Download - Combined High School Athletics Championships...WELLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 1 Term3-Week 10 Volume 22-Issue 10 Combined High School Athletics Championships This year has seen students from

Page 1: Combined High School Athletics Championships...WELLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 1 Term3-Week 10 Volume 22-Issue 10 Combined High School Athletics Championships This year has seen students from



Term3-Week 10 Volume 22-Issue 10

Combined High School Athletics Championships This year has seen students from Wellington High School compete at the NSW CHS (Combined High Schools) Athletics Championships at Homebush during September. The NSW CHS Athletics Championships are held over three days where all students from state high schools gather to represent their area. Justin Walker, Jai Glover, Will Eather, Mitchell Wilson, Blake Chown and Sheralee Thurlow were a part of the Western Area competing against North Coast, South Coast, Riverina, Sydney North, Sydney East, Sydney South West and Sydney West. Justin, Jai, Will and Mitchell competed in the 14 years boys relay. The boys put in a mighty effort finishing 11th overall. Justin also competed in the 100m and 200m. In the 100m heat he finished 3rd and this put him into the final, where he placed 9th. He then ran in the 200m and finished 10th. Justin recorded a personal best for his 100m – what an awesome effort! Justin mentioned that the best part of his experience at the NSWCHS Athletics Championships was running at Olympic Park. Jai qualified for the 14 years boys javelin. This is an event that Jai had not competed in before the WHS Athletics Carnival. He threw an outstanding 32.4m. Along with the relay and javelin, he also competed in the 14 years boys high jump, where he jumped an amazing 1.65m. Another astonishing effort! Blake went to Homebush to run in the 90m 13 years boys hurdles. This is not an event that we run at the WHS Athletics Carnival and through his participation in Athletics outside of school he was able to enter his time and qualify. Blake put in an incredible effort and finished 14th overall. He revealed that he enjoyed the food, the noodles in particular, and staying at a hotel as one of the highlights of his trip. Sheralee is a new student at WHS and we have since found out that she is very good at Athletics. She is 13 years old and competed in the 15 years for 100m, 200m, long jump, shot put and discus. From her performance at Homebush she finished with a 3rd in 200m and two NSW CHS records, 100m (13.00 secs) and long jump (4.46m). As a result she has qualified for the NSW All Schools Athletics Championships and will be competing in these on 27th – 30th September at Homebush. The All Schools Championships is where students from across the state, independent and Catholic school systems come together. When I asked her what training she was involved in she said that she just likes taking her dog for a run all the time. We are waiting in anticipation to hear of Sheralee’s efforts at All Schools. All the best Sheralee! Congratulations to these students on their effort at NSWCHS Athletics. We hope that it is a little motivation for you to aim to get to Homebush next year.

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Principal: Mr Rod Cosier

Deputy Principal:

Mrs Kirsten Parkes (Years 8, 10 &12)

Mrs Jodie Gorrie (Year 7, 9 &11)

TELEPHONE: 68452344 or

68452279 FAX: 68451380


Parent Group

meets at 6.00pm in the

School Library every 3rd Tuesday

in the month.

President: Kaylene Brien


Judy Grasnick

From the Principal’s Desk



Another term has slipped by and a short break is upon us. As we go to that break I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who provided the school with support over the past month in what has been a very challenging time. I have been overwhelmed with the way both staff and students have worked together to ensure that everyone was helped whenever they needed it and Mitchell’s family had the support they required from our school. The community have also been fantastic with offers of help from everywhere. As the year moves quickly towards the final term we are planning for next year and what our staffing needs will be. It is important to remember that we are a well-resourced school who has everything you need to provide an excellent education for your children. Our class groups are not too large which enables us to devote more time to individual students and we personally know every student in our school. These are important benefits that all our students receive when they attend Wellington High School which is your local high school. Our new school leaders were inducted on Monday 24th September at a school assembly. The outgoing captains, Caitlin Playford, Harry Broome, Kuhailan Jones and Aaron Grasnick have been outstanding leaders and have set a high standard for the new captains, Heidi Parkes, Harry Powyer, Sarah-May Bruce and Elliott McMahon to follow. There are photos included in this newsletter. Year 12 will have their final assembly this Friday at 10:00 am. This is always a great occasion where teachers and students are able to thank each other and enjoy their last formal gathering in the school. Parents find this a very happy and sad occasion as it is the culmination of 13 years of schooling and signals the beginning of a new chapter in their life. I would like to draw your attention to our policy surrounding the use of mobile phones in the school. Students are only allowed to use them before school, at Recess and Lunch Time. At all other times, the phone is to be switched off and in their bag. Could I ask you not to call students on their phones during lesson time as it can lead to the confiscation of the phone if it has been left on. If you need to contact them at this time, could you please ring the front office and we will get a message to them. This will avoid any problems. A Reminder- Both teachers and students return to school on Monday 15th October.

Rod Cosier Principal

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Year 12 2019 Captains and their parents.

2019 Captain Induction

The 2019 School Captains were inducted at an all school assembly on 24th September 2018. Staff, students and parents wish them success in their roles in 2019.

2018 Captains handing over of responsibilities

2019 Captains accepting responsibilities.

2018 outgoing Captains

Sarah-May Bruce Girl Vice-Captain

Elliott McMahon Boy Vice-Captain

Heidi Parkes Girl Captain

Harry Powyer Boy Captain

2019 incoming Captains

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Term 2 saw the beginning of our training year for the students involved in the Real Madrid

Social Sport School training program. We had negotiated a shortened training year to

alleviate some of the issues around training in the heat during Term 1 and will now continue

through to the end of the year, with special conditions being put in place for Term 4 also. It

is imperative that students are actively engaged in the program to make themselves eligible

for selection in teams for social sport matches in the coming year.

In signing our latest 4-year agreement, Wellington High School has committed to the

program and endeavour to hold the values of the foundation in high esteem and deliver the

program to the best of our ability. In order to do this, we must ensure we have students

actively engaged in the program, as we certainly have a keen coaching staff willing to deliver

the program in an enjoyable and educational manner.

Further to that, it is with the greatest excitement that I inform you that our school has once

again been invited to travel to MADRID, SPAIN in 2019!! This trip of a lifetime will occur in

the September/October school holidays in 2019. Initial planning stages are underway and it

is leading into an incredibly busy time for myself and the coaches and an incredibly

important time for the students who wish to be considered for this amazing opportunity.

Coaching sessions have been running well during sport time however we must encourage all

students who wish to be involved in the program to choose Real Madrid for sport each

Wednesday. This is where the skill development sessions take place and will serve as

training sessions for future matches against other Social Sport Schools in Australia, and

those held whilst in Madrid. For the best possible chance at being selected in one of those

teams it is essential students participate in the sessions during sport time.

We are currently in the process of ordering uniforms for each individual involved in the

program and these will be gifted to the students who commit to the program until October

2019. This will be important for training sessions and games alike and will no doubt look

fantastic and increase the visibility of the program within our community.

Once again, I encourage all students who think they might like to join the program to see

myself, or any of the coaches, as soon as possible so we can welcome you to the program.

Finally, I would like to commend the enthusiasm of our coaching staff and thank the current

members of the program for their ongoing involvement.

Mrs George


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Wellington High School held its annual NAIDOC Day celebrations on Thursday the 20th of September. We had a great day full of activities revolving around our Indigenous Culture with an emphasis on NAIDOC’s theme: Because Of Her, We Can. This allowed us to look back on all the Indigenous women who have paved the way for our people today, as well as the ladies who are doing tremendous things right now, both locally and nationally. This allowed us to hear from locals Julie Blackhall and Tara Stanley sharing their stories about their upbringing and success, as well as a weaving session with Tjanara Talbot who shared her knowledge of traditional language and weaving techniques. The day also included some NAIDOC regulars like bush tucka, where the students got to try emu, kangaroo, mussels, yellow belly and johnny cakes; art with Shillo who created four amazing pieces of art which will be later displayed within the school; WACHS who hosted a health session to discuss the importance of nutrition and how to care for our bodies; a basketball session with Corey Sutherland including skills and games; finally a session with Paul Kirk, the Snake Man, who returned with his snake collection.

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Year 12 Visual Art Year 12 Visual Art produced a range of artworks for 2018 using technology as their main form. These works were sent to the Marking Centre at Homebush in mid-September, and will be assessed by the marking team for each project. Each student incorporates an artist’s statement and plan of how they want their works displayed. Nate Thomas produced a series of digital photographs where he selected works from art history, and changed them to create a new image. In one work he used paintings by Picasso and Goya and blended them together. In Caitlin Playford’s body of work she explored the theme of Home as a time based video. She used images of her friends and family in her presentation incorporating Wellington and her social activities. Bryce Boland used a fantasy theme in his work to develop a selection of animated images from digital files he found on the internet. He used Photoshop to create movement in his works, which were presented as a slideshow and series of digital prints. These works will be returned to Wellington towards the end of October and will be available for selection at the Western Plains Cultural Centre’s “Make Your Mark Exhibition”

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ANCIENT HISTORY EXCURSION On Wednesday 5th September, after Mrs Parkes finally got herself organised, we left for Sydney. The boys were with Jacob and the girls with Mrs Parkes. The trip was uneventful until Lithgow, where it was rather cold, plus Mrs Parkes gave us our Latin terms to learn ready for our games night. Jacob can verify that we studied REALLY HARD …. Well maybe. Our first test came in trying to get into our parking. Mrs Parkes thought she was being really intelligent in finding out before hand if George St was open to traffic for parking, and got different directions to the parking. While we found the car park OK, it turns out that it was the wrong entrance. It was then a race to see who could first find their way out of the underground car park to the correct entrance. Unfortunately Mrs Parkes knows her way around Sydney a little better and got there first. She was then trying to direct us via mobile phone. Eventually we found the entrance and then headed to check in. The foyer at World Tower was quite impressive, according to Jess – was that just the foyer??????? Mrs Parkes then told her to close her eyes as she was about to enter our accommodation. We all got an amazing surprise at our fantastic views of Sydney and the Harbour. Mrs Parkes then took us to her favourite book store, showing us China town and Paddy’s Market on the way. It was then back to our rooms for a family style home cooked dinner, followed by our Latin quiz. Not surprisingly the girls won the overall prize. Then it was time for Ancient History Trivial Pursuit. This time it was the boys who were out of the blocks first, much to the girl’s disgust. We then paused the game ready for the next evening and got a good night’s sleep. The next day was down to business – to Sydney University (or Hogwarts look alike) and the Nicholson Museum. Here we saw some amazing artefacts from Egypt complete with mummified head and feet. Next was looking at digital version of Tombstone epitaphs from Pompeii. It was really interesting to see how family members were remembered in AD79. There was also a scaled Lego model of Pompeii to view as well at actual Etruscan Tombstones. After lunch and a little shopping at Paddy’s Markets, it was a walk in the opposite direction to check out architectural features of inner Sydney, which have been copied from the Ancient Greeks and Romans. A Mr Whippy at St Mary’s Cathedral gave us the energy to continue, with a final walk to Dymocks’ and more books. Back at the accommodation, a swim in the pool revitalised us all ready for another round of Ancient History Trivial Pursuit. Mrs Parkes called it a draw as both girls and boys were even and we pretty much had hit a stalemate. Our last day saw us head to Macquarie University Museum of Cultures for our lecture on Pompeii and Herculaneum and our hands on session with ancient artefacts. We found that we all were able to logically argue our beliefs surrounding the ethics of human remains, and our ability to analyse our artefacts surprised even us. Mrs Parkes said she always had faith! We were then on our way home with a couple of stops at Richmond and Mudgee. We would like to especially thank Jacob, as without him we would not have been able to go, and Mrs Parkes for the organisation.



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Harry Broome and Rylee Moore have received job offers and valuable training after completing a work placement course at The Star Casino in Sydney. The work placement was made possible thanks to the Sydney Access Program. This is a very competitive program, providing opportunities to students from public and private schools. Rylee and Harry underwent an extensive interview process to gain admission to the course, with Mrs Stevenson helping to prepare them. Reports back from the staff were they were extremely happy with the work the students demonstrated.

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Wellington High School Support Unit had a very successful day at the recent League Tag Carnival. The Division 2 team were awarded Champions in their division, with the Division 3 team side awarded Runners Up. Congratulations!!!

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Wellington High School has regained the Don Green Cup with an 11-10 win over St Mary’s Catholic School. The Touch Football match is played between the boys and girls teams from each school, with each team’s score being combined to decide an overall winner. St Mary’s won the girls match 9-0, while Wellington High’s boy’s team won 11-10, both matches being played in great spirit and sportsmanship. Congratulations to everyone involved.

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TERM 3 2018







24/9 Captains Induction

25/9 26/9 27/9 28/9 YR 12 Final Assembly END OF TERM 3 HOLIDAYS








16/10 17/10 18/10 19/10

WEEK 2 22/10 23/10 24/10 25/10 INVICTUS GAMES—11CAFS and PDHPE