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  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall



    Beautiul music is the art o the prophets that

    can calm the agitations o the soul; it is one o

    the most magnifcent and delightul presents

    God has given us.

    Martin Luther

    C ConnectionP O R T L A N D, O R E G O N F A L L 2 0 1 0

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall


    ATeachable Moment

    Iam a rst generation college graduate. I amtransformed, and my family is transformed in a way

    that only a university with a mission to prepare leader

    for the transformation of society can do.

    Graduating from college always been an

    uncompromising goal for me and another step toward

    my desired vocation as an attorney and judge. My

    family is proud that I am the rst among them to

    attend college, and my siblings now have an example

    to follow. When they are ready to consider college,

    their aspirations will be high, and theyll have someon

    who has gone before them who can help make thejourney just a little bit easier through support and


    Scholarships made the difference in my ability to

    afford college, and, I know, that alumni and individual

    donor gifts to the Concordia Fund fuel those

    scholarships. I truly could not have attended Concord

    without them I am blessed.

    The most important scholarship was the honors

    scholarship because it paid half my tuition. And,

    having an honors distinction at the collegiate level

    is important for consideration at the graduate level.I also received scholarships through the Concordia

    Fund. Other foundations and my church also provide

    important tuition assistance, but Concordias support

    was by far the most abundant.

    What I gained from college was the greatest

    experience of my life. Living away from home and

    growing my independence in a stable, nurturing

    environment helped me mature. Studying abroad

    opened up a new world to me. Participating in

    Concordias Teacher Corps program allowed me to

    experience serving others in a way that has forevershaped my desire to transform the world.

    I learned that there is still so much more to learn

    and do and contribute to the world. I learned that my

    familys support was invaluable. And, I learned that th

    love and support nancial and otherwise from the

    Concordia community ensured that I am prepared for

    the next steps in life.


  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall

    3/40Fa 2010

    P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N F A L L 2 0 1 0

    Campus Life.Concordia University School of Law breaksground in Boise; Accounting students provide tax assistance; University

    pays tribute to past president E.P. Weber; Students provide elder care

    in Nicaragua, and more.

    Music in the Making.The Lutheran Church is often called the signing

    church and music continues to take on new

    prominence at Concordia with expanded choir

    and instrumental music ensembles.

    Current Issues.Gary Spanovich, executive director of the WholisticPeace Institute explains relations between North and South Korea and what

    the Institute, now housed at Concordia, is doing to promote peace.

    Alumni Notes.Alumni Ann Donaca-Sullivanspreads compassion, understanding, and inclusion

    through Bike First!, a camp that encourages young

    people with physical disabilities to learn bicycling.

    Also, read about more news and highlights of alumnilife after Concordia.

    30 Navy & White. Andria Scheese is All Thats Rightin Sports;' Facundo Dipascuale demonstrates skill in soccer,

    service, and selessness; Cavs share top 10 athletic highlights,

    and more.

    37 Nailed to the Door. Psychology ProfessorJane Graves Smith, shares her impression of the

    6th annual Senior Symposium.




    F A L L 2 0 1 0

    ConcordiaConnection is published twiceper year by Concordia University in

    Portland, Oregon.

    Please address all corresPondence to:

    Concordia ConnectionConcordia University

    2811 NE Holman StreetPortland, Oregon 97211

    or email: [email protected]


    Madeline Turnock, APR

    art director:

    Christine Dodge

    GraPhic desiGner, PhotoGraPher:

    Katrina Dinges

    editorial Board:

    Mark Deuel, Matt English, Ron Miolla,Kelly OGara, Glenn Smith,

    Dr. Michael A. Thomas 93, Dr. Sonja Vegdahl


    WashingtonMonthlyranks Concordia #1



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    2 concordia connction

    JANUARY 18In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., more than 1,200 students

    representing 11 local colleges and universities descended on the Concordiacampus for a celebration rally. Students participated in several service

    projects around the Portland metro area, the largest day of service in

    the City's history.


    Nike awarded a $5,000 grantto launch Athlete Corps, a neservice and mentorship progfor at-risk students in Portl

    Public Schools.

    On June 22, Concordia brokeground on the Universitys School of

    Law with the help of more than 200

    dignitaries and friends in downtown

    Boise, Idaho.

    Following a year of construction

    and renovations, the 50,000 squarefoot complex is anticipated to usher

    in its rst class projected to begin in

    the fall of 2011.

    Were delighted about the

    prospect of settling the Concordia

    University School of Law in

    the heart of Boise, within close

    proximity of the courts, state and

    local governments, and law rms,

    said Concordia University President

    Chuck Schlimpert. With our

    emphasis on community service

    and engagement, we look forward

    to contributing a wealth of new

    resources and talent to Boises

    downtown core and to the State as a


    Boise is one of the four largest

    metropolitan areas without an

    ABA-approved law school within 100

    miles. Cathy Silak, a former justiceof Idahos State Supreme Court, was

    hired to be the schools dean in 2008.

    She said Concordia will be providing

    a much-needed service.

    It has been recognized for quite

    some time, this being the state capitol

    and the largest metropolitan region

    in the state, that there needed to

    be legal education in order to help

    people who really cannot leave the

    region to go to law school but also

    to bring in some interesting new

    people, such as faculty and students

    from outside the area, she said.

    We think were going to provide a

    unique metropolitan experience.

    With the state capitol, courts, and

    government ofces within walking

    distance, and nearly half the states

    lawyers in town, Concordia seems

    poised to thrive in its new locale.Ada County Courthouse is right

    here, obviously the Supreme Court

    is not too far away, and Boise State is

    just across the river, said Dave Bieter,

    Boises mayor. I really don't think

    they [Concordia] could've done a

    better job at locating it here.

    Once renovations and

    construction are complete, the

    school will house a full legal library,

    classrooms, study areas, legal clinic,

    ofces, and other amenities.

    In line with Concordias

    Lutheran tradition, the curriculum


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    Fa 2010

    FEBRUARY 18In partnership with the American Association of School

    Administrators, Concordia launched a new online programfor students wishing to earn a customized, distr

    specific Masters of Education degree. For morinformation, visit

    FEBRUARY 10 The Wholistic Peace Institute and its NobelPeace Laureate Program opened its Concordia

    location with the signing of cooperative agreementsbetween Concordia and two private universities,

    one in China, the other in North Korea.


    will emphasize academic rigor,

    community engagement, and ethical

    decision making to help prepare

    graduates enter the legal profession,

    as well as a variety of other careers.

    The inaugural class is anticipatedto have approximately 95 students.

    For more information, please visit


    Using free time to work on tax

    returns may not be the rst choice for

    most people, but this is how several

    Concordia students spent their

    evenings and weekends during the

    2010 tax season. And they actually

    had fun.

    Under the leadership of

    accounting professor Dr. David

    Tucker and in partnership withCASH Oregon, AARP Tax-Aide,

    Multnomah County, the City of

    Portland, and the Internal Revenue

    Service, the accounting students

    put their skills to work by preparing

    tax returns for local individuals

    and families. The program not

    only provided free tax assistance

    for Concordias neighbors, it

    also provided valuable hands-on

    experience for students.

    I think the most surprising

    part of the experience was nding

    out that I really enjoy preparing

    taxes, said Tabitha Magda, a junior

    Business Administration major who

    volunteered 60 hours for the project.

    I found myself talking about it with

    friends and family members and

    being quite enthusiastic about it.

    In all, the students along with

    Tucker and his wife, Lori volunteered

    more than 500 hours and helpedprepare 80 returns. As a result, they

    generated $122,078 in state and

    federal refunds with several families

    receiving the Earned Income

    Tax Credit, child tax credit, and

    education credit.

    I am very proud of the

    Concordia students for working so

    hard on this project, said Tucker.

    In addition to Magda, seven other

    students contributed more than 40

    volunteer hours each: Dani Clauson,

    Benedict Liambila, David Picker,

    Corinne Rice, Sean Rivera, Marie

    Selby, and Ryan Sexton.

    For both the students and the

    community members, the projectwas much more than forms and

    calculations. Many of the clients

    discovered that they were entitled

    to larger refunds than they would

    have found on their ownrelieving

    some of the stress from their

    personal nances. For the students,

    the program provided real-world

    experience and the personal

    satisfaction of helping people.

    There is nothing more rewarding

    than hands-on experience, saidMagda. Communicating with people

    face-to-face and being accurate and

    thorough were extremely important.

    By far the best part was seeing

    the excitement and happiness on

    peoples faces when we told them

    they would receive refunds.

    Magda is even looking forward to

    the 2011 tax season, adding I really

    enjoyed the experience and can

    hardly wait for next year!

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    4 concordia connction

    MARCH 3For the second year in a row, Concordia was recognized

    on the Presidents Higher Education Community ServiceHonor Roll. Each year, the CU community contributesmore than 223,000 service hours through practicum,

    internships, and service learning projects.

    MARCH 22 - 26A group of Concordia studentfaculty, and staff traveled toNew Orleans during Spring

    Break to build houses for victof Hurricane Katrina in partnersh

    with Habitat for Humanity.

    Hundreds of friends, family, and

    colleagues lled St. Michaels Lutheran

    Church on June 27, a beautiful

    Sunday afternoon, to celebrate the life

    of Rev. Dr. Erhardt Paul E.P. Weber,

    Concordia's third president.

    Weber took ofce as president in

    1958 and served for 25 years. During

    his tenure, he oversaw the schools

    transition to a four-year college anddened its christocentric approach

    to scholarship. He died Monday, June

    21, at the age of 92 at his residence in

    Lake Oswego, Ore.

    Friend and former colleague, Dr.

    John Buuck, remembered Weber as a

    giant in the history of the Lutheran

    church. (E.P.) presided for 25 years

    at a time when rival junior colleges

    were about to go the way of the

    dinosaur and during a very troubling

    time in the Lutheran church, he said.

    Yet under his leadership the school

    moved forward and thrived.

    Weber came to Concordia

    following a stint as the rst full-

    time Lutheran chaplain at Purdue

    University in West Lafayette, Ind.

    Upon his arrival, he worked to

    separate the administration of thehigh school from the college.

    At the memorial service, Rev. Dr.

    Hans Spalteholz recalled the family-

    style meals that he and Weber shared

    with the schools 120 students. He

    said it was there as well as in other

    interactions with faculty and students

    that Weber built the relationships

    that would sustain the school.

    The Concordia family thrived

    under E.P. Spalteholz said. He

    modeled it himself and cogentlyarticulated a passion for servant

    leadership in that particular

    canon of faith and work in our

    Concordia canon.

    In 1977, Weber oversaw

    Concordias transition to a four-

    year college. Three years later he

    helped hand out the schools rst

    baccalaureate degrees.

    In his 25 years as president,

    Weber used his administrativeskills and his relentless tenacity to

    expand dramatically the diversity of

    Concordias student

    body. He secured Title III grants to

    reach out to minority populations

    and worked hard to bring in

    international students.

    Weber also oversaw the

    dramatic expansion of the schools

    physical footprint, including a new

    gymnasium, the Hagen Center and

    new dormitories. Peering out the

    windows of St. Michaels, it seemed

    tting that the new George R. White

    Library & Learning Center and the

    future site of Concordias new athletic

    complex were visible, representing

    the continued growth and evolution

    of the University under currentPresident Schlimpert.

    Spalteholz recalled Weber telling

    him that attending the dedication of

    the new library was one of the best

    experiences of (his) life and a sign

    that the spirit of Concordia was alive

    and well.

    Weber retired from Concordia

    in 1983, at the age of 65, but never

    strayed far from the school or the

    Lutheran Church. He helped develop

    the Lay Assistant Ministry Programof the LCMS Northwest District and

    served as its rst director. He also

    served as a member of the Tualatin

    Valley Board of Directors and never

    stopped rooting for his beloved

    Chicago Cubs.

    Dr. Timothy Weber, E.P.s son,

    eloquently summed up what made

    his father so special: He thought the

    faith and he felt the heart of God.



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    Fa 2010

    Concordia University Alumn i & Friends Tour

    on the trip of a lifetimeYoure invited

    9-day tour through the Holy LandTel Aviv, Haifa, Galilee, Dead Sea, Masada, Bedouin settlement, and Jerusalem.

    Departs Thursday, June 23, 2011.

    Te tour is led by Concordia University alumnus and Associate Proessor o Classics and Religion,Dr. Michael A. Thomas. A completed application and $100 deposit are due by March 30, 2011 tohold travel rates. For more detailed inormation, email [email protected] or

    call 503-280-8505 or 1-800-752-4736 and ask or alumni relations.

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    At Concordia University,we strive to educate the body, mind,and spirit o our students, in order to prepare Christian leaders or the

    transormation o society. Tis past academic year alone, our students

    volunteered over 223,000 hours to help transorm the community.

    It should come as no surprise that we need your help to continue to make

    Concordia a thriving place o opportunity. In light o the current economic

    situation, our students need your support now more than ever. One example is

    Concordia sophomore Meagan Delgado. Like many o our students, Meagan

    is the frst in her amily to go to college and fnances are tight. One week beore

    school started, she was notifed that she didnt have enough money to attend.

    But thankully, because o amazing people like you, we were able to give extra

    scholarship money to Meagan at the last minute, which allowed her to stay at


    You make the diference! Whether its $5 or $500, every dollar counts andyour donation to support the Concordia Fund allows us to provide scholarships

    to deserving students who would not be able to attend otherwise.

    Call 503-280-8505 today or visit us online at www.

    ensure another student, like Meagan, can receive the lie-changing blessing o an

    education at Concordia.

    investmentLIFE CHANGING

    make a



    Coming Soon...




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    Fa 2010

    ApRil 19Shakespeare scholars and the Concordia community gathered to dedicate the Richard Paul & Jane RoeShakespeare Authorship Research Centre during the 14th annual Shakespeare Authorship StudiesConference. Richard and Jane Roe of Pasadena, Calif. have long supported the Centre, and are passionateabout its mission of addressing the Shakespeare authorship question. Led by Professor Daniel Wright, theRichard Paul and Jane Roe Shakespeare Authorship Research Centre is located on the third floor of the

    George R. White Library & Learning Center. The Roe's children are pictured here: Betzi Roe Weinberg,Richard T.W. Roe, Hilary Roe Metternich


    Concordia students provided elder

    care in Jinotepe, Nicaragua this past

    June and plan to return annually. The

    ve Concordia nursing students, two

    nursing faculty, one alum, and one

    pre-med student made this service

    trip May 1020, 2010.

    Concordia students treated

    more than 375 elders in a period

    of three days and trained localhealth care professionals at elder

    care facilities called hogars.Elders

    were treated for ills ranging from

    persistent wounds to diabetes and

    skin infections. Thirteen people were

    identied as having life-threatening

    conditions and received immediate

    and successful emergency care.I was reminded how much

    knowledge and wisdom these elders

    have, which all of us can be more

    open to, said Elaine Aarestad, a

    senior in Concordias BSN program

    who retired from the corporate

    world to study and become a mission

    nurse with the hope of serving in

    community health settings as both a

    professional and volunteer.

    The elders I experienced in

    Nicaragua had incredible tenacity

    and an ability to keep an open heart

    with us, even while suffering through

    physical and emotional hardships,

    said Aarestad. The people of

    Nicaragua are a wonderful, warm, and

    loving people, and I would encourage

    other students to go and serve.The trip was led by Portland social

    entrepreneur and Concordia University

    Foundation Board of Directors

    member, Keren Brown Wilson.

    Portland-based JFR Foundation and

    three other Oregon universities.

    As to why Concordia stepped

    up to help: Caring for one of the

    world's most vulnerable populations

    in the second poorest country in the

    Western Hemisphere is a rewarding

    way to give back, while integrating

    hands-on service learning into

    university curriculum, said Gary

    Withers, Executive Vice President

    at Concordia University and JFR

    Foundation Board Member.

    Following the trip, more than

    100 friends, supporters, and donors

    of Concordia University, PacicUniversity and Portland State

    University gathered Tuesday, June

    8 at Concordia's George R. White

    Library & Learning Center to raise

    scholarship funds for future student

    trips to Nicaragua.

    For more information about Wilson

    and her nonprot, or to donate, visit

    Wilson continues to develop the

    concept of assisted living as we

    now understand it in the United

    States, and she is now revolutionizingelder care internationally.

    Concordias efforts are in

    collaboration with Wilsons

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    8 concordia connction

    ApRil 20 More than 350 business and civic leaders

    gathered to discuss Civic Leadership andSocial Entrepreneurship at the 16th annual CEO

    Roundtable luncheon presented by the VTM Group.

    MAY 1

    Concordia awarded 445 degrees during springcommencement ceremonies, making the Class

    2010 the largest ever in the Universityhistory. See related story on this pag

    ConcordiaGraduatesLargestClassinHistoryGrads Double in a Decade

    For Dinisha Gray-Mingo 10

    of Las Vegas, Nev., earning her

    bachelors degree was not only

    a step toward achieving her goal

    of becoming a judge, but also the

    realization of a dream shared by her

    entire family.

    Gray-Mingo was one of 445

    graduates who made up Concordias

    Class of 2010, the largest graduating

    class in the Universitys 105-year

    history and twice the number of

    students who graduated just a decade

    ago. She was also one of several rst-

    generation university graduates.

    Being a rst-generation college

    graduate is a huge deal for my family,

    said Gray-Mingo, who delivered

    one of the student commencement

    addresses. It means that I've brokenthe cycle of no higher education in

    my family. It means that my siblings

    have an example to look up to, and


    Concordia Universitys new

    George R. White Library &

    Learning Center earned LEED

    Gold certication as established

    by U.S. Green Building Council

    and veried by the Green BuildingCertication Institute.

    LEED is the nations

    preeminent program for the

    design, construction, and

    operation of high performance

    green buildings.

    At its core, environmental

    stewardship is an expression of

    community engagement, and

    Concordia wants to be a good

    neighbor by respecting the

    health and well-being of ourcommunity and our employees,

    said Krista Reichard, Reference and

    Instruction Librarian.

    In addition to being a valuable

    resource for the Concordia campus

    and surrounding community, the

    new library and learning center

    utilizes the latest technology

    to make it energy efcient and

    environmentally friendly.

    The architecture rm on the

    project was Group Mackenzie and

    the general contractor was Union

    Corner Construction.

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    Fa 2010





    MAY 16

    Hundreds of people gathered for games and outdooractivities in a celebration of Concordias Northeastneighborhood and healthy communities through the

    City of Portlands Sunday Parkways. The event wassponsored in part by Concordia University,

    MAY 17

    The PortlandSuzhou Sister City Association presented its2010 Educational Award to CU in recognition of the Schoolof Managements China Experience, a new program offeredto MBA students and alumni.



    someone to help them understand

    how they feel when they go through

    the same process. That support and

    understanding may make their paths

    just a little easier and maybe their

    aspirations even higher.

    The availability of nancial aid

    (more than 97 percent of Concordias

    freshmen receive nancial assistance

    averaging $12,000 per student),

    and expanded undergraduate and

    graduate programs on the Portland

    campus, as well as in Klamath Falls,

    Medford, and Bend, have contributed

    to Concordias increased enrollment

    and graduation rates.Concordias graduating class

    was not only the largest, but it was

    also one of the most geographically

    diverse, with students from 26 states

    and ve countries receiving degrees.

    The graduates and their families

    celebrated their accomplishments

    during commencement ceremonies

    in four cities: Portland, Bend,

    Klamath Falls, and Medford.

    Equipped with new degrees and their

    experience at Concordia, they are

    set to become leaders transforming


    Concordia set out to prepare

    these graduates with rigorous

    coursework for lives committed to

    service leadership, said Gray-Mingo.And the University has accomplished

    its mission. Concordiaawardedhonorary

























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    10 concordia connction

    JUNE 4 For the third time in the last four years, CU earned the Cascade Collegiate Conference All-Sports

    Trophy. During 2009-2010, Concordia won or shared regular season CCC titles in womens soccer,mens and womens golf, softball, mens and womens track, and posted runner-up finishes in mens

    soccer and womens cross country. In addition, seven Concordia teams advanced to NAIA postseason play,with top-15 national finishes posted by womens soccer, womens golf, mens and womens track, and

    womens and mens cross country.




    Concordia Student Nova Sehorn

    is passionate about physical tness

    and helping others. When she was

    close to completing her associates

    degree in tness training from Clark

    College in Vancouver, Wash., she

    knew her next step would be getting

    her bachelors degree in Exercise &

    Sports Science at Concordia.

    But when Sehorn faced the

    challenge of transferring credits intoConcordia, she looked for help from

    her Clark advisor Lisa Borho, chair of

    Clarks Health & Physical Education


    Clarks Borho found a listening ear

    in Concordias Dr. Joel Schuldheisz,

    chair of the Exercise & Sports Science

    program. Schuldheisz stepped in

    to help smooth the transition for

    transferring students, along with

    the support of his willing colleagues

    from the College of Health & HumanServices.

    New agreement benetstransferring students

    Schuldheisz and collaborators

    worked tirelessly to develop

    new arrangements for students

    transferring into Concordia. The

    result is a new agreement that makes

    the transfer process from Clarks

    tness training program to CUs

    Exercise & Sports Science program

    smooth and transparent.

    Signed in June, the agreement

    allows students who earn their

    AAS degree at Clark to seamlesslytransfer their credits toward a

    bachelors degree in Exercise & Sports

    Science at Concordia. As part of the

    agreement, Borho, Schuldheisz, and

    administrators from both schools

    reviewed course syllabi, objectives,

    and outcomes, and determined that

    the courses completed at Clark meet

    the requirements of select courses at


    Our students now have a

    wonderful opportunity to continue

    their education and earn a bachelors

    degree at Concordia, said Clark

    College President Robert K. Knight.In June 2006, Clark and Concordia

    began a co-admission agreement.

    Four years later, its exciting to see

    how that partnership continues

    to grow through our mutual

    commitment to excellence in

    education and student success.

    Health & Wellness TrendsFuel Program Growth

    Concordias Exercise & Sports

    Science program launched in 2009

    and applies the best of sports and

    science knowledge.


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    Fa 2010

    JUNE 14 CU supporters hit the greens for the 9th annual

    Fore The Students Golf Tournament presentedby Group Mackenzie and benefiting scholar-

    ships for student athletes. The winningfoursome included Jeff Gustafson, Bob

    Brewer, Aaron Maunu, and Chris Helmes.

    JUNE 22

    Concordia broke ground on the new Concordia UniversitSchool of Law in Boise. The property, which was purchain May, is located at 501 Front Street in downtown BoiseThe law school is expected to open in 2011. Read the fu

    story on page 2.

    Since its inception, the program

    has more than doubled. Schuldheisz

    knows that the program has struck

    a chord with young people who

    want to be part of the movement

    toward increased community health,

    wellness, and disease prevention.

    Students are looking for

    meaningful careers in elds that

    promote physical health and improve

    quality of life for individuals and

    communities, added Schuldheisz.

    Prevention is now a well-

    recognized consumer trend, and is

    now a major focus in the national

    debate on health care; large U.S.companies continue to take up health

    and wellness programs in an effort to

    reduce health care costs that continue

    to grow; and, Americans recently

    ranked prevention as the most

    important health care reform priority

    under consideration in congressionalproposals.

    Students graduate from the

    program to pursue careers in

    personal training, physical

    education, and coaching, among

    others. These graduates are also

    likely to pursue advanced degrees in

    athletic training, exercise physiology,

    and kinesiology.

    New Human PerformanceLab Opens

    Concordia recently opened a new

    Human Performance Lab in the

    George R. White Library & Learning

    Center. The Lab features the latest

    testing and measurement equipment,

    including a Quinton Treadmill

    and EKG computer testing system

    donated by Nike. The treadmill andcomputer, combined with a new

    metabolic cart, will give students

    the opportunity to research

    oxygen consumption and

    circulatory responses.

    Other equipment, along

    with anatomical charts, fullbody models, skeletons, and

    other teaching tools, will

    help students understand the

    principles of exercise testing and

    assess the core components of tness.

    I chose the Exercise & Sports

    Science program for the fact that our

    nations health issues are getting out

    of control, said Sehorn. I believe

    healthy habits are learned early in

    life. I want to use this degree to

    teach children that exercise does not

    have to be a chore, but a fun way to

    connect socially with other children

    in their community.

    This fall, Concordia is welcoming

    Sehorn and several of her fellow Clark

    College graduates who will continue

    pursuing their passion in the eld ofexercise and sports science.

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    Musicin the


  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall



    Fa 2010

    Cle pye wh ms sse hs hel, C Uvesysmus sues pepe gee ege, hushe uee.I elghg uees egully S. Mhels Luhe Chuh,

    je mpus, mus sues vel ss he uy ug he ul

    spg u ss he ses el us evey fu yes.

    Yu mus ws he essee f G, mmee e pes use huh

    Vee fllwg e suh C pefme.

    I s h ppe h keeps he sues he esembles mg bk Cs mus pgm gwg.

    Musbh ve sumelhs lwys plye mp le

    C, w eve me s wh bhels egee mus. Te

    eely esblshe bhels egee s jus he les evelpme he shls

    blssmg mus pgm.

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall



    14 concordia connction

    Concordias music program crescendos

    Whe Ku Beese ssume leeshp f

    Cs mus pgm sse f

    smll hbell esemble h f welve. Se

    he, ew mus mj ws e, he mus fuly

    expe, he Ce Ch mulple s ue

    sues, Chs Cux Vl Esemble ws ese

    expe sues, ew bss esemble, sg

    esemble, pse esemble, w esemble wee


    I he bs he pgm, D. Wllm Kuh

    ws he s ew full-me mus pfess .

    S muh s hppeg wh he s Pl,

    mmee Kuh wh bugh hm he Nhwes

    C. We e ble w fm

    eble pl f p ll ehg le.

    Wh he supp f he Uvesys ms

    Fes f Mus s, sumes equpme

    wee puhse Kuh luhe w esemble,

    wg up hs expeee sug eg he

    lme w esemble C Nebsk whee

    he ugh f yes. Nw, gg s h ye,

    he w esemble hs me h membes plyg

    pgessvely me ul musl mpss.

    Ohe pgm gwh lg he wy lue e-

    eg he Chs Cux Vl Esemble, bse

    ele esblshe by fme Pfess Dle Fsk

    he e f ve-membe bss esemble.

    Ally, he hbell esemble hs gw me

    h ze sues ue he e f Pfess

    Juy Shumhe.

    Pehps ms mpessvely, C sues

    musl epee hs expe spe level f

    uly ug he ps ee. Sues e pefmg

    wks by 6h euy Il mpse Gv

    Pelug Ples, see mg he gees

    mpses f lugl mus f ll me, s well s wks

    by he lkes f he empy h euy Ame

    mpse E Whe, bes kw f hs hllegg

    hl w esemble mpss.

    F hs ese pefme quly, Kuh es

    mulple leg mehlges. F exmple, ew,

    hllegg pee f mus, sues sg he mus, ply

    , he pe hemselves lse he eg.

    p ll hs gwh, he Uvesy ppve

    Bhel f As egee mus . Te pgm

    emphszes mus eu, huh msy,

    gue shl pep.

    Y: Junior

    MJ: Music Performance Education

    HMT: Portland, Ore.

    MC MbL TCT: Sings Baritone in the Concert Choir, Christi Crux Vocal Ensemble

    and is the bass section leader / Handbell Ensemble / Member of Battery Percussion in the Wind


    CT T MY LYLT: Ave Maria by Chanticleer / Lux Arumque by Eric Whitacre

    H T T LD MC: End of my junior year of high school, I was 17.

    HT M MCLLY: I want to be part of something much greater than myself, and

    Ive found that in music. I want to write songs that change lives and give performances that wow the

    audiencegiving people a musical experience unlike any theyve had before.

    ZEkE FEtRow

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall


    Y CHL: Senior

    MJ: English

    HMT: Fairview, Ore.

    MC MbL TCT: SingsSoprano II in the Christi Crux Vocal Ensembleand the Concordia Choir / HandbellEnsemble

    CT T MY LYLT:All Around Me by David Crowder Band /Forgiven by Skillet / Again by Flyleaf

    HT M MCLLY:I am inspired by our director, KurtBerentsen. He has such a love formusic, and his passion transfers tohis students.

    To support these students and the entire music program, you can become a Friend of more information.


    Fa 2010

    Students evolve as music afcionados, global


    We w eh evey sue elze he

    full les bles ug he fu yes hee

    muslly hewse, esbe Beese. Hs lve

    f mus beg ke shpe ge ve eveully

    le hm ppues pefm veues suh

    s New Yks Cege Hll, Keey Cee, Ll

    Cee, he Mepl Ope Huse.

    I ke he pph f beg musl heelee

    f ss f u esembles, eugg hem ee

    mus s spul expeee, jus elleul

    e, he s.

    Kw f hs Ku-sms, Beese e be

    he ehesls ellg sues I sg yu!

    Sues qukly ues hs me h hey mus

    mke he w vul mmme he sg,

    he gup, he lssmes, eve mhg

    pul vwel bgg me eegy he e.

    Tese muslly-le C gues g

    vus pusus, lug pfesss s mus ehes,

    pefmes, es f Chs eu, pss,

    exellg vey f he ee


    Sh Shewbe gue fm C wh egee Eglsh hee s, befe he mus

    mj ws esblshe, she s plese he Uvesy

    w es em p f mus s mj. She

    we mplee bhels mus fm Pl

    Se, mses mus fm Uvesy f Pl

    s uely pusug he e mus hsy

    Uvesy f Wshg wh he hpe f beg

    uvesy mus pfess.

    Dug my yes C, my uesg f

    mus evlve fm hkg bu mus s hbby hkg bu s pfess em pusu,

    s Sh. I ws C h I lee bu

    leg mus spek. She es muh f he musly,

    musl expess, epe he me h

    sx yes mpyg Cs musl esembles

    wh Beese.

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall



    1 concordia connction

    Support bolsters music program growth

    Te p gwh f Cs mus egs wul

    be pssble whu he Friends of Music. Te gup w

    sss f me h , s wh hve helpe gw he

    pgm wh gs gg fm $ $,. I f, ug

    he ps few yes, hee hs bee sey ese gvg

    Fes f Mus, wh gvg up me h % se 6.

    Oe suh C mus ve s lg-me

    Ple, My Ausplu ze, whse e mus

    ws fsee by p lesss begg ge seve.

    Wh spes me s exy ehes wh p

    sues les, Ausplu ze s. She s mpesse by

    wh shes see fm Beese he sue muss

    Cs pgm.

    Mus s suh mp p f well-ue

    eu, Ausplu ze uge. N ly es Ausplu

    ze ue hl mhly ghegs f he epey

    gup ue p pg pefmg, bu she

    hs bugh pefmes suh s Pl SummeFess

    ppul Ope he Pk Sees Cs mpus hs

    ps Augus (photo at right).

    Ay uly suessful lbel s llege ees mus,

    Beese s. Ceve hkg s l ll sues

    suess. Cevy s leg pess ee h y

    he em pusu. He ls e h he mp

    lfe-lg bees f sues musl pusus lue

    sple, pee, espsbly, mpss.

    C esembles pefm ss he eg,

    egully vsg ls ss Oeg,

    Wshg, Clf, Ih, M,

    Nev, Uh. Ts shl ye wll

    feue u by he hs Aus, he

    Czek Republ, Gemy, Pl.

    All us e lly suppe by he

    Uvesy, Fes f Mus s,

    hs gegs, bu mjy f he

    ss e p by sues hemselves.

    N me es musl ees

    les, Ausplu ze

    ems us h Eveye hs

    G-gve g, yu shul use

    . P f lvg s mus, s ge

    : pe yu .

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall



    Fa 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall


    YUliYA kARpUk



    Y CHL: Junior

    MJ: Biology, Pre-Medicine

    HMT: Tacoma, Wash.

    MC MbL TCT: Plays piano

    for the Praise Ensemble / Sings Alto II for the

    Concordia University Choir / Plays clarinet for the

    Wind Ensemble

    CT T MY LYLT: From

    the Inside Out and Hosanna by Hillsong United /

    Im Ready Now by Desperation Band / Happy End

    (Russian group)

    H T T LD MC:

    I started playing the piano at age eight, and

    singing at age 12.

    MY H DM TH T: My

    dream is to go back to Ukraine and open a

    Christian music academy in an orphanage. I also

    hope to nish writing a worship music album Ive

    been working on, and eventually record it.

    Y CHL: JuniorMJ: Music Performance

    HMT: Portland, Ore.

    MC MbL TCT: Sings

    Tenor II in the Christi Crux Vocal Ensemble and

    the Concordia Choir


    Stevie Wonder / Jazmine Sullivan /

    Kim Burrell

    H T TTD : Seven

    HT M MCLLY: To know

    that we have the ability to touch and change

    peoples lives and glorify God through music isfullling.

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall




    kAtiE lEdiNGtoN


    Y CHL: Junior

    MJ: Music Education

    HMT: Caldwell, Idaho

    MC MbL TCT: Sings Soprano in

    the Christi Crux Vocal Ensemble and the Concordia Choir

    / Plays violin in the String Quartet / Percussionist in the

    Wind Ensemble / Choir Directors Assistant

    CT T MY LYLT: Gabriel Faur /

    Tegan and Sara / A.C. NewmanHT L bT bT C MC M:

    I like the exibility and availability of the professors.

    Concordia has a nourishing quality with an emphasis on

    personal relationships that other universities dont have.

    Y CHL: Senior

    MJ: History

    HMT: Hilton Head, S.C.

    MC MbL TCT: Plays trumpet in

    the Brass and Wind Ensembles

    CT T MY LYLT: Anything

    John Williams / Any Canadian brass music / Bohemian


    H T T LD MC: 4th

    grade band

    HT M MCLLY: If I can provide an

    enjoyable and meaningful musical experience for the

    audience then thats what inspires me.Y CHL:Junior


    HMT:Sitka,AlaskaMC MbL TCT:Playsr






    H T T LD MC

    HT M MCLLY:Musicis





  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall



    20 concordia connction

    he Lutheran Church has often been called the singing church. Lutheran worship has beenenriched over the centuries with a priceless collection of liturgies, choral works, and hymns through

    which peoples faith is expressed wonderfully and powerfully.

    This love of music and singing can be traced directly to Martin Luthers own deep love for music.

    Luther wrote: Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world! The

    riches of music are so excellent and so precious that words fail me whenever I attempt to discuss and

    describe them.1 This treasuring of music led Luther to compose some 36 hymns hymns like A MightyFortress is Our God and From Heaven Above to Earth I Come.

    For Luther, music was a wondrous gift of Gods creation. He afrmed the power of music to move

    emotions. Luther wrote: Whether you wish to comfort the sad, to terrify the happy, to encourage the

    despairing, to humble the proud, to calm the passionate, or to appease those full of hate and who

    could number all these masters of the human heart, namely, the emotions, inclinations, and affections

    that impel men to evil or good?what more effective means than music could you nd?3

    Music also had profound theological implications for Luther. From Luthers perspective, music

    is a powerful tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit and the greatest use of music is to carry the Gospel

    message. He wrote: Music and theology alone are capable of giving peace and happiness to troubled

    souls. This plainly proves that the devil, the source of all unhappiness and worries, ees music as

    much as he does theology.2Music was a critical way to bring worship to life for the priesthood of all

    believers. Writing hymns and liturgies in German allowed worshippers to praise God, not in a foreign

    language (Latin) but in the language of their heart. Liturgies and hymns in their own language meant

    that worshippers could participate more fully in worship and even more importantly, could have direct

    access to God in their prayer and praise. Luther also saw music as a powerful educational tool. For

    Luther, there was no better way for to memorize Scripture or to teach the Gospel to children and adults

    than through sacred verse set to music.

    Without a doubt, the legacy of Luthers love of music and his own work in musical composition have

    inspired countless others to follow in his footsteps, to cherish the gift of music and to develop theirmusical gifts. This legacy has certainly been a rich part of Concordia Universitys history from the very

    beginning; and it is certainly a rich part of our present life together, as evidenced by the quality of our

    faculty and students involved in the wondrous gift of music here on our campus!

    Contributed by Rev. Jim Pressnell, Director of Church Relations

    ENDNOTES Foreword to Georg Rhaus Collection, Symphoniae iucundae. Que Wle E. Buszs essy, ele Luhe Mus,publshe he Juy 6 ssue f he

    Musical Quarterly, G. Shme publshe.

    S.L., XXI, . Que Wle E. Buszs essy, ele Luhe Mus,publshe he Juy 6 ssue f heMusical Quarterly, G. Shme


    M Luhe, Pefe Geg Rhus Symphe Iuue Vol. 53: Luthers works, vol. 53 : Liturgy and Hymns, J. J. Pelk, H. C. Oswl & H. . Lehm,

    E. (Fess Pess: Phlelph, , .6), .

    Martin Luther

    and Music

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall


    For more than 100 years,

    teacher education has

    been the cornerstone o

    Concordia University's

    academic programs and

    central to our Christianmission o preparing leader

    or the transormation

    o society.

    Now, you can get a

    MT DCTcompletely online through

    Take the next step and learn more at


    Congratulations to this falls rst ConcordiaOnline graduating class!

    Master of Education Degrees available inEducational Leadership or Curriculum & Instruction(withspecialtiesinReading,Math,Science,SpecialEd,Methods&CurriculumandESOL)

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall



    22 concordia connction

    Ever since military actions ended

    in the Korean War in 1953, tensions

    between North and South Korea have

    simmered. While the rest of the world

    has moved on from the Cold War,

    the two nations remain technically

    at war, divided only by a 2.5 mile

    demilitarized zone and a truce.

    This September, some of the best

    and brightest minds will convene at

    Concordia University to try to thaw

    out the frosty relations between the

    two nations.

    On the ofcial United Nations

    Day of Peace, September 21, the

    University is hosting the Wholistic

    Peace Institutes Sixth Annual

    Summer Peace Institute, focusing

    this year on New Solutions to De-

    escalate the Tension on the Korean


    Korean, Asian, and Peace scholars

    from around the world will offer

    papers and presentations on the

    topic. The event will be highlighted

    by keynote speeches from Madame

    Lee Hee-ho, the wife of former South

    Korea president and Nobel Peace

    Laureate, Kim Dae Jung and the chief

    of the Kim Dae Jung Peace Center in

    Seoul and former Unication Minister

    of South Korea, Jeong Se-hyun.

    The conference couldnt be timelier.

    A ten-year period of relative peacecame to an end two years ago with the

    inauguration of President Lee Myung-

    Bak, who promised a get tough on

    North Korea approach. The March

    sinking of a South Korean ship has

    brought the two countries closer to

    war than any time in recent history,

    even though North Korea denies any


    promote peace





    Concordia hosts conference to

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall



    Fa 2010





    Concordias commitment to

    prepare leaders to transform society

    doesnt stop with its neighbors in

    Northeast Portland, but extends to

    all communities where it can have a

    positive impact and promote peace.

    The Wholistic Peace Institute, now

    based at Concordia University, was

    founded to tackle just such difcult

    issues. The Institutes mission is

    to build a world peace movement

    by bringing together Nobel Peace

    Laureates, scholars, and dignitaries

    and applying new methods of holistic

    mediation, conict resolution, and


    The Institutes Summer

    Conference is an opportunity to

    discuss and promote peaceful

    solutions. The best ideas will

    be compiled into a booklet for

    immediate publication and

    circulation. Representatives will then

    spend the next year discussing the

    ideas with the South Korean and

    North Korean ambassadors to the

    United Nations in New York. The

    Institute will also spend the year

    in Seoul, South Korea, talking to

    government ofcials, as well as in

    Pyongyang, North Korea, talking to

    government ofcials and colleagues

    at Pyongyang University.

    Finally, the Institute will convene

    a large Nobel Peace Laureate

    Conference at Yanbian University in

    Yanji, China, inviting both Chinese,

    North Korean, and South Korean

    ofcials to listen to, participate in

    and discuss the Nobel Peace Laureate

    ideas for resolving the Korean

    Conict and exchanging ambassadors

    with a formal peace treaty.

    C CHDL T | ept. 17 ept. 24

    T. 21 SummerPeaceInstitute.ConcordiaUniversitysHagenCenter2ndFloor,9a.m.5p.m.withregistrationat8a.m.Freetofull-time


    T. 22 WorldPeaceDinner.DowntownHiltonHotel,6p.m.ThiseventisafundraiserforWholisticPeaceInstitutesglobalefforts.Ticketsare


    T. 23 StudentPeaceSummit.ConcordiaUniversityGymnasium.9a.m.2p.m.,withregistrationat8a.m.Freeformiddleandhighschoolstudentsandteachers.$25forpublic.




  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall



    24 concordia connction

    EMAIL: [email protected]

    Whats new in your life?Stayintouchandkeepuspostedonallofyournews.













    90s1959Carolyn (Wilk) Steuer retired from

    teaching in December 2009. She now

    has more time to read, be involved with

    church, work, and travel. She currentlylives in Hawaii.


    Gary Gable JC and his wife, Kathy

    celebrated their 45th wedding

    anniversary with good friends, Marty

    Duchow 61 and his wife, Carol

    by traveling to Germany to see the

    Passion Play. Marty and Carol were

    also celebrating their 45th anniversary.

    Following the tour, they all traveled to

    Florence, Italy for ve days. Then they

    returned to Germany for sightseeingand visits with relatives in Gemund

    before returning home.


    Cheryl Anglin writes, After retiring from

    teaching years ago, I now enjoy a second

    career working as the ofce manager of a

    veterinary hospital here in Los Angeles.


    Bobbi Dayis working for the NARA

    in Portland as an addictions counselor.

    She also recently celebrated the birthday

    of her one year-old granddaughter. Shesays, my life is lled with joy and happy



    Dia (Edinger)


    and her

    husband, Brian


    their rst

    child, Rylan


    Nickelson, onApril 15, 2010.

    Dia writes,

    He is such a blessing from the Lord;

    hes a very content, happy baby. God is

    sooooo good! With all the kicking he

    did while still in the womb, Im sure hes

    going to be a wonderful addition to the

    Concordia soccer team!


    Jill Runyan MBA 05 is now a territory

    recruiter for Colonial Life & Accident

    Insurance Company for SW Washington,

    Oregon and Idaho. As a territory

    recruiter, Runyan is responsible for

    recruiting district managers, assistant

    district managers, and account executives.

    1997Keylah Boyer Frazier,

    PhD Candidate,

    was recently elected

    President of the

    Oregon Alliance

    of Black School

    Educators (OABSE),

    Lisa Mallory MAT is in her third year

    teaching fth grade in Dhahran, Saudi

    Arabia for ARAMCO, the world's largest

    oil company. She lives in a community of14,000 expatriates. It is a ten square mile

    oasis and has it all, except culture. If I

    want to go to a restaurant or see a play, I

    need to go to Bahrain which is 45 minutes

    across the Arabian Gulf. Bahrain is part

    of the U.A.E. and an ex-British colony,

    so it is very modern

    and diverse and has all the comforts of

    western living, Mallory says.

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall



    Wintr 2010


























    Koty Zelinka

    married Jason

    Cole in an


    ceremony ather parents

    cabin in Elsie,

    Ore. on July

    3, 2010. Koty

    is in her eleventh year teaching

    English at Portland Lutheran High School

    and is a partner instructor in the College

    of Education at CU.


    Gustavo Agiuar

    recently celebrated

    the birth of hissecond child. Rafael

    Aguiar was born in

    March of 2009 and

    has already taken a

    liking to big sister,







    husband, Glenn


    00 recently

    welcomed their third child,

    Lilly, born November 9, 2009. Alexandria

    writes, Along with Gavin (7) and Keira

    (5), Lilly completes our family!


    Matt Hamlin MAT was recently

    hired at Walla Walla High

    School to coach football and

    teach math. According toHamlin, This is my dream job.

    I love coaching football and am

    excited to come home.

    Theresa Todd recently

    graduated from Ofcer Candidate School

    and is now a Commissioned Ofcer in

    the United States Navy. Theresa is a new

    ofcer aboard the USS GONZALEZ

    stationed in Norfolk, Va.


    Michelle Fusco recently began

    working for Prestige Care, Inc.

    as a Medical Records Manager in

    Porthaven Care Center.

    Tim Krajcar MBA has

    been working for The New

    Group, a digital marketing

    agency, as the Director of

    Technology. He also spent time

    teaching an e-business course

    in Concordias

    BS Business

    program and

    continues to nd

    ways to plug

    into Concordias


    Julie Ann


    Guzzardo MED, married Dr. JoseMijangos Reyes in June 2008 and

    are expecting their rst child in July

    of 2010. They are currently living in

    the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and

    working at the Prince Mohammed bin

    Fahd University.



    Calandra Jackson

    in a small

    ceremony in

    Virginia Beach, Va.

    Chris is currentlyworking as a

    defense contractor

    and Calandra

    teaches French and

    English as a Second

    Language (ESL) to elementary and

    middle school children.i aays an hear frm yu!Pleasecontactmebycalling503-493-6454

    [email protected].

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall


    { October22-24,2010 }

    Reunion WeekendMark your calendars now!

    Youre invited back to campus or a special weekend

    created or alumni and riends. Reconnect with your

    classmates, aculty and sta and enjoy the estivities.

    Visit or more

    inormation and register today.

    Want to be involved?ServeonyourReunionCommittee!


    [email protected]

    C O N C O R D I A U N I V E R S I T Y P O R T L A N D

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall



    Fa 2010


    Alexander Platanias married

    Heather Hensley on July 10, 2010

    in Oregon wine country.


    Molly (Huston) Lopez had an eventful

    2008, getting married and giving birthto a daughter. She says, I have been

    teaching middle school PE for three years

    now in the Vancouver School District.


    Francesca Jackson has begun her

    Masters in Counseling Psychology at

    Walden University.

    Marc Thomas married Lacey Yarbrough

    on September 8, 2009 and moved to

    Oregon City.



    Sullivan and her

    husband, Casey

    recently gave

    birth to their

    rst baby, Taylor

    Jean Sullivan, onJune 12, 2010.

    Taylor weighed 6lbs, 14oz and was 19.5

    inches long. Caitlin says, it has been a

    whirlwind for the past month getting

    used to all the adjustments, but we have

    never been so happy. And

    we never thought we could

    love a little person so much!

    Caitlin will continue to teach

    PE next year and just received

    her certication to teach

    an exercise workout called

    Crosst for Kids at the school.

    Janice Bickel 81 passed away in

    December. Janice is survived by husband,

    Keith Atkinson 80.

    Stay in the loop and get details on above events & more at

    eptemer 2024

    Peace Week, with Friday PeaceSummit

    ctoer 16

    Concordia-Puma Cross Country Classic

    Fernhill Park, Portland, Ore.

    ctoer 2224

    Reunion Weekend, with specialgatherings for the classes of 60,

    90, and 00; Alumni BasketballGames, and retrospective ofConcordia's music and choir.

    ctoer 23Martin Luther Bronze SculptureDedication & Concordia MusicEnsembles Concert

    Jennifer Wetter and husband, Joshua

    welcomed their rst child, Abigail Naomi

    Wetter, born June 17, 2009.


    Caitlin Deschner

    has been working

    for Norwegian

    Cruise Lines as a

    Youth Counselor.

    She is coordinatingthe activities for

    youth and families. She is also assisting

    Nickelodeon at Sea by acting as one of the

    characters during productions.

    ctoer 2930

    Preview Weekend for high schoolseniors

    ctoer 31/Halloween

    Residence halls open to public fortrick-or-treating

    ovemer 5

    Wind Ensemble Fall Concert

    ovemer 6

    Small Ensembles Fall Concert

    ovemer 7

    Fall Instrumental Ensemble Concert

    ovemer 20

    NAIA Cross Country NationalChampionships, Fort Vancouver,Vancouver, Wash.

    Decemer 1

    Christmas Tree Lighting

    Decemer 35

    Christmas Chorale

    Decemer 12

    Christmas Carol Sing-Along

    Pioneer Courthouse Square, Portland, Ore.

    January 29

    Lutheran Night at Cav Basketball Games

    eruary 1719

    Lutheran Elementary School Tournament

    March 12

    Preview Weekend for high school juniors

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall



    concordia connction28

    Mornings in June are typically a quiettime in Concordias Gymnasiumbut not this past June. A cadre of

    volunteers and dozens of young people

    with physical disabilities enlivened

    campus for Bike Week.

    In its fth year, Bike Week is organized

    by Concordia 2005 alumni and College

    of Education adjunct professor, Ann

    Donaca-Sullivan, clinic director for Bike

    First!, the Portland, Ore. afliate of Losethe Training Wheels. When Donaca-

    Sullivans cadre of volunteers arrived at

    Concordia, the gym became a hive of


    The camp allows children to blossom

    and beam with pride over their new-found

    skills while volunteers cheer and parents

    tear-up as the youngsters bicycle, alone,

    often for the very rst time.

    Children with a variety of disabilities

    have had success at the campssome of

    their conditions include Down syndrome,

    mild to moderate autism, mild cerebral

    palsy, visual impairments, and otherdevelopmental delays.

    Back in 2006, Donaca-Sullivans

    10-year old son, Cody, struggled with

    learning to ride his bike. Living with

    Down syndrome was difcult for Cody,

    who wanted desperately to learn to

    ride a bike. Donaca-Sullivan discovered

    the national Lose the Training Wheels

    organization and felt it would be a perfect

    t to teach Cody to learn to ride.

    I called the national

    organization to see if they would

    come do a camp out here (in

    Portland), Donaca-Sullivan says.

    They sent out bikes, the oor

    supervisor, and the mechanics.

    There were 32 kids that rstcamp week, including Donaca-

    Sullivans son, who nally gured

    out how to ride during the camp.

    Now, the annual camp serves more

    than 90 youth throughout the year.

    Donaca-Sullivan struggles to put

    into words her reaction to seeing

    Cody master the bike.

    Absolute tears, she said.


    Certainly many more tears were shed in

    the following four years, as more and more

    people learned to ride bikes. The success

    rate of the camp is astonishing. After

    just one week of camp, 80 percent of the

    participants are able to ride unassisted.

    Four years later, Donaca-Sullivan

    continues to be involved with Lose the

    Training Wheels. She created Bike First!,

    the Portland division of Lose the Training

    Wheels, which recently nished its fth

    summer of the Concordia-hosted camp.

    Donaca-Sullivan organized all the

    volunteers necessary to support the riders

    during the week and also raised the fundsto market the camps. This year she scored

    a major coup when former Portland

    Trailblazer Martell Webster spent the day

    working with the campers and posing for


    This year we had over 80 volunteers

    who were here all day, every day, Donaca-

    Sullivan said. Its phenomenal the way

    the volunteers have been willing to give

    back to the community and help people.

    Concordias mission statement is

    right in line with Bike First!, Donaca-

    Sullivan said. All the things CU does

    to help the community, draw them in

    and serve the neighborhood are exactly

    what we are trying to promote with Bike

    First!. We hope that these camps wil l helpspread compassion, understanding, and

    inclusion throughout society, and that is

    where Concordia already excels.

    Donaca-Sullivans vision for the

    program is to continue to work with

    Concordia and further expand its

    involvement by working with other

    universities. She would like to see the

    program work with veterans suffering

    from brain trauma or post traumatic

    stress disorder in order to give

    them the freedom and joy of riding

    a bicycle.

    For motivation, Donaca-

    Sullivan needs only to look at Cody,

    who is about to enter his freshman

    year at Grant High School. Cody has more

    than mastered the bicycle and will be

    riding his bike to school each morning.

    The freedom and independence that

    riding a bike has given him is incredible,

    Sullivan said. It feels to him as if the

    whole world has been opened up. It is so

    fun to see.


    Wehopethatthesecampswillhelpspreadcompassion,understandingandinclusion... Ann Donaca-Sullivan '05


  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall


    Shirley Vradenburgh 64 understands the value of a quality education. She has spent more than 40 years working with

    high school students and realizes that nances are frequently the deciding factor for choosing a dream school. Attending

    Concordia Teachers College, her top choice, was a life-changing experience that occurred simply because of thescholarships she received. Her dream of becoming a Lutheran educator was made possible because of the generous

    foresight and faithful support of alumni and friends. Shirley wants to return the favor to future generations of Concordia

    students. She is committed to making an annual scholarship gi and has also included a bequest in her will to provide

    future students the opportunity to pursue their calling.



    If you want to help a student realize their dream of attending Concordia University,

    consider including a bequest in your will, like Shirley. For more information, visit our

    website at or contact Erinn DeGroot at 1-800-752-4736.


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    When Andria Scheese approached her 30thbirthday a little over three years ago, she,like many, went through mid-life evaluations.

    Scheese, a mother of three, had

    advanced at Kaiser Permanente as far as she

    could without having a college degree and

    decided it was time for a change.

    I needed something more, she

    said. I didnt feel challenged enough.

    That desire to challenge herself, coupled

    with her sisters suggestion that she revisit her high schoolpassion for running, started her on a path that would

    eventually bring her to Concordia University.

    Now, more than three years later, Scheese, is poised not

    only to graduate with the degree she sought, but also as one

    of the schools greatest cross country and distance runners.

    She is a three-time NAIA All-American and received the

    NAIAs All Thats Right in Sports award this year.

    Not bad for someone who had not run competitively

    for ten years and was competing against athletes a decade


    Concordia coach Randy Dalzell watched as Scheese

    developed into an All-American during her two years

    at Clackamas Community College. He recruited her,

    knowing that there was still room for improvement.

    When coach would say I want you to go run a six-

    minute mile it seems easy to say at half a mile youll be

    at three minutes, but I didnt have that ability to break it

    down, especially while I was running, she said. I was like,

    Uh, what am I supposed to do?I didnt get it.

    When she started at Concordia, Dalzell would give her

    one thing to work on prior to each race, and then hed sit

    back and marvel at how quickly she picked it up.

    After she learned that one thing, I would never have togo back and teach that thing again, he said.


    ll Thats ight in ports








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    Fa 2010

    In a sport where your performance

    is tied to your commitment to training,

    perhaps more than any other sport,

    Scheese has inspired all those around

    her with her ability to juggle her

    demanding personal, professional,

    and academic lives.

    details of recovery because heres a

    person who shouldnt be as good

    as she is just with her ability, much

    less her schedule, Dalzell said. She

    models exactly the kind of things (her

    teammates) need to do and then is an

    inspiration to them to do it.

    Scheese is currently working her

    way back from a break in her left foot,

    the second shes endured in the last

    three years. After watching the cross

    country team from the sidelines while

    redshirting last season, she is eager

    to get back and optimistic about the

    teams chances.

    Our goal in the fall for cross

    country is to win the national

    championship, and I dont think

    were far from that, she said.

    Scheese will then look to improve

    on her indoor records in the winter

    before graduating with her degree in

    business. She is already planning to

    get her MBA from Concordia.

    While her initial motivation to goback to school stemmed from a desire

    to advance in the workplace, shes

    now considering a career in coaching.

    When I started back, I wanted

    to feel that love again for running in

    addition to getting my degree, she

    said. In the beginning (the degree)

    was number one, but I think running

    ended up number one in my heart.



    ofthings(herteammates)needtodo... Randy Dalzell, Head Coach

    In addition to raising her three

    kids (5, 8, and 14), Scheese is almost

    always a phone call away from her

    work as an account manager for

    Medical Stafng Network. Still, she

    always nds time to get her runs in,

    even if she isnt always able to practice

    with the team and occasionally has to

    take a call during a run.

    Those younger kids watch her

    level of dedication and then go, Oh,

    maybe I should be doing morningand afternoon workouts, maybe I

    should be making sure I do all the

    She is like Wonder Woman,

    teammate Jenna Olson told The

    Oregonianin their recent feature

    story on Scheese.

    Scheese said the most challenging

    part of juggling all three commitments

    is that she doesnt get to spend as much

    time with her kids as she would like.

    We talk about how school is going

    to ensure that well have a better life

    because Ill have a better job, and the

    running is paying for school, so it allgoes hand in hand, she said. They

    really understand that aspect.

    Join the Team!Support Concordia Athletics Year Round









    Go Cavs Go!503-280-8505 | . GUG.


  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall


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    32 concordia connction


    No.10For the secondstraight year, the Concordia baseball

    team earned its rst win of theyear against Lewis-Clark State as

    the Cavaliers defeated the 16-time

    national champions 7-6 on February

    13 at Harris Field in Lewiston, Idaho.

    No.9Senior AlexTiefenthaler erupted for 42 points

    in a 108-92 win over Corban on

    February 5. Tiefenthaler sank 16 of

    22 eld goal attempts (including all

    four of his attempts from beyond the

    arc) to fall one point shy of matching

    Concordias NAIA school record.

    No.8 Cavalier track & eld teams swept the mens and womens teamchases for the fourth straight season at the CCC Championships. The two

    squads went on to score top-10 nishes at the NAIA Outdoor Championships

    where 15 student-athletes earned All-American honors.

    No.7The CU womens golf team rolled to its third straight CCCtitle with all ve golfers nishing in the top six individuals while the mens

    squad held off a pair of threats in Northwest Christian and Corban to hoist its

    third straight conference trophy. The Cavalier women went on to place fth at

    nationals, their highest result in the history of the program.

    No.6 In a rematch of a gameplayed earlier in the season when the

    two squads were ranked No.1 and

    No. 2 in the nation, a determined

    Concordia womens soccer squad

    made it through the muddy conditions

    to dominate Cal Baptist with a 3-1

    win in the quarternals of the NAIA


    No.5The Cavaliers softballteam, after being unranked to start

    the season, climbed to as high as aNo. 4 ranking in the NAIA Coaches

    Poll, after ending the year with a 21-3

    conference record before earning

    a berth into the NAIA National


    No.4Bettering his schoolrecord in the 5,000-meter run by

    more than 13 seconds with a time of

    14:33.22, Eric Burck, a senior from

    Ephrata, Wash., controlled the nal

    kilometer of the race to pull away

    from the eld for the schools rst

    mens indoor national championship.

    No.3Concordias AndriaScheese and Dylan Smith werehonored with national awards by the

    NAIA as Scheese, a junior distance

    runner from Oregon City, Ore.,

    was named the All that's Right in

    Sport award winner, while Smith,

    a senior pitcher from Vancouver,

    Wash., received the Dr. LeRoy Walker

    Champions of Character Award.

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    No.2Concordia, along withthe Cascade Collegiate Conference,

    brought the NAIA Cross Country

    Championships to the West Coast

    for the rst time by hosting the event

    across the border at Fort VancouverNational Site. The CU harriers made

    the most of the local competition by

    claiming top-15 team nishes.

    No.1 On the strengthof six regular season conference

    championships, Concordia earned

    the 2009-10 Cascade Collegiate

    Conference All-Sports Trophy. The

    accomplishment is the third in the

    past four years for the Cavs. The

    Cavaliers nished the year ranked No.

    13 among all NAIA institutions in the

    nal Directors Cup standings.

    2009-2010bytheNumbers6 CCC Championship TeamsMens Golf

    Mens Track & Field


    Womens Golf

    Womens Soccer

    Womens Track & Field

    9 ChampionshipQualifying Teams

    Mens Cross Country (13th)Mens Indoor Track & Field (17th)

    Mens Outdoor Track & Field (5th)

    Softball (No. 3 seed)

    Womens Cross Country (12th)

    Womens Golf (5th)

    Womens Indoor Track & Field (11th)

    Womens Outdoor Track & Field (7th)

    Womens Soccer (Seminals)

    98 ll-Conference Honors54 Academic All-CCC

    34 NAIA All-Americans

    15 NAIA Scholar Athletes

    9 CCC Player of the Year Awards

    7 ESPN-CoSIDA Academic All-District

    1 ESPN-CoSIDA Academic All-American

    Kayla Vickaryous

    1 NAIA National Champion Eric Burck

    1 Dr. Leroy Walker Award winner Dylan Smith

    1 All thats Right in Sports Award Andria Scheese

    1 CCC All-Sports Trophy

    1 CCC Athletic Director of the Year

    Matt English

    1 CCC Sports Information Director of the Year

    Jason Dormeyer



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    Since he was a child in Argentina,soccer has always opened doorsfor junior Facundo Dipascuale.

    When he moved to Beaverton with

    his mother and siblings at the age of

    nine, soccer was the conduit to help

    him make friends and adjust to a new


    After graduating from Lakeridge

    High in Lake Oswego, he earned

    a scholarship to attend college

    and a chance to play at Concordia


    After two successful years in the

    classroom and on the eld atConcordia, Dipascuale realized soccer

    helped him nd something even

    more important: himself.

    Soccer has given me an

    opportunity to grow as a person,

    both on and off the eld, he said.

    Ive grown up. Ive matured, and

    Ive become a better person because

    of it [soccer].

    As a sophomore, Dipascuale

    nished third on the team in scoring,

    with nine goals and ve assists tohelp the team advance to the Cascade

    Collegiate Conference nals for the

    ninth straight year.

    That Dipascuale would nd

    success on the eld came as a

    surprise to few, but his success in the

    classroom has even surprised him.

    This past year, he was named

    Academic All-Conference by the

    Cascade Collegiate Conference for his

    hard work in the classroom and his

    commitment to community service.

    He's made tremendous progress since

    the end of his senior year in high

    school when he wasnt sure if hed

    even graduate.

    Now, I dont even have to talk to

    my mom about grades or anything

    because she knows that Im here for a

    reason, he said. I have a purpose now.

    That purpose revolves around giving

    back to the community and doing

    everything he can to make the world a

    better place. He volunteers at the local

    elementary school, Faubion, one of

    Concordias primary community

    partners, as a teacher and a mentor. He

    also works with kids in Nikes Back Your

    Block program, and helps out with

    the homeless and Special Olympics.

    I changed as a person because

    of community service and because

    of Concordia. Doing service work

    brings my spirits up, it just makes my

    day I look forward to it, he said.The community service has also

    changed his perspective.

    I get to have the deep conversations

    with my family now, not just soccer,

    soccer, soccer; its more about whats

    happening in the world and what we

    can do about it, he said.

    Dipascuale credits Gary Withers,

    the Universitys executive vice

    president for external affairs, for

    showing him the value of community

    service. Withers was paired with

    Dipascuale as a mentor through the

    Universitys Commitment Program

    when Dipascuale was a freshman.

    The relationship has paid dividends

    for both men.

    I may be his mentor, Withers

    said, but I think Ive learned far

    more from him than he has from


    Dipascuales sense of service andselessness have made him a true role

    model according to Withers.

    He is a young man of reasonably

    modest means, yet he has this deep

    abiding commitment to serve others

    and to make the world a better place

    for others, Withers said. It has been




    responsibilitythatcomeswithit. Dan Birkey, Head Coach


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    his own drive, looking at things from

    a long-term perspective and hiswillingness to make sacrices that have

    helped him accomplish so much.

    Dipascuale is currently focused

    on avenging the soccer teams loss

    to Warner Pacic in last years

    conference championships. Coach

    Dan Birkey is excited to watch

    Dipascuales continued development

    and hopeful the team can win itsninth title in the last ten years.

    He has a great opportunity for

    leadership, he said. He is aware

    of that and he understands the

    responsibility that comes with it.

    Dipascuale is equally excited about

    the future opening of the new athletic

    complex and its potential impact

    on the team and the Northeast

    community he has grown so close to.

    With a new eld, we could walk

    over to Faubion (School) and invite

    the kids to come to our games since

    its only 100 yards, he said. We could

    get our students who are coming out

    of class and our teachers to just walk

    over and watch our games.

    It would have such a big impact

    on Northeast Portland, he said.

    What I want in the future is to have

    the community behind us.

    A tting sentiment for someonewho has truly come to call Concordia

    University home.

    2009 ATT & AADMAMMT







  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall


    Concordia grounds its uture in a rich understanding o

    its history, while embracing opportunities that lie ahead.

    Te Vision or what we choose to be in the year 2020 is

    based on the input o hundreds o people across a variety

    o internal and external constituent groups over the

    course o the past year.



    Concordia createsanenvironmentinwhichindividualsaretransformed,becoming


    Concordia exempliesrich,reciprocalcommunityrelationshipswhichinfuseandenergizeeveryaspectofthecampusandbringdemonstrableandsustainablevalu


    Concordias programsandservicesarestructuredtomeettheevolvingdemandsstudentchoiceandmarketdirection,includingthemethodandlocationofdelivery

    Concordia provides the Concordia xperiencetoallitsstudents,includingattentiontointellectual,creative,spiritual,physical,emotional,socialandethical


    Concordias programs preparestudentsformeaningfulvocationsthroughintellectuallychallengingacademicengagement,researchandglobalpreparedne

    Concordia engagesdiverseperspectivesinanenvironmentofopendiscourseand


    Concordia is anchoredbyitsNortheastPortlandresidentialcampuswhichisaspirited,vibrantcommunityandahubfromwhichotherrelationshipsandoffering


    Concordia emracesorganizationallearningandreadilyexploresnewopportunitieandpracticesinlightofitscorevaluesandvision,facilitatinglearningacrosstheuniversityandcontinuouslytransformingitselfinwaysthatareresponsiveto






    ChristianTeaching and LearningxcellenceCommunityervice


    Community Connected.

    tudent Choice.






    ervant Leaders.

  • 8/8/2019 Concordia Connection 2010fall

    39/40Fa 2010







    This past spring I attended the sixth annual Senior

    Symposium held by the College of Theology, Arts, &Sciences (CTAS) at Concordia. This event highlights the

    dynamic capstone experiences of students from various

    departments in the college, including Psychology, Biology,

    Chemistry, English, Humanities, History, and Theology.

    During their nal academic year, each student

    completes a thesis, internship, or practicum and presents

    their research to an audience of faculty, staff, and students

    at Concordia. Organized as a professional conference,

    each student must also respond to comments, questions,

    and critiques from the audience.

    I am left in awe by the accomplishments of these

    bright, diligent individuals, and many of the presentationsoffered this year were particularly moving.

    At Concordia University, we speak often about servant

    leadership. It is enshrined in our mission statement in

    which we profess boldly to prepare leaders to transform

    society. The presentations at the Symposium provide

    concrete evidence that these lofty goals are being met.

    A few synopse