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GROUP 4 CLASS XZ ENGLISH LITERATUREDiar Riska Andriani (201212501206)Irti Nova Andraini (201212501321)Indah Anggraini Saputri (201212501246)Rina Anindita (201312570068)The RulersQUEEN ELIZABETH



OLIVER CROMWELL (commonwealth era)

CHARLES II (Restoration era)


KING WILLIAM OF ORANGE & QUEEN MARYThe Commonwealth Oliver CromwellThe death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603, made certain changes lead by the new ruler, King James VI (well known as James I). With James I new rules (absolute monarch and the Church of England religion), many English people migrated to America, to make financial profits, and to find religious freedom and free-land.In Charles I reign, the religious discrimination and absolute monarch broke a civil war between The Royalist or The Cavalier (those who support the monarch) and The Roundheads or The Puritans (also known as the non-conformist, who supported parliamentary side)After Puritan succeeded in civil war, led by Oliver Cromwell that made England became commonwealth (republic). In this era all theaters were closed, and entertainment like dramas were banned because it was not suitable for Christianity.

The Restoration King Charles IICharles II was the son of Charles I, and became the king after the Commonwealth collapsed in Cromwells son era.The monarchy then restored, but most of the power of held by the Parliament; two parties, the Whigs and the Tories, and a prime minister governed the country.King Charles II was replaced by King James II, and King James II reign was ended with the Glorious or Bloodless Revolution of 1688Under the reign of King William of Orange and Queen Mary, the main concern was to avoid another revolution, and the time of economic and scientific growth, including in Literature.

Leviathan by Thomas HobbesLeviathan was the main philosophical text in the second half of the century, written while Thomas Hobbes in exile in France in 1651.Leviathan reflects the society of Britain after the Restoration: a strong government to prevent the risk of another revolution, and self-interest as the driving force behind the individual and the new middle classes.

POETRY, POLITICS andJOHN MILTONThe period between the execution of King Charles I in 1649 and the Restoration of the monarchy with his son Charles II in 1660 is called the Commonwealth.The theme of the poem is strength and strong government. One of the main texts of the Commonwealth is the poem by Andrew Marvel, An Horation Ode upon Cromwells Return from Ireland (1650)The political side of literature became important during the Commonwealth in a way never was before.The new society of the Restoration gave much more importance than before to stable values, and much less importance to the search for new values, or the exploration of new worlds, as in the Renaissance.The major figure who links Renaissance and the Restoration is John Milton.

John MiltonWRITERTITLETHEMEYEARAndrew MarvelPolitical poem1650Richard LovelaceTo Lucasta, Going to the WarsLove, politic 1649John MiltonLycidasElegy1637Paradise LostEpic Poem1667Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes Humanity, superhuman heroesParadise Regained, Jesus Christ Hero, religionPOETRY AND THE WRITERS

PROSE AND JOHN BUNYANThe best-known prose text of the second half of the seventeenth century was also a return to medieval rather than Renaissance forms. The Pilgrims Progress (1678) by John Bunyan is possibly the most widely read of all books in English literatureSatire became an important kind of poetry : it looks at the manners and behavior of society and very often uses real people and situations to make its humors point.The long satirical poem Hudibras by Samuel Butler, published in three pars between 1863 and 1678, was one of the first of such poems.

John Drydens Literary WorkWRITERTITLETHEMEYEARJohn DrydenHeroic StanzaPoem about Cromwell1650Absolom and Achitophel Satirical Poem 1681MacFlecknoe1682The MedalSatirical Poem1682Of Dramatic Pocsy drama1668the Secular Masque Drama1770RESTORATION DRAMA - COMEDYDryden wrote more than twenty plays, from comedy to tragedy. And was especialy sucessful in the new genre of Tragi-Comedy, of which the best-known example is Marriage-a-la-a-mode (Fashionable Marriage) . And his famous tragedy is All for Love < 1678 >.After the Restoration, drama and the theater were quite different from what they had been during the Renaissance.

The teather Royal moved to convent garden in 1732. And the audience was at first-upper-class or upper-middle-class.

- The plays reflect the manners and morals of the men and women who had returned with the king of france. The restoration comedy is often called the Comedy of Manners.

DrydenCOMEDY DRAMAWRITERTITLETHEMEYEARGeorge EtheregeThe Comical RevengeComedy1664William WycherleyThe Country WifeComedy abut morality1675Sir John VanbrughThe RelapseComedy1696The Provokd WifeComedy1697William CongreveThe Way of The worldComedy1700FarquharThe Recruiting OfficerThe Beaux StratagemComedy17061707Susannah CentlivereA Bold Stroke for a FifeComedy


COMEDYAs the century came to an end there were more and more objections of moral seen in Restoration Comedy. These protest led to the publication of phamplet by Jerremy Collier. The title is A short view of the profaneness and immorality of the english stageCollier attacked the plots of plays like Whycherleys The Country Wife One of the playwrights whose work offended Collier was Sir John Vanbrugh, who was later also very famous as an architect. Vanbrughs plays, such as The Relapse (1696) and The Provokd Wife ( 1697 ).Many Playwrights spoke againts Collier, just as strongly as he citizen them. Among them was William Congreve he wrote of the great dramatists in english. The way of The World (1700)After Congreve stopped writing, at the highest point of his success. The main writers of comedy were George Farquhar and Susannah Centlivre.TRAGEDY AND SERIOUS DRAMAThe main tragic form of the Restoration was heroic tragedy.Venice Preservd (1682) a play written by Thomas Otway: the tragedy where death and disaster could destroy the whole of society.The Beggars Opera; a play with music written by John Gay: one of the most popular works to satirize politicians and the false values of society.The Historical Register for The Year 1936; a play by Henry Fielding: a political comedy that made the prime minister censored all plays at that time.Richard SheridanWith the Stage Licensing Act (1737) and the censoring of the plays, theatre and drama werent any longer the main forms of literary exploration The novel was becoming the most important literary genreBut in 1770s, the plays of Richard Sheridan became successful againRichard Sheridan works of art:-The Rivals (1775)-The Critic (1779)-The School for Scandal (1777) was the most famous comedy plays