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In your dreams, magical thoughtsall things are real, unless you dream they’re notin your dreams, love is the plotcarried on wings of hopeEach of our souls, intertwine when we doinstantly we see it, the time to grow and be itwhen everything is pinned on a hopeLet rise the dreams of your heartthat innocent youth, careless and kindfree to roam the breeze in loveonly when two, brilliantly shine as one

This is the only song I can remember, for I have forgotten all the rest save for this. It speaks of the world of dreams, a place I one day shall help build. I always wished that I can make dreams come true, but the best that I can do so far, is dwell in them.

Jarius Ser L. Aragon

BS Computer Science


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JB is a “Blizzard Boy”, known for playing and mastering most of the video games released by Blizzard Entertainment. Loves watching anime and has a growing collection of translated Manga. He is somewhat forgetful when it comes to the little things, but quite responsible on important things. He’s a bit of a geek (he actually enjoys programming!) but still manages to stay unique.

JB reminds me of Flash, Photoshop, and Anime (specifically Gundam). He knows some of the minute details in Flash and Photoshop, and asking him about it is easier than looking for that detail in the Internet and books. Also, he is an avid fan of anime specially mechas. And although it does not look like it, he can draw anime as well. JB is also a dependable person when it comes to project requirements. He will never let you down.

Jan Benedick R. Asturias

BS Computer Science


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There are a lot of things people remember me by. A warm hug during a rainy day, a hand you can hold when you just feel like it, the huggable teddy bear of the bunch… Some even remember me for being the young, immature son. Others remember me as a computer programmer. And of all of these, the one thing that I like the most… is actually being remembered. There is nothing more I’d like than to be remembered for the things I’ve done (ok, maybe even the bad things, but not like I’ve done THAT many bad things). I do my best to be friendly with everyone—even to those people who are least likeable within a group (and yes, we have our share in Computer Science). I guess it’s just part of my nature to actually be helpful to everyone, no matter how small the task or who asks for the favor. I don’t let my size get in the way either—hey, being big has its advantages. I’d like to leave an impact on people, so much so that when people hear the name Arbi, they’ll say all those things like “teddy bear”, or that helpful programmer, or that playful big kid who always hangs out at Faura…

Antonio Maria R. Bautista

BS Computer Science


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I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, Ramon or “Cags”, as he’s usually known among his friends, is probably the most complex mind that has ever been made. He was always interested and inquisitive of things, to the point of being fondly teased as autistic at times because of his critical inquiry even for the most basic of things. But clearly, he is not. And this he has proven by his impressive academic, social and physical performance. But above all, “Cags” is most impressive as a true and loyal comrade. What is probably most remarkable about this guy is that he has always stayed with his ideals and convictions. He has shown tremendous consistency on how he deals with people and life, and this is one of the things that people admire about him. To top all that off, he also has a distinct sense of humour that catches giggles and laughter everywhere, not only of his friends, but of girls as well. It is rare to find a person as true and as honest to himself and to others as Ramon.

Ramon Miguel C. Caguioa

BS Computer Science


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Ako.Ang walang hanggang ako.Sino nga ba?Ako.Mabait.Kaibigan, anak, kapatid, tito, pinsan, kaklase, ka-org, katsismisan.Masama.Kaaway, estudyante (kung minsan lang naman).Mahilig.Kumanta, sumayaw, maglaro ng volleyball, magforums sa internet, manood ng TV at sine, kumain, matulog, Math, History, Philosophy.Ayaw.Sa aso, sa maarte, sa papansin, sa mayabang, sa bastos, sa matamis.Tao. Analogum. NagpapakataoAko.

Randolph M. Espinosa

BS Computer Science


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Facets(fas’it) n. any of the small, polished surfaces of a cut gem

“I got the better end of the deal, I’m only lending you my body, you’re lending me your dream.”

—Jerome Morrow, Gattaca

This guy dreams big. He knows he is destined for great things. But he never walks alone, for he treasures friends and loved ones.

They, he knows, made him who he is now.He is afraid to take risks, but with the right purpose, he does them anyway.

Formula 1 Racer, WWE Wrestler, Basketball FanaticTechno Junkie, Computer Nerd, Events OrganizerManfriends_dt, Block N1, Honor GuardsEmotional, Listener, SympatheticThe big man with an even bigger Heart

Joseph Troy V. Espiritu

BS Computer Science


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Ken is one of the nicest and kindest people in the block. He’ll hear you out whenever you need someone to talk to, even if it’s just for kicks. He’s a very joyful and excitable person, likes to play around, and never stops laughing. He actually has this weird chuckle that’s so uniquely Ken, which actually reminds us of Santa Claus without the tummy. In our group, Ken would usually be the determinant if our jokes were funny or not, since it would really require some effort to get a good, quality snicker from him.

Ken says that he’s not the type who takes things seriously, and sometimes too care-free even. But you would be surprised he would always be the one to egg the group on to start a project when everyone seems to slack off. That’s if he’s really inspired to work though. Well, he tends to sleep on the job, and leaves it to the others to finish it up. At least the initiative is there, haha!

Ken’s best trait: a great friend you can always count on! ‘nuff said.

Jaedis Kenneth C. Flores

BS Computer Science


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A great and magnificent obscurity, he is the dopey computer science guy. Scary and unassuming, humble and boisterous, this person can make you deaf from his silence or deaf from his incessant barrage of corny jokes and remarks. Being a health-buff with an eating problem is no problem, as he balances a stoic and disciplined physical training regimen with ice cream, chocolates, and sisig.

I am cute and cuddly.

Rodolfo Jay L. Garcia Jr.

BS Computer Science


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Diane has always been someone who is honest, both to herself and to the people around her. Everyone does not instantly notice this striking truthfulness, but when people get to know her better, they find out that she is someone who is trustworthy. Hers is a name that people have on their list as someone they can really talk to. She is sympathetic and reliable. She’s a friend’s refuge whenever the waves hit the rocks too hard. Her company is something enjoyable to have, since she is an adventurous person. She is often on the go to try new things and a conversation with her is never boring.

She always has this sincere eagerness to learn new things. She believes that there is always something to learn new from. She has always strived for excellence, especially for things that matter to her most and for things that she is passionate about.

Oh, and another thing. She never gets tired of thinking. She can actually think the whole day in bed.

Diana Jayne C. Gonzales

BS Computer Science


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Daydreaming, laughing, eating, cramming, and relentlessly imposing my presence all over Faura. Struggling with C, Leithold and Socrates through countless sleepless nights. Rushing to class, to OJT work, to CompSAt meetings, to basketball games, and to buses bound for Lipa. See, I’m just a typical CS student who never expected that four years could go by so fast when all I really did was try to do both nothing and everything at the same time.

Now I can’t help but wonder how the days that had gone by so quickly could have given me some of the best things in life: the enduring love and support of family and friends who inspire me to do my best; a unique brand of friendship that can sometimes be amusing, infuriating, and comforting, but is always strong; the chance to serve an organization for two great years; the priceless gift of education; and the unfailing grace of God.

For these and much more, I will always be thankful. Sou desu!

Vanessa D. Gonzales

BS Computer Science


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“Oh no! I didn’t do well in the test!” But when the results come out, she gets the highest score! This is just one of Cecilia’s extreme remarks, but don’t let yourself be fooled. She is one of the prettiest, nicest and smartest people you’ll ever meet.

Cecilia is perseverance personified. She didn’t become one of the prettiest, nicest and smartest overnight. (Well, maybe the pretty part.) She usually gets her high grades the hard way through plain, old-fashioned studying. And what is most inspiring about Cecilia is how she willingly puts aside what she wants to do to help a friend in need.

It’s so easy to talk to her because of her sensibility. It’s refreshing to be able to talk to someone without pretensions and get upfront answers. With her logical and calm way of thinking, she would be able to give sense to any problematic situation.

Yes, even with all these Cecilia manages to still stay humble, even too humble at times. But then again, nobody’s perfect right?

Kei Wai C. Hung

BS Computer Science


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Ironically, a man of few words such as Mr. Ko can be described with many words: 1) Deceiving. At once he looks unapproachable, too serious, and most terrible of all, suplado. But when you do get to know him, you’ll find out that he’s quite the opposite. He’s the friendliest, wackiest guy you’ll meet. You can converse with him about anything (from the mundane to the corny to the profound). He’ll drink with you to the wee hours of the morning, sometimes with raucous laughter, sometimes with comfortable silence you can only share with a genuine friend. 2) Gifted. Perci is a genius in many ways! He’s a well-read person and a deep-thinker who’ll engage you in a philosophical symposium (inuman). As a CS major, he’ll astound you with superb logic and code-writing, but as a foolish romantic, he’ll spout prose, and perhaps, with a little help from pale St. Michael, even with verses. I gave two words, but the list goes on. The truth is, no one, least of all Percival, can be captured completely into words.

John Percival Allan D. Ko

BS Computer Science


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“Birds of the same feather flock together.” As far-fetched as it may seem, Elijah is able to defy that cliche... A very simple, approachable, humble, and giving friend, Elijah seems to fit in any crowd he may be in. This well-rounded guy is true to the people around him—what you see is what you get, nothing hidden beneath his Chinese looks.

Careful but spontaneous. Naughty but nice. Playful yet serious—he will share with you a great friendship, something money can’t buy. He gives 100% support to his friends by listening and giving an honest opinion all the time. It is this crazy guy who will lend you a shoulder to cry on and give you advice even if he’s carrying a huge burden on his shoulders. He will share with you a great friendship. He’s a dreamer who dreams big, and his optimism is contagious that one can’t help but feel the same way and think positive. As an exemplar of a true Christian, a well-rounded, responsible person, and a true friend; Elijah surely has left a lasting impact on lives of the people he’d met.

Elijah John U. Lao

BS Computer Science


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Everyday we cross paths with different people, but those you simply cannot help but remember after time has passed you by are the ones that make you smile without trying. Those are the best kind of people to be around and Lihan is a perfect example of someone who makes you instantly grin knowing that a mere 5 minutes in his company will have you laughing along with that cutely infectious, silent, open-mouthed laugh that is so undeniably Lihan. Sometimes you might wind up even laughing at him, but that’s a rare, special quality of his. How often can you meet someone you constantly like to tease but who takes it all in stride and understands that some jokes really aren’t half-meant at all. Yet beneath that relaxed and innocently optimistic face lays an intellect fueled by Lihan’s remarkable talent for information technology, one backed by an Inter-C programming champion title, CompSAt presidency and a self-generated English language so complex that only he can decipher it. So whichever angle you choose to look at and no matter how long it’s been, trust me. You will never forget Marc Lihan.

Marc Adrian C. Lihan

BS Computer Science


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John on the outside is a very mysterious person. But once you get to know him, you would then realize just what a good friend he is. John would have to be the most loyal friend anyone could ever hope for. He would do anything to help a friend in need and he will stick to you through thick and thin. He can be the wackiest person in the group and he can be the most serious one as well. John is without a doubt a true achiever as he puts his heart to everything he does, and he strives to excel in all his endeavors.

Also, Hardey is a blunt guy. If he’s got something to say, he’s not afraid to speak his mind. He can stay calm and collected even though the deadline for the programming project is slowly getting closer and closer. No matter the situation, he can stay cool and calm, making his decisions usually well thought out and correct. A great driver and an even greater friend, I’ll always treasure our friendship. Underneath this guy’s seemingly timid image is a hardworking individual, a leader in heart who strives to perfection.

John Hardey S. Loang

BS Computer Science


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The Lynn you know right now isn’t the Lynn she always was. Back in high school, she was the girl with the sharpest tongue and with the best comebacks. It was always thought that college would harden her up some more as she gears up to face the real world. Luckily, she didn’t turn out as expected. Of course, she still has the wit that could spar anyone else’s but she only resorts to it in self-defense. Now, she has a smile ready for everyone and a countenance that could brighten up anyone’s day. College has made her into the ultimate “Ate,” as she is called in YFC, someone to be trusted, to give comfort and to be a good friend. Lynn has blossomed and may she share her brightness to bring light to the reality that is beyond the Ateneo walls. The journey to the top of the Hill has been a long one for Lynn, with detours and layovers along the way. Now that she stands upon the crest and looks to her future, she knows in her heart that the climb up was truly worth all that lay before her.

Lorlynn Marie B. Logro

BS Computer Science


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The Late Jarell Mallari... no, it’s not what you’re thinking. He’s not dead. He’s just... usually late. Despite this, his reliability does not falter. You can count on him to be by your side in a wink, at the bat of an eyelash and whatever idiom you can think of that signifies neck-breaking speed anytime you need him. Even though he’s been through a lot, he still knows how to stand tall and face all of the challenges that come his way.

It’s not hard getting to know the real Jarell because what you see is simply what you get. He gets along with everyone, he listens when you talk, he’ll make you laugh anytime any day, and make you smile when you’re sad. He tries to know your dilemma so he could help you out and finds a way to make you feel comfortable. His concern goes straight to the heart. He loves and cares constantly.

Jarell will always be himself no matter what: a music-lover, a hard worker, a real friend, a clown, and, still, a latecomer.

Jarell P. Malari

BS Computer Science


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At first glance, he could intimidate you with his “dark look”, which is both literal and figurative. I’ll let the literal speak for itself, but figuratively it could mean the angry, brooding look he has about him. But really, most of the time Akie isn’t really angry, he just looks that way.

Beneath his unapproachable appearance, Akie is the epitome of the man for others. Seriously, he is one of the kindest, most selfless people you’ll ever get a chance to meet. Whenever a friend is in need of help, Akie will do all he can to help.

Akie also utilizes his power of intimidation by turning it into the power of leadership. He can lead and organize people into becoming an efficient and productive team. Despite having the tendency of falling asleep in class, he still manages to get good grades.

With his leadership skills and quick intelligence, Akie is destined to go places.

Ramon Francisco Benigno P. Mejia

BS Computer Science


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Blockmates first dubbed her as “the successful career woman” for wearing formal clothes on regular schooldays. Four years later, Kim proved her friends right. Indeed, she possesses a combination of diverse qualities one rarely finds in a person—that which is sure to promise her success in any career.

A language aficionado, she enjoys and has a knack for learning languages. Aside from Filipino and English, she speaks Chinese, Japanese, French, Fookien and list still keeps growing. She is also a sports enthusiast and became a member of the Ateneo Table Tennis team during her freshman year. She also skis, knows kendo, practices judo and plays softball, to name a few. If that’s not enough, she also has a passion for music and playing musical instruments.

Without a doubt, Kim truly is an adventurous, fun-loving, and above all, a God-fearing lady who never fails to share her smiles as well as her precious time to anyone who needs them.

Kimberly L. Ong

BS Computer Science


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Ask anyone who knows her what one word would best describe Andreé. Nine out of 10 repondents would most likely say she’s OC! True enough, Andreé likes to have everything planned and organized. You can see that in how she handles her things, how she writes down notes and even how she deals with friends. Preparing for a birthday surprise weeks or even months from the date itself is just so like her.

Andreé also has a knack for cheering people up. It’s probably because she’s seen worst that’s why she could easily find something good out of difficult situations. This girl, believe it or not, has had her share of disappointments. Still, she sees what’s good in each experience and even in the people she gets to interact with.

Lastly, Andreé seems to live up to her name’s anagram –

“Endeavor Pa” (from Andree Pavo.) She’s one who never seems content with how things already are. For her, the only way to live the life of Christ is to continue striving for growth and excellence.

Andreé Rose Christian M. Pavo

BS Computer Science


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Kit is the UAAP volleyball player of the “Basement”, his high school barkada. He is also a superb billiard player. And if that’s not enough, he’s also garnered medals in swimming.

So why does he have the nickname “Shiki”? It’s his “s” that he unconsciously makes “sh” in some of his wordsh (words) and shentenshesh (sentences) but the mistake happens rarely though. Some college friends think of him in some other ways too. To block mates, he is the guy who’s perennially late. Some of his lines would be, “Uh pwede na…. kayo bahala.” Or “Pwede ikaw nalang.” Being true to others, he rarely left a friend alone. One would be surprised to find he really dresses up. He even modeled clothes for Levi’s in August 2004 in Centro, Libis.

Furthermore, being studious when it comes to academics is an understatement. In fact, he even passes the opportunity to go out with friends to study in the library. That’s Kit, a great friend, a dedicated student, and an incomparably unique individual.

Enrique Luis D. Perez

BS Computer Science


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Tracing the etymology of the name Joboy…“job” n 1. work 2. vocation, ex. To have Jobs as a friend is not just hard work—it is a vocation. “Job” n Like the chief character in the Biblical Book of Job, a person, who, despite great suffering and adversity, remained faithful to God.“boy” n 1. kid 2. full grown adult spotted lurking in Timezone, Cool Shots or Katipunan on school nights“boyoyong” (Filipino, infml.) see clown“Jobless” ant 1. Life without Joboy is a bore 2. inactive 3. losing the drive to work.“Joboy” n 1. An inspiring and popular mythical character known for its Tapir-like nose or snout. Taming this creature is a difficult and painstaking task as it is known that Joboy is obnoxious, fierce, and oftentimes resilient to people it is not familiar with. But once a person has gotten Joboy’s trust, he becomes the best friend any human person could ever have.

Joseph Alfred L. Pineda

BS Computer Science


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Not every person gets to make an impact on your life… not unless that person’s name is Philip.

Philip, at first glance seems like the shy, quiet type. In reality, though, he’s the exact opposite; he’s talkative, smart, thoughtful, sensible, outgoing and fun. He too exhibits maturity beyond his age. But he is not too showy of his feelings and would rather take things at his own pace. One really needs to look closer to see what is inside of him.

Once you meet Philip, you’re exposed to a real person. When you get to know him better, you gain a real friend—

guaranteed! He’s really good at cheering up his friends. He has this uncanny power to make people smile. If that doesn’t work, he’ll make you laugh instead—guaranteed! If you’re his friend, you don’t have to look too far to find him for he’ll always be by your side.

All the time—guaranteed!

John Philip B. Posadas

BS Computer Science


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Thanks. To God; my family, especially Lola who has been both father and mother to me; [O]2002, it is an honor to be part of our family, I’ll see you guys at our island; Tanny, Jed, and all the friends of [O]2002, glad you could join us on our ride; BS CS 2006, I wish you all success in your careers, “kaya natin ‘to!”; my block N2 and the super 6—Akie, Abie, Kit, Bj, Yari—all the laughter and drama still resonates within me; Eileen, Carmina, Berna, Jacky, Chin—one of, if not the most special thing that I got from joining Regcom was getting to know you guys; my other Regcom friends, the Bubble people, let the rumors roll; our juniors, I had so much fun with you guys, goodluck on your senior year; Audrey, Mary, Kris—you guys taught me what true love is, and what it is not; Steph, you still are the “bestbud”; Vi and the rest of the Gang, I truly miss you all, it’s been a while; all my teachers/professors, the knowledge you gave me is priceless; all the other friends I encountered along the way but shamefully forgot. All of you guys will eternally be a part of my being and I am grateful you somehow made me a part of yours too.

Ryan C. Prachayasatierkul

BS Computer Science


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Who is Mark Punzalan? There are two aspects to his personality; therefore, it should come as no surprise that he goes by two names.“Punzki” is the alias he goes by as the Ateneo computer science prodigy. His resumé is filled with awards from local and international competitions and talks conducted at professional conferences. He is also known as “Mr. ACM” and “Microsoft MVP.” But more importantly, he is the source for all things computer science: ask him a question, and you will get an answer. Punzki is a person you can count on.“Mark” is the name he answers to among his circle of friends. He is an avid NBA and F1 fan, and a converted animé and manga junkie. He is the Kasparov of the Rubik’s cube and Faura’s guitar freak. Armed with a weird sense of humor, he always seems to have a witty/nerdy/corny retort for every occasion. But more importantly, he is always out there to help his friends in need. Mark is a person you can count on.Now then, the question is: who is Mark Punzalan to you?

Mark C. Punzalan

BS Computer Science


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Words will never be enough. I can write tens of thousands of words describing April, yet that won’t capture even a quarter of what this woman is all about. April is someone you have to get to know in order to fully understand what she is all about. She is a person who will never cease to amaze, for everyday that God gives, you always find something new about her. But there are a few words that capture her true essence. Words like responsible, loving, and understanding. Unique. Kind. Hard working. Gentle. Amazing. Beautiful. No one can ever replace that warm aura of comfort she possesses that can make anyone feel welcome the moment they feel it. Neither can they imitate that warm smile she gives every morning, no matter how stressful the previous days have been. Nor can they give heart-felt hugs that cheer you up like she can. She is truly one exceptional woman, one that comes unexpected, one that opens your eyes and makes you believe that miracles do, indeed, happen. She is April Rey.

April C. Rey

BS Computer Science


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Top 10 on what makes Adrian, Adrian:10. He likes singing, as long as there’s a guitar playing. 9. He has a fascination for weapons. 8. He wakes up early just to find himself sleeping in class.7. He’s interested in… computer hardware!6. He’d go out of his way to finish other’s projects before his own.5. He’s interested in… Gundam! (a rabid fan)4. He’s a take-charge kind of guy, a regular leader.3. He’s interested in… video games!2. He’s jack-of-all trades, yet a master of none.1. He’s your all around nice guy!

Adrian C. Rodriguez

BS Computer Science


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Over the years of staying at the Ateneo, I have learned and achieved many things that I have never thought I could ever learn nor achieve in my lifetime, and for that, thank you, to all who were and still are around me, guiding and helping me become the person that I am now, and the person that I am endeavouring to be. Thank you. No amount of readings, or units, or grades, or tuition fees can be substituted for the wisdom, the spirit, and the love that I have received during my short stay at this glorious institution. It is doubtful that I would survive without the friendship and support countless people have given me, and the small thing that I can do is return that kindness to everyone by never forgetting the great significance of all those who are around me, even when I have attained my most magnificent ambitions, with my head up high in the clouds, I will never forget that my feet are to be firmly planted on the ground. I will hold my head up high, towards the blue sky and the yellow sun, but never ever forgetting the people who held me up before, and are holding me up right now. My victories are for you.

Paolo Martin D. Rodriguez

BS Computer Science


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This guy can definitely make anybody’s day better. The worst of moods and the stress creeping up anyone’s veins can be washed away with his disarming smile. But he isn’t just all smiles, this guy knows the latest in computers, from the specifications, where to buy them and how much they should cost.

He’s not all about computers though, this guy goes beyond what is superficial, he believes that money and material wants can never make anyone happy. He firmly believes that it is through the intangibles that one can be truly be happy and satisfied. A clear conscience, strong faith, integrity, generosity, hard work, a positive outlook in life and humility, are values that this young man believes in and lives by. Qualities possessed not only of a well bred young man, but of a true blue Atenean.

Edgar Ryan V. Samson

BS Computer Science


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Gil, a name used to refer to someone who is:-small but smart (Size is not everything as I show you how much is packed in this little giant)-silent but sensible (Rarely do I talk but most of the time I’d make sure I come with sense and convey thoughts of value)-farsighted but simple (Though I have big dreams, it does not take me much to be content)-logical but carefree (I am all brains in most that I do but this doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t have fun)-and a thousand other things you’d only know once you know me

Gil Russell O. San Pedro

BS Computer Science


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Lloyd, the early bird, typically comes to school even before the workers in school arrive and goes home after the sun has already set. This person exudes an amazing vigor and an incredible zest for life. He always seems to radiate happiness wherever he goes. His friendly demeanor allows him to make plenty of friends everywhere, and he can talk to anyone and can make jokes about anything under the sun. You would probably think that this man is all play and no work, but you’d be wrong. Lloyd excels in all his classes and still manages to commit himself to different organizations. This person embraces responsibilities unlike most people who run away from such things. He also has a very big heart; he would never leave anyone’s side and would go to great lengths just to help a friend in need, without expecting anything in return. Indeed, Lloyd is the very best friend anyone can ever have. He is one of those people whom you will always remember and will be deeply embedded in your heart forever.

Lloyd Vincent D. Santos

BS Computer Science


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Although, at first glance, he may seem to fit the description of the “strong, silent type”, there is more to John than meets the eye. Beneath his solemn and calm exterior lies a fun-loving, intelligent person with a unique sense of humor. Under the guise of an active observer, he tries to view reality from different angles, and then quietly contemplates about the things he has recently discovered. One important lesson he has learned throughout the years is to break free from the rigidity of traditional ideas and to maintain a mind that is readily open to new ideas. When he is not wandering in his thoughts, he proceeds to occupy his time by developing computer programs, losing himself in books and novels, experimenting with different musical styles on his acoustic guitar, engaging himself in the illusory world of movies, and spending quality time with his friends and family.

John Paul N. Simpao

BS Computer Science


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Within the four years of my stay at the Ateneo, I’ve learned that the stars above Bellarmine field have their own special kind of magic, that the steps of Faura will always hold fond memories of CS batch mates, that to take risks is to know how far one can go and how much one can achieve (Lundagin mo, beybeh!), that prayer can make any bad situation less awful and any daunting task more achievable, that laughter really is the best medicine and that to appreciate and make art (photograph, sketch, write, direct, dance, sing) is to discover beauty and to love.

To all my professors, org mates, block mates, class mates, batch mates—friends, thank you for being a part of my life.

And thank You, for everything.

Pamela Esmee L. Siy

BS Computer Science


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D: John is a person who will never let you down. He is a friend who is never afraid to give you a helping hand and always there whenever you need him. At first, he may look quiet and shy but once you get to know him, you will find out that you can talk to him about anything. G: A guy who though appears shy at first towards new people is a hell of a friend afterwards, always willing to help and extend his vast computer expertise - someone who learns more outside the classroom in pursuit of his interests and knowledge of better relevance.F: Someone who constantly seeks to change, improve and grow. A good friend and a trustworthy confidant who gives more than he gets.O: John is a very approachable person and he wouldn’t hold out a smile on you. J: A relaxed character yet he’s a guy you can depend on. He can make the impossible possible, finishing papers and programs a few hours before the deadline. A friend I’ll always remember.

John Eric Y. Sy

BS Computer Science


Page 36: Computer Science

At first, meeting Boswell would leave you the impression that he is a quiet and reserved kind of person. He doesn’t usually start conversations and keeps things to himself. However, befriending him would tell you otherwise. He’s the type of person who could take any kind of topic and turn it to an interesting conversation. A natural entertainer, he can elude you with his persuasive tongue and witty character. He’s also a fun loving person who loves to take on the mountain pass and he sees humor in almost anything. And finally, he’s a true friend that is always available to confide with and to cheer you up in the gloomiest days of your life.

Boswell Sebio S. Tan

BS Computer Science


Page 37: Computer Science

Kendrick is one of the nicest persons you’ll ever meet. He is a kind and thoughtful friend that you can always count on. He goes out of his way to help his friends without expecting anything in return. This guy may seem quiet and reserved at first, but don’t let this fool you because once you get to know him, he is a lot of fun to be with. This person is a happy-go-lucky guy that goes with the flow and you might think that he’s all fun and no work; but when it comes to serious matters, you’ll be surprised to see how determined and hardworking he can be. You can be sure he’ll do his best all the time. He is a goal-oriented person and has a strong drive to succeed.

What I think of Kendrick hmm... he’s neither good nor bad. He’s never too happy yet, I’ve never seen him sad. He’s never intrusive, not too aloof has a good sense of humor but he’s not the type to goof. He wouldn’t bother memorize what all books claim or say but then, he knows--he’s certain of the kind of life he’d want to live someday.

Kendrick Charles S. Tan

BS Computer Science


Page 38: Computer Science

If you were to construct a mathematical equation describing Teddy Tan, what would it be? A lot of people committed the common error that Theodore Gotamco Tan is equal to merely the shy-slash-quiet guy. If you likewise think this is so, better think again. In the primary stages of knowing him, one would encounter the occurrence of an unexplainable phenomenon. Try staring at you’ll see his face gradually experience change from the neutral-normal complexion to that comparable to a ripe tomato. Beneath the simple smile is a known billiards hustler to his friends. Apart from this “billiards-philia” is his love for wrestling. Besides all the little surprises that people see in him, one can surely capture his sweet side that come in different packages. Indeed, he is one of those rare people whose sincerity exudes from within. He has the heart of a loving friend, the unique humor, the compassionate soul, the deeds of a gentleman; no words could ever describe him enough. He is, simply, God’s perfect masterpiece.

Theodore G. Tan

BS Computer Science


Page 39: Computer Science

To friends, Borgy is as good as Borgies get. He is a barrel of laughs who can entertain you with his mind-numbing quotable quotes and corny jokes. Despite the craziness, he can charm you with his witty humor. Each second of a conversation with him will most likely be punctuated with tons of guffaws. Computer suddenly crashes? No problem, Borgy has the skills to fix it. But, there are certain hues of his personality that takes time to discover. A friend to the end, he will stick by you through thick and thin! He will be there when you need him--late night chats at no extra cost, and even when you don’t need him. He has a caring personality that most people don’t see... then again, maybe he just shows it to a chosen few. Also, he always tries out new things given that these things would interest him. Right now, this interest is Dance Maniax. This guy certainly loves to joke around, but expect him to be a good listener and adviser when you need someone to confide in. Final verdict: Borgy = Pogi Istayl.

Vincent Gerard J. Tan

BS Computer Science


Page 40: Computer Science

Denise is a walking paradox. Friendly and sweet, but watch it, she can sometimes be terribly mean.Laughing one moment, next thing she’s moody.Very reserved and shy, but mention her anime obsession and she’ll talk non-stop. Calm and collected, a word on L’arc-en-Ciel and she goes ballistic.Diligent and meticulous, but a lazy procrastinator queen.Observant to her surroundings though can be oblivious at times.An independent person yet can be reliant on her friends. Smart and talented, yet often makes the most basic foibles.Multilingual yet a woman of few words.In the end, you’d realize that this walking talking paradox is one that’s infinitely full of surprises.

Ma. Denise T. Verastigue

BS Computer Science