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ACHPER WA HPE Conference 2018 – Sponsor & Stall Information 2

ACHPER WA invites you to 3 days of Enriching HPE at the annual state HPE Conference.

We offer professional development for Health, Phys Ed, Outdoor Ed and Sport

educators, classroom teachers, coaches,

recreation and health professionals. It’s a great opportunity

to listen to and interact with leading professionals in your field,

and connect with colleagues who are innovative, motivated

and passionate about HPE.

Please read further for more

information about the



We are a not-for-profit association representing professionals working in the areas of Health and Physical Education, Sport Education, Community Recreation, and Fitness or Movement Science.

Read more About Us.



0 Support

and promote healthier,

safer and more active living to the people of

Western Australia

Engage and partner with

members, teachers, schools, communities,

peak bodies and likeminded associations Inspire,

demonstrate and advocate excellence in the teaching and learning of HPE and

other related learning in schools and communities





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Monday 26th Nov

For Secondary Teachers Health Stream Phys Ed Stream Practical Stream

Tuesday 27th Nov

All Educators ELY / Childcare Stream SS and PS: Enriching HPE and Wellbeing sessions

Wednesday 28th Nov

For Primary Teachers Health Stream Phys Ed Stream Practical Stream

The 2018 ACHPER WA State Conference will be held at ECU Mt Lawley from the 26-28th November. It provides quality professional development opportunities for educators of all levels and other health, and sport and recreation industry members.

The conference is recognised by teachers and principals as the key professional development opportunity for Health and Physical Educators (HPE) in WA.

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AND SPONSORS! We would like to thank our partners:

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The annual state conference has gained significant popularity over the years and is recognised by teachers and principals in WA as a key professional development opportunity for Health and Physical Education (HPE) professionals.

Why attend the ACHPER WA annual state conference this year?

Excellent networking

opportunities: meet, network and

collaborate with other HPE, Sport,

and Wellbeing educators

Access excellent support and info! Visit the

range of Trade Exhibitors offering

exclusive deals

Learn through practical

involvement. Choose from over practical sessions with new sports added this year

Receive acertificate of

attendance to record your professional

learning, and clock up hours for teacher


Benefit the whole school by learning about quality HPE programs aligned

with the WA Syllabus

Supportthe association that advocates,

demonstrates, and inspires excellence in the teaching and

learning of HPE

Be in the running to win a range of prizes on offer from our trade stall holders!

Participate in an

exemplary program with

innovative speakers

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Full time Tertiary Students are Invited to Volunteer at the Conference. Students who volunteers at the

conference will receive a free shirt, catering, and FREE attendance to

sessions. Volunteering will also provide you with excellent networking opportunities and support your

employment applications. Please contact us to apply

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NEED SOMEWHERE TO STAY? There is a low-cost option on campus at Edith Cowan University, just a short walk away from the Conference building. The location is perfect location for conference guests, either as an independent traveller or those looking for affordable group accommodation. Apartments are in one of two locations – the new Poolside building or the pre-existing Lakeside accommodation.


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Please see the next 3 pages for the ACHPER WA CONFERENCE DRAFT PROGRAM, correct as of 10th October 2018. This is a draft program and is subject to change.


Sunday 25th November Bronze Medallion requalification or Senior First Aid requalification And/or Snorkeling qualification 1.00pm- 4.30pm At a Local Swimming Pool Registration for the Requals are separate to the conference and will be opening soon! View the ACHPER WA events page for more details


Access our Trade Exhibitors… programs, products, prizes and more!

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Monday 26th November for Secondary Teachers

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Milanna Heberle, Principal at Rossmoyne SHS Milanna began her career as a HPE teacher at Wanneroo SHS, and went on to teach PE in the country, teach as a Hockey Specialist, hold metro HOLA positions, and regional Deputy Principal and Principal positions in the Pilbara. Milanna was seconded to write the new PE Studies course, and as a Principal Consultant, was at the forefront of systemic change associated with the implementation of the new WACE. After completing a Master of Education in 2005, she won a faculty prize for outstanding coursework in school leadership, and nowadays is acknowledged as a strong, innovative and visionary leader with high expectations of students and staff. Her interests include strategic planning, change management, leadership development and data analysis.

Day 1 Program




Stream 1 Stream 2 Stream 3 Stream 4 Stream 5 Stream 6


Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6

Supporting LGBTI+ diversity in WA Schools Katie Darby, Inclusive Education WA

Sport Psychology: Mental Skills and Group Cohesion in Sport Dr Craig Harms, ECU

Assessing PE Using the WA Curriculum Michelle Edwards, Perth Modern School

Soccer - Games based coaching for SS students Mark Lee, Mark Lee Football Coaching

AFL - Coaching Girls David Lindsay and Female Talent, West Australian Football Commission

Engaging students and managing behaviour in P.E and Health Gavin Brown, School of Special Educational Needs


Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Session 10 Session 11 Session 12

Positive Education in Secondary Schools Dr Deb Perich, Perth College

Developmental Coordination Disorder: What is it and how you can support your students. Dr Amanda Timler, UNDA

ICT for programming and assessing in HPE M Healy, M Edwards, J Sonder-Sorensen, Perth Modern School

Roundnet (Spikeball) More Than Just A Game! Jordan Cullen, Spikeball Australia

Core Four - Hockey Taster Session for SS Marc Pike, Hockey WA

Cybersafety in SS Vicki Delves, Spydel Pty Ltd

1245 LUNCH


Session 13 Session 14 Session 15 Session 16 Session 17 Session 18

Breaking the Ice: Having a convo about Mental Health Mike Fitzpatrick, Youth Focus

Assessment in Health Education Dr Donna Barwood, ECU

Tricky ATAR PE Studies Exercise Physiology Topics Miranda Cooke, Canning Vale College

Tennis Australia Promoting tennis within HPE as an educative experience 7-10 - part 1

Volleyball WA Teacher PD for SS Julian Lloyd, Volleyball WA

Yoga Tools for SS Teachers Regina Cruickshank, Yoga Ed


Session 19 Session 20 Session 21 Session 22 Session 23 Session 24

Tricky ATAR Health Studies Topics Kylee Coonan, Melville SHS

Developing Quality Health Education Lessons Dr Donna Barwood, ECU

Indigenous games Tilman Lowe, Nyoongar Wellbeing and Sports

Tennis Aust as above part 2

Ultimate Frisbee WA

WACA School Ambassador Cricket Program for SS, WACA

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KEYNOTE ABSTRACT: As a principal, I have the best job in the world.

Never underestimate the knowledge, skills and understandings your Health and Physical Education background gives you. When I started

teaching I never considered I would one day be a principal. As I reflect back on my career, there were key moments, opportunities and experiences that shaped my

career. It is a honour to share my story with you.

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Tuesday 27th November for All Teachers

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Professorial Research Fellow, Edith Cowan University

Dawn Penney is a researcher and teacher educator in Health and Physical Education whose work in curriculum and assessment focuses on supporting more students to enjoy HPE and lead active healthy lives. Dawn has worked with curriculum authorities, teachers and sport agencies nationally and internationally and is currently an ACHPER National Board member. She is a keen participant in activities and events that present a personal challenge, and in 2018 raised over $12,000 for the Royal Flying Doctors as part of a duo team in the Gibb River MTB Challenge.

KEYNOTE ABSTRACT: In this presentation I will focus on the power of assessment to engage students in learning and participation - or in contrast, contribute to negative feelings towards HPE, physical activity and sport. Drawing on educational research I'll explore ways in which we can make assessment meaningful and positive for more students in our classes, and use assessment to send positive messages to students, colleagues and parents about learning in HPE.

Day 2 Program



Early Learning Stream Stream 2 Stream 3 Stream 4 Stream 5


Session 25 Session 26 Session 27 Session 28 Session 29

ELY: Being One Second Ahead - bringing mindfulness to how you work Jo Klap, Potential Project

Meditation in Schools - Why We Need It Now More Than Ever Amy Hamilton, Indigo Kidz

Cancer Council Schools Education programs Sally Blane, Cancer Council

Reviewing current assessment practices Professor Dawn Penny, ECU

One of the fastest growing sports in the world…Disc Golf! Gareth James, Australian Disc Golf

1045 Morning Tea


Session 30 Session 31 Session 32 Session 33 Session 34

ELY: Meditation for Young Children - Why We Need It Now More Than Ever Amy Hamilton, Indigo Kidz

Being One Second Ahead - bringing mindfulness to how you work Jo Klap, Potential Project

Moving in the classroom: “If you involve me, I will learn Joan Strickwerda, ECU

Positive Education for Secondary Schools Veronica Sutton, Woodvale SC

Strength and Flexibility through gymnastic skills for secondary students Barbara Bechter, UWA


Session 35 Session 36 Session 37 Session 38 Session 39

ELY: Importance of play and how it can be woven in to health and PE for early childhood Dr Sandra Hesterman and Ross Williams, Murdoch Uni

Assessment tools for Nutrition Education in the Secondary School M Miller, J Hanna & E Morrow, Refresh Ed

Interactive ways to teach STIs, safer sex, and puberty lessons Dr Jackie Hendricks, Curtin Uni

Linking Primary and Secondary PE Landsdale PS and Ashdale Secondary College

Five Fundamental Movement Abilities not only for Gymnastics in PE Barbara Bechter, UWA

1315 LUNCH


Session 40 Session 41 Session 42 Session 43 Session 44

ELY: Teaching Fundamental Movement through Dance. Sian Chapman, UNDA

The Missing Piece – Social and emotional learning to build resilience, increase wellbeing and prevent bullying Erin Erceg, Telethon Kids Institute

Social Inclusion in PE Denver D’Cruz, Inclusion Solutions WA

Physical Literacy: disrupter, detractor or defender of physical education? Helen Parker, Adjunct Professor Health Sciences, UNDA

Engaging students using SEPAP Model Nathan Trengrove, Warwick SHS


Session 45 Session 46

ELY: Nutrition in the Early Years, a wholistic approach Dr Ruth Wallace, ECU

ACHPER WA AGM & Sundowner All ACHPER WA members are invited to join us at the sundowner.

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Wednesday 28th November for Primary Teachers

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Clark Wight, Head of Preparatory Guildford Grammar School

Clark Wight is a West Australian conscious parenting advocate, educator and presenter through his Our Boys and Conscious Parenting seminars.

He started his teaching career as a first grade teacher and has taught at every year level at schools in the US and Australia. Clark speaks alongside conscious parenting

advocate Maggie Dent and works with schools and parent communities on further developing our understanding of children. His seminars as known for their humour, sincerity,

real-life solutions and the perspective he brings around schools, education and


KEYNOTE ABSTRACT: This keynote will focus on how the concept known as ‘conscious parenting’ can be re-coded and used in a ‘conscious teacher’ model that helps us enhance, enrich and inform the students’ HPE experience. Exploring this concept will allow us all the opportunity to create a flexible approach to teaching that enables all types of learners to feel safe, and to take risks and to experience your HPE programme in a new way. Oh – and you will love teaching this way, too! We will take a look at the importance of relationships and connection while truly understanding what makes our girls and boys “tick” and review the development of our students with three burning questions rebounding around their mysterious heads.




Stream 1 Stream 2 Stream 3 Stream 4 Stream 5 Stream 6

1045 – 1145

Session 46 Session 47 Session 48 Session 49 Session 50 Session 51

Yoga Tools for PS Teachers Regina Cruickshank, Yoga Ed

This is how I run a concurrent athletics carnival: How about you? Steven Miller, Forest Crescent PS

Indigenous games Tilman Lowe, Nyoongar Wellbeing and Sports

Soccer - Games based coaching for PS students Mark Lee, Mark Lee Football Coaching

Primary School Baseball - Aussie Tee-ball & Machine Pitch Mitch Williams, Baseball WA

The forces are better-er with Federer: Linking tennis with Science in PS Melissa Partenan & Joan Strikwerda-Brown, ECU

1145 - 1245

Session 52 Session 53 Session 54 Session 55 Session 56 Session 57

Drumbeat techniques that foster Student Mental Health and Wellbeing. Geoff Parker & Renee Hine, Holyoake

2018 Warm Ups and Programs at my PS Louisa Chapman, Dunsborough PS

Engaging students and Managing behaviour in P.E and Health Gavin Brown, School of Special Educational Needs

Volleyball WA Teacher PD for PS Julian Lloyd, Volleyball WA

WACA School Ambassador Cricket Program for PS Matt Neves, WACA

Cybersafety in PS Vicki Delves, Spydel Pty Ltd

1245 LUNCH

1330 – 230

Session 58 Session 59 Session 60 Session 61 Session 62 Session 63

Positive Education in the Primary Setting Deb Perich, Perth College

This is how I run a swimming carnival: How about you? Jarred Moon, Madeley PS

Sporting V Movement based education in PS: We are not sports coaches, we are HPE teachers! J Thomsett & Dr Scott, ECU

Tennis for PS: Using ICT for mass participation competition formats Tennis Australia

Try RugbyRoos Interactive Session Jenny Lister, Rugby WA

Country Primary HPE Teachers Collaboration Louisa Chapman Dunsborough PS

230 - 330

Session 64 Session 65 Session 66 Session 67 Session 68 Session 69

Warming up to Health Education in PS - Teaching and learning strategies Ross Williams, Murdoch Uni

This is how I assess PE using SCASA judging standards: How about you? Royce Puccinelli, Landsdale PS

Maximizing Participation for Students with Chronic Health Conditions, Nicole Pates, Physio Western Kids Health

Core Four - Hockey Taster Session for PS Marc Pike, Hockey WA

GolfWA - MyGolf in Schools Billie Burvill, Golf WA

Junior Primary Football - Auskick 2.0 David Lindsay, West Australian Football Commission

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ACHPER WA HPE Conference 2018 – Sponsor & Stall Information 9

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES There are still opportunities available to sponsor the conference, be a trade exhibitor,

a conference advertiser, or a supplier of a prize, flyer or merchandise. See our Conference event page

for more information.


Don’t miss out on THE professional learning event for HPE! All the details to register are below, please contact us if you have any questions.


Type 1 day 2 days 3 days

Member $250 $350 $425

Non-member $350 $450 $525

Tertiary student (Full time, not teaching)

$50 $100 $150

Want to become an ACHPER member?

Join when registering for the conference and you will save $30 on your membership fee! Why be a member? Click here for more info

NEED MORE INFO? For more information please contact:

[email protected]

0466 100 049


▪ Registration is ONLY available online. Payment must be paid using a credit card at the time of registration.

▪ To receive your shirt at the conference, you must register Friday 2nd November

▪ Late registrations will receive their shirt after the conference and will incur a $10 levy for postage

▪ Registrations close on the 19th November

▪ Stage 2 of the registration process (selecting session preferences, catering and shirt size) will be open upon finalization of the program.


▪ Attendance to the keynote session and elective concurrent sessions

▪ Delicious catering and refreshments

▪ Access to the ACHPER Village and Trade Exhibitors, and prize draws

▪ Quality Polo shirt from Mecca Sports

▪ Access to conference resources

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In the ACHPER village delegates and presenters

mingled in between sessions. Delegates caught up with

colleagues, made new connections, and viewed the

range of trade exhibitors.

“Great to make contact and ask

questions of the stall holders face to face”

“The stalls add variety,

different options for sports and learning styles to change up the lessons”

“The stalls allow a quick

way to find out about new products and try

them out”


great conference!

I loved the free

bag to put all

our goodies


“I love the

networking with

other HPE teachers

and learning how

other schools

deliver HPE”

“The most

valuable part was

the practical

examples of how to

teach specific

strategies or skills”

“A well organised

event, so many

great choices of

sessions to attend,

wish I could have

done them all”

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300 delegates including HPE teachers

from 128 regional and

metro schools