Download - Communion Class 2016 - John language on earth unfit to proclaim the glory of God. We ... back from fully embracing the one


ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH 2230 Rochester Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237

(412) 366-2020

St. John Neumann Parish is a

gathered people, acting in word,

sacrament, witness and service

toward all, with gratitude to God

our Father, through Jesus Christ

our Brother with the Holy Spirit

our Guide.

A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust May 15, 2016 Pentecost Sunday

Communion Class 2016


Saturday, May 14, St. Matthias, Apostle

9:00 AM Edward J. Alfano (Balestrino Family)

5:30 PM Rita Razum (Mary Margaret Wagner)

Sunday, May 15, Pentecost Sunday

8:00 AM For the People of SJN Parish

9:30 AM Bob Powers (Jim & Fran Drake)

11:30 AM Fr. Phil Fink (Full Family)

Monday, May 16

9:00 AM Regis Ryan Jr. Memorial Mass

Tuesday, May 17

9:00 AM Bill Miller (Rosemary)

Wednesday, May 18 10:00 AM Stonebrook: Rudy Raida

(Judy & George Siegel)

6:30 PM Rick Setzenfand (Ed & Cathy Gillis)

Thursday, May 19

9:00 AM Flo Dendis (Renew Group)

Friday, May 20 9:00 AM Dolores Lang (Paul)

Saturday, May 21

9:00 AM Betty Sitko (Michele & Jim Billeter)

5:30 PM Stephen Spolar (Dennis & Laura Juran)

Sunday, May 22, The Most Holy Trinity

8:00 AM For the People of SJN Parish

9:30 AM Joan Turo (Jezerc Family)

11:30 AM Glenn Nulton (Ellen Savadge)

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Sat. May 21, 5:30 PM A. & J. Burke, J. Rahenkamp, G. & E. Mandl, H. Regal, P. Zmenkowski Sun. May 22, 8 AM - I. & J. Parks, J. & D. Anke, P. Anderson, M. Kohler, K. Miller 9:30 AM - C. Antonelli, M. & M. Scheerbaum, J. Howard, C. Hogan, K. Magdic, C. Vollmer 11:30 AM - P. & A. Skorupka, C. & F. Mazur, D. Huber, A. Guzzetti, B. Washabaugh

LECTORS Sat. May 21, 5:30 PM M. Decker, C. Browne Sun May 22, 8 AM H. Barcaskey, M. Davison 9:30 AM M. Conroy, P. Quinn 11:30 AM E. Turo, S. Burkes

ALTAR SERVERS Sat. May 21, 5:30 PM K. Smith, A. Bella, A. Siclari Sun. May 22, 8 AM S. & D. Folan, N. Bridges 9:30 AM T. & D. Antonelli, T. Hogan 11:30 AM C. & C. Quinn, L. Jezerc

May 8

Operating $9,542.84 Camp. Alive 5,293.50 Parish Share 8,598.40 Fundraising 2,033.00 Ascension 1,776.00 Genesis House 866.00 VBS 335.00 Misc. 171.46 $28,616.20

Thank you for your generosity toward our parish!

Sunday, May 15 YM Golf Ball Raffle

10:30 AM Baptism prep

12:30 PM Encounter

12:45 PM 1st Sacraments Mt.

6:00 PM RCIA Dinner

7:00 PM Appalachia Workcamp Mt.

Monday, May 16 12:00 PM Over 50’s

7:00 PM Monday School

7:00 PM Pastoral Council

Tues. May 17 6:30 PM 1st Sacraments Mt.

Weds. May 18 Light of Life Dinner

6:30 PM Confirmation Prep

Thurs, May 19 9:45 AM Scripture Study

1:00 PM Miryam’s Dinner

7:00 PM Photo Directory Planning Mt.

7:00 PM Choir Practice

7:30 PM MOMS

Friday, May 20

Sat. May 21 9:30 AM Stephen’s Ministry

11:00 AM Altar Server Training

Reverend Albin C. McGinnis, Ext. 20 Pastor & Trust Adm. [email protected] Richard Caruso, Ext. 23, Permanent Deacon

Parish Office 412-366-2020, Joan Kiliany, Parish Secretary, ext. 10 Religious Education Office 412-366-5885 Lisa Rind, Rel. Ed. Secretary, ext 12

Barbara Stokes, Ext. 13 Director for Rel. Education, Family & Sac. Ministries

Kelly Reed, Ext. 16 Dir. For Rel. Ed, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Barbara Matera, Ext. 18

Dir. for Rel. Ed, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Julie Amatangelo, Ext. 15 Director of Youth Ministry

Jessica Bucci, Ext. 10, Director of Music Ministry Andrew James, Ext. 11, Facilities Manager

Larry Badaczewski, Ext. 56, Pastoral Counselor Sue Bodziach, Ext. 14, Protecting God’s Children

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29

Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37

Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40

Thursday: Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50

Friday: Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12;

Mk 10:1-12


THE FULLNESS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The church wakes up to an amazing message this

morning. Look around and see who has been called.

Listen to the voices of those who proclaim Jesus is

Lord. You’ll find no race of people left out; you’ll find

no language on earth unfit to proclaim the glory of

God. We call Pentecost Sunday the “birthday of the

church.” In many ways, the church is still being born.

Only when we all know the peace Jesus offered in to-

day’s Gospel will we really know the fullness of the

Holy Spirit.

St. Paul assures us in today’s second reading that “all

of us have been given to drink of the one Spirit.”

When we look around us in the church we should see

everyone. But we don’t. Not yet. What is holding us

back from fully embracing the one Body of Christ?

When will we see our differences as manifestations of

the same Holy Spirit? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


This week-end is the annual Diocesan Collection

for the Church in Latin America, Central & East-

ern Europe and Africa. Thank you in advance for

your generosity!

STEPHEN MINISTRY Christ Caring for People through People. That’s the

motto of Stephen Ministry. The Stephen Minister’s

role is to bring God’s love into the lives of people

who are going through a difficult time or experiencing

a crisis. What do Stephen Ministers do? They listen,

care, support, encourage, and pray with and for a per-

son who is hurting. And in the midst of this confiden-

tial, one-to-one, caring relationship, God’s healing

love comes pouring through.

Our St. John Neumann Stephen Ministers will be

commissioned on May 22nd at 9:30 a.m. Mass.

However, if today, you know someone you know is

hurting, find out more about Stephen Ministry by con-

tacting either Deacon Rick or Carol Caruso. Send a

email to [email protected] or call (412)

366-2020 x23. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to

bring God’s love and care to those in need.

RITE OF SIGNING ...for all Confirmation Candidates will take place at

every Mass this week-end, May 14/15. Come with

a parent or sponsor!


Get ready!!! This outpour-

ing of the Spirit promised

to us by the Lord could

change our lives! Let us be

open today on this Feast

of Pentecost to the abundant gifts of the

Spirit. Then we pray that we have the will

to follow God's lead. Truly, with the Spirit

we could "renew the face of the earth" -

the choice is ours. The gifts are given to

all for the good of all. Celebrate the

birthday of the Church and pray that we

too may "grow in wisdom, age and grace" as

the Spirit guides us in new ways. Spread

the joy and have a party for God!

SENIOR RECOGNITION MASS All high school seniors and their families are

invited to join us for the Senior Recognition

Mass on Sunday, May 22nd at the 11:30 am

Mass. Receive a special blessing from Fr. Al

and attend the reception in your honor di-

rectly following Mass in Bovard Hall. Please RSVP -


ARE YOU - SEEKING, QUESTIONING? Interested in a look at the Catholic

Church? The process of joining the

church is known as the RCIA (Rite of

Christian Initiation of Adults.) Adults

take a closer look at the Catholic way of following

Christ thru weekly meetings and support of the com-

munity and RCIA team. Inquiry sessions begin June

9th at 8 pm in Conf. Room A. If you want to learn

more or have questions/concerns, please call Fr. Al or

Barb Stokes. Think and pray about it. Invite some-

one you know to come & take a look at SJN.


Registration for next year begins

June 13th and the due date for regis-

tration is August 8th. Watch your

mail for a special publication sent to all

parishioners describing our Faith Enrichment op-

tions and explaining registration procedures.


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL, JUNE 20-24 Age 4 thru 8th Grade (Fall 2016 Status)

Registration forms are available in the

church lobby and the Religious Educa-

tion Office. Sign up the kids and sign up

to volunteer. We have a lot of fun to-

gether. Contact Andrew James if you have questions

or want more information.


Last chance to sign up for our SJN Golf

Outing on Monday, May 23 at Shannopin

Country Club. The cost is $150 for golf/

dinner. Dinner only is $45. Tee Sponsor is $100.

Contact the parish office or Carole Shepard at

[email protected] if you need more info.

NEW PARISH FAMILY DIRECTORY The Parish Life Committee is planning for a new parish

directory to be completed over this summer of 2016.

There are lots of opportunities for vol-

unteers – publicity, making contacts,

assisting with appointment sign-ups,

greeting parishioners on photo days,

design and layout, etc. If you would

like to help with this parish project,

plan to come to an organizational

meeting on Thursday, May 19th at 7:00 pm here at the church to find out

where your help and skills can be used. Call Kathy

Miller at 412-364-9533 if you plan to attend or have


END OF FIRST GRADE? ALREADY? Usually at the end of first grade, we invite children to

begin preparing for First Reconciliation and

First Communion next school year. The

church recommends that a child be “of the

age of reason” (7 years) to celebrate these

sacraments. If you think your child is ready

for these steps in faith, please come with

them to a prayer and information meeting either TO-

DAY, Sunday, May 15 at 12:45 pm or Tuesday,

May 17 at 6:30 pm We look forward to this special

year and all the graces it brings to SJN and you!

BAPTISM PREP If you have been blessed with new life in your family

through birth or adoption, we are glad to have you share

that life with us through Baptism. The diocese asks us to

take this step with knowledge and prayer. A Baptism

Preparation Session will be held TODAY Sunday, May 15 from 10:30 till noon. Please call the Rel. Ed.

office to register. Other classes are June 12 and Aug.


SJN SINGLE WOMEN'S BREAKFAST Saturday June 11 - 10:00 am

@ Eat 'N Park - Brandt School Road

All divorced, widowed and single women of the parish

are invited! If you're planning to come please call or

ema i l Ka thy Os te r r i ede r a t (412 -760 -

4709 or [email protected].

OVER 50’S CLUB Our next luncheon will be on May 16. Our entertain-

ment is Ed Falvo-Historian and it will begin at 12 pm.

He will be talking about World War I & II. The 50/50

raffle will be at 1 pm and the luncheon is served immedi-

ately after. Hope to see you all there as this will be our

last luncheon until August.

SOLOS - Widower’s Luncheon Group Tuesday, May 17 at 1 pm

Monte Cello’s - 2198 Babcock Blvd.

Call Paul Lang 412-367-1182 if you plan to attend.

WOMEN’S GUILD DINNER All women of the parish are invited to join us

on Tuesday, May 24 at 6:30 p.m. in Bovard

Hall for our Annual Covered Dish Din-

ner. Bring a main dish, vegetable, salad or

dessert to share. Lovely dinner music will be provided by

Ellen Carlins. Guests are always welcome. To R.S.V.P.

please email [email protected] or call 412-364-

2385 by May 22.

ALTAR SERVER TRAINING Boys and girls in 5th grade and up are invited to train

as altar servers on either Saturday, May 21st at 11:00 am or Sunday, May 22nd at 12:45 pm. Please call the

parish office at 412-366-2020 x10 if you plan to attend.

SCRIPTURE STUDY The Easter season ends today with the Feast of Pente-

cost. Maybe Scripture Study on Thursday morning from

9:45 till 11:15 or so can be a help to keep this time holy.

The scripture study from the days between Ascension

Thursday and Pentecost is awesome. Let’s gather to-

gether and pray for another outpouring of the Spirit on

our world. Perhaps miracles will happen all around us.

If you can’t join us, please pick up a prayer card in the

lobby and pray with us.


Wisdom Fortitude

Understanding Piety

Counsel Fear of the Lord




LOWC - Liturgy of the Word for Children The Holy Spirit has inspired some parents to ask about

LOWC. Today of all days, we hope to follow - what

is LOWC? It is a special time during the Mass (from

the 1st reading to Prayers of the Faithful) when chil-

dren are dismissed to hear the readings proclaimed in

“simpler language.” An adult with some helpers leads

the group of children. SJN supplies the resources to

plan the 20 minute session. Are you interested in

helping our children hear and reflect and celebrate the

Word of God? If you think this might be an exciting

ministry for you (and maybe a teen son/daughter) then

call Barb Stokes and let’s get it going with the Spirit!

MAGNIFIKID There are 2 subscriptions available. Cost is $15 for the

year. Packets of 4 Sunday booklets come each month

and can be picked up at SJN. The art work is beautiful

and each weekly booklet contains the Mass prayers &

more. Call the Rel. Ed. Office. Great gift for any child -

especially K to 4th grade.

LOOKING FOR A GIFT? Check out all the great books we have in the lobby

shelves - one for Mom, for baptism, for children and

more. It’s the month of May so maybe a booklet on the

Rosary might have new life and meaning for you.

PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN All church volunteers (age 18 and over) must partici-pate in this child sex abuse awareness seminar. The workshop is being offered at: St. John Neumann Thurs, June 2 7:00 pm OR you may complete this requirement on-line. Con-tact Sue Bodziach, SJN’s Safe Environment Coordi-nator (412-366-5885 x14) for instructions and to learn what you need to complete all volunteer clearances mandated by the Catholic Church.


Unless the eye catch fire,

God will not be seen.

Unless the ear catch fire,

God will not be heard.

Unless the tongue catch fire,

God will not be named.

Unless the heart catch fire,

God will not be loved.

Unless the mind catch fire,

God will not be known.


If you have a family member who becomes seri-ously ill or home bound and would want us to know.

If there has been a death in your immediate family and you wish to have the person mentioned in the Prayer of the Faithful on Sunday.

REGISTERING IN THE PARISH If you attend St. John Neumann but are not yet regis-

tered, we invite you to become a member of our com-

munity. A registration form is available on the parish

website under the “ABOUT” tab. Please be sure to fill

in both parts so we know your interests and how the

parish can best serve you. If you prefer, we can mail

you a paper form if you call the parish office at 412-

366-2020, ext. 10. You can return the completed form

via mail or simply drop it in the Sunday collection


Being a registered member helps to avoid problems or

misunderstandings, especially when planning a bap-

tism, wedding, being a sponsor, or if you have special

requests of the parish. We can’t wait to welcome you!

UKULELE Jim Kearns would love to hear from you if you are inter-

ested in a fun time learning to play the ukulele. His

email is [email protected] & his phone # is 412-559

-8891. First session was an orientation so come on and

learn all about it.

BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Articles for the bulletin must be emailed to the Parish

office by 9 am Monday morning for that week-end pub-

lication. Email to [email protected].


Maria Ciccone at Fairview Floral for all her

help in decorating our church with beautiful

flowers & plants. If you ever need flowers

for any occasion, please give her a call at 412-366-5235.

Are you bothered by someone else’s drinking?

There is help and hope in Al-Anon. There is a new

meeting every Monday at SJN at 1 pm in meeting room

4. Please join us.

Pgh Food Bank - Monday, May 23

Call ext. 12 to sign up - Leave in carpool at 8 am

Body & Soul - A Heritage Church Wellness Ministry Strength training, cardio & stretching

Group Fitness Classes - All Women Welcome

[email protected] 412-366-1356