Download - Config Pro 4.1 Tutorial

  • gGE Energy Systems

    Document Number : SWM0017Version : 4.10

    Revision : 3Date : 30-Jan-2002

    Classification : General, Full Release

    Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises

  • SWM0017-4.10-3 General

    ii Full Release


    2002, General Electric Canada Inc. All rights reserved.

    The contents of this manual are the property of General Electric Canada Inc. Nopart of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,except as permitted in written license agreement with General Electric Canada Inc.

    General Electric Canada Inc. has made every reasonable attempt to ensure thecompleteness and accuracy of this document. However, the information contained inthis manual is subject to change without notice, and does not represent acommitment on the part of General Electric Canada Inc.

    Any attached hardware schematics and technical descriptions, or software listingsthat disclose source code, are for information purposes only. Reproduction in wholeor in part to create working hardware or software for other than General ElectricCanada Inc. products is strictly prohibited, except as permitted by written licenseagreement with General Electric Canada Inc.


    WESDAC is a registered trademark of General Electric Company, General ElectricCanada Inc. and/or GE Harris Energy Control Systems Canada, Inc. All otherbrand and product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of their respective companies.

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release iii

    Modification Record


    Config Pro Tutorial

    1.00 1 4 Oct. 1999 RFN Created

    4.10 1 4 Jan. 2000 RFN Reformatted document to current GE Harris EnergyControl Systems Canada, Inc. standards

    Added new updates to address Config Pro 4.1release

    Config Pro Lab Exercises

    1.00 1 10/4/1999 RFN Created

    4.10 1 21/12/1999 RFN Reformatted document to current GE Harris EnergyControl Systems Canada, Inc. standards

    Upgraded to include V4.1 and LogicLinx relatedinformation

    Combined Tutorial & Exercises Document

    2 07-Nov-2000 RFN Tutorial and Lab documents merged into onedocument.

    Updated to reflect small changes to Config Pro toV4.12


    3 30-Jan-2002 RFN Reformatted document to current GE EnergyServices standards

    Updated to include release feature (eg.) of ConfigPro V4.16/4.17

  • GE Energy Services

    Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises

    SWM0017-4.10-3 General

    iv Full Release

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release v

    Table of Contents

    About This DocumentScope and Objectives .......................................................................................................................xPurpose of This Tutorial..................................................................................................................xi

    Part A: Introduction to Config Pro 4

    Chapter 1: Config Pro OverviewThe Role of Config Pro 4 .............................................................................................................11

    Chapter 2: Installation of Config Pro 4

    Section 1: About Installing Config Pro 4 .........................................................................................22What You Should Know ..............................................................................................................22CD ROM Distribution..................................................................................................................24What Gets Installed? ....................................................................................................................26

    Exercise 1: Installation of Config Pro ...........................................................................................28Installing the Database Engine.....................................................................................................29Installing Config Pro ..................................................................................................................213

    Chapter 3: Customizing Config Pro 4

    Section 1: Make it Your Own Tool ..................................................................................................32Tailoring the Program ..................................................................................................................32

    Exercise 2: Customization of Config Pro ......................................................................................36Defining Config Pro Preferences .................................................................................................36Customize Display .....................................................................................................................310

    Part B: Using Config Pro 4

    Chapter 4: Config Pro Projects

    Section 1: The iSCS Project .............................................................................................................42Objectives.....................................................................................................................................42The iSCS Project ..........................................................................................................................43

    Exercise 3: Creating a New iSCS Project......................................................................................44Creating a New Project ................................................................................................................44Serial or LAN-Based Project?......................................................................................................46Define the Properties for a LAN-based iSCS Project ..................................................................47

    Chapter 5: Application Definition Files

    Section 1: Applications & Firmware................................................................................................52Objectives.....................................................................................................................................52The Firmware Concept.................................................................................................................53

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    SWM0017-4.10-3 General

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    Exercise 4: Installing Application Definition Files .......................................................................54Installing the Application Definitions ..........................................................................................54

    Section 2: Creating the Firmware for a Device................................................................................57

    Exercise 5: Creating Device Firmware..........................................................................................58Creating the Firmware..................................................................................................................58

    Part C: Device Configuration

    Chapter 6: Working With Devices

    Section 1: Your First Device ........................................................................................................63Objectives.....................................................................................................................................63Creating a New Device ................................................................................................................64

    Exercise 6: Creating a Device........................................................................................................65About This Exercise .....................................................................................................................65Channel #1: Create a D20 ...........................................................................................................66Properties of a D20 Device ..........................................................................................................68Channel #2: Create a D25 .........................................................................................................610Properties of a D25 Device ........................................................................................................612Channel #3: Create a D200 .......................................................................................................617Properties of a D200 Device ......................................................................................................619D200 Properties -- Multi-Node ..................................................................................................621D200 Properties -- LAN Settings ...............................................................................................622

    Section 2: Configuration File Operations.......................................................................................624Installing and Copying Configurations ......................................................................................624

    Exercise 7: Importing Configurations .........................................................................................626About This Exercise ...................................................................................................................626Copy Project or Device? ............................................................................................................627Install Project from CD-ROM....................................................................................................628Using Config Pro 4 Copy Project/Device Menus ......................................................................630

    Section 3: Archiving and Releasing ...............................................................................................632Archiving Projects and Devices .................................................................................................632

    Exercise 8: Archiving and Un-archiving .....................................................................................633Archiving and Restoring Projects and Devices..........................................................................633Releasing Projects ......................................................................................................................635

    Exercise 9: Releasing a Project....................................................................................................637

    Chapter 7: Device Configuration

    Section 1: Types of Applications .....................................................................................................73Background ..................................................................................................................................73The System Point Database..........................................................................................................74Application Indexing....................................................................................................................76The Sequence of Configuration....................................................................................................77Configuring the First DCA:..........................................................................................................78

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    Exercise 10: Configuring an IEDs Local I/O .................................................................................79Part A: Configuring the D.20 Peripheral Link DCA...................................................................79Defining Peripherals...................................................................................................................711Part B: Configuring the Plant I/O DCA ....................................................................................713

    Section 2: Heart of the System.......................................................................................................717The System Point Database........................................................................................................717

    Exercise 11: Configuring The System Point Database..................................................................718Configuring B008 Options .........................................................................................................718Other System Point Database Options .......................................................................................720Configuring WESMAINT II+ ....................................................................................................721

    Section 3: Configuring a Data Collection Application ..................................................................722Configuring a Typical DCA.......................................................................................................722

    Section 4: Configuring Data Translation Applications ..................................................................723Background ................................................................................................................................723Data Translation Applications: The Watchdog..........................................................................724Data Translation Applications: The Analog Reference .............................................................725

    Section 5: Configuring Data Processing Applications ...................................................................726Background of DPAs .................................................................................................................726Data Processing Applications: The LRU ..................................................................................728DPA Configuration Sequence ....................................................................................................730

    Chapter 8: Configuring Layered Protocol Applications

    Section 1: Configuring Layered Protocols: Serial............................................................................82Serial Communication Applications ............................................................................................82

    Section 2: iSCS & Layered Protocol Communications....................................................................84iSCS - Internet Protocols over Ethernet .......................................................................................84Ethernet and IP Addressing..........................................................................................................87

    Chapter 9: Configuring TELNETRemote Maintenance Access .......................................................................................................91

    Chapter 10: Configuring for RedundancyAbout Redundant IEDs ..............................................................................................................102The Redundant Monitor/Failover Applications .........................................................................104

    Appendix A: Converting Configurations

    Section 1: About Converting Projects ............................................................................................. A-2Background ................................................................................................................................. A-2The Conversion Utility................................................................................................................ A-3

    Exercise 12: Project Conversion..................................................................................................... A-4Exercises ..................................................................................................................................... A-4

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release ix

    About This Document


    Introduction This tutorial has been developed for individuals that are either: taking a full program of iSCS product hardware and configuration training, or, are already familiar with existing GE Energy Services products, and wish to

    upgrade their knowledge of configuring iSCS products.

    In This Chapter This chapter contains the following topics

    Topic See Page

    Scope and Objectives x

    Purpose of This Tutorial xi

  • GE Energy Services

    Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises

    SWM0017-4.10-3 General

    x Full Release

    Scope and Objectives

    Scope The information and exercises contained in this Tutorial document are designed toaid a prospective user in becoming familiar with the concepts and features of theConfig Pro 4 configuration system.

    While students will create and test an actual configuration program, this documentdoes not attempt to provide the detailed information required to configure anyspecific software applications.

    The focus of this manual is to introduce the theory and concepts of configuring aniSCS device

    Objectives After completing this Tutorial, the student will be able to: Install Config Pro 4 software Recognize the significance of the software components that make up the Config

    Pro 4 System Identify and install application definition files into PC Define Project and Device properties for iSCS systems Create a sample configuration for a GE Energy Services iSCS device Compile and debug configurations Download and test configuration files

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release xi

    Purpose of This Tutorial

    Introduction This document is designed to be an aid to assist a student in creating a simpleconfiguration for an iSCS D20, D200 or D25 system.

    Exercises are included to provide "hands-on" experience using configuration tablesand the Config Pro 4 CD-ROM utilities.

    Who Should UseThis Guide

    This document is intended for users who desire training to become familiar withConfig Pro 4, and become capable of installing, configuring, and maintaining theiriSCS systems.

    Appendices An appendix is included providing information to assist in the conversion ofconfiguration files created using an earlier configuration program to the currentversion of Config Pro.

    Exercises Exercises accompany some of the sections of this tutorial.

    Upon completion of all the exercises, the reader will be able to configure a simpleworking iSCS D20, 200 or D25 system

    Help andAdditionalDocumentation

    The following documents will help in understanding the context of the Config Pro 4configuration system: iSCS LAN Users Guide SWM0008 D25 Plant I/O Subsystem Configuration Guide P097-OCG.DOC Configuration Guides and Functional Specifications for iSCS Device


    Document Styleand ConventionRules

    This manual uses the Systeme International (SI) and the Microsoft Manual of Style asa basis for styles and conventions.

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release A1

    Part A: Introduction to Config Pro 4


    Introduction This first part of the tutorial is designed to introduce the Config Pro 4 configurationsystem to a new user, and provide procedures to assist in the installation of theprogram onto a Windows-based PC.

    In This Part This part contains the following chapters:

    Topic See Page

    Config Pro Overview 11

    Installation of Config Pro 4 21

    Customizing Config Pro 4 31

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 11

    Chapter 1: Config Pro Overview

    The Role of Config Pro 4

    Introduction This Chapter will introduce the new user to Config Pro 4.

    During this chapter, we will discuss Config Pros: Role in GE Energy Services systems Operating environment Features and Advantages.

    Purpose The main purpose of Config Pro is to allow you to define a GE Energy ServicesIED's operating characteristics. This will include: Hardware components Communications parameters Software applications Quantity and types of data in the IEDs database

    After Defining Once the configuration process is complete you are required to generate (or compile)the file to be downloaded to your IED.

    Part of the process of generating a file is an error checking routine where Config Prochecks for logical configuration errors.

    If any are found, the compilation process is stopped until the errors are fixed.

    Go On-Line The next function provided by Config Pro is the integrated VT100 terminal emulator,which is used to access the IEDs maintenance facilities: WESMAINT II+ System Monitor PROMAINTIn particular, the WESMAINT interface is used by the operator to download theconfiguration file into the NVRAM of the IEDs processor.


    Once the operation of the IED has been verified, another feature of Config Pro, theReport Generator, creates system documentation reports including: Wiring Lists Hardware and Software Configurations Project and Device data

    Continued on next page

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    The Role of Config Pro 4, Continued

    More Features ofConfig Pro 4

    The following table lists some of the features of Config Pro 4.

    Feature Description

    Windows BasedConfiguration System

    Config Pro 4 is a true 32-bit program that can useIndustry Standard MS Windows 95, 98 and NT 4.0operating systems.

    DownloadConfigurations toDevice

    Transfers configuration files from your PC to theNVRAM of an IED, via serial direct, serial dialup andIP LAN network connections.

    Upload Configurationsfrom Device

    Recovers the running configuration of any IED intoConfig Pro where you can edit it, or archive it for futureuse.

    Verify ConfigurationDownload

    A downloaded configuration can be checked for dataerrors, before placing the IED into service.

    Convert Configurations Configurations created in earlier versions ofconfiguration systems can be converted to Config Pro 4format.

    This includes configurations recovered by: Uploading Configurations from an existing running

    system Locating an earlier Config Pro 2, 3 or, Config

    System 1 *.SHX files

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 21

    Chapter 2: Installation of Config Pro 4


    Introduction This Chapter will first determine the computer platform requirements necessary toproperly support the Config Pro 4 configuration system.

    As the system capabilities will largely depend on the host PCs speed, power andavailable resources, we will identify those factors before starting to install oursoftware components.

    In addition, during this chapter we will outline the process of installation of theConfig Pro 4, followed by an exercise where we will actually perform theinstallation, and verify its operation.

    In this chapter This chapter contains the following topics:

    Topic See Page

    Section 1: About Installing Config Pro 4

    What You Should Know 22

    CD ROM Distribution 24

    What Gets Installed? 26

    Exercise 1: Installation of Config Pro

    Overview 28

    Installing the Database Engine 29

    Installing Config Pro 213

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 22

    Section 1: About Installing Config Pro 4

    What You Should Know


    While the adage of Bigger is Better usually is true in any computer system, thefollowing will outline the minimum desired specifications that the PC platformshould have.

    Specification Comments

    Pentium Processorwith 64 Mb ofRAM

    The lack of memory resources will be most apparent duringstartup and during display updates.

    This will be aggravated in systems with a large number ofdata points. If Config Pro 4 is installed onto Windows NT Operating

    System, a minimum of 128 Mb is suggested.

    CD-ROM Drive The CD-ROM is required to install the program.

    NOTE: It is possible to create installation diskettes from the CD for those PCs without a CD drive

    Keyboard andTwo-ButtonMouse

    Apart from user defined hotkeys for specific functions; alloperator movement is performed using a two-button mouse,or equivalent.

    40 Mb Hard Drivespace

    User documentation can also be installed to your hard disk,requiring extra space.

    The hard drive speed and capacity will have obviousperformance implications to the system.

    External mass-storage device(Optional)

    The addition of a mass storage device like a tape drive willallow the backup of files enabling a quick restore in the eventof a failure.

    It can also provide a place where logged data can be archived.

    3.5 inch diskettedrive

    A removable disk can be used to copy files to another Config Pro PC export or install application definition files.

    RS-232 Comm.Port

    The serial port provides a channel that can be used tocommunicate with the serial WESMAINT maintenanceinterface of the IED.

    Continued on next page

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    What You Should Know, Continued

    System Requirements (continued)

    Specification Comments

    Ethernet LAN card Required only if the Config Pro 4 PC will be used in a systemthat will use TELNET and/or virtual connections over anEthernet network, using TCP/IP.

    The Config Pro 4 PC may also be used as a PowerLink GUI,and it may use the same Ethernet interface for DNP 3.0 overUDP/IP or TCP/IP communication

    Printer If the Config Pro system will be generating reports, or othertext outputs, a printer will be required.

    Any printer supported by the Window operating system willwork, but a laser printer is preferable.

    Note Config Pro 4 has been tested and operates reliably on PCs running: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows NT4, up to Service Pack 6 Windows 2000

    Note: Config Pro 4 running on Windows NT4 Service Pack 4 has exhibited someerratic problems. Service Pack 4 is not recommended for use as a platformfor Config Pro 4.

    !! WARNING: Config Pro 4 will not run on MS Windows 3.X as it is a true 32-bit application.Config Pro 3 (no longer distributed or supported) is the last version to support 16 bitoperation.

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    CD ROM Distribution

    Introduction Version 4 of Config Pro is distributed only in CD ROM format.

    On CD ROM With the introduction of CD distribution, GE Energy Services is now includingseveral items, previously supplied in either hard copy form or on diskette.

    A Config Pro 4 disk will contain: Borland Database Engine Application Definition Library The Config Pro Help system Adobe Acrobat document reader On-line documentation, in PDF format A demonstration version of the LogicLinx Editor, and utilities TFTP and BootP utilities, for iSCS LAN applications

    The BorlandEngine

    Config Pro is in reality a database program that uses the Borland Database Engine asthe database manager.

    You will actually manipulate database records, known as application definition files,in order to define the features and capabilities of an IED.

    The first step in the installation of Config Pro is to install and setup the BorlandEngine.


    The GE Energy Services software-engineering group is constantly in the process ofadding to and modifying the extensive library of Application Definitions that ConfigPro users need to configure their systems.

    At the end of each workday, this library is compiled and archived.

    Any CDs that are created will contain the entire application definition library thatwas archived the previous day.

    Config Pro 4Help System

    Optionally, you may install the Help files to the target PC.

    These files provide context-sensitive assistance to users that require hints in usingthe Config Pro program itself.

    Help SystemIncludes:

    Additional Help Topics are included to assist in the definition of the operatingcharacteristics of the: B003 D.20 Peripheral Link, for D10, 20, or 200s P097 Plant I/O Subsystem, for the D25 LogicLinx EditorNote: At this time the help system does not include any application specific help,

    with the exception of those listed above

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    CD ROM Distribution, Continued

    CD May include: Device Configurations, if the CD has been created for a specific project. LogicLinx Editor system, either

    a demo version, or a full licensed version

    PowerLink files Application Configuration Guides and Functional Specifications for the

    customers specific project software set. Site-specific documentation as defined in a project specification.

    Note: Any on-line documents will be in Adobe Acrobat format (*.PDF)

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    26 Full Release

    What Gets Installed?

    Introduction Three primary directories are created during the installation of the Config Pro 4system.

    The default directory names are listed below: C:\IDAPI32 C:\CFGPRO4 C:\PROJECTS

    C:\IDAPI32 This is the default directory name that is created when the Borland Database Engineis installed.

    NOTE: This directory (or another custom directory) and database engine might already existon a PC if another Borland product had been previously installed.

    Note: Check compatibility of the new engine with the other product, beforeoverwriting.

    C:\CFGPRO4 This default directory and path will be created during installation of the Config Prosystem.









    Application Definitions

    Config Pro Extended

    feature files

    ICON Bitmap files

    Help files

    Config Pro Setup files

    Template *.txt files for pointDescriptions

    This structure will contain all files relating to operation of the Config Proprogram

    Continued on next page

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

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    What Gets Installed?, Continued

    C:\PROJECTS This directory will contain, by default, all project and device configuration sub-directories and files created by the programs user

    Groups of Related SCS Equipment

    Single Device Config Directory

    Individual Applicationsub-directoriescontaining user-defineddata defining theoperation of specificapplications or devices











    Additional subdirectories may be present under the Device subdirectory if the ConfigPro 4 Properties have been defined to combine LogicLinx files with Device files.

    NOTE: You can change both the CFGPRO4 and PROJECTS directory names to suit

    your specific requirements. Unlike previous versions of Config Pro, you can create these directories

    anywhere, on any hard drive or server, and not necessarily as a root subdirectoryas shown above.

    The IDAPI32 directory can also be renamed, or the installation can be directed toan existing directory, if another Borland product has been previously installed.

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 28

    Exercise 1: Installation of Config Pro


    Background Config Pro 4 uses the Borland Database Engine to manipulate the variousconfiguration files.

    When installing Config Pro 4 onto a PC, an item will be added to the WindowsStart Menu.

    The Borland Database Engine can be installed onto a stand-alone workstation oronto a network server.

    Exercises The installation of the Config Pro 4 program for the first time involves two distinctsteps: Install and configure the Borland Database Engine Install Config Pro 4Once installed, the program can be tailored to individual requirements. Thisprocedure is outlined it the section: Chapter 3: Customizing Config Pro 4

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 29

    Installing the Database Engine

    Background The Borland Database Engine is installed separately from Config Pro 4, and must beinstalled first.


    Follow these steps to install the Borland Database Engine

    Step Action

    1 Insert Config Pro 4 CD-ROM into PCs drive. Wait for a few seconds for the installation window shown below to

    pop up. If it does not automatically start, use the Start menu or Explorer to

    run HSETUP.EXE from the CD.

    Results: The Dialog Box below should appear:

    NOTE: You may notice that tabs for Config Pro V2 and/or V3 are alsoincluded in the Setup Launcher.

    These versions of Config Pro are included only for convenience,and will not be discussed in this Tutorial.

    Select: Borland Engine Installation

    2 After the Setup Launcher Window appears, Verify that the Config Pro4 tab is highlighted.

    3 Click the Borland Database Engine V5.01 button.

    Continued on next page

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    Installing the Database Engine, Continued

    Database Installation Procedure (continued)

    Step Action

    4 When the Welcome box appears, click NextResults: This new dialog box should appear.

    5 Click the Browse button to verify that the destination directory for theBorland Database Engine is correct.

    The default directory of C:\IDAPI32 should be suitable for mostinstallations.

    NOTE: If possible, these program files should be installed to a local drive for maximum performance.

    6 Click the Advanced buttonResults: The following dialog box should appear:

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    Installing the Database Engine, Continued

    Database Installation Procedure (continued)

    Step Action

    7 Click the Browse button to verify that the Configuration File Directoryis in the same directory chosen in Step 5.

    Note: The default BDE Configuration filename of IDAPI.CFGshould not be changed.

    8 Click Ok to return to the main installation dialog box.

    9 Click NextThe installation will now start, as indicated by a display similar to thisone:

    Results: When the installation is complete, the following Set NetworkDirectory box will appear.

    Continued on next page

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    Installing the Database Engine, Continued

    Database Installation Procedure (continued)

    Step Action

    Set Network Directory

    ! It is VERY important to follow the next step carefully.Failure to do so may result in erratic operation, and in some cases,crashing of the Config Pro 4 program.

    10 Click the two Browse buttons to select the locations for the accesscontrol files

    If you are installing the Config Pro 4 system to a stand-alone PC, setboth directories to C:\temp.

    If you are running Config Pro 4 on a network, even if the PC is onlyoccasionally LAN-attached, the first option should be a networkdirectory.

    NOTE: All PCs sharing configuration files on a LAN must use the samenetwork directory.

    11 Click Next and then Finish to complete the installation of the BorlandDatabase Engine.

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    Installing Config Pro

    Reminder: The Borland Database Engine must be installed AND configured before installingConfig Pro 4.

    Config ProInstallationProcedure

    Use the following procedure to install Config Pro 4

    Step Action

    1 Return to the Config Pro 4 installation dialog box shown in the BorlandDatabase Engine installation procedure.

    2 Click the Config Pro 4.15 button, and click Next when the Welcomedialog appears

    Results: The following dialog box will appear

    3 Click the Browse button to select an existing destination directory, oruse this opportunity to create a new directory, and click Next.

    Continued on next page

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    Installing Config Pro, Continued

    Config Pro Installation Procedure (continued)

    Step Action

    4 Select components, as checked on example below.

    Do Not omit any of the first three utilities, unless system resourcesare limited.

    Do Not select the ProLogic Editor unless you have obtained theproper authorization codes from GE Energy Services.

    Click Next.

    5 Select a program group from the list, or use this opportunity to create anew program group, and click Next.

    6 Click Next two more times, and then click Finish.

    7 After the installation completes, restart the computer, if prompted

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 31

    Chapter 3: Customizing Config Pro 4


    Introduction This Chapter provides background information and procedures for tailoring ConfigPro 4 to your own tastes and preferences.

    In this chapter This chapter contains the following topics:

    Topic See Page

    Section 1: Make it Your Own Tool

    Tailoring the Program 32

    Exercise 2: Customization of Config Pro

    Defining Config Pro Preferences 36

    Customize Display 310

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 32

    Section 1: Make it Your Own Tool

    Tailoring the Program

    Introduction Config Pro 4 has been developed with features allowing you to tailor the programyour own specific requirements.

    These features for customization can be broken into two logical groups Features that define the look-and-feel of Config Pro, but have only minimal

    effect on the configuration process. Options that define how the program operates, and the environment that it

    operates in.

    Look-and-feel ofConfig Pro 4

    The basic look of Config Pro 4 is determined primarily by the Windows ControlPanel Display settings.

    Characteristics such as: Color of desktop and menu bars Font type and size Running in normal or maximized window

    are setup outside of the Config Pro 4 program.

    View Menu Within the Config Pro 4 environment, you have a choice of enabling or disablingseveral of the tool bars and windows, as desired.

    Continued on next page

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    Tailoring the Program, Continued


    User definable options that affect the day-to-day operation of the program are setupin the Preferences dialog box.

    Preferences -General

    Part Function

    Backup Select if you want Config Pro to create a backup copy of theapplication tables before you edit them. If you select this option, it makes the Save option in the

    Edit menu (or the Save button on the toolbar) available. If you clear this option, editing the application tables is

    done "live". This means that Config Pro saves all changesas they happen.

    Confirmation If you are concerned about accidentally closing or exitingwindows, you can check the Prompt options, as desired.

    Continued on next page

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    Tailoring the Program, Continued

    Preferences -Directories

    Part Function

    System Here you can select the directory where application definitionfiles are stored. While it can be a local or a shared network directory,

    performance will be considerably enhanced if thedirectory is on a local drive.

    Network Control If you run Config Pro on a network, set the Borland DatabaseEngine Control Directory to a shared network directory.

    NOTE: If the files are shared by other users, thenetwork path should be the same for allinstallations of Config Pro 4

    If you are running Config Pro on a stand-alone workstation,NET DIR should be a local hard drive, preferably c:\temp.

    LogicLinx This option allows for the selection of where LogicLinx filesare located, relative to the Config Pro directories

    Defaults Define modem selection and auto-dial parameters used when the Config Pro 4 PCwishes to establish a dialup connection to an IEDs maintenance port

    Continued on next page

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    Tailoring the Program, Continued


    Part Function

    Terminal: HotKeys

    Used to define tools to speed connect and log on.

    Terminal: Display Buttons to define the display color and font used when on-line.with the IED

    LAN Fields for defining Ethernet LAN A and/or LAN B interfaceIP addresses, if used.

    PPP Boost Enables a utility designed to reduce setup negotiation time fordialup PPP links. (Windows NT 4 only)


    Part Function

    WiringTermination Tags

    Specify up to 3 optional wiring termination tags to add to thewiring list report and system point termination information.

    Printer Setup User can select any available printer, locally attached or LAN connected, as anoutput device for the report generator.

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 36

    Exercise 2: Customization of Config Pro

    Defining Config Pro Preferences

    Background Before installing any of the other Config Pro 4 software components, use thisopportunity to tailor the presentation to your own unique tastes.

    There are three areas of Config Pro 4 that may require customization: Define the Preferences Select the Printer that will be used as an output for reports. Choose a selection of Bars to simplify navigation of windows


    Follow this procedure to customize the Preferences.

    Step Action

    1 Click the Windows Start button, select the Program Group where youinstalled Config Pro 4.

    2 Click the Config Pro 4 item to start the program

    3 Select Preferences from the File menu.

    Preferences: General

    4 Select Create Backup Tables if you desire more security in case of PCcrash.

    Note: Checking slows performance slightly

    5 Select Confirmation options for added security

    Continued on next page

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    Defining Config Pro Preferences, Continued

    Customizing Preferences (continued)

    Step Action

    Preferences: Directories

    6 Verify that the Config Pro tab is active.

    7 Type in path where Application Definition Files will be foundNote: Files can be either on a local drive, or a shared network drive.

    The path shown above is typical for local installations.

    8 Type or select the paths for the network control directories for bothstand-alone and shared network access

    Note: these fields provide another way to define Borland DatabaseEngine control directories.

    9 Do Not Click the LogicLinx tab, unless you are a licensed LogicLinxuser.

    Parameters configured here will have no effect if the LogicLinx Editoris not installed.


    NOTE: Define dialup modem parameters Only if this Config Pro PC willbe communicating with devices via dial-up modems.

    These settings will become the default parameters for modemcommunication with all devices created on this PC.

    Continued on next page

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    38 Full Release

    Defining Config Pro Preferences, Continued

    Customizing Preferences (continued)

    Step Action

    Preferences: Communications Terminal

    10 Choose the modem type that is used on this PC.If the exact type is not listed, choose a similar one, and use theAdvanced button to tailor the parameters.

    11 Adjust the Retry Options to your requirements, Only if you are usingauto-dial on this PC.

    12 Click the Communications tab. This dialog box should appear.

    13 The F2 Hot Key field shows the default WESMAINT login script. Type(or edit) any of the 4 Hot Keys if your IEDs have different login scripts.

    14 Adjust any of the Display properties to suit your tastes.Select font and colors for WESMAINT display.

    Note: The size and font chosen will affect the size of the Terminalwindow when it is open.

    Preferences: Communications LAN

    15 Type the IP addresses of the Ethernet interface(s) of the Config Pro 4PC, if needed.

    Preferences: Communications PPP Boost

    16 Select to reduce setup negotiation time for PPP links on Windows NT4only.Note: If PC is running Windows 95, 98 or 2000 Do Not select.

    Continued on next page

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    Defining Config Pro Preferences, Continued

    Customizing Preferences (continued)

    Step Action

    17 Type Wiring Termination Tags labels to be included in Wiring Listreport generated by the Report Generator.

    Printer Selection

    18 Click Print Setup from File menu.

    19 Select and setup printer for report generation and file printing

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    310 Full Release

    Customize Display

    General Config Pro 4 has a selection of menu bars and windows that can be enabled ordisabled: Speed Bar Tool Bar Title Bar Navigator Bar Status Bar Output Window

    Procedure Click View from the Menu Bar to drop down the list of options shown below.

    Speed BarFunctions

    Enables/Disables button bar below the Windows Menu Bar.

    Buttons include: New Project Open Project Generate Convert Terminal Emulator Previous Message Next Message Go to Error/Warning, and Reports

    Continued on next page

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    Customize Display, Continued

    Tool BarFunctions

    Enables/Disables button bar below Speed Bar. Button functions vary dependant on window displayed below. Always displays the Close Window button

    Title BarFunctions

    Enables/Disables a display bar below the Tool Bar Displays the Device and Project directory path

    Navigator BarFunctions

    Enables/Disables vertical window on left of main window. Tabs allow easy movement between active windows. Window is re-sizable.

    Status Bar Enables/Disables information display bar at bottom of screen.

    Output Window Enables/Disables re-sizeable window at bottom of screen. Displays logged information i.e.: generate/convert operations. Window will re-enable itself whenever any action requiring a log display is

    performed. Once open, the window can be disabled simply by right-clicking inside the

    window, and clicking Close

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release B1

    Part B: Using Config Pro 4


    Introduction Before using Config Pro 4 for the first time, it is necessary for you to understand afew concepts that are the foundation of the configuration process.

    In This Part This part contains the following chapters:

    Topic See Page

    Chapter 4: Config Pro Projects 41

    Chapter 5: Application Definition Files 51

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 41

    Chapter 4: Config Pro Projects


    Introduction This Chapter explores the Config Pro Project. Topics include information abouthow the project concept evolved, and how it is used in iSCS network configuration.

    Once the concept is understood, the following section guides you through the stepsof creating a new Project with Config Pro 4.

    In This Chapter This chapter contains the following topics:

    Topic See Page

    Section 1: The iSCS Project

    Objectives 42

    The iSCS Project 43

    Exercise 3: Creating a New iSCS Project

    Creating a New Project 44

    Serial or LAN-Based Project? 46

    Define the Properties for a LAN-based iSCS Project 47

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 42

    Section 1: The iSCS Project


    Introduction During this chapter, we will introduce: The Config Pro 4 Project The iSCS LAN configuration concepts

    The ProjectDesignation

    The Project name itself originates as an alphanumeric catalogue number used toidentify an equipment order.

    Typically, equipment that is ordered as one project would share a common hardwareand/or software platform.

    The Project,and TechnicalServices

    GE Energy Services maintains records of all projects sold for many years.

    GE Energy Services Technical Services uses the Project identifier to help speed upsupport for customers who request assistance.

    By providing this code when calling for technical inquiries, you can expect muchfaster response than if a service representative has to perform an extensive search,researching what hardware or software is in use.

    The Config ProProject

    In versions 1 and 2 of Config Pro, the Project name was simply used to identify asub-directory where configuration files for that equipment were created and storedon a PCs hard disk.

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    The iSCS Project

    Introduction Until the introduction of the iSCS concept, the Config Pro Project was of littlesignificance, except as an identifier as discussed before.

    Now, the Project has taken on a new role.

    It is now a name given to a group, or subnetwork, of IEDs that are interconnectedand communicating over an Ethernet LAN using the IP network protocols.

    Creating an iSCSProject

    A necessary step in creating an iSCS Project is to identify the network devices thatare not configured by Config Pro 4, but will be a part of the iSCS system.

    This would include: PowerLink or other LAN-connected master stations third party IEDs with IP LAN interfaces.

    Once they are included in the Project Properties, a click of a single icon will createthe "Hosts" table for all project IEDs.

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 44

    Exercise 3: Creating a New iSCS Project

    Creating a New Project

    Overview The first step in creating a configuration for one or more IEDs is to create a Project.

    If the project is to contain IEDs communicating over an Ethernet LAN, using IPprotocols, then there are several extra steps required: Create a new Project Define the Project Properties for an iSCS.This section outlines a procedure for creating a new Project. Refer to Section 1: TheiSCS Project for background information on projects.

    Procedure:Creating a NewProject

    Hint: All Speed Bar functions are duplicated in the Menu Bar drop-down lists.

    Step Action

    1 Click the New Project button on the Speed BarResults: A dialog box similar to the following should appear.

    2 Verify that the Drive chosen is correct for your system.

    3 Type (or select) a name and path into the Directory field to create aProject directory, and click the Select button.

    Results: A dialog like the one in the next step will open.

    NOTE: Any directory path and name can be used for a project, but it isrecommended that it be kept simple, easy to locate, and intuitive.

    Continued on next page

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    Creating a New Project, Continued

    Procedure: Creating a New Project (continued)

    Step Action

    Define the Project Name

    4 Type a project name into the Name field.

    Note: Remember that this will create a new directory on thedestination drive, so only valid characters will be accepted.

    5 If desired, type information into other (optional) fields.

    6 Is this a Serial or LAN-based project? If Serial, go to Step 7 If LAN-based, do not click OK, and go directly to next procedure

    7 Click OK Wait while the Project directory is created. When complete, the project name should appear in the Navigator

    Bar, if it is enabled

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    SWM0017-4.10-3 General

    46 Full Release

    Serial or LAN-Based Project?

    Background If this project is going to contain IEDs that communicate with only serial modems orconnections, then entering information into the other fields and tabs is optional.

    Information in these fields and tabs (except the LAN tab) is not part of theconfiguration files for IEDs.

    It is only provided as helpful data that can become part of a Config Pro 4 generatedreport.

    Before Starting If the iSCS devices in this project are to be installed onto an existing LAN, consultyour network manager for the necessary information.

    Even if the system will be on an isolated network, it is recommended that a detailedplan be created before proceeding with the configuration of the Local Area Networkand Internet Protocol parameters.

    ! If project is NOT a LAN-based project, DO NOT modify any fields in the LANsection.

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    Define the Properties for a LAN-based iSCS Project

    LAN ProjectConfig.Procedure

    Follow these steps if the project is LAN-based.

    Step Action

    LAN General Tab

    1 Click the LAN tab on the Project Properties dialog box.

    2 Select the LAN Based Project check box.

    Results: Once checked, the other options and fields will becomeenabled.

    3 Choose the number of LAN segments to be used in the network

    4 Select the TFTP Preferences Prompt before committing. checkbox, ifdesired

    5 Click the Segments tab, when ready.Segments Tab

    6 Select the LAN Enabled option (only) for the LANs that will be used.

    Continued on next page

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    48 Full Release

    Define the Properties for a LAN-based iSCS Project, Continued

    LAN Project Config. Procedure (continued)

    Step Action

    NOTES: Config Pro 4 will not allow the LAN A and LAN B addresses tobe the same.Dual LAN iSCS systems must use two independent LANsegments.

    7 Type the Subnet Mask that is appropriate for the subnet(s).

    8 If either or both of the LANs have a Default Gateway, type in theaddresses of the gateways. If the project is on an isolated LAN segment, the Default Gateway

    can be left all zeros.

    9 If there are multiple segments, repeat steps 6 to 9 for each segment.

    10 Select the BootP Server Tab, when ready.LAN BootP Server Tab

    11 Is the BootP facility to be used in this system? If yes, go to Step 13 If no, leave all fields clear, and go to Step 14

    12 Type (or select) the path/file name where configuration file is stored.

    Continued on next page

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    Define the Properties for a LAN-based iSCS Project, Continued

    LAN Project Config. Procedure (continued)

    Step Action

    13 Select the Automatically Update. checkbox if this feature is desired. Clicking the check box instructs Config Pro to automatically update

    the BootP Server after generating an iSCS LAN configuration.

    Note: The Update Now button is provided for manual operation, ifthe automatic update feature is not checked.

    14 Select the LAN Hosts Tab when complete.

    15 This dialog box is provided for use if the iSCS network devices will becommunicating (via LAN) with any devices that are not configured withConfig Pro 4, such as a PowerLink master station.

    Click the Add button, if there are any such devices.

    16 Type the IP Host Names and addresses of these devices.

    17 Click Ok when Project Properties configuration is complete

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 51

    Chapter 5: Application Definition Files


    Introduction This Chapter begins the process of readying the Config Pro 4 program for thecreation of a configuration that accurately defines the characteristics of operatingsoftware of one or more GE Energy Services products.

    In This Chapter This chapter contains the following topics:

    Topic See Page

    Section 1: Applications & Firmware

    Objectives 52

    The Firmware Concept 53

    Exercise 4: Installing Application Definition Files

    Installing the Application Definitions 54

    Section 2: Creating the Firmware for a Device

    Overview 57

    Exercise 5: Creating Device Firmware

    Creating the Firmware 58

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 52

    Section 1: Applications & Firmware


    Introduction During this chapter, we will introduce: GE Energy Services Application Identifiers The Firmware concept Installing the Application Definition files for a device configuration Defining the Firmware


    As software applications for the GE Energy Services products have been developedover the past years, they have been assigned an arbitrary alphanumeric code.

    The code assigned to the application has no significance in itself, except that it maybe some indication as to the order in which they were created.

    When you use Config Pro, you will see the application codes throughout theprogram, and the documentation guides for related applications.

    Config ProApplicationDefinitions

    The main use in these codes as it relates to a Config Pro user is that: they can help you find appropriate sections of the configuration guides that relate

    to a specific application definition table they will help you identify the significance of error messages that are generated:

    By Config Pro during compiling During run time in the WESMAINT Error Log.

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    The Firmware Concept

    Introduction All of the GE Energy Services iSCS products share the capability of being optionedwith a selection of software applications to provide a wide range of features andprotocol support.

    When you request an iSCS system, a list of software is created by system engineersidentifying the features and functionality that will be required for the system toperform in its designated role.

    Once identified, the various software modules are assembled and compiled into abinary file. This file is then used to program the EPROM set or Flash ROM, referredto as Firmware, that will be installed into the IEDs main processor module(s).

    Config ProFirmware

    The features of many of the software applications included in the IEDs Firmwarewill require custom configuration before they can be used.

    To do this, you must load corresponding Application Definition Files for eachapplication in the IEDs firmware.

    These tables provide a template for you to manipulate the features of the applicationsin the IED Firmware.


    You must assemble a complete list of all of the applications, and their versions,which are present in your IEDs firmware.

    You can then use this list as a guide to install the specific Application Definitionsonto your Config Pro PCs hard disk

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 54

    Exercise 4: Installing Application Definition Files

    Installing the Application Definitions

    Background In preparing the Config Pro 4 system for creating an actual IED configuration, youmust import Application Definition Files that match the applications that areinstalled in the project devices firmware.


    How do you know which applications to import? There are two ways find out: Contact a GE Energy Services representative to obtain a copy of a list of

    applications for the specific project you are working on. Using the IEDs WESMAINT II+ monitor facility, request a list of all the

    Firmwares applications and their versions.

    With this information in hand, you can begin importing the applications.

    Before Starting Application Definition Files do not have to be installed onto a PCs own hard disk,if a network server is available. They can be installed into any drive or directory thatis available to Config Pro 4.

    Refer to Exercise 2: to define the location of the definition files.

    NOTE: Having the Application Definition files installed onto your PCs local drive willresult in noticeably faster performance.

    File Installation Follow this procedure to install the Application Definition files.

    Step Action

    1 Locate the Application Definitions Installation Utility, either from: the Config Pro 4 menu bar, Tools, Application Installer, or from the CD-ROM installation utility

    Continued on next page

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    Installing the Application Definitions, Continued

    File Installation (continued)

    Step Action

    2 Select Install a number of Application Definitions YOU Select fromthe options.

    3 Click Next.

    4 Type (or select) the path and directory of the PCs CD-ROM drive.

    Below this field, the Definitions Found text string will have a Yesbeside it if the path is valid.

    5 Click Next.Select Applications

    6 Select both the Appl ID and Version for all applications required fromthe Available Applications list at the top of the dialog box, using theinformation obtained at the beginning of this exercise.

    Continued on next page

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    56 Full Release

    Installing the Application Definitions, Continued

    File Installation (continued)

    Step Action

    7 Click the Select button to move the application to the lower SelectedApplications box.

    8 Repeat Steps 6 and 7 until all applications in your firmware list areselected.

    9 Click Next when all applications are selected.Select Destination Directory

    10 Type (or select) the destination directory for the copied applications.A typical path would be:


    NOTE: If this directory does not exist yet, type the path into the field to create it.

    11 Click Next when ready.Results: When the transfer is complete, a pop-up window will show all

    of the application definitions that were successfully installed.

    12 Click Finish to complete the procedure.

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 57

    Section 2: Creating the Firmware for a Device


    Introduction Once the application definition files are loaded onto the PC, these select files must bethen linked into a form that will, in turn, be associated with one or more IEDconfigurations.

    Pre-configured In many cases, GE Energy Services does this process of creating a Firmware for aprojects IEDs when a sample configuration is created during project engineering.

    In this situation, the customer will simply copy this sample configuration into theirPC and proceed with their process of tailoring the applications to their system.

    Build fromScratch

    When building a Firmware from scratch, you must select from applications alreadyinstalled on your PC, a collection that will be used on a particular processor.

    !! Important: Applications selected when creating the Firmware for the Config Pro project Mustmatch exactly the applications, and their versions, loaded into the processorsEPROM set or Flash Memory.

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 58

    Exercise 5: Creating Device Firmware

    Creating the Firmware

    Background Using the same applications list that was used in the previous exercise, the task forthis exercise is for you to create a Firmware for one or more IEDs.


    Now that the Application Definitions are installed into the Config Pro 4 directories,we have to link the applications into a form that can be assigned to a deviceconfiguration.

    Step Action

    1 Verify that the new project, created in Exercise 3: is open.

    2 Click Device from the Menu Bar, and click on Firmware.The Firmware option can also be selected by clicking the Firmwareicon on the Tool BarResults: This dialog will open:

    3 Click New at the lower left corner of the Firmware Library dialog boxResults: This new dialog will open:

    Continued on next page

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    Creating the Firmware, Continued

    Firmware Definition Procedure: (continued)

    Step Action

    4 Type a name for the Firmware into the Name field.Note: It is a good idea to use the GE Energy Services code for the

    firmware that was assigned during project engineering. Anexample of such a code would be SAB0123.00 for a D20device.

    Using these codes may assist future service inquiries.

    5 Click the Applications tab, when readyResults: This dialog will open:

    6 Select all of the applications (using the Select button), one at a time, thatare required for this device from the Available Applications section ofthe dialog box.

    !Be careful to select the correct versions of the applications, if there ismore than one listed in the Version section on the right

    7 After re-checking all selected applications, click OK twice to close thedialog boxes, and to complete the exercise.

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release C1

    Part C: Device Configuration


    Introduction The chapters of this part of the tutorial take you through the steps of creating adevice, and then explaining how the various applications work together in a device.

    Armed with this background information, you can then proceed to configure some ofthe common types of applications used in a variety of devices and systems.

    In This Part This part contains the following chapters:

    Topic See Page

    Chapter 6: Working With Devices 61

    Chapter 7: Device Configuration 71

    Chapter 8: Configuring Layered Protocol Applications 81

    Chapter 9: Configuring TELNET 91

    Chapter 10: Configuring for Redundancy 101

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 61

    Chapter 6: Working With Devices


    Introduction This Chapter introduces you to the first steps in creating a new device fromscratch, making a set of files that are ready to be edited into an actual configuration.

    Also included are the steps you would use to import a configuration into your ConfigPro PC from another drive.

    In This Chapter This chapter contains the following topics

    Topic See Page

    Section 1: Your First Device

    Objectives 63

    Creating a New Device 64

    Exercise 6: Creating a Device

    About This Exercise 65

    Channel #1: Create a D20 66

    Properties of a D20 Device 68

    Channel #2: Create a D25 610

    Properties of a D25 Device 612

    Channel #3: Create a D200 617

    Properties of a D200 Device 619

    D200 Properties -- Multi-Node 621

    D200 Properties -- LAN Settings 622

    Section 2: Configuration File Operations

    Installing and Copying Configurations 624

    Exercise 7: Importing Configurations

    About This Exercise 626

    Copy Project or Device? 627

    Install Project from CD-ROM 628

    Using Config Pro 4 Copy Project/Device Menus 630

    Continued on next page

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    62 Full Release

    Creating the Firmware, Continued

    In This Chapter (continued)

    Topic See Page

    Section 3: Archiving and Releasing

    Archiving Projects and Devices 632

    Exercise 8: Archiving and Un-archiving

    Archiving and Restoring Projects and Devices 633

    Exercise 9: Releasing a Project

    Releasing Projects 635

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 63

    Section 1: Your First Device


    Introduction As mentioned in earlier chapters, device configurations may be already available toyou to use as a template, or you may have to create one yourself as a continuation ofthe process outlined in previous chapters.

    This document will first outline the general procedure you can use to create a newdevice.

    Once you have created the device, the remaining procedures will be the samewhether you are working with a copy of an existing configuration, or if you arecreating a new device configuration.

    Topics: Topics for this section will include: Creating a new Device Configuration. Three distinct device types will be

    discussed in independent Channels: Channel #1: Create a D20, serial communications, non-redundant Channel #2: Create a D25, LAN based communications Channel #3: Create a D200, LAN Based, and redundant

    Installing Configurations from CD or another drive

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    64 Full Release

    Creating a New Device

    Introduction A new device can be created at any time once you have a Project and suitable devicefirmware defined. It should be pointed out that most customers of GE Energy Services would not

    perform the process of actually creating a new device very often. It is more common to create a new device by cloning an existing or sample

    device configuration.

    New Device If you have been following the steps in the previous chapters, the process of creatinga new device starts by: clicking the New Device icon selecting New from the Device menu on the top of the Config Pro project


    The Exercises in this chapter outline procedures for creating three different types ofdevice.

    The Template In reality, once you have successfully created a device configuration, or have beenprovided a sample configuration by GE Energy Services, subsequentconfigurations will begin as a copy of the first or sample configuration files.

    Once copied, simple editing techniques can be used to tailor that new deviceconfiguration into one suitable for a new IED.

  • General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 65

    Exercise 6: Creating a Device

    About This Exercise

    Background The process of creating a New Device has two steps: Create the New Device Specify the Properties of the device

    What Type ofDevice?

    The type of device that is being created dictates the properties options that areavailable to you as the programmer.

    As examples: D10s and D25s do not have any redundancy features. D20s have redundancy options, but do not have multiple nodes (processors). CPMs and SAMs have only serial communications, and no local I/O capability.Simply selecting the appropriate icon for your new device will determine what willappear in the menus and dialogs while configuring.

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    66 Full Release

    Channel #1: Create a D20

    Background This Exercise procedure assumes that a suitable Firmware has been created for thistype of device.

    The D20 will be a non-redundant, serial communication IED.

    The more advanced topics will be discussed in the D200 and D25 procedures.

    New D20Procedure

    Follow this procedure to create a D20 device.

    Step Action

    1 Open the Project window, where you wish to create the D20 device

    2 From the row of Device icons at the top of the main project window,click the D20 icon once.

    3 Position the cursor over the main window, approximately where youwould like to position the device icon.

    Click the left mouse button once.Results: The following dialog box will appear.

    Continued on next page


    A new device canalso be created by:

    1. right-clickingthe mainwindow, andselecting thedevice type

    2. Click Devicefrom the Menubar, and thenselect New. Adevice type canthen be selected.

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    Channel #1: Create a D20, Continued

    New D20 Procedure (continued)

    Step Action

    General Tab

    4 Type in a unique name for the device into the Name field.

    Note: Do not check Redundant or LAN Based for this part of theExercise.

    5 Click the Icon Select button to choose an appropriate icon for thisdevice.Note: The choice of icon has no effect on the device configuration, it

    is only used as a graphic representation for the device whileusing Config Pro.

    The icon can be changed at any time after the deviceconfiguration starts with no effect on the task.

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    68 Full Release

    Properties of a D20 Device

    Background This part of the exercise will identify the options under each of the tabs in the DeviceProperties dialog box.

    D20 PropertiesConfigurationProcedure

    Before proceeding, read this section through to identify the information you willrequire to properly fill in the various data fields.

    Step Action

    Processor Tab

    1 Click the Select button to choose the exact processor type that is used inthe D20.

    Results: Once selected, the Part Number field will reflect your choice.

    ! Selecting the wrong processor from the list may result in a mismatch inthe actual memory on the processor card and the memory modeldefined in the configuration file. This may result in a device failure afterthe configuration is loaded into the device.

    2 Click the Firmware tabResults: The dialog should look like the one below.

    Continued on next page

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    Properties of a D20 Device, Continued

    D20 Properties Configuration Procedure (continued)

    Step Action

    3 Click the Select button to display the available firmware definitions.

    4 Select the one that matches the D20s applicationsResults: Once selected, the Name field will reflect your choice.

    NOTE: D20s always use firmware to define the software applications installed. i.e., the Use Firmware Type should always be checked.

    5 Click the Memory Model tab

    6 Verify that the default Derive from Processor Card option is selected.

    VME Cards Tab

    7 Do not select any options in this section.NVRAM Storage Tab

    8 Do not select or change any options in this section.

    9 Click OK to complete the creation of the new D20.Results: Config Pro 4 will display a graphic showing the progression of

    the creation process.

    New Icon When complete, the Device icon will appear on the main window.

    The new device is now ready for configuring.

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    610 Full Release

    Channel #2: Create a D25

    Background This Exercise procedure assumes that a suitable Firmware has been created for thistype of device.

    New D25Procedure

    The D25 will be a non-redundant, LAN-based serial communication IED.

    Step Action

    New Device

    1 Open the Project window, where you wish to create the D25 device.

    2 Click the D25 icon (once) from the row of Device icons at the top of themain project window

    3 Position the cursor over the main window, approximately where youwould like to position the D25 device icon, and click the left mousebutton once.Results: This dialog box will appear.

    4 Type a unique name for the device into the Name field.

    Continued on next page

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 611

    Channel #2: Create a D25, Continued

    New D25 Procedure (continued)

    Step Action

    5 Click the Icon Select button to choose an icon for this device.Note: The choice of icon has no effect on the device configuration, it

    is only used as a graphic representation for the device whileusing Config Pro.

    The icon can be changed at any time after the deviceconfiguration starts with no effect on the task.

    6 Select LAN Based Device

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    SWM0017-4.10-3 General

    612 Full Release

    Properties of a D25 Device

    General This part of the exercise will identify the options under each of the tabs in the DeviceProperties dialog box.

    Procedure: D25Device Properties

    Before proceeding, read this section through to identify the information you willrequire to properly fill in the various data fields.

    Step Action

    Hardware Part Number Tab

    1 Using the part number label on the rear of the D25 as a reference, selectthe four options highlighted on the left side of the dialog box.

    Note: For this exercise, select one of the Ethernet XCOM options

    Hardware Memory Tab

    2 When initially defining a D25 device, the default memory parameterswill be satisfactory.

    Note: When the device has been configured, the generation of thedownloadable file may result in a warning that there is notenough Base System Area, and it will have to be increased.

    Continued on next page

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 613

    Properties of a D25 Device, Continued

    Procedure: D25 Device Properties (continued)

    Step Action

    Hardware Serial I/O Tab

    3 Select the interface characteristics for each of the four serial ports.

    Note: The XCOM ports are masked to indicate that this D25 does nothave a Serial XCOM card installed.

    Processor Firmware Tab

    4 Click the Select button to display the available firmware definitions.Select the one that matches this D25s applications

    Results: Once selected, the Name field will reflect your choice.

    Continued on next page

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    SWM0017-4.10-3 General

    614 Full Release

    Properties of a D25 Device, Continued

    Procedure: D25 Device Properties (continued)

    Step Action

    NOTE:D25s typically use firmware to define the software applicationsinstalled into their Flash memory. i.e., the Use Firmware Type shouldbe checked for a new D25.

    In the future, it may be possible to add or remove single applicationsfrom the Flash memory of a D25. By breaking the link to thefirmware we can also add or remove application definition files from asingle Config Pro 4 device.

    Processor Memory Model Tab

    5 Verify that the default Derive from D25 Hardware Setting option isselected.

    Processor Code Image Tab

    6 Leave Code Image field blank, for this exercise..

    LAN Settings General Tab

    7 Select Not Used for the BootP Settings for this exercise.

    Continued on next page

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 615

    Properties of a D25 Device, Continued

    Procedure: D25 Device Properties (continued)

    Step Action

    8 Select one or both Connected to LAN options, as appropriate foryour system. Do not select both unless you have dual LANs available.

    Note: Do not alter the Host Name Override field

    LAN Settings LAN Specific Tab

    9 Type a valid Host Address for one or both LAN interfaces.

    Note: It is not necessary to fill in the Ethernet Address unless theBootP feature is to be configured.

    Continued on next page

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    SWM0017-4.10-3 General

    616 Full Release

    Properties of a D25 Device, Continued

    Procedure: D25 Device Properties (continued)

    Step Action

    LAN Settings Services Tab

    10 Edit the Service Name(s) and Port Number(s) as required for yoursystem.

    Note: The values shown in this example dialog are the defaults thatwill be seen when a new D25 configuration is created.

    More recent versions of DNP 3.0 applications, as well as IEC 104 andUCA RFC 1006 protocols will assume default values for these fields ifthey are left entirely blank. The Service fields should be cleared formost systems.

    For these new applications, filling in these fields should not be required,unless the D25 is to be integrated into an existing iSCS LAN that isusing different Port Numbers

    Refer to: the iSCS Users Guide - SWM0008 for more informationabout services and port numbers.

    NVRAM Storage (May not be present in older units)

    11 Verify that the Storage Regions option is set to 0

    12 Click OK to complete the creation of the new D25.Results: Config Pro 4 will display a graph showing the progression of

    the creation process.

    New Icon When complete, the Device icon will appear on the main window. The new device is now ready for configuring.

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 617

    Channel #3: Create a D200

    Background This Exercise procedure assumes that suitable Firmware have been created for thistype of device.

    The D200 will be a 2-node, redundant, LAN and serial communication dataconcentrator.

    New D200Procedure

    The following steps outline the procedure for creating a redundant, LAN-based D200device.

    Step Action

    1 Open the Project window, where you wish to create the D200 device

    2 Click the D200 icon (once) in the row of Device icons at the top of themain project window

    3 Position the cursor over the main window, approximately where youwould like to position the D200 device icon.

    General Tab

    4 Click the left mouse button once.Results: This dialog box will appear.

    Continued on next page

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    SWM0017-4.10-3 General

    618 Full Release

    Channel #3: Create a D200, Continued

    New D200 Procedure (continued)

    Step Action

    5 Enter a unique name for the device into the Name field.

    6 Click the Icon Select button to choose an appropriate icon for thisdevice.Note: The choice of icon has no effect on the device configuration, it

    is only used as a graphic representation for the device whileusing Config Pro.

    The icon can be changed at any time after the deviceconfiguration starts with no effect on the task.

    7 Select Redundant Device

    8 Select Multiprocessor Device

    9 Select LAN Based DeviceNote: Do not click OK at this time. The next procedure will

    continue from this point.

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 619

    Properties of a D200 Device

    Background This part of the exercise will identify the options under each of the tabs in the DeviceProperties dialog box.

    ConfiguringD200 PropertiesProcedure

    Before proceeding, read this section through to identify the information you willrequire to properly fill in the various data fields.

    Note: This procedure continues from where the previous procedure left off.

    Step Action

    Processor 1 General Tab

    1 Click the Select button

    Note: The 1 tab at the lower-left of the dialog box will have a greencheck mark. All enabled processors will have this same mark.

    2 Using the part number labels on the D20 M processor cards as areference, select the part number of first processor used in the D200, andclick OK

    Processor 1 Firmware Tab

    3 Select the Firmware tab

    Continued on next page

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    SWM0017-4.10-3 General

    620 Full Release

    Properties of a D200 Device, Continued

    Configuring D200 Properties Procedure (continued)

    Step Action

    4 Verify that the Use Firmware Type option is checked.

    5 Select the Select button.

    6 Select the firmware for the first node of the D200Processor 1 Memory Model Tab

    7 Verify that the Derive From Processor Card option is checked.

    8 Click the General tab.Note: Do not click OK at this time. The next procedure will

    continue from this point.

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 621

    D200 Properties -- Multi-Node

    Background Each processor (node) of a D200 is defined in the same way as the first. Some D200s have the same firmware for all nodes, while some have different

    firmware for each node. Check the labels on the EPROMs installed in eachprocessor card before proceeding.

    Step Action

    Processor 2

    1 Click the 2 tab at the bottom of the dialog box

    2 Click the Enabled checkbox

    3 Click the Select button

    4 Using the part number label on the second D20 M processor card, selectthe second processor used in the D200.

    Note: It is usually the same type as the first node, but be sure of thepart number.

    5 Click Ok.Processor 2 Firmware Tab

    6 Click the Firmware tab

    7 Verify that the Use Firmware Type option is checked.

    8 Click the Select button.

    9 Click the Firmware for the second node of the D200Processor 2 Memory Model Tab

    10 Verify that the Derive From Processor Card option is checked.

    11 Click the Global Memory tab.

    Processor 2 Global Memory Tab

    12 Do not change any defaults in this dialog boxProcessor 2 VME Cards Tab

    13 Do not select any options in this dialog box

    Repeat for Each Processor

    14 Repeat steps 1 through 13 for all processor cards in the D200.

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    SWM0017-4.10-3 General

    622 Full Release

    D200 Properties -- LAN Settings

    D200 LANPropertiesConfig.Procedure

    Follow this procedure to configure the D200s LAN properties.

    Step Action

    LAN Settings General Tab

    1 Select BootP Settings Not Used for this exercise.

    2 Select one or both Connected to LAN options, as appropriate.

    3 Do not alter the Host Name Override field (leave clear)

    4 Select the LAN Segment that this D200 is connected to.LAN Settings LAN Specific Tab

    5 Type a valid Host Address for one or both LAN interfaces.

    Note: It is not necessary to fill in the Ethernet Address unless theBootP feature is to be configured

    Continued on next page

  • Config Pro 4.1xTutorial & Exercises GE Energy Services

    General SWM0017-4.10-3Full Release 623

    D200 Properties -- LAN Settings, Continued

    D200 LAN Properties Config. Procedure (continued)

    Step Action

    LAN Settings Services Tab

    6 Type the Service Name(s) and Port Number(s) as shown below.

    Note: The values shown in this example dialog are the defaults thatwill be seen when a new D200 configuration is created.

    More recent versions of DNP 3.0 applications, as well as IEC104