Download - Commercial Surrogacy Power Point

  • 8/3/2019 Commercial Surrogacy Power Point


    2A1 Ye Jiadong

    2A1 Daryl Wang

    2A1 Lee Weimin

    2A1 Zhang YiChi



  • 8/3/2019 Commercial Surrogacy Power Point


    Commercial Surrogacy is a process whereby an individual or a couple pays a substantial amount

    to another women in exchange for her carrying and delivering a baby who would be laterhanded over to the individual or Employee This practice is rampant in many different parts of

    the world, most prominently, India.

    In most cases, The sperm is from the male while the egg is from the surrogate herself. Also,

    different methods include: In-Vitro Fertilization and Artificial Insemination.

    At birth, the baby is handed over to the Individual or Couple.

    Commercial Surrogacy has been utilized by same-sex couples, with fertility problems, or Single


    Often a Controversy in different nations.

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    Why do people become Surrogates?

    Especially in Third World Countries, the rural believe that surrogacy is almost the only way to

    make a life-changing move to transforming their lives and the lives of their families andchildren by making education and/or housing a viable option.

    In Countries such as the United States, some do it to help mend the broken heart of a

    childless couple or single person.

    Lastly, there are also some rare cases whereby Surrogates actually feel the love in thisprofession, the pleasure in pregnancy.

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    A way for the Infertile, Same-sex and single parents to have genetic children.

    Monetary Benefits for the Surrogate if this profession is her only source of Income

    Contentment knowing that the Surrogate is helping the individual or Couple become parents.

    The baby still has a biological connection to the couple since the male provided his own




  • 8/3/2019 Commercial Surrogacy Power Point


    There is a potential emotional and psychological roller-coaster rides couples go through and

    would have to convince themselves that this is the right thing to do, assessing the situation

    and all this can take a toll in their lives.

    The Surrogate mother would be dealing with a lengthy and medically invasive process.

    There is also a feeling of attachment to the child for the Surrogate and thus, making it very

    hard for the mother to let go.

    The pregnancy and giving birth process may be Potentially life threatening as various medical

    complications can arise.



  • 8/3/2019 Commercial Surrogacy Power Point


    The First Successful and recorded IVF Biochemical Case was recorded atThe First Successful and recorded IVF Biochemical Case was recorded at MonashMonash

    University in Australia in 1973.University in Australia in 1973.

    The First Successful IVF Conceived baby was born in 1978 in Manchester, England.The First Successful IVF Conceived baby was born in 1978 in Manchester, England.

    An Indian TestAn Indian Test--Tube baby was conceived in 1986 n Mumbai, India.Tube baby was conceived in 1986 n Mumbai, India.

    8 Years later, the Worlds first Surrogate8 Years later, the Worlds first Surrogate--borne baby was delivered in Chennai in 1994.borne baby was delivered in Chennai in 1994.

    The major controversy was in 1996, whereby the first surrogate mother rented her wombThe major controversy was in 1996, whereby the first surrogate mother rented her wombto support her sick husbandto support her sick husband--this prompted the acceptance of Commercial Surrogacy inthis prompted the acceptance of Commercial Surrogacy in


    In 2003, the pioneer of todays Commercial Surrogacy,In 2003, the pioneer of todays Commercial Surrogacy, DrDr Patel, set up her own surrogacyPatel, set up her own surrogacyclinic to promote to promote surrogacy.

    In 2005In 2005--Today, Commercial Surrogacy started spreading around the World, to SouthToday, Commercial Surrogacy started spreading around the World, to South

    Africa, to America and the industry is worth 400million then.Africa, to America and the industry is worth 400million then.

    History of SurrogacyHistory of Surrogacy

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    $1500 for pre-natal care

    $1500 for emergencies

    $7000 for surrogate fees

    $2000 in insurance

    $1200 for delivery

    Total: $13200, However, in some cases, the charges can go up to $20000

    Earnings if no complications arise: $9700

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    Countries which do not have any Surrogacy laws: Belgium, Greece,Ireland, Finland, India and most Undeveloped nations except for SouthAfrica.

    Countries where Surrogacy is only allowed for non-profit: Australia,Britain, Denmark, Israel, Spain, Canada, the Netherlands and some states

    in America.

    Countries where Surrogacy is Legal: Most states of America, the Republic

    of South Africa, Russia, Georgia and Ukraine.

    Countries which ban Surrogacy: Austria, Germany, Norway, Sweden,France, Singapore, Malaysia and some states of America.

    Law of Surrogacy in Various Countries

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    } Commercial Surrogacy is seen as an exploitation of human rightsand motherhood and commodification when women are paid to bepregnant and deliver babies, especially when there is a huge socialstatus difference.

    } Some see Commercial Surrogacy as women making contracts abouther body and is similar to contracting for employment/labor,prostitution or slavery.

    } Some see it as an exploitation of motherhood. Is it socially, legallyand morally upright to conceive of multiple modes of motherhoodand/or the recognition of multiple mothers?

    } Last but not least, it is seen as a Baby-Making Process whereby aBabys or a human life is in equal standing as a substantial sum ofmoney.

  • 8/3/2019 Commercial Surrogacy Power Point


    Around 500 to 600 surrogate babies are born throughout the world each year,

    with about 200 coming from India.

    Indias average surrogacy success rate is 37.9 percent for every 100 surrogacy

    attempts, about 38 babies are born.

    Surrgacy industry is worth US$445 million, with around 200 clinics documented

    across India offering surrogacy services.

    Intended parents are charged around US$10000-$20,000 for the entire surrogacy

    process from initial consultation, the recruitment of the surrogate, herpregnancy, to the final delivery.

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    Viable ways besides Surrogacy

    International Adoptions (This way, it not only improves Countries Diplomatic

    Relations by Adopting from another Country, it gives the orphans a chance

    to have a happy family.)

    Sperm or Egg banks (Collected from donors and can be used if the husband

    or the wife is infertile/Single Parents.)

    Test-Tube Babies through In Vitro Fertilization (For same-sex couples, Either

    the egg or the sperm is by a donor.) (Also can be used by Couples when the

    female has a overly small womb/Uterus)

    Sperm/Egg Washing (Can be used by the HIV positive people to conceive

    safety without risks of his/her child contracting the chronic disease. The

    mens sperm or Womens egg is washed first before being put to In-Vitro


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    Our Own Opinions

    0 The situation of commercial surrogacy will become even more complicated, as webelieve that in the future, surrogacy will not only be used as a last resort but rather as an

    alternative for women who do not wish to have stretch marks or might not want to be

    pregnant because of their careers. We believe the business aspects of the reproduction

    industry are intriguing as well as frightening. With an absence of moral rules or ethics,

    the global economy is exploited to its full measure. Thus, with no existing legal barriers

    to overcome and lots of money to be made, the human reproduction industry is steaming

    ahead. A cold and distant business reality guided only by the principles of the freemarket dealing with the most sensitive of issues. Thus, we are trying through this project

    to provide a glimpse of what we believe is likely to become a major concern for

    humanity in the future.

    0 Thus, we all feel that commercial surrogacy is a basic violation of a womens human

    rights and social status. Though the craving for a child, couples can always try various

    other ways. Commercial Surrogacy is detrimental to our society, to the health of the

    Surrogate, and further increases the risks of complications to develop. Having said this,

    the individual or couple cannot be held responsible if complications develop.

    Remember: A humans life is not worth even trillions of dollars. We do not want the

    world to become an interstate or international marketplace for Commercial Surrogacy!

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    Surrogacy- A ray of hope for Childless couples from

    What is Surrogacy from and and

    History of Surrogacy from

    Wombs forRent from

    Pros and Cons of Surrogacy from and http://www.surrogacy-

    Viable methods to conceive from and

    The other side of Surrogacy from


    Controversy from

    Surrogacy Article from:


    Images taken from Google Images.

    Powerpoint created using Microsoft Office Powerpoint 2010.