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Communications Bootcamp

Charlotte, NC

9:00am - 10:30am Essential communication strategies

Best practices that every elected official must understand and execute.

10:30am - 10:45am Break

10:45am - 12:15pm Working with the Media Engaging the Public Effectively Using Social Media, Public Speaking

12:15pm - 1:15pm Lunch

1:15pm - 2:45pm Participants practice communication skills by engaging in mock interviews and other scenarios common to elected officials.

2:45pm - 4:30pm Developing a Comprehensive Communications Strategy

4:30pm - 5:00pm Q & A

City Summit | Annual Conference of the National League of Cities

November 15, 2017

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

NLC University: Communications Bootcamp

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Charlotte, NC - September 2016

Keith Scott ShootingSeptember 20, 2016

Charlotte, NC

Case Study

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Honorable James Mitchell

Charlotte City Council

Conversation with

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

September 23, 2016

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Sanctuary Cities

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

What are sanctuary cities?

They are cities and counties (and in some

instances, states) that have policies in place that

limit cooperation with U.S. Immigration and

Customs Enforcement.

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Who has one?

Who doesn’t have one?

Who doesn’t know if you have one?

Sanctuary Cities


10:30 – 10:45

Engaging StakeholdersShaping/Crafting & Delivering Your Message

▪Politics▪Disasters▪Sex; Crimes▪Babies; Elderly▪Race ▪Animals▪Natural Disasters▪Sports

Elements that Drive Stories

(c) Carolyn Sawyer


• Any media opportunity is a Golden opportunity

• The objective is to influence the story

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

5 Communication C’s






(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Effective Messaging

Clear• Pronunciation: Articulate

and enunciate your words for

them to be clearly heard.

• Grammar: Use correct

grammar when speaking.

Do not drop off words from


• Speed: Speak in a normal,

steady pace.

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Effective Messaging


• Main Points: Highlight the

main points first. Limit the

details to only the most

important ones.

• Germane Points: Only state

points that are relevant to the

topic at hand.

• Time Management: Try to

make presentation fit

comfortably in allotted time.

Do not make it too long or too


(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Effective Messaging


• Repetition

• Paraphrase

• Repeat…Repeat…Repeat


• Sensitivity: Mutual Respect, mutual trust.

• Understanding: Be empathetic. Some concepts

may be difficult for the person(s) to grasp.

• Non-intimidating: Try to be on the same page as

your audience.

(c) Carolyn Sawyer




When Speaking…

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Communications Research

UCLA Study (1970)• 50-55% Look➢ Importance of How You Look• 30-35% Sound➢ Importance of How You Sound• 5-10% Message➢ Importance of What You Say

Vistage Research-50% of message NOT heard• Misunderstood • Misstated• Misinterpreted • Forgotten• Ignored

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

How You Sound By Telephone• 80% How you Say It

• 20% What you Say

• Harness your nervous energy and transform it into vitality and enthusiasm.

• Sound interesting, stimulating and informative.

• Make sure your voice is loud enough, clear and assured.

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

What You Say- The Message

• Answer –

• 3 Message Points

• 10-12 seconds in length

• Repetition –

• Repeat…Repeat…Repeat

• Paraphrase

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Prepare, Practice, Prepare

Know Your Audience

Anticipate Tough Questions Reporters Will Pose

Know Your Program or Publication

Know Your Point, Purpose

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Pitching the Media

What Reporters Want

• Stories that attract attention• Stories that beat the competition• New Angles/New Leads• The Last Word

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Before Speaking- Ask Questions

• What is the story?

• Who are the other players involved?

• What variety of media outlets are involved? (i.e.

traditional media, social media)

• Do we understand the background?

• What is the expected length, who will conduct

the interview?

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

• Know your audience

• Ask about audience expectations

• Select appropriate location

• Invite and encourage interaction and feedback

• Keep it short; to the point

“The Best Communicators are Great Listeners”

Communication Do’s and Don’ts

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Lunch12:00 – 1:00

ExerciseSanctuary City Strategies

Break2:30 – 2:45

Mastering Multi Mass Media

Gaffney, SC

Case Study – Economic Development

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Photo credit: Hannah Bayleigh Photography

(c) Carolyn Sawyer


Sign Up button directs to this GoDaddy sales page


Vision - Mayor Terrence D. Culbreath

Truth and Honesty

Entrepreneurship (Jobs)

Increased Tax Base

Preserve Small Town Quality of Life;

Family and Recreation

Social Media


Log Creek Timber Company

relocated Johnston, SC January 2014

Bailey Bill

Historic preservation trend has room to grow, industry insiders say

The Bailey Bill is a state law allowing local governments to grant tax

abatements to rehabilitated properties that qualify as historic. In Columbia

and Richland County, buildings can be assessed at their pre-rehabilitation

value for up to 20 years, as long as 20% of the property value is spent on


Refreshed Facebook

Refreshed Website

(Text should communicate and connect the Vision)

• Communication Advisory Group – Social Media


• Testimonials/Humans of Your City/Faces Of

• Celebrity Connections

• Activities/Current Events/Promotions

• Hashtags to Link the Vision

• Powerful Pictures

• YouTube Virtual Tours

Message Managing Strategies

Powerful Pictures

Strategic Marketing/Testimonials

Famous Connections

William Johnson, Harlem Renaissance artist

Shoeless Joe Jackson

James Brown

Joe Frazier

Chris Rock Leeza Gibbons

Eartha KittLauren Hutton

Website Ad Sales

It may feel like putting the cart before the horse, there are many good reasons and ways to sell ad space on low-

traffic websites. What you need to always keep in mind is that, while advertisers are drawn to high traffic numbers,

they desire something else even more: high conversion rates. There are plenty of success stories of websites that

have limited traffic but sell a ton of advertising. These websites succeed because they do one thing well: they deliver

the right type of customer to the right type of business.

Action Speaks

W.K. Kellogg FoundationThe Day of Racial Healing

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Creating National Day for W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Creating National Day of Recognition 01.17.17

National Day Data

On December 20, 2016, TSC launched a multi-media campaign the National Day of

Racial Healing using platforms on FaceBook, Twitter and a Website/Landing page.

TSC’s target audience was national in scope. Below are the statistics garnered in

less than 30 days.

Facebook Twitter Website/Landing Page


Total Reach1,527,228


30 Day Active Users13,019

January 17, 2017 Active Users4760

Communications Advisory Group*

Testimonials Contributed

Celebrity Connections

Related Events/Promotions

Powerful Pictures




Blessed Experiences:

Genuinely Southern,

Proudly Black

by Congressman

James E. Clyburn

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

BarberShopThe Next CutTracy Oliver, Screenwriter

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Ultimate Business Expo

Facebook AdsBudget- $500.00

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Website clicks from social media – 334

Twitter - @ultimatebizexpoReach – 44,108Impressions – 84,332

Facebook – The Ultimate Business ExpoPage likes - 197Page reach – 78,812Post engagements -7,703

Social Media Stats Day before event

(c) Carolyn Sawyer

Crisis Media Management

• Correct the Problem IMMEDIATELY!• Get Your Side of the Story Out First.• Choose Your Medium; Moment of Release.• Maintain Focus.

Social Media Perspective

Media Firestorm

Social Media Perspective

Social Media Perspective

Social Media Perspective

Social Media Perspective


(c) Carolyn Sawyer

For more on media training, media relations, public outreach or crisis

management contact Carolyn or visit our website

Carolyn Sawyer

[email protected]

Phone: 888-729-9373

(c) Carolyn Sawyer