Download - COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

Page 1: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO



A T L A S T , A N E X P L O S I V E T H A T


AT A S A V I N G > > > > > >

After many years of research, Hercules has developed

the Gelamites — a nev/ type of explosives which

effectively replace gelatin at a substantial saving.

The Gelamites represent the most economical com­

bination of ingredients in explosives having gelatin

characteristics; they will replace Gelatin L. F. and

Gelatin Extra L F. grades up to 60% strength at

savings which representl0%to20%of explosives costs.

The Gelamites, originated by Hercules, have been

tested and adopted by a large number of mines and

quarries where gelatin formerly was used. At one

operation where Gelamite 2 has replaced Gelatin

Extra L. F. 40%, the annual saving will be more than

$6,500.00 based on a yearly consumption of 400,000

pounds of gelatin.

Ask the Hercules representative to tell you how these

modern and efficient Gelamites, which do the work

of gelatin, will help you to reduce blasting costs.



1. Economy—Replaces gelatins

with 10%-20% saving in ex­

plosives costs.

2. Wafer Resisfance—Replaces

gelatin effectively in wet holes.

3. Fumes—Con be used satis­

factorily underground where

gelatins formerly have been

necessary because of fume


4. Cons/sfency—Semi-plastic;

packs well in holes; can be

loaded in "uppers."

5. Strength — Gelamite 1 re­

places 6 0 % gelatin; G e l a ­

mite 2 replaces 5 0 % to 4 0 %

gelatin; Gelamite 3 replaces

3 5 % to 3 0 % gelatin.

6. Safefy—Among the safest

types of commercial explosives.

HERCULES POWDER COMPANY ( i n c o r p o r a t e d )

Wilmington De laware ALLENTOWN, PA.





















931 King Street, Wilmington, Delaware Gentlemen: Please send me more Informa­tion about the Gelamites.




P. O

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& i*"'-'-" v'i


cyWAGAZINE Volume ZO No. ; M a y ip^o

Page 2: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

No matter how the Votes go

The Traylor Electric Vibrating Screen is away in the lead, handling any scrcenable product, sizing it from the coarsest to the finest Wet or Dry, hot or cold.

Greatest dependability is found in the Traylor Screen because it gives the closest separation . . . the highest tonnage per square foot with the low­est up-keep cost, and naturally the Biggest Profits to the user I

Traylor Double Deck

ji Wet or dry—write our engineers, they i i (•^'i:^ will be glad to assist you with screening ^ d )

' suggestions for your particular product.

>3l% 1400 Delgany St. T H E T R A Y L O R V I B R A T O R C O . Denver, Colo.

A Sign of Intelligence Accident prevention signs are your best insurance

against loss of life, limb or property. Mine, mill and smelter operators the world over are proving their business intelligence by installing Stonehouse Safety Signs.

Stonehouse steel signs are standard as to color and design and are approved by the leading safety en­gineers and authorities.

Write us at once for Catalog No. 3. haven't the sign you want we'll make it.

If we

S I Q N S . INC. Arm wotdhiL

When Patronizing Advertisers Please A'lention Colorado School of Mines Magazine

cJtncL what a Punclx The above exclamation expressed the opinion of an experienced sharpener operator after giving our new "34 SP" Shank and Bit Punch a most severe test.

He Opened up hples in shanks and bits on various si2;es of drill steel. He even punched the steels while they were below the proper working tern' perature. He did everything possible to test the machine for power and speed.

When asked what he thought of the machine, he said, "It's some outfit. The Sharpener does everything but talk, and what a punch!"

This punch can be attached to any No. 34 sharpener.

Construction features of the new 34 SP Punch are: 1— One piece construction of the feed cylin'

der, valve chest, oiler, and guide holder.

2— Bushed valve chest.

3— Short throw and easy reach of operating lever.

4— Combination shank and bit guides.

5— Complete lubrication from one oil chamber.

6 — Positive action—the punching pins are driven out as well as iiito the steel. There is no chance of stuck pins.

,The I'R No. 34 Sharpener with the new 34 SP punch attached will handle any section of drill steel up to U/g" in diameter and make bits up to 21/2" in diameter. This sharpener plays an important part in the rock drilling industry.

INGERSOLL-RAND C O . - 11 Broadway - New York Branches or distributors in principal cities the world over

For Canada Refer—Canadian Ingersoll-Rand Co., Limited 10 Ptiillips Square, Montreal, Quebec


Page 3: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

specifications: Weight, 3-tons (without battery) ; 2 ball bearing motors, spring mounted; track gauge, 18-in.; single reduction spur gears; large bearings for motor and axle, fully enclosed against dirt and grit; double spring supported frame; alemite fittings for positive lubrication; side plates cut away for easy brake adjustment. Battery box of heavy plate steel, reinforced throughout; mounted on rollers for easy removal; hinged steel covers, drip proof. ONE OF THE SEVERAL GOODMAN LOCOMOTIVES A T THE MINES


Intelligent Investigation of Locomotive Construction — —

Boosts Goodman Locomotive Sales MANUFAaURING

C O M P A N V H A L S T E D S T . a t 4 S T H . C H I C A G O IUI_.


Baildecs of Mine Locomotives

foe 40 Years


Economy in Mineral Exploration means practical application of

Geophysical Instruments Askania Geophysical instruments have been suc­

cessful in assisting geologists and mining engineers to locate iron, copper, zinc, lead, coal and salt deposits in many districts throughout the world. They re­move doubt, eliminate unprofitable borings and speed up exploration work. They have proved through the test of time the accuracy of their analysis.

We are making and selling for geophysical work: Eoetvoes torsion balances with photographic and visual reading (large and small types), magnetometers, seismographs and other scientific instruments.

For particulars write

American Askania Corporation 1024 Marine Bank Bldg., Houston, Texas

When Patronizing Advertisers Please Mention Colorado School of Mines Magazine

D F C C l a y GoodiS have survival valuer

^TpHE GOODS themselves and the X service they render have estab­

lished their own reputation. Cruci-bles,muffles,scorifiers—all are built to combine high thermal conductivity, strength under loads, and resistance to severe heat shocks.

All raw materials are put to exacting chemical analysis and physical tests. Burning to definite temperatures un­der pyrometric control insures uni­formity. Use DFC clay goods. Enjoy the real economy of quality.

D F C C R U S H E R - B u i l t i n two sizes: Small (or hand or power it'ne.Large for power drive only.

The D F C M E L T I N G F U R N A C E is known the world over. Patented linings of most refractory fire clay -designed to give crucibles max-

I imum support in all positions.

Efficiency and capacity mark D F C M O T O R B L O W E R S .


B R A N C H E S AT S A L T L A K E C I T Y , E L P A S O , A N D N E W Y O R K

f f

Centrifugal Sand Pumps P A T E N T E D

the pumps without a stuffing box

Standard of the Mining Industry

D e n i f e r , Vo/o.'^US./t.

THE car virheel you can install and FORGET!

Look at that deep chill in the tread and flange of this section of a Card Wheel! Extra hard right where you want hardness for extra wear. Yet the rest of the wheel is soft, tough semi-steel to withstand load shocks. Your own cost sheets will prove that "Cards" are just about indestructible.

"It's in the Cards": lOW COSt per t O H

mile haul.

C • S • Card Iron Works D E N V E R

Page 4: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

The Mining Industry

The mining industry ranks second among the fundamental industries of the country. This in­dustry contributes almost one-fourth of the income of the Federal Government. More than half of the freight hauled by the railroads is shipped by the mining industry. It represents the investment of 12 billion dollars, and supports more than a dozen million people who are dependent upon mining for

^. their livelihood.

This vast industry will purchase during the year of 1930 more than $350,000,000 worth of materials, equipment and supplies. It represents a wide spread market, extending to an em­pire of towns and cities, mines and mills, railroads, steamships and smelters.

The tremendous importance of the mining industry is seldom realized by the average citizen. He sits comfortably at home warmed by a modern furnace made of iron and burning coal or oil. His light is brought to him over copper wires; hie water is piped into the house through iron and lead pipes-his radio, his telephone, automobile, cooking utensils, and a thousand other necessities and luxuries are all made possible by the engineers of the mineral industries who discover, extract, and refine the minerals of the earth.

The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century.



As is often the case, with simplicity came not only dependability, long life and low cost of up-keep, but also improved effi­ciency and operating advantages through easy adjustability, great sand raking capacity, and superior settling conditions undisturbed b^ surges over the weir. As

now built, except for retaining the simple rotary principle which has made so many friends for it in the past, it is a new machine; strong, sturdy, capable of meet­ing the most exacting demands in closed circuit with the largest existing rod and ball mills.

Write us and learn about the Improved Ak ins Classifier, the Lowden Dryer, the Improved Impact Screen, the Skinner Mul t ip le Hearth Roaster.


M A I N O F F I C E A N D W O R K S . D E N V E R , C O L O R A D O , U . S. A .

I, Wrightson 8 Co., Ltd., Stockton on Tecs, England Canadian Locomotive Co., Kingston, Ontario, Canada


" D E W C O * * E L E C T R I C H O I S T S

Page 5: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO


Elevation of the G-E vertical compound turbine-generator







Learning the Latest Word in Turbine

Construction An important departure in apparatus engineering is the General Electric vertical compound turbine-generator. In this machine, the high-pressure ele­ment, heretofore separate, is built on top of the low-pressure generator.

This compact construction does away with the necessity for building a separate foundation for the high-pressure unit, permits the use of one set of air coolers, requires less piping, and conserves floor space.

Test men—veterans, as well as more recent grad­uates of engineering colleges—take charge of the machine after assembly, test for oil leaks, bring it up to speed and check balance in the initial run, and set the emergency and operating governors. Electrical tests follow after the generators are coupled on. This work is part of the training program for general, industrial, sales, or advanced engineering work with the General Electric Com­pany,

G E N E R A L E L E C T R I C C O M P A N Y , S C H E N E C T A D Y , N E W



T H E Waterville Development . . . m o r e h y d r o - e l e c t r i c p o w e r

for t h e S o u t h . . .

H o w d y n a m i t e w a s used in

the c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h i s

g r e a t p r o j e c t

rr^HE Carolina Power and X Light Company needed more electric power to serve the territory in whicli it operates. The result was the Waterville Development... a vast hydro­electric project located in the Great Smoky Mountains.

The actual working of this project involved the erection of a constant arch dam, 183 feet high; three tunnels varying in length from 5,000 to 16,000 feet; three penstock tunnels 600 feet in length; a vertical shaft known as a gap shaft, and a surge tank shaft.

From the Waterville Develop­ment, transmission lines carry the current to many points in Carolina and Tennessee. The tremendous power of the Great Smokies turns the wheels of in­dustry and lights the homes of thousands of people of the South.

Such a development would not have been possible without the use of dynamite. Du Pont explosives were used for all Mast­ing operations.

The engineer of t o m o r r o A v

needs to know all there is to know about dynamite . , . the tool that helps to build skyscrap­ers, bridges, dams, subways, tunnels, roads and railroads.

How can you know more . . . now . . . while you're still in

college? Write the du Pont Company for a copy of the "Blasters' Handbook." This booklet contains a wealth of in­formation about explosives . . . information gathered in twenty-eight years' experience inmaking and improving explosives. It is compact . . . handy. It is used in the classrooms of leading technical institutions. Your free copy is waiting for you.

Motion Picture of

Waterville Development

Above is a picture of the great dam in the Waterville Development. A camera-graphic record of the construction of this hydro-electric project has been made by du Pont. Requests are invited from engi­neering societies and colleges for this mo­tion picture. Address requests to Explosives Department, Wilmington, Delaware.

(fflJPDIjl) E X P L O S I V E S REG.U. S. PAT.OFF.

E . I . D U P O I V T » E N E M O V R S & C O . , I n c . — E x p l o s i v e s B e p a r t m e n t — W H i i i i i i g t o n , D e l a w a r e

Page 6: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

Do you

know about

this type of

Thickener ?

The new Balanced Dorr Tray Thickener is virtually two Thickeners in one. Two feeds, two overflows — in otter words two capacities per unit of floor space —but, only one discharge point for the thickened solids. Thus there is only need for one pump and a single pipe for drawing off the sludge. Think of your own plant. Is there some point in the process where lack of floor space has prevented you from putting in a Thickener where one was needed? Is there some point where you now have a Thickener that has not quite the capacity you want? The Dorr Balanced Tray Thickener is the answer. You can't beat it, not only for capacity and compact­ness, but for ease of insulating to hold temperatures, as well. Drop a line to our nearest office. Our Engineers are always ready to assist you with your thickening problems.

DENVER, COLO. 1009 17th Street

CHICAGO, ILL. 333 North Michigan Avenue

LOS ANGELES, CAL. 108 West dth Street

WILKES BARRE, PA. Miners Bank Building

ATLANTA, GA. 1503 Candler Building

TORONTO, ONT. 330 Bay St.


2 4 7 P A R K A Y E N U E N E W Y O R K CITY


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA Crossle & Duff Pty., Ltd., 360 Collins Street

TOKyO, JAPAN Andrews & George Co., Inc., Central P. O. Box F-23

LONDON The Dorr Company, Ltd,

Abford House, Wilon Rd„ S.W.I

BERLIN Dorr Gesellschaft m. b. H.

Kielganstr.l W.(52

PARIS Societe Dorr et Cic

26 Rue de la Pepiniere


Locarno House.

When Patronizing Advertisers Please Mention Colorado School of Mines Magazine


c y W A G A Z I N E Twenty-five cents a copy

Copyrighted 1930 Colorado School of Mines Alumni Association One dollar and a half a year

V O L . X X M A Y , 1930 No. 5


1928-1929 CHARLES J. ADAMI, '99, Prsident H U G H A. STEWART,'12, Vice President C. LORIMER COLBURN, '07, Secretary A L L E N E. CRAIG, '14, Treasurer FRED C. CARSTARPHEN, '05 WILLIAM F. KOCH, 'II GEORGE H. ROLL, '19,










J. L. EMRICH, '12, Advisor WILLIAM P. SIMPSON, 'OI. Advisor FRANK C. BOWMAN, 'OI, Advisor
















Published every month in the year by the Colorado School of Mines Alumni Association. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Golden, Colorado. Address all correspond­ence, including, checks, drafts, and money orders, to C. Lorimer Colburn, Secretary, Colorado School of Mines Alumni Association, C. A. Johnson Building, 509 Seventeenth Street, Denver, Colorado.



O. C. KINNEY, '30 -

E. E. T H U M , '05



Advertising Representative

Contributing Editor

Contributing Editor




E. E. T H U M , '06

Tulsa Section

Southern California

New York Section


Editorial and Comment Foundation Page Director Scott Turner— Another Class of Young Engineers-Commencement Program ,

13 14 15 15 16 18

Notes on World Progress in Mining 21 Mining Copper at Braden 24 Principles of Hydrometallurgy and Electrodeposition of the

Metals— III—• Chapter on Roasting Concluded

The Petroleum Geologists' Meeting _.

Microscopic Examination of Ore Samples.. Mines Athletics on Upward Trend

Immigration Laws Affect Mines Man. Campus Topics Athletics

26 29 32 34 36 37 38 39

Advertising Hastens Economic Recovery 40 What Colorado Mining Needs 1 41

News from the Chapters-Personal Notes Engagements, Weddings and Births..


COLORADO — Chas. O. Parker, President, J. E. Norman, Secretary.

GREAT LAKES — A . L. Lynne, President, 100 North La Salle St., Chicago. Morton Frank, Secretary, 4538 Drexel Ave., Chicago.

H O U S T O N —Chas. H . Stewart, President, Houston, Texas. George Donald M. Davis, Secretary, 1107 Eagle Ave., Houston, Texas.

LEAD BELT—E. L. Bilheimer, '22, President, Rivermines, Mo. C. D. Frobes, '24, Secretary, Rivermines, Mo.

MONTANA — A . S. Richardson, President, 1238 West Granite Street, Butte, Montana. C. E. Calvert, Secretary-Treasurer, 1008 West Prophyry Street, Butte, Montana.

MONTERREY —Fidel C. Martinez, '13, President, Aptd. 347, Monterrey, N . L., Mexico; Pablo M. Sada, '29, Secretary-Treasurer, Aptd. loi, Mon­terrey, N . L., Mexico.

NEVADA WHITE PINE—Walter S. Larsh, President. W. F. Jones, Secretary.

NEW YORK—Harry J. Wolf, Presi-dent, 42 Broadway, New York City, Frank A. Downes, Secretary, 247 Park Avenue, New York City.

ROCK SPRINGS—James L. Libby, President, J. E. Edgeworth, Sec­retary, Rock Springs, Wyoming.

SAN FRANCISCO—Clyde M. Eye, President and Secretary, 1107 Ho-bart Building.

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA—Ward Blackburn, President, 1460 E. 4th Street, Los Angeles. William F. Dugan, Secretary, 416 West 8th Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

OKLAHOMA—G. V. Dunn, Presi­dent, 2334 E. 13th Place, Tulsa. M. Edward Chapman, Secretary, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Weekly luncheon, Fri­days, at Bishop's on Third Street.

UTAH—W. F. Koch, President, 573 East Second South Street, Salt Lake City. Otto Herres, Secretary, United States Fuel Co., Box 1699, Salt Lake City.

W E S T E R N PENNSYLVANIA— Pierce E. Barker, Secretary, 527 So. Braddock St., Pittsburgh, Pa.

WYOMING—Dudley L. Rankin, President, Midwest Refining Co., Midwest, Wyoming. E. W. Ginet, Secretary, 139 N . Grant St., Casper, Wyoming.

Page Ele<ven

Page 7: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

M A Y 1930 The Colorado School of Mines Maga%_ine

Another Commencement

E' X E R C I S E S of the fifty-sixth commencement / w i l l be held at the Colorado School of Mines,

M a y 16. Over sixty degrees w i l l be conferred, bring­ing the number of Mines graduates up to a figure slightly over 1,600. N o other mineral industries school in this country has graduated so many )'oung men.

This is the Commencement number of the Maga­zine. M a y it be worthy of the Class of 1930 in whose honor it is issued. The Colorado School of Mines A l u m n i w i l l welcome each member into their ranks.

Specialization ?

PR O F . R O B E R T L . D A U G H E R T Y of the Ca l i ­fornia Institute of Technology spoke to the engi­

neering students of Colorado Agricul tura l College, Engineers' Day, A'larch 27. Professor Daugherty said that the engineer must have a broad cultural background in order to fit h im for his proper rank in society. H e declared that the day when the engineer was considered a roughneck has passed.

Professor Daugherty advises young men to master the fundamentals rather than specialize. A¥e do not believe such advice wi l l apply to all engineering. M i n i n g engineers as well as geologists, metallurgists, and petroleum engineers must undergo a great deal of specialized training. N o engineering courses are more exacting, perhaps, than those which prepare engineers for the mineral industries. Fundamentals must be mastered. Engineers in the mineral indus­tries must have a working knowledge of electrical, mechanical, and civi l engineering. They must be well grounded in chemistry, physics, mathematics and other basic subjects. But these things alone cannot produce a metallurgist or a geologist—A great deal of specialized knowledge is necessary.

So much is rec[uired in the mineral industries courses that it is an impossibility to include a large number of cultural subjects.

The plan of g iv ing pre-engineering work in the arts and sciences school does not work out well for mineral industries training. This is illustrated in the fa l l ing off of enrollment in the schools where such a plan has been in operation. W e have said before that the cart seems hitched before the horse. Cultural training should fol low such engineering-courses as mining, metallurgy, petroleum and geology, and should be taken along with highly specialized, graduate work in engineering.

Mines' Advantage

CO M M E N C E M E N T for many young college men means the beginning of a period of un­

certainty. M e n who leave a professional school such as Mines, usually leave with the knowledge that jobs are awaiting them. Most of the Mines graduates have located their jobs long before their senior 3'ear was completed.

There is a demand for technically trained men. A'leeting the practical side of l i fe is not a matter of uncertainty for them as it sometimes is for graduates of a college of arts and sciences. Mines men are trained for the practical. F o r this reason they are not worried much over earning a l iv ing. Almost every one of them steps out of the class room into a good job.

Esprit de Corps

TH I S foreign expression is simply the French ver­sion of "Mines Spiri t" . A n d what is "Mines

Spir i t" ? It is like electricit}' in that it is A^erj'- hard to define it definitely, but very easy to note how it acts. The man who possesses it is proud to admit that he is an alumnus of the Colorado School of Mines, and he is generally wi l l ing to do his part in helping build up the name and reputation of his A l m a Mater. Without "Mines Spir i t" , the Colo­rado School of Mines would not be what it is today, as one of the front ranking mining schools in the world, wi th its graduates favorably known in the four corners of the earth.

"Mines Spir i t" may not be quite as intoxicating as other kinds of "spirits", and certainly it is not un­lawful . I f you have any "Mines Spir i t" , do not keep it locked up in your cellar; display it so that ever)'one can note it.

A l u m n i Banquets and Commencement Days are both big helps in fostering "Mines Spiri t" . The wise old Doctor Johnson is credited with the saying: "S i r , a man should keep his friendships in good re­pair." H e was undoubtedly right, because without friends, this world would be a sorry place to live in. Likewise, without "Mines Spir i t" , the golden mem­ories of student days long past, would rapidly fade with advancing )^ears. A s one goes about the world on his own business, he may forget that the old school still remains in Golden and is interested in him. "Mines Spir i t" helps him remember. Do your bit to make it still bigg-er and better.

—FitzGerald, '10.

Paffe Twelve

The Colorado School of Mines M A Y 1930


DR. M, F. C O O L B A U G H President, Colorado School


Supt. Emeritus Denver Public Schools.

MAX W. BALL, '08 C o n s u l t i n g Petroleum

Geologist, Denver, Colo. JESSE F. MCDONALD, 'OS

President, C a r b o n a t e A m e r i c a n National Bank, Leadville, Colo.

WILLIAM D. W A L T M A N , [99 V.-Pres., Franco-Wyoming

Oil Co., SSl-Sth Ave., New York, N . Y.


FOUNDATION Established by the Colorado School of Mines Alumni Association, M a y 17,1928.

The Purpose of the Foun­dation is to advance the engineering p r o f e s s i o n through the Colorado School of Mines; to provide a regu­lar channel through which gifts, bequests iind other donations may be made available; make possible the employment of the best teachers, the production of the best research and the provision for more adequate buildings and eauioment.

MA Y 1930 marks one year since the first annual meeting of the Colorado School of Mines

Foundation. Some progress has been made in the two years that the Foundation plan has been in opera­tion. The actual number of dollars contributed toward an endowment for the School is not a pre­tentious fi.gure, it is true, but a great deal has been accomplished in the way of making known to the friends of Mines the existence of a regular channel througli which their gif ts to the School may be regu­larly administered.

N o organized drive has been made to raise money for the Foundation fund among the A l u m n i . The Local Sections have acted, and amounts have been pledged in the name of these Sections. Individual members of the Association have been reminded by let­ters of the existence of the Foundation plan, and many have made contributions ranging- f rom one g i f t of a thousand dollars to numer­ous donations of five dol­lars and under. These con­tributions made b) A l u m n i members in the absence of a high pressure campaign, indicate that the Associa­tion is thorouglily sold on its own project.

O f greater importance than A l u m n i gifts now, is the enhtusiasm of the members in g iv ing publicity to the Foundation. There are man)^ men who are in a position to make large donations to the Colorado School of Mines—men who are actually seeking some worthy object of such a donation. Every day some generous individual wi th wealth gives money to an American college because he wishes to feel that he has contributed something to civilization.

S E C O m M E E T i m of F O m D ^ ^ T l O l i

O l h e r Commencemenl Events

M m j 15

Jinmdl BmOMEr — Universily Cluh, 1673 Sherman Slreel, Denver, al 6:30 o'clock.

.ATinUAh MEETinQ—Universily Cluh, follow­ing Ihe Banquet Election oj officers and olher business.

C. S. m. FOUTlDinriOn—Second annual busi­ness meeling will he held immedialely follow­ing Ihe Alumni meeling.


COmmEnCEmEJir e x e r c i s e s —Quggen-heim Hall al 10:30 A . M. Commencemenl speaker: ScoU Turner, Director of Ihe Uniled Stales Bureau of Mines. Presentation of de­grees and reserve officers' commissions.

mFORTnAl LUnCHEOn —Berrimoor Hotel, Qolden, al noon.

JUniOR PROm—Quggenheim Hall, al 9:00 o'clock.

This is an age in which great progress has been made through the use of metals. Surely the greatest contribution to further progress is one that w i l l en­courage greater knowledge of the use of these metals, greater economy in their extraction and greater efficiency in refining them! Colorado School of Mines graduates should not hesitate to leave this thought with their influential friends who may be seeking an opportunity to help promote the well-being

of all men. The fo l lowing is given as

an example of what suc­cessful men in the mineral industries are anxious to do. Daniel C. Jackling, President of the U t a h Cop­per Company, has made provision for the establish­ment at the Missour i School of Mines and Metal ­lurgy of the Jackling Fund which wi l l amount to $600,000. M r . Jackling is an Alumnus of the Missour i school, but his g i f t was prompted less by his desire to do something for his A l m a Mater than by his wish to assist in the ad­vancement of the arts and sciences pertaining to the mineral industries. M r . Jackling's aim expressed in his own words is this: " T o further the prosperity

of the mining and metallurgical industry by means of education in the arts and sciences pertaining to this industry." Folloiving this statement is one ex­pressing a desire to make the Missour i School of Mines one of the leading factors for engineering edu­cation in this country and abroad. Thus his aim to promote mining engineering is greater than the desire to build A l m a Mater. Other successful men in the mineral industries have made similar gifts.

Page 8: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO


he will address the senior class

The Colorado School, of Mines M A Y 1930

Another Class of TH E Class of 1930 is one of the finest groups of j^oung

men ever graduated f rom the Colorado School of Mines . It is a we l l halanced class. In it are scholarship men, out­standing athletes and men active in a l l campus activities. T h e y are expected to go far in their chosen profession.

F o r some the years spent at M i n e s have been nothing more than four j^ears of hard labor. These are few, and so it is that the great majori ty of the Seniors w i l l look back, and realize that the grind was not a l l . T h e y are near "the end of the t ra i l . " M e m o r y keeps ferreting out ex­periences of these four years. Some may not be pleasant to reflect upon, but a balanced existence demands a mixture of the good and the bad, and the pleasant wi th the un­pleasant.

Sixty-three j 'oung engineers, and every single one a man to be proud of. T h e School of Mines is proud of them— and the O l d Grads, and the Schools' friends a l l . T h e mineral industries w i l l receive these men and, though they do not know them now, w i l l in time learn to be proud of them too.

In introducing this Class of 1930 may we present first, L a w t o n Conger, popularly known on the Campus as "Sock"—or more intimately, " H a n k " . Conger is the presi­dent of the student body and one of the most popular men in his class. Next , we present W i l l i a m W a l l i s , known to everyone as just plain " B i l l . " B i l l is the president of the Class of 1930. H e has been a Vars i ty football regular for three 5Tars, and his loss w i l l be felt by the team.

W e have, now, the honor of introducing the past foot­ball captain, a Senior whose name w i l l be famil iar to a l l . It is F loyd Car r . A n d Floyd's nickname is none other than "Oscah." A s baseball stars we present Frederico Videgary and W i l l i a m Emerson Pugh. " V i d y " has been a catcher for four years, and " B i l l , " besides having grown a f u l l sized beard, stops the flies out in right field.

" P i n k y " Playter and Parke Orlando Yings t are intro­duced as men who have been popularly acclaimed by al l the members of the student body. "Barney" Bench, and " K e n " Bowie are presented to you as the Mine r s ' cheer leaders "a les modes".

A n d now, meet " M i k e " Merce r and " F u z z y " K e r r . Both have remained out of school at various times, but they drif ted back for their diplomas. Sanderson and Kinney are introduced as newspaper men par excellence. These two have watched over the destiny of the Oredigger dur­ing the past year.

M a x Scheble and Page M o r r i s are presented as good fellows, and the fo l lowing a l l as class athletes: Hastings, footba l l ; Smith, baseball; Gernert , basketball; Patten, footbal l ; Say, footbal l ; Wheeler, basketball; Ma t t e l , foot­b a l l ; Gr i swo ld , footbal l ; Manhar t , footbal l ; Johns, foot­ball .

W e now introduce two scholars. T h e i r averages are about as high as the Registrar ever records. T h e y are Le land J . Beckham and S. J . Artese. H a r r y W . Chinn is also one of the scholars of the Class. John Pu rdum has high marks, too; and so has V a n der Vee r—Both are married, and perhaps that accounts fo r it.

In introducing " T e x " Stanfield, we are at a loss as to where to place him, for he is an a l l round, dern good fe l ­low. Mee t Kincade and Pulver who have distinguished themselves as athletic managers. Next we present " D o n " F a l l and " B o b " Gibson, fellows we l l met. R . C . W i l l i a m s

Young Engineers will be Graduated

introducing the members of the class of 1930

greets you wi th his accustomed smile, and Renf ro is noted for his smile, too. " T e x " Brooks is more serious, never­theless his greeting is f u l l of good cheer. There's another scholar for yow.

W e now present L . C . B r o w n , Vernon Peterson, and M i l t o n Wol te r s who al l have their particular niche in the 1930 Class hal l . Mee t " E d " T u l l i s , president of the M i n e s Christ ian Association. Three others greet you: Sydney Briscoe, J . B . Ferguson, and John Garbel la .

There are so many left that limited space makes it necessary to introduce them in one large group. Here we have the backbone of the Class: B e l l , Fleischman, K n u t -sen. Sharp, D e Lat t , Kathe, H o w e l l , Lyons, Lebsch, Pu r -cell, Schilthusis, Strong, Tryansky, M a x w e l l , M c l n t y r e , J . B . Saunders, and Seward W o o d . A l l but two of these men are Reserve oflicers in the Uni ted States A r m y .

A n d now, A l u m n i , you have met the members of the Class of 1930. Whenever circumstance brings you in con­tact wi th any of them, offer j^our hand in Good O l d M i n e s fellowship.

c o m m E n c E m E T i T P R o q R A m

( T f O

Selections from Wi l l i am Tel l Rosini

Colorado School o£ Mines Band

Invocation REV. H X J G H L. M C M E N A M I N

Commencement Address SCOTT T U R N E R

Director United States Bureau of Mines Two selections by the C. S. M . Quartette:

"The Long Day Closes" Sullivan "Dunna" McGill-Slater

Francis Carruthers, Truman Reese, Otis Miller and George Davidson.

Presentation of the Class of 1930. PRES. M . F. C O O L B A U G H

Address DR. W I L L I A M H . S M I L E Y

President of the Board of Trustees.

Conferring of degrees PRES. M . F. C O O L B A U G H

Presentation of commissions, Corps of Engineers, U . S. Army U . S. A . , to R. O . T . C. graduates.


Assistant Chief of Staff, 103rd Division.

Presentation of the Colorado Engineering Council

Medal C H A R L E S W. H E N D E R S O N

Awarding of prizes D E A N JESSE R. M O R G A N

Conferring of honorary degrees. . PRES. M . F. C O O L B A U G H

Benediction REV. H U G H L. M C M E N A M I N

Page 9: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

M A Y 1930 The Colorado School of Mines Magax_in

"Microscopic Examinat ion of Ore Samples

samples from the Pinar Del Rio copper region of Cuba

B y H . J . V A N DER V E E R , '30

TH E history of development of the P inar del R i o Copper Region of Cuha has been we l l covered in a re

port by Richard H . V a i l appearing in the Novem­ber 25, 1916, issue of the Engineering and M i n ­ing Journal . T h e fo l lowing general facts have been taken f rom that report.

In the Pinar del R i o Copper Region, the M i n a s de Matahambre, S. A . property is the only property which produced much copper to the year 1916. T h i s property includes an area of 710 hectares (1775 acres). T h e mine proper is located in the foothills on the western side of the Sierra at an altitude of less than 500 feet and only about 8 km. f rom the port of Santa Luc ia .

T h e presence of copper on the Island was first noticed by a hunter in 1913 who took shelter du r ing a storm under an over-hanging ledge in a gulch. Not ic ing a peculiar looking rock, he took some specimens more out of curiosity than for any other reason. T h e


FIGURE 1—Surface sample—highly fractured. Circle on right shows surface oxidation as seen under microscope. Cu, cuprite; C, chalcopyrite; M, malachite; 0, quartz gangue.

specimens attracted attention in P inar del R io and led to the dis­covery of the Matahambre mine,

T h e ore bodies so far dis­closed occur in the shattered slates and shales in the foothills to the west of the Sierras. T h e ore in the Matahambre mine con­tains native copper and almost every common mineral including oxides and sulphides. T h e ore bodies

FIGURE 2—Section of sample from second h'vel—Sample No. 2. Circle on left

shows ore intergrowths as found. P, pyrite; C and Chal, chalcopyrite; G,

galena; Sph, sphalerite; Q, quartz.

dip at an angle of 45 degrees and the ore occurs chiefly as




Although the history of this dis­trict has been published, this is, so far

as known to the writer, the first article deal­ing wi th the microscopic examination of the ores f rom the Matahambre M i n e . T h e examinations were conducted in the petrographic laboratory at the Colorado School of M i n e s by O . L . Cook and the writer, both members of this year's Senior Class. T h e work was done under the direction of Prof . W . A . Waldschmidt of the geology department. Fou r of the samples examined are reported upon in detail.

R E P O R T O N S A M P L E N O . 1

Sample N o . 1 as examined shows typical surface or near surface characteristics. (Figure 1) . T h e ore occurs in fractured quartz, the fracture planes being stained green. Disseminated throughout the sample, cuprite may be noticed in small isolated groups replaced by malachite at its outer edges.

T h e microscopic examination shows small rounded to irregular grains of primary chalcopyrite now forming the nucleus for the cuprite and the malachite. T h e cuprite

( F i g . 1, circle) replacing the chalcopyrite shows a deep red internal reflection under direct light. T h e

secondary malachite is replacing the cuprite and fills a l l the cracks and crevices in the quartz


Conclusions: ( 1 ) . In the sample the chalcopyrite is the onl)' primary ore mineral present: malachite and cuprite are secondary minerals developed in the oxidized zone.

( 2 ) . T h e malachite f i l l i ng the cracks would lead to the supposition that a zone of secondary enrichment would be found at lower depths.

R E P O R T O N S A M P L E N O . 2

T h i s sample taken f rom the second level of the

" M o n o M i n e " shows marcasite and pyrite in fa i r ly

The Colorado School of Mines Ma ga line M A Y 1930


M ^ 7 Pr C w U> FIGURE 3—Section of Diamond Drill Coi Sample No. 3, showing findings of megascopic examination. Circle shows ore associations as seen with the microscope. P, pyrite C, chalcopyrite; M, marcasite; Q, quartz gangue; Sph, sphalerite; G, galena.

small irregular grains penetrating the quartz gangue. (Figure 2 ) . Sphalerite occurs in minor quan­tities throughout the hand speci­men. In a large cross fracture there can be observed an isolated band of galena wi th a smaller amount of sphalerite being associated wi th it.

In the microscopic study of sections of the above mentioned specimen, sphalerite was found to be the chief ore mineral present and occurs in the largest quantities in the quartz gangue ( F i g . 2, circle) . T h e pyrite occurs as roughly rounded grains in the sphaler­ite. T h e chalcopyrite fil ls the cracks and fissures which can be observed piercing the sphalerite masses. T h i s in­dicates that the chalcopyrite is of later deposition than the sphalerite. T h e galena, of later deposition than any of the minerals named above, occurs in only one part of the section, fo l lowing roughly a fissure cutting across the first fissure and crevice S3'stem. T h e chalcopj^rite occurs in the galena as we l l rounded grains.

Conclusions: ( 1 ) . T h e minerals occurring in this specimen are all of primary origin.

(2) . T h e order of deposition of the ore minerals in the quartz gangue is (a) py^rite, (b) sphalerite, (c) chalcopyrite, and (d) galena.

(3) . F r o m the evidence furnished by the microscopic examination two separate periods of fissuring appear to have taken place. Chalcopyrite was deposited in the first series of fissures while galena, the last ore mineral to be formed, was deposited in the cross fissures.

R E P O R T O N S A M P L E N O . 3

T h i s sample was taken f rom a diamond d r i l l core f rom the " M o n o M i n e " between the depths of 400 and 500 feet. T h e ore minerals occurring in the sample are strikingly fine and uni form as to size of grain. (Figure 3 ) . A band of pyrite passes across the sample. T o one side of the pyrite band there appears to be a con­centration of galena. T h e pyrite band is fractured and the galena fills the fractures radiating f rom the concentrated mass. T h e marcasite present is associated wi th the pj'rite and gangue. T h e banded structure as noticed in the hand specimen would lead to the conclusion that the deposition of galena and marcasite occurred chiefly along planes of weakness or fracture planes in the pyrite.

T h e microscopic study of the specimen shows small rounded grains and some perfect crystals of pyrite in a marcasite ground mass ( F i g . 3, c i rc le) . T h i s alone would tend to show that the pyrite was deposited before the marcasite. Rounded masses of sphalerite occur in the galena concentrations. T h e sphalerite contains chalcopyrite blebs. T h e marcasite ciystals show a peculiar curved structure which is characteristic of marcasite crystallization.

Conclnsions: ( 1 ) . A l l of the minerals present in the sample are of primary deposition wi th the possible excep­tion of marcasite.

( 2 ) . T h e order of mineral deposition is (a) pyrite, (b) marcasite, (c) chalcopyrite, (d) sphalerite and

(e) galena. ( 3 ) . T h e chalcopyrite occurring as blebs in

the sphalerite closely associated wi th pyrite is indicative of being a replacement ore mineral.

( 4 ) . T h e ore body was highly fractured after pyrite deposition and marcasite was deposited in fractures f rom cool acid solu­tions. A study of the polished section shows a reoccurrence of hot solutions f rom which

chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena were deposited.

R E P O R T O N S A M P L E N O . 4

Sample N o . 4 was taken f rom Shaft N o . 1, close to the 14th level of the mine. T h i s is about

900 feet below the surface. T h e sample (Figure 4) as examined megascopically appears to consist largely of

pyrite and chalcopyrite. T h e gangue which appears in lesser quantities than in the other samples examined is, in this case, metamorphosed shale.

Under the microscope the chalcopyrite was noticed as the predominating ore mineral ( F i g . 4, circle) . T h e chalco-

FIGURE 4 —Section of Sample No. +, studied megascopically. Circle shows associations

as studied with microscope. P, pyrite; Cha, chalcopyrite; Sph, sphalerite.

pyrite can be seen replacing the pyrite. T h e pyrite occurs as w e l l rounded and irregular grains in the chalcopyrite mass. L i t t l e veinlets of sphalerite cut the chalcopyrite mass. Sphalerite as

seen in this section is present in smaller quantities than in those

sections f rom samples taken closer to the surface. Another period of

fracturing allowed galena to be de-

(Continued on page 28)

Page Seventeen

Page 10: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

M A Y 1930 The Colorado School of M.ine s M.a ga-z^tne

Johnston Says Mines Athletics on Upward Trend B5' D A V E C . J O H N S T O N

U S U A L L Y remarks about an athletic season where championships are not won are a hard task. Some­

how, this time it is not so hard. W e are on the threshold of decided and definite improvement in athletics at Mines . T h e difficult thing for me to see, is how a fair measure of success cotdd hold off so long. Nevertheless it has held off, and those of us closely' connected Avith athletics have experienced many moments of bitterness which make gray hairs grow in times of defeat and failure.


I have seen football teams f rom the larger schools pour through our line like a herd of cattle running through the corral gate—but they did not do it last f a l l . F o r the lack of a big plunging f u l l back and some good officiating, we suffered three or four close defeats which should have been victories. W e had the plunger in school but he was in­eligible. H e might not have been down in school work in the class rooms of some of our opponents. There is noth­ing We can do about it when officials make errors that cost the game. T h a t very thing happened three different Saturdays last season. But even-officiating is improving. M o s t of the officials now in the conference are new at it, and they are a l l going to school one night a week so a l l who are w i l l i n g to learn are being "educated."

T h e worst defeat we had in football was 13 to 0. W e lost five games and only won two, but in three of the five lost, our opponents were plenty lucky to w i n . D . U . won 7 to 0 the first game. T h e i r defense and weight were too much for us; however, I believe that if the men

had f o l l o w e d Coach ' - ,-. S - , - -Al len ' s instructions mori ' closelj', we should have at least tied the score. T h e game was we l l officiated. Next , Aggies won 12-0 in a Well officiated game. W e had no chance to w i n that one, even if one of our ends did drop a pass when he was over the goal line, standing st i l l , and

a review of the season

no one near him. But against Colorado U , 13-9; Teachers 16-13, and Colorado College 13-0, lady luck and ,officials' errors actually won the games for those three teams, believe it or not. T h a t can't keep up forever, according to my figures.

O u r team was good on defense and rather under de-, veloped on offense. W e , tackled we l l and blocked we l l . O u r plays could have been called better. (Hind-sight of course is better than fore-sight). Some of you alumni no doubt observed that our team often tried to use speed and fast running plaj's to score, rather than the old standby, hit the line low and hard. T h e latter was Coach Al len ' s in­structions'^ to be used near the opponents goal line. O u r speed merchant, Car r , made many long runs against con­ference teams. A t the N e w Years ' day game against the N o r t h Centra l Conference team, he could not gain but once behind the poor interference which the Rocky M o u n ­tain team afforded him. T h i s shows that Mines had fa i r ly good blocking.

W e lose the bril l iant Carr , and Dickey, our dependable interferer f rom the back f ie ld ; Barney, end, W a l l i s , tackle, Say, guard and Bob Hastings, guard, a l l first string men, by graduation. I wish to comment on these men. C a r r is the fastest man in a football suit that I have ever seen. Especially for less than fifty yards, and where he has

T/ie team in action. Captain Carr, above, running the ends. Dickey, on left, stopping an Aggie hack.

plenty of room to run. Dickey has wonderfu l spirit and courage. Last season he sacrificed individual honors to better the team work. Bob Hastings was the surprise of the line. Beginning as tackle he found himself in the middle of the season at a guard position, and what a guard! H e ran first class interference .and plaj'ed bang up de­fensive football . T h e other three named were plenty good. H o w many more we shall lose by the flunking axe, no one knows.

W e shall gain M a r t i n , Spiers and Woodburn , guards f rom the 1928 team. W h a t makes me feel so good is the wealth of line material we shall have. A scarcity of line-

Page Eighteen

The Colorado School of M i n e s M a g a z i n e M A Y 1930


The 1929 Football Squad

men has been our weakness in late years. A n d read this: W e had 35 men out a l l season this year! T h e y were a l l good men too. Competition is the l i fe of trade in building a football team. M o s t years we have had about 18 men the last week of the season. O u r large squad gave more men rest when they were tired, so as a result, we had fewer injuries than usual, and our team was in good condition to the end of the season.

In the center of our line we w i l l have next year: M c C I a v e , Bu r r e l l , Pressett, Barker, M a r t i n , Spiers, Pu tz , Bernhardt and Johnson, a l l good men. Tackles : Michae l -son, Preston, Adams, Robison, V o l k and T r u m b u l l , a l l big and strong. Ends : T r u e and Burke, letter men. Backs: Bond, Peaker, Rice, Eads, Bonnett and Carruthers who are lettermen. I expect good things f rom such a promising group.

O u r faculty is a group of red blooded men, as a whole, and they are human enough to realize that graduates of the School should be balanced men who can stand on their own legs, physically speaking, and not just the research type. O u r faculty is not jealous of athletics as some college pro­fessors are. President Coolbaugh has a wholesome and

active interest in good sport. These men realized that eligibility requirements in a l l schools of the conference should be more nearly on a par so they cut down our requirements to 30 credit hours, or a weekly 10 hour lec­ture basis. T h i s w i l l ease matters considerably. There is a definite move back East, among college professors and non athletic students, to suppress athletics, where football is so big that schools do not know just what to do wi th it. T h e y have warned faculty men here in this region to k i l l it. " O v e r emphasis" is the expression used. W e l l , if there is any over emphasis at M i n e s where we have been in such a slump that we only average one football victory per year and where the football coach has been getting about half the salary that a professor gets and also where we have inter-collegiate competition in only three sports, I don't know what over emphasis means!

O u r coaching w i l l he basically improved wi th the head Footbal l coach George A l l e n as the new director of ath­letics. T h i s school is too small to have an administrative head of an athletic department wi th only four men in it. A l l e n is a good young coach and is developing into a better one every year. D i c k Moles and D r . Fletcher w i l l assist him in the department's work.

The 1930 Basketball Squad

Paae Nineteen

Page 11: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

M A Y 1930 The C 0 t or a do School of M i n e s M a gamine


W e just were not there in hasketball. W e won the first game f rom Aggies but could not deliver after that. College hasketball must have ready made players, boys brought up wi th the game. These we do not have this year. But it must be said that our boys played their best a l l the time and practiced every day. It is not easy to criticize a boy who gives the best that is in him. Coaches Mole s and Hinds tried every combination they could think of but defeat was a l l we got. Next year, we must have two or three good freshmen to bolster up the team.


A t this wri t ing, we stand third in the percentage column in baseball wi th two lost to the strong D . U . team, one w i n f rom Teachers, and two f rom Aggies. T h e double victory over Aggies was particularly sweet. In the second game four seniors were gone on the senior trip, and ytt we won. W e were not exactly overwhelmed by D . U . W e generally lose our baseball games when we do, by fielding errors. O u r team is a good hitting outfit and we have one good pitcher in K e n Dickey. Fernald, a Freshman playing short stop shows the way wi th a big fat batting average and he fields like a mi l l ion dollars. Coach H inds has his team we l l organized.


Intramural Sports continue to improve creating more interest and developing more men physically. T h i s depart­ment wi th gym classes in which interesting games are played by al l Frosh and Sophomores do the most in develop­ing of the weaker boys.

T h e fo l lowing summary which appears in this year's Prospector shows the attitude of the M i n e r s toward ath­letics :

"Collegiate football was introduced into this region by the Colorado School of Mines , more than thirty years ago, and interest in athletics in the Rocky M o u n t a i n Conference once centered around the School of M i n e s ' teams. Today the name ' M i n e s ' conjures up visions of a scrappy lot. U n ­favorable conditions may have forced Mines to relinquish her supremacy of old, but nothing can erase f rom her tra­ditions the romance of the days when the Husky Mine r s were undisputed champions.

" T h e importance of -wholesome athletics in college l i fe can not be overlooked. T h e value of competitive sports in


"Bill" Pugh and "Fuzzy" Kerr, two seniors who have won honors on ihe Baseball field. "Bill" was Captain of the 1930 Team.

the preparation for business l i fe should not be under­estimated. Self control, confidence, self discipline, loyalty, coordination of mind and muscle, a l l are lessons seldom found in text books. Competitive sports help develop the strength of body and the character essential to the ultimate success of an engineer. Manliness and other qualities cul­tivated through participation in athletics are characteristics of the typical M i n e r . F o r this reason, perhaps, inter­collegiate and intramural athletics have become a vi ta l part of tlie college l i fe here. Al though the student body is unlimited the spirit manifested is without bounds, and that which stands out above al l is the intangible thing called " M i n e s Spir i t" . It is a certain indefinable something which has ever been characteristic of the Orediggers. A casual observer of activities here w i l l be impressed wi th this spirit, which has won for Mines the wholesome respect of a l l her opponents.

" I n later l ife this spirit should carry the Mines M a n over many an obstacle to that success which by right belongs to him who goes into battle wi th that irresistible determina­tion to w i n in the face of great odds."

The Barb Team Which Won the 1930 Intramural Basketball Championship Left io right: Fenwick, Briscoe, Kenworthy, Hylton, Elliott and Goldman

Page Twenty

The Colorado School of M i n e s M a gamine M A Y 1933

Notes on World Progress m Mining B y J A C K P . B O N A R D I , ' 2 I t

A n y report on the develop­ments in the mining industry throughout the wor ld must include so much that, in order to fit into a magazine article of reasonable length, it is necessary to condense almost to the point of giving bare data. There is little oppor­tunity left for detailed exposi­tion. T h a t which follows can by no means be considered an exhaustive, or even a f u l l treatment, of the subject.

JACK P. BONARDI, '21 Three factors, which have effected economy and brought

about an increase in production figures, are to be con­sidered; (1) process developments, (2) new applications of flotation, and (3) equipment development.


Segregation Process for copper developed by the M i n e r a l Separation company of London for treating oxidized copper ores of Nor thern Rhodesia, in brief, is as fo l lows; Ore first broken to 2 m m ; charged into cylindrical heaters of the rotary k i ln type and heated to between 650° and 700° C ; next passed to a similar rotary k i ln termed "Reaction K i l n " where to the heated ore coming f rom the first k i ln there is mixed 1 per cent to 2 per cent carbon (charcoal, coal or coke) and % per cent salt. F r o m this second k i ln , it is passed to a third k i ln for cooling. T h e carbonaceous matter plus any attached coating of metallic copper, as we l l as the free metallic globules of copper formed in the re­action chamber after the cooling stage, is floated f rom the gangue matter in the regular manner.

A pilot plant is now being built at the N ' C h a n g a prop­erty wi th the object of proving up this process on a semi-commercial scale for subsequent incorporation of same in the building of a 5,000-ton concentrator, wi th a further possibility of extending the process for treating other oxi­dized copper ores as found in A f r i c a or elsewhere or to replace the ammonia and acid leaching processes now in use.

The Bagdad Process developed by the Bagdad Copper company. Hi l l s ide , Nevada ; Flotat ion of copper sulphides is carried out in the regular manner, after which the con­centrates are roasted, leached and copper recovered by the electrolj'tic process. T h i s process appears at present to be the only possible r ival of smelting in the treatment of copper concentrates. Lead and precious metals ,would remain in the leached residue.

A 50-ton pilot plant which was used to prove up this process has now been further expanded to about 200 tons per day for final check tests, after which a 5,000-ton plant w i l l be built.

Singinaster, Bryer and Brunce Process for zinc developed by the N e w Jersey Z i n c company:

*—Outline used for address given before the N . Y . Section of Colorado School of j\Iines Alumni Association held at Chemists' Club, January 31, 1930. (Notes revised to date).

t — M i n i n g Engineer, Manager New Yorlc OfBce of the Mine and Smelter Supply Co.)

During Past Year an outline of developments

up to present date

F r o m a vertical furnace, using a briquetted charge of ore, zinc is distilled off continuously.

T w o successful plants are now in continuous operation in the Uni ted States wi th two more reported being built.

JVaelx Process for zinc, controlled in the Uni ted States by the U . S. Steel Corporat ion:

T h i s is a continuous distillation process producing zinc oxide. T h e ore, which must be of non-slagging nature, is mixed wi th about 30 per cent coal or coke and charged into a long revolving kiln-l ike furnace. T h e collected zinc oxide is usually leached and put through an electrolj'tic process.

A t least one, and possibly two, such installations are in operation in the Uni ted States wi th several in Europe.

Electrolytic zinc plants, of either the high-density ( T a i n -ton process) or the ordinary low-density process, which went into operation in 1929, or which are to be completed in 1930, w i l l be responsible for approximately a 50 per cent increase over 1929 electrolytic zinc production figures as contrasted wi th the batch retort process which is gradually declining.


Manganese—Rhodochrosite (Carbonate) ores are being successfully floated in a 300 ton plant ( E m m a M i n e , Domestic Manganese & Development Co. , Butte, M o n ~ tana). Besides this one case, some promising results have been obtained f rom experimental work done on manganese slimed oxide ores, containing pyrolusite, psilomalene and manganite.

Fluorspar—Flotation of fluorspar is now proving a com­mercial success, being carried out in a 50-ton plant at the F r a n k l i n Fluorspar company, Rosiclare, Illinois.

Phosphate—Flotation of phosphate is now a proven suc­cess, being carried out in a 1,000-ton plant of Internation Agr icu l tu ra l Corp. , Mulbe r ry , F lor ida .

Coal—While the flotation of coal is already a demon­strated successful process, it is s t i l l awaiting a large com­mercial installation.

Limestone—The flotation of limestone has given promis­ing results in experimental work.

Bauxite—The flotation of bauxite has given promising results in experimental work.

In the flotation of the non-metallic minerals, as given above, the general reagents as used consist mostly of a combination of reagents made up f rom the fo l lowing items: Sodium Oleate, Ole ic A c i d , Sodium Sulphide, Sodium Silicate, Crude Pine O i l , Petroleum O i l , and Coa l T a r Oi l s .


Development and use of large size Symons Cone crusher. D u r i n g the past year and a half, the 7 f t . Sj'mons Cone crusher has been installed in many of the large concentra-

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M A Y 1930 The Colorado School of Mines Ma e

tors wi th mariced success. T h i s particular size crusher given a large ratio of reduction, coupled wi th a large capacity, (200 tons per hour) reducing 14 in . to 16 in . feed down to five-eights to one-half in . and requiring ap­proximately 250 H . P . In the development of this par­ticular size, much credit is due the Nevada Consolidated Chino plant. Since the introduction of the Sj'mons Cone crusher, two, and sometimes three, crushing stages have been replaced. T h e insertion of this crusher, besides elim­inating a number of stages, has taken considerable burden off coarse rock breakers as we l l as part of the work formerly done by preliminary grinders, such as ball or rod mills .

High Speed Gyratory Crusher. D u r i n g the past year a high speed self-contained motor driven gyratory crusher (Newhouse) has come on the market and is reported as giving splendid results. T h i s particular crusher requires no concrete foundation, being suspended by three cables. T h i s gyratory is noted fo r giving a large capacity output wi th a small amount of horsepower expended. T h e rate of reduction, however, is not as great as wi th the Symons crusher.

Mammoth Size Gyratory. Last year witnessed the con­tinual building of mammoth size gyratories, one manu­facturer having made a 54 in . machine reported to weigh 700,000 pounds wi th a rated capacity of 10,000 tons per day when making a 6 in . product.

Development of Large Size Ball and Rod Mills. D u r ­ing the past year there were introduced to the mining in­dustry several large size ball mills such as 10 f t . 6 in . diameter by 8 f t . long, 10 f t . by 66 in. , 9 f t . 6 in . by 8 ft., 9 f t . 2 in . by 9 ft., and rod mil ls such as 71/2 f t . by 161/2 ft. , 61/2 f t . by^ 151/2 ft., 9 f t . by 12 f t . T h e use of these farge size grinding machines has been found to make for better grinding efficiencies and for less over-all grinding costs over the smaller sizes.

N o grinding machine as used in the mining industry to date, either of the ball or rod m i l l type, requires more than 500 H . P . ( In fact 400 H . P . is practically the l imit used). Contrasted to this is the cement industry where unit machines requiring as much as 1,500 H . P . are in use; it being quite the common thing to use machines requiring 500, 750 and 1,000 H . P . and very rare to use grinding machines of a size that require less than 500 H . P . , es­pecially so where one-stage grinding is practiced—and this is usually the practice, especially in the newer, wet process, cement plants.

Vibrator Tubular Conveyor: D u r i n g the past year an electrically vibrating tubular conveyor ( T r a y l o r Vibra tor Co. , Denver, Colo. ) was introduced which operates f rom any standard alternating current. Being made out of iron and tubular in shape the handling of hot sinters, calcines, roasted ores, chemicals, etc., can be carried out wi th no dust losses. One installation made handles the discharge f rom fire sintering machines and is 80 f t . long, of 26 diameter tubes made in three sections. T h e vibrating mechanism cause the tube to oscillate along its axis at the rate of 3600 (60 cycle) vibrations per minute. T h e amplitude of vibration can be varied by means of a rheostat so as to cause the material inside the tube to travel along its length at speeds varj ' ing f rom zero to 50 f t . per minute.

Improvements made in Grinding Mills. Aside f rom making the ball mills larger, improvements have been made in the internal construction of these machines wi th the ob­ject of obtaining a more violent agitation of the charge, or of increasing the ball action, a l l for the purpose of obtain­ing lower grinding cost. Change has also been made in

the liner construction wi th the,,object of throwing the balls forward, thus not only concentrating the grinding forces, but at the same time keeping the ball mass loose near the grates—or keeping them free f rom any obstruction.

T h e grate type ball m i l l is now being offered by more manufacturers than ever in the past, chiefly because of their demonstrated greater all-round efficiency over the ordinary overflow type of ball mil ls which have no grate.

Grinding Improvements Considerable improvement in grinding during the past

year or so has been brought about by virtue of increasing the grinding m i l l circulation load as w e l l as hy a better understanding and application of the existing D o r r bowl type classifiers. I n some mil ls it has been found that con­siderable increased capacity could be obtained by not only installing larger size classifiers ( in order to increase the circulating load) but by a simple re-arrangement of the existing classifiers as w e l l as substitution of the bowl type in place of the ordinary rake type. In some cases it was found that the flotation feed could be made coarser than formerly, although the mineral constituents received the same or even a finer grind, thus increasing the ball m i l l capacity. T h e use of the bowl type classifier is in the main the principal reason for bringing this about since it can be made to function as a sulphide trap, returning the (coarse) particles to the grinding machine unt i l more com­plete liberation and selective grinding of mineral has taken place.

B y re-arrangement of the grinding machines and classi­fiers, in some cases going to the three stage system, not only greater overall grinding efficiencies have been obtained but it was found that the density of the flotation heading could be increased, hence increasing the capacity of the flotation machines, especially valuable in those cases where thickeners were not already in use.

It is now conceded f rom the results of a l l the study that has been given to the proper application of classifiers that up to a certain point, increasing the circulating load of a bal l m i l l considerably increases capacity.

It has also been found that the introduction of a finer feed to a ball m i l l makes it possible to reduce m i l l barrel speed up to a certain point without affecting capacity and since the m i l l under such condition requires less horse­power, a marked saving in K . W . H . per ton of material ground was effected. Coupled wi th this it was also found that reduced steel consumption was obtained.

Large Size Dorr Boiul Type Classifiers at Miami A t M i a m i there were put into operation six of the

largest D o r r bowl type classifiers ever built, these being 20 f t . wide (Sectuplex-Rakes) about 42 f t . long and equipped wi th a 28 f t . diameter bowl. Each of these classifiers obtain their feed direct f rom the overflow of three different sets of classifiers, as fo l lows: F r o m one de-sliming classifier which handles the ini t ia l 14 in . m i l l feed at each m i l l unit, f rom the two classifiers which operate in partial closed circuit w i th two primary mills, and f rom the two classifiers which operate in closed circuit w i th the two secondary grinding mills . T h e combined feed to the bowl being 3,000 tons per day, size 25 per cent plus 48 mesh, while the overflow f r o m this classifier which is operated in closed circuit w i th a large size ball m i l l (10 f t . 6 in . by 8 f t . ) is 2 per cent plus 48 mesh. Each classifier is now handling in the neighborhood of 5,000 tons of sands per day although they are rated to have a designed sand raking capacity of 6,000 tons per day.

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The Colorado School of Mines Magaz^n M A Y 1930

Besides the tertiary grinding steps referred to above, a further closed circuit grinding step is carried out in each of the six m i l l sections. T h i s step being that of grinding the flotation concentrates taken off of the 15 f t . H u n t cleaner machine, in two 6 f t . by 12 f t . overflow ball-tube mi l l s ; each of these machines doing 400 tons to 96 per cent minus 200 mesh; the fine reground concentrate then being sub­jected to further flotation so as to make a final high grade concentrate.

Development Made in the Akins Type Classifier D u r i n g the past year and a half considerable develop­

ments and improvements 'have been made wi th the also Avell-known Akins Type classifier. Sizes have now been developed that range f rom 16 in . to 96 in . diameter spiral, capable of handling smallest tonnages and maximum capacities of the largest grinding units. Considerable a l l -round improvements were made in construction as we l l as in method of operation. One of the many improved fea­tures being a l i f t i ng device for handling the spiral so the lower end can be l i f ted and dig itself in when starting without the necessity of draining tank.

Development of Large Size Air-Lift Type Flotation Machines

A t the M i a m i Copper company, as mentioned above, six flotation machines 100 f t . long (Hunt -Mat less A i r - L i f t Tjrpe) are in use, each wi th a rated capacity of 3,000 tons per day. A i r at 1% pounds pressure and about 30 C . F . M . per lineal foot of cell is introduced into the bottom along its entire length f rom triangular air chambers located on each side.

Develop7nent of Large Traction Type Dorr Thickeners A t M i a m i , a 325 f t . diameter thickener, having approxi­

mately two acres area, is used for dewatering the entire (18,000 tons) m i l l tailings. It is reported that Braden is now installing a similar unit.

A t M i a m i approximately 2,000 G . P . M . of clear water is reclaimed.

Principal Mill Expansions in 1929-30 Some idea of the progress made in mining throughout

the w o r l d during the past year and the first months of 1930 may be gleaned f rom the fo l lowing table showing the principal m i l l expansions, new concentrators of 250 tons per day and over, and new smelters and refineries.

U N I T E D S T A T E S Bagdad Copper Co., Arizona—Cu—5,000 tons (projected). Christmas Copper Co., Arizona—Cu—400 tons (new '29). New Cornelia Copper Co. (C&A), Arizona—Cu—7,500 tons

(expan.) total 15,000 tons. Nevada Consol. Copper Co. (Ray plant), Arizona—Cu—1,500

tons (expan.) total 14,000 tons. Miami Copper Co., Arizona—Cu—6,000 tons (expan.) total

18,000 tons. Phelps-Dodge Corp. (Old Dominion plant), Arizona—Cu—300

tons (expan.) total 1,600 tons. Phelps-Dodge Corp. (Morenci plant), Arizona—Cu—1,000 tons

(expan.) total 5,000 tons. United Verde Copper Co., Arizona—Cu—800 tons (expan.)

total 2,400 tons. American Smelting & Ref. Co. (Swansea Mine), Arizona—

Cu—250 tons (projected). Hammon Copper Co. Ltd. (Formerly Zonia Copper Co.),

Arizona—Cu—600 tons leaching plant (projected). Verde Central Copper Co., Arizona—Cu—300 tons (new '29). Nevada Consol. Copper Co. (Chino plant). New Mexico—

Cu—2,000 tons (expan.) total 15,000 tons. Nevada Consol. Copper Co. (McGill plant), Nevada—Cu—

3,000 tons (expan.) total 18,000 tons. _ Treadwell-Yukon Mining Co., Nevada—Pb-Zn—300 tons (new

'29). Utah Copper Co., Utah—Cu—20,000 tons (expan.) total 60,000


Internatl. Smelting Co. (Anaconda interest), Utah—^Pb-Zn—• 400 tons (expan.) total 1,500 tons. (2 plants—Sulphide and oxidized ores).

Grandview Mines Co., Oregon—Pb-Zn—250 tons (new '29). St. Joseph Lead Co., Montana—Pb-Zn—400 tons (new '29). Mountain Copper Co., California—Cu—350 tons (reopened). Walker Mining Co. (Anaconda), California—Cu—400 tons

(expan.) total 1,500 tons. Tungsten Corp. of America, California—Tungsten—380 tons

(expan.) total 500 tons. Climax Molybdenum Co., Colorado—Mo—700 tons (expan.)

total 2,000 tons. Empire Zinc Co. (N. J. Zinc Co.), Colorado—Pb-Zn—600 tons

(new). Shenandoah Dives Mining Co., Colorado—Cu-Pb-Precious

Metals—300 tons (new, 1930). Commerce Mining & Royalty Co., Oklahoma—Zn—^new con­

centrator, 1929. Century Zinc Co., Oklahoma—Zn—new concentrator, 1929. Interstate Zinc & Lead Co., Tri-State—Pb-Zn—new concen­

trator, 1929. St. Louis Mining & Smelter Co., Missouri—Pb—new concen­

trator, 1929. Georgia Mang. & Iron Co. (White), Georgia—Mn—250 tons

ore day (new, 1929). Universal Exploration Co. (U. S. Steel), Tennessee—Zn—800

tons (new, 1930). Tennessee Copper Co., Tennessee—Cu—2,400 tons (new

project). Bertha Mineral Co., Virginia—Pb-Zn—1,000 tons (new, late

1928) total 1,500 tons (2 mills). Fontana Copper Mines, North Carolina—Cu—250 tons per

day of smelting grade (reopened). Hy-Grade Mang. Product & Sales Co. (Woodstock), Virginia

—Mn—250 tons ore day (new, 1929). St. Joseph Lead Co., New York—Pb-Zn—500 tons (new, 1930)

total 1,000 tons (2 plants). Bethlehem Steel Co., Pennsylvania—Fe-Cu—2,500 tons

(projected) total 5,000 tons. National Copper Co. (Vermont Copper Co.), Vermont—Cu—

300 tons (reopened, 1929).

C A N A D A International Nickel Co. of Canada, Ltd., Ontario—Ni-Cu-

Precious Metals—8,000 tons (new, 1930). Treadell-Yukon Mining Co. (Sudbury district), Ontario—Pb-

Zn-Cu—300 tons (new, 1929) eventually 2,000 tons. Lake Shore Mines Ltd. (Kirkland Lake district), Ontario—

Gold—750 tons (expan., 1930) total 2,000 tons. Consol. Mng. & Sm. Co. (Sullivan mill), British Columbia—•

Pb-Zn—2,000 tons (expan.) total 6,000 tons. Base Metal Mining Corp., British Columbia—Pb-Zn-Precious

Metals—300 tons (new, 1929). Granby Consol. Mng. & Sm. Co. (AUenby), British Columbia—

Cu—500 tons (expan.) total 2,500 tons. Britannia Mng. & Sm. Co. (Howe Sound Co.), British Colum­

bia—Cu—2,000 tons (expan.) total 6,500 tons. Hudson Bay Mng. & Sm. Co. (Flin-Flon), Manitoba—Zn-Cu—

Precious Metals—3,000 tons (new, 1930). Sherritt-Gordon Mng. Co., Manitoba—Zn-Cu-Precious Metals—•

1,500 tons (new, 1930). Howey Gold Mines Ltd. (Red Lake dist.), Quebec—Precious

Metals—500 tons (new, 1930). Amulet Mines Ltd. (Rouyn dist.), Quebec—Zn-Cu-Precious

Metals—500 tons (new, 1930). Abana Mines Ltd. (Rouyn dist), Quebec—Zn-Cu-Precious

Metals—300 tons (new, 1930). Noranda Mines Ltd. (Rouyn dist.), Quebec—Zn-Cu-Precious

Metals—500 tons (expan.) total 1,000 tons. Dome Mining Co. (Porcupine dist), Quebec—Gold—1,500 tons

(projected replacement). British Metal Corp. (Cape Breton), Novia Scotia—Zn-Cu-

Precious Metals—300 tons (new, 1929). Pend Oreille Mines & Metals Co., Border-Canada, and U. S,—•

Pb-Zn—2,000 tons (projected). Buchans Mines Ltd., Newfoundland—Pb-Zn-Cu-Precious

Metals—500 tons (expan.), total 1,000 tons.

S O U T H A M E R I C A South American Copper Co., Venezuela—Cu—250 tons (new,

1929.) Andes Copper Co., Chile—Cu—3,000 tons (expan.), total 18,000

tons. (Continued on page 32)

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M A Y 1930 The Colorado School of Mines Magazine The Colorado School of Mines Ma gamine M A Y 1930

The mines proper are in extremely rugged country. The lenticular shaped ore bodies extend intermittently around the periphery of an old volcanic vent, outlined in the view above. The mine buildings are shown near the base of the picture. The arrow marks the location of Teniente " G " . At the present time the entire output ot the Gompany is won from underground workings in the Teniente mine, thus constituting perhaps the largest single mine of ^ its type. Between fifteen and sixteen thousand tons of ore are taken out each day. The most important copper bearing minerals are chalcopyrite, chalcocite and bornite. Besides the Teniente C there is the Fortuna mine which has not been developed since 1922.

Mining Copper at Braden There are eight Golorado School of Mines graduates in the employ of the Braden Copper Company

located on the western slope of the Andes mountains in Chile, South America. The history of the mines now operated by this company dates back to the latter part of the eighteenth centurj' when, it is said, a Spanish lieutenant and fugitive from justice discovered an outcrop of copper ore. In 1819 a small amount of ore was shipped out on mule back, but inaccessability prevented extensive operations until 1915 when the present large scale development was started.

The smelter at Caletones is shown above. This plant was completed in 1922, superseding an older plant of much smaller capacity at Sewell. As originally constructed, this smelter comprised three nodulizing kilns, two blast furnaces, and two large basic converters, together with such auxiliary equipment as copper and slag casting machines, service bins, blast furnace and converter turbo blowers, and machine, carpenter and electrical snops. Additions have been made since. The smelter has ample capacity for handling the present production of tile mine and mill, and can produce copper in the form of blister, or furnace refined copper of a 99.90 per cent purity. It is pure enough for many purposes without electrolytic refining.

Another view of Sewell is shown above. The mill units can be seen in the right of the picture. With the mine at an elevation of some 2,000 feet higher than the concentrating plant, all ore is dropped down, through nn extensive series of gathering ore-passes in the solid rook, to pockets at a lower level whence it is transported by an electric railroad to the primary crushing plant. The ore is finely ground in order to free the minutely disseminated copper sulfide particles, which are extracted by both gravity and flotation. The concentrates are dewatered and shipped over a four mile gravity aerial tramway to the smelter at Caletones.

nile ft is


Sewell, shown in the view above, is the main camp on the property. Eight tliousand people live here. At Sewell are located the concentrator and aoid plant, the administrative offices, the main hospital and numerous auxiliary features such as repair shops and the like. A narrow gauge railroad connects this camp with Rancagua, forty-five miles away. Fifl west is Santiago, a thriving eity of 400,000 people and the capital of Ghile, by rail from Sewell to the Port of San Antonito, through which the Braden ei

Below is a close up of the Teniente " C " . The entrance to the shaft is sliov right. About twelve hundred native workers live in the buildings pictured 1 extracted by a combined system of shrinkage stoping, pillar caving and undercu part of the tonnage is broken, therefore, by the enormous weight of the sujierii broken rock, necessitating a minimum of drilling and blasting.

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Power for every purpose at the mine, mill and smelter is distributed from two hydro-electric plants owned by the Gompany. The Cachopoal plani, shown in the above view is located at Coya. This and the Pangal plant are connected by a 6,000 volt transmission line.

The Braden Copper Company has, over a period of many years, developed into what is now one of the most important industrial enterprises in Chile, and has converted a desolate and unpeopled section into a busy, thriving community ot nearly 12,000 persons dependent upon its activities. The story told here in picture and underlines is by no means a complete one.

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M A Y 1930 The Colorado School of Mines Ma gamine

Principles of the Hydro-metallurgy and Electrodeposition of the Netals

III. chapter on roasting concluded B j ' T H O M A S P . C A M P B E L L

Associate Professor of Metallurgy, Colorado School of Mines

T w o points require notice here: first, all the reactants are elements; second, regardless of what the intermediate temperatures may be, the ini t ia l and f inal temperatures of the sj'stem are the same, 6 0 ° F .

T h e significance of the first point is one of definition or of arbitrary standard. Since, as remarked before, we do not know the intrinsic energy of any substance or system, and since we are interested only in energy differences, it fol lows that for calculation of heat effects we may assume that elements have zero heat of formation. Thus , if we know the heats of formation of compounds f rom their ele­ments, we may also calculate the heat effects due to reactions between elements and compounds, or between diflerent com­pounds.

F o r example, consider the reaction

C - f H 2 0 = C O - f H 2 . W e assume that C and H j , being elements, have no heat of formation. Hence, if this reaction evolves or absorbs heat, this energy change must be due to the difference be­tween the heat of formation of the product, C O , and that of the reactant, H j O . N o w the heat of formation of 2 C O is

2 C + O , = 2 C O + 1 0 4 , 4 0 0 B. t .u . at 6 0 ° F ; and we have just found the corresponding value for 2H2O to be 246,200 B. t .u . Hence for the water-gas reaction, as writ ten above, the H E A T O F R E A C T I O N , or net heat effect, at 6 0 ° F , must be

104,400 — 246,200 = _ 70,900 B. t .u .


T h a t is, the reaction absorbs heat f rom its surroundings,— is an "endothermic" reaction. T h u s it appears that "heat of format ion" is really a special case of heat of reaction in which a l l of the reactants are elements.

In the case of the more common fuels, the heats of their o.xidation reactions are sometimes called "heat of combus­t ion", "heating value", or "calorific value". Fo r instance, the heating value of steam coal is about 13,000 B. t .u . per pound of coal involved; or, in the case of a good grade of manufactured gas, the heat of combustion would be around 550 B. t .u . per cubic foot of gas burned.

However , in general, heats of reaction are most con­veniently expressed in terms of the mole,—i.e., the mole­cular weight expressed in pounds, grams, etc.,*—rather than in pounds, grams, cubic feet, or what-have-you.^-

F r o m the example given above it w i l l be seen that thermochemical quantities and equations can be treated as algebraic quantities and equations: they can be added and subtracted, multiplied and divided. A n d f rom this it f o l ­lows that the net heat of a given reaction is independent of whether the reaction takes place in a single step or in

*—B.t .u . per pound-mole=LSXcalories per gram-mole. —For thermochemical and thermophysical data see: Richards, Metallurgi­

cal Calculations, Part I, N . Y , , 1918; Hofman, op. cit., Ch. I V ; Landolt-Bornstein Tabellen, 1923; International Critical Tables.

many steps; nor does it make any difference in what order these steps are taken.

T h e formal statement of this fact is known as the L a w of Hess^^; but it is really a consequence of the L a w of Conservation of Energy (F i r s t L a w of Thermodynamics) . In brief, the net heat effect depends solely on the ini t ia l and final states of the system. F o r example, we may form zinc sulfate f rom sphalerite and excess oxygen, in a concurrent roast, by a) 2ZnS + 30, = 2 Z n O +

Q'„oo = 305,200 + 249 ,200— 154,800 = 399,600 B. t .u .

b) + Oj, = 2SO.^ Q"e„o = 330,800—249,200 = 81,600 B. t .u .

c) 2ZnO + 2SO3 = 2ZnSO, Q'"„„„ = 827 ,000— (305,200 + 330,800) =

191,000 B. t .u . A d d i n g these three equations, we have, as the net reaction, d) 2 Z n S - f 40^ = 2 Z n S O i ,

Q,„o = 399,600 - f 81,600 191,000 = 672,200 B. t .u .

O r , we may take reaction (d) as written, and find QBOO = 827,000 — 154,800 = 672,000 B. t .u .

Practical ly a l l thermochemical data are given for room temperature ( 1 8 - 2 0 ° C , or 6 0 - 7 0 ° F ) . Bu t it is obvious that very few industrial reactions take place at constant temperature: in the vast majori ty of cases, the reactants enter at one temperature, the reaction occurs at another temperature, and the products leave the system at st i l l a third temperature. Moreover , it is unreasonable to ex­pect that the actual heat of such a reaction could be the same as though it had taken place at 60° or at any other constant temperature.

T o calculate what the heat of a given reaction would be at some teinperature other than that at which the re­actants enter the sj'stem, let us assume that we have two or more reactants at a temperature T^, and that we al low them to react at that temperature to fo rm one or more products. T h e n the heat of the reaction is Q^. N o w we heat these products up to a higher temperature, T , , and in so doing we must supply f rom the surroundings an amount of sensible heat, H2, as determined by the weights and mean specific heats of the products, and by the temperature change, T , — T ^ . Assuming that the reaction at T ^ is exothermic, the net heat evolved in the whole process is then Q i — R,_.

O n the other hand, we might start wi th the same re­actants at T-^ and heat them up to T j , thus absorbing an amount of sensible heat H-^, T h e n we can al low the re­action to take place at T , , at which temperature the heat of reaction is Qg; and the net heat evolved in this process is Q, — H i .

But by either process we arrive at the same conditions of temperature and products; hence, by the L a w of Con-

Hess, Ann, Physik. 2, 52, 97 (1842).

The Colorado School of Mines Magazine M A Y 1930

servation of Energy, the net heat effects must be equal,— that is,

Q2 ^— H ^ = Q i — Hg, Q . = Q i + ( H i - H J .

In words, this means simply that the change in the heat of reaction wi th temperature is due to the difference in heat capacity as between the reactants and products: if the reactants absorb more heat than the products do, over the temperature range in question, then the heat of reaction must increase wi th rising temperature,—and vice versa.

A s noted before, heat capacity, or sensible heat, is the product of weight, specific heat, and temperature change. I f we can express specific heat as a function of temperature, then

d H = (h„ + aT + ^ T ^ + y T ^ + . . . . ) d T for unit mass.

B y way of example, consider the reaction, at 60 ° F , 2 C O + 0 , = 2CO, + 244,800 B. t .u .

Suppose we wish to find what amount of heat this reaction would furnish at 1 8 3 2 ° F ( 1 0 0 0 ° C ) . T h e molal specific heat of either C O or O j at any temperature above zero absolute ( — 4 6 0 ° F ) can be calculated f rom the relation

h = 6 . 5 - f O.00055T, B. t .u . per mole per 1° abs.; and the corresponding values for COg f rom the equation

h = 7.0 - f 0 .0039T — 0.0O000O574T^ where T , in either case, refers to the temperature absolute, 460 -|- t ° F . Then , in the reaction under consideration, T l = 460 -f- 60 = 5 2 0 ° , and T , = 460 + 1 8 3 2 = 2292° abs. N o w the heat content of the reactants is

H i = \ 3 ( 6 . 5 + 0.55 X 1 0 - ^ T ) d T , - ' T l

and the heat content of the product is

H , = \ 2 ( ' 7 . 0 + 3 . 9 X 10-^T — 5 . 7 4 X 10- 'T=)dT. J T I

Hence the change in heat content, as between reactants and products, must be ( H i — H , ) , or

- T , A H = \ (5.5 — 6 . 1 5 X lO- ' - 'T-f - 11.48 X 10-^T=)dT.

^ T i Integrating between limits of 520° and 2 2 9 2 ° , we have

A H = 5.5 X 1772 — 3.08 X 10^^2292= — 520=) - f 3.83 X 10^'(2292'^ — 5 2 0 ^ ) ,

A H = 9,700 — 15,400 - f 4,600, A H = —1,100 B. t .u .

Therefore, = 244 ,800— 1,100 = 243,700 B. t .u . which is the heat of reaction at 1832°F.=*

Just a word as to the convention of signs used here. W e have defined heats of reaction and formation as heat evolved when the reaction proceeds as wr i t ten ,—from left to right. La ter on, we shall use a similar definition in re­gard to free energy changes. N o w it makes very little difference mathematically whether we use a + or a — sign to denote the fact that energy is being given off from the sj'stem to its surroundings, so long as we know what is meant and are consistent in our convention. If we state that heat is being lost by the sj'stem, then we should use a — sign to denote an exothermic reaction; but if we say that heat is being gained by the surroundings, then we should use a -f- sign to denote an exothermic change. It is just a matter of the point of v i ew: whether j 'ou are on the inside looking out, or on the outside looking in . But most of us exist in the surroundings of the systems we wish

"—Above data from Haslam and Russell, op. cit., p. 207. For mean molal specific heat curves, and molal heat capacity curves, see pp. 209 and 210. Values taken from such curves are sufficiently accurate for most practical work. See also Lewis and Randall, Thermodynamics, Ch. IX.

to Study and investigate; hence, f rom the psychological, as we l l as f rom the practical standpoint, it would seem better to credit the surroundings and debit the system,—i.e., use a plus sign to indicate heat gained by the surroundings due to an exothermic process taking place in the system.

In calculating the heat balance of a roaster, it is a step toward simplification to use pound-mole quantities. T h i s does not f a l l in wi th the method in vogue for the calcula­tion of charge sheets and heat balances for blast furnaces, open-hearths, and such-like; but by using molal quantities the determination of any one element or compound in a reaction fixes the molal relationship of a l l other quantities involved.

F o r example, a certain zinc concentrate contains 4 6 % Z n . In roasting, the Z n in the form of Z n O , accounts for 46 .2% of the weight of the calcine. T h e weight of cal­cine produced per ton of ccincentrate treated is 1675 pounds. Hence the Z n O in the calcine accounts for 775 pounds of Z n . In other words, in the concentrate there are

2000 X 0.46 = 14.06 moles of Z n ,


and there must also be 14.06 moles of S associated wi th this Z n . In the calcine there must be

1675 X 0.462 = 1 1 . 8 3 moles of Z n .


In the roasting reaction, then, 11.83 moles of Z n S must have reacted wi th 3 /2 X 11.83 moles of O , to form 11.83 moles of Z n O and 11.83 moles of S O j , since

Z n S - f 3/2O2 = Z n O - f S O , . N o w the heats of formation of the compounds involved are:

Z n S 77,400 B . t . u . / L b . mole at 6 0 ° F , Z n O 152,600 S O , 124,600

T h e heat of reaction at 60° F must then be Q „ „ o = 152,600 + 124,600 — 77,400 = 199,800 B. t .u .

per pound-mole of Z n involved. Assume that the oxidation takes place at 1 1 7 5 ° F . T h e

mean specific heats of the substances involved are

Z n S 27.0 B. t .u . per Ib.-mole per ° F O , 7.1 Z n O 20.4 S O , 10.5

Therefore the heat content of the reactants is H i = 11.83 X 27 (1175 — 60) - j - 17.74 X 7.1

(1175 — 60) = 497,000.

A n d the heat content of the products is I L , = 11.83 X 20.4 (1175 — 60) + 11.83 X 10.5

(1175 — 60) = 408,000.

Hence A H = 497,000 — 408,000 = 89,000 B. t .u . per lb. mole.

A n d therefore the heat of reaction at 1 1 7 5 ° F is Qi„,o = 11.83 X 199,800 - f 89,000 = 2,459,000

B. t .u . per ton of concentrate treated. Aga in , since volume and molal quantities are identical

for gases (Avogadro's L a w ) , the moles of N , associated wi th the theoretical O , must be

17.74 X 79/21 = 66.7 lb. moles. T o find the cubic feet of air thus required for theoretical oxidation of Z n S to Z n O , a l l we need do is take advantage of the fact that one pound mole of any gas at 3 2 ° F and 3 0 "

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The Colorado School of t A i n e s M a gamine M A Y 1930

H g pressure occupies a volume of 359 cu. h.-"; then the volume at any other temperature and pressure w i l l be

460 + t 30 V = X — cu. f t .

492 p

T h i s matter of air requirements brings up a very im­portant point in the practice of roasting; since in almost al l cases the solid particles fie in a bed on the furnace hearth, obtaining a satisfactory roast wi th theoretical air is out of the question. In fact, f r o m a consideration of the general nature of the problem it would appear that the more air used the faster the roast should go. However , once more we bump into an economic problem here. T h e more air we use, the more heat is required to bring this air up to reaction temperature, and the more heat is carried out of the furnace by the hot flue gases. T h e optimum condition of air feed is therefore again a matter of empirical determination for each case.

F o r instance, a standard 25-foot Wedge Furnace showed the fo l lowing results;

Relative C u . ft . A i r % Roaster % Fue l

per M i n . Capacity Consumption 4,000 86.5 • 2.9 6,000 93.0 35.3 8,000 97.5 65.5

10,000 100.0 100.0 12,000 101.3 133.3 20,000 104.5 253.0

W h e n the air feed was held at 6,000 cu. f t . per minute, the flue gases leaving the furnace at 1 0 1 3 ° F had the fo l ­lowing composition:

Pound-Moles Volume per ton Cone. Percent.

H „ 0 1.64 0.27 SO., 17.98 2.98 CO", 1.69 0.28 0 , , 91.40 15.18 N . , 488.55 81.19

Us ing the values of mean molal specific heats calculated by Has lam and Russell (p. 209) , we may calculate the heat carried out of the furnace by these gases; a) W a t e r

Vapor, H = 1.64 X 8.6(1013 — 60) = 13,500 B. t .u .

b) C O , , H = 1.69 X 1 0 . 5 ( 1 0 1 3 -- 6 0 ) = = 16,900

c) S O , , H = 17.98 X 10.5(1013 — 60) : = 171,200

d) 0 . „ H = 91.4 X 7.1(1013 — 60) = 618,000

e) N „ H = 488.6 X 7 . 1 ( 1 0 1 3 -- 6 0 ) = = 3,305,000

Therefore S H = 4,124,600 B. t .u . which is carried out of the furnace for each ton of dry con­centrate roasted, f f the furnace treats 38 dry tons per day, the total heat lost in flue gases amounts to about 156,800,000 B. t .u . per day, which is approximately 8 0 % of al l the heat accounted for in the system. Incidentally, this rate of air feed (6000 cu. f t . per min.) is about 3.5— times that required to account for al l the reactions in both concentrate and fuel . In many cases 4 to 5 — times the theoretical air is required to get a satisfactory roast in a reasonable length of time.


1 . . . . Roasting is a process used to prepare ores or con­centrates for leaching. Roasting as practiced in hydro-

—Haslam and Russell, op. cit., pp. 196, 197. The average molecular weight of air may be taken as 29; thus, knowing the number of moles required, the weight of air may also be calculated at any temperature and pressure.

metallurgy differs f rom that in pyrometallurgy in that the reactions are usually carried to a greater degree of com­pletion and sintering must be avoided. T h e object of the roast is to convert one or more of the metallic compounds to a form amenable to attack by the solvent employed and to eliminate or render insoluble harmful constituents.

2 . . . . T h e rate of the roasting reaction depends upon the ratio of surface to mass of the solid particles, on their chemical and physical properties, on their exposure to the reacting medium (rabbling or agitation), on the rate at which this medium can be supplied to the reacting surface and the products of the roast carried away, and on the temperature. A l l roasting reactions take place in systems of more than one phase, and maj', therefore, be classed as heterogeneous systems.

3 . : . . T h e degree of completion of roasting, or the progress of the roast, is an exponential function of time.

4 . . . . Roasting reactions may be classed, also, as iso­thermal or constant temperature reactions. Hence the total heat supplied to the sj'stem must equal the heat lost by the sj'stem, for any given period of time. Th i s , in turn, per­mits of the establishment of a heat balance for the sj'stem, as calculated or estimated by the methods of thermochem­istry.

M i c r o s c o p i c E x a m i n a t i o n

(Continued from page 17)

posited which in this case cuts both the pyrite and chalcopyrite.

Conclusion's: ( 1 ) . The primary ore minerals present in the order of their deposition are (a) pyrite, (b) chalco­pyrite, (c) sphalerite, and (d) galena.

(2) . T h e chalcopyrite replaces the pyrite in large amounts in this specimen.

(3) . T h e sphalerite and galena as ore minerals de­crease in quantity wi th depth.


F r o m the samples examined f rom the M i n a s de M a t a ­hambre, three general conclusions can be drawn, V i z ; ( 1 ) . W i t h the deeper mining operations, sphalerite and galena occur in decreasing quantities. ( 2 ) . Chalcopyrite con­centration to the 14th level has increased wi th depth. ( 3 ) . T h e general history of mineralization of this deposit as revealed by the microscopic examination of the samples is as fo l lows; deposition of primary pyrite, fol lowed by frac­tur ing and deposition of marcasite which M'as probably formed f rom relatively cold solutions. Fo l lowing the de­position of marcasite, f racturing again occurred al lowing a second stage of primary mineralization. T h e primary minerals deposited during this stage in order of their de­position are sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena. " Chalco­pyrite appears before the sphalerite in some samples. Cuprite and malachite, both of which are oxidation products of the copper minerals, were formed in the zone of oxidation.

B I B L I O G R A P H Y 1. Vail, Richard H .

Pinar del Rio Copper Region (Cuba) ; Engineering and Mining Journal, Vol. 102, No. 22, pp. 950-952, Nov. 25, 1916.

2. Jose, Isaac del Corral Informe sobre el reconocimiento de la mina de cobre "La Nina" (Pinar del Rio) Cuba, Dirrecion Monies y Minas, Bol. Minas No. 5, pp. 71-82, 1919.

3. Allende, Roque Yaciminetos Minerales de Pinar del Rio: Cuba. Dirrecion de Monies y Minas. Bol. Minas, No. 7, pp. 68-77, 1923.

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The Colorado School of M i n e s M a gamine M A Y [93c

The Petroleum Geologists' Meeting B y L Y N N W . STORM, '02

' T ~ ' H E meeting just past was such a success that the mem-i ory of it lingers and long after it is officially over

I shall s t i l l be getting out maps and reading the Nat ional Geographic to hold on to the feeling that I am near to N e w Orleans as long as I can. A s each meal time comes around, I think of the places I could go if I were there; of the Creole G u m b o ; of the "B lue P la te" of sea food at Ga la -toire's of the fine crisp French rol ls ; and it is hard to come back to the old, old, routine of tasteless bread, of inferior biscuits " O h we l l . G ive me what ever you happen to have ready." Heretofore I have thought that it was part of the day's work to fill up on whatever food a place had to offer, w i th the same indifference wi th which one drives his car up to a filling station and takes on a supply of gas; but after N e w Orleans, it can't be done without some regrets; not for a few weeks at least.

However, I am speaking of the O i l Geologists' Conven­tion, of what was done there, and of the part that School of M i n e s men had in the proceedings.

Convention headquarters was at the Roosevelt H o t e l . There, in the Venetian Room were the famil iar signs and posters that the business managers carry around f rom con­vention to convention as circus posters are carried and set up at one stand after another. "American Association of Petroleum Geologists", "Register H e r e " etc. T h e same obliging young ladies who usually attend to the registration seemed to be there again. A m o n g the booths of machinery and equipment companies, also in the Venetian room were those of Bausch and Lomb, L e i t z Inst. Co. , Gur ley , E . J . Longyear, Sull ivan Machinery Co. , several makers of geophysical instruments, a firm that maps geology by air­plane, and others.

T h e convention got under way wi th the address of wel­come by A . B . Dinwiddle , President of Tu lane Universi ty at 10;30 on Thursday, M a r c h 20. A f t e r saying that it required some 200 years of family background to qual ify anyone as a native of N e w Orleans and that 15 years of residence was a l l that he could claim, D r . Dinwiddle wel­comed the members and guests in a few w e l l chosen words, to which Past President R . S. M c F a r l a n d responded in even fewer words, and the way was cleared for the tech­nical program.

Each of the annual meetings of the association has spec­ialized on some particular phase of oil geology. T h e feature that was emphasized this year might be said to have been G u l f Coast Stratigraphy. T h e late Ter t i a ry formations of the G u l f Coast that, have been considered as almost hopeless as guides to the discovery of structure favorable to oi l accumulation, have lately come in for intensive studj'. T h e fo l lowing titles of papers w i l l indicate the trend of such study;—

Phases of Sedimentation in the G u l f Coastal P la in of Louisiana, B y Charles Laurence Baker.

Post Oligocene Subsurface Problems of Te.xas, B y M a r ­cus A . Hanna .

T h e Bu i ld ing of the Mississippi Del ta , by A . C . T r o w ­bridge.

Physiography of the Corpus Chris t i Area , Texas. B y W . Armst rong Price.

Some 30 papers of this class—about half of which were read by title onlj'—constituted the program for the first day.

in New Orleans Mines men hold luncheon

O n Fr iday, M a r c h 21, a more varied program was offered. T h e principal set of papers related rather to methods of geologic study and to petroleum engineering than to geology proper. In this connection D r . V a n T u y l of the Colorado School of Mines read a paper entitled "Contributions to the Salt Dome Problem." There were papers on the Geothermal Gradient in various fields; papers on crooked holes and on the surveying of wells, also one on airplane mapping; in a l l 18 papers, one third of which were by title. Besides these, there were separate programs on paleontology and on geophysics. Professor J . H a r l a n Johnson, School of Mines , presented a paper on the Range of Niobrara and Benton Fossils in Colorado and Adjacent Areas, at the paleontology meeting.

It is significant of the present focus of attention, that among the three programs, much the greatest interest was shown in the one on geophysics. T h e meetings on geology and paleontology droned along in a conventional, work-a-day fashion, but the geophysical program was more alive. H a r d l y any paper passed without the asking of numerous questions, or the stating of opinions at variance to or in corroboration wi th those of the authors. It was evident too, that while heretofore geophysical information has been given out reluctantly and usually i n generalities only, now details of procedure are given. There is not the deep mystery about these matters that there was. Information about geophysics is now so widely disseminated that appar­ently there is more advantage in the exchange of ideas than in each organization holding on jealously to its own par­ticular secrets.

In a Review of Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum, Dona ld C . Barton outlined the present trend in the practical use of geophysical instruments. T h e i r outstanding use­fulness is s t i l l in the finding of salt domes. In this field there was first a tendency to discredit the torsion balance and to depend almost entirely on the seismograph, but as the search has been constantly for domes more and more deeply buried, the torsion balance has been coming back and taking its place alongside of the seismograph again. T h e magnetometer is now the least in favor, of the better known geophysical instruments. There were 15 papers, relating to torsion balance, seismograph, magnetometer and elec­trical devices. Three papers were given by D r . C . A . He i land of the Colorado School of Mines , the titles being;

Transmission of the Instant of Explosion in Seismic. Prospecting.

Notes on Geophj'sical Investigations in Colorado (by D r . He i l and and John H . W i l s o n ) .

Teaching of Geophj'sical Prospecting. Besides the advantages in the way of information to be

gained by listening to Doctor He i land it was a treat f rom a human performance point of view to see him in action; running on smoothly and rapidly wi th a string of discourse, never at a loss for a word of any kind. Technical terms of Geophysics, electricity, or geology, names of people or wells that had been dril led or of places; his mind responded

Pat/e Twent'x-nine

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M A Y 1930 The Colorado School of M i n e s M a g a ^ i n

instantly to his call for any word or expression he needed. Natura l ly , the impression he made was very favorable. I understand that at the close of the program he received inquiries f rom four prospective graduate students about geophj'sical courses at the Colorado School of Mines .

There were five papers on foreign fields, of which the most interesting was probably that by Basi l B . Zavoico on the Geology of Russian O i l Fields. H e covered the regions to the north and south of the Caucasus Mountains and related folds and to the east and west of the U r a l Mountains . Evident ly Russia is greatly favored wi th oil deposits, both developed and undeveloped, as greatly favored as the Uni ted States itself. T h e most interesting fields described were the unbelievably rich and productive B a k u F ie ld , where as much as 2,500,000 bbls. of oi l per acre have been recovered, and the great prospective region to the north of the Caspian Sea. T h e latter is a salt dome region where Dona ld Barton remarked that geophysicists could have a grand picnic finding the domes. T h i s would appear to be a sort of geophysicist's heaven if the bolshivists would let them alone.

BUSINESS M E E T I N G T h e last day of the convention, Saturday, M a r c h 27 was

opened wi th the annual business meeting. It was announced that the balloting of the previous day had resulted in elec­tion of officers as fo l lows;

President; Sidney Powers; Fi rs t V ice President; Ra lph Reed ; Second Vice President; M a r v i n Lee, in charge of finances; T h i r d Vice President; Frederick H . Lahee, in charge of editorial w o r k ; D r . Lahee has already served one term as editor wi th marked success.

A m o n g other resolutions adopted was one offering to take over a l l arrangements for the International Geological Con­gress to be held in America in 1932. T h e subject to be studied w i l l be Petroleum Resources of the W o r l d . A number of members of the A . A . P . G . are already on the arrangement committee for this congress, so that this offer is l ikely to be accepted.

T h e Maracaibo—^Venezuela—Regional section of the Association was formed, also the Geophysical Technical section.

A f t e r business had been dispatched, the technical program was resumed wi th papers on oilfields outside the Mississippi Embayment. T h i s group included 21 papers, most of which were read by title only. Professor J . Plar lan Johnson read a paper. A n Unconformi ty in the Colorado Group in East­ern Colorado. A l l papers whether read before the meeting or by title w i l l appear ultimately in some issue of the Bul le ­tin of the Association.

F r o m a technical point of view this meeting was at least up to the usual standard of interest. T h e papers on geo­physics were undoubtedly better, on the whole, than those presented at any previous meeting. Evident ly that branch of the Association is to become increasingly prominent and important.

SOCIAL PROGRAM A s regards entertainment of the members and guests and

the having of a general good time, probably no previous meeting of the association has been more successful than this one.

F o r Thursday night the entertainment committee had arranged for a steamboat ride on the Mississippi. H a r d l y anyone missed this. Some 800 members and their wives, and guests registered for the convention and 700 of them must have been aboard the steamboat. It seemed almost foolhardy to subject it to such a load but the four decks absorbed the number so easily that there hardly seemed

to be a crowd at a l l . Steady as a church the steainer put out upon the placid r iver—which seemed almost l ipping f u l l to the tops of the levees—with scarcely a sense of motion, only a slight vibration. T h e search light played on the docks and warehouses and the ships of a l l sorts tied up beside them. T h e night was fine, wi th plenty of stars. F o r my part, I thought considerably of the majesty of the big river and many others gazed out over the water without much to say, as though similar thoughts might be passing through their minds. A f t e r enough of such gazing, there was a dance on the middle deck and a rather garish enter­tainment principally by girls who sang and danced. N o one, however, was crit ical of the cheap entertainment or of the crowded dancing floor. It was a good natured and very easily satisfied group. A t 10;30 we were back at the landing and left the boat, each wi th another memory picture to carry wi th him and to look at now and then at odd times for the rest of his l i fe .

O n F r iday night there was the usual informal dance which is a feature of a l l A . A . P . G . conventions. People meet and dance a time or two who w i l l not see each other again for another year, at the next convention, when they w i l l dance once or twice again and exchange a few words of conversation.

N E W O R L E A N S A C ITY OF O L D C H A R M These were the principal entertainment events, but be­

tween times there was the city of N e w Orleans offering a variety of attractions.

A t each meal-time you could try a different French restaurant, if you were so inclined, and find them a l l good. There is no question about N e w Orleans being a good plaCe in which to eat. T h e big places set the example fo r the smaller ones, and the more famous ones for the less famous, so that one fared pretty w e l l at any of them. I t is certainly surprising how much the general aspect of things is bright­ened by knowing that you can get something decent to eat when you want it.

However , good food is not a l l that N e w Orleans has to offer. There are beautiful parks and golf links without number, pleasant drives among great spreading trees, f rom many of which hangs the grey-green moss so w e l l known to picture and story. There are many fine residence dis­tricts as there are in any good sized American city these days; but it seemed to me—it may have been ray imagina­tion—that no matter how pretentious the residence, or what pains had evidently been spent on ornamentation or archi­tectural design, there was always something livable and intimate-looking about these homes—^palaces though they might be—a thing which is sometimes lacking in other cities.

T h e n there was the " O l d W o r l d Cha rm" . There is no doubt of its existence. T h e older part of the citj ' , I under­stand, is much like it was, say 100 years ago. T h e streets are narrow; the buildings on each side, of brick, are mostly plain without much attempt at ornamentation except for the iron balconies and some other ornamental iron work on roofs or around doors and windows. T h i s part of the city is not at a l l pretentious and is pretty we l l dilapidated in sorne parts. Professor Johnson—of the Colorado School of Mines—says this section really has the look of some places in France " L i k e the slums of a European city" he says. N o doubt times have changed wi th these European cities as they have, wi th us; and such places as the old part of N e w Orleans w i l l have become old fashioned in France also and w i l l ' have been superseded by more modern, brighter, quarters and relegated to positions of second or third rate importance.

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The Colorado School of M i n e s M a gamine M A Y 1930

It can not be said that the old part of N e w Orleans has been so relegated. Rather it has been preserved while a more modern city wi th sky scrapers and big hotels has been built a few blocks away on the other side of Canal Street. I f these old landmarks are torn down to be replaced by modern buildings. N e w Orleans w i l l lose much that she can't replace. These things can't be rebuilt on a finer scale. T h e old French restaurants would lose their "Atmos­phere" i f moved into finer quarters and the antique shops that line the sides of Royal street would lose their antique settings. N o doubt there are antique shops in Omaha and Denver. I haven't seen them, but I doubt if they have the genuine, authentic look of antique shops that these in N e w Orleans have. Le t it be freely admitted at once that I know little or nothing about antiques. Nevertheless, these shops in N e w Orleans gave me the feeling that I was look­ing at the real thing. M a k e as much fun as you like of such things, but there is no discounting the fact that there are some beautiful things to be seen in those shops; things that look old and doubtless are old, and things that speak eloquently of the times, the manners, the people to which they belonged. I had a feeling also as to the genuineness of these things; a feeling it would be hard to attain in a "dolled up" antique shop in a new building.

However this may be, the women, and some of the men, at the convention did a lot of trott ing around among those antique and art shops, wi th a good deal of looking and exclaiming and some odds and ends of buying. I myself felt the pu l l of the prevailing current so strongly that I bought a copy of an old master f rom a citizen of " R o m a " — as he said it. It is on canvas and is marked "made in I ta ly" and looks like an oi l painting itself. A f t e r the lapse of nearly a week since I made the purchase, the thing st i l l looks pretty to me. I was only out four dollars and it was worth that much to talk to the fine old Roman and to hear him express in his mixed Engl ish and Italian, his great and obviously genuine love of art.

Elsewhere in the old quarter we saw, for instance, Napoleon's house that was prepared for him when it was planned to spirit him away f rom St. Helena but which he never occupied; also the old market front ing on the river and st i l l in use as a market; the same place that was once a slave market, and where L i n c o l n received such a lasting impression f rom what he saw there when he made his trip as a young man down the Mississippi to N e w Orleans; the museum in what is called the cabildo, f u l l of old portraits mainly, among others, that of the Seur D e Bienvil le who founded N e w Orleans in 1718; and the old Roman Catholic cathedral of St. Louis . M y wife and I left there to take the train away f rom N e w Orleans on Sunday night just as the candles were being lighted for the evening service.

COLORADO SCHOOL OF M I N E S L U N C H E O N A s for the Colorado School of Mines Luncheon, it came

off on Saturday at L a Louisiane. There were present, the fo l l owing :

J . L . Bal la rd , '25, Texas Co. , T y l e r , Texas. R . K . D e F o r d , '21, Box 681, Roswell , N . M . L . W . Storm, '02, c/o Sun O i l Co. , Box 574, Huntsvi l le ,


Quent in D . Singewald, lately a professor at Golden, now of Rochester, N . Y .

Prof . F . M . V a n T u y l , Golden, Colo . John H . Clopton, '23, 1601 M i l a m Bldg . , San Antonio, T e x . C . L . Gray , Ex- '26 .

E d w i n S. Harr i s , Ex- '26 , Geophysical Research Corp. Prof . J . H a r l a n Johnson, '23, Golden, Colo .

Alber t G . W o l f , '07, 1008 Second Na t . Bank Bldg . , Houston, Texas.

Prof . C . A . Hei land , Golden, Colo . G . W . Schneider, '21, Texas Co. , Shreveport, L a . R . S. Powel l , '21, Box 999, W i c h i t a Fal ls , Texas.

There were several others who attended the convention who were not at the banquet, among these were;—

F . C . Sealey, '17; Dewey Thomas, ' 2 1 ; S. A . Packard, C a r l Beilharz, ' 25 ; and George Reeby.

W e missed f rom our number, such old standbys as M a x B a l l , '06 and C . M . Rath , '05. Therefore there was noth­ing like organization nor orderly discussion to the luncheon. W e just had a fr iendly meeting and a fine lunch and plenty of desultory conversation, up, down, and across the table. There was no set topic for discussion; not much silence either. Everybody talked of whatever the spirit moved him to speak, f rom geophysics to attempted witticisms, most of which appeared to be successful.

PERSONAL T O U C H E S T o get personal touches for these notes, every one pres­

ent was asked what had most appealed to him or had most impressed h im at this convention.

D r . He i l and answered emphatically " T h e papers on geophysics."

Quent in Singewald said that what he had liked best was the "general spirit of goodfellowship." T h a t brought a number of expressions of agreement, but D e F o r d received the most hearty support when he announced himself for the "good food." Professor Johnson added that the "sea food has been a treat." It was agreed that the convention had been a great success and that N e w Orleans is a fine place.

Then , perhaps because things seemed to be going too smoothly, someone spoke up and said that he had spoiled a good hat on the steam boat trip. Cr i t ic ism being now in order, someone else remarked that it had appeared to him that the convention had not been quite so we l l organized as it might have been and there were several who agreed mi ld ly w i t h that.

However , that may be the very reason why so many people expressed themselves as having enjoj'ed such an un­usually good time at this convention. There was enough organization for the practical purposes of the meeting. Business is conducted at the meetings of the A . A . P . G . wi th less lost motion and less talking at random than at any other meetings I have ever seen, and this convention was no exception. T h e boat trip and the buffet dance also were organized we l l enough to be very successful. Otherwise people enjoyed themselves as individual preferences inclined them. In a place like N e w Orleans where the b i l l of fare for enjoyment is so varied and plent i ful it may be just as we l l not to be too carefully organized.


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Explains New/ Easy W a y to Measure Altitudes Accurately

Doubles the efficiency of every engineer in the field. This new "Altlmetry Manual "belongs In the technical library of every engineer, geologist, topographer, sur­veyor and executive in charge of engineering activ­ities of any nature. It shows how to cut the time and cost of preliminary surveys in . half... how one man can do the work of a crew with level and transit in this type of to increase profits. Explains amazingly accurate new Paulin principle, that re-

^ cords slightest differences in elevation Instantly.

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end me nome ol your neoiesl Poi melty Manual" without any obligoMc

I Systei on my pari. Alsc

and free copy of your jend prices.

Tage Thirty-one

Page 17: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

M A Y 1930 The Colorado School of M i n e s M a gamine

A l u m n i Contribute to CopperNumberof Journa l

T h e Copper number of the M i n i n g Congress Journal , published in A p r i l , features the operations of the Uni ted Verde Copper Company. Pract ical ly the whole issue is devoted to articles describing a l l phases of Uni ted Verde operations, ranging f rom an exposition of the development and mining methods used to a description of the facilities provided for the recreation of the emploj'ees.

E . M . J . Alenius, a Mines graduate in the Class of 1923, is the author of the article, "Open P i t M i n i n g at Uni t ed Verde ," which is one of the features of the Journal 's story of the Uni ted Verde Company. Alenius is chief engineer of the steam shovel department.

G . W . M i t c h e l l , also a graduate in the Class of 1923, is assistant safety and ventilation engineer for the Uni ted Verde. M i t c h e l l , in collaboration wi th O . A . Glaeser and Thomas Dennison, has wri t ten an excellent article dealing wi th ventilation and protective measures used to prevent mine fires at Uni ted Verde.

A historical sketch of the Company tells of the early developments leading up to the empire building activities of Senator W i l l i a m A . Clark . A biography of Senator C l a r k is one of the most interesting features of the section devoted to describing the Uni ted Verde Company. P ic ­tures of the executives of the Company are reproduced in the historical article, and there is found W . V . DeCamp, general manager, and a graduate of the Colorado School of Mines .

World Progress in Hming (Continued from page 23)

Campagnie Miniere du M'Zaita (Soldado), Chile—Cu—500 tons (new, 1929).

Cerro de Pasco Copper Co., Peru—Pb-Zn-Precious Metals— (new, 1930-'31), 1,000 tons.

Compania Minera Aguilar (St. Joseph Lead Interest) Argen­tina—^Pb-Precious Metajs—800 tons (projected) eventually 1,500 tons.

M E X I C O Union Copper Co., (Aquascalientes), Mexico—Cu—400 tons

(new, 1930). Mazapil Copper Co. (Concepcion del Oro), Mexico—Cu—500

or 1,000 tons (projected). San Francisco Mines of Mexico Ltd., Mexico—Pb-Zn—650

tons (expan.), total 1,500 tons. American Smelting & Ref. Co. (Santa Eulalia Mines), Mexico

—Pb-Ag—300 tons (Carbonate ore) (new, 1930). American Smelting & Ref. Co. (San Luis Potosi), Mexico—Pb-

Ag—500 tons (new, 1930).

A U S T R A L I A Mt. Isa Mines Ltd. (Mining Trust Ltd.), Queensland—Pb-Zn-

Precious Metals—1,500 tons Carbonate ore, 500 tons Sulphide ore (new, 1930).

Mt. Elliott Ltd., Queensland—Cu—(projecting mill). Lake George Mining Co., New South Wales—Pb-Zn—500 tons

(new, 1930-'31). Mt. Read-Rosebery Mines, Tasmania—Pb-Zn—500 tons (new,

1929). Wiluna Gold Corp. Ltd., West Australia—Gold—1,400 tons

(new, 1930).

E U R O P E Rio Tinto Co. Ltd., Spain—Cu-Fe—2,000 tons (new, 1930). Trepca Mines Ltd. (Selection Trust interest), Jugoslavia,

Serbia—Pb-Zn-Precious Metals—500 tons (new, 1930). Ergasteria Flotation Co., Greece—Pb-Zn-Precious Metals—150

tons (expan.), total 300 tons. Mines de St. Sebastien d'Aigrefeuille, and Cie Nouvelle des

Page Thirty-tivo

Mines de Villemagne (Mining Trust Ltd. Interest), France— Pb-Zn-Precious Metals—(appreciable expansion).

Altaipolymetal, Russia, U.S.S.R.—Pb-Zn-Precious Metals—500 ton plant (new, 1929).

Atbassvetmet, Russia, U.S.S.R.—Cu—500 ton plant (new, 1929). Soyuzzoloto, Russia, U.S.S.R.—Gold—750 ton plant (new, 1930). Polymetall-Ridder, Russia, U.S.S.R.—Cu—750 ton plant (new,

1930). Bogolmo Copper Co., Russia, U.S.S.R.—Cu—2,000 ton (pro­

jected). The Southwestern Engineering Corporation of Los Angeles,

California, has recently entered into an agreement with the Giprozvetmet Trust (The State Institute for designing of non-ferrous Metal Plants of Russia) for all their required ore testing and for making mill designs for several metallurgical plants.


Nichols Copper Co., E l Paso, Texas—Cu—Electrolytic, 100,000 tons per annum.

Evans-Wallower Zinc Co., St. Louis, Missouri—Zn—^Electro­lytic, 50 tons daily.

C A N A D A Flin-Flon k Sherritt Gordon Interest, Manitoba—Cu—Smelter. Noranda Mines Ltd., Quebec—Cu—Smelter, 1,000 tons

(expan.), total 2,000 tons ore daily. Falconbridge-Nickel Co., Ontario—Ni-Cu—^Smelter, 250 tons

ore daily. International Nickel Co., Ontario—^Ni-Cu—Smelter, 6,000 tons

ore daily, Flin-Flon, Manitoba—Zn—Electrolytic, 70 tons daily. Noranda & British Metal Interests, Ontario—Zn—Electrolytic

(projected). Consol. S.melters & Ventures Ltd., Ontario—Zn—Electrolytic

(projected). Pend Oreille Mines & Metals Co., Border, Canada, and U. S.—

Zn—Electrolytic, 100 tons per day (projected). Canadian Copper Refiners Co. Ltd. (Noranda, British Metals,

Nichols Copper interests), Ontario (Near Montreal)—^Cu—^Re-finery, 75,000 tons per annum.

Ontario Refining Co. Ltd. (International Nickel Co., American Metal, Consol. M.&S.Co.), Copper Cliff—Cu—Refinery, 120,000 tons per annum.

S O U T H A M E R I C A Cerro de Pasco Copper Co., Peru—Zn—Electrolytic, 100 tons

(projected). A U S T R A L I A

Electrolytic Zinc Co., Tasmania—Zn—Electrolytic (20 per cent increased capacity), total 70,000 tons per annum.

Mt. Lyell Mng, and Ref. Co., Tasmania—Cu—Electrolytic (in­creased capacity).

Mt. Isa Mines Ltd., Queensland—Pb—Smelter (projected).

E U R O P E Anaconda Interest, Odda-Norway—Zn—Electrolytic 100 tons

(1930). Giesche Spolka Akcyjna (Anaconda interest), Poland—Zn—

Electrolytic, 500 tons (late, 1928). Russia has projected plans for several zinc, lead and copper

smelters. Archer E . Wheeler, Consulting Metallurgical Engineer (N.Y.

C.) has entered into an agreement with the government of U.S. S.R. for designing smelters and refineries for the non-ferrous and precious metals industries.

A F R I C A Union Miniere du Haut Katanga—^Cu—^Smelter (expan.) total

140,000 tons. Roan Antelope Copper Mines Ltd.—Cu—Smelter—projected. N'Kana Copper Mines Ltd.—Cu—Smelter—projected.

EDITOR'S NOTE—An article on African Copper Mining Develop­ments by M r . Bonardi will appear in the June issue of the Magazine.

0 . 0 . Mclntyre Mentions C.S.M. T h e fo l lowing item was clipped f rom O . O . M c l n t y r e ' s

Co lumn which runs in papers throughout the country: " A School of Mines graduate f rom Colorado is a super­

intendent of a swank Park ave. apartment house. There should be some cute crack here about gold-digging, if we could think it up."

The Colorado School of M i n e s M a gamine M A Y 1930

Fossil Collections Given School Several fine collections of fossils have recently been pre­

sented to the Colorado School of Mines .

J . H . W i l s o n , '23, has given the School a collection of seventj'-five fossil shells f rom the Kiamich i shale. These shells are f rom Texas fields.

Th rough the courtesj^ of F red Sealey, '17, and his asso­ciate, John M i l l e r , M i n e s is now in possession of forty^-five slides of fossil foraminifera f rom east Texas. Forty-two Pennsylvania fossils and t\yentj'-seven Ter t i a ry fossils are also the gif t of these two men, through the Texas Com­pany.

T h e Humble O i l Company is the author of a gift of fort3'-one specimens f rom the Ter t i a ry period.

F r o m Oilf ields, Cal i forn ia , comes a collection of thirty-seven Ter t i a ry fossils found in the vicinity^ of Kett leman H i l l s , Cal i forn ia . F ive mineral specimens accompanied this presentation. T o this collection has recently been added another gif t f rom M r . Whi tmore , an E x - M i n e s man, a collection of sixty more Ter t ia ry fossils.

A . S. Donnelly, '28, M i d l a n d , Texas, has sent his col­lection of seventy-five Comanchean fossils f rom the vicin­ity of Fo r t Stockton, Texas, to his alma mater.

T h e first of the year, L . E . W i l s o n presented the School of M i n e s wi th his collection of sixty-five specimens of T e j o n fossils discovered in the vicinity of Bakersfield, Ca l i fo rn ia . T h i s was an exchange.

Geology and Coal Resources, Meeker Quadrangle, Colorado A report on the geology and coal resources of the Meeker

quadrangle, an area of about 230 square miles in M o f f a t and R i o Blanco Counties, Colorado, has just been issued by the Department of the Interior as Geological Survey Bul le t in 812-C. T h i s report, which was wri t ten by E . T . Hancock and J . B . Eby, geologists, may be obtained f rom the Superintendent of Documents, Government Pr in t ing Office, Washington, D . C , for 30 cents. T h e coal-bearing formations constituting what is known as the Mesaverde group underlie the greater part of this area. T h e coal beds that occur in the 6,000 feet of Mesaverde sediments are classified into five groups. T h e coal has the color and joint­ing characteristics of bituminous coal, though some of it breaks wi th a conchoidal fracture, a property of subbitum-inous coal. T h e estimated total quantity above a depth of 3,000 feet is 10,645,000,000 tons. Detailed descrip­tions by townships, including sketches of the geology, de­scriptions of the coal, suggestions for development, and estimates of quantity, are given in the bulletin, and the areal geology and structure are shown on a topographic base map.

" T o m m y , isn't it rather extravagant to eat both butter and jam on your bread at the same t ime?"

" O h , no. Mothe r . It's economy. Y o u see the same piece of bread does for both."


T h e reporter came idly^ into the office. " W e l l , " said the editor, "what did our eminent statesman have to say?"

" N o t h i n g . "

" W e l l , keep it down to one column."

Immigration Laws Af fec t Mines Man

A recent copyrighted article which appeared in the magazine section of the Rocky M o u n t a i n News tells the story of a j^oung M i n e s graduate who wants to become an American citizen, but cannot do so because of the inflexi­bil i ty of the Uni ted State's immigration laws. T h e Mines graduate in question is Eugene Staritzky.

E U G E N E S T A R I T Z K Y ^ '27

Staritzky is a bri l l iant Russian youth who came to Amer ica under the provisions of the immigration act cover­ing the admission of students. H e cannot return to Russia now without facing the probable penalty of death, which confronts a l l fugitives of the old regime, according to the copyrighted article.

Before coming to the Colorado School of Mines , Staritzky spent three years at the university at Ber l in where he made a splendid record in scholarship. A t Mines he was one of the outstanding students in his class, and was graduated wi th the degree of Meta l lu rg ica l Engineer in 1927. H e made one of the highest marks among the 68 graduates of that year.

Since his graduation he has been taking a training course wi th the D o r r Company, at Westport, Connecticut, and has been doing experimental work in the Hammond labora­tory at Y a l e . H i s education in three languages and his engineering training received in two wor ld renowned in­stitutions fit him wel l for citizenship, but the irony of fate prevents his becoming a citizen of the Uni ted States.

W o r d s are futi le when it comes to describing what we owe to the engineer, to the man who made possible modern homes, modern transportation, modern means of trade and communication.—M. E. Tracy.

Paae Thirtv-three

Page 18: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

M A Y 1930 The Colorado School of M i n e s M a g a z i n

M I N E R S E V E R Y W H E R E !

Let Us Serve Y o u r Needs

Engineers' Supplies, Books and Magazines

R o b i n s o n ' s B o o k S t o r e

Golden Colorado

T h e R u b e y N a t i o n a l B a n k

of Golden

The Miners' Bank

Thoroughly Reliable and


M o r e P o w e r t o M i n e s

and Golden

Colorado Central Power Co.

Golden, Colorado

G o l d e n F i r e B r i c k C o .

One of Golden's Mineral


Golden Colorado

Camptis what the Dames Do

Women with the degree MRS. malfe up the personnel of one of the most in­teresting groups at the Colorado School of -Mines—The Dames Club. Wives of students registered for a degree in the School, and the non-resident mothers in residence in Golden during the time that their sons (or daughters) are enrolled for a degree in the institution, are eligible. The Dames pin is made up of a small gold circle, symbolizing the wedding ring and fidelity, pierced by an arrow, repre­sentative of friendship.

Under the sponsorship of the Faculty Women's Club, the Golden Dames were formally organized in September, 1928, and at once petitioned the National Asso­ciation of University Dames for a charter which was granted. The School of Mines Dames Club is the baby of the organiza­tion which was founded over a quarter of a century ago and now boasts chapters at the University of Chicago, Ohio State Universit)', University of Michigan, Iowa State College, University of Kansas, Uni­versity of Illinois, University of Minne­sota, University of Oklahoma, Washing­ton State College, University of Cali­fornia, Purdue University, Leland Stan­ford University, University of Louisville, University of Des Moines, University of South Dakota, and Northwestern Uni­versity.

National headquarters shift each year, going from club to club in the order in which the chapters were taken in. Minne­sota University has charge of national affairs for 1929-30.

Providing a social background for its members is the primary aim of the Dames, and this is accomplished in a variety of ways that lend spice to the lives of the "better halves" and mothers stationed at the numerous universities having chapters throughout the United States. The Dames at Chicago Univer­sity, which was the nucleus for the na­tional organization and numbers two hun­dred members, partake of an extensive program which includes lectures by mem­bers of the faculty and prominent

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Rocky Mountain Distributors—Cordeau-Bickford Detonating Fuse for

deep well blasting.

Chicagoans, special classes in the school, the privilege of attending the regular lec­ture courses for students, and a coopera­tive nursery in which the younger gen­eration may be left without charge. (This last feature would be a welcome addition at Mines providing enough freshmen could be obtained to act as overseers.) University authorities think so well of their Dames organization that they have granted $200 a year for the carrying on of the club activities.

The Iowa Dames make a specialty of presenting a silver Dames' spoon to each baby born during the school year. Iowa, Ohio State and Chicago University form­ed the basis for organizing nationally.

Minnesota University makes a feature of family picnics while South Dakota pre­fers dinner dances for entertainment. Leland Stanford Dames lean toward ac­tivities in smaller groups within the large circle emphasizing the hobbies of mem­bers—music, drama, hiking, bridge, swimming, etc. The big event for the Oregon group is a style show in which costumes made by the home economics students are paraded. Chicago special­izes on social service work.

The Dames at Mines have made an en­viable record in their short existence. Thirty-five women have taken advantage of the privilege of membership. The number eligible is increasing almost daily to the extent that a school wisecracker has stated that there are so few bachelors now that they could hold their meetings in a telephone booth. For the local club, the School has tendered the use of the Theta Tau room in the Gym. for meet­ings which are held the second and fourth Mondays in each month. Mines Dames are a thrifty lot and have bought silverware and card tables for their parties which are held frequently. A bridge dinner and a Hallowe'en "whoopee" were given for the husbands and sons, and recently the wives of the faculty were bidden to a cabaret party.

Mrs. Quenton Brewer is president for the C. S. M . group, Mrs. Fred H . Nye, vice-president, Mrs. Art Barney, corres­ponding secretary, Mrs. Luther Dempsey, recording secretary, Mrs. F. B. Waters, treasurer, and Mrs. Roscoe Morton, social chairman. "Sorores in Faculate", so to speak, include Mrs. Walter Risley, who was a Dame of the local Harvard club, Mrs. A . S. Adams, California, Mrs. Ros­coe Morton, Illinois, and Mrs. J. C. Fitterer, Chicago.

Attend Convention

Prof. C. B. Carpenter and William Wallis of the Colorado School of Mines attended the national biennial meeting of the Sigma Gamma Epsilon fraternity at Norman, Okla., last week. Professor Carpenter is secretary and treasurer for the national organization and Mr. Wallis was Mines' representative.

The Colorado School of M i n e s Ma gamine M A Y 1930

*jbpics Fraternity News

A.T.O.'s Build Home

The Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, latest national organization to be estab­lished on the campus, has started the con­struction of a beautiful new home. Work upon the Alpha Tau Omega house will be completed by next September, and it will be ready for occupancy at the open­ing of the fall term.

H. S. Seniors Entertained

The last informal dance of the year was given at Guggenheim Hall by the " M " Club, April 18. The dance was given in honor of the high school gradu­ates of Colorado. The following gave parties after the dance to entertain the high school men who were their guests: Kappa Sigma, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sig Alph and Beta. The Sigma Nus will have a dinner preceding and a buffet sup­per after the dance.

Intramural Baseball

Intramural baseball results: The Betas beat K . S. 9-5; S. N, swamped the Barbs 13-3, and the A . T . O. won from the Stray Greeks, 5-3.

Dance at Shirley-Savoy

Responding to the craving for action upon these wonderful spring evenings, the Miners journeyed into the Shirley-Savoy hotel, Denver, to enjoy their annual Inter-fraternity Dance. IJancing to the dreamy strains of "Davy" Ginsberg's band, amid the enchanting decorations of the Vene­tian Room, the couples appeared to be enjoying themselves to the utmost. The

popularity of the music was shown by the number of requests made by the dancers. Each was granted and addi­tional novelties featured by the orchestra's saxophone soloist.

The attendance of the dance was good, each chapter being well represented.

Phi Lambda Alpha Banquet

The Phi Lambda Alpha fraternity held a delightful banquet at the Shirley Savoy hotel on the evening of April 11. Al l members of the fraternity were present. The speaker of the evening was Dean Morgan. In his address, he compli­mented the chapter upon its splendid work during the past two years. Profes­sor Johnson also addressed the chapter. M r . Guerrero presented Mrs. Johnson with a beautiful pin bearing the shield of the fraternity, significant of her place of esteem as chapter mother.

The guests of the evening included Dean Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Miss Esther Smith, Miss Margie Cam-son, Miss Wilma Mayer, Miss Jaunita Manzares, Miss Mercedes Sanchez, Miss Milly Chavez and Miss Staphine Ohlen-berg.

Senior Trips

Forty-two students and professors of the Colorado School of Mines left April 19 on inspection tours of the mineral industries.

The larger group, comprised of stu­dents particularly interested in mining and metallurgj', went to points in the Middle West, with the first stop at Joplin, Mo. Another group of students, special­izing in the petroleum industry, went to California.

Senior Day The Seniors' "war cry" rang out on

the campus April 3, when the first class­men held their annual Senior Day cele­bration. Dressed in outlandish costumes, the Seniors paraded about the grounds. They held a mock trial in Guggenheim Hall before noon.

^ !

Seniors dressed in costume for Class Day. Left to riff lit: C. Brown, G. Howe,

Ted Say, H. l^an der t^eer, C. E. Smitli, Bill Pugh, Art Barney.

At two o'clock the Seniors met the Faculty in a baseball encounter on Brooks Field. The game was called at the end of the fifth inning, the score standing 21 to 10. It was a sweet vic­tory for the Seniors!

The Senior Day festivities ended with a banquet in the evening.

A Group of Seniors on Senior Day. The head of the horse is represented by

Sirong and the part to wliich the tail is attached is K. Lebsch.

Others arc Barney Bench, 0. L. Cook, t^an der t^eer and Harry Chinn.

ALBERT G . FISH, Pres. & Treas. IRA C. BOWER, Sec,

. H I S - „- ,

' " ^ r " " ^ ' " — a f e - i f r - i - 111"- "••f"--- •"- -V - % ''n-

S T R U C T U R A L S T E E L and O R N A M E N T A L I R O N

T H E M I D W E S T S T E E L and I R O N W O R K S C O M P A N Y (incorporated)

Office N o . Z5 L a r i m e r Street, D E N V E R Branch Plant P. O. Box 1184, PUEBLO. COLO.

Page Thirty-five

Page 19: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

M A Y 1930 The Colorado School of M i n e s Ma gamine

, ' - ' • •

|>4chlcoci Storage Tanks

For Gasoline, Oil and kindred pro­ducts. A ir Compressor Tanks, Sheet and plate construction of all kinds. Complete stock of sheets and plates in Denver Warehouse.

Eaton Metal Products Co. Denver Colorado

Uni ted V e r d e Copper G o .

Mines at Jerome, Arizona

Smelter and Concentrator

Clarkdale, Arizona

Climax, Colo.

I n s p i r a t i o n

C o n s o l i d a t e d C o p p e r

C o m p a n y

New York Office, 25 Broadway

Mines and Plants Inspiration, Gi la Co. , Arizona





The Baseball Season

The Miners hold second place among the Conference baseball teams at this date, having lost two games and won three. Denver University heads the list with only one loss and three wins.

DENVER'S L U C K Denver had the traditional horseshoe

along on April 5 when the D. U. nine tangled with the Miners at Merchant's Park. Leading the Pioneers by a safe margin until the seventh, the Miners looked good to win their opening game. But in the seventh, first one thing and another happened—the result was four runs for Denver. That inning "lost the old ball game." Score: D. U. 9, Mines 4.

The return game at Golden three days later was Denver's game from the third inning on. The visitors accumulated eleven markers to Mines' six. Both teams played ragged ball, showing plainly that they were playing the first engagements of the season.

T E A C H E R S D O W N E D T W O T O O N E The trip to Greeley April 12, resulted

in the Oredigger's first win of the season. It was a windy day and the boys were batting with the wind. Rice knocked out a homer and registered for three other hits out of five tries. At the end of the game Mines had brought in ten runs while Teachers had been earning five. Dickey pitched a very nice game.

T A K E T W O F R O M A G G I E S The Miners went up to Fort Collins,

April 18 and 19 for two games on the Aggies own home lot. The first game looked like it was sold to Aggies at the end of the fifth inning when the Farm­ers were leading five to nothing. The Miners limbered up a bit in the sixth and seventh, and garnered three tallies them­selves, but the Ags came back with three runs to match these. At the end of the eighth inning the score stood. Aggies 9, Mines 5.

A thrilling ninth inning rally enabled the Miners to pull ahead with a score of 11 to 9. Aggies had the last bat and were able to score only one run, closing the game 11 to 10 in Mines favor. It can be safely said that this game was, is and will be for a long time, the most exciting baseball game played in this con­ference. Fernaled, a freshman from Florida, made five hits out of five trips to the plate. Three of his hits were for three bases.

The second game with Aggies was almost the reverse of the first one. Mines led 9 to 2 at the end of the seventh. Then the Farmers rallied, and tied the score in the ninth inning. An extra frame was necessary to decide the game. Bill Pugh put one over the fence for a trip around the bags and the final score stood Mines 10, Aggies 9.

Mines Gets Trainer Dr. W . D. Fletcher has been elected to

the physical education staff of the Colo­rado School of Mines, it was announced today. Dr. Fletcher will come to Golden from Gillette, Wyo., where he has been director of physical education in the Campbell County High school.

Dr. Fletcher is a graduate of the Battle Creek School of Physical Education and the Still College of Osteopathy. He holds an advanced degree from the University of Wyoming, and has spent several years in that state as a high school coach. While at Kemmerer, his high school team won the state championship in basketball and a second year was run­ner-up for the title. He spent two years at Oregon university as trainer of all athletic teams.



The reorganization of the Mines' de­partment of physical education has been completed, according to Coach George Allen, who will head the department for the coming year. Dave C. Johnston will remain as manager of athletics, Dick Moles will be advanced from an in­structor to the position of associate pro­fessor. Allen and Moles will coach the varsity football team, and Moles, assisted by Dr. Fletcher, will be in charge of basketball. Moles will also have charge of all intramural sports. Dr. Fletcher will serve in the capacity of freshman football coach and athletic trainer in addition to assisting in basketball and intramural sports.

Dr. P. M . Van Tuyl of Mines, has been appointed to serve another term on the Research Committee of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists by Sidney Powers, president of the Associa­tion,

The Colorado School of M i n e s M a g a z i n e M A Y 1530

New York Section

The 91st regular meeting of the New York Section of the Colorado School of Mines Alumni Association was held at the Chemists' Club, 52 East 41st Street, New York City, on Friday, Apfi l 4, 1930. Dinner was served at 6:30 P. M ,

The following men were present: L. T . Brown, '26, 95 West 183rd St., N. Y. C . ; C. W. Burgess, '09, 247 Park Ave., N. Y. C ; F. A . Downs, '13, 247 Park Ave., N. Y. C ; C. L. French, '13, 11 Bardett St., Brooklyn, N. Y . ; V. L. Matt-son, '26, 15 West 38th St., N, Y, C . ; F. V. McKinless, Jr., '23, 11 Broadway, N. Y. C ; A , L. O'Toole, '26, 17 E . 42nd St., N. Y. C ; R. B. Paul, '02, 160 Front St, N. Y, C ; F. S. Titsworth, '95, 521 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C ; H . P. Walmsley, Ex-'24, 1239 Graybar Bldg., N. Y. C . ; R. W, Wells, '29, 35 West 75th St., N. Y. C . ; H . J. Wolf, '03, 42 Broadway, N. Y. C.

M r . Barnabas Bryan—Guest Speaker. Following the dinner. President Harry

J . Wolf called the meeting to order. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.

C. W. Burgess reported that he had audited the treasurer's books and found them correct as of February 10, 1930.

Russell B. Paul as chairman of the Nominating Committee reported that his committee recommended that the present officials be re-elected. Other nominations were called for but none were made and the following officers were unanimously re-elected:

President—Harry J. Wolf Vice President—Frederick S. Titsworth Secretary & Treasurer'—^Frank A. Downes

It was decided that the regular meet­ings of this section would be held here­after on the second Friday of each month excepting the months of June, July and August when there would be no regular meeting. It is believed that by establish­ing a regular date for a meeting, Mines men located near New York City might plan so that they could attend the meet­ings more regularly, and it should also be an advantage to men from other sec­tions who may be planning to visit New York.

The New York Section is pleased to note the appointment of George Allen as Director of Athletics at Colorado School of Mines and we wish him success in his new undertaking.

Following the regular business, Mr. Barnabas Bryan, Economist and Petro­leum Geologist associated with the Petroleum Research Corpn., 120 Broad­way, New York, N. Y. gave an interest­ing talk on "The Present Status and Out­look of The Petroleum Industry". Mr. Bryan explained very clearly the impor­tance of conserving our oil resources and the significance of the State Gas Laws and other factors affecting the industry.

With a vote of thanks to Mr. Bryan the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P. M .

Lead Belt Section

Meeting of April 11 called to order by President Bilheimer, with the following members present:

W. C. Bochert, P. H . Carpenter, _R. E . Wagner, Geo. Bartholomess, Daniel C. Frobes, William G, Dow, Robert Burns, Thomas J. Clifford, E . L. Bilheimer and C. D. Frobes,

It was moved and carried that the section act as hosts at a dinner for the seniors who will be here April 22. Din­ner to be held at National Hotel in Flat River.

It was moved and carried that the sec­retary send Mr. Colburn a letter stating our approval, as a section, of the pro­posed increase in the annual dues and life membership fees.

A motion to adjourn was carried.

Southern California Section

A regular meeting of the Colorado School of Mines Alumni Section of Southern California was held at the Uni­versity Club the evening of April 7, 1930.

After dinner, the meeting was called to order by J. Courtenay Ballagh who stated that he was asked to preside in the absence of our president, Ward Blackburn, who was unable to attend on account of illness in his family. After roll-call of those present, the minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted.

Ballagh then read the report of the Secretary of the parent Association to the Executive Committee covering opera­tions for the year 1929. This was fol­lowed by some discussion as to methods that might be suggested to the Ways & Means Committee but no decision was reached as to a recommendation.

It was mentioned that the Senior Class from Golden would be here on their trip in the next few weeks and a committee with Harry Fiske as Chairman was ap­pointed to contact the group with a view toward entertaining and assisting the Class while in Los Angeles and vicinity. The other members of the committee were. Bud Shanley, Roger White, Ed. Locke and J. Greenspoon. It was moved and passed that we have a dinner meet­ing at which the visiting Class would be our guests.

Then followed discussion of topics to be taken up at future meetings to create interest. Gauthier moved and it was passed that C. A. Spicer be in charge of the program at the next meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

Those present:—Roger White, '17; Leonard White ; Julius Hornbein, '05 ; W. P. Thompson, '21; D. F. Evans, '25; Steve Fullaway, '16; Howard Armington, '07; Nick Gallucci, '20; S. W. French, '08; Weston Smith, '06; J. R. West, '10; W. J. Rupnick, '29; H . C. Eddy, '09; C. K . Viland, '29; J. C. Ballagh, '10; Wm. F. Dugan, Ex-'12; C. A. Spicer, '05; J. Greenspoon, '26; Sidney Small, '17; Nor­man Whitmore, '26; J. R. (Bud) Shan­

ley, '15; Harry Fiske, '21; Ed. Locke, '28; K. P. Hurley, '22; W. A. Harrod, '16; J. H . Easthagen, '29; F. M . Bell, '21; C. B. Gauthier, '16,

Entertain Seniors

The Southern California Section of the Colorado School of Mines Alumni Association held a dinner at the Uni­versity Club in Los Angeles on Wednes­day night, April 23rd, Ten students and two professors who were making the Senior Trip through here, were guests.

As we had just had a regular meet­ing two weeks ago the attendance was not quite what we would have had if we had known earlier the Class was coming.

However, twenty-six men turned out to greet the eleven guests. After dinner there was a little discussion as to plans to assist the visiting class while on their stay here and the professors favored us with a few remarks. There being no regular business, the meeting developed into^ a good old "get-together and bull-session."

The guests were Professor Boatright, Professor Fancher—Seniors: Kincaid, Renfro, Carter, Say, Kelly, Gernert, Carr, Tryansky and Stanfield.

Members of the local Section in attend­ance:—Howard Armington, '07; F. M . Bell, '21; Ward Blackburn, '08; T . D. Benjovsky '09 (visitor) ; F. E . Bruhn, '25; A. H . Bradford, '09; Walter E. Canning, '09; Wm. F. Dugan, Ex-'12; D. F. Evans, '25; H . P. Fidel, '23; Harry Fiske, '21; S. W. French, '08; Steve Fullaway, '16; E . H . Frenzell, '21; J. Greenspoon, '26; C. B. Ireland, '08; F. P. Lannon, Jr., '07; E. R. Locke, '28; W. J. Rupnik, '29; John Teets, '15; C. K . Viland, '29; R. O. Walker, '24; Gower Waters, E x - ' l l ; Ben. T . Wells, '04; R. F. White, '18; D. Zeidenfeld, Ex-'31.

WM. F. DUGAN, Secretary,

Los Angeles, Calif., April 24, 1930.

Telling the News of Golden and the

School of Mines

SINCE 1866

COLORADO TRANSCRIPT Give Yourself a Weekly Present from

the Old Campus—$2.50 per Year



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Jefferson County Republican

Page T/iirty-seven

Page 20: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

M A Y 1930 The Colorado School of M i n e s Ma gamine

1 c r s o n a

Prof. Robert A. Baxter, '23, has just been promoted from Ensign to Lieutenant (Junior Grade) in the U. S. Naval Re­serve. He is a member of the Engineer branch and served in regular engine room duties during the war. For the last three years he has been assigned to special duty on investigational work with lubricants, motor fuels and oil shales. He is continued in his present assignment of that special service in his new rank.

Theodore Marvin, '22, editor of the Explosives Engineer, attended the ses­sions of the annual meeting of the American Zinc Institute at St. Louis, April 14 to 18.

Arch Sprout, '26, is now with the Vanadium Corporation of America, and is stationed at Callao, Peru. Mrs. Sproul sailed May 3 from New York to join her husband in South America.

Fred C. Bond, '22, wife and son, Robert, have returned to Colorado for the summer. Bond will go to Minneapolis in the fall where he will study for his doctor's degree at the University of Minnesota.

Phil Simmons, '29, is now located in Virginia, Minnesota, where he is en­gaged in open pit iron mining. Mrs, Simmons, a former Golden girl, left re­cently to join him,

Fred C. Sealey, '17, is now Asst, Divi­sion Manager, South Texas Division, The Texas Company, at Houston.

James A. Clark, '21, Assistant Field Superintendent, Lago Petroleum Corp., Maracaibo, Venezuela, lost his father March 26. The sympathy of fellow alumni is here extended to him.

Guy Miller, '19, and his sister. Miss Edith Miller, were guests recently at the home of Golden friends. Miller attended the A . A . P . G . meeting in New Orleans and stopped over in Golden on his way back to Long Beach, where he is a geolo­gist for the Shell Company.

Pete Geshell, '29, was a visitor in the Editor's ofBce, April Fools' Day. Geshell has been chosen one of a party who go to Argentina to develop a property for the St. Joseph Lead Company, He was quite enthusiastic over the prospect of going to South America on so important a mis­sion, and said, "This is no April fool joke, either,"

H. L. Gardner, '27, has returned to the States on a vacation from Chile. He is one of the seven Mines men who are working for the Braden Copper Company at Sewell. He was in Golden for a few days early in April, Other Mines men at Braden are: Arch F. Boyd, '26; Jack A, Martin, '26; P. M . Kinney, '27; Wm. A. Austin, Jr., '27; X . T . Stoddard, '27; J. P. Withers, '23, and John N. Adam-son, '21. Mention is made of these men being in Sewell on Page 25 of this issue.

H. IV. C. Prommel, Ex-Mines, has signed a two year contract with the Soviet Government. He will be chief consulting geologist for the Soviet mining trust.

A. J. Weinig, '07, won the rifle shoot held recently at the Golden Rifle Club range. Target shooting is Weinig's hobby, and he is quite a marksman. Flotation doesn't take up all his time,

Millard A. Jergensen, '29, was a visi­tor at the School in March. He is with the- Sullivan Mining Company, Kellogg, Idaho.

James Hook, '29, and wife have re­moved from New Orleans to Houston, Texas. Hook is with the Gulf Research Company doing work in geophysical prospecting.

Prof. S. P. Warren, '13, and son, Billie, left April 13 by motor car for New York. From there they will go to Nova Scotia on a business trip. They expect to be away several weeks.

Tracy Bartholomew, '06, has recently been appointed manager of research and test for the Duquesne Products Co., of Pittsburg.

7. G. Georgen, '29, is now located at Tooele, Utah. Mrs. Georgen joined him recently in the Utah city.

George B. Somers, '30, is with the Torsion Balance Company of Texas. His headquarters are in Houston.

Ethbert F. Re^d, '22, Geologist for the Andes Copper Mining Company at Chanaral, Chile, is on a vacation in the States and called at the Alumni office, March 21, afterwards attending the monthly luncheon of the Colorado Local Section at the Auditorium Hotel. He will return to Chile in May.

Donald H. Mullen, '25, is Assistant Engineer, Tintic Standard Mining Com­pany, at Dividend, Utah.

Otis E. Keough, '21, is Metallurgist with the International Smelting Company at Tooele, Utah, his residence address being 160 South Second West Street.

Marshall D. Draper, '97, who recently returned to the States from China sends in his residence address as 443 South Peck Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif.

Axel E. Anderson, '04, dropped a card to the Alumni Secretary from Cerro de Pasco, Peru on which he stated that he had met the Mines graduates and Ex-Mines men there and was enjoying visits with them. He will return to Denver in May.

Jatnes H. Steele, '00, Assistant Princi­pal of Manual Training High School, Denver, who has resided in Arvada for the past several years has moved into Denver and is now at home at 1041 Lafayette Street.

Frederic L. Tyler, '23, Manager of the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company, has moved his offices to 327 Philcade Build­ing, Tulsa, Okla.

Charles B. Foster, '27, who has been connected with the International Smelting Company at Tooele, Utah since gradua­tion is now on a leave of absence while acting as metallurgist for the Hercules Mining Company at Wallace, Idaho.

Royal P. Jarvis, '97, Geologist and Mining Engineer, has moved from Sul-tepec to Mineral de Dos Estrellas, Michoacan, Mexico.

U . S . F O U N D R I E S , I n c .

A. C. H O V E Y , Pres. and Gen. Mgr. 3975 Williams Street, Denver

C a r b o n a n d A l l o y S t e e l C a s t i n g s

For mantles and liners for ball mills

MOLLY'Chrome gives service far superior to any other castings on the market.

Our specialty is

M O L L Y - C h r o m e



Magnetometer Surveys GEORGE STEINER



Report by Sole American Representative Donald C, Barton Suss Visual—Suss Rybar Automatic

Consulting Geologist and Geophysicist Torsion Balances

The Colorado School of M i n e s M a g a ^ t n M A Y 1930

George B. Mitchell, '96, who is West­ern Manager for P. Lyall & Sons Con­struction Company, Ltd., is returning to Canada from Bogota, Colombia, and his address will be No. 6 Trafalgar Place, Montreal, Province of Quebec.

L. David Wosk, '24, of the Land De­partment of the White Eagle Oil and Refining Company, has moved his resi­dence to 523 So. Adams St., Apt. 5, Fort Worth, Texas.

Eric F. Bladholm, '29, has been trans­ferred to the New York office of Ingersoll-Rand Company, 11 Broadway, where his work is in the compressor engineering department.

Ben H. Parker, '24, Geologist for the Gypsy Oil Company, recently moved to 624 N E 17th Street, Oklahoma City, Okla.

Arnold S. Bunte, '26, Geologist for Shell Petroleum Corporation, is now lo­cated in E l Reno, Oklahoma, postoffice address. Box 168.

Arthur C. Brinker, '01, Mining Engi­neer with offices at 120 Broadway, New York City, is in Antofagasta, Chile where he has been since last November.

Lewis B. Skinner, '95, who has been away from Denver for some time has re­turned and is now connected with the Humphreys Phosphate Company.

H. W. C. Prommel, Ex-'20, sailed from New York, April 3 for Russia where his address will be Tzvetmetzoloto, Centr-Vetoshnyi, Per. 15, Moscow, U. S. S. R.

Edwin H. Piatt, '00, called at the Alumni office, April 8. He is now ranch-inp near Sheridan, Wyoming.

Silas M. Kobey, '29, recently accepted a position as operator in the test plant of the San Francisco Mines, Ltd. His address is Box 1083, Laredo, Texas.

Norman Whitmore, '26, Geologist, has moved from Oilfields, California to Los Angeles where his address is 649 So. Olive Street

Dana W. Leeke, -'10, sailed for Japan the first of April where he has accepted a position with the Oriental Consolidated Mining Company at Unsankinko, Chosen, Korea.

Robert L. McLaren, Jr., Ex-'26, has moved to Lordsburg, New Mexico, where his address is Box 236.

Edward W. Robinson, '20, has recent­ly moved to San Francisco from New York City, where he is connected with the Globe Indemnity Company at 444 Cali­fornia Street.

Harry R. Wilson, '16, who has been connected with the Hercules Mil l , Wallace, Idaho, recently joined the num­ber of Mines men who are signing up contracts for work in Russia. He sailed from New York the early part of April.

Frank A. Brown, '21, who is associated with Ingersoll-Rand Company has been transferred to their New York office, 11 Broadway.

Robert Higgins, '17, who has been representing the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in El Paso, Texas, has been re­turned to Denver where he is residing at 1918 Clermont Street.

Fernon L. Mattson, '26, Mining Engi­neer with Norrie & Tower, sends in a change of address to 2 Washington Street, South Charleston, West Virginia.

Several alumni have been visitors in the Lead Belt recently among whom are: Ben Essig, '15, Arthur Seetnan, '22 and Jake Schoeder, Ex-Mines. Schoeder was on his way from Hughesville, Montana to the Argentine where he will be em­

ployed by the St. Joseph Lead Company in the development of some new prop­erty. Schoeder informed us of the pres­ence of Carl and Abe Martin, '23, in Hughesville. Both are employed by the St. Joseph Lead Company.

Charles S. Pike, Ex-'29, Milling Opera­tor for the Compania Minero Asarco, has been transferred from Charcas to Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico, with Apartado No. 85.

Ralph D. Curtis, '26, sends in a change of residence address to 1013 So. Trenton Street, Tulsa, Okla.

James W. Pearce, '14, Engineer for the A. C, Nielsen Company, Chicago, has moved his residence to 1357 East 47th Place, Hyde Park Station, Chicago, Illi­nois.

Salvador del Rio, '28, has moved to 14 East Park Street, Newark, New Jersey.

Alexander IC. McDaniel, '01, Consulting Engineer, recently moved to 560 Williams Street, Denver.

Thompson H. March, '23, who has been Sales Engineer for the Colonial Steel Company, was recently promoted to West­ern Manager with headquarters at 825 Santa Fe Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif.

Edwin R. Richards, '05, is now Con­sulting Engineer, Cia M . F. y A., Monterrey, S. A., with postoffice address, Apartado 14, Santa Barbara, Chih., Mex.

F. Erich Bruhn, '22, recently accepted position of District Representative, Pacific Pump Works, and is making his head­quarters in Fontana, California where his address is- Box 212.

George Pasguella, '24, recently sent in a change of address to 402 Lyman Build­ing, Muskegon, Michigan, where he is Geologist for the Dixie Oil Company.

Latham C. Squire, '22, is Vice-Presi­dent, Technical Advisory Corporation, Consulting Engineers, with address at 15 Park Row, New York, N. Y,

Douglas M. Shaw, '28, is now a Fore­man with the Moctezuma Copper Com­pany, Pilares de Nacozari, Sonora, Mex.

Cortez P. Hackett, '23, Assistant Chief Engineer, The Solvay Process Company, has moved his residence to 123 Onondaga Avenue, Syracuse, New York.


Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Frost at Hayden, Arizona, March 27, a seven pound boy. Frost was graduated in 1925. His son can make it by 1950, we believe.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave C. Johnston are the proud parents of a seven and a half pound son, born March 30. The boy has been named -Davy Junior—There is no reason that we can see why he shouldn't be manager of football some twenty years from now.

Harrison. Lowe Hays, III, made his seven and a half pound debut at Mary Donaldson Hospital, Denver, April 9, The young man will make his home in Golden where his Dad is a junior at Mines.

A baby boy was born to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Briber, April 13. He weighs seven and one half pounds and has been named Robert Martin. More football material for 1950.

Alumni Letters

Rancagua, Chile, March 2, 1930.

Dear Colburn:— Enclosed you have my check for dues

and the Colorado School of Mines Maga­zine which is ever welcome, especially down here.

The .news of the boys in camp here: Arch Boyd, '26 and Mrs. Boyd recently returned from the States on a three months "Paseo". Likewise, Jack Martin bringing with him his bride.

Pat Kinney and Bill Austin are aiming to be married ever proving that romance is not difficult even in S. A .

Al l the "Miners" are ambling right along. Jack Martin, Arch Boyd, Pat Kinney and Bill Austin are now all assist­ant mine foremen on the upper levels of the Teniente. Jack Withers is assistant mine superintendent. "Tex" Gardner left a short while back for the States.

That about finishes news for this time. Sincerely,

X. T . STODDARD, '27.

Cook-Grahatn Another Mines man joined the bene­

dicts when Miss Leona Graham became the bride of O. L. Cook, '30, April 4, 1930. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride in Englewood, Colorado. Mrs. Cook has been teaching school at Keenesburg, Colorado.

Look-Wong Mr. and Mrs. George Frank Look are

planning to make their home in Chicago, Mrs. Look was Miss Daisy Wong before her marriage, Tuesday, April 22, at Baur's, Denver. Judge Frank McDonough presided. Look graduated from Mines in 1927, and was a stellar player on the School's baseball team.

Steves-Woods Verne D. Steves, Ex-'29, and Miss

Lenora Woods of Denver were united in marriage the afternoon of April 6th at the Grand View M . E . Community Church, Rev. Kaeiva officiating. Miss Woods was a graduate of the Presbyter­ian Hospital. Steves is Junior Observer with the Weather Bureau and is located in the New Postoffice Building, Denver. The young couple are making their home at 2136 Franklin Street.

Lee-Marion Wallace Lee, '04, and Miss Jean

Marion of Niagara Falls, Ontario, were married Wednesday the twenty-third of April at Christ Church, Niagara Falls, ducers & Refiners Company at Okmulgee, Lee is Geologist with the Denver Pro-Oklahoma where the couple will be at home after June first at Lucerne Apart­ments.

Page Thirty-nine

Page 21: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

M A Y 1930 The Colorado School of Mine s Ma gamine

^ith Owr ADVERTISERS Policy of this Department

It is tlie policy of the Colorado School of IVIines Magazine to cooperate with its advertisers to the fullest extent. A l l of our advertisers are specialists in their field of endeavor. They accumulate vast stores of information of an engineering and technical nature—information that holds great interest for our readers. This space is set aside for them to use for the publication of such information. It is free to our advertisers and limited ex'clusivelv to their use.

A d v e r t i s i n g Has tens

E c o n o m i c R e c o v e r y

R O G E R W . B A B S O N made a statement soon after the stock market crash to the effect that

well directed advertising can do more than aii)' other one factor to hasten economic recover}' f rom a state of depression.

The year 1930 offers the advertising business both a challenge and an opportunity. The challenge is two-fold; first to the business man who prepares and directs his campaigns. Business men must have the courage to luaintain their advertising appiopria-tions in the face of the present business recession.

The tiiue to advertise is when sales are hard—con­trary to the general practice of advertising chiefly when business is good and sales are easy. The adver­tising man on the other hand, must have the courage to cut out all unnecessary fr i l l s and make his copy produce direct results.

One important factor in such a program of econo­my is the careful choice of the advertising luediums used. F o r the mining ec(uipment concerns, a publi­cation such as the Colorado School of Mines Maga­zine has these advantages: This magazine reaches a selected, list of knozvn buyers. Its subscribers have a personal interest in it, and therefore notice the advertisers who are helping to support it. This one thing has often been the reason for a Mines Man 's purchase of ec|uipment f rom a particular company.



Subscribe N o w

Rates ^1.50 per Year

Write to Alumni Secretary jor Advertising Rates

511 C. A . Johnson Bldg. Denver^ Colorado

I n d e x t o A d v e r t i s e r s


American Askania Corporation 4 American Paulin System 31 C. S. Card Iron Works Co. 5 Climax Molybdenum Co. 36 Colorado Central Power Co. 34 Colorado School of Mines 6 Colorado Transcript 37 Colorado Iron Works Co. 7 Denver Equipment Company 42 Denver Fireclay 5 Dorr Company 10 Dupont 9 Eaton Metal Products Co. 36 Flexible Steel Lacing Co. 43 Gardner-Denver Co. 47 General Electric Co. 8 Golden Fire Brick Co. 34 Goodman M f g . Co. 4 Hercules Powder Co. 48 Ingersoll-Rand 3 Inspiration Consolidated Copper Co. 36 Jefferson County Republican 37 Kistler Stationery Co. 45 Lindrooth, Shubart & Co. 36 Mine & Smelter Supply Co. .1, 46 Midwest Steel & Iron Co. 35 National Fuse & Powder Co. 34 Professional Cards 44, 45 F. B. Robinson Book Store 34 Rubey National Bank 34 Stearns-Rogers Mfg . Co. 7 Steiner, Geologist 38 Stonehouse Signs 2 Traylor Vibrator Co. 2 U . S. Foundries, Inc. 38 United Verde Copper Co. 36 A. R. Wilfley & Sons 5

Page Forty

The Colorado School of Mines Ma gamine M A Y 1930

What Colorado Mining Needs

By A . C. Daman, E . M . President of The Denver Equipment Company

M I N I N G was the main industry in Colorado twenty-five to fifty years ago, and gold and silver mining

and Colorado were synonj'mous at that time. The fortunes made in Colorado mining not only built up the cities of Denver and Colorado Springs, but also helped finance min­ing projects all over the world, such as American Smelting & Refining Company, Utah Copper Company, and others.

The gold and silver values found in practically all of our Colorado ores are unusual, distinguishing the mining in this State from most other localities. In many mining regions, we find lead, zinc, and copper values, but only a small amount of gold and silver. In practically all of our Colorado mines, even where lead and zinc predominate, we find that these ores contain values from $1.00 to $5.00 in gold and silver.

Wi th a few exceptions, practicall)' all of our mines were opened by following a small lead or vein of ore, and then as development proceeded and the ore bodies opened up in extent to warrant it, further development work was under­taken. Years ago when mining was in its infanc}', high grade deposits were found right at the grass roots, resulting in the various mining booms for which each mining camp in Colorado was noted; then as these high grade streaks were mined out the cost of mining became prohibitive, and many properties that still have possibilities were shut down. The regrettable part is that as the mines reached greater depths, not only did the cost increase, but in many instances the ore became more complex and also leaner in values. This brought about the next step in our mining industry, which was the erection of -mills, and improvement in milling methods. Few peopleifialize that over 90% of all ore, except iron ores, requir^'milling, _

Steel frame ready for steel bin and machinery.

Mil l s were built in practically every region, some small and others large, to treat these lower grade ores. Such mills were mostly successful, particularly in treating the ores susceptible to cj'anide treatment, or the ores in which the values were freed at a coarse size. The success of the various mills, particularly the larger tonnage plants, was

Completely assembled portable mill.

due to the extensive development work done in the mine prior to the erection of the costly mill. The extent of the development work was directly proportionate to the busi­ness ability, engineering help, and financial resources of the mining company. Those who carefully blocked out their ore and made careful mill tests insured the success of their mills. However, it was not until selective flotation came to the foreground that the greatest advancement in milling was made.

Selective flotation enabled the metallurgist to recover practically all of the values from the ore, putting them into products from which the miner secured the maximum re­turn. This resulted in the introduction of flotation in practically all of the mills, and opened up a new life for many of our mines. However, the small property with a small body of ore remained undeveloped for two reasons— first; sufficient capital could not be secured to develop enough ore to warrant a mi l l ; and second: the small prop­erty was usually guided by the wrong management, which consisted largely of people not familiar with mining, instead of business men and engineers. Investors cannot be blamed for not putting money in mine ventures where the ore was problematic, or even when the money was for a mill with the chance for the success of this mill only one out of five.

As a result, what is the present situation in Colorado? It may be said that the same condition also exists in many other mining regions in the country, It is merely this: We have many wonderful mines that have good showings of gold and silver values as well as the other base metals, such as lead, zinc and copper, warranting further development work, but for which no money is available for either addi­tional development work to warrant a large tonnage mill, or funds for a mill of the permanent expensive type. What then is the answer to these problems? The portable mill.

The portable mill is just what its name implies—a com­plete mill that can be quickly assembled, put in place, and taken down, if necessary. The portable mill can be set up completely in less than two weeks, ready for operation. If necessary to move, it can be dismantled in a few days. By the introduction of flotation, standardization on certain machines and equipment is possible, so that with a few changes in the flowsheet, one type of equipment can apply on four out of five of all of the ores referred to. In other words, crushers, the ball mill, the flotation machine, and the tables can treat one type of ore as well as another, and the changing of the flowsheet can be quickly done on this new

Page 22: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

M A Y 1 9 3 0 The Colorado School of tAines Magazine

type of unit. The portable mill has its field and it wi l l revolutionize the mining industry of this country.

The portable mill idea started over ten years ago in the treatment of radium bearing carnotite ores where the ore bodies were small and widely scattered. The idea there was to mill the small tonnage from one prospect, and if the ore ran out to move the mill to the next prospect, and thus mill the ore as it was developed. If at any location the ore increased in extent to warrant a permanent larger mill, this could be built without any great risk. This same principle is now being applied to our low grade gold, sil­ver, lead and zinc ores.

Take for instance, the economic feature of the small portable mi l l : the price of the standard 50-ton permanent mill of the old style with its concrete foundations, excava­tions and woodwork is in the neighborhood of $30,000 to $40,000. A t least three to five months are required for the building of the mill and the installation of equipment; and in so many instances, when the ore is depleted, the in­vestment is gone. Even though it is possible to salvage the equipment, this amounts to only $5,000 to $7,500 at the most, out of an investment of from $30,000 to $40,000. The advantages of the portable mill costing from $10,000 to $15,000 are apparent. It consists of steel structural members with standard equipment, is arranged so as to be assembled quickly, and so that if necessary it can be trans­ported to another property. This small portable mill can be installed on a property by placing it on concrete founda­tions, or piers, or in some instances on ordinary timber foundations, for the steel structure can be one complete unit. The line shaft and the machines are located on the steel structure. The only outside work necessary is a small wooden frame to keep the elements out of the mill. A mill of this tj'pe can be assembled and put in place in from one week to ten daj's, thus giving the miner the opportunity to mill his ore at the earliest possible moment. After the mill has run on the ore, if the venture does not prove profit­able, or if the ore should run out, the entire unit can be knocked down and moved to another prospect or mine.

Think of the advantages of having a portable mill, con­sisting of standard equipment, that can be quickly installed, that can mill the ore available and can be moved to a new location, thus avoiding the so-called "monuments" which have made the mine investor wary of putting in his money. Another advantage of the small mill is the working out of many of the mill problems, preparing the management for large selective operations when the ore is developed sufficiently for the building of a large permanent mill. The illustrations show the two steps—one with the steel struc­ture all assembled and bolted in place, and the. other with all of the machinery in its proper place. Note how the line shaft with its roller bearing is mounted on the steel structure member. The heavy machinery is bolted directly to the steel members, and the other lighter equipment is placed on the floor over the steel members. "Doubting Thomases" may criticise the merits of this plant, but too many of these portable mills have been installed and tried out to harbor an)' suspicion of their success.

Already, three 50-ton units and one 100-ton units of the portable type have been shipped to South America for the development of various ore deposits. The foreign engineers appreciate the merits of these portable mills, and intend to develop their many small mines, figuring that the cost of moving the mills from one property to another, if necessary, wil l be only a small item compared to the many advantages. Many of these mills are in use in Mexico.

The advantages of these mills can readily be appreciated in a state like Colorado, where the conditions, both mining and financial, Avarrant the use of this portable mill, and we may look forward to the revival of mining through the introduction of at least one of these mills in every mining district in the state. A l l of our recent ore bodies have been opened up through development work, and we believe that this new method wi l l open up many of our small mines with a very good chance of making a large mine of at least one out of every ten of the small ones.

Were the Sunnyside mine and the Shenandoah Dives mine at Silverton opened up as large mines at the beginning? No, it was only after extensive development work that their present ore reserves were blocked out. This also applies to our mines in Cripple Creek, Leadville, and Telluride, illustrating the point that a large profitable mine is made large through development work only, and if this develop­ment work can be offset by profitable mill operation, one can readily see the practicability of this new method of mine development work. If desirable, this portable mill can be made a unit of a larger mill.

T e n d e n c y t o S p e c i a l i z e

There is an ever growing tendency in the professional world toward specialization. A man is not a salesman but a special type of salesman; he is not a lawyer but a special­ist in one particular legal trend. A n engineer is not merely an engineer in the broadest sense of the word but he must have one particular field in which he is superior.


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Write for complete information

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Telephone M A i n 4315 Cable "DECO'

Page Forty-tnio

The Colorado School of Mines Ma gamine M A Y 1 9 3 0

Gauging Natural Gas Wells It has been common practice for years to determine the

capacity of a natural gas well by opening its control gate and blow gas to the atmosphere. The actual estimate of the well's capacity is then made by inserting a pitot tube in the gas stream at the well head and noting the pressure developed within the pitot tube by the impact of the gas stream against the tube opening. By knowing the diameter of the well opening, and the pressure developed within the pitot tube, the delivery of gas, usually referred to as the "open flow" of the well, can be determined readily by reference to pitot tube tables. In all gas fields within the State of Oklahoma, open flow tests are made periodical­ly according to the regulations of the state corporation commission.

Although the pitot tube method of gauging gas wells is fairly accurate, when properly conducted, its principal dis­advantages are: (1) Waste of gas, resulting from releasing large quantities of gas to the atmosphere. (2) It is con­trary to the object of the corporation commission rulings, which in effect specify that gas wells shall not deliver more than 25 per cent of their open flow. This ruling recognizes that deliveries of more than 25 per cent tend to injure a well. (3) It is a rather hazardous operation as the blow­ing of large wells to the atmosphere may result in fire.

It was this latter result that recently caused operators in the Depew field, Oklahoma, to consider the back pressure method for estimating the open flow of gas wells. Open flow tests were being conducted in this field by order of the Corporation Commission. The fourth well tested caught fire, and as a result, the Petroleum Experiment Station of the Bureau of Mines at Bartlesville was called upon to demonstrate the recently developed method* of estimating the open flow of wells without releasing any gas to the atmosphere.

The method in brief is as follows: The formation pres­sure against the sand is calculated from the shut-in pressure noted at the well head. The well then is permitted to produce at three or more different rates of flow by varying the back pressure on the well with a control gate. The rates of flow can be observed at pressures greater than 80 per cent of the formation pressure. The delivery at each pressure, is measured by means of either an orifice meter or a prover, and the "open flow" is estimated by reference to a chart prepared from these data.

In the demonstration at the Depew field 24 wells were tested by this method, and the results of 10 of these tests were checked by the pitot tube method. The ten wells showed an open flow capacity of approximately 257 million cubic feet per 24 hours by the back pressure method and approximately 272 million cubic feet by the pitot tubs method. The difference is less than six per cent and is considered a remarkably close check by those who witnessed the tests. It is possible for different pitot tube readings to vary this much. The tests not only satisfied the operators and the state oflicials, who witnessed the tests, that this is a practical method for estimating the open flow of gas wells, and that it has many advantages over the pitot tube method, but also new information was developed relative to the proper method of conducting the tests and calculating the results. Thus when one back pressure test on a particularly large well indicated a total open flow capacity of 380 million cubic feet per day, and the pitot tube test on the

same well showed only 93,750,000 cubic feet, a careful analysis was made, and it was concluded that the back pres­sure method as emploj'ed in previous tests actually showed the capacity of the formation penetrated to produce gas but did not take into account the capacity of the produc­ing string in conveying this gas to the surface. A recalcula­tion based upon the size of the producing string (6%-inch) brought the open flow capacity of the well down to 94 million cubic feet per day—a close check with the pitot tube method. Wi th a suflSciently large casing, the well could have produced the 380 million cubic feet originally esti­mated. In another instance a small well producing through two-inch tubing indicated 3,349,000 cubic feet by the open flow method and 3,350,000 cubic feet by the back pressure method. However, according to data obtained by the back pressure method this well could have produced 5,300,000 cubic feet per day if allowed to flow through the 6%-inch casing, with which it was equipped.

The purpose of the present work is to outline the pro­cedure, and simplify the calculations so that the method can be applied by field operators by merely measuring the quantity of gas a well produces, noting the back pressure on the well and reading off the "open flow" from a chart previously prepared for that particular well.

*U . S. Bureau of Mines Reports of Investigations, Nos. 2929 and 2930.



STEEL BELT UCING The teeth of Alligator Steel Belt lacing penetrate from both sides of the belt and are clinched into a vise-like grip. The working belt load is distributed evenly among all burdenibearing belt fibres. Internal friction of belt ends is prevented. This smooth, separable hincjed joint. has long life and

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M A Y 1 9 3 0 The Colorado School of Mines Ma gamine

Pro fcssbnal Carda A . E . A N D E R S O N , E . M . '04

E . I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc. 922 Midland Savings Bldg.

Denver, Colo.

E D W A R D P. A R T H U R , '95

Mining Engineer

Cripple Creek, Coio.

M A X W . B A L L

Consulting Petroleum Engineer First National Bank Building, Denver Exchange National Bank Bldg., Tulsa

H E N R Y C. B E E L E R , '96

Mining Engineer

C. A . Johnson Bldg. Denver, Colo.

C H A R L E S N . B E L L , '06

Mining Engineer

C. A . Johnson Bldg. Denver, Colo.

J A C K P. B O N A R D I , '21

Sales Manager The Mine & Smelter Supply Co.

225 Broadway, New York City

F R A N K C. B O W M A N , '01

Mining & Metallurgical Engineer 1+12 Franklin St., Apt. No. +


L I O N E L B R O O K E , '14

Mining Engineer

824 Royal Bank Bldg. Montreal, Canada

W. E. Burlingame, '01 Cliarles O. Parker, '23

B U R L I N G A M E & P A R K E R

Chemists and Assayers

Specializing in umpire and control work Al l types of analydcal and

commercial problems

1901 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo.

G . M O N T A G U E B U T L E R '02

Mining and Geological Engineer

Dean C()llege of Mines and Engineer­ing, University of Arizona, Tucson. Examinations and problems involving persistence, change in character, and loss of ore. Diamonds and other gems secured for Miners

or their friends at reduced rates.

F R E D C. C A R S T A R P H E N , '05 Specializing in Design and Erection

Aerial Tramways Consulting Engineer

721 Marion St. Denver, Colo.

C . L O R I M B R C O L B U R N , '07

Mining Engineer

C. A. Johnson Bldg. Denver, Colo.

S H R I V E B. C O L L I N S , '01

Consulting Mining Engineer

1765 Glencoe Street Denver, Colo.

A R T H U R V . C O R R Y , '98

Member Harper, MacDonald and Co. Mining Engineers

Butte, Mont.

A . E . C R A I G , '14

Metallurgical Engineer The Mine & Smelter Supply Co.


D O N A L D D Y R E N F O R T H , '12



Consulting Geologist and Engineer

1st National Bank Bldg., Denver, Colo.



J O H N H A Y S H A M M O N D , Hon. '09

Mining Engineer

120 Broadway New York, N. Y .

T H O M A S S. H A R R I S O N , '08

Consulting Oil Geologist 705 First National Bank Bldg.

Denver, Colo.

M O N T A N A L A B O R A T O R Y C O .

E . E . Blumenthal '98 Chemist and Assayer Phillipsburg, Mont.

A . E . M O Y N A H A N , '00

Consulting Mining Engineer

241 Coronado Bldg, Denver, Colo.

J O H N E D W A R D N O R M A N , '98

Mining Engineer

1267 Race Street Denver, Colo.

C H A R L E S M . R A T H , '05

Petroleum Geologist and Appraiser Midwest Refining Co. Denver, Colo.

Not available for private work

F R A N K J . R E I N H A R D , '05

Equitable Life Assurance Society

Security Bldg. Denver, Colo.

R O B E R T H . S A Y R E

Mining Engineer 715 First National Bank Bldg.

Denver, Colo.

W I L L I A M P. S I M P S O N , '01

Root & Simpson Metallurgical Chemists, Assayers

Denver, Colo.

W . G . SwART, H O N . , '17 Mining Engineer

711 Lonsdale Bldg. D U L U T H , MINNESOTA

W e ' v e s tar ted ano the r page o f P r o f e s s i o n a l cards, H o w about yours?

W R I T E N O W to C . L o r i m e r C o l b u r n , Secretary, C o l o . S c h o o l o f M i n e s A l u m n i A s s ' n . C. A . Johnson Bldg. , 509 17th St., Denver, Colo.

\ge Forty-four

The Colorado School of Mines Ma gamine M A Y 1 9 3 Q

cAore Professional Cards J A M E S U N D E R H I L L

Mining Engineer

Idaho Springs, Colo.

R O G E R F . W H I T E , '18

Consulting Petroleum Engineer 804 Hellman Bank Bldg.

Los Angeles, Calif.

H A R R Y J . W O L F , '03

Mining Engineer

42 Broadway New York

W M . D . W A L T M A N , '99

Franco Wyoming Oil Company 551 Fifth Avenue, New York City 422 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Denver

J O H N H . W I L S O N , E . M . , '23

^ Geologist and Geophysicist

Box 187 Golden, Colo.

H . J . W O L F , I N C O R P O R A T E D

A n Investment Trust

15 Exchange Place Jersey City, N. J ,

C A R L A . B L A U R O C K , '16

Refiner of Precious Metals Assayers Proof Gold and Silver .9999-f

522 Mack Bldg. Denver, Colo.

T . D . B E N J O V S K Y , '09

Mining Engineer

Salida, Colorado

A L F R E D E . P E R K I N S , '10

District Manager Crucible Steel Co. of America

2635 Walnut Street Denver, Colo.

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Page 24: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO

Folk Speed Reducers Insure Greater Efficiency — Have 100^ Overload Capacity

T H E country-wide recognition and acceptance of Folk Herringbone I Gear Speed Reducers is an earned one . . . It is the result of effi­

cient, faultless speed reducer service based upon actual performance . . . Falk Speed Reducers incorporate the famous Falk Herringbone Gears, designed to deliver 9t% to 98V2 % of the power at full load . . . They have 100% overload capacity for starting and during intermittent periods . . . Simple, compact in design, Falk Speed Reducers are oi:.tight, dirt-proof, noiseless, free from heat and vibration . . . They permit a higher ratio of reduction per gear, transmit the load and transform speed with less friction loss than any other type . . . For the excessive demands of the mining industry. Folk Speed Reducers offer rugged strength and dependable operation . . . They are rapidly being adopted for continuous active service by many large pro­ducers . . . Standard sizes carried in stock at competitive prices . .

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When metal prices go down, worn or inefficient mining equipment becomes an incteased handicap to the maintenance of profits. Good tools make good workmen and even the best of miners cannot give value received unless they are sup­plied with efficient, dependable equipment. Mine operators all over the world are cutting costs with Gardner-Denver products, a fact which it will pay yovi to inves-tigate.We have a Sales Branch near you, let our representative demon­strate our products at your mine.


Page 25: COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES cyWAGAZINE · 2019. 8. 31. · The Colorado School of Mines has trained such engineers for over half a century. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES GOLDEN • COLORADO




AT A SAVING > > > > > >

After many years of research, Hercules has developed

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Gelatin Extra L. F. grades up to 60% strength at

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The Gelamites, originated by Hercules, have been

tested and adopted by a large number of mines and

quarries where gelatin formerly was used. At one

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Extra L. F. 40%, the annual saving will be more than

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factorily underground where

gelatins formerly have been

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P' o -a

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