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Howes and Brown Optometrists

Tom Brown A2 Computing Project 1

Howes and Brown Optometrists Vision Training Program

Tom Brown

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Howes and Brown Optometrists


Definition – nature of the problem

Howes and Brown Optometrists 5

Investigation and analysis

Interview: What is my Client’s current system 7

Paper Scans 9

Process Flowchart 18

Requirement Specifications 19

Nature of the solution

System Design Flowchart 23

Relationships 24

Data Flow Diagrams 25

File Structures 26

Form Designs (Mock ups) 32

User Agreement 37

Intended benefits 38

Limits of the scope of the solution 38


Database Screenshots 39

Screen Forms 42

Reference to Design and Analysis 45

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Form 1 47

Form 2 48

Form 3 49

Form 4 51

Form 5 56


Testing Plan 63

Testing Evidence 66


Implementation Plan 84

Testing Details 86

Training Details 86

Changeover Details 86

Acceptance Statement 87

Appropriateness of Solution 87

Systems maintenance manual System Explanation 90

Requirement Specifications 91

Record Structures 94

Form Designs 101

Data Flow Diagrams 106

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User Manual Introduction 108

System Information 108

Requirement Specifications 110

Installation Guide 112

Guide to Common Tasks in the System 113

Backup Routines 119

Troubleshooting 119

Glossary of Terms and Data Dictionary 120

Discussion of the degree of success in meeting the original objectives 121

Evaluate the client’s and user’s response to the system 121

Acceptance Document 124

Comments by Client 124

User Response Evaluation 125

Limitations and Desirable Extensions 125

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Definition - Nature of the Problem Howes and Brown Optometrists:

Howes and Brown Optometrists is an Optometry Practice that was established in 1987 and became incorporated legally in 1997. The company was initiated by Brett Howes and Evan Brown who started a clinic together in Meadowbank Mall before opening a second clinic in St. Heliers bay in 1989. A third clinic was opened in Glen Field in 1991 which lead to the two of them selling the St. Heliers practice in 1999, Brett worked separate from Evan in the Glen Field practice before moving to Mercury Bay, basing his practice around sports vision and contact lenses. Evan moved down the street in Meadowbank opening a practice on his own, continuing in his area of expertise of paediatric vision (children with vision-related difficulties and diseases). Evan also has a wide range of fashion frames and lenses and provides a complete contact lens service. My project revolves around Evan’s practice in Meadowbank and his methods of Vision Therapy in which he uses many exercises to achieve their objective of ‘developing visual potential.’

The system I am investigating consists of many different steps that multiple employees are involved in to hopefully help a patient be able to improve their eye sight or way their eye’s focus and track. The program he uses at the moment is very paper based and he spoke out about the time and effort him and his team of employees have to put in to fill in every patients details, results from appointment, letters of recommendation and vision training schedule. There is a lot of paper involved and it can get quite overwhelming at times, not only for the staff but for the patient also. I would like to create a computer based system that allows the staff and patient to seamlessly step from one part of the vision training procedure to the next so that the process is as trouble-free and painless as possible.

The system consists of five stages. Here they are explained in detail - The learning related vision assessment questionnaire

- The learning related vision assessment questionnaire (LRVAQ) is a sheet that the patient will fill out with some help from their parents if they are younger, this sheet helps the consultant get an understanding of the patients past vision examinations, troubles with vision and eyesight, current medication or treatments, complaints made by teachers or the students themselves and just a general idea about the patient and their life.

- Examination form that Evan fills out during an appointment - This is a very complicated sheet of paper that is filled with fields and codewords that

wouldn't mean anything to a person with no experience in Optometry. To Evan and the work force at Howes and Brown Optometrists this is what they do all the hard work on, every appointment, assessment and examination is made on this sheet of paper, the patient will undergo a series of tests and evaluations and all the results will be written down in the appropriate field. Making sure that the correct data is put in the field is crucial so a lot of validating will need to be done here on a computerised system.

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Howes and Brown Optometrists- The BVA checklist

- The BVA checklist is a post examination sheet that the consultant completes i their own time when the patient has finished their appointment, all of the data recorded on the examination sheet is transferred from confusing numbers and letters to words and phrases and put on the BVA checklist. A whole lot of possibilities are given to the consultant that the patient may have wrong with them, the consulting crosses out the ones that are not true and leaves the one showing that they found to be true about the patient. This leaves the patient with a full diagnosis of their problem.

- The Vision Assessment Report - The BVA checklist is handed to the receptionist who then transfers the whole document into

an email template that was made from the BVA checklist. The receptionist crosses off each word that the consultant has crossed off and a full email is made showing the problems the consultant found with the patient. This is then sent to the patient or their parents and the patients GP.

- The Vision Therapy program. - This is the largest and most important stage of the companies process, a unique program

is written up by Evan from his long list of exercises and tasks that the patient can do to help fix the problem with their eyes. It is a massive process that Evan has gone through thousands of times and has become a true professional at. The patient will go through this training schedule for 5 weeks then come back for a check up and another set of exercises to do that hopefully after repeating this precess 5-10 times will fix the patients problem.

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Investigation and Analysis An in-depth interview with Evan discussing the current system from his point of view, profiling the problems he sees with the current system and what he wants out of the new computer based system:

The conversation is as follows with my dialogue in Red and Evan’s dialogue in Blue.

Me: Can you run me through the procedure in which a patient ends up in your practice and into your program.

Evan: Well a patient is usually referred by their GP, teacher, educational physiologist or neurologist. They would go through a comprehensive set of standardised tests, we would formulate a diagnosis and their treatment would involve vision therapy.

Me: What is the process of a patient first comes into your office and how it comes to them hopefully leaving your practice months later with improved eyesight.

Evan: A Patient (who has booked an appointment) arrives and my receptionist notifies me of their arrival. I then sit them down and ask them to take a questionnaire called the ‘Learning Related Vision Assessment Questionnaire,’ this helps me understand what made them think they had to come to see me and what is bothering them about their eyesight. I then assess their eyesight and diagnose them with a type of dysfunction that I would usually have already guessed from the information given to me by the questionnaire. Whilst doing the examination I write notes and results down on an appointment sheet that I then use to fill out the BVA Checklist. This checklist is give to my receptionist who fills out a template letter based on this checklist, the letter is then sent to the parent or guardian telling them of the patients diagnosis and what they can do to fix it (usually going through Evan’s Vision Training program). If they choose to come back to try and rectify the problem then I will write them a program depending on their condition that they will go through with different exercises I pick from a large list on my computer.

Me: So your system that you use at the moment is very time consuming by the looks of it, does it noticeably effect your or your employee days work?

Evan: Yes, I have to take about 3 to 4 hours out of each day for paperwork and administration that could be used else where.

Me: Have you ever had any serious issues with having a paper based system such as lost documents or has it not been much of a hindrance?

Evan: Documents can be misfiled which makes them hard to find, it is every so often that they get lost and we have to replace them.

Me: Does misfiled documents or lost documents ever cause much of a drama or is it quite easy to redo them?

Evan: It would depend upon if it was the entire file which could be a real problem but a lost document we will just ask the patient to come and help replace it if it is necessary to the patients recovery.

Me: Which part of the Vision Training process do you see needs to be worked on the most or has the most faults?

Evan: Probably the letter is the most time consuming.

Me: What part of the letter?

Evan: Formulating the letter then checking it and sending it.

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Me: How often do you change the system you have?

Evan: Sometimes on the BVA checklist or the Vision Assessment Report I make minor changes just to make it easier to understand for the patient.

Me: So you never change any fields or checklists.

Evan: No

Me: Is there currently anything that your system doesn't have or lacks that you would like to change about it?

Evan: Lack of efficiency, I spend too much time doing tasks that can be cut short by using a computerised system. Also security, there is no passwords on any of the computers.

Me: So you want security for the system, like log in details for the employees?

Evan: I would like the system to have the opening screen needing log in credentials for each employee to proceed to next screen, so that the patients don't accidentally mess up the files.

Me: What is the program that you run at the moment?

Evan: Vision 2K

Me: Is that run on Windows?

Evan: Yes

Me: Would you like the new system to be also run on Windows?

Evan: Yes, we have three consulting rooms and one main reception room that would all need a tablet or monitor that ran the same program.

Me: So you would rather a tablet for each room that an employee will log into instead of a tablet assigned to each employee?

Evan: Correct, I don’t want to have more tablets than necessary and since there are more employees than consulting rooms we would always have at least one tablet that isn’t in use.

Me: Do you ever give out equipment with the programs you run?

Evan: Yes we frequently give out Vision Therapy Equipment to our patients. Such as string, balls, lenses, clippers, prisms, balance balls, blocks, workbooks, red green glasses and polaroid glasses. We do not have an inventory of what we give out so we are constantly replacing our equipment as it is very rarely returned.

Me: Is there a Company theme or website that I could base the new system off or would you prefer a generic theme?

Evan: There is a company website but it was designed by Brett and is very simple so you will have to go generic.

Me: Where would you like all of your files to be stored? On the devices, OneDrive or an external memory storage?

Evan: I would like all our data to be stored in a database located off the premises.

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Paper Scans

I had broken the vision training process down to five separate stages that I could concentrate on separately instead of trying to handle the entire job as one giant task.

1. The ‘Learning Related Vision Assessment Questionnaire.’ This is stored in the patient’s file on paper until the vision training is over.

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2. The form that Evan fills out during an appointment.

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3. The ‘BVA Checklist,’ this is a four paged checklist that Evan goes over for every patient that shows exactly what the patient may have and what he recommends the parents do to fix the problem. (This does not get shown to parents but is used in the next stage)

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4. From the ‘BVA Checklist,’ Evan’s receptionist fills out the ‘Vision Assessment Report’ checking each and every box that Evan has selected on the four page document.

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5. From the Vision Assessment Report Evan creates a 10 week program for the child to complete from a list of around 80 exercises. That 10 week program is made on this sheet of paper with 3 exercises per 2 week sector of the 10 week program.

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Current system process flowchart

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New patient arrives in clinic and sits down waiting for


Consultant that is assigned to patient takes them into a

consulting room and begins appointment

If its an existing patient their files are brought with them into

the examination

If it is a new patient, the consultant brings in documentation for the

patient to fill out

Patient fills in documents such as LRVAQ and a simple

questionnaire to give contact details to the company

Vision Training program is made on tablet by Evan using the Vision

Assessment Report as a guide to choose which exercises and therapy

equipment is needed for patient

When appointment is complete the patient leaves and Evan fills out BVA


BVA checklist and the patient’s file is run through a template of the

Vision Assessment Report

Examination takes place and consultant writes results on

examination sheet after every test performed.

Email is sent to GP and parents/guardians of patient showing the

problems found, diagnosis and further steps to fix the patients eye sight, which is generally Vision Training


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Requirements Specification

Hardware Requirements

Three consulting rooms that will each need a portable tablet that runs Windows 8.1 and a main reception room that will need a monitor and a built in computer that also runs Windows 8.1. The aspect ratios will all need to be similar and this will be kept in mind when purchasing the tablets and monitors. As the Windows Operating System is an open operating system run on many different company’s hardware, we decided that it would be more suitable than an Apple OS as it will only run on apple equipment which restricts Evan to one company and price range.

Software Requirements

I will limit the software to the newest update 8.1 as Microsoft encourages all of their customers to use their newest version of OS. This will benefit Evan as 8.1 is very user friendly and has the Windows Store available for applications to be installed straight onto any tablet or monitor.

Input Requirements

- Tablets must all be touch screen input. - All check boxes and text boxes etc must be easy to use and not too cluttered. - Font must be easy to read and big enough to read - Colours must not be conflicting

Output Requirements

- Objects on screen must be spaced out and easy to read (in a big enough size). - Font must be easy to read and big enough to read. - Colours must not be conflicting.

Miscellaneous Requirements

- All employees must have a log in. - All patients must have an assigned patient number that when entered will show their

entire file. - An inventory linked to each patients number to show what equipment they have been

loaned. - A file that holds all patients details. - A file that holds all examination outcomes for patients. - A file that holds all employee details including log in details.

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Required Specifications

The system must be able to store each of these fields and draw information from each of them each patient will have their own file that can be edited and viewed at any time. The new system must also be upgradable for future improvements and will have to be edited when Microsoft makes any big changes to their software. The user interface must match up with the hardware chosen and fit well with the screen so that each detail and button is seen clearly by each person using the tablet.

This is the required information the program will store:

Patient Form: - Patient Number - Title - Surname - First name - Alais - Date of Birth - Age - Address - Occupation - History of symptoms - GP Name - GP Email - Guardian’s name - Guardian’s email - Therapy equipment loaned - Date equipment given out - Date equipment expected in

Employee Form: - User ID - User name - Password - Email - Home Ph Number - Mobile Number - Address

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The solution will need to be able to:

1. Let the user log into the system using a secure user ID and password. 2. User will be able to pick from either an existing patient or a new patient. 3. User can find the patients file from their user ID or barcode scanner. 4. OR user creates a new patient file. 5. If patient is new then system will make them sit a new patient questionnaire where they write

down all details about them. 6. The patient then sits a Learning related vision assessment questionnaire.

1. These answers are all saved to database under the patients file. 7. Let the user write down all answers to tests and examinations made during appointment. 8. Save all data to Microsoft Access

Alternative Solutions

An alternative implementation we discussed was turning the process into an Apple operated system that would run off iPads and a MacBook, Apple is a closed operating system and does only offer Apple hardware to run their software on which constricts Evan to a very high priced market and he would also have to spend time getting used to what is a foreign operating system to him which seemed pointless and a waste of time and recourses.

Current System

The current system that Evan runs has been run for decades and he has no intention of changing the way he approaches each step, his intentions are just to simplify each part of the process and make the current system he has into a single computer program. This way his staff will not need much training and can start on the new system almost instantly opening up more ways of implementation of the new system.

Bespoke System

By designing a custom system for my client I will be able to solve every requirement and aim that they have chosen. This will also mean that the system will not have any excess data and programs that Evan will need to ignore, with excess data Evan will probably have to upgrade the tablets or desktops he needs to buy which will just cost extra money.

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Off The Shelf Software

Off the shelf software will be a much easier solution as it is already designed and has been tested and there will be other uses to get advice from but the system Evan wants to run is quite unique and a generic system will probably not satisfy the conditions Evan wants.


We have chosen to design a bespoke system that is designed specifically to complete the long list of requirement specifications, this will take a lot longer and we may run into some problems but with the correct way of implementation we are both confident that it will benefit the company a whole lot more instead of a generic system.

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Nature of the Solution

System Design Flowchart

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Patient uses tablet to complete the New patient


Tablet is given to consultant and appointment sheet is filled

out as consultant tests the patient’s eyes.

Employee signs into system with log in details.

Employee either selects whether they are examining

an existing or a new patient.

Successful Log in

New Patient

Next button is pushed and all data on form is saved to the Access database creating a

new patient’s file

LRVAQ form loads and patient completes

questionnaire filling out every field

Next button is pushed and the data on LRVAQ

form is saved into Access database under ID number

Existing Patient

Next button is pushed and the examination results are

all saved under the patients ID number in the

Access databaseEND

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These are the only relationships in the system, a one to many relationship between the Patient table and the Examination table, and a one to one relationship between the Patient table and the LRVAQ table. The examination to patient relationship is linked by the Patient ID and lets the patient’s examination be found by their ID number. The patient can have more than one which is the reason I chose a one to many relationship. The LRVAQ to patient relationship is linked by the patient ID also but is a one to one relationship because there can only be one LRVAQ file to each patient.

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Data Flow Diagrams

Adding New Patient

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Is the patient an existing patient?

The user logs in and taken to the Welcome Form

No User proceeds to the new patient questionnaire


Patient file is found in system

Enter patient ID

System proceeds to LRVAQ

Patient fills in new patient


Patient fills in LRVAQ

User taken to Examination form

Consultant completes test and examines patient

Consultant fills in examination



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File Structures

Patient Files

This is the file that will be created when a new patient comes to the practice (information is drawn from the Learning Related Vision Assessment Questionnaire) so that Evan will have all information about any patient and system can draw on any patient information when necessary.

Examination Files

This file is the file that will be created when a patient is examined by one of Evan’s optometrists, each result is from a series of test that show Evan what is wrong with the patient and some information from the files will be drawn from the Patient file.

Key Type Example

Patient Number Long 144012947

Title Boolean Mrs

Surname String Smith

Firstname String Johnathan

Alias String John

Date of Birth Date 24/07/1999

Age (Calculated from DOB) String 15 years 9 months

Address - Street

- Suburb - City

- Postcode

String62 Remuera Road

Remuera Auckland


Occupation String Student

History of Symptoms String Accommodation Dysfunction

GP Name (Last, First) String Fox, Nelson

GP Email String [email protected]

Guardian’s Name (Last, First) String Smith, Billie Smith, Sarah

Parent(s) Email(s) String [email protected]

Therapy equipment loaned -Vision String -Balance Board 250

Date equipment given out 13/04/2015 8

Date equipment expected in 13/05/2015 8

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Key Type Example Estimated Size

Name String Smith, Jonathan Tyler ‘John’ 30

Address String 26 Remuera Road Remuera, Auckland, 1050 150

PH number String 09 524 5697 30

Patient ID Long 144012947 32

Date of exam. Date 02/05/2015 8

dob Date 09/12/1993 8

age String 12 Year 3 Months 30

occ String Student 50

Med String Trusopt and Azopt 80

POC String Glaucoma 30

FOC String Glaucoma 50

3 String 12A 3

13A String 13F 3

8 String 01C 3

12 String 34F 3

13B String 00W 3

18 String 12N 3

15A String 09M 3

15B String 17K 3

4* String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

5* String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

7* String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

7A* String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

CON* List Box 7, 7A or 0 1

14A* String Add + 0.00 12

14B* String Add + 0.00 12

19 Integer 10.00 (or less) 4

ST (pt1) Boolean 1

ST (pt2) Integer 1000 (or less) 4

9,10 String 12/45/13/53 12

11 String 12/45/13/53 12


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16AB String 12/45/13/53 12

17AB String 12/45/13/53 12

20 String -10.01/-06.02/-01.90 30

21 String -10.01/-06.02/-01.90 30

K’S* String 28.90 mm 01.20 DS 30

SAC String 4 / 3 / 5 / 1 30

PUR String 4 / 3 / 5 / 1 30

CT String 12A 13C 12

CTRX String 12A 13C 12

CV (pt 1) Boolean Pass 1

CV (pt2) List Box ISIHARA 1

IOP String 12.00 / 12.00 32

Field (pt1) Boolean Normal 1

Field (pt2) Boolean Abnormal 1

NPC String 12 cm / 10 cm 30

Old Rx String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

Dist. String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

Old Rx String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

Near String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

C (1) Boolean TRUE 1

L (1) Boolean TRUE 1

C (2) Boolean FALSE 1

L (2) Boolean FALSE 1

OU Boolean Pass 1

R Boolean Fail 1

L Boolean Pass 1

HC String 12A / 13B / 14C / 15D / 16D 30

L multi Radio? 5

R multi Radio? 5

MAC Boolean TRUE 1


Type Example Estimated SizeKey

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Employee Log in File

This file holds each of the log in details for the employees to log into the tablets before each appointment. The employees will be able to change details from the main computer and will have to validate the password by entering it twice into the system, checking they entered the same data twice.

Employee Files

This file holds each of the employees personal details for Evan or any other Employee to get ahold of information about a certain member of the company.

Employee User ID User Name Password

Evan Brown 1449098761 E.Brown *********

Anna Brown 1449098762 A.Brown *********

James Smith 1449098763 J.Smith ******

Sarah Johnston 1449098764 S.Johnston ****************

Kelly Thomas 1449098765 K.Thomas *******

Key Type Example Estimated Size

User ID Long 1449098764 32

User Name String E.Brown 30

Password String ************** 30

Email String [email protected] 50

Home Ph Number String 09 527 3405 30

Monile Number String 012 235 3466 30

Address String49 Meadowbank Road

Meadowbank, Auckland 1052


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LRVAQ file

This file holds all of the results from the Learning Related Vision Assessment Questionnaire, the consultants will be able to view and edit information on the database through the access program.

Key Type Example Estimated Size

Patient ID Auto Number 1449098764 32

Reason For Assessment Long Teacher advised 150

Community Card Boolean YES 1

First Examination Boolean YES 1

Last Examination Short 09/03/2013 8

Previous Treatments Short N/A 30

Child Complaints LongSore eyes

Hard to focus Difficult to read


Repeated School Years Boolean NO 1

What Years Short N/A

Special Help In School Long Reading Class 150

Relevant Evaluations Long N/A 150

Contact Details Short [email protected] 50

Difficulties Long Reading and Spelling 70

Pregnancy Complications Long N/A 70

Delivery Complications Long N/A 70

Post-Natal Complications Long N/A 70

Crawling Age Long 4-8 Months 70

Walking Age Long 1-2 Years 70

First Words Age Long >1 Year 70

First Sentence Age Long >2 Years 70

Two Wheeler Age Long 6-8 Months 70

Childhood Illnesses Long Torticolis 70

Treatments Long Lazer Eye Surgery 70

Health Problems Long N/A 70

Allergies Long Morphine 70


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Squinting Boolean NO 1

Short Sightedness Mother Boolean NO 1

Short Sightedness Father Boolean YES 1

Learning or Reading Problems Boolean YES 1

Farsighted Boolean NO 1

Eye Disease Short Glaucoma 50

Lazy Eye Boolean YES 1

Type Example Estimated SizeKey

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The system and what it will look like

Form Designs (Mock ups)

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Form 1 This is the log in screen which will be the opening screen for every tablet in every room, the employee will have to enter their details before every appointment and log out after appointment ends. If the user enters the wrong details an error message pops up on the screen and gives a warning that they have entered the wrong ID or password. The only validation needed on this screen is checking that the user ID and password match up with one on the database.

Form 2 After a successful log in the user will then come to this page where they select whether they are examining a new or existing patient. If the user selects existing then the computer will focus on the text box automatically and the user will code in the Patient ID number. This will search a file of all existing patients and match the number. There will also be a barcode scanner connected up to the tablet and each patient will have an ID Card that they will take to each check up. The ID Card is shown below Form 2 and the barcode holds the Patient ID Number so when the card is scanned the user just clicks next and the computer reads the patients file and sees if they have taken the required sheets before the examination starts, they will be taken to the correct screen depending on what they have filled out. When the user selects ‘new patient’ they are taken straight to Form 3 to fill out the New patient questionnaire. Validation is only needed to check that the ID number must be numerical and must be on the database.

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Form 3 This screen is a questionnaire taken by all new patients by aid of their parent or guardian if they are below 16, it is saved to the main database and an electronic file is made under the details given. An ID Card is printed immediately with an Patient ID code loaded on it and saved to the same file. The save and logout button is on every page and will save all information entered on tablet to the file and logout the user to the main screen (Form 1). An existing patient may need to update the information if the patients file is over 5 years old, they will be taken to this questionnaire automatically and have to make necessary changes to it.

Form 4.1 This is another questionnaire that all new patients will have to take, most existing patients will have taken this questionnaire but if not then they will be taken to this Form. The patient will not have to refill this questionnaire again unless they finish the process and come back later requesting another diagnosis. Evan will be able to override the system in this case and the patient will sit this questionnaire again. The only validation needed is that Question A can not exceed its maximum of 255 characters.

Validation done on this form would be:

- Title - Drop down box so must be one of the listed options - Surname - Must not be more than 40 characters - First name- Must not be more than 40 characters - Alias - Must not be more than 25 characters - Date of Birth - Must be a valid date chosen through calendar - Address - Must not be more than 255 characters - Occupation - Must not be more than 25 characters - History of Symptoms - Must not be more than 255 characters - GP name - Must not be more than 80 characters - GP email - Must not be more than 50 characters - Parent/Guardian Name(s) - Must not be more than 80 characters (for each box) - Parent/Guardian Email(s) - Must not be more than 50 characters (for each box)

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Form 4.2 Screen two of the LRVA questionnaire.

Visual History gives Evan an indication as to past examinations, treatments and problems that teachers and parents will notice the child struggles with and complains about. Validation checks will be made on the date of last examination, making sure it does not exceed 25 characters, also the previous treatments can not exceed 120 characters. The rest hold no information that need to be validated.

Form 4.3 Screen three of the LRVA questionnaire.

Educational History shows Evan any problems that the child has faced during their time at school and any evaluations or areas of concern or struggle that the child faces at school. Data to be validated is each text box can not exceed 50 characters.

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Form 4.4 Screen four of the LRVA questionnaire.

Developmental History is about the problems faced during pregnancy, delivery or post-natal, also about how the child progressed into each milestone and at what age each milestone approximately happened. Only validation is first text box can not contain more than 80 characters.

Form 4.5 Screen five of the LRVA questionnaire.

Medical History shows Evan of all the serious impairments, treatments, medications or allergies the patient might have. Validation occurring on this form would be that each text box can not exceed 80 characters.

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Form 4.6 Screen six of the LRVA questionnaire.

Family history is the previous visual problems that exist within the patients bloodline. This is mainly to show Evan what problems may run in the family so he knows what to look for first as these problems are generally genetic. All selections are boolean so either checked or unchecked but the two text boxes need to be validated. Age of onset must be numerical and less than 8 characters. The list of eye diseases must not contain more than 80 characters.

Form 5 This screen will be what Evan and the rest of the employees use while consulting with patients, after a particular series of tests the consultant will write down results on the very confusing assortment of fields and from this a diagnosis will be drawn. There is a lot of different results for each field and test so Evan needs a simple and organised way of entering all data in.

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User Agreement I the user agree that this design specification holds everything the system requires it to and that there are no major additional features that will be unnecessary. I am satisfied that this system, provided that it is produced in accordance with the designs shown, will be able to adequately replace the current system with no loss of functionality and will show improvement to it.

The tables hold all of the required data

The relationships are logical and coherent

The forms are designed to hold the information required

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User Comments:

Signed: Date:

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Intended benefits The new system will improve the previous system through a number of benefits:

- The most important benefit will be the ability to have the patients file in a computerised system instead of having dozens of documents floating around the workplace

- Easy to follow form designs make it easy to enter a patient into the database and add information from all of the questionnaires and examinations.

- Linking the patient to a LRVAQ and the multiple examinations that they can have so it is easier to find each examination result or LRVAQ result from their patient ID number instead of filing through a paper collection.

- The simplification of the entire process will know allow the consultants to have much more spare time to focus on much more important affairs and maybe even allow for more consulting-patient time increasing the average income made per day.

- The safety of now having the entire system and the wealth of all previous information stored in a computer instead of having thousands of old documents around the workplace.

Limits of the Scope of the Solution The limitations involved with this system are important to be noted to the user if they are to make any changes after installation. Firstly, if the user wants to make any changes to the new system whether it be the forms or the files they will need to hire an expert on the system, it was taken in to account when designing the system that the program needs to be easily updated or modified, but there is still a need to have an expert make the changes in case the system has a fault.

The new software utilises Microsoft Access, which was decided with the client as the best software to provide the file database to the program due to the reliability and compatibility with Visual Basic. This means that the hardware being used must have Microsoft Access installed on the system so unless the user uses bootcamp and the windows interface on an Apple tablet or macbook then they will need to use only Microsoft hardware which was agreed upon in the interview.

As the system could not be produced to the full Vision Training system and I had to leave the end of the process paper based, the client may want to upgrade this system when it is in place and sees that it is functioning well. This would require a visual basic expert and someone that knows the old and new system very well, reading this project would give the expert the required knowledge and help out in their efforts.

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Development File structures in database

Patient File (tbl_Patient)



Employee File (tbl_Employee)



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Examination File (tbl_Examination)


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LRVAQ File (tbl_LRVAQ)


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Screen Forms

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Form 1

Form 2

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Form 3

Form 4

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Form 5

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Reference to Design and Analysis

My forms have changes slightly from the mockups in the specifications of the Analysis and Design stages, they utilise a more user friendly system and the Visual Basic GUI. My files have been kept more or less the same apart from utilising much more meaningful keys, putting the employee log in file into the employee file instead of having two separate files and using the Access design. The specifications will be compared to this system to see if the requirements have been met to a high standard.

Let the user log into the system using a secure user ID and password.

The new system starts in a log in form adding security to the system utilising the Microsoft Access file dedicated to the Employees which holds all of their usernames and passwords. The log in works well and to a high standard of keeping anyone out that does not know the log in credentials

User will be able to pick from either an existing patient or a new patient.

Form 2, the Welcome form, gives the user the option of whether they are examining a new or existing patient. Simple format showing two options and a back button on the next form if they make a mistake.

User can find the patients file from their user ID or barcode scanner.

In form 2 when the existing patient button is selected, a text box shows up which allows the user to search for a patient using the patient ID or their ID card and a barcode scanner, the barcode is not compulsory and will have to be purchased as an extra piece of hardware but is very simple to set up and will read the barcode on the ID card.

OR user creates a new patient file.

Creating a new patient file is very easy and takes very little effort, the user just needs to take some information from the patient and a couple of simple questionnaires with aid from their parents will give the system enough information to create a patient file in the database.

If patient is new then system will make them sit a new patient questionnaire where they write down all details about them.

The next step when selecting the new patient button is to the new patient questionnaire and the patient is now allowed to advance until all of the information is given to the system in a valid format so that the system can save the information under the new patients given ID number.

The patient then sits a Learning related vision assessment questionnaire.

After the user moves on from the new patient questionnaire they have to sit the Learning Related Vision Assessment Questionnaire and the same idea as before carries through with this questionnaire. The patient will have to fill out every bit of information that the computer asks them to until they can move on to the examination.

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Howes and Brown OptometristsThese answers are all saved to database under the patients file.

When the next button is selected on each form all of the data in the fields are saved into the patients file in Access. A new patient is created and given a new ID number that is the key for each file.

Let the user write down all answers to tests and examinations made during appointment.

Form 5 is an examination form that lets the consultant write down all of the answers and results to the testing and examining done, the fields all have to be filled in with the correct valid data so that the system saves a complete understandable file under the name of the patient with the key being the Patient ID number.

Save all data to Microsoft Access

As agreed with the client, the new system will replace the paper trail system with a new Microsoft Access database which will store the database of all patient file as well as employee files. As shown by the screenshots, the tables have all been made with Microsoft Access.

All elements of the new design have met the requirements that was agreed upon with the client during the analysis and design stages of this project.

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ProgrammingForm 1

Public Class Form1 Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click

' Check if username or password is empty If txtPassword.Text = "" Or txtUsername.Text = "" Then MessageBox.Show("Please complete the required fields..", "Authentication Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) Else ' Check if user exist in database ' Connect to DB Dim conn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection() conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= C:\Users\Tom Brown\Documents\Database2.accdb" Try 'conn.Open() 'MsgBox("Success")

Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM tbl_Employee WHERE Employee_Username='" & txtUsername.Text & "' AND Employee_Password = '" & txtPassword.Text & "'" Dim sqlCom As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(sql)

'Open Database Connection sqlCom.Connection = conn conn.Open()

Dim sqlRead As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader = sqlCom.ExecuteReader()

If sqlRead.Read() Then Me.Hide() Form2.Show()

Else ' If user enter wrong username and password combination ' Throw an error message MessageBox.Show("Username and Password do not match..", "Authentication Failure", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)

'Clear all fields txtPassword.Text = "" txtUsername.Text = ""

'Focus on Username field txtUsername.Focus() End If

Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("Failed to connect to Database..", "Database Connection Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) End Try

End If End SubEnd ClassTom Brown A2 Computing Project 47

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Howes and Brown OptometristsForm 2

Imports System.Data.OleDbImports System.Data

Public Class Form2 ‘Shows New patient questionnaire when user selects new patient Private Sub btnNewPatient_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNewPatient.Click Me.Hide() Form3.Show() End Sub

‘Makes label and text box visible to user Private Sub btnExistingPatient_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExistingPatient.Click txtPatientIdNumber.Visible = True lblPatientID.Visible = True btnNext.Visible = True End Sub

'Run the SearchRecord program Private Sub btnNext_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNext.Click SearchRecord() End Sub

Private Sub SearchRecord() ' Check if field is empty If txtPatientIdNumber.Text = "" Then MessageBox.Show("Please complete the required fields..", "Authentication Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)


Dim con As New OleDbConnection() con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= C:\Users\Tom Brown\Documents\Database2.accdb"

Dim sql As String = "Select * from tbl_Patient where Patient_ID =" & txtPatientIdNumber.Text Dim sqlCom As New OleDbCommand(sql)

'Open Database Connection sqlCom.Connection = con con.Open()

Dim sqlRead As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader = sqlCom.ExecuteReader()

If sqlRead.Read() Then Me.Hide() Form5.Show() Else ' If user enter wrong username and password combination ' Throw an error message MessageBox.Show("Username and Password do not match..", "Authentication Failure", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)

'Clear all fields txtPatientIdNumber.Text = ""

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Howes and Brown Optometrists 'Focus on Username field txtPatientIdNumber.Focus() End If End If

End Sub

‘Logout and take user back to form 1 Private Sub btnLogout_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnLogout.Click Me.Hide() Form1.Show() End SubEnd Class

Form 3

Imports System.DataImports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class Form3

‘Dim text box to all Private Sub btnNext_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNext.Click Dim title, surname, firstname, alais, dob, address, occupation, symptoms, GPname, GPemail, guardianName, guardianEmail, guardianPhone As String title = cbxTitle.Text surname = txtSurname.Text firstname = txtFirstName.Text alais = txtAlais.Text dob = dtpDOB.Text address = txtAddress.Text occupation = txtOccupation.Text symptoms = txtHistoryOfSymptoms.Text GPname = txtGPName.Text GPemail = txtGPEmail.Text guardianName = txtParentName1.Text guardianEmail = txtParentEmail.Text guardianPhone = txtParentPhone.Text

'Check to see that the user didn't accidentally click next Dim result As MsgBoxResult

MsgBox("Confirm", MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel, "Confirm Patient Addition")

If result = MsgBoxResult.Cancel Then

Exit Sub

End If

'Checks to see that no information has been left out

If cbxTitle.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The Patient's Title is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtSurname.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The Patient's surname is required")

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Howes and Brown Optometrists Exit Sub

ElseIf txtFirstName.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The Patient's firstname is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtAlais.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's alais is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf dtpDOB.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's DOB is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtAddress.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's address is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtOccupation.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's occupation is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtHistoryOfSymptoms.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's history of symptoms is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtGPEmail.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's GP email is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtGPName.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's GP name is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtParentName1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's parents name is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtParentPhone.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's parents phone is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtParentEmail.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's parents phone is required") Exit Sub

End If

'Connection is opened

Try Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= C:\Users\Tom Brown\Documents\Database2.accdb")


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Howes and Brown Optometrists 'Putting data into database

Dim addUser As String = "INSERT INTO tbl_Patient (Patient_Title, Patient_Surname, Patient_Firstname, Patient_Alias, Patient_DOB, Patient_Address, Patient_Occupation, Patient_Symptom_History, Patient_GP_Name, Patient_GP_Email, Patient_Guardian_Name, Patient_Guardian_Email) VALUES (" + cbxTitle.Text + ",'" + txtSurname.Text + "','" + txtFirstName.Text + "','" + txtAlais.Text + "','" + dtpDOB.Text + "','" + txtAddress.Text + "','" + txtOccupation.Text + "','" + txtHistoryOfSymptoms.Text + "','" + txtGPName.Text + "','" + txtGPEmail.Text + "','" + txtParentName1.Text + "','" + txtParentEmail.Text + "')"

Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(addUser, conn)

'Telling the command to run


'Letting the consultant know everything has gone to plan MsgBox("Patient added successfully")

Me.Hide() Form4.Show()

'Error catching

Catch ex As Exception

MsgBox(ex.Message.ToString, , "Error")

End Try

End Sub

‘Takes user back a form when back button selected Private Sub btnBack_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnBack.Click Me.Hide() Form2.Show() End SubEnd Class

Form 4

Imports System.DataImports System.Data.OleDbPublic Class Form4

‘Making pregnancy text box visible and invisible Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cbxPregnancy.CheckedChanged If cbxPregnancy.Checked = True Then txtPregnancy.Visible = True ElseIf cbxPregnancy.Checked = False Then txtPregnancy.Visible = False End If End Sub

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Howes and Brown Optometrists ‘Making Delivery text box visible and invisible Private Sub cbxDelivery_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cbxDelivery.CheckedChanged If cbxDelivery.Checked = True Then txtDelivery.Visible = True ElseIf cbxDelivery.Checked = False Then txtDelivery.Visible = False End If End Sub

‘Making pregnancy text box visible and invisible Private Sub cbxPostNatal_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cbxPostNatal.CheckedChanged If cbxPostNatal.Checked = True Then txtPostNatal.Visible = True ElseIf cbxPostNatal.Checked = False Then txtPostNatal.Visible = False End If End Sub

‘Mother and Father radio button visible and invisible Private Sub CheckBox2_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cbxShortSightedness.CheckedChanged If cbxShortSightedness.Checked = True Then rbtFather.Visible = True rbtMother.Visible = True ElseIf cbxShortSightedness.Checked = False Then rbtFather.Visible = False rbtMother.Visible = False End If End Sub

‘Eye disease text box visible and invisible Private Sub cbxEyeDisease_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cbxEyeDisease.CheckedChanged If cbxEyeDisease.Checked = True Then lblEyeDisease.Visible = True txtEyeDisease.Visible = True ElseIf cbxEyeDisease.Checked = False Then lblEyeDisease.Visible = False txtEyeDisease.Visible = False End If End Sub

‘Runs the AddToDatabase program Private Sub btnNext_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNext.Click AddToDatabase() End Sub

‘Takes user back a form when back button is selected Private Sub btnBack_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnBack.Click Me.Hide() Form3.Show() End Sub

Private Sub AddToDatabase()

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Howes and Brown Optometrists Dim reason, communitycard, firstexamination, lastexamination, previoustreatments, childcomplaints, repeatedschoolyears, whatyears, specialhelpschool, releventevaluations, contactdetails, difficulties, pregnencycomplications, deliverycomplications, postnatalcomplications, crawling, walking, firstwords, firstsentence, twowheeler, childhoodillnesses, treatments, healthproblems, allergies, squinting, shortsightednessmother, shortsightednessfather, learningreadingproblems, farsighted, eyedisease, lazyeye As String reason = txtReasonForAssessment.Text communitycard = cmbHighCommunityCard.Text firstexamination = cmbFirstExamination.Text lastexamination = txtLastExamination.Text previoustreatments = txtPreviousTreatment.Text childcomplaints = lbxChildComplains.Text repeatedschoolyears = cmbYearsRepeated.Text whatyears = txtYearsRepeated.Text specialhelpschool = txtExtraHelp.Text releventevaluations = lbxRelevantEvaluations.Text contactdetails = txtEvaluationSpecialist.Text difficulties = lbxChildDifficulties.Text pregnencycomplications = txtPregnancy.Text deliverycomplications = txtDelivery.Text postnatalcomplications = txtPostNatal.Text crawling = cbxCrawling.Text walking = cbxWalking.Text firstwords = cbxFirstWords.Text firstsentence = cbxFirstSentence.Text twowheeler = cbxTwoWheeler.Text childhoodillnesses = txtIllnessesInjuriesImpairments.Text treatments = txtTreatments.Text healthproblems = txtHealthProblems.Text allergies = txtAllergies.Text squinting = cbxSquint.Text shortsightednessmother = rbtMother.Text shortsightednessfather = rbtFather.Text learningreadingproblems = cbxLearningProblems.Text farsighted = cbxFarsighted.Text eyedisease = cbxEyeDisease.Text lazyeye = cbxLazyEye.Text

'Check to see that the consultant didn't accidently click next Dim result As MsgBoxResult MsgBox("Confirm", MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel, "Confirm Patient Addition") If result = MsgBoxResult.Cancel Then Exit Sub End If

'Checks if any fields have been left empty

If txtReasonForAssessment.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The Patient's Reason for assessment is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cmbHighCommunityCard.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The Patient's community card status is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cmbFirstExamination.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The Patient's first examination is required") Exit SubTom Brown A2 Computing Project 53

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ElseIf txtLastExamination.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's last examination is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtPreviousTreatment.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's prevoius treatments are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf lbxChildComplains.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's complaints are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cmbYearsRepeated.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's years repeated are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtYearsRepeated.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's years repeated are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtExtraHelp.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's extra help at school is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf lbxRelevantEvaluations.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's evaluations are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtEvaluationSpecialist.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's specialists contact details are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf lbxChildDifficulties.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's difficulties are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtPregnancy.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's complications are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtDelivery.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's complications are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtPostNatal.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's complications are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxCrawling.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's milestones are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxWalking.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's milestones are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxFirstWords.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's milestones are required")

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Howes and Brown Optometrists Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxFirstSentence.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's milestones are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxTwoWheeler.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's milestones are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtIllnessesInjuriesImpairments.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's illnesses are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtTreatments.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's current treatments are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtHealthProblems.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's health problems are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtAllergies.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's allergies are required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxSquint.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's family history is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf rbtMother.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's family history is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf rbtFather.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's family history is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxLearningProblems.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's family history is required") Exit

ElseIf cbxFarsighted.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's family history is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtEyeDisease.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's family history is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxLazyEye.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The patient's family history is required") Exit Sub

End If

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Howes and Brown Optometrists 'Connection is opened

Try Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= C:\Users\Tom Brown\Documents\Database2.accdb")


'Putting data into database

Dim addUser As String = "INSERT INTO tbl_LRVAQ ( LRVAQ_ReasonForAssessment, LRVAQ_CommunityCard, LRVAQ_FirstExamination, LRVAQ_LastExaminatoin, LRVAQ_PreviousTreatments, LRVAQ_ChildComplaints, LRVAQ_RepeatedSchoolYears, LRVAQ_WhatYears, LRVAQ_SpecialHelpSchool, LRVAQ_ReleventEvaluations, LRVAQ_ContactDetails, LRVAQ_Difficulties, LRVAQ_PregnancyComplications, LRVAQ_DeliveryComplications, LRVAQ_PostNatalComplications, LRVAQ_Crawling, LRVAQ_Walking, LRVAQ_FirstWords, LRVAQ_FirstSentence, LRVAQ_TwoWheeler, LRVAQ_ChildhoodIllnesses, LRVAQ_Treatments, LRVAQ_HealthProblems, LRVAQ_Allergies, LRVAQ_Squinting, LRVAQ_ShortSightednessMother, LRVAQ_ShortSightednessFather, LRVAQ_LearningReadingProblems, LRVAQ_Farsighted, LRVAQ_EyeDisease, LRVAQ_LazyEye) VALUES (" + txtReasonForAssessment.Text + ",'" + cmbHighCommunityCard.Text + "','" + cmbFirstExamination.Text + "','" + txtLastExamination.Text + "','" + txtPreviousTreatment.Text + "','" + lbxChildComplains.Text + "','" + cmbYearsRepeated.Text + "','" + txtYearsRepeated.Text + "','" + txtExtraHelp.Text + "','" + lbxRelevantEvaluations.Text + "','" + txtEvaluationSpecialist.Text + "','" + lbxChildDifficulties.Text + "','" + cbxPregnancy.Text + "','" + cbxDelivery.Text + "','" + cbxPostNatal.Text + "','" + cbxCrawling.Text + "','" + cbxWalking.Text + "','" + cbxFirstWords.Text + "','" + cbxFirstSentence.Text + "','" + cbxTwoWheeler.Text + "','" + txtIllnessesInjuriesImpairments.Text + "','" + txtTreatments.Text + "','" + txtHealthProblems.Text + "','" + txtAllergies.Text + "','" + cbxSquint.Text + "','" + rbtMother.Text + "','" + rbtFather.Text + "','" + cbxLearningProblems.Text + "','" + cbxFarsighted.Text + "','" + cbxEyeDisease.Text + "','" + cbxLazyEye.Text + "')"


Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(addUser, conn)

'Telling the command to run


'If everything goes according to plan, let the consultant know

MsgBox("Questionnaire added successfully")

Me.Hide() Form1.Show()

'Error catching

Catch ex As Exception

MsgBox(ex.Message.ToString, , "Error")

End Try

End Sub

End Class

Form 5Tom Brown A2 Computing Project 56

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Imports System.DataImports System.Data.OleDbPublic Class Form5

‘Take user back a form when back button selected Private Sub btnBack_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnBack.Click Me.Hide() Form4.Show() End Sub

‘Runs SaveExaminationFile program Private Sub btnNext_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnNext.Click SaveExaminationFile() End Sub

‘Saving the file to database Private Sub SaveExaminationFile() Dim name, dob, age, patientID, medication, POC, FOC, examinationDate, three, thirteenA, eight, twelve, thirteenB, eighteen, fifteenA, fifteenB, four, five, seven, sevenA, CON, fourteenA, fourteenB, nineteen, ST1, ST2, nineten, eleven, sixteenAB, seventeenAB, twenty, twentyone, KS, SAC, PUR, CT, CTRX, CV1, CV2, IOP, Field1, Field2, NPC, oldRX1, oldRx2, dist, near, C1, L1, C2, L2, OU, R, L, HC, lMulti, rMulti, MAC, RECALL As String

name = txtName.Text dob = dtpDOB.Text patientID = txtPatientID.Text medication = txtMedication.Text POC = txtPOC.Text FOC = txtFOC.Text examinationDate = dtpDateOfExam.Text three = txt3.Text thirteenA = txt13A.Text eight = txt8.Text twelve = txt12.Text thirteenB = txt13B.Text eighteen = txt18.Text fifteenA = txt15A.Text fifteenB = txt15B.Text four = txt4L.Text five = txt5L.Text seven = txt7L.Text sevenA = txt7AL.Text CON = cbxCONL.Text fourteenA = txt14AL.Text fourteenB = txt14BL.Text nineteen = txt19.Text ST1 = txtST.Text nineten = txt910.Text eleven = txt11.Text sixteenAB = txt16AB.Text seventeenAB = txt17AB.Text twenty = txt20.Text twentyone = txt21.Text KS = txtKSL.Text SAC = txtSAC.Text PUR = txtPUR.Text CT = txtCV.Text CTRX = txtCTRX1.Text CV1 = txtCT1.TextTom Brown A2 Computing Project 57

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Howes and Brown Optometrists CV2 = txtCT2.Text IOP = txtIOP1.Text Field1 = txtField1.Text Field2 = txtField2.Text NPC = txtNPC1.Text oldRX1 = txtOldRxLong1.Text oldRx2 = txtOldRxLong2.Text dist = txtDistLong.Text near = txtNearLong.Text C1 = cbxCLft.Text L1 = cbxLLeft.Text C2 = cbxCRight.Text L2 = cbxLLeft.Text OU = cbxOU.Text R = cbxR.Text L = cbxL.Text HC = txtHC1.Text & txtHC2.Text & txtHC3.Text & txtHC4.Text & txtHC5.Text

'Check to see that the consultant didn't accidentally click next Dim result As MsgBoxResult MsgBox("Confirm", MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel, "Confirm Patient Addition") If result = MsgBoxResult.Cancel Then Exit Sub End If

'Checks if any fields have been left empty

If dtpDateOfExam.Text = "" Then MsgBox("The examination date is required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt3.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '3' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt13A.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '13A' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt8.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '8' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt12.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '12' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt13B.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '13B' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt18.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '18' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt15A.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '15A' required") Exit Sub

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Howes and Brown Optometrists ElseIf txt15B.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '15B' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt4L.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '4' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt5L.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '5' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt7L.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '7' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxCONL.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'CON' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt14AL.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '14A' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt14BL.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '14B' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt19.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '19' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtST.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'ST' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt910.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '9,10' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt11.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '11' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt16AB.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '16AB' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt17AB.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '17AB' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt20.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '20' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txt21.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field '21' required") Exit Sub

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ElseIf txtKSL.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'K'S' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtSAC.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'SAC' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtPUR.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'PUR' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtCV.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'CV' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtCTRX1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'CTRX' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtCT1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'CT' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtCT2.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'CT' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtIOP1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'IOP' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtField1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'Field' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtField2.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'Field2' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtNPC1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'NPC' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtOldRxLong1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'Old Rx' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtOldRxLong2.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'Old Rx' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtDistLong.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'Dist' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtNearLong.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'Near' required")

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ElseIf cbxCLft.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'C' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxLLeft.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'L' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxCRight.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'C' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxLRight.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'L' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxOU.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'OU' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxR.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'R' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf cbxL.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'L' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtHC1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'HC' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtHC2.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'HC' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtHC3.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'HC' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtHC4.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'HC' required") Exit Sub

ElseIf txtHC5.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Field 'HC' required") Exit Sub

End If

'Connection is opened

Try Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source= C:\Users\Tom Brown\Documents\Database2.accdb")


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'Putting data into database

Dim addUser As String = "INSERT INTO tbl_Examination (Examination_3, Examination_13A, Examination_8, Examination_12, Examination_13B, Examination_18, Examination_15A, Examination_15B, Examination_4, Examination_5, Examination_7, Examination_7A, Examination_CON, Examination_14A, Examination_14B, Examination_19, Examination_ST_1, Examination_ST_2, Examination_9_10, Examination_11, Examination_16AB, Examination_17AB, Examination_20, Examination_21, Examination_KS, Examination_SAC, Examination_PUR, Examination_CT, Examination_CTRX, Examination_CV_1, Examination_CV_2, Examination_IOP, Examination_Field_1, Examination_Field_2, Examination_NPC, Examination_Old_Rx_1, Examination_Dist, Examination_Old_Rx_2, Examination_Near, Examination_C1, Examination_L1, Examination_C2, Examination_L2, Examination_OU, Examination_R, Examination_L, Examination_HC) VALUES (" + txt3.Text + ",'" + txt13A.Text + "','" + txt8.Text + "','" + txt12.Text + "','" + txt13B.Text + "','" + txt18.Text + "','" + txt15A.Text + "','" + txt15B.Text + "','" + txt4L.Text + "','" + txt5L.Text + "','" + txt7L.Text + "','" + txt7AL.Text + "','" + cbxCONL.Text + "','" + txt14AL.Text + "','" + txt14BL.Text + "','" + txt19.Text + "','" + txtST.Text + "','" + txtST.Text + "','" + txt910.Text + "','" + txt11.Text + "','" + txt16AB.Text + "','" + txt17AB.Text + "','" + txt20.Text + "','" + txt21.Text + "','" + txtKSL.Text + "','" + txtSAC.Text + "','" + txtPUR.Text + "','" + txtCT1.Text + "','" + txtCTRX1.Text + "','" + txtCV.Text + "','" + txtCV.Text + "','" + txtIOP1.Text + "','" + txtField1.Text + "','" + txtField2.Text + "','" + txtNPC1.Text + "','" + txtOldRxLong1.Text + "','" + txtDistLong.Text + "','" + txtOldRxLong2.Text + "','" + txtNearLong.Text + "','" + cbxCLft.Text + "','" + cbxLLeft.Text + "','" + cbxCRight.Text + "','" + cbxLRight.Text + "','" + cbxOU.Text + "','" + cbxR.Text + "','" + cbxL.Text + "','" + txtHC1.Text)"


Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(addUser, conn)

'Telling the command to run


'If everything goes according to plan, let the consultant know

MsgBox("Examination added successfully")

Me.Hide() Form1.Show()

'Error catching

Catch ex As Exception

MsgBox(ex.Message.ToString, , "Error")

End Try End SubEnd Class

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TestingTesting Plan Login Form (Form 1)

Welcome Form (Form 2)

Test Data type Expected Outcome Results Evidence

Select login button with correct login

dataNormal Opens Form 2,

the welcome form Success Fig 1.1

Select login button with invalid data


Error message displayed to the user, ‘Username and password do

not match’

Success Fig 1.2

Select login button with no data

enteredLeft blank

Error message displayed to the

user, ‘Please complete the

required fields’

Success Fig 1.3

Test Data Type Expected Outcome Results Evidence

New patient button

Opens form 3, the new patient

questionnaire formSuccess Fig 2.1

Existing patient button

Patient ID label, textbox and next button are visible

Success Fig 2.2

Logout buttonLogs user out and

opens form 1, login form

Success Fig 2.3

Next button after entering a patient


Opens Examination form loading all known

data from the existing patient in


Success Fig 2.4

Next button after entering an invalid

patient IDAbnormal Error message

displayed to user Success Fig 2.5

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Howes and Brown OptometristsNew patient questionnaire (Form 3)

Learning Related Vision Assessment Questionnaire (Form 4)

Test Data Type Expected Outcome Results Evidence

Save and logout button

Hides form 3, logs out user and opens form 1

Success Fig 3.1

Back buttonOpens form 2,

with previous form 2 data in tact

Success Fig 3.2

Next button with valid data entered in each text box

Normal Opens form 4 (LRVAQ) Success Fig 3.3

Next button with invalid data

entered in each text box

Abnormal Error message displayed to user Success Fig 3.4

Next button with no data in a text

boxLeft blank Error message

displayed to user Success Fig 3.5

Test Data Type Expected Outcome Results Evidence

Save and logout button

Logs out user and opens form 1 Success Fig 4.1

Back buttonOpens form 3,

with previous form 3 data in tact

Success Fig 4.2

Next button with valid data entered in each text box

Normal Opens form 5 (Examination form) Success Fig 4.3

Next button with invalid data

entered in a boxAbnormal Displays error

message to user Success Fig 4.4

Click Pregnancy check box

Text box appears next to it Success Fig 4.5

Click Delivery check box

Text box appears next to it Success Fig 4.6

Click Post-natal check box

Text box appears next to it Success Fig 4.7

Check short sightedness check


Mother/Father labels and radio buttons become

visibleSuccess Fig 4.8

Check eye disease check box

Please list label and textbox visible Success Fig 4.9

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Howes and Brown OptometristsExamination form (Form 5)

Test Data Type Expected Outcome Results Evidence

Form LoadsPatient’s known

details fill in automatically

Success Fig 5.1

Back buttonOpens form 4

(LRVAQ) with all data in tact

Success Fig 5.2

Click next box with valid data entered in all


Logs user out taking them to

form 1 and saves all data to patient


Success Fig 5.3

Click next button with invalid data entered in some


Displays error message telling

user to enter correct data in


Success Fig 5.4

Click next button with no data

entered in boxes that need to be


Left blank

Displays error message telling user to fill in the certain box left


Success Fig 5.5

Click save and logout button with valid data entered

NormalTakes user to form

1 and saves all data to database

Success Fig 5.6

Click save and logout button with

invalid data entered in some



Displays error message asking user if they want to continue and lose all data or

correct the invalid data

Success Fig 5.7

Selects continue and lose all data Opens form 1 Success Fig 5.8

Selects correct the invalid data

Displays error message telling

user to enter correct data in


Success Fig 5.9

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Testing Evidence

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Fig 1.2

Fig 1.1

Fig 1.3

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Fig 2.1

Fig 2.2

Fig 2.3

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Fig 2.4

Fig 3.1

Fig 2.5

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Fig 3.2

Fig 3.3

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Fig 3.4

Fig 3.5

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Fig 4.1

Fig 4.2

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Fig 4.3

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Fig 4.5

Fig 4.6

Fig 4.7

Fig 4.4

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Fig 4.8

Fig 4.9

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Fig 5.1

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Fig 5.2

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Fig 5.3

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Fig 5.4

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Fig 5.5

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Fig 5.6

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Fig 5.7

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Fig 5.8

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Fig 5.9

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Installation Implementation plan

Types of implementation

Chosen implementation

The smooth running the client’s company is very important to him, therefore I have deemed it more appropriate to choose a low level risk factor instead of a speedy implementation. Due to the many different consulting rooms I have decided to run the new program parallel to the old one, the new program can be installed in two of the consulting rooms and the old system can be run from another consulting room. This way the employees can swap which rooms they test the patients in and can over time get used to the system before it is fully implemented into the company as the main system. If the new system isn't as successful as Evan would like it to be then he will have an easy time transitioning back to the old system and I can work on the problems that he finds fault with.

Method Explanation Advantages Disadvantages

DirectThe old system is removed and new

system is installed and operational immediately

Very fast and easy to execute, much cheaper as only one system is running at any time

The risk with the direct method is that if the

new system is unreliable or doesn’t work properly there is no system to fall back

on, very risky


Parts of the current system will be taken out and replaced by

bits of the new system, this process is repeated over and over until the

new system is completely in place

The benefit of this plan is that the user still has some of the old system

to fall back on if the new one fails much

alike parallel implementation and is still almost as quick as direct implementation

Phased is a balance between the two

methods so shares the risks of only having

some of the system to fall back onto yet still

not as quick as a direct system


The new system will run along side the old

system simultaneously until it is deemed

capable of running by itself and the old

system is removed

Much safer than other methods as still has the entire old system to fall

back on

Takes a much longer period of time to

implement and a lot more effort and

recourses than other methods

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Specific implementation scheme

1-3rd August - The entire staff will be called in on the weekend to view the user guide and will be walked through the plan for installing the system. They will be run through mock up examinations on the new system and get a hold of how the system works before handling patients on the Monday the 4th. The user will be shown how to do simple tasks on the system such as completing the forms and adding information to the database, then the user will be shown more advanced features of the system mainly the problems they may face or how to create a new patient.

4th August - The current system will be placed in the reception room and the main consulting room. Evan will be assigned to this consulting room all day so he and the receptionist are the only users of the new system for the first day. I will be in the office the entire time working with the receptionist and Evan, with technical documentation ready to help out if any problems do occur. A meeting will be organised in which the receptionist, Evan and I speak about their thoughts on the system and how smooth it runs.

5th August - Another staff member will be assigned to the main consulting room and trial the new system for the day, they will share their opinion with me and I will make a decision with Evan as to whether we can install the system in another room. The system will be run like this until the end of the week.

10th August - If everything goes to plan then the second consulting room will have a tablet installed over the weekend, only having one room with the old system so now Evan can let the employees take turns in each room and once he feels that the system works to a standard that he is happy with then he will give me the ‘go ahead’ and we will work on implementing the entire system completely into the company.

24th August - Assuming that the system runs as well as we all hope the system will be changed over on this date, leaving all of the employees professionals at the new system having being trained at what to do on each form and how to fix any problems or issues they come across.

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Testing details

The user will be asked to perform their own testing using this check list to make sure it is an effective replacement for the old system.

Training details The training will take place mainly over the weekend of the 1st to the 3rd, the users will all have some time using the system and reading over all of the documentation seeing some of the output and input screen they will come across and how to troubleshoot if they have a problem. They will also have a lot of supervised training during that week as I will be in the office with them as they go through their daily routine and all of their appointments giving a hand when necessary. I will make sure there are no major errors in the program and that the employees are utilising the program well. If they need further assistance while I am not there; I have supplied user documentation and technical documentation with an easy to follow overview of the system.

Changeover details As the implementation plan is parallel the changeover will be over a long period of time, from the 1st to the 21st of August the new system will be in the changeover phase, both the old and the new running together. If the system runs with no hiccups the final changeover will happen on the 24th, removing the old system completely. In terms of hardware, we will need to purchase 3 Microsoft tablets for each consulting room, there is already a Microsoft desktop at reception so that will stay in place and the program run off that. With software, Microsoft Access and this program will need to be installed. Microsoft Access can be bought and downloaded from the internet, but the program will need a installer package.

Test Check

Log in with credentials

New patient creates a new patient file

Existing patient takes user to existing patient file

Adding new patient details to database

Adding new patient LRVAQ

Adding new patient examination

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Acceptance statement I the client agree that this is the most sensible form of implementation to be carried out, and that the timeframe for the implementation is viable. Further I agree with the training, testing and changeover details, understand and accept them.

Appropriateness of Solution The solution using Microsoft Access and Visual Basic was agreed upon as the best method to replace the existing system upon completion of the program. The form designs were made as user friendly as possible and has reduced the workload incredibly for everyone involved in the organisation of the Vision Training program. There will certainly be less hours being put into the smooth operation of this system now that this new program will be in place.

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User comments:

Signed: Date:

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Technical Guide

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Systems maintenance manual A complete technical reference document to the Howes and Brown Optometrists Vision Training System. This contains all of the necessary information to upgrade the system in the future, as well as information required for general maintenance of the system.

System Explanation

Requirement Specifications

Record Structures


Form Design

Data Flow Diagrams

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System Explanation

To understand the system and its role in the company, a brief overview of the company and original system is provided:

Howes and Brown Optometrists is an Optometry Practice that was established in 1987 and became incorporated legally in 1997. The company was initiated by Brett Howes and Evan Brown who started a clinic together in Meadowbank Mall before opening a second clinic in St. Heliers bay in 1989. A third clinic was opened in Glen Field in 1991 which lead to the two of them selling the St. Heliers practice in 1999, Brett worked separate from Evan in the Glen Field practice before moving to Mercury Bay, basing his practice around sports vision and contact lenses. Evan moved down the street in Meadowbank opening a practice on his own, continuing in his area of expertise of paediatric vision (children with vision-related difficulties and diseases). Evan also has a wide range of fashion frames and lenses and provides a complete contact lens service. My project revolves around Evan’s practice in Meadowbank and his methods of Vision Therapy in which he uses many exercises to achieve their objective of ‘developing visual potential.

The current system consists of many different steps that multiple employees are involved in to hopefully help a patient be able to improve their eye sight or way their eye’s focus and track. The program used at the moment is very paper based and the time and effort was a major concern for the client and his team, they have to put in to fill in every patients details, results from appointment, letters of recommendation and vision training schedule. There is a lot of paper involved and it can get quite overwhelming at times, not only for the staff but for the patient also.

The system consists of five stages. Here they are explained in detail - The learning related vision assessment questionnaire

- The learning related vision assessment questionnaire (LRVAQ) is a sheet that the patient will fill out with some help from their parents if they are younger, this sheet helps the consultant get an understanding of the patients past vision examinations, troubles with vision and eyesight, current medication or treatments, complaints made by teachers or the students themselves and just a general idea about the patient and their life.

- Examination form that Evan fills out during an appointment - This is a very complicated sheet of paper that is filled with fields and codewords that

wouldn't mean anything to a person with no experience in Optometry. To Evan and the work force at Howes and Brown Optometrists this is what they do all the hard work on, every appointment, assessment and examination is made on this sheet of paper, the patient will undergo a series of tests and evaluations and all the results will be written down in the appropriate field. Making sure that the correct data is put in the field is crucial so a lot of validating will need to be done here on a computerised system.

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- The BVA checklist - The BVA checklist is a post examination sheet that the consultant completes i their own

time when the patient has finished their appointment, all of the data recorded on the examination sheet is transferred from confusing numbers and letters to words and phrases and put on the BVA checklist. A whole lot of possibilities are given to the consultant that the patient may have wrong with them, the consulting crosses out the ones that are not true and leaves the one showing that they found to be true about the patient. This leaves the patient with a full diagnosis of their problem.

- The Vision Assessment Report - The BVA checklist is handed to the receptionist who then transfers the whole document

into an email template that was made from the BVA checklist. The receptionist crosses off each word that the consultant has crossed off and a full email is made showing the problems the consultant found with the patient. This is then sent to the patient or their parents and the patients GP.

- The Vision Therapy program. - This is the largest and most important stage of the companies process, a unique

program is written up by Evan from his long list of exercises and tasks that the patient can do to help fix the problem with their eyes. It is a massive process that Evan has gone through thousands of times and has become a true professional at. The patient will go through this training schedule for 5 weeks then come back for a check up and another set of exercises to do that hopefully after repeating this precess 5-10 times will fix the patients problem.

Requirement Specifications

Hardware Requirements

Three consulting rooms that will each need a portable tablet that runs Windows 8.1 and a main reception room that will need a monitor and a built in computer that also runs Windows 8.1. The aspect ratios will all need to be similar and this will be kept in mind when purchasing the tablets and monitors. As the Windows Operating System is an open operating system run on many different company’s hardware, we decided that it would be more suitable than an Apple OS as it will only run on apple equipment which restricts Evan to one company and price range.

Software Requirements

I will limit the software to the newest update 8.1 as Microsoft encourages all of their customers to use their newest version of OS. This will benefit Evan as 8.1 is very user friendly and has the Windows Store available for applications to be installed straight onto any tablet or monitor.

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Howes and Brown OptometristsInput Requirements

- Tablets must all be touch screen input. - All check boxes and text boxes etc must be easy to use and not too cluttered. - Font must be easy to read and big enough to read - Colours must not be conflicting

Output Requirements

- Objects on screen must be spaced out and easy to read (in a big enough size). - Font must be easy to read and big enough to read. - Colours must not be conflicting.

Miscellaneous Requirements

- All employees must have a log in. - All patients must have an assigned patient number that when entered will show

their entire file. - An inventory linked to each patients number to show what equipment they have

been loaned. - A file that holds all patients details. - A file that holds all examination outcomes for patients. - A file that holds all employee details including log in details.

Required Specifications

The system must be able to store each of these fields and draw information from each of them each patient will have their own file that can be edited and viewed at any time. The new system must also be upgradable for future improvements and will have to be edited when Microsoft makes any big changes to their software. The user interface must match up with the hardware chosen and fit well with the screen so that each detail and button is seen clearly by each person using the tablet.

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Howes and Brown OptometristsThis is the required information the program will store:

Patient Form: - Patient Number - Title - Surname - First name - Alais - Date of Birth - Age - Address - Occupation - History of symptoms - GP Name - GP Email - Guardian’s name - Guardian’s email - Therapy equipment loaned - Date equipment given out - Date equipment expected in

Employee Form: - User ID - User name - Password - Email - Home Ph Number - Mobile Number - Address

The solution will need to be able to:

1. Let the user log into the system using a secure user ID and password. 2. User will be able to pick from either an existing patient or a new patient. 3. User can find the patients file from their user ID or barcode scanner. 4. OR user creates a new patient file. 5. If patient is new then system will make them sit a new patient questionnaire where they

write down all details about them. 6. The patient then sits a Learning related vision assessment questionnaire.

1. These answers are all saved to database under the patients file. 7. Let the user write down all answers to tests and examinations made during appointment. 8. Save all data to Microsoft Access

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Record Structures

tbl_Patient Key Type Example

Patient_ID Long 144012947

Patient_Title Boolean Mrs

Patient_Surname String Smith

Patient_Firstname String Johnathan

Patient_Alias String John

Patient_DOB Date 24/07/1999

Patient_Age String 15 years 9 months

Patient_Address String62 Remuera Road

Remuera Auckland


Patient_Occupation String Student

Patient_Symptom_History String Accommodation Dysfunction

Patient_GP_Name String Fox, Nelson

Patient_GP_Email String [email protected]

Patient_Guardian_Name String Smith, Billie Smith, Sarah

Patient_Guardian_Email String [email protected]

Patient_Equipment String 250

Patient_Equipment_Date_Out Date 8

Patient_Equipment_Date_In Date 8

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Howes and Brown Optometriststbl_Examination

Key Type Example Estimated Size

Examination_Name String Smith, Jonathan Tyler ‘John’ 50

Examination_Address String 26 Remuera Road Remuera, Auckland, 1050 150

Examination_PH_Number String 09 524 5697 30

Examination_Patient_ID Long 144012947 32

Examination_Date Date 02/05/2015 8

Examination_DOB Date 09/12/1993 8

Examination_Age String 12 Year 3 Months 30

Examination_occ String Student 50

Examination_Med String Trusopt and Azopt 80

Examination_POC String Glaucoma 30

Examination_FOC String Glaucoma 50

Examination_3 String 12A 3

Examination_13A String 13F 3

Examination_8 String 01C 3

Examination_12 String 34F 3

Examination_13B String 00W 3

Examination_18 String 12N 3

Examination_15A String 09M 3

Examination_15B String 17K 3

Examination_4* String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

Examination_5* String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

Examination_7* String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

Examination_7A* String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

Examination_CON* List Box 7, 7A or 0 1

Examination_14A* String Add + 0.00 12

Examination_14B* String Add + 0.00 12

Examination_19 Integer 10.00 (or less) 4

Examination_ST_1 Boolean 1

Examination_ST_2 Integer 1000 (or less) 4

Examination_9,10 String 12/45/13/53 12


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Examination_11 String 12/45/13/53 12

Examination_16AB String 12/45/13/53 12

Examination_17AB String 12/45/13/53 12

Examination_20 String -10.01/-06.02/-01.90 30

Examination_21 String -10.01/-06.02/-01.90 30

Examination_KS* String 28.90 mm 01.20 DS 30

Examination_SAC String 4 / 3 / 5 / 1 30

Examination_PUR String 4 / 3 / 5 / 1 30

Examination_CT String 12A 13C 12

Examination_CTRX String 12A 13C 12

Examination_CV_1 Boolean Pass 1

Examination_CV_2 List Box ISIHARA 1

Examination_IOP String 12.00 / 12.00 32

Examination_Field_1 Boolean Normal 1

Examination_Field_2 Boolean Abnormal 1

Examination_NPC String 12 cm / 10 cm 30

Examination_Old_Rx_1 String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

Examination_Dist String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

Examination_Old_Rx_2 String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

Examination_Near String +01.12 / 11.30 x 180 20

Examination_C1 Boolean TRUE 1

Examination_L1 Boolean TRUE 1

Examination_C2 Boolean FALSE 1

Examination_L2 Boolean FALSE 1

Examination_OU Boolean Pass 1

Examination_R Boolean Fail 1

Examination_L Boolean Pass 1

Examination_HC String 12A / 13B / 14C / 15D / 16D 30

Examination_L_Multi Radio? 5

Examination_R_Multi Radio? 5

Examination_MAC Boolean TRUE 1

Type Example Estimated SizeKey

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Examination_RECALL Boolean FALSE 1

Type Example Estimated SizeKey

Key Type Example Estimated Size

Employee_User_ID Long 1449098764 32

Employee_Name String Evan Brown 50

Employee_Username String E.Brown 30

Employee_Password String ************** 30

Employee_Email String [email protected] 50

Employee_Home_Ph_Number String 09 527 3405 30

Employee_Mobile_Number String 012 235 3466 30

Employee_Address String49 Meadowbank Road

Meadowbank, Auckland


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Howes and Brown OptometristsLRVAQ file

This file holds all of the results from the Learning Related Vision Assessment Questionnaire, the consultants will be able to view and edit information on the database through the access program.

Key Type Example Estimated Size

Patient ID Auto Number 1449098764 32

Reason For Assessment Long Teacher advised 150

Community Card Boolean YES 1

First Examination Boolean YES 1

Last Examination Short 09/03/2013 8

Previous Treatments Short N/A 30

Child Complaints LongSore eyes

Hard to focus Difficult to read


Repeated School Years Boolean NO 1

What Years Short N/A

Special Help In School Long Reading Class 150

Relevant Evaluations Long N/A 150

Contact Details Short [email protected] 50

Difficulties Long Reading and Spelling 70

Pregnancy Complications Long N/A 70

Delivery Complications Long N/A 70

Post-Natal Complications Long N/A 70

Crawling Age Long 4-8 Months 70

Walking Age Long 1-2 Years 70

First Words Age Long >1 Year 70

First Sentence Age Long >2 Years 70

Two Wheeler Age Long 6-8 Months 70

Childhood Illnesses Long Torticolis 70

Treatments Long Lazer Eye Surgery 70

Health Problems Long N/A 70

Allergies Long Morphine 70


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Squinting Boolean NO 1

Short Sightedness Mother Boolean NO 1

Short Sightedness Father Boolean YES 1

Learning or Reading Problems Boolean YES 1

Farsighted Boolean NO 1

Eye Disease Short Glaucoma 50

Lazy Eye Boolean YES 1

Type Example Estimated SizeKey

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These are the only relationships in the system, a one to many relationship between the Patient table and the Examination table, and a one to one relationship between the Patient table and the LRVAQ table. The examination to patient relationship is linked by the Patient ID and lets the patient’s examination be found by their ID number. The patient can have more than one which is the reason I chose a one to many relationship. The LRVAQ to patient relationship is linked by the patient ID also but is a one to one relationship because there can only be one LRVAQ file to each patient.

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Form Designs

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Form 1 This is the log in screen which will be the opening screen for every tablet in every room, the employee will have to enter their details before every appointment and log out after appointment ends. If the user enters the wrong details an error message pops up on the screen and gives a warning that they have entered the wrong ID or password. The only validation needed on this screen is checking that the user ID and password match up with one on the database.

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Form 2 After a successful log in the user will then come to this page where they select whether they are examining a new or existing patient. If the user selects existing then the computer will focus on the text box automatically and the user will code in the Patient ID number. This will search a file of all existing patients and match the number. There will also be a barcode scanner connected up to the tablet and each patient will have an ID Card that they will take to each check up. The ID Card is shown above and the barcode holds the Patient ID Number so when the card is scanned the user just clicks next and the computer reads the patients file and sees if they have taken the required sheets before the examination starts, they will be taken to the correct screen depending on what they have filled out. When the user selects ‘new patient’ they are taken straight to Form 3 to fill out the New patient questionnaire. Validation is only needed to check that the ID number must be numerical and must be on the database.

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Form 3 This screen is a questionnaire taken by all new patients by aid of their parent or guardian if they are below 16, it is saved to the main database and an electronic file is made under the details given with a Patient ID automatically generated for them. The save and logout button is on every page and will save all information entered on tablet to the file and logout the user to the main screen (Form 1). An existing patient may need to update the information if the patients file is over 5 years old, they will be taken to this questionnaire automatically and have to make necessary changes to it.

Validation done on this form would be:

- Title - Drop down box so must be one of the listed options - Surname - Must not be more than 40 characters - First name- Must not be more than 40 characters - Alias - Must not be more than 25 characters - Date of Birth - Must be a valid date chosen through calendar - Address - Must not be more than 255 characters - Occupation - Must not be more than 25 characters - History of Symptoms - Must not be more than 255 characters - GP name - Must not be more than 80 characters - GP email - Must not be more than 50 characters - Parent/Guardian Name(s) - Must not be more than 80 characters (for each box) - Parent/Guardian Email(s) - Must not be more than 50 characters (for each box)

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Form 4 This is another questionnaire that all new patients will have to take, most existing patients will have taken this questionnaire but if not then they will be taken to this Form. The patient will not have to refill this questionnaire again unless they finish the process and come back later requesting another diagnosis. Evan will be able to override the system in this case and the patient will sit this questionnaire again. The whole questionnaire helps the consultant get an understanding of the patients past vision examinations, troubles with vision and eyesight, troubles with school, current medication or treatments, previous family troubles and diseases related to eyesight, problems in birth and development, complaints made by teachers or the students themselves and just a general idea about the patient and their life and what lead them to the consulting room.

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Form 5 This screen will be what Evan and the rest of the employees use while consulting with patients, after a particular series of tests the consultant will write down results on the very confusing assortment of fields and from this a diagnosis will be drawn. There is a lot of different results for each field and test so Evan needs a simple and organised way of entering all data in.

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Data Flow Diagrams Adding New Patient

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The user logs in and taken to the Welcome Form

Is the patient an existing patient?


Enter patient ID

No User proceeds to the new patient questionnaire

Patient file is found in system

Patient fills in new patient


System proceeds to LRVAQ

Patient fills in LRVAQ

User taken to Examination form

Consultant fills in examination


Consultant completes test and examines patient


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Howes and Brown Optometrists Vision Training Program

User Manual

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This user guide is intended to be used in conjunction with the Howes and Brown Optometrists Vision Training Program System. It holds all of the information you will need so that you can run this program successfully every day. The guide will try its best to give you a step by step guide in which it can help you through any situation or problem you may come across. The technical documentation, which is not included in this document, will show you how the system works where as this guide will show you how to work the system.

System Information To understand the system and its role in the company, a brief overview of the company and original system is provided:

Howes and Brown Optometrists is an Optometry Practice that was established in 1987 and became incorporated legally in 1997. The company was initiated by Brett Howes and Evan Brown who started a clinic together in Meadowbank Mall before opening a second clinic in St. Heliers bay in 1989. A third clinic was opened in Glen Field in 1991 which lead to the two of them selling the St. Heliers practice in 1999, Brett worked separate from Evan in the Glen Field practice before moving to Mercury Bay, basing his practice around sports vision and contact lenses. Evan moved down the street in Meadowbank opening a practice on his own, continuing in his area of expertise of paediatric vision (children with vision-related difficulties and diseases). Evan also has a wide range of fashion frames and lenses and provides a complete contact lens service. My project revolves around Evan’s practice in Meadowbank and his methods of Vision Therapy in which he uses many exercises to achieve their objective of ‘developing visual potential.

The current system consists of many different steps that multiple employees are involved in to hopefully help a patient be able to improve their eye sight or way their eye’s focus and track. The program used at the moment is very paper based and the time and effort was a major concern for the client and his team, they have to put in to fill in every patients details, results from appointment, letters of recommendation and vision training schedule. There is a lot of paper involved and it can get quite overwhelming at times, not only for the staff but for the patient also.

The system consists of five stages. Here they are explained in detail - The learning related vision assessment questionnaire

- The learning related vision assessment questionnaire (LRVAQ) is a sheet that the patient will fill out with some help from their parents if they are younger, this sheet helps the consultant get an understanding of the patients past vision examinations, troubles with vision and eyesight, current medication or treatments, complaints made by teachers or the students themselves and just a general idea about the patient and their life.

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- Examination form that Evan fills out during an appointment - This is a very complicated sheet of paper that is filled with fields and codewords that

wouldn't mean anything to a person with no experience in Optometry. To Evan and the work force at Howes and Brown Optometrists this is what they do all the hard work on, every appointment, assessment and examination is made on this sheet of paper, the patient will undergo a series of tests and evaluations and all the results will be written down in the appropriate field. Making sure that the correct data is put in the field is crucial so a lot of validating will need to be done here on a computerised system.

- The BVA checklist - The BVA checklist is a post examination sheet that the consultant completes in their own

time when the patient has finished their appointment, all of the data recorded on the examination sheet is transferred from confusing numbers and letters to words and phrases and put on the BVA checklist. A whole lot of possibilities are given to the consultant that the patient may have wrong with them, the consultant crosses out the ones that are not true and leaves the one showing that they found to be true about the patient. This leaves the patient with a full diagnosis of their problem.

- The Vision Assessment Report - The BVA checklist is handed to the receptionist who then transfers the whole document

into an email template that was made from the BVA checklist. The receptionist crosses off each word that the consultant has crossed off and a full email is made showing the problems the consultant found with the patient. This is then sent to the patient or their parents and the patients GP.

- The Vision Therapy program. - This is the largest and most important stage of the companies process, a unique

program is written up by Evan from his long list of exercises and tasks that the patient can do to help fix the problem with their eyes. It is a massive process that Evan has gone through thousands of times and has become a true professional at. The patient will go through this training schedule for 5 weeks then come back for a check up and another set of exercises to do that hopefully after repeating this precess 5-10 times will fix the patients problem.

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Requirements Specification

Hardware Requirements

Three consulting rooms that will each need a portable tablet that runs Windows 8.1 and a main reception room that will need a monitor and a built in computer that also runs Windows 8.1. The aspect ratios will all need to be similar and this will be kept in mind when purchasing the tablets and monitors. As the Windows Operating System is an open operating system run on many different company’s hardware, we decided that it would be more suitable than an Apple OS as it will only run on apple equipment which restricts Evan to one company and price range.

Software Requirements

I will limit the software to the newest update 8.1 as Microsoft encourages all of their customers to use their newest version of OS. This will benefit Evan as 8.1 is very user friendly and has the Windows Store available for applications to be installed straight onto any tablet or monitor.

Input Requirements

- Tablets must all be touch screen input. - All check boxes and text boxes etc must be easy to use and not too cluttered. - Font must be easy to read and big enough to read - Colours must not be conflicting

Output Requirements

- Objects on screen must be spaced out and easy to read (in a big enough size). - Font must be easy to read and big enough to read. - Colours must not be conflicting.

Miscellaneous Requirements

- All employees must have a log in. - All patients must have an assigned patient number that when entered will show

their entire file. - An inventory linked to each patients number to show what equipment they have

been loaned. - A file that holds all patients details. - A file that holds all examination outcomes for patients. - A file that holds all employee details including log in details.

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Required Specifications

The system must be able to store each of these fields and draw information from each of them each patient will have their own file that can be edited and viewed at any time. The new system must also be upgradable for future improvements and will have to be edited when Microsoft makes any big changes to their software. The user interface must match up with the hardware chosen and fit well with the screen so that each detail and button is seen clearly by each person using the tablet.

This is the required information the program will store:

Patient Form: - Patient Number - Title - Surname - First name - Alais - Date of Birth - Age - Address - Occupation - History of symptoms - GP Name - GP Email - Guardian’s name - Guardian’s email - Therapy equipment loaned - Date equipment given out - Date equipment expected in

Employee Form: - User ID - User name - Password - Email - Home Ph Number - Mobile Number - Address

The solution will need to be able to:

1. Let the user log into the system using a secure user ID and password. 2. User will be able to pick from either an existing patient or a new patient. 3. User can find the patients file from their user ID or barcode scanner. 4. OR user creates a new patient file. 5. If patient is new then system will make them sit a new patient questionnaire where they

write down all details about them. 6. The patient then sits a Learning related vision assessment questionnaire.

1. These answers are all saved to database under the patients file. 7. Let the user write down all answers to tests and examinations made during appointment. 8. Save all data to Microsoft Access

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Installation Guide 1. Insert the USB memory stick that contains the installation folder.

2. Find the folder named ‘Howes and Brown Optometrists Installer’

3. Copy the folder to any location in your computer.

4. Open the folder and click on the setup file.

5. The system will now be ready to use.

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Guide to common tasks in the system

Log In Form

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The log in form can only be accessed by consultants that have been permitted and put into the system through the access program. It is only a security measurement and saves no data under the name of any employees. There are two errors that may occur.

This error will occur when the user enters an incorrect username and password combination. Simply try again taking care in the characters you type. The system is not case sensitive.

This error will occur when the user selects the next button but leaves the fields blank. The error will be quite obvious and the user will simply have to fill in the required fields.

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Howes and Brown OptometristsWelcome Form

The welcome form is the point at which the consultant selects whether they are examining a New patient or an existing patient in the systems database. If the patient does not know their ID number or have their card present on them, the receptionist can find the ID number very easily on the access database.

New patient button - This button takes the user to the new patient questionnaire form and starts to create a new file in which the patients details are saved to.

Existing patient button - This button makes the ‘Patient ID Number’ label, text box and ‘Next’ button visible to the user. The consultant can simply type in the Patient ID number into the text box and the system will find their file. An error that may occur is shown at bottom of page:

Logout button - This button takes the user to the log in form and logs the user out.

Next button - This button is only visible when the existing patient button is selected, when a valid Patient ID number is entered and the next button is clicked then the user will be taken to the examination form where they can perform their test and exercises.

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This error will occur when the patient enters an invalid patient ID or leaves the field blank.

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Howes and Brown OptometristsNew patient questionnaire Form

This is how a new patient is created and is a crucial form to the system, very simple to follow just allow the patient to fill in the details with aid of the parents if they are under 16. The drop down box must be a selection and not string, the text boxes must all be valid strings and not irrelevant. Date should be selected from the date picker but can be written in form of DD/MM/YYYY.

Save and logout button - This button takes the user to form 1 and saves all of the data from the form into the patients database.

Back button - This button takes the user back to the Welcome form and clears all data from the New patient questionnaire.

Next button - This button creates a file under the name given and creates a Patient ID for the user saving all of the data stated into the database under that Patient ID.

Error boxes that could show are as follows:

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Example of an error box that user could come across, user has entered an invalid data type for the Surname field and so the save is interrupted.

This error box will occur when a user has left a field blank, in this case the user has left two fields, ‘Title’ and ‘Address’ blank.

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Howes and Brown OptometristsLearning Related Vision Assessment Questionnaire Form

Save and logout button - This button takes the user to form 1 and saves all of the data from the form into the patients database.

Back button - This button takes the user back to the New patient form but keeps all data from the Learning Related Vision Assessment Questionnaire Form until the user keeps going back and changes the patient ID.

Next button - This button saves the data given under the current patient’s database and takes the user to the examination form.

Pregnancy, Delivery, Post-Natal, Short sightedness and Eye disease check boxes all make other form controls visible to the user.

Error boxes that could show are as follows:

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This error box will occur when a user has left a field blank. All fields need to be filled, if field does not apply insert ’N/A’ into text box.

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Howes and Brown OptometristsExamination Form

Save and logout button - This button takes the user to form 1 and saves all of the data from the form into the patients database.

Back button - This button takes the user back to the Learning Relation Vision Assessment Questionnaire Form but keeps all data from the Examination Form until the user keeps going back and changes the patient ID.

Next button - This button saves all of the data given on this form under the current patient’s database and finishes the process taking the user back to the Log in screen, exactly the same function as the logout button in the form.

Error boxes that could show are as follows:

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This error box will occur when a user has entered some data into one of the fields incorrectly and the system will tell the user which field it is that is wrong.

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This error box will occur when a user has left a field blank and tried to save the form. All fields need to be filled by the consultant.

This error box will occur when a user has left a field blank or entered an invalid field and tried to select the ‘Save and Logout’ button. The user can either logout and loose all data or fix the data before they log out.

If the user selects to fix the data before they logout then they will be taken to one of these two error messages explaining what is wrong and what they have to fix before they logout.

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Backup Routines

It is crucial to keep the system constantly backed up. There is no telling when a wide scale computer system crash could occur and delete every single file in the database. It is of the upmost importance that you have a spare copy of the data off the site of the computer system. A fire could devastate the system and the back up at the same time which would ruin the purpose of having the back up so keeping the backup of premises is very important. There is no harm in doing back ups and you will be very thankful that you do them very frequently if something ever goes wrong.

For the system, all that is involved in the backup routine is copying the entire system folder into some form of external storage. A could backup is also possible but can cost much more and Evan preferred the external storage device. This could be an external hard drive or a USB memory drive. The folder that would need to be copied would be called ‘Howes and Brown Vision Training System’ and every single file in the database needs to be backed up frequently. Once at the end of every day should be sufficient and the added security and safety will make a massive difference if something goes wrong.

Trouble Shooting

Error Explanation Solution

‘Invalid data entered in a field’

A field in a form has invalid data entered in it and can not proceed until correct data is


Enter all data correctly in all detail and proof read before

you save data

‘Please complete the required fields’ A field is not filled in in a form

Complete every field you can and enter N/A in fields you

can not

‘Invalid data entered in field (example)’

A field in a form has invalid data entered in it and can not proceed until correct data is entered, this error message

shows which field had incorrect data in it

Check what data is supposed to be entered in the given field and replace the incorrect data

with correct data

‘Username and password do not match’

Username and password couldn't be found in database

Take care in entering credentials

‘Please enter a valid patient ID’ Patient ID couldn't be found in database or is in wrong format

Take care in entering credentials

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Glossary of Terms and Data Dictionary Vision Training - Also known as vision training, is used to improve vision skills such as eye movement control and eye coordination. It involves a series of procedures carried out in both home and office settings, usually under professional supervision by an orthoptist or optometrist.

Optometrist - The occupation of measuring eyesight, prescribing corrective lenses, and detecting eye disease.

Incorporated - (Of a company or other organisation) formed into a legal corporation.

Paediatric - The branch of medicine dealing with children and their diseases.

Questionnaire - A set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes of a survey or statistical study.

Consultant - A person who provides expert advice professionally.

Aspect ratio - The ratio of the width to the height of the image on a television screen.

OS - Operating System.

Cluttered - Cover or fill (something) with an untidy collection of things.

Conflicting - Incompatible or at variance; contradictory.

Inventory - A complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a building.

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Discussion of the degree of success in meeting the original objectives The new system has been a great success, every aspect that the client wanted covered has been covered and works to a high standard. The only drawback is that the system is now not linked to the stages after of the Vision Training examination process like the Email stage and when the user comes back to do the exercises. If i had more time I would have been able to produce some forms and templates to go along with the system but even then the hundreds of exercises Evan has stored in his mind would take years to produce into a system that works better than the one he runs at the moment. Otherwise it is a success over the old system in every regard. The system is now completely integrated and the forms are custom designed for the Vision Training program at Howes and Brown Optometrists. There is now an actual form program instead of printing off hundreds of documents a week.

The simplicity of the solution is a massive degree of success as the user wanted a user friendly system that was very easy to follow and read. This is exactly what has been produced and the form designs have been designed specifically to this specification.

The use of Microsoft Access is another massive change from the old system, instead of now having all of the patients files in paper form in a folder, the patients entire system can have the benefits of being stored securely on an Access database with very little possibility of being lost or corrupt.

Evaluate the client’s and user’s response to the system Let the user log into the system using a secure user ID and password.

The new system allows the user to have a secure username and password of their choice, this adds security so no files can be altered with or deleted. The data can easily be changed through the access database and will need to be changed around four times a year.

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User comments:

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Howes and Brown OptometristsUser will be able to pick from either an existing patient or a new patient.

User can easily pick what patient they are examining with the click of a button in form 2, the Welcome form. The only exception is when there is an existing patient that needs to redo the entire process and go through the new patient system again which Evan can override easily from the access database.

User can find the patients file from their user ID or barcode scanner.

The patient will be given a ID card on their first arrival to the clinic, this will be taken to each appointment to make the patient sign in process a whole lot easier. IF for some reason they forget their ID card and do not know their patient ID, it can be drawn from the access database from the main reception computer.

System can create a new patient file if they are examining a new patient

The database makes it very easy for the user to create a new patient and automatically signs them a user ID. This process is a step by step easy to follow process that can not be done wrong as any errors are immediately thrown back at the user so thy know some input is wrong.

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User comments:

User comments:

User comments:

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Howes and Brown OptometristsIf patient is new, then system will make them sit a new patient questionnaire where they write down all details about them, results are saved to patients file.

The system will make the patient sit a new patient questionnaire if a new patients file is being made, there is no way around it so this process can not be done wrong.

The patient then sits a Learning related vision assessment questionnaire, results are saved to patients file.

Much alike the new patient questionnaire, the Learning Related Vision Assessment Questionnaire is compulsory for a new user and they will have to complete it to finish a full examination. This will be saved to the database alongside the patients file.

Let the user write down all answers to tests and examinations made during appointment.

The examination for lets the user copy down any result they could possibly have from any test they can do which allows perfect examinations to be done each time with all results saved to the database under a patients file to be easily drawn by Evan or his team when the need it.

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User comments:

User comments:

User comments:

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Acceptance Document

The client said the following when presented with the system and was asked to trial it:

“I, the end user, have used the system designed and made by Tom Brown and acknowledge that it works to my satisfaction completing all jobs that were prescribed to him.”

In addition the user was asked to sign off on these three main areas of the system.

Comments by Client

The system is easy to use

The system meets all the required specifications

The system has no problems or faults

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Signed: Date:

Positives of the system:

Negatives of the system:

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User Response Evaluation The users responses were very positive, generally about how easy the system is to use and follow without making any mistakes. Another point made was how much time the system cut out of the day for each consultant leaving them with more spare time to do more valuable tasks benefitting the company and the patients. The user was extremely happy with the new way the files were saved to an Access database instead of paper trails and now has no worry of losing any sheets of paper and having the embarrassing task of asking the patient to resit a questionnaire.

As much as looking at the positives highlights the programs success, looking at the negatives is a much more beneficial way of understanding where the program can be improved and what follow up upgrades can have involved to make the success of this program even more extensive. The major drawback was that now the rest of the system is still paper based and that a whole lot of time will still be spent in this process, next steps would be to extend the program into a fully computerised system taking out all paper trails completely. In summary, the system has been a success from the users point of view. All the feedback was generally positive and as well as being technically sound the system is very user friendly.

Limitations and Desirable Extensions

Positives of the System - All of the requirements specifications given by the client have been filled. - It can store all of the patients data quickly and safely. - The interface is very simple and easy to understand. - There is very little possibility of error that can occur in the system, much less than before.

Limitations of the System - Only just over half of the system has been made into a computerised system. - The long list of exercises are not in the same system and Evan will have to change from the

new system to the last steps of the old system to finish the process.

Desirable Extensions and Limitations - The entire old system be created into a computerised system instead of the amount I have

done. - The letter to the parents is automatically formatted from the examination and the

consultant can simply save the examination file then read the letter that has been created from the system, checking that it is appropriate to the patient and have a one button send option that will send the email to parent and GP cutting out nearly an hour of work each patient for the consultant and receptionist.

- The final step of the Vision Training system where Evan created a program of exercises for the patient to do is done on a computer and all of the exercises are programmed into system and are chosen for patient based on outcomes of the examination and diagnosis.

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