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              Comparing and Contrasting Ali Baba and Aladdin

                               By: Olivia Bush

               I watched and read the two stories, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves and Aladdin.They are different and similar in many ways. Ali Baba and Aladdin are both adventure filled Arabian Folktales. I wanted to compare and discover these stories to expand my reading abilities and to grasp a larger variety of genres.

One example of the similarities in these stories are that they both have evil characters. In Ali Baba, the evil people are Cassim, Ali Baba's Brother and the forty thieves. They are evil because of their killing, lying, and unkindness. Aladdin's evil characters are Japhar and his parakeet. They try to rule the

world and are fake jail guards.

A difference between the two stories are where they take place. Aladdin takes place in Arabia. Ali Baba is presented in Perasia.These are two very different places.

Another similarity is that they both have magic characteristics. In Aladdin, there is a magic lamp, a magic carpet and a magic cave they all have big parts in Aladdin.Ali Baba has a magic cave also. There is treasure hidden in it that he finds.

Another difference is the families they lived

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with. Aladdin had no family and lived with his pet monkey named Aboo. Ali Baba lives with his poor wife and daughter named Morgiana. He also has a brother named Cassim.

A similarity is that they both are very poor. Aladdin is a street rat that lives on other peoples trash to survive. Ali Baba is a poor man that lives with his wife and chops and sells wood for a living. These are very similar because the places that they live in can't provide for them or they are not accepted.

Another Difference is that Aladdin has a genie.He helps Aladdin become a prince and marry the love of his life, the princess. He is friendly and kind and helps a lot. Ali Baba however does not have a genie or anything to help him accept for his daughter.

Another similarity is that they both have stealing in them. Aladdin is the street-rat stealer himself in this story. He steals to live his poor unhappy life. In Ali Baba, the he does steal some jewels but not much there is also Cassim who also steals from the cave and the theives who stole from  other people.

Last, a difference is that they marry two

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comepletely different people. Ali Baba marries a poor widow and lives a humble but happy life with her. Aladdin isn't married but in the end marries a princess and lives happily ever after.

These stories are both very good stories. My favorite is Aladdin because it has a smaller chance of actually happening. Those are my favorite because you get to experiance the fun and action that they do.


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