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Page 2: Confucius

Years of Confucius’ LifeKong qui

(aka Confucius)

was born on August 27, 551 BC in

the Lu State of China.

Believed “ren” or “loving

others” could be used in the practice of the

golden rule “What you do not wish for

yourselves, do not do to


His philosophy of education

focused on the “Six Arts” archery,

calligraphy, computation,

music, chariot-driving and


Major Works include

-rearrangement of the Book of Odes

-revision of the Book of


-compiled a historical account of the 12 dukes of Lu, called the Spring

and Autumn Annals

-Lunyu which sets forth Confucius’

philosophical and political beliefs, is

thought to be compiled by his

disciples and was later translated to English and titled The Analects of


Confucius died on November 21, 479 B.C. in Qufu, China, a year after losing his son, Tzu-lu, in


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Confucius lived here!Lu State of

China(*Disclaimer* this map is of China about 200 years after Confucius was born)

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Confucius’ LegacyConfucius is famous for being a philosopher,

teacher and political figure, not to mention the religion that was named after and follows his teachings. His sayings are still quoted often and he still has a following of six million Confucianists. That’s pretty good for a guy who has been dead 2,491 years.

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Confucian Symbols

These symbols represent the Confucian religion. While the Yin and Yang symbol (left) is normally perceived as a Taoist symbol, Confucianism also claims it as a symbol having to do with an accordance with their theories about how the primal qi of the cosmos becomes refined according to the patterning of li, especially within the heart-mind of one who practices Confucian self-cultivation. The next symbol Confucians believe to be closely the same definition as the Yin and Yang symbol. The symbol on the right is the ideogram for water and the represents the source of life in Chinese philosophy.

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Confucian Temples

Contrary to the popular uneducated belief, Confucianism is not about worshiping Confucius and his disciples. The religion actually just makes a life of following Confucius’ teachings. Therefore it’s very rare to find pictures of them inside the temple. It’s not about Confucius, although they do hold him in very high regard, it’s more about you and the cosmos.

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The Analects of Confucius

The Analects of Confucius were actually compiled by his disciples and are a moral and ethical code that Confucius believed and taught.

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The Book of Odes

The Book of Odes were revised and edited by Confucius and are considered on of his Major Works.

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Spring and Autumn Annals

The Spring and Autumn Annals is a historically accurate account of the 12 dukes of Lu compiled by Confucius.

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Works Cited• "Confucius." 2013. The Biography Channel website. Jan 10 2013, 09:41

• Jeffery, Richey. "Syblolism." Patheos library. Patheos library, n.d. Web. 10 Jan 2013. <>.

• . "Confucianism:Symbols and Icons." BrockBaker. Brockbaker, n.d. Web. 10 Jan 2013. < Symbols and Icons>.