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Come Christians Join to Sing 1 Christian H. Bateman> 1843 Madrid, 66.66 D Arr. by David Evans> 1927

Loud Let Life

Chris - tians, join to sin~ hearts on hign, Christ a - gam,

lift your yet our

praise to prai - ses shall not

Christ our King; fill the sky; end the strain;

AI - le - lu - ia! AI - le - lu - ia! AI - le - lu - ia!

AI - le - lu - ia! AI - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia!

men! men! men!

men! men! men!

heart and voice, Guide and Friend; bliss - ful shore,

Be- fore His To us He'll

throne re - joice; con - de - scend;

His good - ness we'll a - dore,

1. Learn the tunes. 2. Sing them as printed.

His shall for

gra - cious choice. nev-er end. ev - er - more,

Al - Ie - lu - ia! AI - Ie - Iu - ia! Al - Ie - lu - ia!

3. Sing all If it is a cross to you, take it up and you will find it a blessing. 4. Sing lustily and with a good courage t'lustily" means "heartily, cheerfolly'}. 5. Sing modestly. Do not bawl [do not bellow}. 6. Sing in time. Do not run before or stay behind.

men! men! men!

7. Above all, sing spiritually. Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing Him more than your self or any other creature. In order to this, attend strictly to the sense of what you sing, and see that your heart is not carried away with the sound, but offered to God continually.

-J.W. (1703-1791)

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2 Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder

John Newton, 1774 All Saints Old Darmstadt Gesangbuch, 1698 ---------.

1. Let us love, and sing, and won - der, Let us praise the 2. Let us love the Lord who bought us, Pit - ied us when 3. Let us sing, though fierce temp - ta - tion Threat-en hard to 4. Let us won - der; ~r~ce and jus - tice Join, and point to · 5. Let us praise, and JOlll the cho - rus Of the saints en-

12=2 F f 1

3 ---------.

f u r f r f •pr r f "--"

"-----"' Sav - iour's name! He has hushed the law's thun - der, en e mies, Called us by His grace, taught US, bear us down! For the Lord, our strong va - tion, mer - cy's store; When through grace m Christ our trust is, throned on high; Here they trust - ed Him be - fore us,


'-" washed He has quenched Mount Sin - ai's flame; He has us Gave us ears and gave us eyes: He has washed us Holds m view the con- qu'ror's crown, He who washed us Jus - tice smiles, and asks no more: He who washed us Now their prais - cs fill the sky: "Thou hast washed us ,........,

~ n ~

...___.., with His blood, He has brought us nigh to God. with His blood, He pre- sents our souls to God. with His blood, Soon will bring us home to God. with His blood, Has se - cured our way to God. with Thy blood; Thou art wor thy, Lamb of God!" A-men.


"0 sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth. Sing unto the LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation ftom day to day" (Psalm 96:1, 2).

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A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing 3 Bede, 673-735 Laast Uns Erfreuen with alleluias Geistliche Kirchengesang, 1623

LA 2. The 3. To 4."A

hymn ho -whom gain


~e shall

glo-ry ap - o an - gels, ye be -

songs tbro'-out the world shall ring: on the Mount of 01 - ives stand; stand and gaze up - on the sky? ye to - day have seen Him go.


by a road be - fore un -with his fol - lo - wers they is the Sav - iour," thus they glo - rious pomp as - cend-ing


trod, see say; high,

let us sto1 - ic draw- in~ hold Him

sing; band nigh, so

New Up­"Why As

AI-le - lu - ia! AI-le - lu - ial Christ AI-le - lu - ia! AI-le - lu - ia! And AI-le - lu - ia! Al-le - lu - ia! This AI-le - lu - ia! AI-le - lu - ia! In


As - cend-eth to the throne of Je - sus' re - splen-dent rna - jes-"This is His no - ble tri - umph Up to the por - tals of the


~~y." sky."

AI-le - lu - ia! Al- Je - lu - ia! AI-le - lu -AI-le - lu - ia! AI- le - lu - ia! AI- le - lu · -AI - le - lu - ia! Al-le - lu - ia! AI - le - lu -AI-le - Iu - ia! At- le - lu - ia! AI- le - lu -

ia! Al-le­ia! Al-le­ia! Al-le­ia! AI-le-


lu ia! AI - le lu ia! lu ial AI - le lu ia! lu ia! Al - le lu ia! lu ia! AI - le lu ia! A men.

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4 I Sing the Mighty Power of God

Issac Watts, 1715 Ellacombe, 76.76 D Adapted by William H. Monk, 1868

1. I sing the 2. I sing the

might-y power of God, That made the moun-tains good- ness of the Lord, That filled the earth with

3. There's not a plant or flower be - low, But makes Thy glo - ries

rise; food; known;

built then or

That He And

spread the formed the clouds a

the lof %em Thy

pro - nounced der from

flow-ing crea - tures rise, and

skies. I good. Lord, throne; While

seas a with His tern

broad, And word, and

pests blow, By

sing the wis - dom how Thy won - ders all that bor - rows

that or - dained The sun to rule the are dis - played, Wher - e'er I tum my

day; The eye: If care, And

moon shines I sur -ev - ery -

full at vcy the where that life from Thee Is ev - er in Thy

His com - mand, .and ground I tread, Or man can be, Thou,

all gaze God,

the stars o -up - on the art pres - ent

bey. sky! there. A - men.

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I Sing the Mighty Power of God 5 Issac Watts, 1715 Forest Green, CMD


Arr. by Ralph Vaughn Williams, 1906


l.I 2. I

'----" sing the might-y sing the good - ness not a plant or

power of flower

of God that made the the Lord, That filled the

3. There's

rise; That food; He known; And

be - low, But makes Thy

,_.. spread the flow - ing formed the crea - tures clouds a - rise, and

seas with tern -

a His pests blow,

moun-tains earth with glo - ries


broad and word, And


built the loft y then pro - nounced them or - der from Thy

skies. I good. Lord, throne; While

sing the wis dom how Thy won - ders all that bor - row

that are life


u '----"

or - dained the sun to rule the dis '" played, Wher - e'er I tum my from .Thee is ev - er in Thy

day; The eye: If care, And

His ground man

com - mand, and all the stars o I tread, Or can be, Thou,

gaze up - on the God, art pres - ent _....,

.....____.., moon shines full at I sur - vey the ev - ery - where that

bey. sky! there. A - men.

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6 How Firm a Foundation

"K" in Rippon's Selections, 1787 Foundation unknown: probably 18th century

l.How firm a foun - da - tion, ye saints of the Lord, Is 2. "In ev ery con - di - tion, m sick - ness, in health; In 3. "Fear 4. "When

not, I am with thee, 0 be not dis - mayed, For through the deep wa-ters I call thee to fto, The

5. "When through fier-y tri - als thy path - ways shall 1C, My 6. "Even down to old age all My rceo - ple shall prove My 7. "The soul that on Je - sus has eaned for re - pose, I

laid for your faith m His ex eel - lent Word! What po - verty's vale, or a - bound - m~ m wealth; At home I am ~? God and will sti l give thee aid; I'll riv - ers woe shall not thee 0 - ver flow; For grace, all suf - fi - cient, shall be thy sup Ety- The SOY - ereign, e ter - nal, un change -a - ble ov~; And will not, I will not de sert to its foes; That

more can He say than to you He hath said, You, and a broad, on the land, on the sea, As thy strength - en thee, h~~ thee, and cause thee to stand Up-I will be Wl thee, thy trou - bles to bless, And flame shall not hurt thee; I 0 - nly de - sign Thy when hoar - y hairs shall their tern - ples a dorn, Like soul, though all hell should en deav- or to shake, I'll

-who un- to Je - sus for re fuge have fled? may de - mand, shall ev - er be." da~s thy s~ength

bed ~y My right - eous, om - mp - 0 - tent hand." sane - t1 - fy to thee thy deep - est dis - tress." dross to con - sume, and thy ~old to re fine." lambs they shall still m My OS - om be borne." nev - er, no nev - er, no nev - er for - sake." A - men.

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in

your hearts to the Lord" (Colossians 3:16).

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Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above 7 Johann]. Schutz Mit Freuden Zart 87.87.887 Bohemian Brethren Kirchengesiin

1. Sing 2. What 3. The

praise to God Who God's al - might-y Lord is nev - er

reigns a - bove, The pow'r hath made, His far a - way, But,

God of all cre-gra - cious mer- cy through all grief dis­sing a - loud Thy 4. Thus, all my toil - some way a - long, I


a tion, The God of pow'r, the God of love, The keep eth; By morn-ing glow or eve - ning shade His stress ing, An ev - er - gre - sent help and stay, Our prais es, That men may ear the grate-ful sound My



,____,., God of our sal va tion; With heal-ing balm my watch-ful ~ye ne'er sleep eth; With - in the king-dom pe~ce, and JOy, and bless ing; As with a moth-er's VOICe un - wea - ried rats es, Be joy - ful m the

soul He fills, And ev - ~ry faith - less mur-mur stills: To of His might, Lo! all IS just and all is right: To ten - der hand, He leads His own, His cho- sen band: To Lord, my heart, Both soul and bod-y bear your part: To


J ~1

~ God all pra!se and glo ry. God all pra~se and glo ry. God all pra~se and glo ry. God all pratse and glo ry. A men.


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8 We Believe in One True God

Tobias Clausnitzer, 1668 Ratisbon, 77. 77.77 Johann Gottlob Werner, 1815

1. We 2.We 3. We

be - lieve m be - lieve in con - fess the

Ho - ly Ghost, Ma - ry's Son, e'er pro - ceeds,


one true Je - sus Ho - ly

God Christ, Ghost,

Ev - er - pre - sent VVho de - scend - ed Who up - holds and


Praised by all And for us In all tri -

sal -als,

heav'n- ly va - tton fears, and

host, won, needs .

Fa - ther, Son of Who from

Son, God both

and and for-

help in need, from His throne com - forts us

By whose might - y By whose cross and Blest and ho - ly

. "----" pow'r a - lone death are we

All is made and Res - cued from sin's Praise for - ev - er

wrought and done. mis - er - y.

Trin- i ty, be to Thee. A - men. ~

"If singing is tempered to a gravity befitting the presence of God and angels, it both gives dignity and grace to sacred actions, and has a very powerful tendency to stir up the mind to true zeal and ardor in prayer. ~ must, however, carefoUy beware, lest our ears be more intent on the music than our minds on the spiritual meaning of the words ... on the other hand, songs

composed merely to tickle and delight the ear are unbecoming the majesty of the Church, and cannot but be most displeasing to God."

-John Calvin (1509-1564)

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Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted 9 Thomas Kelly, 1804 0 Mein]esu, Ich Muss Sterben Geistliches Volkslied, 1850

I. Strick - en, 2. Tell me, 3. Ye who 4. Here we

dy - ing ev - er pose the ref - uge

ject - ed; own- ing, right - ly, va - taion,

on the grief like e - vii of the

Yes, Foes Here His

and af smit - ten, ye who think of have a

hear Him

my in its the

tree! His? great lost;

sin but firm oun

'Tis Friends Here Christ's

soul, suit -guilt name

'tis ing may of

the thro' may the

He, His es which

flict - ed, groan - ing, light - ly da - t10n,

'tis dis ti we

Christ fear view Rock

rls its of

He! - tress;

mate. boast.

See Was Nor Here

Him there sup­the

man re-cause dis­na - ture our al-

'Tis the Man - y Mark the Lamb of

long - ex -hands were Sac - ri -God, for

pect -raised flee sin -

ed to ap ners

Proph - et, wound Him,

·point - ed, wound-ed,

Da - vid's None would See who Sac - ri

Son, in -bears flee

yet Da - vid's ter- pose to the aw - ful to can - eel

Lord; save: load; guilt!


By His But the 'Tis the None shall

and stroke that Man and Him their

Son God deep - est Word, the ev - er

faith - ful Jus tice Son of hope have

now stroke Lord's be

has that A con -


Word. gave. God. built

spok -pierced noint -found -

en: Him ed, ed

A ••


'Tis the Was the Son of Who on


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10 0 Sacred Head Now Wounded Bernard oJC!airvaux, 1153 Passion Chorale, 76.76 D Hans Leo Hassler, 1601

1.0 sa cred 2. What Thou, my 3. What lan guage 4.Be near when

~:~ r1J ~ ~

grief and shame weighed all for sin ners' thank Thee, dear - est show Thy cross to

round - ed gres - sion,

with but Thy Come,

thorns, Thine

sor - row, pi -fly - ing, Lord,

pale here make eyes,

Thou I

art with an

does on let he

me new

fall, my Sa -Thine for faith re ~

that me me who


with ne dies

c r Head, Lord, shall I


down, gain;

Friend, me:

Thine the ty to

guish, with vior! 'Tis

and From

sage Thy ver, be

now wound hast suf I bor am dy

~ ~

Now scorn Mine, mine For this And for

only dead - ly with - out set me


ed, with fered, was row to ing, 0

~ F *f u

ful - lh was t e Thy dy my sue

crown; pain. end? free:


- ing ~ cor

How Lo, 0 These

sore a - buse and scorn! How place; Look be, Lord, move; For

I de - serve Thy should I faint- ing Je - sus shall not

lan fa ne liev

guish, vor, ver ing,

which vouch­out­Dies

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c r • once was bright as mom! safe to me Thy race. live my love to bee. safe ly, through Thy love. A men.

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 11 Issac Watts, 1707 Rockingham (Miller), LM Carl P.E. Bach, Arr. by Edward Mille


I. When I sur - vey the wond- drous cross On which the 2. For - bid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the 3. See, frum His head, His hands, His feet, Sor - row and 4. Were the whole realm of na - ture mine, That were a


-------· Prince of ~lo - ry died, My rich-est gain I count but death of hrist my God: All the vain things that charm me love flow min - gled down: Did e'er such love and sor row pres - ent far too small; Love so a maz- ing, so di-,.--.


......_, ~

~ loss, And pour con - tempt on all my bride. most, I sac ri fice them to Hts lood. meet, Or thorn com - pose so rich a <.:rown? vine, De - mands my soul, my life, my all. A - men.


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12 Beyond the Glittering, Starry Skies

James Panch, 1776 Dundee, CM Scottish Psalter, 1615

1. Be y~md the glit - t'ring star - ~d skies, Far

2.Le £lOllS of an - ~els strong fair, In 3. "Hail, Prince!" they cry, for ev er hail! Whose 4. While He did con - de scend on earth To 5. Through all His trav - els here be - low They 6. They saw His heart trans - fixed with wounds, His 7. They brought His char - iot from a - hove, To

as th'e - ter - nal hills, There, in those bound- less count - less arm - tes shine, At His right hand with un - ex - am - pled love Moved Thee to quit those suf - fer rude dis dain, They cast their hon - ors did His steps at tend! Oft gazed and won - dered crim - son sweat and gore, They saw Him break the bear Him to His throne, Clapped their tri - urn - phant

A I 1 I

v • .. - -Ill- it .. • 'CJ· -6- -a-

worlds of light, Our great Re - deem- er dwells. gold - en ha~s, To of - fer songs di - vine. glo - rious reams, And roy - al - ties a - hove." at His feet, And wait - ed in His train. where at last This scene of love would end. bars of death, Which none e'er brake be - fore. wings and cried, ·"The ~lo - rious work IS done!" A - men.

I I I . I ... I

" ... next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. She is a mistress and governess of those human emotions ... which as master govern men or more often overwhelm them. No

greater commendation than this can be found-at least not by us. For whether you wish to com­fort the sad, to terrifY the happy, to encourage the despairing, to humble the proud, to calm the

passionate, or to appease those full of hate-and who could number all these masters of the human heart. namely, the emotions, inclinations, and affections that impel men to evil or good?

-what more effective means than music could you find? The Holy Ghost Himself honors her as an instrument for His proper work when in His Holy Scriptures He asserts that through her His gifts were instilled in the prophets, namely, the inclination to all virtues, as can be seen in Elisha

(2Ki 3:15). On the other hand, she serves to cast out Satan, the instigator of all sins, as is shown in Sau£ the king of Israel (1 Sa 16:23)."

-Martin Luther (1483-1546)

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Jesus Christ Is Risen Today 13 14th Century Latin Bohemian Carol Lamifair, 77.77 alleluias Robert Williams, 1817

r 1. Je sus Christ is ris'n to - d.ay Al le lu ia! 2. Hymns of pr~ise then let us smg, AI le lu ia! 3. But the pams which He en - dured, AI le lu ia! 4. Sing we to our God a - hove, AI le - lu - ial


r Our tri- urn - phant ho ly day AI le lu ia! Un - to Christ our heav'n - ly King, Al le - lu - ia! Our sal-va - tion have pro - cured; Al le - lu - ia! Praise e - ter - nal as His love; AI le - lu - ia!

Who did once, up on the cross, AI - le - lu - ia! Who en - dured tlie cross and rave, Al - le - lu - ia! Now a - bove the sky He's mg, Al - le - lu - ial Praise Him, all ye heaven - ly host, Al - le - lu - ia!


-Suf - fer to re - deem our loss. le- lu - ia! Sin - ners to re - deem and save. le- lu - ia! Where the an - gels ev er sing, le- lu ia! Fa - ther, Son, and Ho- ly Ghost. le- lu - ia! A-men.

"Is not Jesus Christ in the midst of the congregation, gathering up all the notes which 1 nne .from sincere lips, to put them into the golden censer, and to make them rise as precious incense before

the thro'ne of the infinite majesty? So that He is the great singe1; rather than we. He is the chief player on our stringed instruments, the great master of true music. The worship of earth comes

up to God through Him, and He, He is the accepted channel of all the praise of

all the redeemed universe."

-Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

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14 The Lord Is Risen Indeed Wilson T. Hogue, 1910 St. Michael, SM Genevan Psalter. 1551

1. The Lord is risen in deed! And are the ti - dings 2. The Lord is risen, in deed! Then Jus - tice asks no 3. The Lord is risen in deed! Then is His work h~r-4. The Lord is nsen m deed! Then hell has lost lS 5. The Lord is risen m deed! He lives, to die no 6. The Lord IS risen m deed! At tend - ing an - ~ls, 7. Then take your gol - den lyres, And strike each J~eer- 1)

true? Yes, we be - he1d the Sav - ior bleed, And more; Mer cy and Truth are now a ~reed Who formed; The cap - tive sure -

!he now is reed, And

prey; With Htm lS ris'n ran - somed seed To more; He lives, the sin - ncr's cause to plead, Whose hear! Up to the courts of heav'n with sbeed The chord; Join, all ye bright eel est - ial C lOlfS, To

saw Him liv ing, too. stood op to sed be fore. death, our oe, dis armed. reign tn end less day. curse and shame He bore j?y ful tid ings bear. smg our n sen Lord. A men.

"'Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever' (Rev 5:13). Thus God's name is hallowed and sanctified in heaven; the

angels and glorified saints are singing hallelujahs. Let us begin the work of heaven here. David sang forth God's praises and doxologies in a most melodious manner, and was, therefore, called

the sweet singer of Israel (2Sa 23: 1). Praising God is hallowing His name; it spreads His renown; it displays the trophies of His excellency; it exalts Him in the eyes of others. 'Whoso

o.ffereth praise glorifieth me' (Psa 50:23). This is one of the highest and purest acts of religion. In prayer we act like men; in praise we act like angels."

--Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

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0 Love Divine, What Hast Thou Done: 15 Charles Wesley, 1742

1. 0 Love di ~im, 2. Be - hold

3. Is cru 4. Then let

- Cl us

God hath Prince. of re - bels catch the

died for life and back to heal-ing

Son die, true, loss,

God me sins

Bore all my And say, "Was Sin - ners are And give up

for me hath His blood ap -flows from His

think or speak be -

St. 3, lines 1, 3, and 4 alt.

vine, all fied sit

Selena, LMD

what hast Thou ye that pass for such as be - neath His

me! peace! God: stream;

The Come, Be -All

Fa - ther's sin - ners, lieve, be things for

sins up - on e ver grief bought with Je -all our hearts

the like sus' to

died: My Lord, my Love, is lied: My Lord, my Love, is side: My Lord, my Love is side: My Lord, my Love, is

done! by, you cross,

Issac Baker Woodbury, 1850

Th'in- car - nate The bleed-ing To bring poor and glad - ly

co- e- tem-al see your Sa - vior lieve the re - cord Him ac - count but

tree! His?" blood; Him;

'-:---' eru-ct -eru-ct -cru-ci -cru-ci -~

The Come, Par -Of

fied. fied. fied. tied.

Son of feel with don for noth-ing

A- men.

"Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath

made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and

bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations" (Psalm 1 00).

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16 How Sad Our State by Nature Is

Issac Watts, 1707 Southwell (Irons), CM Herbert Stephen Irons, 1861

~ .._____... ~ l.How sad our state by na - ture is! Our 2. But there's a voice of sov' - reign grace, Sounds 3.My soul 0 - beys th'al might-~ call, And 4. To the dear foun - tain of by blood, In-5. Stretch out Thine arm, VlC tor - ious King, My 6.A guilt - y, weak, and help - less wonn, On


sin, how deep it stains! and Sa - tan binds our from the sa - cred Word; "Ho! ye des - flair ing runs to this re lief; I would be I eVe Thy car - nate God, I fly; Here let me wash my reign-ing sins sub due; Drive the old Dr a gon Thy kind arms I fall: Be Thou my strength and .~

J ,____.


C!iP - tive minds, Fast m his slav- ish chains. sm - ners, come, And trust up- on the Lord." pro - mise, Lord; Oh! he.lp ~l

un - be lief. ~ot - ted soul From comes deer-est dye. rom his seat, With all his bel -ish crew.

right - eo us - ness, My Je ·- ! sus, and My all. A -men. ,..--...

b?wtt r f f p~

F r p I 1 I : I B I

"There are souls now weeping for sin and longing for a Savior who will soon find Him, and then will become most hearty singers of the new song. They are coming, coming in their thousands even now. The music of praise shall be continued as long as the sun, and the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. From generation to

generation shall the name of the Lord be praised" -Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

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Come Ye Sinners 17 Joseph Hart, 1759 Restoration, 87.87 refrain William Walker, 1835

1. Come, ye sin - ners, poor and need- y, Weak and wound - ed, 2. Come, ye thir - sty, come, and wel - come, God's free boun ty 3. Come, ye wea - ry, ~eav- y la - den, Lost and ru ined 4. View Him pros - trate ill the gar - den; On the 5. Lo! th'in-carn - ate God as - cend - ed, Pleads the 6. Let not con - science make you ling - er, Nor of

sick and sore; Je - sus rea dy stands to glor- i - fy; True bel ief and true re by the fall; If you tar ry till bou're Ma-ker lies. On the blood y tree e -of His blood: Vent-ure on Him vent - ure

' fond-ly dream; All the fit ness He re -

y, love and power. Full of pit Ev - erx grace You Will nev Sin - ner, will Let no oth Is to feel

that brings you nigh. er come at all. I will a-rise and

this not suf- fice? er trust in - trude.

need of Him.

ground your mer it fit - ness

save you, pen - tance, bet - ter, hold Him; whol - ly, qmr eth

go to Je - sus

He will em- brace me in His arms; In the arms of my dear Sa - v10r,

0 there are ten thous - and charms. A men.

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18 0 Teach Me What It Meaneth Lucy Ann Bennett, 1850-1927

1.0 teach me what 2.0 teach me what 3.0 teach me what 4.0 teach me what 5.0 teach me what 6.0 tn - fi - nite

One, the Man of blood and wa - ter love that reach-eth grace a - lone can all the heav - y -cause Thou dost m -

teach me what it me that if none

there I a

Rutherford, 76.76 D Chretien Urhan, 1734

it mean-eth: That Cross up - lift - cd ~~h, With it mean-eth: That sa - cred cnm- son t1 e, The it mean-eth: Thy love be - yond com - pare, The it mcan-eth, For I am full of sin; And it mean-eth, The rest which Thou dost give To Re - deem-er, I

Sor - rows, Con -flow - ing From deep - er Than reach me, And Ia - den ¥/ho vite me I

cost Thee To 0 - ther Had glow-eth In need Thee, I re - bel Thy

bring no 0 - ther plea, Be-

r demned to bleed and Thine own wound - ed depths of self - de -love a - lone can

die. 0 side. Teach spair! Yea, win. 0 live. Be­Thee. Be-

look to Thee and cast my - self on

,.------......, .~

·---------make a sin - ncr whole; And sinned, but 1 a - lone, Yet this cold heart of mine Some have no hope be - side. The

don I re - ceive: Be-

teach me, till teach me, for cause I am cause Thou dost ac - cept me I

~ar -ove and I a - dare; Be-

J "'-_.-'

teach me, Sa - vi or, teach me The val - ue of a soul. still, Thy blood, 0 Je - sus, Thine on - ly must a - tone. feeb-le, pale re - flee - tion Of that pure love of Thine. chief of all the sin - ners For whom the Sa - vior died. cause Thou dost com - mand me, I can, l do be - lieve. cause Thy love con - strain-eth I'll praise Thee e - ver - more. A- men.

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I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say 19 Horatius Bonar, 1846 Vox Dilecti, CMD John Bacchus Dykes, 1868

1.1 2. I 3.1

heard the voice of heard the voice of heard the voice of

Je-sus say, "Come Je-sus say, "Be Je-sus say, "I

un - to me and hold, I free - ly am this dark world's

rest; give Light;

Lay the Look

head up - on my down and drink, and all thy day be



y and worn and that life - giv - ing Him my Star, my

down, liv

thou ing to

wea- ry wa - ter; me, thy

one, lay down one, rise,

Thy Stoop And un

thirst - y mom shall

breast." live." bright."


came to came to looked to

Je - sus Je - sus, Je - sus,

sad, I found in Him a stream; My thirst was ~uenched, my Sun; And in that hght of

as I was, Wear­and I drank Of and I found In

'------"' rest - ing-place, and soul re-vived, and life I'll walk, Till


He has now I trav'l - ling

made live days

me m are

gl~. H1m. done. A men.

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20 Jesus Thy Blood and Righteouness

Nikolaus L. von Zinzendorf, 1739 Germany, LM William Gardiner, 1815

I. Je sus, Thy blood and ri~ht eo us 2. Bold shall I stand in Ty great 3. When from the dust of death I 4. Je sus, be end - less hraise to 5.0 let the dead now ear Thy

My beau - ty are, my glo - rio us dress; For who aught to my ~harge shall lay? To claim my man-sion m the skies, Whose bound- Less mer- cy hath for me Now bid Thy ban - ished ones re joice;

flam - ing worlds, in these ar rayed, y ab solved through these I am then this shall be all my plea, me a full a tone - ment made, beaut - ty this, their glo - rio us dress,

J '-------"'

j«?y shall I lift up my head. sm and fear, from guilt and shame. sus hath lived, hath died, for me. ev - er last - ing ran som paid. sus, Thy blood and right - eous - ness. A

1 J ·...._..-

"Sing unto the LORD, 0 ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness" (Psalm 30:4).

ness ~ay; nse Thee, voice;

'Midst Full-Ev'n For Their

With From Je-And Je-


- men.

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I Lay My Sins on Jesus 21 Horatius Bonar, 1843 Miriam, 76.76 D Joseph Perry Holbrook, 1865



I. I 2. I 3. I 4. I

bears heals right long

bring lay love long


lay lay rest long

them all hand to

my my my to

all, my me be

my guilt my griefs the Name to be


sins on Je-sus, the spot-less Lamb of wants on Je-sus; all full- ness dwells in soul on Je-sus, This wea-ry soul of be like Je-sus, meek, lov-ing, low - ly,

and frees us dis - eas - es, em - brae - es, like Je - sus,

to Je-sus, on Je-sus, of Je-sus, with Je-sus, ~

n I I

from He I the

to my Im -a -

the ac -doth my on H1s Fa - ther's

wash my crim bur - dens and

curs - ed soul re breast re ho - ly

- son my

man-uel, Christ, the mid the heav'n -ly


'-----"" God; Him; mine; mild;

load; - deem: - cline.


stains cares; Lord; throng,


I <; '-------" in His blood most ere - cious, till not a stain re - mains. from them all re - eas-es, He all my sor - rows shares. frag - ranee on the breez-es His Name a - broad is poured.

He He His I


White He Like To

sing with saints His prais-es, to learn the an - gels' song. A- men.

? _'fl>: .?' ? ~ ? 11' ~ fill- -~ I I I I

The reading of the Scriptures, Preaching, and hearing the word of God, teaching and admonish­ing one another in Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual songs, singing with grace in our Hearts to the Lord,· as also the Administration of Baptism, and the Lord's Supper are all parts of Religious worship of God, to be performed in obedience to Him, with understanding, faith, reverence,

and godly fear; moreover solemn humiliation with fastings; and thanksgiving upon special occasions, ought to be used in an holy and religious manner.

-Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, Chapter XXII, paragraph 5

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22 Jesus My Great High Priest

Issac Watts, 1709 Bevan, 66.66.68 John Goss, 1853

1. Je 2.To 3.My 4. Should

sus, my great this dear Sure -Ad - vo - cate all the hosts

High ty's ap of

riest, hand pears death

Of -Will For And

fered His blood I com- mit my de - fense pow'rs of hell

died; cause; high; known

My He The Put

guilt -an -Fa -their

y swers ther most

con science seeks fils ears forms

and ful bows His dread - fui

sa ri fice be side. His how'r - ful blood Fa ther's bro - ken laws. Be old my soul lays His thun - der by. Not all that hell rage and mis - chief on, I shall be safe,

.... n

and my on un-

No His And Of

did at or for n p.· n -gr=:j-_jj

...J.-.--.- I

once a - tone, And free - dom set; My sin can say Shall Christ dis - plays His

now it pleads be -Sure-ty paid the turn His heart. His con - qu'ring pow'r and

fore the dread-ful love, a -guard-ian

1brone. debt. way. grace. A- men.

"Thus it was not without reason that the fathers and prophets wanted nothing else to be associated as closely with the Word of God as music. Therefore, we have so many hymns and Psalms where message and music join to move the listener's soul while in other living beings and {sounding] bodies music remains a lttnguage without words. After all, the gift of language combined with the gift of song was only given to man to let him know that he should praise God with both

word and music, nmnely, by proclaiming [the Wlord of God} through music and ~y providing sweet melodies with words." ·

--Martin Luther ( 1483-1546)

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Great God of Wonders 23 Samuel Davies, 1723-1761 Wonders (Sovereignty) John Newton, 1802-1886

l. Great God of 2. In won-der 3. 0 may this

won lost, strange,

- ders with this

all Thy trem-bling match-less

ways Are joy, We grace, This

God-like, par- don mir-a

and di -of our of

vine; God; love,

But the fair Par - don for

glo - - ries crimes of

- cle Fill the whole L~arth with

grace More God - like and un - ri - valed dye, A praise, and

par - don bought all the an - gel

with Je - sus ic ch01rs a

God - like and

match-less take the God -like

of Thy deep - est grate - ful

'--------"' shine More blood, A bove, And

par - don bought un - ri - valed shine. with Je - sus blood. Who is a par-d'ning

all the an - gel ic choirs a - bove.

God like Thee? Or who has grace so rich and free? or who has

I~ 1@urt1 r ~ F g (2)

ij :: :: I

grace so rich and free? A - men.

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24 Grace 'Tis a Charming Sound

Phaip Dodridge, 1740/ Augustus M. Toplady, 1776 Silver Street, SM Issac Smith, c. 1770




I. Grace, 'tis a charm-ing 2. Grace first con-trived the 3. Grace first in - scribed my 4. Grace led my rov - ing 5. Grace taught my soul to

sound, Harm -way To name In feet To

r. on - to mme save re - bel lious God's e - ter nal tread the heav'n - ly made mine eyes o'er-

6. Grace all the work shall pray And crown, Through spire My

ev - er - last - ing 7. 0 let Thy grace in - soul with strength di-


I I I ~- --r---t--

-r-lll" -0" ~ ~ . . r ..________._, v ear; Heav'n with the e - cho shall re - sound, And man; And all the steps that grace dis - Llay Which book; 'Twas grace that gave me to , the amb, Who road; And new sup - fies each hour' I meet, While flow; 'Twas ~race which cept me to this day, And d~ys; It aLs in heav'n the to& - most stone, And vme My al, my powers to Tee a - spire, And

.J ~

All .. .. ~ !1!. f!J" "" -

r I I I I V' r ~

~· '-_____.. all the earth shall hear. drew the won - drous plan. all !UY sor rows took. press mg on to God. will not let me go .. well de serves the praxse. all my days be Thine. A men. ,..-----.....

"Praise is the music of heaven, and a work fit for a saint. 'Let the saints be joyfol: let the high praises of God be in their mouth' (Psa 149:5, 6). None but saints can in a right manner thus hallow God's name by praising Him. As everyone has not skill to play on the viol and organ, so every one cannot rightly sound forth God's harmonious praises; only the saints can do it; they only can make their tongue and heart join in concert. 'I will praise the Lord with my whole

heart' {Psa 111: 1). 1!e was extolled with my tongue' (Psa 66:17)" -Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

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Frances R. Havergal, 1874

i 1. Take my life, 2. Take my hands, 3. Take my voice, 4. Take my sil 5. Take my will, 6. Take my love;

Con-se - era - ted, At the liD - pulse AI - ways, on - ly, Not a mite would It shall be no At Thy feet its

and my days; Let let them be Swift let them be Filled lect, and use Ev -lS Thine own; It I will be -

Let them flow lll

Swift and beau - ti Filled with mes - sag Ev - 'ry pow'r as It shall be Thy Ev - er, on - ly,

Hendon, 77.77


r and

ver and my

Lord, to of Thy for my I with -long - er treas - ure -


them flow

thee. love. King. hold. rome. store.

in and beau- ti with mes - sag -'ry pow'r as shall be Thy er, on - ly,

cease -less ful for es from Thou shalt roy - al all for ,...----..,.

25 Herni Abraham Cesar Malan, 1827

let it be let them move let me sing, and my gold; make it Thine; LorcL I pour .---...

,______..., Take my mo - ments Take my feet, and Take my lips, and Take my in - tel-Take my heart, it Take my- self, and

,....----...., ,...----...,

,_____..... cease - less praise, ful for Thee, es from Thee, Thou shalt choose, roy - al throne, all for Thee,

praise. Thee. Thee. choose. throne. Thee. A - men.

J : : I

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26 The Master Hath Come

Sarah Doudney, 1871 Ash Grove, D Welsh Melody


1. The 2. The 3. The

Mas-ter hath Mas-ter hath Mas-ter hath

come, and He called us; the called us, in

calls us to road may be life's ear - ly

fol - low The drear-y, And mom- mg, With

track of dan - ~ers spir - tts

0 - ver God's Ho-tum from

~ r

path leads fol - low cast m

Mas - tcr Mas - ter Mas - tcr




fear Him, Who ta - tion May daugh-ters, We

the and as

us the our

hath hath hath

foot - prints He sor - rows are fresh as the

moun-tain and through Spir - it shall com -world, with its smiles

r f f r

on our leaves strewn on dew on

the fort and


deep the its


the the

on to the man - sions of Sav-ior and lot with the

called us, called us: called us,

can - not turn oeo - ole of

the though His

child - ren doubt and sons and

way; Far track; but sod: We

hoi - low, The wea - -!)'; We

To scorn-mg,

f r f

day: The back; The God: The

who temp­His

march 'neath Christ's ban-ner, His own lit- tie band; We com- tass our ~our-ney, we cheer-ful-ly sing: "Press plead or His Iess-ing and trust in His love; And

~ ·---------1 J

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.~ ~

ey--==t-~~-q~tm~ ~M~TT~~~f J~r ~r~j love Him and seek Him, we long to be near Him, And on ward, look up - ward," thro' much trib - u la - tion; The through the green pas - tures, be - side the still wa - ters, He'll

rest in chil-dren lead us

the of at

Christina Rossetti, 1892

hope in heart's de -art, how-

er burns art

r F -l--Lf=f- r - r tr 9-li~ht of His Z1 - on must last to His

beau - ti - ful fol - low their king-dom a

None Other Lamb


land. King. hove. A - men.

27 William ]eater, 1907

Lamb, low, Life,

none oth - er my hope bums though I be

Name, low· dead;

None oth-er On - ly my Love's fire Thou

Heav'n or earth or sea, None oth er sire cries out m me By the deep ev er cold I

je: J Nor Heav'n have

f - e F r 1 1 iT':::


hid - ing place from guilt and thun-der of its want and

I shame, woe, head,

None be - side Thee! Thee. Thee.

Cries out to I, nor place to lay my Nor home, but A- men.

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28 Be Thou My Vision

Dallan Forgaill, 8th Century Slane Ancient Irish Melody




1. Be Thou my Vi - sion, 0 Lord of my heart; 2.Be Thou my Wis - dom, and Thou my true Word; 3. Be Thou my bat - tie Shield, Sword for ti1e fi~t; 4.Ri - ches I heed not, nor man's emp-ty pratse, 5. High King of hea - ven, my vic - to - ry


I I _l

r ~ ~ tu r r l I I I r

Naught be else to me, save that Thou I ev - er with Thee and Thou with me, Be Thou my Dig - ni - ty, Thou my De -Thou mine In - her - i - tance, now and al -May I reach hea - ven's joys, 0 bright Heav'n's

I I _b} j J 1 I

Thou my Thou my Thou my Thou and Heart of


slce~ dwe

L j .J

best Thought, great Fa soul's Shel Thou o ~ own heart

; ~ J 1

ing, ling,

Thy and

hea - ven - ward, 0 hea ven, my Vi - sion, 0



\ I

by day or by ther, I Thy true ter, Thou my high nly, first in my what - ev - er be -

pre sence with

my I Thee Power of my Trea - sure Thou Rul er of


son; Tower: heart, fall,

light. one. power. art. all.



r -r art Lord; light; ways: Sun!

J---J-,J I

Wa- king or Thou in me Raise Thou me High King of Still be my

A - men.

"I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being' (Psalm 104:33).

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When I Can Read My Title Clear 29 Issac Watts, 1707 Pisgah ].C. Lowry, 1817








• r * "" .. .. <J# • • "' 1. When I can read my ti - tle clear To man - sions in the 2. Should earth a - gainst mx soul en - gage, And fier - y darts be 3. Let cares, like a Wtld del - uge come, And storms of sor - row 4. There shall I bathe my wea-ry soul In seas of heav'n-ly

ill' # J J I I

I I I _I I l I I I I I I I

r--I "' I I I I I !""'

r . r sktes, I'll hurled, Then fall! May rest And

J. J j J I

wipe my face a God, my cross my

wipe my face a God, my cross my

ev - 'ry

weep - ing frown-ing heav'n, my peace - ful

weep - ing frown - ing heav'n, my peace - ful

fear, And Sa - tan's rage, And reach my home, My trou - ble roll A



..,. "

bid fare- well to ev - 'ry fear, And I can I but not a

.. ..

eyes; And world; And all; My breast; A -

eyes, world, all· br~ast,

wipe face God, cross

my a my my

smile at Sa - tan's rage, And safe - ly reach my home, My wave of trou - ble roll A-

II- ... I

wipe my weep - ~ng face a frown - mg God, my heav'n, my cross my peace - ful

eyes, world, all; breast,

And And My A-

weep frown

1'11 Then May And

heav'n, my peace - ful

!ng mg

bid fare - well to I can smile at I but safe - ly not a wave of

-eyes. world. all. breast. A - men.

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30 Hark, My Soul! It Is the Lord William Cowper, 1768 St Bees, 77.77 John Bacchus Dykes, 1862

I. Hark, my soul, it is the Lord! 'Tis thh Sav - ior, 2. "I de - liver~ ed thee when bound, And, wen bleed~ ing, 3. "Can a wo - man's ten - der care Cease to - ward the 4. "Mine is an un chang - ing love, High - er than the 5. "Thou shalt see My glo - ry soon, When the work of 6. Lord, it is my chief com - plaint That my love is

hear His Word; Je sus speaks, and speaks to thee, healed thy wound; Sought thee wander - ing, set thee right, child she bare? Yes, she may for get - ful be, heights a ~ bove, Deep - er than the depths be - neath, grace is done; Part - ner of My throne shalt be: weak and faint; Yet I love Thee, and a - dore:

"Say, poor, sin - ner, lov'st thou Me?" Turned thY. dark - ness in to light Yet Will I re mem ~ ber thee." Free and faith - ful, strong as death." Say, poor sin - ner, lov'st thou Me?" 0 for grace to love Thee more! A men.


"Praise should be the continual exercise of believers. It is the joyfol work of heaven, it should be the continual joy of earth ... m bless the Lord and the Lord alone; we have no music but for

him, but we do not always praise him after the same fashion. As there were different instruments of music-the ten-stringed instrument or decachord, the psaltry, the harp,-so, too, there are

different subjects, a subject for the morning and a subject for the evening; lovingkindness to be shown forth at one time, and faithfulness to be sung at another. I wish that men studied more

the praise they profoss to present unto God. I sometimes find, even in our own public song, simple as it is, that there is a want of thought evidently among us: for time is not maintained with the

precision that would grow out of thoughtfulness, there is a tendency to sing more slowly, as if devotion were wearying, if not wearisome, and too frequently I foar the singing gets to be mechanica4 as if the tune mastered you, and you did not govern the tune by making those

inflections and modulations of voice which the sense would suggest, if you sang with all your hearts and with your understandint~ also."

-Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

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My Hope Is Built 31 Edward Mote, c.1834 William B. Bradbury, 1863


l.m hope is built on no - thing less Than Je - sus' blood and 2. en dark- ness seems to hide His face, I rest on His un-3. His oath, His COV - e nant, His blood, Sup - port me in the 4. When He shall come with trum-pet sound, Oh may I then in


righ - teous - ness. I dare not trust the sweet-est frame, But chang - ing ltace. In ev - ery high and storm-y gale, My whelm - ing ood. When all a - round my soul gives way, He Him be found. Dressed in His right - eous - ness a - lone, Fault-

whol-ly trust in Je - sus• Name. an - cHor holds with - in the veil. On Christ the sol-id Rock I stand, All then is all my Hope and Stay. less to stand be - fore the throne.


oth-er ground is sink-ing sand; AU oth-er ground is sink-ing sand. A - men.

"[God's Spirit} does comfort ftom the words and promises of Christ sometimes break in through all opposition into the saddest and darkest condition imaginable; it comes and makes men sing

in a dungeon, rejoice in flames, glory in tribulation; tt will into prisons, racks, through temptations, and the greatest distresses imaginable."

-John Owen (1616-1683)

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32 My Song Is Love Unkown

Samuel Crossman, 1664 StJohn (Calkin) John Baptist Calkin, 1827-1905

~~ 1 i g ? J 1 a g u g r l.My song is love un known,

~1 Sav ~ ior's love to

2.He came from His blest throne, - va - tion to be-3. Some - tines theh strew His way, and His sweet prais-es 4.Why, what hat my Lord done? What makes this rage and 5. They rise, and needs will have my dear Lord made a-6. In life, no house, no home my Lord on earth might 7. Here might I stay and sing, no sto - ry so di-

me, love to the love - less shown, that they might love - ly stow; but men cared not, and none the longed for Christ would sing; re - sound-ing all the day ho - san - nas to their spite? He made the lame to run, He gave the blind their way; a mur - der - er they save, the Prince of Life they have: in death, no friend-~ tomb but what a stran - fter vine; nev-er was love, ear King, nev-er was grief ike



.., 11- . • .. be. 0 who am I, that for my sake

~ho know. But oh, my Friend, ~y Friend in - deed, King. Then "Cru - ci - fy!" lS all their breath, and sight. Sweet in - ju - nes! Yet all His deeds their slay. Yet will - ing He to suf - fring coes, that gave. What ~ay I sa:y? Heav'n was His orne, but Thine. This lS my Fnend, in Whose sweet praise I ,. .. .,..

~ ... "'

.,.. :

~ r I I

~ie? -Lord should take frail flesh and at my need His life did spend! for Hts death they thirst and C!)'. ha - tred feeds; they ·~ainst Him nse. He His foes from t ence might free. mine the tomb where in He lay. all my days could glad - ly spend. A - men.

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Jesus Priceless Treasure 33 ]ohan Franck, 1653 Lindeman, 12.11,11.786 Ludvig M Lindeman, 1812-1887

r 1. Je - sus, price-less

~ Treas - ure, Fount of pure - st pleas-ure,

foes who would mo - lest me Death, I now de - cry thee;

2. In Thine arms I rest me· 3. Sa - tan, I de -4. Hence with earth-ly 5. Hence, all fear and

fy the~; treas - ure! sad - ness!

Thou art all my s-ure, For the Lord of d- ness,

True-st Friend to me, Ah, Ion~ in an - ~ish, Can - not reach me here. Thouah eart be sha - ng, Fear, I bid thee cease. Worl , shalt not harm me Je - sus, all my choice. Hence, emp- ~ f~ - ~!r, Je - sus, en - ters in. Those I ve e -

shall my spir - it Ian - ~ish, r,earn - ing, Lord, for Thee. E very heart be quak- mg, e - sus c~lms { fear. Nor thy threat a larm me While I smg o p~ce. Naught to me thy sto - ~~r.

Told with tempt-in~ VOICe. Though the storms may ga - still peace wtth

Thine I am, 0 s~ot - less Lamb, I will suff- er Light-nings flash and tun - ders crash; Yet, though sin and God's great kow'r guards ev - 'ry hour; Earth and all its Pain or oss or shame or cross Shall not from my Yea, what- e'er I here must bear, Thou art sti1l my

"-" naught to hide Thee, Naught I ask be - side Thee. hell as- sail me, Je sus will not fail me. depths a - dore Him, Si lent bow be - fore Him. Sav - ior move me, Since He deigns to love me. pur - est plea - sure, Je sus, price - less Trea sure! A- men.

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34 Johann Scheffler, 1657

1. Thee 2. I 3. Up -4. Thee

will 1 Thl bright su - fer will

one, mind: way: rod;

fire voice might, cay,


with hast with be -

Thee I That What

Fills Bids In Thee

Thee Will I Love Carey's Surrey, 88.88.88 Henry Carey, c. 1732

will thank hold

rill J

love, beams me love,

"-.-/ ~

I Thee me I

my on a my

rove, un m love,

joy, me gain Lord,

all my pow'r In 0 ver -stead -

thy neath

will thank all though

thrown MY. pace Still frown Or

I Thee my my

my whole soul my freed heart Thy sole ~lo -shall I ove

J l

my ere -the my

my have to my


Cu foes, to smile

love whose pow'rs, flesh

with m ry m

strength, at doubt joy,

'crown, shined;

Thee I

~l ful my

tow'r, Sun race, crown;

will thank

Thee That Nor Thee

I Thee,

stral Streng then my rill I Go; Thee

1 '-"

my works Thee a-and healed my wound- ed press for - ward m Thy thy seep - tre or Thy

pure Thee

m~ en

'til en with and

de re u

- less


sac liv'n all heart

sire. JOICe. nit e. day.

red ing their de-

A - men.

Page 36: Come Christians Join to Sing - Chapel Library

We Have Not Known Thee As We Ought 3 5 Thomas B. Polluck, 1889 Adoro Te; St. Chrysostom, 88.88.88 Joseph Barnby, 1872

1. We have not known Thee as we ought, Nor learned Thy wis - dom, 2. We have not feared Thee as we ought, Nor bowed be - neath Thine 3. We have not loved Thee as we ought, Nor cared that we are 4. We have not served Thee · as we ought, A - las, the du - ties 5. When shall we know Thee as we ought, And fear and love and

~ f f f2£f f if 1 r f f 1J f I r ...__.,


grace and power; The things of earth have filled our thought, And aw - ful eye, Nor guard-ed deed and word and thou~t, Re-loved by Thee; Thy pre - sence we have cold - ly soug t, And left un - done, The work with lit - tle fer - vor wrought, The serve a - right? When shall we, out of tri - al brought, Be

J ~ !



trifles of the pass - ing hour. Lord, give us li&ht Thy truth to mem - ber - ing that God was nigh. Lord, give us fruth to know Thee feeb - lt' longed Thy face to see. Lord, give a pure and lov - ing bat ~ t es ]ost or scar - cely won! Lord, give the zeal, and give the per - feet m the land of light? Lord, may we day by day pre-




see, And make us WISe m know - ing Thee. near, And rant the ~ace of ho ly fear. heart To eel and ow the love Thou art. might, For Thee to toil, for Thee to fight. pare To see Thy face and serve Thee there. A - men



"Unless music can aid in making sinners penitent, in leading souls to Jesus Christ, or uplifting saints in holy joy to the throne of God, we must hold that in vital godliness it projiteth nothing."

-Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

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36 My Lord, My Love, Was Crucified

John Mason, 1683 Belmont, CM

1. My Lord, my Love, was ern -2.How sweet-ly rest Thy saints 3. Thou, Lord, Who dai - ly feed'st 4. Wel - come and dear un - to 5. I bless Thy wise and won-6.1 come, I wait, I hear,


.... cains did bear; But m the

0 - som lie; The Church be -week - ly feast; Thy flocks meet feasts of love; But what a to be free; Which makes us Lord, I trace; ,...---., I sing to

makes His ser vants that fe li ci on this day of I shall rest a we may come to to my Sa - vi or's


William Gardiner, 1812 ~

Cl fied, He all the a bove Which in Thy Thy sheep, Mak'st them a my soul Are these sweet drous love, Which binds us I pray, Thy foot - steps,

sweet-ness of His rest He low doth rest in ho~e Of m their se - v'ral fo ds ~ Sab-bath shall I keep en leave our ~arth - lb snares, That think this IS t e way Un-

share. ty. rest. bove! Thee. face. A men.

"He who ends this life with praising God will begin the next life with the same delightfUl employment. As our latter days are nearer the land of light, let them be fuller of song.

Let us begin below the music which shall be prolonged through eternity." -Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

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God of the Prophets 37 Denis Wortman, 1884 Toulon, Genevan Psalter, 1551

-1. God of the pro phets! Bless the pro - phets' sons, 2.A - noint them pro - ~bets! Make their ears at tent 3.A noint them kriests! trong in - ter - ces - sors they 4.A - noint them ings! aye, king - ly kings, 0 Lord. 5.Make them a pos - ties, her - alds of Thy cross, 6.0 migh-ty age of pro - phet kings, re turn!

E - li - jab's man- tie o'er E - li sha cast; Each age its To Thy di - vin - est sheech; their hearts a wake To hu - man For par - don, and for c ar - i - ty and peace. Ah, if with A - noint them with the Spir - it of Thy Son. Theirs not a Forth may they ~o to tell all realms Thy grace; In - spired of 0 truth, 0 aith, en - rich our ur - gent time! Lord Je - sus


so emn task m:k claim but once; Make each one need; their lips m e el - 0 quent To ~ird the them the world might, now a stray, Find m our jew - eled crown, a blood stained sword; Theirs, by sweet Thee, may th~y count all but loss, And stand at Christ, a gam with us so journ; A wea - ry


-no bler, strong - er than the last. right and eve - ~ ev - il break. Lord from all tts woes re lease! love, for Christ a king - dom won. last with joy be fore Thy face. world a waits Thy reign sub lime. A men.

l ~

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38 Blessed Jesus at Thy Word

Tobias Clausnitzer, 1663 Liebster ]esu, 78.78.88 Johann Rudolph Able, 1664

1. Bless -2. All our 3. Glor-i -4. Fa - ther,

ed Jes - us, know -ledge,

ous Lord, Thy Son, and


all dark -God

to hear Thee; ed, ing, tion! a

ness shroud -pro-ceed

- do - ra

at Thy Word sense and sight self im - part! Ho - ly Ghost,

We Lie Light Praise

are ga m deep -of li - ght, to Thee

Let our Til Thy 0 - pen Grant that

hearts and Spir - it Thou our we Thy

souls be breaks our ears and Word may


the red est from and

stirred night heart; trust

Now to seek and love and fear Thee, ¥6ou

Thy teach - ings With the beams of truth un- cloud - ed. a - lone to

~~ us by Thy Spir it's £lead Hear the cry Thy ob-tain true con - so- a While we here be-

'----'"" sweet and h<? - ly, Drawn from earth to love Thee sole - ly. God canst wm us; Thou must work all good with-in us. Leo - ple rai - ses; Hear and bless our prayers and prai - ses. ow must wan-der, Till we sing Thy prat - ses yon - der. A- men.

"Praise is a slender return for the boundless favors we enjoy; let us not be slack in rendering it in our best music, the music of a devout soul. 'Praise the Lord; for the Lord is good: sing praises

unto his name; for it is pleasant' (Psa 135:3)." -Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

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Jesus Thou Joy of Loving Hearts 39 Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th Century Hesperus, LM Henry Williams Baker, 1854

1. Je - sus, Thou Joy of lov - ing hearts, Thou Fount of life, Thou 2. Thy truth un - changed hath ev - er stood; Thou sav - est those that 3. We taste Thee, 0 Thou liv - ing Bread, And long to feast up-4. Our rest- less spir - its yearn for Thee, Wher-e'er our change-ful 5.0 Je - sus, ev er with us stay, Make all our mo - ments

Light of men, From the best bliss that earth im parts, on Thee call; To them that seek Thee Thou art tood, on Thee still; We drink of Thee, the Foun-tain - ead, lot is cast; Glad when Thy gra - cious smile we see, calm and bright; Chase the dark night of sm a way,

We turn un - fill - ed to Thee a gain. To them that find Thee all tn all. And thirst our souls from Thee to fill. Blessed when our faith can hold Thee fast. Shed over the world Thy ho - ly light. A - men.

"0 sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth. Sing unto the LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the heathen,

his wonders among all people. For the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.

Honour and majesty are before him: strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. Give unto the LORD, 0 ye kindreds of the people, give unto the LORD glory and strength. Give unto the

LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts. 0 worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth" (Psalm 96: 1-9).

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40 Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured

Unknown Author Luise, 78.78.77 Johann Cruger, 1653

LLet 2. Thou 3. BY: 4. Wilt

Thy blood didst die the thorns Thou own

in that that the

cy might Thy I

poured, live; brow, bring?

Let Thy Bless-ed By the All my

gra - cious Lord, Thou spear wound pen - i

bo cam'st and tence

dy bro. -ken, to save

Be to me, 0 gra - cious love of God could pain and death, I

Lord, Of Thy

the nail-I give

bound - less by His Christ, Thy match - less

self for self for self for self for

me, me, me, me,

me: AU that ing, By the Thee; Thou art my ex - jl - ted

LJ love sor -love love

Now Now Now Now

the rows un for

I give I give I give I give

to - ken. ~ave me. ail - in g.

give me.

my - self to my - self to my - self to my - self to

Thou Thou Thou Thou

Thee. Thee. Thee. Thee.

give Je - sus now Claim, 0 King, Of Thy

didst g~ve Thy-didst lS!Ve Thy-didst g~ve Thy-didst g1ve Thy-

A - men.

We believe that singing the praises of God is a holy ordinance of Christ, and not a part of natural religion or a moral duty only; but that it is brought under divine institution, it being enjoined on the Churches of Christ to sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; and that the whole church in their public assemblies (as well as private Christians) ought to sing God's

praises according to the best light they have received. Moreover, it was practiced in the great representative church by our Lord Jesus Christ with His disciples, after He has

instituted and celebrated the sacred ordinance of His Holy Supper, as a commemorative token of redeeming love.

-Charleston Confession of Faith (1767)

Page 42: Come Christians Join to Sing - Chapel Library

Issac Watts, 1707

r 1. How 2. While 3. "Why 4. 'Twas 5. Pit 6. We ~.

Christ with to ad en ter sweet - lh strain t e all the



>---' love thank wretche -fused Word heart



dis ful ed to a

How Sweet and Awful 41 St Columba Ancient Irish Melody

ful ~

the place With aw - IS hearts and all our Join

sweet all was the

and our I same the to

made to hear SOJ?.gs

Thy VOICe, And feast That love

long na -see


f in the mtre the while there's drew us earth to cho - sen

- plays The ton~es, "Lord, chmce, And taste, And

- broad, And

that dread the tions. our God, Con-Thy church - es full, That


doors, While ev - er feast, Each of us

last - in~ cry, With

room, When thous- ands make a in; Else come; Send race May,



choic-est why was rath - er ger - ished nng the

we Thy with

of her I a starve than in our strang-ers

had still re-vic one

- to - rious voice and

stores. guest?" come?" sin. home.

and soul, Sing Thy re deem-ing grace. A- men. ,--..,

J.J ,---..,


"Remember well that there is no more of music to Gods ear in any service than there is of heart­love and holy devotion. You may make floods of music with your organ if you like; or you may

· make equally good music-and some of us think better-with human voices; but it is not music to God, either of instrument or of voice, unless the heart be there; and the heart is not fully there,

the man, the whole man, is not fully there, unless the soul glows with the praise." -Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)

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42 Alleluia Sing to Jesus

William C. Dix, 1867 Hyfrydol, 87.87 D

I. AI-le lu 2. Al- le - lu 3. AI-le - lu 4. Al- le - lu

seep - ter, left in earth our Lord of

His sor food, lords

ia! ia! ia! ia!

the row our we

sing not bread King

to as of e

throne. now; stay; own;

tri - umph, near us, sin - ful Ma - ry,

His faith flee Earth

the be to Thy

vic - to lieves, nor Thee from foot stool,

songs cloud ces in

of from sor, the

peace - fu1 sight re Friend of veil hast

Zi ceived Sill en

Je or -an -ter -

sus! phans gels, nal,

AI - le - lu Al - le - lu AI - le - lu AI - le - lu

ry ques day Heav'n

on Him ners, tered,


a - tions

to Thy

thun -when Earth's robed

Rowland Huw Prichard, 1855

--------- ,.-----.....

His are Thou Thee

ia! ia! ia! ia!

His He here born

the we on the

the is the of

lone. Hark! the how; Though the day: In - ter-throne: Thou with-

der the Re -in

like for deem flesh

a ty

- er, our

migh - ty flood. Je sus out of ev ery days were o'er Shall our hearts for - get Hts plead for me, Where the sonts of all the great High Priest; Thou on eart both priest and

1 ---------~

Page 44: Come Christians Join to Sing - Chapel Library

r na pro sin vic

tion mise, less tim

has re - deemed us by His blood. more"? sea. feast.

am with you e - ver "I sweep in

a cross the cry - stal Thy holy com - mun- ion A - men.

With Harps and with Viols 43 Arthur T. Pierson, 1837-1911 PhillipP. Bliss, 1838-1876

l. With harps and with vi - ols, there stand a «·eat 2. All these once were sin - ners, de filed in lS

3. He mak - eth the re - bel a p~est and a 4.How help - less and ho~e -less we Sill - ners had S.A loud in His pra1s- es our voic - es shall

throng In the pre - sence of Je - sus, and sin~ this new song: sight, Now ar - rayed in · pure gar - ments in pratse they u - nite: king, He hath bought us and taught us this new song to s~ng: been, If He nev - er had loved us till cleansed from our sm: ring, So that oth - ers be - liev - ing, this new song shall sing:

Un-to Him Who hath loved us and washed us from sin, Un-to Him be the

glor y for ev er, A men.

Page 45: Come Christians Join to Sing - Chapel Library

44 Jesus Shall Reign Issac Watts, 1719 Duke Street, LM John Hatton, 1793


1. Je - sus shall retgn wher - e'er the sun 2. To Him shall end - less prayer be made, 3. Peo - ple and realms of ev ery tongue 4. Bless - ing a bound wher - e'er He reigns; 5. Let ev - ery crea - ture nse and bring

."----" '--------'

~ ~ ~

~~ ~ ~ ~ f J J # r r r Does his sue ces - SIVe JOUr neys run; and prats - es throng to crown His head; Dwe11 on His love with sweet est song; the pns - 'ner leaps to lose his chains, pe cu - liar hon - ors to our King;

' ..._...., ·-......._-~

" J i 1 d i f J I ~ ~ d u J


His king - dom stretch from shore to shore, His name, like sweet per fume, shall nse And in fant voic - es shall pro claim the we a - ry find e ter - nal rest, an - gels de scend with songs a gain,

Till moons shall wax and wane no more. with ev - ery mom ing sac - ri fice. Their ear - ly bless ings on His Name. and all the sons of want are blest.

I and earth re peat the loud A - men! A- men.

~ r r r r= ~ r r g ~ J I I : I : I '---"

Page 46: Come Christians Join to Sing - Chapel Library

Rejoice the Lord Is King 45 Charles Wesley, 1744 Darwall'.s 148th, 66.66.88 John Darwall, 1770

l.Re ~ joice, the Lord is Iqng! Your Lord and King a-2. Je sus, the Sa ~ vior, retrs, the God of truth and 3.His king - dom can - not fai, He rules o'er earth and 4.He sits at God's right hand till all His foes sub-5.He all His foes shall quell, shall all our sins des-6. Re - joice in glo . no us hope! Je sus the Judge shall

dore; Mor tals ~ve thanks and Sin8", and tri - umph love; When He ad purged our stams He took His heaven, The keys of death and hell are to our mit, And bow to His com mand, and fall be-troy, And ev - ery bos - om swell with pure ser-come, And take His ser vants up to their e-

ev ~ er more; Lift up your heart, lift up your voice; Re-seat a bove; Lift up your heart, lift up your voice; Re-Je - sus ~iven; Lift up your heart, lift up your voice; Re-neath His eet: Lift up your heart, lift up your voice; Rc-a - phic toy; Lift up your heart, lift up your voice, Re-ter - nal orne. We soon shall hear th'arch - an- gel's voice; The

1 "--"

jo~ce, a - ga~n I say, re---' - joice! ~O!Ce, a - ga~n I say, re joice! ~o~ce, a - ga!n I say, re Joice! ~o~ce, a - ga~n I say, re joice! JOlCe, a - ~am I say, re joice! trump of od shall sound, re joice! A men.

"Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding' (Psalm 47 :6).

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46 Lo, He Comes, with Clouds Descending

John Cennick, 1752 Helmsley, 87.87.87 Trad. English Melody

1. Lo! He comes with clouds de ing, 2.Ev ery ~ye shall now be Htm 3.Ev ery ts land, sea, and moun - tain, 4.Now re demp - tion, long ex pect ed, .5. The dear to kens of His pas sion 6. Yea, A men! let all a dore Thee,

Once for fa - vored sin ners slain; Thou - sand thou -sand Robed in dread-ful maj es - ty; Those who set at Heav'n and earth, shall flee a - way; All who hate Him See in sol - emn gomp ap - gear; All His saints, by Still His daz - zling 0 - dy ears; Cause of end - less High on Thine e - ter nal throne; Sa - vior, take the


saints r

ing, Swell the at tend naught and sold Htm, Pierced and must, con found ed, Hear the man re jec ted, Now shall ex ul ta tion To His po wer and glo ry, Claim the

tri - umph of His train: Hal le lu - jab! nailed Him to the tree, Deep - ly wail - mg, trump rr~ claim the d~y: Come to judg - mcnt! meet rm in the a1r: Hal le lu - jab! ran - somed wor - ship - pers; With what ra~ - ture, king-dom for Thine own; 0 come qm - ckly!


Hal le lu - jab! Hal le lu 'ah' J . deep - ly wail - mg, Deep - ly wail - mg Come to judg mentl Come to i~dg - ment! Hal le lu - jab! Hal le jab! with what raP. - ture, with what raP. ture 0 come qut ckly! 0 come qu1 cklyl


Page 48: Come Christians Join to Sing - Chapel Library

God dfe

- pears on earth to reign. Shall true Mes si ah see. Come to judg - ment! Come a way! See the day of God ap pear! Gaze we on those glo no us scars! Ev - er - last - ing God, come down! A - men.

1 1 1 -

When This Passing World Is Done 47 Robert M. McCheyne, 1837 Redhead (Petra), 77.77.77 Richard Redhead, 1853

1. When this hass - ing world is done, When has sunk yon clor - ious sun, 2. When I ear the wick - ed call, On the rocks and ills to fall; 3. When I stand be - fore the throne, Dressed in beau-~ not my own,

Heav'n I hear, Loud as thun- ers to the ear, 4. When the praise of 5. Chos - en not for good in me, Wak - en'd up from wrath to flee;

When we stand with When I see them When I see Thee Loud as rna - ny Hid - den in the

Then, Lord, shall I Then, Lord, shall I Then Lord, shall I Then, Lord, shall I Teach me, Lord, on

Christ on high, Look-ing o'er life's hi - sto - ry; start and shrink On the fie - ry d~l-uge brink; as Thou art, Love Thee with un - sm - mng heart, wa - ters' noise, Sweet as harp's mel - od - ious voice, Sav - ior's side, By the Spir - it sanc-ti - fied;

ful - ly know ful - ly know ful - ly know ful - ly know earth to show,

Not till then how Not till then how Not till then how Not till then how By my love, how

much I owe. much I owe. much I owe. much I owe. much I owe. A- men.

" The only music which ever passes beyond the roof of the church in which it is rendered is that

which issues from born again people, who sing with grace in their hearts unto the Lord. ,

-Arthur W. Pink (1886-1952)

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48 Great God What Do I See and Hear

Bartholomiius Ringwaldt, c. 1556 Nun Freut Euch, 87.87.887 Martin Luther, 1535


1. Great 2. The 3. But 4. Great

-----at sound vail clar

clouds of

God, what do I dead in Chri - st shall sin - ners, fi1 - led with God, to Thee my

ed! The Judge ing, Caught up !ng; In woe mg; One won-

seat joy their

glo -Lord

ry sur - round

sighs are un - a vail Judge my na - ture wear

F r r r f

of to

see and hear? The first a - rise At guil-ty fears, Be -spi - nt clings, Thy

end of things ere-the last trum - pet's hold His wrath pre­bound-less love de-

man- kind doth a - PC~ar, On meet Him in the s 1es, With

they rise, but all their tears And drous sight com- fort brings, The my

ed. The trum - pet sounds, the - !ng. No gloom-y fears their

~ng. The day of grace IS

mg Be - neath His cross I

n r F F F f f F

graves souls past view

re - store, dis- may, and gone; the day

The dead which they sheds stand earth

con -e

tained ter -fore pass

be- fore! nal day His throne, a - way,

Pre -On

pare, my those pre un pre thus pre


His Tremb -When

soul, to pared to

- pared to - pare to


~res - ence ling they Heav'n and

be shall


meet meet meet meet


Him. Him. Him. Him.


A -

All And


Page 50: Come Christians Join to Sing - Chapel Library



''The most exceHent subject to discourse or write of, is Jesus Christ ... indeed all we say is but unsavory, if it be not seasoned with this salt, "I deter~ mined not to know any rhing among you, save Jesu.s Christ, and Him cruci~ fied" . . . in this knowledge of Christ, there is an c.xcdlcncy above all other knowledge in the world; there is nothing more pleasing and comfortable, more animating and enlivening, more ravishing and soul contenting; only Christ is the sun and center of all divine revealed truths, we can preach nothing else as the object of our faith, as the necessary element of your soul's salvation, which doth not some way or other, either meet in Christ, or refer to Christ; only Christ is the whole of man's happiness, the Sun to enlighten him, the Physician to heal him, rhe Wall of fire to defend him, the Friend to comfort him, the Pearl to enrich him, the Ark to support him, the Rock to sustain him under the heaviest pressures ... come then, let us look on this Sun of righteousness."

-Isaac Ambrou (1604-1664)


Christ-centered hymns are often missing in our man~ccntcrcd church serv­ices today. The Publishers desire to see this collection of Christ-exalting hymns used in churches, family worship, Bible studies, jail ministries, personal devo~ tions, sermon preparation, missions, and in whatever useful ways the Lord Himself may guide His people.

The hymns contained herein arc not commonly known in these modern times. But like buried treasure discovered, each is a rare gem preserved from prior centuries. May the Spirit of God use them to lift your heart in fervent praise and worship of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

"We want the beautiful art of music to be properly used to serve her dear Creator and His Christians. He is thereby praised and honored, and we are made better and stronger in faith when His holy Word is impressed on our hearts by sweet music. God the Father with Son and Holy Spirit granr us this. Amen."-Martin Luthn- {1483-1546)

I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy foithfoln~ss to all gmerations (Psalm 89:1).


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