Download - Conceptual selection of Coconut Dehusking Machine · Coconut was fed by hand and impaled on the stationary tool. The depressing of its foot lever each time caused the separation of


International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163 Issue 04, Volume 4 (April 2017) (SPECIAL ISSUE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ IJIRAE: Impact Factor Value – SJIF: Innospace, Morocco (2016): 3.916 | PIF: 2.469 | Jour Info: 4.085 |

ISRAJIF (2016): 3.715 | Indexcopernicus: (ICV 2015): 47.91 IJIRAE © 2014- 17, All Rights Reserved Page -175

Conceptual selection of Coconut Dehusking Machine

Roopashree C R Post Graduate Student, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management,

Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumakuru, Karnataka 572105, India Abstract- De husking of coconut by human or by the traditional method is very difficult. As de-husking is done by humans it consumes more time and energy and even the labor charges are more. Hence to reduce the human efforts the power operated machine is designed and developed. So the new power operated de husking machine works on the principle of gear mechanism. Here the labor efforts are reduced and the time consumption for the de hushing is also reduced.

Keywords- Coconut, de husking, power, manual, machine

1. INTRODUCTION Coconuts are known for their great versatility, as evidenced by many traditional uses, ranging from food to cosmetics. They form a regular part of the diets of many people in the tropics and subtropics. Coconuts are distinct from other fruits for their large quantity of water (also called "juice") and when immature, they are known as tender-nuts or jelly-nuts and may be harvested for their potablecoconut water. When mature, they can be used as seed nuts or processed to give oil from the kernel,charcoalfrom the hard shell, andcoirfrom the fibroushusk. The coconut de husking is post harvesting operation which is necessary step towards making the coconut ready for the further utilization. The coconut de husking process is complicated and studies are still in the initial stage in all coconut cultivation countries all over the world. The coconut also has cultural and religious significance in certain societies, particularly inIndia, where it is used in Hinduritual.


Coconut de husking machines are classified into two categories (i) Manually operated coconut de husking machine (ii) Power operated coconut de husking machine. In the case of manual husking machines, all operations are carried out manually using manpower. Since a very large force is to be applied as the effort, and due to the small mechanical advantage, husking is tough and hence involves considerable exertion. In the case of house hold husking, manually operated husking machines generally suits best. I. MANUALLY OPERATE DHUSKING Machine -It is classified as follows: a) Mini Coconut De husker b) Pedal operated de husking machine c) Coconut Spanner d) Apparatus For Removing Fiber. II. Power operated Husking machine -It is classified as follows: a) Rotary Coconut De husker.

2.1 MANUALLY OPERATED HUSKING MACHINE a. Mini Coconut De-husker: Mini Coconut De-husking machine was invented by Ganesan et al.,[1] which is shown in figure.

Figure 2.1. Mini Coconut De-husker

International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163 Issue 04, Volume 4 (April 2017) (SPECIAL ISSUE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ IJIRAE: Impact Factor Value – SJIF: Innospace, Morocco (2016): 3.916 | PIF: 2.469 | Jour Info: 4.085 |

ISRAJIF (2016): 3.715 | Indexcopernicus: (ICV 2015): 47.91 IJIRAE © 2014- 17, All Rights Reserved Page -176

b. The coconut was kept on a platform and was impaled from the top with the sharp jaws of the tool swinging downwards about the pillar. After penetration, the handles of the tool were pulled outwardly to separate the jaws ripped of the husk into one sector. The coconut was then turned and the tool was made to impale on another portion of the remaining husk and the process of ripping open the husk was repeated. The operations were then repeated till complete de husking. It is obvious that de-husking using this tool involved more repetition of operations. Each time, the operator had to bend for manipulating the coconut placed on the platform which could be at the ground level. Then, he has to rise and straighten up for lifting the tool and swinging it downwards against the coconut. Hence it requires more time and it is not safe for the operators

c. PEDAL OPERATED DE HUSKING MACHINE: Pedal operated de husking machine invented by Siva Kumar.V et al.,[2] The prototype model is shown in figure 2.2. It is a type of pedal operated husking tool, which appeared in Japan which was called Ce Co Co coconut cracker developed by Ce Co Co Japan. This was a tool mounted on a platform, and standing upright when placed on the floor. Coconut was fed by hand and impaled on the stationary tool. The depressing of its foot lever each time caused the separation of one sector of the husk. Repetition of these operations three or four times caused complete removal of the husk. Re-setting of its movable blade on to the stationary blade, to keep them in the upright position, was achieved with the aid of a torsion spring of high spring constant. Slipping of the foot from the pedal when depressing would be causing quick return of the pedal and any part of the leg or body coming in the way of its path was not that advantageous, as this action destabilized the bound to get an impact, which may sometimes be inflicting injury. These disadvantages might have prevented the acceptance of this tool.

Figure2.2.Pedal operated de husking machine.

d. The coconut spanner: A husking tool called the Coconut Spanner was developed in the rural areas of Karnataka, India especially from the South Karnataka region, where its inventor was unknown. It was commercialized during 1990’s in Karnataka. It was a modified version of the smithy tongs with long handle and sharpened tongue. As shown in figure 2,3. It is in juxtaposed or closed position and impaled on the coconut, and then separated to loosen the husk [3]. The unit operation was repeated three or four times to finally take out the husk. Each time, the operator had to bend for manipulating the coconut placed on the platform which could be at the ground level. Then, he has to rise and straighten up for lifting the tool and impaling it downwards against the coconut. This could be the reason for it not becoming popular.

Figure 2.3. Coconut Spanner.

e. Apparatus For Removing Fiber From Coconut: In 1911 Rene Marot [3] from the Republic of France developed a machine called Apparatus for Removing Fiber from Coconut. Which is shown in figure 2,4. The machine consisted of knives arranged in vertical planes, arranged in the center and movable in guides so that they can be all brought toward each other or were fixed at the end of a rod whereby they can be raised and lowered, the rod being also adapted to be moved on its axis through a certain angle. Coconut which was placed on a support consisted of lower knife having a cutting edge and these knives were brought together by a lever helping it to hold the coconut in correct position. By moving the upper lever helped to penetrate the eye of the coconut and these knives were given a rotational movement through about 90 degree The traction thus exerted on the upper half of the fibrous layer detached the latter throughout its height.

International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163 Issue 04, Volume 4 (April 2017) (SPECIAL ISSUE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ IJIRAE: Impact Factor Value – SJIF: Innospace, Morocco (2016): 3.916 | PIF: 2.469 | Jour Info: 4.085 |

ISRAJIF (2016): 3.715 | Indexcopernicus: (ICV 2015): 47.91 IJIRAE © 2014- 17, All Rights Reserved Page -177

f. The major hitch with this machine was that it required huge force to operate and as a manually operated it would be more useful for house hold activities, but because of its huge size it wouldn’t be acceptable.

Figure 2.4. Apparatus for removing fiber from coconut.

2.2 POWER OPERATED HUSKING MACHINE a. Rotary Coconut De husker: As the name suggests this type of de husker has a rotary arrangement of blades. As shown in fig 2.5. It was developed in Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, India.[3] It was intended for a large-scale application. The blades are fixed over the drum as well as on the concave surface. It has one inlet with bigger size as compared with the outlet with smaller size. It is suitable for the large scale de husking. When the coconut is placed in the space between drum and concave surface it is pressed and moved forward. The blades on the drum punctures the husk on coconut and shear force peels it off. Some coconuts are completely de husked and some are only punctured. Such a coconut then requires the secondary handling to remove the husk from its shell.

Figure 2.5. Rotary Coconut De husker

In short the main objective of thisproject work is to introduce a newer machine that can, overcome the disadvantages and limitations of existingmachines, which includes manual and automatic coconut dehusker. Three concepts were generated with different functions and operating process for coconut dehusking. The best concept is selected for further implementation. The factors like maintainenance, safety, methods, quality of dehusked nuts, number of operators and machine cost are considered.

III. CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS CONCEPT 1-HAND OPERATED COCONUT DEHUSKING TOOL-IT COMPRISES MAINLY: 1. Stationary wedge/blade 2. Movable wedge/blade 3. Hinge pin 4. Hinge boss/seat 5. Hand-lever 6. Pedestal with a base As shown in figure3.1 it consists of two wedges movable and fixed.[4] Movable wedge is operated by hand lever. operator is required for performing the operation. It is not safe to operator due to long blades.

International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163 Issue 04, Volume 4 (April 2017) (SPECIAL ISSUE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ IJIRAE: Impact Factor Value – SJIF: Innospace, Morocco (2016): 3.916 | PIF: 2.469 | Jour Info: 4.085 |

ISRAJIF (2016): 3.715 | Indexcopernicus: (ICV 2015): 47.91 IJIRAE © 2014- 17, All Rights Reserved Page -178

Figure 3.1 hand operated coconut dehusking tool.

CONCEPT 2-POWER OPERATED DEHUSKING MACHINE WITH TWIN BLADES. In Twin Blade Dehusking machine shown in Figure 3.2, a twin-blade was been developed in such a way that the husking of the coconut was done by inserting coconut onto one of its twin-blade and the other flat blade would help in the process of peeling. The rotating motion of the blade aided to husk the coconut easily. This rotation of the blade facilitated the husking process. The disadvantages of this machine are:

Figure 3.2. Power operated. Dehusking Machine with twin blades.

It is not safe to operator due to long blades. operator is required for performing the operation.

CONCEPT 3- POWER OPERATED COCONUT DEHUSKING MACHINE. Coconut De husking Machine– ACoconut de husking machine involves or consists of two rollers which has spikes over them. The coconut is inserted through the holes from the top which falls on the rollers, the rollers rotates in opposite direction. The spikes on one roller holds the husks while spikes on other tears the husk from the shell. Such a machine is bigger in size due to its long rollers. Large force is required due to small mechanical advantage.

Figure 3.2 CAD design for Coconut De husk Machine.


Concept selection is the convergent process of evaluating concepts with Respect to customer needs and the other criteria, comparing the relative’s strength and Weakness of the concepts and selecting one or more concepts for further investigation testing or development. Each concept under consideration is described with the sketches. In this method of concept screening, the concepts are entered along the top of the matrix. The selection criteria are listed along the left-hand side of the screening Matrix and selection criteria should be chosen to differentiate among the concepts. A reference concept which is straight forward is chosen. A relative score of “better than”(+), “same as”(0) or “worse than”(-) is placed in the each cell of the Matrix torepresent how each concept rates in comparison to the reference concepts Relative to the particular criterion after rating all the concepts, the sum of the number Of “batter than”, “same as”, and “worse than” scores and the sum of each category is Entered in the lower row of the matrix. After summation the Concepts are ranked. The concepts with the more pluses and fewer minuses are ranked higher. Concept evaluation is done using pugh’s chart as shown in table 4.1.

International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163 Issue 04, Volume 4 (April 2017) (SPECIAL ISSUE)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ IJIRAE: Impact Factor Value – SJIF: Innospace, Morocco (2016): 3.916 | PIF: 2.469 | Jour Info: 4.085 |

ISRAJIF (2016): 3.715 | Indexcopernicus: (ICV 2015): 47.91 IJIRAE © 2014- 17, All Rights Reserved Page -179


Table 4.1 Pugh concept selection matrix

CONCEPTUAL SCREENING AND SCORING In Pugh concept selection matrix (Tables 4.1), the criteria’s are entered in the left most side of the matrix. The various concepts are entered in the top most rows. The concepts are compared as mentioned below. The concept 3 is selected as Reference concept.



Based on this concept 3 are ranked first, and Concept 1, and 2 ranked as 2rd and 3th rank. So concept 3 is selected for further review improvement and design purpose.




The coconut de husking is one of the complicated posts harvesting operation .In India it is grown in large scale and to process such a operation a suitable mechanism needs to be identified and developed. Many types of machinery were developed worldwide and a proper review of all the available machines was carried out looking into all aspects of cost, ease of use and viability. Several mechanisms were tried to de husk a coconut .Some of them were manually operated and power operated .These mechanisms have their own advantages and disadvantages. Some machines were large, power consuming, unsafe, un economical, time consuming. Mechanisms which overcome all these limitations should be developed and designed. Suitable mechanisms should be selected depending upon the necessity. In this paper concept 3 which is power operated coconut dehuking machine is selected for the further implementation.

V. REFERENCES [1]. Ganesan, V. and Gothandapani, L., Mini coconut dehusker. TNAU News Letter. 25(7):3, 1995. [2].Siva Kumar.V ,SathyaMoorthy.K, Karthik Kumar.,”Pedal Operated Coconut Dehusker”IJESC,ISSN XXXX XXXX © 2016,volume 6,issue 9. [3]. AbiVargheser, Jippu Jacob “A Review Of Coconut Husking Machines”, International Journal Of Design And Manufacturing Technology (ijdmt).Issn 0976 – 6995,volume 5, issue 3, september - december (2014). [4]. [5].