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The Ethics of Software The Ethics of Software Project Management Project Management

Lazea RamonaAn I, Master TI, UPT

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Software project management is the collection of techniques used to develop and deliver various types of software products.

For a successful software project management, there have to be defined some relevant ethical principles, and also to be applied

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The main ethics should be: honor, honesty, bias, professional adequacy, due care, fairness, consideration of social cost, effective and efficient action.

To respect all these ethics, you have to respond to some exact questions, and then you know if you had applied them

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These principles can be used to analyse, inform, and colour practice within computing and software project management in particular.

For a structured project management there are ten steps that have to be followed

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Those ten steps are: visualize what the goal is, make a list of jobs that need to be done, ensure there is one leader, assign people to jobs, manage expectations, allow a margin of error and have a fallback position, use an appropriate leadership style, know what is going on, tell people what is going on, repeat the steps until the goal project is achieved

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The project management process for software development must accommodate an ethical perspective.

 Project management should be guided by a sense of justice, a sense of equal distributions of benefits and burdens and a sense of equal opportunity, then they will be ethically aligned.

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The project management process for software development must accommodate an ethical perspective.

 Project management should be guided by a sense of justice, a sense of equal distributions of benefits and burdens and a sense of equal opportunity, then they will be ethically aligned.