Institute of

Valuers, the property Institute of New Zealand and the Society of farm Management. He is currently

a Trustee of the Rural communities Trust and formerly held a trusteeship for the Massey university

Agricultural Research foundation.

Tony King
Typewritten Text
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warren parker joined Landcare Research, a New Zealand crown Research Institute as there cEO in 2005.

prior to then warren was with AgResearch where he held the position of chief Operating Officer—Science.

during his AgResearch career he spent one year on secondment to IMBcom, the commercialisation

company of the Institute of Molecular Biosciences (IMB), university of queensland. Before joining

AgResearch in 1998, warren was professor of farm Management and Agricultural Systems, and Head of

the department of Agribusiness and Resource Management at Massey university. He has been a director

of several research-based companies, and of a soil-plant analytical laboratory and agricultural training

institute. warren’s research interests, which are backed up by an impressive publishing record, include

agribusiness, pastoral farming systems, and farm management. consultancy projects and sabbatical

research have taken him to several countries, including Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Tonga, the uSA, South

Africa and canada


winner of the 2010 Lincoln university foundation Award for Innovation doug is a third generation farmer

of Bonavaree farm at Seddon in Marlborough. Situated in a 573mm rainfall area and subject to a high

level of evapotranspiration because of north west winds, 300ha of the total 1100ha are planted in lucerne.

The farm carries 2300 Highlander ewes and 600 two-tooths. The lambs from the mixed age ewes gain on

average 390g/day from birth to weaning while hogget lambs gain about 290g/day. The farm also carries

135 breeding cows and calves, 25 replacement heifers and about 100 steers and bulls.

doug and Bonavaree have been key elements in the Sustainable farming fund sponsored Starborough

flaxbourne Soil conservation Group project focused on new ways of achieving sustainability in a drought

prone environment which resulted in the publication : Beyond Reasonable drought – Adapting dryland

farming to climate change in August 2008. The Group received a Green Ribbon Award from the Minister

for the Environment in 2008.


winner of the Lincoln university foundation Award for Lamb production in 2005 and Supreme winner of

the National Ewe Hogget competiton in 2010 farms two properties on the rolling downs of west Otago

and a third hill country property. Kowhai downs, the 460ha home property carries 5000 ewes,1200

hoggets,100 rams at a stocking rate of 13.8 su/ha. The basically Romdale ewe flock is shorn every 8

months and all grass wintered with no use of hay,silage or baleage with the aim of 150% lambing.

Mt Allen, the other farm of 775ha with a paddock area of 550ha carries 9000 stock units consisting

of 6600 Romdale ewes, 2050 ewe hoggets and 130 cattle - a stocking rate of 11.6su/ha. wohelo Station

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2007 Nuffield Scholar, Ballance Award winner for Nutrient Management and water use Efficiency

and runner-up in the Lincoln universirty foundation 2010 Innovation Award farms at Methven in

Midcanterbury. Greenvale pastures is a 200ha intensive crop farm using pivot and big gun irrigation. The

crops grown range from the traditional : wheat, ryegrass seed, and white clover seed to the new : hemp,

hybrid radish and hybrid carrot seed. He is also a partner in Three Springs dairies Ltd , a neighbouring

320ha dairy farm milking 1150 cows.

craige has been heavily involved in a number of MAf, fAR, NIwA, Ecan, dairyNZ and Ag Research

research and commercial farm trial work including the wheat calculator project, Balance nitrogen trials

and BASf herbicide trials. Recently craige has established a new company Agri Optics NZ Ltd based on

providing precision agriculture tools to increase the efficiency of NZ farming systems which is managed by

his daughter Jemma, a recent B Agr Sci (Hons) graduate from Lincoln university.

carries 11,00su. All three farms are capable of finishing stock. Last year all farms were hit by Salmonella

Brandenburg and significant storm loss but overall 19,500 ewes weaned 143% lambs a tribute to the keen

competition between Nelson and his two farm managers paul Slack and Julian Kelly.


winner of the 2008 Ahuwhenua Trophy as Maori farmer of the year has progressed from urban

background to large scale dairy farmer, industry leader and agribusiness organization director. dean left

school at age 15 and went to work in a meat processing works but left to become a dairy farm worker at

age 20. four years later went 50:50 sharemilking for six seasons before joining what came to be the BEL

group in Hawkes Bay as an equity partner in 2000. In 3 years under dean’s management BEL had grown to

nine farms, 8600 cows and 61 employees producing 2.47m kg MS. At this stage dean sold out and invested

in his own 1000 cow farm at Mangatewai which has since grown to include ownership of a further four

farms and two leased ones.

dean was a Kellogg scholar in 2002, was 2004 chair of the Large Herds conference, is a fonterra

Shareholders council member and currently is director of Balance Agri-Nutrients and Asure quality New

Zealand Ltd, has recently been appointed as a trustee for AGMARdT, and is a member of NZ Institute of

directors. He is also involved in a leadership capacity as a trustee for Taipahi A1 Maori land administered

by Te puni Kokiri.

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Thos Gieskes commenced as chief Executive Officer of Rabobank Australia and New Zealand in November

2009. Thos started his career with Rabobank as a Management Trainee in 1990, and from 1991 onward

has held various management positions in the international domain (Area Manager Latin America) and in

the dutch corporate market (commodity finance and food & Agribusiness Relationship Management).

In 2002 Thos moved to Santiago de chile to lead the expansion of Rabobank’s activities, including the

successful introduction of a rural lending model based on the pIBA style ‘interest only’ product. In early

2007 Thos managed the acquisition of HNS Banco, thereby transforming the existing activities into a fully

fledged business bank.



Natalie Mitchell is Head of Buying; Meat, poultry, fish and Eggs for waitrose within the uK and has 19

years of experience within uK supermarket retailing. She has responsibility for setting strategy and

delivering commercial results to deliver the best primary protein offer for waitrose customers. working

in close partnership with key suppliers and farmers, she leads the department in continually refining,

developing and communicating the high quality standards of animal welfare and environmental standards

that are expected by waitrose customers. She is responsible for ensuring consistent product quality

and planning capacity throughout the chain to deliver sustained levels of growth. She leads the Buying

department in delivering the commercial results through interpreting customer insight and translating into

areas such as product ranging and new product development, pricing and promotions.

Natalie joined waitrose in 2001 and has worked in a variety of category Management and Buying roles

including dairy, chilled prepared foods and Grocery.

prior to joining waitrose, Natalie worked for the Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Group for 10 years where she

bought a variety of categories including Non food, Grocery and Seasonal products.

Su Hao (James) has more than 15 years of business experience with stated-owned, multinational and

entrepreneurial organizations. His background includes a degree in languages along with a Master of

Business Administration with significant experience in chemical, mineral and farming industries. His

career began with china International Trust and Investment corporation (cITIc), the largest conglomerate

of china with 50,000+ employees. while working as an international trader in the minerals & natural

resources business unit, his success made him one of the Special Award winners on the 20th Anniversary

of cITIc for Elite Employees. After five years he moved to ferromin Limited, a leading European trading

house, as the cEO of its china Setup. under his leadership, multi joint venture manufacturing facilities

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were launched and accelerated the strategic transition and localization of this European enterprise.

Throughout his years working for this company, he had many managerial responsibilities, as well as sales

and product management responsibilities including directing sales and technical personnel to achieve sales

of uS$100M/year in 2001.

After these experiences, Su Hao (James) moved to the entrepreneurial world. As the co-founder

and managing partner of East Rock Limited, he was responsible for process development and sales of

quality products and equipment to serve various industries globally, especially dairy farms. Starting from

several million dollars to 35M in world wide sales over a fairly short period of time, the company grew

to be profitable with international goodwill in uSA, canada, Europe and Japan. In 2007, opportunities

arose in the dairy business in china. By grouping up six partnership companies from uS and canada,

whose histories varies from 30 to 50 years in the facility sector of dairy development, respectively in

dairy design, cow comfort, housing equipment, ventilation, cooling, waste processing, and construction,

East Rock International dairy team was set up in the mid of 2007 and became a pioneer of scientific and

efficient dairy facility development in chinese dairy business. Over the last 3o months, East Rock has been

involved in a large percentage of the new dairies constructed in china and has won sound confidence

from the industry. In addition to the ties with numerous dairies, East Rock runs workshops with Ministry

of Agriculture and dairy Association of china all over the country to provide guidance and assistance to

dairy farmers with mature dairy facility expertise. with his various backgrounds, Su Hao (James) leverages

his affluent international business experiences and develops a unique commercial model in the facility

sector for the dairy industry in china. In 2010, Su Hao (James) was invited to make the keynote speech on

Australian dairy conference 2010. He also spoke at Nuffield cSc 2010 at washington dc.


John Allen was appointed as the Ministry’s chief Executive and Secretary of foreign Affairs and Trade

in July 2009. He leads the Ministry as the Government’s chief adviser on foreign and trade policy, official

development assistance, international law, and diplomatic and consular issues. He is responsible to the

Ministers of foreign Affairs, Trade, and disarmament and Arms control.

Before taking up his role at the Ministry, John served as the chief Executive of New Zealand post for six

years. He joined New Zealand post in 1994 and held a number of senior management roles prior to his

appointment as chief Executive. In his earlier career, John reached the position of partner at law firm Rudd

watts & Stone, and was a visiting Lecturer in Law at Victoria university of wellington. John is co-chair of

the Australia New Zealand Leadership forum and a member of the Territorial forces Employers Support


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Ian palliser joined fonterra in April 2010. He is director Optimisation, Trading & Sourcing in fonterra Trade

& Operations, the dairy commodity SBu of fonterra, which is responsible for 70% of fonterra’s sales.

prior to joining fonterra, Ian had a 30 year career with Bp globally, culminating with his appointment

as Vp procurement & Supply chain, accountable for Bp’s uS$50bn per annum spending with external

suppliers and other third parties.

Ian was previously Vp for Strategy and planning in the Bp’s uS$240bn Refining & Marketing business,

where he was responsible for planning, strategy and improving performance management globally. prior

to this, Ian led a global programme to replace global processes and IT systems which had become outdated

following Bp’s growth through mergers and acquisitions. He also played a key role in the integration of two

of those acquisitions, leading firstly the integration of ARcO into Bp on the uS west coast, followed by

Germany’s VEBA/ARAL after a $5 billion acquisition. He has also been accountable for Bp’s fuel storage and

logistics business in uSA.



John perriam farms the 11,000 hectare Bendigo Station in central Otago and chaired Merino NZ

throughout its formative years until 2001. He gained national and international media attention with

his hermit shaggy Merino Shrek, who he has now turned into a New Zealand charity icon. In 1993 John

established an international vertically integrated wool growing partnership. John received a queen’s

Honour in 2001 when he was appointed a Member New Zealand Order of Merit for his services to the

wool industry. More recently he has established one of central Otago’s leading winegrowing sub regions at

Bendigo, and has become a mentor for the Ice House aimed at growing small and medium size businesses

in New Zealand. He is also a director of wool partners International.

Jacqueline Rowarth serves as foundation chair in pastoral Agriculture of Massey university, and also has

been its director of Massey Agriculture since 2007. from 2000 to 2004, Ms. Rowarth served as dean of

the postgraduate division and director of Research at unitec, Auckland. She served as Vice-president,

Research and development of unitec, Auckland since 2005. Throughout her career, she has been an active

Scientist, with a strong commitment to technology transfer. She has also been dedicated to promoting

awareness of science and the importance of research to schools, interest groups and society in general.

She serves as director of The New Zealand Institute for crop & food Research Ltd. She served as director,

Office for Environmental programs at The university of Melbourne. Her research over the past twenty five

years has focussed on efficient use of fertiliser (product yield and quality with minimum environmental

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impact), and evaluation of new plant species and cultivars (seed yield, animal growth and wool growth).

She worked in plant Improvement with AgResearch for 6 years and then taught plant Science at Lincoln

university for 6 years. In Australia she was also a Member of the Australian Vice-chancellors committee

working Group on Sustainable development, the inaugural Advisory Board for campus Review, and the

inaugural Advisory Board of the Australian centre of Excellence for Risk Analysis. In New Zealand, she is on

the primary resource Advisory committee of the Royal Society of New Zealand, the New Zealand Grassland

Association Executive, and the Advisory Board for Education Review. for her work in all these areas, she

received the Zonta Award for excellence in science in 1994, a New Zealand Science and Technology Medal

in 1997 and in 2001 was elected as a companion of the Royal Society of NZ, recognising “pre-eminence

in the promotion of science and technology”. In 2003 she was elected as a fellow of the New Zealand

Institute of Agricultural Science in recognition of her contribution to agricultural science. She was also

made an honorary member in acknowledgement of her contribution to the profession. Ms. Rowarth

obtained an Agricultural Science degree with first class honours in Environmental Agriculture and also

holds a phd in Soil Science from Massey university (given the Morice fieldes award by the NZ Society of

Soil Science for exceptional merit).


Mike young is Executive director of the university of Adelaide’s Environment Institute, holds a Research

chair in water Economics and Management at the university of Adelaide, is a fellow of the Academy

of Social Sciences in Australia and is a distinguished fellow of the Australian Agricultural and Resource

Economics Society.

A Member of the wentworth Group of concerned Scientists, in 2006, Mike young was awarded the Land

and water Australia Eureka Award for water Research. The award recognizes the significant contribution

of his research with Jim Mccoll to the introduction of improved water entitlements, water allocation

systems and trading systems.

Mike is best known for his contribution to the development of water policy and the development

of options for the management of water scarcity in urban and rural settings. He is currently leading

preparation of a chapter on global water management for a uNEp report on Greening the world Economy.

Internationally, he is known for his capacity to integrate biophysical and economic information to produce

innovative policy proposals that catalyse change.

prior to joining the university of Adelaide, Mike spent 30 years with the cSIRO where amongst other

things he established their policy and Economic Research unit with offices in Adelaide, canberra and

perth. In 2003, Mike was awarded a centenary Medal “for outstanding service through environmental

economics”. In 2009, he was named South Australian of the year in the Environment category.

His full curriculum vitae lists over 215 publications. He has been Associate Editor of Ecological

Economics and is a member of eight editorial boards.

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Kevin Swoffer, consultant, KpS Resources was nominated as the chairman of the Global food Safety

Initiative (GfSI) Technical committee by the GfSI Board in december 2007.

He is an independent consultant to the food and drinks industry. with over 30 years experience within

the food manufacture and retail sectors, holding executive positions within Nestlé uK and Safeway Stores

plc, he has been involved with the development of food safety standards since 1993 and was Head of

Technical Services at the British Retail consortium between 2002 and 2006. He has been appointed as a

Board member of the uK Beef and Lamb Sector Levy Board and sits on the uK Advisory committee on

Novel foods and processes (AcNfp). In 2009 he was appointed as an expert on food quality and safety

private standards for uNIdO (united Nations Industrial development Organization) and is a member of the

International Accreditation forum Technical committee.

Kevin was one of the founder members of the GfSI in 2000 and has been actively involved with the

development of GfSI in recent years. Kevin Swoffer, 55 years old, is a graduate in food Science and is a

fellow of the Institute of food Science and Technology.


Steve Maharey is the Vice-chancellor of Massey university. prior to this he was the fourth-ranked Minister

in Government for nine years holding the positions of Minister of Education, Minister Responsible for

the Education Review Office and the New Zealand qualifications Authority, Minister of Research, Science

and Technology, Minister Responsible for crown Research Institutes, Minister of Broadcasting, Minister

Responsible for Television New Zealand, chair of the cabinet Social development committee and Member

of parliament for palmerston North from 1990 until 2008.

In Government he was also Minister of Social development and Employment, Minister of child, youth

and family, Associate Minister of Education (Responsible for Tertiary Education), Minister of Housing,

Minister for the community and Voluntary Sector, Minister of youth Affairs. He had responsibility for the

families commission, Learning Media, foundation for Research Science and Technology, Marsden fund,

the Health funding Authority and many other public agencies. Mr Maharey was responsible for the

reforms of the tertiary education sector that began in 2003 and oversaw the establishment of the New

Zealand’s Tertiary Education commission.

In Opposition he was a front bench Spokesperson on Education, Employment, Broadcasting,

communications, Labour Relations, Social welfare and Employment as well being a member of the

Education and Science, Labour, commerce, Broadcasting, Standing Orders and Social welfare and

Employment Select committees.

prior to entering parliament he was a senior lecturer in sociology. Earlier in his career he was a junior

lecturer in business administration, and a lecturer in sociology. His academic interests include social policy,

media, cultural studies, social change and politics. He has served as an elected city councillor.

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Steve Sonka is the Vice-chancellor for public Engagement at the university of Illinois. A professor of

agricultural management, he was the first to hold the Soybean Industry chair in Agricultural Strategy.

while at the university of Illinois, he also held assignments with the Monsanto corporation; New Zealand’s

AGMARdT foundation; Arthur Andersen & co.; the center for Advanced Study, university of Illinois at

urbana-champaign; the Institute of Agribusiness, Santa clara university; and the Illinois State water

Survey. He cofounded the centrec consulting Group, LLc, in Savoy, Illinois, and was a partner there for

more than 20 years. from a Midwest farm family, dr. Sonka received a Bachelor’s degree (1970, with

distinction) and a ph.d. degree (1974) in economics from Iowa State university. A co-founder of the

centrec consulting Group, LLc, in Savoy, Illinois, he was a partner there for more than 20 years.

An economist reared on an Iowa family farm, his scholarship emphasizes strategic change and decision

making. An author or coauthor of over 200 publications, his international experiences include consulting

and lecturing on every continent except Antarctica.


Hans Jöhr is the corporate Head of Agriculture at Nestlé in Vevey Switzerland. As such, Mr Jöhr is

responsible for providing technical and strategic leadership in the groups’ world-wide agricultural raw

material supply chain. This includes the agricultural policy, the raw material quality control and R&d. Mr

Jöhr joined Nestlé in April 2000. prior to moving to Nestlé, Mr Jöhr served as cEO of Afc consulting in

Brazil engaged in agribusiness & forestry consulting and management.

Mr Jöhr is a former member of the Board of Ipc (Intl. policy council on Agriculture food and Trade) and

a member of the Advisory council of the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (seco). Recently, he

joined the Board of IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture). He was formerly a director on

the Board of cATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education center ) in costa Rica. Mr Jöhr

is a counselor and former president of IAMA (Intl. food and Agribusiness Management Association) and

past president of the Swiss-Brazilian chamber of commerce in Sâo paulo, Brazil. Mr. Jöhr is a co-founder,

former president and now Honorary president of the SAI platform (Sustainable Agriculture Initiative of

the food industry). Mr Jöhr has a formal education in agricultural economics, completed with a doctorate

degree in economic science with complementary management programmes at INSEAd (l’Institut Européen

d’Administration des Affaires, fontainebleau, france) and IMd (International Institute for Management

development, Lausanne, Switzerland). Based on further practical experience and a wide range of

international business contacts, Mr Jöhr conducts a very hands-on approach to sustainable development.

Active in all facets of agribusiness, and having grown up on a family farm, Mr Jöhr has extensive

experience based on several long-term international assignments and additionally has consulted in over 40

countries. He is the author of more than 30 publications in Brazilian and international news-papers. He is

married and his hobbies include literature, foreign languages and cultures.

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Chairman Stuart Morris

Prof. Bruce Ross

Charlie Graham

Dr Warren Parker

Plenary Session 1 - NZ - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

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Plenary Session 2 - Innovation in NZ Agriculture - How have farmers responded to a changing agricultural environment?

Chairman Tom Lambie

Doug Avery

Craige Mackenzie

Nelson Hancox

Dean Nikora

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Plenary Session 3 - ‘Food Production’ - A Global Business

Chairman Andy MacFarlane

Thos Gieskes

Natalie Mitchell

Su Hao (James)

John Allen

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Plenary Session 4 - Transforming Value Chains to supply an International Market

Chairman Prof Steve Sonka

Ian Palliser

John Perriam

Roger Young

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Plenary Session 5 - Issues for the Future

Chairman Con Williams

Prof Jacqueline Rowarth

Prof Mike Young

Kevin Swoffer

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Plenary Session 6 - Models to Link Agricultural Research / Education and Business

Chairman Dr Bill Kain

Hon Steve Maharey

Prof Steve Sonka

Hans Jöhr

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Congress Chairman Phill Everest

Other Plenary and Congress Photos

IFMA19 Chairman Edward Majewski

Farm Management - Centre of Excellence Launch

Dr Tim Mackle Prof Roger Field

Hon Steve Maharey

Plenary Session Room

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Contributed Paper Sessions - Hall & Marquee