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Communication SystemCoherent Instructional Program

Academic Behavior Support SystemStrategic Focus Building Capacity

Page 3: Communication System Coherent Instructional Program Academic Behavior Support System Strategic FocusBuilding Capacity.

Creating a Strategic FocusA strategic focus increases performance in areas most critical for current and future success of our school district.

Creates clarity to guide actionsPromotes commitment of individualsFosters collaboration across the organizationMeasures impact for accountability

Ask the following questions to assess your LCAP strategic focus:

1. Does every stakeholder have a clear understanding of the LCAP?2. Can every stakeholder explain how the LCAP impacts our collective


The key to closing student achievement gaps is leading with a strategic focus

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The ChallengeWe must realize that the system is the cause of weak execution due to lack of clarity, commitment, collaboration and accountability resulting from the whirlwind.

Whirlwind: urgent activities of daily work that act on youStrategic Focus: important and new activities that you act on

Change efforts most often fail when approached through a stroke-of-the-pen strategy versus a behavior change strategy.

Is LCAP perceived as a compliance activity or a capacity building process?

Page 5: Communication System Coherent Instructional Program Academic Behavior Support System Strategic FocusBuilding Capacity.

The ChallengeA strategic focus creates a clear vision with compelling outcomes that fosters collaboration and commitment.

Reality of most school districts• 85% of staff cannot state the LCAP strategic focus• 87% of staff do not have clarity of LCAP action steps• 81% of staff are not accountable for LCAP outcomes

Our vision for LCAP is….Our LCAP outcomes are important because…We will attain our LCAP goals and outcomes by….

“simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” – Steve Jobs

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Communicating the Strategic FocusOur mission is to ensure all students graduate high school prepared to successfully enter higher education and/or pursue a viable career path.

We believe that:1. Parents, staff and community members should support all students with

attaining academic goals and career aspirations.2. All students should be provided a clean, safe and inviting learning


We will accomplish this by:3. Setting priorities at each grade level aligned with CCSS via formative

assessments, proven instructional strategies and targeted interventions.4. Developing partnerships with parents, community members, businesses and

educators that support student academic goals and career aspirations.

To achieve these outcomes we commit to…

Aligning action steps with LCAP outcomes to strategically allocate support and resources

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After having reviewed the strategic plan, analyzed our data, engaged in community dialog and defined LCAP priorities…

The three overarching outcomes for our district are…

Coherent instructional program All students graduate high school All students demonstrate college and career readiness

Without having attained these three outcomes, all other district priorities will have little impact or will be unattainable.

Communicating the Strategic Focus

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Building Capacity to Close Student Achievement Gaps

1. Focus on Goals that Matter Most

2. Improve Systems to Attain Outcomes

3. Implement High Leverage Action Steps

4. Create a Culture of Continuous Improvement

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Not all goals have equal impact on closing student achievement gaps. Prioritizing goals to clarify the impact is paramount.

Implementing more than 3 to 4 goals at any one time significantly reduces the impact of improvement efforts.

Systems leadership requires adopting a continuous improvement process for leading change to attain high leverage goals.

Prioritizing our LCAP Goals

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Are all goals equal in importance and impact with closing student achievement gaps?

Actual District LCAP

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Which outcomes/actions have the greatest perceived impact on closing student achievement gaps?

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Which outcomes/actions have the greatest perceived impact on closing student achievement gaps?

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Select the goal to assess

Summarize the Outcomes Define theperceived impact

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Increase the quality and rigorof curriculum and instruction

1. Full implementation of CCSS (see outcomes below)2. Data teams monitor effectiveness of curriculum and instruction3. Pilot and evaluate universal screening for ELA and math4. Align current materials with CCSS5. Enhance and integrate digital resources with core instruction6. Enhance technology for curriculum, instruction and assessment7. Develop plan for 1:1 device to student ratio district-wide

1. Targeted teacher collaboration2. Targeted student support3. Access to CCSS materials4. Access to digital resources

How will student learning be directly impacted to close

achievement gaps?

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Goals are realized through actions designed to improve practices.

Improving practices cannot be achieved through disparate or isolated activities, but rather are reliant upon improving the systems that drive and inform practices.

It is essential to link actions to the systems that must be improved.

Aligning Systems to Attain Outcomes

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Systems Leadership

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Systems Leadership

What Strategic Focus will optimize your impact?

What Barriers and Resources need to be considered?

One Size Fits All?Centralized or Decentralized?

Which Practices and Processes need to improve?

How should you create Shared Responsibility for

Common Outcomes?

What High Leverage Actions will have the greatest impact

in spite of fixed resources?

Focus on the Process?Focus on the Actions?

Focus on the Outcomes?

Staffing - Curriculum - Instruction - Assessment – Technology - Student Support - Facilities

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Which systems will be impacted by the outcomes/actions?Staffing – Curriculum – Instruction – Assessment – Technology – Student Support – Facilities

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Increase the quality and rigor of curriculum and instruction

Support,resources& materialsto implementCCSS

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What is the Reality of Support Needed for Successful Implementation?Strengths and Barriers? Desired Level of Implementation? Actual Support and Resources?

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Not all actions have the same impact on closing student achievement gaps. It is vital to identify “high leverage” actions to prevent creating implementation overload. Support necessary to ensure successful implementation then becomes exceptionally clear.

Prioritizing our LCAP Goals

Describethe Action

Define Strengthsand Barriers

Agree onEnd of YearOutcomes

DescribeSupport Needed

for Success

Align currentmaterialswith CCSS

Current adoptionsdo not have text

complexity or DOKlevels of rigor

Supplement text resources and

provide complementary

tasks for DOK rigor

Define centralized district staffing and

allocate resources to support core subject CCSS lesson design

Increase the quality and rigor of curriculum and instruction

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Leading Implementation - Metrics that Matter

Lag Metrics define outcomes. Lead Metrics define actions.

Determine if your “Metrics Matter” by asking three questions…

1. Does the metric inform daily practice?

2. Is the metric influencable?

3. Will the metric significantly impact the long-term outcome?

Lag metric

Lag metric

Lag metric

Lag metric

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Defining Lead Metrics that Matter

Lead Metrics inform daily practice, are influencable and significantly impact the long-term outcome.

What should the Lead Metrics be for the below Lag Metrics?

Student mastery of DOK Level 3 tasks

Student proficiency via CFUs and CFAs

Student use of rigorous academic language

Student reading fluency and comprehension

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LCAP is a tool and process for engaging community stakeholders to strategically allocate resources and support that closes student achievement gaps.

LCAP by design does not clearly guide the actions of leaders, teachers and staff who need the following to be successful:

1. What are my goals?2. What are the outcomes I am expected to attain?3. What are the short-term indicators of progress? 4. What are the action steps I need to implement?5. What support will I receive or need to provide?6. What are the timeframes in which this is to happen?

Leading Implementation

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Page 26: Communication System Coherent Instructional Program Academic Behavior Support System Strategic FocusBuilding Capacity.

LCAP is intended to actively engage all community stakeholders in working collectively toward closing student achievement gaps.

Employ an engagement process to create a culture of continuous improvement for building school district capacity.

1. Develop a common language for communicating the LCAP.

2. Actively engage in supporting LCAP implementation.

3. Collectively assess progress of LCAP outcomes.

4. Collaboratively improve the LCAP to attain goals and outcomes.

LCAP Community Engagement

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