Download - Coming Attractions. Obesity Project: Part II Interventions and Possible Solutions Dietary Programs/nutrition counselling Exercise Programs Bariatric Surgery.

Page 1: Coming Attractions. Obesity Project: Part II Interventions and Possible Solutions Dietary Programs/nutrition counselling Exercise Programs Bariatric Surgery.

Coming Attractions

Page 2: Coming Attractions. Obesity Project: Part II Interventions and Possible Solutions Dietary Programs/nutrition counselling Exercise Programs Bariatric Surgery.

Obesity Project: Part II

Interventions and Possible Solutions• Dietary Programs/nutrition counselling

• Exercise Programs

• Bariatric Surgery

• Breast Feeding

• Electronic Tools

Page 3: Coming Attractions. Obesity Project: Part II Interventions and Possible Solutions Dietary Programs/nutrition counselling Exercise Programs Bariatric Surgery.

Obesity Project: Part III

Strategies for Caring for Obese Women• Operating Room

• Surgery

• Anesthesia

• Office

• Instrumentation

• Positioning

Page 4: Coming Attractions. Obesity Project: Part II Interventions and Possible Solutions Dietary Programs/nutrition counselling Exercise Programs Bariatric Surgery.

Thank You Presented to you as a collaboration of the PA Section and

District III of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

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