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Computer Glossary

Computer Glossary

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AA Auto AnswerAAA Authentication, Authorization and

AccountingAAB All-to-All BroadcastAAC Advanced Audio CodingAACS Advanced Access Control SystemAAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption LayerAAM Automatic Acoustic ManagementAAP Applications Access Point [DEC]AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution

ProtocolAAS All-to-All ScatterAASP ASCII Asynchronous Support PackageAAT Average Access TimeAATP Authorized Academic Training Program

[Microsoft].ABA Address Book Archive (file name extension) [Palm]ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming [SAP]ABC * Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes)ABEND Abnormal EndABI Application Binary InterfaceABIOS Advanced BIOSABIST Automatic Built-In Self-Test [IBM]ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender + Agent Building and Learning Environment [IBM]ABM Asynchronous Balanced ModeABR Available Bit RateABRD Automatic Baud Rate DetectionABRS Automated Book Request System [British Library]ABS Address Book Synchronization [IBM] + AbsoluteABT AbortABTS ASCII Block Terminal ServicesAC Autocheck + Automatic Computer + Alternating CurrentACAP Application Configuration Access ProtocolACC AccumulatorACCMAIL Accessing the Internet Via EmailACD Automatic Call DistributionACDI Asynchronous Communications Device InterfaceACE Access Control Encryption/Entry + Adobe Certified Expert + Advanced Composition Explorer [JHUAPL] + Advanced Computing Environment [SCO] + Adverse Channel Enhancements [Microcom] + * Automatic Computing EngineACF Access Control Field + Advanced Communications FunctionACH Automated Clearing HouseACIAS Automated Calibration Interval Analysis SystemACIS American Committee for Interoperable SystemsACK AcknowledgmentACL Access Control List + Asynchronous Connection-Less (link)

ACM Association for Computing Machinery Audio Compression Manager [Microsoft]ACMS Application Control Management SystemACP Ancillary Control Program + Auxiliary Control ProcessACPI Advanced Configuration and Power InterfaceACR Allowed Cell RateACROSS Automated Cargo Release and Operations Service SystemACS Access + Access Control Set + Access Control System + * Advanced Computer System [IBM] + Anti Curl System + Asynchronous Communication ServerACSS Audio Cascading Style SheetsACTLU Active Logical UnitACTPU Active Physical UnitACTS Automated Computer Time ServiceACTT Advanced Communication and Timekeeping Technology [Seiko]ACU Automatic Calling UnitACVC Ada Compiler Validation CapacityA/D Analog to DigitalADA Automatic Data Acquisitions + (Programming Language named after Augusta Ada Lovelace)ADB Apple Desktop BusADC Adaptive Data Compression (protocol) [Hayes] + Add with Carry + Analog to Digital ConverterADCCP Advanced Data Communication Control Procedures/ProtocolADD Automatic Document Detection [WordPerfect]ADF Automatic Document Feeder + Automatically Defined Function.ADF Adapter Description File (file name extension)ADI AutoCad/AutoDesk Device Interface (driver)ADIOS Automated Download and Installation of Operating Systems [Queensland U.]ADL Address Data LatchADLAT Adaptive Lattice FilterADLC Adaptive Lossless Data Compression [IBM] + Asynchronous Data Link ControlADMACS Apple Document Management And Conrol SystemADMD Administrative Management Domain [X.400].ADN Add In Utility (file name extension) [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC]ADO ActiveX Data ObjectsADP AOLserver Dynamic Pages + Automatic Data ProcessingADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code ModulationADR AddressADS Application Development Solutions [AT&T] + Application Development System + Automatic Distribution SystemADSC Address Status Changed + Adobe Document Structuring Conventions

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ADSI Active Directory Service Interface [Microsoft] + Analog Display Services InterfaceADSL (See DSL)ADSP AppleTalk Datastream ProtocolADSR Attack, Decay, Sustain, ReleaseADT Abstract Data Type + Application Data TypesADU Automatic Dialing UnitAE Above or EqualAEB Analog Expansion Bus [Dialogic]AEC Architecture, Engineering, ConstructionAEM Asynchronous Event Mechanism.AERO Aviation Industry (Domain Name) [Internet]AES Advanced Encryption StandardAESA ATM End System AddressAF Auxiliary carry FlagAFA Accelerated File AccessAFC Antiferro-Magnetically Coupled (media) [IBM] + Automatic Font Change + Automatic Frequency ControlAFD Automatic File DistributionAFDW Active Framework for Data Warehousing [Microsoft]AFI Authority and Format IdentifierAFII Association for Font Information InterchangeAFIRM Automated Fingerprint Image Reporting and MatchAFIS Automated Fingerprint Identification System.AFM Adobe Font Metrics (file name extension) [Adobe Systems]AFP Advanced Function Presentation [IBM] + Advanced Function Printing + Appletalk Filing Protocol [Macintosh]AFS Andrew File System (protocols)AFTP Advanced/Anonymous File Transfer ProtocolAGA Advanced Graphics AdapterAGC Automatic Gain ControlAGP Accelerated/Advanced Graphics PortAGRAS Antiglare-Antireflective-AntistaticAGU Address-Generation UnitAH Authentication Header (protocol)AHS Automated Highway SystemsAI Analog Input + Artificial IntelligenceAIA Applications Integration Architecture [DEC]AIC AIXwindows Interface Composer [IBM]AIFF Audio Interchange File FormatAIIM Association for Information and Image ManagementAIM AOL Instant MessengerAIN Advanced Intelligent Network [Bell Atlantic]AIO All-In-OneAIP Application Infrastruture ProviderAIR Architecture Implementation ReviewAIS Automated Identification System [NCIC] + Automated Information SystemsAISB Association of Imaging Service BureausAISP Association of Information Systems

ProfessionalsAIT Advanced Intelligent Tape (drive) [Sony]AIX Advanced Interactive Executive [IBM]AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XMLALAT Advanced Load Address TableALC Arithmetic and Logic Circuits + Automatic Level ControlALE Address Latch Enable + Application Linking and EmbeddingALGOL Algorithmic Oriented Language (see IAL)ALIBI Adaptive Location of Internetworked Bases of InformationALICE Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer EntityALINK Active Link [HTML]ALIWEB Archie Like Indexing in the Web [Internet]ALM Asset Liability ManagementALN Asynchronous Learning NetworkALOS Alternate Lighting Of SurfacesALP Automatic Language ProcessingALR Advanced Logic Research, Inc.ALT Alternate (mode)ALT. Alternate lifestyle [USENET Newsgroup Category]ALU Arithmetic Logic UnitAM Amplitude ModulationAMA Automatic Message AccountingAMANDDA Automated Messaging and Directory AssistanceAMASS Archival Management and Storage SystemAMD Active Matrix Display + Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.AMDD Agile Modelling Driven DevelopmentAMI Alternate Mark Inversion + American Megatrends, Inc. + Application Messaging InterfaceAMMA Advanced Memory Management Architecture [Everex Systems]AMPL Algebraic/Applied Mathematical Programming LanguageAMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service + AmplifiersAMR Audio Modem RiserANCOVA Analysis of CovarianceANDF Architecture-Neutral Distribution FormatANI Automatic Number Identification.ANI Animated Cursor (file name extension) [Microsoft]ANN Artificial Neural Network.ANN Annotations (file name extension) [IBM]ANOVA Analysis Of VarianceANSI American National Standards InstituteANX Automotive Network Exchange [Chrysler/Ford/ General Motors]AO Analog OutputAOCE Apple Open Collaboration EnvironmentAO/DI Always On/Dynamic ISDNAODV Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance VectorAOE Application Operating Environment [AT&T]AOL America OnlineAOS Add Or Subtract

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AP Adjunct Processor + Application ProcessorA/P Accounts PayableAPA Adaptive Packet Assembly + All Points Addressable + Arithmetic Processing AcceleratorAPAR Authorized Program Analysis Report [IBM]APAREN Address Parity Enable [IBM]APCUG Association of PC User GroupsAPDU Application Protocol Data UnitsAPI Application Program InterfaceAPIC Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (bus) [Intel]APIPA Automatic Private Interenet Protocol AddressingAPIS Advanced Passenger Information SystemAPL * A Programming Language (Mathematics)APM Advanced Power Management [IBM]APNIC Asia-Pacific Network Information Center [Internet]APOP Authenticated Post Office Protocol.APP Application (file name extension) [R:Base]APPC Advanced Program-to-Program Communications [IBM]APPI Advanced Peer-to-Peer InternetworkingAPPLETS ApplicationsAPPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking [IBM]APPS ApplicationsAPR Annual Percentage RateAPRP Adaptive Pattern Recognition ProcessingAPS Active Pixel Sensor + Advanced Photo System + Advanced Printing Service [IBM] + Asynchronous Protocol SpecificationAPSE ADA Programming Support EnvironmentAPT Address Pass Through + Advanced Parallel Technology + Automatically Programmed ToolsA/R Accounts ReceivableARA AppleTalk Remote AccessARAG Antireflective-AntiglareARAS Antireflective-AntistaticARC Acoustic Resonance Control.ARC Archive (file name extension)ARCA Advanced RISC Computing ArchitectureARCnet Attached Resource Computer Network.ARJ Compressed File (file name extension) [Jung]ARL Adjusted Ring LengthARLL Advanced Run Length LimitedARM Advanced RISC Machine (processor) + Annotated Reference Manual + Asynchronous Response ModeARMA Association of Records Managers and AdministratorsARP Address Resolution Protocol [Novell]ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency NetworkARPL Adjust Requested Privilege LevelARS Activity Reporting System [Unisys]ART Adaptive Resonance Theory (algorithm)ARTA Apple Real Time ArchitectureARTIC A Real-Time Interface Coprocessor [IBM]ARTS Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server.ARTS Cultural Groups (Domain Name)

[Internet]ARTT Asynchronous Remote Takeover TerminalARQ Automatic Repeat RequestARU Audio Response Unit + Average Retail ValueAS Autonomous System [Internet]ASAI Adjunct Switch Application Interface [AT&T]ASAP As Soon As Possible + Automatic Switching And ProcessingAS3AP ANSI SQL Standard Scalable and PortableASB Advanced System Buffering [Intel].ASC ASCII text (file name extension)ASCC * Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator [IBM]ASCII American Standard Code for Information InterchangeASD Application Structure Database [Microsoft] + Automatic Skip Driver [Microsoft]ASF Active Streaming Format [Microsoft] + Advanced Systems Format [Microsoft]ASIC Application-Specific Integrated CircuitASIT Advanced Security and Identification TechnologyASL Adaptive Speed LevellingASLM Apple Shared Library Manager [Macintosh].ASM Assembler Source Language (file name extension)ASMP Asymmetric MultprocessingASN Abstract Syntax Notation + Autonomous System NumberASO Automated Systems OperationsASP Active Server Page [Microsoft] + Application/Authorized Service Provider + Aspect Oriented Programming + Association of Shareware Professionals.ASP Active Server Page (file name extension)ASPI Advanced SCSI Programming Interface [Adaptec]ASPS Advanced Signal Processing SystemASR Address Space Register + Automatic Send-Receive + Automatic Speech Recognition + Automatic System RecoveryASSP Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy + Application-Specific Standard ProductAST AST Research, Inc. (named from first initials of the founders: Albert Wong, Safi Qureshey, Thomas Yuen)AS/U Advanced Server for UnixASYNC AsynchronousAS/400 Application System/400 [IBM]AT Advanced Technology + AttentionATA Advanced Technology Attachment + Analog Terminal AdapterATAPI Advanced Technology Attachment Packet InterfaceATC Advanced Transfer CacheATDP Attention Dial PulseATDT Attention Dial ToneATE Automated Test EquipmentATG Advanced Technology Group +

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All-Terrain Grade [Dell]ATH Attention Hang-Up (Modem command)ATL Active Template LibraryATM Adobe Typeface Manager + Air Traffic Management + Asynchronous Transfer Mode + Automated Teller MachineATPS AppleTalk Printing Services [Macintosh]ATR Automatic Terminal RecognitionATS Administrative Terminal System + Apple Terminal ServicesAT&T American Telephone and TelegraphATTN AttentionATTRIB Attribute (also ATR)ATX Advanced Technology Extended [Intel]ATZ Attention Restore configuration profile from nonvolatile RAM (Modem command).AU Audio (file name extension)AUDIT Automated Data Input TerminalAUI Attachment/Autonomous Unit InterfaceAUP Acceptable Use Policy [Internet]AUTO AutomaticAUTOEXEC Automatic ExecutionAUX Auxiliary + (First Serial Port)AV Audio/Video + Audio/Visual + Authenticity VerificationAVA Audio Visual Authoring [IBM]AVC Audio Visual Connection [IBM]AVD Alternating Voice and DataAVG AverageAVI Audio Video Interleave [Microsoft]AVL AVL Tree (named after its founders: Adelson, Veiskii and LandisAVP Attribute-Value PairAVR Automatic Voice RecognitionAVS Advanced Visual SystemsAVT Applied Voice TechnologyAVVID Architecture for Voice Video & Integrated Data [Cisco]AWE Advanced Wave Effects [Creative Lab]AWG American Wire GageAWK (Unix language named after its authors... Al Aho, Peter Weinberger and Brian Kernighan)AWS Advanced Workstations and Systems (group) [IBM]AWT Abstract Window Toolkit [Java]AX Architecture Extended + Automatic Transmission


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BA Bell Atlantic (company)BACP Bandwidth Allocation Control ProtocolBAK Binary Adaptation Kit [Microsoft].BAK Backup (file name extension)BAL Basic Assembly LanguageBALUN Balanced Unbalanced (device)BAM Boyan Action ModuleBAPI Business Application Programming Interface [SAP]BARTS Bell Atlantic Regional Timesharing

.BAS Basic Language (file name extension)BASH Bourne Again Shell [Unix]BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction CodeBASM Built-In AssemblerBAT Block Address Translation.BAT Batch Processing (file name extension)B2B Business-To-BusinessBBS Bulletin Board SystemB2C Business To ConsumerBCC Block Check CharacterBCC: Blind Carbon CopyBCD Binary Coded DecimalB-CHANNEL Bearer ChannelBCL Base Class Libraries + Batch Command LanguageBCN BeaconBCNF Boyce-Codd Normal FormBCP Best Current Practice + Bulk Copy ProgramBCPL Basic Computer Programming LanguageBCR Byte Count RegisterBCS Bar Code SorterBDA Bios Data AreaBDC Backup Domain ControllerBDE Borland Database Engine [Borland]BDLS Bidirectional Loop SwitchingBDOS Basic Disk Operating SystemBDR Bus Device RequestBDSL (See DSL)BE Below or EqualB2E Business To EmployeesBECN Backward Explicit Congestion NotificationBEDO Burst Extended Data OutBEEP Blocks Extensible Exchange ProtocolBEL BellBELLCORE Bell Communications ResearchBER Basic Encoding Rules + Bit Error RateBERT Bit Error Rate Test/TesterBF Bad FlagB/F Background/Foreground.BFC Briefcase (file name extension) [Microsoft]BFF Binary File Format [IBM]BFT Binary File TransferBFTP Batch FTPBGA Ball Grid ArrayBGCOLOR Background Color [HTML]BGE Branch if Greater or Equal.BGI Borland Graphic Interface (file name extension)BGP Border Gateway ProtocolBGT Branch if Greater ThanBHI Branch if HigherBHIS Branch if Higher or SameBHO Browser Helper Object [Spybot]BI Binary Input.BIB Bibliography (file name extension)BiDi Bi-DirectionalBIFET Bipolar Field Effect TransistorBIFF Binary Interchange File FormatBIM Beginning of Information Marker.BIN Binary (file name extension)BINAC * Binary Automatic ComputerBIND Berkeley Internet Name DomainBINHEX Binary HexadecimalBIOS Basic Input/Output SystemBIS Business Information System

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BISDN Broadband Integrated Services Digital NetworkBIST Built-In Self-TestBiSYNC (See BSYNC)BIT Binary DigitBITNET Because It's Time NetworkBITNIC Bitnet Network Information CenterBIU Bus Interface UnitBIW Business Intelligence Warehouse [SAP]BIX Byte Information Exchange (BBS).BIZ Businesses (Domain Name) [Internet].BK! Backup (file name extension) [WordPerfect].B~K Backup (file name extension)BKSP BackspaceBL Backlit + Bit LineBLAS Basic Linear Algebra SubroutinesBLAST Bell Labs Layered Space Time + Blocked Asynchronous Transmission (protocol) [Communications Research Group].BLD BASIC Bload Graphics (file name extension)BLE Branch if Less or EqualBLER Block ErrorBLI Business Logic Integration [Microsoft]BLK BlockBLMC Buried Logic MacrocellBLOB Binary Large ObjectBLOG Web LogBLOS Branch if Lower Or SameBMI Branch if MinusBMIC BusMaster Interface Controller [Intel]BMP Basic Mapping Support + Basic Multilingual Plane + Batch Message Processing Program.BMP Bitmap (file name extension) [Paintbrush Format]BNC Bayonet Neill-Concelman (connector used with coaxial cable invented by Mr. Neill-Concelman) + British Naval ConnectorBNE Branch if Not EqualBNF Backus-Naur Form (also Backus-Normal Form) [developed by John Backus and Peter Naur]BNS Backbone Network ServiceBO Binary OutputBOA Basic Object AdapterBOB Break-out BoxBOC Basic Operator ConsoleBOF Beginning Of FileBOM Basic Online Memory [IBM] + Beginning Of MessageBOND Bandwidth On DemandBOOTP Bootstrap Protocol [Internet]BOPS Billion Operations Per SecondBORPQU Borland Pro QuattroBORQU Borland QuattroBOS Basic Operating SystemBOT Beginning Of Table + Beginning of Tape + RobotBP Base PointerBPB BIOS Parameter BlockBPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit Berkeley Packet FilterBPI Bits Per Inch

BPL Branch If Plus + Broadband Over Power LinesBPM Business Process Management [Microsoft]BPP Bits Per PixelBPR Business Process Re-engineering [Linux]BPS Bits Per Second + Bytes Per SecondBPSK Binary Phase Shift KeyingBR Bad RegisterBRGC Binary Reflected Gray CodeBRI Basic Rate Interface + Brain Response InterfaceBS BackspaceBSAM Basic Sequential Access MethodBSC Base Station Controller + Binary Synchronous Communication.BSC Boyan Script (file name extension) [Boyan Communications]BSCS Bachelor of Science (Degree) in Computer ScienceBSD Berkely Software/Standard DistributionBSF Bit Scan ForwardBSI British Standards InstituteBSM Basic Storage Module [IBM]BSP Bulk Synchronous ParallelismBSR Bit Scan ReverseBS-RAM Burst Static RAMBSS Block Started by SymbolBST Binary Search TreeBSY BusyBSYNC Binary Synchronous Communications (protocol)BT Bit TestBTAM Basic Telecommunications Access Method [IBM]BTB Branch Target BufferBTC Bit Test and ComplementBTI Business Type IdentifierBTOA Binary To ASCIIBTP Batch Transfer ProgramBTR Bit Test and ResetBTS Base Transceiver Station + Bit Test and SetBU Branch UnitBUBL Bulletin Board for Libraries [Janet]BUF BufferBUS Broadcast and Unknown ServerBVH Base Video HandlerBWM Block-Write ModeB2X Binary To Hexadecimal [REXX]BYTE Binary Element String


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C C Programming Language.C C source code (file name extension) [C]CA Certification Authority + Collision AvoidanceCAB Compressed Application Binary [Microsoft].CAB Cabinet (file name extension) [Microsoft]

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CACLS Command-Line Access Control Lists [Microsoft]CAD Computer Aided DesignCADD Computer Aided Design and DraftingCADE Client/server Application Development EnvironmentCAE Client Application Enabler + Common Applications Environment + Computer Aided EngineeringCAEN Chemically Assembled Electronic NanocomputerCAEX Computer Aided ExplorationCAG Column Address GeneratorCAI Computer Aided InstructionCAIRN Collaborative Advanced Interagency Research NetworkCAL Calendar + Client Access License + Computer Aided LearningCALS Computer-Aided Acquisition in Logistic SupportCAM Common Access Method + Computer Aided Manufacturing + Contents Addressable MemoryCAN Cancel + Controller Area NetworkCANBUS Conroller Area Network BusCAP Carrierless Amplitude and Phase-Modulation + Central Arbitration Point + Communication Application Platform + Competitive Access Provider + Computer Aided Publishing.CAP Capture (file name extension)CAPD Computing To Assist Persons With Disabilities [Johns Hopkins University]CAPE Concurrent Art-to-Product EnvironmentCAPS Capitals (Upper Case Letters) + Cassette Programming SystemCAPTCHA Completely Automatic Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans ApartCAR Committed Access Rate [Cisco]CARL Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries [Internet]CART Computer-Assisted Radar TomographyCAS Column Address Select/Strobe + Communications Application Specification + Computer Aided StylingCASE Computer Aided Software EngineeringCASL Crosstalk Application Scripting Language [DCA]CASS Computer Assisted Search ServiceCASSIS Classified and Search Support Information SystemCAT Computer Adaptive Test + Computer Aided Testing + Computer Aided Tomography + Computer Aided Transcription + Concatenate.CAT Catalog (file name extension)CATS Computer Assisted Training SystemCAT5E (Cat 5e) Category 5e (cables)CAT SCAN Computerized Axial Tomography ScanCATV Community Antenna Television (this was the original name for what is now known as Cable TV)CAU Controlled Access Unit

CAV Constant Angular VelocityCAVE Computer Automatic Virtual EnvironmentCBC Cipher Block ChainingCBCR Channel Byte Count RegisterCBDS Connectionless Broadband Data ServiceCBEMA Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers AssociationCBGA Ceramic Ball Grid ArrayCBI Computer Based Instruction\InstrumentationCBL Computer Based Learning.CBL COBOL source code (file name extension)CBMS Computer-Based Mail SystemCBN Community Based NetworksCBR Case Based Reasoning + Constant Bit RateCBT Computer Based TrainingCBW Convert Byte to WordCBX Computer-Controlled Branch ExchangeCC Cluster ControllerCC: Carbon CopyCCD Charged-Coupled DeviceCCFT Cold Cathode Fluorescent TubeCCI Common Client Interface + Copy Control InformationCCIE Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert [Cisco]CCITT Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique/ Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and TelephoneCCL Connection/Cursor Control LanguageCCM Corba Component Mode + Crystal Configuration Manager [Microsoft]CCNA Cisco Certified Network AssociateCCNP Cisco Certified Network ProfessionalCCP Certified Computing Professional + Console Command ProcessorCC/PP Composite Capabilities/Preference ProfileCCS Common Command Set + Common Communications Services + Common Communications Support + Continuous Composite Servo + Cryptographic Checksum.CCS Color Calibration System (file name extension)CCSIS Coded Character Set IDCCSD Cellular Circuit-Switched DataCCTLD Country Code Top-Level DomainCD Carrier Detect + Change Directory + Collision Detection + Color Display + Compact DiskC/D Control DataC2D Character To Decimal [REXX]CDA Compound Document Architecture [DEC].CDA CD Audio-Track (file name extension)CDBT Compact Disk-Based TrainingCDC Connected Device Configuration + Control Data CorporationCD_CHRDY Card Channel Ready [IBM]CD-DA Compact Disk - Digital AudioCDDI Copper Distributed Data InterfaceCDE Common Desktop Environment + Complex Data EntryCD-E Compact Disk - ErasableCDF Channel Definition Format

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.CDF Comma Delimited Format (file name extension)CDFS Compact Disc File System [Microsoft]CD+G Compact Disk plus GraphicsCD-I Compact Disk - InteractiveCDIA Certified Document Imaging ArchitectCDL Computer Design LanguageCDMA Code Division Multiple AccessCDMF Commercial Data Masking Facility [IBM]CD-MO Compact Disk - Magneto OpticalCDO Collaboration Data Objects [Microsoft]CDOS Concurrent Disk Operating SystemCDP * Certificate In Data Processing (First certification for Computer Professionals)CDPD Cellular Digital Packet DataCDR Call Detail Record + Call Detail Recording + Common Data Representation.CDR CorelDRAW (file name extension) [Corel]CD-R Compact Disk - RecordableCD-RAM Cached RAMCD-RDX Compact Disk - Read Only Memory Data Exchange StandardCDRL Contract Data Requirements ListCD-ROM Compact Disk - Read Only MemoryCD-ROM-XA CD-ROM Extended ArchitectureCD-RTOS Compact Disk - Real Time Operating SystemCD-RW Compact Disk - RewritableCDS Current Directory StructureCDSA Common Data Security ArchitectureCDSL (See DSL).CDT Corel Draw Template (file name extension)CD-V Compact Disk - VideoCD-WO Compact Disk - Write Once.CDX Compound Index (file name extension) [Fox Pro]CD-XA Compact Disk - Extended ArchitectureCE Cache Enable + Chip Enable + Collision Elimination + Consumer Elecronics + Convert EnableCEB Conditional End BracketCEC Certified E-Commerce ConsultantCEG Continuous Edge GraphicsCEI Conducted Electromagnetic InterferenceCELP Card Edge Low Profile (socket) [Intel]CEMS Constituent Electronic Mail SystemCEOP Conditional End Of PageCER Canonical Encoding RulesCERN The European Particle Physics Laboratory (initials originally from Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire)CERT Computer Emergency Response TeamCFB Cipher Feedback + Configurable Function BlockCF Compact Flash (camera).CFG Configuration (file name extension)CFM Code Fragment Manager [Macintosh] + Cubic Feet Per MinuteCFML ColdFusion Markup LanguageCFP Call For Proposal

CFR Computerized Facial RecognitionCFS Caching/Common File SystemCFV Call For Votes [Bitnet]CG Control GateCGA Color Graphics AdapterCGE Common Graphics EnvironmentCGI Computer Generated Images + Computer Graphics InterfaceCGI-BIN Common Gateway Interface - Binary.CGM Computer Graphics Metafile (file name extension) + Graph (file name extension) [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC]CGMS Copy Generation Management SystemCGS Continuous-Grain SiliconCHAP Challenge-Handshake Authentication ProtocolCHAR CharacterCHAT Conversational Hypertext Access Technology [Internet]CHCK Channel CheckCHCP Change Code PageCHDIR Change DirectoryCHFN Change Finger [Unix]CHGRP Change GroupCHIPS Clearinghouse Interbank Payments System.CHK CHKDSK (file name extension)CHKDSK Check DiskCHMOD Change ModeCHOWN Change OwnerCHP ChapterCHR CharacterCHRP Common Hardware Reference PlatformCHS Cylinder Head SectorCHTML Compact/Compressed HTMLCI Component InterfaceCIA Current Instruction AddressCIAC Computer Incident Advisory CapabilityCICS/VS Customer Information Control System/ Virtual Storage [IBM]CID Charge-Injection Device + Configuration/Installation/DistributionCIDR Classless Inter-Domain RoutingCIF Common Interchange/Intermediate Format + Crystallographic Information File + Customer Information FeedCIFS Common Internet File SystemCIL Common Intermediate Language [ECMA]CIM Common Information Model + CompuServe Information Manager + Computer Integrated ManufacturingCIO Chief Information OfficerCIOCS Communication Input/Output Control SystemCIP Command Interface Port + Common Indexing ProtocolCIR Committed Information RateCIRC Circular Reference + Cross-Interleaved Reed-Solomon CodeCIS Card Information Structure + Client Information System + CompuServe Information Service + Computer Information Systems + Contact Image Sensor + Customer Information SystemCISC Complex Instruction Set ComputingCIT Computer-Integrated Telephony

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CIVR Computer and Interactive Voice ResponseCIW Certified Internet WebmasterCIX Commercial Internet Exchange + Compulink Information ExchangeCJLI Command Job Language InterpreterCKD Count Key Data (device)CLAR Channel Local Address RegisterCLASS Client Access to Systems and Services + Cooperative Library Agency for Systems and Services + Custom Local-Area Signaling ServicesCLC Clear Carry FlagCLD Clear Direction FlagCLDC Connected Limited Device ConfigurationCLEC Competitive Local Exchange CarrierCLI Call-Level Interface + Clear Interrupt Flag + Client Library Interface + Command Line Interface + Common Language Infrastructure/InterfaceCLIB C LibraryCLID Calling Line IdentificationCLIST Command ListCLK ClockCLNP Connectionless Network ProtocolCLOS Common Lisp Object SystemCLP Cell Loss Priority + Constraint Logic Programming.CLP Clipboard (file name extension) [Microsoft]CLR Common Language Runtime [Microsoft]CLS Clear Screen + Common Language SupportCLSID Class IdentifierCLTP Connectionless Transport ProtocolCLTS Clear Task Switch FlagCLTV Constant Linear Time VelocityCLUI Command Line User InterfaceCLUT Color Look-Up TableCLV Constant Linear VelocityCM Centimeter + Control Mark + Corrective MaintenanceCMA Concert Multi-thread ArchitectureCMAK Connection Manager Administration Kit [Microsoft]CMC Common Mail Calls + Common Messaging Calls + Communication Management Configuration + Complement Carry Flag + Computer-Mediated Communication [Internet]CMD Circuit Mode Data.CMD Command (file name extension)CMF Creative Music FormatCNIDR Clearinghouse for Network Information and Discovery and Retrieval [Internet]CMIP Common Management Information ProtocolCMIS Common Management Information Services/SystemCML Chemical Markup Language + Conceptual Modelling Language + Computer Managed Learning + Current Mode Logic

CMM Capability Maturity ModelCMMS Computerized Maintenance Management SoftwareCMMU Cache/Memory Management Unit [Motorola]CMOS Coats-Mellon Operational Specification + Complementary Metal-Oxide SemiconductorCMOV Conditional MoveCMP Compare + ComputerCMPS Compare Word StringCMS Call Management Server + Code Management System + Compiler Monitor System + Content Management System + Conversation Monitor SystemCMTS Cable Modem Termination SystemCMVC Configuration Management Version Control [IBM]CMW Compartmented Mode WorkstationCMY Cyan-Magenta-Yellow (color model)CMYK Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black (color model)CNA Certified NetWare/Network AdministratorCNAPS Co-Processing Node Architecture for Parallel SystemsCNC Computerized Numerical ControlCNE Certified NetWare Engineer.CNF Configuration (file name extension)CNG Calling (tone)CNI Certified Novell Instructor [Novell]CNIDR Clearinghouse for Networked Information and Discovery and Retrieval [Internet]CNN Composite Network NodeCNR Carrier to Noise Ratio + Communication Network RiserCNSS Core Nodal Switching Subsystem [Internet]CNT Carbon Nanotube.CNT Contents (file name extension)CNV Conventional (pertaining to Memory)CNVT ConvertCNX Certified Network ExpertCO Central Office + Command Output + Convert OutCOAST Card On A Stick (module)COAX Coaxial CableCOB Chip-On-Board.COB COBOL source code (file name extension)COBOL Common Business-oriented Language (See HLL).COD Code List (file name extension)CODASYL * Conference on Data System Languages (Group that designed COBOL)CODE Client-Server Open Development EnvironmentCODEC Coder/Decoder + Compression/DecompressionCOE Common Operating EnvironmentCOEM Commercial Original Equipment ManufacturerCOFF Common Object File Format [Unix]COGO Coordinate Geometry (Programming Language)COL Collision + Computer Oriented

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LanguageCOLD Computer Output to Laser DiskCOLL CollisionCOM Component Object Model [Microsoft] + Computer Output Microfilm.COM Command (file name extension) + Commercial Business (Domain Name) [Internet]COM1 First serial Port (asynchronous port)COM2 Second serial PortCOM3 Third serial PortCOM4 Fourth serial PortCOMDEX Computer Dealers ExpositionCOMET Cornell Macintosh Terminal EmulatorCOMM CommunicationsCOMMAT In Morse Code (.--.-.)(dot dash dash dot dash dot), name of the sign to denote the Commercial At symbol "@". (Adopted by the ITU in December 2003)COMP CompareCOMP. Computers [USENET Newsgroup Category]COMSAT Communications Satellite CorporationCON Console (includes Keyboard and Screen)COND ConditionCONFIG ConfigurationCONS Connection-Oriented Network ServiceCONTONE Continuous Tone.COOP Cooperatives-Business (Domain Name) [Internet]COPICS Communications Oriented Production Information and Control System [IBM]COR Common Object RuntimeCORBA Common Object Request Broker ArchitectureCOREN Corporation for Research and Enterprise NetworkCOS Compatible Operating System + Customer Order Specification [Kodak/Fuji]COSE Combined Office Standard Environment + Common Open Software/Systems EnvironmentCOSMIC Computer Software Management and Information Center [NASA]COSMOS Computer System for Mainframe OperationsCOSS Common Object Services SpecificationCOTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf (software)CP Copy ProtectedCPA Certified Public Accountant + Cost Per ActionCPAN Comprehensive Perl Archive NetworkCPC Constant Point Calculation + Cost Per ClickCPCS Check Processing Control System [IBM]CPE Central Processing Element + Customer Premises Equipment + Customer Provided Equipment.CPE Cover Page (file name extension)CPFR Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and ReplenishmentCPG Clock Pulse GeneratorCPI Characters Per Inch + Clock Per Instruction + Common Programming Interface [IBM]

.CPI Code Page Information (file name extension) [MS-DOS]CPI-C Common Programming Interface for Communications [IBM]CPIO Copy In and Out [Unix]CPL Current Privilege Level.CPL Control Panel (file name extension)CPLD Complex Programmable Logic DeviceCPM Critical Path Method + Cryptography Provider ManagerCP/M Control Program for Microcomputers [Digital Research]CPO Chief Privacy OfficerCPRM Content Protection for Recordable MediaCPS Certification Practice Statement + Characters Per Second + Cycles Per SecondCPT Command Pass ThroughCPU Central Processing UnitCPW Commercial Processing Workload [IBM]CR Carriage ReturnCRAM Challenge-Response Authentication Mechanism + Cyberspatial Reality Advancement MovementCRAYON Create Your Own NewspaperCRC Cyclic Redundancy Check.CRD Cardfile (file name extension) + Chord (music file name extension)CREN Computer Research Education Network + Corporation for Research and Education NetworkingCRF Cable Retransmission Facility + Cross Reference FileCRI Color Reproduction IndicesCRISM Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for MarsCRISP C Reduced Instruction Set Processor [AT&T Bell Labs]CRL Certificate Revocation ListCR/LF Carriage Return/Line FeedCRM Customer Relationship ManagementCROM Control Read Only MemoryCRT Cathode Ray TubeCRTC CRT ControllerCRUD Create, Retrieve, Update, DeleteCS Chip Select + Clear to Send + Code SegmentC/S Client/ServerCSA Calendaring and Scheduling API [IBM]CSAR Channel System Address RegisterCSCW Computer Supported Cooperative WorkCSD Circuit-Switched Data + Computer Services Department + Corrective Service Diskette [IBM]CSDS Circuit Switched Data ServiceCSE Certified System EngineerCSFI Communication Subsystem For InterconnectionCSG Constructive Solid Geometry + Consulting Services Group [Lotus]CSI Code Sequence Identification + Command Sequence Introducer + CompuServe IncorporatedCSID Called Subscriber IdentificationCSL Computer Sensitive LanguageCSLIP Compressed Serial Line Interface Protocol [Internet]CSM Code Set Map (file) + Communications

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Services Manager + Control Strip Module [Macintosh]CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access/with Collision AvoidanceCSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access/with Collision DetectionCSMS Customer Support Management SystemCSN Card-Select NumberCSNET Computer Science NetworkCSO Central Services OrganizationCSP Certified Systems Professional + Chip-Scale Packaging + Commercial Service Provider + Commercial Subroutine Package + CompuCom Speed Protocol [CompuCom] + Communicating Sequential Processes + Cross System Product [IBM]CSPDN Circuit Switched Public Data NetworkCSRAM Custom Static RAMCSS * Continuous System Simulator (Language)CSS Cascading Style Sheet [Microsoft] + Contact Start-Stop + Content Scrambling SystemCSSM Client-Server Systems Management [IBM]CS/SS Card Service/Socket ServiceCSTA Computer-Supported Telephony ApplicationsCSU Channel Service/Switching UnitCSV Circuit-Switched Voice + Comma-Separated Value/Variable + Common Services Verbs (interface) [Microsoft]C2T Cable Changing TechnologyC&T Chips and TechnologiesCTB Cipher Type ByteCTC Channel To Channel + Counter/Timer ChipCTCP Client-To-Client ProtocolCTI Computer-Telephony IntegrationCTL Complex Text LayoutCTOS Cassette Tape Operating System + Computerized Tomography Operating System + Convergent Technologies Operating SystemCTP Community Technology Preview [Microsoft]CTPA Coax-to-Twisted-Pair AdapterCTRCO * Calculating,Tabulating,Recording Company (The name of this company was changed to "International Business Machines" by Thomas J. Watson, Sr.)CTRL ControlCTS Clear To Send + Computer Telephony Solution [IBM] + Customer Telephone SystemCTSS * Compatible Time Sharing SystemCUA Common User Access [IBM]CUB Cursor BackwardCUD Cursor DownCUE Custom Updates and Extras (card) [Egghead Software]CUF Cursor ForwardCUI Character-Oriented User Interface + Common User Interface [IBM]CUP Cursor PositionCUPID Completely Universal Processor I/O

Design [AST].CUR Cursor (file name extension)CUSIP Committee for Uniform Security Identification Procedures [U.S. Treasury]CUT Control Unit TerminalCUTE Clarkston University Terminal EmulatorCUU Cursor UpCVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures [US-CERT]CVF Compressed Volume FileCVGA Color Video Graphics ArrayCVIA Computer Virus Industry Association.CVR Cover Page (file name extension)CVS Computer Vision Syndrome + Concurrent Versions SystemCVT ConvertCVW CodeView for WindowsCWA Competitive Web AnalysisCWD Convert Word to Double Word + Change Working Directory [Internet]CWIS Campus Wide Information Service/System [Internet] + Community Wide Information Service/System [Internet]C2X Character To Hexadecimal [REXX]CXML Commerce Extensible Markup LanguageCYL CylinderCYMK Cyan-Yellow-Magenta-Black (color model)


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D/A Digital to AnalogDAA Data Access Arrangement + Decimal Adjust for AdditionDAB Digital Audio BroadcastingDAC Data Acquisition and Control + Device Access Code + Digital to Analog Converter + Dual Attachment ConcentratorDACL Discretionary Access Control ListDACTLU Deactive Logical UnitDAD Desktop Application Director [Borland]DAE Digital Audio ExtractionDAF Destination Address FieldDAI Distributed Artificial IntelligenceDAL Data Access Language [Apple Computer] + Data Access Layer + Disk Access LockoutDAM Data Acquisition and MonitoringDAMA Demand Assigned Multiple AccessDAMPS Digital AMPSDAO Data Access Object [Microsoft] + Disk At OnceDAP Data/Directory Access Protocol + Developer Assistance Program + Dynamic Application Partitioning [IBM]DAPIE Developers Application Programming Interface ExtensionsDARI Database Application Remote Interface

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[IBM]DARMS Digital Alternate Realization of Musical SymbolsDART Digital Audio Reconstruction TechnologyDAS Decimal Adjust for Subtraction + Dual-Attached StationDASD Direct Access Storage Device [IBM]DAT Digital Audio Tape + Disk Array Technology.DAT Data (file name extension)DATACOM Data CommunicationsDAV Digital Audio-Video + Distributed Authoring and VersioningDAVIC Digital Audio-Visual CouncildB DecibelDB Data Base + Data Buffer + Device BaydBA Adjusted Decibel.dba Date Book Archive (file name extension) [Palm]DBBS Dynamic Bass Boot SystemDBC Device Bay ControllerDBCS Delivery Bar Code Sorter + Double-Byte Character Set.DBF Database Format (file name extension)DBIS Dun & Bradstreet Information Services.DBK Docbook (format) (file name extension)dBm Decibels to a MilliwattDBM Data Base ManagerDBMS Data Base Management SystemDBR DOS Boot RecordDBS Data Base Server + Direct (to home) Broadcast (satellite) SystemDBV Digital Broadcast VideoDBWR Database Writer [Oracle]DB2 Database 2DC Data Collection + Data Communication + Data Control + Device Control + Direct CurrentD2C Decimal To Character [REXX]DCA Digital Communications Associates + Document Content Architecture [IBM]DCAF Distributed Console Access Facility [IBM]DCAM Digital Camera + Direct Chip Attach ModuleDCB Device Control Block + Disk Coprocessor Board [Novell]DCC Data Country Code + Digital Command Control + Digital Compact Cassette + Direct Cable/Client Connection + Display Combination CodeDCD Data Carrier DetectDCE Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment + Data Communications Equipment + Distributed Computing Environment [OSF] + Distributed Computing EquipmentDCED Distributed Computing Environment DaemonDCF Data Communication Facility [IBM] + Data Compression Facility + Data Count Field [IBM] + Design Rule for Camera File Systems + Driver Configuration File [Lotus]D-CHANNEL Data ChannelDCI Digital Camera Images + Display

Control InterfaceDCIM Duscrete Complex Image MethodDCL Data Control Language + Declaration + DEC Command Language [DEC] + Device Clear + Digital Control Logic + Digital Command Language [Digital]DCML Dynamic Configuration Markup LanguageDCOM Distributed Component Object ModelDCP Device Control Protocol + Digital Light Processing [TI]DCS Data Collection System + Data Control System + Desktop Color Separation + Distributed Control SystemDCT Discrete Cosine Transform.DCT Dictionary (file name extension)DCU Data-Cache UnitDD Day + Digital Display + Double DensityDDA Distributed Data Access + Domain-Defined AttributeDDB Device Dependent Bitmap + Device Descriptor BlockDDC Digital Data Channel [VESA] + Display Data ChannelDDCMP Digital Data Communications Message Protocol [DEC]DDC1 Display Data Channel OneDDCS Distributed Database Connection Services [IBM]DDD Direct Distance DialingDDE Direct Data Entry + Dynamic Data Exchange [Microsoft]DDEML Dynamic Data Exchange Manager Library [Microsoft]DDF Display Data Channel + Dynamic Data Formatting [IBM]DDI Device Driver Interface + Digital Document Interchange + Direct Dial InDDK Device Driver Kit [Microsoft Windows]DDL Data Definition Language + Data Description LanguageDDM Distributed Data ManagementDDN Defense Data NetworkDDNS Dynamic Domain Naming SystemDDOS Distributed Denial Of ServiceDDP Datagram Delivery Protocol + Distributed Data ProcessingDDR Dynamic Document Review [Symantec]DDR-SDRAM Double Data Rate-SDRAMDDS Data Description Specification + Digital Dataphone Service [AT&T] + Design Data Sheet + Digital Data Storage + Direct Digital Synthesis + Distributed Database ServicesDDX Digital Data ExchangeDE Device EndDEA Data Encryption Algorithm + Disposable Email AddressDEC Decrement + Device Clear + Digital Equipment CorporationDECNET Digital Equipment Corporation Networking (protocol)DEF Desktop Functional Equivalent [Compaq].DEF Definitions + Defaults (file name extensions)

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DEFRAG DefragmentDEK Data Encryption KeyDEL DeleteDELSTR Delete String [REXX].DEM Demonstration (file name extension)DEN Directory Enabled Network + Document Enabled Networking [Novell-Xerox]DEP Data Execution Protection [Microsoft]DER Distinguished Encoding RulesDES Data Encryption Standard + Data Entry Sheet.DES Description (file name extension)DET Device Execute TriggerDEV DeviceDF Data Field + Default + Destination Field + Device Flag + Double FlagDFC Data Flow ControlDFD Data Flow DiagramDFDR Digital Flight Data RecorderDFM Design For Manufacturability [IBM]DFP Digital Flat PanelDFS Distributed File SystemDFSMS Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem [IBM]DFT Design For Testability + Diagnostic Function Test + Discrete Fourier Transform + Distributed Function TerminalDFU Data File UtilityDGIS Direct Graphics Interface StandardDHCP Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDHL Dynamic Head Loading.DHP Dr. Halo PIC (file name extension)DHTML Dynamic HTMLDI Data In + Destination IndexDIA Document Interchange Architecture [IBM]DIAD Delivery Information Acquisition Device [UPS]DIB Device Independent Bitmap + Directory Information Base + Dual Independent Bus [Intel]DIBOL DEC Business Oriented Language.DIC Dictionary (file name extension)DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in MedicineDID Direct Inward DialingDIDS Distributed Intrusion Detection SystemDIF Data Interchange FormatDIFFSENS Differential SenseDIIP Direct Interrupt Identification PortDILA Direct-Drive Image Light AmplifierDIME Direct Internet Message EncapsulationDIMM Dual In-Line Memory ModuleDIN Deutsche Industrie Norm (German equivalent of EIA)DIO Data Input-OutputDIP Dialup Internet Protocol [Internet] + Digital Imaging Processing + Dual In-line Package + Dual In-line PinDIR Directory (file)DIS Distributed Interactive Simulation + Draft International Standard + Dynamic Impedance Stabilization [CompuCom]DISA Data Interchange Standards

Association + Direct Inward System AccessDISP Displacement (offset)DIST Digital Image Scaling TechnologyDIT Directory Information TreeDIV DivideDIVE Direct Interface Video Extension [OS/2 Warp]DIVX Digital Video ExpressDIW D-Inside Wire [AT&T]DIX Digital-Intel-Xerox (Original Ethernet Standard).DIZ Description In Zip (file name extension)DL Download (also D/L)DL/1 Data Manipulation Language 1 [IBM]DLB Dynamic Load BalancingDLC Data Link Control (protocol) [IBM] + Distributed Loop CarrierDLCI Data Link Connection IdentifierDLD Display List DriverDLE Data Link EscapeDLL Dynamic Link LibraryDLM Distributed Lock Manager + Dynamic Link ModuleDLP Digital Light ProcessingDLPI Data Link Provider InterfaceDLR DOS LAN RequesterDLS Data Link Switching [IBM] + Downloadable SoundsDLT Digital Linear TapeDM Distributed MemoryDMA Direct Memory Access/Addressing + Document Management AllianceDMAC DMA ControllerDMACS Distributed Manufacturing Automation & Control SoftwareDMD Digital Micromirror Device [TI]DME Direct Memory Execution + Distributed Management EnvironmentDMF Distribution Media Format [Microsoft]DMI Desktop Management InterfaceDML Data Manipulation Language + Dialog Markup Language [W3C]DMM Digital MultimeterDMMS Dynamic Memory Management SystemDMOS Double-diffused Metal-Oxide SemiconductorDMP Dot Matrix PrinterDMPC Distributed Memory Parallel ComputerDMPP Distributed Memory Parallel ProcessorDMQS Display Mode Query and Set [IBM]DMS Data Management Software + Data/Document Management SystemDMSD Digital Multistandard DecodingDMSDK Digital Media Software Development Kit [SGI]DMSS Distributed Mass Storage SystemDMT Digital/Discrete Multi-ToneDMTF Desktop Management Task ForceDMY Day Month YearDMZ Demilitarized ZoneDN DownDNA Deoxyribonucleic AcidDNC Direct Numerical ControlDNIC Data Network Identification CodeDNIE Digital Natural Image EngineDNIS Dialed Number Identification ServiceDNS Domain Naming System

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DO Data Out + Distributed ObjectsDOA Dead On Arrival.DOC Document + Documentation (file name extensions)DOCSIS Data Over Cable-Service Interface SpecificationDOCSV Data Over Circuit-Switched VoiceDOE Distributed Objects Environment/EverywhereDOIP Dial Other Internet Providers [IBM]DO-IT Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking and TechnologyDOLAP Desktop OLAPDOM Document Object Model [W3C]DOMF Distributed Object Management FacilityDOS Denial Of Service + Disk Operating SystemDOSEM DOS Emulation.DOT Document Template (file name extension)DOV Data Over VoiceDOW Day Of WeekDP Data Processing + Dot PitchDPA Demand Protocol Architecture [3Com] + Document Printing ArchitectureDPAM Demand Priority Access MethodDPAREN Data Parity Enable [IBM]DPB Drive Parameter BlockDPC Direct Program ControlDPI Distributed Protocol Interface + Dots Per InchDPL Dedicated Public License + Descriptor Privilege LevelDPM Digital Panel MeterDPMA Data Processing Management AssociationDPMI DOS Protected Mode Interface [Microsoft]DPMS Digital Power Management Signaling + Display Power Management SupportDPO Data Phase OptimizationDPOF Digital Print Order FormatDPS Document Processing SystemDPSK Differential Phase Shift KeyingDPtoTP Display Coordinates to Tablet Coordinates (converting)DQDB Distributed Queue Dual BusDQL Data Query LanguageDR Data ReceivedD/R Direct or ReverseDRAM Dynamic Random Access MemoryDRAW Direct Read After WriteDR.BOND Dial-up Router Bandwidth On Demand [NEC]DRCMF Digital Reality Creation Multi Function [Sony]DRDA Distributed Relational Database Algorithm/Architecture [IBM]DR-DOS Digital Research-Disk Operating SystemDRDW Direct Read During WriteDRE Direct Recording Electronic (voting systems)DRI Declarative Referential Integrity + Digital Research IncorporatedDRM Digital Rights/Distributed Resource Management

DRO Data Request Output + Destructive Read-OutDRS Document Registration System.DRS Driver Resource (file name extension) [WordPerfect]DRV Drive.DRV Device Driver (file name extension) (Also see .DVR).DRW Draw + Drawing (file name extensions)DS Data Segment + Data Send + Data Server + Double SidedD/S Dhrystone Per SecondDS3 Digital Signal Level 3DSA Digital Signature Algorithm + Directory System AgentDSAP Destination Service Access PointDSD Direct Stream Digital [Sony-Philips]DSDD Double Sided, Double Density (diskette)DSE Data Storage EquipmentDSEA Display Station Emulation AdapterDSECT Dummy Control SectionDSHD Double Sided, High Density (diskette)DSIG Digital SignatureDSIS Distributed Support Information StandardDSL Digital Subscriber Line ADSL Asymmetric DSL BDSL Broadband DSL CDSL Consumer DSL [Rockwell] FDSL Fixed Directory Subscriber List HDSL High-Bit-Rate DSL + High-Data-Rate DSL IDSL Integrated Services Digital Network DSL RDSL Rate-Adaptive DSL SDSL Single-Line DSL + Symmetric DSL VDSL Very-High-Bit-Rate DSL VADSL Very-High-Rate Asymmetric DSL VDSL Very-High-Data-Rate DSLDSL Domain Specific Language + Dynamic Simulation LanguageDSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access MultiplexerD-SLR Digital Single Lens Reflex (camera)DSM Distributed Shared Memory + Domain-Specific ModelingDSMA Digital Sense Multiple AccessDSML Directory Services Markup LanguageDSN Data Source Name + Delivery Service NotificationDSO Dynamic Shared ObjectDSOM Distributed System Object ModelDSP Delivery Service Partner + Digital Signal Processing/Processor + Digital Sound Processor + Directory Synchronization Protocol [Lotus]DSPT Display Station Pass-Thru [IBM]DSQD Double Sided, Quad Density (diskette)DSR Data Set Ready + Device Status Register + Device Status ReportDSS Decision Support System + Digital Signature Standard + Digital Spread Spectrum + Direct Station Selector

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DSSA Domain Specific Software Architecture DSSI Digital Standard Systems Interconnect [DEC]DSSS Direct-Sequencing Spread SpectrumDSSSL Document Style Semantics and Specifications LanguageDSTN Double Supertwisted NematicDSU Data Service/Switching Unit + Digital Service UnitDSVD Digital Simultaneous Voice and DataDSW Data Status Word + Device Status WordDSX Digital Signals Cross-ConnectD2T2 Dye Diffusion Thermal Transfer (printing)DTA Digital Terminal Adapter + Disk Transfer Area.DTA Data (file name extension)DTC Desktop ConferencingDTCP Digital Transmission Copy Protection [Hitachi, Intel, Panasonic, Sony, Toshiba]DTD Document Type DefinitionDTE Data Terminal Equipment + Dumb Terminal EmulatorDTF Distributed Test FacilityDTL Dialogue Tag Language [IBM] + Diode-Transistor LogicDTM Digital Terrain MappingDTMF Data Tone Multiple Frequency + Dual Tone MultifrequencyDTP Desktop Publishing + Distributed Transaction ProcessDTR Data Terminal Ready + Data Transfer RateDTS Digital Theatre Systems + Digital Transceiving System Distributed Traffic Shaping [Cisco]DTSS Dartmouth Time Sharing SystemDTV Desktop Video + Digital TelevisionDTVC Desktop Video ConferencingDU Disk UsageDUA Directory User AgentDUAT Direct User Access TerminalDUN Dial-Up Networking [Microsoft]DUNCE Dial Up Network Connection EnhancementDV Digital Video.DV DESQview Script (file name extension)DVC Desktop Video Conferencing + Digital Video Camera + Digital Video Cassette + Dual Voice CoilDVD Digital Video DiskDVD-A Digital Video Disk-AudioDVD-AR Digital Video Disk-Audio RecordingDVD-R Digital Video Disk-RecordableDVD-RAM Digital Versatile Disc-RAMDVD-ROM Digital Versatile Disc-ROMDVD-SR Digital Video Disk-Stream RecordingDVD-VR Digital Video Disk-Video RecordingDVE Digital Video EffectDVI Digital Video Interactive + Digital Visual Interface.DVI Device Independent (file name extension)DVM Digital Video Manager + Digital Volt MeterDVMRP Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol [Internet]DVOF Digital Video Over Fiber

DVR Digital Video/Voice Recorder.DVR Device Driver (file name extension) (Also see .DRV)DW Data WarehousingDWDM Dense Wavelength Division MultiplexerDWG DrawingDWMT Discrete Wavelet MultitoneDWT Discrete Wavelet TransformD2X Decimal To Hexadecimal [REXX].DXB Drawing Interchange Binary (file name extension) [AutoCAD]DXC Data Exchange ControlDXF Data Exchange File + Drawing Exchange FormatDXI Data Exchange InterfaceDYNSLT Dynamic Select [IBM]DYNSRC Dynamic Source


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EA Effective Address + Extended Attribute [OS/2]EAI Enterprise Application IntegrationEAP Extensible Authentification ProtocolEAR Enterprise Archive + External Access RegisterEARN European Academic Research NetworkEAROM Electrically Alterable Read Only MemoryEARS Electronic Access to Reference Services + Electronic Authoring and Routing System [DEC] + Explicit Archive and Retrieval System [Langley Research]EATA Enhanced AT Bus AttachmentEAX Environmental Audio Extensions [Creative]EB Exabyte (1,024 petabytes) (One Billion Billion characters of information)EBASIC Extended BASICEBC EISA Bus ControllerEBCT Electron Beam Computed TomographyEBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code [IBM]EBI Equivalent Background Input + Extended Background InvestigationEBNF Extended Backus-Naur FormEBOOK Electronic BookEBPP Electric Bill Presentment and PaymentEBR Extended Boot RecordEBS Event-Based SamplingEBT Electronic Benefits TransferEBXM Electronic Business XMLEC Electronic Commerce + Error ControlECAL Enjoy Computing And LearnECAT Electronic Card Assembly and Test [IBM]ECB Electronic Codebook + Event Control BlockECC Elliptic Curve Crypto + Error Check Code + Error Checking and Correction + Error

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Correction CodeECD Enhanced Color Display + Enhanced Compact DiskECDL European Computer Driving LicenceECHO European Commission Host Organization [Internet]ECI External Call InterfaceECL Emitter Coupled LogicECM Electronic Control ModuleECMA European Computer Manufacturers AssociationECN Electronic Communications NetworkECNE Enterprise Certified NetWare Engineer [Novell]ECP Enhanced/Extended Capabilities Port [Microsoft]ECS Enhanced Chip SetECTL Electronic Communal Temporal LobeECU EISA Configuration UtilityED Erase DisplayEDA Electronic Design Automation + Embedded Document Architecture [Go Corporation]EDB Embedded DatabaseEDC Electronic Digital Computer + Enhanced Data Correction + Error Detection and CorrectionEDDC Extended Distance Data CableEDE Encrypt-Decrypt-EncryptEDG Electronic Program GuideEDGAR Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and RetrievalEDGE Enhanced Data-Rates for Global EvolutionEDI Electronic Data Interchange + Electronic Document Interchange [DEC]EDIF Electronic Design Interchange FormatEDIFACT EDI for Administration Commerce and TransportEDL Edit Decision ListEDLC Ethernet Data Link ControlEDLIN Editor (Line Text)EDMS Electronic Document Management SystemEDO Extended Data OutEDOS Enhanced DOS for WindowsEDP Electronic Data ProcessingEDPM Electronic Data Processing MachineEDR Enhanced Data RateEDRAM Enhanced/Eraseable/Extended Dynamic Random Access MemoryEDS Electronic Data Systems (corporation)EDSAC * Electronic Delay Storage Automatic CalculatorEDTV Enhanced Definition Television.EDU Educational Institutions (Domain Name) [Internet]EDVAC * Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (First stored-program digital computer)EE Extended Edition [IBM]EEC Extended Error CorrectionEEDID Enhanced-Extended Display Identification DataEEG ElectroencephalogramEEL Epsilon Extension LanguageEEM Extended Memory ManagementEEMAC Electrical & Electronic Manufacturers of CanadaEEMS Enhanced Expanded Memory

SpecificationEEPI Electronic Entertainment Policy InitiativeEEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only MemoryEES Escrow Encryption StandardEFA Extended File AttributeEFF Electronic Frontier FoundationEFI Electromechanical Frequency Interference + Electronics For Imaging + Extensible Firmware InterfaceEFIGS English, French, Italian, German, SpanishEFL Emitter Follower LogicE-FORM Electronic FormEFS Encrypting File SystemEFTS Electronic Funds Transfer SystemEGA Enhanced Graphics AdapterEGP Exterior Gateway ProtocolEGREP Extended Global Regular Expression Print [Unix]EHCI Enhanced Host Controller InterfaceEHLLAPI Emulator High Level Language Application Programming Interface [IBM]EIA Electronic Industries AssociationEICAS Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting SystemEIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive ElectronicsEIM Electronic Image ManagementEIS Enterprise/Executive Information SystemEISA Extended Industry Standard ArchitectureEJB Enterprise JavaBeansEL Electroluminescent (display) + Erase LineELAN Emulated Local Area NetworkELC Embedded Linking and ControlELD Electronic License DistributionELEC Enterprise Local Exchange CarrierELF Executable and Linking Format + Extremely Low FrequencyELOS Embedded-Objects Linked Across SystemsELPH Entr Level PowerShot [Canon]ELS Entry Level SystemEM Electronic Mail + Emphasized + End of Medium + Expanded MemoryEMA Electronic Mail Association + Enterprise Management/Memory ArchitectureEMACS Editing Macros [Unix]E-MAIL Electronic MailEMB Extended Memory Block [LIM/AST]EMBARC Electronic Mail Broadcast to a Roaming Computer [Motorola]EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility + Enhanced Memory Chip + E-Mail Connection + Extended Math CoprocessorEMCC * Eckert-Mauchly Computer Company (World's first computer company, founded by Presper Eckart and John Mauchly, who invented and built the first UNIVAC)

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EMF Extended Metafile Format [Microsoft]EMI Electromagnetic Interference.EML Electronic Mail (file name extension)EMM Expanded Memory ManagerEMP Electro-Magnetic PulseEMR Electro-Magnetic Radiation + Enhanced Metafile RecordEMS Electronic Mail System + Electronic Message Service + Energy Management System + Enhanced Messaging Service + Expanded Memory Specification [LIM]EMSAPI Extended Messaging Services Application Programming InterfaceEMWAC European Microsoft Windows NT Academic Centre.ENC Encoded (file name extension)ENDEC Encoder/DecoderENDS Ends SegmentENIAC * Electronic Numerical Integrator Analyzer and Computer (First fully electronic digital computer)ENQ EnquiryENSS Exterior Nodal Switching Subsystem [Internet]EOA End Of AddressEOB End Of BlockEOC End Of ConversionEOF End Of File + Enterprise Objects Framework [Next Computer]EOI End Of Interrupt + End Or IdentifyEOJ End Of JobEOL End Of Line + End Of ListEOM End Of MessageEOR Exclusive OR (Also XOR)EOS Earth Observing System [NASA] + Electro-Optical System [Canon] + End Of String + Error Correction Code on SIMMEOSDIS Earth Observing System Data and Information System [NASA]EOT Embedded Open Type (format) [Microsoft] + End Of Table + End Of Tape (marker) + End Of Text + End Of TransmissionEP Electrophotographic EngineEPC Electronic Product CodeEPIC Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing (chip) [Intel]EPG Electronic Program GuideEPL Effective Privilege LevelEPLD Electrically Programmable Logic DeviceEPM Enhanced Editor for Presentation Manager [IBM] + Enterprise Process Management [IBM]EPP Enhanced Parallel PortEPROCESS Executive ProcessEPROM Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory + Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.EPS Encapsulated PostScript (file name extension)EPSF Encapsulated PostScript FilesERA Extended Registry Attributes

ERAS Electronic Routing and Approval System [Hughes Aircraft]ERD Emergency Repair Disk + Entity Relationship DiagramERIC Educational Resources Information Center [Internet]ERLL Enhanced Run Length LimitedERMA * Electronic Recording Method, Accounting [General Electric]EROM Erasable Read Only MemoryEROS Earth Resources Observation System [U.S. Geological Survey]ERP Effective Radiated Power + Enterprise Resource PlanningERR ErrorER/RC Extended Result/Response CodeERU Emergency Recovery Utility [Microsoft]ES Extra SegmentESA Enterprise Systems Architecture [IBM] + European Space AgencyESB Enterprise Service BusESC EISA System Component + EscapeESCD Extended System Configuration DataESCM Extended Services Communications Manager [IBM]ESCO Extemded Synchronous ConnectionsESCON Enterprise System Connection (Architecture) [IBM]ESC/P Epson Standard Code for PrintersESD Electronic Software Distribution + Electrostatic Discharge + Emergency Startup DiskESDI Enhanced Small/System Device InterfaceESDRAM Enhanced SDRAMESF Extended SuperframeESI End System Identifier + Enhanced Serial Interface (specification) [Hayes]ESMR Enhanced Specialized Mobile RadioESMTP Extended Simple Mail Transfer ProtocolESN Electronic Security/Serial NumberESP Emulation Sensing Processor + Encapsulating Security Payload (header) + Enhanced Serial Port [Hayes] + Enhanced Service Provider + Enterprise System Platcorm + Estimated Selling Price + Eudora Sharing Protocol [Qualcomm]ESR Event Service RoutineESS Electronic Switching SystemESSENCE Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-Based Epidemics [Johns Hopkins University]ESSID Extended Service Set IdentifierESU Electro-Static UnitET Enhancement TechnologyETACS Extended Total Access Communication System [IBM]ETANN Electrically Trainable Analog Neural Network (chip) [Intel]ETB End of Transmission BlockETC Electronic Toll Collection + Enhanced Throughput Cellular (modem

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protocol) [AT&T]E-TEXT Electronic TextETF Enriched Text FormatETOM Electron-Trapping Optical MemoryETPL Endorsed Tempest Products ListETS Econometric Time SeriesETX End Of TextEU Execution Unit.EU European Union (Domain Name) [Internet]EUC End-User Computing + Extended Unix Code [IBM]EUDC End-User Defined CharacterEUDORA (Named after author of story: "Why I Live at the P.O.", Ms. Eudora Welty)EUI End-User InterfaceEULA End-User License AgreementEUVL Extreme Ultraviolet LithographyEVDO Evolution Data Only/OptimizedEVE Extensible VAX EditorEVGA Extended Video Graphics Array + Extended Video Graphics AdapterEWAN Emulator Without A Good Name [Internet]EWS Employee Written Software [IBM]EWTS Enterprise Web Training SystemEXCA Exchangeable Card Architecture [Intel].EXE Executable (file name extension)EXE2BIN Program used to convert an (.EXE) file to binary format (.COM) fileEXIF Exchangeable Image File FormatEXM Enterprise Messaging Exchange [Lotus]EXP ExponentEXT ExternalEXTRN External ReferenceE-ZINE Electronic Magazine


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FAB Computer-Chip Fabrication PlantFAC File Access CodeFAMOS Floating Gate Avalanche MOSFANS Future Air Navigation SystemFAP File Access ProtocolFAPI Family Application Program InterfaceFAQ Frequently Asked QuestionFARNET Federation of American Research Networks [Internet]FASIC Function and Algorithm-Specific Integrated CircuitFAT File Allocation TableFAX Facsimile.FAX Fax (file name extension)FBC Find By ContentFC/AL Fiber Channel/Arbitrated LoopFCB File Control BlockFCC Federal Communications CommissionFCC: File Carbon CopyFCCSET Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and TechnologyFC/EL Fiber Channel/Enhanced LoopFCI Flux Changes per Inch

FCL Fibre Channel LoopFCPGA Flip Chip Pin Grid Array [Intel]FCR FIFO Control RegisterFCRAM Fast-Cycle RAMFCS Fiber Channel Standard + Frame Check SequenceFD Floppy Disk + Floppy Drive + Full DuplexFDC Floppy Disk ControllerFDDI Fiber Digital Device Interface + Fiber Distributed Data InterfaceFDHD Floppy Drive High DensityFDIR Fault Detection, Isolation and RecoveryFDISK Fixed DiskFDM Frequency Division MultiplexingFDMA Frequency Division Multiple AccessFDSL (See DSL)FDX Full DuplexFEC Forward Error CorrectionFECN Forward Explicit Congestion NotificationFED Field Emission/Emitter DisplayFEFO First-Ended, First-OutFEP Front End ProcessorFEPI Front End Programming InterfaceFEPROM Flash EPROMFERAM Ferroelectric RAMFESDK Far East Software Development Kit [Microsoft]FET Field Effect TransistorFF Flip-Flop + Form FeedFFD Full Funtion DeviceFFDC First Failure Data Capture [IBM]FFS Fast File SystemFFST First Failure Support Technology [IBM]FFT Fast Fourier Transform + Final Form Text [IBM]FG Floating GateFGREP Fixed Global Regular Expression Print [Unix]FHS Fan Heat-SinkFHSS Frequency-Hopping Spread SpectrumFIA File Integrity AssessmentFIB Forwarding Information BaseFIF Fractal Image FormatFIFO First-In, First-OutFILO First-In, Last-OutFINDSTR Find StringsFIOS (FiOS) Fiber Optic Services [Verizon]FIP File Processor BufferingFIPS Federal Information Processing StandardFIR Fast Infrared + Finite Impulse Response.FIRM Business or Firm (Domain Name) [Internet]FIRST Forum of Incident Response and Security TeamsFITS Flexible Image Transport SystemFIU Fingerprint Identification Unit [Sony]FIX Federal Internet ExchangeFK Foreign KeyFLA Four Letter AcronymFLC Ferro-electric Liquid CrystalFLD FieldFLIR Forward Looking Infrared (system)FLL FoxPro Link Library [Microsoft Fox

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Pro]FLOPS Floating Point Operations Per Second.FLR Folder (file name extension)FLV Flash VideoFM Frequency ModulationFMD Fluorescent Multilayer DiskFMRI Functional Magnetic Resonance ImagingFMS Forms Management SystemFMT FormatFMV Full Motion VideoFNT FontFOCUS Forum of Control Data UsersFOD Fax On DemandFOG First Osborne GroupFOIP Fax Over Internet ProtocolFOIRL Fiber Optic Inter Repeater Link [IEEE]FOLDOC Free On-Line Dictionary Of ComputingFOM Fiber Optics Modem.FON Font + Phone + Phone Directory (all file name extensions).FOR Fortran source code (file name extension)FORTH (Programming Language)(See HLL)FORTRAN Formula Translator (Programming Language)(See HLL)FOSE Federal Office Systems ExpositionFOSI Format Option Specification InstanceFOSSIL Fido/Opus/Seadog Standard Interface LayerFPC Flexible Printed Circuit + Floating Point CalculationFPCE Floating-Point C Extension (specification)FPGA Field Programmable Gate-ArrayFPLA Field Programmable Logic-ArrayFPM Fast Page ModeFPP Fixed Path Protocol + Floating Point ProcessorFPR Floating-Point RegisterFPS Favorite Picture Selection + Frames Per SecondFPT Forced Perfect TerminationFPU Floating Point UnitFPX FlashPix (format) [Kodak]FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name [Internet]FRAD Frame Relay Access Device + Frame Relay Assembler/DisassemblerFRAG Fragment + FragmentationFRAM Ferroelectric Random-Access MemoryFRC Functional Redundancy CheckingFRED Frame Editor + Front-End to DishFRMR Frame RejectFRPI Flux Reversals Per InchFRS Family Radio Service.FRS WordPerfect Graphics Driver (file name extension)FS File SeparatorFSB Front Side BusFSD File System Driver [OS/2]FSE Full Screen EditorFSF Free Software Foundation [Internet]FSK Frequency Shift KeyingFSN Full Service NetworkFSO Free Space OpticsFSP File Service ProtocolFSR Free System ResourcesFST Flat Square Tube (monitor)

F/T Full TimeFTAM File Transfer, Access and Management + File Transfer and Access MethodFTL Flash Transition Layer [Intel]FTM Flat Tension Mask [Zenith]FTP File Transfer Protocol [Internet]FTPD File Transfer Protocol DaemonFTTB Fiber To The BasementFTTC Fiber To The CurbFTTN Fiber To The NeighborhoodFTS Federal Telecommunication SystemFTX Fault Tolerant UnixFUI File Update InformationFUNC FunctionFUS Fast User SwitchingFUSE Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer [JHUAPL]FVT Full Video TranslationFWTK Firewall ToolkitFXP File Exchange ProtocolFYI For Your Information


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GA General AvailabilityGAAP Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesGAC Global Assembly CacheGAL Generic Array LogicGAMS General Algebraic Mathematical SystemGAPI Gateway Application Programming InterfaceGART Graphics Address Relocation TableGATT Graphics Address Translation TableGAWD Global Access Wireless DatabaseGb Gigabit (1,024 megabits) + (One Billion Bits of Information)GB Gigabyte (1,024 megabytes) + (One Billion Characters of Information)GCC GNU C-Compiler [Unix]GCCD Glass-Passivated Ceramic Chip DiodeGCR Group Code RecordingGDA Global Data Area + GNOME Data AccessGDB GNU DebuggerGDDM Graphics Data Display ManagerGDG Generation Data Group [IBM]GDI Graphical Device InterfaceGDLC Generic Data Link Control [IBM]GDP Graphic Draw PrimitiveGDR Gas Discharge ArrestorGDT Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing + Global Descriptor Table + Graphics Development ToolkitGECOS General Electric Comprehensive Operating SystemGEIS General Electric Information Service (company)GEM Graphics Environment Manager (DRI Program)GENIE General Electric Network for Information ExchangeGEO Geostationary Earth Orbit

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GEOS Global Entity Ordering System +GEOS Graphic Environment Operating System [Geoworks]GET Get Execute TriggerGFDL GNU Free Documentation LicenseGFI General Format Identifier + Ground-Fault InterceptorGGP Gateway-Gateway Protocol [Internet]GHZ Gigahertz.GID Topics (file name extension) [Microsoft].GIF Graphics Interchange Format (file name extension)GIG-E Gigabit EthernetGIGO Garbage In, Garbage OutGII Global Information InfrastructureGILS Government Information Locator ServiceGIMP GNU Image Manipulation ProgramGIMPS Great Internet Mersenne Prime SearchGINA Graphical Identification and AuthenticationGIS Geographic Information System + Global Information Solutions [AT&T]GIX Global Internet Exchange [Internet]GKS Graphical Kernel SystemGL Graphics LanguageG/L General LedgerGLIS Global Land Information System [US Geological Survey]GLL Geograpic Position-Latitude/LongitudeGLM General Linear ModelsGLOBE Global Learning by Observations to Benefit the Environment [Internet].GLY Glossary (file name extension) [Microsoft Word]GMDI Gigabit Media-Dependent InterfaceGML Generalized Markup LanguageGMP Global Mobile ProfessionalGMR Giant Magneto-Resistive (read head technology)GMRS General Mobile Radio ServiceGMS Global Management System + Global Messaging Service [Novell]GMT Greenwich Mean TimeGND Ground (signal/system)GNN Global Network NavigatorGNU Gnu's Not Unix (operating system)GNOME GNU Network Object Model EnvironmentGOAD GNOME Object Activation DirectoryGOS Grade Of ServiceGOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile.GOV Governmental (Domain Name) [Internet]GP Gas Plasma + General PurposeGPF General Protection FaultGPI Graphics Programming InterfaceGPIB General Purpose Information/Interface BusGPIO General Purpose Input/OutputGPL General Public LicenseGPR General Purpose Register [IBM]GPRC Glass Passivated Rectifier ChipGPRS General Packet Radio ServiceGPS Global Positioning Satellite/System + Global Product SpecificationGPSS * General Purpose Systems Simulator (language)GPU Graphics Processing Unit

GRADD Graphics Adapter Device Driver [IBM]GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation + Graphics EngineGREP Global Regular Expression Print.GRF Graph (file name extension).GRP Group (file name extension)GS Group SeparatorGSI General Server InterfaceGSM Global Shared Memory + Global System for Mobile-Communications (network)GSNW Gateway Service for NetWare [Microsoft]GSP Generic Server Passer + Global Service ProviderGSR Gigabit Switch RouterGSTN General Switched Telephone NetworkGTE General Telephone Electronics (corporation)GTF Generalized Timing FormatGTL Graphic Template Library + Gunning Transceiver LogicGTO Guide To Operations [IBM]GTP * Geometry Theorem ProverGTS Generic Traffic Shaping [Cisco]GUI Graphical User InterfaceGUID Globally Unique Identifier + Global Universal IdentifierGVT Global Virtual TimeGW-BASIC Gee Whiz BASICGWES Graphic, Windowing and Event Subsystem.gz Compressed file (compressed filename extension - using GNU gzip compression/decompression program) [Unix]GZIP GNU Zip


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.H Header (file name extension) [C]HACMP High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing [IBM]HAL Hard Array Logic + Hardware Abstraction Layer + House-Programmed Array LogicHAL * Heuristically Programmed Algorithmic (computer) [from 1968 movie "2001: A Space Odyssey"]HAP Host Access ProtocolHARP-MRI Harmonic Phase MRIHASP Houston Automatic Spooling Priority (System)HBA Host Bus AdapterHCL Hardware Compatibility ListHCSS High Capacity Storage SystemHCT Hardware Compatibility TestHCU Home Computer UserHD Hard Disk + High DensityHDA Head Disk AssemblyHDC High Dependability Computing [Carnegie Mellon]HDCD High Definition Compatible DigitalHDCP High-Bandwidth Digital Content

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Protection + High Definition Copy ProtectionHDD Hard Disk DriveHDF Hierarchical Data Format [NCSA]HDI Head to Disk InterferenceHDL Hardware Description LanguageHDLC High-Level Data Link ControlHDM Hardware Device ModuleHDMI High-Definition Multimedia InterfaceHDML Handheld Device Markup LanguageHDR Header + High Data Rate + High Dynamic Range (photography).HDR Header Data (file name extension)HDSC High Density Signal Carrier [DEC]HDSL (See DSL)HDSS Holographic Data Storage SystemHDT Host Digital TerminalHDTV High Definition TelevisionHDVD High Definition Volumetric DisplayHDW HardwareHDX Half DuplexHEOS High Earth Orbiting SatelliteHERC HerculesHEX HexadecimalHFC Hybrid Fiber-CoaxialHFS Hierarchical File System [Macintosh]HFT High Function Terminal [IBM]HGA Hercules Graphics AdapterHGCP Hercules Graphics Card PlusHGP Human Genome ProjectHH HourHID Human Interface DeviceHIDS Host-Based Intrusion Detection SystemHIF Hyper-G Interchange FormatHIFD High-Density Floppy DiskHIL Human Interface Link [HP]HIMEM High MemoryHIPPI High Performance Parallel InterfaceHLA High Level ArchitectureHLCO High Low Close OpenHLL High Level LanguageHLLAPI High Level Language Application Programming Interface.HLP Help (file name extension)HLQ High Level QualifierHLS Hue, Luminance, Saturation (color model)HLT HaltHMA High Memory Area [Microsoft] + Hub Management ArchitectureHMD Head Mounted DisplayHMI Human-Machine InterfaceHMM Hidden Markov ModelHMMP Hyper-Media Management ProtocolHMOS High Density Metal Oxide Semiconductor + High Speed Metal Oxide SemiconductorHMP Host Monitoring ProtocolHOL High Order LogicHOLAP Hybrid OLAPHOTT Hot Off The Tree (electronic newsletter)HOV High Occupancy VehicleHP Hewlett-Packard (Company)HPC Handheld Personal ComputerHPCC High Performance Computing and CommunicationsHPDJ Hewlett-Packard Desk JetHPFS High-Performance File SystemHPG Hewlett-Packard Graphics

HPGL Hewlett-Packard Graphics LanguageHPIB Hewlett-Packard Interface BusHPLJ Hewlett-Packard Laser JetHPNA Home Phoneline Networking AllianceHPOM Home Page Objects Model [Microsoft]HPPA Hewlett-Packard Precision ArchitectureHPPI High Performance Parallel InterfaceHPR High Performance Routing [IBM]HPSB High Performance Serial BusHPTL High Performance Technical ComputingHPUX Hewlett-Packard UnixHPW High Performance Workstation [Sun].HQX BinHex (file name extension) [Macintosh]HRIS Human Resource Information SystemHRG High Resolution GraphicsHRMS Human Resource Management SystemHRTF Head Related Transfer FunctionHS High SpeedHSB Hue, Saturation, Brightness (color model)HSC Hierarchical Storage Controller + High Speed ChannelHSDPA High Speed Download Packet AccessHSI Hue, Saturation, IntensityHSM Hierarchical Storage ManagementHSP High Speed Printer/ProcessorHSSI High Speed Serial InterfaceHST High Speed Technology [U.S. Robotics].HST History + Host (file name extensions)HSV Hue Saturation ValueHTL Human In The LoopHTML HyperText Markup LanguageHTTP HyperText Transfer ProtocolHTTP-NG HTTP Next GenerationHTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol SecureHUD Heads Up DisplayHUT Hopkins Ultraviolet TelescopeH/V Horizontal/VerticalHVD Holographic Versatile DiscHVP Horizontal & Vertical PositionH/W HardwareHWCP Hardware Code PageHWD Height-Width-DepthHWDM Hyperfine Wave Division Multiplexing.HYP Hyphenation (file name extension)HYTELNET Hypertext-browser for Telnet Accessible SitesHz Hertz


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IA Intel Architecture [Intel]IAB Internet Architecture BoardIAC Inter-Application Communication [Macintosh]IAD Integrated Access DeviceIAEC International Address Element CodeIAFIS Integrated Automatic Fingerprint Identification SystemIAG Instruction Address GenerationIAK Internet Access Kit [IBM]IAL * International Algorithmic Language (ALGOL was first called IAL)

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IANA Internet Assigned Numbers AuthorityIAP Internet Access ProviderIAS Internet Access ServerIAT Import Address TableIAUP Internet User Account ProviderIBC Instrument Bus ComputerIBCS Intel Binary Compatibility SpecificationIBIP Information Based Indicia Program [U.S. Postal Service]IBL Inbound Links [Google]IBM International Business Machines (Corporation)IBM-GL IBM Graphics LanguageIC Input Circuit + Integrated Circuit + Interrupt ControllerICA Intelligent Console Architecture + Intra-application Communications AreaICANN International Corporation for Assigned Names and NumbersICAP Internet Calendar Access Protocol [Lotus]ICAS Intel Communicating Applications SpecificationsICB Internet Citizen's BandICCP Institute for the Certification of Computing ProfessionalsICD International Code DesignatorICE In-Circuit Emulator [Intel] + Integrated Computing Environment [Langley Research] + Internal Compiler ErrorICES Interference-Causing Equipment StandardICF Internet Connection Firewall [Microsoft]ICI Image Component Information + Inter-CPU InterruptsICL Interface ClearICLID Incoming-Call Line IdentificationICM Image Color Matching [Kodak] + Incoming Message.ICM Image Color Management (file name extension)ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol [Novell].ICO Icon (file name extension)ICOMP (iCOMP)Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance [Intel]ICP Image Coprocessor + Integrated Channel ProcessorICQ I Seek You (messaging program0ICR Intelligent Character RecognitionICS Internet Connection Sharing [Microsoft] + Intuitive Command StructureICSAPI Internet Connection Services APIICU Instruction-Cache Unit + Intel Configuration Utility [Microsoft] + ISA Configuration UtilityID Identification + IdentifierIDA Integrated Digital Access + Intelligent Disk Array + Intelligent Drive ArrayIDAPI Integrated Database Application Programming InterfaceIDC Integrated Database/Desktop Connector +

Internet Database Connector [Microsoft] + Internet Data CenterIDDE Integrated Development & Debugging Environment [Symantec]IDE Imbedded Drive Electronics + Integrated Development Environment [Borland] + Integrated Device/Drive Electronics + Intelligent Drive Electronics + Interactive Design and Engineering + Interface Design EnhancementIDEA International Data Encryption AlgorithmIDEN Integrated Data Enhanced NetworkIDF Intermediate Distribution FrameIDI Initial Domain IdentifierIDIV Integer DivideIDL Interactive Data Language + Interface Definition LanguageIDM Integrated Document ManagementIDMS Integrated Data Base Management SystemIDNX Integrated Digital Network Exchange [IBM]IDP Integrated Data ProcessingIDR Intelligent Document RecognitionIDS Image Display System + Intrusion Detection SystemIDSL (See DSL)IDT Interface Design Tool + Interrupt Descriptor Table.IDX Index (file name extension)IE Internet Explorer [Microsoft]IEC International Electrotechnical CommissionIEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersIEF Information Engineering FacilityIEMSI Interactive Electronic Mail Standard IdentificationIEN Internet Engineering NotesIETF Internet Engineering Task ForceIESG Internet Engineering Steering GroupI/F InterfaceIFC Internet Foundation ClassesIFD Image File DirectoryIFF Interchangeable File Format [Amiga]IFG Incoming Fax GatewayIFP Instruction Fetch PipelineIFS Installable/Integated File SystemIFSM Information Systems ManagementIGA Integrated Graphics ArrayIGC Integrated Graphics ControllerIGES Initial Graphics Exchange StandardIGFET Insulated-Gate Field Effect TransistorIGMP Internet Group Management/Multicast ProtocolIGP Interior Gateway ProtocolIGRP Interior Gateway Routing Protocol [Cisco]IGS Internet Go ServerIHD Integrated Help Desk [IBM]IHV Independent Hardware VendorIIF Immediate InterfaceIII Interstate Identification Index [NCIC]IIOP Internet Inter-ORB ProtocolIIR Immediate Impulse Response

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IIS Internet Information Server/Services [Microsoft]IITF Information Infrastructure Task ForceIKE Internet Key ExchangeIKMP Internet Key Management ProtocolIKP Internet Keyed Payments [IBM]ILA Image Light AmplifierILE Integrated Language Environment [IBM]ILEC Incumbent Local Exchange CarrierILM Information Life-Cycle ManagementILP Instruction-Level ParallelismILS International Language SupportIM Instant MessengerIMAC Internet Macintosh [Apple]IMACS Image Management and Communication SystemIMAP Interactive Mail Access Protocol + Internet Message Access ProtocolIMAX Maximum ImageIMDB In-Memory DatabaseIMDS Image Data Stream (format) [IBM]IME Input Method Editor/EngineIMEI International Mobile Equipment IdentifierIMG Image.IMG Image Data (file name extension)IML Initial Microcode Load [IBM]IMP Information/Interface Message Processor + Internet/Intranet Input Method ProtocolIMPA Intelligent Multi-Port Adapter [DCA]IMPI Interoperable Message Passing InterfaceIMPP Internet Messaging and Presence ProtocolIMR Internet Monthly ReportIMS Information Management System + Intermediate Maintenance StandardsIMSI International Mobile Subscriber IdentifierIMSP Internet Message Support ProtocolIMTC International Multimedia Teleconferencing ConsortiumIMTV Interactive Multimedia TelevisionIMUL Integer MultiplyIMUX Inverse MultiplexerIN InputINC Increment.IND Index (file name extension).INF Information (file name extension).INFO Information Services (Domain Name) [Internet]INFS Internet Network File System.INI Initialize (file name extension)INIT Initialization + InitializeINM Integrated Network ManagementINND Internet News DaemonINS Input String + Integrated Network ServerINT Integer + Internal + Interrupt +.INT International Organization (Domain name) [Internet]INTA Interrupt AcknowledgeINTEL Integrated Electronics (company)INTERNIC (InterNIC)Internet Network Information CenterINTO Interrupt if Overflow occursI2O Intelligent Input/OutputI/O Input/Output

IOC Inter-Office ChannelIOCC Input/Output Channel Converter + Input/Output Controller ChipIOCS Input/Output Control SystemIOCTL Input/Output ControlIODE Integrated Development and Debugging Environment [Symantec]IOF Infrared Optical FilmIOP Input/Output ProcessorIOPL Input/Output Privilege LevelIOR Interoperable Object ReferenceIOS Internet Operating SystemIOSGA Input/Output Support Gate ArrayIP Instruction Pointer + Intellectual Property + Internet ProtocolIPBF Installed Peripheral Base FlexibilityIPC Instructions Per Clock + Interprocess CommunicationIPCMOS Interlocked Pipeline CMOS [IBM]IPCP Internet Protocol Control ProtocolIPCS Integrated PC ServerIPDC Internet Protocol Device ControlIPDS IBM Personal Dictation System [IBM] + Intelligent Printer Data Stream [IBM]IPF Invalid Page FormatIPFC Information Presentation Facility Compiler [IBM]IPI Intelligent Peripheral InterfaceIPL Initial Program Load/Loader + Ion Projection LithographyIPL * Information Programming LanguageIPM Images Per Minute + Interpersonal MessageIPMI Intelligent Platform Management InterfaceIPNG Internet Protocol, next generationIPP Integrated Performance Primitives [Intel] + Internet Printing ProtocolIPR Intellectual Property RightsIPSE Integrated Project Support EnvironmentIPSEC Internet Protocol SecurityIPTC International Press Telecommunications CouncilIPTV Internet Protocol TelevisionIPX Internetwork Packet Exchange [Novell]IQL Interactive Query LanguageIR InfraredIRC Internet Relay ChatIRD Integrated Receiver/DescramblerIRDA (IrDA)Infrared Data AssociationIRDS Information Resource Dictionary SystemIRET Interrupt ReturnIRF Intermediate Routing Function + Inheritance Rights Filter [Novell]IRL Interactive Reader Language + Inter-Repeater LinkIRLAP Infrared Link Access ProtocolIRLED Infrared Light Emitting DiodeIRM Information Resource Management + Inherent Rights MaskIRP I/O Request PacketIRQ Interrupt RequestIRQL Interrupt Request LevelIRTF Internet Research Task ForceIRX Information Retrieval ExperimentIS Information System + Interrupt Status

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ISA Industry Standard Architecture (bus) [IBM] + Instruction-Set ArchitectureISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management ProtocolISAM Indexed Sequential-Access Management/MethodISAPI Internet Server API [Microsoft]ISAPS Intelligent Scene Analysis based on Photographic Space [Canon]ISBN International Standard Book NumberISC Instruction Set Computer + Inter-Systems Communication [IBM]ISCSI (iSCSI) Internet SCSIISD Image Section Descriptor + Instructional Systems DesignISDN Integrated Services Digital NetworkISH Information Super HighwayISI Internally Specified IndexISIS Integrated Systems and Information ServicesISKM Internet Starter Kit for the MacintoshISL Interactive System Language + Inter Switch Link [Cisco]ISM Integrated Services Model [IETF] + Internet Service Manager [Microsoft]ISMF Interactive Storage Management FacilityISOC Internet SocietyISO International Organization for StandardizationISP Internet Service Provider + Interrupt Stack Pointer + Interrupt Status PortISPF Interactive System Programming FacilityISR Information Storage and Retrieval + Interrupt Service Routine + Interrupt Status RegisterISRC International Standard Recording CodeISS Internet Sharing SoftwareISSN International Standard Serial NumberISV Independent Software VendorIT Information TechnologyITB Information Technology Branch + Intermediate Text BlockITC International Typeface CorporationITE Information Technology EquipmentITF Interactive Test FacilityITIL Information Technology Infrastructure LibraryITN Identification Tasking and NetworkingITP Internet Transaction ProcessingITR Information Technology Research [NSF] + Input Transaction Record + Internet Talk RadioITSM Information Technology Service ManagementITU International Telecommunications UnionITUG International Telecommunications User GroupITU-TIES ITU-Telecom Information Exchange ServicesITU-TSS ITU-Telecommunication Standards SectionITV Interactive Television

ITX Intermediate Text BlockIU Integer UnitIUAP Internet User Account ProviderIUS/ITB Interchange Unit Separator/Intermediate Transmission BlockIVDS Integrated Voice and Data SystemsIVIS Interactive Video Information SystemIVL Independent Vendor League + Intel Verification LabIVR Interactive Voice Recognition/ResponseIVS Interactive Videodisk SystemIVT Interrupt Vector TableIV&V Independent Verification & ValidationI-WAY Information HighwayIXC Interexchange Carrier


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JA Jump Address + Jump if AboveJAD Joint Application Design/DevelopmentJADE Java Addition to the Default SystemJAE Jump if Above or EqualJANET Joint Academic NetworkJAR Java Archive (file format)JAVAME Java Platform Micro Edition JAXM Java API for XML MessagingJBE Jump if Below or EqualJC Jump if Carry setJCA Java Cryptography ArchitectureJCE Java Cryptography ExtensionJCL Job Control LanguageJDBC Java Database ConnectivityJDF Job Description formatJDK Java Development KitJDSL Java Data Structures LibraryJE Jump if EqualJEDEC Joint Electronic Devices Engineering CouncilJEIDA Japanese Electronics Industry Development AssociationJEPI Joint Electronic Payment InitiativeJES Job Entry SystemJFC Java Foundation ClassesJFET Junction Field Effect TransistorJFIF JPEG File Interchange FormatJFS Journaled File System [IBM]JG Jump if GreaterJGE Jump if Greater or EqualJHUAPL Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryJIPS JANET Internet Protocol ServiceJIT Just-In-Time (compiler)JL Jump if LessJLE Jump if Less than or Equal toJLIP Joint Level Interface ProtocolJMAPI Java Management Application Program InterfaceJ2ME Java 2 Platform Micro EditionJMF Java Media Framework [Sun]JMI Java Metadata InterfaceJMP JumpJMS Java Message ServiceJMX Java Management Extensions

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JNA Jump if Not AboveJNAE Jump if Not Above or EqualJNB Jump if Not BelowJNBE Jump if Not Below or EqualJNG Jump if Not GreaterJNGE Jump if Not Greater or EqualJNI Java Native Interface.JNK Junk (file name extension)JNLE Jump if Not Less or EqualJNO Jump if No OverflowJNP Jump if No ParityJNS Jump if No SignJOE Java Objects EverywhereJOHNNIAC* John Neumann Integrator and Automatic Computer [Rand Corp.]JOSS * Johnniac Open Shop System [Rand Corp.]JOVIAL Jules' Own Version of the International Algorithmic LanguageJPE Jump if Parity EvenJPEG Joint Photographic Experts GroupJPL Jet Propulsion LaboratoryJPNF Join-Projection Normal FormJPO Jump if Parity OddJRE Java Runtime EnvironmentJS Jump if SignJSP Java Server PageJSR Java Specification RequestJSSE Java Secure Socket ExtensionJTAG Joint Test Action Group [IEEE]JTAPI Java Telephony Application Programming InterfaceJZ Jump if ZeroJNZ Jump if Not ZeroJSS Java-Script Style SheetJUGHEAD Jonzy's Universal Gopher Hierarchy Excavation and Display [Internet]JVM Java Virtual Machine


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K-12 Kindergarten through 12th Grade [US Education System]KAM Keep Alive MemoryKb KilobitKB Keyboard + Kilobyte (1,024 bytes)KBD Keyboard (also KEYB)KBD$ Keyboard [OS/2]KBE Knowledge Based EngineeringKbps Kilobits Per SecondKBps Kilobytes Per SecondKDE K Desktop EnvironmentKDT Key Definition TableKEFIR Key Findings Reporter [GTE]KEYBBE Foreign language KEYBoard program - BelgiumKEYBBR Foreign language KEYBoard program - BrazilKEYBCF Foreign language KEYBoard program - Canadian-FrenchKEYBCZ Foreign language KEYBoard program - Czechoslovakia(Czech)KEYBDK Foreign language KEYBoard program -

DenmarkKEYBFR Foreign language KEYBoard program - FranceKEYBGR Foreign language KEYBoard program - GermanyKEYBHU Foreign language KEYBoard program - HungaryKEYBIT Foreign language KEYBoard program - ItalyKEYBLA Foreign language KEYBoard program - Latin AmericaKEYBNL Foreign language KEYBoard program - NetherlandsKEYBNO Foreign language KEYBoard program - NorwayKEYBPL Foreign language KEYBoard program - PolandKEYBPO Foreign language KEYBoard program - PortugalKEYBSF Foreign language KEYBoard program - Swiss-FrenchKEYBSG Foreign language KEYBoard program - Swiss-GermanKEYBSL Foreign language KEYBoard program - Czechoslovakia(Slovak)KEYBSP Foreign language KEYBoard program - SpainKEYBSU Foreign language KEYBoard program - FinlandKEYBSV Foreign language KEYBoard program - SwedenKEYBUK Foreign language KEYBoard program - United KingdomKEYBUS Foreign language KEYBoard program - United StatesKEYBYU Foreign language KEYBoard program - YugoslaviaKHz KilohertzKIF Knowledge Interchange FormatKIPS Kodak Internet Print Service [Kodak]KIS Knowbot Information Service [Internet]KMZ Keyhole Markup LanguageKPI Kernel Programming InterfaceKQML Knowledge Query and Manipulation LanguageKRS Knowledge Retrieval SystemKSDS Keyed Sequential Data SetKSH Korn Shell (program) [Unix]KSPH Keystrokes Per HourKSR Keyboard Send ReceiveKVM Keyboard, Video, Mouse (switch) + Kilobyte Virtual Machine


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L2F Layer Two Forwarding [Cisco]L2TP Layer Two Tunneling ProtocolLADDR Layered Device Driver Architecture [Microsoft]LALL Longest Allowed Lobe LengthLAN Local Area NetworkLANACS Local Area Network Asynchronous Connection Server

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LANDP LAN Distributed PlatformLANE Local Area Network EmulationLANG LanguageLAP Linux Application PlatformLAPB Link Access Procedure Balanced (protocol)LAPD Link Access Procedure on the D-Channel (protocol)LAPM Link Access Procedure for ModemsLAR Load Access RightsLASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of RadiationLASTport Local Area Storage Transport (protocol) [DEC]LAT Local Access Terminal + Local Area Transport [DEC]LATA Local Access and Transport AreaLAVC Local Area VAX ClusterLAWN Local Area Wireless NetworkLB Left Button (of 2 or 3 button Mouse)LBA Logical Block AddressingLBL LabelLBR Librarian.LBR Library (file name extension)LBT Listen Before TalkLBX Local Bus AcceleratorLCA Lotus Communications Architecture [Lotus]LCC Leadless Chip CarrierLCCM LAN Client Control Manager [IBM]LCD Liquid Crystal Display + Lowest Common DenominatorLCF Low Cost FiberLCK Library Construction Kit [Microsoft FoxPro]LCOS (LCoS) Liquid Crystal on SiliconLCP Link Control ProtocolLCR Least Cost Routing + Line Control RegisterLCS Link Connection SubsystemLCSD Laminate Chip Signal DiodeLCU Last Cluster UsedLDA Logical Device AddressLDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol [IBM]LDC Lotus Development CorporationLDDS Long Distance Discount Services (company)LDM Logical Disk Manager + Long Distance ModemLDP Label Distribution ProtocolLDT Local Descriptor TableLE Less or EqualLEA Load Effective AddressLEAD Live Early Adoption and Demonstration [W3C]LEAF Law Enforcement Access FieldLEC Local Area Network Emulation Client + Local Exchange CarrierLED Light Emitting DiodeLEL Link, Embed and Launch-to-edit [Lotus]LEM Language Extension ModuleLEN Low Entry NetworkingLEO Low Earth OrbitLEP Light-Emitting PolymersLES Local Area Network Emulation Server.LET Letter (file name extension)LEX LexiconLF Line Feed

L2F Layer 2 Forwarding (protocol) [Cisco]LFAP Lightweight Flow Admission ProtocolLFE Low Frequency EffectsLFI Last File IndicatorLFM Log File MonitorLFN Long File NameLFT Low Function Terminal [IBM]LFU Least Frequently UsedLGA Leadless Grid ArrayLGDT Load Global Descriptor TableLGPL Lesser General Public License [GNU]LIAS Library Information Access System.LIB Library (file name extension)LIC Line Interface Coupler [IBM]LICS Lotus International Character Set [LDC]LIDT Load Interrupt Descriptor TableLIEP Large Internet Exchange Packet [Novell]LIF Low Insertion ForceLIFO Last In, First OutLILO Last In, Last OutLIM Lotus/Intel/MicrosoftLIMA Lotus/Intel/Microsoft/ASTLIMDO Light Intensity Modulation Direct OverwriteLIMM Light Intensity Modulation MethodLIMS Library Information Management SystemLINQ Language Integrated QueryLINUX (Operating system named after Linus Torvalds)LIP Large Internet PacketLIPO (LiPo) Lithium Polymer (battery)LIPS Lightweight Internet Person Schema + Logical Inferences Per SecondLISP List Processing (Language)(See HLL)LISTSERV List Server [Internet]LIU LAN Interface UnitLIW Long Instruction WordLLC Logical Link ControlLLDT Load Local Descriptor TableLLF Low Level FormatLLTD Link Layer Topology Discovery (protocol)LMB Left Mouse ButtonLMBCS Lotus Multi-Byte Character Set [Lotus]LMD Last Modification DateLMDS Local Multipoint Distribution ServiceLMI Link/Local Management InterfaceLMOS Leave Mail On ServerLMR Land Mobile RadioLMS Lotus Messaging Switch [Lotus]LMSW Load Machine Status WordLMU LAN Management Utilities [IBM] + LAN Manager for UnixLN Load Number + Logarithm (Natural)LNA Local Network AdministratorLN:DI Lotus Notes:Document ImagingLNK LinkLOB Line of BusinessLOC Lines Of Code + Loop On-Line ControlLOCIS Library of Congress Information SystemLOD Letter Of Destruction + Level Of DetailLODSB Load String ByteLOG Logarithm (Base 10)LOGO (Programming Language)(See HLL)LON Local Operating Network

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LOOPE Loop while EqualLOOPNE Loop while Not EqualLOOPNZ Loop while Not ZeroLOOPZ Loop while ZeroLORE Line Oriented EditorLPAR Logic Programming and Automated ReasoningLPC Local Procedure CallLPD Line Printer Daemon (protocol) [Berkley]LPDU Logical Protocol Data UnitLPI Lines Per InchLPL Lotus Programming Language [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC]LPM Lines Per MinuteLPN Logical Page NumberLPR Line Printer + Line Printer RemoteLPS Low-Power SchottkyLPT Line Printer TerminalLPT1 First Parallel Printer PortLPT2 Second Parallel Printer PortLPT3 Third Parallel Printer PortLQ Letter QualityLQM Link Quality Monitoring (protocol)LR Link RegisterLRC Local Register Cache + Longitudinal Redundancy CheckLRL Least Recently LoadedLRM Language Reference Manual + Least Recently-Used Master.LRS Language Resource (file name extension) [WordPerfect]LRU Least Recently UsedLSA LAN and SCSI Adapter [IBM] + Line Sharing Adapter + Local Security Authority [Microsoft]LSAPI License Services Application Program InterfaceLSASS Local Security Authority Subsystem Service [Microsoft]LSB Least Significant BitLSC Least Significant CharacterLSD Least Significant DigitLSI Large Scale IntegrationLSL Link Support Layer + Load Segment LimitLSP Layered Service Provider [Spybot]LSPR Logistics System Program ReviewLST List.LST List (file name extension)LTO Linear Tape OpenL2TP Layer 2 Transport/Tunneling ProtocolLTPS Low-Temperature PolysiliconLTR Left-To-Right + Letter + Load Task RegisterLU Logical Unit (Also LUN)LUA Logical Unit Application (interface)LUI Local User InputLUIS Library User Information ServiceLUN Logical Unit NumberLUT Lookup TableLV Logical Volume [IBM]LVDS Low-Voltage Differential SignalingLVM Logical Volume Management [IBM]LW Lazy Write.LYR Lyrics (music file name extension)LZW Lempel-Ziv-Welch (algorithm)


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mA MilliampereMAC Macintosh (Apple Macintosh Computer) + Mandatory/Media/Medium Access Control + Message Authentication CodeMAC * Multiple Access Computers.MAC MacPaint (file name extension) + Macro (file name extension)MACH Multilayer Actuator Head [Epson]MADE Manufacturing and Automated Design EngineeringMADYMO Mathematical Dynamic Modeling [TNO]MAE Merit Access Exchange + Metropolitan Area EthernetMAGMA Minimal Architecture for Generalized Markup ApplicationsMAH (mAh)Milliampere-HourMAI Multiple Applications Interface.MAI Mail (file name extension)MAJC Microprocessor Architecture for Java Computing [Sun]MALWARE Malicious SoftwareMAN Manual [Unix] + Metropolitan Area NetworkMANIAC * Mathematical Analyzer Numerical Integrator and ComputerMANPAGE Manual Page [Unix]MAP Maintenance Analysis Procedures + Manufacturing Automation Protocol + Memory Allocation Map.MAP Linker Map (file name extension)MAPI Mail/Messaging Applications Programming Interface [Microsoft]MAPICS Manufacturing, Accounting and Production Information Control System [IBM]MARC Machine Readable Cataloging + Multi-Technology Automated Reader CardMARVEL Machine-Assisted Realization of the Virtual Electronic Library [Library of Congress]MASM Macro Assembler [Microsoft]MASS Maximum Availability and Support Subsystem [Parallan]MAT Maintenance Access TerminalMAU Media Access/Adapter Unit + Multistation Access UnitMAVDM Multiple Application VDMMAX MaximumMB Megabyte (1,024 kilobytes) + Middle Button (of 3 button Mouse)MBASIC Microsoft BASIC [Microsoft]MBCS Multi-Byte Character Set [IBM]MBONE Multicast Backbone [Internet]MBps Megabytes Per SecondMbps Megabits Per SecondMBR Master Boot RecordMBX MailboxMCA Micro Channel Adapter/Architecture [IBM]MCAD Mechanical Computer Aided Design

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MCB Memory Control BlockMCF Meta Content Framework + Microsoft Connector Framework [Microsoft]MCGA Multicolor Graphics ArrayMCH Memory Controller Hub [Intel]MCI MCI Communications Corp. (name from initials of original company - Microwave Communications, Inc.) + Media Control Interface [Microsoft]MCL Microsoft Compatibility Labs [Microsoft]MCM Multi-Chip ModuleMCNE Master Certified Novell Engineer [Novell]MC-PGA Metallized Ceramic - Pin Grid ArrayMCPS Microsoft Certified Product Specialist [Microsoft]MC-QFP Metallized Ceramic - Quad Flat PackMCR Modem Control RegisterMCSD Microsoft Certified Systems Developer [Microsoft]MCSE Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer [Microsoft]MCU Microcontroller Unit + Multi-Chip Unit [DEC] + Multipoint Control UnitMD Make Directory + Mini Disk [Sony] + Monochrome DisplayMDA Mail Delivery Agent + Model Drive Architecture + Monochrome Display Adapter + Multidimensional AnalysisMDDBMS Multidimensional Data Base Management System.MDF Menu Definition File (file name extension)MDI Memory Display Interface + Multiple Document InterfaceMDIC Manchester Decoder and Interface Chip [AT&T]MDK Multimedia Developers Kit [Microsoft]MDLP Mobile Data Link ProtocolMDR Metadata Repository + Minimum Design RequirementMDX Multi-Dimensional ExpressionsMDY Month Day Year.ME Opening Information (file name extension) (As in READ.ME)MEB Memory Expansion BoardMED Minimum Expected DelayMEG MegabyteMEM MemoryMEMS Micro-Electro-Mechanical System.MEN Menu (file name extension)MERCI Multimedia European Research Conferencing IntegrationMES Manufacturing Execution SystemMESI Modified, Exclusive, Shared and Invalid (protocol)MESSENGER Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging [JHUAPL]MET Memory Enhancement Technology [Hewlett-Packard].MET Metafile (file name extension)MFC Microsoft Foundation Class [Microsoft]MFFS Microsoft Flash File System

[Microsoft]MFI Multifunction InterpreterMFIOP Multifunction I/O ProcessorMFLOPS Million Floating Point Operations Per SecondMFM Modified Frequency ModulationMFP Multi-Function Peripheral/Printer/ProductMFPI Multifunction Peripheral InterfaceMFS Macintosh File System [Macintosh] + Magnetic Tape Field Search + Memory File System Modified Filing System [Revelation Technologies]MFT Master File Table + Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of TasksMGA Monochrome Graphics AdapterMGCP Media Gateway Control ProtocolMGE Modular GIS EnvironmentMGET Multiple Get [Unix]MGML Minimal Generalized Markup LanguageMGR ManagerMHS Message Handling Service + Message Handling SystemMHz MegahertzMI Management InterfaceMIB Management Information BaseMIC Message Integrity Check + MicrophoneMICR Magnetic Ink Character RecognitionMICRO One-millionthMICS Macro Interpretive CommandsMID Mobile Information DeviceMIDI Musical Instrument Digital InterfaceMIDP Mobile Information Device ProfileMIF Management Information Format.MIF Management Information Files (file name extension)MIG Metal In GapMII Microsoft/IBM/IntelMIL Machine Interface Layer [Go Corporation] +.MIL Military (Domain name) [Internet]MIM Map Image Metafile + Metal-Insulator-Metal (screen)MIMD Multiple Instruction Multiple Data Stream (processor)MIME Multimedia Internet Message Extensions + Multipurpose Internet Mail ExtensionsMI/MIC Mode Indicate/Mode Indicate CommonMIMO Multiple Input, Multiple OutputMIN Minimum + Mobile Identification NumberMIND Microsoft Internet Developer [Microsoft]MINUET Minnesota Internet Users Essential Tools [Internet]MIPS Million Instructions Per SecondMIR Music Information RetrievalMIRAM Magnetoresistive Random Access MemoryMIS Management Information System + Multimedia Information Sources [Internet]MISC MiscellaneousMIX Member Information Exchange.MIX Microsoft Picture It! (format)MKDIR Make DirectoryMKL Math Kernal Library [Intel]ML Machine Language + Meta Language

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MLAPI Multilingual Application Programming InterfaceMLC Multilayer Ceramic + Multilevel Cell (program) [Internet]MLE Multi-Line EditorMLI Mobile Linux InitiativeMLID Multi-Link Interface DriverMLM Mailing List Manager [Internet]MLP Meridian Lossless PackingMLPPP Multilink PPPMM Minutes + MonthMMA Microcomputer Managers AssociationMMC Matched Memory Cycle + Microcomputer Marketing Council + Microsoft Management Console [Microsoft] + MultiMedia CardMMCD MultiMedia Compact DiskMMCX Multimedia Communication Exchange [Lucent Technologies]MMDS Multi-channel Multipoint Distribution ServiceMMF Multi Mode Fiber (cable)MMI Man-Machine InterfaceMMIS Materials Manager Information SystemMMPM Multi Media Presentation ManagerMMS Multimedia Messaging ServiceMMU Memory Management UnitMMVF Multimedia Video File [NEC]MMX Matrix Manipulation Extensions [Intel] + Multimedia ExtensionsMNOS Metal Nitride Oxide SemiconductorMNP Microcom Networking Protocol [Microcom].MNU Menu (fine name extension)MO Magneto-Optical (disk drive)MOB Memory-Order BufferMOBO Mother BoardMOD Module + ModulusMODEM Modulator/DemodulatorMOHLL Machine Oriented High Level LanguageMOLAP Multidimensional On-Line Analytical ProcessingMOM Manufacturing Operations Management + Message-Oriented Middleware + Microsoft Office/Operations Manager [Microsoft]MONET Multiwavelength Optical NetworkingMONO MonauralMOO MUD, Object Oriented [Internet]MOP Maintenance Operations ProtocolMOPS Million Operations Per SecondMOS Magneto-Optic Storage + Mean Opinion Score + Metal Oxide SemiconductorMOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect TransistorMOSPF Multicast Open Shortest Path FirstMOTD Message Of The DayMOV Metal Oxide Varistor + MoveMOVS Move StringMP Massively Parallel (processing) + Megapixel + Multiple ProcessorsMP3 MPEG Audio Layer 3.MPA Memo Pad Archive (file name extension) [Palm]MPC Multimedia Personal Computer + Multipath Channel

MPCS Mission Planning and Control Station (Software)MPE Multiple Programming Executive [HP]MPEG Moving Picture Experts GroupMPI Message Passing Interface + Multiprecision IntegerMPLS Multi Protocol Label SwitchingMPM Message Passing Library [IBM]MPMD Multiple Processor/Multiple DataMPOA Multi-Protocol over Asynchronous-Transfer-ModeMPP Massively Parallel Processing/Processors + Message Posting Protocol + Message Processing ProgramMPQP Multi-Protocol Quad Port [IBM]MPR Multipart Repeater + Multi Protocol Router [Novell]MPS Multiprocessor SpecificationMPTN Multi-Protocol Transport NetworkMPTS Multi-Protocol Transport ServicesMPU Microprocessor UnitMQI Messaging and Queuing Interface [IBM]MR Magneto Resistive + Modem ReadyMRAM Magnetic Random Access MemoryMRCF Microsoft Realtime Compression FormatMRCI Microsoft Realtime Compression InterfaceMRI Magnetic Resonance ImagingMRM Most Recently-Used MasterMRO Multi-Region OperationMRP Manufacturing Resources Planning + Materials Requirement PlanningMRPL Main Ring Path LengthMRS Media Recognition SystemMRT Mean Repair TimeMRU Maximum Receive Unit + Most Recently UsedMS Memory System + Message Store + Microsecond + Microsoft Corporation + MillisecondMSACM Microsoft Audio Compression Manager [Microsoft]MSAU Multi-Station Access UnitMSAV Microsoft Anti Virus [Microsoft]MSB Most Significant BitMSBF Mean Swaps Between FailuresMSC Mobile Switching CenterMSCDEX Microsoft Compact Disc Extensions [Microsoft]MSCE Microsoft Certified Software Engineer [Microsoft]MSCHAP Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol [Microsoft]MSCL Microsoft Community License [Microsoft]MSCS Microsoft Cluster Server [Microsoft]MSD Mass Storage Device + Most Significant Digit + Microsoft System Diagnostics [Microsoft]MSDE Microsoft Data Engine [Microsoft1)MSDN Microsoft Developer Network [Microsoft]MS-DOS Microsoft - Disk Operating System [Microsoft]MSDR Multiplexed Streaming Data RequestMSDS Microsoft Developer Support [Microsoft]

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MSFR Minimum Security Function Requirements [IBM]MSG Message.MSG Program Message (file name extension)MSGINA Microsoft Graphical Identification and Authentication [Microsoft]MSI Medium Scale IntegrationMSIE Microsoft Internet Explorer [Microsoft]MSIMN Microsoft Internet Mail and News [Microsoft]MSL Map Specification Library + Master Subsidy Lockcode + Mirrored Server LinkMSLU Microsoft Layer for Unicode [Microsoft]MSMQ Microsoft Message Queue-Server [Microsoft]MSN Microsoft Network [Microsoft]MSO Multiple Service/Systems Operator.MSP Microsoft Paint (file name extension) [Microsoft]MSPL Microsoft Permissive License [Microsoft]MSQL Mini SQLMSR Microsoft Reserved Partition [Microsoft]MSRL Microsoft Reference License [Microsoft]MSRP Manufacturer Suggested Retail PriceMSS Mass Storage System + Multiprotocol Switched Services [IBM]MSTS Microsoft Terminal Server [Microsoft]MSW Machine Status WordMSXML Microsoft XML [Microsoft]MTA Mail Transport Agent + Message Transfer Agent + Multimedia Terminal Adapter + Multiple Terminal Access + Multithreaded ArchitectureMTBB Mean Time Between BreakdownsMTBF Mean Time Between FailuresMTBJ Mean Time Between JamsMTF Microsoft Tape Format [Microsoft] + Modulation Transfer FunctionMTH Memory Translator HubMTOM Message Transformation Optimization MechanismMTRP Maximum Transfer Rate PerformanceMTS Message Transfer Service/System + Microsoft Transaction Server [Microsoft] + Mobile Telephone Sysem + Multichannel Television SoundMTSO Mobile Telephone Switching OfficeMTST Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter [IBM]MTT Multi-Transaction TimerMTTD Mean Time To DiagnoseMTTF Mean Time To FailureMTTR Mean Time To RepairMTU Maximum Transfer/Transmission UnitMUA Mail User AgentMUD Multi-User Dialogue/Dimension/Domain/Dungeon [Internet]MUG Multiuser Game

MUI Multilingual User Interface [Microsoft]

MUL MultiplyMULTICS Multiplexed Information and Computing ServiceMUMPS Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System (Programming Language)MUSE Multi-User Shared Environment.MUSEUM Museums (Domain Name) [Internet]MUSIC Multiparty Multimedia Session ControlMUT Monitor Under TestMUX MultiplexermV MillivoltMVB Multimedia Viewer BookMVC Multimedia Viewer CompilerMVD Multivalued DependenciesMVDM Multiple Virtual DOS MachinesMVGA Monochrome Video Graphics ArrayMVIP Multi-Vendor Integration ProtocolMVP Multimedia Video ProcessorMVS Multiple Virtual StorageMVT Multiprogramming with a Variable number of TasksMX Mail Exchanger [Internet]MXS Microsoft Exchange Server [Microsoft]MZR Multiple Zone Recording


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NAC Network Adapter CardNACD National Association of Computer DealersNACS National Advisory Committee on SemiconductorsNAE Not Above or EqualNAK Negative AcknowledgmentNAKA Not AcknowledgeNAL Novell Application Launcher [Novell]NAM Number Assignment Module.NAME Names-Individuals (Domain Name) [Internet]NAMPS Narrow-Band Analog Mobile Phone Service [Motorola]NAND Not AndNANO One thousand-millionthNANOMETER One billionith of a meterNAP Network Access PointNAPLPS North American Presentation Level Protocol Syntax (graphics)NAS Network Access Server + Network Application Support [DEC] + Network Attached StorageNASA National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic QuotationNASI NetWare Asynchronous Services Interface [Novell]NASIRC NASA Automated Systems Internet Response CapabilityNASKER NASA Ames Kernel (benchmark)NAT Network Address Transformation/Translation

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NAU Network Addressable UnitNAV NavigatorNAVSTAR Navigation Satellite Timing and RangingNAWS Negotiate About Window SizeNBE Not Below or EqualNBI Nothing But InitialsNBMA Non-Broadcast Multi AccessNBS Narrowband Socket + National Bureau of Standards + Numeric BackspaceNC Network Computer + No Carry + Numerical ControlNCA Network Communications Adapter + Network Computing Architecture [Oracle]NCC Network Control CenterNCD Network Computing Device.NCF Netware Command File [Novell]NCGA National Computer Graphics AssociationNCIC National Crime Information CenterNCMT * Numerical Control for Machine ToolsNCOS Network Computer Operating SystemNCP NetWare Core Protocol + Not Copy Protected + Network Control Panel/Processor/Program/ProtocolNCR National Cash Register (Company)NCSA National Center for Supercomputing ApplicationsNCSC National Computer Security CenterNCSI Network Communications Services Interface [Network Products Corp.]NDB Non-Directional BeaconNDDK Network Device Development Kid [Microsoft]NDEF Not to be DefinedNDIS Network Device/Driver Interface SpecificationNDL Network Data LanguageNDMP Network Data Management ProtocolNDN Non-Delivery NoticeNDP Numeric Data ProcessorNDR Network Data RepresentationNDRO Non-Destructive Read OutNDS NetWare Directory Service [Novell].NDX Index (file name extension)NEC Nippon Electric CompanyNED NASA Extragalactic Database [NASA]NEG Negative + NegateNEMA National Electrical Manufacturers AssociationNEP Network Entry PointNES National Education SupercomputerNEST Novell Embedded Systems Technology [Novell].NET Networks (Domain Name) [Internet]NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System [IBM]NetBEUI NetBIOS Extended User Interface [IBM]NETMON Network Monitor.NEW New Information (file name extension)NEWS NetWare Early Warning System [Frye Computer] + Network Extensible Window SystemNEWS. Current events [USENET Newsgroup Category]NEXT Near-End CrosstalkNFF No Fault Found

NFS Network File System [Sun]NG No GoodNGE Not Greater or EqualNGI Next-Generation InternetNHC National Hurricane CenterNHR National Handwriting RecognitionNHRP Next Hop Resolution ProtocolN/I Non-InterlacedNIA Next Instruction AddressNIC Network Information Center [Internet] + Network Interface Card + Numeric Intensive ComputingNICAD Nickel-CadmiumNICOLAS Network Information Center OnLine Aid System [NASA]NID New Interactive Display [NEC] + Next IDNIDS Network Intrusion Detection System [Unisys]NII National Information InfrastructureNIM Network Installation Management [IBM]NIMH (NiMH) Nickel-Metal HydrideNIO Native Input/Output + New Input/OutputNIPS Network I/Os Per SecondNIR Network Information RetrievalNIS Network Information Service [Unix]N-ISDN Narrowband ISDN + National ISDNNISO National Information Standards OrganizationNISP Networked Information Services ProjectNIST National Institute for Standards and TechnologyNITC National Information Technology CenterNIU Network Interface UnitNJE Network Job Entry (protocol) [IBM]NL New LineNLB Network Load Balancing [Microsoft]NLE Not Less or EqualNLM NetWare Loadable Module [Netware]NLP Natural-Language ProcessingNLQ Near Letter QualityNLSFUNC National Language Support FunctionNLV National Language Version [IBM]NMI Non-Maskable InterruptNMM NetWare Management Map [NetWare]NMOS Negative Channel Metal-Oxide SemiconductorNMP Network Management Protocol [AT&T]NMS Network Management System [Novell]NN Network Node + No News [Internet]NNI Network to Network InterfaceNNM Network Node ManagerNNTP Network News Transfer Protocol [Internet]NOAA National Oceanic Atmospheric AdministrationNOC Network Operations Center.NOM Individual with Personal Site (Domain Name) [Internet]NOP No OperationNOPAC Network OPACNOR Not OrNOS Network Operating SystemNPA Network Printer Alliance + Numbering Plan AreaNPI Network Printer Interface

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NPL Nonprocedural LanguageNPN Negative Positive Negative (bipolar transistor)NPS Novell Productivity Specialist [Novell]NPT Non-Programmable TerminalNPTN National Public Telecomputing NetworkNPU Natural Processing UnitNPX Numeric Processor ExtensionNQS Network Queuing System [Cray]N(r) Number ReturnedNRC National Research Council (Canada)NREN National Research and Education NetworkNRM Network Resource Manager + Normal Response ModeNRZ Not Return to ZeroNRZI Non Return to Zero InvertedNS Nanosecond (one-billionth of a second) + National Semiconductor (as in Ns16550 UART) + Network Supervisor + Non StopNSAP Network Service Access PointNSAPI Netscape Server API [Netscape]NSA POLY National Security Agency PolygraphNSERC National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada)NSF National Science FoundationNSFNET National Science Foundation NetworkNSI NASA Science InternetNSLOOKUP Name Server Lookup [Unix]NSM Netscape Server Manager [Netscape]NSP Native Signal Processing [Intel] + Network Service ProviderNSSC NASA Standard Spacecraft ComputerNSTC National Science and Technology CouncilNSTL National Software Testing LabsNT New Technology [Microsoft]NT-1 Network Terminator Type 1NTAS NT Advanced Server [Microsoft]NTF No Trouble FoundNTFS New Technology File System [Microsoft]NTIA National Telecommunications and Information AdministrationNTIS National Technical Information ServiceNTLDR New Technology Loaders [Microsoft]NTP Network Time ProtocolNTRAS NT Remote Access Services [Microsoft]NTSA NetWare Telephony Services Architecture [Novell]NTSC National Television Standards CommitteeNTU Network Termination UnitNUI Network User Identification + Network User Interface + Notebook User Interface [Go Corporation]NUL Null + (dummy device) + (no device)NUMA Non-Uniform Memory AccessNV No OverflowNVM Non-Volatile MemoryNVOD Near-Video On DemandNVP Nominal Velocity of PropagationNVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory

NVT Network Virtual Terminal + Novell Virtual Terminal [Novell]NWS NetWare Web Server [Netware]NYM Anonymous


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OAB One-to-All BroadcastOAD Open Architecture Driver [Bernoulli]OAG Official Airline Guide + Online Air GuideOAI Open Applications InterfaceOAS One-to-All ScatterOASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information StandardsOBD On Board DiagnosticsOBEX Object Exchange [Borland]OBJ ObjectOC Optical CarrierOCE Open Collaborative Environment [Apple]OCF Objects Components Framework [Borland]OCL Object Constaint Language + Operation Control Language + Operator Control LanguageOCR Optical Character RecognitionOCS On-Card SequencerOCSP Online Certificate Status ProtocolOCX OLE Custom ControlODA Open Document ArchitectureODAPI Open Database Application Programming Interface [Borland]ODBC Object-Oriented Database Connectivity + Open Database Computing + Open Data Base Connectivity [Microsoft]ODBMS Object-Oriented Database Management System (also see OODMS)ODI Open Datalink Interface [Novell] + Open Device Interconnect [NetWare]ODIF Open Document Interchange FormatODL Object Definition LanguageODM Object Data Manager [IBM] + Optimized Distribution Model [Compaq]ODMA Open Document Management APIODP Open Distributed ProcessingODS Open Data Services [Microsoft] + Operational Data StoreODSI Open Directory Service Interface [Microsoft]ODT Open DesktopOEL Organic Electroluminescent (display)OEM Original Equipment ManufacturerOEP Operand Execution PipelineOF Overflow FlagOFB Output Feedback (mode)OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division MultiplexingOFMT Output Format for NumbersOFS Object File System [Microsoft] + Output Field SeparatorOFX Open Financial Exchange

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OGSA Open Grid Services ArchitectureOGSI Open Grid Services InfrastructureOH Off HookOHCI Open Host Controller InterfaceOID Object IdentifierOIDL Object Interface Definition LanguageOIS Office Information System + Optical Image StabilizerOLAP Online Analytical ProcessingOLCP Online Complex Processing.OLD Old version (file name extension)OLE Object Linking and Embedding [Microsoft]OLED Organic Light Emitting DiodeOLGA Online Guitar ArchiveOLI Optical Line Interface [AT&T]OLMC Output Logic MacrocellOLSP Online Service ProviderOLTP Online Transaction ProcessingOM Object ManagerOMA Object Management Architecture [Microsoft]OME Open Messaging Environment (protocol)OMF Object Module Format [Microsoft] + Open Media Framework + Open Message FormatOMG Object Management GroupOMI Open Messaging Interface [Lotus]OML Object Manipulation LanguageOMR Optical Mark RecognitionONC Open Network Computing [Sun]ONDS Open Network Distribution Services [IBM]ONE Open Network Environment [Netscape]ONMS Open Network Management SystemONU Optical Network UnitOOAD Object-Oriented Analysis and DesignOOB Out Of BandOODB Object-Oriented DatabaseOODMS Object-Oriented Database Management System (also see ODBMS)OOL Object-Oriented LanguageOOOS Object-Oriented Operating SystemOOPL Object-Oriented Programming LanguageOOPS Object Oriented Programming and SystemsOOS Object-Oriented Systems + Off-line Operating SimulatorOOT Object-Oriented TechnologyOOUI Object Oriented User InterfaceOP Operation + Optical + OutputOPAC Online Public Access Catalog [Internet]OPC Open Process Control + Organic/Optical PhotoconductorOPCODE Operational CodeOPD OperandOPI Open Prepress InterfaceOPM Operations Per MinuteOPS Open Profiling Standard + Oracle Parallel Server [Oracle]OPT Open Protocol Technology.OPT Options (file name extension)OPUS Octal Program Updating SystemOQL Object Query LanguageORACLE On-Line Inquiry and Report Generator (UNIX DB program)ORB Object Request Broker [Microsoft]ORDVAC * Ordnance Variable Automatic Computer

.ORG Non-Profit Organizations (Domain name) [Internet]ORI Online Retrieval Interface.ORI Original (file name extension)ORL Optical Return LossOROM Optical Read-Only MemoryORS Output Record SeparatorOS Operating SystemOS/2 Operating System/2 [IBM]OSA Open Scripting/System ArchitectureOSCAR Open Source Cluster Application ResourcesOSD On Screen Display + Open Software Description/DistributionOSE Office Server Extensions [Microsoft]OS/E Operating System/EnvironmentOSF Open Software FoundationOSGI (OSGi) Open Services Gateway InitiativeOSI Open Systems InterconnectionOSINT Open Source IntelligenceOSM Off-Screen ModelOSP On-Screen Programming + Optical Storage ProcessorOSPF Open Shortest Path FirstOSQL Object Structured Query LanguageOSR2 OEM Service Release 2 [Microsoft]OSS Open Source SoftwareOT Object TechnologyOTA Operation-Triggered Architecture + Over The AirOTDR Optical Time Domain ReflectometerOTF Open Token FoundationOTI Object Technology International [IBM]OTP One-Time ProgrammableOUI Organizational Unique IdentifierOURS Open Users Recommended Solutions.OUT Outlines (file name extension)OUTS Output StringOV OverflowOVAL Object-Based Virtual Application Language [Psion] + Open Vulnerability Assessment Language [US-CERT].OVL Program Overlay (file name extension).OVR Program Overlay (file name extension)OWA Outlook Web Access [Microsoft]OWL Object/Open Windows Library [Borland]


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P3P Platform for Privacy Preferences ProjectPAB Personal Address BookPABX Private Automatic Branch ExchangePACE Priority Access Control Enabled [3Com]PACS Picture Archiving and Communication SystemPACS-L Public Access Computer Systems List [Internet]PAD Packet Assembler/Disassembler + Portable Application DescriptionPADS Pen Application Development System

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[Slate Corporation]PAIH Public-Access Internet Host [Internet]PAIS Public-Access Internet Site [Internet].PAK Packed (compressed file name extension) [NoGate Consulting]PAL Paradox Applications Language [Borland] + Phase Alternating Line + Portable Audio Laboratory + Programmed Array Logic + Programming Assembly Language Programming Assembly Language.PAL Palette (file name extension)PALC Plasma-Addressed Liquid Crystal (display)PALS Principles of the Alphabet Literacy SystemPAM Pluggable Authentication Module (library) + Pulse Amplitude ModulationPAN Personal Area Network [GTE]PAP Packet-level Procedure + Password Authentication Protocol + Picture And Picture + Push Access Protocol + Printer Access ProtocolPAR Personal Animation Recorder + ParallelPARA ParagraphPARC Palo Alto Research Center [XEROX]PA-RISC Precision Architecture-RISC [HP].PAS PASCAL source code (file name extension)PASCAL (Programming Language named for Blaise Pascal)PAT Port Address Translation.PAT Patch + Pattern (file name extensions)PATA Parallel Advanced Technology AttachmentPATN Promotional Port Access Telephone NumberPAUSE Perl Automatic Upload ServerPAX Portable Archive Exchange [Unix]PB Petabyte (1,024 terabytes) (One Million Billion characters of information)PBA Printed Board AssemblyPBC Plain-Text Block ChainingPBE Prompt By ExamplePBGA Plastic Ball Grid ArrayPBP Picture-By-PicturePBR Policy-Based Routing [Cisco]PBT Provider Backbone TransportPBX Private Branch ExchangePC Personal Computer + Printed Circuit + Program CounterPCACIAS Personal Computer Automated Calibration Interval Analysis SystemPCB Printed Circuit Board + Program Control BlockPCBC Plain/Propagating Cipher Block ChainingPCC Proof Carrying CodePCD Photo Compact DiskPC-DOS Personal Computer - Disk Operating

System [IBM]PCEB PCI to EISA Bridge [Intel]PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect/InterfacePCIC PC-Card Interrupt ControllerPCIE PCI Express (slot)PC-I/O Program Controlled I/OPCL Printer Command Language [HP] + Process Control LanguagePCM Personal Computer Manufacturer + Printer Cartridge Metric [HP] + Pulse Code ModulationPCMA Paired Carrier Multiple AccessPCMC PCI, Cache, Memory Controller [Intel]PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International AssociationPCMIM Personal Computer Media Interface ModulePCN Personal Computer NetworkPCNFS Personal Computer Network File SystemPCO Point of Control and ObservationPCS Patchable Control Store + Personal Communication Services/System + Personal Conferencing Specification + Planning Control Sheet + Print Contrast Signal + Process Control Systems + Program Counter Store + Project Control SystemPCT Private Communications Technology + Program Control Table.PCT Picture (file name extension).PCX PC Paintbrush/Picture Image (file name extensions)PD Phase-Change Dual + Public DomainPDA Personal Digital Assistant.PDB Palm Database (file name extension) + Program Database (file name extension)PDC Primary Domain ControllerPDD Physical Device Driver + Portable Digital DocumentPDF Package Definition File + Portable Document Format + Portable Document File + Processor Defined Function + Program Development Facility.PDF Printer Description (file name extension)[Borland,Lotus]PDH Plesiosynchronous Digital HierarchyPDIAL Public Dialup Internet Access List [Internet]PDL Page Description Language + Program Description Language + Program Design LanguagePDM Product Data ManagementPDN Public Data NetworkPDO Portable Distributed Objects [Next]PDP Parallel Data Processing + Plasma Display Panel + Programmable Data Processor + (DEC Computer System Designation, i.e. PDP-8, PDP-11)PDS Packet Driver Specification + Partitioned Data Set + Planetary Data System + Portable Document Software + Processor Direct Slot [Macintosh]PDSN Packet Data Serving Node

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PDSS Post Development and Software SupportPDT Performance Diagnostic Tool [IBM] + Programmable Drive TablePDU Plug Distribution Unit + Protocol Data Unit.PDX Paradox files (file name extension) [Borland] + Printer Description Extension (file name extension)PE Parity Even + Processing Element + Protect EnablePEA Pocket Ethernet AdapterPEB Personal Electronic BallotP4EE Pentium 4 Extreme Edition [Intel]PEL Picture Element [IBM]PEM Privacy-Enhanced Mail [Internet]PEN SDK Pen Computing Software Development KitPEP Packet Exchange Protocol + Packetized Ensemble Protocol [Telebit]PERC Power Edge RAID ControllerPERL Practical Extraction and Report Language [Unix]PERT Program Evaluation and Review TechniquePES Positioning Error Signal + Processor Enhancement Socket Processor Upgrade SocketPET Print Enhancement Technology [Compaq].PFB Printer Font Binary (file name extension)PFE Programmer's File Editor.PFM Printer Font Metrics (file name extension) [Windows]PFN Page Frame NumberPFR Portable Font Resource + Power-Fail RestartPGA Pin Grid Array + Professional Graphics Adapter [IBM]PGC Program Group Control [Microsoft]PGDN Page Down.PGL Graphics (file name extension) [Hewlett-Packard]PGM ProgramPGML Precision Graphics Markup LanguagePGP Pretty Good Privacy (name of encryption program).PGP ProGram Parameter (file name extension) [AutoCAD]PGUP Page UpPHF Perfect Hash FunctionPHIGS Programmers' Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Standards.PHO Phone List (file name extension)PHP Personal Home Pages (original name of this programming language, now known as PHP Hypertext Preprocessor)PHS Personal Handyphone SystemPI Program InterruptionPIA Peripheral Interface AdapterPIC Personal Information Carrier + Personal Intelligent Communicator + Personal Internet Communicator + Platform for Internet Content + Priority Interrupt Controller + Program Interrupt ControllerPICS Platform for Internet Content

Selection [W3C]PICT PicturePID Packet Identifier + Physical Interface Device + Process Identification Number + Product ID + Proportional, Integral, DerivativePIER Procedures for Internet/Enterprise RenumberingPIF Picture Interchange Format File + Program Information FilePII Program Integrated InformationPILOT Programmed Inquiry Learning Or TeachingPilotACE* Pilot Automatic Computing EnginePIM Personal Information Manager + Primary Interface Module + Protocol-Independent MulticastPIN Personal Identification Number + Process Identification Number [Unix]PINE Pine Is Not Elm (original usage) + Program for Internet News & Email (present usage)PING Packet Internet GroperPIO Parallel Input/Output + Processor Input/Output + Programmed Input/OutputPIP Pattern and Information Processing + Personal Identity Provider + Personal Information Portal + Picture-In-Picture + Problem Isolation Procedure + Programmable Interconnect PointPIPO Parallel In, Parallel OutPIR Protocol Independent RoutingPIT Programmable Interval TimerPIXEL Picture ElementPJPEG Progressive JPEGPK Pack + Primary KeyPKC Public Key CryptographyPKE Public Key EnabledPKI Public Key InfrastructurePL Plus.PL Perl Language (file name extension)PLA Programmable Logic-ArrayPLATO Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching OperationsPLC Power Line Communications + Programmable Logic ControllerPLCC Plastic Leadless Chip CarrierPLD Programmable Logic DevicePLDS Pilot Land Data System [NASA]PLL Phase Locked Loop.PLL Prelinked Library (file name extension) [Clipper]PL/M Programming Language for MicrosPLMN Public Land Mobile NetworkPLS Primary Link StationPLSQL Procedural Language-Extensions to SQL (Oracle)PLU Primary Logical UnitPLV Production Level VideoPL/1 * Programming Language OnePM Presentation Manager [IBM] + Preventative Maintenance + Process Manager.PM6 PagerMaker6 (file name extension) [Corel]P-MAIL Paper MailPMD Packet Mode Data

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PMMU Paged Memory Management UnitPMOS Positive Channel Metal Oxide SemiconductorPMP Personal Media Player + Portable Multimedia PlayerPMR Problem Management Report [IBM]PMU Performance Monitoring UnitPMS Policy Management SystemPN Processing NodeP/N: Part NumberPNA Programmable Network AccessPND Position Navigation DevicePNG Portable Network GraphicsPNNI Private Network-to-Network InterfacePNP Plug And Play + Positive Negative Positive (bipolar transistor)PNP-X Plug And Play ExtensionsPO Parity OddPOA Portable Object AdapterPOC Point Of ContactPOC-IT Point Of Care-Information Technology [Johns Hopkins]POD Piece Of Data + Plain Old Documentation [Perl] + Plain Old Dos + Publishing On DemandPOE Power Open EnvironmentPOH Power-On HoursPOI Point Of InterestPOL Problem Oriented LanguagePOP Picture-Outside-Picture + Point Of Presence + Pop from Stack + Post Office ProtocolPOP3 Post Office Protocol, Version 3POPA Pop All RegistersPOPF Pop FlagsPOR Power-On-ResetPOS Packet Over Sonet + Point of Sale + Positive + Programmable Object SelectPOSE Palm Operating System EmulatorPOSIX Portable Operating System Interface for UnixPOST Power-On Self TestPOSTNET Postal Numeric Encoding Technique (bar code)POTS Plain Old Telephone Service + Plain Old Time-SharingPOWER Performance Optimization with Enhanced RISC [IBM]PowerPC Performance Optimization with Enhanced RISC-Performance ComputingPP Parallel PortP2P Peer To Peer + People To PeopleP3P Platform for Privacy PreferencesPPA Pixel Processing Accelerator.PPD PostScript Printer Description (file name extension)PPDS Personal Printer Data Stream [IBM]PPGA Plastic Pin Grid ArrayPPI Precise Pixel InterpolationPPM Pages Per MinutePPML Personalized Print Markup LanguagePPP Point-to-Point Protocol [Internet]PPPOE (PPPoE) Point-to-Point Protocol Over EthernetPPS Packets Per Second + Power Personal Systems [IBM].PPS PowerPoint Show (file name extension)

[Microsoft]PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol [Microsoft]PPU Place of Primary UsePQA Palm Query ApplicationPQFP Plastic Quad Flat PackPQO Parallel Query OptionPRACSA Public Remote Access Computer Standards AssociationPRAM Parallel Random-Access Machine + Parameter Random Access Memory.PRC Pilot Resource (file name extension) [Palm Pilot].PRD Printer Driver (file name extension) [Microsoft]PRE Preformatted [HTML]PREP Power PC Reference Platform [IBM/Motorola]PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency.PRF Preferences (file name extension) [Grammatik IV].PRG Program (file name extension)PRI Primary-Rate InterfacePRINTF Print with Formatting [C Programming Language]PRISM Photo-Refractive Information Storage Material.PRJ Project (file name extension) [Borland]PRMD Private Management Domain [X.400]PRML Partial-Response Maximum-Likelihood.PRO Professionals (Domain Name) [Internet] + Profile (file name extension)PROC ProcedurePROFS Professional Office System [IBM]PROG Program + ProgrammerPROLOG Programming In Logic (Programming Language)(See HLL)PROM Programmable Read Only MemoryPRN PrinterPRNG Pseudo-Random Number Generation (algorithm).PRS Printer (file name extension) [WordPerfect]PRTSC Print ScreenPS Proportional Spacing.PS PostScript (file name extension)PS/2 Programming System 2 [IBM]PSAPI Presentation Space Application Programming InterfacePSC Personal Super Computer + Print Server Command + Product Service CenterPSDN Packet-Switched Data NetworkPSDS Packet-Switched Data ServicePSERVER Print Server [NetWare]PSF Permanent Swap FilePSID PostScript Image DataPSINET (formerly Performance Systems International)PSK Phase Shift KeyingPSM Platform Specific Model + Printing Systems Manager + Print Services Facility [IBM]PSN Packet Switching Network + Processor Serial NumberPSP Personal Software Products (group) [IBM] + Play Station Portable [Sony] +

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Program Segment PrefixPSPDN Packet-Switched Public Data NetworkPSRAM Pseudo-Static Random Access MemoryPSRT PostScript Round Table [GEnie]PSS Process Status StructurePSTN Public Switched Telephone NetworkPSU Power Supply UnitPSW Program Status Compressed PostScript (file name extension) [Unix]PT Page TableP/T Part TimePTD Parallel Transfer Disk DrivePTE Page Table EntryPTF Problem Temporary/Trouble Fix [IBM]PTH Plated Through HolePTI Packet Type IdentifierPTT Postal Telephone & Telegraph + Push To TalkPUB Public (directory) [Internet] + Publish.PUB Publication (file name extension) [Ventura]PUN Physical Unit NumberPUP PARC Universal Packet (protocol) + Potentially Unwanted ProgramPURL Persistent URLPUS Processor Upgrade SocketPUSHA Push All RegistersPUSHF Push FlagsPVC Permanent Virtual Circuit + Polyvinyl ChloridePVM Parallel Virtual Machine + Pass-through Virtual Machine (protocol) [IBM]PVP Parallel Vector ProcessingPVR Personal Video RecorderPVS Parallel Visualization ServerPVT Position, Velocity, TimePW PasswordPWB Printed Wire Board + Programmer's Workbench [Microsoft]PWD Print Working Directory [Unix].PWL Password List (file name extension)PWM Pulse Width ModulationPWR PowerPWSCS Programmable Workstation Communication Services [IBM].PX Primary Index (file name extension) [Paradox]


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QA Quality AssuranceQAM Quadrature Amplitude ModulationQBE Query By ExampleQBF Query by FormQBIC Query By Image Content [IBM]QBITS Quantum BitsQC Quality ControlQD Querty/DvorakQDA Qualitative Data AnalysisQDOS Quick and Dirty Operating System.QDI Quicken Dictionary (file name extension) [Intuit]

.QDT Quicken Data (file name extension) [Intuit]QEMM Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager [Quarterdeck Corp.]QFA Quick File AccessQFE Quick-Fix Engineering [Microsoft]QFP Quad Flat PackQIC Quality Information Using Cycle Time [Hewlett-Packard] + Quarter-Inch Cartridge.QIF Quicken Import File/Interchange Format (file name extension)QLLC Qualified Logical Link Control.QMT Quicken Memorized List (file name extension) [Intuit].QNX Quicken Indexes to Data (file name extension) [Intuit]QOS Quality Of ServiceQPG Quantum Phase GateQPSK Quadrature Phase Shift KeyingQSAM Queued Sequential Access MethodQTC Quicktime Conferencing [Macintosh]QTVR Quicktime Virtual RealityQVGA Quarter Video Graphics ArrayQWAVE Quality Windows Audio/Video Experience [Microsoft]


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RA Remote Assistance + Return Authorization.RA Real Audio (file name extension)RACF Resource Access Control FacilityRAD Rapid Application DevelopmentRADAR Radio Detection And Ranging + Rights, Availabilities, Distribution Analysis and Reporting [Disney]RADB Routing Arbiter Data BaseRADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User ServiceRADSL Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber LineRAG Row Address GeneratorRAID Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks + Redundant Arrays of Independent Drives + Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive DisksRAIS Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive SystemsRALU Register Arithmetic Logic UnitRAM Random Access Memory.RAM Real Audio Metafile (file name extension)RAMDAC Random Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter [Sierra]RAMP Remote Access Maintenance Protocol [Internet]RAN Radio Access Network + Regional Advanced NetworkRAND RandomRAP Rapid Application PrototypingRARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

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RAS Random Access Storage + Reader Admission System [British Library] + Reliability, Availability and Serviceability + Remote Access Service + Row Address SelectRASAPI Remote Access Service Application Programming Interface [Microsoft].RAT Rating (file name extension)RAVE Rendering Acceleration Virtual Engine [Apple Computer].RAW Raw Data (file name extension)RB Right Button (of 2 or 3 button Mouse)RBBS Remote Bulletin Board SystemRBCS Remote Bar Code SystemRBOC Regional Bell Operating Company.RC Resource (file name extension)RC1 Release Candidate 1 [Microsoft]RCD Redistribution Control DescriptorRCL Rotate Carry LeftRCP Remote Control Panel + Remote Copy [Internet] + Restore Cursor Position + Rich Client PlatformRCPT RecipientRCR Rotate Carry RightRCS Records Communications Switching System + Revision Control System [Unix]RD Receive Data + Remove DirectoryR&D Research and DevelopmentRDA Remote Database AccessRDB Receive Data Buffer + Relational DatabaseRDBMS Relational Database Management SystemRDCLK Received Timing ClockRDF Resource Description Framework [W3C]RDIF Radio Frequency Indentification (tag)RDN Relative Distinguished NameRDO Remote Data ObjectRDP Reliable Datagram Protocol + Remote Desktop ProtocolRDR Remote Data RecoveryRDRAM Rambus DRAMRDSL (See DSL)RDSR Receiver Data Service RequestRDTO Receive Data Transfer Offset [IBM]RDX Realistic Display Mixer.REC Recorder (file name extension) + Recreational or Entertainment Activities (Domain Name) [Internet]REC. Recreation [USENET Newsgroup Category].REF Reference (file name extension)REG RegisterREGAL Rigid Epoxy Glass Acrylic LaminateREGEDIT Registry Editor [Microsoft]RELSECT Relative SectorREM Remark + Remote + Ring Error MonitorREN Rename + Ringer Equivalence NumberREP RepeatREPE Repeat while EqualREPNE Repeat while Not EqualREPNZ Repeat while Not ZeroREPZ Repeat while ZeroREQ RequestREREG Re-Register

RES Remote Execution Service + Reset + Resolution.RES Resource (file name extension)RET Resolution Enhancement Technology [HP] + ReturnRETR RetrieveREX Relocatable ExecutableREXEC Remote ExecutionREXX Restructured Extended Executor (language) [IBM]RF Radio FrequencyRFC Request For Comments [Internet]RFD Reduced Function Device + Request for Discussion [Internet]RFI Radio Frequency Interference + Request for InformationRFID Radio Frequency IdentificationRFP Request for ProposalRFQ Request for QuotationRFS Remote File Sharing + Remote File SystemRFT Reliable File Transfer + Revisable Form Text + Rich Text FormatRFU Reserved For Future UseRGB Red-Green-Blue (color model)RI Referential Integrity + Ring IndicateRID Relative IdentifierRIFF Resource Interchange File Format [Microsoft]RIM Remote Installation and Maintenance [Microsoft] + Research In Motion (company) + Ring Indicator MonitorRIME RelayNet International Message ExchangeRIP Raster Image Processor + Remote Imaging Protocol + Routing Information Protocol [Novell]RIPEM Riordan's Internet Privacy Enhanced MailRIPS Raster Image Processing SystemRISC Reduced Instruction Set ComputingRIT Raw Input Thread [Microsoft]RJE Remote Job EntryRLD Received Line DetectRLE Run Length EncodedRLL Run Length LimitedRLN Remote LAN Node [DCA]RLOGIN Remote LoginRLSD Received Line Signal DetectedRLSI * Ridiculously Large-Scale IntegrationRM Reset ModeRMA Return Material Authorization + Return to Manufacturer AuthorizationRMB Right Mouse ButtonRMC Raptor Management Console [Symantec]RMDIR Remove DirectoryRMI Remote Messaging Interface + Remote Method Invocation [Sun]RMON Remote Monitor/MonitoringRMP Remote Maintenance Processor [IBM]RMS Record Management Services + Root Mean SquareRMW Read-Modify-WriteRN Read News [Internet]RNA Remote Network Access [Microsoft]RNC Radio Network ControllerRND RandomRNG Random Number Generator

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RNP Regional Network ProviderR-O Read OnlyROB Reorder Buffer [Intel]ROI Return On InvestmentROL Rotate LeftROLAP Relational On-Line Analytical ProcessingROM Read Only MemoryROOM Real-Time Object-Oriented ModelingROP Raster Operation + RISC OperationROPES Rapid Object-Oriented Process for Embedded SystemsROR Rotate RightROS Read-Only Storage [IBM]ROSCOE Remote Operating System Conversational Online EnvironmentROT Running Object TableRPC Remote Procedure CallRPE Remote Program ExecutionRPG Report Program Generator (Programming Language)RPL Resident Programming Language + Requested Privilege LevelRPM Revolutions Per MinuteRPN Real Page Number + Reverse Polish NotationRPRINTER Remote Printer [NetWare]RPPROM Reprogrammable PROMRPR Relative Performance RatingRPT RepeatRPQ Request for Price QuotationRQBE Relational Query By Example [Fox Pro]RR Real RealityRRP Recommended Retail PriceRS Radio Shack + Recommended Standard (as in RS-232) [EIA] + Record Separator + Request to SendRSA Rural Service AreaRSA129 (129 digit cryptographic security number named after its inventors: Drs. Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard M. Adleman)RSAC Recreational Software Advisory CouncilRSCS Remote Spooling Communications SystemRSD Route Server DaemonRSH Remote ShellRSI Repetitive Strain Injury (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)RSL Request-and-Status LinkRSP Required Space Character + ResponseRSPX Remote Sequenced Packet ExchangeRSS Really Simple Syndication + Reduced Space Symbology + RDF Site Summary + Rich Site SummaryRSSI Received Signal Strength IndicatorRST Reset + RestartRSTS Resource Sharing Time Sharing [Digital]RSVP Resource Reservation ProtocolRSX Realistic Sound Experience + Real Time Resource Sharing ExecutiveRT Real Time + RISC Technology + Run TimeR/T Receive/TransmitRTAM Remote Terminal Access MethodRTC Real-Time Clock

RTCP Real-Time Control ProtocolRTDM Real-Time Data MigrationRTEL Reverse Telnet [Internet]RTF Rich Text FormatRTI Run Time InfrastructureRTL Raster Transfer Language + Register Transfer Language/Level + Resistor Transistor Logic + Right-To-Left + Run Time LibraryRTM Release To Manufacturer + Response Time Monitor + Runtime Manager [Borland]RTMP Routing Table Maintenance ProtocolRTN Reuters Transaction NetworkRTOS Real-Time Operating SystemRTP Rapid Transport Protocol + Real Time Protocol + Real-Time Transport ProtocolRTS Remote Takeover System + Ready/Request To SendRTSP Real-Time Streaming ProtocolRTTI Runtime Type Identification/InformationRTTY Radio Teletypewriter (Communications)RTV Real Time VideoRTX Run Time ExtensionRUN Rewind/Unload [IBM]RUP Rational Unified Process [IBM]RVA Relative Virtual AddressRVI Reverse InterruptR/W Read/WriteRWIN Receive WindowRWM Read-Write MemoryRX ReceiverRXD Receive Data


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SA Selective AvailabilitySAA Systems Application Architecture [IBM]SAAS Software As A ServiceSABRE Semi-Automatic Business Research EnvironmentSAC Single Attachment ConcentratorSACD Super Audio Compact DiskSACL System Access Control ListSADL Synchronous Data Link Control [Racal-Vadic]SAINT * Symbolic Automatic IntegratorSAL Shift Arithmetic Left + Spatial Aggregation Language + Systen Abstraction LayerSALT Speech Application Language TagsSAM Serial Access Memory + Sequential Access Method + Security Accounts Manager [Microsoft] + Single Application Mode [Microsoft]SAMI Synchronized Accessible Media InterchangeSAML Security Assertion Markup LanguageSAN Storage/System Area NetworkSANE Standard Apple Numeric Environment

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SAP Second Audio Program + Service Access Point [DEC] + Session Announcement Protocol + Service Advertising Protocol + * Symbolic Assembly Program + Systems, Applications and Products (company) [SAP]SAPI Speech Application Program Interface [Microsoft]SAR Segmentation and Reassembly + Shift Arithmetic Right + Specific Absorption Rate Successive Approximation Register + Synthetic Aperature RadarSARG Search ArgumentSARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (virus)SAS Sales Accounting System + Serial Attached SCSI + Single Attached Station + Single Audio System + Statistical Analysis SystemSASI Shugart Associates System Interface (SCSI originated from SASI)SATA Serial Advanced Technology AttachmentSATAN Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks.SAV Saved (file name extension)SAVDM Single Application VDMSAX Simple API for XMLSB Sound Blaster [Creative Labs] + Sound BoardSBA Scene Balance Algorithms [Kodak] + Service Based ArchitectureSBAS Satellite Based Augmentation SystemSBB Subtract With BorrowSBC Single-Board ComputerSBCS Single-Byte Character SetSBI Sound Blaster Instrument.SBR Source Browser (file name extension) [Borland]SBS Small Business Server + Smart Battery Specification [Duracell/Intel].SC Script (file name extension)SCA Scalable Computing Architecture [HP] + Service Component ArchitectureSCADA Supervisory Control and Data AcquisitionSCAM SCSI Configuration AutomaticallySCAS Scan StringSCB Subsystem Control Block [IBM]SCC Serial Communications Controllers + Serial Controller Chip + Synchronous Channel Check [IBM]SCCP Simple Conference Control ProtocolSCCS Source Code Control SystemSCD Standard Color DisplayS-CDMA Synchronous Code-Division Multiple AccessSCF System Control FacilitySCI Scalable Coherent Interface + Serial Communications InterfaceSCI. Science [USENET Newsgroup Category]SCIL Serial Control Interface LogicSCLM Software Configuration and Library Management [IBM]SCM Service Control Manager + ScreenCam

Format [Lotus] + Software Configuration Management + Station Class Mark + Supply Chain ManagementSCO Santa Cruz Operation (Software Company) + Synchronous Connection-Oriented (link)SCOPE Simple Communications Programming Environment [Hayes]SCP Save Cursor Position + Subsystem Control Port + System Control ProgramSCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier.SCR Script (file name extension)SCRAM Software Configuration, Release and ManagementSCRAMJET Supersonic Combustion Ramjet (engine)SCRN Screen (video display)SCRS Scalable Cluster of RISC SystemsSCSA Signal Computing System Architecture [Dialogic]SCSI Small Computer Systems InterfaceSCTP Stream Control Transmission ProtocolSD Send Data + Secure Digital + Super DensitySDA Software Delivery Agent [IBM] + Software Disk Array + Source Data Automation + System Display Architecture [Digital]SDAM Single DOS Application ModeSDB Symbolic Debugger [Unix]SDD Software Description Database [Internet] + Subscriber Data Document + System Distribution DirectorySDF Space Delimited File + Space Delimited Format.SDF Standard Data Format (file name extension)SDH Synchronous Digital HierarchySDI Selective Dissemination of Information + Single Document Interface Software Development Interface [Mosaic]SDIO Secure Digital Input/OutputSDK Software Development Kit [Microsoft]SDL Specification and Description LanguageSDLC Synchronous Data Link Control (protocol)SDLT Super Digital Linear TapeSDM System Development MultitaskingSDMI Secure Digital Music Initiative/InterfaceSDMMC Secure Digital Multi Media CardSDMS SCSI Device Management System [NCR]SDN Software Defined Network [AT&T]SDNS Secure Data Network ServiceSDO Service Data Objects + Software Delivery Optimization [Borland]SDR Streaming Data RequestSDRAM Synchronous DRAMSD-ROM Super Density ROMSDS Sysops Distribution SystemSDSL (See DSL)SDSM Super Digital Sound Management

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SD_STB Streaming Data Strobe [IBM]SDTV Standard Definition TelevisionSDV Segment Delay Value + Switched Digital Video [AT&T]SDX Storage Data AccelerationSDXF Structured Data Exchange FormatSEA Standard Extended Attribute [OS/2].SEA Self Extracting Archive (file name extension) [Macintosh]SEAC * Name of first computer to use transistors, built by (National Bureau of) Standards Eastern Automatic Calculator (Also see SWAC)SEAL Segmentation and Reassembly Layer (protocol) + Screening External Access Link [Digital-DEC]SEC Single Error CorrectionSECAM Sequentiel Couleur Avec Memoire (Sequential Color With Memory)SECC Single Edge Contact CartridgeSED Stream Editor + Stream-Oriented EditorSEG SegmentSEH Structured Exception HandlingSEL SelectSEM Scanning Electron Microscope + Standard Electronic Module + Strategic Enterprise Management [SAP]SEO Search Engine OptimizationSEPP Secure Encryption Payment ProtocolSER SerialSERCOS Serial Real-Time Communications SystemSERPS Search Engine Results Page [Google]SET Secure Electronic Transaction + Softwave Engineering Technology.SET Driver Set (file name extension) [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC] + Image Settings (file name extension) [Paradox]SETEXT Structure Enhanced Text [Internet]SEU Single Event Upset + Smallest Executable UnitSF Sign FlagSFC System File CheckerSFD Start Frame DelimiterSFDR Spurious-Free Dynamic RangeSFI Software Fault IsolationSFN Short File NameSFQL Structured Full-text Query LanguageSFS System File ServerSFT System Fault ToleranceSFX Self Extracting + Sound Effect(s)SGA Shared Global AreaSGCP Simple Gateway Control ProtocolSGEN Signal Generator + System GeneratorSGDT Store Global Descriptor TableSGI Silicon Graphics, Inc.SGM Shaded Graphics ModelingSGML Standard/Structured Generalized Markup LanguageSGR Set Graphics RenditionSGRAM Synchronous Graphics RAMS/H Sample and HoldSHA Secure Hash Algorithm [NSA]SHAR Shell ArchiveSHED Segmented Hypergraphic EditorSHG Segmented Hypergraphics

SHL Shift Logical LeftSHOE Simple HTML Ontology ExtensionSHR Shift Logical RightSHTML Server-Side Include HyperText Markup LanguageS-HTTP Secure Hypertext Transfer ProtocolSHV Standard High-Volume.SHW Show (file name extension)SI Shift-In + Source Index + System Information + System IntegrationSIC Standard Industrial CodeSID Security Identifier + Serial Input Data + Station Identification [AT&T] + Symbolic Interactive Debugger + System IDSIDF System Independent Data FormatSIDH System Identification for Home SystemsSIDT Store Interrupt Descriptor TableSIF Standard Input FormatSIFT Stanford Information Filtering ToolSIG Special Interest GroupSIGCAT Special Interest Group on CD-ROM Applications and TechnologySIM Simulator + Subscriber Identity ModuleSIMCARD Subscriber Identity Module CardSIMD Single Instruction, Multiple Data-stream (processor)SIMM Single In-line Memory ModuleSIMTEL Simulation and TeleprocessingSIMULA Simulation (language)SIO Serial Input/Output (communications driver)SIP Session Initiation Protocol + Single In-line PackageSIPC Simply Interactive Personal Computer [Microsoft]SIPO Serial In, Parallel OutSIPP Single In-line Pin PackageSIR Serial Infrared [Hewlett-Packard]SIRDS Single-Image Random Dot StereogramSIS Single-Image StereogramSISL System Interrupt Steering LogicSISNET Signal In Space Through The InternetSI/SO Serial In/Serial Out + Shift In/Shift OutSIT Special Information Tones.SIT Stuff-It (compressed file name extension) [Macintosh]SIU System Interface UnitSIV System Integrity VerifierSKIP Simple Key-Management for Internet Protocols [Sun]SKU# Stock Keeping Unit NumberSLA Service Level AgreementSLB Static Load BalancingSLC Subscriber Line ConcentratorSLD Second-Level Domain (name)SLDT Store Local Descriptor TableSLED Single Large Expensive DiskSLI Session Level InterfaceSLIC System Level Integration Circuit + System Licensed Internal Code [IBM]SLIM Structured Language for Internet MarkupSLIP Serial Line Interface Protocol

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SLM Spatial Light ModulatorSLMR Silly Little Mail ReaderSLOSH Sea, Lake and Overland Surge from Hurricane (program)SLOT Scanned Laser Output TerminalSLP Service Location Protocol + Super Long PlaySLR Single Lens ReflexSLSI Super Large-Scale IntegrationSLSS Systems Library Subscription Service [IBM]SLU Secondary Logical Unit + Spoken Language UnderstandingSM Set Mode + Shared MemorySMA Software Migration Assistant [IBM]SMART Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting TechnologySMB Server Message Block (protocol)SMD Surface Mounted DeviceSMDR Station Message Detail RecordingSMDS Switched Multimedia/Multi-Megabit Data ServiceSME Small & Medium Sized EnterprisesSMF Single Mode Fiber + System Manager Facility [Compaq]SMI System Management Interrupt [Intel]SMIF Standard Mechanical InterfaceSMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration LanguageS-MIME Secure MIMESMIT System Management Interface Tool [IBM]SMK Software Migration Kit [Microsoft]SML Standard Meta LanguageSMM System Management Mode [Intel]SMOBC Solder Mask Over Bare CopperSMP Simple Management Protocol + Symbolic Manipulation Program + Symmetrical Multi-Processing + Symmetric Multiprocessor.SMP Sample (file name extension)SMPC Shared Memory Parallel ComputerSMPS Switching Mode Power SupplySMRAM System Management Random Access MemorySMS Short Message Service [Sprint] + Short Messaging System + Storage Management Services [NetWare] + Storage Management Subsystem/System + Systems Management Server [Microsoft]SMSW Store Machine Status WordSMT Station Management (protocol) + Surface-Mount TechnologySMTP Simple Mail Transfer ProtocolSMU System Management UtilitySN Serial NumberS/N Signal-to-Noise (Ratio)SNA Systems Network Architecture [IBM]SNAP Sub-Network Access Protocol + Sub-Network Attachment PointSNAPI Structured N-Dimensional Application Program Interface [Oracle]SND SoundSNEWS Secure News Server [Internet]SNMP Simple Network Management ProtocolSNOBOL String Oriented Symbolic Language (Programming Language)

SNP Serial Number/Password [Omen Technology]SNR Signal-to-Noise RatioSNRM Set Normal Response ModeSOA Service-Oriented Architecture + Start Of AuthoritySOAP Simple Object Access ProtocolSOC System On a ChipSOC. Social Issues [USENET Newsgroup Category]SOCKS Socket Secure (server) [Internet]SO-DIMM Small Outline DIMMSOE Standard Operating EnvironmentSOH Start of HeaderSOHO Small Office/Home OfficeSOI Silicon-On-Insulator [IBM]SOIC Small Outline Integrated CircuitSOJ Small-Outline J-LeadSOL Simulation Oriented LanguageSOM Start of Message + System Object Model [IBM]SONAR Sound Navigation and RangingSONET Synchronous Optical NetworkSOP Small Outline Package + Standard Operating ProceduresSOS Silicon On Sapphire + Sophisticated Operating System + Standards and Open SystemsSOTA State Of The ArtSOX Sound ExchangeSP Service Pack [IBM] + Stack Pointer + System ProductSPA Secure Password Authentication [Microsoft] + Software Publishers AssociationSPAN Space Physics Analysis NetworkSPAP Shiva Password Authentification ProtocolSPARC Scalable Processor Architecture + Sun's Palo Alto Research CenterSPC Small Peripheral Controller + Statistical Process ControlSPCL Spectrum Cellular CorporationSPCS Stored Program Controlled SwitchSPD Serial Presence DetectSPE Synergistic Processing ElementSPEC Systems Performance Evaluation CooperativeSPF Sender Policy Framework + Shortest Path First + System Programming FacilitySPGA Staggered Pin-Grid ArraySPI Security Parameters Index + Service Provider Interface + SCSI Parallel Interface + Stateful Packet Inspection.SPI Spool (file name extension)SPID Service Profile/Provider IdentifierSPIKE Science Planning Intelligent Knowledge-Based Environment [STScI]SPIRES Stanford Public Information Retrieval System [Stanford University]SPKI Simple Public Key InfrastructureSPL Software Product Line + Spooler + Structured Product Labeling [Microsoft] + System Programming Language [HP].SPL Spell Checker (file name extension)

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SPLD Simple Programmable Logic DeviceSPM System Performance Monitor [IBM]SPOOL Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On LineSPOT Shared Product Object Tree [IBM] + Small Programmable Object Technology [Sun] + Smart Personal Object Technology [Microsoft]SPP Sequenced Packet Protocol + Standard Printer PortSPPS Scalable Power Parallel System [IBM]SPR Special Purpose Register + Statistical Pattern Recognition + Symmetrical Phase RecordingSPREAD * Systems Programming, Research, Engineering and Development [IBM]SPS Secure Packet Shield + Shock Protection System + Standby Power SystemSPSS Statistical Package for the Social SciencesSPT Sectors Per TrackSPVA Super Patterned Vertical AlignmentSPX Sequenced Packet Exchange [Novell]SQ Squeezed (files)SQE Signal Quality Error (test)SQL/DS Structured Query Language/Data System [IBM]SQOS Secure Quality Of ServiceSQRT Square RootSR Shift RegisterSRAM Shadow Random Access Memory + Static Random Access MemorySRAPI Speech Recognition APISRB Source-Route BridgeSRC System Resource Controller.SRC Source (file name extension)SRD Screen Reader SystemSRDRAM Self-Refreshed DRAMSRGB Sustained RGB (values)SRGS Speech Recognition Grammar Specification [W3C]SRM Security Reference MonitorSRO Sharable and Read OnlySRP Suggested Retail Price.SRP Script (file name extension)SRPI Server-Requester Programming InterfaceSRQ Service RequestSRR Serially Reusable ResourceSRS Sound Retrieval SystemSS Stack Segment + Single Sided + SecondsSS7 Signaling System 7 [Bellcore]SSA Serial Storage ArchitectureSSAD Structured System Analysis and DesignSSAP Source Service Access PointSSCP Systems Service Control Point [IBM]SSD Solid State DiskSSEC * Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator [IBM]SSGA System Support Gate ArraySSH Secure Shell (protocol)SSI Server Side Includes + Single System Image + Small Scale IntegrationSSL Secure Socket LayerSSMA Spread Spectrum Multiple Access

SSML Speech Synthesis Markup Language [W3C]SSO Single Sign OnSSPI Security Service Provider Interface [Microsoft]SSR Secure Socket RelaySSRP Simple Server Redundancy Protocol [Cisco]SST Spread-Spectrum Technology + Systems Services and TechnologySTA Spanning Tree AlgorithmSTAR Self Defining Text ArchivalSTAX (StAX) Streaming API for XMLSTB StrobeSTC Set Carry FlagSTD Set Direction Flag + StandardSTDA StreetTalk Directory Assistance [Banyan]STDAUX Standard AuxilarySTDERR Standard ErrorSTDIN Standard InputSTDIO.H Standard Input/Output Header [C Programming Language]STDM Statistical Time Division MultiplexerSTDOUT Standard OutputSTDPRN Standard PrinterSTEM Science, Technology, Engineering and MathSTEP Standard for Exchange of ProductSTEREO Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory [JHUAPL].STF Structured File (file name extension) [Lotus Agenda]STI Set Interrupt FlagS/TK Sectors Per TrackSTL Standard Template LibrarySTM Scanning Tunneling MicroscopeSTN Super-Twist Nematic.STORE Businesses Offering Goods (Domain Name) [Internet]STOS Store StringSTP Secure Transfer Protocol + Shielded Twisted Pair (cable) + Signal Transfer Point + Synchronized Transaction ProcessingSTR Store Task Register + Synchronous Transmitter ReceiverSTRESS Structural Engineering System Solver (Programming Language)STRUDL Structural Design Language (Programming Language)STScI Space Telescope Science InstituteSTT Secure Transaction Technology [Microsoft]STX Start of Text.STY Style (file name extension) [Ventura, Word, WordPerfect]SUB Subroutine + Substitute + SubtractSUN Sun Microsystems, Inc..SUP Supplemental Dictionary (file name extension) [WordPerfect]SUPERDARN Super Dual Auroral Radar Network [JHUAPL]SVC Switched Virtual CircuitSVCD Super Video Compact DiskSVF Simple Vector FormatSVG Scalable Vector GraphicsSVGA Super Video Graphics Array

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S-VHS Super VHSS-VIDEO Separate VideoSVM System Virtual Machine [Microsoft] + System Volume MangementSVN Switched Virtual Network [IBM]SVR ServerSVR# System V Release Number [AT&T]SVTC Secure VideoteleconferenceS/W SoftwareSWAC * Mobile version of SEAC, built for deployment to White Sands, and named Standards Western Automatic CalculatorSWAIS Simple Wide Area Information Server [Internet]SWAP Shared Wireless Access ProtocolSWIG Simplified Wrapper and Interface GeneratorSWISH Simple Web Indexing System for HumansSWP Simple Web Printing.SWP Swap (file name extension)SXGA Super Extended Graphics ArraySXRD Silicon Crystal Reflective Display.SYL Syllabus (file name extension)SYLK Symbolic Link.SYM Symbols (file name extension)SYMPL Systems Programming Language.SYN Synonym (file name extension)SYNC SynchronousSYS System.SYS System Configuration (file name extension) + System Device Driver (file name extension)SYSADMIN System AdministratorSYSGEN System GeneratorSYSLOG System LogSYSMOD System ModificationSYSOP System OperatorSYSREQ System RequestSZ Send ZModem [Unix]


| TOP | UP to S | DN to U | BOTTOM |

TAB Tape Automated BondingTAC Title, Author, CopyrightTACS Total Access Communication SystemTAD Telephone Answering DeviceTAG Technical Advisory GroupTAI International Atomic TimeTAL Typed Assembly LanguageTALOSS Three-Dimensional Advanced Localization Observation Submarine SoftwareTAO Track At OnceTAP Telelocator Alphanumeric ProtocolTAPCIS The Access Program for the CompuServe Information ServiceTAPI Telephony Applications Programming Interface.tar Tape Archive (archived file name extension) [Unix].tar.Z Compressed Archived files (file name extension) [Unix]TAS Telephone Access Server + Total

Access SystemTASM Turbo Assembler [Borland]TAXI Transparent Asynchronous Transceiver/Receiver InterfaceTB Terabyte (1,024 gigabytes) (One Thousand Billion characters of information)T/B Top and BottomTBBS The Bread Board System (BBS)TBGA Tape Ball Grid Array.TBK Toolbook (file name extension)TBS Time-Based SamplingTBU Tape Backup UnitTC Test Control + Transmission ControlTCL Tool Command LanguageTCM Trellis-Coded ModulationTCO Total Cost of OwnershipTCP Tape-Carrier PackageTCPA Trusted Computing Platform Alliance [Intel]TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet ProtocolTCT Terminal Control TableTD Transmit Data.TDA To Do Archive (file name extension) [Palm]TDC Tabular Data ControlTDD Telecommunications Device for the Deaf + Test Driven DevelopmentTDtoDP Tablet Coordinates to Display Coordinates (converting)TDE Terminal Display Editor.TDF Trace Definition File (file name extension) [OS/2] + Typeface Definition File (file name extension)TDI Transport Device InterfaceTDM Technical Document Management + Time Division MultiplexingTDMA Time Division Multiple AccessTDMS Terminal Display Management SystemTDP Tag Distribution Protocol [Cisco] + Telelocator Data Protocol + Thermal Design PowerTDSR Transmitter Data Service RequestTDR Time Domain ReflectometryTE/2 Terminal Emulator/2 [Oberon]TEB Thread Environment BlockTEC Tokyo Electronics CorporationTED Technology, Entertainment and Design + Tiny Editor + Transient Electromagnetic DeviceTEI Terminal Endpoint IdentifierTELCO Telephone CompanyTEML Turbo Editor Macro Language [Borland]TEMP TemporaryTER Thermal Eclipse Reading [Sony]TERMPWR Terminator PowerTFDD Text File Device DriverTFEL Thin-Film Electroluminescent.TFM Tagged Font Metric (file name extension)TFT Thin-Film Transistor (screens)TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol.TGA Taga Bitmap (file name extension)THD Total Harmonic Distortion.THD Thread (file name extension)

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THINNET Thin EthernetTHOMAS The (U.S.) House (of Representatives) Open Multimedia Access SystemTHOR Tandy High-Performance Optical RecordingTHR Transmit Holding Register.THS Thesaurus (file name extension)TI Texas Instruments, Inc.TIA Telecommunications Industry Association + The Internet Adapter [Internet]TIB Tag Information BaseTID Target ID + Task IdentificationTIES Time Independent Escape Sequence.TIF Tagged Image File (filename extension)TIFF Tagged Image File FormatTIGA Texas Instruments Graphics ArchitectureTIGER Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and ReferencingTIIAP Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program [NII]TIL Tech Info Library [Macintosh]TIM Technical Information Memo [Compaq]TIMED Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics [JHUAPL]TIMEZONES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GMT Offsets Offsets Eastward from GMT (+) Offsets Westward from GMT (-) AST - Atlantic Standard Time -4:00 AT - Azores Time -2:00 AHD - Alaska-Hawaii Daylight ::: AHS - Alaska-Hawaii Standard -10:00 BLT - Baghdad Local Time +3:00 BST - British Summer Time ::: CAT - Central Alaska Time -10:00 CCT - China Coast Time +8:00 CDT - Central Daylight Time ::: CET - Central European Time +1:00 CLT - Cairo Local Time +2:00 CST - Central Standard Time -6:00 EAD - East Australian Daylight ::: EAS - East Australian Standard +10:00 EDT - Eastern Daylight Time ::: EET - Eastern European Time +1:00 EMT - Eastern Mediterranean +2:00

EST - Eastern Standard Time -5:00 GMT - Greenwich Mean Time +0:00 HST - Hawaii Standard Time -10:00 JST - Japanese Standard Time +9:00 MDT - Mountain Daylight Time ::: MET - Middle European Time +1:00 MST - Mountain Standard Time -7:00 MTS - Moscow Time Standard +3:00 MTD - Moscow Time Daylight ::: NT - Nome Time -11:00 NZT - New Zealand Time +12:00 PDT - Pacific Daylight Time ::: PST - Pacific Standard Time -8:00 PST - Pakistan Standard Time +5:00 WAS - West Australian Standard +7:00 WAT - West Africa Time -1:00 WED - Western Europe Daylight ::: WES - Western Europe Standard +0:00 YDT - Yukon Daylight Time ::: YST - Yukon Standard Time -9:00 IDLE- International Date Line East +12:00 IDLW- International Date Line West -12:00TIMI Technology Independent Machine Interface [IBM]TIMS Text Information Management SystemsTINA Telecommunication Information Networking ArchitectureTIP Terminal Interface Processor + Transaction Internet ProtocolTITOFET Tunneling-In, Tunneling-Out Field Effect TransistorTKIP Temporal Key Integrity ProtocolTK/TK Track to TrackTLA Three-Letter AcronymTLB Translation Lookaside Buffer.TLB Table (file name extension)TLD Top Level DomainTLI Transport Layer InterfaceTLS Transport Layer SecurityTLU Table Lookup.TLX Telex (file name extension)TM TrademarkTMDS Transition Minimized Differential Signaling.TML Template (file name extension)TMP TemporaryTMS Traffic Management System [BA]TN Twisted Nematic

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TNC Terminal Node ControllerTNEF Transport Neutral Encapsulation FormatTNO The Netherlands OrganizationTOAD Tool for Application DevelopersTOC Table Of ContentsTOD Time Of DayTOF Tiny Open FirmwareTOP Technical and Office ProtocolTOS Terms Of ServiceTPC Transaction-Processing Performance CouncilTPF Transactions Processing Facility [IBM]TPI Tracks Per InchTPL Table Producing Language + Transaction Processing LanguageTPM Transactions Per Minute + Trusted Platform ModuleTPORT Twisted Pair Port Transceiver [AT&T]TP-PMD Twisted Pair-Physical Medium Dependent (cable)TPS Transactions Per Second + Transaction Processing SystemTPW Turbo Pascal for WindowsTQFP Thin Quad Flat PackTQM Total Quality ManagementTR Terminal ReadyT/R Transmit/ReceiveTRACERT Trace Route [Microsoft]TRADIC * Transistorized Airborne Digital Computer (Name of first computer to be entirely transistorized).TRM Terminal (file name extension)TRN Threaded Read News [Internet] + Token Ring NetworkTRON The Real-Time Operating System NucleusTS Top SecretTSA Target Service Agent + Technical Support Alliance + Telephony Services ArchitectureTSAPI Telephony Services Application Program Interface [AT&T + Novell]TSB Termination Status BlockTSD Type-Specific DriverTSE The Semware EditorTSID Transmitting Subscriber Identification [Microsoft]TSN Transition Sequence NumberTSO Time Sharing OptionTSOP Thin Small-Outline PackageTSP Telephony Service ProviderTSR Terminate and Stay ResidentTSS Task State Segment + Time Sharing SystemTS/SI Top Secret/Sensitive Information.TST Test (file name extension)TSTN Triple Supertwisted NematicTSV Tab Separated ValuesTT Typewriter TextTTA Transport-Triggered ArchitectureTTCN Tree and Tabular Combined Notation.TTF TrueType Font (file name extension)TTL Through The Lens + Transistor-Transistor LogicTTP Thermal-Transfer Printing

TTS Text-To-Speech + Transaction Tracking SystemTTY TeletypeTUCOWS The Ultimate Collection of Winsock SoftwareTUI Text-Based User Interface [WordPerfect]TUMS Table Update and Management System [Stanford University].TUT Tutorial (file name extension)TVF Table of contents Verbosely from File [UNIX]TVFS Toronto Virtual File System [IBM]TVI Television InterferenceTVOL Television On-LineTWAIN Technology Without Any Interesting Name (connection between application and scanner software)TWEAKUI Tweak User InterfaceTWIP Twenty In Point (as in 20 twips/pixel) [Microsoft]TWX Teletypewriter Exchange ServiceTXD Transmit Data.TXF Tax Exchange Format (file name extension)TXT TextTXT2STF Text To Structured File [Lotus Agenda]TZ Time Zone [Unix]


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UA User Agent + User AreaUAE Unrecoverable Application ErrorUAM User Authentication MethodUART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/TransmitterUAS User Application SoftwareUBE Unsolicited Bulk EmailUBR Unspecified Bit Rate.UC2 Compressed File (file name extension) [UltraCompressor]UCB Universal Content BrokerUCBE Unsolicited Commercial Bulk EmailUCC Uniform Commercial CodeUCE Unsolicited Commercial EmailUCL Universal Communications LanguageUCS Unicode Conversion Support + Universal Character Set + User Coordinate SystemUCT Universal Coordinated TimeUDA Universal Data Access [Microsoft]UDB Universal Data BaseUDC Universal Decimal Classification + User Defined CommandsUDD User Data DocumentUDDI Universal Description, Discovery and IntegrationUD-DVD Ultra-Definition Digital Video DiskUDE Universal Data ExchangeUDEC * Universal Digital Electronic Computer [Burroughs]UDF Universal Disk Format + User Defined Functions

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UDG User Defined GatewayUDMA Ultra Direct Memory AccessUDP User Datagram ProtocolUDT Uniform Data Transfer + User-Defined TypeUEMS Unsolicited Electronic Mail SolicitationUFS Universal\Unix File SystemUG User GroupUHCI Universal Host Controller InterfaceUHF Ultra-High FrequencyUHL Universal Hypertext LinkUI Unix International + User InterfaceUIC User Identification CodeUID User IdentifierUIMA Unstructured Information Management Architecture [IBM]UIMS User Interface Management SystemUL Underwriters Laboratories + Unordered List + UploadULA Uncommitted Logic ArrayULB Ultra WidebandULN Universal Link NegotiationULS Universal Licensing SystemULSI Ultra Large Scale IntegrationUMA Unified Memory ArchitectureUMB Upper Memory Block [LIM/AST]UMD Universal Media DiskUML Unified Modeling LanguageUMPC Ultra-Mobile Personal ComputerUMS User Mode SchedulerUMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications SystemUNC Universal Naming Convention + Uuencoded Netnews Collator [Unix]UNCOL Universal Computed Oriented LanguageUNEP Unbundled Network PlatformUNI User-Network InterfaceUNICOM Universal Integrated Communication (System)UNICOS Universal Compiler FORTRAN compatibleUNII Unlicensed National Information InfrastructureUNIVAC Universal Automatic ComputerUNIX (AT&T Bell Laboratories Operating System)UNMA Unified Network Management ArchitectureUNSPSC Universal Standard Products and Services ClassificationUP UniprocessorUPC Universal Product/Program Code + User Parameter ControlUPG UpgradeUPL User Program LanguageUPM Unix Programmer's Manual + User Profile Management [IBM]UPNP (UPnP) Universal Plug and PlayUPS United Parcel Service (company) + Uninterruptible Power Supply/SystemURC Uniform Resource Characteristics + Uniform Resource CitationUREP Unix RSCS Emulation Protocol (protocol)URI Uniform Resource IdentifierURL Uniform Resource LocatorURN Uniform Resource Name/NumberUS Unit SeparatorUSART Universal Synchronous-Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter

USB Universal Serial Bus [Intel]US-CERT United States Computer Emergency Readiness TeamUSENET User's Network [Internet]USERID User IdentificationUSOC Universal Service Ordering CodeUSQ Unsqueezed (files)USR US Robotics (corporation)USRT Universal Synchronous Receiver/TransmitterUSSA User Supported Software Association (United Kingdom)UT User TerminalUT1 Universal Time OneUTC Coordinated Universal TimeUTF Unicode Transformation FormatUTI Universal Text Interchange/InterfaceUTM Unified Threat Management + Universal Transverse Mercator (grid)UTP Unshielded Twisted-Pair (cable)UU Uuencode/UudecodeUUCP Unix-To-Unix Copy ProtocolUUD UUDecoding [Unix]UUDECODE Unix-To-Unix DecodingUUE UUEncoding [Unix]UUENCODE Unix-To-Unix EncodingUUI User-To-User Information [AT&T]UUID Universal Unique IdentifierUV UltravioletUWB Ultra-Wide BandUWR Ultra Wideband RadioUXGA Ultra Extended Graphics Array


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VA Virtual Address + Visual Age [IBM]VAD Value Added DealerVADD Value Added Disk DriverVADSL (See DSL)VAI Video As InputVAL Value + Voice Application Language.VAL Validity Checks (file name extension) [Paradox]VAM Virtual Access MethodVAN Value Added NetworkVAP Value Added ProcessVAR Value Added Reseller + Value Added Retailer + VariableVAST Variable Array Storage TechnologyVAX/VMS Virtual Address Extension/Virtual Memory System [DEC]VB Variable Block + Visual Basic [Microsoft]VBA Visual Basic for Applications [Microsoft]VBE/AI Vesa Bios Extension/Audio InterfaceVBI Vertical Blanking IntervalVBNS Very High Speed Backbone Network Service [MCI + NSF]VBR Variable Bit RateVBRUN Visual Basic RuntimeVBS Visual Basic Script.VBX Visual Basic Extension (file name extension)VCC Virtual Channel Connection

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VCD Video Compact Disk + Virtual Communications DriverVCI Virtual Circuit IdentifierVCL Visual Class/Component LibraryVCM Virtual Channel MemoryVCN Virtual Cluster NumberVCOS Visual Caching Operating System [AT&T]VCPI Virtual Control Program InterfaceVCR Video Cassette RecorderVDD Virtual Device DriverVDDM Virtual Device Driver ManagerVDE Video Display Editor + Visual Development EnvironmentVDI Virtual Device InterfaceVDISK Virtual DiskVDM Virtual DOS Machine [IBM]VDMAD Virtual Direct Memory Access Device [Microsoft]VDS Virtual DMA ServicesVDSL (See DSL)VDT Video Dial Tone + Video Display TerminalVDU Video Display Unit + Visual Display UnitVEGA Video-7 Enhanced Graphics Adapter [Video-7, Inc.]VEMM Virtual Expanded Memory ManagerVEMMI Versatile Multimedia InterfaceVER Verify + VersionVERONICA Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-Wide Index to Computer Archives [Internet]VERR Verify Read AccessVERW Verify Write AccessVES Video Encoding Standard [Oracle] + Virtual Execution SystemVESA Video Electronics Standards AssociationVF Virtual FloppyVFAT Virtual File Allocation Table [Microsoft]V.FC Version.First Class (communications standard)VFD Vacuum Fluorescent DisplayVFW Video For Windows [Microsoft]VGA Video Graphics ArrayVGC Video Graphics ControllerVHDL VHSIC Hardware Description LanguageVHF Very-High FrequencyVHS Very High Speed + Video Home System + Virtual Host StorageVHSIC Very High Speed Integrated CircuitVI Visual Interactive (editor) [UNIX]VIA Virtual Interface Architecture [Intel]VIE Virtual Information EnvironmentVIF Virtual Interface + Virtual Interrupt FlagVIM Vendor Independent Mail + Vendor Independent Messaging + Video Interface ModuleVIN Vehicle Identification NumberVINES Virtual Networking System [Banyan]VIO Video Input/Output + Virtual Input/OutputViP Visual Programming [Lotus]VIP Variable Information Processing + Video Information Provider + Virtual Interrupt Pending +

Visual Interactive ParserVIPER Verifiable Integrated Processor for Enhanced ReliabilityVIS Video Information System [Tandy] + Viewable Image Size + Visual Instruction Set [Sun] + Voice Information SystemVJ HEADER Van Jacobsen Header (compression) [Unix]VLA Variable-Length ArrayVLAN Virtual Local Area NetworkVL-BUS Vesa Local-Bus [VESA]VLD Variable-Length DecoderVLF Very Low FrequencyVLINK Visited Link [HTML]VLIW Very Large Instruction WordVLM Virtual Loadable ModuleVLSI Very Large Scale IntegrationVLSIPS Very Large Scale Immobilized Polymer SynthesisVLT Variable List TableVM Virtual Machine + Virtual MemoryVMA Virtual Memory AddressVMB Virtual Machine BootVMD Video Motion DetectionVME Versa Module Eurocard + Virtual Memory EnvironmentVML Vector Markup Language [Microsoft]VMM Virtual Machine/Memory ManagerVMOS Vertical MOSVMP Virtual Modem ProtocolVMS Virtual Machine Storage + Virtual Memory System + Voice Message SystemVMT Virtual Memory TechniqueVNA Virtual Network ArchitectureVNC Virtual Network ComputingVNOS Visual Network Operating SystemVOC Creative Voice (format) [Sound Blaster]VOD Video On DemandVOFDM Vector Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing [Cisco]VOIP Voice Over Internet ProtocolVOL VolumeVOM Volt-Ohm-MilliammeterVOR Visions Of RealityVOS Verbal/Virtual/Voice Operating SystemVP Virtual PathVPD Virtual Printer Device + Vital Product Data [IBM]VPDN Virtual Private Data NetworkVPDS Virtual Private Data Service [MCI]VPE Video Port Extensions [Microsoft] + Visual Programming EnvironmentVPL Virtual Programming LanguageVPLS Virtual Private LAN ServiceVPM Video Port ManagerVPN Virtual Page Number + Virtual Private NetworkVPS Voice Processing SystemVPSC Vault, Process, Structure, ConfigurationVPT Virtual Print Technology [Dataproducts]VR Virtual Reality + Voltage Regulated/RegulatorVRAM Video Random Access MemoryVRD Virtual Retinal Display + Virtual Reference Desk

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VRE Voltage Regulated ExtendedVRM Vendor Relationship Management + Voltage Regulator ModuleVRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language (originally named Virtual Reality Markup Language)VROOMM Virtual Real-time Object Oriented Memory Manager [Borland]VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol.VRS WordPerfect Graphics Driver (file name extension)VRT Voltage Regulation Technology [Intel]VRU Voice Response UnitVS Virtual StorageVSAM Video Surveillance and Monitoring + Virtual Storage Access MethodVSAT Very Small Aperture TerminalVSE Virtual Storage ExtendedVSF Vertical Scanning FrequencyVSI Virtual Socket/Switch InterfaceVSIO Virtual Serial Input OutputVSM Virtual Shared Memory + Virtual Storage Management + Visual System Management [IBM]VSN Volume Serial NumberVSOS Virtual Storage Operating SystemVSS Visual SourceSafe [Microsoft]VST Virtual Studio TechnologyVSTO Visual Studio Tools [Microsoft]VSWR Voltage Standing Wave RatioVSYNC Vertical SyncVT Vertical Tab + Virtualization Technology [Intel]

VTAM Virtual Telecommunications Access Method [IBM]VTNS Virtual Telecommunications Network ServiceVTS Volume Tracking DriverVUI Video User InterfaceVUP VAX Unit of PerformanceVWB Visual WorkBench [Microsoft]VWM Virtual Window ManagerVXA Variable-Speed Architecture [Ecrix]VxD Virtual Extended Driver [Microsoft].VXD Virtual Device (file name extension) [Microsoft]VXML Voice Extensible Markup LanguageV&V Verification and Validation


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W/ WithW3 (see WWW)W3A World Wide Web AppletsW3C World Wide Web ConsortiumW4 What-Works-With-WhatWAAS Wide Area Augmentation SystemWABI Windows Application Binary Interface [SunSoft]WAE Wireless Application EnvironmentWAI Web Accessibility Initiative + Web Application Interface [Netscape]WAIS Wide Area Information ServerWAITI Wait-For-Interrupt

WAITS Wide Area Information Transfer SystemWAN Wide Area NetworkWAP Wireless Application ProtocolWAR Web ArchiveWARP Web Service Aggregtion, Rely and PropogationWATS Wide Area Telecommunications Service.WAV Waveform Audio (file name extension)WBEM Web-Based Enterprise ManagementW/C Watts Per ChannelWC Word CountW-CDMA Wideband CDMAWCG Wide Color GamutWCS World Coordinate SystemWD-40 Water Displacement-40th AttemptWDDM Windows Display Driver Model [Microsoft]WDDX Web Distributed Data ExchangeWDL Windows Driver Library [Microsoft]WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing + Windows Driver Model [Microsoft]WDRAM Windows Dynamic Random Access MemoryWEA Web Enabled Application.WEB Entities Emphasizing the WWW (Domain Name) [Internet]WEBDAV Web Based Distributed Authoring and VersioningWEBNFS Web Network File System [Sun]WEFT Web Embedding Fonts Tool [Microsoft]WELL Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link (BBS)WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy + Wireless Encription ProtocolWFM Wired For Management [Intel]WFQ Weighted Fair Queuing [Cisco]WFW Windows For Workgroups [Microsoft]WGS Work Group SystemWHAM Waveform Hold and Modify [Microsoft]WHC Workstation Host ConnectionWHQL Windows Hardware Quality Labs [Microsoft]WIDEN Wideband Integrated Digital Enhancement NetworkWIFI (Wi-Fi) Wireless FidelityWIKI Wikipedia (encylopedia)WIM Wireless Instant MessagingWIMP Windows, Icons, Menus and PulldownsWIN 9.X Windows95/Windows98WIN...CE Windows Compact Edition [Microsoft]WINDBG Windows Debugger [Microsoft]WINE Windows EmulatorWINForum Wireless Information Networks ForumWIN...FS Windows Future Storage [Microsoft]

WIN/MAC Windows MacintoshWIN...MCE Windows Media Center Edition [Microsoft]WIN...ME Windows Millennium Edition [Microsoft]WINS Windows Internet Naming Service [Microsoft]WIN...SE Windows Second Edition [Microsoft]WINSOCK Windows Open Systems Architecture [Microsoft] + Windows SocketsWINWORD Word For Windows [Microsoft]WIN...XP Windows The "Experience" [Microsoft]WISE WordPerfect Information System EnvironmentWISP Wireless Internet Service ProviderWIT Web Interactive Talk [Internet]

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.WKB Workbook (file name extension) [WordPerfect].WKE Worksheet (file name extension) [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC].WKQ Spreadsheet (file name extension) [BORQU].WKS Worksheet (file name extension) [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC].WKZ Compressed Spreadsheet (file name extension) [BORQU].WK1 Worksheet (file name extension) [Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC]WL Word LineWLAN Wireless Local Area Network.WLG Dr. Watson Log (file name extension)WLL Wireless Local Loop.WMA Windows Media Audio (file name extension) [Microsoft]WMC Workflow Management CoalitionWME Wireless Multimedia Enhancements.WMF Windows Metafile Format (file name extension) [Microsoft]WMFSDK Windows Media Format Software Development Kit [Microsoft]WMI Windows Management Instrumentation [Microsoft]WML Wireless Markup LanguageWMP Windows Media Player [Microsoft]WMRM Write Many, Read ManyWMT Windows Media Technologies [Microsoft].WMV Windows Video File (file name extension) [Microsoft]WNIC Wide-Area Network Interface Co-ProcessorWNIM Wide-Area Network Interface ModuleW/O WithoutWORM Write Once, Read ManyWOS Workstation Operating SystemWOSA Windows Open Services/Systems Architecture [Microsoft]WOW Window On Windows [Microsoft]WP WordPerfect + Word Processing + Write ProtectedWPA Wi-Fi/Wireless Protected Access.WPD Windows Printer Description (file name extension).WPG WordPerfect Graphics (file name extension)WPHD Write-Protect Hard Disk.WPK Keyboard (file name extension) [WordPerfect]WPM Words Per Minute.WPM Macro (file name extension) [WordPerfect]WPOS Workplace Operating SystemWPS Windows Printing System [Microsoft] + Workplace Shell [OS2]WPVM Windows Parallel Virtual Machine.WQ1 Spreadsheet (file name extension) [BORPQU].WQ! Compressed Spreadsheet (file name extension) [BORPQU]WRAM Windows Random Access MemoryWRE Weighted Random Early Detection [Cisco].WRI Write (file name extension)WRK Windows Resource Kit [Microsoft]WS WordStar + WorkstationWSAPI Web Site Application Program

Interface [O'Reilly]WSDL Web Services Definition/Description Language [IBM/Microsoft]WSE Web Services EnhancementWSH Windows Scripting Host [Microsoft]WSP Wireless Session ProtocolWSUI Web Services User InterfaceWT Write ThroughWTA Wireless Telephony ApplicationWTLS Wireless Transport Layer SecurityWTM Wired For ManagementWWIS World Wide Information System [Internet]WWW World-Wide Web [Internet]WXGA Wide Extended Graphics ArrayWYSBYGI What You See Before You Get ItWYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get


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XA Extended Architecture + Extended AttributeXACML Extensible Access Control Markup LanguageXACT Cross-Platform Audio Content ToolXAPIA X.400 Application Program Interface AssociationX2B Hexadecimal to Binary [REXX].XBM X-Windows Bitmaps (file name extension) (black and white)XBRL Extensible Business Reporting LanguageX2C Hexadecimal to Character [REXX]XCHG ExchangeXCMD External CommandXCOPY Extended CopyX2D Hexadecimal to Decimal [REXX]XDF Extended Density Format [IBM]XDR Extended/External Data RepresentationXFCN External FunctionXFDL Extensible forms Description LanguageXGA Extended Graphics Array [IBM]XHMD X-Directed Horizontal Magnetic DipoleXHTML Extensible HyperText Markup LanguageXID Exchange IdentifierXIOS Extended Input/Output System.XLA Add-In (file name extension) [Microsoft-Excel]XLAT TranslateXLF Exceptional Fortran [IBM]XLIFF XML Localization Interchange File Format [IBM].XLK Backup (file name extension) [Microsoft-Excel]XLL Extensible Link LanguageXLM Excel Macro Language [Microsoft].XLT Template (file name extension) [Microsoft-Excel]XMIT TransmitXML Extensible Markup LanguageXMM Extended Memory Manager [LIM/AST]XMS Extended Memory Specification [LIM/AST]XNS Xerox Network System (protocol) [Xerox]

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XOFF Transmitter OffXON Transmitter OnXOR Exclusive OR (Also EOR)XP Extreme Performance [Compaq]XPATH XML Path LanguageXPCOM Cross Platform Component Object Model [Mozilla]XPE XP Embedded (see WIN...XP) [Microsoft].XPM X-Windows Pixelmaps (file name extension) (color)XPRM Xerox Print Resources Manager [Xerox]XPS XML Paper Specification (file format)XRI Extensible Resource IdentifierXRNS Extensible Resource Name SystemXRT Extensions for Real-TimeXSL Extensible Stylesheet LanguageXSLT Extensible Stylesheet Language TransformationXSMD Extended Storage Module Drive (interface)XSSI Extended Server Side IncludesXTAL CrystalXTCLK External Transmit ClockXUL Extensible User-Interface Language [Netscape]


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YAM Yet Another Modem [Omen Technology]YAHOO Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle [Internet]Y2K Year 2000(Y/N)? (Asks for a YES or NO decision)YTD Year To Date

A Glossary of Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms