Download - Compulsory School Evolution


12 2012 Marco Brevi all rights [email protected]+39342 15209043A compulsory schoolA contemporary school of Athens 2012 Marco Brevi all rights reserved4

Human progress depends on new ideas5Table of ContentsA compulsory school..........................................................................................................................................3Presentation ......................................................................................................................................................6Listen oh RUSTIC... .........................................................................................................................................6Intuition and neurological growth.....................................................................................................................6The voice of the Gods is intuition, self-evidence of thought. ........................................................................6A school for who................................................................................................................................................7School structure...............................................................................................................................................11Responsibility...................................................................................................................................................13Education and tourism ....................................................................................................................................14Evaluation........................................................................................................................................................15Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................17Presentation6Listen oh RUSTIC... Here, paragraphs, evolutional criticism in a philosophical thought, the opposition to the educational system in order to improve the living conditions in a school adventure as evolutionary innovation and improvement of the school student's life by helping parents to contribute to their educational growth recompiled the deficiencies had the same system that has led to lack of resolution in sync with that of his son. Teachers work evolution as guides to information and restructuring the judgment idea as a prize, school timing as school peacefully attending.Systems theory is the meeting of the mathematical models associated with dynamic systems, real processes that evolve over time.The all school learning result has no meaning when studying passed events tragedies are repeated over and over. Our body needs nutrients just like the brain needs positive forms of environmental stimulus, here the man responds to laws governed by the universe where everything that does not follow human needs creates social distortions that are negative with time. Progress does not happen by fortuity; even the future has a clearer direction in the probability that sees each individual move within the unknown parameters to man but metaphysically correct as species evolution.Intuition and neurological growthThe voice of the Gods is intuition, self-evidence of thought.For any major change discovery and revelation you just need a thought, an idea. The school today is a thought frozen in an actual damage and yet, most people still without thinking promote that ignorance that unites them in a medieval torpor in a continuous wail that condemns them to a mandatory frequency without result, and while the same parents could not think of living without the school are condemning themselves in awaiting God's judgment.A good eye that is covered by a bandage in early age it becomes blind because has no stimulus, a quantum mechanics of cause and effect that accompanies the child to the sound of the bell when the escape is the real true result of all the words spoken in the classroom, school staff in 7dictatorial desires apparently pedagogical promote materials soups without any nutrient digestibility made of poor character and futility.In school we do not study how to feel good" or how to enjoy a happy and peaceful life with others but it began a long series of constraints whose results do not pay light lost. Sitting at a desk in an uncomfortable classroom closed and suffocating where: it consumes a snack or "recreation break screaming, laughing, silence orders, copy, play and study without future directions between salad of subjects and judgments under the banner of tolerance and peace, racism and non-violence, in the preaching of not judging under the general insecurity despite being on trial every day. We study the economy as per inappropriate consumption of paper while health is equivalent to show hands to ask permission to bathroom.Two main systems dated 1952 and 1924 call for a school need to take place of the reformed reforms with innovation construction, structural, organizational, contemporary pedagogical to present time because what was considered modern 40/100 years ago, now its history, culture has been draggedinto a cultural chauvinism where nothing remainsbut to read the misdeeds in order of not to propose them and who would remember long periods sitting on uncomfortable wooden chairs with the standing back straight rigorwhile you fantasized games waiting home their pilot study and why study history wars if you want to steer towards peace and tolerance in a school that doesnt meet leader.A contradiction is the study in search for peace that does not meet a published text material, educational subjects that guide the "path of peace and tolerance" if you do not move that socialization among school staff, but individually behind closed doors the line is short at that 'illusory freedom and democracy inherent diverted on the "consolidated equity" which calls for a more social racism that educational and cultural solution.The school is therefore easily organized when you feel the need for development renewal, the creation of cultural and educational spaces by following an organized structure in time and where timing matters, evaluation and pedagogical consequence future leave footprint in the subject. Increase the quality of life where the lack of knowledge, lack of 8intuition leans prejudices ... wherefollowed instincts opens to rebellion against the system.Laws but not solutions, not problems but proposed solutions at start in harmonic mechanism for a balanced development encountering between structure and resonant frequency, environment. Motivations to keep permanent educational activities can be compared to a preparatory scale such as entertainment show, the light of life, reading a book in the pursuit of knowledge, zapping television programs in search for more suitable channel, the opera escalation that keeps the public attention, the metaphysics of life scale driven by moments of excitement, love, movement, reflection, friendship, loneliness, eternal moments that activate the individual experiences growing light knowledge. Therefore its all necessary where everything has its own frequency in the clear definition of "theory of everything". A growth model that forms the personality and individual motivation to drive the business school together in his times, and finally ... the most important phase which is the result of joining and receive a value of participation and being; duty confirmation ofthe right to culture and the intrinsic educational preparation to "savoir vivre".A school for whoEducate the children ... and parents who educates them, where teachers are educated, who teaches school!At the moment all news reported about the school and faltering steps of miraculous technologies dedicated to whiteboards or digital books does nothing but weaken an already deteriorating situation and visibly moving very credible education to healthy consciousness revisit.Lucignolo desire and the lack of development of Pinocchio open to a change, evolution, school innovation, only in this case the educational activities can be permanent and decisive for development and these new generations do not accept live a model "vintage, this means that today's schools will have to deal with its products in twenty years time. The indifference to future results meets the initial value. The work itself is 9worth its harmony by being offered and organized and the example is the environment and intrinsic behavior. Attending daily lessons and proposals in schools without unhealthy physical and mental freedom of expression in a total obstruction to education that smells expired time has elapsed with textbooks submitted by operators in a robotic mechanism that moves consumption and consumerism under the economy name in a constant stupidity of the people, you cannot help but meet social crises equivalent to not accept by not accepting a democratically obligation to models not more appropriate. The school distracted and lost blocked the construction of new possibilities that create those parallel synchronized randomness by bringing next upcoming solutions definite coincidental control. Fairness! The transformation of democracy untenable as illusory comes under the name of Equity where students consume between classes called A-B-C-D schools student's desks that meet the first with the last row. If the systems are well organized and school management meets the needs of young people, the solution will open differently. Racism and bullying begin silently and unconsciously at school whensilent is ordered by the teacher,a pupil recall, votes and opens judgments are given, takes possession of students personal diary or notebook without asking permission ... uses his arrogance of power in managing the class because school education does not teach education as good manners simply because the structure does not allow it and the same staff come from a school market of ruthless and arrogant judgment but not judicious communicating to children that education has to be learnedat home with their parents without recognizingbeing children of a global gaming poorly managed since its foundation ... leaving the sanitation work and hygiene of toilets to slavery janitor, a career without detection.The limited cultural and educational experience proposed from school and that students are unconsciously aware creates the dropout bypushing the student to seek solutions that bring development emotions and qualified, quantified, satisfactory, with an income of emotional and evaluative, or decide to remain in the cultural cradle of hope in belonging to a mass without personal thought, educational obsolescence speaking as the books read, find citations that fall into a cultural chauvinism and mental defocusing, uncontrolled imbecilityled deep insecurityand 10failure of hope, the illusion of becoming falls for being what you really are with the results as Sunday Stadium.Thousand words are not enough; the culture brings with it a continuous mold where school systems as well as work system meet the ambition mans in his size and when not supported moves elsewhere. Reduce early school leaving school organization wants a better presented organism, nothing more simple the solution at first, there are no problems ... we develop solutions.In a view of a man evolution there is a real interest towards science and technology, but in the era of mobile phones, the school does not guide the child to use itas: security, communication, school data, numbers digit and messaging but it is strictly forbidden and considered a problem like the plague if it is used for mathematical calculations or data copy. A restricted closed mind creates more problems than direct solutions. We are used to create all sorts of problems and the first are those of mathematics: "Dario has a rich supply of new books: 10 are made in rows and 8 are squares. How many row notebooks have more? - In the schoolyard, during recreation 13 children are playing ball and 7 play hide and seek. ". Peter has to settle on his album 14 photos taken during a trip to the beach. He has already put in place 10. How many photos have yet to fix?Mathematical problems for a student in elementary school are not understood having difficulty reasoning as belonging to another present moment. Unnecessary calculations problems without sense of direction, do not bring anything and leave the education, the mind, exactly as they found it, problems dictated by adult minds filled with their existential problems, the same problems proposed meet all those stories presented on books text with attached "morality" where the child has no ethics as intended exclusively for those minds that they need the these mentioned " moralistic guides". The moral of Pinocchio eager to play studies and earn a fictitious location for a future job while Lucignolo the creator of the theme park without any defense as crickets advisers andfairydie 11working under the appearanceof an animal, a donkey, which brings neurologically all of us to see the animal in an insignificant ignorance.From primary school students were accustomed to make copies and paste them on their notebook and yet we complain for a download instead of encouraging culture technology.To copy should not be a negative students option, but the work itself of the group and the individual who has not yet picked up the proper period, this it happen when the student has the option to true expression and realization - self assessment - work scheduling classes. Create a team now united and individually against tomorrow so as not to copy from a fellow companion does not create an organized team but a fake resolution similar to Big Brother, all against all!A denial / rebellion to that result that sees them obliged sitting for long periods of time in order to receive evaluation in a report card that has no value to be or either to become with all entries of meaningless without structure that compose it. The vote that we get in civic education has no counterpart or position to be when there is no solution and that painted pink and blue nurseryeducational environmentit seems as if it were the first wedding day in an increasing disorder with failure disorganization and susceptibility to improvement. Initial smiles failures that end with screams warnings recall and notes expulsions evaluations.It has been proved that in a class of a number of students is normal for the teacher to sympathize with some elements rather than others, so antipathy towards certain characters it is naturalA teacher who has thousands of problems made of a corrupted system that sinks it is conceivable to see the shipwrecked, where such a leader can save you when school walls are drastically anti-contemporary and outside the "educational" walls there are not validated prospectsthat match a school environment. It would be like studying a foreign language as a second option when the same movies are translated for ease of use. The teacher finds it difficult to stay behind his duty when in front of the students reads a lesson that involves a moral judgment when the man itself has never conscientiously evolved. The dog running after its own tail 12in a moral circle, political, religious a burned mechanism, the circle of fools.A reduction of teachers role by valuing the awareness of being knowledge guides and providing information to specific singular clear and precise areas with their update, is the information guideline within the group.For those teachers accustomed to having their genital covered behind the desk, Education removes automatically the teacher who is not ... who hasnt value, who has never been, apples for fruit salad. Readapt workers to systematic changes to the common good by creating spaces and better work environments in supporting the most of their existence. Stop supporting the system when it does not offer "good life, good living." No one returns in a place that didnt offer good service and the obligation to return sooner or later leads a rebellion unconscious but addressed to achieve better results.The teacher severity replace in saving the school money the gym instructor, for this reason gym classes has never been taken seriously, in fact most of the students has always had positive reviews, rare cases where a student has been postponed in the gym!When students are having fun it means (for school but also for the parents themselves) that are not working and the work must be hard sweat suffering torture exactly what theywant you to remember in past wars or by visiting concentration camps, perpetuate evil.Yet, only with the written quotes in all published books categories everything should work in optimum model while instead the man is still a victim of selfishness to believe to be the architect of the earth movement.How students can practice communication if they have no place to practice where corridor recreation is filled with runners and bathrooms are already crowded by those who run away from the lesson and the janitors too tired, too lazy to maintain order spin empty, you do not well recognize their function between cleanings, carry bags, messengers, control, gatekeepers, all you can do..How much a teacher can talk about a page that illustrate the Antarctica, or Africa, the Columbus voyage, Napoleon story, mites evolution or plant 13life, the solar system and more without promoting images, informational videos, documentaries, movies, a material that provides and ensures a trigger memory, not that "lesson" presented with arrogance and dictatorship of lack of experience and real knowledge. We know that the image strikes first than a sentence, it helps to understand, to have a clear vision, entering the period to better assimilate the message. Through word is not easy for all students to acquire the same message (just look at the tragedy of the Bible, which sees 34,000 branches in promoting a single meaning), you have to imagine an picture while losing the thread in the speed of imagination while following a speech, of course in a drawing class the image, not imagined, will have a specific task in its differential expression, so ... how much can a teacher speak when you have a video information directly without recall of maintaining the attention and screams of showing off little education. Why students have to follow a school subject and find they receive negative comments when there is a need of individuality and reject the buddy desk because he is not good in geography as the student in the back row!Is to be considered the circus where the elephant dance and seals are playing ball in a union of animals that are not doing their natural things. The "team", the prerogative of the teamwork it doesnt comes from the obligation but by the desire to belong, to be part of, each one in his capacity seat, united single students of different nature and social7cultural interest. The school slogan: study or you will be rejected, study or you will become like a donkey! In the book of history, the list of bad characters apparently has a higher result than the good ones, in fact, are studied with rigor and handy judgment, while for the good.... Ballot is missing, the false promises.A lesson need to have a name to be moved on otherwise it would not be called so, because it can take place need to be called with a name therefore can be called a "lesson"on the other hand does not fall within school their personal intuition let the students choose their books, let their hands fall "accidentally" on the book more suitable and let the word gets out ... with the surprise of the teacher!14School structureAct on programs and school organization as well as teachers role as guides. Educational perspectives addressed to educational needs and cultural activities, culture lightening at a turning point to attract less problems. The school educational problems increase when nothing has been arranged and prepared in the kindergarten.It remains a general school duty to address future citizens rights by presenting and offering a quality service that embraces the education and cultural information in a distributed environment such as communication needs. The schoolas it stands is not strong enough to self-organize and organize the future, cannot solve programs and consequent organization, cannot dress upa new generation with clothes no longer suitable.The role of teachers has no flavor and misses the value that deserves respect; programs, books, and school organization are nothing but a timely response to a mechanism that has dragged on, a controlled chaos that requires action in order to give contemporary life. Dissatisfaction in all departments worth the untrusted and false school identity where teaching garbage separation, school does not meet the service, it would be like looking for a wastebasket in a church or a prepared home to keep a clean ambient. The same thing happens in a class of 15/30 students where in its interior a single basket (strictly emptied from the janitor) is all what Hygiene is aboutin the meantimeit progresses the collection of plastic caps while the use of photocopies are widespread. The economy starts from the school when teachers do not respond with: "they are not my money!" Hygiene, the general cleaning affecting hygiene of the school are moved through the janitor, a character from the all-doing to public relations, messaging, control, small maintenance jobs, locking and opening times. A job with no growing future that sees a doorman or concierge in a hotel raise up to receptionist or other any other position, the janitor has his career locked ends up in a dead end, there is not even the head janitor, assistant janitor, second janitor,'the janitor is just dressed up in apron uniform over his casual dress, a school slave worker .Personal hygiene, limited to the care of brushing your teeth and hands are communicated through the pages of a book as if it were a subject to be studied instead of daily practice. Should be guided by the teacher to wash 15their hands frequently ... if services are available until you developthat mechanical aspect of beingbut this is not enough. Hygiene, a field such as the kitchen will follow the individual throughout life, are not taken into account. There is talk of multimedia whiteboards for education and micro "safety-road" (as if the children were left to go to the streets on their own) and many others projects with no longer vision reason while the basic sciences fall into the future of those who will go further.Directing thought toward helping hygiene education to be responsible for learning an "active" subject creating responsibility, duties that open to a development of general values . A class composed of elementsof different age and united in an numerological organization contributes to global respect in rights and duties activating awareness, accountability, being responsible means control, management and leadership, therefore to receive liability to place a mission, the duty to participate the commitment to knowledge, empowered active classes in moving students character to "work", to direct consciousness and conscientiousness that matter, it is a social responsibility in the classroom and consequently move to the surrounding when presented in educational suitable spaces, adapted to the needs if they are recognized as such.Meet the needs of each single individual finds its solution in meeting the expectations of the nation will in respect to those who want to accompany their future to future truth , if you want Olympic champions better drive interested studentsin similar desires in sporting success and so for music art, scienceCreating islands in the classroom with mini tables surrounded by mini chairs placed in a circle it doesnt mean creating a group, especially when the teacher is pushingherself in an uncomfortable adaptation, clumsy and ridiculous curved where parent in taking part in class meetingsthey ends up with their knees under their chin adapting to an environment not prepared, this is noteducation either much less a solution toculture where schools is usedforelectoral vote, enteringthe children house while spreading bad energy education and even less cultural but only a selfishness consecrated ... why at this point theydont use the house of the Lord instead of the school!16If the school, if the institutional system would be responsible in itself could create citizens of "equal" cultural identity and respectivelya chain, this can be done only by a renovated school pedagogically clear, culturally and educationally correct, innovative, functional.Become responsible citizens, to be a responsible citizen wants responsibility in the early years of school, a sort of "guide / instruction" that does not look at good posture in the chair, but the cultural social hygienic environment that meets the values requiredto future as the person whos directed to the environment.Educational environment today seemslike to be the visit to the museum or a library which is used exclusively for the student to get out of that stench closed classroom that meets them and nailing them and unites every dayin a torture that makes them "noisy" just feel free , exactly as it happens to the sound of the school bellthe release of repressed energies, the goal in the stadium turned into chaos, the camp village that blends with a chaos where glasses and table are beaten down with cutlery to make noise called fun. Evidently pedagogy in its dullness still thinks as a "grow up" man with tragic visible results with everything that has been put on the road between prejudices and false morality the memory ofthe youngness escapes as if ashamed, as if it were a necessary step due to access a lack of growth that has not gratitude of the past . All culture has to be redone, the man needs to to reshape.Pointless to wait for an outside food service so-called "catering" and learn later from school textbooks what "primarily" should be organized and promoted at first. Learning becomes mechanical in what is experienced by living it, exercising the step that leads to the next one. At school we dont learn how to walk and if this happens we would find visibly disabled people looks for domination and control over physical defects as the psychological one are already been to search.Errors of a designed and arranged pedagogy on social purposes shows a clear failure and a subsequent attempt to narrow steps between insecure experienced specialists and managers moving the dance without music. The school failure has two teachers by a single desk, a ridiculous situation because: or the desk stretches out or widens the class, add a desk worsen 17the space and the concentration of students already struggling for attention!Allow school personnel to work in a culture that produces and communicates education, to recognize what kind of support is necessary in order to bring permanent solutions and what type of additional solutions that look the evolution out of school, fewer problems are created and multiple valuation solutions arise.A teachercertification is valuable whenprofessionalism is validated, curated by bringing "to desk" a single subject updated and presented on time in an optimal and optimized learning in accordance with the educational materials directly to information of the material without the presupposition of judgment.To add an assistant or a teacher support does not lead to have a desk encyclopedia, without material, no pompous with no environment and unsolved problems. Culturally and educationally poor not build if not for what they have learned in their school time, covering a will just to belong behind a chair like thats their office for which they sacrifice a life in an illusory membership of which all remains theory or secretly hidden by political propaganda, so they are not even up to a professional certification.The results given in that presented mixed salad of materials and timing thrown in chaos without reason to be do not have cultural value and the damage remains visible in the society made even by the teachers and all those who perpetuate the damage with the founded facts. Weapon of mass destruction VS weapon of mass creation.ResponsibilityTraining and support in a wide variety of teachers individually placed in classrooms, each in his own idea to make and give lessons in an illusory arrogance of "knowing" but systematically disorganized where everyone runs their own personal "dictate" intrinsic malfunctioning addressed estate creates laws to oppose problems without promoting solutions with the effect of the country to see how many results are successful in public service context 18It remains unthinkable that one teacher can teach all subjects proposals, his training, his knowledge would require constant and daily updating to fill the gaps that the books cannot communicate, inconceivable how they can communicate the whole "mandatory school level exclusively with textbooks of little value, books that at the end of the school year they end in boxes, basement or garage because they do not have enough energy to win a place at the home library.To which school success there is a will to reach and what they are worth the same school communities when the same "community" European Union, an illusory union that sees a meeting only "economical" of countries with political parameters and equity vague when there is no common language while English should be the language spoken in mayor European schools, the only country not to be a part of the community is England!Probably the idea of a contemporary school education I want to develop is not perfect but it is certainly better than the current. A motivation that is required by the young audience, an intuition to a constant evolution that deserves the meeting of the future citizen and school must respond professionally with a direction to success.School operators should be as active people, adventurous, educated, founder of good living, open to the knowledge available to communicate. Education means to activate constantly evolving with the motivation that lights up the student to actively participate in the culture, activate interest in going to school and not the obligation by being judged.The school needs to evolve and innovate, not through a multimedia whiteboard, among other things not present in all the schoolsor with the presentation ofeBooks, but with the new dress in leading the country itself in promoting innovation.It may be scary for lots of people but it is a morality that leads one to take comfort in fear against the laziness of tomorrow. What we are living today, 100 years ago it was unthinkableIf you want to evolve it is necessary to "get rid" of factors obstructing the evolution, innovation is such that when offer leads to better civilization. The stubbornness to remain anchored in the harbor for fear of the trip 19does nothing but dirty the hull of a ship that has life only during its navigation.Drive solutions to work out educational needs dealing with the intrinsic reality to the future. Mobilization is what a lazy school, ignorant, rude and not prepare to social and environmental wants to turn on culture and education renewed.The science of education wants to innovation and continuous research in the educational and cultural environmental development, judgment therefore does not have the time to be issued as evolving ... a contradiction for the teacher fellow friend / enemy, the teacher who has been greeted with a daily hello becomes judge of your work and greetingis not worth itwhen natural harmony isntflowing.Education and tourism"Make the world a better place" Sounds like a song and it is the systematic support from the school system! Education and tourism, Tourism meets education when education travels with tourism and in a school view it renew the educational spirit within the environmental social and cultural solution as man purposeslike ambassador to the world. On the opposite laws are proclaimed without any neurologically evolutionary solution but as impediments to life and well-being. Economic growth is viewed in time and not in "fast learning" such as the materials salad thrown in random to cover working hours and no-time periods. Take a view of each school calendar and marked weeks are solely those of the parties, for the rest of the year is a black box where, "the fools" will come out later. A Salad of materials defined as "fast food" with results indigestible.Psychophysical harmony in a contour of the multitude equals less "stressed" people without realization, lost dreams in the laziness of a comfort soon became inconvenient, time open the black box and find nothing. The naturalist philosopher of New England would say, "To reach the point of death and discover that you havent lived." Reduced consumption of material believing to live or the comfort with substances 20that lighten the burden of existence in time but open awareness to which consciousness must meet, it is easier to buy than acquiring material substance ... would say!Does the Economic expansion worth the organization of a systematic circle which includes the all motion from birth to a social participation?The chaos theory application Tourism, the environment whos offering hospitality and organization, has stopped in some places in the 70s. Just look at the hotels of the sea areas or simply follow the comments on the social network to see the lack of development and the lack of support directed towards the customer or the staff who lends collaboration.When tourism is educated to be so, it avoids the uncontrolled mass of cattle into the fray who sows dirt in the name of the environment. They all leave food scraps, cigarette butts, paper towels and bags scattered everywhere after complaining of environmental pollution or rather, those who are in the church will exchange the sign of peace and cross the street without realizing not to be the only ones to drive. Education and tourism see arrogant peasants around the world. It was necessary a law prohibiting smoking in places frequented by possible non-smokers, on the other hand they could not understand that smoking could be annoying ... ignorance valid for those with the dog by leaving a memo on the sidewalks ... Now the precisely question is: what did they learn in school in the clear view that all have attended a mandatory school! Obviously the morals of the stories presented in the textbooks did not have the leading role of education and knowledge and mathematics does not have any solution to the rudeness.EvaluationThe vote, the judgment itself closes the time: you get 4/8/10, "but tomorrow is another day", the marks are defined as "free and cheap for a job that has cost commitment, attention, endurance, choking of hours sitting in an uncomfortable bench. Activating new experience in the school renewed gains value, educationally and pedagogically correct and not punished. There are more people who want to win an "ice cream" rather than an obligation to a judgment.21If we wanted to give a value as "professional" that worth the title as "School / education / pedagogy / experts / specialists / teachers / teachers / professors" we would not find it in his conscientious report. The momentum as the peak intended solely for the school staff where incompetence and structural evolutionary deficiencies meet the arrogance of power, the judgment in no intellect in the mechanism that meets the real facts of social rebellion and environmental tragedy.A man planet; force in power and duty to judgment of what is left in a time when the report does not meet the value and strength of being or becoming. The school meets the ultimate futility of education and guidance to citizens of the world. Years of the best youth sitting at a desk for a prize that has no support, the same report wants his close value.The guide sells his art and the obligation to frequency is a pleasure to follow a system for which it is awarded and not judged with grades in conduct or a vague knowledge of a subject that keeps track of the most ignorant people that are not coherent in life.Memorable school experiences - meeting between theory and reality - personal growth - effect on future plansObsolescence in education, the annual meeting of the school starting in its whole structure "time / calendar." The energy is called "harmonic / tuned" when an object placed at home, the position and direction of a music speaker, the color spread on canvas, the color of a dress, waves of energy that "transmitted" come clean, clear, sharp, harmonizingthe environment and observer in tune "music." Unconsciously we arrange home, move a vase, a sculpture, souvenirs bought on a trip, do the housework, the renewal of the cabinet, the personal care, bike ride, walk to the park, the beach, the choice of clothes for certain occasions or just days that bring renewed energy and air, simply open the window to "circulate the air." We create the assessment of ourselves through the waves of energy.Your school - defining professional goals - learns, practice and perfect skills of renewable career - Your professional image for excellence - your professional image in living in the world - card report " and judgments in the present and the future.22What warning would you give to a student in the school world? The report responds to the less expensive version and more insignificant to validate the work and the value of the students. The human brain (again) needs positive forms of environmental stimulus at all stages of development, the need to explore.The school cannot afford to close at noon on weekends or summer holiday, even if they are holiday season but in the interest on daily rates invites his students to socialize, educate, inform, and unite to create those friendships that maintain over time periods that produce trusted educational matters. More groups are triggered in a school mechanism and higher future social and environmental solution get resolutions... The holiday periods and rest are joined to the needs of the pupil and family to join organized social parameters. Meeting the needs of the student equates to accommodate the tourists in his need to freely explore wizard. The only way out for a man is to go on the road of evolution, art and poetry to search not freedom because: "slave to his charms," but directed, to identify the best location to live the best life and find metaphysical answers. Ambassadors to the world, national chauvinism has answers only to man of low culture.The "lesson" it becomes such when the student meets himself in a "memo experience" as he is referred to what has assimilated, heard, recorded, read, written, copied, performed, stored, and then lived to exercise ... . and "learned" or at least known. The verification of self-assessment timing in real winning school prize recognizes the satisfaction of participation.The time spent on school participation has a negotiable value and not judged. The innocence meets the art, wisdom, science, poetry and the muse attract those who are thirsty for knowledge,piano keys that earn the touch of fragile hand, ingenuity characters looking who pilot them into the vortex of mystery of life so that it can grow in awareness of being in a sorting mechanical changing The evaluation is equivalent to the estimate, positive developmental growth and appreciation, but also contempt to destructive criticism and denial. Assessment means to give a value, a positive or negative light. We have seen, suffer and followed pedagogical thoughts or political ideology in the certainty of being more congenial because our future could learn the art of living and culturally instead politely meeting with caning - punishments - Votes - points (which replaced the votes) - evaluations written and verbal - colored stickers, 23stars and anything else could open however to a judgment to the proposed work still with the fear of being rejected under the name of "Free/evaluation"not just an easy commitment. Do not act badly or you will be rejected, do not t badly or you'll end up in hell. The judgment meets the assessment, poor expression measured in many ways are always the same poor future value.The obsession of judgment that teachers promote causes more problems than educational revelations management.A repeated commandment: "Dont do to others what you wouldnt want done to yourself" does not make sense considering the repeated suffered pains for the sake of next to suffer with the thought or suffer even in memory of those who have suffered. The chain of perpetual suffering is guaranteed behind school desks that are still aligned without holding. Perpetuating sadness by limiting happinessIf an illusory and "unimaginable" universal judgment where, through the inevitable highs and lows experienced in the road of life that accompany the growth at semi fulfillment the assessment that is provided at school has a totally personal way between student and teacher its a matter of chemistry. Repay a student with grades and judgments that have a very limited time at the very moment in which they are issued the inconsistency wants endless intrinsic preparation.The desire to judge within the school environment is a unhealthy religious spirit reality, the eternal waiting list for an hypothetical world judgment and finally ... once to the point who to blame in a timeless space, without time, without the possibility of replication in the presence of a man (in the image and likeness) created by us where judgment will be for the eternity, there would be no time to remedy and an apology would remain merely words in a personal despair.... And apologies from the child are about 8 times greater as innocence speak up. Judgments where teachers themselves have been subjected in a perpetuated wheel because no other system has allowed see things differently. Victims of who have suffered judgment now continue being mechanical in turning judges, a farce leaders of school education. Give a value through a judgment to students work who clearly cannot answer all with the same coin since not everyone has the same capacity availability and valid knowledge ready at the same 24time and not everyone has received or picked up the same message.... "Neuroscience", but who ... are the responsible experts / specialists of such an educational tragedy!Conclusion Review and processing time for kindergarten, first and second cycle of education where, in consideration of obligation is submitted in time to reach a unified purpose only and not separated by constriction obsolete: Childhood - bond: elementary - medium with irrelevant results. To acquire the knowledge and skills essential for all young people and the adult population for a conscious exercise of citizenship rights - communication - visual training in its basic construction neurophysiological confirm the simultaneous stimulation in student participation in school life in a contemporary marketing that shape up and guide citizens in essential meeting between rights and duties, and life coincidences. Educating for coexistence, welcoming culture. Education and tourism look at communication, sociability, etiquette-savoir vivre, they encounter culture in education. Education initiatives presented are worth the educational responsibility in the global context of the future guide The welfare of the student, the operator, the parent, the system The school in its educational optimization welcomes families and territory, according to the accompanying training and orientation displayed, proposed in meeting social marketing Reorganization and strengthening culture / education innovation Increased opportunities, greater personality, more professionalism and professions renovated Recovery efficiency and functionality of the school system. Young and structured orientation towards precise and conscientious " Assessment in self-judgment avoid stress and confusion pedagogical Communication - Food - Education Science and Technology - Sports - global cultural, borderless - Technological Innovation available as research material and confirmations in real-time image data. Your training neurological opens to the material. Respect the environment directly in the presentation of the school in the same mutual rights and duties. Providence meets the initiative. Innovate the school renews the effect of education, the promotion of culture and the expansion of science and technology development25

2012 Marco Brevi all rights reserved26The leader has to be practical and a realist yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist. ~ Eric Hoffer27Thank you