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Please cite this article in press as: White et al., Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunos-timulatory Anticancer Antibodies, Cancer Cell (2015),

Cancer Cell


Conformation of the Human ImmunoglobulinG2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Propertiesto Immunostimulatory Anticancer AntibodiesAnn L. White,1,* H.T. Claude Chan,1 Ruth R. French,1 Jane Willoughby,1 C. Ian Mockridge,1 Ali Roghanian,1

Christine A. Penfold,1 Steven G. Booth,1 Ali Dodhy,1 Marta E. Polak,2 Elizabeth A. Potter,1 Michael R. Ardern-Jones,2

J. Sjef Verbeek,3 PeterW.M. Johnson,1 Aymen Al-Shamkhani,1 Mark S. Cragg,1 Stephen A. Beers,1 andMartin J. Glennie11Cancer Sciences Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Tremona Road, Southampton SO16 6YD, UK2Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Tremona Road, Southampton SO16 6YD, UK3Department of Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical Centre, Albinusdreef 2, 2333 ZA Leiden, the Netherlands

*Correspondence: [email protected] is an open access article under the CC BY license (


Monoclonal antibody (mAb) drugs that stimulate antitumor immunity are transforming cancer treatment butrequireoptimization formaximumclinical impact.Here,weshow that, unlikeother immunoglobulin isotypes,hu-man IgG2 (h2) imparts FcgR-independent agonistic activity to immune-stimulatorymAbs such as anti-CD40, -4-1BB, and -CD28. Activity is provided by a subfraction of h2, h2B, that is structurally constrained due itsunique arrangement of hinge region disulfide bonds. Agonistic activity can be transferred from h2 to h1 byswapping their hinge and CH1 domains, and substitution of key hinge and CH1 cysteines generates homoge-nous h2 variants with distinct agonistic properties. This provides the exciting opportunity to engineer clinicalreagents with defined therapeutic activity regardless of FcgR expression levels in the local microenvironment.


Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that modulate immune responses

are proving highly effective in cancer treatment, with increasing

evidence that such responses can be harnessed to provide du-

rable eradication of tumors (Hodi et al., 2010; Sliwkowski and

Mellman, 2013; Topalian et al., 2012; Wolchok et al., 2013). Re-

sults with ‘‘checkpoint blocker’’ mAbs designed to antagonize

the inhibitory T cell coreceptors cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen

4 (CTLA-4) and programmed death 1 have reinforced the view

that T cell immunity can provide long-lasting protection against

aggressive and difficult-to-treat cancers, such as metastatic

melanoma and non-small-cell lung cancer (Hodi et al., 2010;

Topalian et al., 2012; Wolchok et al., 2013). Promising clinical

data are also emerging with immunostimulatory mAbs that

bind agonistically to the costimulatory receptor CD40 on anti-


Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that stimulate anticancer immtraditionally terminal malignancies. Realization of the full potenprovided by a detailed understanding of their mechanisms of aregions provide mAbs targeting three immunostimulatory corewith agonistic activity independent of Fcg receptor interactiostream intracellular signaling. This exceptional activity is conh2 hinge and paves the way for engineering improved clinical rin the local microenvironment.

gen-presenting cells (APCs) (Beatty et al., 2011, 2013; Vonder-

heide and Glennie, 2013) with agents against a number of other

costimulatory targets, such as 4-1BB (CD137), OX40 (CD134),

and glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor-

related protein (GITR), in clinical development (Moran et al.,

2013). These agonistic agents also have the potential to enhance

therapeutic efficacy of other anticancer mAbs, such as those

directed against CD20 or epidermal growth factor receptor

(EGFR). As demonstrated by Levy and colleagues, stimulation

of 4-1BB on natural killer (NK) cells promotes their cytotoxic

potential and enhances antibody (Ab)-dependent cell-mediated

cytotoxicity (ADCC) of anti-CD20-, anti-EGFR-, or anti-human

epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-coated tumor cells

(Kohrt et al., 2011, 2012, 2014). Despite clinical success, how-

ever, only a minority of patients show durable responses to

immunomodulatory agents, and a detailed understanding of

unity provide curative therapy in a subset of patients withtial of these agents, however, will require precise engineeringction. Here, we demonstrate that human IgG2 (h2) constantceptors in clinical development—CD40, 4-1BB, and CD28—n that is usually required for receptor clustering and down-ferred by the unique configuration of disulfide bonds in theeagents with defined activity regardless of FcgR expression

Cancer Cell 27, 1–11, January 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors 1

Page 2: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies

Cancer Cell

Superagonistic Activity of Human IgG2

Please cite this article in press as: White et al., Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunos-timulatory Anticancer Antibodies, Cancer Cell (2015),

their mechanisms of action remains unclear, making it difficult to

rationally optimize therapeutic activity.

One factor that has a crucial impact on therapeutic efficacy is

mAb isotype due largely to differences in Fcg receptor (FcgR) in-

teractions that influence events downstream of antigen engage-

ment (Nimmerjahn and Ravetch, 2012; White et al., 2013).

Direct targeting anticancer mAbs, such as anti-CD20, -EGFR,

and -HER2, work at least in part by deletion of their cellular tar-

gets through ADCC and as such require interaction with activa-

tory FcgR on NK cells and macrophages (Clynes et al., 2000;

Kurai et al., 2007; Uchida et al., 2004). Mouse immunoglobulin

G (IgG) 2a and human IgG1 (h1) are effective for this type of agent

as they preferentially engage activatory rather than inhibitory

FcgR (Hamaguchi et al., 2006; Nimmerjahn and Ravetch,

2005). Recent studies in preclinical models have shown a similar

isotype dependence for some immunomodulatory mAbs (anti-

CTLA-4, -GITR, and -OX40) where depletion of target-express-

ing T regulatory cells in the tumor is demonstrated to be at least

partly responsible for therapeutic efficacy (Bulliard et al., 2013,

2014; Simpson et al., 2013). In contrast, mAbs whose effects

rely on agonistic receptor engagement, such as anti-CD40 (Li

and Ravetch, 2011; White et al., 2011, 2014) or apoptosis-pro-

moting anti-death receptor (DR) 4, DR5, and Fas (Li and Ravetch,

2012; Wilson et al., 2011; Xu et al., 2003), appear to rely predom-

inantly on crosslinking by the inhibitory FcgRIIB to deliver their

activity (Li and Ravetch, 2013; White et al., 2011, 2014). For

this type of agent, mouse IgG1 (m1) is optimal in preclinical

models as it binds with sufficient affinity to FcgRIIB to mediate

crosslinking (Li and Ravetch, 2011; White et al., 2011, 2014). A

similar mechanism appears to be required for human mAbs as,

although human IgG isotypes bind with low affinity to FcgRIIB

as determined by surface plasmon resonance (SPR; Bruhns

et al., 2009), enhancing the affinity of human IgG1 to human

FcgRIIB through Fc engineering is effective in bestowing

agonistic activity on non-agonist anti-CD40 mAbs both in vitro

(White et al., 2013) and in mice overexpressing human FcgRIIB

(Li andRavetch, 2011; Li and Ravetch, 2012). In addition, Bartho-

lomaeus et al. (2014) show that FcgRIIB-mediated crosslinking is

required to deliver agonist activity to the human IgG4 (h4) anti-

human CD28 mAb, TGN1412, in vitro. This study elegantly con-

firms that at the cell-cell interface, when multiple Fc regions of

immobilized IgG may be engaged by FcgRIIB, the affinity of

human IgG for this receptor binding may be both sufficient and

necessary to promote agonistic activity (Lux et al., 2013). How-

ever, agents that rely on FcgRIIB-mediated crosslinking will

always be limited by the availability of the receptor. An alternative

is to develop superagonistic reagents that promote immune re-

sponses without FcgR engagement (White et al., 2014).

To investigate this latter option, we undertook an evaluation

of the immunomodulatory activity of human IgG isotypes using

mAbs against a number of human costimulatory receptors

(CD40, 4-1BB, and CD28) currently being investigated as thera-

peutic targets. We show that h2 imparts greater immunostimula-

tory activity to these agents than either h1 or h4. Detailed studies

with anti-CD40 demonstrated that this activity did not depend

upon differences in FcgR interaction, but rather on the unique

configuration of disulfide bonds in the h2 hinge and CH1

domains. Furthermore, using genetic engineering, we could

manipulate thesebondsand ‘‘lock’’ themAbs intodifferentconfig-

2 Cancer Cell 27, 1–11, January 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors

urations with contrasting levels of agonistic activity. This strategy

provides the opportunity to develop homogeneous superagonis-

tic therapeutic agents with defined levels of activity that are inde-

pendent of FcgR expression levels in the local microenvironment.


Human IgG Isotypes and Anti-CD40 ActivityTo examine the effect of human constant regions on agonistic

activity, we used the anti-human CD40mAbChiLob 7/4 (Chowd-

hury et al., 2014), currently in phase 1 clinical trial in cancer pa-

tients. Agonistic activity was initially assessed by the ability of

ChiLob 7/4 to cause human B cell activation and proliferation

in vitro when chimerized onto different human constant regions.

All chimeras bound similarly to CD40 as determined by flow cy-

tometry (Figure S1A available online). Fab0 fragments of ChiLob

7/4 h1 and ChiLob 7/4 h2 also bound to immobilized hCD40

with similar affinities (10.0 and 10.2 3 10�9 M, respectively) as

measured by SPR (Figure S1B). When added to purified human

B cells, ChiLob 7/4 h2 caused much greater B cell activation and

proliferation as assessed by homotypic adhesion (cell clumping)

and [3H]thymidine uptake, respectively, compared to ChiLob 7/4

h1 or ChiLob 7/4 h4 (Figure 1A). To determine that Fab0 arm ex-

change did not account for the lack of activity of h4, we intro-

duced a stabilizing S228P mutation into ChiLob 7/4 h4 (Angal

et al., 1993). This alteration (h4* in Figure 1A) did not alter activity.

In preclinical models immune stimulatory and therapeutic

effects of anti-CD40 mAb can be mediated through upregulation

of the costimulatory molecule CD70 on dendritic cells (DCs),

resulting in enhanced CD8 T cell immunity (French et al., 1999,

2007; Sanchez et al., 2007). To compare the ability of ChiLob

7/4 h1 and ChiLob 7/4 h2 to activate human DCs, we assessed

their capacity to upregulate CD70 expression on primary

human Langerhans cells in vitro (Figure 1B), aswell as their ability

to enhance Langerhans cell-induced priming of Epstein-Barr

virus-specific human CD8 T cells measured by interferon g

(IFN-g) production (Figure 1C). Consistent with effects on B cells,

ChiLob 7/4 h2 enhanced both Langerhans cell CD70 expression

and CD8 T cell priming, whereas ChiLob 7/4 h1 did not.

The in vivo agonistic activity of ChiLob 7/4 isotypes was exam-

ined in hCD40 transgenic (Tg) mice (Ahonen et al., 2002). Initial

in vitro studies confirmed that hCD40 in mouse cells responded

to ligation with ChiLob 7/4 similarly to that in human cells, as

ChiLob 7/4 h2 stimulated much greater activation and prolifera-

tion of isolated hCD40 Tg mouse B cells than ChiLob 7/4 h1

(Figure 1D) that was dependent upon the expression of hCD40

(Figure S1C). To test in vivo agonistic activity, we examined the

ability of ChiLob 7/4 to enhance CD8 T cell and Ab responses

when coadministered with the model antigen ovalbumin (OVA).

Consistent with the in vitro data, ChiLob 7/4 h2 stimulated signif-

icantly greater anti-OVA CD8 T cell expansion as well as Ab

responses than observed with ChiLob 7/4 h1 (Figure 1E). Thus,

using a series of both in vitro and in vivo approaches, ChiLob

7/4 demonstrated greater immunostimulatory activity when

expressed with h2 versus h1 or h4 constant regions.

Similar differences between h1 and h2 agonistic activity were

also observed in vivo when we examined the anti-mouse

CD40 mAb 3/23, where again 3/23 h2 but not 3/23 h1 stimulated

potent anti-OVA CD8 T cell and Ab responses (Figure 1F) and

Page 3: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies

Figure 1. Human Isotypes and Anti-CD40 Activity

(A) Activation of human B cells in response to ChiLob 7/4 of the indicated isotypes (1 mg/ml) was assessed after 16 hr by homotypic adhesion (top; bar, 1 mm) and

[3H]thymidine incorporation. Points represent individual samples from two to five experiments per isotype.

(B) Human Langerhans cells were untreated (black line) or incubated (gray line) with ChiLob 7/4 h1, ChiLob 7/4 h2, or isotype control (C) for 18 hr, and CD70

expression was analyzed by flow cytometry; one of two experiments shown.

(C) IFN-g ELISpot assay of BMLF-1-specific CD8+ T cell activation by human leukocyte antigen-matched human Langerhans cells activatedwith ChiLob 7/4 as in

(B). Data are representative of two experiments in triplicate normalized to activation by unpulsed cells.

(D) Activation of hCD40 Tg B cells by ChiLob 7/4 h1 and ChiLob 7/4 h2 at 200 ng/ml was analyzed as in (A). Points are individual samples from three experiments

performed in duplicate.

(E) hCD40 Tgmicewere immunizedwith 100 mg of OVAwith or without (Con) 100 mg of the indicated ChiLob 7/4mAb. Circulating endogenousOVA-specific CD8+

T cells were enumerated day 8, and the peak of the response (left) and anti-OVA Ab (right) was determined on day 14. Individual animals from two of four

experiments shown.

(F) Mice (n = 3) adoptively transferred with OTI cells were immunized with 100 mg of endotoxin-free OVA without (Con) or with 100 mg of the indicated 3/23 mAb.

Circulating OTI cells were enumerated at the peak of the response (day 5; left) and anti-OVA Ab at day 14 (right). Combined data from two of more than five


(G) C57Bl/6 mice (n = 5) were adoptively transferred with OTI cells, immunized with OVA plus 100 mg of the indicated 3/23 isotypes, and 5 days later were

challenged with EG7 tumor subcutaneously. Survival curves from one of two experiments shown.

(H) BALB/c mice (n = 5) were challenged intravenously (i.v.) with BCL1 tumor cells and 14 days later (when the tumor represented 5%–10% spleen weight

[White et al., 2014]) were given i.v. 100 mg of 3/23 h1, 3/23 h2, or PBS (Con) as indicated. Survival curves from one of two experiments shown. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01,

***p < 0.001.

See also Figure S1.

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Superagonistic Activity of Human IgG2

Please cite this article in press as: White et al., Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunos-timulatory Anticancer Antibodies, Cancer Cell (2015),

upregulated CD70 on splenic DCs (Figure S1D). Importantly, this

difference in immunostimulatory capacity correlated with differ-

ences in therapeutic activity where 3/23 h2, but not 3/23 h1,

provided protection against tumor development in both a vacci-

nation setting where mice immunized with OVA plus anti-CD40

were challengedwith theOVA-expressing EG7 tumor (Figure 1G)

and a therapeutic setting wheremice with established B cell lym-

phoma (BCL1 lymphoma model [White et al., 2014]; Figure 1H)

were treated with a single 100 mg dose of mAb.

Human IgG2 Activity Is FcgR IndependentThe low affinity of h2 for FcgRIIB (Bruhns et al., 2009), the pre-

dominant FcgR on B cells, suggested that, unlike agonistic m1

that uses FcgRIIB as a crosslinker (White et al., 2011), its activity

may be FcgR independent. Indeed, SPR where soluble FcgRs

were passed over immobilized mAb revealed very little binding

of ChiLob 7/4 h2 to any human or mouse FcgR (Figures S2A

and S2B), whereas ChiLob 7/4 h1 clearly bound hFcgRI, -IIA,

and -IIIA as well as mFcgRI and -IV under the same conditions

(Figures S2A and S2B). Control experiments confirmed the

integrity of the mAb and FcgR proteins used (Figures S2C–

S2E). A number of approaches confirmed the FcgR-independent

activity of h2. First, a pan-blocking anti-FcgRII mAb (AT10) failed

to prevent activation of human B cells by ChiLob 7/4 h2, as as-

sessed by homotypic adhesion and CD23 upregulation (Fig-

ure 2A). In contrast, AT10 completely blocked activation by

ChiLob 7/4 h1 induced in the presence of FcgRII-expressing

crosslinking cells (Figure 2A). Second, removal of the ChiLob

7/4 h2 Fc through pepsin cleavage (producing F(ab0)2 fragments)

did not prevent activation and proliferation of human B cells,

Cancer Cell 27, 1–11, January 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors 3

Page 4: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies

Figure 2. FcgR-Independent Activity of

Human IgG2

(A) Activation of human B cells by ChiLob 7/4 h1 or

ChiLob 7/4 h2 plus or minus a 50-fold excess

of blocking anti-FcgRII (AT10) F(ab0)2 and/or

hFcgRIIB-overexpressing 293F cells (+/� FcgRII)

as indicated, assessed by homotypic adhesion

(top; bar, 1 mm) and CD23 expression (treated

cells, black line; unstimulated cells, gray histo-


(B) Activation of human B cells by ChiLob 7/4 h1

and ChiLob 7/4 h2 whole IgG, F(ab0 )2, or Fab0 for16 hr at 1 mg/ml assessed by homotypic adhesion

(top; bar, 1 mm), CD23 upregulation (middle),

and proliferation (bottom). Means and ranges of

duplicate samples from one of four experiments.

(C) Proliferation of hCD40 Tg B cells WT or KO for

FcgRIIB with various concentrations of the indi-

cated ChiLob 7/4 isotypes determined by [3H]

thymidine incorporation (mean and range of

duplicates, one of four experiments).

(D) hCD40 Tg mice (n = 3–5) that were FcgR WT,

FcgRIIB KO, or common g chain KO (no activatory

FcgR) received OTI cells and then OVA plus the

indicated ChiLob 7/4 mAb. Circulating OTI cells

were enumerated at day 5. Combined results from

two experiments.

(E) hCD40Tg/FcgRIIB KOmice received OTI cells then were immunized with OVA alone (Con) or with 200 mg of ChiLob 7/4 h1 Fab02 or ChiLob 7/4 h2 Fab0

2 i.v. on

day 0 followed by 100 mg of Fab02 on days 1 and 2. Circulating OTI cells on day 5 are shown. Similar results were obtained when mice were given a single 100 mg

dose of h2 Fab02 i.v. (not shown). ***p < 0.001, *p < 0.05.

See also Figure S2.

Cancer Cell

Superagonistic Activity of Human IgG2

Please cite this article in press as: White et al., Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunos-timulatory Anticancer Antibodies, Cancer Cell (2015),

whereas reduction to Fab0 eliminated activity (Figure 2B). In

contrast, under the same conditions ChiLob 7/4 h1 was unable

to activate cells when added as IgG, F(ab0)2, or Fab0, althoughwhen added in excess, each form prevented activation by

ChiLob 7/4 h2 (Figures 2B and S2F). Third, genetic deletion of

FcgRIIB from mouse B cells, the only FcgR expressed by these

cells, did not prevent their proliferation in response to ChiLob

7/4 h2 over a wide concentration range (Figure 2C), whereas

response to ChiLob 7/4 m1, that is dependent on FcgRIIB cross-

linking for activity (White et al., 2011), was lost (Figure 2C). Of

note, ChiLob 7/4 h2 produced a characteristic bell-shaped

response curve when used to stimulate B cells at different con-

centrations and was active at very low levels in contrast to cross-

linking-dependent ChiLob 7/4 m1 whose activity increased as

concentrations rose (Figure 2D). These different curves presum-

ably reflect the different mechanisms by which the isotypes

impart agonistic activity and are discussed further below.

The FcgR-independent activity of ChiLob 7/4 h2 was also

confirmed in vivo. Genetic deletion of FcgRIIB, previously shown

to result in loss of agonistic activity of mAb against CD40 (Li and

Ravetch, 2011; White et al., 2011, 2014), Fas, DR4, and DR5 (Li

and Ravetch, 2012; Wilson et al., 2011; Xu et al., 2003) did not

reduce expansion of OVA-specific CD8 T cells induced by

ChiLob 7/4 h2 compared to that observed in wild-type (WT)

mice, whereas, as expected, activity of ChiLob 7/4 m1 was

lost in the FcgRIIB knockout (KO) (Figure 2D). Both mAbs re-

mained active in g chain KO mice that have no activatory FcgR

(Figure 2D). Finally, ChiLob 7/4 h2 provided robust stimulation

of CD8 T cell responses in vivo when administered as a F(ab0)2fragment, whereas no response was observed with F(ab0)2 of

ChiLob 7/4 h1 (Figure 2E).

4 Cancer Cell 27, 1–11, January 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors

Human IgG2 Is Agonistic for Multiple TargetsWe next evaluated the influence of h2 constant regions on

the activity of another hCD40 mAb in clinical trial, SGN40, also

a chimeric h1 (Advani et al., 2009). The variable regions of

SGN40 were synthesized from the patent sequence and chimer-

ized onto h1 and h2 constant regions, to produce SGN40-Soton

h1 and SGN40-Soton h2. Similar to ChiLob 7/4, SGN40-Soton

h2 provided greater activation and proliferation of human B cells

than SGN40-Soton h1 (Figure 3A), and proliferation of hCD40 Tg

B cells in response to SGN40-Soton h2, but not its parental m1,

S2C6 (Hanks et al., 2005), was independent of FcgRIIB expres-

sion (Figure 3B). In addition, SGN40-Soton h2 significantly and

potently increased OVA-specific CD8 T cell responses in vivo

in FcgRIIB KO mice, whereas SGN40-Soton h1 did not (Fig-

ure 3C). Further studies with mAbs directed against two other

costimulatory receptors in clinical development, h4-1BB and

hCD28, revealed similar differences in h1 and h2 agonistic func-

tion assessed by human T cell proliferation in vitro (Figures 3D

and 3E). For hCD28, purified T cells were used. T cells generally

lack FcgR but displayed homotypic adhesion as well as

increased proliferation in response to anti-hCD28 h2, again sup-

porting an FcgR-independent mode of action (Figure 3E). Similar

to ChiLob 7/4 (Figure 1A), h4 constant regions did not confer

activity to anti-hCD28 in purified T cell cultures (Figure 3E).

Agonistic Activity Depends onBoth theHuman IgG2CH1and Hinge RegionsAs the variable regions of the h1 and h2 ChiLob 7/4 mAbs were

identical and the activity of h2 was independent of its Fc domain,

we examined the role of the CH1 and hinge domains of ChiLob 7/

4 h2 in agonistic activity. To this end we produced mutants in

Page 5: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies

Figure 3. Human IgG2 Is Agonistic for

Multiple Receptor Targets


or SGN40-Soton h2 was assessed as in Figure 1A

by homotypic adhesion (bar, 1 mm), CD23 upregu-

lation (black line, treated cells; gray histogram, un-

stimulated controls), and proliferation (duplicate

samples from one of five experiments shown).

(B) hCD40 Tg B cell proliferation (WT or FcgRIIB

KO) in response to SGN40 h1 and SGN40-Soton

h2 or the parental S2C6 m1 (mean and range of

duplicates, one of three experiments).

(C) hCD40Tg/FcgRIIB KOmice (n = 5) received OTI

cells and were then immunized with OVA alone

(Con) or with 100mg of SGN40-Soton h1 or SGN40-

Soton h2.CirculatingOTI cellswere enumerated on

D5. One of two experiments shown. ***p < 0.001.

(D) Proliferation of human CD4 T cells in total

PBMC cultures in response to chimeric h1, h2, or

h4 anti-h4-1BB.

(E) Activation assessed by homotypic adhesion

(bar, 1 mm) and proliferation of purified human

CD4 T cells in response to chimeric h1, h2, or h4

anti-hCD28. Points represent individual donors.

Cancer Cell

Superagonistic Activity of Human IgG2

Please cite this article in press as: White et al., Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunos-timulatory Anticancer Antibodies, Cancer Cell (2015),

which either the CH1 domain alone or both the CH1 and hinge

domains of ChiLob 7/4 h1 and ChiLob 7/4 h2 were switched (Fig-

ure 4A). Domain swapping did not interfere with antigen binding

as assessed by flow cytometry (Figure S3). Comparative

agonistic activity of the different mAbs was assessed by their

ability to promote activation of human B cells and proliferation

of hCD40 Tg B cells in vitro (Figure 4A). When either the CH1

domain of h2 was replaced with that of h1 (CH1 1/2) or the

CH1 of h1 was replaced with that of h2 (CH1 2/1) (Figure 4A, i

and ii), little B cell proliferation was seen and human B cells

were not activated unless cells expressing high levels of FcgRIIB

were provided to crosslink the mAb. Thus, the presence of either

the h2 CH1 domain alone (in CH1 2/1) or the h2 hinge region

alone (in CH1 1/2) did not confer activity. Similarly, no activity

was seen when both the CH1 and hinge of h2 were replaced

with that of h1 (CH1Hge 1/2) (Figure 4A, iii). However, when the

CH1 and hinge of h1 were replaced with that of h2 (CH1Hge 2/

1) (Figure 4A, iv) robust human B cell activation and proliferation

of both FcgRIIB WT and KO hCD40 Tg B cells was observed,

similar to that seen with native h2. Similarly, in vivo, ChiLob 7/4

CH1Hge 2/1 produced significant increases in OVA-specific

CD8 T cell expansion, whereas ChiLob 7/4 CH1Hge 1/2 was

inactive (Figure 4B). These data show that the unusual agonistic

activity of h2 requires both its CH1 and hinge domains.

Human IgG2 Activity Is Dependent upon Its DisulfideBond ConfigurationIgG2 is unique among human IgG in its ability to ‘‘shuffle’’ disul-

fide bonds in its CH1 and hinge regions (Figure 5), resulting in a

range of isoforms (Dillon et al., 2008; Martinez et al., 2008; Wy-

pych et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2010). The molecule is believed

to be synthesized in its ‘‘h2A’’ form, wherein the heavy chain

(HC) Cys127 in CH1 is linked to Cys214 in the light chain (LC),

which then gradually converts in the blood through a series of

intermediates (Liu et al., 2008) to its ‘‘h2B’’ form in which HC

Cys127 and LC Cys214 form disulfide bonds with the HC hinge

Cys232 and Cys233 (Figure 5A). Importantly, physicochemical

properties (Dillon et al., 2008) and electronmicroscopy (Ryazant-

sev et al., 2013) suggest that h2A has a classical IgG flexible ‘‘Y’’

conformation, whereas h2B adopts a more compact shape with

the Fab0 arms held in close proximity to the hinge. The h2A and

h2B forms can be distinguished by non-reducing capillary elec-

trophoresis (nrCE-SDS; Martinez et al., 2008) where they are

revealed as a double peak in unfractionated h2 compared to a

single peak for h1 (Figure 5B). Of the ChiLob 7/4 mAb mutants

analyzed above, only CH1Hge 2/1 retained a double peak on

nrCE-SDS (Figure 5B), supporting our hypothesis that disulfide

shuffling is important for agonistic activity.

To determine whether differentially disulfide-linked forms

of ChiLob 7/4 were associated with different agonistic activ-

ities, two approaches were taken. First, chemical ‘‘skewing’’ of

ChiLob 7/4 in redox buffer in the presence or absence of dena-

turant was used to enrich for h2A or h2B, respectively (Dillon

et al., 2008) (Figure 6A, top). This resulted in markedly different

activities, with much greater activation of hCD40 Tg B cells

with skewed h2B than h2A (Figure 6A). Similar differences in B

cell activation were observed when the skewed forms were

added to human B cells (Figure S4A), for skewed forms of the

ChiLob 7/4 CH1Hge 2/1 mutant (Figure S4B) and for the anti-

mouse CD40 mAb 3/23 where 3/23 h2B was able to activate

mouse B cells in soluble form, whereas h2A required coincuba-

tion with FcgRIIB-expressing crosslinking cells (Figure 6B; these

cells express non-physiologically high levels of FcgRIIB [White

et al., 2011] capable of crosslinking h2). The skewed h2B form

of ChiLob 7/4 was also able to activate FcgRIIB KO B cells as

bothwhole IgG (Figure 6C, i) or as a F(ab0)2 fragment (FigureS4C),

confirming its activity remained FcgR independent. Second,

mutagenesis was used to produce ‘‘locked’’ h2A- and h2B-like

forms as previously described (Allen et al., 2009; Martinez

et al., 2008). HC C232S or C233S mutation of ChiLob 7/4 pro-

duced homogenous h2A mAbs as assessed by nrCE-SDS (Fig-

ure 6D, HC C232S, HC C233S) that did not stimulate hCD40

Tg mouse B cell proliferation at any concentration tested over

a wide range (Figure 6C, ii and iii), whereas the h2B-like HC

Cancer Cell 27, 1–11, January 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors 5

Page 6: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies

Figure 4. The CH1 and Hinge Regions Confer Activity to ChiLob7/4 h2

(A) Schematics of ChiLob 7/4 h1 and ChiLob 7/4 h2 (left) and mutants (top) where the CH1 (i, CH1 1/2 and ii, CH1 2/1) or CH1 and hinge regions (iii, CH1Hge 1/2

and iv, CH1Hge 2/1) of h1 and h2were swapped.Middle: CD23 expression on human B cells in the absence or presence of FcgRIIB-expressing crosslinking cells.

Bottom: hCD40 Tg FcgRIIB WT or KO B cell proliferation in response to the chimeric mAb (mean and range of duplicates).

(B) OTI responses in hCD40 Tg mice (n = 3) treated with the indicated mAb determined as in Figure 2E. Combined data from two experiments. ****p < 0.0001.

See also Figure S3.

Cancer Cell

Superagonistic Activity of Human IgG2

Please cite this article in press as: White et al., Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunos-timulatory Anticancer Antibodies, Cancer Cell (2015),

C127S mutant (Figure 6D, HC C127S) showed increased activity

relative to native ChiLob 7/4 h2 at high concentrations for both

FcgRIIB WT and KO cells (Figure 6C, iv). These combined data

suggested that the FcgR-independent agonistic activity of h2

is contingent upon the precise conformation of disulfide bonds

in its hinge and CH1 domains, and specifically on its ability to

adopt the more compact h2B form.

Immune activation through CD40 ligation appears to require

receptor clustering in the cell membrane to allow tumor necrosis

factor receptor associated factor recruitment and propagation of

downstream intracellular signals. Many of the effects are medi-

ated through nuclear factor kB (NFkB) activation (Elgueta et al.,

2009). Experiments with both primary hCD40 Tg B cells (Fig-

ure 6E) and transformed human Ramos B cells (Figure S4D) re-

vealed a much greater capacity of ChiLob 7/4 h2B to activate

NFkB as reflected by greatly enhanced inhibitor of NFkB (IkB)

phosphorylation after cell stimulation compared to ChiLob 7/4

h2A. This is consistent with an ability of the more compact h2B

to promote clustering of CD40 in the membrane, leading to

NFkB signaling and cellular activation.

Mutagenesis Produces a Range of IgG2 AgonisticActivitiesFurther studies revealed ChiLob 7/4 h2 could be manipulated to

achieve a range of agonistic activities. Mutation of LC Cys214

to Ser prevented the LC-HC disulfide linkage, resulting in two

peaks on nrCE-SDS (Figure 6D, LC C214S). However, the mAb

remained intact under nondenaturing conditions, with no reduc-

tion in binding to CD40 as measured by SPR (Figure 6F) or flow

cytometry (Figure S4E). LC C214S caused an increase in hCD40

Tg B cell proliferation similar to that of the C127S mutant (Fig-

ure 6C, i). However, LC C214S combined with HC 232S gave a

6 Cancer Cell 27, 1–11, January 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors

profile similar to that of native h2 where activity was greatly

reduced at high concentrations (Figure 6C, ii), whereas LC

C214S combined with HC C233S provided maximum activity

similar to that of skewed h2B (Figure 6C, iii versus i).

As noted in the experiments described above, native ChiLob

7/4 h2 (a mixture of isoforms) produced a characteristic bell-

shaped concentration curve when used to stimulate B cells

in vitro, in which B cell responses were lower at high concentra-

tions (e.g., Figures 2D, 3B, and 6C, i). This effect was largely lost

with pure h2B, where high concentrations remained fully active

(Figure 6C), but it was recapitulated with a 1:1 mixture of h2A

and h2B (Figure 6G). Given the complete lack of response to

the h2A form, this suggests h2A can block the activity of h2B,

reducing its potency at high concentrations and suggesting

that h2A possesses a certain level of antagonistic activity.

Finally, differences in ChiLob 7/4 h2A and ChiLob 7/4 h2B ac-

tivity were recapitulated in vivo, where h2B caused significantly

greater expansion of both OVA-specific CD8 T cells (Figure 6H)

and OVA-specific IgG (Figure 6I) than h2A in hCD40 Tg FcgRIIB

KO mice. Similar differences in in vivo activity were observed for

h2A and h2B skewed forms of the CH1Hge 2/1 mutant (Figures

S4F and S4G). In conclusion, our data demonstrate that manip-

ulation of the disulfide structure of h2 may enable the production

of therapeutic agents with defined and diverse immunostimula-

tory function that, importantly, is independent of the presence

of FcgR in target tissues.


The recent clinical success of Ab immunotherapy has intensified

the search for more effective immunostimulatory mAb in cancer

treatment (Brahmer et al., 2012; Hodi et al., 2010; Topalian et al.,

Page 7: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies

A B Figure 5. Disulfide Shuffling in the Human

IgG2 Hinge

(A) Schematic representation of differently disul-

fide-linked h2 isoforms as described, for example,

by Martinez et al. (2008).

(B) nrCE-SDS profiles of the indicated ChiLob 7/4

mAb. Positions of h2A and h2B and a 10 kDa

standard are indicated.

Cancer Cell

Superagonistic Activity of Human IgG2

Please cite this article in press as: White et al., Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunos-timulatory Anticancer Antibodies, Cancer Cell (2015),

2012; Wolchok et al., 2013). A large body of data now indicates

that isotype selection is crucial as it dictates differential FcgR in-

teractions that direct events after antigen binding (Nimmerjahn

and Ravetch, 2012; White et al., 2013). Manipulation of the

mAb Fc has already been used as a way to enhance selected

interactions and increase therapeutic potency (Li and Ravetch,

2012, 2013; White et al., 2013). The data in this report show

that isotype-dependent, FcgR-independent mechanisms may

also be important determinants of activity.

The finding by us and others that agonistic anti-CD40, at least

in murine models, requires binding to FcgRIIB (Li and Ravetch,

2011; White et al., 2011) poses a challenge when developing

agents for human use as human IgG bind to FcgRIIB with very

low affinity, particularly as monomers (Bruhns et al., 2009).

Although Fc engineering can enhance FcgRIIB interaction and

improve activity (Li and Ravetch, 2012, 2013; White et al.,

2013), this approach is limited by the fact that FcgRIIB may not

always be available for crosslinking within the tumor microenvi-

ronment and may also result in adverse events when FcgRIIB

is engaged on endothelial cells (Xu et al., 2003). The demonstra-

tion in this report that mAb of the h2 isotype possess FcgR-inde-

pendent agonistic activity is thus significant as it provides the

opportunity to develop reagents that are agonistic regardless

of target cell location.

The human IgG2 isotype is unique in its ability to rearrange

disulfide bonds within its hinge and CH1 domains after synthe-

sis, resulting in a range of isoforms with distinct conformations

(Allen et al., 2009; Dillon et al., 2008; Martinez et al., 2008; Wy-

pych et al., 2008). It is believed to be synthesized with a classical,

flexible IgG structure (its ‘‘A’’ form) containing four inter-HC hinge

disulfide bonds. Over time this is converted through a series of

intermediates to a more compact ‘‘B’’ form in which the LC

and HC CH1 are disulfide bonded to HC hinge cysteines 232

and 233 (Allen et al., 2009; Dillon et al., 2008; Liu et al., 2008;

Martinez et al., 2008;Wypych et al., 2008). Using both a chemical

skewing approach and a series of genetically engineered mAbs,

Cancer Cell 27, 1–

we have demonstrated that the agonistic

activity of ChiLob 7/4 h2 is dependent

upon its ability to adopt the h2B form.

Moreover, mutation of specific cysteines

or combinations thereof could lock it

into conformations with different degrees

of agonistic activity.

Of note, the selected LC appears to

affect the ability of h2 to adopt different

conformations, with disulfide shuffling

permitted by kappa but not lambda LCs

(Dillon et al., 2008). Consistent with this,

all mAbs used in our study contained

the kappa LC. Of further interest, the existence of disulfide linked

h2 dimers has been described in human blood (Yoo et al., 2003).

However, as also reported by others using recombinant mAbs

(Martinez et al., 2008), we found no evidence of dimers in any

of our mAb preparations, as revealed by nrCE-SDS.

Previous attempts to investigate the functional impact of h2A

and h2B isoforms have not revealed differences in FcgR or

C1q engagement (Lightle et al., 2010), or consistent differences

in Ag binding or the ability to block receptor-ligand interactions,

where if anything h2B is less active (Dillon et al., 2008; Guo et al.,

2008; Martinez et al., 2008). Similarly, we did not observe any dif-

ference in the avidity of ChiLob 7/4 h2A and h2B forms for CD40

when measured by SPR or by flow cytometry. Combined with

the very similar affinities of ChiLob 7/4 h1 and ChiLob 7/4 h2

Fab0 for CD40, it seems highly unlikely that changes in affinity

can explain the very different properties of h2A and h2B. Inter-

estingly, Liu et al. (2008) also showed in patients the natural con-

version from the A-to-B form over a number of days that did not

result from a change in half-life. In the current study we assessed

the agonistic activity of mAbs engaging immune coreceptors,

where we know that receptor clustering is a mandatory require-

ment to initiate downstream immune activation (Elgueta et al.,

2009). Finding an Ab format that can achieve such crosslinking

without FcgR engagement is both unexpected and unexplained,

as almost all agonistic mAbs described to date, including the

anti-CD28 superagonist TGN1412, which caused catastrophic

toxicity in healthy volunteers in 2006 (Suntharalingam et al.,

2006), require FcgR crosslinking for activity (Bartholomaeus

et al., 2014). We speculate that the agonistic properties of h2B

result from its unusual compact conformation where the Fab0

arms are rotated down close to the Fc region of the Ab. This

may allow close ‘‘packing’’ of adjacent receptors engaged in

the plane of the membrane. The lack of flexibility in h2B may

also hold receptors in a more rigid lattice that favors efficient

downstream signaling. An extension of this may be that h2B, un-

like h2A, can stabilize receptors in preexisting clusters (Smulski

11, January 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors 7

Page 8: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies

Figure 6. Mutagenesis Generates a Range of ChiLob 7/4 h2 Agonistic Forms

(A) nrCE-SDS profiles (top) and hCD40 Tg B cell proliferation in response to ‘‘skewed’’ h2A and h2B ChiLob 7/4 (mean and range of duplicates, one of three


(B) nrCE-SDS profiles (top) and mouse B cell activation assessed by CD23 upregulation in the presence and absence of FcgRIIB-expressing crosslinking cells

(bottom) in response to skewed 3/23 h2 (one of three experiments shown).

(C) Proliferation of hCD40 Tg B cells that were WT or KO for FcgRIIB in response to ChiLob 7/4 mutants (mean and range of duplicates from one of at least three


(D) nrCE-SDS profiles of the indicated ChiLob 7/4 mutants. Positions of whole IgG, HC-HC complexes (HH), free LC (L), and 10 kDa marker are shown.

(E) Western blot of lysates from hCD40 Tg mouse B cells treated with ChiLob 7/4 h2A and ChiLob 7/4 h2B at 1 mg/ml for the indicated times and probed with Ab

specific for phospho (p)-IkB kinase (IKK) a/b, pIkB-a, or IkB-a. Anti-tubulin was used as a loading control.

(F) SPR of ChiLob 7/4 h2 mutants (100, 20, 4, 0.8, and 0.16 nM) binding to hCD40 immobilized at 8,000 response units (RU).

(G) hCD40 Tg B cell proliferation with ChiLob 7/4 h2, h2A (HC C233S), skewed h2B, or a 1:1 mixture of h2A:h2B. Mean and range of duplicates from one of more

than five experiments.

(H and I) OVA-specific OTI CD8 T cell responses (H) and day 18 serum Ab responses (I) in hCD40 Tg FcgRIIB KOmice (n = 5) immunized with OVA plus 100 mg of

ChiLob 7/4 C233S (h2A) or skewed h2B. Results from one of two experiments. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

See also Figure S4.

Cancer Cell

Superagonistic Activity of Human IgG2

Please cite this article in press as: White et al., Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunos-timulatory Anticancer Antibodies, Cancer Cell (2015),

et al., 2013), while the flexible h2A may cause dissociation of

these clusters. As h2 is the predominant isotype produced in

response to bacterial polysaccharides (Barrett and Ayoub,

1986), the ability to form h2B may be an evolutionary response

driven by the need to engage these repetitive, closely packed

epitopes. The ability of h2B to engage such closely packed epi-

topes is the subject of our ongoing research.

The characteristic bell-shaped curves observed in this study

when mixtures of anti-CD40 h2A and h2Bwere used to stimulate

B cells whereby decreased activity was seen at higher concen-

trations (e.g., Figure 2D) may reflect the ability of the more

flexible h2A form to outcompete crosslinking by the more struc-

8 Cancer Cell 27, 1–11, January 12, 2015 ª2015 The Authors

turally constrained h2B form. This could perhaps be due to the

flexible h2A binding more efficiently to target molecules that

are continually moving in a fluid plasma membrane. Ongoing

studies aim to determine the precise configurations of the

different forms of h2 to shed light on their precise modes of

action. The observation that h2 constant regions also conferred

FcgR-independent activity on another anti-hCD40mAb, SGN40,

as well as mAb directed against other receptors (4-1BB and

CD28) suggests this may be a general property of this restricted


In vivo experiments in hCD40Tg mice clearly demonstrated

the different mechanisms of action of ChiLob 7/4 when

Page 9: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies

Cancer Cell

Superagonistic Activity of Human IgG2

Please cite this article in press as: White et al., Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunos-timulatory Anticancer Antibodies, Cancer Cell (2015),

administered as a chimeric m1 versus h2 mAb. In both cases

immunostimulation was observed; however, the activity of m1

was dependent upon FcgRIIB expression, whereas that of h2

was completely independent of FcgR interaction. This raises

the possibility of further enhancing activity by engineering re-

agents to simultaneously engage both mechanistic pathways;

for example, a chimeric CH1Hge 2/1 containing the S267E/

L328F mutation to increase FcgRIIB affinity (Chu et al., 2008).

This is the subject of ongoing investigation. In addition, although

h2 activity in our study was FcgR independent, it will be impor-

tant to determine whether its activity can be influenced in vivo

by the presence of human FcgR that may bind h2 immobilized

on the cell surface with sufficient affinity to allow crosslinking,

particularly in patients expressing FcgRIIA-131H or FcgRIIIA-

158V (Lux et al., 2013).

Importantly, the most agonistic of the anti-CD40 mAbs in

clinical trial to date is CP870,893, which is an h2, unlike the

less agonistic ChiLob 7/4 and SGN40, which are both h1. The

maximum tolerated dose of CP870,893 is at least 10-fold lower

than that for ChiLob 7/4 or SGN40 (Vonderheide and Glennie

2013), and promising clinical data are emerging with this agent

in both pancreatic cancer and metastatic melanoma patients

(Bajor et al., 2014; Beatty et al., 2013). As in the current study,

Richman and Vonderheide (2014) recently demonstrated that

the in vitro agonistic activity of CP870,893 is both Fc indepen-

dent and FcgR independent. This is significant as it suggests

that FcgR-independent pathways can deliver results in a clinical

setting, and our current findings might go some way toward

explaining the unusual potency of CP870,893.

The data presented have profound implication for the devel-

opment of agonistic mAb-based therapeutics. Equipped with

these insights, it should be possible to manipulate the disulfide

bond configuration of h2 to control the activity and toxicity of

mAbs directed against a range of immune receptors, thereby

permitting the fine-tuning of biological function and the subse-

quent development of novel therapeutics independent of FcgR




C57Bl/6 and RAG�/�mice were from Charles River Laboratories. Other genet-

ically altered strains (all on C57BL/6 background) were FcgRIIB�/� (Boross

et al., 2011), OTI TCR Tg (kindly provided by Dr. Matthias Merkenschlager, Im-

perial College), and human CD40 Tg (hCD40 Tg) (kindly provided by Randolph

Noelle, Kings College) (Ahonen et al., 2002). Human CD40 Tg/FcgRIIB�/� and

g chain�/� mice were generated by crossbreeding with genotypes confirmed

by flow cytometry. Animals were bred and housed in a local animal facility and

were used at approximately 8–12weeks of age. All experiments were reviewed

and approved by both the Science Review Group and the Animal Welfare and

Ethical Review Board, University of Southampton, and were carried out under

UK Home Office license numbers PPL30/2451 and PPL30/2964.

Antibodies and Reagents

The following hybridomas were used: anti-human CD23 (MHM6) was from J.

Gordon (University of Birmingham). Anti-human FcgRII (AT10) that binds

both FcgRIIA and -IIB (Greenman et al., 1991), anti-human FcgRIIB (KB61),

anti-human CD40 (ChiLob 7/4; Chowdhury et al., 2014), and anti-human

4-1BB were produced in house using conventional hybridoma technology.

Anti-mouse CD23-phycoerythrin (PE) was from BD Biosciences. For OTI cell

staining, APC-anti-mouse CD8a (clone 53-6.7; BD Biosciences) and PE-

labeled SIINFEKL tetramers produced in house as described previously (White

et al., 2011) were used. Flow cytometry was performed using an FACSCalibur

system (BD Biosciences). Chicken OVA was from Sigma-Aldrich. Endotoxin-

free OVA was from Profos.

Chimeric Antibodies

DNA constructs encoding HC and LC (kappa) variable regions of variousmAbs

were either amplified from hybridoma by PCR reactions or synthesized by

Genewiz. The anti-CD40 mAb SGN40-Soton and the anti-CD28 TGN-Soton

were produced using published sequences (Drachman et al., 2007 and Hanke

et al., 2009, respectively). Details of mAb purification and quality control

methods can be found in Supplemental Experimental Procedures.

Immunization and Assessment of Immune Responses

Mice were immunized as detailed for individual experiments via tail vein injec-

tion in 200 ml of PBS. Serum anti-OVA Ab levels were determined by ELISA

(White et al., 2010). In some experiments, 3 3 105 splenic OVA-specific CD8

(OTI) T cells were given via tail vein the day before immunization.

Tumor Therapy

For vaccination against the OVA-expressing thymoma EG7, mice were adop-

tively transferred with 53 104 OTI cells on day�6 and then received 0.5 mg of

Sigma OVA + 100 mg of anti-CD40 mAb on day �5. The mice were challenged

with 5 3 105 EG7 tumor cells subcutaneously on day 0. Tumor growth was

monitored, and mice were sacrificed when the humane endpoint was reached

(15 mm mean tumor diameter when taking the two greatest perpendicular

measurements). B cell lymphoma (BCL1) therapies were performed as

described previously (White et al., 2014). In brief, mice were inoculated via

tail vein with 1 3 104 BCL1 cells on day 0. On day 14 (when the tumor was

well established and represented 5%–10% spleen weight), mice were treated

with a single 100 mg dose of anti-CD40.

Cell Activation and Proliferation

Details of the isolation and assays to assess the activation and/or proliferation

of DCs, B cells, and T cells can be found in Supplemental Experimental Proce-

dures. For isolation of human Langerhans cells, skin specimens were acquired

from healthy individuals. For peripheral blood B cells, anonymized leukocyte

reduction system cones from healthy adult subjects were obtained from the

National Blood Transfusion Service, Southampton, UK. All human samples

were collected following informed consent and used under ethical approval

(National Research Ethics Service, UK) in accordance with the Declaration

of Helsinki.


A Biacore T100 system (GE Healthcare) was used to assay the interaction

between soluble Fcg receptors and ChiLob 7/4 mAb isotypes, as well as be-

tween soluble mAb and immobilized CD40, as described in Supplemental

Experimental Procedures.

Statistical Analyses

Student’s t tests (unpaired, two-tailed) and survival analyses (log rank Mantel-

Cox tests) were performed using Prism software (GraphPad). For comparison

of Ab responses, data were log transformed before analysis. In some cases

data frommultiple experiments were combined. However, this was not always

possible as although relative differences remained the same between experi-

ments, absolute measures often varied too much to allow combination. When

this was the case, a single representative experiment is shown, with the num-

ber of experiments performed stated in the figure legend.


Supplemental Information includes Supplemental Experimental Procedures

and five figures and can be found with this article online at



We thank Marion Brown, Neil Barclay, Geoffrey Hale, and Ivo Tews for helpful

discussions and Randolph Noelle for the hCD40 Tg mice. This research was

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Cancer Cell

Superagonistic Activity of Human IgG2

Please cite this article in press as: White et al., Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunos-timulatory Anticancer Antibodies, Cancer Cell (2015),

supported by Cancer Research UK and an EU Framework HEALTH-2013-

INNOVATION grant. M.S.C. acts as a consultant for BioInvent and has

received research funding from BioInvent and Roche.

Received: August 6, 2014

Revised: October 3, 2014

Accepted: November 4, 2014

Published: December 11, 2014


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Cancer Cell, Volume 27

Supplemental Information

Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin

G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties

to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies Ann L. White, H.T. Claude Chan, Ruth R. French, Jane Willoughby, C. Ian Mockridge, Ali Roghanian, Christine A. Penfold, Steven G. Booth, Ali Dodhy, Marta E. Polak, Elizabeth A. Potter, Michael R. Ardern-Jones, J. Sjef Verbeek, Peter W.M. Johnson, Aymen Al-Shamkhani, Mark S. Cragg, Stephen A. Beers, and Martin J. Glennie

Page 13: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies



Figure S1. Related to Figure 1. Control experiments for effect of isotype on anti-CD40 activity.

(A) Purified hCD40Tg mouse B cells were incubated with 10 µg/ml ChiLob 7/4 h1-FITC pre-

mixed with different concentrations of competing unlabelled ChiLob 7/4 mAb of different

human isotypes. Flow cytometry was used to determine the level of ChiLob 7/4-FITC binding

and is expressed as the % maximum MFI (no competing mAb present). A non-targeted human

IgG4 isotype mAb (grey diamonds) was included as a non-competing control. (B) hCD40 was

immobilised at 1000 RU and ChiLob 7/4 h1 (solid line) or h2 (broken line) Fab’ fragments flowed

over the chip at 640, 128, 25.6 and 1.024 nM. Affinities were calculated by fitting a 1:1 binding

model and were 10.0 and 10.2 nM for h1 and h2, respectively. (C) Purified WT (mCD40+/+) or

hCD40Tg/mCD40 KO (mCD40-/-, hCD40+/-) mouse B cells were incubated for 16 hr with anti-

Page 14: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies


mCD40 (3/23) or anti-hCD40 (ChiLob 7/4) of the indicated isotypes at 1 µg/ml. B-cell activation

was assessed by homotypic adhesion (top; bar = 1mm) and CD23 upregulation (bottom; filled

grey histograms, untreated cells; black line, treated with mAb alone; blue line, incubated with

mAb + FcγRIIB over-expressing cross-linking cells). (D) Splenic sections from mice administered

100 µg of the indicated 3/23 isotypes stained for CD70 (green, left) and the DC marker MIDC8

(red, middle; merge on right). Bar = 100 µm. Results from 1 of 2 experiments shown.

Page 15: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies


Figure S2. Related to Figure 2. ChiLob 7/4 h2 agonistic activity is FcγR independent. (A and B)

SPR profiles to show binding of the indicated human (A) and mouse (B) FcγR at 100 nM to

ChiLob 7/4 h1 or h2 immobilised at 15,000 RU. All profiles are presented on the same scale (Y

axis to 2500 RU) to allow comparison of relative binding. The insets for FcγRIIA show the same

data plotted with a Y axis scale of 200 RU to reveal low level binding. (C) To demonstrate

integrity of the bound mAb, the binding of 100 nM hCD40 protein (solid line) or hOX40 protein

(broken line) to the h1 and h2 mAb immobilised on the flow cells used in A and B was

determined. (D) Background binding of hFcγRI and IIB to immobilised BSA. Similar results were

obtained for all FcγR. This background was subtracted from the profiles in A and B. (E) To

demonstrate integrity of the hFcγRIIB, anti-FcγRIIB-specific mAb (KB61) was immobilised and

the binding of hFcγRI and IIB compared. (F) Purified hCD40Tg mouse B cells were incubated for

16 hours with 1 µg/ml ChiLob 7/4 h2 IgG alone (left, black bar) or in the presence of a 50-fold

Page 16: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies


excess of the indicated ChiLob 7/4 IgG fragments. CD23 expression was analysed by flow

cytometry after 20 hr (top panel; grey histogram untreated cells, black line mAb treated cells)

and B cell proliferation by 3H thymidine incorporation after 5 days (bottom panel, mean and

range of duplicate samples). Results from 1 of 2 experiments shown.

Page 17: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies


Figure S3. Related to Figure 4. ChiLob 7/4 switch mutants bind similarly to CD40.

Purified hCD40Tg mouse B cells were incubated with ChiLob 7/4 h1-FITC pre-mixed with

different ratios of the indicated unlabelled mutants and analysed as in Figure S1A.

Page 18: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies


Figure S4. Related to Figure 6. Differential activity of ChiLob 7/4 h2A and h2B forms. (A)

Activation of purified human B cells assessed by homotypic adhesion (top; bar = 1mm) and

CD23 upregulation (bottom) after incubation with native, ‘A’ or ‘B’ skewed forms of ChiLob 7/4

h2 at 200 ng/ml for 16 hr. (B) Purified hCD40Tg B cells were incubated with the indicated

concentrations of ChiLob 7/4 h2, CH1Hge 2/1 mutant or skewed forms of the mutant and

proliferation measured as in Figure 6A (mean and range of duplicate samples). (C) hCD40Tg

Page 19: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies


mouse B cell proliferation in response to increasing concentrations of h2B skewed ChiLob 7/4

h2 IgG or F(ab’)2, measured as in B. (D) Western blot of lysates from Ramos cells treated with

ChiLob 7/4 h2A and h2B at 1 µg/ml for the indicated times and probed with Ab specific for

phosph-IKKα/β, phospho IκB−α or IκB−α. Anti-tubulin was used as a loading control. (E)

Purified hCD40Tg mouse B cells were incubated with ChiLob 7/4 h1-FITC pre-mixed with

different concentrations of the indicated unlabelled mutants and analysed as in Figure S1D. (F)

and (G) hCD40Tg FcγRIIB KO mice that had been adoptively transferred with OTI cells were

immunised with 100 µg OVA plus 100 µg of the skewed mutant mAb as in Figure 1. Circulating

OTI cells were enumerated over time (mean +/- SD for 5 animals per group) (D) and anti-OVA

antibodies in the sera measured on day 18 (E). One of 2 similar experiments shown. *p<0.05,


Page 20: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies


Figure S5. Related to Figure 1. LPS contamination does not account for anti-CD40 mAb activity.

(A) FcγRIIB-/-

mouse B cells were incubated with increasing concentrations of LPS in the

presence or absence of 400 ng/ml 3/23 m2a. Proliferation was assessed by 3H thymidine

incorporation (mean +/- SEM triplicates). (B) Human B-cell activation assessed by CD23

upregulation (black line compared to control, grey) after 16 hr incubation with 1 µg/ml LPS in

the presence or absence of 1 µg/ml ChiLob 7/4 h1 and/or FcγRIIB over-expressing cross-linking

cells as indicated. (C) Mice were immunised with 100 µg endotoxin-free OVA plus the indicated

dose of LPS. Circulating anti-OVA Ab titres were determined on day 14.

Page 21: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies



Chimeric antibody production and quality control

Variable regions were subcloned into expression vectors (pEE6.4 vector for heavy chain and

pEE12.4 vector for light chain, Lonza) containing constant regions of different antibody isotypes.

Heavy and light chain vectors were further subcloned together before transfection into 293F

cells for transient or CHO-K1 cells for stable production of mAbs. Secreted mAb was purified by

Protein A-Sepharose (Sigma-Aldrich) chromatography and aggregates (as revealed by SEC-HPLC)

removed by gel filtration through Sephadex 200 (Sigma-Aldrich). All preparations were

endotoxin low (<1 ng/mg protein) as determined by an Endosafe-PTS portable test system

(Charles River Laboratories). Contaminating endotoxin could not account for the mAb functions

described in this study as i) mAb concentrations of >10mg/ml would be required to provide

enough endotoxin to cause mouse B cell proliferation in vitro (Figure S5A); ii) human B cells do

not respond to endotoxin in vitro (Bourke et al., 2003) and Figure S5B), but do show isotype

dependent differences in activation with ChiLob 7/4; iii) a dose of at least 50mg of mAb (500-

fold that given) would be required to provide enough endotoxin to boost immune responses to

this level in vivo (Figure S5C). Flow cytometry and/or SPR were used to assess differences in Ag

binding. Non-reducing denaturing capillary electrophoresis (nrCE-SDS) of mAb preparations was

performed using a Beckman PA800 Plus analyser according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

To produce skewed forms of h2, mAb were dialysed into 0.2 M Tris pH8.0 containing 6 mM

cysteine plus 1 mM cystamine with (for h2A) or without (for h2B) 2 M guanidine hydrochloride,

for 4 days at 40C, then dialysed into PBS before use. Pepsin digestion was used to make (Fab’)2

fragments that were then chemically reduced to produce Fab’ as described (Glennie et al.,

1987). Protein A chromatography was used to remove any residual Fc.

Page 22: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies


Cell isolation, activation and proliferation

Dendritic cells: Human primary Langerhans cells were isolated as described previously (Polak et

al., 2012). Briefly, skin specimens were acquired from healthy individuals and epidermal sheets

were separated following 20 hr enzymatic digestion (Disopase, 2 IU, Gibco, UK). LCs were

harvested following 48 hr migration from epidermal sheets, and enriched to >70% CD1a+

HLADR+ cells by OptiprepTM

density gradient (Axis Shield, Norway). Cells were plated into 96

well U-bottom plates at 5x104 cells/well in RPMI 1640 (Gibco, UK) supplemented with

Penicillin/Streptomycin (1%, Sigma, UK) and FBS (10%, Invitrogen, UK) and stimulated with

ChiLob 7/4 human IgG1 or human IgG2 mAbs or isotype control for 18 h. Expression of

activation markers CD40, CD86, CD70 on CD1a+ HLADR+ (all BD Biosciences) LC was assessed by

flow cytometry.

B cells: B cells were purified from spleen (mouse) or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC,

human) using magnetic negative selection kits (Miltenyi Biotech or StemCell Technologies).

Human PBMC (Lymphoprep, Axis-Shield) were isolated from blood cones obtained from

anonymous healthy donors through the National Blood Service (Southampton General Hospital).

Cells were plated into 96-well round-bottom dishes at 1x105 cells/well with various

concentrations of mAb as described for individual experiments. In some cases, 1x105 293F cells

transfected with human FcγR (White et al., 2011) were also added. To assess activation, cells

were photographed (Olympus CKX41 microscope with CC12 soft imaging system) after

overnight incubation and activation marker expression analysed by flow cytometry

(FACSCalibur, BD Biosciences). Proliferation was assessed by [methyl-3H] thymidine

Page 23: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies


(PerkinElmer, Cambridge, UK) incorporation after 5 (mouse) or 8 (human) days of culture, as

described (White et al., 2011).

T cells: Human PBMCs were labelled with 2 µM CFSE and then pre-cultured for 2 days at high

density in 24-well plates as described (Romer et al., 2011), with 1.5 ml of cells at 1 x 107 /ml per

well. Pre-cultured cells were washed and resuspended at 1 x 106/ml for the assay. For some

experiments T cells were isolated from pre-cultured PBMCs using a total T-cell isolation kit

(Miltenyi Biotec). For the anti-h4-1BB mAbs, wells of 96-well round- bottomed plates were

coated with 0.02 µg/ml OKT3 in PBS for 4 h, then washed twice and 105 PBMCs /well incubated

with 5 µg/ml mAb (final volume 150 µl) for 5 days. Proliferation of CD4+ cells was assessed by

flow cytometric analysis of CFSE dilution. For the anti-CD28 mAbs, 105 isolated T cells were

incubated with mAb in uncoated wells and proliferation assessed as above. Results are

expressed as the percentage of divided cells.

For activation of EBV-peptide specific CD8+ human T lymphocytes; HLA-A2 restricted T cells

specific for the BMLF-1 epitope of EBV (GLCTLVAML; Cambridge Peptides, UK) were expanded

from HLA-A2 individuals as described (Polak et al., 2012). Human primary Langerhans cells (LCs)

were incubated with an extended long peptide containing BMLF-1 (proGLC:

FNNFTVSFWLRVPKVSASHLEGLCTLVAML,10 μM) for 6h and stimulated with ChiLob 7/4 h1 or h2

mAb or isotype control, 100 ng/ml for 18 h. Pulsed and washed LCs (1x104 cells) were co-

cultured with BMLF-1-specific T cells (5x104 cells) for 20 hours in an ELISpot assay for IFN-γ

production (Mabtech, Sweden) as per manufacturer’s protocol. Spot forming units (sfu) were

enumerated with ELISpot 3.5 reader.

Page 24: Conformation of the Human Immunoglobulin G2 Hinge Imparts Superagonistic Properties to Immunostimulatory Anticancer Antibodies


Surface Plasmon Resonance.

A Biacore T100 (GE Healthcare) was used to compare the relative interactions between soluble

Fcγ receptors and ChiLob7/4 mAb isotypes. Antibodies or BSA as a reference were immobilised

at 15,000 RU to CM5 sensor chips (Biacore) by standard amine coupling according to the

manufacturer’s instructions. Use of an isotype control mAb to coat the reference flow cell was

ruled out due to the presence of Fc. Soluble FcγR (R and D Systems, Abingdon, UK) were

injected through the flow cell at 100 nM in HBS-EP+ running buffer (Biacore) at a flow rate of 30

μl/min at 250C. Regeneration was performed for 30 seconds with 10mM glycine, pH 2. The

integrity of the mAb coated onto the flow cells was checked by using positive (hCD40-Fc) and

negative (hOX40-Fc) control fusion proteins (R and D systems) at 100 nM (Figure S2C). The

background response for the reference flow cell was subtracted automatically; binding to the

reference cell was negligible for all FcγR (Figure S2D and data not shown). The integrity of each

of the purified FcγR proteins was confirmed by at least one of the following: expected binding

profiles for IgG isotypes (White et al., 2011) and this study); increased binding to mAb with

mutated Fc known to enhance FcγR interaction (not shown); binding by immobilised anti-FcγR

mAb specific for individual FcγR (not shown and Figure S2E). Conditions for the comparison of

the interaction between the different anti-CD40 mAb and immobilised hCD40 were as follows:

for comparison of Fab’ binding, hCD40-Fc (R and D Systems) was immobilised at pH5 at 1000 RU

as above and Fab’ fragments passed over at 640, 128, 25.6, 5.12 and 1.024 nM (Figure S1E); for

comparison of IgG binding, hCD40-Fc was immobilised at 8000 RU and IgG passed over at 100,

20, 4, 0.8 and 0.16 nM (Figure 6F). Regeneration was performed for 30 seconds with 10mM

glycine, pH 1.5. Affinities of ChiLob 7/4 h1 and h2 Fab’ fragments for CD40 were determined

using Biacore Evaluation Software fitting a 1:1 binding model.

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