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ZXR10 T600/T1200Carrier Class High-End Router

Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

Version 2.8.30

ZTE CORPORATIONNO. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.ChinaPostcode: 518057Tel: (86) 755 26771900Fax: (86) 755 26770801URL: [email protected]

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Copyright © 2010 ZTE CORPORATION.

The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution ofthis document or any portion of this document, in any form by any means, without the prior written consent of ZTE CORPO-RATION is prohibited. Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by contractual confidentiality obligations.

All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE CORPORATIONor of their respective owners.

This document is provided “as is”, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions are dis-claimed, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-in-fringement. ZTE CORPORATION and its licensors shall not be liable for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on theinformation contained herein.

ZTE CORPORATION or its licensors may have current or pending intellectual property rights or applications covering the subjectmatter of this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license between ZTE CORPORATION and its licensee,the user of this document shall not acquire any license to the subject matter herein.

ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice.

Users may visit ZTE technical support website to inquire related information.

The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION.

Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 Mar. 25, 2010 First Edition

Serial Number: SJ-20100316150925-004

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About This Manual............................................. I

Command Introduction .....................................1Manual Use Guide........................................................... 1

Description of Man-Machine Commands............................. 1

Auxiliary Function ........................................................... 2

Command Mode ............................................................. 3

VOIP Configuration ...........................................7cancel-truncate .............................................................. 7

clear call-history............................................................. 8

codec............................................................................ 8

comfort-noise ................................................................ 9

description .................................................................... 9

destination-pattern ........................................................10

dial-peer voice ..............................................................10

dtmf threshold ..............................................................11

echo-cancel ..................................................................11

echo-cancel coverage-time .............................................12

fast-connect .................................................................12

gateway .......................................................................13

h323-description ...........................................................13

h323-gateway voip gw-id ...............................................13

h323-gateway voip id.....................................................14

h323-gateway voip interface ...........................................14

h323-gateway voip tech-prefix ........................................15

input gain.....................................................................15

jitter-buffer ..................................................................16

num-exp ......................................................................16

output gain...................................................................17

port .............................................................................17


ring number..................................................................18

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

session target ...............................................................19

show call-history ...........................................................19

show dial-peer voice ......................................................19

show gateway ...............................................................20

show num-exp ..............................................................20

show voice-port.............................................................20

shutdowndial-peer ................................................... 21

shutdownvoice-port.................................................. 21

timeouts ......................................................................22



IPTV Configuration..........................................25clear iptv cac-rule..........................................................25

clear iptv channel ..........................................................26

clear iptv client .............................................................26

create iptv cac-rule........................................................27

create iptv channel ........................................................27

iptv cac-rule name.........................................................28

iptv cac-rule prvcount ....................................................28

iptv cac-rule prvinterval .................................................29

iptv cac-rule prvtime......................................................29

iptv cac-rule right ..........................................................30

iptv channel mvlan ........................................................31

iptv channel name .........................................................31

iptv control ...................................................................31

iptv control login-time....................................................32

iptv control prvcount count .............................................32

iptv control prvcount reset-period ....................................33

iptv control prvinterval ...................................................33

iptv control prvtime .......................................................34

show iptv cac-rule .........................................................34

show iptv cac-rule statistics ............................................36

show iptv channel..........................................................37

show iptv channel statistics.............................................38

show iptv client .............................................................39

show iptv client statistics................................................41

show iptv control ...........................................................41

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About This Manual

Purpose This manual provides procedures and guidelines that support theoperation on ZTE ZXR10 T600/T1200 routers.


This manual is intended for engineers and technicians who performoperation activities on ZTE routers.

What Is in ThisManual

This manual contains the following chapters:

Chapter Summary

Chapter 1, CommandIntroduction

This chapter describes the use methodof the command manual, commanddescription, format convention, auxiliaryfunction and mode.

Chapter 2, VOIPConfiguration

This chapter describes the configurationand view commands of VOIP.

Chapter 3, IPTV ControlConfiguration

This chapter describes the configurationand view commands of the IPTV.


The following documentation is related to this manual:

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (EthernetSwitch Volume)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Basic Con-figuration Volume I)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Basic Con-figuration Volume II)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Basic Con-figuration Volume III)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Remote Ac-cess Volume)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (IPv4 Rout-ing Volume I)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (IPv4 Rout-ing Volume II)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (MPLS Vol-ume)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (QoS Vol-ume)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (SecurityVolume)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (NetworkManagement Volume)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (MulticastVolume)

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (IPv6 Vol-ume)

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C h a p t e r 1

Command Introduction

Table of ContentsManual Use Guide............................................................... 1Description of Man-Machine Commands................................. 1Auxiliary Function............................................................... 2Command Mode ................................................................. 3

Manual Use GuideThe commands in other volumes are classified by functional mod-ules, and each functional module corresponds to a chapter andthe commands in the chapter are organized in the form of level 2directory and in the order of a–z.

To search a command, do as follows:

1. Find the desired command by referring to ZXR10 Router/Eth-ernet Switch Command Manual — Command Index.

2. Find command details by the volume, chapter/section and pageof the obtained command.

Description of Man-MachineCommandsEach MML command is described by the following items:

� Function

It describes the function implemented by this command.

� Command Mode

It describes the mode in which this command can be executed.

� Format

It describes the complete format of this command, includingthe no format if possible.

� Parameter Description

It describes parameters in this command in the form and pre-scribes the range and default value. If different products have

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

different parameter ranges or default values, an additionalform is used for description.

� Default

The default value is available in the case that this command isnot set. The default parameter value is not described here forvalue selection.

Additional description shall be given if different products havedifferent default values.

� Instructions

First describes the platform version information about thiscommand. For example, “The platform version X.X.XX or latersupports this command” indicates this command is providedfrom the beginning of the platform version X.X.XX. This com-mand is provided from the platform version 2.6 by default.

Second describes the use method and precautions of this com-mand.

� Example

It describes the use of this command in an example.

� Related Commands

Lists the command(s) related to this command.

� History Command

It describes history version information related to this com-mand if a command is changed after version upgrade.

Do not describe the history command if this entry does not exist.

Auxiliary FunctionThe auxiliary function for ZXR10 devices is as follows.

1. In any command mode, enter a question mark (?) after theDOS prompt of the system, a list of available commands in thecommand mode will be displayed. With the context-sensitivehelp function, the keywords and parameter lists of any com-mands can be obtained.

i. In any command mode, enter a question mark "?" after theDOS prompt of the system, and a list of all commands inthe mode and the brief description of the commands willbe displayed.

ii. Input the question mark behind a character or characterstring to view the list of commands or keywords beginningwith this character or character string. Note that there isno space between the character (string) and the questionmark.

iii. Press TAB behind the character string. If the command orkeyword beginning with this character string is unique, itshall be completed with a space at the end. Note that thereis no space between the character string and the TAB.

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Chapter 1 Command Introduction

iv. Input a question mark after a command, a keyword or aparameter, the next keyword or parameter to be input willbe listed, and also a brief explanation will be given. Notethat a space must be entered before the question mark.

2. If incorrect command, keyword or parameter is input, the errorisolation is offered with ^ in the user interface after you pressENTER. The ^ is below the first character of the input incorrectcommand, keyword or parameter.

3. ZXR10 router/Ethernet switch allows the command or key-word to be abbreviated into a character or character string thatuniquely identifies this command or keyword. For example, theshow command can be abbreviated to sh or sho.

4. The user interface supports the function of recording inputcommands. A maximum of ten history commands can berecorded. The function is very useful in re-invocation of a longor complicated command or ingress.

To re-invoke a command from the record buffer, conduct oneof the following operations, as shown below.

Command Function

Press CTRL-P or theup arrow key

Re-invokes the latest command in therecord buffer. Repeat these keys toinvoke old commands forwards.

Press CTRL-N or thedown arrow key

Rolls the commands downward. When thelast command line is reached, one moreoperation will roll the commands from thebegging of the buffer cyclically.

In any mode, execute the show history command to list thelatest commands input in this mode.

Command ModeThe command modes in this manual are shown below.

Mode Prompt Admis-sionMode




ZXR10> enters directlyafter loggingthe system

Views simpleinformation


ZXR10# Execmode

enable Configuressystemparameters


ZXR10(config)# Privi-legedmode


Configuresglobal serviceparameters

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

Mode Prompt Admis-sionMode






interface Configuresportparametersand selectsa port typedepending onthe keyword


ZXR10 (config-subif)#


interface Configuressubinterfaceparametersof theNPCI/NPCT




vlan database

Creates ordeletes VLANsin batches




vlan ConfiguresVLANparameters




spanning-tree mst configuration





acl basic Defines basicACL rule




acl extend Definesextended ACLrule




line console0

line <1~64>(GAR)

Configuresparametersrelated toserial portand telnetconnection

Layer2 ACLconfig-urationmode



acl link Defines layer2 ACL rule

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Chapter 1 Command Introduction

Mode Prompt Admis-sionMode






acl hybrid Defines hybridACL rule

Routerstand-ard ACLmode

ZXR10 (config-std-nacl)#


ip access-list Defines routerstandard ACLrule


ZXR10 (config-ext-nacl)#


ip access-list Defines routerextended ACLrule

router rip ConfiguresRIPparameters

router ospf ConfiguresOSPFparameters

router isis ConfiguresIS-ISparameters

router bgp ConfiguresBGPparameters



ipv6 routerrip





ipv6 routerospf





ip vrf ConfiguresVRFparameters

VFI con-figu-rationmode



vfi ConfiguresVPLS relatedparameters

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

Mode Prompt Admis-sionMode




address-family ipv4 vrf

ConfiguresRIP VRFparameters

IPv4 ad-dressfamilyconfig-urationmode



address-family vpnv4

address-family ipv4 vrf

ConfiguresBGP VPNand VRFparameters


address-family ipv6

ConfiguresBGP4+unicastaddress family




address-family ipv6

ConfiguresIS-ISv6address family




route-map Configuresroute mapmatching itemand operation




control Configureschannelizationfor ce1, ce3and cpos3





Configuresbusinessrelated tointegratedservice




voice-port Configuresvoice service




ipsec ConfiguresIPv6 IPSecprotection

Diagno-sis mode

ZXR10(diag)# Privi-legedmode

diagnose Tests CPUand memoryusage

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C h a p t e r 2

VOIP Configuration

Table of Contentscancel-truncate .................................................................. 7clear call-history................................................................. 8codec................................................................................ 8comfort-noise .................................................................... 9description ........................................................................ 9destination-pattern ............................................................10dial-peer voice ..................................................................10dtmf threshold ..................................................................11echo-cancel ......................................................................11echo-cancel coverage-time .................................................12fast-connect .....................................................................12gateway ...........................................................................13h323-description ...............................................................13h323-gateway voip gw-id ...................................................13h323-gateway voip id.........................................................14h323-gateway voip interface ...............................................14h323-gateway voip tech-prefix ............................................15input gain.........................................................................15jitter-buffer ......................................................................16num-exp ..........................................................................16output gain.......................................................................17port .................................................................................17prefix...............................................................................18ring number .....................................................................18session target ...................................................................19show call-history ...............................................................19show dial-peer voice ..........................................................19show gateway...................................................................20show num-exp ..................................................................20show voice-port ................................................................20shutdowndial-peer ....................................................... 21shutdownvoice-port ..................................................... 21timeouts ..........................................................................22vad..................................................................................22voice-port.........................................................................23

cancel-truncatePurpose Use this command to cancel truncating the called number. Enable

the truncating called number function with no command.

Command Modes Dial-up peer configuration

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

Syntax cancel-truncate

no cancel-truncate

Defaults If this area is configured, it is truncated by default.

Instructions � This command is only applied to the dial-peer in pots type.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

clear call-historyPurpose Use this command to clear the call history information of the spec-

ified port.

Command Modes Privileged EXEC

Syntax clear call-history voice-port <voice-port>

SyntaxDescription <voice-port> Specifies the voice port.

Instructions It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

codecPurpose Use this command to configure the voice coding rate of a dial-peer.

Restore the default configuration with the no command.

Command Modes Dial-up peer configuration

Syntax codec {g711alaw | g711ulaw | g7231 | g729}

no codec

SyntaxDescription g711alaw G.711 A-law 64000bps

g711ulaw G.711 u-law 64000bps

g7231 G.723.1 6300bps

g729 G.729 8000bps

Defaults If this area is configured, the voice coding rate of a dial-peer isg729 by default.

Instructions � This command is only applied to the dial-peer in voip type.

� The modified dial-peer configuration will take effect in the nextdial-up.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to configure the voice coding rate ofa VOIP dial-peer 100 as g711alaw.

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Chapter 2 VOIP Configuration

ZXR10(config)#dial-peer voice 100 voipZXR10(config-voip100)#codec g711alaw

comfort-noisePurpose Use this command to enable the comfort noise configuration. Dis-

able the function with no command.

Command Modes Voice port configuration

Syntax comfort-noise

no comfort-noise

Defaults the comfort noise configuration is enabled by default.

Instructions � When the relevant dial-peer is configured with the mute detec-tion function, the proper background noise will be generatedthrough this command to fill in the silent gapping in the con-versation. If the comfort noise is not generated, the silentgapping in the conversation will discomfort the caller/callee.

� The modified voice port configuration will take effect in the nextdial-up.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to enable the comfort noise on portvoice_3/1.ZXR10(config)#voice-port voice_3/1ZXR10(config-voice-port)#comfort-noise

descriptionPurpose Use this command to configure the voice port descriptor. Delete

the descriptions with the no command.

Command Modes Voice port configuration

Syntax description <string>

no description

SyntaxDescription <string> Voice port descriptor, not more than 64


Instructions It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to configure the descriptor “zxr10voice port” for port voice_3/1.ZXR10(config)#voice-port voice_3/1ZXR10(config-voice-port)#description zxr10 voice port

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

destination-patternPurpose Use this command to configure the phone number associated with

the dial-peer. Cancel the configuration with the no command.

Command Modes Dial-up peer configuration

Syntax destination-pattern <phone-number>

no destination-pattern

SyntaxDescription <phone-number> Specifies the E.164 phone number.

Instructions � The permitted phone number characters include “0~9”, “#”,“*” and “.”.

� The phone number length should not be longer than 30.

� This command is only applied to the dial-peer in voip or potstype.

� The modified dial-peer configuration will take effect in the nextdial-up.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to configure the phone number0251111 for peer 1 in pots type.ZXR10(config)#dial-peer voice 1 potsZXR10(config-pots1)#destination-pattern 0251111

dial-peer voicePurpose Use this command to create the dial-peer or enter the specified

dial-peer configuration mode. Delete the specified dial-peer withthe no command.

Command Modes Global configuration

Syntax dial-peer voice <peer-number>{pots | voip}

no dial-peer voice <peer-number>

SyntaxDescription <peer-number> Dial-up peer number, in the range of 1~65535

{pots | voip} Dial-up peer type, pots or voip

Instructions � Create up to 512 dial-peers at most.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example � This example describes how to create dial-peer 1 in pots type.ZXR10(config)#dial-peer voice 1 potsZXR10(config-pots1)#

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Chapter 2 VOIP Configuration

� This example describes how to create dial-peer 100 in voiptype.ZXR10(config)#dial-peer voice 100 voipZXR10(config-voip100)#

dtmf thresholdPurpose Use this command to configure the energy threshold to receive the

DTMF code. Restore the default with the no command.

Command Modes Voice port configuration

Syntax dtmf threshold <dtmf-value>

no dtmf threshold

SyntaxDescription <dtmf-value> Energy threshold to receive the DTMF code,

in the range of 0~300, 300 by default.

Instructions � The modified voice port configuration will take effect in the nextdial-up.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to set the energy threshold to 200,which is used for receiving the DTMF code on port voice_3/1.ZXR10(config)#voice-port voice_3/1ZXR10(config-voice-port)#dtmf threshold 200

echo-cancelPurpose Use this command to configure whether the echo cancellation func-

tion will be used. Disable the function with the no command.

Command Modes Voice port configuration

Syntax echo-cancel enable

no echo-cancel enable

Defaults the echo cancellation function is enabled by default.

Instructions � The configured coverage-time will not take effect if the echocancellation function is cancelled.

� The modified voice port configuration will take effect in the nextdial-up.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to configure the echo cancellationfunction on port voice_3/1.ZXR10(config)#voice-port voice_3/1ZXR10(config-voice-port)#echo-cancel enable

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

echo-cancel coverage-timePurpose Use this command to configure the echo cancellation sampling

time length. Restore the default value with no command.

Command Modes Voice port configuration

Syntax echo-cancel coverage-time <coverage-time>

no echo-cancel coverage-time

SyntaxDescription <coverage-time> Adjusts the echo cancellation sampling time

length (unit: millisecond), in the range of8~128. Step length is 8 milliseconds, 48milliseconds by default

Instructions � The configured coverage-time will not take effect is the echocancellation function is cancelled.

� The modified voice port configuration will take effect in the nextdial-up.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to configure the echo cancellationsampling time length on the voice_3/1 port as 16.ZXR10(config)#voice-port voice_3/1ZXR10(config-voice-port)#echo-cancel coverage-time 16

fast-connectPurpose Use this command to enable the call fast connection function. Dis-

able the function with the no command.

Command Modes Dial-up peer configuration

Syntax fast-connect

no fast-connect

Defaults This command is disabled by default.

Instructions � This command is only applied to the dial-peer in VOIP type.

� The modified dial-peer configuration will take effect in the nextdial-up.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to configure the dial-peer 100 in VOIPtype to enable the fast connection.ZXR10(config)#dial-peer voice 100 voipZXR10(config-voip100)#fast-connect

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Chapter 2 VOIP Configuration

gatewayPurpose Use this command to activate the GK Client function. Disable the

GK Client function with the no command.

Command Modes Global configuration

Syntax gateway

no gateway

Defaults If this area is configured, it is disabled by default.

Instructions � Only when the GK Client is activated, the router voice gatewaycan normally communicate with the GK Server; otherwise, thevoice gateway cannot be connected with the GK Server.

� The gateway command can be executed successfully onlywhen the h323-gateway voip interface command is exe-cuted and an interface is configured as the H.323 gatewayinterface. Meanwhile, if the gateway interface is specifiedagain or the gateway-related parameters are modified, thegateway command will be used to activate the GK Clientfunction again so that the information about the GK Clientsaved in the GK Server can be updated in time.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

h323-descriptionPurpose Use this command to configure the h323 gateway descriptor. Re-

store the default with no command.

Command Modes Global configuration

Syntax h323-description <string>

no h323-description

SyntaxDescription <string> h323 gateway descriptor, not more than 64


Defaults The parameter <string> in this command is ZXR10 Gateway bydefault.

Instructions It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

h323-gateway voip gw-idPurpose Use this command to configure the gateway alias. Delete the alias

with the no command.

Command Modes Interface configuration

Syntax h323-gateway voip gw-id <gw-name>

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

no h323-gateway voip gw-id

SyntaxDescription <gw-name> Gateway alias, 1~32 characters

Instructions � The gateway alias is configured so that the gateway can regis-ter and be identified on the GK Server, only one alias is avail-able for a gateway and the latest configured character stringis valid.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

h323-gateway voip idPurpose Use this command to configure the GK Server name and IP address

corresponding to the gateway. Delete them with the no command.

Command Modes Interface configuration

Syntax h323-gateway voip id <gk-name> ipaddr <gk-address>[<ras-port>]

no h323-gateway voip id

SyntaxDescription <gk-name> GK Server name, case sensitive, 1~32


ipaddr <gk-address> GK Server IP address

<ras-port> GK Server RAS port, in the range of 1~65535,1719 by default

Instructions � This command is used to configure the GK Server IP address,name and RAS port information. The GK Client can find thecorrect GK Server through the information and register on theGK Server.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

h323-gateway voip interfacePurpose Use this command to set an interface to H.323 gateway interface.

Delete the interface with the no command.

Command Modes Interface configuration

Syntax h323-gateway voip interface

no h323-gateway voip interface

Instructions � In a router, the Ethernet interface and serial port can be set toH.323 gateway interface. In the configuration, use the h323-gateway voip interface command to specify this interface

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Chapter 2 VOIP Configuration

as H.323 gateway interface and use the gateway commandto activate the GK Client function.

� Only one interface can be specified for one router as gatewayinterface and the interface specified the most recently shallprevail. If no gateway interface is specified, other configurationabout the GK Client is meaningless.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

h323-gateway voiptech-prefix

Purpose Use this command to configure the technical prefix for the GKServer to identify the gateway type. Delete the technical prefixwith the no command.

Command Modes Interface configuration

Syntax h323-gateway voip tech-prefix <prefix-string>

no h323-gateway voip tech-prefix [<prefix-string>]

SyntaxDescription <prefix-string> Indicates the technical prefix, characters 0~9

and #

Instructions � The technical prefix is used by the GK Server to easily identifythe gateway type. GK Client and GK Server make terms on thegateway type in advance, in the communication, GK Server canjudge the gateway type based on the technical prefix, for ex-ample, 1# indicates the voice gateway, 2# indicates the videogateway, and one gateway interface can be configured with 10technical prefixes at most.

� When the no command is executed, if there is <prefix-string>, the technical prefix indicated by <prefix-string> will bedeleted; if there is no <prefix-string>, all technical prefixeswill be deleted.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

input gainPurpose Use this command to configure the voice port input gain value.

Restore the default value with the no command.

Command Modes Voice port configuration

Syntax input gain <value>

no input gain

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

SyntaxDescription <value> Voice input gain value, in the range of

-140~60, in unit of db, 0 dB by default

Instructions � The modified voice port configuration will take effect in the nextdial-up.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to input the gain value 20 dB on portvoice_3/1.ZXR10(config)#voice-port voice_3/1ZXR10(config-voice-port)#input gain 20

jitter-bufferPurpose Use this command to configure the jitter buffer. Restore the default

with the no command.

Command Modes Global configuration

Syntax jitter-buffer <value>

no jitter-buffer

SyntaxDescription <value> In the range of 0~200, in unit of millisecond;

step length is 10 milliseconds, 20 millisecondby default

Instructions � When the jitter buffer value is 0, the jitter buffer function willbe disabled.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

num-expPurpose Use this command to configure the abbreviated number. Cancel

the configuration with the no command.

Command Modes Global configuration

Syntax num-exp <extension-number><expanded-number>

no num-exp <extension-number>

SyntaxDescription <extension-number> Abbreviated number, no longer than 30

<expanded-number> Expanded number, no longer than 30

Instructions � 256 abbreviated numbers can be configured at most.

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Chapter 2 VOIP Configuration

� Permitted range is 0~9 and “.”. If the wildcard “.” is used,the wildcard number in the abbreviated number must not beless than the wildcard number in the destination mode phonenumber.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to abbreviate the phone number0250001 into 0001.ZXR10(config)#num-exp 0250001 0001

output gainPurpose Use this command to configure the voice port output attenuation

value. Restore the default value with no command.

Command Modes Voice port configuration

Syntax output gain <value>

no output gain

SyntaxDescription <value> Voice output attenuation value, in the range

of -140~60, in unit of db, 0 dB by default

Instructions � The modified voice port configuration will take effect in the nextdial-up.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to configure the output attenuationvalue 40 dB on port voice_3/1.ZXR10(config)#voice-port voice_3/1ZXR10(config-voice-port)#output attenuation 40

portPurpose Use this command to associate a dial-peer of POTS type to a des-

ignated voice port. Cancel the association with no command.

Command Modes Dial-up peer configuration

Syntax port <voice-port>

no port

SyntaxDescription <voice-port> Specify the voice port

Instructions � This command is only applied to the dial-peer in pots type.

� The modified dial-peer configuration will take effect in the nextdial-up.

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to associate dial-peer 1 in pots typeto port voice_1/3.ZXR10(config)#dial-peer voice 1 potsZXR10(config-pots1)#port voice_1/3

prefixPurpose Use this command to configure the prefix of the phone number

dialed by the dial-peer. Delete the setting with no command.

Command Modes Dial-up peer configuration

Syntax prefix <prefix-string>

no prefix

SyntaxDescription <prefix-string> Prefix code with characters of 0~9 and #, not

more than 10 characters

Defaults It is not configured by default.

Instructions � This command is only applied to the dial-peer in pots type.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to configure the prefix as 123.ZXR10(config)#dial-peer voice 1 potsZXR10(config-pots1)#prefix 123

ring numberPurpose Use this command to specify the maximum ring times for the port

with no command.

Command Modes Voice port configuration

Syntax ring number <number>

no ring number

SyntaxDescription <number> The maximum ring times, in the range of

1~3, 1 by default

Instructions It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to configure the maximum ring timesof the FXO port as 3.ZXR10(config)#voice-port voice_3/1ZXR10(config-voice-port)#ring number 3

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Chapter 2 VOIP Configuration

session targetPurpose Use this command to specify the network address of the dial-peer.

Cancel the configuration with no command.

Command Modes Dial-up peer configuration

Syntax session target {ipv4: <destination-address>| ras}

no session target

SyntaxDescription ipv4: <destination-a

ddress>IP address of dial-up

ras Key word, indicating the address is searchedthrough the GK.

Instructions � This command is only applied to the dial-peer in voip type.

� The modified dial-peer configuration will take effect in the nextdial-up.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to configure the network address ofdial-peer 100 in VOIP type as voice 100 voipZXR10(config-voip100)#session target ipv4:

show call-historyPurpose Use this command to show the call history information of the spec-

ified port.

Command Modes Privileged EXEC

Syntax show call-history voice-port <voice-port>

SyntaxDescription <voice-port> Specifies the voice port

Instructions It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

show dial-peer voicePurpose Use this command to show the configuration information of the


Command Modes Privileged EXEC

Syntax show dial-peer voice [<peer-number>| summary]

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

SyntaxDescription <peer-number> Dial-up peer number, 1~65535

Instructions � show dial-peer voice : It shows the configuration informa-tion of all dial-peers.

� show dial-peer voice <peer-number>: It shows the config-uration information of the specified dial-peer.

� show dial-peer voice summary: It shows simple configura-tion information of all dial-peers.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

show gatewayPurpose Use this command to show the gateway information.

Command Modes Privileged EXEC

Syntax show gateway

Instructions It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

show num-expPurpose Use this command to show the abbreviated dial-up configuration


Command Modes Privileged EXEC

Syntax show num-exp [<extension-number>]

SyntaxDescription <extension-number> Abbreviated number, not more than 30

characters, 0~9 and “.” are permitted

Instructions It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

show voice-portPurpose Use this command to query the voice port configuration.

Command Modes Privileged EXEC

Syntax show voice-port [<voice-port>| summary]

SyntaxDescription <voice-port> Specifies the voice port

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Chapter 2 VOIP Configuration

Instructions � show voice-port: It shows the configuration information ofall voice ports.

� show voice-port [<voice-port> : It shows the configurationinformation of the specified voice port.

� show voice-port summary: It shows the simple configura-tion information of all voice ports.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

shutdowndial-peerPurpose Use this command to configure the management status of the dial-

peer as down. Change the management status of the dial-peer toup with the no command.

Command Modes Dial-up peer configuration

Syntax shutdown

no shutdown

Defaults If this area is configured, the management status is up by default.

Instructions � This command is applied to the dial-peer in voip or pots type.

� The call will not be connected if the dial-peer status is down.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to set the management status of dial-peer 100 in voip type to down.ZXR10(config)#dial-peer voice 100 voipZXR10(config-voip100)#shutdown

shutdownvoice-portPurpose Use this command to set the management status of the voice port

to down. Change the management status of the dial-peer to upwith the no command.

Command Modes Voice port configuration

Syntax shutdown

no shutdown

Defaults If this area is configured, the management status of the voice portis up by default.

Instructions It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to change the management status ofport voice_3/1 to down.ZXR10(config)#voice-port voice_3/1ZXR10(config-voice-port)#shutdown

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

timeoutsPurpose Use this command to configure the time interval between the voice

port and dial-up. Restore the default with the no command.

Command Modes Voice port configuration

Syntax timeouts {call-dead | call-disconnect | initial | interdigit}<seconds>

no timeouts {call-dead | call-disconnect | initial | interdigit}

SyntaxDescription call-dead <seconds> Configures the unallocated number play time

(unit: second), in the range of 1~120, 60seconds by default


Configures the timeout time of the howlertone sent to the caller (unit: second), in therange of 1~120, 60 seconds by default

initial <seconds> Configure the timeout time from offhook tothe first dial-up number (unit: second), in therange of 1~60, 10 seconds by default

interdigit <seconds> Configure the timeout time in the interval ofdialing two numbers (unit: second), in therange of 1~60, 10 seconds by default

Instructions � The modified voice port configuration will take effect in the nextdial-up.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

vadPurpose Use this command to enable the mute detection function. Disable

the mute detection function with the no command.

Command Modes Voice port configuration

Syntax vad

no vad

Defaults If this area is configured, it is disabled by default.

Instructions � The modified voice port configuration will take effect in the nextdial-up.

� It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to enable the mute detection functionon port voice_3/1.ZXR10(config)#voice-port voice_3/1ZXR10(config-voice-port)#vad

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Chapter 2 VOIP Configuration

voice-portPurpose Use this command to enter the specified voice interface configu-

ration mode.

Command Modes Global configuration

Syntax voice-port <voice-port>

SyntaxDescription <voice-port> Specifies the voice port

Instructions It is only applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.

Example This example describes how to enter the configuration mode of thevoice_3/1 port.ZXR10(config)#voice-port voice_3/1ZXR10(config-voice-port)#

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C h a p t e r 3

IPTV Configuration

Table of Contentsclear iptv cac-rule..............................................................25clear iptv channel ..............................................................26clear iptv client .................................................................26create iptv cac-rule............................................................27create iptv channel ............................................................27iptv cac-rule name.............................................................28iptv cac-rule prvcount ........................................................28iptv cac-rule prvinterval .....................................................29iptv cac-rule prvtime..........................................................29iptv cac-rule right ..............................................................30iptv channel mvlan ............................................................31iptv channel name .............................................................31iptv control .......................................................................31iptv control login-time........................................................32iptv control prvcount count .................................................32iptv control prvcount reset-period........................................33iptv control prvinterval .......................................................33iptv control prvtime ...........................................................34show iptv cac-rule .............................................................34show iptv cac-rule statistics ................................................36show iptv channel..............................................................37show iptv channel statistics.................................................38show iptv client .................................................................39show iptv client statistics....................................................41show iptv control...............................................................41

clear iptv cac-rulePurpose Use this command to clear a channel access control (CAC) rule.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax clear iptv cac-rule <rule-list>

SyntaxDescription <rule-list> One or more rule numbers, in the range of


Example This example describes how to clear CAC rule 1.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#clear iptv cac-rule 1

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create iptv cac-rule

show iptv cac-rule

show iptv cac-rule statistics

clear iptv channelPurpose Use this command to clear a channel.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax clear iptv channel <channel-list>

SyntaxDescription <channel-list> One or more channel numbers, in the range

of 0~263

Example This example describes how to clear channel 1.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#clear iptv channel 1


create iptv channel

show iptv channel

show iptv channel statistics

clear iptv clientPurpose Use this command to clear an IPTV client.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax clear iptv client [{index <client-index>| port <port-name>|vlan <vlan-id>}]

SyntaxDescription <client-index> Client number, in the range of 0~16383

<port-name> Interface name

<vlan-id> VLAN ID, in the range of 1~4094

Example This example describes how to delete a client on the fei_1/1 inter-face:ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#clear iptv client port fei_1/1


show iptv client

show iptv client statistic

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Chapter 3 IPTV Configuration

create iptv cac-rulePurpose Use this command to create a CAC rule.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax create iptv cac-rule <rule-id>[port <port-name>][vlan <vlan-id>][mac-base]

SyntaxDescription <rule-id> ID number of the rule, in the range of 1~256

<port-name> Physical interface name

<vlan-id> VLAN ID, in the range of 1~4094

mac-base The joining and leaving of a user on the portmust be based on one MAC address.

Example This example describes how to create a MAC-based CAC rule 1 onport gei_1/1 of vlan 1.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#create iptv cac-rule 1 port gei_1/1 vlan 1 mac-base


clear iptv cac-rule

iptv cac-rule name

iptv cac-rule prvcount

iptv cac-rule prvinterval

iptv cac-rule prvtime

iptv cac-rule right

show iptv cac-rule

show iptv cac-rule statistics

create iptv channelPurpose Use this command to create a channel corresponding to the mul-

ticast group.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax create iptv channel {special <channel-id> address <address>| general <channel-id>}

SyntaxDescription special <channel-id> A special channel ID, in the range of 0~255

general <channel-id>

A general channel ID, in the range of 256

<address> Multicast group address, in the range of224.0.0.0~

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

Instructions The special channel is corresponding with the multicast group oneby one and the general channel maps all multicast groups.

Example This example describes how to create a special channel 1 associ-ated with the multicast group iptv channel 1 address


clear iptv channel

iptv channel mvlan

iptv channel name

show iptv channel

show iptv channel statistics

iptv cac-rule namePurpose Use this command to specify a name for a CAC rule.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax iptv cac-rule <rule-list> name <rule-name>

SyntaxDescription <rule-list> One or more rule numbers, in the range of


<rule-name> Rule name, not more than 32 characters

Example This example describes how to specify a name zte for CAC rule 1.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#iptv cac 1 name zte


create iptv cac-rule

show iptv cac-rule

iptv cac-rule prvcountPurpose Use this command to configure the maximum preview count for a

CAC rule.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax iptv cac-rule <rule-list> prvcount <preview-count>

SyntaxDescription <rule-list> One or more rule numbers, in the range of


<preview-count> The maximum preview count for previewingusers under the CAC rule, in the range of0~65535

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Chapter 3 IPTV Configuration

Instructions If the maximum preview count is not configured for a rule, themaximum preview count of this rule will be the global maximumpreview count and the preview count will be the maximum previewcount of this rule on the same line card.

Example This example describes how to specify the maximum preview countof rule 1 as 20.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#iptv cac 1 prvcount 20


create iptv cac-rule

show iptv cac-rule

iptv cac-rule prvintervalPurpose Use this command to configure the minimum preview interval for

a CAC rule.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax iptv cac-rule <rule-list> prvinterval <preview-interval>

SyntaxDescription <rule-list> One or more rule numbers, in the range of


<preview-interval> The minimum preview interval for previewingusers under the CAC rule, unit: seconds, inthe range of 0~65535

Instructions If the minimum preview interval is not configured for a rule, theminimum preview interval of this rule will be the global minimumpreview interval; and the minimum preview interval will be theminimum preview interval of this rule on the same line card.

Example This example describes how to specify the minimum preview in-terval of rule 1 as 20s.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#iptv cac 1 prvinterval 20


create iptv cac-rule

show iptv cac-rule

iptv cac-rule prvtimePurpose Use this command to configure the maximum preview time for a

CAC rule.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax iptv cac-rule <rule-list> prvtime <preview-time>

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

SyntaxDescription <rule-list> One or more rule numbers, in the range of


<preview-time> The maximum preview times for previewingusers under the CAC rule, in the range of1~65535

Instructions If the maximum preview time is not configured for a rule, it will bethe global maximum preview time.

Example This example describes how to specify the maximum preview timeof rule 1 as 20s.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#iptv cac 1 prvtime 20


create iptv cac-rule

show iptv cac-rule

iptv cac-rule rightPurpose Use this command to configure the channel right of a CAC rule.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax iptv cac-rule <rule-list> right {order | preview | query}<channel-id>

SyntaxDescription <rule-list> One or more rule numbers, in the range of


<channel-id> One or more channel numbers, in the rangeof 0~263

order Order channel and the user can watch itwithout limit

preview Preview channel, the user is limited by thepreview count, time and interval

query Specifies the source port of the channel, themulticast group can enter from the sourceport only

Instructions One rule has only one right for a channel. When the query isspecified, the rule must be based on the port.

Example This example describes how to specify that rule 1 has the right topreview channel 1.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#iptv cac 1 right preview 1


create iptv cac-rule

show iptv cac-rule

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Chapter 3 IPTV Configuration

iptv channel mvlanPurpose Use this command to specify the VLAN where the channel is lo-


Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax iptv channel <channel-list> mvlan <vlan-id>

SyntaxDescription <channel-list> One or more channel numbers, in the range

of 0~263

<vlan-id> mvlan ID, 1~4094

Example This example describes how to specify the VLAN where channel 1is located as 100:ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#iptv channel 1 mvlan 100


create iptv channel

show iptv channel

iptv channel namePurpose Use this command to specify a channel name.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax iptv channel <channel-list> name <channel-name>

SyntaxDescription <channel-list> One or more channel numbers, in the range

of 0~263

<channel-name> Channel name, 1~32 characters

Example This example describes how to specify the name of channel 1 ascctv1.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#iptv channel 1 name cctv1


create iptv channel

show iptv channel

iptv controlPurpose Use this command to enable or disable the IPTV control function.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax iptv control {enable | disable}

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ZXR10 T600/T1200 Command Manual (Voice and Video Service Volume)

SyntaxDescription enable Enables the IPTV control function.

disable Disables the IPTV control function.

Example This example describes how to enable the IPTV control function.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#iptv control enable


show iptv control

iptv control login-timePurpose Use this command to set the minimum time for identifying a user.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax iptv control login-time <login-time>

SyntaxDescription <login-time> The minimum time for identifying a user, in

the range of 1~4294967295, in unit of second

Instructions If the preview time is less than the minimum identification time,the preview count will not be counted.

Example This example describes how to set the minimum identification timeto 10s.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#iptv control login-time 10

iptv control prvcount countPurpose Use this command to set the global maximum preview count.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax iptv control prvcount count <preview-count>

SyntaxDescription <preview-count> Global maximum preview count, in the range

of 0~65535, in unit of seconds.

Instructions The global maximum preview count serves as the maximum pre-view count of the CAC rule by default.

Example This example describes how to set the global maximum previewcount to 20.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#iptv control prvcount count 20

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Chapter 3 IPTV Configuration


show iptv control

iptv control prvcountreset-period

Purpose Use this command to set the period to reset the CAC rule previewcount.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax iptv control prvcount reset-period <reset-period>

SyntaxDescription <reset-period> Period to reset the CAC rule preview count,

in the range of 1~4294967295, in unit ofseconds

Example This example describes how to set the reset-period of the previewcount to 600s.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#iptv control prvcount reset-period 600


show iptv control

iptv control prvintervalPurpose Use this command to set the global minimum preview interval.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax iptv control prvinterval <preview-interval>

SyntaxDescription <preview-interval> The minimum preview interval, in the range

of 0~65535, in unit of seconds

Instructions The global minimum preview interval serves as the minimum pre-view interval of the CAC rule by default.

Example This example describes how to set the global minimum previewinterval to 20s.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#iptv control prvinterval 20

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show iptv control

iptv control prvtimePurpose Use this command to set the global maximum preview time.

Command Modes NAS configuration

Syntax iptv control prvtime <preview-time>

SyntaxDescription <preview-time> The maximum preview time, in the range of

1~65535, in unit of seconds

Instructions The global maximum preview time serves as the maximum pre-view time of the CAC rule by default.

Example This example describes how to set the global maximum previewtime to 20s.ZXR10(config)#nasZXR10(config-nas)#iptv control prvtime 20


show iptv control

show iptv cac-rulePurpose Use this command to show the configured CAC rules.

Command Modes Privileged EXEC

Syntax show iptv cac-rule [{id <rule-id>| name <rule-name>}]

SyntaxDescription <rule-id> ID number of the rule, in the range of 1~256

<rule-name> Rule name, 1~32 characters

Example � This example describes how to show all CAC rules:ZXR10(config)#show iptv cac-ruleMaxRuleNum:256CurrentConfigTotal:3 HistoryConfigTotal:3

Id Name Port Vlan Mac-base OrdNum PrvNum QryNum---- -------- ---------- ----- -------- ----- ----- ------1 zte1 fei_1/1 FALSE 1 1 12 zte2 gei_2/1 1 TRUE 2 0 13 zte3 2 FALSE 0 1

The displayed information descriptions are shown below.

MaxRuleNum The maximum rule number

CurrentConfigTotal Currently configured rule number

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Chapter 3 IPTV Configuration

HistoryConfigTotal Historically configured rule number

Id Rule ID

Name Rule name

Port Port for the rule

Vlan VLAN for the rule

Mac-base Whether it is based on the port

OrdNum Ordered channel number

PrvNum Previewed channel number

QryNum The port of this rule is the channel numberof the source port

� This example describes how to show CAC rule 1.ZXR10(config)#show iptv cac-rule id 1RuleNo :1 UserName :zte1Port :fei_1/1 Vlan :Mac-base :FALSEMaxPrvCount :20 MinPrvInterval :10MaxPrvTime :20

Order number :1Channel :1Preview number :1Channel :2Query number :1Channel :3

The displayed information descriptions are shown below.

RuleNo Rule ID

UserName Rule name

Port Port for the rule

Vlan VLAN for the rule

Mac-base Whether it is based on the port

MaxPrvCount The maximum preview count

MinPrvInterval The minimum preview interval

MaxPrvTime The maximum preview time

CurPrvCount Current preview count

CurOrdAccessNum Current order access number

HisOrdAccessNum Historical order access number

CurPrvAccessNum Current preview access number

HisPrvAccessNum Historical preview access number

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CurAccessNum Current access number

HisAccessNum Historical access number

Order number Ordered channel number

Preview number Previewed channel number

Query number The port of this rule is the channel numberof the source port


create iptv cac-rule

iptv cac-rule name

iptv cac-rule prvcount

iptv cac-rule prvinterval

iptv cac-rule prvtime

iptv cac-rule right

clear iptv cac-rule

show iptv cac-rule statisticsPurpose Use this command to show the statistics information of the CAC


Command Modes Privileged EXEC

Syntax show iptv cac-rule statistics [<rule-id>]

SyntaxDescription <rule-id> ID number of the rule, in the range of 1~256

Example � This example describes how to show the statistics informationof all CAC rules.ZXR10(config)#show iptv cac-rule statisticsId Port vlan CurPrvCount CurPrvUser CurOrdUser HisPrvUserHisOrdUser--- ------- ---- -------- ---------- --------- ---------

---------1 fei_1/1 3 1 3 3 102 gei_4/2 2 2 0 2 4 8

The displayed information descriptions are shown below.

Id Rule ID

Port Port for the rule

Vlan VLAN for the rule

CurPrvCount Total preview count under this rule

CurPrvUser Current preview user number of this rule

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Chapter 3 IPTV Configuration

CurOrdUser Current order user number of this rule

HisPrvUser Historical preview user number of this rule

HisOrdUser Historical order user number of this rule

� This example describes how to show the statistics informationof rule 1.ZXR10(config)#show iptv cac-rule statistics 1BoardNo CurPrvCount CurPrvUser CurOrdUser HisPrvUserHisOrdUser------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------------------1 1 1 2 1 52 2 0 1 2 5

The displayed information descriptions are shown below.


Board number

CurPrvCount Total preview count on the board

CurPrvUser Current preview user number of this ruleon the board

CurOrdUser Current order user number of this rule onthe board

HisPrvUser Historical preview user number of this ruleon the board

HisOrdUser Historical order user number of this ruleon the board


create iptv cac-rule

iptv cac-rule name

iptv cac-rule prvcount

iptv cac-rule prvinterval

iptv cac-rule prvtime

iptv cac-rule right

clear iptv cac-rule

show iptv channelPurpose Use this command to show the configured channel information.

Command Modes Privileged EXEC

Syntax show iptv channel [{id <channel-id>| ame <channel-name>}]

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SyntaxDescription <channel-id> Channel ID, in the range of 0~263

<channel-name> Channel name, 1~32 characters

Example This example describes how to show all channels.ZXR10(config)#show iptv channelMaxGroupNum :264CurrentConfigTotal:3 HistoryConfigTotal:3

Id Name GroupIp MVlan----- ------------- ------------- ------1 cctv1 1002 cctv2 1013 cctv3 102

The displayed information descriptions are shown below.

MaxGroupNum Configurable maximum channel number

CurrentConfigTotal Currently configured channel number

HistoryConfigTotal Historically configured channel number

Id Channel ID

Name Channel name

GroupIp Multicast group address

MVlan VLAN of the multicast group


create iptv channel

iptv channel name

iptv channel mvlan

clear iptv channel

show iptv channel statisticsPurpose Use this command to show the channel statistics information.

Command Modes Privileged EXEC

Syntax show iptv channel statistics [<channel-id>]

SyntaxDescription <channel-id> Channel ID, in the range of 0~263

Example � This example describes how to show the statistics informationof all channels.ZXR10(config)#show iptv channel statisticsChannelNo CurPrvUser CurOrdUser HisPrvUser HisOrdUser--------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------0 4 10 20 501 2 6 10 30

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Chapter 3 IPTV Configuration

The displayed information descriptions are shown below.

ChannelNo Channel number

CurPrvUser Current preview user number of this rule

CurOrdUser Current order user number of this rule

HisPrvUser Historical preview user number of this rule

HisOrdUser Historical order user number of this rule

� This example describes how to show the statistics informationof channel 1.ZXR10(config)#show iptv channel statistics 0BoardNo CurPrvUser CurOrdUser HisPrvUser HisOrdUser------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------1 2 4 10 204 2 6 10 30

The displayed information descriptions are shown below.

BoardNo Board number

CurPrvUser Current preview user number of thischannel on the board

CurOrdUser Current order user number of this channelon the board

HisPrvUser Historical preview user number of thischannel on the board

HisOrdUser Historical order user number of this channelon the board


create iptv channel

iptv channel name

iptv channel mvlan

clear iptv channel

show iptv clientPurpose Use this command to show the information of IPTV user.

Command Modes Privileged EXEC

Syntax show iptv client [{channel <channel-id>| index <client-index>| mac <mac-address>| name <user-name>}]

SyntaxDescription <channel-id> Channel ID, in the range of 0~263

<client-index> Client index, in the range of 0~63

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<mac-address> The client's MAC address

<user-name> User name, 1~32 characters

Example � This example describes how to show all IPTV users.ZXR10(config)#show iptv clientMaxUserNum :4096CurrentUserNum :3 HistoryUserNum:3

Index Name Port Vlan Rule ChNum----- ------------- ------------ ----- ----- -----0 zte1 fei_1/1 1 1 21 zte2 fei_1/4 100 2 22048 zte3 geo_2/1 1 1 1

The displayed information descriptions are shown below.

MaxUserNum Maximum user number

CurrentUserNum Current user number

HistoryUserNum Historical user number

Index User index

Name User name

Port User login port

Vlan User's vlan

Rule Rule number matched by the user

ChNum Channel number requested by the user

� This example describes how to show the information of user 0.ZXR10(config)#show iptv client index 0Index :0 Name :zte1port :fei_1/1 Vlan :1Mac : 00.11.D8.7A.D5.80 Ip address :

Channel number :2Channel UserType MultiAddress ElapsedTime--------- --------- ----------------- ------------0 order 0:0:0:101 preview 0:0:0:20

The displayed information descriptions are shown below.

Index User index

Name User name

Port User login port

Vlan User’s vlan

Rule Rule number matched by the user

Channel number Channel number requested by the user

Channel Channel number

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Chapter 3 IPTV Configuration

UserType User's right for the channel

MultiAddress Channel multicast address

ElapsedTime Elapsed time


clear iptv client

show iptv client statisticsPurpose Use this command to show the user statistics information.

Command Modes Privileged EXEC

Syntax show iptv client statistics

Example This example describes how to show the user's statistics informa-tion.ZXR10(config)#show iptv client statisticsBoardNo MaxUser CurUser HisUser--------- -------- --------- ----------1 2048 10 102 2048 8 20

The displayed information descriptions are shown below.

BoardNo Board number

MaxUser The maximum user number on this board

CurUser The current user number on this board

HisUser The historical user number on this board


clear iptv cac-rule

show iptv controlPurpose Use this command to show the global configurations of the IPTV.

Command Modes Privileged EXEC

Syntax show iptv control

Example This example describes how to show all channels.ZXR10(config)#show iptv controlState :enable LoginTime :10sMaxPrvCount :10 ResetPeriod :300sMinPrvInterval:5s MaxPrvTime :60s

The displayed information descriptions are shown below.

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State IPTV state

LoginTime The minimum time for identifying the user

MaxPrvCount The maximum preview count

ResetPeriod Period to reset the preview count

MinPrvInterval The minimum preview interval

MaxPrvTime The maximum preview time


iptv control login-time

iptv control prvcount count

iptv control prvcount reset-period

iptv control prvinterval

iptv control prvtime

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