Download - Configuring Devicenet Network

  • 8/21/2019 Configuring Devicenet Network



    Previous requirements for configuring device net network:

    Hook up Allen Bradley Cable to the PC COM port and to the Device net

    Interface !"D# port$

    Device net Interface !"D# %hould be plugged into Device &et 'canner 

    '(C# through the ) pin green connector$

    Device net Interface %hould be powered up$ Check the po%ition of the %witch

    located on one %ide of the Interface %et up on the upper po%ition#$

    "ollow the%e %tep% in order to get the device net network running:

    '(C *u%t be in PROG Mode$

    'tart +%(in,$ -he +%(in, *ain widow will open$

  • 8/21/2019 Configuring Devicenet Network


    "ro* the Communications  *enu. %elect Coni!ure Drivers  a% %hown

    above$ -he following window will appear thi% %creen %hoot *ay change

    fro* your% depending on the driver% you had configured before in +%(in,#$

    "to# a$$ the drivers %howed up on the Configured Drivers by %electing the*

    and pre%%ing on 'top$

    "ro* Available Driver Types pull down li%t %elect DeviceNet Drivers$

  • 8/21/2019 Configuring Devicenet Network


    Click on Add New $ /ou will %ee the following choice%$

    'elect the %$$en &rad$e' ())*+KFD,-he Driver Configuration window will

    appear$ "e$ect t-e COM Port nu*ber your PC i% u%ing for co**unicating

    and click OK$

  • 8/21/2019 Configuring Devicenet Network


    -he %oftware will take a few %econd% to configure the driver$ 0hen it i% done

    the following pro*pt will appear$

    'elect the default nu*ber na*e ())*+KFD+( and click on OK$

    Clo%e +%(in,$

    You will use the driver you just configured to browse and configure the device

    net network with RsNetWor for DeviceNet!

    "ro* the CD I %ent you open +%&et0or, "ile 1$dnt .ms+/**0s$c0micro0(+


    "ro* Net7or8 *enu %elect On 9ine and pre%% %cce#t$

  • 8/21/2019 Configuring Devicenet Network


    +%&et0or, will %tart brow%ing the network$

  • 8/21/2019 Configuring Devicenet Network


    Once you are connected in On$ine:  fro* Net7or8 *enu %elect Do7n$oad

    to Net7or8,

    Pre%% OK and downloading will %tart$

  • 8/21/2019 Configuring Devicenet Network


    Once downloading i% done and 'ou do not !et an' icon on any device net

    network device% 'canner. D&I *odule and I2O *odule%# you can !o o$ine

    and place the "9C in RUN Mode$

    Once downloading i% done and 'ou !et an icon on t-e "canner device. go

    %ee help or 3'y*bol (egend4$ Could be po%%ible that the "canner Node

    does not matc- with the node addre%% been %etup on the la%t downloading$

    -herefore. fro* Too$s *enu %elect Node Commissionin!,

    Pre%% &ro7se on the window %howed up below$

  • 8/21/2019 Configuring Devicenet Network


    "ro* the new window %elect ())*+KFD+( Device&et Driver -hi% window

    *ay be different to your% depending on the driver% you had configured

    before on the +%(in,#

  • 8/21/2019 Configuring Devicenet Network


    0hen %electing 56678!"D85 Driver all device% connected on the network are

    di%played on the right %ide of the window$ 'elect ()1)+"canner Modu$e and

    pre%% OK$

    On the new window appeared pre%% &ro7se$ After a few %econd% the field

    for entering the new &ode Addre%% i% enabled$ -ype in the new &ode

     Addre%% -he 'canner Module i% alway% %etup a% &ode Addre%% 7 or 5.

    therefore type in 5 %ince the 1dnt file wa% configured a% 7 and that could be

    the rea%on why they *i%*atch# and pre%% %##$'$

  • 8/21/2019 Configuring Devicenet Network


    Download again the &etwork Configuration and 'ave Change%$

    Di%connect fro* On(ine

    Place the '(C in +9& Mode$

    Veri' 7-et-er ater #$acin! "9C in Run Mode 'ou !et or not an' a$arm

    code on t-e "canner Dis#$a' or an' o t-e 9eds .Modu$e and Net6 on t-e

    "canner is $as-in! red or !reen,

    C-ec8 t-e meanin! o t-e %$arm Code on t-e Trou;$es-ootin! .C-a#ter )

    o t-e DeviceNet"canner,#d i$e6 on t-e CD,