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Bearing Fruit in the Gospel Seven Bible Studies through Colossians

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Bearing Fruit in the Gospel Seven Bible Studies through Colossians Written by Peter Ong

(Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV) Copyright, 2001 by



The purpose of these Bible studies on Colossians is to encourage spiritual growth among the youth in

the Africa Evangelical Church (AEC) and beyond as they study and interact with God’s Word for


In Malawi today, there are many competing voices that tell the youth about what is important in life,

and many are led down the wrong path to destruction because they have been deceived. Instead of

being taken captive by empty human philosophies and worldly principles (Col 2:8), the youth need to

know and grow in the Gospel – the good news that Jesus offers them forgiveness, relationship with

God, new life and purpose through His death and resurrection.

Paul’s letter to the Colossians serves as a timeless message for the youth today that Jesus is the most

important person that they should get to know and listen to. Why? Paul says in Colossians 1:15-16:

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all Creation. For by him all things

were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions

or rulers or authorities – all things were created through him and for him.”

Jesus is the most important person in the universe! The youth have been created for Him. Therefore

their purpose in life is found and rooted in Him! He is the most important voice that they should

listen to instead of the many empty voices in the world that compete for their affections.

It is the desire of the AEC and SIM to see the Gospel bear fruit and increase among the youth of

Malawi (Col. 1:6) and for them to walk in a manner worthy of Jesus, bearing fruit in every good work

and growing in the knowledge of God (Col. 1:10). Therefore, these Bible Studies are centred around

the theme of “Bearing fruit in the Gospel.”

The seven studies in this booklet are:

1:1-14 What is the Gospel?

1:15-23 Why is Jesus so important?

1:24-2:5 How do we grow in our spiritual life?

2:6-23 Don’t be deceived by the world’s way of thinking!

3:1-17 Changed life

3:18-4:1 Changed relationships

4:2-18 New purpose

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Each study includes the Bible text on Colossians and each study is divided into the following sections

designed to help the youth to discover God’s Word for themselves as they wrestle with the text to

understand its original meaning and how to apply it to themselves today.

Introduction to the Study: Briefly introduces the Bible text and the main topic in the


Let’s chat: Opening question to encourage the youth to open up to talk

Let’s see what it says: Questions designed to encourage the youth to become

familiar with the text

Let’s understand what it means: Questions designed to interpret the text

Let’s apply it: Questions designed to help the youth to know how to apply

what they have learnt in their own lives

Case Study: A realistic situation is provided for the youth to discuss how

they would approach it. Designed to integrate everything

that they have learnt.

Main Point of Study: Summarizes the main point of the study so that the youth

will take home with them this main point in mind.

Let’s pray: Reminder to the youth to pray about what they have learnt,

asking God to bring about the changes, growth and fruit in

this particular area of study.

Introduction to Colossians

[The Chichewa version will use the introduction from Buku Loyera]

Colossians was a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the church at Colossae, a town in Asia Minor.

The church was not planted by Paul but by Epaphras, who is from Colosse (4:12). Paul, nevertheless,

felt responsible for them, because Epaphras became a Christian through Paul’s ministry and had

become a co-worker with him in the Gospel.

Paul wrote this letter when he was imprisoned in Rome (60 or 61AD). This letter was originally taken

to the Christians at Colossae by Tychicus, accompanied by Onesimus, the slave whom Paul had

written about in his letter to Philemon.

Paul’s main purpose of writing to the Colossians was to encourage them to stand firm in the Gospel,

and not to be deceived by false teachings and philosophies which may try to pull them away from

putting their trust in Christ. He wrote to teach them that their salvation is complete in Jesus.

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Study #1 – What is the Gospel?

Bible Study Text: Colossians 1: 1-14

Introduction to the Study:

A bountiful harvest of maize each year is dependent on planting good seeds in good soil and having

plenty of water and sunshine. In a similar way, the Apostle Paul and the early church sowed the good

seeds of the Gospel everywhere God had scattered them. Under God’s provision, the Gospel began

to grow and bear fruit in these places. One of these places was Colosse.

Today’s passage is the opening section of Paul’s letter to the Colossians, which contains his

greetings, prayer and thanksgiving to God for the Colossians. In this opening section, Paul praises

God for the growth of the Gospel throughout the world and among the Colossians.

This study is about understanding what the gospel is, and the difference it makes in our lives.

Let’s Chat:

How can you tell if a mango tree is growing healthy or not?

In the same way, people can tell whether we are Christians or how well we are growing as Christians

by the fruit that we produce in our lives. Let’s take a closer look at today’s Bible Passage and see

what we can learn about bearing fruit in the Gospel in our lives.

Let’s see what it says:

1. How does Paul start his letter to the Colossians? (vv.1-3)

2. What does Paul thank God for the Colossians? (vv.3-5)

3. How did the Gospel come to the Colossians, and how did Paul hear about the Colossian’s

progress in faith and love? (vv. 5- 8)

4. What does Paul pray unceasingly for the Colossians about? (vv. 9 -14)

Let’s understand what it means:

1. What is the relationship between the Colossians’ faith in Jesus, their love for fellow believers

and their hope in heaven? (vv. 4-5) And where does this hope come from? (v5)

2. How can you tell that the Colossians have really understood the Gospel? (v6) What fruits are

shown in their lives, attitudes and relationships? (Reflect on the question above)

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3. Why does Paul pray that the Colossians will be filled with the knowledge of God’s will? (vv.


Let’s apply it:

1. What would you say the Gospel is? Reflect on verses 12-14.

2. What do youth outside the church think of the behaviour and attitudes of people in the

church? Would they think their behaviour and attitudes have been changed by the Gospel?

Why or why not?

Case Study:

Precious is a member of the youth choir at church. He has been attending for many years but isn’t

sure what being a Christian is all about except singing in the choir. He doesn’t know what the Gospel

is or what the significance of the Gospel is to his life. But he desires for more meaning and fulfilment

to his life. As a friend, you have been studying this passage in Colossians, how would you counsel


Main Point of Study:

The Gospel is the good news about how God has saved us from a life of slavery to sin and brought us

into a life of freedom in relationship with Him through Jesus’ death and resurrection. For those who

have repented and put their trust in Jesus, we have a new citizenship in God’s kingdom, a life new

and a new hope. Therefore, our thinking, our attitudes, our behaviours, and our relationships

should reflect our new relationship with God.

Let’s pray:

Give thanks for the Good News that God has saved us from death and has given us new life. Give

thanks that this Gospel is changing lives in the world. Pray that the Gospel will change lives in your

youth group and in your own life as well. Ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will so that

you may walk in a manner worthy of Him, pleasing Him, and bearing fruit in every good work.

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Study #2 – Why is Jesus so Important?

Bible Study Text: Colossians 1:15-23

Introduction to the Passage:

Paul moves from his greeting, thanksgiving and prayer for the Colossians to praising Jesus who has

redeemed them from the dominion of darkness and into his kingdom of light, and brought them

forgiveness of sin (1:13-14).

This passage is like a hymn of praise to Jesus for who He is and what He has done for us. If we are to

grow and bear fruit in our Christian lives, we need to grow in our understanding of the Gospel – the

‘Good News’ about who Jesus is and what He has done for us.

Jesus Christ is the Gospel. The Gospel is all about Him. He is very important to our faith.

Let’s chat:

Who is your favourite football team or netball team or singer or anyone else that you

follow? Why? How much do you know about this team or person?

In the same way that we cheer for our favourite team or person and seek to know them better, as

Christians, we are to praise Jesus, and seek to know Him better. So let’s take a closer look at today’s

Bible Passage and see what we can learn about Jesus.

Let’s see what it says:

1. Make a list of all the things that Paul say about who Jesus is and what He has done for the

Colossians? (vv. 15-23)

2. What was the Colossians’ relationship with God before they became Christians? (v21)

3. How did God change their relationship with Him? And what was this changed relationship?

(vv.20, 22)

4. How are the Colossians to remain in their new relationship? (v.23)

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Let’s understand what does it means:

1. Reflect on the list you made earlier about who Jesus is and what He has done for us. Why

do you think He is so important to our faith? What sets him apart from other religious


2. Paul says that “all things were created through him and for him” (v.16). What is the

significance of this truth for us regarding our purpose in life?

Let’s apply it:

1. Where do you find your purpose in life? Why?

2. Have you come into a new relationship with God? What difference does it make in your life

to have a new relationship with God? (vv. 21-23)

3. If you are to grow and bear fruit in your Christian life, Paul says that you are to “continue in

the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope in the Gospel that you heard

(v.23)” What are some things that may shift your faith away from Jesus?

Remember who Jesus is! He is greater than those things that try to lure you away from

putting your trust in Him.

Case Study:

Chimwemwe has been a Christian for many years but it has only been recently that she has started

reading the Bible for herself. She had won the Bible as a prize at a youth camp that she attended last

year. A few days ago, two people from a different church down her road came to visit her and

started talking to her about Jesus from their Bible. But Chimwemwe noticed that the Bible these two

people used was different to the one that she has and it doesn’t have the Bible Society of Malawi

endorsement on it. They tried to tell Chimwemwe that Jesus is not God but was created by God as

the “firstborn” of all creation. Chimwemwe knows in her heart that this is not right but does not

know how to answer them. Confused, she comes to you for help because she knew that you have

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been studying Colossians about Jesus. How would you advise her from this passage in Colossians

that you have been studying today? (You can also refer to John 1:1-3; Philippians 2:6)

Main Point of Study:

Jesus is so central to our faith. He is the most important person to know in the whole world because

He is God. He was the only one who could save us and reconcile us back to God. This is what sets

Christianity apart from other religions. Other religions say there is more than one way to God.

Christianity says Jesus is the only way to God. Because He created us and saved us, we belong to Him

and He gives us our new purpose in life. If we are to grow and bear fruit in our Christian lives, we

need get to know Jesus better and to let him have control over every aspect of our lives.

Let’s pray:

Begin your prayer time just praising Jesus for all the things that you have learnt about Him, and all

that He has done for you. Ask God to help you to grow in your understanding of Jesus and to centre

your life around His plans and purposes so that you can live a fulfilling life that pleases Him.

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Study #3 – How do we grow in our Spiritual Life?

Bible Study Text: Colossians 1:24-2:5

Introduction to the Passage:

In this passage, Paul continues where he left off in verse 23 talking about himself being the minister

of the Gospel “which has been proclaimed in all creation” (v23). Paul talks about his sufferings and

struggles in his purpose of making known the “mystery” of the Gospel and presenting everyone

mature in Christ through it (v 28). It is this mystery that serves as his source of strength and growth

for life and ministry. It is also the key to help us to grow in our spiritual life.

Let’s chat:

What does the word “mystery” mean? Do you know of any “mysteries”?

But is this the kind of mystery that Paul is talking about? Or did he have a different meaning in mind?

Let’s go and explore the Bible passage and find out!

Let’s see what it says:

1. What is Paul suffering for? And what is his attitude towards his suffering? (vv.24-25)

2. What is this “mystery” that Paul talks about? (vv. 26-27; 2:2-3)

3. What does Paul desire to see happen to the Colossians? (v1:28; 2:2-5)

Let’s understand what it means:

1. Paul defines this mystery as “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (v.27). Knowing that he has

Christ in him and the hope of glory, why would this help him through his suffering and

struggles in life and ministry (v29)?

2. Why does Paul want the Colossians to know this mystery? (vv2:2-4)

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Let’s apply it:

1. Have you come to know Jesus personally and the hope of glory that He gives? Share with

one another your testimony of how “Christ in you – the hope of glory” has helped you

through times of suffering and struggles.

2. Paul labours to present people mature in Christ by proclaiming, admonishing and teaching

them with all wisdom, and to do this in Christ’s strength which works powerfully in him. Paul

understood that the source of Christian growth is Jesus. How can you help others to mature

in their Christian life?

3. Paul was prepared to suffer for the sake of others whom he has not met personally (2:1) in

order to come to know Jesus and to grow in him. Are you prepared to be willing to endure

hardship for others you don’t know so that they may come to know Jesus? What hardships

do you think you might face in trying to help people come to know Jesus? How might the

example of Paul help you overcome these hardships?

Case Study:

Yohane has been a member of the youth group for many years. He goes to church most Sundays but

feels that he is not growing as a Christian. He attends many Christian crusades where healings and

living prosperously is emphasised. He also listens to a lot of preachers on radio who tell people that

they should give money towards their ministry so that God would bless them with powerful spiritual

growth and advancement within the year. He desires for spiritual growth and so he gives all his

money that he has earned from piece-work to the Crusades that he attends. Despite this, he still

feels that things have not changed for him. He feels a sense of frustration because Yohane is trusting

in religious experiences and methods to help him grow. From what you have learnt today in

Colossians, what can you advise Yohanne on how he can truly grow spiritually?

Main Point of Study:

Jesus Christ is the mystery that has been kept hidden by God for ages past, but now has been

revealed by God through the Gospel. For those of us who have received Christ, we have this treasure

and hope of Glory within us. Jesus is the source of our spiritual growth, and He enables us to endure

suffering and hardship for the sake of others to also know this treasure. Don’t go to other sources

for your growth. Instead, go to the real source of life, our treasure and hope, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our hope and joy is based on the truth as revealed to us in the Bible, not on feelings, circumstances

or miraculous signs.

Let’s pray:

Praise God that He has revealed Jesus to us through the Gospel in order that we may come to know

the salvation and life that He offers. Pray that we may rely on Jesus as the real source of our spiritual

growth and not counterfeit sources which depend on human ideas and methods. Pray that you will

endure suffering and hardship for the sake of others to know this treasure that you have in Christ.

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Study #4 - Don’t be deceived by the World’s way of thinking!

Bible Study Text: Colossians 2:6-23

Introduction to the Passage:

Imagine buying cheap fertiliser that is not real fertiliser at all and finding out later when your crops

fail to produce fruit at harvest time. Likewise when we fail to nourish our spiritual lives with Christ,

and instead with imitations that take the place of Christ, we will fail to bear fruit or even worse die


In today’s Bible passage, Paul warns us against the dangers of false teaching and religious practices

that shift our trust away from Jesus.

Let’s Chat:

What are some things that hinder maize (Chimanga) from growing well?

Let’s see it says?

1. What does Paul tell the Colossians to do? (vv6-7)

2. What does Paul warn the Colossians against? (v8)

3. What does Paul remind the Colossians about who Jesus is and what He has done for them?

(vv 9-15)

4. According to Paul, how does a person disqualify himself or herself from fullness of life in

Jesus? (v18-19)

Let’s understand what it means:

1. Why is our growth as a Christian dependent on faith in Jesus and not on observing human

teaching, rules or traditions? (Reflect on verses 9 and 19)

2. Why will human teaching alone not stop us from the temptations of the flesh? (v23)

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Let’s apply it:

3. How can church traditions and rules be unhelpful in our Christian life? How can they be

helpful? How can you stay rooted and growing in Christ?

1. What are some false teachings you heard from people? How do you know whether they are

false? How will you ensure that you will not get deceived by false teaching?

Case Study

Tiyamike recently became a Christian. One day she receives a visit from two visitors at her house

who teach her that to be a ‘real’ Christian, she must be a member of their church, fast three times a

week and be able to have visions about angels and have powerful spiritual experiences such as

speaking in a heavenly language. After the two visitors leave, she comes to you confused about

whether she is a real Christian or not. How would you advise her?

Main Point of Study

You crossed over from death to life when you received Jesus as your Lord. So continue to trust in

Him so that you may grow spiritually. Do not be taken captive by false teaching or religious traditions

and rules that distract you from putting your trust in Jesus. It is easy to be deceived by the world

especially if you do not really know what the Bible teaches. It is really important to know your Bible

well so that you can decide for yourself what is true and what is false. When you know the truth, it

will set you free. Free from fear, confusion, and frustrations of trying to earn our own salvation.

Listen to the voice of God in Scripture instead of the many voices of the World. Your salvation is

found complete in Christ alone.

Let’s Pray:

Give thanks that you have been made alive in Christ. Ask God to help you stay rooted in Jesus for

your growth and not to depend on other things. Ask God to give you wisdom and discernment to

know true Biblical teaching from false teachings so that your life is nourished by real spiritual food by

which you can grow.

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Study #5 – Changed Life

Bible Study Text: Colossians 3:1-17

Introduction to the Passage:

When we received Jesus as Lord of our life, we have started a new life in Him. We are to walk in this

new life “rooted and built up in Him” (2:6) as the Apostle Paul reminded us in the last study. But

what does this new life look like in comparison to the old life that we used to walk in? Let us study

our Bible passage today to find out!

Let’s chat:

Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “What you wear defines who you are.” Why?

Let’s see what it says:

1. What are the characteristics of the “old life” that Paul says we must “put to death?” (vv5-10)

2. What are the characteristics of the “new life” in Christ that Paul says we must “put on?”


3. Why does Paul tell the Colossians to “put to death” the old life and “put on” the new life?

(vv 1- 4)

4. What further insight does Paul give us about our “new self” in verses 10-11?

Let see what it means:

1. What does it mean to have been “raised with Christ” (v1) and “your life is hidden with Christ

in God (v3)? Compare this with what Paul said earlier in 2:13-14.

2. What does it mean to “let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts” (v15) and to “let the Word

of Christ dwell in your richly.” (v16)?

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Let’s apply it:

1. Which of the characteristics of the ‘old life’ do you think are the hardest to ‘put to death’

and which characteristics of the ‘new life’ are most difficult to ‘put on’? Why?’

2. What benefits and advantages do you see in living the ‘new life’ which is ‘other-focused’

rather than the ‘old life’ which is ‘self-focused’?

Case Study:

Yamikani is a member of your youth group at church, and his parents are very active deacons in the

church. Although Yamikani professes to be a Christian and goes to church on Sundays, his behaviour

during the week reflects something else. He sleeps with his girlfriend, gets drunk, and tends to get

angry very easily. Yamikani believes that going to church is what makes him a Christian and cancels

out all the bad things that he does. How would you explain to Yamikani about what it means to be a

Christian from the passage that you read today?

Main Point:

Jesus died for you so that you can have new life. When you received your new life in Christ, you no

longer live for yourself, but for God and for others.

Let’s Pray:

Praise God for the new life that He has given you in Christ. Ask Him to help you walk in this newness

of life and bear fruit in it. Pray that God will protect you and others in your youth group from walking

back in the old way of life that leads to death.

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Study #6 – Changed Relationships

Bible Study Text: Colossians 3:18-4:1

Introduction to the Passage:

In our last study, we looked at walking in our newness of life in Jesus and not in our old way of life

characterised by sin. In Chapter 3 verse 17, Paul says that “whatever you do, in word or deed, do

everything in the name of the Lord Jesus…” In our text today, we will look at what this verse means

in the context of everyday human relationships, and what it means to bear fruit in these

relationships that reflect Christ in you.

Let’s chat:

Identify together as a group all the different types of relationships that exist in the world.

Why do you think relationships are important?

Let’s see what it says?

1. What everyday human relationships does Paul address in this passage?

2. What does Paul teach each of these types of people to do?

Let’s see what it means?

1. Why is ‘submission’ and ‘love’ so important in a marriage relationship? How do these two

concepts work together in marriage? (vv.18-19)

2. Why is it important for children and youth to obey their parents? What can parents do to

help their children and youth to obey them joyfully rather than out of obligation? (vv. 20-21)

3. Why is it important to have a good attitude towards your work and those you work for?


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Let’s apply it?

1. How would you apply this passage to:

Family relationships (with parents or other family members)

A dating or marriage relationship

Employee/Employer relationship

Church members


2. How can our ‘new life’ help us make a positive impact in the relationships that we are in?

Reflect again on the characteristics of the ‘new self’ that we have in Christ (3:12-17).

3. What do you think may happen to your community if everyone in your church related to one

another and with people outside the church in a way that reflected Christ in you?

Case Study:

Mphatso is a member of the youth group who professes to be a Christians but is struggling to grow

in his Christian life. He feels that he has not really moved very far in his spiritual journey since the

first day he accepted Christ into His life. In fact, he is struggling in his everyday relationships. He does

not like to listen to his parents and often does the opposite of what they tell him to do. He feels that

he is old enough to do things his own way. He struggles in his relationship with his boss at work who

he dislikes very much. He only works when the boss is around watching him but when the boss is

out, he would just sit around and chat with his friends. At church, he doesn’t care much about his

fellow youth members, and speaks rudely to the older members of the church. One day he tells you

that Christianity is not working for him, and he doesn’t want to go to church anymore. How would

you counsel him about what his problem is and offer advice that could help him to start growing?

Main Point of Study:

If you have Christ in you, then it must be reflected in all your relationships with people. Your

relationships must be characterised by your new life in Christ and not your old way of life

characterised by Sin. A changed life in Christ leads to changed relationships. We are no longer ‘self-

focused’ and seek to get what we can out of others. Instead we are now ‘others-focussed’ and we

seek to reflect to them Christ who loves justice, compassion & kindness.

Let’s Pray:

Praise God for all the people that He has put in your life. Ask Him to help you to reflect Jesus to them

and not your old sinful self. Ask Him to bring about positive changes in your relationships with

people in your family, church, and community that you are part of so that the name of Jesus would

be honoured.

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Study #7 – New Purpose

Bible Study Text: Colossians 4:2 - 18

Introduction to the Passage:

The ending of any book or movie brings into perspective everything that was written or shown

before. Likewise, in Paul’s letter to the Colossians, he ends with these words “Remember my chains”

(4:18). You see, Paul was in prison when he wrote this letter, and he was in prison because of the

Gospel. Making Jesus known to others through the Gospel was Paul’s new purpose in life. The

Gospel of Jesus was such tremendous news that Paul would go to prison for it. His ‘chains’ speaks of

the worth of the Gospel! It brings all that he has said in his letter into perspective – that the Gospel

is too important to be ignored or to have it replaced by a counterfeit gospel.

So let us take a closer look at this final section in Paul’s letter, and the final instructions that he gives

to the Colossians. Three things emerge in this section that are worthy of our attention: (1) Prayer; (2)

Gospel-centred conduct; and (3) Team work.

Let’s chat:

If you were writing a letter from prison to people whom you loved, how would you end your

letter? What final words would you give?

Let’s see what it says:

1. What does Paul tell the Colossians about how they should pray in verses 2-4?

2. What does Paul tell the Colossians about how they are to act towards unbelievers? (vv.5-6)

3. Paul ends his letter with the greetings from his fellow-workers in verses 7-18. Make a list of

Paul’s fellow-workers and how Paul describes them.

Let’s see what it means:

1. What does it mean to be “watchful in prayer with thanksgiving?” (v2)

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2. What does it mean for us: (1) to walk in wisdom towards outsiders making the best use of

the time; and (2) for our speech to be “gracious” and “seasoned with salt?” Why is this

important as we relate with unbelievers? (vv.5 -6)

3. What can we learn about Paul’s relationship with his fellow co-workers in the Gospel? And

how is this important if we are to be fruitful in our ministries?

Let’s apply it:

1. Epaphras was one of Pauls’ fellow workers who is described as always struggling on the

Colossians’ behalf in his prayers that they may stand mature and fully assured in all the will

of God. Make a list of the people in your life and ministry that you can be praying regularly in

this way.

2. What are some areas in your life and speech that you need to change in order to attract

unbelievers to faith in Jesus?

3. Paul’s instruction to his fellow worker Archippus is “See that you fulfil the ministry that you

have received in the Lord.” (v. 17). What ministry have you received from the Lord that you

need to fulfil? What could be holding you back in this ministry? Pray to ask God to help you

to be fruitful in it, and to be “watchful” in how He answers your prayers.

Case Study:

Precious is a member of her youth group, and she has been asked by her pastor to prepare the

youth group to do outreach and evangelism in a nearby village. She is struggling for ideas about

what to teach the youth group about how to do evangelism. She comes to you for help. How would

you advise her about what she can teach from Colossians about:

(1) The content of the Gospel message (See 1:13-23)

(2) The way they should approach evangelism (See 4:2-6)

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Main Point:

The Gospel gives us a new purpose in life which is to make Jesus known to others through our words

and actions. We need to pray, showing our dependence on God. We need to behave and speak in

such a way that makes our faith attractive to unbelievers. We need to be committed to working

together with fellow believers, in unity and not competition, for spreading the good news of Jesus.

Let’s Pray:

Praise God for the ministry that He has called you to do no matter how small you think it is. Ask God

to help you bear fruit in this ministry; and that you will reflect Jesus towards unbelievers and those

that God has called you to work alongside.