Download - Computer networks Funded projects (GRA openings) NSF SDCI: 2 years left DOE HNTES: 4 years left (new grant awarded) NSF CC-NIE (new): 3 years NSF SCRP:

Page 1: Computer networks Funded projects (GRA openings) NSF SDCI: 2 years left DOE HNTES: 4 years left (new grant awarded) NSF CC-NIE (new): 3 years NSF SCRP:

Computer networks

• Funded projects (GRA openings)• NSF SDCI: 2 years left• DOE HNTES: 4 years left (new grant awarded)• NSF CC-NIE (new): 3 years• NSF SCRP: 2 years left• NSF JUNO: 3 years (just starting)

• Applied orientation


Malathi Veeraraghavan Univ. of Virginia

[email protected] 2013 (updated Jan. 2014)

Page 2: Computer networks Funded projects (GRA openings) NSF SDCI: 2 years left DOE HNTES: 4 years left (new grant awarded) NSF CC-NIE (new): 3 years NSF SCRP:


• Big picture• Four projects

– What is the problem?– Why solve it? (Motivation)

• Methods used– As a GRA, what would I do?

• Processes & style


Page 3: Computer networks Funded projects (GRA openings) NSF SDCI: 2 years left DOE HNTES: 4 years left (new grant awarded) NSF CC-NIE (new): 3 years NSF SCRP:

Big picture

• Networks to support scientific research community– High-speed– Low-latency

• Who is in the science community?– DOE Office of Science

• Basic energy sciences, high-energy physics, fusion energy sciences, bio & environ. research

– NSF Office of Cyber Infrastructure (OCI)3

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Both agencies (NSF OCI and DOE) support

• Supercomputing centers–––– XSEDE (NSF OCI)

• High-speed networks– Backbone: ESnet, Internet2– Campus and regional nets: DYNES


Page 5: Computer networks Funded projects (GRA openings) NSF SDCI: 2 years left DOE HNTES: 4 years left (new grant awarded) NSF CC-NIE (new): 3 years NSF SCRP:

NSF Software Dev. for Cyber Infrastructure (SDCI)

• Problem & motivation (what & why): 1. Climate scientists run simulations that

require > 5000 cores• Intra-datacenter network identified as

bottleneck (InfiniBand cluster: 72K cores)• MPI communications: need to reduce latency

and variance in latency

2. Scientists move tera-to-peta byte sized files: move these fast• 100 Gbps: current state of the art in link

speed but not throughput (software!)


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DOE Hybrid Network Traffic Engineering System (HNTES)

• Problem & motivation:– Find high-rate, large-sized (alpha)

flows within a network and isolate– Why?

• As link rates increase, spread between fastest flow and slowest flow increases

• Fast flows can delay slow flows (user sees poor quality for real-time flows)

• On links to providers: Service Level Agreements (SLAs) can be violated when fast flows appear


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NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure – Network Infrastructure & Engineering (CC-


• Problem & motivation– Design protocols/apps to multicast data

reliably to hundreds of receivers– Save network & computing resources

when compared to unicast delivery from one sender to hundreds of receivers

• Application: Weather data distribution– UCAR sends real-time weather data

almost continuously to 170 institutions


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NSF Scheduled Circuit Routing Protocol (SCRP)

• Problem & motivation– Scientific networking community has

been building out a new type of internetwork with circuits and virtual circuits (airlines)• why: service guarantees (think fedex)

– Contrast with Internet (roadways)– Routing problem: what should one

organization’s network tell another to enable path computation for circuits?


Page 9: Computer networks Funded projects (GRA openings) NSF SDCI: 2 years left DOE HNTES: 4 years left (new grant awarded) NSF CC-NIE (new): 3 years NSF SCRP:

NeTS: JUNO: Collaborative Research: ACTION: Applications Coordinating

with Transport, IP, and Optical Networks

• This project is a joint collaboration with U. Texas at Dallas, and two universities in Japan

• The UVA portion of the project will develop application and transport protocols for optical networks

• Starting Feb. 1, 2014


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• Big picture• Four projects

– What is the problem?– Why solve it? (Motivation)

Methods used– As a GRA, what would I do?

• Processes & style


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Methods used: Stats

• Science before engineering:– Theodore von Karman:

• “Scientists study the world as it is; engineers create the world that never has been”

– Data collection & statistics• Rely on contacts at DOE labs, universities, network

operators for operational data• Write R programs to analyze procured data• Use fir research cluster for parallel computing

• Skills needed: stats/R language/parallel prog.


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Methods used: run experiments

• Run existing software used by scientists to obtain measurements

• Use national supercomputers and network testbeds– NCAR Wyoming SC: MPI programs (climate) – U. Utah Emulab– ESnet 100G network testbed– U. New Mexico: PROBE– ExoGENI racks: OpenFlow switches– DYNES: 10 high-performance hosts/switches across US

• Skills needed: learn/run new software programs; write shell scripts; cron jobs; use rigorous scientific methods in executing expts.


Page 13: Computer networks Funded projects (GRA openings) NSF SDCI: 2 years left DOE HNTES: 4 years left (new grant awarded) NSF CC-NIE (new): 3 years NSF SCRP:

Methods used: simulations

• For NSF SCRP project– Problem requires large-scale thinking– Cannot implement– Cannot collect data as system does

not yet exist– Then simulate

• Skills needed: C++ programming, parallel programming, prob & stats, rigorous scientific methods


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Methods used: engineering

• Come up with engineering solutions for problems identified from scientific discovery through analysis of operational data and experimentally collected data

• Implement software• Evaluate solutions on testbeds• Two key points

– Exploratory not confirmatory (watch out for bias)– Always quantify the negative!


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Methods: Write papers

• Conference first, then journal• Collab Web site for grad students

– how to organize a paper– hierarchical– think of reviewers– know your community’s work– literature search (when?)


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• Big picture• Four projects

– What is the problem?– Why solve it? (Motivation)

• Methods used– As a GRA, what would I do?

Processes & style


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• Goals as a graduate student– Focus on next step

• quals• proposal defense• dissertation

– Want Masters en route: MCS or MS– Career goal: academics or industry– Community, community, community– Ask the process question for each step


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Advising style

• Close collaboration with GRA– Research grants have milestones/deliverables– Generate ideas/papers/software that others use

– who is the customer? what is the product?

• New ideas from GRA– Develop proposals: Security for DHS; Vehicular

• Communicate – be open• Full-time access (no substitute for hard

work) – two-way commitment


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• High-speed, low-latency networking for– Scientific applications: scientists– Network utilization: providers, campus,

datacenter– Bottom-up: new optical comm. technologies

• Techniques used– Obtain operational data/experimental

measurements and analyze statistics – find the real problem

– Develop engineering solution– Evaluate through experiments or simulations