Download - Components of Wellness. Front: T-Chart Notes Back: Diamond in the Middle Label center- Wellness Upper Left: Definition Upper Right: Characteristics Lower.


Components of Wellness

Front: T-Chart Notes

Back: Diamond in the Middle

Label center- Wellness

Upper Left: DefinitionUpper Right: CharacteristicsLower Left: DrawingLower Right: Example

Definition of Wellness

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physical Mental HealthLifelong ProcessIndividual PotentialPreventing IllnessProlonging LifeActive Process


Wellness is the state of well-being that's directed toward achieving and maximizing your individual potential. This is a lifelong process of moving toward improving your physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, [occupational], and environmental well-being.

University of Baltimore

Wellness Wheel

Video: Components of Wellness

Components of Wellness

Begin Two Column Notes

Why add Occupational?Environmental?

Remember SPIES??? Can you list



The social component focuses on our ability to interact and relate to others. It is influenced by the degree to which we can establish and maintain positive relationships and contribute to our home, community, and environment



The physical dimension refers to physical health. Individuals who achieve physical wellness are able to incorporate knowledge about nutrition and healthy eating habits, exercise and fitness, and personal hygiene into their daily routines.



The intellectual dimension focuses on life-long learning and the ability to open and challenge our minds with new concepts, issues, and experiences. It involves being engaged in creative, stimulating mental activities, expanding our knowledge and skills, and using our talents to help others and solve problems



Emotional wellness focuses on the ability to understand, share, and manage our feelings. It is also affected by the degree to which we are positive and enthusiastic about life and are able cope with life's challenges.



The spiritual dimension recognizes the importance of searching for meaning and purpose in life. It involves gaining a better understanding of your beliefs and values, and behaving in ways that are consistent with them.


Career/Occupational Wellness and Environmental Wellness are not personal in nature, but a person's working and physical environments are factors that influence personal wellness.

Career and Occupational

The career dimension recognizes the personal satisfaction and enrichment that one can gain through work. It focuses on finding a satisfying and rewarding job or career where you can contribute your knowledge, skills, and experience. It also involves the ability to achieve a balance between our work and personal lives.


Environmental wellness involves maintaining a way of life that maximizes harmony with the Earth and minimizes harm to the environment. It includes being involved in socially-responsible activities to protect the environment.


Areas of Physical Wellness

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Physical Wellness



• Birth–2 months need 12–18 hours

• 3–11 months need 14–15 hours


• 1–3 years need 12–14 hours

• 3–5 years old need 11–13 hours

• 5–10 years old need 10–11 hours


• 10-17 years need 8.5–9.5 hours

Adults• need 7–9 hours


• Go to bed at the same time each night, and rise at the same time each morning.

• Sleep in a quiet, dark, and relaxing environment, which is neither too hot nor too cold.

• Make your bed comfortable and use it only for sleeping and not for other activities, such as reading, watching TV, or listening to music.

• Remove all TVs, computers, and other "gadgets" from the bedroom.

• Avoid large meals before bedtime.

● Sleep plays a cirtical role in thinking and learning. Not enough can slow you down.● Can lead to many disseases.● Lack of sleep can cause depression

● Sleep helps you think!● Sleep improves memory.● It wil make you live longer.

Negatives From Lack of Sleep



Negative Effects● Memory problems/ loss of

concentration ● Overeating = weight gain● Seeing only the negative● Losing sleep at night

Why being Stress Free is good:

● Happy, motivated lifestyle ● Think clearer/ Focus

better● Not become an emotional


Recommendations to deal with stress:● Get a massage● Exercising ● Yoga● Get some rest● Vent to a trusted friend● Set manageable goals● Positive self talk● Avoid being a


DON’T: ● Drink, smoke, pick a

fight or binge eat to try to relieve sress.


● Positives○ Increase in Energy○ Strong Immune System○ Reduced Weight

● Negatives○ High cholesterol○ High chance of having cancer

● Recommendations○ The Departments of Health and Human Services

and Agriculture have established the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC). The Committee’s recommendations and rationale will be presented in a report to both the Secretaries of Health and Human Services and Agriculture.


Positive Contributions: Controls weight, combats health conditions and diseases, improves mood, and boosts energy

Negative Contributions: Can cause injury, can lead to obsession or eating disorders, damages feet and nipples, and interferes with the gastrointestinal system.

Recommendations: Exercise 5 hours a week.


water is good for you.


positives: keeps heart healthy,prevents cancer, reduces stress,helps the body repair.

negatives: depression, breast

DietDefiniton: The sum of food

consumed by a person or another organism.

Positives: ● Reduces risk for heart attack

and stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.

● Helps decrease bone loss and reduces the risk of developing kidney stones.

● Protects against certain cancers including: Mouth, Stomach, and Colon-Rectum cancer.

Diet continuedNegatives:● Weight gain● Nutrient deficiency● Fatigue● Infertility

Recommendations:● Have a balanced diet● Incorporate a lot of fruits and vegetables● Incorporate proteins like meat and beans● Drink water, no sugary drinks


Positive effects on having a stress free life: Motivation, Appetite, Exercising, Sleeping,

Social life, drives you to achieve more, improve the quality of your life.

Negative effects on having a stressful life: Anger, Depression, Lack of Motivation,

Anxiety, Social withdrawal, Overeating and Under Eating


Recommendations to have a stress free life:● Exercise● Sleep● Eat nourishing foods● Spend time with people who make you

happy● Have a structured routine


Advantages:Controls WeightCombats Health Disease and ConditionsImproves moodBoosts Energy

Disadvantages:Coronary Heart Diseasestrokehigh blood pressurestiff jointsoverweight


Positive Effects of Drinking Water:● Drinking Water helps maintain the

balance of body fluid● Drinking enough water could lessen the

danger of acquiring common diseases.● Drink at least eight to ten glasses of water

everyday.Negative Effects Of Not Drinking Water● Dehydration makes the skin look more dry

and wrinkled ● Higher risk for kidney stones.